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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, January 14, 2013

14 January - Blogs I'm Following II

English: The Citadel and tombs in Cairo, Egypt...English: The Citadel and tombs in Cairo, Egypt in the late 1800s. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Egypt, Cairo, Traditional Cafe العربي...English: Egypt, Cairo, Traditional Cafe العربية: مقهى شيشة في القاهرة (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Cairo's MetroEnglish: Cairo's Metro (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
11:46 pm MST

60-mile front wildfire blazes across Australia

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 minutes ago
A wildfire with a 60-mile front is blazing across Australia's most populous state of New South Wales after destroying more than 30 homes and damaging the country's biggest observatory. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/9799889/60-mile-front-wildfire-blazes-across-Australia.html

U.S. Sees Stakes as the French Do the Fighting in Mali

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 minutes ago
The U.S. is leaving France to battle militant Islamists in Mali, providing “limited” military support even as officials warn that al-Qaeda advances there endanger American interests. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said yesterday that the U.S. is providing intelligence to French forces, and is considering “some limited logistical support” such as airlift. While the U.S., which is speeding its withdrawal from combat in Afghanistan and has steered clear of the fighting in Syria, doesn’t plan to commit troops to the conflict in Mali, Panetta said it has a “responsibility” to prevent al... more »

Dozens of Civilians Are Said to Be Killed by Syrian Airstrikes (shh! Don't mention the amount of civilians killed at the hands of Rebels)

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 minutes ago
Lebanon — Syrian warplanes have killed dozens of civilians, including more than 20 children, in an intensifying campaign of anti-insurgency airstrikes across the country over the past few days, bombing some targets as families were congregating outside to enjoy a sunny break from prolonged winter storms, activists and international medical aid workers said Monday. Their version of events was disputed by the Syrian government, which said through the official news agency that the airstrikes had made great progress against what it called armed terrorists fighting against President Bash... more »

In 2011, Fraser Institute continued to take Koch Brothers donations and file tax returns claiming no political activity

David Climenhaga at Alberta Diary - 18 minutes ago
Michael Walker, right, President of the Fraser Institute Foundation and former director of the Fraser Institute, looks at a copy of the Edmonton Sun with a well-known columnist from that newspaper. The great public intellectuals of the Canadian right may not appear exactly as illustrated. Below: Consistent Fraser Institute donors Charles and David Koch. In ... more »

Train carrying army recruits derails in Egypt, 19 killed

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 25 minutes ago
A military train carrying young recruits to an army camp derailed in a Cairo suburb on Tuesday, killing 19 people and injuring 107, Egypt's health ministry spokesman said. The train was traveling from Upper Egypt to Cairo when it derailed in the Giza neighborhood of Badrashin, a security source said, adding that the train was a military vehicle carrying conscripted youth on their way to an army camp. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/15/us-egypt-train-crash-idUSBRE90E03P20130115

What decades of research tell us

skrashen at Schools Matter - 27 minutes ago
Sent to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Jan 14 What decades of research tells us Re: Educators struggle to combat dropout rate disparities (January 14, 2013) Here is what we know from decades of educational research: A large percentage of minority students live in poverty. Those who live in poverty have a hard time in school. Those who live in poverty have inadequate nutrition, poor health care and little access to books. Each of these factors is associated with low school performance. We can take a huge step forward by protecting students from some of the effects of poverty and we can ... more »

Analysis: Move on assault weapons creates risks for Obama

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 31 minutes ago
President Barack Obama appears ready to gamble in the debate over gun control. By signaling on Monday that he will ask Congress to ban military-style assault weapons, Obama is embarking on a high-risk strategy that is likely to further inflame tensions with Republicans at a time when feelings already are raw because of a series of running budget battles. At a White House news conference, Obama said he favored a "meaningful" assault weapons ban, stronger background checks for gun buyers and tighter controls on high-capacity magazine clips in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut, sch... more »

Assad and family said to be living on a Russian warship, having fled Syria

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 36 minutes ago
Embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad has moved with his family and a select cadre of associates to a warship off Syria’s coast, where he is being guarded by Russian naval forces, a Saudi daily reported on Monday. The Russian protection effectively amounts to political asylum for the Syrian president, unnamed intelligence sources told the Saudi daily al-Watan. Assad now travels by helicopter to mainland Syria for official meetings in his presidential palace in Damascus, having lost faith in his security detail, the report said. Assad has grown increasingly entrenched in the 22 m... more »

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 49 minutes ago
*Mass murder pills* have many negative side effects. There are better, alternative techniques to heal people who suffer from mental problems. One alternative is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation [TMS]. Read about it *here*and *here*. And watch the two videos below for more information. YouTube Video Description - [Channel: bu]: A transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment is simulated by Domenic Ciraulo, a MED professor and chair of the department of psychiatry and chief psychiatrist at Boston Medical Center, and Maryam Afshar, a MED assistant professor and principal investigator o... more »

Sunday Globe Special: The Nantucket Effect

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 hour ago
"21 states take aim at Mass. hospitals’ Medicare windfall; Nantucket’s tiny hospital that funnels hundreds of millions to other institutions" by Tracy Jan | Globe Staff, January 13, 2013 WASHINGTON — Nantucket Cottage Hospital is *a national symbol of inequity and political machinations* in the way the federal government reimburses hospitals for treating Medicare patients. Under an arcane hospital payment system, Nantucket Cottage’s rural designation has allowed the state’s 81 other hospitals to collectively reap between a *$256.6 million and $367 million annual bonus* for the las... more »


Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 hour ago

Blackall in central Queensland hit by tornado as 120km/h winds come to town

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
A TOWN in central Queensland was hit by a tornado Monday night, just 11 months after a flood swept through the area. Blackall retailer Ian Kinsey said a tornado hit the town about 9pm, ripping part of his clothing store’s roof clean off. “The tornado wasn’t a massive one…but it would have been a couple of more minutes before it ripped the roof off completely." http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/blackall-in-central-queensland-hit-by-tornado-as-120kmh-winds-come-to-town/story-e6frg6n6-1226554204928

Bird Flu: H5N1 in Bhutan, variant H3N2 pandemic risk

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
H5N1 hits backyard flocks in Bhutan An outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian flu in backyard free-ranging flocks in Bhutan has killed 18 poultry and led to 952 more being culled, according to a Jan 11 report to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). The birds had died from Dec 19 through Dec 30 in Dagana village in Dagana district, the report said. Trace-back investigations found that 10 more birds had died in the previous month but had not been reported, the report said. http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/avianflu/news/jan1413fluscan.html Modeling study ... more »

Robert Richard Hieronimus - Decoding the Great Seal

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 hour ago
There is nothing sinister about this symbol. Robert Richard Hieronimus is the author of the book, *"Founding Fathers, Secret Societies: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the Decoding of the Great Seal."* *Wikipedia:* Robert Richard Hieronimus, Ph.D. (b. 1943) is an educator, artist, author, activist and has been an acknowledged pioneer in the "New Paradigm" movement since 1971. Hieronimus's research on the Great Seal has been used in the speeches, literature, and libraries of the White House (1976, 1982), the State Department (1978), and the Department of Interior (1... more »

Struggling HMV Calls In Administrators

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
HMV has thrown in the towel after years of struggling to fend off nimbler rivals by calling in administrators in a move which puts more than 4,000 jobs in jeopardy. As Sky News revealed exclusively earlier on Monday evening, the board of HMV has served notice of its intention to appoint Deloitte to oversee last-ditch efforts to rescue the high street entertainment retailer. http://news.sky.com/story/1038057/struggling-hmv-calls-in-administrators

5.0 Magnitude Earthquake IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION - 15th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Magnitude 5.0 Date-Time Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 02:58:14 UTC Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 11:58:14 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 32.448°N, 141.554°E Depth 43.7 km (27.2 miles) Region IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION Distances 178 km (110 miles) ESE of Hachijo-jima, Japan

4.4 Magnitude Earthquake NORTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA - 15th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Magnitude 4.4 Date-Time Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 00:54:54 UTC Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 08:54:54 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 43.386°N, 81.054°E Depth 27.5 km (17.1 miles) Region NORTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA Distances 56 km (34 miles) SSW of Yining Xian, China

4.8 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 14th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Monday, January 14, 2013 at 23:40:43 UTC Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 04:40:43 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 2.041°S, 68.097°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 576 km (357 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

India-- Another Woman Raped On Another Bus By Another Gang

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago
I arrived in India on December 16, the same day a 23 year medical student was brutally gang-raped on a bus in Delhi. Her fight for life-- a fight she eventually lost-- was the only story anyone cared about in Delhi for the entire time I was there. The core of the downtown was often shut down-- the metro stations closed and the roads in and out barricaded-- as hundreds of thousands of Indians protested, first the brutality of the crime and Indian society's nonchalance towards violence against women, but eventually the inevitable police brutality directed against the protesters. Lik... more »

Reduce Footprints is back (so is #CTWW & #MtaGt)

Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 1 hour ago
Happy New Year and welcome back to Reduce Footprints. We have a new look and some exciting activities planned for 2013. Last year, before leaving for hiatus, I asked readers the following question: "What would you like to see on this blog in 2013?" I got some great responses and plan to incorporate them into this year's activities. Here are a few changes we'll start with: - Challenges will no longer include a requirement to return to this blog for an update. You'll simply be asked to accomplish the task. However, since I believe we learn from each others experiences, you a... more »

Sunday Globe Special: Toddler Lost in Lawrence

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 hour ago
"Police investigate tot’s troubled trip home" by Patricia Wen | Globe Staff, January 13, 2013 Lawrence *police are investigating* a day-care transportation company for allegedly losing track of a 2-year-old boy for up to two hours Friday afternoon, before getting the child safely back into the arms of his desperate mother with little immediate explanation of what happened. “I need questions to be answered,” said Diana Bermudez, 30, who said her toddler was sleeping in a *urine-soaked diaper and partially covered in vomit* when reunited with her. The transportation company, Trans... more »

Coleman Barks' Dream & the Dreamers

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 hour ago

Funny Video: Member of Elite FSA Special Forces Gets Shot In The Hand

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 2 hours ago
Maybe the FSA "rebels" do need American training. Nothing fancy, just the basics, like how to hold your gun, how to confront the enemy, and how not to run away like a little girl when you're in the middle of a firefight.

the buddha

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 2 hours ago

origin of the world

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 3 hours ago

Not a nation of deadbeats -- yet

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 3 hours ago
President Obama gave a presser today on gun control. But the twitter told me the White House media insiders found it *much* too boring so the questions were about the dreaded deficit that so consumes what Charlie perfectly named the courtier press. President actually did well on defining the players and the stakes in the GOP's reckless gamble with their ante of the full faith and credit of the United States. Sadly, he failed on the defining the solution. This compelled Charlie Pierce to evoke his First Law Of Economics: *Fk The Deficit. People Got No Jobs. People Got No Money.* ... more »

US and Japan: Locked Into a Pathological Military Partnership

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 3 hours ago
*U.S. Arms Sales to Asia Set to Boom on Pacific 'Pivot'* By Jim Wolf, Reuters 09 January 13 http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/01/us-usa-asia-arms-sales-idUSBRE90005D20130101 *U.S. sales of warplanes, anti-missile systems and other costly weapons to China's and North Korea's neighbors appear set for significant growth amid regional security jitters.* [Excerpted] Japan has emerged as the most important U.S. partner in crafting a layered shield against ballistic missiles of all ranges and in all phases of flight. The administration told Congress two days before Pyongyang... more »

First Nation Terrance Nelson: Oil Pipeline and Rail Blockades

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 hours ago
  By Terrance Nelson, First Nation Roseau River Ojibway Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com   Chief FoxMy sources have raised a concern that needs to be considered. Although, I have not used these two sources too much and I do not know if this information is true, it rings like the truth. I am being told that the "big money" in the States are hoping that an oil blockade

stop it

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 3 hours ago

Lamar W. Hankins : Obama Continues Immoral Bush Policies

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 3 hours ago
Four more years. Image from NewsOne. Obama embraces five immoral Bush policies “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period... was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.” -- Martin Luther King, Jr. By Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog / January 14, 2013 Looking back over the last four years, it has become clear that

Musical Interlude: Loreena McKennitt, "Kecharitomene"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
Loreena McKennitt, "Kecharitomene" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dq9kI74kRk

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
"In silhouette against a crowded star field toward the constellation Scorpius, this dusty cosmic cloud evokes for some the image of an ominous dark tower. In fact, clumps of dust and molecular gas collapsing to form stars may well lurk within the dark nebula, a structure that spans almost 40 light-years across this gorgeous telescopic portrait. * Click image for larger size.* Known as a cometary globule, the swept-back cloud, extending from the lower right to the head (top of the tower) left and above center, is shaped by intense ultraviolet radiation from the OB association of v... more »

Chet Raymo, “On Offering It Up”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
*“On Offering It Up”* by Chet Raymo “I provided here previously a religious naturalist's reading of Pope Benedict XVI's recent encyclical Spe Salvi, "in hope we are saved." I have no delusions that my critique will satisfy or convince the majority of people. The hope for something better than we find in this vale of happiness and tears is part and parcel of the attraction of Christianity and other religions. In the latter part of the encyclical, the pope comments at length on suffering as a school for learning Christian hope. "It is not by sidestepping or fleeing from suffering ... more »

Top 3 PC operating systems - for women...?

address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 4 hours ago
Link: http://youtu.be/sYTOavWs6Aw Quite interesting to have your Mum do the testing... Although I nearly experienced the same when my wife changed her Win XP for Ubuntu! The test is quite interesting and amusing for several OS's are shown. From bad to good, old to new. Enjoy! John

SUMMER SNIPPETS: ‘Migrations & Cultures,’ by Thomas Sowell

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 4 hours ago
[image: Migrations And Cultures: A World View]*More interesting snippets I highlighted during my summer reading, this time from Thomas Sowell’s* Migration & Cultures*, part of his Race & Culture trilogy. (Send a copy to Tariana Turia.)* “Cultures are not merely customs which people have a sentimental attachment, or badges of “identity” which permit them to engage in breast-beating. Cultures are particular ways of accomplishing the things that make life possible—the perpetuation of the species, the transmission of knowledge, and the absorption of the shocks of change and death, am... more »

“The Brutal Truth About How Childhood Determines Your Economic Destiny”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
* “The Brutal Truth About How Childhood * *Determines Your Economic Destiny”* by Lynn Stuart Parramore "Give me the child until he is seven," the old Jesuit teachers say, "and I will give you the man." "Back in 1964, filmmaker Paul Almond set out to test that theory by documenting the lives of a group of seven-year-old British children. Some were born to the manor; others grew up in charity homes. There were tykes from both the countryside and the city. Almond wanted to know if the destiny of the children had already been scripted by the circumstances of their birth - particul... more »

GOP congressman threatens impeachment if Obama uses executive action for gun control

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman threatened Monday afternoon that he would file articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama if he institutes gun control measures with an executive order. Stockman warned that such executive orders would be “unconstitutional” and “infringe on our constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms.” (RELATED: Levin: If Obama sidesteps Congress on debt ceiling, ‘no choice’ but impeachment) “I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the Whi... more »

"An estrangement between the South and the rest of the country would bring out the worst in both" (George Packer)

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
* * *"An estrangement between the South and the rest of the country would bring out the worst in both -- dangerous insularity in the first, smug self-deception in the second. "Southern political passions have always been rooted in sometimes extreme ideas of morality, which has meant, in recent years, abortion and school prayer. But there is a largely forgotten Southern history, beyond the well-known heroics of the civil-rights movement, of struggle against poverty and injustice, led by writers, preachers, farmers, rabble-rousers, and even politicians, speaking a rich language of in... more »

Queen's Secret VETO Power on UK Laws

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 4 hours ago
The Queen was asked for consent on a range of bills, including those affecting her estates. There is growing concern in parliament at a lack of transparency over the royals’ role in lawmaking. Photograph: Sergeant Dan Harmer http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/jan/14/secret-papers-royals-veto-bills *Secret papers show extent of senior royals' veto over bills* *Court order reveals how approval of Queen and Prince Charles is sought on range of bills* Robert Booth The Guardian, Monday 14 January 2013 The extent of the Queen and Prince Charles's secretive power of veto over new laws has ... more »

The centrist solution

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 4 hours ago
It appears the mythical non-partisan problem solvers, a/k/a the Centrasauri, have arrived early this season. I see NoLabels is launching a mighty comeback and now we have Jon Huntsman and Joe Manchin teaming up to bring back civilized political discourse by recruiting a Gang of 24 on Capitol Hill. Their goals are lofty, and familiar: While in past years members of Congress used to interact regularly with members of the opposite party, today members of Congress interact very little with people from the other party — or even members of their own party in the opposite body. Members’ ... more »


Disaster MapNet at New Orleans Ladder - 4 hours ago
*Crouere statement confirms claims that NewOrleans.com capitulated to Aaron Broussard's office ~Your Right Hand Thief *

Snark - A vew of Politics - By a Wannabe King

2old2care at Because I Can - 5 hours ago
Excellent snarky wisdom – this post made me smile many times. Snips from “If I Were King”, 2013 edition. The King summons his sullen scribes with this year’s list of changes deemed necessary to restore peace and harmony to his lands. The King has had it up to his royal migraine with fools with guns. If aging macho men like Sly Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis require mass amounts of ammo to shore up their manly bona fides the kingdom’s taxing authority will assess a per bullet fee for every shot fired. The liquor industry isn’t routinely invited to AA meetings, so ... more »

Iowa Takes Action Against ALEC

2old2care at Because I Can - 5 hours ago
Something that definitely can be reproduced in every states. *Liberal group urges Iowa lawmakers to renounce membership in conservative organization* 5:04 PM, Jan 14, 2013 | by Jason Noble | Comments Categories: Iowa Politics Insider Progress Iowa, the liberal advocacy group, is ramping up pressure on Iowa lawmakers to cut ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council, the conservative think tank that provides model legislation to states across the country. The Des Moines-based group said Monday it has sent a letter to every Iowa legislator asking them ... more »

Bob Feldman : Texas During the Great Depression, 1930-1940

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 5 hours ago
Jobless men picket at San Antonio City Hall, c. 1932. Image from the San Antonio Light Collection, UT Institute of Texan Cultures. The hidden history of Texas Part 11: 1930-1940/1 -- Economic survival difficult during Great Depression By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / January 14, 2013 [This is the first section of Part 11 of Bob Feldman's Rag Blog series on the hidden history of Texas.]

The 4 Things That We KNOW for SURE....

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 5 hours ago
http://theempressoftime.blogspot.com/p/the-4-thinngs-that-we-know-for-sure.html The 4 Things That We KNOW for SURE.... .... there are only *4 THINGS THAT i/WE KNOW FOR SURE:* *1. Everything will work out perfectly for everyone, somehow;* (i don't have to have all of the answers, or details right NOW. ) ALL IS WELL. *2. It doesn't look like what i think it looks like-* (...there are ALWAYS infinite perspectives to choose from in any given NOW. ) *3. NOBODY'S insanity is more superior to anyone else's;* ( I AM another yourSelf....got it?!) *4. THE cu... more »

Signs of cabal defeat are proliferating

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 6 hours ago
*Signs of cabal defeat are proliferating* Posted by Benjamin Fulford January 14, 2013 Signs that the Satanic cabal is headed for a decisive defeat are proliferating. One clear indication is that even corporate media has begun to report on Satanic paedophiliac ceremonies presided over by the likes of UK media star Jimmy Savile. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/370439/Jimmy-Savile-was-part-of-satanic-ring Furthermore, 311 tsunami and nuclear terrorist-attack accomplice Senator J. Rockefeller announced he was not running for re-election. This is a sign the Rockefellers are join... more »

Media Malpractice: Politico edition

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 6 hours ago
Under no circumstances should you click on this link to Politico's surrender to pure stenography. It burns the brain cells and it's a waste of precious time you'll never get back. The piece reads like it was delivered full written by the RNC. Instead, read Steve Benen's takedown of the GOP talking points. It's unfortunate that the Politico passes along so many of these Republican allegations without scrutiny, but it's worth noting, in case anyone's forgotten, that (a) trashing the full faith and credit of the United States would almost certainly produce catastrophic results; (b) ... more »

New CIA Director John Brennan Cheers Torture

Intercept at The Intercept - 6 hours ago
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The Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
Fort White, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by.

MN Legislation - To Out ALEC Bills and Freebies

2old2care at Because I Can - 7 hours ago
* * *Bill aims to make ALEC disclose* Posted by: Rachel E. Stassen-Berger Updated: January 14, 2013 - 2:29 PM In a measure aimed at making the American Legislative Exchange Council reveal more, DFL senators on Monday proposed expanding who is a lobbyist and what lobbyists need to disclose. If the measure became law, anyone who promotes or distributes model legislation would be required to register as a lobbyist. Under the measure, lobbyists and lawmakers would have to disclose any scholarship funds they get to attend events or meetings. "It is aimed at ALEC," said Minneapolis DFL... more »

HMV Demise Offers All a Wake-up Call

Martyn Daniels at Brave New World - 7 hours ago
The UK High Street casualties continue. In recent weeks more have fallen and now media HMV chain is poised to follow With administrators being appointed tomorrow. Over the last decade the music chains that once dominated have fallen like domino and it is now hard to find any music on the High Street. The video stores have also largely disappeared along with the game stores. Is it all down to Amazon, Apple and their online offers? Is it down to the actual music going online and streamed services such as Spotify and YouTube? Is it down the likes of Love Film and Netflix? Is it dow... more »

“Mind Games: Reading Classics Stimulates Brain Activity”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
*“Mind Games: * *Reading Classics Stimulates Brain Activity”* by RT.com “British scientists have proved that reading Shakespeare and other classics can stimulate the mind and has a beneficial effect on brain activity. Scientists at Liverpool University have monitored the brain activity of a number of volunteers while they were reading works by William Shakespeare, T.S Eliot and others, The Daily Telegraph reports. Then the original texts were altered and "translated" to simpler modern language and given to the readers again. The data recorded during reading both versions of the... more »

Sandy Hook shooting - MSNBC reports that AR-15 rifle was left in the car

Intercept at The Intercept - 7 hours ago
Editor's Note: Straight up reporting before it was necessary to blame the shooting on an AR-15. Help Us Transmit This Story Add to Your Blogger Account Put it On Facebook Tweet this post Print it from your printer Email and a collection of other outlets Try even more services

Idle No More and Recall to Basic Consciousness

Roberto Rodriguez at Dr Cintli - 7 hours ago
Idle No More spreads in all directions. On Dec 1, the Zapatistas took over 5 municipalities in total silence and issued a new declaration: http://drcintli.blogspot.com/2012/12/next-steps-for-ezln.html. This made me think back to an elder that I met long ago from the pueblo of Santa Clara. I ran into him recently and gave me a document. I misplaced it, but recently found it. Despite the reference to 2012, it speaks to us at this precise moment.

Canada sending C-17 transport plane to help allies in Mali (as it enters into another foolish war against a faux-enemy)

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
Canada will provide one RCAF C-17 transport aircraft in a non-combat role to support the operations of its allies in Mali for a week, the Harper government has announced. "We are responding to a request from our French friends for logistical assistance in the form of heavy-lift [aircraft]. I have, in consultation with the minister of national defence and the minister of foreign affairs, granted that assistance for a period of one week," Prime Minister Stephen Harper told reporters at an announcement Monday afternoon in Montreal. "We will obviously, after a few days, analyze how that... more »

Millionaire Cleans Streets to Set Example for Her Children

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
In the 1980s, Yu Youzhen was merely an ordinary vegetable farmer in Wuhan City Hongshan District Donghu Village Huojiawa who, after years of building and additions, came to possess three 5-storey private buildings, most of which were rented out. In 2008, Yu Youzhen chanced upon [government policies for] the requisition, demolition, and redevelopment of land [mostly takes place in rural areas, where when a peasant’s land is expropriated by the government and the peasant is compensated for it with new houses or apartments in other locations] and was successively given 21 apartments ... more »

Underground Gambling on When Cancer Patients Will Die Exposed: Taiwan

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
Gambling nature is hard to change, to the point where even one’s basic humanity can disappear, betting even on when late-stage cancer patients will die, with even doctors and family members being involved in “death gambling”! In a report published today in Next Magazine, an unhealthy gambling trend has appeared on Shijia East Street of Taichung’s East District, where over a hundred businesses under the guise of being elderly associations, and with the agreement of family members, used when the terminally ill would die for gambling, involving over 1 billion yuan. On one street just... more »

Reality in Corporatism #2: Migrant Workers Children Spend Childhood Scavenging Landfill

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Guiyang Gaoyan Garbage Landfill, is Guizhou province’s first and largest municipal landfill. Around it live over a hundred migrant worker households who scavenge the garbage for a living. It is on these garbage heaps that the children of these migrant workers spend their childhood. A three-member family that lives here, who spend 8 hours every day scavenging from the garbage, their income only 700-800 yuan every month, only enough to maintain the lowest standard of living. So the children here, as small as six to seven years old, all spend their time outside of school following the... more »

Reality in Corporatism #1: Children On Leashes Tied To The Walls While Their Parents Work in China

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
2010 April 20, at a certain brick/tile factory in Dingqiao of Haining in Zhejiang province, many kiln workers’ sons and daughters have been tied to the workshop windows with rope by their parents. The reason the parents have done this is because they do not have time to look after their children yet are afraid of their children running around and getting into an accident. As it is understood, these children are tied to the windows for nearly 10 hours every day. http://www.chinasmack.com/2010/pictures/chinese-children-tied-up-while-parents-work-zhejiang.html *Matt's thoughts:* In r... more »

PLA officials say troops are to prepare for war amid territorial disputes with Japan

Intercept at The Intercept - 8 hours ago
*'Hard and rigorous' training planned amid territorial tension with Japan, officials declare, but observers rubbish 'loud propaganda'* South China Morning Post Choi Chi-yuk [image: 19c76bb1ccd4cb3283a293cdc9a1f1ce.jpg]Sino-Russian amphibious tanks and marines storm a beachhead in a 2005 assault drill. - The PLA aims to beef up its troops' combat readiness and prepare for actual war situations through exercises this year, according to the latest annual training directive, amid escalating tensions between China and Japan over territorial disputes in the East China... more »

Aaron Swartz Tribute: Post your papers!

Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 8 hours ago
Wow, as a tribute Aaron Swartz, who hung himself last week while facing charges for distributing millions of papers for free through JSTOR, academics all over the world are posting .pdfs of their papers online.  Access to most of these papers is likely restricted because they are stuck behind journal publisher paywalls. This means the only people with access to most research are members of the

“The Myth of Human Progress”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*“The Myth of Human Progress”* by Chris Hedges “Clive Hamilton in his "Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth About Climate Change" describes a dark relief that comes from accepting that "catastrophic climate change is virtually certain." This obliteration of "false hopes," he says, requires an intellectual knowledge and an emotional knowledge. The first is attainable. The second, because it means that those we love, including our children, are almost certainly doomed to insecurity, misery and suffering within a few decades, if not a few years, is much harder to acquire.... more »


Disaster MapNet at New Orleans Ladder - 8 hours ago
*La. AG's oil spill tab nears $24M ~WDSU*

Are There Enough Political Sociopaths In The House Republican Caucus To Force A Default And A Government Shutdown?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago
For more and more Republicans-- particularly the Southerners who now dominate the party-- there is a widespread view, both among the electoral base and those they send to Congress, that the federal government is the enemy. They may not be able to force a return to the Antebellum South (i.e., slavery), but that doesn't mean that in their hearts they don't want to give it a try again. Everything about the mindset is pure reactionary and even if it doesn't have the strength to win national elections, it does have the strength to screw up the nation with lockstep obstructionism. It's ... more »

Weather White Out of Fukushima Cam Reveals Rad Fukushima Colors

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 8 hours ago
The colors are "rad" because they are from radiation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er13N-0NKXs&list=UUDu1KkkwuzybKx6MXQgGHuw See also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XynyrOVmfo0&list=UUDu1KkkwuzybKx6MXQgGHuw&index=3 Hat tip: ChasAha and Sickputer from Enenews here

Excerpts From "The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster"

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 9 hours ago
Source: *"The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster."* Edited by W. Wynn Westcott. Introduction by Kathleen Raine. 1983. The Aquarian Press: Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. Excerpts: "Hence the inscrutable God is called silent by the divine ones, and is said to consent with Mind, and to be known to human souls through the power of the Mind alone." Pg. 34. "The Soul, being a brilliant Fire, by the power of the Father remaineth immortal, and is Mistress of Life, and filleth up the many recesses of the bosom of the World." Pg. 37. "Enlarge not thy Destiny." Pg. 57. "There is a certai... more »

John Slater to Sit, and Possibly Run As Independent(breaking news)

Grant G at The Straight Goods - 9 hours ago
Christy Clark Going Mobile, John Slater stabbed in the Back *MLA: John Slater* *Boundary-Similkameen* ------------------------------ *Elected:* 2009 *BRITISH COLUMBIA LIBERAL PARTY * *(UPDATED ON BOTTOM/January 14/2013) * *Yes indeed *folks, remember how the BC Liberals stabbed Moe Gill in the back, Moe Gill who signed up hundreds of new BC Liberal members and raised a-lot money for his anticipated election campaign*...Then Rich Coleman *brow beat Moe Gill with his stench and bellow, only to turn around and hand an uncontested nomination to fellow white trasher Bob Plecas...A crud... more »

John Trudell

What Is Sustainable at What Is Sustainable - 9 hours ago
On the night of January 3, 1994, I was sitting in my kitchen while a Lake Superior blizzard howled outside. A program on the radio was broadcasting a talk recently given at Michigan Tech by John Trudell, a Santee Dakota artist, activist, and visionary. This man had an extra-ordinary mind, and it seized my complete attention. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It’s so rare and precious to experience powerfully clear thinking. Last week, 19 years later, I finally saw him in person, at the University of Oregon. It was good. Trudell comes from a culture with an oral tradition, ... more »

An Interventionist Weekend

jeffrey stacey at Duck of Minerva - 9 hours ago
Quite a weekend, the opening of Zero Dark Thirty in the U.S. reminding everyone of the interventionist elements of the Obama Doctrine (see my next post) and a full-fledged French intervention in Mali, not to mention U.S. assistance with a French hostage liberation operation tucked away on the inside pages. Washington, D.C. is a funny place these days…all but Continue reading

Obama refuses to negotiate over raising debt ceiling

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
President Barack Obama on Monday rejected any negotiation with Republicans over the most pressing U.S. fiscal issue, refusing to trade cuts in government spending in exchange for raising the borrowing limit. "If the goal is to make sure that we are being responsible about our debt and our deficit - if that's the conversation we're having, I'm happy to have that conversation," Obama said. "What I will not do is to have that negotiation with a gun at the head of the American people," he told a news conference. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/14/us-usa-obama-debt-idUSBRE90D0UK20... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago

Acid Found On Train Sparks Manhunt

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Police have released CCTV images of a man wanted in connection with the discovery of hydrochloric acid on a train. Middlesbrough station was evacuated and closed after a passenger reported a burning smell on board a Northern Rail train to Darlington at around 7.16pm on Sunday. The hazardous liquid was left in a drinks bottle in the middle of the train. http://news.sky.com/story/1037958/acid-found-on-train-sparks-manhunt

“Death By Debt: The US Options”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*“Death By Debt: The US Options”* by Karl Denninger "I hope you're all ready... The showdown over the nation's debt ceiling could force the government to consider drastic steps to manage its limited cash, including delaying trillions of dollars of payments to employees, Social Security recipients, contractors and others. "The Obama administration has said it has no backup plan to pay the government's bills if Congress refuses to raise the $16.4 trillion federal borrowing limit. The White House said Saturday in a statement that "there are only two options to deal with the debt li... more »

SUMMER REPRISE: Cue Card Libertarianism -- Constitution

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 9 hours ago
[image: jefferson]*In case you hadn’t noticed, the government has a committee working quietly under the aegis of Pita Sharples and Bill English towards entrenching the Treaty of Waitangi in a constitution a “**constitutional review**.” The committee, comprising a number of government and tangata whanua toadies, has been examining “the role of the Treaty of Waitangi within constitutional arrangements,” “how New Zealand's legal and political systems could better incorporate Maori,” and “whether New Zealand needs a written constitution.”* *I doubt, if one emerges, it will be one that... more »

Breaking: Barack Obama talks pork to the people!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 9 hours ago
*MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2013* *And some Tom turkey, too:* Finally! Earlier today, Barack Obama began explaining why it would be crazy to refuse to raise the debt limit. He explained the logic of the situation. He began explaining the harm which could ensue. This is some, but not all, of what he said today: OBAMA (1/14/13): Now, the other congressionally imposed deadline coming up is the so-called debt ceiling, something most Americans hadn’t even heard of before two years ago. So I want to be clear about this: The debt ceiling is not a question of authorizing more spending. Raising th... more »

Sol brillante dando luz a los árboles frutales

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 9 hours ago
[image: Sol brillante dando luz a los arboles frutales] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de árboles* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Matt Taibbi, "Secrets and Lies of the Bailout: One Broker's Story"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*"Secrets and Lies of the Bailout: One Broker's Story"* by Matt Taibbi "I have a feature in the new issue of Rolling Stone called "Secrets and Lies of the Bailout," which focuses in large part on the seemingly intentional policy of deception in the government's rescue of the financial sector. The government didn't just bail out Wall Street with money: It also lied on Wall Street's behalf, calling unhealthy banks healthy, and helping banks cover up just how much aid they were getting in secret. Proponents of the bailouts will say that whatever the government did, it worked. The e... more »

Linda ratoncita coqueta y muy enamorada

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 9 hours ago
[image: Linda ratoncita coqueta y enamorada] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de Amor* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Monday Cranky Blogging 3

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 10 hours ago
Okay, look, I'll tell the truth: I skipped Frank Bruni's column yesterday, because I already know he's easily the most useless NYT columnist. And I went back to it mostly because I was having fun doing cranky blogging, and figured nothing could make me crankier than reading Bruni. So this might be a little unfair. But, oh, Bruni. I mean, there's other stuff here (do we really want to equate a speaker at the inauguration with the Secretary of Defense?). The bit that set me off, however, was: Democrats came out of the 2012 elections looking good, and the country’s changing demographi... more »

Emoticón enamorando a una catarina sobre las hojas verdes

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 10 hours ago
[image: Emoticón enamorando a una catarina sobre las hojas] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de amor* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Como que a cupido se le pasó la mano con las flechas

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 10 hours ago
[image: Imágenes de amor las flechas de cupido] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de amor* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Imágenes de amor perrito listo para la cena romántica

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 10 hours ago
[image: Imagenes de amor perrito listo para la cena romantica] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de amor* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

The Realist Report with John Friend

John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 10 hours ago
On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we are joined by long-time essayist, historian, and poet *DC Dave Martin* to discuss his website and past writings, WWII and post-WWII American political history, the mysterious deaths of *James Forrestal* and *Vince Foster*, the fake left versus right political paradigm and the wide array of dishonest voices in the alternative media, and related matters. Be sure to check out DC Dave's website where you can read all his *excellent essays* and *poems*. BuelahMan from *BuelahMan's Revolt* joins us in the second hour. You can download the ... more »

Imágenes de amor osito de peluche agarrando su corazón

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 10 hours ago
[image: Imagenes de amor osito de peluche agarrando su corazón] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de amor* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Why I was so wrong about the 49ers

Rich Rifkin at Lexicon Daily - 10 hours ago
In my last blog post, I predicted that the Green Bay Packers would beat the San Francisco 49ers 35-17. As things played out, I was very, very wrong: With a strong arm that allowed him to pick the Packers apart from the pocket and speedy legs that helped him break free for big gains, Colin Kaepernick did a little bit of everything in a record-setting, sensational playoff debut - and Aaron Rodgers just couldn't keep up. Kaepernick passed for 263 yards and ran the San Francisco 49ers right back to the NFC championship game with a 45-31 win over Green Bay in an NFC divisional game Sat... more »

One People's Public Trust Video Presentation Ver. 3.2

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 11 hours ago
This is an updated version of the One People's Public Trust video presentation. There are some new and some revised slides, and the music is better edited (I'm learning fast...). We're changing the acronoym we use from TOPPT to OPPT, it makes a nicer acronym for conveying the choice at hand, do you OPPT-IN for Oneness Consciousness? Or Do you OPPT-OUT for duality consciousness?

Obama warns Republicans if debt ceiling isn't raised, then American troops and Social Security checks won't be paid

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
President Obama warned Republicans on Monday against failing to raise the debt ceiling, saying the move would withhold money from American troops and Social Security recipients. 'They will not collect ransom in exchange for not crashing the American economy,' Obama said of House Republicans, many of whom have vowed to delay raising the debt ceiling until Obama commits to steep spending cuts. 'America cannot afford another debate with this Congress about whether or not they should pay the bills they have already racked up,' Obama continued. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-22... more »

Hundreds of families sign up to live in the Citadel - an armed, 'defensible' fortress community planned for Idaho

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Hundreds of families have signed up to join a new community dubbed the Citadel, an armed and 'defensible' fortress city where their freedoms and liberty will be fiercely protected. Organisers have outlined plans for a community of 3,500 to 7,000 families of 'patriotic' Americans in western Idaho and more than 200 have already signed up through their website. The group has already purchased 20 acres in the area where they intend to build an arms factory which will be used to fund the project. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2262100/Hundreds-sign-live-Citadel--armed-defensibl... more »

The Chinese village that's being swallowed by sinkholes after 20 cave-ins in just five months

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
The land in a Chinese village is quite literally disappearing before the residents' eyes with large sinkholes swallowing up vast spaces. In the past five months villagers from Lianyuan in southern China's Hunan Province have been left alarmed after seeing over 20 holes suddenly open up in the ground. From last September the cave-ins, which range in size, have seen houses collapse and rivers dry and left villagers terrified about where the next will be. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2262219/That-sinking-feeling-Villagers-shocked-vast-spaces-land-swallowed-20-huge-sinkhole... more »

Amateur astronomers find 42 new planets - including a Jupiter-sized world that could hold life

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
A team of amateur astronomers from around the world has discovered evidence for 42 alien planets, including a Jupiter-size world that could potentially be habitable, it was revealed today. The team, organised online via the planethunters website, analysed data from Nasa's Kepler Space telescope. Moons like the one depicted in the film Avatar may be among the most common places to find alien life, scientists believe. Astronomers came to the conclusion after identifying up to 15 new planets orbiting the life-friendly 'habitable zones' of stars. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/... more »

Grim image shows how Beijing pollution has rocketed as 1,000 babies are hospitalised with breathing problemsGrim image shows how Beijing pollution has rocketed as 1,000 babies are hospitalised with breathing problems

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
The severity of Beijing’s pollutuion crisis becomes clear in these photographs of the city skyline taken 12 months apart, as officials confirm that hundreds of young children are hospitalised as a result of the smog. Air quality in Beijing was the 'worst on record' over the weekend, according to environmentalists, as pollution in the city rose to 30 to 45 times above recommended safety levels. Nearly 1,000 babies and toddlers have been treated for breathing difficulties as Beijing's pollution crisis entered a fourth day today, Chinese officials have confirmed. http://www.dailymail... more »

Argentina: The Strange Lights of La Tapera

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 11 hours ago
*Argentina: The Strange Lights of La Tapera* *Gaceta OVNI (Victoria, Argentina) – Winter 1992 http://www.gacetaovni.com/Tapera.htm* Many claimed that strange lights could be seen at Estancia San Carlos, in the region known as La Tapera. It was for this reason that the place was often visited by UFO followers, although access was not allowed, since it was private property, leaving them with no choice but to stop along the side of a rural road leading to Tres Bocas and leading to Route 11, nearly facing La Pepita. Hunters of *vizcacha* – a rather large rodent, whose meat i... more »

Omar Ortiz - woman on a pedestal - hyperrealism unchained

Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET - 11 hours ago
*Omar Ortiz** was born in 1977 at Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico where he still lives. Since he was a boy he has been interested in drawing and illustration. He studied for a degree in Graphic Design, where he learned different techniques such as hand drawing, pastels, charcoal, water colors, acrylics and airbrushing. When he finished college he decided to make a living from painting. In 2002 he attended his first oil paint classes with the artist Carmen Alarcón, who he considers his main teacher. Omar Ortiz currently works with oil painting because he considers it the noblest techn... more »

FairTest Urges Nation to Join Seattle in Testing Boycott

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 11 hours ago
NationalCenterfor Fair & Open Testing for further information: Dr. Monty Neill(617) 477-9792 Bob Schaeffer(239) 395-6773 for immediate release Monday, January 14, 2013 *NATIONAL ASSESSMENT REFORM LEADERS ENDORSE * *SEATTLE TEACHERS' SCHOOL TEST BOYCOTT;* *CALL FOR MORE EDUCATORS, PARENTS TO "JOIN IN"* The country's leading testing reform organization today announced its support for the boycott of Seattle Public Schools' Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) exam launched by teachers at Garfield High School. National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest) Executive Director Dr. M... more »

Imagenes de amor lindo osito enamorado y no correspondido

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 11 hours ago
[image: Imagenes de amor lindo osito enamorado] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de amor* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Hard times coming as coffee production falls by half

Jody Paterson at A Closer Look: Jody Paterson - 11 hours ago
Sesemil producers pack coffee beans for sale in CopanThere’s no avoiding the earthy, acrid smell of wet coffee cherries these days if you’re walking any of the dirt roads winding through the hills of Copan. It’s the smell of money for Hondurans, who count on the annual coffee harvest from their small plots of land to provide their families with enough money to get them through the year. That’s a risky dependency any time you’ve got a commodity whose prices bob up and down as much as coffee. But climate change is adding a whole new layer of risk, bringing plagues and uncertain ... more »

'We the People Rally' Hawaii

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
We would like to offer some action to start off 2013. We would like to bring people together to speak to our government.There will be many concerns, but one loud voice, the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE!This is a grass roots effort to redirect our government away from the corporate interest and to hear our voices. We want our HEALTH and the HEALTH of our islands PROTECTED for our future generations:

Facebook massive exodus

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Over 600,000 British Facebook visitors failed to visit the site in December, new figures have claimed. The UK saw the biggest loss of any major territory, the figures from monitoring firm SocialBakers show. Experts today said confusion over the firm's privacy policies and 'Facebook fatigue' from having too many friends could be behind the fall - although Facebook has disputed the figures. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2262183/Is-Britain-bored-Facebook-600-000-users-QUIT-social-network-December.html

Cameron rushes forward his Big Speech on Europe to this Friday to avoid upsetting the French and Germans

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
David Cameron has rushed his landmark speech forward to avoid a diplomatic spat with the French and Germans. The Prime Minister will now deliver his definitive account on how he wants to shake up Britain's relationship with the European Union this Friday in the Netherlands, four days earlier than planned. Today Mr Cameron claimed the ‘beating heart’ of the British people wants to remain in the EU, but he attacked the 'bossiness' of Brussels and insisted he was ‘not happy’ with every aspect of the UK’s relationship with the rest of Europe. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-226... more »

Anger as rail firm cancels dozens of trains after less than an inch of snow falls while commuters face freezing conditions on way home

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Rail company Greater Anglia was today branded an ‘embarrassment’ by train campaigners for cancelling services and imposing speed restrictions - after less than an inch of snow had fallen. It cancelled 24 trains and passengers endured 30-minute delays as speeds were cut to 60mph on some services between London and Cambridge, Southend, Colchester, Ipswich and Norwich. The disruption came as it was revealed overnight temperatures could drop to as low as -8C in the countryside - and -3C in urban areas - while more snow is expected for eastern parts of England. http://www.dailymail.co... more »

Joseph Hall, 12, convicted of murder for shooting his abusive neo-Nazi father in the head while he slept

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Joseph Hall, now 12, was convicted of killing Jeff Hall, 32, despite arguments from defense lawyers that the child was beaten and kicked by his abusive father and that he was too young to understand what he was doing. Riverside Superior Court Judge Jean Leonard found that Joseph was legally responsible for the death, but opted for a lesser charge of second-degree murder - indicating that the killing was not premeditated as prosecutors had argued. Prosecutors say the boy has a history of violent behavior - choking his teacher, stabbing his sister and clubbing his uncle - and that he... more »

Yet More Monday Cranky Blogging

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 11 hours ago
Gallup has a new piece out by Andrew Dugan about a supposed "second term curse," and noting that every second-term president in the Gallup era except for Reagan and Clinton had lower approval ratings averages in their second term than their first term. Watch out! A lot of this may only be regression to the mean. That is, if presidential approval is a coin flip set to an average around 55% over the long haul, then what you're going to find is that presidents with a first-term average north of that are going to fall back -- and those who fell short of it will rally. And guess what? T... more »

The Age of the Siege: Nazi Military Tactics Revisited

Intercept at The Intercept - 11 hours ago
*NATO Strategies, Economic Sanctions and the "Responsibility to Protect" * Global Research Felicity Arbuthnot [image: NATOBLOOD]*“Disengage, avoid, and withhold support from whatever abuses, degrades and humiliates humanity.” (*Alice Walker, b:1944.). “*[former Danish PM and Secretary General of NATO] Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Du har blod på dine hænder”* ( “You have blood on your hands”), Danish protester, 2003. The siege of Leningrad is still considered the most lethal siege in world history, a shocking “racially motivated starvation policy”, described as: “an integral part of Nazi... more »

'Red October' has been spying on WORLD LEADERS for 5 years - researchers

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Security watchers have discovered a malware-based cyber-espionage campaign targeting diplomats, governments and scientific research institutions worldwide. Operation Red October has targeted Eastern Europe, former Soviet republics, and countries in Central Asia for the past five years, according to Kaspersky Lab. The attack has also claimed a smaller number of victims in Western Europe and North America. The firm said attackers are using the malware to slurp data and geopolitical intelligence from the targeted victims' computer systems, mobile phones and enterprise networks. The ma... more »

Islamists pose threat to French interests in Africa

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
France's intervention in Mali is driven by the fear of a future threat. But will it increase the danger for Paris in the short term? Islamists have already vowed revenge. "France has attacked Islam. We will strike at the heart of France," said Abou Dardar, a leader of the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (Mujao), an offshoot of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). French President Francois Hollande has also said that "all necessary precautions" would be adopted. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-21018675

The Economy: “Repudiation: Wipe the Debt From the Books”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
*“Repudiation: Wipe the Debt From the Books”* by Wendy McElroy "The national debt of the federal government is $16.5 trillion, $52,317.30 for every individual in the United States. The only sane and moral stance is to repudiate it entirely. “Repudiation” is not a word used by the political mainstream. Part of the reason is who holds the debt. China is often castigated as the largest holder, but it actually accounts for less than 8% of the money America has borrowed. On Sept. 4, Fox News reported, “Fully two-thirds of the national debt is owed to the U.S. government, American inv... more »

Indefeasibility of title is an essential feature of the land titles system established by the Land Titles Act

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 12 hours ago
*719083 Ontario Limited v. 2174112 Ontario Inc.*, 2013 ONCA 11 is a source for the principle that indefeasibility of title is an essential feature of the land titles system established by *Land Titles Act*, R.S.O. 1990 subject to limited exception: [12] The parties accept that indefeasibility of title is an essential feature of the land titles system established by the Act. However, as the application judge recognized, the statutory protection of indefeasibility of title is available only to *bona fide* purchasers for value without notice: see for example, *Durrani v. Aug... more »

Sunday Globe Special: Swartz's Suicide

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 12 hours ago
*One could argue he was bullied to death. * "Web activist Aaron Swartz takes own life" by Evan Allen | Globe Correspondent, January 12, 2013 Web entrepreneur and political activist Aaron Swartz, who made headlines in 2011 when he was *charged with hacking* into MIT’s network and *mass downloading millions of documents* from a subscription-based archive, *committed suicide* in Brooklyn Friday, according to a statement from his family and partner. * **I paid for my printed paper and web access, and I've been run through hoops for it. * Swartz, 26, hanged himself in his Brooklyn apa... more »

Obama says refusal to lift debt ceiling would hurt economy

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
President Barack Obama warned Congress on Monday that a refusal to raise the U.S. debt ceiling next month would trigger economic chaos. Obama, at a news conference, said the U.S. economy was poised for a good year as long as Washington politics did not interfere. He said a Republican refusal to lift the debt ceiling could lead the United States into a debt default, which would prevent the U.S. government from being able to provide Social Security benefits to some seniors and possibly tip the economy into recession. "It would be a self-inflicted wound on the economy," Obama said. h... more »

4.5 Magnitude Earthquake NEAR THE WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 14th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Magnitude 4.5 Date-Time Monday, January 14, 2013 at 16:20:04 UTC Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 01:20:04 AM at epicenter Location 36.122°N, 136.996°E Depth 266.9 km (165.9 miles) Region NEAR THE WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN Distances 61 km (38 miles) SSE (147°) from Kanazawa, Honshu, Japan

What Lies in Store for Our Neighbours to the South

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 12 hours ago
This is taken directly from the draft National Climate Assessment prepared by U.S. government scientists for release next year. It is taken from the introduction to the chapter on water. *1. Annual precipitation and runoff increases are observed now in the Midwest and 18 Northeast regions and are projected to continue or develop in northern states; 19 decreases are observed and projected in southern states. 20 * *2. Summer droughts are expected to intensify in most regions of the U.S., with longer 21 term reductions in water availability in the Southwest, Southeast, and Hawai‘i ... more »

Obama: "I control America's guns"

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
"My understanding is the vice president's going to provide a range of steps that we can take to reduce gun violence," said Obama. "Some of them will require legislation, some of them I can accomplish through executive action. And so I will be reviewing those today, and as I said, I will speak in more detail to what we're going to go ahead and propose later in the week. But I'm confident that there are some steps that we can take that don't require legislation and that are within my authority as president, and where you get a step that, has the opportunity to reduce the possibility... more »

The Violence Of Hopelessness-- A Guest Post By Illinois Congressional Candidate Toi Hutchinson

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
There is no question that in America we have a problem with guns. The Newtown tragedy, the Aurora shooting, Columbine. These are places-- events-- that all of us will remember for the rest of our lives. And for me there is no question that there are certain kinds of weapons soldiers should have, and other kinds that civilians should be allowed to own. As a State Senator I represent a district that straddles the landscape of South Suburban Chicago and the rural counties of Will and Kankakee. And if I win this race for Congress in the 2nd district, I will cover even more rural areas... more »

You Can't Fix This Math

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 13 hours ago
Here's the problem. Population is going up, food supply is heading the other way. The world is already in a state of permanent food insecurity even though, by some accounts, up to half the food we produce is wasted. We've had decades to rectify that but solutions have persistently eluded us. It's the price we pay for our capitalism and our globalism. In any case, food production is going to take a hammering from global warming. *Severe heatwaves, such as those currently seen in Australia, are expected to become many times more likely in coming decades due to climate change... more »

The Traveller's Guide to Beijing. Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Passport and, Oh Yeah, Plenty of Oxygen

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 13 hours ago
The World Health Organization sets the safe level at 25. The U.S. EPA puts the emergency level at 300. For days Beijing has been at anywhere between 600 and 900. The figures are for PM2.5 or particulate matter tiny enough to be absorbed into human tissue. *Air quality has long been a problem in the Chinese capital, but this weekend saw levels more than 30 times above the level judged safe by the World Health Organisation.* *Breakneck economic growth, reliance on coal, dramatic expansion of car ownership and the widespread flouting of environmental laws have all contributed to ... more »

A Farewell to Mick Williams

Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 13 hours ago
I was sorry to hear about the passing of Stoke labour movement stalwart, Mick Williams. He died in hospital last Thursday after a short illness. I never worked closely with Mick, but he was one of those larger-than-life figures whose reputation always preceded him. I therefore recommend readers have a look at the obituary by his friend and comrade Adam Colclough. I first encountered Mick four or five years ago when I represented Keele UCU on the local trades council along with my erstwhile blogging comrade, Brother S. Despite his slight stature and frail appearance, he had this abil... more »

Colin Powell Tells GOP to Grow Up

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 13 hours ago
Former state secretary and four-star general, Colin Powell, has told his own Republican party that it's time for them to grow up, ditch their racist ways and start working for the American people again. Powell referred to the GOP's "dark vein of intolerance" that has left it out of touch with America's rapidly changing demographics. “I think what the Republican Party needs to do now is take a very hard look at itself and understand that the country has changed. The country is changing demographically. And if the Republican Party does not change along with that demographic, they’re g... more »

I think this commenter might have missed the point!

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 13 hours ago
To my post on Casino Banking, I have received this comment: 'Casino banking isnt simplistic. Most of the banks wont accept funds to transfer to casino sites. Only few sites like neteller, moneybookers only accept casinos. If you have any questions, get back to me. I can explain you better. Thanks. regards, Henry' I think Henry may have misunderstood what my post was about!


Anon at aangirfan - 13 hours ago
*James Hanna* James Hanna, from Japton in Madison County in Arkansas, has been accused of raping children in Madison County. In January 2013, Hanna admitted to producing sexually explicit photos of two 13-year-old girls. James Hanna, 66, pleads guilty to producing child pornography *Arkansas - West Memphis Three - accused of child abuse and murder.* In 2003, James Hanna arrived in the notorious town of Blaenavon in Wales, in the UK. welsh-booktown-left-stunned-by-entrepreneur-s-child-abuse-conviction Hanna wanted to transform the former iron-making town into a 'book town'. In B... more »

Weekend Update, Again

Southern Man at Southern Man - 13 hours ago
No blog updates for a week? Well, it's been busy, busy, *busy*! OK, not *that* busy. There was a lot of prep to be done at work during the week but other than that it was sufficiently cold that Southern Man spent his evenings holed up in The Trailer drinking hot cocoa and watching movies, and much of Saturday doing the same and wondering if Friday's flu shot had made him ill. Of course there was daily geocaching (but often just one a day to keep the streak alive) and Sunday was filled with church and parents and friends and then church again (singles leadership team meeting). And... more »

Very Quick Reviews

Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 14 hours ago
My older son and I saw *Zero Dark Thirty* over the weekend. Great movie. On par with *Argo*. Much better than *Lincoln*, which seems to be the Oscar favorite. By the way, I have heard that the revival of *Pippin* I saw and loved is moving to New York after its Boston run is over. Highly recommended.

European Parliament costs £1.8 million for each politician compared to £590,000 for every member of the Commons.

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 14 hours ago
MEPs in Brussels cost three times more than MPs in Westminster, shocking new figures reveal. The annual bill for a member of the European Parliament is almost £1.8million, compared to £590,000 for politicians in the House of Commons. Critics condemned the ‘eye watering’ sum, and blamed the insistence of the European Parliament on having three different homes. Eurocrats said it was like ‘like comparing apples and oranges’. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2260745/Every-MEP-Brussels-costs-eye-watering-THREE-times-MPs-Westminster.html

Israel advances plan to invest in sensitive West Bank sites as its 'national heritage'

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 14 hours ago
The Israeli government says it is moving forward on a plan to invest in places it considers part of Israel's national heritage, including nine West Bank sites. Israeli Cabinet Secretary Tzvi Hauser says Israel is adding handicapped access to the Tomb of the Patriarchs, a site in the West Bank city of Hebron sacred to both Jews and Muslims. The announcement comes a week before Israeli elections and could appeal to hard-line voters. Hauser said Monday that Israel has an obligation to renovate the sites, and it is not related to politics. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/01/14/israel... more »

Iraq frees prisoners in gesture to end Sunni protests

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 14 hours ago
Iraq's government has released more than 300 prisoners held under anti-terrorism laws as a goodwill gesture to try to appease Sunni Muslim demonstrators who are staging protests against Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Three weeks of demonstrations, mainly in Sunni-dominated Anbar province, have evolved into a tough challenge for the Shi'ite premier, increasing worries that Iraq could slide back into the sectarian confrontation of its recent past. Officials said a ministerial committee had freed 335 detainees whose jail terms had ended or whose cases had been dismissed for la... more »

They Always Get Their Man. Or Maybe Not. Who Knows Anymore?

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 14 hours ago
The Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police needs to explain why it took his officers *four years* to compile a list of cases of serious misconduct by its members. The CBC submitted a request for that information in November, 2008 and the list, or at least a list, was delivered up in November, 2012. Commissioner Bob Paulsen admits no one was tracking these cases. No one at the top knew how many there were or where the incidents were occurring or what exactly was going on. It's unfair to lay this entirely at Paulsen's feet. For the first three of the four years it t... more »

NO Justice for Goldman Sachs, Major Culprit in Financial Crisis Goes Unpunished

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 14 hours ago
Chung, J. (2013, Jan 14) Goldman: Insurer Knew Paulson was 'Shorting' The Wall Street Journal, p. C3 Majia paraphrasing here: ACA Financial Guaranty Corp. filed suit against Goldman Sachs in 2011, asserting that Goldman deliberately misled ACA about a 2007 collaterized mortgage debt deal known as Abacus. Goldman allegedly told ACA that Paulson & Co (one of Goldman's clients) "was betting on a deal, when in fact Paulson was betting against it." ACA claims it would never have done the deal if it had known Paulson was betting against it, or 'shorting it.' Paulson used credit default ... more »

Mohawk Nation News 'US Terminator Act in Canada'

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 14 hours ago
MNN: US ‘TERMINATOR’ ACT IN CANADA Mohawk Nation News http://www.mohawknationnews.com US ‘TERMINATOR’ ACT IN CANADA  MNN.  Canadian Prime Minister Harper has adopted the US “Termination Act” of 1953.  [Public Law 280]  C-45 copies the US version of Hitler’s “Enabling Act” 1933.  Indigenous were deemed a burden.

Bride of the Son of the Return of Cranky Blogging

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 14 hours ago
Oh, Chris Cillizza: Since the 2008 election, here is just a sampling of the senators who have gone: Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), John Warner (R-Va.), Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), Pete Domenici (R-N.M.), Arlen Specter (R-then-D-Pa.), Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), and, of course Vice President Joe Biden (D-Del.) Virtually every major moment you can think of in the Senate over the past 50 years happened because of the men and women listed above. That's...awful, and forces me to do some cranky blogging. "50" years? That would include, say, the Civil R... more »

Syrian Regime 'Using Banned Cluster Bombs'

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 14 hours ago
The Syrian regime has used rocket launchers to fire banned cluster bombs on least two occasions in the last two months, according to a new report. An investigation published by Human Rights Watch (HRW) claims to have evidence of Syrian forces using BM-21 Grad multi-barrel rocket launchers to fire the Egyptian-made munitions near the city of Idlib in December and at Latamneh, a town just northwest of Hama, earlier this month. http://news.sky.com/story/1037768/syrian-regime-using-banned-cluster-bombs

Drum versus dumb: A detailed report!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 14 hours ago
*MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2013* *Intelligent scribe breaks the rules:* Kevin Drum of Mother Jones has broken every known rule. He has written a very intelligent piece about a very serious topic. And Drum’s a professional journalist! We know—by now, you think we’re kidding. But we mentioned Drum's piece a few weeks ago, before it became available on-line. Now, Drum’s piece is there for all to see. It bears this pair of headlines: *America's Real Criminal Element: Lead* *New research finds Pb is the hidden villain behind violent crime, lower IQs, and even the ADHD epidemic. And fixing th... more »

5.4 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA - 14th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 14 hours ago
Magnitude 5.4 Date-Time Monday, January 14, 2013 at 14:55:53 UTC Monday, January 14, 2013 at 05:55:53 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 55.081°N, 134.560°W Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Distances 99 km (61 miles) WSW of Craig, Alaska

North Korea 'preparing for new nuclear test'

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 14 hours ago
North Korea vowed on Monday to strengthen its defences amid concerns the country may conduct a nuclear test as a follow-up to last month's long-range rocket launch. Citing US hostility, Pyongyang's foreign ministry said in a memorandum that North Korea will "continue to strengthen its deterrence against all forms of war". The memorandum carried by state media did not say what action North Korea would take to defend itself. However, North Korea has claimed the right to build atomic weapons to protect itself from the United States, which stations more than 28,000 troops in South K... more »

The BBC Trust responds

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 14 hours ago
I received this email on the 8th January but forgot to post it here. It's their response to this complaint. Don't worry it's not very exciting, just a holding email. I do like their 40 working days self-imposed time limit to respond. 40 working days equates to 8 weeks, assuming no bank holidays. They're not exactly speedy at the BBC Trust are they? Trust Editorial 8 Jan (6 days ago) to me Dear Notasheep I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your appeal. We will now consider your request for a final appeal under the BBC’s Editorial complaints procedure. In order to do this we w... more »

Edge: What should we be worried about?

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 14 hours ago
*Giddings on crisis in physics, firewalls* Edge.org asked their annual question to 151 or 152 scholars, What *should* we be worried about? I suppose that the word "should" was highlighted in order to prevent the respondents from giving an easy answer to the opposite question, what we shouldn't be worried about. We shouldn't be worried about the end of the world in 2012 (now for sure), collision with another planet, catastrophic climate change, and similar nonsensical conspiracy theories. *Katinka Matson and John Brockman of Edge.org.* Among the 152 contributors, there are lots of... more »

China's space activities raising US satellite security concerns

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 14 hours ago
The United States is concerned about China's expanding ability to disrupt the most sensitive U.S. military and intelligence satellites, as Beijing pursues its expanded ambitions in space, according to multiple sources in the U.S. government and outside space experts. A classified U.S. intelligence assessment completed late last year analyzed China's increasing activities in space and mapped out the growing vulnerability of U.S. satellites that provide secure military communications, warn about enemy missile launches and provide precise targeting coordinates, said the sources, who we... more »

Una cachetada a GOOGLE

Abraham Ben Judea at Abraham says - 14 hours ago
GOOGLE Google tiene un sistema que permite microbloggers como este para expresar sus opiniones. El "gratis" sistema de blogger y privilegios tienen un precio. El precio por expresar su opinión es esposado y permitidas por la codicia / política de google. Si Google tiene en cuenta su orientación sexual blog un blog de Google restringirá e incluso eliminar su blog ... TINY poder de Google proviene de los ingresos de publicidad ... Los anuncios que ponen y que permite en su blog. ¿Cómo bloquear los anuncios? Podríamos mostrar pero Google ha bloqueado esta capacidad blogs para subir f... more »

PEDDLING RHEE: The Post won’t stop!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 15 hours ago
*MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2013* *Part 1—A true journalistic disgrace:* Over the weekend, the Washington Post was at it again. It was doing the thing the Post does best. The Washington Post was peddling Rhee. This newspaper simply won’t stop. The paper’s most visible pimping of Rhee appeared at the top of Sunday morning’s front page. Lindsey Layton offered a 2100-word profile of the former chancellor of the DC schools. As she started her piece, Layton fawned, kissed keister, bowed and scraped. She announced a sacred claim: Rhee has become a celebrity! We’ll include both headlines, as t... more »

As Texas bakes in a long drought, water becomes a focus for legislators

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 15 hours ago
[image: Water Storage at O. H. Ivie Reservoir in Texas, 1991-2012. Texas Water Development Board with data from USGS, IBWC, and USACE] By MANNY FERNANDEZ 12 January 2013 AUSTIN, Texas (The New York Times) – There is usually no shortage of controversial and politically divisive issues for lawmakers to address in the opening days of a state legislative session, from abortion to immigration to gun rights. But throughout the opening of the 83rd Texas Legislature last week, one of the most frequently discussed topics had bipartisan support: improving the state’s water infrastructure ... more »

Syria: One little Lion & Jabhat Al Nusra = NATO elite Islamist forces

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 15 hours ago
* This post has been updated please scroll down*....... Another day and more suspect claims about Syria- Today it is, yet again, killing kids and cluster bombs. We have been there and done that all previously. The claims are being made by Human Rights Watch. *Refreshing your memory:* We are all aware or should be that HRW is ‘owned’. It makes just enough noise against the NATO world army machine to maintain tiny bits of credibility, but, the majority, the vast majority of it’s work revolves around boistering NATO world army/UN agenda. In other words HRW is a pure Global tyranny/NWO ... more »

The Coin Is Dead, Long Live the Coins

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 15 hours ago
 Was your whole weekend ruined by the weekend news dump that the Obama Administration had nixed the trillion dollar platinum coin and is opting instead for more Debt Ceiling Crisis drama? Don't despair. While you're waiting for Austerity to kick in, the president wants you to go on a spending spree on the off-chance that you still have any actual money to burn. Just go ahead and plunk it down on a set of three Obama Coins. You heard it right. Although the Treasury declared that minting a coin to stave off national default is illegal, unethical, unfathomable and undoable even tho... more »

‘Shocking’ Australia bushfire destroys 33 homes, burns over 150 square miles of land

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 15 hours ago
[image: Aerial picture shows smoke billowing from an out-of-control fire raging towards the Siding Spring Observatory (centre), a remote global research facility in the Warrumbungle ranges about 500km north-west of Sydney, 14 January 2013. Photo: NSW Rural Fire Service] By Ilya Gridneff and Kristen Amiet 15 January 2013 (Sydney Morning Herald) – The worst bushfires in NSW for more than a decade have ripped through the state's north-west, taking 33 homes and destroying 40,000 hectares [154 square miles] of land. More than 80 Rural Fire Service volunteers supported by 18 aircraft s... more »

Is the Distance Student Who They Say they Are?

Martyn Daniels at Brave New World - 15 hours ago
The explosion in demand for higher education is no longer restricted to the physical lecture hall or even campus. In fact we constantly have to redefine the word campus and distance learning as it is fast becoming the effective tool for satisfying the emerging economies demand for places. Obviously distance learning is not new and players such as the Open University, University of Phoenix and BPP are among many who have long championed the approach. However the ability to validate the individual and ensure the person doing the work is the right one can be a challenge. Now Coursera... more »

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