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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

9 January - Blogs I'm Following

ayatullah khameneiayatullah khamenei (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
FBI SWAT agentFBI SWAT agent (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
U.S. Navy Lt. j.g. Jason S. Hall (right) watch...U.S. Navy Lt. j.g. Jason S. Hall (right) watches as FBI Agent Duback (left) tags the cockpit voice recorder from EgyptAir Flight 990 on the deck of the USS Grapple (ARS 53) at the crash site. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Iran Hostage Crisis student demonstration, Was...Iran Hostage Crisis student demonstration, Washington, D.C. Title devised by Library staff. Contact sheet folder caption: Iran students demonstrate. MST. U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection. Contact sheet available for reference purposes. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Goin' to IranGoin' to Iran (Photo credit: Örlygur Hnefill)

10:24 am MST

NYC commuter ferry crash, 57 Injured - 2 critical

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 4 seconds ago

Massive storm hits Lebanon

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 46 seconds ago

Bonita catedral junto al agua bajo un cielo azul

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 47 seconds ago
[image: Bonita catedral junto al agua bajo un cielo azul] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de catedrales* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Iran is guilty because...we say so

Left I on the News at Left I on the News - 7 minutes ago
The U.S. is ramping up pressure on the American public to accept an attack on Iran, with not one but two stories in today's news. It wasn't enough to accuse Iran of producing nuclear weapons based on no evidence, now we're throwing into the mix accusations of cyberattacks and hostage taking as well. In perhaps the more serious charge, an AP story accuses Iran of holding retired FBI agent Robert Levinson, who disappeared in 2007 on an Iranian island. Iran has repeatedly denied holding Levinson, which would seem reasonable on two counts — one, they never denied holding the three Ame... more »

The secret language of crime: Police reveal symbols used by burglars to help fellow criminals target rich and vulnerable homes

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 minutes ago
The symbols - dubbed may indicate that a home is wealthy, has already been burgled or may have nothing worth stealing. Chillingly, they may also indicate if there is a vulnerable female in the home, or if the occupant is nervous or afraid and easily duped. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259445/Police-reveal-symbols-used-burglars-help-fellow-criminals-target-rich-vulnerable-homes.html

Linda pareja de caballos en un romantico atardecer

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 minutes ago
[image: Linda pareja de caballos en un romantico atardecer] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de caballos* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Indian Soldier 'Beheaded' In Kashmir Dispute

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 minutes ago
One of the two Indian soldiers killed in a clash along the disputed Kashmir border was beheaded by Pakistani troops who then carried away his head, India's chief military spokesman has claimed. "We can confirm that one of the Indian soldiers was beheaded by the Pakistani army in Kashmir," J Dahiya said. "They have taken away the head." http://news.sky.com/story/1035515/kashmir-pakistan-troops-behead-indian-soldier

Barack Obama Mulls Action On Gun Laws

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 minutes ago
President Barack Obama is considering making a possible executive order to prevent gun attacks in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. Vice President Joe Biden said that Mr Obama was "determined to take action" against gun violence and was considering making executive orders to stop further attacks. http://news.sky.com/story/1035725/barack-obama-mulls-action-on-gun-laws

New York Ferry Crash: Up To 50 Injured

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 minutes ago
A commuter ferry has crashed into the dockside in Lower Manhattan in New York during the morning rush hour, injuring between 30 and 50 people. The Seastreak Ferry, which provides daily services from Atlantic Highlands in New Jersey, struck Pier 11 in the East River not far from Wall Street at about 8:45am ET (1:45pm GMT). Officials say at least two of the passengers were in a critical condition, one with confirmed head injuries. http://news.sky.com/story/1035638/new-york-ferry-crash-more-than-50-injured

Ben Shapiro on Hannity: The time for civility is over...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 20 minutes ago
"We can't be civil with them. We can't. We've reached the end of bipartisanship. We've reached the end of civility. It's like the Geneva Conventions. These people are out of uniform. Once they exit the realm of civility they are now fair game. And it's enough playing fair with them. It's enough having the moral high ground. If we have the moral high ground it means that we lose. We need to start fighting back and fighting back hard." H/T The Gateway Pundit

4.4 Magnitude Earthquake AEGEAN SEA - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 minutes ago
Magnitude 4.4 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 15:41:33 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 05:41:33 PM at epicenter Location 39.670°N, 25.733°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program Region AEGEAN SEA Distances 34 km (21 miles) WSW of Bozcaada, Turkey

National Boycott of MSNBC

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 35 minutes ago
(Photo: MSNBC Leaning Forward) How long can the "progressive network" ignore progressive educators? No longer. Pretending to be stupid about the anti-democratic corporate takeover of American public education is no longer acceptable. My advice to Maddow and the rest of the nightly liberal crew: Get educated on the issues or get lost. From Tim Slekar: January 7, 2013 by Timothy D. Slekar Why in the hell would MSNBC’s *morning joe* prominently feature Michelle Rhee and her ridiculous state report card? Why does this woman continue to get media attention? Every reform that sh... more »

Sunday Globe Special: India's Cancer Train Keeps Chugging Along

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 46 minutes ago
*Runs on pesticides. * "Indian officials take stock as more pack into ‘cancer train’; Ranks of afflicted swell after years of pesticide use" by Rama Lakshmi | Washington Post, January 06, 2013 BHATINDA, India — The train crawls into the grimy station, and scores of anxious cancer patients scramble to find assigned berths, floor space, even corners. Wrapped in large woolen blankets against the wintry cold, the passengers prepare for an overnight journey to the nearest public hospital, 220 miles away. Many call it India’s ‘‘cancer train.’’ **************************************** ... more »

Beck Shows His True Colors, Calls Alex "An Extremist Nut Job"

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 51 minutes ago
Glenn Beck *says*: "Want to know who the media wants to make the face of the pro-gun argument in America? Look no further than conspiratorial radio host Alex Jones, best known for his 9/11 Truther theories and his love of Charlie Sheen's hernia. Jones is the man behind the petition to deport CNN host Piers Morgan for his views on gun control. Morgan invited Jones onto his show to debate the gun issue yesterday, and not surprisingly, Jones made a fool of himself, giving the left the perfect poster boy for their attempts to paint every logical conservative as an extremist nut job." C... more »

Sunday Globe Special: Thai-Dyed Shirt

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 51 minutes ago
"Thai antigovernment protesters clash with police" by Thanyarat Doksone and Todd Pitman | Associated Press, November 25, 2012 BANGKOK — Protesters calling for Thailand’s prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, to step down rallied in Bangkok on Saturday, clashing with police in the *first major demonstration* against the government since it came to power last year. Organizers had *spoken of mobilizing hundreds of thousands* of supporters. But *only around 10,000 turned up*, and by dusk the leaders called the rally off. * **We have no way of knowing if the agenda-pushing is accurate h... more »

Wednesday Afternoon Linkage

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 53 minutes ago
I’m home sick. With my daughter. Who is also sick. So this will be brief. Sean Kay makes the “case for Chuck Hagel” at the Huffington Post. Daniel Larison slams Jonah Goldberg and other “petty, spiteful critics of Hagel.” The Onion reports that Israel “plan to use veto power” against Hagel. Michael Flynn gives the Hagel debate Continue reading

LDP and the Folly of Nuclear Deterrence

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 hour ago
Last night I posted about the insanity of nuclear deterrence here Today I read in The Asahi Shimbun that Japan's new hawkish LDP government plans on expanding military spending, particularly in the area of missiles Defense Ministry targets economic stimulus with hardware requests January 09, 2013 THE ASAHI SHIMBUN [Excerpted] The Defense Ministry has asked for additional hardware worth 180.5 billion yen ($2 billion) in a forthcoming supplementary budget intended to unleash a new economic stimulus before the end of this fiscal year. The requests include the purchase of Patriot Adv... more »

Time for action as disaster risks rise, insurer says

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 2 hours ago
[image: A fire truck near a bushfire in Australia, 8 January 2013. Les Smith / Sydney Morning Herald] By Peter Hannam, Carbon economy editor 8 January 2013 (Sydney Morning Herald) – Australia's exposure to natural risks is on the increase and governments at all levels should step up joint efforts to limit the losses and prevent insurance costs from spiralling higher, one of the country's biggest insurers says. Modest investments in flood or fire mitigation measures can significantly reduce the cost of the disasters when they inevitably occur, Suncorp Group said in its *Risky Bus... more »

By a wide margin, 2012 was warmest year on record in the U.S.

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 2 hours ago
[image: This map shows where 2012 U.S. temperatures were different from the 1981–2010 average. Shades of red indicate temperatures up to 8° Fahrenheit warmer than average, and shades of blue indicate temperatures up to 8° Fahrenheit cooler than average—the darker the color, the larger the difference from average temperature. Map by NOAA climate.gov team, based on Climate Division Data from the National Climatic Data Center. climatewatch.noaa.gov] By Susan Osborne and Jake Crouch 8 January 2013 (ClimateWatch Magazine) – According to the latest statistics from NOAA’s National Clima... more »


Disaster MapNet at New Orleans Ladder - 2 hours ago
*Livingston Parish: FEMA lied about Gustav* *Encino, CA Community Leaders Move to Sanction Army Corps of Engineers* *Lower Ninth Ward man battling food desert* *Scoot Blog: New Orleans -No Place Like Home!* *Cooler Than You: Booty’s Street Food ~He Said/She Said NOLA* *Food Truck Rally at the Fairgrounds Sat! ~Eater New Orleans* *Food Truck Rally in Da Bywaters Sun!* *Figuring Out Mardi Gras for the First Time ~Hale Adams, myNewOrleans.com*

About things science tries to hide for us?

address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at 2 hours ago
Link: http://youtu.be/VjpCKZ7cEoY Whether you agree with all of its content, this mega-movie is worthwhile viewing! Are we ready for a new perspective on this world? Do we really understand what goes on around us? Or do we prefer to stay in the 'ignorantosphere', believing in the gospels from so-called 'sciences' that cling to paradigms from yesteryear? Real science is way ahead and starts to expose that we know 'little if anything' about ourselves and the Cosmos. "The God beyond god" is in fact the question we are dealing with. Not in a childisch way with images of a man with a gr... more »

The platinum coin and the death of the west!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 2 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2013* *Paul Krugman explains how it works:* Should President Barack Obama mint a $1 trillion platinum coin? Yesterday, we offered a few first thoughts about this novel idea. Later in the afternoon, Paul Krugman doubled down on the peculiar proposal in a blog post. First, Krugman constructed an argument against the idea that this action “would be undignified.” You can judge that one for yourselves. Moving right along, Krugman explained how the magical coin would work. We aren’t saying that what follows is wrong. We’re saying it’s deeply revealing: KRUGMAN ... more »

You can't fix stupid... .

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 2 hours ago
*Traffic* *Camera * *A man was driving when he saw the* *flash of a traffic camera.* *He figured that his picture had been taken for exceeding the limit, even though he* *knew that he was not speeding... Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. Now he began to think that this was quite funny, so he drove even slower as he passed the area again, but the traffic camera* *again flashed. He tried a fourth time with the same result.. He did this a fifth time and was now laughing when the camera flashe... more »

WotW: Stay Organized and Strengthen Your Relationship in 2013

Seth R. Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 3 hours ago
It's a new year and a new opportunity to set some goals. I'm sure you have a solid list of resolutions you're already working on, but may I add one more? The goal I would suggest to you is to strengthen your relationship with your spouse and/or children by staying organized. You heard me: strengthen your relationship by being better organized. You're probably thinking I'm crazy, but hear me out. About two months ago, my wife and I began an organization scheme that has benefited our relationship tremendously. The secret? Two simple online tools: Google Calendar and a relative newcome... more »

Another bizarre and alarming twist in the auditor general scandal

paul at Paying attention - 3 hours ago
The Times Colonist has a damaging story and column on the decision not to reappoint John Doyle as auditor general. Rob Shaw and Les Leyne reveal that Liberal MLA Eric Foster, the chairman of the committee that turfed Doyle, was cited for spending and conflict concerns in an auditor general’s report in October - “the only MLA singled out.” The devastating audit identified widespread sloppy management practices of MLA expenses and $63 million in legislature spending. And it cited the case of $78,000 paid to the landlord for renovations at Foster’s constituency office in 2009. Doyle rais... more »

Hospital sets up quarantine TENTS in parking lot to deal with flood of flu patients

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 3 hours ago
Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest in Pennsylvania created an outdoor area on Tuesday to treat patients with flu symptoms after four people have died of complications from the virus. Officials believe this year will be a particularly bad outbreak of the flu - known as the H3N2 strain - and treating patients in isolation is the best way of keeping cases at bay. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259366/Philadelphia-hospital-opens-quarantine-style-tent-deal-flu.html

things i heard at the library: an occasional series: # 6

laura k at wmtc - 3 hours ago
I must preface this post with a statement. If you aren't a regular wmtc reader, if you've stumbled on this post without knowing anything about my views: I am a fierce proponent of free speech, and I am passionately committed to intellectual freedom. Once, discussing my opposition to capital punishment, someone asked me, "Even for George Bush?" And I thought, you don't know me very well, do you? I'd give my eye teeth to see a POTUS - former or sitting - stand trial for war crimes. I'd dance in the streets as he were sentenced to life behind bars, his wealth distributed to survivors ... more »

First cases of 'incurable' antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea found in North America as CDC warns of public health nightmare

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 3 hours ago
The long feared nightmare of U.S. public health officials has come to pass with the news anti-biotic resistant Gonorrhea has been detected in North American patients. A study released today by the Journal of the American Medical Association announced it had found nine patients with a strain of the sexually transmitted disease immune to the last remaining effective oral antibiotic. This confirms the fears of both the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organisation who warned last year that untreatable gonorrhea, the world's second most common STD would soon become a rea... more »

Angry Canadians

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 3 hours ago
Gloria Galloway reports in the *Globe and Mail* that hope is fading for those who believed Friday's meeting between native leaders and Stephen Harper would put an end to the Idle No More protests: Idle No More organizers will hold their own Friday meeting for chiefs that were not invited to the talks on that day with Mr. Harper. And Governor-General David Johnston announced on Tuesday that he would not be at Mr. Harper’s working meeting with key Assembly of First Nations leaders. As a result, Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence, who called for the meeting in first place, said she ... more »

Ben Swann Destroys Piers Morgan’s Anti-Gun Argument

Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 3 hours ago
FOX19.com-Cincinnati News, Weather Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below. Sharing on Reddit and Newsvine will help the most.

Why Blue America Never Endorsed Heidi Heitkamp Last Year

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
Early last year very few people thought the Democrats would be able to hold the North Dakota Senate seat which Kent Conrad was giving up. In 2008, Obama only won 45% of the vote there (and this year he wound up with an even more dismal 39%, winning only 6 of the state's 53 counties). It's a red state turning redder. But Heidi Heitkamp was the perfect candidate for the seat-- a populist firebrand against the super-wealthy corporate hackthe GOP was running. And Heitkamp did win, beating Rep. Rick Berg 160,752 to 157,758 and taking 24 counties, including the entire eastern part of the ... more »

NSPCC slam social workers who let four-year-old girl live with child porn pervert despite being warned he was a suspected paedophile

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 3 hours ago
Child protection campaigners have slammed social workers who allowed a four-year-old girl to stay with a foster parent for two weeks after they suspected he might be a paedophile. Bristol City Council failed to act instantly after police warned them the vulnerable child lived with an alleged sex offender, which the NSPCC believe could have put her at 'serious risk of harm'. The local authority has spent two months fighting a High Court battle to prevent details of the case being reported. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259482/Social-services-knew-girl-4-living-paedophile-f... more »

Polish sex attacker 'stabbed to death by passer-by as he molested girl, 18, in the street'....Justice Served!

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 3 hours ago
A Polish sex attacker was killed by a passerby who intervened to stop him molesting an 18-year-old girl in the street, a jury heard yesterday. Janusz Smoderek died of stab wounds soon after he drunkenly assaulted the teenager while on his way home from a lap-dancing club. Stephen Sleaford admits stepping in to save the young woman, but insists he was not responsible for Smoderek's death, and says it was in fact the Pole who was carrying a knife, not him. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259478/Polish-sex-attacker-stabbed-death-passer-molested-girl-18-street.html

Norovirus: Blame It On The Aussies, Experts Say

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 3 hours ago
A new strain of norovirus, which spread from Australia, is responsible for the majority of recent cases, health experts have said. The new variant of the bug, called Sydney 2012, has become the "dominant strain", officials said. In October, when the number of cases started to increase, the Health Protection Agency (HPA) performed genetic testing on norovirus strains in England and Wales. http://news.sky.com/story/1035562/norovirus-vomiting-bug-spread-from-australia

Jessops Set To Go Into Administration

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 3 hours ago
Photography retailer Jessops is on the verge of calling in administrators, according to Retail Week. The demise of the decades-old chain would be the first high street casualty of 2013. http://news.sky.com/story/1035613/jessops-set-to-go-into-administration

Killing the Post Office for ALEC UPS and Fedex?

2old2care at Because I Can - 3 hours ago
Nine Minutes of very good video from RealNews *Selling government assets - buildings* *Privatization of government services* *THIS is part of the ALEC agenda.* I have written about the ALEC style privatization of the postal service in this blog entry *>>>HERE<<<<* UPS & Fedex denies - HAH! Why do you think they belong to ALEC? Another excellent - excellent writeup on this issue can be found at the Voter Legislative Exchange Council webpage. *>>>>HERE<<<<* ALEC/Koch Cabal Pursuing Privatization of the US Postal Service for UPS and FedEx… Posted on April 5, 2012 by Bob Sloan

Read Stuff, You Should

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 3 hours ago
Happy Birthday to Imelda Staunton, 57. And plenty of good stuff: 1. Ryan Grim and Sabrina Siddiqui on how Members of Congress spend their time. Depressing. 2. Is it the worst ever graph? It's certainly a contender, and Andrew Gelman has it. 3. Lots of reasons to take not of a small health care story hidden in the fiscal cliff bill: Peter Orszag reports why it's important for budget reasons, but it's also a great how-Congress-works story. 4. Paul Krugman really wants to mint the coin. 5. Keith Hennessey has a very reasonable debt limit strategy for Republicans. Therefore, it pro... more »

The one hundred and seventy second weekly "No shit, Sherlock" award or a Conservative MP gets it

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 3 hours ago
The Telegraph report this: 'Bernard Jenkin, chairman of the Public Administration Committee, appeared to accuse the broadcaster of bias as he was asked about splits within the Conservative Party on Europe. He predicted that James Naughtie, his interviewer on BBC Radio Four's Today Programme, would be more deferential to the next guest, Lord Brittan, a former member of the European Commission and ex-Home Secretary. "I appreciate the BBC wants to talk about the the Conservative Party but let's talk about the issue," he said. Told he was being "silly", Mr Jenkin hit back: "I bet yo... more »

Better Schools = Stronger Communities

P. L. Thomas at Schools Matter - 3 hours ago
From EmpowerEd Georgia Better Schools = Stronger Communities

Syrian rebels free 48 Iranians in prisoner swap for 2000 Syrian Prisoners: Turkish NGO

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
Syrian rebels freed 48 Iranian hostages on Wednesday in exchange for the release of more than 2,000 civilian prisoners held by the Syrian government, the head of a Turkish aid agency which helped broker the deal said. The Syrian rebel al-Baraa brigade seized the Iranians in early August and initially threatened to kill them, saying they were members of Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps sent to fight for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/09/us-syria-crisis-iranians-release-idUSBRE9080EH20130109

Anti-Torture Demo At Bin Laden Film Premiere

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
Protesters wearing orange jump suits and black hoods staged a protest outside the Washington premiere of a controversial film about the hunt for Osama bin Laden. Activists held placards bearing slogans including 'Torture Is Wrong' as lawmakers and media guests filed in to the screening of Zero Dark Thirty. It comes as the US Senate Intelligence Committee begins a review of contacts between the makers of the movie and CIA officials. http://news.sky.com/story/1035460/zero-dark-thirty-premiere-hit-by-protest

Nasa Reveals Neutron Star Effects

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
Nasa has released a film showing a spectacular light show made by a fast-moving jet of particles from a rapidly rotating neutron star. The film may provide new insight into the nature of some of the densest matter in the universe, Nasa says. The images were captured by space telescope, the Chandra X-ray Observatory. http://news.sky.com/story/1035464/nasa-reveals-neutron-star-effects

Quebec judges accused of buying drugs

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 4 hours ago
If judges are buying drugs what does that say about the law; what does it say about judges??? Story The Canadian Judicial Council announced Tuesday it is reviewing the conduct of Justice Michel Girouard of the Quebec Superior Court for the alleged purchase of “an illicit substance from a police informant.” Another judge, Marc Grimard of Quebec Court, is facing a similar allegation. On Monday, Chief Justice Elizabeth Corte of the Quebec Court said the allegation against Judge Grimard is being taken “very seriously” and he is not being assigned new cases. Both judges sit in Rouyn-... more »

Bobcat In Garage Mauling Had Rabies

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
The bobcat that attacked a man and his nephew in their garage had rabies, officials in Massachusetts have confirmed. "The bobcat has been proven to be rabid," announced Stephen Comtois, Brookfield town board chairman. He warned local people to be "on high alert for wildlife", according to the Worcester Telegram. http://news.sky.com/story/1035534/bobcat-in-garage-mauling-had-rabies

James Holmes Played Hand Puppets hours after Aurora Shooting

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
Just hours after the deadly Colorado cinema shootings, the accused gunman played hand puppets, a hearing has been told. James Holmes was apparently seen playing the game using paper bags that had been put over his hands to preserve any potential evidence. Details of Holmes' curious behaviour during police questioning were revealed on the second day of a hearing to determine whether he should go on trial for the July 20 attack in the Denver suburb of Aurora. http://news.sky.com/story/1035210/aurora-shooting-suspect-played-puppets

Oz Family Escapes Wildfires By Clinging To Jetty

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
A terrified family clung to a jetty for more than two hours while wildfires raged around them. As the flames destroyed her Tasmania home, grandmother Tammy Holmes was forced to tread water with her five young grandchildren in the sea. Photographs taken by Mrs Holmes' husband Tim, and released on Wednesday, show two-year-old Charlotte, four-year-old Esther, Liam Walker, nine, 11-year-old Matilda and six-year-old Caleb huddled together in the water. http://news.sky.com/story/1035351/australia-wildfires-family-clings-to-jetty

Time for breakfast

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 4 hours ago

5.1 Magnitude Earthquake ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
Magnitude 5.1 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 11:21:18 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 08:21:18 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 24.268°S, 69.522°W Depth 115.3 km (71.6 miles) Region ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE Distances 112 km (69 miles) SE of Antofagasta, Chile

4.9 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
Magnitude 4.9 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 10:51:29 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 03:51:29 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 1.953°S, 67.960°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 589 km (365 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

4.6 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
Magnitude 4.6 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 10:35:51 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 03:35:51 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 1.935°S, 67.946°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 589 km (365 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

Court In France Fines A Doctor Who Did Not Tell Patient Hepatitis B Vaccine Causes Multiple Sclerosis

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 4 hours ago
A hospital visit can be stressful enough without the fear that the medical treatment you need may result in further harm at the hands of trained medical staff. Doctors and other medical professionals are required to meet a certain standard of care, and when they fail to do so and it results in injury they need to be held accountable for their negligence. Court Fines Doctor Who Did Not Tell Patient Hepatitis B Vaccine Causes Multiple SclerosisChild Health Safety, 8 January 2013 A French Court has fined a doctor 3000 Euros for failing to inform a patient of all side effects of a vac... more »

Solar (UV) Variation and Terrestrial Climate

Harry Dale Huffman at The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage - 4 hours ago
"Simplify, simplify!" is the famous admonition to writers, in Strunk and White's "Elements of Style". It should equally be taught to students of physical science, as the necessary tool of every good scientist. The following is my response to an article on "Solar Variation and Terrestrial Climate" at the climaterealists site, in which the subject of simplicity of hypotheses came up: *"Many of the mechanisms proposed at the workshop had a Rube Goldberg-like quality."* *Yes -- the examples given above, and the "busy" yet strangely irrelevant "Atmospheric Structure" figure (which doesn't... more »

Scientist: Top Selling Weed Killer – Monsanto’s Roundup – Linked to Infertility by Lisa Garber

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 4 hours ago
Scientist: Top Selling Weed Killer – Monsanto’s Roundup – Linked to Infertility by Lisa Garber *Monsanto has made a pretty penny over the last several decades thanks to its top-selling herbicide, Roundup, and cash crops genetically modified to withstand heavy doses of the chemical, such as Roundup Ready corn, soy, and cotton. Meanwhile, Roundup’s key ingredient glyphosate has ravaged the earth, our food chain, and our bodies, and is even causing infertility among the masses. Its effects haven’t gone unnoticed.* ** * * Purdue University professor emeritus Dr. Don Huber addressed th... more »

Why I hate The Guardian

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 5 hours ago
CIF Watch have an article that is a must read, here's an extract: 'On Mar 26, 2001, an Israeli named Shalhevet Pass, age 10 months, was killed by* *Palestinian sniper fire at the entrance to the Avraham Avinu neighborhood in Hebron. Shalhevet was shot in the brain, while in her stroller - with her parents by her side. [image: images] Shalhevet Pass Chillingly, an investigation ruled that the the infant was shot deliberately . The Jewish baby was one of dozens of Israelis who have been murdered as the result of Palestinian sniper fire emanating from Gaza or the West Bank since the... more »

Federal Reserve May Pause Quantitative Easing

Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 5 hours ago
James Hall, Contributor An obscure report that the Federal Reserve may suspend the monetization of purchasing Treasury Bonds has the smell of disinformation. The perennial efforts to lift economic spirits with the beginning of a New Year often are packed with wishful thinking. Quantitative Easing is being treated as a useful tool for turning on and off the spigot of liquidity infusion. In reality, the results of the massive origination of debt created monies fundamental purpose is to save the commercial banks from insolvency. The trial balloon report, *Federal Reserve could pau... more »

BOOKS / Mariann G. Wizard : Steve Russell's 'Wicked Dew'

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 5 hours ago
A chapbook review: Steve Russell's 'Wicked Dew' By Mariann G. Wizard / The Rag Blog / January 9, 2013 [Wicked Dew, by Steve Russell. (2012: Dog Iron Press, Georgetown, TX.); Paperback; 88 pp; $7.75.] I've known Steve Russell since sometime in 1968 when he started showing up at The Rag office, a tall, gangly, very young Vietnam-era vet going to UT Austin on the GI Bill. Although Steve is

Tobii Gaze - mouse free - eye tracking technology

Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET - 5 hours ago
admittedly, you still have to 'hold the blue button' but this is definitely a step in the right direction: and don't worry about the 'what if you're cross-eyed' issue as it calibrates for your eyes prior to switchover. Now all's they gotta fix is the slight security issue with REVERSE MIND CONTROL from your computer screen in the coming years, imagine getting HACKERED while attempting to bluff that all-important bra-removing hand in Ultimate Online Sex Poker 2013. LOL.

4.7 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours ago
Magnitude 4.7 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 10:27:47 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 03:27:47 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 1.912°S, 67.854°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 600 km (372 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

A Reading for the Pigou Club

Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 6 hours ago
And also *about* the Pigou Club, from the *NY Times*.

4.7 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours ago
Magnitude 4.7 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 10:08:44 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 03:08:44 PM at epicenter Location 1.915°S, 67.740°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 929 km (577 miles) SW (223°) from MALE, Maldives

Australia: Fire threat not over yet

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
Fears that hot, dry weather would spark a deadly inferno in the Australian state of New South Wales failed to eventuate Tuesday, but authorities warned on Wednesday that the danger was not over yet. A change in wind direction brought temperatures off record highs in the southern state, but the hot conditions moved further north where temperatures were expected to reach 36 degrees Celsius (96 degrees Fahrenheit) in the Queensland capital, Brisbane. The fire danger north was rated as "very high," lower than the "catastrophic" warnings issued Tuesday in NSW where temperatures reached a... more »

4.7 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
Magnitude 4.7 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 09:40:52 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 02:40:52 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 1.851°S, 67.906°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 592 km (367 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

Boeing 'Brake Problem' Scare For 787 Dreamliner

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
A brake problem has reportedly forced an All Nippon Airways flight to be cancelled in Japan - the third problem in as many days involving a Boeing 787 Dreamliner. It was scheduled to fly from Yamaguchi prefecture in western Japan to Tokyo, a company official said. On Tuesday, a Japan Airlines jet was grounded at Boston Logan International Airport in the US following a fuel leak, a day after another plane of the same type suffered a fire. http://news.sky.com/story/1035431/boeing-brake-problem-scare-for-787-dreamliner

Bill Fletcher, Jr. : 'Flip the Script': Jobs over Deficits

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 7 hours ago
Image from The Fiscal Times. The Republican lock on Congress means a strategy for the cities If we are to fight it out on the economy, this will not happen in the Republican Congressional Districts. It is a fight that we will have to take up in cities around the country. It means social protests which are disruptive. By Bill Fletcher, Jr. / The Rag Blog / January 9, 2013 There is a

Tensions As Belfast City Hall Flies Union Flag After weeks of disorder

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
The Union Flag has been raised on Belfast City Hall to mark the birthday of the Duchess of Cambridge, but it is unclear whether it will it help or hinder efforts to resolve the crisis over the emblem in Northern Ireland. Five weeks have passed since the city's council voted to restrict the flying of the Union Flag to 19 designated days, such as royal birthdays, but tension surrounding the issue has continued unabated. http://news.sky.com/story/1035387/belfast-city-hall-raises-union-flag

So, has it been, is it still, all worthwhile, Mike?

Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET - 7 hours ago
"I don't know," I really don't know if all the *stupid stuff* that ends up on this Free Planet blog, is a worthy way to spend one's time or leave a legacy for one's children's children. There's no real way to properly judge if ANYTHING on this blog is true or not, the only real thing we can summarise is that, "If man can *imagine it*, it's probably real," at some point in the past, present or future. I've sat back and looked at my life on many occassions and thought, "You've just wasted all your talent, all your opportunities, all your opening doors." But this isn't (necessarily)... more »

4.7 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
Magnitude 4.7 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 09:02:39 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 02:02:39 PM at epicenter Location 1.952°S, 67.857°E Depth 10.2 km (6.3 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 923 km (573 miles) SW (223°) from MALE, Maldives

4.1 Magnitude Earthquake VALPARAISO, CHILE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
Magnitude 4.1 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 08:39:44 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 05:39:44 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 33.082°S, 71.209°W Depth 66.1 km (41.1 miles) Region VALPARAISO, CHILE Distances 8 km (4 miles) SE of Limache, Chile

4.4 Magnitude Earthquake FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
Magnitude 4.4 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 08:29:40 UTC Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 10:29:40 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 52.304°N, 170.518°W Depth 45.3 km (28.1 miles) Region FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA Distances 38 km (23 miles) SSE of Yunaska Island, Alaska

Harry Targ : 'The Untold History of the United States'

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 8 hours ago
It's not untold... The 'Untold History of the United States' Stone and Kuznick's 10-part series is a brilliant and entertaining narrative of the United States' role in the world since the onset of World War II. By Harry Targ / The Rag Blog / January 9, 2013 Oliver Stone has made an enormous contribution to discussions of the United States role in the world. His films have described the

Police fire rubber bullets at South Africa farm strikers

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Police fired rubber bullets to disperse hundreds of striking farm workers in South Africa's prime grape-growing region on Wednesday after a protest for higher wages turned violent. Scores of police clad in riot gear fired rubber bullets at the strikers, who hurled stones from behind barricades of burning tires, according to a Reuters reporter on the scene in De Doorns, a farming town 100 km (60 miles) east of Cape Town. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/09/us-safrica-strikes-idUSBRE90809M20130109

How Mario Draghi is reshaping Europe's central bank.....Starting with Days Off

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
The banker now in charge of rescuing the euro wants his top staff to take Sundays off. Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, eschews long meetings and refrains from lecturing his colleagues, senior ECB officials say. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/09/us-draghi-ecb-inside-idUSBRE90807H20130109

Bradley Manning was illegally imprisoned, judge rules

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
A military judge has ruled that the US soldier accused of handing hundreds of thousands of classified documents to WikiLeaks was imprisoned under illegal conditions but refused to dismiss charges against him. Lawyers for Private First Class Bradley Manning argued that he was abused during his nine months at a Marine Corps prison in Virginia and that his mistreatment should lead to the dismissal of the 22 charges against him. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/9789457/WikiLeaks-Bradley-Manning-was-illegally-imprisoned-judge-rules.html

Coalition misses 70 election pledges

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
The Deputy Prime Minister declared last month that the Government would provide voters with an audit of which targets it had missed and which it had achieved alongside the official review. But the annex, which consists of about 100 pages, was not published on Monday. Its existence emerged only when one of Mr Cameron’s senior advisers was photographed in Downing Street on Tuesday carrying a document that discussed the advantages and disadvantages of releasing it. The audit is understood to concede that the Coalition has missed dozens of pledges covering pensions, road building and c... more »

Ground Zero Media - Project Pegasus and Osama Bin Laden - Andrew D Basiago

Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET - 8 hours ago
Tarot Card #16***"The World Trade Centre towers coming down, was a re-Synchronisation of the Earth, the Sun and all of it. Restructuring of AN ENTIRE ERA." *And at the new 9/11 Ground Zero monument in Manhattan it says,* "No day shall erase you from the MEMORY OF TIME." "The battery-operated clocks at both the Pentagon and the Twin Towers STOPPED SYNCHRONOUSLY at 0932 hours on the morning of 9/11."* These are quotes from Clyde Lewis of Ground Zero Media during his lengthy preamble to his recent interview with Andrew D Basiago about his time travel experiences and trip to Mars in... more »

India accuses Pakistan over 'inhuman' Kashmir killings

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
India has strongly condemned the "inhuman" treatment of its two soldiers who it says were killed in an alleged cross-border attack by Pakistan troops in the disputed territory of Kashmir. India has summoned Pakistan's top envoy in Delhi over the incident. Pakistan has rejected Indian Army allegations that it killed any Indian soldiers or fired across the Line of Control (LoC) which divides Kashmir. Claimed by both countries, Kashmir has been a flashpoint for over 60 years. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-20954975

Alex Jones Warns Of Civil War If Guns Are Taken

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Alex Jones, a talk radio host from Austin, Texas who hosts “The Alex Jones Show,” has warned CNN host Piers Morgan about a new civil war if the U.S. government passes legislation tightening gun control. “Hitler took the guns! Stalin took the guns! Mao took the guns! Fidel Castro took the guns! Hugo Chavez took the guns!,” Jones began during an interview on “Piers Morgan Tonight” on Monday, referring to German Third Reich president Adolf Hitler and a host of socialist leaders, but provided limited historical or political context behind his statement. “[The year] 1776 will commence... more »


Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Police have arrested four men in relation to an attack at a Melbourne convenience store by a group dressed as Smurfs. They have questioned three 19-year-olds and an 18-year-old, who handed themselves into police this afternoon. A 37-year-old man was allegedly confronted by men in blue at the store in Pascoe Vale last month. http://au.news.yahoo.com/vic/latest/a/-/article/15795553/smurfs-arrested-over-melbourne-assault/


Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Police are trying to track down a group of men dressed up as smurfs who could hold the key to an assault on a man at a convenience store in Pascoe Vale, Victoria. Victorian police are keen to speak to the group after a 37-year-old man was assaulted at around 1am on December 16 last year outside the convenience store. Police say 'Papa Smurf' asked the victim for a cigarette, then demanded he light the cigarette first. The man reportedly refused, before noticing Papa Smurf was accompanied by two other smurfs. Police say the three smurfs were seen trying to jump start a white VS Co... more »


Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
A grassfire in the Victorian town of Wallan was probably deliberately lit, the Country Fire Authority (CFA) says. The five-hectare blaze broke out at Taylors Lane at Wallan, about 60km north of Melbourne and home to more than 12,000 people, on Wednesday afternoon and took firefighters two and a half hours to control. CFA operations officer David Harris said it was believed the fire was suspicious. "It was probably deliberately lit and police are investigating that," he told AAP. http://au.news.yahoo.com/vic/latest/a/-/newshome/15793164/wallan-locals-wait-out-fire-at-vic-pub/


Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
A couple who lost their home and all of their belongings in a ferocious grassfire that swept through Victoria's west overnight say they are lucky to be alive. Gail and Ray Stone left their Carngham home just minutes before the blaze erupted at around 3pm yesterday - a decision they say saved their lives. Half an hour later they got a call to say that Station Lane was up in flames and they began to fear the worst for their home of 30 years. http://au.news.yahoo.com/vic/latest/a/-/newshome/15794228/victoria-bushfire-victims-weve-lost-everything/

5.0 Magnitude Earthquake NEPAL - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Magnitude 5.0 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 07:44:20 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 01:29:20 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 29.753°N, 81.735°E Depth 34.2 km (21.3 miles) Region NEPAL Distances 68 km (42 miles) NW of Jumla, Nepal

4.8 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 06:50:38 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 11:50:38 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 1.915°S, 68.001°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 909 km (565 miles) SW (222°) from MALE, Maldives

4.9 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Magnitude 4.9 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 06:21:57 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 11:21:57 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 1.928°S, 68.031°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 581 km (361 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

5.0 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Magnitude 5.0 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 05:27:04 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 10:27:04 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 1.937°S, 68.031°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 581 km (361 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

Australia: What heatwave? Snow falls at Mt Hotham

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
AS the cool change brought relief to much of the state from yesterday's heat in the early hours of today, residents at Mount Hotham were stunned to see snowflakes. Mt Hotham Skiing company spokeswoman Gina Woodward said it was 3.2C on the mountain at 9.45am and the flakes were visible to all. "We had flakes in the sky and everyone went "are you joking", it wasn’t cold enough to settle on the ground though," Ms Woodward said. http://m.news.com.au/NationalNews/fi1820914.htm

Peer to Peer Sharing

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 9 hours ago
This is all about sharing mobility and using modern communication to manage it all. Applying it to other services is surely plausible if it can be cost effective and also secure. We have a huge amount of under used capacity out there that can be tapped cheaply. The hard part is trusting the random user. That needs to be well sorted out and damage control has to be as convenient. Do that and confidence will soon make it a winner. We will watch this phenomena over the next couple of years to see just how it does shake out. All the problems will need to be well worked out ... more »

New Benefit of Resveratrol

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 9 hours ago
Resveratrol packs a one two punch. It activates key stem cells for circulatory healing and its also activates telomase which is clearly prospective in terms of outright life extension. Needless to say, taking supplements is strongly indicated. Even better it supports the arguments for the benefits of grapes and the strong red fruit in our diets. The best take home that I get from this is that it is a really good idea to make dried fruit and nut blends a mainstay of your snacking needs to pretty well the exclusion of anything else. I made that last comment mainly because any... more »

Evolution and the Biology of Psychic Phenomenon

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 9 hours ago
We actually have a testable hypothesis that can be polished and perfected to clearly prove out the reality of precognition. It is even clearly linked to standard evolutionary explanations and would have arisen if it could have arisen. It is not even difficult to set up interview protocols to discover the effect. In fact it is a great science project for no end of teenage boys once we figure out how to measure early response. If is also enters high schools as a standard, we have gone along way to both confirming the effect, and to pushing precognition into serious main... more »

Chinese Experiment Confirms Light Speed for Gravity

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 9 hours ago
Yes, it should. Yet if matter is created, its effect on the universe is instantaneous. All good fun. This is a delightful experiment and it nicely comes up with the right answer. Even better as we go out into to solar system, this can be replicated everywhere to great effect and will become a standard. Thus any residual doubts about gravity been linked electromagnetic propagation can be set firmly aside. I am presently using a superior nomenclature to describe what has been called electromagnetic radiation or anything else. My descriptive phrase is now partially boun... more »

race to oblivion

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 9 hours ago

January 8, 1973

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 9 hours ago
"McCord will testify, but he has no firsthand knowledge." "McCord has no firsthand knowledge of any involvement of other people; therefore, Dean's not too worried about his taking the stand." The first quote is Haldeman's diary; the second, Haldeman to the president in the Oval Office. It's the first day of the trial, or at least jury selection, before Judge John Sirica, and John Dean briefs Bob Haldeman, the president's Chief of Staff, about what's happening. After which Nixon briefs the president. From an Oval Office conversation between Nixon, Haldeman, and John Ehrlichman: --... more »

RSS AMSU: 2012 was 11th warmest year

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 9 hours ago
*Focus moved to the contiguous U.S. states: new warm record* As the preliminary data published two months ago indicated, the satellite temperature record RSS AMSU has indeed concluded that the year 2012 was the 11th warmest year on their 34-year-long record, rather close to the median. That's not a good starting point for a hype about global warming – something that hasn't been seen for 15+ years at this point – so the climate fearmongers use a different strategy. Before I get to that strategy, let me post the complete table of the RSS AMSU years. The ranking looks like this: ...more »


Anon at aangirfan - 9 hours ago
*Aidan Licata's parents.* Aidan Licata, and five other children, reportedly ran out of Victoria Soto's classroom during the Sandy Hook school shootings. According to one report, Aidan's parents eventually *found Aidan at the police station.* "Aidan and the boys ran toward the front door, out of the building and then toward the main road where a woman stopped, picked them up and drove them to the police station," said Aidan's mother. Parents struggle to explain death of teachers, friends in school ... In this news *article*, Aidan's mother says she *found* *Aidan at the fire stati...more »

A tsunami of Tory troubles? Naw, the Alberta universe is unfolding as it should…

David Climenhaga at Alberta Diary - 9 hours ago
All we want are the facts, Ma’am. A couple of investigators hired by Alberta Chief Electoral Officer O. (for Olaf) Brian Fjeldheim prepare to go through the files of friends, relatives and employees of billionaire Daryl Katz who may or may not have donated money to the Redford Tories. Actual Alberta detectives may not appear ... more »

Matt's Apology

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
Dear Anonymous individual who is unhappy with the Coming Crisis, This individual knows who they are. I would like to start anew, if such a possibility presents itself, and apologize for any grief I might have caused you. I apologize because surely I must have done something to upset you to go to the lengths you have gone, posting on various websites about the Coming Crisis in anger, over what I'm not entirely sure. Being confrontational is never the right road, but in order for me to engage in self-examination like you wish, you need to actually tell me what's wrong. And in order t... more »

is a hacker altering the Sandy Hook timeline?

Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET - 10 hours ago
Either this is an intentional CYBER ATTACK by 'mischievous whomever' on You The People, or this "Sandy Hook Tribute To The Victims" video of the elementary school shooting massacre was uploaded to Vimeo AND TWEETED ABOUT in November of 2012. Not after December 14 2012, when the massacre happened. Even more intriguing, here's a Facebook post showing a Fundraiser set up to receive funds *days* before the massacre: On December 10, 2012 http://on.fb.me/WslC2T And here's the original screengrab of the Facebook Fundraiser's Twitter screencapture: http://on.fb.me/13hwOp0 There is a 4... more »

Common Core Announces New High School Leaving Exam (Or Entrance Exam)

skrashen at Schools Matter - 10 hours ago
Instructions: Read each question thoroughly. Answer all questions. Time limit - four hours. Begin immediately.* History Describe the history of the Papacy from its origins to the present day, concentrate specifically but not exclusively, on the social, political, economic, religious, and philosophical impact on Europe, Asia, America and Africa. Be brief, concise and specific. Literature Compose an epic poem based on the events of your own life in which you see and footnote allusions from T.S. Eliot, Keats, Chaucer, Dante, Norse mythology and the Marx brothers. Critique your poem wi... more »

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Remember Now"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
2002, "Remember Now" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq4qjI8VVzg

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
“Normally faint and elusive, the Jellyfish Nebula is caught in this alluring telescopic view. Drifting near bright star Eta Geminorum, at the foot of a celestial twin, the Jellyfish Nebula is seen dangling tentacles from the bright arcing ridge of emission left of center. *Click image for larger size. * In fact, the cosmic jellyfish is part of bubble-shaped supernova remnant IC 443, the expanding debris cloud from a massive star that exploded. Light from the explosion first reached planet Earth over 30,000 years ago. Like its cousin in astrophysical waters the Crab Nebula superno... more »

Paulo Coelho, “What Is A Miracle?”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
*“What Is A Miracle?”* by Paulo Coelho "We can define it in various ways: something that goes against the laws of nature; an intercession in moments of deep crisis; healings and visions; impossible encounters; a last-minute intervention when the Unwanted Visitor arrives. All these definitions are true, but a miracle goes beyond even that. It’s something that suddenly fills our hearts with Love. When that happens, we feel a profound reverence for the grace God has bestowed on us. So please Lord, give us today our daily miracle. Help us to see in each grain of sand in the desert ... more »

America in flu lockdown: The quarantine tent set up outside Philadelphia hospital to deal with flood of winter virus patients

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
A hospital has taken extreme measures in response to this winter's flu outbreak and is cordoning off sufferers in quarantine-like tents in the parking lot. Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest in Pennsylvania created an outdoor area on Tuesday to treat patients with flu symptoms after four people died of complications from the virus. The tent is 1,100 square feet and is equipped to treat six patients at a time with three medical staff. Access to a doctor is available inside the emergency room. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259366/Philadelphia-hospital-opens-quarantine-sty... more »

Gawker publishes names of ALL licensed gun owners in New York City

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
A gossip site has taken the controversial decision to post the name of every licensed gun owner in New York City online as the debate over gun control rages on. Gawker posted the list of names, which is already publicly available, today. It follows the move by the Journal News to publish home addresses of gun permit owners in Westchester and Rockland counties last month. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259306/Gawker-publishes-licensed-gun-owner-New-York-City.html

Stephen Lendman: "Austerity reflects predatory capitalist harshness. Bankers, other corporate favorites, and super-rich elites are enriched at the expense of most others." "Washington's fiscal cliff duplicity conceals class war. Bipartisan complicity wants America's social contract destroyed. By 2023 or sooner, it may no longer exist."

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 11 hours ago
------------------------------ *New York Times Supports Austerity Harshness* *By Stephen Lendman (about the author)* * * Permalink *OpEdNews Op Eds 1/8/2013 at 01:23:40* opednews.com *New York Times Supports Austerity Harshness* *The NYT notoriously supports wealth, power and privilege.* by Stephen Lendman Austerity reflects predatory capitalist harshness. Bankers, other corporate favorites, and super-rich elites are enriched at the expense of most others. Force-fed policies are destructive. Disadvantaged households are har... more »

Keith Ratliff Killed on rural Georgia road

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
An operator of a highly popular YouTube channel dedicated to high-powered guns and explosives was found mysteriously shot to death, authorities said. Keith Ratliff, who was a business partner at FPSRussia, YouTube's ninth most popular channel with more than three million active subscribers and a combined half billion views, was discovered on a rural road in Carnesville, Georgia. Ratliff had a single gunshot wound the head and police are treating his death as a homicide. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259190/Keith-Ratliff-Popular-online-guns-explosives-expert-shot-death-ru... more »

China: Frozen fish chipped free from ice by hungry locals

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
It’s certainly rather different to sitting outside all day with a fishing rod and bait to catch your dinner. Residents of Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province in China, were delighted to find yesterday that they could chip free frozen fish from an icy river. A section of the river was drained last month due to the construction of a nearby metro line - leaving only a shallow amount of water, according to local environmental protection bureau officials. One said: ‘Due to the low temperature and shallow water, the fish were killed by the frozen water.’ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/... more »

Astronomers say hydrocarbon blocks could contain 'exotic form of life'

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Saturn's moon Titan is home to lakes of massive hydrocarbon 'icebergs' that could form exotic forms of life, scientists have claimed. Nasa researchers say the new theory may also explain bizarre reading from the vast lakes and seas on the moon. 'One of the most intriguing questions about these lakes and seas is whether they might host an exotic form of life,' said Jonathan Lunine of Cornell University, who co-authored the study. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2259153/The-floating-icebergs-Titan-Astronomers-say-hydrocarbon-blocks-hold-key-exotic-form-life.html

Apophis: Asteroid named after an Egyptian demon set to pass by Earth tomorrow

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
A 900 foot-wide asteroid will make the latest in a series of close approaches to the Earth tomorrow. Scientists have ruled out any possibility of a cataclysmic collision - yet - but there remains a non-negligible chance of the asteroid Apophis smashing into Earth in 2036. This year Apophis, named after an Egyptian mythological demon, will not get closer than around nine million miles. Scientists will use the encounter to improve their estimate of just how dangerous the space rock really is. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2259136/Watch-Apophis-Asteroid-named-Egyptian-... more »

EU demands access to details of all UK drivers: 'Orwellian' move to hand out personal information to foreign police forces......If they don't Obey they face Millions in Fines

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Brussels is demanding that 26 police forces across the EU should have access to the personal details of every motorist in Britain. The Government is being threatened with fines totalling millions of pounds unless it obeys the ‘Orwellian’ edict. *Foreign police also want open access to the UK’s national DNA database and fingerprint records so they can check them against crime scenes and camera footage.* http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259319/EU-demands-access-details-UK-drivers-Orwellian-hand-personal-information-foreign-police-forces.html

This is what Victory looks like in Tucson!

Roberto Rodriguez at Dr Cintli - 12 hours ago
UNIDOS and Social Justice Holding it down til the end New board, prior to election of Adelita Grijalva as new chair of 3-2 pro-MAS TUSD board majority For story, go to: http://azstarnet.com/news/local/education/board-wants-tusd-to-offer-culturally-relevant-courses-for-core/article_202dca90-5a0f-11e2-9dc3-001a4bcf887a.html?fb_action_ids=10151186313905706&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_ref=.UOzrMfJmk_E.like&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582

4.9 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Magnitude 4.9 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 04:46:29 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 09:46:29 AM at epicenter Location 1.860°S, 67.884°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 913 km (568 miles) SW (223°) from MALE, Maldives

Global warming has STALLED since 1998: Met Office admits temperature of Earth is rising more slowly than feared

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
The Met Office has admitted that global warming has stalled. Officials say that by 2017, temperatures will not have risen significantly for nearly 20 years. They concede that previous forecasts were inaccurate – and have come under fire for attempting to ‘bury bad news’ by publishing the revised data on Christmas Eve. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2259012/Global-warming-Met-Office-releases-revised-global-temperature-predictions-showing-planet-NOT-rapidly-heating-up.html

Denis Burakov Killed in Zorbing Accident

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
These frightening images capture the moment that Denis Burakov, 27, pictured far right, broke his neck and spine in a 'zorbing' accident - which involves rolling downhill in a giant inflatable ball - at a ski-resort in southern Russia. His companion Vladimir Shcherbov, 33, was taken to hospital with concussion and multiple cuts to the head and body, but was later released. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259094/The-horrific-moment-father-young-girls-dies-inflatable-ball-zorbing-spins-control-falls-cliff-Russian-ski-resort.html

Republican Doyenne Georgette Mosbacher On The GOP's Tarnished Brand

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
When I was growing up, Pamela Harriman (née Digby-- yes her great-great aunt was Jane Digby!), Winston Churchill's daughter-in-law, was the grand dame of the Democratic Party, the hostess with the mostest who had had affairs with countless social celebrities, from William Paley, Averell Harriman and Edward R Murrow to Prince Ali Khan, Leland Hayward, Baron Elie de Rothschild and Gianni Agnelli. She was, in her day, known as the world's greatest courtesan. She also married some of these men. She threw parties in DC during the '60s and '70s and during the '80s and '90s she raised en... more »


Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
At a crowded market stall in Syria, a middle-aged couple, well dressed, shuffle over to press a folded note, furtively, into the hand of a foreign reporter. It is the kind of silent cry for help against a reign of fear that has been familiar to journalists visiting Syria over the past two years. Only this is not the Damascus of President Bashar al-Assad but rebel-held Aleppo; the note laments misrule under the revolution and hopes Assad can defeat its "terrorism". "We used to live in peace and security until this malicious revolution reached us and the Free Syrian Army started taki... more »

Two Boeing 787 incidents raise safety concerns

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Boeing Co's new 787 Dreamliner suffered its second mishap in two days at the same airport with the same airline, extending a series of problems that have dogged the jet for more than a month and notched up concern about the plane. A fuel leak on Tuesday forced a 787 operated by Japan Airlines to cancel takeoff at Boston's Logan International Airport. On Monday, an electrical fire erupted in a different 787 also operated by Japan Airlines at the Boston airport. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/08/us-boeing-japan-airlines-idUSBRE9070T320130108

Graham threatens to block Obama CIA nominee

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
A Republican senator threatened on Tuesday to block the confirmation of President Barack Obama's nominee to head the CIA until the administration provides more information to Congress about the September 11, 2012, attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya. Senator Lindsey Graham said his objection was not directed at Obama's CIA nominee - 25-year agency veteran John Brennan - but was an attempt to extract information about the Benghazi attacks from the White House. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/08/us-obama-nominations-brennan-idUSBRE90710S20130108

U.S. troops arrive in Turkey; rebels battle for airport in Syria

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
U.S. troops arrived in Turkey on Friday to man Patriot missile defense batteries near the Syrian border, Turkish state media said. The move was made after Syria launched Scud missiles at cities near the Turkish border. In response, the U.S., Germany and the Netherlands have deployed Patriot air defense missiles to the border region to intercept any Syrian ballistic missiles. U.S. officials: Syria using more accurate, Iranian-made missiles The missiles and troops are under the control of NATO, but the missiles are to be operated by U.S. forces. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/04/world... more »

Study Reveals Exocomet Numbers Nearly Tripled

Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 12 hours ago
*A new haul of comets around distant stars has been unveiled, more than doubling-up the number we know of.* Comets such as Halley's Comet, which makes an extensive, oval path passing near the Sun every 75 years, make themselves known through their long tails of gas and debris that comes off as they approach their host stars. The finding of more and more comets also raises the possibility that comets could play a vital role in delivery services. The new study helps illuminate the interaction between those planets and the debris discs from which they came and in turn help to expla... more »

Australia: Firefighters in a race against time

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
THOUSANDS of firefighters scrambled today to douse bushfires before more severe conditions prompt new blazes. Victoria also counted the cost of yesterday's bushfires, with an historic house among properties lost in fires near Ballarat. Yesterday's heatwave eased in parts of NSW today but areas of northern NSW were today still experiencing hot and windy conditions exceeding 40 degrees, and more hot weather is expected to hit NSW and Victoria on Friday and over the weekend. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/in-depth/bushfires/bushfire-crisis-far-from-over/story-fngw0i02-1226550004251

David R Ellis Death A Mystery

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Police are investigating the death in South Africa of David R Ellis, the director of Snakes On A Plane, the 2006 movie starring Samuel L Jackson. The body of 60-year-old Ellis, who had worked as an actor and stuntman earlier in his career, was discovered in the bathroom of his hotel room in upmarket Sandton in Johannesburg. He had last been seen by a friend in a restaurant last Saturday. "Nothing was found to be missing from his room and no foul play is being suspected at this stage," said police spokesman Lt Col Lungelo Dlamini. http://news.sky.com/story/1035199/snakes-on-a-plane-... more »

4.7 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Magnitude 4.7 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 04:12:48 UTC Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 07:12:48 PM at epicenter Location 55.334°N, 134.948°W Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Distances 102 km (64 miles) S (190°) from Port Alexander, AK

Huge Fire Rages Through Lagos Lagoon Slum

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
A massive fire has ripped through one of the poorest suburbs in the Nigerian city of Lagos, burning down ramshackle homes and workshops. Dozens of buildings were destroyed as flames tore through Ebute Metta, a community along the Lagos lagoon where sawmills process timber brought from across Nigeria. http://news.sky.com/story/1035313/huge-fire-rages-through-lagos-lagoon-slum

UK Armed Forces Warned Over Cyber Attack Threat

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
The UK's armed forces are now so dependent on information and communication technology that they could be a "fatally compromised" by sustained cyber attacks. The Defence Select Committee has produced a report that questions the military's contingency plans and urges the Government to do more to address the threat. "It is our view that cyber security is a sufficiently urgent, significant and complex activity to warrant increased ministerial attention," said committee chairman James Arbuthnot MP. http://news.sky.com/story/1035284/cyber-attack-threat-uk-armed-forces-warned

Rat plague hits penguin Island, Australia

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
A plague of black rats is destroying the native wildlife population on Penguin Island, threatening to ruin one of WA's best nature havens and ecotourism attractions. Thousands of the rats have inundated the small island 700m off Rockingham to feed on hundreds of eggs and chicks of its famous little penguin colony and other birds. Penguin Island was, as ever, an idyllic escape from the heat and bustle of the mainland yesterday but the scene belied the huge environmental threat. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/15788594/rat-plague-hits-penguins/

6.0 Magnitude Earthquake MYANMAR - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Magnitude Mw 6.0 Region MYANMAR Date time 2013-01-09 01:41:54.0 UTC Location 25.37 N ; 95.09 E Depth 99 km Distances 68 km SE Phek, Myanmar

4.6 Magnitude Earthquake KURIL ISLANDS - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
Magnitude 4.6 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 00:17:52 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 11:17:52 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 46.805°N, 152.515°E Depth 54.3 km (33.7 miles) Region KURIL ISLANDS Distances 358 km (222 miles) SE of Vostok, Russia

4.6 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
Magnitude 4.6 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 23:42:57 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 04:42:57 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 2.258°S, 68.030°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 591 km (367 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

4.8 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 23:38:43 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 04:38:43 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 2.063°S, 67.984°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 923 km (573 miles) SW (221°) from MALE, Maldives

4.7 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
Magnitude 4.7 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 23:31:49 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 04:31:49 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 1.977°S, 68.012°E Depth 10.1 km (6.3 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 584 km (362 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

5.4 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
Magnitude 5.4 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 21:26:55 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 09:26:55 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 34.429°S, 179.170°E Depth 8.4 km (5.2 miles) Region SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS Distances 378 km (234 miles) SSW of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand

Nuclear War and Deterrence

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 13 hours ago
Today I read this great essay, "The Four Paradoxes of Nuclear Strategy" by Hans J. Morgenthau, published in 1964 in The American Political Science Review. I was a political science minor and my professors favored the form of realism Morgenthau championed in his analysis of the power politics of states. Morgenthau's Four Paradoxes of Nuclear Strategy is a very well argued criticism of the insanity of nuclear deterrence. At issue: The idea that nuclear weapons actually deter nuclear war. 1. What is the value of nuclear deterrence when "The Immensity of the military force which the... more »

Coushatta Round Dance Texas 'Idle No More' Tarsands Blockade

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 13 hours ago
Tarsands Blockade VIDEO: Our Action Camp this weekend joined members of the Coushatta and Biloxi-Chitimacha tribes for an Idle No More solidarity round dance and rally within feet of the KXL pipeline easement.Click LIKE and WATCH the video here:http://tarsandsblockade.org/15th-action/Over a 120 blockaders danced and rallied in the front yard of an indigenous family's home immediately

What does Idle No More portend?

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 13 hours ago
There are wo possibilities - Idle No More means not a whole lot or is the beginning of a national awakening of a slumbering giant. It is possible that the Idle No More protests are nothing more that the spontaneous outbursts of a few frustrated at the failure of aboriginals to find a place of respect and dignity in Canadian society. If this is all the Idle No More movement is then apart from some minor delay for rail traffic and a few tie ups at bridge crossings the impact on Canadian society will be passing and trifling. But if planned and with a strategy the effect could be very... more »

Remembering Australia’s Black Saturday 2009

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago
[image: Bushfire dwarfs a fire-truck at Labertouche, near Pakenham, east of Melbourne, February 2009. Alex Coppel / The Australian] In February 2009, Desdemona was new to blogging. The world was still reeling from the global financial collapse caused by the deregulated, automated, shadow banking system – currently valued at $67 trillion and growing! Global warming was fading into the background of the public consciousness. Except in Australia, where a “once-in-a-century” heatwave had broken temperature records across the states of New South Wales and Victoria. Coupled with the re... more »

Highest Ever One-Day Sales for American Silver Eagles?

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 14 hours ago
http://news.coinupdate.com/highest-ever-one-day-sales-for-american-silver-eagles-1796/ * * *Highest Ever One-Day Sales for American Silver Eagles?* January 7, 2013 By Michael Zielinski 13 Comments Today, January 7, 2013, the United States Mint began accepting orders from authorized purchasers for 2013-dated American Silver Eagle bullion coins. The opening day sales tally of 3,937,000 coins seems to represent the highest one-day sales total in the history of the program. In recent years it has been typical for the Mint to experience the strongest sales for Silver Eagle bullion coin... more »

2nd Annual International Feminist Journal of Politics Conference

Laura Sjoberg at Duck of Minerva - 14 hours ago
The International Feminist Journal of Politics announces its 2nd Annual IFjP Conference, May 17-19, 2013, University of Sussex, Brighton, England: (Im)possibly Queer International Feminisms General Keynote: Lisa Duggan, American Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, NYU Queer Film Screening: Circumstance (2011), Introduced by Director Maryam Keshavarz. with Q&A to follow Conference Theme Keynotes: Jon Binnie, Geography, Manchester Metropolitan University, Vivienne Jabri, War Studies, Kings College London; V Spike Peterson, International Relations/Gender Continue reading

Lamar W. Hankins : The Failure of Religion-Based Public Grief

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 14 hours ago
On Sunday night, December 16, President Obama spoke at a vigil for those who died at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Conn. Image from The Washington Post. The failure of religion-based public grief My dissonance came from the very words Obama spoke and quoted because for me they are empty and inconsequential in the face of such tragedy. By Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog / January 8,

Bugger The Bankers - THE OFFICIAL VIDEO

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 14 hours ago
*From:* The Johan Joubert Community *Sent:* 07 January 2013 08:19 PM *To:* *Subject:* Bugger the Bankers Ringtone This is going viral around the web. Its a video called *"Bugger the Bankers"* Please make the last 60 seconds your ringtone. If everyone makes this their ringtone, it will be like the Christian Fish - when you hear it, you know you are not alone. Right mouse click on "bugger the bankers - ringtone" and choose "save target as" http://downloads.newera.org.za/SC%20in%20CT%20-%20Reference/ *-- The JJC*

Do NOT Surrender Your Guns, America: Important Video - Innocence Betrayed, The History Of Gun Control

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 15 hours ago
I live in Canada, and right now this once great nation has very strong gun control restrictions that make the ownership of private guns near impossible. Even recently the Canadian government attempted to pass its diabolical "gun registry" so that all private gun owners would be "registered" by the Federal Government in Ottawa. This was done so that they would have a list of all gun owners ready if and when they wanted to confiscate their guns and leave the populace helpless in the face of a criminal government. Thank goodness most people refused to adhere to this "registry", and... more »

The Art of the Possible Part 2

Way Way Up at Fort McMurray Adventures - 15 hours ago
Fortunately for us, the weather cleared and we were able to make it to Iqaluit. Unfortunately, we arrived after the tournament started. The high school, the venue where the tournament was being held, was a zoo of people, and I was trying to figure out what classroom we had been assigned as our change room/sleeping quarters. Oh yes, to make things even more interesting, I was told we had a game in 20 minutes. Just what anyone wants to hear after a 3 hour flight. In any event the team managed to get dressed and ready. They had a pretty good showing, considering how many hoops the... more »

Bulletin: In the wake of the economic meltdown big-time policy mistakes were made! Paul Krugman reports from U.S. economists' annual confab

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
Brian McFadden (August 2011) [click to enlarge] *"A family can decide to spend less and try to earn more. But in the economy as a whole, spending and earning go together: my spending is your income; your spending is my income. If everyone tries to slash spending at the same time, incomes will fall -- and unemployment will soar."* *-- Paul Krugman, in his NYT column* "The Big Fail" *by Ken* Paul K, reporting from the annual meeting of the American Economic Association and affiliates in San Diego -- an affair he describes as "a sort of medieval fair that serves as a marketplace for b...more »

Very Important Audio: John Friend's Truth Militia Broadcast For Monday, January 7th, 2013 With Doctor Rebecca Carley!

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 15 hours ago
I have been stating for a very long time that it is indeed an uphill battle against the criminals in charge of our medical and pharmaceutical industries that continue to promote their poisonous vaccines. I must reiterate that everyone must avoid vaccinations at all cost. They simply do NOT work, and the side effects from these poison laden chemical injections are far worse than the actual diseases that they are promoted in fighting! I listened to my friend, John Friend's (www.johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com) Truth Militia internet radio (www.truthmilitia.com) broadcast, "The Realist... more »

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 01/08/2013

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 15 hours ago
* * *Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 01/08/2013* 6 Etznab, 6 Chen, 9 Eb Selamat Balik! We return! Many events on your world are waiting for the right divine time for Heaven to give the formal go-ahead. We, too, are subject to this constraint. The Divine has reached a point where the decrees of the Creator require that a series of new change points be met. Until then, the dark is being held in check by special Seraphim assigned to this sacred task. As a result we are now busy conferring with our sacred associates on Earth and in H... more »

Kid Pareene and the Michelle Rhee watch!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 15 hours ago
*TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2013* *What will Frontline give us:* At Salon, Alex “Kid” Pareene thinks history may happen tonight. He think tonight’s Frontline may take Michelle Rhee down a peg. For Pareene’s reasoning, click here. Everything is possible! We will only note this: At the Frontline site, Jason Breslow previews tonight's show with pitch-perfect Standard Rhee Bullshit. The bee flies into the second grade room! Teacher grabs it and eats it! What will happen tonight? We’ll note one irony: In the interview to which Parenee links, Frontline's John Merrow says this about Rhee: M... more »

Excellent 1960 Era Film on Radiation Induced Genetic Damage

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 15 hours ago
Radiation Causing Mutations1960 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLrMS_zs1kE&feature=player_embedded# Hat tip to 3-11-11 at Enenews http://enenews.com/navy-sailor-lost-clumps-hair-after-fukushima-plume-exposure-lot-knew-people-getting-sick-bad-headaches-threw-bit

This is what CRAZY 2nd Amendment-ers looks Like

2old2care at Because I Can - 16 hours ago
If you want to see what real gun crazy looks like – watch the video on this webpage. Alex Jones is crazy – This is what 2nd amendment crazy really looks like and sounds like. A heated on-air confrontation between broadcaster Alex Jones and CNN's Piers Morgan on Monday night capped a day of attention-getting controversy for the conservative radio host, who had earlier complained of being unfairly targeted by the Transportation Security Administration. Watch it >>>HERE<<< CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY

Cuomo Close To Announcing Sweeping New Gun Control Laws

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago
A deal to give New York one of the toughest gun control laws in the nation is being negotiated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who, sources said Tuesday, is hoping to announce the plan Wednesday during his State of the State speech in Albany. Cuomo hopes to jump-start the 2013 legislative session with a big deal that could dramatically alter gun control laws across the state. Highly placed sources told CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer that Cuomo is negotiating with Assembly and Senate leaders for a package of gun control laws that would be a dramatic response to the gun violence besetting the nation, i... more »

The Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
Issaquah, Washington, USA. Thanks for stopping by.

"The Miracle of Change: Boredom"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*"The Miracle of Change: Boredom"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "The sense of feeling bored in life can be an indicator that we need to be proactive in creating change. Sometimes we feel that things aren’t moving along fast enough for us and that the world is passing us by. It may be that time seems to stand still and that we are simply bystanders in our own lives. Other times it might appear that there is nothing new left for us to experience and that we are locked into a never-ending cycle of stasis. If we take the time to listen to these feelings we will notice that there is... more »

John Friend on the Tribal Theocrat

John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 17 hours ago
Last night I was a guest on the *Tribal Theocrat* radio program. The host and I discussed media PSYOPS, Sandy Hook, 9/11, my views on Christianity and related matters. You can download the entire program *here*.

Too Awesome

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 17 hours ago
You might remember my post from a couple of days ago - "The Awesome Canadian." It was about the mindset of those right-wing deluded fucks who genuinely believe (in their own fucked-up way) that there's no racism against the First Nations in Canada and that all the problems those people suffer are all their own fault and the result of their refusal to assimilate to "Canadian values." It's about that mindset, but it was triggered by the comments at the CBC News website about Julian Fantino's ham-handed freezing of Canadian aid to Haiti, wherein the same mindset that semi-honestly bel... more »

The Coming Crisis is a Psy-Ops Website. Your data is currently being sold to Sri Lankan tutu merchants. Be afraid.

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours ago
Actually, not really. The Coming Crisis is a news aggregate website, nothing more, nothing less, which tries to deliver news and connections that the MSM doesn't tend to provide (for a good reason). However, there is one quite amusing individual or group of individuals (likely working for some governmental agency or another, or just plain immature and bored), who hangs around the CC pretty much all day, every day, and tries to undermine what we do. It doesn't work of course, and doesn't infringe upon or bother us in the least, but I felt it interesting to mention nonetheless, espe... more »

Celestial Ascent in Myth and Cult

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 17 hours ago
This is an excellent video. Celestial Ascent in Myth and Cult. [Source: John Lundwall].

Dismissing Religious Belief Concerns, Federal Court Rules in Favor of Texas School’s Expulsion of Andrea Hernandez Over Objections to RFID Tracking Badge

Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 17 hours ago
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Declaring that a Texas student’s refusal to wear a chipless RFID tracking badge is “not grounded in her religious beliefs” and is a “secular choice rather than a religious concern,” U.S. District Judge Orlando L. Garcia for the Western District of Texas in San Antonio has denied The Rutherford Institute’s request for a preliminary injunction preventing school officials from expelling Andrea Hernandez until the case is decided. According to the judge’s order, Hernandez, a sophomore in a science and engineering magnet school housed in John Jay High School, has... more »

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