Serious Allegations against HPV Vaccine Trials ...The petition outlines a series of serious allegations regarding the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.
Minimum of 40 Children Paralyzed After New Men ...On December 20, 2012, a vaccination tragedy hit. According to one newspaper, out of five hundred children who received a new meningitis vaccine, at least 40 of them have become paralyzed.
Documents Show Merck Paid This Popular Website ...Have you ever wondered how some websites come to promote vaccines? Well, here’s the answer: Pharmaceutical companies pay enormous amounts of money for websites to promote vaccines.
“Do you think it will come to jail time ...This mother has a child injured by vaccines. She wants to know what will happen if she doesn't vaccinate...
Study Shows This Amazingly Simple Act Reduces ...The big secret vaccine peddlers avoid like the plague is, one amazingly simple act reduced two diseases by 50% or more. The most vital point to remember: The decrease in morbidity of—or the rate of incidence of a disease—those affected by the diseases had nothing to do with vaccines!
Book Review – 33 Revolutions Per Minute33 Revolutions per Minute: A History of Protest Songs, from Billie Holiday to Green Day by Dorian Lynskey My rating: 4 of 5 stars The subtitle of this book is “A History of Protest Songs, From Billie Holiday to Green Day.” But it should really say that it is a history of (mostly) the U.S. [...]
Things You Might Have MissedMust listen talk by Ashanti Alston over on the AK Press site called Anarchism, Zapatismo & the Black Panthers. More cops and cab driver impersonators out raping women. Charming. Holy crap. 75% of West Virginia teens don’t use any birth control?! Can somebody rent a crop duster and drop ...
Victor Jara, Solitude, Justice, and the USAIt looks like Victor Jara’s murderers have some small chance of being brought to justice. Jara, if you are unfamiliar, was a musician and activist in Chile during the dirty war. He was tortured and killed by Pinochet’s thugs. Now Chile is prosecuting his murderers and it turns out on ...
Nothing Should Last ForeverThis might be the creepiest thing I have ever read. Many engineers, including me, think that some time around 2050, we will be able to make very high quality links between the brains and machines. To such an extent that it will thereafter be possible (albeit expensive for some years) to arrange ...
Things You Might Have MissedHRW has a new report out called Sex Workers at Risk. If you don’t have time to read the whole report, skim through some of the testimonies. How cops treat sex workers and trans people is disgusting. Of course cops treat a lot of other people like shit too as this kickass kid managed to [...]
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
The LaRouche Show, January 12, 2012Create the Future! Terminate the Greenie-"Conservancy" Terminators
LaRouche PAC Initiative: The Questions Congres ...By William Wertz Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 11, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 2
British-Saudi Terror Team Sparks Sectarian Blo ...By Ramtanu Maitra Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 11, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 2
Now Before Congress: It’s Either Glass-Steagal ...By Nancy Spannaus Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 11, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 2
Obama and the Trojan Horse!By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 11, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 2
War in Context
On the so-called crimes of Aaron SwartzAlex Stamos would have served as the expert witness on Aaron Swartz’s side in a trial which won’t now happen, following Swartz’s suicide. (Swartz had been charged by the federal government with having “stolen” over 4 million academic papers from the online archives ...
Sweeping new gun laws proposed by influential ...The Washington Post reports: With President Obama readying an overhaul of the nation’s gun laws, a liberal think tank with singular influence throughout his administration is pushing for a sweeping agenda of strict new restrictions on and federal oversight of gun and ammunition sales. The ...
Britain to send aircraft to Mali to assist Fre ...The Guardian reports: Britain announced on Saturday night that it was deploying aircraft to assist French military operations against Islamist rebels in Mali as an escalation in hostilities was claimed to have killed more than 120 people. David Cameron’s offer to transport foreign troops a ...
- Video: Latest developments in Syria following ...
Iran and the fallacy of saber-rattlingPaul Pillar writes: Among several broadly held misconceptions about Iran is that to get Iranians to make concessions we want them to make at the negotiating table the United States must credibly threaten to inflict dire harm on them—specifically, with military force—if they do not make the conce ...
Watts Up With That?
Peter Gleick misses chilly cook-off in CaliforniaWhile the eastern United States is warm, prompting the clueless to claim the climate is being “mucked with” (point: the reason for the Tornado Watch is the clash of cold air against the warmer air, something called a “front”)… …at … Continue reading →
Note to Scientific American’s Bora Zivko ...I found this humorous. h/t to Andrew Revkin. Over at Scientific American, Bora Zivkovic writes about Why the NYTimes “Green Blog” Is Now Essential Andrew Revkin of the NYT found the story worth noting, and included it in his story … Continue reading →
Al Gore’s Carbon FootprintNow that Mr. Gore is on that take from “big oil”, here’s a collection of satirical images and cartoons celebrating his new carbon footprint…
We have met the 1%, and he is usGuest Post by Willis Eschenbach In explanation of my title, I fear I’ll have to go on a bit of a digression. Let me tell three stories, about people in three different parts of our amazing planet. STORY THE FIRST: … Continue reading →
Finally, one of Gore’s trained presenter ...People send me stuff. Finally … finally! … a person trained by Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project agreed to face off in a public debate on global warming. As WUWT readers may know, trying to get one of these folks … Continue reading →
Recycling Castor Design, Recyclers of Shipping ...Castor's shipping container sauna is doing the rounds these days; We look at some of their other work
NASA to Send ATTREX Probe 65,000 Feet Over Pac ...Everybody knows NASA. But they are better known for their space exploration work than for all of the awesome scientific work they do to better understand our own planet.
California Solar Initiative Reaches 1 Gigawatt ...So far the program has helped fund more than 1-gigawatt of solar power capacity, an important milestone that few countries, and even fewer states, have reached.
The Week In Design, From Oscar Wilde to Derek ...With a cute cabin in the woods and the London Underground in between.
2014 Honda Accord Hybrid to be Made in OhioHonda has announced that it is investing $23 million into its existing Marysville, Ohio, plant to accomodate production of the new 2014 Accord hybrid.
New technology may enable earlier cancer diagnosisFinding ways to diagnose cancer earlier could greatly improve the chances of survival for many patients. One way to do this is to look for specific proteins secreted by cancer cells, which circulate in the bloodstream. However, the quantity of these biomarkers is so low that detecting them has p ...
In search of better antidepressantsA new study from researchers at MIT and Stanford University pinpoints brain cells that appear to be critically involved in depression, offering a possible target for new, more effective antidepressants. By stimulating these cells to deliver dopamine to other parts of the brain, the researchers w ...
Transgenic fish wins US regulatory backingThe first genetically engineered GE animal for human consumption — a fast-growing salmon — has come a step closer to the dinner table, with a piece of paperwork posted online today by the US Food and Drug Administration FDA.The FDA’s draft environmental assessment concludes that the fish poses n ...
‘Burden of Disease’ study shows a world living ...The health of most of the planet’s population is rapidly coming to resemble that of the United States, where death in childhood is rare, too much food is a bigger problem than too little, and life is long and often darkened by disability. High blood pressure is now the leading “risk factor” for ...
- DARPA’s Wound Stasis Technology Could Sa ...
“Epic” California freeze threatens ...California citrus growers were up all night trying to save their crops, yet the media sees California's "epic" freeze, along with deadly cold in the nations of the east as normal, while continuing to hype warm days as man-made.
A Florida wind energy company destroys a Canad ...Destroying a bald eagle nest to make way for collection of subsidies through wind turbines. WATCH NOW.
The carbon trading money treeWhen it appears easy to make a lot of money from something simple then in all probability something is wrong. The economic rules which govern the world usually dictate that it is not easy to make a lot of money with not much effort.
Are IPI and EPA plotting cap-and-trade for tra ...IPI Executive Director Michael Livermore demands that the EPA “make a finding” that transportation emissions might endanger public welfare, “propose a cap-and-trade system” for transportation fuels, find that aircraft fuels “endanger” public health, “propose a joint rulemaking with the Federal ...
Keystone XL update: The jobs pipeline remains ...Former AFL-CIO executive Mark Ayres: "The Keystone Pipeline represents the prospect for 20,000 immediate jobs, and as many as 500,000 indirect jobs [just in the U.S.] via a strong economic multiplier effect."
Ria Novosti Online News
Main News of January 13A roundup of what has happened in the past 24 hours
Some 75 Skiers Evacuated from Damaged Sochi Ca ...Rescuers have evacuated some 75 people from cable cars after a tree fell on a gondola line at the 2014 Winter Olympics resort of Rosa Khutor, in Sochi.
Georgia Frees 190 Political Prisoners under Am ...Some 190 inmates considered political prisoners have been freed in Georgia under amnesty which came into effect on Sunday.
Lavrov Rejects Assad’s Exit as Precondition fo ...Moscow believes that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's exit cannot be a precondition for a deal to resolve the country’s crisis, Russia’s foreign minister said on Sunday.
Thousands Protest Anti-US Adoption Law in MoscowSome 20,000 protesters held a march in Moscow against a law that bans children from being adopted by American families from January 1, 2013. The Dima Yakovlev Law is a direct response to the US Magnitsky Act, which bans legislators and other authorities from entering the United States who were a ...
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
Russian Space Industry to Double Output by 202 ...An ongoing reform of Russia’s ailing space industry should double its output by 2020, according to a new state program published on Saturday.
Americans Less Healthy, Die Younger: StudyAmericans under the age of 50 are less healthy and die sooner than their peers in other developed countries due in part to disease and the prevalence of car accidents, gun violence and drug overdoses, according to a new study by a panel of US experts released Thursday.
First Samples Obtained from Sub-Glacial Antarc ...Russian researchers obtained the first sample of transparent ice from the water of a unique sub-glacial lake in Antarctica during drilling operations on Thursday, Russia's Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute reported.
‘Doomsday Asteroid’ Bigger Than Estimated – ESANew observations made by Herschel space observatory show that asteroid Apophis, which is considered the most serious "space" threat to Earth, is bigger than first estimated, the European Space Agency said on its website on Wednesday.
Our Galaxy May Host Billions of Earth-Size Pla ...At least 17 billion Earth-size planets may inhabit the Milky Way galaxy, SPACE.com reported citing a new study by US astronomers.
Pruning Shears
Testing water and building communityLast summer I wrote about the Sierra Club’s Water Sentinels program for testing water. Our town’s anti-fracking activists have been using it at their homes for a while now, but around the time of my post we also began free monthly water testing for the community. We are careful to ...
Best Music of 2012IntroductionIf you dig these songs please consider buying them. Most can be had for less than a buck.Links will be live for one week. If you hold the copyright on one and would like it removed, please let me know and I’ll comply. You heartless, small-minded, ungenerous b******.Here are ...
Gun violence, public health and the missing pieceThe massacre in Newtown has once again opened up the discussion of firearms in America. We are getting the usual dumbassery about how this is a punishment from God or the fault of video games (which apparently are unavailable outside of the US) and the usual preemptive whining about how this is ...
"no one is there for you but you know who? You ...One of the under appreciated hazards of fracking is its effect on democracy. Fracking is a big, intrusive process - one that sucks up lots of water, creates enormous amounts of traffic and an ungodly amount of noise, etc. Setting aside the environmental dangers and health effects (!), the heav ...
Transcript: When fracking comes to town: Maria ...Video here.…now sits there with two contaminated wells up for sale. As you can imagine, there’s not a lot of customers for a contaminated farm. So it’s sitting there waiting to go into bankruptcy. Her husband’s in Africa serving in the military. Her horses - she has t ...
Organic Consumers.org
Tell Governor Cuomo Don't Frack New York | Art ...I call on the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, to permanently ban the practice of fracking for gas as unsafe for clean water, air and a liveable climate.Click here to read this article
FDA's New Food Safety Act Encourages Food Irra ...The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) became law in 2010. We, along with other consumer groups, were able to block some of the worst provisions of the proposed bill, but it was still flawed legislation as passed. The basic problem is that every time food safety problems emerge, the government ...
How Google Earth Revealed Chicago's Hidden FarmsCities have plenty of reasons to care about how much food is being produced within their limits - especially now that community and guerrilla gardeners are taking over vacant urban lots across the country. But most cities can only guess at where exactly crops are growing.Click here to read this ...
GMO Food Fight: Round Two 2013On November 6, in the wake of one of the most expensive and scurrilous smear campaigns in history, six million voters scared the hell out of Monsanto and Big Food Inc. by coming within a razor’s edge of passing the first statewide mandatory labeling law for genetically modified organisms (GMOs). ...
Tell the Senate: Fix the Filibuster The filibuster is one of the biggest barriers to progress in our country. This antiquated provision in Senate procedure has given a minority of right-wing senators the ability to paralyze the Senate. It's the reason there was no public option in health care reform, financial reform didn't end ...
Center for a Livable Future
The CLF Week in Links: Food Safety, Shortages, ...This week in food—MRSA in milk, new food safety rules, Jane Brody's bizarro-world blogpost, strange doings at the NIH, still debating antibiotics in animal feed, trouble brewing Zambia, and more.
The CLF Week in Links: New Year, New EnergyHere are a few of the news items that are getting the most attention at the Center for a Livable Future.
Cooking Climate-Friendly without a World-Class ...If it takes a professional chef to cook climate-friendly, we’re all doomed.
Can’t Stand the Heat? Get Into the KitchenAgriculture and the food system play a huge role in climate change – they’re far more important than most of us recognize. Because of that, choosing what to put on my table and on my own plate is a powerful act.
Opa! Food For Thought Symposia at The Black Ol ...Black Olive owner Stelios Spiliadis and his family have been introducing Baltimore not only to their Greek culture, but also to their passion for health and wellness. Their hopes of inspiring real change through the power of good food have been spreading like wildfire.
Investigate - Breaking News
US, NZ intelligence agencies spied on Megauplo ...US, NZ intelligence agencies spied on Megaupload’s Kim Dotcom. US, NZ intelligence agencies spied on Megaupload’s Kim Dotcom
Berlusconi’s fingerprints on Kate Middleton’s ...Berlusconi’s fingerprints on Kate Middleton’s topless photos. Berlusconi’s fingerprints on Kate Middleton’s topless photos
Vitamin D author slams misleading sunscreen claimsVitamin D author slams misleading sunscreen claims. Vitamin D author slams misleading sunscreen claims
The Vitamin D BriefingThe Vitamin D Briefing. The Vitamin D Briefing
New Zealand couple thrown in Bali jail, wife p ...New Zealand couple thrown in Bali jail, wife pregnant, possible miscarriage. New Zealand couple thrown in Bali jail, wife pregnant, possible miscarriage
My Care2 Picks
The Unspoken Link Between Dispersants and Sic ...The federal government now considers human health an acceptable risk tradeoff for dispersant use. Many of the same chemicals in dispersants are also ingredients in diluents for tar sands and drilling fluids for hydraulic fracturing Submitted by John Farnham to Health & Wellness | & ...
When Engine Meets IceIt turns out that ice can not only build up on a planes wings; it can also do so inside sensitive parts of an aircraft engine. HWiC three-month field campaign (January to March 2013) based in Darwin, Australia will study anvil regions on top of storms Submitted by John Farnham to Science & T ...
Saving EducationAnd the PlanetThe suggestion that teachers should also be preparing students to address our growing ecological crises might seem ridiculous at best. But what if doing so could boost student achievement? Submitted by John Farnham to Green Lifestyle | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Predator Defense Introduces the Film :"The Imp ...Explainswhy wolves can't be successfully managed by state wildlife agencies: Agency methods ignore core biology: how wolves hunt and breed, but their funding depends on hunting/ trapping fees. In fact, current wolf management may result in Wolf's demise. Submitted by Michael M. to Animals   ...
U.S. Navy sailors sue over exposure to Fukushi ...officials had to reposition the massive aircraft carrier U.S.S. Ronald Reagan after it passed under the massive plume of airborne radiation from TEPCO Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
Excellent Service to Solve Your Fluid Mechanics<!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Home insurance and the dilemma of replacement ...When it’s time to renew your home insurance policy, make the time to go over the details. Understanding the nuances in the fine print can save you money. It is up to you to decide if money today is... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Sushi - Trend and TraditionToday sushi is associated with a global trend as well as a Japanese food tradition. Not all countries’ traditional dishes are welcomed that eagerly by the rest of the world, like lutefisk from Norway... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
How Online Learning Has Introduced MBA CoursesFew decades back we hardly thought of distance learning evolving as a major schooling practice. With the advent of distance education students were surprised at the numerous opportunities they were... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Online High School Programs Help Troubled StudentsAs the popularity of online higher education continues to grow, a younger group of students has noticed the convenience of online learning. Online courses are a realistic option for young students... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
Food MythBusters – Do we really need industria ...Big Ag Busted! Outlines the myths surrounding big industrial agriculture effects on the food supply.
Bugger The Bankers – They Don’t Give An Arse!Let's all raise our voices and join in with the Austerity Allstars!
The Non-Logic of Fluoridating WaterFluoride is a compound that is added to most drinking water in the United States and some other countries. It can even be found in your food and other products such as toothpaste and dental floss. Now, why is fluoride added to the water? Let’s have a look at the alleged “logic”...
Just Say No to GMO Hemp!GMO Hemp - A good plant gone bad...
It’s 2013!Greetings from Farm Wars!
True/Slant Headline Grabs
The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scot ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and ex ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
Hospitals crack down on workers refusing flu shotsShareThisFlu fascism: Hospitals crack down on workers refusing flu shots 12 Jan 2013 A thorny question is emerging in the health care world as hospitals increasingly crack down on employees who won't get flu shots. Patients can refuse, so why not doctors and nurses? Affected workers, hospital au ...
AG Holder met with CT governor on plan to redu ...ShareThisAG Holder met with CT governor on plan to reduce gun violence two weeks before Sandy Hook shooting --Attorney General Eric Holder discussing gun violence 27 Nov 2012 Gun violence in Connecticut's cities is what's bringing U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to the state of Connecticut tod ...
Sheriff's Office wants to fly drones over Oran ...ShareThisSheriff's Office wants to fly drones over Orange County skies 12 Jan 2013 (FL) The Orange County Sheriff's Office is experimenting with two surveillance drones that it hopes to turn loose over Metro Orlando skies this summer. Sheriff's spokesman Jeff Williamson would not reveal specific ...
Cuomo declares emergency in flu epidemic, issu ...ShareThisCuomo declares emergency in flu epidemic, issues executive order allowing pharmacists to give more flu shots 12 Jan 2013 Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Saturday declared a public health emergency in New York due to increasing severity of the flu season. In tandem, he issued an executive order tha ...
NY nuclear plant worker charged in equipment theftShareThisNY nuclear plant worker charged in equipment theft 12 Jan 2013 A maintenance supervisor at New York's Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant has been arrested on charges that he stole more than $50,000 of equipment and scrap metals from the plant. Theodore Kozelka was free on $1,000 bail Sa ...
Daily Loaf
5 books that are sure to heat up your kitchen lifeI like to read — a lot. I could make lists counting the hundreds of books that make great reads. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time and you may not have the attention span for that. To keep it short and sweet, here’s a list of five books that I feel add depth and meaning [...]
Beer Review: Victory Hop Devil/Victory Hop WallopVictory Brewing Company opened up fifteen years ago in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, but only recently entered the Florida market. With such beers as their highly touted Prima Pils and Storm King Stout, Victory has earned a rightful place among the respected craft brewers in the United States. St ...
D’s nuts: Rays’ crazy defense feeds hitting, p ...Tampa Bay took the series victory against the Chicago with the win, getting back to .500 and improving to 2 games back in the American League East division. Rays look for sweep tomorrow.
Interview with Michael Foley about the Florida ...The Florida Dance Festival provides a springboard for raw talent and fresh ideas.
Just plain cheesy: Celebrate National Grilled ...April is National Grilled Cheese Month: an entire four weeks devoted to the American classic. The following sandwich recipe is from cheese expert and author Laura Werlin’s book, Great Grilled Cheese.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
VRM: Mandatory Vaccinations – How They ...The modern healthcare system, like any powerful corporation, is designed to favor those who acquiesce with their rules & regulations; likewise to weed out & alienate those who do not fall into line with the rest of the “herd”. The entire cesspool of Western Allopathic Medicine, fueled by ...
VRM: The A,B,C’s of Respiratory HealthTypically those living in the West are annually starved of the life-giving UVA Ultra-violet light rays (which manifest as the steroid hormone Vitamin D3) throughout the entire duration of Winter & early Spring. As a result the Lymphocytes in their lungs cannot process Vitamin C & E, whic ...
VRM: Weaponized Polio & The African Green Monk ...According to a groundbreaking, controversial report, released in 1961 in the wake of the Salk & Sabin Polio vaccine debacle, Medical researchers identified that ‘all primary monkey kidney may contain one or more latent viruses whose characteristic cytopathology becomes evident when such tiss ...
VRM: World Health Organization Mafia – L ...‘The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and ...
VRM: The Autism ReportDue to the complex nature of Autism Spectrum Disorder a formal definition will be helpful in establishing the parameters of this report; while differentiating the co-factors from other similar conditions. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) , considered the standard of current Medical Industry ...
B.C. Preppers Network
You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set. A cute little luxur ...
Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditi ...
Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new ...
Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller ...
Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal fo ...
Michael Yon
Tracking Training in South Africa07 January 2013
Note from a Wise Man07 January 2013 A note appeared on a private message board. This private group includes many current and former generals, and just about anyone you see on television or in books as a national security specialist, ranging from CIA to all the top war correspondents, special operations types ...
Amber of War06 January 2013 A defense expert commenting on my dispatch “Stuck in the Mud” recommended the book Mud: A Military History. I completed reading the book. The recommendation was solid. The subject became more interesting in Iraq. Goo would sometimes rain from the skies ...
Medevac Crews Increase En-Route Patient CareArmy UH-60 MEDEVAC Black Hawk (Photo by Sgt. Daniel Schroeder, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs) 05 January 2013 Army.mil/News by Capt. Richard Barker KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- During the course of the last several months, two Medevac companies in Task Force Hammerhead, Company C, 3 ...
Americans Never Give Up Your Guns03 January 2013 This interesting piece was published 27 December 2012 on a Russian blog. Reprinted here with permission: By Stanislav Mishin Americans Never Give Up Your Guns By Stanislav Mishin These days, there are few few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degen ...
The Killing Train
Duets for AbdelrazikI'm listening to Duets for Abdelrazik, which my friend Stefan Christoff sent to me as an early holiday present. It's mellow music considering that it is the story of the thoroughly appalling mistreatment of someone by an appalling system. read more
Global Research Podcast on the DRCA podcast interview with me on the DRC on global research.ca, conducted by Michael Welch.
Haiti's New Dictatorship (the short version)December 19, 2012 Socialist Project Bullet article summarizing Haiti's New Dictatorship What constitutes a dictatorship? Haiti had an election in 2006, which the popular candidate won. It had an election in 2011, which had one of the lowest turnouts in recent history and which was subject to all ...
Mark Twain's Killing TrainEvery time I give someone my email address, or tell them the title of my blog, I get a raised eyebrow or a shocked look. Now, telling people the title of my first book has the same effect. For that reason, I've set up this blog to have "Why Killing Train?" and an explanation about the new book v ...
Partition talkWhen Belgium realized in the 1950s that, given that France and Britain were losing their African colonies, it would no longer be able to hold on to Congo, it set about trying to guarantee continued control over the strategic aspects of the economy, especially the mines. At first, it sponsored it ...
Recycling Castor Design, Recyclers of Shipping ...Castor's shipping container sauna is doing the rounds these days; We look at some of their other work
NASA to Send ATTREX Probe 65,000 Feet Over Pac ...Everybody knows NASA. But they are better known for their space exploration work than for all of the awesome scientific work they do to better understand our own planet.
California Solar Initiative Reaches 1 Gigawatt ...So far the program has helped fund more than 1-gigawatt of solar power capacity, an important milestone that few countries, and even fewer states, have reached.
The Week In Design, From Oscar Wilde to Derek ...With a cute cabin in the woods and the London Underground in between.
2014 Honda Accord Hybrid to be Made in OhioHonda has announced that it is investing $23 million into its existing Marysville, Ohio, plant to accomodate production of the new 2014 Accord hybrid.
Democratic Voice of Burma
Mining ministry drops defamation lawsuitBurma’s ministry of mining has agreed to drop its defamation lawsuit against the Voice Weekly news journal, launched after they printed corruption allegations against the agency in March last year
One dead, four hurt in Kachin train explosionA policeman was killed and four civilians were injured when a freight train derailed on its way to Myitkyina in northern Burma, after being struck by an explosion on Wednesday evening
Govt to amend controversial publishing lawThe Burmese government has pledged to amend the draconian publishing law that requires all publications to register with and submit copies to the censorship board, but is not planning to abolish the legislation
Thailand set to deport another 400 RohingyasAround 400 Rohingya migrants discovered in a raid on a camp hidden in a remote rubber plantation in southern Thailand will be deported back to Burma, Thai police said Friday
Indonesia FM pledges $1million in aid to Araka ...The Indonesian Foreign Minister has pledged one million dollars in humanitarian aid to Arakan state after a visit to the conflict-torn region, where Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims clashed last year
Telegraph - Climate Change
A forecast the Met Office hoped you wouldn't seeThe Met Office thought Christmas Eve would be a good day for burying good news, says Christopher Booker
Wildfires across Australia and the US's hottes ...The only honest appraisal of the world's climate is to look at long-term trends, writes Geoffrey Lean
Global warming at a standstill, new Met Office ...The Met Office has downgraded its forecast for global warming to suggest that by 2017 temperatures will have remained about the same for two decades.
Europe, wind, warming... we're slowly waking u ...2012 was a year when many long-dominant belief systems began to collapse, says Christopher Booker
Climate change may have driven evolution, scie ...Rapid climate change in Africa two million years ago may have driven human evolution, according to new research.
National Geographic | Environment
In Kulluk’s Wake, Deeper Debate Roils on Arcti ...The drive for the Arctic’s vast oil and natural gas stores could falter, but is not likely to end, with the grounding of Shell’s drilling rig, Kulluk.
2012: Hottest Year on Record for Continental U.S.Last year was the warmest year on record for the continental U.S. by a wide margin, scientists said this week.
Salt Power: Norway Project Gives Osmotic Energ ...Ocean energy lurks not only in waves and tides, but also in saltiness. A Norway experiment seeks to harness renewable power in saltwater’s natural movement into fresh water.
What Lives in Your Gut?A citizen science project explores how diet and lifestyle affect the microbes that dwell inside us.
Wireless Power May Cut the Cord for Plug-In De ...WiTricity, a company based near Boston, envisions a future where everything from mobile phones to vehicles can be charged without wires.
Jurist - Legal Research
Germany court rules for Motorola in Microsoft ...[JURIST] The Mannheim Regional Court in Germany ruled for Motorola Mobility, a subsidiary of Google, against Microsoft [corporate websites] on Friday. This was the fourth decision [FOSS Patents report] in a suit between Motorola and Microsoft to be issued this year, all of which were countersuit ...
UN: proposed Ukraine gay propaganda ban violat ...[JURIST] The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) [official website] on Friday condemned [press release] a draft law [bill 8711 materials, in Ukrainian] that would ban pro-gay "propaganda" in Ukraine. The OHCHR said that the bill would be open to abuse and that it violates ...
UK court allows Kenya ex-prisoners to sue for ...[JURIST] The Queen's Bench Division [official website] on the High Court of England and Wales ruled Friday that three elderly Kenyans can sue the British government for torture they suffered while in detention under the British Colonial Administration in the 1950s. Judge Richard McCombe ruled th ...
UK court approves extradition of terror suspec ...[JURIST] The High Court of England and Wales on Friday approved the extradition of five terror suspects to the US. The court's decision comes a week after the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) [official website] gave its final approval of the extradition, which it had initially approved [JUR ...
Australia High Court upholds tobacco plain-pac ...[JURIST] The High Court of Australia [official website] on Friday published its reasons [text, PDF] for dismissing a lawsuit brought by several large international tobacco companies challenging the labeling requirements of the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 (TPP Act) [materials]. The court ori ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
Is the Press Fair to Palin?The former Alaska governor likes to criticize the "lamestream media." Does it hold her to a different standard?
Will Nuclear Watchdog Report Change U.S. Polic ...The International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran may still be working toward a bomb
Obama to Issue 'Wikileaks Order'After the leak of classified State Department cables, the president will direct federal agencies on sharing information
Why U.S. Presidents Lecture the UNAmerican leaders consistently hector the global body, challenging it to live up to its charter
Obama's Lonely Middle GroundThe president and Congress just haven't gotten along. In tonight's speech, he'll face a tough political calculus yet again.
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] WikiLeaks on Canada in Iraq War - coat
- [COAT] CANSEC Arms Bazaar Protest, June 1, Ott ...
- [COAT] Put a SNAG in CANSEC: Spring Nuremberg ...
- [COAT] WikiWeapons Cda Exposes 18,888 Export C ...
- [COAT] Latest on Cda's Arms Exports & CANSEC r ...
Expose the BNP
Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a na ...
Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep hi ...
Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative cand ...
Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop den ...
Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterday’s Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that “Liberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.” The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parents’ finances as we ...
Ode Magazine
Sonic boonA search for the healing power of sound I’m lying in A bed that’s as hard as nails with a series of strings along the sides and two gongs above my head. It’s known as a gong bath, and Gwen de Jong, a practitioner of sound healing at Spirit Connection in Amsterdam ...
The secret’s in the sauceWhat my father’s recipe for pasta marinara says about the future of capitalism As the daughter of a Neapolitan, I grew up eating pasta with marinara sauce. My father didn’t always make it from scratch, but he did so often enough for me to follow his recipe through memories. Fr ...
Clean water, clean energyIn the prosperous West, we generally only get worked up about clean water and electricity when the bill arrives in the mail, and we discover that once again, we’ve been showering too long and leaving the lights on too often. But in many parts of the world, people can only dream ...
Blocking CO2 to beat malariaMosquitoes are so difficult to elude because they pursue us via the CO2 exhaled in our breath. That’s annoying when we’re relaxing outside on a summer evening, but it’s devastating for the 200 to 300 million people who contract malaria annually. More than 1 millio ...
A winter’s taleCelebrating the return of the bald eagle In the Iowa winter, as the poet Robert Hass wrote, “a farmer’s dreams are narrow,” and autumn can inspire me with a kind of dread as I work in the garden that will soon be buried under snow. But this coming winter, as the ...
OpEd News
11 Years of Infamy -- US Actions at Guantanamo ...Despite his January 22, 2009 executive order closing Guantanamo Prison in one year, President Obama ensured the continued operation of Guantanamo for another year by signing the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013, and refused to challenge the Congressional mandated ban on transfers from ...
Sandy Hook massacre: (1) plot to incite gun co ...In a provocative op-ed piece about the Sandy Hook massacre, Jim Fetzer argues that Adam Lanza, 20, was not likely the shooter. Instead, the real culprits killed him and his mother beforehand, and then placed his body in the school. Fetzer conjectures that the real culprits were part of a plot to ...
Musings About The "Khans" Of Our SpeciesJust some of my thoughts about the abuse of power and wealth in Our Nation and Our World.
The Short, Sad Life of Greedaholics AnonymousSometimes it takes a grand human tragedy to put the petty problems of our petty lives into proper perspective. While we were nursing new year's hangovers caused by BevMo Beaujolais and generic Gin, the Important People of the World were trying, and failing, to recover from a terrible addiction: ...
Bullying: A Pain in the BrainNeed another reason to stop bullying at its earliest stages? Bullying can cause long-term brain damage.
Could Buenos Aires be a model for thinking abo ...Kaid Benfield, Director, Sustainable Communities, Washington, DC Today’s article is guest-authored by my friend and frequent collaborator, Lee Epstein, an attorney and land use planner working for sustainability in the mid-Atlantic region of ...
Cuomo sets national model for power plant poll ...Dale Bryk, Director, Air & Energy Program, New York Yesterday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took a bold step, a nation-leading step, in his State of the State address by committing not only to better prepare our state for climate impacts, but to a ...
EPA Can Stop the Pebble Mine from Imperiling B ...Frances Beinecke, President of NRDC, New York City Every year tens of millions of salmon return to the pristine shores of Bristol Bay in Alaska. They linger in the bay’s cool shallow waters before charging up nearby streams to spawn and create ...
Along Big Muddy, the Warning Signs of Climate ...Rocky Kistner, Communications Associate, Washington, DC When officials confirmed this week that 2012 was the hottest year on record in the contiguous U.S., it came as no surprise to anyone who walked through the cauterized corn fields of A ...
Businesses, Labor and Environmentalists Jointl ...Luke Tonachel, Vehicles Analyst, New York City We can and should have cleaner-burning gasoline and less smog pollution from cars. It’s time for the Administration to strengthen existing standards to clean our air and protect our health. On Ja ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
Against “Ground and Pound” Sentime ...In the wildcard thread, in the course of explaining why you can’t build a winning NFL team around a running game, I reiterated in passing that the Browns were idiots to trade up to take a running back with a top-3 pick. Given that the Browns, in exchange for the additional draft picks and ...
When Labor Becomes Justified in Hating Environ ...As someone dedicated to building bridges between the labor and environmental movements, this post from Good promoting the idea of online grocery stores makes me want to hold my head in my hands. The post never says a word about labor or workers. What it does say is this: 1. People like food vari ...
Next, Dick Cheney Presents His Thoughts on Hun ...Coal mine baron and Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship, owner of the Upper Big Branch mine where 29 miners were killed in an explosion in 2010, shares his thoughts on mine safety. Understand that Blankenship is famous for his contempt for safety regulations. In fact, Blankenship’s overall b ...
Pump and DumpI don’t mean to intrude on Paul’s beat, but in case he’s too shell-shocked by yesterday’s Broncos game to comment immediately, I thought it was worth noting that the very richly compensated John O’Brien and the particularly egregious con he’s running law schoo ...
Particularly Bad Tu Quoque Arguments of the DayUhm, Byron, there’s a big difference between purely symbolic votes against raising the debt ceiling and making a serious threat to destroy the credit of the United States to extract policy concessions. If Senate Republicans and the House Republican leadership want to cast symbolic votes ag ...
Desert Research Institute
Kathryn Bywaters, Jan. 2013 Featured DRI Gradu ...Meet Kathryn Bywaters, an Environmental Science student working on her Ph.D. Her current work focuses on utilizing microalgae and cyanobacteria consortia as a potential source for biofuel production.
Gary Trubl, Dec. 2012 Featured DRI Graduate St ...Meet Gary Trubl, a student working towards his masters in Environmental Science and currently studying the biogeochemistry related to denitrification of Lake Vida, Antarctica.
Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme A ...This week a pioneering study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) and co-authored by Dr. Alison Murray and Dr. Christian Fritsen of Nevada’s Desert Research Institute (DRI) reveals, for the first time, a viable community of bacteria that survives and ekes out a ...
Tom Malamakal, Nov. 2012 Featured DRI Graduate ...Meet Tom Malamakal, a second year student of the Atmospheric Sciences graduate program, whose focus has been on monitoring the influence of wildfires and prescribed burns in and around the Lake Tahoe basin.
DRI Announces 2013 DRI Nevada Medalist Dr. Nin ...DRI will proudly present Dr. Nina Fedoroff, a leading geneticist and molecular biologist who is a pioneering researcher in the field of plant genetics, with the 2013 DRI Nevada Medal during a special event scheduled for early next spring in Reno and Las Vegas.
Earth Techling
Hydrogen Fuel Cells Could Face Cost RoadblockLux Research says the hydrogen economy envisioned by fuel cell boosters is likely to be curtailed by high capital costs and cheaper alternatives.
UK Recycling Program Turns Junk Cars Into TreesTrading a gas-guzzler in for a more efficient vehicle can help make the UK a greener place. Literally.
Moscow Technopark Focuses On Dorm LifestyleOutside Moscow, a high-tech city called Skolkovo is being planned to rival Silicon Valley, using green building principles to encourage technology innovation.
We Need A Lot of Clean Energy To Stabilize Nea ...Center for American Progress talks about the need for every last bit of carbon-free energy starting ASAP to have a reasonable chance of avoiding catastrophic levels of carbon pollution.
Home Energy Efficiency For Every Month In 2013Editor’s Note: EarthTechling is proud to repost this article courtesy of Alliance To Save Energy. Author credit goes to Miriam Berg. Start 2013 off right! Make a plan to be energy efficient every month of the year with our 12 energy-saving tips. New Year, New Light Bulbs Replace old, ineff ...
National Law Journal | U.S.
IN-HOUSE COUNSEL: Law departments, data sharin ...Ease of creating recordings suggests that in-house counsel will make much more use of, and benefit from, them.
OPINION: Test case on discriminatory mortgagesSuit claims Morgan Stanley was aider and abettor of subprime loans to black home owners.
OPINION: Unfair claims, untenable solutionProfessor John Coffee does not do the SEC's enforcement record justice.
THE PRACTICE: A variety of hurdles to prosecut ...Recent decisions demonstrate that prosecutors often have their hands full in trying to win these cases.
A 'can-do' attitudeDuring his 22 years as clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court, William Suter has always been more than just a clerk in the bureaucratic sense. He has been the court's goodwill ambassador to the legal profession, specifically the lawyers who experience the honor and anxiety of arguing before the court. ...
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
Community Workshop in Tioga County on Environm ...The Clean Air Council and Penn Environment, state-wide environmental groups, will give an educational workshop in Tioga County for residents of north-central Pennsylvania on Saturday, March 24, 1-4 PM. The training will be held at the W.M. Tokishi Training Center, NYPUM Drive, Wellsboro, PA 1690 ...
New State Impact PA AppSince I now live in south central PA (I moved south from Tioga County; north central PA) and have less access to the center of the gas drilling, I frequently use State Impact PA as a resource as well as tune in to WITF radio on my commutes to work, when I’m not pedaling my [...]
OilandGasHelp.comI happen to be looking for the location of a specific Northwest Savings Bank in PA and when I pulled up their website I found the below link. http://www.oilandgashelp.com/ It looks like Northwest Savings Bank has put together a section of their website to answer questions or help folks who are c ...
The Passage of House Bill 1950…I thought I’d highlight a few of the items that I find horrifying that passed with house bill 1950 during yesterdays vote. Municipalities will no longer be safe from drilling and the acceptable distances of drilling pads and compressor stations from homes or public spaces, such as schools, ...
Update on PA Roads Effected by Gas Drilling fr ...From the DCNR website: In recent years there has been a marked increase in natural gas activity in state forests in north central Pennsylvania . Visitor experiences and road usage can be impacted by this activity. Loyalsock State Forest Bodine Mountain Road: Heavy gas activity is to be expected ...
News Blaze
Laws to Become More Gun-Friendly After NewtownGun owners are on a 'winning streak' Todd Vandermyde, the NRA's lobbyist in Illinois, told news media. Chicago-area lawmakers in the General Assembly 'had better realize that,' he threatened.
Lex Vander Urges FIFA to Give Somalia More Pri ...Mr. Lext Vander who returned to his country overnight on Friday after the successful completion of the first phase of the construction of Somalia's old soccer facility told his farewell ceremony at the Lido Sea Food restaurant
America Grinding Its Way Into Ever Increasing DebtMuch of the planet is slowly finding its way out of grinding poverty. America is grinding its way into ever increasing debt. Rate of American growth from 1750 until now is going in a poor direction.
Is US Weary of Obama?'Whose the most tired of US Administration, them or Us?
Did David Wineland and Serge Haroche Steal Ide ...Dr. Omerbashich says the Royal Swedish Academy is a Crime Scene and he has the proof that Nobel laureates stole his discovery.
environment 360
California Solar Rebate Program Reaches 1-Giga ...California homeowners and businesses, taking advantage of a state rebate program that encourages the installation of solar panels, are now generating 1 gigawatt — or 1,000 megawatts — of electricity, roughly the equivalent of a nuclear power plant, state regulators say. Launched in 2 ...
Up to 50 Percent of Food Is Wasted Worldwide, ...As much as half of the food produced globally is wasted each year as a result of inefficient agricultural practices, inadequate storage facilities and transportation systems, and wasteful consumer habits, a new report says. While the world community produces about 4 billion metric tons of food a ...
Reviving Europe’s Biodiversity By Importing Ex ...Scientists are conducting intriguing — and counter-intuitive — experiments at several sites in Germany: Bringing back long-lost herbivores, such as water buffalo, to encourage the spread of native plants that have fared poorly in Europe’s human-dominated landscape. BY CHRISTIAN SCHWäGERL
U.S. Heat Record Was Shattered in 2012, NOAA ...Last year was by far the warmest year in U.S. history, with the average temperature in the contiguous states climbing a full degree higher than the previous high and Click to enlarge NOAA Annual climate records, 2012 every state recording above-average annual temperatures, according to ...
Using Fireflies As a Model, Scientists Boost E ...Drawing inspiration from the structure of a firefly, scientists say they have improved the efficiency of a light-emitting diode (LED) by 55 percent. While studying the insects, the researchers noticed that Nicolas AndréLED inspired by fireflies a pattern of sharp, jagged scales on the fireflies ...
Red Ice Creations
Abuse "vast, predatory and opportunistic": Sav ...Jimmy Savile abused children across six decades at 14 hospitals including Great Ormond Street and a children’s hospice, according to a police report. He also carried out 14 alleged assaults at schools. Savile offended while working at the BBC between 1965 and 2006, the year he sexually assaulted ...
When Proof Is Not Enough: Proof of Heaven and ...The story is one you’ve heard before: a man slips into a coma and nearly dies. While his body fails, he somehow experiences lights, colors, and landscapes, all while disconnected from his body. Messages are imparted, deep feelings are felt, and then the man is sucked back into the material world ...
Robot baby has an expressive face only a progr ...A couple of years ago we gave you a look at the humanoid robot baby known as Diego-san, a disturbing mix of machine efficiency and cherubic cuteness. But back then we only had photos. Now video has emerged of the robot, and the effect is surprisingly realistic. Developed by the University of Cal ...
Talk About Politicizing Intelligence! Meet Joh ...John O. Brennan, nominated by President Obama to be the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency, is a crafty character. Not surprising for a spy. The Washington Post says that his nomination may generate a debate about the policy of using drones to kill terror suspects, and that there’s ...
Even More Mystery Booms Reported in Utah, Cali ...They showed up this week in Oklahoma, were then recorded in Massachusetts, and one reader even reported them in Indiana, but it seems that the “Mystery Booms” are still going strong with new reports coming out of the West Coast. The first new set of strange explosions were heard in Weber County, ...
Russia Today
Britain preparing for new Falklands War?A series of military options are being considered by UK defense chiefs as tension mounts between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands, a report by the Sunday Telegraph claims. Read Full Article at RT.com
Brits rate immigration as society’s biggest is ...The British public views immigration as the biggest issue facing society, but UK citizens are basically tolerant to immigration, as long as new arrivals are in work and integrate into society, it was revealed in a poll... Read Full Article at RT.com
Thousands rally against anti-adoption law in M ...Some 9,500 people have marched in central Moscow against the so-called Dima Yakovlev anti-adoption law. The protest has been peaceful, with no arrests made. Read Full Article at RT.com
Pakistani PM out to convince protesters to bur ...Pakistani ministers are trying to calm a thousand-strong protest in the city of Quetta, where grieving relatives of the victims of anti-Shiite bombings are refusing to bury their loved ones until they can feel safe from... Read Full Article at RT.com
Six men arrested in new India bus gang-rape ca ...Six men have been arrested after kidnapping and raping a female bus passenger in the northern Indian state of Punjab. The arrests come after a similar New Delhi gang-rape case where the victim died from her injuries,... Read Full Article at RT.com
Not My Tribe
MIT drives Aaron Swartz to suicide, JSTOR only ...RSS pioneer and Reddit cofounder Aaron Swartz, age 26, found hanged. Swartz was facing 35 years for hacking, aka liberating MIT research archives buried behind a pay-wall, often to the frustration of their own authors. You might think schools of higher learning are in favor of disseminating know ...
Who is ‘Idle No More’?Here is a short explanation of who is Idle No More? Idle No More: Hints of a Global Super-Movement
In defense of China against US imperialism todayChina and Russia might have both been turned backwards towards capitalism by their own ‘communist parties’, but that is no reason today to let them remain undefended while under constant threats of direct military attack by Western Imperialism led by the Pentagon and Nato. And YES, t ...
Broomfield Police play rough game of Cowboys a ...BROOMFIELD, COLO.- Fellow Occupy members and I joined in a “round dance” flash mob at a local mall on Wednesday night, as part of the growing IDLE NO MORE actions whose First Nations grievances include the despoiling of indigenous treaty lands by tar sands extraction and the XL pipel ...
14 centsSince cities like Colorado Springs are trying to make it illegal for anyone to ask for spare change on downtown streets and elsewhere, the State of Colorado in its infinite wisdom and kindness of the bosses has just now raised the minimum wage by 14 cents an hour! Whoopeee!!!!!! Now don’t ...
Debunking the Debunkers
When Your Right You Don't Have to Worry About ...Spartans of Truth .... https://www.facebook.com/groups/183728944973010/ When I was in the second grade my teacher asked the entire class to raise their hands if they thought … "John ran." … was a sentence ... I proudly raised my hand because she had literally just got done telling us that it wa ...
Debunking the REAL 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mec ...I am happy to announce that my latest article is finally available online! My newest work, titled Debunking the REAL 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can't Face Up to Reality, is a point-by-point refutation of Popular Mechanics' weak arguments regarding the controlled demolition of the three WT ...
9/11 Truth on NetflixIf you are trying to introduce someone to the 9/11 truth movement that has Netflix, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup, can be beamed onto their TV in seconds via their streaming service! Reviews from Netflix subscribers can be read here on the Neflix site. Many other great documentaries are ...
Why we KNOW the 911 Truth 'Debunkers' are Actu ...When dismissing or ignoring the key scientific evidence that proves the 911 attacks upon the World Trade Centre involved inside help most 'Debunkers' rest their case upon a few central fallacies - that the key evidence is not adequately proven or that the conspiracy material bein ...
911 Free Fall Radio: Mark Basile and WTC Dust ...Mark Basile is a chemical engineer who has worked in the industry for thirty plus years and has been a pioneer of the 9/11 Truth movement when it comes to the hard evidence. He is also featured in the latest movie by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, "9/11 Explosive Evidence, Experts Spea ...
- On Cereal Serving Sizes. Grape Nuts as an Example
- Diet Cran-Energy: Healthy Drink or Another Dis ...
- Do Soft Drinks Lead to Depression?
- GMO Labeling, The Next Generation
- The Healthiest Chicken Nugget Is…
How to Do It Yourself: DIY SEO CampaignPeople who are just beginning to focus on their website or blog may or may not know that they should make their content live up to the standards of search engine optimization or SEO. Making content SEO rich is the one of the most effective strategies for boosting the number of visitations on you ...
Twitter Step by StepTwitter management can be a daunting task. There are a lot of articles telling you the do's and don'ts of Twitter, however it can still be difficult to pin down exactly what you should be doing each day step by step. If you are having a hard time getting organized and keeping up with everything ...
SEO Tips For Your Blog and BusinessWhen was the last time you thought about your site beyond adding content? It is probably time to take a look at how things are organized. When you started the site you had certain goals, ideas and experiences, now as time has passed it is a good idea to take another look at those goals [...]
How To Choose KeywordsEvery day millions of searches are performed on the internet and all of those search terms are saved and provided to us to peruse at our discretion. Unfortunately, on the other hand, there are millions of searches performed every day on the internet and ALL that data is saved and provided to us ...
Why Social Media Isn’t Working For YouSo you took the first step and signed yourself up for some social media sites and started marketing yourself and now you're waiting for the traffic to start rolling in. You've done your research about social media marketing and everyone tells you to find followers, engage them and turn them into ...
Survival International
Remembering Marcos Veron 10 years onMarcos Veron was killed 10 years ago for reclaiming his ancestral land.© Joaó Ripper/SurvivalGuarani Indians gathered today to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of Marcos Veron, who was brutally murdered after leading his community back onto part of their ancestral land. The killing by a r ...
'Human safari' row goes to India’s Supreme CourtMonths after the Supreme Court ordered a buffer zone around the Jarawa's Reserve, hundreds of tourists continue to travel along the Andaman Trunk Road every day.© Andaman Chronicle/ SurvivalSurvival has urged India’s Supreme Court to take immediate action against ‘human safaris’, exactly a ...
In pictures: The reindeer people under threat ...Tribal people rely on reindeer for food, transport, shelter and warmth.© Steve MorganEach year, the image of the reindeer finds its way onto cards, sweaters and into people’s imaginations, but to the world’s indigenous peoples of the Arctic, the animal is not just for Christmas. As news emerges ...
Indians sue Peru over broken promise to isolat ...The Nanti are one of several isolated tribes living inside the reserve who would be severely affected by the gas expansion plans© Survival InternationalPeru’s top indigenous organizations are taking on the government and powerful gas companies in an attempt to stop gas exploration that seriously ...
South American tribe labelled backward by BBC ...Marr’s TV series re-enacts Ibore and Parojnai’s (pictured) first contact in 1998.© SurvivalA South American tribe whose way of life was labelled backward in a major BBC TV series has hit back at the programme. The moment in 1998 when members of the Ayoreo tribe in Paraguay first made contact wi ...
Greg Palast
Big Oil, Big Ketchup and The Assassination of ...By Greg Palast for Truthout Venezuelan President Chavez once asked me why the US elite wanted to kill him. My dear Hugo: It's the oil. And it's the Koch Brothers – and it's the ketchup. [As a purgative for the crappola fed to Americans about Chavez, my foundation, The Palast Investigative Fund, ...
'The Assassination of Hugo Chavez' Download th ...Over the years many things have been said about Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez but rarely has the true story of the man Pat Robertson called "a dangerous enemy" been told - that's what I've done in The Assassination of Hugo Chavez. Since the main stream media has decided that Chavez is "a rui ...
The Obligatory, End of the Year Top 10 ListHere's the stories the got the most attention in 2012 The Palast Investigative Fund was quite effective this year. Vulture funds were banned, election theft made national headlines, and we outed gov't profiteer posing as a candidate. Oh, and our little book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits hit ...
The Anti-Clause: Reverend Billy's No-Click Chr ...By Greg Palast for Truthout.org [New York, December 18, 2012] Even for New York, this was WEIRD. There were a half dozen Santa Clauses on Second Avenue getting a sermon from a Midwestern preacher who looks like a cross between televangelist Jerry Falwell and a white-haired Elvis. The Santa Crew ...
Before it's too late...Xmas/Xanuka Gifts from ...By Greg Palast The Mayans sure know how to take the fun out of Christmas. The world ends on December 21... but that still gives you time, if you act NOW, to make your year-end tax-deductible donation to the not-for-profit Palast Investigative Fund. And we'll get a 'Thank You Gift' out to you (or ...
How Can I Recycle This ?
How can I reuse or recycle a wooden shoe rack?There was a neighbourhood “give and take” event near me at the weekend – people took along their unwanted items and took home anything other people had donated that took their fancy — all for free. It was mostly small things – crockery, household knick-knacks and bo ...
How can I reuse or recycle old glass blocks/gl ...We’ve had an email from Whitney, asking about reuse/recycling ideas for glass blocks (or glass bricks, as they’re also known): We just bought a house and making a lot of renovations. We removed some glass blocks from an old bathroom window and I want to reuse them for something. I lo ...
How can I “reuse” fresh eggs that ...(Hi! Sorry to regular readers for the stupidly long break in posting – I’ve been reading all the comments as usual as they come in, just not posting any new content myself due to a combination of busy-ness, illness and laziness. I’m hoping to get back to regular scheduled blogg ...
How can I reuse or recycle toilet seats?Apologies for the break in blogging – I’ve been super busy with other things over the last month. And in my absence, Recycle This had its sixth birthday! Happy Birthday website! :D Anyway, moving on: we’ve had an email from Stephanie about toilet seats: I just came into about 2 ...
How can I reuse or recycle empty bottled gas/p ...Lyndon has emailed to ask about reusing – or recycling – propane gas canisters (the ones for heating, barbecues or patio heaters etc): Trying to tidy up the yard at work, what can I do with some old gas bottles? If there is a company name on the bottles (like Calor Gas, Flo Gas or [...]
Age of Autism
If Autism Experts Were In Charge of Flu EpidemicManaging Editor's Note: Imagine if Susan Hyman, Nancy Minshew and Paul Offit turned their "talents" to the flu..... Here's Katie Wright's take on the idea. By Katie Wright Don't Be Selfish! Get a Flu Shot! You know I don't think...
Unvax Study: We still need your helpBy J.B. Handley Thanks to the generosity of this community, the unvaccinated children study has received more than $30,000.00 in contributions to continue their work. We still need more help, you can donate right here (scroll down and designate your...
Dachel Media Update: Labels, Healthcare and Bu ...Jan 11, 2013, Austin (TX) Statesman: Sorting through implications of one label for all on the autism spectrum Jan 11, 2013, WMFD TV Mansfield, OH: Governor Signs Bill Requiring Autism Insurance Coverage Jan 11, 2013, US News: Bullying Harms Kids...
Weekly Wrap Up: Suicide, Mayhem, and the Rx EffectBy Dan Olmsted Our humble blog has published a number of excellent articles in the wake of the Newtown mass shooting, pointing out the lack of relationship to the killer's supposed autism diagnosis, and looking at whether the use of...
It's Time to Be Selfish Autism CommunityBy Kim Stagliano The autism community is full of warrior Moms and Dads who will always put that oxygen mask on their children first - and then probably put one onto your child as they themselves turn blue and gasp...
Global BDS Movement
G4S loses its contract with the European Parli ...Campaigners had raised concerns about the role the company plays in equipping Israeli prisons in which Palestinian political prisoners are held in violation of international law
Palestinian civil society and human rights org ...Marking Palestinian Prisoners Day, Palestinian organisations call for action against G4S, supplier to Israeli prisons at which political prisoners are detained
BDS roundup: Los Angeles activists urge city t ...In this week’s BDS roundup from the Electronic Intifada, LA activists, international campaign urges Yves Béhar, university students in Pennsylvania protest, boycott activists, and more
Why Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Should ...The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has been a significant instrument in the campaign to tear down Israel's democratic facade
Scottish govt. helps Israeli company deal with BDSDocuments obtained by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign show how a subsidiary of an Israeli company operating in Britain turned successfully for help from the Scottish Government
Farm Wars
Food MythBusters – Do we really need industria ...Big Ag Busted! Outlines the myths surrounding big industrial agriculture effects on the food supply.
Bugger The Bankers – They Don’t Give An Arse!Let's all raise our voices and join in with the Austerity Allstars!
The Non-Logic of Fluoridating WaterFluoride is a compound that is added to most drinking water in the United States and some other countries. It can even be found in your food and other products such as toothpaste and dental floss. Now, why is fluoride added to the water? Let’s have a look at the alleged “logic”...
Just Say No to GMO Hemp!GMO Hemp - A good plant gone bad...
It’s 2013!Greetings from Farm Wars!
Open Your Eyes News
Scientists get dangerously close to active Rus ...ITN Scientists get dangerously close to active… by itnnews
Activity Persists in Kamchatka VolcanoesPrensa Latina – Two of the volcanoes of Kamchatka, Shiveluch and Kizimen, continued today spewing ashes to a height of six kilometers above sea level, according to the Geophysical Observatory in the Russian Far East peninsula. Currently there are four active colossus that comprise the volc ...
Oil sands boom bypasses Ontario: 15 factory jo ...Financial Post – Prime Minister Stephen Harper has staked the future of the world’s 11th largest economy on natural resource wealth spreading across the country. Brandy Damm, a welder who lost her job from a locomotive factory in London, Ontario, last year, isn’t seeing the benefit. Damm w ...
Israeli PM orders eviction of Palestinian acti ...Guardian – The Israeli state has swung into action against a group of Palestinian activists who set up a tent village on a rocky hillside east of Jerusalem, with the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, ordering the military to evict the protesters and impose a closed military zone in the a ...
Internet Freedom Under Attack – Aaron Sw ...BBC – Aaron Swartz, a celebrated internet freedom activist and early developer of the website Reddit, has died at 26. The activist and programmer took his life in his New York apartment, a relative and the state medical examiner said. His body was found on Friday. Mr Swartz began computer ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
NASA to launch new Landsat earth observation s ...NASA is preparing to launch the eighth observation satellite in the Landsat remote sensing program that has chronicled changes in the Earth’s land cover for four decades.
Low rates of extinction made California a hot ...California plant life is unusually rich and diverse. The state has more than 5,500 native plant species, more than any other state. Roughly 40% of them are found nowhere else.
Great white sharks may warrant listing as 'thr ...State fish and wildlife officials, although deeply skeptical about low numbers of great white sharks off the Pacific Coast, determined that there was sufficient scientific information to warrant a full review on whether the feared, toothy creature should be listed as threatened with extinction.
Activist formerly opposed to GMOs explains his ...It’s not often that you hear someone stand up in front of a microphone and tell the world they have been wrong about a high-profile issue. But that’s exactly what Mark Lynas did last week at the Oxford Farming Conference in Oxford, England, when he renounced his long-held belief ...
Elusive giant squid caught on video for the fi ...For centuries the giant squid has been the stuff of legend, but now, for the first time ever, scientists have collected footage of a giant squid, ( Architeuthis), in its natural habitat, thousands of feet below the ocean's surface.
Rainwater HarvestingTabitha is a 28 year old primary school graduate living within Rongai town. She lives on a 1-acre farm with her husband’s family and their 4 year old daughter. The family’s semi-permanent (corrugated sheet metal walled) bungalow houses 5 adults and 2 children, which is connected to the electrici ...
How far would you go?SUMMIT ON THE SUMMIT is an initiative designed to drive awareness and change to the global clean water crisis while engaging a community around the issue. By taking cultural influencers, educators and high profile individuals to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, SUMMIT joins the movement to bring clea ...
A safe drink of waterMrs. Rangamma and her family members used to drink water directly from the tap in front of the house that was then stored inside. However, the water was not safe for drinking as Mysore City Corporation is not using proper methods of water purification. Rangamma used to find a white layer of cont ...
Summit on the Summit BeginsChevenee Reavis, Director of Strategic Initiatives, co-leads a team of safe water advocates and educators on an ambitious expedition to Mt. Kilimanjaro in an effort to drive awareness of the global water crisis.
2012 Year End Conference CallRecorded: Wednesday, December 19th, 2012 Duration: 34:36 Our co-founder and CEO, Gary White, shared his thoughts on this past year, major milestones reached, new partnerships, and innovations. He also discuss where the organization is headed in 2013. The conference call concluded with a ...
Florida: Sheriff’s Office Wants to Fly D ...Via: Orlando Sentinel: The Orange County Sheriff’s Office is experimenting with two surveillance drones that it hopes to turn loose over Metro Orlando skies this summer. Sheriff’s spokesman Jeff Williamson would not reveal specific uses for the drones, larger versions of which are kn ...
Citadel: Masterplanned Doomstead CityI wonder what their plan is for defense against the regime dropping MOABs on them? Or even a swarm of armed drones, always overhead? Apaches? Tomahawk missiles??? Maybe this calls for underground bunkers! You know, built to be able to withstand attacks from bunker busters… Here’s how ...
Alleged: Four Young Adults — One the Son ...Update: Tip? Who called this in? Via: Joliet Patch: Police learned about the homicides at about 4 p.m. Thursday, when they received a tip that they would find two dead bodies at the Hickory Street address. When officers arrived, they found the victims and then heard noise indicating there were o ...
Large Quasar Group 4 Billion Light-Years Acros ...Via: MSNBC: Astronomers have discovered the largest known structure in the universe, a clump of active galactic cores that stretches 4 billion light-years from end to end. The structure is a large quasar group (LQG), a collection of extremely luminous galactic nuclei powered by supermassive cent ...
Aaron H. Swartz: One of Three Reddit Co-Founde ...Via: MIT – The Tech: Computer activist Aaron H. Swartz committed suicide in New York City yesterday, Jan. 11, according to his uncle, Michael Wolf, in a comment to The Tech. Swartz was 26. “The tragic and heartbreaking information you received is, regrettably, true,” confirmed Swartz’ atto ...
The Economic Collapse
The Federal Government Hands Out Money To 128 ...The number of Americans receiving money directly from the federal government has grown from 94 million in the year 2000 to over 128 million today. A shocking new research paper by Patrick Tyrrell and William W. Beach contains that statistic and a whole bunch of other very revealing numbers. Ac ...
Can America Survive If Americans No Longer Agr ...What does America stand for? That question is a lot more complicated than you might think. Our Founding Fathers established a Republic that was based on a set of shared values that were embodied in the text of the U.S. Constitution. But today, many of our politicians openly disregard the Cons ...
By The Numbers: 20 Facts About The Collapse Of ...The economic implosion of Europe is accelerating. Even while the mainstream media continues to proclaim that the financial crisis in Europe has been "averted", the economic statistics that are coming out of Europe just continue to get worse. Manufacturing activity in Europe has been contractin ...
If Obama Can Just Create A Trillion Dollar Coi ...If Barack Obama can "solve" the debt ceiling crisis by printing up some trillion dollar coins, then why does the federal government need our money? As another debt ceiling showdown approaches, many in the liberal media are suggesting that if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling that Obama s ...
Large Cities All Over America Are Degenerating ...Large U.S. cities that the rest of the world used to look at in envy are now being transformed into gang-infested hellholes with skyrocketing crime rates. Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Camden, East St. Louis, New Orleans and Oakland were once bustling with economic activity, but as industry ...
Turning Egypt’s deserts into fields (IRI ...Read at : http://www.irinnews.org/Report/97215/Briefing-Turning-Egypt-apos-s-deserts-into-fields Briefing: Turning Egypt’s deserts into fields Political tension in Egypt in the aftermath of the revolution which began nearly two years ago, has hit tourism, led to high food prices, and cause ...
A Farmer’s Market in Dead Dry Qatar (Green Pro ...Read at : http://www.greenprophet.com/2013/01/a-farmers-market-in-dead-dry-qatar/ by Tafline Laylin It’s strange that a farmer’s market should make news, but when it’s in Qatar, one of the driest and least food secure nations on earth, a farmer’s market is a big deal. So … Continue reading ...
Coping with water scarcity through the collect ...Read at : http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/news/2013/01/pilot-project-improve-irrigation-water-use-doukkala-irrigation-scheme-morocco Pilot Project to Improve Irrigation Water Use in the Doukkala irrigation scheme (Morocco) A Pilot Project to improve irrigation water use in the irrigation schem ...
Urban Farming in Kenya’s cities (City Farmer N ...Read at : http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Farms-flourish-in-the-city/-/1248928/1662400/-/item/2/-/mk9nph/-/index.html Farms flourish in the city By EVELYN SITUMA IN SUMMARY From floating farms, hanging roof gardens to growing produce in sacks and greenhouses urban farms are thriving and turni ...
World Day to Combat Desertification (Google / ...Read at : http://www.ecohub.perth.wa.gov.au/events/world-day-to-combat-desertification/ World Day to Combat Desertification Celebrated world-wide, June 17 marks the anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. This is part of the UN campaign to tackle g ...
The Paper Trail
Empty newsfeed.
Canadian humour: Deadpan, or just dead?By Rachelle Stein-Wotten Vanity Fair devotes its January issue to celebrating comedic geniuses, and more than a handful of the spotlighted actors and writers have Canadian roots. But before all that celebrating begins, an essay by Bruce McCall ponders the dearth of Canadian comedy, and wonders w ...
I’m a racist. No really, I am.Things were not comfortable for German Jews in 1938, but nobody was interested in that story at that point. Just like how, in 2013, seemingly nobody is interested in the real story of Aboriginals in Canada ~~ By Jimmy Goatcher ~~ As I watched the video below, I thought about this idea that gets ...
A Modest Opinion – 2013: A Year In PreviewNow that the hangovers are all done (or, if you’re like me you don’t get hungover . . . because you just keep on drinking), it’s time to see what 2013 has in store for us. So, without further ado (I can feel the soberness creeping up), let’s get on to my Fourth Annual Year [.. ...
Idle No More and the racist backlashBy Montreal Simon As the great rising continues, I see that a Global TV crew has been kicked out of Attawapiskat. “A Global News crew was escorted off the Attawapiskat reserve in northern Ontario and threatened with arrest after trying to do a story on living conditions in the community.& ...
Of gazebos and Chief SpenceBy David@Sixthestate.net Under the circumstances, it’s actually a little surprising that it took this long. Through a convenient leak to the state broadcaster, presumably from the government, evidence has surfaced that hunger strike chief Theresa Spence’s Attawapiskat First Nation does a terribl ...
In memory of Cameron Minshullcameron minshull.jpg Greater Manchester Hazards Centre and Families Against Corporate Killers statement on the death of Cameron Minshull, 16, at an engineering company in Bury, Thursday 10th January 2 ...
Tinley Park five accept non-cooperating plea b ...l.jpg From Anti-racist action - On January 4, 2013 all members of the Tinley Park Five accepted a non-cooperating plea bargain in which they each plead guilty to three felony counts of Armed Violence ...
Pakistani truckers on strike, blockading NATO ...91pakistani.jpg Truckers delivering NATO supplies to isolated coalition ground troops in Afghanistan have gone on strike, in protest against lower pay, poor security, and corrupt customs officials who ...
Never Surrender: Kerry Cunneen subpoenaed to t ...ciarraipressphoto1.png From the Seattle Free Press: Portland anarchist Kerry Cunneen has announced their refusal to cooperate with the grand jury investigating the May Day attack on the Nakamura feder ...
Irish Anarchist Review- Crisis of Consciousnes ...IAR6Cover280.jpg Welcome to the sixth instalment of the Irish Anarchist Review, produced by the Workers Solidarity Movement. In this magazine we look to explore ideas about the world around us, how th ...
Free Range International
The Last PostThis will be the last post I write for the FRI blog. If this is the first time you have seen this blog stop reading this right now and go back to October 2011 in the archives section because those are some of the best posts I ever wrote about Afghanistan. Or go to the [...]
How Do You Mend A Broken Heart?Our little posse made it out of Afghanistan without any dramas. My brother Tim left with me because The Bot had made it perfectly clear that his IED hit from the year before had made him completely unstable and a big pain in his ass. We went to London again and both my brother and [...]
Vision QuestEditors note: Be sure to start this series from the beginning (Dalton Thomas Comes Home) so it makes sense. We will try to get more posts up sooner than we have been lately but Dalton is, to be honest, not doing as well as we hoped . Baba Tim is also banged up again and [...]
Band On The RunEditors Note: It is important for first time readers to start this story from the beginning. This is a (mostly) fictional account by my brother, Dalton Thomas Lynch, who is using the pen as therapy as he adjusts to living a normal life back in the states. Any donations received by the FRI bl ...
Dead Man WalkingDalton continues to heal himself using creative writing as his vehicle for change. Any donations our loyal readers are able to spare for this cracking tale will go directly to Dalton. For the record, I (Baba T) did not say “Vet or Ventilate” and insist it was “If we can’ ...
The Story Behind the Story
Mysterious Massive Explosions Rock Northern UtahYesterday, Tuesday, January 8, a series of mysterious and massive “explosions” rocked Northern Utah from the Idaho border all the way south to Provo. The first one hit shortly after 1:00 p.m. – with yet another occurring at 9:00 p.m. News stations were contacted by concerned ...
MK Ultra Secret of Secrets EXPOSED!!! Well do ...I have not been a “fan” of Ex-Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura. I frankly thought he would only tackle “safe” so-called conspiracy theories – and that made him quite suspect to me. I publicly declare that I may have been wrong in my earlier estimations. Recently, ...
MK Ultra Secret of Secrets EXPOSED!!! Well do ...I have not been a “fan” of Ex-Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura. I frankly thought he would only tackle “safe” so-called conspiracy theories – and that made him quite suspect to me. I publicly declare that I may have been wrong in my earlier estimations. Recently, ...
In Our Lovely Deseret! Undeniable Facts that M ...1. Early Mormons are today euphemistically called “pioneers”. Actually, they were an extremely zealous group of expatriates led by money-grubbing charlatans and frauds who left the U.S. primarily to establish a new nation/state. In a letter to U.S. President James Polk, Mormon  ...
In Our Lovely Deseret! Undeniable Facts that M ...1. Early Mormons are today euphemistically called “pioneers”. Actually, they were an extremely zealous group of expatriates led by money-grubbing charlatans and frauds who left the U.S. primarily to establish a new nation/state. In a letter to U.S. President James Polk, Mormon  ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
Life in a carbon neutral world…There’s a great Story from the New York Times / International Herald and Tribune about a 28 year old product designer from Luxembourg attempting to live a carbon neutral life in Barcelona, Spain. Her story is at certainly inspiring, although sometimes uncomfortable to read about… who ...
BPA, Phthalates, Toxic Plastic Bottles, Sippy ...Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
Green Spring Cleaning!Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
Food Miles – how far your food travels & ...Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
Getting real about energy production & reductionHere’s a great video from a Cambridge University Physicist David Mackay. He’s discussing practical ways of measuring domestic power consumption, ways of producing energy, and he debate about replacing traditional fossil fuels based methods of producing electricity with more sensible ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
Stephen Starr, author "Revolt in Syria"How long can Assad cling to power and what's the road ahead for the Syrian people? Peter talks to a journalist who spent the past five years living in Syria.
Amos Yadlin, Israeli security expert (Dec 1, 2012)Peter sits down with Retired Major General Amos Yadlin, Director of the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, to discuss Iran, Syria, and continuing instability in the Middle East.
Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence (No ...A conversation about the challenges facing the Canadian Forces.
Russ Jackson, CFL star (Nov 24, 2012)Peter talks with the football legend on the eve of the 100th Grey Cup.
Eric McGeer, author - Nov 11, 2012 (encore)Conversation with the author of Words of Valediction and Remembrance about the inscriptions carved into the stones above Canada's war dead. Originally aired Nov 2008.
Scotts Contracting
Benton Rehab Flooring-Custom Floor PatchAlthough it is not impossible to find Lumber to match a floor built in the late 1800s. The Owner of the Property decided to Jazz it up and incorporate a design into the floor. Part 14-Custom Flooring Patch Hardwood Floor Repair-Benton Rehab Original Flooring Material-Douglas Fir Wood Flooring P ...
From: EcoWatch Top News of the DayInteresting news about the Unified front to continue the fight against Global Warming and Climate Change: Coal, Fracking, XL Pipeline, Climate Change, President Obama, Clean Water, Monsanto Genetically modified Seeds, US Farmers, Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Top News of the Day Pr ...
Ways to make your bathroom greenerHow much time do we spend in the bathroom each day? The mornings are probably the most busy bathroom times in any house, followed closely by right before bed. But do you know the burden your bathroom can put on your house’s overall carbon footprint? By Diane Kuehl Most people probably don& ...
ICE Dam PreventionIce Dam Prevention for Homes and Business is a simple process to correct and prevent. Scotts Contracting recommends installing a Ridge Vent and Soffit Vents to prevent Ice Dams. “I feel that Ridge Vents-when coupled with Soffit Vents are one of the Greatest Energy Efficient ...
What Caused the Ice in my AtticWhy is there ICE in my Attic and where did it come from? ICE DAMS ARE CREATED WHEN THE HOT MOIST AIR RISES FROM THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING. As the Hot Moist Air Rises into the Attic and meets the Roof Framing System. Condensation Occurs on the Cold Framing Members consisting of: Rafters, Roof ...
The View From Abroad
Empty newsfeed.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
Is Hagel's Appointment of Any Actual Use to th ...It may be a launching pad to push much farther to end our wars, close military bases, and cut Pentagon funding.
"So Many People Died": The American System of ...Nick Turse's new book uses personal portraits to reveal an often ignored commonality of U.S. wars.
Don't Call China's Liaoning a "Starter" Aircra ...Its capabilities are limited, but so is its mission.
Major Test for Israel Lobby As Obama Leans to ...The powerful Israel lobby faces a dilemma over President Obama's likely appointment of former Sen. Chuck Hagel to head the Pentagon.
A Focal Points Roundtable: Is the Taliban Losing?Does conventional thinking that Afghanistan will revert to the Taliban upon U.S. and NATO withdrawal need to be reexamined?
Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Po ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight W ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Di ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Interna ...
Iranian dissident and French lawmakers urge ne ...French lawmakers invited the head of a previously shunned Iranian dissident group to parliament on Wednesday, aiming to help it gain credibility as a viable opposition to Tehran's government. read more
زهر مار ایرانی برای نجات سربازان آمریکاییدر راهنمای پزشکی فرماندهی مرکزی نیروهای آمریکا در افغانستان تاکید شده است که پادزهر تولید شده در انستیتو رازی تهران، بهترین دارو برای مقابله با نیش مارهای کبرا و انواع دیگر مارهای سمی و خطرناک آسیای میانه است که در افغانستان به فراوانی وجود دارند.
نسرین ستوده اعتصاب غذای خود را شکسته گزارش رسیده به کلمه، متعاقب دیدار رضا خندان همسر این زندانی سیاسی و گروهی از فعالان زنان با برخی از نمایندگان و پیگیری های محمدرضا تابش و ابوترابی فرد و مذاکره آنها با رییس مجلس و قوه قضاییه و با برداشتن محدودیت های قضایی از مهراوه خندان، دختر نسرین ستوده، وی به اعتصاب غذای خود پایان داد.read more
Iran’s Claim of Drone Capture Is Denied by U.S.read more
Significant Changes Made to Parchin High Explo ...The latest image from DigitalGlobe clearly showing the new blue roofing of the two major buildings, new equipment and materials and the rows of earth piles. Numerous cars present at the site suggest a considerable level of activity at the site.
Most Revolutionary Act
Teacher Layoffs Make Way for School PrivatizationAs he begins his second term, Obama’s school privatization agenda is chugging along at full steam. Citing the Department of Labor’s monthly employment report, the World Socialist Website reveals that 11,000 public school teachers were laid off in December 2012. This brings tota ...
Sign Petition for Palestine Right of ReturnOn January 5, Ali Abunimah’s Electronic Intifada reposted a January 1, 2013 petition launched by Jews for the Palestinian Right of Return. The text accompanying the petition is profoundly moving. It also makes the following important points: 1. As a result of systematic ethnic cleansing, ...
Fiscal Cliff Bill: 100s of Billions in Corpora ...The corporate media isn’t telling you about the billions in corporate tax breaks in the Fiscal Cliff Bill Obama signed this week. The mainstream media also failed to mention the corporate CEOs who had to be placated to get this deal off the ground. In his Naked Capitalism article e ...
Georgetown Law Professor Wants to Abolish Cons ...In a December 30thNew York Times OpEd, Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman calls to abolish the U.S. Constitution. He refers to its provisions as “archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil.” In his piece, he argues that blind obedience to the Constitution ...
Oliver Stone Blasts Obama's EmpireAcademy award winning director Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kusnick have co-authored a new Showtime Series and book entitled The Untold History of the United States. They discuss the chapter on Obama with interviewer Abby Martin. According to Stone and Kusnick, their book (and series) ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
Milhous, in Three ActsExcerpted from Here Comes Trouble: Stories From My Life by Michael Moore ACT I: Nixon’s the One Every good Catholic blamed Lyndon Johnson for Kennedy’s death. Not that he had anything to do with the actual assassination (though there were those who believed he did). But we all kne ...
Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, Supporting ...From The Final Days by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein: Almost from the beginning, Kissinger had secretly had all his telephone calls, including those with the President, monitored and transcribed... Nixon was often on the phone with Kissinger for fifteen minutes or longer. The President was r ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Quantico psychiatrist: ...Ft. Meade, MD -November 29, 2012 - Yesterday at Bradley Manning's Article 13 hearing, professional military psychiatrist Captain Kevin Moore testified that Bradley Manning's pretrial confinement conditions at Quantico military brig were worse than that of any other long-term pretrial pr ...
Franklin D. Roosevelt Letter Criticizing Democ ...When President Franklin D. Roosevelt made plans to run for a third term in 1940 he decided to drop conservative Vice President John Nance Garner from the ticket, both because Garner disapproved of Roosevelt running again and Garner's opposition to much of the New Deal. Instead Roosevelt chose Se ...
Michael Moore Tweets About the War on Women on ...From @MMFlint "McCaskill, Warren, Stabenaw, Klobuchar, Baldwin Senate victories = Declare a War on Women, prepare to lose. #legitimate" "RT @PaulRyanGosling: Hey girl, how the f*** are all these women winning?! They don't even wear TIES." "RT @KailiJoy: Magic lady parts not only detect rape s ...
Salon limerick contestReaders rhyme the news
White House: $1 trillion coin off tableA possible way around the debt ceiling fight is rejected by the administration
AP: Lance Armstrong confesses to OprahInformed sources say the once-celebrated cyclist admits to some doping charges in an interview with Winfrey
Suicide of a hacker26-year-old Aaron Swartz, battling depression and federal prosecutors, killed himself Friday night
Bahraini activist’s triumphant returnAmid a groundswell of support for the Al-Khawaja family to win the Nobel Prize, daughter Maryam ends her exile
SMB News
Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,91 ...
Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera ...
K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the ...
Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, beli ...
Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
It’s not too late to get a flu shot: EditorialWith influenza on the rampage in North America, it makes sense to get a flu shot this year.
Toronto must fix the Gardiner Expressway while ...In a counterintuitive move, the city is proposing to spend $505 million on fixing the Gardiner Expressway while also studying tearing it down. But this does make sense. Really.
After a show of respect, Ottawa must act on Fi ...The Idle No More protests reflect First Nation grievances that, left unaddressed, will imperil Ottawa’s ambitious, $600 billion resource development plans.
NFL must do more to address brain injury epide ...Junior Seau’s tragic story is yet further proof that professional football urgently needs to address the health crisis taking place on the gridiron.
India’s gang-rape trial must be open and fair: ...The suspects in India’s gang-rape case must have a credible, transparent, manifestly fair trial — one that sends a strong message that violence against women will not go unnoticed, and unpunished.
Energy Collective
More Americans Want Tough Fracking RegulationsAmy Mall, Senior Policy Analyst, Washington, D.C.
New Oil Sands Pipeline Plan Would Dramatically ...The annual flow of carbon through the proposed twinning project and the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway project (presuming full operation) would dwarf greenhouse gas emissions from British Columbia, an issue presented here in the past.
Weathering The Coming Storms: Governor Cuomo's ...New Yorkers are all too familiar with the devastation that followed, and the disruption that spread far beyond the water’s reach. As the immediate crises are resolved, our attention is now on the complex challenge of long-term resilience.
Future Energy Consumption: Natural Gas Poised ...The recent projections for future energy consumption from Exxon Mobil’s report, “Outlook for Energy,” and the EIA’s “Annual Energy Ou
Can Demand Response Help Us Achieve 100% Renew ...A recent study proposed that a mix of wind and solar energy production, along with energy storage technology and a standby supply of fossil fuel could create a 99.9% renewable energy grid by 2030. Could demand response provide that extra .01%?
EU Times
Obama Regime Orders Computer Genius Aaron Swar ...A new Foreign Military Intelligence Main Directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today is saying that one of the United States top computer geniuses, named Aaron Swartz (1986-2013) [photo right], was, “in all probability,” suicided by forces loyal to the Obama regime seeking to “set ...
Greek parliament approves tax hikesGreek lawmakers have approved a new tax legislation intended to increase government revenues by 2.3 billion-euro (3 billion USD) in the following months. The new tax bill was approved with the support of the majority of the lawmakers in the 300-member parliament early on Saturday. The new legisl ...
Russian team takes ice sample from Lake Vostok ...Nearly a year after Russian researchers reached the unique sub-glacial Lake Vostok, the first sample of transparent ice from its water has been taken. The finding is of great value as it could reveal if the lake harbors life. The Lake Vostok, isolated by 4-kilometer layer of ice for around the p ...
Up to 50 percent of all food on Earth left uneatenNo one eats nearly a half of all food – from 30% to 50% – grown and produced in the world, which is almost 2 billion tons a year, experts from the British Society of Mechanical Engineers said in their study, according to the BBC. Excess food appears as a result of a combination of [...]
Obama signs bill giving him armed protection f ...Despite launching a gun control agenda, President Obama has signed a bill that would afford him armed Secret Service protection for life. “The legislation, crafted by Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, rolls back a mid-1990s law that imposed a 10-year limit on Secret Service protectio ...
Stonecipher News
- WPMU Dev - The WordPress Experts!
Stay Value Neutral When Counseling ClientsFrom Chris Stonecipher's http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifFactoidz page: It is important to be value neutral wihttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifth clients to avoid harm by mixing your own values and beliefs with clients that is potentially damaging to th ...
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Video Games and Teen Violence CorrelationsWith the rising increase in teen violence, much research has been directed to determine if video games, violent television shows and other electronic media is directly related. Gentile, D.A. & Anderson C.A (2003) has done extensive research in which supports the theory that video games lead to v ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
France Battles Islamists in MaliAmerican political commentators have shown little interest in the war that France is fighting against an al-Qaeda-linked uprising in Africa: As a new round of French military raids targeted Islamist rebels in Mali on Sunday, both sides of the battle said they were determined to win. Sunday’s ra ...
2013 NFL Playoffs, NFC Divisional Round: Green ...NFC Divisional round: Packers vs. 49ers SB Nation blog : Acme Packing Company | Niners Nation Game Date/Time : Saturday, Jan. 12, 8 p.m
Reactions to the Death of Internet Activist Aa ...Aaron Swartz There are multiple reactions and statements circulating on the death of Aaron Swartz, an Internet activist who committed suicide in New York yesterday. Many of them highlight the sheer injustice he was experiencing, as he was subjected to a vindictive government prosecution for “ha ...
Video: LeBron James, Dwyane Wade Combine for A ...Just when you think you’ve seen it all from this star-studded Miami Heat ensemble. While building up a 22-point halftime lead over the Sacramento Kings, Dwyane Wade and LeBron James reminded us just why they’re the most feared duo in the NBA. When opponents turn the ball over, they are essentia ...
Miss America 2013 Crowned!Great news over here! Miss America 2013 was crowned and it is none other than Mallory Hagan, a 23 years old beautiful lady from Brooklyn, New York. This blond, proud to be American girl, has defeated the second runner-up Ali Rogers coming from South Caroline and Alicia Clifton, Oklahoma. The pr ...
Farewell to Aaron Swartz, an extraordinary hac ...Other projects Aaron worked on included the RSS specifications, web.py, tor2web, the Open Library, and the Chrome port of HTTPS Everywhere. Aaron helped launch the Creative Commons. He was a former co-founder at Reddit, and a member of the team that made the site successful. His blog was often a ...
Aaron SwartzThe lawyers asked me "Why would someone download a huge body of academic journal articles?" (my response was "I would be guessing but my best guess would be that they wanted to experiment with some kind of text processing algorithm. Machine understanding of text is part of the current research f ...
Official Statement from the family and partner ...Aaron's death is not simply a personal tragedy. It is the product of a criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach. Decisions made by officials in the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney's office and at MIT contributed to his death. The US Attorney's office pursued an exce ...
Aaron is deadAaron is dead. Wanderers in this crazy world, we have lost a mentor, a wise elder. Hackers for right, we are one down, we have lost one of our own. Nurtures, careers, listeners, feeders, parents all, we have lost a child. Let us all weep. timbl - Tim Berners-Lee, w3.org lists
Prosecutor as bullyEarly on, and to its great credit, JSTOR figured "appropriate" out: They declined to pursue their own action against Aaron, and they asked the government to drop its. MIT, to its great shame, was not as clear, and so the prosecutor had the excuse he needed to continue his war against the "crimin ...
The Case for Marijuana in Pro WrestlingWith painkillers and other prescription drugs causing the untimely deaths of many wrestlers, is it time for the industry to embrace marijuana?
Unlawful Killing: Princess Diana’s Death ...After being blocked by UK lawyers the controversial Keith Allen documentary Unlawful Killing: Princess Diana's Death has been leaked online.
So Called ‘Friends of Syria’ Recog ...Despite ties to Al Qaeda the "Friends of Syria" declare the rebels Syria's political authority; "unacceptable" responds Russia.
Another SEAL Team Six Member ‘Dead’SEAL who was part of alleged Bin Laden raid team joins long list of deceased members.
Israel Clashes With UN, UK Cyber Snooping Bill ...Is the international community finally condemning Israel, or is it all just hot air? And Theresa May invokes 7/7 to push Communications Data Bill.
Politics in the Zeros
Net-zero energy office buildingsLa Jolla Commons II Green Tech Gazette explains the technology and design involved in creating net-zero energy office buildings. Net-zero energy consumption is a growing trend that allows office buildings to generate as much energy as they use. [They] are made possible through a combination of i ...
Top 15 markets for hybrid cars are mostly in C ...2001 Prius. The granddaddy of all hybrids. I still have mine. Hybrid cars % of all new car sales 1.San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose 9.4% 2. Monterey/Salinas, Calif. 8.84 % 3. Eugene, Ore. 7.89% 4. Santa Barbara, Calif. 7.5% 5. San Diego, Calif. 7.13% 6. Eureka, Calif. 6.97% 7. Los Angeles 6.62% 8. ...
Aaron Schwarz family statement blames deranged ...Aaron’s death is not simply a personal tragedy. It is the product of a criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach. Decisions made by officials in the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney’s office and at MIT contributed to his death. The US Attorney’s office pursued an exce ...
You silly catOur cat Bandit had surgery and thus needs to wear the cone of shame. We took it off her briefly. Another cat, Harry, began sniffing and exploring it then suddenly started running around the room in panic. He stuck his head into it and couldn’t get it off. I was laughing so hard it took [...]
Martian Central Bank interested in buying tril ...More on the trillion dollar coin caper. A smaller cadre of analysts suspect the cnaively believes the fantasy that the arbitrary creation of assets, either via platinum coins or electronic entries in the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, creates actual value. Though this credulity borders ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
Empty newsfeed.
Just World News
Four important reads on SyriaThe first two are excellent, on-the-ground reporting from Aleppo, by the seasoned, native Arabic speaker Ghaith Abdul-Ahad: Dec 27 and Dec 28. The second two are from the Carnegie Endowment: This thoughtful Dec 24 piece by Yezid Sayegh: Can the National Coalition Lead Syria?; and this very well ...
Crunch time for funding G. Porter's book on Iran!Hi, everyone! We have just six days to go in our online fundraiser for Gareth Porter's very important planned book Manufactured Crisis: The Secret History of the Iranian Nuclear Scare. We've just topped getting pledges for 2/3 of the $10,000 we need for this. Can you do anything to help us get ...
Palestine and the Arab SpringPlenty of western commentators have asserted that the attention that participants in the Arab Spring have been paying to governance issues in their own countries means that somehow they no longer really care about Palestine. (A few people, most notably As'ad Abou-Khalil, have challenged that as ...
Obama admin wilfully blind on Gaza crisis?Quick! Someone help free Pres. Obama from the kidnappers who are holding him hostage! The kidnappers in question are, of course, our old friends from the Israel Lobby, who have succeeded so thoroughly in their decades-long campaign to stuff the whole of the U.S. foreign-policy establishment with ...
Notes on Israeli threats of launching a 'Dahiy ...1. Some prominent Israelis are calling for a 'Dahiyeh' operation against Gaza. I just watched this clip from a news/discussion program on Israel's Channel 2. In it, "military analyst" Roni Daniel openly calls for the implementation of a "Dahiyeh" operation ("like in Beirut"), against Gaza. Dahi ...
General debate, January 9, 2013Fingers crossed that the heatwave in Oz doesn’t last as long as forecast.
General debate, January 1, 2013Happy New Year!
What is New Zealand’s best beach?Summer in Aotearoa means sun, sand, BBQs and beaches. But the beaches we love are under threat from deep sea oil drilling. Vote for your favourite beach to find out more.
- General debate, December 22, 2012
The final word on bank profitsThe Report of the Finance & Expenditure Committee on the Reserve Bank’s Monetary Policy Statement for December 2012 is now public and contains the following gem on bank profitability late in 2012 (from page 9): Recent data released by the Reserve Bank updated information it had provided to u ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
Democracy's Sickness Unto DeathGovernments do not exist for the benefit of common people, those people referred to in the Constitution as "We the people." Regardless of what officials claim, common man exists merely as a means to fulfill the ends the factions in control wish to attain. Madison's "diseases of faction" have ...
Fraudulent Educational Reform in AmericaWhat goes on in America's schools is essentially identical to what goes on in the Madrassas of the Muslim world. In both, orthodox beliefs are taught as truth and critical examination is discouraged. Two worlds clash in loggerheads.
The Short, Miserable Life of American ProsperityHistory is not always progressive; there have been many instances of extensive regression. Immoral institutions can more easily become worse than better. When the Capitalists have accumulated all the wealth there is and have the means to take away any that is subsequently created, what will ...
SCOTUS and the Rule of FlawThe Supreme Court of the United States is an institution that has failed in every possible way. It is notorious for having issued iniquitous opinions; it has not only failed to resolve but has exacerbated conflicts; and it has consistently negated the ideals the founding fathers wrote into t ...
How the Economy Works: The Necessity of CrimeThe economy is merely a sum of money, not practices that sustain the oikos, and the money that makes up the sum is equally valued whether it results from virtuous or vicious, good or bad, constructive or destructive, humane or inhumane, legal or illegal, beneficent or malevolent practices. A ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
Revised Protocol for Detoxifying Your Body fro ...By Dr. Mercola It is likely you are accumulating mercury and other heavy metals at a disturbing rate. This is occurring at a time when your body is already bombarded with multiple chemical assaults, making it harder to keep its natural detoxification system working smoothly and efficiently ...
Silence is Golden: MeditationBy Dr. Mercola Upon returning from combat, many soldiers struggle to fit back into civilian life. The emotional trauma leaves many in a state of depression or suffering associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In fact, it’s estimated that 18 veterans commit suicide every ...
GE Crops and Unsustainable Agricultural Practi ...By Dr. Mercola Genetically engineered crops and food products pose a threat to your health, resistance to disease, soil, and the global food supply. The biotech industry is riddled with corruption as companies clamor to sink their claws into the marketplace first, to get their seeds into f ...
Why You Should Avoid Afternoon SurgeryBy Dr. Mercola If you are scheduling a surgery, you probably put some thought to the procedure itself, the surgeon who will perform the procedure and, hopefully, which hospital to go to. But if you didn't pay much attention to the time of day your surgery is scheduled, you could be missing o ...
How to Protect Yourself and Your Children from ...By Dr. Mercola The issue of antibiotic overuse, both in medicine and food production, and the subsequent threats to human health, has been featured in a number of recent news articles. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), antibiotic resistance is a ma ...
Visit Annals Mobile!Annals has a new mobile website that is replacing our iPhone application. Visit us at www.annals.org using any iPhone browser.
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Survival - tribal peoples
Remembering Marcos Veron 10 years onMarcos Veron was killed 10 years ago for reclaiming his ancestral land.© Joaó Ripper/SurvivalGuarani Indians gathered today to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of Marcos Veron, who was brutally murdered after leading his community back onto part of their ancestral land. The killing by a r ...
'Human safari' row goes to India’s Supreme CourtMonths after the Supreme Court ordered a buffer zone around the Jarawa's Reserve, hundreds of tourists continue to travel along the Andaman Trunk Road every day.© Andaman Chronicle/ SurvivalSurvival has urged India’s Supreme Court to take immediate action against ‘human safaris’, exactly a ...
In pictures: The reindeer people under threat ...Tribal people rely on reindeer for food, transport, shelter and warmth.© Steve MorganEach year, the image of the reindeer finds its way onto cards, sweaters and into people’s imaginations, but to the world’s indigenous peoples of the Arctic, the animal is not just for Christmas. As news emerges ...
Indians sue Peru over broken promise to isolat ...The Nanti are one of several isolated tribes living inside the reserve who would be severely affected by the gas expansion plans© Survival InternationalPeru’s top indigenous organizations are taking on the government and powerful gas companies in an attempt to stop gas exploration that seriously ...
South American tribe labelled backward by BBC ...Marr’s TV series re-enacts Ibore and Parojnai’s (pictured) first contact in 1998.© SurvivalA South American tribe whose way of life was labelled backward in a major BBC TV series has hit back at the programme. The moment in 1998 when members of the Ayoreo tribe in Paraguay first made contact wi ...
Montreal Gazette
Editorial: If 2013 is to be a year of reform, ...Generally speaking, 2012 might be said to have been the year of red squares and brown envelopes. Both were symbolic of things going badly in Montreal.
Editorial: Poll confirms sovereignist movement ...The separatist movement’s problem is not so much that it is divided into partisan factions , but that most Quebecers aren’t interested in what it’s peddling.
Jean-François Lisée: My language plan - shoe s ...Jean-François Lisée is the Parti Québécois cabinet minister responsible for liaison with the anglophone community. Also minister for the Montreal region and for international relations, he is writing in response to an open letter to him published on Saturday's Opinion page by ...
Jean-François Lisée: My language plan - shoe s ...Jean-François Lisée is the Parti Québécois cabinet minister responsible for liaison with the anglophone community. Also minister for the Montreal region and for international relations, he is writing in response to an open letter to him published on Saturday's Opinion page by ...
Letter of the Day: Some MDs need those 24-hour ...The elimination of 24-hour shifts for surgical residents in all specialties is producing unintended consequences, retired surgeon Michael A. Stanger writes.
Food World Order
#Video: New Govt Mandated Lightbulbs A Major H ...from brasschecktv.com: Remember when the Congress decided to outlaw normal US-made light bulbs in favor of mercury-containing "green" ones made only in China? If dropped and broken, these bulbs require someone in a hazmat suit to clean up. Well, apparently, that's not all. They cast a light that ...
#Video: Anti-Depressants Help Create Killersfrom brasschecktv.com: It's not the guns. It's not violent video games. The unifying factor behind virtually every school shooting? Anti-depressant drugs - and there's a near total blackout on this subject in the news.
#Video: The Shocking Truth About 'Fortified' a ...from therealfoodchannel.com: Ever see a food label that said "enriched" or "fortified?" Sounds good, right? Maybe not. Here's what "enriched" means in the world of industrial food production.
#Video: Brazilian Farmers Fight Backfrom therealfoodchannel.com: Is Monsanto invulnerable? Some might think that. But 5 million small farmers in Brazil have a different opinion.
2013 Food Trend: A Healthy State of Mind!from houstonpress.com: Many companies and corporations have posted their predictions for the food trends of 2013. Of course, many of these lists include goofy trends like cake-pop push-pops (which sounds fun), but the common theme among a majority of all the predicted food trend lists of 2013 is ...
The Bait of Christian Fundamentalism in Africasource: Huffington Post, 8/24/2011 Michael Mungai Co-founder, Dagoretti 4 Kids I grew up in the hovels of Dagoretti, an impoverished suburb in the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. Raised by an unemployed single mother, my two siblings and I would take turns missing school to babysit our ...
Puttur: Four Arrested for Forcing Religious Co ...source: Daijiworld, Aug 29, 2011 Puttur, Aug 29: Four persons, reportedly belonging to a Christian sect, were handed over to the police by the residents of Boodujal of Nedle village near Uppinangady on Sunday August 28. The locals, including some dalits, accused K J Kunhimonu (30) from Mun ...
Andhra Pradesh: Church priest rapes minor girl ...source: India today, July 1, 2011 A Christian priest has been arrested for raping a 16-year-old girl and setting her ablaze in his house at Nadendla village of Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh.
The changing face of the churchsource: Deccan chronicle, July 13, 2011 Its a well-documented fact that people adopt aspects of other cultures around them. The churches in Andhra Pradesh are following this custom and Indianising some of practices. At St Andrews Orthodox Church, West Marredpally, a Dwaja Stambam has been ...
Pastors wife accuses him of sexual abuse of mi ...source: Bangalore Mirror, June 17, 2011 In her police complaint, Priyalatha has charged Shantaraju, pastor of Bethel Church and Bethel Student Centre, with having sex with young girls and getting them to abort S Shyam Prasad
Whole Truth Coalition
Vox Populi, Methods of ManipulationCOTO Report and Megan ‘Verb’ Kargher are proud to present Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation. It has become increasingly evident that large portions of the planet are descending with alarming speed into Orwellian police states. What is the New World Order and what are their plans fo ...
The Big Awakening Conference 2011Click here for more information …
Lawfull Rebellion - Roger Hayes challenges Liv ...“Wirral Council is taking Roger Hayes to Birkenhead county court for non-payment of council tax. Mr Hayes, chairman of The British Constitution Group, claims the council tax is illegal and imposed without his consent. His stand has won support from all over the country, and demonstrators t ...
COTO Report This Ain’t Oz an Interview w ...COTO Report and Megan Kargher are pleased to bring you a special two day interview with Freeman of freemantv, the freeman perspective and the free zone http://www.youtube.com/user/Freemantv… http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot… http://freemantv.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O ...
The Economic Collapse
The Federal Government Hands Out Money To 128 ...The number of Americans receiving money directly from the federal government has grown from 94 million in the year 2000 to over 128 million today. A shocking new research paper by Patrick Tyrrell and William W. Beach contains that statistic and a whole bunch of other very revealing numbers. Ac ...
Can America Survive If Americans No Longer Agr ...What does America stand for? That question is a lot more complicated than you might think. Our Founding Fathers established a Republic that was based on a set of shared values that were embodied in the text of the U.S. Constitution. But today, many of our politicians openly disregard the Cons ...
By The Numbers: 20 Facts About The Collapse Of ...The economic implosion of Europe is accelerating. Even while the mainstream media continues to proclaim that the financial crisis in Europe has been "averted", the economic statistics that are coming out of Europe just continue to get worse. Manufacturing activity in Europe has been contractin ...
If Obama Can Just Create A Trillion Dollar Coi ...If Barack Obama can "solve" the debt ceiling crisis by printing up some trillion dollar coins, then why does the federal government need our money? As another debt ceiling showdown approaches, many in the liberal media are suggesting that if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling that Obama s ...
Large Cities All Over America Are Degenerating ...Large U.S. cities that the rest of the world used to look at in envy are now being transformed into gang-infested hellholes with skyrocketing crime rates. Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Camden, East St. Louis, New Orleans and Oakland were once bustling with economic activity, but as industry ...
Enough: the Central Concept in EconomicsIn his foreword to the book, Enough Is Enough, Herman Daly contemplates the role of sufficiency in obtaining "the good life."
The Visible Hand: Manipulating Market Prices b ...Just how efficient are are market prices when they put the future of all species, including humans, at risk?
The Outlook for Steady State Economics in 2013Looking beyond Mayan myths, there's a sign of good things to come in 2013 and beyond: more and more people are joing the steady state cause.
Aristotle in ConnecticutEric Zencey searches for deeper causes in the midst of grief and dismay over the most recent American shooting tragedy.
Elect More Women: Prerequisite for a Sustainab ...With men controlling legislative bodies, we've arrived at a global crisis point (both environmentally and socially). It's time to try electing more women.
The Talking Clock
Every end is a new beginning...Just remember that death is not the end... So, whilst The Talking Clock is - for now at least - mothballed, the many friends and regular readers who are "awake" might want to join me in my little sidestep venture: http://conspiracywatch.blogspot.co.uk/ Blogrolls need to be added and the ...
Okay Captain Ranty... this blogger resigns fro ...On the day that the BEST blogger in the blogosphere - Captain Ranty - has posted to announce 'end of transmission' (though not for the first time)... ...having mulled over what Captain Ranty has to say, rather than replying to the above linked blogpost in comments or via 140 characters on Twi ...
European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment D ...Here are the highlights of the European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment Decision) Bill, Second Reading debate which took place in the House of Commons yesterday. Bill Cash MP Plainly, the implosion in Europe does affect us, and this failed attempt to put a sticking plaster on an increasi ...
Nothing Tutu Hide, Nothing Tutu Fear, Mr. BliarArchbishop Desmond Tutu is all over the world's media for boldly coming out in public with a call for George W. Bush and Tony Blair to stand trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague for war crimes over the invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Part of Tutu's thinking ...
The People's Memorial: 15th Anniversary Tribut ...As is now a yearly thing for this blog, a few images of the tributes left at Kensington Palace for the fifteenth anniversary of Diana's death. Those of our readers who come here as fellow Diana admirers are more than welcome to save the images - links back greatly appreciated. Click on the th ...
Facing South
INSTITUTE INDEX: Confronting a deepening clima ...With new data out showing that 2012 was the warmest year on record for the contiguous United States, and with costs mounting due to droughts and other climate-related disasters, will political leaders finally take action to address the problem? read more
An action-packed 2013 in store for Southern laborThe new year promises lots of action on the labor front -- and as always in the South, it comes with heavy baggage from the past. read more
Cabinet of Controversy: N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory’ ...The Koch brother from another mother overseeing the state budget. A man found guilty of assaulting children running the Department of Public Safety. A science skeptic chosen to protect the environment. What is Gov. Pat McCrory thinking? read more
VOICES: TVA board nominees confirmed, but what ...As the House wrestled with the fiscal cliff deal, the Senate approved nominees for the Tennessee Valley Authority's board. But conspicuously absent from the list that Sens. Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander sent for approval was Dr. Marilyn Brown -- the board's only sustainable energy expert. r ...
Home builders lobby weakens drywall legislationFederal lawmakers trumpeted last week's passage of the Drywall Safety Act of 2012. But thanks to the efforts of U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) on behalf of the industry lobby, the bill doesn't actually set enforceable standards to prevent contaminated drywall from ending up in people's homes. ...
Search for new executive director of Center on ...Karen Greenberg, executive director of NYU Law’s Center on Law and Security (CLS), announced she is leaving to pursue other career opportunities. Greenberg’s tenure as executive director began with the founding of the Center in 2003. Under her stewardship, CLS … Continue reading →
Today’s Terrorism NewsToday’s Terrorism News post will be the last one for the summer. Along with the staff here at the Center on Law and Security, and with particular thanks to The Soufan Group for its generous support and to Carolyn O’Hara … Continue reading →
Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group At Radicalization Hearing, Rep. King Says al Shabab Poses Threat Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) held a third congressional hearing on Islamic radicalization in the United States Wednesday, this one focused on the threat of … Continue reading →
Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Four Indicted for Drug Trafficking to Benefit Terrorism Federal prosecutors in New York unsealed indictments Tuesday against four men they say conspired to sell drugs and buy weapons for Hezbollah and the Taliban in … Continue reading →
Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group In Arkansas, Man Accused of Killing Soldier Strikes Plea Deal A man on trial for shooting two U.S. soldiers, one of whom was killed, outside of a military recruiting station in 2009 reached a … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
Today on New Scientist: 11 January 2013All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: latest from the Consumer Electronics Show, physics and cancer, mouse howls at the moon, and more
Sand tsunami pictured striking Australian coastThe spectacular wall of sand and dust appears to block out the sun like a giant wave
Today on New Scientist: 10 January 2013All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: new dark force, identifying endangered animals via smartphone, sperm dance to calcium's tune, and more
Unborn sharks freeze to avoid predatorsFaced with a dangerous predator, baby sharks hold their breath and stay still – even before they've been born
London's Boris turns turtle getting yearly scr ...See thick-skinned Boris get a tickle from a cleaner in Sea Life London Aquarium's annual January "Deep Clean"
Tech Drive In
Ubuntu Phone OS Demo at CES 2013: Showcases Ca ...Yet another video is up showcasing several new features of Ubuntu Phone OS. While the first video, demoed by Mark Shuttleworth himself, illustrated how slick the OS has become since it was announced, the second video here features default Camera and Photo apps, Facebook integration and brill ...
Mark Shuttleworth Demos Ubuntu for Phones at C ...Ubuntu for Phones was announced with much fanfare just a few days ago. While the OS is still in pre-alpha state, there are already videos of the same running on various hardware. Initial videos showed how a pre-alpha software looks like, very buggy and quite unusable, so to speak. But this lat ...
Steam Box is Coming this Year, Will be Based O ...Valve is into hardware aggressively and there were plenty of rumors circling around about the imminent announcement of official Valve gaming console. Valve is betting big on Linux and this became very clear when they released official Steam for Linux client. Even an year ago, nobody was e ...
Wait is Over, Canonical Previews Amazing new U ...The countdown has ended. The wait is finally over. Unlike almost everyone out there predicted, the countdown had nothing to do with Ubuntu for Android project, it's about the new Ubuntu OS for smartphones project Canonical wanted to talk about. And from the initial looks, this new OS for sma ...
Top 5 KickStarter-like Crowdfunding Alternativ ...Internet has become an hotbed of innovation. Crowdfunding is one such internet-inspired innovation which could revolutionize how we do business in the near future. It could really be the next big thing. Kickstarter.com is one such hugely popular crowdfunding venture that is creating ripples ac ...
Case About Bird Flu
The Death of a Father: an old photo brings bac ...Sipping some wine to mourn – or perhaps to celebrate? – my leaving Austria, one of my elderly neighbours mentioned the resignation speech of Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schusschnig in 1938, which ended with the words “May God protect Austria.” Every Austrian knows what happened after the Annexatio ...
The Death of a Father: an old photo brings bac ...Sipping some wine to mourn – or perhaps to celebrate? – my leaving Austria, one of my elderly neighbours mentioned the resignation speech of Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schusschnig in 1938, which ended with the words “May God protect Austria.” Every Austrian knows what happened after the Annexatio ...
Stronach’s new “false flag” ...You read about it on this blog first: Globalist and Magna chief Frank Stronach has been trying to recruit people for a new „false flag“ opposition party as the euro crisis escalates. Stronach even rang the solictor handling the sale of my flat in Vienna and offered him a job as Justice Minister. ...
Stronach’s new “false flag” ...You read about it on this blog first: Globalist and Magna chief Frank Stronach has been trying to recruit people for a new „false flag“ opposition party as the euro crisis escalates. Stronach even rang the solictor handling the sale of my flat in Vienna and offered him a job as Justice Minister. ...
Stauffenberg in the Wolf’s Lair: Read th ...At a time of crisis, terror and tyranny, Claus von Stauffenberg seized the initiative and tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler and overthrow the Nazi regime in a coup in July, 1944. As such, he is an example to us all today. The mass impoverishment of people by the fractional reserve banking scam ...
Invisible Opportunity
Quote of the Day – Civil disobedience is ...Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders and millions have been killed because of this obedience. Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and ...
The Shocking Lack of Evidence Supporting Flu V ...Sayer Ji, Contributor Activist Post With the flu season ramping up, many are looking to vaccination as a “preventive” approach. Those who abstain are often accused of being uneducated, or worse, socially irresponsible. Nothing could be further from the truth. As it presently s ...
Five Reasons Why I’ll Never Get a Flu ShotIf you’re looking for a deeply scientific treatise on the flu shot, this isn’t it. I’m not a chemist, a physician or someone with an advanced degree in biology. I’m just a mom with an internet connection. I’m a person who has researched and compiled an assortment of worrisome facts that point in ...
JFK assassination: Robert Kennedy speaks out a ...Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is convinced that a lone gunman wasn’t solely responsible for the assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, and said his father believed the Warren Commission report was a ‘shoddy piece of craftsmanship.’ Kennedy and his sister, Rory, spoke ab ...
Reuters Spins Flu StoryJanet C. PhelanActivist PostIn an article entitled, “Flu reaches epidemic level in U.S., says CDC”, reporter Sharon Begley pumps up alarm concerning the virulent and epidemic nature of the current flu sweeping the country. However, the report admits it lacks documentation of the very ...
Veterans Today
Is Obama killing “kill list” critics?Aaron Swartz's death raises an obvious question: Can you criticize Obama's barbarian, unconstitutional "kill list" without ending up on it yourself?
Conspiracy theories: A modest proposalObama's ex-information czar HATES "conspiracy theories." Here is his novel plan to Swiftly get rid of them.
Asteroid Impact PredictedThe Global Security Threat Analyst Baron Baretzky said in a statement on Friday to media that the number “ONE“ threat we are faced with as mankind is that of an asteroid named 2004-MN4 that is calculated to collide with earth in 2036.
Canneto: A Double Mystery Still UnsolvedA short stretch of coast between the sea and the railway, a small village nestled along a white sandy beach, a tiny cluster of houses, in all about 180 inhabitants, light years away from the lifestyle of the big cities: this is Canneto of Caronia, fraction of Caronia, Sicily - a small village n ...
They Called Them – Spitfires- David Cundall Makes Spitfire History with Burma-Myanmar Buried Treasure Find
electric politics
Speaking TruthThese days, the only reasonable thing to say to Power is, "Here's the arrest warrant, please come quietly." But Speaking Truth, that's a different story. We speak truth to affirm and reaffirm who and what we are, what the reality of the world is, and why it is the way it is. Not an easy task &md ...
Counting ElectorsIf the Republican Party were to adopt a scorched earth policy — counting electors one way in certain swing states and another way in solid red states — they could conceivably lock in a Republican presidential win for the next several election cycles. As a practical matter it would no ...
Constitutional WrinklesAmericans have been brainwashed into thinking we have the greatest system of government in the world. Arguably, however, much the opposite is true. In practical terms our system is neither democratic nor representative, when, that is, it works at all. But the Constitution has become America's ci ...
Three Truths and a Lie'Tis the season for... reflections on life. And death. Yet death often feels ominously dark, especially when a young person dies before their time. It's difficult, in such circumstances, to remember that darkness isn't all bad — indeed, there's reason to believe it may be a source of enlig ...
Running Against the Grain (Part II)Amen, Brother Rick. Thinking about it, we can deduce a few things about successful mass actions. First, they require a high level of consciousness regarding the problems to be solved. Ignorance ain't in the recipe for success. Second, they take a lot of work. If it were easy, logically we'd be s ...
PR News
Thomson holds firm on Dreamliner UK launch plan Thomson, which is set to be the first UK operator to fly Boeing's new Dreamliner airplane this spring, is planning to stick with its launch communications strategy despite recent safety scares.
Google accused of 'abusing' search dominanceJoaquin Almunia, the European Commission's antitrust chief, has accused Google of abusing its dominant position in the search market.
Redwood, Hotwire plan push for cloud, IT softwareNEW YORK: Redwood Software is working with Hotwire to raise awareness of its cloud offering and business process software as the company marks its 20th anniversary this year.
Pfizer moves 'Get Old' business from SS&K to E ...NEW YORK: Pfizer has hired Edelman to take over its "Get Old" campaign after an RFP process.
Brands change approach to get most out of CESCommunicators at major technology brands are flipping the script on years of previous Consumer Electronics Show strategies by creating their own content.
A special project of Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation
- Panetta reassures Israel; Karzai to the Pentag ...
Saving AfghanistanIt can be done, but only if the international community truly invests in democracy.
The race tightens as Obama, Romney prepare for ...AUSA begins, What Ishmael Jones’ experience tells us about “No Easy Day,” Thanks for the cowbells, and more.
Pakistan's Bid for ToleranceA tour of 35 towns throughout the country in an investigation of civil society's capacity to counter Talibanization.
Leaving AfghanistanSeven Afghanistan experts review the president's plans for ending the war.
Field Notes - Alberta Environment
Watershed Ambassador BreakfastRed Deer River Watershed Alliance 18 Jan 2013 - 07:30 - 20:45 Flow into the new year with a hot buffet breakfast and a presentation on monitoring Alberta's biodiversity! Jim H ...
Earthbag Building PresentationReThink Red Deer 16 Jan 2013 - 18:30 - 21:00 ReThink Red Deer is back at it in the new year with a great presentation on natural building! Evonne and Robert Smulders, owners of Sa ...
AWA Tuesday Talk: Greater Sage-grouse PartnershipAlberta Wilderness Association 29 Jan 2013 - 19:00 with Cliff Wallis, Sean Nichols, and Wonnita Andrus Join us for the first talk of the New Year as we discuss the critically enda ...
ICYMI: Wildlands Advocate Vol. 20 No. 6Alberta Wilderness Association In case you missed it over the holidays, the latest issue of the Alberta Wilderness Association's Wild Lands Advocate is online. Features A Last Look at AWA's 2012 Priorities What Ex ...
Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Co ...Alberta Prairie Conservation Forum Alberta Society of Professional Biologists 19 Feb 2013 (All day) - 22 Feb 2013 (All day) Purpose The& ...
German Soldiers Survey Southern Turkey For Mis ...Xinhua News Agency January 13, 2013 German soldiers survey southern Turkey to deploy Patriot missiles ANKARA: German soldiers are surveying Kahramanmaras province in southern Turkey for the deployment of Patriot air defense system, semi-official Anatolia news agency reported Saturday. The system ...
Romain Rolland: Selections on warAnti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts Romain Rolland: A father’s plea against war Romain Rolland: Above The Battle Romain Rolland: America and the war against war Romain Rolland: Ara Pacis and Ave, Caesar, Morituri Te Salutant Romain Rolland: The collective insanity, the te ...
Turkey: Investigation Launched Into Mosque Att ...Hurriyet Daily News January 13, 2013 Investigation launched after claims of mosque attack in NATO base Istanbul: The Public Prosecutor’s Office has launched an official investigation into a mosque attack at the NATO İncirlik Air Base in the southern province of Adana, following claims that ...
NATO Air Attack Against Afghan Mosque Kills 15Voice of Russia January 13, 2013 Air attacks kill 15 in Afghanistan Planes of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan bombed a mosque on Sunday killing 15 people. The tragedy occurred early in the morning in the district of Saidabad district of the Wardak province. When ...
U.S. Backs Japan In Looming War With ChinaChina.org.cn January 12, 2013 Why the US should rein in Japan By Zhao Jinglun U.S. Says Disputed Islands Covered by Japan Defense Treaty ==== Now the U.S. is aiding and abetting the Japanese right wing in its fight with China over the Diaoyu Islands (the Americans turned over the administration ...
Before It's News
Empty newsfeed.
Intel Hub
Co-founder of “Reddit” and “Demand Progress” D ...JG Vibes | Last week prominent rifle manufacturer and activist John Noveske died mysteriously well before his time.
Sandy Hook Shooting: Active-Shooter Drill Conf ...Shepard Ambellas & Alex Thomas | Once again a mock active-shooter drill was being conducted at a nearby local school at the very same time the supposed realtime shooting was taking place at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown Connecticut leaving all the fingerprints of a government staged ...
Video: Reality Check’s Ben Swann DESTROY ...theintelhub.com January 12, 2012 Investigative journalist Ben Swann investigates the truth in regards to claims about gun statistics made by CNN host Piers Morgan. Morgan has gone on a complete, all out attack on the 2nd Amendment, using his primetime show to push antigun propaganda to the masses.
18 Facts That Prove That Piers Morgan Is Flat ...By Michael Snyder theintelhub.com January 12, 2013 Contributed by The Truth Piers Morgan is getting on television every night and flat out lying to the American people about gun control. Nearly every statistic that he quotes is inaccurate and he fails to acknowledge a whole host of statistics th ...
Feinstein, Obama Want Defenseless Americans to ...By Aaron Dykes Infowars.com January 11, 2013 Self-preservation is the first law of nature. All animals, down to single-celled organisms, have the natural instinct to defend themselves. The Founding Fathers tried to enshrine the natural law of self-defense in the Bill of Rights under the 2nd Amen ...
Hundreds Of Indigenous Women And Girls Were Mu ...By Farooque Chowdhury, Countercurrents.org 30 October, 2012 Hundreds of indigenous women and girls were murdered in Canada . To many, it’s a baffling fact. Recently, there were proposals in the UK parliament to expand the use of secret court hearings in civil cases. In Greece , migrants an ...
Hundreds Of Indigenous Women And Girls Were Mu ...By Farooque Chowdhury, Countercurrents.org 30 October, 2012 Hundreds of indigenous women and girls were murdered in Canada . To many, it’s a baffling fact. Recently, there were proposals in the UK parliament to expand the use of secret court hearings in civil cases. In Greece , migrants an ...
Philippines: Revolutionary forces making gain ...A victorious decade of People’s War in Mindanao Jorge Madlos (Ka Oris), Spokesperson, NDF-Mindanao December 26, 2012Together with all revolutionaries and the the people of Mindanao and the entire nation, the NDFP-Mindanao wishes to express its warmest congratulations and highest tribute to ...
Philippines: Revolutionary forces making gain ...A victorious decade of People’s War in Mindanao Jorge Madlos (Ka Oris), Spokesperson, NDF-Mindanao December 26, 2012Together with all revolutionaries and the the people of Mindanao and the entire nation, the NDFP-Mindanao wishes to express its warmest congratulations and highest tribute to ...
Update on Tracking Police Murders: Every 36 Ho ...This episode of Critical Insight we were joined by Kali Akuno of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement to discuss their 2012 report detailing the fact that every 36 hours (at least) a Black person is extra-judiciously executed by “Law Enforcement” within the United States. Please watch ...
Ken O'Keefe
Words from an Honest, Intelligent & Compassion ...Words from an honest, intelligent and compassionate Jew... words from a respected brother with a hugely important message that should be heeded by every single Jew on this planet.
Press TV’s News Analysis – Israel ...In this program I get to respond directly to one of Israels countless prostitutes of propaganda in the mainstream media, Daniel Pipes.
Trade Not Aid Update – November 6, 2012 – ...Today was the final hearing for the case against the Trade Not Aid hijackers Cate (Catherine) Myles (aka Soraya Fitzgerald) and Sammi Coulthard (aka Saja Rana & Maitreyi Atmaja). It cost over £600 in court fees, money that should have gone directly into the cause. It took countless hours o ...
Transcript & Video – Update from Ken O&# ...Catherine Myles, I have found the funds for you to come to Gaza. We will pay for you to go to Gaza. I will pay for your tickets from the UK to Cairo and then your taxi fare to Gaza and your accommodation in Gaza and your return taxi fare back Cairo, back to the UK. You have a paid, PAID trip to ...
Max Igan & Ken O’Keefe in Gaza – F ...I think this is going to be one of people's favorite videos as it is genuinely funny and yet very serious. Max Igan and myself get into this one by showing a sycophantic Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for Near East spouting some truly incredible historical narrative. This useful idi ...
Life is change and change is lifeAnd here is proof: The Courant's parent company, Tribune, is backing away from maintaining this particular blog format -- Movable Type -- in favor of another blog platform, one that is unworkable here. Namely, the new format allows blog comments to go online unapproved, and -- I say th ...
Maybe CEO salaries need a Buffett rule"Peer benchmarking" helps move compensation for CEOs ever higher. Perhaps one of the high-dollar bosses should take a page from Warren Buffett, who in August suggested in a New York Times essay that the rich don't carry their weight in taxes. Meanwhile, Buffett, himself, has refined his earlier ...
De-pinkifying breast cancerThere's a growing movement that seeks to turn the pink ribbon upside down. You can read more here. Flickr photo
Why the occupation?You can see more Mother Jones charts here. You can read about Hartford's budding Occupation here, with a planning meeting set for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at Bushnell Park, and again at 5 p.m.
Cleansing after Yom KippurYom Kippur starts at sundown on Friday and here's one man's take on it. Flickr photo
Associated Content
Cracking the Nut: Time for Gun Owners' InsuranceA retired Navy commander may have come up with a very effective way to reign in our gun problem.Contributor: Isa-Lee Wolf Published: Jan 11, 2013
Dismayingly, the Sandy Hook Elementary Conspir ...Proving that nothing can happen that does not attract the attention of conspiracy nuts, the Daily Caller reports that two fringe academics have announced that the official version of the Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre is not the correct one.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Jan 10, 2013
The Debt Ceiling is Political Dynamite -- the ...It is wrong for congressional Republicans to use the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip in deficit reduction negotiations. Their refusal to approve a debt ceiling increase with Democrats will spell doom for them in 2014.Contributor: Roy A. Barnes Published: Jan 08, 2013
Obama Takes Great Risks in Nominating Chuck Ha ...It appears that President Obama is intent on nominating former Sen. Chuck Hagel to become his next Secretary of Defense, according to the Washington Post. The question arises concerning why he would do such a thing.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Jan 07, 2013
Voiced Outrage by Christie, Cuomo, King Gets S ...Chris Christie said in a press conference that he joined the people of his state in feeling betrayed by the House for not voting on the Hurricane Sandy Relief. He joined other politicians in his outrage, prompting a quick House reconsideration...Contributor: Saul Relative Published: Jan 04, 2013
Popsci - Science
Self-Portraits In Mid-Fall And Other Amazing P ...Including a shark in utero, the videogame memorabilia world record holder, and more Click to enter the gallery
Curing Gut Problems With Synthetic Pseudo-PooWhen it comes to therapeutic fecal transplants, sometimes the real stuff just won't cut it. Poop slinging isn't just for monkeys anymore -- in this day and age, you can also pay a doctor to do it. Fecal transplants, which have been around since at least 1958, aim to correct an upset in the nor ...
Is Climate Change Self-Correcting? Australia's ...At high outback temperatures, gasoline vaporizes too quickly to pump. Continuing Australia's trend of being majorly unpleasant this week, it got so hot in the Outback town of Oodnadatta a few days ago that you couldn't even pump gas. On Monday, temperatures in the town reached 48.2 degrees Ce ...
- Self-Portraits In Mid-Fall And Other Amazing P ...
2013 Prediction: Crowdfunding Pays OffCrowdfunding models like Kickstarter took off in 2012--now we'll wait and see how transformative those models are. Science and technology have utterly transformed human life in the past few generations, and forecasts of the future used to be measured in decades. But big changes arrive faster an ...
Veterans Today
Is Obama killing “kill list” critics?Aaron Swartz's death raises an obvious question: Can you criticize Obama's barbarian, unconstitutional "kill list" without ending up on it yourself?
Conspiracy theories: A modest proposalObama's ex-information czar HATES "conspiracy theories." Here is his novel plan to Swiftly get rid of them.
Asteroid Impact PredictedThe Global Security Threat Analyst Baron Baretzky said in a statement on Friday to media that the number “ONE“ threat we are faced with as mankind is that of an asteroid named 2004-MN4 that is calculated to collide with earth in 2036.
Canneto: A Double Mystery Still UnsolvedA short stretch of coast between the sea and the railway, a small village nestled along a white sandy beach, a tiny cluster of houses, in all about 180 inhabitants, light years away from the lifestyle of the big cities: this is Canneto of Caronia, fraction of Caronia, Sicily - a small village n ...
They Called Them – Spitfires- David Cundall Makes Spitfire History with Burma-Myanmar Buried Treasure Find
War is Business
State Lawmaker Accused Of Diverting Contract M ...Startling allegations against a conservative Oregon legislator who also runs a hot-zone aviation business and a military training range.
“Surveillance Inc.”: Profit Makes ...Sell moral responsibility Sell moral responsibility • Read more at The Atlantic
2011 Not So Bad For U.S. Defense Contractors, ...Buy downturn insurance Buy downturn insurance • Read more at Govpro
Americans In Afghanistan Likely Causing More C ...Even the most cash-strapped, podunk county prosecutor's office would be embarrassed by these numbers. Three audits completed. Two bribery convictions. Three million bribes a day.
Obama To Sidestep Rules In Bahrain Arms Deal ( ...Sell formalities Sell formalities • Read more at Foreign Policy
Hudson's Weather & Climate
Met Office scale back global warming forecastA new global temperature forecast published by the Met Office, through to 2017, has scaled back projections of the amount of warming they expect compared with previous estimates. The new projection can be seen below with more details on the Met Office website. I have written several times ...
Dry weather returns to UK following 2nd wettes ...2012 averaged across the UK was the second wettest on record in data which stretches back to 1910, falling short of a new record by only 6.6mm. In total 1330.7mm fell last year, compared with the average of 1154mm. A new record has been set across England and Wales with 1205mm of rain. And ...
How the Arctic may be impacting UK summersWe may have to get used to wet summers like we've seen recently across the UK, according Dr Edward Hanna from Sheffield University in an interview which you can see on Inside Out and Look North tonight. According to Dr Hanna and an international team of scientists, melting summer Arctic ice ma ...
The Beast from the East is slainThe cold easterly which a large majority of computer models were predicting to develop this week has failed to materialise, with a much more unsettled weather pattern expected to return from the Atlantic during tomorrow. Last week, 80% of the ECMWF model solutions wanted an easterly 'blocking' ...
The Beast from the East is lurkingThere is now growing consensus between most weather computer models that cold air from the east is likely to spread across Britain next week. If so, it will be the first time since March that high pressure has properly dominated our weather, and will end a long sequence of at times record brea ...
Internat'l Political Economy
End of an Outsourcing Era: 787 NightmarelinerThere is a justifiably very well-cited article in Review of International Political Economy by Gary Gereffi, John Humphrey and Timothy Sturgeon concerning "The Global Governance of Global Value Chains." (I think it's required reading for anyone with an interest in the field; simple as that.) Her ...
Odd Arne Westad on Frosty China-Japan RelationsLSE IDEAS is such a hive of activity nowadays I don't even manage to keep up with what the boss is up to. (Of course he isn't "odd"; it's a Norwegian name!) A few weeks ago I featured his well-received book about China's history of reaching out to the rest of the world since 1750. Fluent in Mand ...
Nuke to Thrill: Rekindling Japan's Fission PassionThe taste of love is sweet When hearts like ours meet I fell for you like a child Oh, but the fire went wild... [The chart above is from Nuclear Tourist.] The return to the status quo ante of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leadership in Japan unsurprisingly means the comeback ...
TorrentWorld: How LED TV Makers Co-Opt PiracyPssst...is that a 720p or a 1080p? Here's one last story whose implications run in the billions and billions that involves home entertainment as we come to the end of the holiday season. (Oh, the sacrifices I have to endure alike watching a digitally enhanced Mariah Carey moping around in a Sant ...
PC Gone Mad: Women Drivers' Car Insurance in EUContrary to hoary stereotypes about "women drivers," the truth is that they are safer drivers--at least in the EU. So much so that women have been charged commensurately lower premiums in EU nations for years. However, in a dubious case of political correctness, the EU has issued a directive aga ...
Economic Collapse Blog
The Federal Government Hands Out Money To 128 ...The number of Americans receiving money directly from the federal government has grown from 94 million in the year 2000 to over 128 million today. A shocking new research paper by Patrick Tyrrell and William W. Beach contains that statistic and a whole bunch of other very revealing numbers. Ac ...
Can America Survive If Americans No Longer Agr ...What does America stand for? That question is a lot more complicated than you might think. Our Founding Fathers established a Republic that was based on a set of shared values that were embodied in the text of the U.S. Constitution. But today, many of our politicians openly disregard the Cons ...
By The Numbers: 20 Facts About The Collapse Of ...The economic implosion of Europe is accelerating. Even while the mainstream media continues to proclaim that the financial crisis in Europe has been "averted", the economic statistics that are coming out of Europe just continue to get worse. Manufacturing activity in Europe has been contractin ...
If Obama Can Just Create A Trillion Dollar Coi ...If Barack Obama can "solve" the debt ceiling crisis by printing up some trillion dollar coins, then why does the federal government need our money? As another debt ceiling showdown approaches, many in the liberal media are suggesting that if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling that Obama s ...
Large Cities All Over America Are Degenerating ...Large U.S. cities that the rest of the world used to look at in envy are now being transformed into gang-infested hellholes with skyrocketing crime rates. Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Camden, East St. Louis, New Orleans and Oakland were once bustling with economic activity, but as industry ...
Infoshop - Alt Media
The Broken Teapot: A critical analysis of curr ...We all start life with our teapot intact and at some point a little crack starts and slowly grows, or maybe one day we slip and the whole thing ...
Modern Slavery journal has new websiteModern Slavery is a new journal for the abolition of all forms of enslavement, published as an independent, not-for-profit project of CAL Press....
Latest Issue of Anarchy: A Journal of Desire ArmedDespite rumors to the contrary, Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed continues, as provocative and exciting as ever. We have decided to stick with...
July 2012 Kate Sharpley Library bulletin (doub ...KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 70-71, July 2012 [Double issue] has just been posted on the site. July 2012 Kate Sharpley...
Jurnal Kontinum (Indonesia) - Call For PapersJurnal Kontinum, an Indonesian-based biannual anti-authoritarian journal, is seeking submissions around anti-authoritarian discourse and movemen...
E U Times
Obama Regime Orders Computer Genius Aaron Swar ...A new Foreign Military Intelligence Main Directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today is saying that one of the United States top computer geniuses, named Aaron Swartz (1986-2013) [photo right], was, “in all probability,” suicided by forces loyal to the Obama regime seeking to “set ...
Greek parliament approves tax hikesGreek lawmakers have approved a new tax legislation intended to increase government revenues by 2.3 billion-euro (3 billion USD) in the following months. The new tax bill was approved with the support of the majority of the lawmakers in the 300-member parliament early on Saturday. The new legisl ...
Russian team takes ice sample from Lake Vostok ...Nearly a year after Russian researchers reached the unique sub-glacial Lake Vostok, the first sample of transparent ice from its water has been taken. The finding is of great value as it could reveal if the lake harbors life. The Lake Vostok, isolated by 4-kilometer layer of ice for around the p ...
Up to 50 percent of all food on Earth left uneatenNo one eats nearly a half of all food – from 30% to 50% – grown and produced in the world, which is almost 2 billion tons a year, experts from the British Society of Mechanical Engineers said in their study, according to the BBC. Excess food appears as a result of a combination of [...]
Obama signs bill giving him armed protection f ...Despite launching a gun control agenda, President Obama has signed a bill that would afford him armed Secret Service protection for life. “The legislation, crafted by Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, rolls back a mid-1990s law that imposed a 10-year limit on Secret Service protectio ...
Voiceless Victim
Voiceless Victim Invited to Tea with the Prime ...Who would have imagined as little as twelve months ago, that Australian victims would be about to start work on their submissions to the Royal Commission into institutional child sex abuse we were told so many times would never happen. And that we would be generally pretty happy with its newly a ...
Lies, Damn Lies, and Catholic Church Funded St ...It was encouraging to learn today that German researchers working with catholic officials to produce the latest, supposedly independent, supposedly research based support for Vatican lies about endemic child rape by catholic religious have had enough and pulled the plug on the project. Read the ...
Fire’s Too Good for These DevilsAs much of Australia prepares to face catastrophic bush fire conditions today, I hope everyone is safe from fires and comes through unscathed. That even includes the church’s carefully protected child rapists and those who sacrifice additional children to cover up their crimes. Fire is too ...
Smokescreen Council Working for Deceitful Chur ...The CEO of the Council Which Should Not Exist, Francis Sullivan, is following in the footsteps of church officials by claiming, without basis, to speak for victims of the serial child sex offenders enabled and protected by his church. This week’s comments include a stated desire to be R ...
Papists protect child rapistsPapists protect rapists by Voiceless Victim Papists protect their child rapists but won’t protect kids – like me. Papists pretend. What rapists? Who cares what those lies do to me. Papists revere holy rapists but won’t even listen to me Papists stand up for their rapists the o ...
WL Central
Inside the Hourglass, A World Rising AnewWith economic and military force, in the last decades the United States has attained sole superpower status in the world. The legacy of the US empire carries a dark history: genocide of natives, slavery of blacks and criminalizing immigrants from the South. None can deny that much of US hegemon ...
2012-12-28 Julian Assange essay wins "Russian ...This month, Russian Pioneer magazine reportedly awarded WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange the "Grand Prix" in the publication's second annual literary competition. Assange received the prize for his essay "Washington vs. Mankind" Winners were said to receive bicycles and bottles of cogna ...
2012-12-28 Assange leads in online vote for Pe ...Julian Assange is currently the lead contender in an online voting contest for the Pericles Prize. Votes for the WikiLeaks leader and others have been cast in answer to the question "Who of all politicians was most sincere in his fight for social progress in 2012?" In the "Global" category, Assa ...
2012-12-26 More pro-WikiLeaks Swedish organiza ...On Monday Torrent Freak reported that, after three years of service to the organization, PayPal has frozen the funds of PRQ, an ISP founded by The Pirate Bay's Fredrik Neij and Gottfrid Svartholm. Earlier this month, sources also reported the suspension of the Twitter account of Anonymous Sweden ...
2012-12-24 Several WikiLeaks movies in product ...Following on the heels of Underground: The Julian Assange Story - a 2012 biopic on the WikiLeaks founder's teen years - several major Hollywood studios are in various stages of planning or producing feature films about Assange and his organization. One full-length feature, tentatively titled The ...
U N News
UNESCO recognizes Brazilian friar's contrib ...The United Nations has recognized a Brazilian Dominican friar, Frei Betto, with a leading international prize for his “exceptional contribution” to building a universal culture of peace, social justice and human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Marking third anniversary of earthquake, Ban c ...Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on the international community to continue its support for Haiti as he marked the third anniversary of the devastating earthquake that struck the Caribbean country, while praising the progress achieved so far.
Haiti: UN-backed survey finds progress for chi ...Almost three years after a devastating earthquake struck Haiti, preliminary results of a new United Nations-backed national household survey show substantial progress for children there in the education, nutrition, health and sanitation sectors since 2006.
Canadian authorities must start meaningful dia ...A United Nations independent expert today urged the Canadian Government to establish a meaningful dialogue with the country's aboriginal leaders in light of recent protests.
Renowned US doctor appointed to support UN eff ...Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed renowned United States physician Paul Farmer to help galvanize support to eliminate cholera in Haiti, where the disease has already claimed over 7,750 lives.
Conspiracy Reality TV
Aurora Batman Shooting – Many CoincidencesThe trailer for Gangster Squad (shown before the movie) shows a theatre full of people being shot by numerous gunmen. This Batman comic "The Dark Knight Returns" depicts a Batman inspired shooting at a movie theatre.
CIA Agent Warns: “Never Watch the TV, the Grea ...He'll never give anything away whatsoever, except one bit of advice. He said, never watch the television. Never watch the television. It's the greatest scientific indoctrination tool ever devised.
The Magic WeedHemp growing doesn't need any weed killing, no pesticide. Its raw material grows naturally and it doesn't need chemical intervention.
Blood ColtanBlood coltan still exists. I'm holding a mobile phone. And I know that the microprocessor it contains uses coltan. And if this coltan has been obtained at the massacre of 10 or 20 villagers through slave labor, the suffering of children forced to work in the mines by the armed militia. This is i ...
CAMP FEMA 2: Enemy of the StateSome state governments passed measures to forcibly quarantine residents, incarcerate those who refuse to be vaccinated, and to forcibly vaccinate your children. Legislation like this passed during the much hyped H1N1 flu outbreak.
Rewilding Institute
Life on the BrinkLIFE ON THE BRINK Environmentalists Confront Overpopulation Edited by Philip Cafaro and Eileen Crist University of Georgia Press, December 2012 About the book Life on the Brink aspires to reignite a robust discussion of population issues among environmentalists, environmental studies scholars, ...
Wild Utah Project needs your help!HERE’S WHY: Wild Utah Project is raising awareness and funds for their ongoing sage-grouse campaign because sage-grouse numbers have been diminishing West-wide for years. They have just gone live with their first video, Dance for Survival: Protecting the Sage-Grouse and a fundraising chall ...
Sea Shepherd sheds some light on the recent Sh ...Posted by Marcel Evans on October 17, 2012 in Science News In the past week The Costa Rica Star has published on the shark finning ban that was signed by Laura Chinchilla in the presence of Sir Richard Branson, near Manuel Antonio National Park. Sea Shepherd is not buying it. This is simply smok ...
Progressives to Launch an Environmental Impact ...(September 4, 2012) The DC-based group Progressives for Immigration Reform (PFIR) recently announced a major new project: an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on U.S. immigration policy. PFIR has also unveiled the website for the new project, and invites public comments on the proper scope ...
Prairie Dog Preservation & Black-footed Ferret ...Published on Aug 17, 2012 by NewMexicoPBS Why is it important for prairie dogs to be restored to their native habitat? Biologist Dr. Ana Davidson and Petunia (Gunnison’s prairie dog) join us to share insights about the ecology of New Mexico’s grasslands and the importance of reestabl ...
Asia Sentinel
Tension Grows for Multinationals Operating in ...• (http://twitter.com/share) Chevron Indonesia is the latest to feel the heat
Pakistan and the Wrong Road• (http://twitter.com/share) A perceptive new report identifies some of the reasons for the strains in a violence-wracked society
A Super Typhoon's Deadly Path• (http://twitter.com/share) The aftermath of Tropical Storm Bopha leaves a Mindanao tragedy
South Koreans Forsake the Altar• (http://twitter.com/share) Newly registered marriages fell to an all-time low last year, study finds
Vietnam Jails Dissidents• (http://twitter.com/share) A disheartening step backwards from joining the fraternity of modern nations
We Know the Lies
Man With 200 IQ On The Takeover Of The World.. ...David Wynn Miller shares in the outstanding video below that he is a supporter of the U.S. Constitution. He shares much more, including information that caused 2 US Secret Service agents to confront him over his release of that information to ‘world bodies’. ~ Video read more
Shocking!... 290 Million People Killed By...…Democide. Anyone who is worried about guns in the hands of Americans should really be much more concerned about what happens AFTER guns are removed from the hands of a country’s citizens. Can Americans really afford to find out ‘after the fact’? ~ Video - Chart read more
Exposed... Secret Government Documents Reveal ...If you have children, you are more than likely already aware of the official U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) "Immunization Schedules," which today recommend an astounding 29 vaccines be given between birth and six years of age, including yearly flu shots, as well as anot ...
What Is The United Nations Organization For?The United Nations Organization was founded in 1945 to stop conflicts and provide a forum for debate, discussion and dialogue for crisis management. It costs around 15 billion USD a year to run, so in indexed terms has already spent some one thousand billion dollars of taxpayers' money. On.. ...
Property, The Rule of Law And FreedomWhile in the midst of a wholesale reevaluation of the right to private property, it is timely to reexamine the history of US property rights. What exactly caused America’s unparallelled level of prosperity and freedom? ~ Kelly O'Connell read more
Syriac-Aramean Church Peace Program for Syria ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV January 11, 2013 Recorded on January 5, 2013 [download video] [download audio]
Republican Austerity Fanatics in New Drive for ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV January 7, 2013 Tarpley at a demonstration promoted by the United Front Against Austerity (UFAA) at the US Capitol, December 31, 2012, as Obama and the Congress prepared a Satan Sandwich of capital gains and estate tax cuts to benefit Wall Street finance oligar ...
The Key to Peace in Syria: Expel the NATO-back ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV January 5, 2013 [download video] [download audio]
Boehner Blocks Sandy Funds for NY-NJ-Connectic ...Webster G. Tarpley on the Jeff Rense Program rense.com January 2, 2013 [download audio]
Obama Still Seeking Killer Cuts in Safety Net; ...Webster G. Tarpley on INN World Report Radio with Vox I.N.N. World Report December 27, 2012 [download audio]
Modern Survivalism
What Type Of Terrorist Events Might Involve Ra ...Possible terrorist events that could could involve radiation include the following. Introducing radioactive material into the food or water supply Using explosives (like dynamite) to scatter radioactive materials (called a ‘dirty bomb’) Bombing or destroying a nuclear facility Explod ...
How Many, Like Mark Levin, Are “So Frust ...The following 14 minute segment of Mark Levin’s radio program likely reflects the feelings of many law abiding good Americans while the Lilliputians of government continue to tighten the chains of liberty and freedom. The onslaught and rush for more gun control following the Sandy Hook sho ...
GOFoodsWe would like to welcome an additional sponsor who you may be interested in… particularly if you are looking for Non-Gmo foods… Message: Government and religious organizations have urged people to prepare for future times of need by storing extra food and water. With the recent downt ...
Earth’s Weakening Magnetic FieldThere’s a region of our planet that no human being has ever visited. No one has ever seen this place, yet what happens here affects every one of us every day of our lives. It’s 2,000 miles beneath our feet, the Earth’s molten core. Here a vast ocean of liquid iron generates an ...
Become Your Own Central BankThey (the FED) cannot and will not stop printing money. Quantitative Easing cannot end. Period. The moment it does, it all collapses. They must continue to purchase mortgage backed securities / treasuries by the many tens of $ billions per month. They must continue to raise the debt ceiling to s ...
Fast Company
Glowing Tapestries Woven From Fiber Optic StrandsFiber-optic fabric makes Daniel Buren’s well-known stripes luminescent. In the late 1960s, strange markings started appearing on walls and gates of Paris, a city in the midst of violent upheaval. The markings were always stripes of exactly 8.7-centimeter width, and always alternated ...
Can We Cap-And-Trade Our Way Out Of The Debt C ...If the EPA enacted a cap-and-trade system on the gas we all use on our cars, we could start collecting enough revenue to deal with our financial issues. Best part: Congress doesn’t need to be involved. The upcoming debt ceiling fiasco has prompted some recent brainstorming by the fol ...
Video: Take A Peek Inside DayGlo’s Ohio Fluore ...A documentary crew visits DayGlo in Cleveland, giving us a glimpse into the company’s kaleidoscopically colored manufacturing plant. Cleveland might be famous for its Browns, but did you know it’s also home to the makers of DayGlo? In an unassuming brick complex on the outskirt ...
Is Tesla Out Of Money?Despite the fact that it’s Model S won plaudits as almost everyone’s Car of the Year in 2012, Autoblog Green is reporting that at least one analyst (MarketWatch tech investor John Shinal) says the company is dangerously low on cash: Shinal said the Tesla’s financials were worse ...
760 Bikes Make Up Ai Weiwei’s Latest Brilliant ...A new solo show in Italy has the Chinese artist meditating on the past five tumultuous years. In 2011, Ai Weiwei unveiled a spindly installation made of 1,200 bikes at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. The sculpture struck some as a nonsensical lark--at the time, it was criticized as wasteful-- ...
عن الإسلام والأسلمة حسب الطلب وأنواع الدين يقول الإسلاميون إن نجاح البلاد لا يمكن إلا بمرجعية الدين الإسلامي. وهمْ يستدعون الدين كلما تطلب الصراع السياسي ذلك، مثلما استدعوا جمعة الشريعة أخيراً قبل الاستفتاء رغم أنهم - (الإخوان تحديداً) - سكتوا عن قصة الشريعة منذ مليونية قندهار في يوليو 2011. ورغم إنه في الحقيقة لم يتهدد الشريعة ممثلة في ...
Good Taliban, Bad Taliban: Pakistan’s Double G ...The start of 2013 brought a fresh upsurge of US drone strikes in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan, killing between twenty-three and forty-four people. Since 2008 when President George W. Bush ordered increased strikes on “militants” and associated “infrastructure target ...
Who Failed Rizana Nafeek? Rizana Nafeek was beheaded on 9 January, less than two days after a final appeal made by Sri Lankan President Rajapakaa. The several clemency appeals made by Sri Lanka, other states, and human rights organizations failed largely due to the disastrous interplay between Saudi’s flawed legal system ...
الرئيس مرسي وعدم القدرة على الخروج من بوتقة ال ...الإنجاز الكبير بالنسبة للمرحلة الانتقالية للثورة المصرية ليس في كونها جاءت برئيس منتخب يمثل الإخوان المسلمين، وإنما كان الانتصار لحرية الإختيار، التى جعلت الكفة تكاد تكون متساوية بين المرشحين. ولم ترجح كفة الرئيس مرسي إلا قليلاً. وهو، ما ظهر تأثيره بفاعلية مؤخراً، في ثقافة الرفض لسياسا ...
La somme de tous les rêves brisés d'Anfgou et ...Qui mieux qu’un misérable saurait narrer la tragédie qui frappe les siens ? Et comment raconter aux autres l’indicible horreur, lorsqu’à la tragédie s’ajoute la barrière de la langue ? Pour ce qui nous concerne, tout ce que nous pourrions jamais décrire de la noirceur de c ...
MIT Responds to Death of Activist Aaron Swartz ...Mike Isaac / AllThingsD: MIT Responds to Death of Activist Aaron Swartz, Begins Internal Investigation — Two days after Internet activist Aaron Swartz took his own life, the President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has issued a public response, and will launch an ...
The Year Of Kickstarter Journalism: Crowdfundi ...Christopher Zara / International Business Times: The Year Of Kickstarter Journalism: Crowdfunding Is Doing What The News Industry Can't — As the publishing industry struggles to figure out a sustainable business model in the digital age, crowdfunded journalism projects have be ...
The rise of the channel, or the Bright Young T ...Jason Schmid / Daily Dot: The rise of the channel, or the Bright Young Things of YouTube — When we think of “media empires,” we tend to think about the big dogs, most of whom—for whatever reason—also seem to be complete asshats. Murdoch. Cub ...
Researchers begin posting article PDFs to twit ...Micah Allen / Neuroconscience: Researchers begin posting article PDFs to twitter in #pdftribute to Aaron Swartz — Yesterday, as I was completing my morning coffee and internet ritual, @le_feufollet broke the sad news to me of Aaron Swartz's death. Aaron was a leader onli ...
Eugene C. Patterson, Editor and Civil Rights C ...Robert D. McFadden / New York Times: Eugene C. Patterson, Editor and Civil Rights Crusader, Dies at 89 — Eugene C. Patterson, the Pulitzer Prize-winning editor of The Atlanta Constitution during the civil rights conflicts of the 1960s and later the managing editor of The Washi ...
Chemtrail News
CHEMTRAIL AND UFO SIGHTING, PORIRUA, NZ ...I suspected it of being a Chemtrail and therefore pulled out the video camera to film it. Many planes went by during the shooting, more than any other time I have ... https://chemtrailsnorthnz.wordpress.com/.../chemtrail-and-ufo-...
Maui residents craft legislation to ban geo-en ...Maui residents craft legislation to ban geo-engineering 'chemtrails' www.naturalnews.com/033691_chemtrails_Maui.html
10 mile long chemtrail 1 Videoprobably longer. denver,co 9/23/11 Author: Boondox681 Keywords: denver ten mile long chemtrail Added: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 00:33:25. vodpod.com/watch/15460352-10-mile-long-chemtrail-1
ChemTrail Pilot Admits to 'Domestic ...Headlines ChemTrail Pilot Admits to 'Domestic Terrorism'! ... Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health · Heavy ... www.davidicke.com/.../53899-chemtrail-pilot-admits-to-dome...
Chemtrail Rainbow - YouTubeChemtrails caused rainbow....no rain. ... I have several (which I think are ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcOyMeW0xpU
World News - Top Stories
3 super foods help your skin look younger Check out our favourite age-busting superfoods. Blueberries This little berry has so many health benefits that we don't know where to start. Its rich vitamin C content aids...
A cup of tea and its many benefits While everyone is addicted to coffee, be it a cappuccino or espresso, not many are aware of the hazards of the consumption of excess caffeine, as compared to the good old cuppa tea. So reduce your intake of coffee and drink tea more often. A few points...
Top 7 fruits for energy By the end of the day we are drained out and exhausted. It may be the heavy lunch that's making you drowsy and lethargic or the fact that you have burned out your energy reserves. So how would you bounce back - would you choose oily street food or healthy fruits? We...
Top 10 ways to reduce snoring Snoring - that loud, hoarse breathing that keeps partners and neighbours wide awake all night - is a nuisance. Snoring counts as a sleep disorder, which can have serious medical problems like sleep apnea and social problems as well. In order to tackle this sleep troubling phenomena, and allo ...
4th record year for visitor head count? Travel to Orlando is expected to increase slightly in 2013, driven by Americans' growing desire to get away for a while and by solid growth in the number of international...
no frakking consensus
Gutting Democracy to Save the PlanetAccording to the editors of a prestigious magazine, Obama should pull a fast one. Even though he barely mentioned climate change on the campaign trail, they think it should now be his foremost concern.
Searchable Secret SantaSimon Barnett has created a wonderful analysis tool for the new IPCC data.
Cogs in the Climate MachineThe scientists who write IPCC reports have so little authority that changing the word "systems" to "ecosystems" involves multiple layers of bureaucracy.
Are a Third of IPCC Review Editors MIA?IPCC review editors were supposed to file a report last September. A third of them apparently didn't bother.
IPCC Legal NoticeThe Legal and Liaison Officer of the IPCC has sent me a boilerplate notice, requesting the removal of Secret Santa documents from my website.
Anna's News
Now it's 4D film: The high-tech cinemas which ...Hollywood is converting blockbuster films into 4-D because cinemagoers are shunning pricey multi-dimensional 3-D versionsBut the experience has left some fans feeling sick, damp and pummeled after watching movies like Kung Fu Panda 2 and the latest ...... Submitted by Anna Smith to Science & ...
10 Best British Open PerformancesRory McIlroy's Tiger-esque performance at Congressional has many golf fans wondering what the 22-year-old has in store for Royal St. George's, one of the most difficult courses in the Open Championship rotation. Past winners Walter Hagen, Sandy Lyle and.. Submitted by Anna Smith to World ...
Tiny snails survive digestion by birdsSnails are able to survive intact after being eaten by birds, according to scientists.Japanese white-eyes on the island of Hahajima, Japan feast on tiny land snails. Submitted by Anna Smith to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
National Parks at Risk: PhotosNational parks represent our country's last stronghold of wilderness. But the large majority of parks are suffering, too.Ninety-five percent of parks assessed in a recent study have lost key species that once helped define them. Meanwhile, 91 percent .... Submitted by Anna Smith to Animals &nbs ...
Suicide rates in Europe 'linked' to financial ...The financial crisis "almost certainly" led to an increase in suicides across Europe, health experts say.The analysis by US and UK researchers found a rise in suicides was recorded among working age people from 2007 to 2009 in nine of the 10 nations...... Submitted by Anna Smith to Health & Well ...
Medical Marijuana
1/11/13 - 20 Highest and Lowest Radiation Cell ...cellphones.procon.org - 20 Highest and Lowest Radiation Cell Phones - The RIM Blackberry Curve has the highest SAR level (1.58) and the Samsung Galaxy Note has the lowest level (0.19). See the levels for the 20 highest and 20 lowest radiation phones, all Apple iPhones, and find the level f ...
1/9/13 - Climate Change Made 2012 the Hottest ...climatechange.procon.org - Climate Change Made 2012 the Hottest Year in Continental United States Since 1895, NOAA Reports
1/9/13 - Would financial motivations encourage ...euthanasia.procon.org - Would financial motivations encourage insurance companies, health care providers, and patients to seek euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide if those options were legally available? Read new pro and con arguments from physicians, medical organizations, and advoc ...
1/4/13 - Educators in over 3,500 schools in al ...www.procon.org - – Educators in over 3,500 schools in all 50 US states and 53 countries use ProCon.org. 756 elementary and middle schools, 1,821 high schools, and 983 colleges and universities use our free nonpartisan research to stimulate critical thinking. The newest international schools usin ...
1/4/13 - How many people in the United States ...medicalmarijuana.procon.org - How many people in the United States use medical marijuana? There are an estimated 1,029,315 patients in the 18 legal medical marijuana states and DC, as well as an estimated 2,421,069 medical marijuana users in the United States (based on an ave ...
Truth About Our World
NotificationThis blogs entries have been moved to http://worldtruthtoday.wordpress.com/ I will no longer post anything here, although site will remain open for a while. Thanks Grace
- Trudell Documentary
- Occupy Wall Street “Beware The Zeitgeist ...
- The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right
- World War 3 (III,Three): September 11, 2001-20 ...
Gyrovague's Raves
Verbs, nouns, grammarVex, Hex, Smash, Smooch Constance Hale I wanted really to understand the relationship between nouns and verbs. Another question that I had: Why do linguists look so scathingly at grammarians? And why do grammarians look so scathingly at the history of English? Why is there a divide? And why is t ...
V. BushVannevar Bush This has not been a scientist’s war; it has been a war in which all have had a part. The scientists, burying their old professional competition in the demand of a common cause, have shared greatly and learned much. It has been exhilarating to work in effective partnership. No ...
The Killing of the Liberal ArtsJOSEPH EPSTEIN In a loose definition, the “liberal arts” denote college study anchored in preponderantly Western literature, philosophy, and history, with science, mathematics, and foreign languages playing a substantial, though less central, role; in more recent times, the social science subjec ...
Tyrants and ArtCulture thrives on conflict and antagonism, not social harmony – a point made rather memorably by a certain Harry Lime, says philosopher John Gray. "In Italy, for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vin ...
Barthes in ChinaAdrian Versteegh “It will be necessary to start off with the major fact,” writes Roland Barthes in Travels in China, “the absolute uniformity of clothes.” That this should count as a “major fact”—partway through a journal that opens with a gripe about freshly stained trousers—ought to provide so ...
In Verbena | Royal Society
Post-revolutionary scienceLast year’s Muslim Brotherhood victory in Egypt’s first free presidential election made headlines around the world. There have been differing perspectives on what a Muslim Brotherhood victory might mean for science. For example, it was recently reported in Nature that some Egyptian scientists we ...
The Future of Academic ImpactLSE’s public policy group put on an excellent conference programme on 4 December at Beveridge Hall. The conference explored the themes:1) the Economic impact of academic research; 2) impact and the new digital paradigm; 3) next steps in assessing impact; 4) impact as a driver for Open Access. ...
LERU 10 – Open Horizons: A Revolution in Open ...Brussels on a cold morning, the sun reluctantly rising in the clear sky, and there’s science to be done. Sitting at a jaunty angle from the European Parliament is “possibly the best investment Bavaria ever made” (according to Gunnar Wiegand, Deputy Director at the Representation of the Free St ...
CODATA 2012On the understanding that we needed to be indoors for a conference, the Taipei weather was accordingly drizzly with rain. The CODATA 2012 International Conference began on Sunday 28th October running until Wednesday 31st October. With several keynotes, high level panel discussions, and 4 or 5 ...
Predistribution Strategies: Innovation, Financ ...I attended a Policy Network event on 3 December. It was part of their series on economic reform, and the launch of William Lazonick & Marian Mazzucato’s paper called The Risk-Reward Nexus. Committee Room 3 in the House of Lords was a wonderfully grandiose setting. The event was to centre on ...
NAU Resistance
End of Nations: Canada, the US and the “Securi ...Regardless of whether this particular agreement bears fruit for those seeking to bring the two countries into a closer union, or whether it is just another waypoint on the road of a much longer and more detailed process, the very real concerns about the erosion of national sovereignty implicit i ...
Goodbye Kyoto, Make Way For The North American ..."On Tuesday December 13th the Minister of the Environment Peter Kent announced that Canada is removing itself from the Kyoto Protocol. Kent is pushing for a more unified agreement that would unite all nation's on a global scale."
The Pretext For A North American Homeland Secu ..."Any deal which gives the Department of Homeland Security more personal information poses a serious risk to privacy rights"
Welcome To Fortress North America! NAU-Phase OneWe knew that there was nothing “new” at all to be found in this "new border vision"
Paving The Way For A North American UnionBy: Press For Truth (http://www.pressfortruth.ca) Release Date: 11/9/11 The agenda for a North American Union is underway and a new security perimeter deal will blur the lines at the border and further erode the sovereignty of Canadians and Americans. On November 13th Stephen Harper, Barack Ob ...
Gaea Times
Now, hairbrush that reads your mindWASHINGTON - Who says hairbrush can only be used to comb locks? Scientists have made a hairbrush like device that would be able to monitor mental activity. One of the main techniques for measuring and monitoring mental activity, called functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), can often b ...
Man U?s bemused Fergie tells shifty Roo to res ...LONDON - Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has told key striker Wayne Rooney that he must respect the club and its traditions if he wants to stay on. Commenting on reports that suggest that the star player wants to leave Manchester United for another club - either Manchester City or ...
Google Street Viewers spot ?God? floating over ...SYDNEY - Google Street View has spotted a god-like figure floating midair above a lake in Quarten, Switzerland. Although the image, discovered by the Gawker blog, is apparently the result of some sort of light distortion or lens flare, blogger Max Read has questioned whether it might have more ...
Dogs reduce stress in autistic children: StudyWASHINGTON - Dogs-apart from being man’s best friend-have a special role to play in the lives of children with special needs. A new study by the Universite de Montreal has suggested that specifically trained service dogs can help reduce the anxiety and enhance the socialization skills of ...
How sex hormones influence right heart functionWASHINGTON - A new study has revealed human sex hormones influence the structure and function of the right ventricle (RV) of the heart. The researchers found that in women receiving hormone therapy, higher estrogen levels were associated with higher RV ejection fraction and lower RV end-systol ...
TruthNews Australia
Lies and cover-ups by the Australian national ...Today, in the second hour, we welcome journalist Chris Graham to the show. Chris is the founding editor of the National Indigenous Times and the recipient of the prestigious Walkley Award for Excellence in Indigenous Affairs reporting. In the course of our interview Chris documents a range of ...
The pharmacracy exposed, with Thomas Szasz - P ...In the second hour of today's show we bring you some audio clips from the late Dr. Thomas Szasz, pyschiatrist, philosopher and intellectual giant of the modern era. Szasz was well known for his critique of biochemical reductionism in psychiatry, but it is interesting to note that he was also a ...
Rochelle Macredie on the Sandy Hook massacre - ...My guest tonight is Rochelle Macredie, LLB, BSc, who joins us to expose discrepencies, anomalies and disinformation in the coverage of the Sandy Hook school shooting. Rochelle's incisive intellect dissects many confusing strands of this story in an attempt to penetrate through the propaganda t ...
Restore Australia! - Part 1On today's show in the second hour we welcome Mike Holt of Restore Australia. Restore Australia’s goal is to amend Section 128 of our Constitution to give all Australian voters, as well as the Parliament, the right to initiate a referendum to amend the Constitution. Why should we do th ...
Australia - the new capital of the New World O ...Today I'm joined in studio by Damon Crowe for a general discussion about the quality of life in Australia and the way in which our society has been swallowed up by the forces of international homogenisation and enslavement. We look at the cost of living, sky rocketing property prices, and the ...
Save the Whales: Threats Old and NewOnce a rallying cry of environmentalists and ocean lovers, the call to “Save the Whales!” has seemingly died down in recent years. At the 2010 meeting of the International Whaling Commission, the 88 member countries even discussed lifting the ban on commercial whaling. Though whali ...
The Real-Life Kraken, Caught on TapeAfter a decade-long hunt almost as obsessive as Captain Ahab’s search for Moby Dick, a team of researchers and journalists from Japan’s National Science Museum, the Discovery Channel, and Japanese broadcaster NHK have captured video of the mysterious giant squid in its natural habitat, about 9 m ...
Stampede!Whale watchers off of Dana Point, California were treated to an exhilarating sight this weekend, witnessing a spectacular if unusual phenomenon: the so-called dolphin stampede. All at once a massive pod of 1,000 dolphins turned the waters around Capt. Dave's Dolphin and Whale Safari boat white, ...
Tiny Fish Climb Giant Waterfalls for Love The suction cup-like belly sucker of a round goby. The Nopoli goby boasts two such suckers for scaling waterfalls. Photo: Wikimedia Commons If you think the dating world is tough for a human, consider for a moment the Nopoli rock-climbing goby of Hawaii, which scales waterfalls up to 100 feet ...
Victory! Congress Extends Tax Credit for Offsh ...Coming soon to a coast near you. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Congress has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons this holiday season, but news out of the Capitol this week could not be better for the nation’s burgeoning offshore wind industry. As part of the so-called ‘fiscal cliff’ de ...
Civilian Military Intelligence Group
Empty newsfeed.
Taylor Marsh
Reddit and Tech Genius Aaron Schwartz Commits ...Aaron’s death is not simply a personal tragedy. It is the product of a criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach. Decisions made by officials in the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney’s office and at MIT contributed to his death. The US Attorney’s office pursued an exce ...
Obama Versus the Republican Right in Congress ...In the event that Republicans make good on their threat by failing to act, or by moving unilaterally to pass a debt limit extension only as part of unbalanced or unreasonable legislation, we believe you must be willing to take any lawful steps to ensure that America does not break its promises a ...
Queer Talk: This Time the Anti-LGBT Pastor Inv ...Four years ago it was anti-LGBT evangelical pastor Rick Warren. LGBTs and allies protested his participation in Obama’s 2008 inauguration, but Warren remained. This time it was anti-LGBT evangelical pastor Louie Giglio. Protests resulted, and the 2013 Inauguration will not include Giglio. On Jan ...
“Scandal’s” Graphic Torture Scene Nobody is Ta ...Huck is in a hole, Hollis is in the crosshairs, and Harrison is a gladiator in a suit — this is how you resume a show after a holiday break! – Scandal Recap: Letters, Ligature Marks, and Liars [New York Magazine] THE DISHY D.C. political melodrama “Scandal” is back and this wee ...
Gitmo, Eleven Years and CountingToday is the 11th anniversary of the day the first prisoner arrived at the United States’ military prison at Guantanamo Bay. As reported by, among others, Mary Shaw at Intrepid, two days after taking office in 2009, President Obama. … issued an executive order calling for the Guantanamo pr ...
Hudson New York
"Democracy is Forbidden in Islam"Why are radical Muslims opposed to the upcoming parliamentary election in Jordan? Because they believe that democracy is in contradiction with Islam's concept of the sovereignty of Allah's law. They argue that Islam and democracy cannot go together, and
German Journalist Among Top Ten Anti-Semites o ...The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Los Angeles-based Holocaust history museum and human rights organization, has placed the German critic of Israel, Jakob Augstein, on a list of top ten anti-Semites in the world. Augstein, a journalist who owns the left-wing
The European Court of Justice: Judicial BurlesqueThe partiality and exaggerated rhetoric of the European Union (EU) against Israel has, in recent weeks, become ever more familiar. It had been hoped that the European Court of Justice, established in 1952 to interpret EU law, and now composed of 27
Hagel's No-Nukes "Global Zero"Former Senator Chuck Hagel, nominated to be Secretary of Defense, is also a signatory of what is known as the "Global Zero" plan. It calls for the United States and Russia to begin comprehensive nuclear arms negotiations in early 2013 to achieve zero
Is Egypt the Next Sudan?In celebration of Egypt's new Islamic constitution, President Morsi went before the newly assembled upper house of the parliament – the Shura Council – and delivered another one of his enthusiastic and disconnected-from-reality speeches. In response to
Urban Survival
So, Do We Get New All-Time Highs?The big news in financial markets this morning – and it’s not much – is the new Balance of Trade figures and it’s hardly what anyone in their right mind would call exciting: “The U.S. Census Bureau and the … Continue reading →
Coping: Should We Have ‘Dress Up’ ...The emails continue to flow on the gun registration and restriction issue…and a reader named Mark yesterday penned a pretty good note pointing out something we tend to overlook… “The second clause is inseparable from the first. “A … Continue reading &# ...
NGSD: National Gun Silliness DiseaseWFT is the US Media thinking – if at all? Huge headlines about this morning about how vice president Biden is meeting with faith leaders to discuss gun control. Problem is this, as I see it: Faith leaders aren’t … Continue reading →
Coping: With Semi-Good Drought NewsNo sign of the drought – at least in this part of East Texas: The official report up at Tyler, about 40-miles up the road from us figures so far this year we have had 2.39″ of rain for the … Continue reading →
Bread & CircuitsTHE big financial story is all the hype and circumstance surrounding the Consumer Electronics Show which opens today in Lost Wages. As you would expect, there’s excellent coverage in places like PC World where a lot of the focus is … Continue reading →
Trends & Forecasts
The Decline of AmericaJan 12 2013 - America's Decline Date:... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://www.kousskoussklan.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]
"Thousands Of Innocent People Have Been Killed ...And yet Obama "weeps" for the kids "killed" in... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://www.kousskoussklan.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Webster Tarpley : Russia will not cave into U ...An analyst says the fact that Russia has stood... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://www.kousskoussklan.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]
CFR Meeting Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Glob ...Zbigniew Brzezinski once again discusses the... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://www.kousskoussklan.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Prophetic Dreams with David WilcockProphetic Dreams, Energy Fields & ET Disclosure... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://www.kousskoussklan.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Radical Chic
NIGERIAN PARTIES vs PARTIES IN ENGLANDOnce you have been to ‘one’ Nigerian party in your life it is safe to say that you will always know the menu. It is an unwritten rule that you can be as exotic as you like, but if your party lacks certain fundamental items, it really isn’t a party. There ‘must’ be J ...
AFRICAN ROMANCE: ‘Thorns With Roses̵ ...I once attended a wild party where I had an unusual encounter. It came in the form of a one night stand. I was a twenty-two year old student, sent to the US to get my MBA so I could take over my father’s thriving business someday. My girlfriend whom I’d whimsically thought would become [...]
AWKWARD TOPICS: A 12 Year Old Has A Baby, Shou ...This topic is for you, yes, you! I want to know your opinion on this matter. What do you think? A 12 year old has a baby, should she be allowed to keep it? On a biological level this is perhaps not a very common scenario, but for some reason, Amy is 12 years old [...]
RANDOM RANTS: ‘Infidelity’ – ...It’s one of the biggest issues facing sexual relationships today and the demise of most relationships can usually be traced back to it. But what exactly is cheating? The dictionary defines it rather unhelpfully as “marital disloyalty; adultery”. I find this definition almost insulting. Where do ...
FLASH FICTION: ‘A Christmas Miracle̵ ...Spending Christmas in hospital was not how Yinka envisioned her holidays. Hospitals were places where she received bad news: “I’m sorry your aunt is dead”; “I’m sorry you can’t concieve children naturally “; and so on. She and her husband, Tunde had worked hard all year, deferring all their annu ...
Boston Blog ( Nature Network)
Empty newsfeed.
NRDC Switchboard
Cuomo sets national model for power plant poll ...Dale Bryk, Director, Air & Energy Program, New York Yesterday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took a bold step, a nation-leading step, in his State of the State address by committing not only to better prepare our state for climate impacts, but to a ...
EPA Can Stop the Pebble Mine from Imperiling B ...Frances Beinecke, President of NRDC, New York City Every year tens of millions of salmon return to the pristine shores of Bristol Bay in Alaska. They linger in the bay’s cool shallow waters before charging up nearby streams to spawn and create ...
Along Big Muddy, the Warning Signs of Climate ...Rocky Kistner, Communications Associate, Washington, DC When officials confirmed this week that 2012 was the hottest year on record in the contiguous U.S., it came as no surprise to anyone who walked through the cauterized corn fields of A ...
Could Buenos Aires be a model for thinking abo ...Kaid Benfield, Director, Sustainable Communities, Washington, DC Today’s article is guest-authored by my friend and frequent collaborator, Lee Epstein, an attorney and land us planner working for sustainability in the mid-Atlantic region of ...
Businesses, Labor and Environmentalists Jointl ...Luke Tonachel, Vehicles Analyst, New York City We can and should have cleaner-burning gasoline and less smog pollution from cars. It’s time for the Administration to strengthen existing standards to clean our air and protect our health. On Ja ...
Injustice Everywhere
National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 10 reports of police misconduct tracked for Thursday, January 10, 2013: Winston Salem, North Carolina: A police officer was arrested and charged a second time with assaulting his girlfriend. He has been accused of pushing and threatening … Continue reading →National Poli ...
National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 9 reports of police misconduct tracked for Wednesday, January 9, 2013: Pauls Valley, Oklahoma: A pregnant woman, Jamie Lynn Russell, who went to the hospital, has died after police took her to jail. “Jamie was seeking help; … Continue reading →National Police Misco ...
National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 7 reports of police misconduct tracked for Tuesday, January 8, 2013: Seneca County, Ohio: An officer was arrested, fired, and sentenced to 6 months in prison for stealing from the village while he was in office. ow.ly/gDJYv … Continue reading →National Police Misconduct ...
Disorderly Deputy Arrests Orderly Man With Vid ...From TwinCities.com: He had been filming from about 30 feet away, he said. Henderson said deputies gave him no warning before Muellner took his camera. The deputy wrote on the citation, “While handling a medical/check the welfare (call), (Henderson) was … Continue reading →Diso ...
Police Take Pregnant Woman Out of Hospital; Sh ...Police Take Pregnant Woman Out of Hospital; She Dies in Jail is a post from PoliceMisconduct.net
Total Collapse
Russian Navy to Get over 50 Warships by 2016The Russian navy will receive more than 50 new warships by 2016, the Defense Ministry said Thursday. In the coming three years, 18 surface warships, 30 special-purpose and counter-subversion vessels as well as six multi-purpose strategic submarines will be put into service, the ministry said in ...
Obama Warned To Prepare For Hillary Clinton DeathA startling Foreign Military Intelligence (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Obama was informed by White House medical personal shortly after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s return to the United States that her health prognosis was “grim” as her likelihood o ...
Russian Navy to hold biggest war games in decadesThe four major Russian Navy fleets will hold a joint exercise in late January in the Mediterranean and Black seas. It will be the biggest such event in decades. Commands for the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea and Pacific fleets have been preparing for the exercises since December of last year, the ...
Hillary Clinton in hospital amid speculation o ...US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s admittance to the New York-Presbyterian Hospital Monday, Dec, 31 – with a blood clot caused by concussion – gave wings to a cloud of rumor and conspiracy theories surrounding her state of health. The hospital, where Saudi King Abdullah was also ...
Clinton Injured, US Navy Seal Killed In Secret ...A new Foreign Military Intelligence (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today is saying that United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [photo 2nd left]was injured, and a top US Navy Seal Commander killed when their C-12 Huron military passenger and transport aircraft crash landed near ...
Daily Dose
TNW’s Daily Dose: Java, Best Buy, and th ...Java gets whacked, Groupon goes payments on Android, Best Buy has a flat holiday season, and TwitPic’s dude is back. You can catch The Daily Dose every Monday through Friday... Keep reading →
TNW’s Daily Dose: Amazon AutoRip gives you MP3 ...Amazon launches AutoRip, giving US customers MP3 copies of CDs they’ve bought, Nokia fares surprisingly well in Q4 2012, and Digg’s new owners are bullish about its future. It’s all... Keep reading →
TNW’s Daily Dose: WSJ says Apple plans a cheap ...Apple is reportedly working on a cheaper iPhone according to the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft will transition Messenger users to Skype in March, and LinkedIn passes 200 million users. It’s... Keep reading →
TNW’s Daily Dose: Ford lets developers loose o ...Ford launches a Developer Network for SYNC-enabled cars, Samsung reveals 60″+ TVs, and Apple’s Tim Cook is in China for high-powered meetings. It’s all in today’s Daily Dose. You can... Keep reading →
TNW’s Daily Dose: Apple’s 40 billion App ...Apple announces 40 billion total App Store downloads from 500 million active accounts, Yahoo Mail users suffer widespread hacking, and it may be possible to send encrypted messages via the... Keep reading →
Beyond Zero Emissions
Submissions to the SA Select Committee on the ...To download BZE's full submission click here. To download the Repower Port Augusta Alliance submission click here. (NOTE: Some people have trouble downloading files from our website, with some downloads stopping before completion. If you have this problem then right-click on the li ...
This summer, BBQ without cooking the planetFor the summer holiday season, the first thing on everyone's mind is naturally how to minimise their carbon emissions. Well, maybe not the first thing on everyone's mind, but it is at least possible to have a barbie without contributing extra greenhouse emissions – and probably more convenient ...
BZE Awards its VolunteersBZE relies on its dedicated and skilled volunteers for much of our research and public education initiatives. All our volunteers deserve an award! Today we are recognising those people that have excelled themselves in 2012. A big thank you to them and to all the people that have volunteered fo ...
Hartcher should stop providing PR for the gas ...Beyond Zero Emissions statement, 20 December 2012 New South Wales Energy Minister Chris Hartcher recently said “If we are unable to access gas the lights will go out. It's as simple as that." (Daily Telegraph, 9 December 2012). The statement is clearly wrong, on many counts (see below). Why is ...
Is dirty gas killing clean coal?CSG fracking: destroying carbon capture & storage potential? Media release, December 17, 2012 “Fracking” to tap unconventional gas resources could destroy the much-hyped “clean coal” carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. Earlier this year, Scientific American reported findings that ...
Monga Bay ( News )
World Bank REDD+ forest carbon fund gets $180m ...The World Bank's forest carbon fund got a $180 million injection from Finland, Germany and Norway, reports Point Carbon.
Diverse forestry stands better than monocultur ...Growing a diverse array of tree species for timber production contributes a broader array of valuable ecosystem services compared to industrial monocultures, reports a new study based on field work in Sweden.
Rhino poaching hits new record in 2012668 rhinos were killed in South Africa during 2012 according to new figures released by the South African government. The total, which represents a 49 percent rise over the 448 killed in 2011, reveals the heavy toll the black market trade in rhino horn is taking on one of Africa's best known and ...
Throwing our food away: Up to 50% of the food ...A new report titled 'Global food, waste not, want not' published by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers has found that 30 to 50% of all food produced in the world never reaches a stomach.
Colombia to double the size of massive Amazon ...Colombia may more than double the size of the remote and poorly-known Chiribiquete National Park to make it the biggest protected area in the Colombian Amazon, reports El Espectador.
Sierra Express
In Sierra Leone – ABC Executives Lecture Soldi ...The executives of the Attitudinal and Behavioural Change (ABC) Secretariat stormed the 2 Infantry Battalion situated in the outskirt of Kenema city in the morning hours of Wednesday 9thJanuary 2013 to lecture on democracy, good governance and political tolerance. (Photo: Executive Director Dr. ...
Sierra Leoneans Deserve CommendationIt is true that without people’s participation, democracy cannot deliver to it potential. And the fact that Sierra Leoneans participated in the past November polls in high numbers demonstrate their commitment to the democratic dispensation of their beloved country. (Photo: Alhaji Jalloh, IA, Sau ...
AUC/AfDB/ECA Principals Agree to Push the Deve ...Addis Ababa, 11 January 2013 – Where and how do we get to that prosperous Africa by 2063, and what will be the different roles of AUC, ECA and AfDB 50 years from now? The question and other related issues were on the agenda of a two-day high level discussion co-chaired, today Friday, 11 J ...
In Sierra Leone – President Koroma and our gro ...The Agenda for Prosperity is explicit in terms of government’s readiness to deepening the country’s democracy and rule of law. Generally, prosperity and stability are a far cry in any state that is neither democratic nor peaceful .The observance of the rule of law and the rights of people are th ...
Political Parties Registration CommissionThe Commission wishes it to be known by the general public that on the 4th December 2012 it received a letter of complaint from a cross section of members belonging to the United Democratic Party requesting the Commission to mediate among the leadership of that party. Complaints The allegations ...
Dairy Industry - NZ Herald
This year looking good for beef, dairyThe signs are mildly positive for the dairy and beef sectors this year, but the outlook for sheep farmers does not look quite so rosy, agricultural economists said.Farmers across the board will face the likelihood of a rising New...
Chinese firm plans $210m milk plant in NZYashili International Holdings, which manufactures and distributes infant milk formula products in China, is the latest Chinese company looking to invest in New Zealand, with plans to build a 1.1 billion yuan ($210 million) processing...
Gisborne Milk Co-op survival bid failGisborne Milk Co-op, the 66-year-old Bay of Plenty dairy supplier in liquidation, has lost a last-ditch bid to get back shares and supply arrangements with Fonterra Cooperative Group.In the High Court in Auckland, Justice Rebecca...
Crunch time alarm soundedFinancial institutions may struggle to be ready for new anti-money-laundering laws if they haven't yet begun preparations, a legal expert warns.PricewaterhouseCoopers advisory partner Eric Lucas said that when Australia introduced...
Increased dairy farming investment in pipelineInvestment in New Zealand dairy farming will step up this year after the sector attracted strong interest in 2012, according to dairy farm syndication specialist MyFarm.MyFarm said the industry was entering a positive cycle in 2013...
Hit & Run | Reason
Sheldon Richman on Government DebtGovernment borrowing is a source of many evils, writes Sheldon Richman, not least of which is that for decades it made big government appear cheaper than it is. Could the federal government spend nearly $4 trillion a year if it had to raise every penny through taxation? Unlikely. A t ...
Reddit Co-Founder, Open Info Activist Bullied ...If you’re using an RSS feed to help keep track of Hit & Run blog posts or the Reason 24/7 news feed, Aaron Swartz gets some of the credit. The young programmer helped developed them. He committed suicide Friday at the young age of 26. Via Wired: When he was a 14 years old, ...
Veronique de Rugy on Getting States off the Fe ...Reflexive calls for Washington to pick up the tab in the wake of Hurricane Sandy underscore one of the greatest shifts of power in American politics during the last four decades: the transition from state and local autonomy to federal subsidy and control. This centralization of ...
Baylen Linnekin on Public Support for Food FreedomA new poll finds Americans have little stomach “for policies that would constrain consumer choices...such as limits on the amount or type of food that can be purchased or taxes on unhealthy foods or drinks.” The national poll, released last week by the Associated Press/NORC Center fo ...
National Climate Assessment: It's Getting Hot ...Hot on the heels (so to speak) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's declaration a couple of days ago that 2012 was the hottest year on record in the lower 48 states, the U.S. Global Change Research Program released earlier today the draft version of its National ...
Mercury Rising
Another sacrifice to Plutohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgh2dFngFsg&feature=player_embedded#! (Video via UnaSpenser, DK) Via Scott Lemieux at Lawyers, Guns, and Money, lawyer Larry Lessig tells the tragic tale of a young, infinitely-talented, public-spirited man brought to suicide by malicious prosecution, under th ...
Main Objections To #MintTheCoin Political, Not ...Well, that settles that: The U.S. Treasury Department will not mint a high-value platinum coin to avert the debt ceiling, according to an official statement from the Obama administration obtained by the Huffington Post on Saturday. “Neither the Treasury Department nor the Federal Reserve believe ...
Scott Horton puts names to the dysfunction in ...(Photograph of David Margolis from Joe Palazzolo, Main Justice) (Photograph of Lt. Col. Ronald L. Rodgers from Dafna Linzner, ProPublica) Everytime there’s a broken system, there are people inside it, breaking it. If they can be named, confronted, and (ideally) ejected, the system can be f ...
- Friday Cat Blogging
Gosh, I wonder if it could be because they are ...What profiteth a man if he gain the world and cannot even get decent medical care? Sarah Boseley, The Guardian: America may be one of the richest countries in the world, but its people are less healthy and more likely to die early from disease or accidents than those in any other affluent countr ...
Reality Sandwich
Sex in the NewsThe House GOP and the Violence Against Women Act, six geeky sex toys and six myths about STI's, the devil loves anal, and more in this week's sex in the news. read more
A Species Recovering from Amnesia: A Talk with ...Few writers can match Graham Hancock's influence as the author of several breakthrough books of alternative history, including Fingerprints of the Gods, Underworld, and Supernatural. His work has been instrumental in challenging institutional thinking about humanity's lost past, whil ...
Bump in Genetic MutationsThis is the dawning of a new era in our genetic makeup. A recent report published in Nature magazine warns of the sudden rush of mutations amongst us, with the majority of the mutations occurring in the last 5,000 years. read more
Evolver Spores: Collective Cooperation Evolver Convergences: Collective Cooperation - Wednesday, January 16 read more
2013's First Full Moonread more
OP-ED: Climate Inaction Is a Clear Failure of ...Around the world, 2012 was the year of extreme weather, when we unequivocally learned that the fossil fuel energy that powers our societies is destroying them. Accepting this reality is the biggest challenge of the brand new year. Re-engineering our societies and lifestyles to prosper on green a ...
OP-ED: A Universal Climate Change Agreement Is ...The results of the United Nations climate change conference that closed in Doha, Qatar on Dec. 8 show once again that the international negotiations are moving steadily in the right direction, but alarmingly slow. At the heart of these negotiations is nothing less than the most challenging energ ...
Critics Brand Climate Talks Another Lost Oppor ...Rich countries came to the U.N. climate talks in Doha intent on delaying needed action on climate change for another three years and a still to be hammered out new global treaty. This delay will be extraordinarily expensive and risky. Every year that fossil fuel emissions fail to decline adds to ...
Doha Climate Summit Ends With No New CO2 Cuts ...The United Nations climate talks in Doha went a full extra 24 hours and ended without increased cuts in fossil fuel emissions and without financial commitments between 2013 and 2015. “This an incredibly weak deal,” said Samantha Smith representing the Climate Action Network, a coalit ...
A Hotter World Is a Hungry WorldFood prices will soar and hundreds of millions will starve without urgent action to make major cuts in fossil fuel emissions. That is what is at stake here on the last day of the U.N. climate talks known as COP 18, scientists and activists say. Carbon emissions are already disrupting the world&# ...
Blogging Canadians
"Your Friend" and Facebook, Inc.The Ultimate Facebook Prank: How To "Kill" Your Friends on Facebook by Faking Their Deaths by Osas Obaiza As originally posted on: WonderHowTo January 4, 2013 It only takes a minute for something well intentioned to turn into something sinister. Facebook created 'memorial pages' as way fo ...
Finale: "The Government / #Bankster / Corporat ...the biggest #mafia in the world is the government/#bankster/corporate/military cartel. by J.S. Kim As originally posted on: Gold&SilverRealMoney (smartknowledgeu) on Twitter August 9, 2012
On the Twelfth Day of Cronyism . . . : The SystemThe following tweets were originally posted by "Anti War" on Twitter via its account (https://twitter.com/_AntiWar_), variously, on October 17, 2012; December 9, 2012; December 10, 2012; December 11, 2012; December 13, 2012; December 14, 2012; December 15, 2012; December 16, 2012; December 17, ...
On the Eleventh Day of Cronyism . . . : "The P ...WAR IS BUSINESS. by "Ann Arky" As originally posted on: annarky's blog. December 24, 2012 In times of "austerity" our "democratic" governments still spend a whopping slice of your money and my money in killing people across the globe. We in the UK are the world's fourth largest spender on ...
Liberal leadership – a beauty pageant?If Justin Bieber were a nobody and you’d met him in the street or at a bar, you might be inclined, provided he’s your type, to ask him, “Wanna hang out sometime?”, or, more awkwardly, “For you, I’d change the alphabet and put U and I next to each other.” (Yeah, good luck with that.) But Justin ...
Press TV - Middle East
‘Russia will not bow to US pressure’A US-based historian says Russia will not buckle under pressure from the United States to reconsider its policy on Syria.
Bahrainis hold funeral for protesterScores of Bahrainis have attended the funeral procession held for a demonstrator killed by regime forces near the capital, Manama.
Syrian sports star slain in DamascusForeign-sponsored militants have fatally shot a Syrian sports champion in the capital Damascus as clashes between rebels and government forces rage on.
Israel to build 170 new settler unitsIsrael has published a plan to build 170 new settler units and 84 guest rooms in the West Bank despite international condemnation of the expansion of illegal settlements on the occupied Palestinian lands.
Checkpoint attack kills Iraqi soldiersThree Iraqi soldiers have been killed in an attack by a militant group on an army checkpoint north of the capital, Baghdad.
CUNY SPS Community Blog
On The Day My Life Changed ForeverRecently I read an FB status on a friend’s page that asked what a panic attack felt like and I smiled in sympathy. I wanted to reply and describe it, but I didn’t want to take up that much space. I recently experienced my first panic attack. Now if you’ve been a reader for a [...]
MA in Applied Theatre Students and Alumni in t ...In September, SPS announced that Linda Key (’12) received a prestigious Fulbright award. Applied Theatre students and alumni continue to break ground. At elementary schools in all five boroughs, Leah Page (’13), Liz Parker (’11), Rachel Evans (’13), Amy Sawyers (’13), Anneka Fagundes (’11) ...
Code for Change: Student-to-Student Text Book ...In October of this year, Paul Russo, Ph.D., SPS’s Director of Online Programs and an instructor in the Sociology program, led a team of current CUNY students and graduates to develop a free student-to-student text book exchange as part of the ApplicationsforGood codathon sponsored by the M ...
I am a marathoner.Reblogged from xahndra: I’ve struggled with putting words to my incredible marathon experience… That’s why it’s taken me so long to even think about this post; but here I go. The day before the Philly Marathon, with “Rocky.” The back of my marathon shirt… ...
A Post-Sandy Report from Far RockawayHello friends, I am writing to tell you about a Red Cross volunteer day to Far Rockaway, Queens, which you’ve probably heard about. The story of my last stint at the shelter in Long Island was posted on the CUNY SPS Community Blog, and I thank them for their initiative. It may also be on [...]
Dissident Voice
Veterans For Peace Supports U.N. Committee in ...Leah Bolger, President of Veterans For Peace, applauded a United Nations Committee this week for raising concerns about the recruitment of children into the U.S. military, the U.S. killing of children in Afghanistan, the U.S. detention and torture of children labeled “combatants,” an ...
The Dawn of MedicareA highly risible tactic of the Tea Partyers in the United States has been criticism of president Barack Obama as a “socialist”1 (insulting to Obama but more so to socialists), particularly since he attempted to reform a medical care system in a country where over 50 million were without medical ...
Hope is for the Lazy: The Challenge of Our Dea ...In 2005, I preached on the ecological crisis in a sermon I titled “Hope is for the Weak: The Challenge of a Broken World.” Looking back, I realize that I had been far too upbeat and optimistic, probably trying too hard to be liked. Today I want to correct that. Hence, my updated title: “Hope [...]
Inflation of the University DegreeCatch 22s Well it seems now that college graduates are up in arms about the student loan payments that they will have to make after graduation, and while Congress and the President have taken the necessary measures to keep student loan rates from increasing, college graduates still must confront ...
After The Fireworks Have FadedOn July 4, the people of the U.S. marked the passing of another year’s perfunctory Independence Day festivities. The date, also, was occasioned by the formal announcement from physicists at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) that, according to the banner headline at CERNR ...
Nick Turse
Ferry, Chambers Street, Manhattan. (April 09, ...Ferry, Chambers Street, Manhattan. (April 09, 1936)
Murray Hill Hotel, from Park Avenue and 40th S ...Murray Hill Hotel, from Park Avenue and 40th Street, Manhattan. (November 19, 1935)
tamturse:Fiery Sunrise 1 on Flickr.A beauti ...tamturse: Fiery Sunrise 1 on Flickr. A beautiful sunrise over Manhattan
Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. [Young ...Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. [Young women at the march.]: 08/28/1963 (NARA)
reuters:Joseph Keller doesn’t expect he’ll l ...reuters: Joseph Keller doesn’t expect he’ll live to see the end of 2013. He blames the house at 190 Avondale Avenue. Five years ago, Keller, 10 months behind on his mortgage payments, received notice of a foreclosure judgment from JP Morgan Chase. In a few weeks, the bank said, his three-story ...