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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

9 January - The View

I Like 'Smooth' Men (1946) ... 4 Steps to Grea...I Like 'Smooth' Men (1946) ... 4 Steps to Great Listening - Jumping to conclusions. (January 9, 2013 / 27 Tevet 5773) ... (Photo credit: marsmet546)
English: New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Emissions ...English: New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector 1990 to 2009 in megatonnes. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Carbon dioxide concentrations on 500 million y...Carbon dioxide concentrations on 500 million year scale Similar displays in Veizer and Shaviv 2003 and in 2001 IPCC Mitchell report (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Se belowSe below (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Arctic September Sea Ice Extent: Observations ...Arctic September Sea Ice Extent: Observations vs. Computer Model Runs - Scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) found that satellite and other observations show the Arctic ice cover is retreating more rapidly than estimated by any of the eighteen computer models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in preparing its 2007 assessments. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Rajendra K. Pachauri, the chair of th...English: Rajendra K. Pachauri, the chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which shared the 2007 Nobel Prize together with Al Gore, at a conference in Vienna, 22 June 2009. Photo by Mikhail Evstafiev (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Climate changeClimate change (Photo credit: jeancliclac)
Climate Change ConferenceClimate Change Conference (Photo credit: alexindigo)
Energy industry slams Matt Damon fracking film as Hollywood fiction


9:45 AM on January 9, 2013
I'm getting a little sick at the comments which suggest that those who think the anthropogenic 'climate change' message is hyped - sound familiar ? - are all industry shills. I happened to want to know what was being reported and written about quite some time ago - including recollections that in the past 'natural' gas ( a misnomer ) was not considered a suitable fuel for indoor use.
Now, links which do not all show agreement are not useless - but they sure beat the idea of 'consensus' over the head with a shovel. Nor is the proposition that this is a 'scientific' dialogue hold water. Scientific Method thrives on the clash of ideas and proofs against all challenges.
Do people present a case pushing their interest ? Do fish swim ?
First, the frackking material. opitslinkfest.blogspot.com/2009/09/energy.html
But these are a sideline for me. If you want to go where frackking has been front and centre for years, try 'Resources for Journalists Who Report on Fracking'
Produced Waters White Paper
I show the same kind of information for AGW and GHGs, where some sites even contend that greenhouse gas is a fictitious concept and that our planetary climate is regulated within certain parameters by the same processes that made it liveable in the first place. But there is no cure when Chicken Little insists the climate is warming and will kill us. (a) You can't prove or disprove a prediction about the future. (b) Neither can anyone show that they understand all the factors that drive climate. That's what computer modeling should be for : to increase understanding of natural processes.
Things are so crazy even the scientific cautions noted by the IPCC get lost in wild 'coverage.' Not that the IPCC - a UN bureaucracy and not a scientific organization - should be seen as a disinterested party.
Since its origins, the IPCC has been open and explicit about seeking to generate a 'scientific consensus' around climate change and especially about the role of humans in climate change fabiusmaximus.wordpress.com/2010/06/27/18115/
Compiling opitslinkfest.blogspot.ca/p/environmental-challenges.html has not made me an 'expert'. But looking into a situation beats listening to representations which have no better backing than religious speculation has.
You never see an RSS compilation of current thought when people are bemoaning what 'deniers' think. You should. www.climategate.com/

{{{{What is an Illusion and What is Not}}}}

Everything that w/We experience is real in that it is an Existence of Energy. Energy has both conscious and sensational aspect and qualities that can be felt and experientially realize in infinite ways. And there are also the creative physics, fusion, and nature of Energy that has manifested into dimensional universes, elements, stars, planets, and all manner of animated and inanimate aspects of life. To say it is all just all a dream or an illusion can be perpetuating ignorance and the lack of enlightenment as much as anything else. 

What is not real and an illusion is perceptions and beliefs of Existence being dualistic and separate ~ Perceiving or believing o/Ourselves or God or anyone or anything else as an individual identity with isolated and limited properties ~ Perceiving or believing experiences such as pain as something other than an intense surges of Energy, or love as something other than a specific vibrational frequency of Energy that w/We can attune to and enjoy and benefit by ~ Perceiving or believing a death occurring when a manifested form falls away. 

Thus the illusions are most often in the interpretations and beliefs, not in the actual creations and manifestations of Energy. Jesus never said, “My body is an illusion”, rather he said, “The body is the temple of God.” Buddha said, “Neither say that it is or that it isn’t, just be aware and experience it; for it is all a part of your Experiential Existence.” 

‎{{{{What is an Illusion and What is Not}}}}

Everything that w/We experience is real in that it is an Existence of Energy. Energy has both conscious and sensational aspect and qualities that can be felt and experientially realize in infinite ways. And there are also the creative physics, fusion, and nature of Energy that has manifested into dimensional universes, elements, stars, planets, and all manner of animated and inanimate aspects of life. To say it is all just all a dream or an illusion can be perpetuating ignorance and the lack of enlightenment as much as anything else.

What is not real and an illusion is perceptions and beliefs of Existence being dualistic and separate ~ Perceiving or believing o/Ourselves or God or anyone or anything else as an individual identity with isolated and limited properties ~ Perceiving or believing experiences such as pain as something other than an intense surges of Energy, or love as something other than a specific vibrational frequency of Energy that w/We can attune to and enjoy and benefit by ~ Perceiving or believing a death occurring when a manifested form falls away.

Thus the illusions are most often in the interpretations and beliefs, not in the actual creations and manifestations of Energy. Jesus never said, “My body is an illusion”, rather he said, “The body is the temple of God.” Buddha said, “Neither say that it is or that it isn’t, just be aware and experience it; for it is all a part of your Experiential Existence.”


"The key to growth is the introduction 
of higher dimensions of consciousness 
into our awareness." -Lao Tzu
‎"The key to growth is the introduction
of higher dimensions of consciousness
into our awareness." -Lao Tzu

Gypsy Spirit Wind's photo.

New Technology Magazine

New Technology Magazine is the best source for stories about new and cost-saving technologies in the upstream oil and gas industry.

Stuart Smith - Environmental Must Reads

The film Promised Land, directed by Gus Van Sant, deals with exploitation of rural America by oil and gas corporations, made possible by the process of fracking. Fracking has become a highly controversial topic in the last few years, due to both its unchecked and unregulated expansion, and because of the environmental destruction this expansion has brought with it. The film in turn has attracted its own controversy, enduring full throated attacks from the oil and gas industry and their shills. So, how accurate is the film?

Wastewater from oil and gas drilling operations – disposed of deep underground – recently burbled to the surface in Oklahoma. It wasn’t a one-off. Similar contamination from so-called “injection wells” happened at seven locations across Oklahoma and at twelve California locations between 2008 and 2010. Elsewhere, 673 wastewater injection wells in Kansas and 429 in New Mexico failed safety tests, meaning they’re at risk from leaking into aquifers and drinking water, says a recent ProPublica investigative report.
For several years now, I’ve been assessing policies and technologies that might allow the United States and other countries with vast shale deposits of natural gas to harvest this resource with the fewest regrets.
Below you can learn about one nascent technology to watch in 2013: harmless chemical I.D. tags that could make the fluids used in drilling every single gas well individually identifiable, potentially ending fights over the source of any subsequent contamination of water supplies in a drilling area.
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) publishes its report on facilities for discharge of oil collected following a major oil spill in the sea.
More than 100 blockaders stormed the lobby of TransCanada’s Keystone XL office in Houston this morning. Protesters danced, spilled black ‘tar sands’ balloons and hung neon orange hazard tape to highlight the deadly effects of TransCanada’s corporate greed on communities and ecosystems.
An advisory commission studying whether shale gas extraction should proceed in Maryland called Monday for new legislation to deal with potential abuses in leasing and drilling for the fuel, but environmentalists said so many questions remain about the safety of the drilling method known as “fracking” that they want lawmakers to impose a moratorium until the issue has been fully analyzed.
Town residents Tuesday urged the Town Board to encourage state lawmakers to criminalize the natural gas drilling method known as hydraulic fracturing, or hydrofracking.
Ten speakers said the energy industry is seeking to earn profits through a practice they say has been shown to contaminate water supplies. They say the industry has used studies that have been questioned for accuracy, and is not held responsible when problems are found.

Scientists are once again reporting alarmingly high methane emissions from an oil and gas field, underscoring questions about the environmental benefits of the boom in natural-gas production that is transforming the US energy system.
A Kansas City energy company is urging New York and federal regulators to disregard explicit warnings about the structural integrity of two salt caverns that it plans to use to store millions of barrels of highly-pressurized liquid propane and butane.
One cavern was plugged and abandoned 10 years ago after a consulting engineer from Louisiana concluded that its roof had collapsed in a minor earthquake. He deemed the rubble-filled cavity “unusable” for storage. It is now scheduled to hold 600,000 barrels of liquid butane.

When I first began writing about the anti-fracking movement in New York, I was told I must interview James “Chip” Northrup, a Texas oil-investor-turned-anti-fracker with a home in Cooperstown, New York, and another in Dallas, Texas. “Chip,” I was told, had an insider’s knowledge of the industry and was a frequent speaker on the subject in local forums as well as in national and international media.
State lawmakers in Virginia will soon decide whether to give the green light the nation’s first East Coast uranium mine, an operation that promises jobs and security for the nuclear industry, but also fears of long-term contamination by neighbors and opponents.
Legislators at the statehouse in Richmond plan to introduce a bill this month that would overturn a three-decade state moratorium on uranium mining, opening the door to development of the Cole’s Hill site in Chatham, Va., not far from the North Carolina border.
Local and national officials for the NAACP are worried about potentially hazardous waste that’s getting dumped in a Jackson County landfill. Tar Balls, the clean up material from the BP Oil Spill, is getting dumped at the Campbellton landfill. NAACP officials are looking for answers to concerning questions.

Off-reserve aboriginal people are 'Indians' and entitled to same constitutional rights

Melanie Omeniho, president of the Women of the Métis Nation, said the ruling means that "we will no longer be a part of the political football that has us being tossed back and forth between the province and the federal government."

‎"Forest defenders from Cheran, Michoacan in solidarity with the Idle No More Movement from Canada."
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Ford’s own off-peak electric usage technology – value charging – is available on all Ford plug-in vehicles, including C-MAX Energi, Fusion Energi and Focus Electric, via the MyFord® Mobile app. Value charging is a unique feature that harnesses the power of cloud computing to automatically charge the vehicle when utility rates are lowest, thus helping to minimize the cost to charge the vehicle and the potential ownership costs of an electric vehicle.

Military to charge provinces, communities for disaster relief

U.S. Navy sailors sue over exposure to Fukushima radiation

officials had to reposition the massive aircraft carrier U.S.S. Ronald Reagan after it passed under the massive plume of airborne radiation from TEPCO

Comment on Care 2  
one favorite hobby in da U.$ates$ of Amnesia: feeding money to da lawyers...
just for perspective:
Cs-137 INVENTORY of Fuk.Dai-ichi 1+2+3 reactor cores (no spent fuel) calculated from electricity-data from wikipedia, using Eisenbud & Gesell, 4th ed. (1997)] = 390 PBq.
RELEASEd (according to Stohl&al): 36 PBq "also from the spent-fuel pool of unit 4"

INVENTORY Xe-133 = ~25*Cs137 = 9.8 EBq; RELEASE(acc.to Stohl&al,2011,2012)= ~16 EBq
which includes I-133 ????

Cs-137 INVENTORY of RBMK-1000 = 200-284 PBq (assuming it ran on 70-100% of power rating; Dai-ichi(1-3) ran at 68% of rating in 2009-2010), of which RELEASE = 85 PBq (according to wiki, and release= 100% of Xe, 55% of I, 3.5 % of fuel ... about 1/3 for Cs seems plausible; as Cs is less volatile than I and more than fuel)

YIELD=RELEASE from atmospheric tests 1945-1980 (=~200Mt fission): 1184 PBq (more tha half of that by USA)

Piers Morgan gun control debate with Alex Jones turns into bizarre tirade (with video)

New concerns about antipsychotics for children

Children as young as preschoolers are being prescribed powerful antipsychotics for behavioural problems despite little to no evidence the drugs work in children of normal intelligence. Once reserved for psychosis and mania in adults, the drugs are being increasingly prescribed to children for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, "conduct disorder" and "oppositional defiant disorder."The pills can cause rapid and dramatic weight gain, as well as an increase in blood pressure, blood fats and other metabolic abnormalities, as well as neurological side effects such as problems moving.

Poland Bans Genetically Modified Crops

Clemency for Five Senior Citizens Sentenced to Life for Marijuana

Five senior citizens are serving sentences of life without parole for non-violent crimes related to marijuana. All have been in prison for at least 15 years. A letter from the law offices of Michael Kennedy - which one can view at http://norml.org/pdf_files/brief_bank/petition_for_clemency.pdf since it is far too long to repeat here - explains exactly why these five people, and probably a lot of others serving time for marijuana charges, should be pardoned and set free.

Cheney indicted for prison profiteering in Texas | the narcosphere

Nov 18, 2008 ... Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales indicted for criminal
conspiracy in private prison profiteering, resulting in prisoner ...

Texas grand jury indicts CheneyGonzales of crime | Reuters

Nov 19, 2008 ... Texas grand jury indicts CheneyGonzales of crime ... "organized criminal activity
" related to alleged abuse of inmates in private prisons... the U.S.-Mexico border,
said Cheney is "profiteering from depriving human beings of ...

Arizona Immigration Law Ruling May Mean Boon For Private Prison ...

Jun 25, 2012 ... For-profit prison companies including Corrections Corporation of America and
the ... Think back to the "No Bid" contracts from the Iraq war that Cheney's ....
Alberto Gonzales was also indicted in the prison profiteering scheme, ...

Richard “Dick” Cheney's Vile Profile | The Vile Plutocrat

"Darth Vader", as Dick Cheney is often referred to, was Mary Poppins next to our
.... Provisions for Prisoner Treatment Labeled "quaint" By Gonzales; Abu Gharib
.... The (War) Profiteers; Department of Justice Wanted 24,000 Amazon.com ...

cannabisnews.com: U.S. Prison Industry: Big Business or Slavery?

For the tycoons who have invested in the prison industry, it has been like .... jury
of Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales...

[UPDATED] Barack Obama VS Mitt Romney, Bush, Cheney & Other ...

Apr 14, 2012 ... Apparently Dick Cheney is starting his own prison business... "A grand jury in
south Texas indicted Mr Cheney and Alberto Gonzales, the former ... Mr Cheney
is "is "profiteering from depriving human beings of their liberty".

Exposed: Terror to Prevent Lawless America from Filming Mary Neal

Nov 14, 2012 ... Incarcerating the mentally ill for prison profits is the most corrupt ... Former Vice
President Chaney and Attorney Gen Gonzales were indicted for ignoring prison
abuse in .... http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/11/19/us-usa-texas-cheney.....
We oppose wrongful convictions, prison profiteering, excessive ...

Private Prison Industrial Complex... The School-To-Prison Pipeline ...

Jan 12, 2012 ... As if the United States did not have a bloated enough prison population ... This
takes shape in the form of war profiteering, prison profiteering... Complaints
Files Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Tenent, Gonzales!

Human Trafficking in America's Private Prisons - People Are Waking ...

Nov 22, 2008 ... This began what we know today as the for-profit, PRIVATE PRISONINDUSTRY.
..... CheneyGonzales Indicted on Prison Abuse Charges ..... The Nation has a
great piece on CCA's profiteering on prisons and prisoners.

Documents-TorturingDemocracy Archive - CheneyWatch-Dedicated ...

In this library, you will also find FBI e-mails, testimony from former prisoners in
U.S ... Memorandum from John Yoo & Robert J. Delahunty to Alberto Gonzales ...

Dick Cheney, the Ultimate American Terrorist « NWO Observer

Sep 1, 2011 ... Dick Cheney by William Rivers Published: Aug. ... little memoir by the light of a
bare bulb inside the cell of a federal prison... obscene millions he gained
through his nefarious Halliburton war profiteering... Crimes Against Humanity:
Complaint Filed Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tenet, Rice, Gonzales ...

BREAKING: HISTORIC JUDGMENT. Bush & Associates Found ...

May 12, 2012 ... A solid case for the prosecution of Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Cheney, their legal...
Alberto Gonzales, then Counsel to President Bush, David Addington, then
General ... These witnesses were taken prisoners and held in prisons in .... Big
Pharma: Gene Therapy threatens to Disrupt Big Pharma's Profiteering ...

Cheney Pressured Bush to Authorize Use of Military on US Soil

Jul 26, 2009 ... Former Vice President Dick Cheney pressured President George W. Bush and
other ... for then-White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and Defense
Department attorney William Haynes. .... The man should be in jail, not on tv. ....
Away on Illegal War profiteering, Deregulated Banks, & Investors Gone Wild?

The Rainmakers: banking on private prisons in the fleecing of small ...

Dec 2, 2010 ... Hunger for Death Row: Lucasville Five prisoners on hunger strike seeking .....
President Dick Cheney, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and .... Witt
after more than a decade of fighting their profiteering schemes, ...

Wilkerson: We talked about Cheney's people like the 'Nazis' | Raw ...

Aug 31, 2011 ... “It often went like this: Those Nazis in Vice President Cheney's office; the Gestapo
in ... Powell) blame the cops (obama admin) for not throwing them all in jail.....
The war-profiteering and all the things that have transpired SINCE 9/11 is ..... We
already know that former AGs Alberto Gonzales and Michael ...
www.rawstory.com/rawreplay/2011/08/wilkerson-we-talked-about-cheneys-office-like-they-were-nazis/( There were American Nazis in the 30's. Funding for Hiler's education came from the US.The government allowed thousands of Germans into the US postwar under Operation Paperclip. BushCo were involved in a coup attempt against FDR. And stories about the murder of JFK  include both the CIA and the mafia. )

These interviews appear in the print version of the Guardian today. Wonder if Osborne would describe these people - who need benefits and financial support from funds like the soon-to-be-closed Independent Living Fund - as shirkers:

"I speak to Mary Laver, 65 – selected as an Olympic torch bearer in Newcastle in recognition of her charity work – about the government's decision to close the independent living fund (ILF), which was set up to pay for extra care for people with severe disabilities so that they could continue to live independently.

Laver developed rheumatoid arthritis 25 years ago and relies entirely on carers to wash, feed and clothe her, and get her to the toilet. Without the ILF, she'd "sit all day in my chair with only two breaks on my bed to enable me to be washed".

The ILF closed to new applicants in 2010. In 2012, the government ran a consultation to decide whether to keep the fund. It decided not to. The plan is to devolve funding to councils by 2015. It will not be ringfenced. Laver tells me that she has since thought of suicide."
If someone were to ask you for an example of a “totalitarian society”, how would you respond? Most Americans would probably think of horribly repressive regimes such as the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China, East Germany or North Korea, but the truth is that there is one society that has far more rules and regulations than any of those societies ever dreamed of having. In the United States today, our lives are governed by literally millions of laws, rules and regulations that govern even the smallest details of our lives, and more laws, rules and regulations are constantly being added.

On January 1st, thousands of restrictive new laws went into effect all over America, but most Americans have become so accustomed to the matrix of control that has been constructed all around them that it does not even bother them when even more rules and regulations are put into place.


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