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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

8 January - Blogs I'm Following III

English: The logo of the political website Ope...
English: The logo of the political website OpedNews (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10:30 pm MST

Stephen Lendman: "Austerity reflects predatory capitalist harshness. Bankers, other corporate favorites, and super-rich elites are enriched at the expense of most others." "Washington's fiscal cliff duplicity conceals class war. Bipartisan complicity wants America's social contract destroyed. By 2023 or sooner, it may no longer exist."

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 1 minute ago
------------------------------ *New York Times Supports Austerity Harshness* *By Stephen Lendman (about the author)* * * Permalink *OpEdNews Op Eds 1/8/2013 at 01:23:40* opednews.com *New York Times Supports Austerity Harshness* *The NYT notoriously supports wealth, power and privilege.* by Stephen Lendman Austerity reflects predatory capitalist harshness. Bankers, other corporate favorites, and super-rich elites are enriched at the expense of most others. Force-fed policies are destructive. Disadvantaged households are har... more »

Keith Ratliff Killed on rural Georgia road

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 2 minutes ago
An operator of a highly popular YouTube channel dedicated to high-powered guns and explosives was found mysteriously shot to death, authorities said. Keith Ratliff, who was a business partner at FPSRussia, YouTube's ninth most popular channel with more than three million active subscribers and a combined half billion views, was discovered on a rural road in Carnesville, Georgia. Ratliff had a single gunshot wound the head and police are treating his death as a homicide. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259190/Keith-Ratliff-Popular-online-guns-explosives-expert-shot-death-ru... more »

China: Frozen fish chipped free from ice by hungry locals

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 2 minutes ago
It’s certainly rather different to sitting outside all day with a fishing rod and bait to catch your dinner. Residents of Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province in China, were delighted to find yesterday that they could chip free frozen fish from an icy river. A section of the river was drained last month due to the construction of a nearby metro line - leaving only a shallow amount of water, according to local environmental protection bureau officials. One said: ‘Due to the low temperature and shallow water, the fish were killed by the frozen water.’ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/... more »

Astronomers say hydrocarbon blocks could contain 'exotic form of life'

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 2 minutes ago
Saturn's moon Titan is home to lakes of massive hydrocarbon 'icebergs' that could form exotic forms of life, scientists have claimed. Nasa researchers say the new theory may also explain bizarre reading from the vast lakes and seas on the moon. 'One of the most intriguing questions about these lakes and seas is whether they might host an exotic form of life,' said Jonathan Lunine of Cornell University, who co-authored the study. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2259153/The-floating-icebergs-Titan-Astronomers-say-hydrocarbon-blocks-hold-key-exotic-form-life.html

Apophis: Asteroid named after an Egyptian demon set to pass by Earth tomorrow

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 2 minutes ago
A 900 foot-wide asteroid will make the latest in a series of close approaches to the Earth tomorrow. Scientists have ruled out any possibility of a cataclysmic collision - yet - but there remains a non-negligible chance of the asteroid Apophis smashing into Earth in 2036. This year Apophis, named after an Egyptian mythological demon, will not get closer than around nine million miles. Scientists will use the encounter to improve their estimate of just how dangerous the space rock really is. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2259136/Watch-Apophis-Asteroid-named-Egyptian-... more »

EU demands access to details of all UK drivers: 'Orwellian' move to hand out personal information to foreign police forces......If they don't Obey they face Millions in Fines

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 14 minutes ago
Brussels is demanding that 26 police forces across the EU should have access to the personal details of every motorist in Britain. The Government is being threatened with fines totalling millions of pounds unless it obeys the ‘Orwellian’ edict. *Foreign police also want open access to the UK’s national DNA database and fingerprint records so they can check them against crime scenes and camera footage.* http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259319/EU-demands-access-details-UK-drivers-Orwellian-hand-personal-information-foreign-police-forces.html

This is what Victory looks like in Tucson!

Roberto Rodriguez at Dr Cintli - 16 minutes ago
UNIDOS and Social Justice Holding it down til the end New board, prior to election of Adelita Grijalva as new chair of 3-2 pro-MAS TUSD board majority For story, go to: http://azstarnet.com/news/local/education/board-wants-tusd-to-offer-culturally-relevant-courses-for-core/article_202dca90-5a0f-11e2-9dc3-001a4bcf887a.html?fb_action_ids=10151186313905706&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_ref=.UOzrMfJmk_E.like&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582

4.9 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 minutes ago
Magnitude 4.9 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 04:46:29 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 09:46:29 AM at epicenter Location 1.860°S, 67.884°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 913 km (568 miles) SW (223°) from MALE, Maldives

Global warming has STALLED since 1998: Met Office admits temperature of Earth is rising more slowly than feared

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 minutes ago
The Met Office has admitted that global warming has stalled. Officials say that by 2017, temperatures will not have risen significantly for nearly 20 years. They concede that previous forecasts were inaccurate – and have come under fire for attempting to ‘bury bad news’ by publishing the revised data on Christmas Eve. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2259012/Global-warming-Met-Office-releases-revised-global-temperature-predictions-showing-planet-NOT-rapidly-heating-up.html

Denis Burakov Killed in Zorbing Accident

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 28 minutes ago
These frightening images capture the moment that Denis Burakov, 27, pictured far right, broke his neck and spine in a 'zorbing' accident - which involves rolling downhill in a giant inflatable ball - at a ski-resort in southern Russia. His companion Vladimir Shcherbov, 33, was taken to hospital with concussion and multiple cuts to the head and body, but was later released. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259094/The-horrific-moment-father-young-girls-dies-inflatable-ball-zorbing-spins-control-falls-cliff-Russian-ski-resort.html

Republican Doyenne Georgette Mosbacher On The GOP's Tarnished Brand

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 30 minutes ago
When I was growing up, Pamela Harriman (née Digby-- yes her great-great aunt was Jane Digby!), Winston Churchill's daughter-in-law, was the grand dame of the Democratic Party, the hostess with the mostest who had had affairs with countless social celebrities, from William Paley, Averell Harriman and Edward R Murrow to Prince Ali Khan, Leland Hayward, Baron Elie de Rothschild and Gianni Agnelli. She was, in her day, known as the world's greatest courtesan. She also married some of these men. She threw parties in DC during the '60s and '70s and during the '80s and '90s she raised en... more »


Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes ago
At a crowded market stall in Syria, a middle-aged couple, well dressed, shuffle over to press a folded note, furtively, into the hand of a foreign reporter. It is the kind of silent cry for help against a reign of fear that has been familiar to journalists visiting Syria over the past two years. Only this is not the Damascus of President Bashar al-Assad but rebel-held Aleppo; the note laments misrule under the revolution and hopes Assad can defeat its "terrorism". "We used to live in peace and security until this malicious revolution reached us and the Free Syrian Army started taki... more »

Two Boeing 787 incidents raise safety concerns

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes ago
Boeing Co's new 787 Dreamliner suffered its second mishap in two days at the same airport with the same airline, extending a series of problems that have dogged the jet for more than a month and notched up concern about the plane. A fuel leak on Tuesday forced a 787 operated by Japan Airlines to cancel takeoff at Boston's Logan International Airport. On Monday, an electrical fire erupted in a different 787 also operated by Japan Airlines at the Boston airport. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/08/us-boeing-japan-airlines-idUSBRE9070T320130108

Graham threatens to block Obama CIA nominee

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 38 minutes ago
A Republican senator threatened on Tuesday to block the confirmation of President Barack Obama's nominee to head the CIA until the administration provides more information to Congress about the September 11, 2012, attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya. Senator Lindsey Graham said his objection was not directed at Obama's CIA nominee - 25-year agency veteran John Brennan - but was an attempt to extract information about the Benghazi attacks from the White House. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/08/us-obama-nominations-brennan-idUSBRE90710S20130108

U.S. troops arrive in Turkey; rebels battle for airport in Syria

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 39 minutes ago
U.S. troops arrived in Turkey on Friday to man Patriot missile defense batteries near the Syrian border, Turkish state media said. The move was made after Syria launched Scud missiles at cities near the Turkish border. In response, the U.S., Germany and the Netherlands have deployed Patriot air defense missiles to the border region to intercept any Syrian ballistic missiles. U.S. officials: Syria using more accurate, Iranian-made missiles The missiles and troops are under the control of NATO, but the missiles are to be operated by U.S. forces. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/04/world... more »

Study Reveals Exocomet Numbers Nearly Tripled

Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 40 minutes ago
*A new haul of comets around distant stars has been unveiled, more than doubling-up the number we know of.* Comets such as Halley's Comet, which makes an extensive, oval path passing near the Sun every 75 years, make themselves known through their long tails of gas and debris that comes off as they approach their host stars. The finding of more and more comets also raises the possibility that comets could play a vital role in delivery services. The new study helps illuminate the interaction between those planets and the debris discs from which they came and in turn help to expla... more »

Australia: Firefighters in a race against time

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 44 minutes ago
THOUSANDS of firefighters scrambled today to douse bushfires before more severe conditions prompt new blazes. Victoria also counted the cost of yesterday's bushfires, with an historic house among properties lost in fires near Ballarat. Yesterday's heatwave eased in parts of NSW today but areas of northern NSW were today still experiencing hot and windy conditions exceeding 40 degrees, and more hot weather is expected to hit NSW and Victoria on Friday and over the weekend. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/in-depth/bushfires/bushfire-crisis-far-from-over/story-fngw0i02-1226550004251

David R Ellis Death A Mystery

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 45 minutes ago
Police are investigating the death in South Africa of David R Ellis, the director of Snakes On A Plane, the 2006 movie starring Samuel L Jackson. The body of 60-year-old Ellis, who had worked as an actor and stuntman earlier in his career, was discovered in the bathroom of his hotel room in upmarket Sandton in Johannesburg. He had last been seen by a friend in a restaurant last Saturday. "Nothing was found to be missing from his room and no foul play is being suspected at this stage," said police spokesman Lt Col Lungelo Dlamini. http://news.sky.com/story/1035199/snakes-on-a-plane-... more »

4.7 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 49 minutes ago
Magnitude 4.7 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 04:12:48 UTC Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 07:12:48 PM at epicenter Location 55.334°N, 134.948°W Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Distances 102 km (64 miles) S (190°) from Port Alexander, AK

Huge Fire Rages Through Lagos Lagoon Slum

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 49 minutes ago
A massive fire has ripped through one of the poorest suburbs in the Nigerian city of Lagos, burning down ramshackle homes and workshops. Dozens of buildings were destroyed as flames tore through Ebute Metta, a community along the Lagos lagoon where sawmills process timber brought from across Nigeria. http://news.sky.com/story/1035313/huge-fire-rages-through-lagos-lagoon-slum

UK Armed Forces Warned Over Cyber Attack Threat

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 52 minutes ago
The UK's armed forces are now so dependent on information and communication technology that they could be a "fatally compromised" by sustained cyber attacks. The Defence Select Committee has produced a report that questions the military's contingency plans and urges the Government to do more to address the threat. "It is our view that cyber security is a sufficiently urgent, significant and complex activity to warrant increased ministerial attention," said committee chairman James Arbuthnot MP. http://news.sky.com/story/1035284/cyber-attack-threat-uk-armed-forces-warned

Rat plague hits penguin Island, Australia

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
A plague of black rats is destroying the native wildlife population on Penguin Island, threatening to ruin one of WA's best nature havens and ecotourism attractions. Thousands of the rats have inundated the small island 700m off Rockingham to feed on hundreds of eggs and chicks of its famous little penguin colony and other birds. Penguin Island was, as ever, an idyllic escape from the heat and bustle of the mainland yesterday but the scene belied the huge environmental threat. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/15788594/rat-plague-hits-penguins/

6.0 Magnitude Earthquake MYANMAR - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Magnitude Mw 6.0 Region MYANMAR Date time 2013-01-09 01:41:54.0 UTC Location 25.37 N ; 95.09 E Depth 99 km Distances 68 km SE Phek, Myanmar

4.6 Magnitude Earthquake KURIL ISLANDS - 9th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Magnitude 4.6 Date-Time Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 00:17:52 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 11:17:52 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 46.805°N, 152.515°E Depth 54.3 km (33.7 miles) Region KURIL ISLANDS Distances 358 km (222 miles) SE of Vostok, Russia

4.6 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Magnitude 4.6 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 23:42:57 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 04:42:57 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 2.258°S, 68.030°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 591 km (367 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

4.8 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 23:38:43 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 04:38:43 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 2.063°S, 67.984°E Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 923 km (573 miles) SW (221°) from MALE, Maldives

4.7 Magnitude Earthquake CARLSBERG RIDGE - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Magnitude 4.7 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 23:31:49 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 04:31:49 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 1.977°S, 68.012°E Depth 10.1 km (6.3 miles) Region CARLSBERG RIDGE Distances 584 km (362 miles) WSW of Hithadhoo, Maldives

5.4 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Magnitude 5.4 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 21:26:55 UTC Wednesday, January 09, 2013 at 09:26:55 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 34.429°S, 179.170°E Depth 8.4 km (5.2 miles) Region SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS Distances 378 km (234 miles) SSW of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand

Nuclear War and Deterrence

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 hour ago
Today I read this great essay, "The Four Paradoxes of Nuclear Strategy" by Hans J. Morgenthau, published in 1964 in The American Political Science Review. I was a political science minor and my professors favored the form of realism Morgenthau championed in his analysis of the power politics of states. Morgenthau's Four Paradoxes of Nuclear Strategy is a very well argued criticism of the insanity of nuclear deterrence. At issue: The idea that nuclear weapons actually deter nuclear war. 1. What is the value of nuclear deterrence when "The Immensity of the military force which the... more »

Coushatta Round Dance Texas 'Idle No More' Tarsands Blockade

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 hour ago
Tarsands Blockade VIDEO: Our Action Camp this weekend joined members of the Coushatta and Biloxi-Chitimacha tribes for an Idle No More solidarity round dance and rally within feet of the KXL pipeline easement.Click LIKE and WATCH the video here:http://tarsandsblockade.org/15th-action/Over a 120 blockaders danced and rallied in the front yard of an indigenous family's home immediately

What does Idle No More portend?

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 hour ago
There are wo possibilities - Idle No More means not a whole lot or is the beginning of a national awakening of a slumbering giant. It is possible that the Idle No More protests are nothing more that the spontaneous outbursts of a few frustrated at the failure of aboriginals to find a place of respect and dignity in Canadian society. If this is all the Idle No More movement is then apart from some minor delay for rail traffic and a few tie ups at bridge crossings the impact on Canadian society will be passing and trifling. But if planned and with a strategy the effect could be very... more »

Remembering Australia’s Black Saturday 2009

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 2 hours ago
[image: Bushfire dwarfs a fire-truck at Labertouche, near Pakenham, east of Melbourne, February 2009. Alex Coppel / The Australian] In February 2009, Desdemona was new to blogging. The world was still reeling from the global financial collapse caused by the deregulated, automated, shadow banking system – currently valued at $67 trillion and growing! Global warming was fading into the background of the public consciousness. Except in Australia, where a “once-in-a-century” heatwave had broken temperature records across the states of New South Wales and Victoria. Coupled with the re... more »

Highest Ever One-Day Sales for American Silver Eagles?

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 2 hours ago
http://news.coinupdate.com/highest-ever-one-day-sales-for-american-silver-eagles-1796/ * * *Highest Ever One-Day Sales for American Silver Eagles?* January 7, 2013 By Michael Zielinski 13 Comments Today, January 7, 2013, the United States Mint began accepting orders from authorized purchasers for 2013-dated American Silver Eagle bullion coins. The opening day sales tally of 3,937,000 coins seems to represent the highest one-day sales total in the history of the program. In recent years it has been typical for the Mint to experience the strongest sales for Silver Eagle bullion coin... more »

2nd Annual International Feminist Journal of Politics Conference

Laura Sjoberg at Duck of Minerva - 2 hours ago
The International Feminist Journal of Politics announces its 2nd Annual IFjP Conference, May 17-19, 2013, University of Sussex, Brighton, England: (Im)possibly Queer International Feminisms General Keynote: Lisa Duggan, American Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, NYU Queer Film Screening: Circumstance (2011), Introduced by Director Maryam Keshavarz. with Q&A to follow Conference Theme Keynotes: Jon Binnie, Geography, Manchester Metropolitan University, Vivienne Jabri, War Studies, Kings College London; V Spike Peterson, International Relations/Gender Continue reading

Lamar W. Hankins : The Failure of Religion-Based Public Grief

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 3 hours ago
On Sunday night, December 16, President Obama spoke at a vigil for those who died at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Conn. Image from The Washington Post. The failure of religion-based public grief My dissonance came from the very words Obama spoke and quoted because for me they are empty and inconsequential in the face of such tragedy. By Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog / January 8,

Bugger The Bankers - THE OFFICIAL VIDEO

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 3 hours ago
*From:* The Johan Joubert Community *Sent:* 07 January 2013 08:19 PM *To:* *Subject:* Bugger the Bankers Ringtone This is going viral around the web. Its a video called *"Bugger the Bankers"* Please make the last 60 seconds your ringtone. If everyone makes this their ringtone, it will be like the Christian Fish - when you hear it, you know you are not alone. Right mouse click on "bugger the bankers - ringtone" and choose "save target as" http://downloads.newera.org.za/SC%20in%20CT%20-%20Reference/ *-- The JJC*

Do NOT Surrender Your Guns, America: Important Video - Innocence Betrayed, The History Of Gun Control

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 3 hours ago
I live in Canada, and right now this once great nation has very strong gun control restrictions that make the ownership of private guns near impossible. Even recently the Canadian government attempted to pass its diabolical "gun registry" so that all private gun owners would be "registered" by the Federal Government in Ottawa. This was done so that they would have a list of all gun owners ready if and when they wanted to confiscate their guns and leave the populace helpless in the face of a criminal government. Thank goodness most people refused to adhere to this "registry", and... more »

The Art of the Possible Part 2

Way Way Up at Fort McMurray Adventures - 3 hours ago
Fortunately for us, the weather cleared and we were able to make it to Iqaluit. Unfortunately, we arrived after the tournament started. The high school, the venue where the tournament was being held, was a zoo of people, and I was trying to figure out what classroom we had been assigned as our change room/sleeping quarters. Oh yes, to make things even more interesting, I was told we had a game in 20 minutes. Just what anyone wants to hear after a 3 hour flight. In any event the team managed to get dressed and ready. They had a pretty good showing, considering how many hoops the... more »

Bulletin: In the wake of the economic meltdown big-time policy mistakes were made! Paul Krugman reports from U.S. economists' annual confab

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
Brian McFadden (August 2011) [click to enlarge] *"A family can decide to spend less and try to earn more. But in the economy as a whole, spending and earning go together: my spending is your income; your spending is my income. If everyone tries to slash spending at the same time, incomes will fall -- and unemployment will soar."* *-- Paul Krugman, in his NYT column* "The Big Fail" *by Ken* Paul K, reporting from the annual meeting of the American Economic Association and affiliates in San Diego -- an affair he describes as "a sort of medieval fair that serves as a marketplace for b... more »

Very Important Audio: John Friend's Truth Militia Broadcast For Monday, January 7th, 2013 With Doctor Rebecca Carley!

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 3 hours ago
I have been stating for a very long time that it is indeed an uphill battle against the criminals in charge of our medical and pharmaceutical industries that continue to promote their poisonous vaccines. I must reiterate that everyone must avoid vaccinations at all cost. They simply do NOT work, and the side effects from these poison laden chemical injections are far worse than the actual diseases that they are promoted in fighting! I listened to my friend, John Friend's (www.johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com) Truth Militia internet radio (www.truthmilitia.com) broadcast, "The Realist... more »

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 01/08/2013

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 3 hours ago
* * *Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 01/08/2013* 6 Etznab, 6 Chen, 9 Eb Selamat Balik! We return! Many events on your world are waiting for the right divine time for Heaven to give the formal go-ahead. We, too, are subject to this constraint. The Divine has reached a point where the decrees of the Creator require that a series of new change points be met. Until then, the dark is being held in check by special Seraphim assigned to this sacred task. As a result we are now busy conferring with our sacred associates on Earth and in H... more »

Kid Pareene and the Michelle Rhee watch!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 3 hours ago
*TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2013* *What will Frontline give us:* At Salon, Alex “Kid” Pareene thinks history may happen tonight. He think tonight’s Frontline may take Michelle Rhee down a peg. For Pareene’s reasoning, click here. Everything is possible! We will only note this: At the Frontline site, Jason Breslow previews tonight's show with pitch-perfect Standard Rhee Bullshit. The bee flies into the second grade room! Teacher grabs it and eats it! What will happen tonight? We’ll note one irony: In the interview to which Parenee links, Frontline's John Merrow says this about Rhee: M... more »

Excellent 1960 Era Film on Radiation Induced Genetic Damage

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 3 hours ago
Radiation Causing Mutations1960 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLrMS_zs1kE&feature=player_embedded# Hat tip to 3-11-11 at Enenews http://enenews.com/navy-sailor-lost-clumps-hair-after-fukushima-plume-exposure-lot-knew-people-getting-sick-bad-headaches-threw-bit

This is what CRAZY 2nd Amendment-ers looks Like

2old2care at Because I Can - 4 hours ago
If you want to see what real gun crazy looks like – watch the video on this webpage. Alex Jones is crazy – This is what 2nd amendment crazy really looks like and sounds like. A heated on-air confrontation between broadcaster Alex Jones and CNN's Piers Morgan on Monday night capped a day of attention-getting controversy for the conservative radio host, who had earlier complained of being unfairly targeted by the Transportation Security Administration. Watch it >>>HERE<<< CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY

Cuomo Close To Announcing Sweeping New Gun Control Laws

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 5 hours ago
A deal to give New York one of the toughest gun control laws in the nation is being negotiated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who, sources said Tuesday, is hoping to announce the plan Wednesday during his State of the State speech in Albany. Cuomo hopes to jump-start the 2013 legislative session with a big deal that could dramatically alter gun control laws across the state. Highly placed sources told CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer that Cuomo is negotiating with Assembly and Senate leaders for a package of gun control laws that would be a dramatic response to the gun violence besetting the nation, i... more »

The Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
Issaquah, Washington, USA. Thanks for stopping by.

"The Miracle of Change: Boredom"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*"The Miracle of Change: Boredom"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "The sense of feeling bored in life can be an indicator that we need to be proactive in creating change. Sometimes we feel that things aren’t moving along fast enough for us and that the world is passing us by. It may be that time seems to stand still and that we are simply bystanders in our own lives. Other times it might appear that there is nothing new left for us to experience and that we are locked into a never-ending cycle of stasis. If we take the time to listen to these feelings we will notice that there is... more »

John Friend on the Tribal Theocrat

John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 5 hours ago
Last night I was a guest on the *Tribal Theocrat* radio program. The host and I discussed media PSYOPS, Sandy Hook, 9/11, my views on Christianity and related matters. You can download the entire program *here*.

Too Awesome

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 5 hours ago
You might remember my post from a couple of days ago - "The Awesome Canadian." It was about the mindset of those right-wing deluded fucks who genuinely believe (in their own fucked-up way) that there's no racism against the First Nations in Canada and that all the problems those people suffer are all their own fault and the result of their refusal to assimilate to "Canadian values." It's about that mindset, but it was triggered by the comments at the CBC News website about Julian Fantino's ham-handed freezing of Canadian aid to Haiti, wherein the same mindset that semi-honestly bel... more »

The Coming Crisis is a Psy-Ops Website. Your data is currently being sold to Sri Lankan tutu merchants. Be afraid.

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 5 hours ago
Actually, not really. The Coming Crisis is a news aggregate website, nothing more, nothing less, which tries to deliver news and connections that the MSM doesn't tend to provide (for a good reason). However, there is one quite amusing individual or group of individuals (likely working for some governmental agency or another, or just plain immature and bored), who hangs around the CC pretty much all day, every day, and tries to undermine what we do. It doesn't work of course, and doesn't infringe upon or bother us in the least, but I felt it interesting to mention nonetheless, espe... more »

Celestial Ascent in Myth and Cult

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 5 hours ago
This is an excellent video. Celestial Ascent in Myth and Cult. [Source: John Lundwall].

Dismissing Religious Belief Concerns, Federal Court Rules in Favor of Texas School’s Expulsion of Andrea Hernandez Over Objections to RFID Tracking Badge

Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 5 hours ago
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Declaring that a Texas student’s refusal to wear a chipless RFID tracking badge is “not grounded in her religious beliefs” and is a “secular choice rather than a religious concern,” U.S. District Judge Orlando L. Garcia for the Western District of Texas in San Antonio has denied The Rutherford Institute’s request for a preliminary injunction preventing school officials from expelling Andrea Hernandez until the case is decided. According to the judge’s order, Hernandez, a sophomore in a science and engineering magnet school housed in John Jay High School, has... more »

Just Like Thanksgiving. . .

noreply@blogger.com (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 6 hours ago

Sunday Globe Special: Blasphemous Filipinos

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 6 hours ago
*"Over the decades, the moral and political authority of the church in the Philippines is perceived to have waned.... they no longer sway the masses"* "Philippine church’s influence in the country wanes; Clergy lost fight with leader over contraceptives" by Hrvoje Hranjski | Associated Press, January 06, 2013 MANILA — Twenty-six years after Roman Catholic leaders helped his mother marshal millions of Filipinos in an uprising that ousted a dictator, President Benigno Aquino III picked a fight with the church over contraceptives and won a victory that bared the bishops’ worst night... more »

Satire: “A Letter From A.I.G.”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*“A Letter From A.I.G.”* by Andy Borowitz NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – "Today, American International Group (A.I.G.) issued the following letter to American taxpayers. Dear American Taxpayers: In 2008, you paid for a bailout of A.I.G. totalling $182 billion. Today, we are writing to tell you that we’re thinking of suing you. When we made this decision, we knew we were in for some rough treatment from the media. We’ve been called everything from soulless bloodsuckers to Satan’s scabrous handmaidens, and worse. At A.I.G., though, we have a different name for ourselves: true A... more »

Sunday Globe Special: Chinese Getting Chunky

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 6 hours ago
"With recent history of famine, China now contends with obesity" by Debra Bruno | Washington Post, January 06, 2013 BEIJING — Older people in China remember the *Great Famine* of 1958-61, when *15 million to 45 million people died* of hunger and related causes. * **Woah!* Today, nearly every street corner in Beijing and many other cities seems to boast a McDonald’s. There are KFC outlets in almost every Chinese city.... * **There is the source of your obesity crisis. * Meanwhile, newly minted members of the Chinese middle class have rushed to buy cars, leaving *bicycles* that were ... more »

Conflicting Responses to Testing Abuses

John Thompson at Schools Matter - 6 hours ago
Thanks, Nancy Flanagan, for resurrecting so many contradictory feelings – and thoughts that I do not want in my head as I return from the holidays to the classroom. Seriously, Flanagan tackles the question that many teachers, including me, would like to dodge. She quotes a comment that should make all of us recoil. Roseanne Eckhert asks, “If you would take a bullet for a child, then why would you keep them from recess and PE or impose homework that consists of mind-numbing drill sheets for your paycheck?” Flanagan restates the question about teachers, *“Why do they let clueless, ... more »

Photos TransCanada tarsands protest action in Houston Jan. 7, 2013

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 6 hours ago
Balloon spill at TransCanada Jan. 7, 2013 Photos by www.tarsandsblockade.org Today at TransCanada in Houston, latest action against TransCanada and the Keystone XL tarsands pipleine that Obama rallied for in Cushing, Oklahoma. Now, private lands of farmers is being seized in east Texas, and elderly farmers are going to jail trying to protect their family farms. Censored News

Sunday Globe Special: Don't Know Much About History

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 7 hours ago
*How could I? I was taught in an AmeriKan school. * "A sweeping view of American history, if you’re still into that sort of thing." * **Ollie Stone's new limited hangout?* --more--" * **NOPE!*

Great Reporters, Great Books

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 7 hours ago
Very sad today about the loss of Richard Ben Cramer, as I mentioned in the links post this morning. Since I may have an Oy Bai post in the works for later, I figured that I should write something nice about political journalists, first. I wrote in more detail about What It Takes a while ago, in which I called it "by far my favorite campaign book ever," and Seth reposted his appreciation today. So in the spirit of that, how about a list of great books by reporters about American politics? Especially books not about presidents. We have lots of great books about presidents. But I am lo... more »

Andrew Henderson films police, camera confiscated, and then he's charged for violating "health law"

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
Andrew Henderson watched as Ramsey County sheriff's deputies frisked a bloody-faced man outside his Little Canada apartment building. Paramedics then loaded the man, a stranger to Henderson, into an ambulance. Henderson, 28, took out his small handheld video camera and began recording. It's something he does regularly with law enforcement. But what happened next was different. The deputy, Jacqueline Muellner, approached him and snatched the camera out of his hand, Henderson said. "We'll just take this for evidence," Muellner said. Their voices were recorded on Henderson's cellphone ... more »

Sunday Globe Special: Republicans Reflect

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 7 hours ago
GOP looks inward after some bitter fights, losses A newly urgent debate about how to reshape and redefine their party, [and] a deeper rethinking of the party’s longtime positions on bedrock issues like guns and immigration. * **And the other things?* Social issues, deficit-cutting, generational change, same-sex marriage, taxes, guns, energy, immigration, spending, abortion and *foreign policy*. * **That last one received those lone two words in the whole piece. No mention of Ron Paul or any dissent or questioning of empire. * President Obama intends to test the willingness of Republi... more »

Sunday Globe Special: Senne Speaks

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 7 hours ago
"Facing new charge, man who hit trooper breaks silence; Nearly 10 years after striking a state trooper on Route 25, William Senne opens up as he heads back to court to face a new charge" by Bella English | Globe Staff, January 06, 2013 His constant walking isn’t by choice. William Senne’s driver’s license was suspended in 2011, when he was indicted on a charge of motor vehicle homicide in the death of a state trooper whose car he slammed into eight years earlier while driving drunk. Trooper Ellen Engelhardt suffered severe brain damage in 2003 after Senne, then 18, hit her parked... more »

Teabagger Steven Palazzo Is Counting On No More Natural Disasters In His Mississippi District

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
Steven Palazzo (R-MS): putting his constituents at risk I was happy enough to see arch-reactionary Blue Dog Gene Taylor defeated in 2010. Taylor, a shill for the Military Industrial Complex, represented Missisiisppi's Gulf Coast for twenty years. Disappointed Democratic voters didn't show up for the midterms in 2010, a Taylor was swept away as part of the Great Blue Dog Apocalypse. Very right-wing state Rep. Steven Palazzo beat him 105,613 (52%) to 95,243 (47%)-- quite the turnaround from Taylor's reelection two years before when he beat the Republican candidate 216,542 (75%) to 73,9... more »

Sunday Globe Special: For the Love of Lincoln

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 7 hours ago
"Watch Night marks 150-year-old tradition; Recalls Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation" by Brett Zongker | Associated Press, December 30, 2012 WASHINGTON — As New Year’s Day approached 150 years ago, all eyes were on President Abraham Lincoln in expectation of what he warned 100 days earlier would be coming — his final proclamation declaring all slaves in states rebelling against the Union to be ‘‘forever free.’’ A tradition began Dec. 31, 1862, as many black churches held Watch Night services, awaiting word that Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation would take effect amid ... more »

Chicago Charter to Students: "Track Me" or Pay Up!

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 7 hours ago
"Track Me!" takes on a whole new dimension when students and their parents are fined for failing to kowtow to every total compliance whim of the slimebags who run the corporate charter reform schools. In Chicago, these crooks are taking in hundreds of thousands in fines every year from some of the poorest families in Chicago. Where the hell is the ACLU or the lawyers of the Advancement Project??? Helloooo. The piece below on the Ignoble Network of Charter Schools is from Melissa Harris-Perry's page. When you download the 990 from 2010, check out the salaries on p. 7. In 2013 th... more »

SUMMER READING: Unaffordable housing? No wonder!

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 7 hours ago
*For your summer reading this part of January, some posts from this year’s archives you might have missed but are still relevant.* [image: _Hickey]ONCE AGAIN BERNARD HICKEY offers the insalubrious example of a commentator who knows something is wrong, yet knows nothing about how to fix it. Nothing that is beyond yelling “Something Must be Done!” And by “something he means “someone.” And by someone, he means the government. First, the problem: Auckland and Christchurch now have massive shortages of waterproof and undamaged homes that regular families can afford to own… The Dep... more »

Temperatures off the charts in Australia – Bureau of Meteorology adds new colors to represent record temperatures above 50°C (122°F)

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 7 hours ago
[image: Australia Mureau of Meteorology forecast for 17:00 AEDT on Monday, 14 January 2013. The Bureau of Meteorology's interactive weather forecasting chart has added new colours – deep purple and pink – to extend its previous temperature range that had been capped at 50 degrees C. BOM] By Peter Hannam, Carbon economy editor 9 January 2013 (Sydney Morning Herald) – Australia's "dome of heat" has become so intense that the temperatures are rising off the charts – literally. The Bureau of Meteorology's interactive weather forecasting chart has added new colours – deep purple and p... more »

5.2 Magnitude Earthquake SOLOMON ISLANDS - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
Magnitude M 5.2 Region SOLOMON ISLANDS Date time 2013-01-08 20:14:57.6 UTC Location 10.22 S ; 161.73 E Depth 10 km Distances 29 km NW Kirakira, Solomon Islands

Sunday Globe Special: Kwanzaa Was Created in California

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 8 hours ago
Kwanzaa celebrations mark cultural values Sunday marks the fifth day of Kwanzaa, a weeklong African-American holiday that is still not widely understood more than four decades after it was created by a California professor. “There are a *lot of myths out there* about Kwanzaa,” said Sadiki Kambon of Roxbury, a longtime activist and Kwanzaa organizer and director of the Black Community Information Center, a volunteer-run organization based in Dorchester. * **I get a newspaper full of them every day. *

Sunday Globe Special: Concord Thirst Has Been Slaked

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 8 hours ago
*You better fill up your canteen before going into town.* "Concord girds for ban on single-serving water bottles; Law goes in effect Tuesday; opponents gear up for a fight" by Jennifer Fenn Lefferts | Globe Correspondent, December 30, 2012 Single-serving *plastic water bottles* will soon be *stripped from the shelves* of stores, restaurants, and vending machines in Concord as businesses prepare for the town’s ban on the sale of such containers to take effect Tuesday. With its Town Meeting vote last spring, Concord apparently became the *first community in the nation* to *outlaw t... more »

New Duck of Minerva Working Paper: “I CAN HAS IR THEORY?”

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 8 hours ago
There’s been significant interest in Steve Saideman’s criticisms of Mearsheimer’s and Walt’s working paper, “Leaving Theory Behind: Why Hypothesis Testing Has Become Bad for IR.” Indeed, there’s a robust discussion in comments that harkens back to older posts at the Duck. Given this, it strikes me as appropriate to add PTJ’s and my paper (PDF)–solicited for the Continue reading

Sunday Globe Special: Sad Case of Elevator Sickness

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 8 hours ago
Man died after fall on Peddocks Island A 35-year-old man was with a group that included a Department of Conservation and Recreation employee and that had been *drinking* before he *fell down an elevator shaft* and *died* on Peddocks Island Friday night, a spokeswoman for the Plymouth district attorney said.

Mohawk Nation News 'Canada, Stop Leeching Off Us'

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 8 hours ago
CANADA, STOP LEECHING OFF US  MNN.  Jan. 8, 2013. We subsidize every last thing in Canada.  The meeting on January 11th in Ottawa between Prime Minister Harper and his traitorous pet Indians is not valid.  Your puppet strings will be pulled tight.  Your arms will be permanently up in the air, palms up, and your knees will be under your chin. You will be plied with money, liquor and

We Need a Good Samaritan Law For Wall Street

jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 8 hours ago
I'm sure many if not all of you have heard of Good Samaritan lawsthat protect wouldbe guardian angels from being sued if they save the life of a victim of a heart attack. I've heard stories of people who'd actually sued their life-saving benefactors for cracking their ribs while doing chest compressions or crimping their ascot or some such nonsense. Good Samaritan laws were then put in place to curb the rise of frivolous and audacious tort lawsuits so that health care givers coming across victims are given immunity from lawsuits and in some cases even exonerated from not offe... more »

U.S. roasts to hottest year on record by landslide – ‘A picture is emerging of a world with more extreme heat’

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 9 hours ago
[image: A once-floating dock was left high and dry by drought conditions that lowered the level of Medina Lake some 52 feet (16 meters), 11 July 2012. The lake, which provides water to Texas farmers and the city of San Antonio, is shrunken thanks to an ongoing drought that includes the driest, hottest 12 months in Texas' recorded history. John Davenport / San Antonio Express-News / AP via nationalgeographic.com] By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer 8 January 2013 WASHINGTON (AP) – America set an off-the-charts heat record in 2012. A brutal combination of a widespread drought and ... more »

2013 - The State of Syria in the Dawn of a New Year

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 9 hours ago
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's speech crushes NATO hopes for capitulation - conflict drops from headlines. *January 8, 2013* (Op-Ed) - A global proxy war waged upon Syrian soil has now dragged on from the beginning of 2011 to the early days of 2013. Planned many years ago, with US, Saudi, and Lebanese officials admitting to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh as early as 2007 their plans to overthrow the nation of Syria with a regional army of sectarian extremists, the conflict has cost many thousands their lives and has jeopardized the stability of not only Syria a... more »

The liberal world and the magical coin!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 9 hours ago
*TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2013* *After that, Barack and the beanstalk:* Should Barack Obama mint a $1 trillion platinum coin? Kevin Drum keeps saying no, annoying some of his commenters. Paul Krugman, Atrios and Matt Yglesias have all said yes. Would it be *legal* for Obama to mint such a magical coin? Drum says no; we can’t tell you. Here at THE HOWLER, we’re more struck by the fact that this bizarre discussion is even taking place. Should Obama mint a $1 trillion coin? When leading liberals say he should, we’re acknowledging a basic fact: Public discourse has come to an end in this c... more »

5.0 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Magnitude 5.0 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 19:04:00 UTC Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 06:04:00 PM at epicenter Location 32.382°S, 14.178°W Depth 9.8 km (6.1 miles) Region SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE Distances 2921 km (1815 miles) ESE (123°) from Vitoria, Brazil

Govt Wins Vote On Capping Rise In Benefits

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
MPs have backed the Government's plans for a real-terms cut in working-age welfare payments and tax credits. In the Commons, politicians voted to give the legislation a second reading by 324 votes to 268 - a majority of 56. The Welfare Benefits Up-rating Bill limits rises in most working-age benefits to 1% in 2014/15 and 2015/2016 instead of linking them to inflation. Similar measures for 2013/14 will be introduced separately. http://news.sky.com/story/1035220/govt-wins-vote-on-capping-rise-in-benefits

Farewell to 'Big Boy': Town holds candlelit vigil for its guardian ELK shot dead by off-duty cop who runs a taxidermy website

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Townspeople in Boulder, Colorado gathered on Sunday night to remember the animal - lovingly called 'Big Boy - which was fatally shot by police officer Brent Curnow (left) , who has worked for the force for 14 years. It was also revealed that Curnow owns a taxidermy website offering 'quality taxidermy at an affordable price.' The incident is being investigated by Boulder police department. It is believed that the two officers were going to cut up the animal for meat. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2258280/Elk-vigil-Boulder-Colorado-residents-remember-creature-killed-duty-off... more »

Tom Sublett: Murder or suicide?

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
A body of Tom Sublett, a county commissioner from the picturesque St Simons Island off the coast of Georgia, was found floating in a marina one mile from his home, with his hands bound and a gunshot to his head. Police originally ruled the case a homicide but as the search for the killer has now been going on for nearly one month, the prospect of it being a fully-staged suicide is now being seriously considered. Sublett survived by his wife and four children including daughter Erin (left) and Leslie (right) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259046/Murder-suicide-Death-beloved... more »

Rosa perfumada y auténtica como las notas de una canción

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 9 hours ago
[image: Rosa perfumada y autentica como las notas de una canción] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de rosas* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Human Percussion...

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 9 hours ago
I hope this poor Samoan was paid well for this...it looks like there was a number of takes before they got it right...his skin is red.... but it is funny! I love Samos! Such wonderful big hearted people, and great football players!

The debt ceiling disaster

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 9 hours ago
Greg Sargent thinks the Republicans' weasel worded threats show they know their position is weak. Clearly, Mitch McConnell refused to be pinned down on the Sunday bobblehead shows this week but the teevee media is still making this about hostage negotiation strategy. They're treating the debt ceiling as if it's just another battle over ideological differences. But this isn't about simple extortion, it's a mass annihilation threat. If the Republicans are allowed to crash the debt ceiling, the entire flipping world is going to get crushed. Ezra explains in great detail the consequenc... more »

Dr. Colin Ross MD speaks about CIA Mind Control

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 9 hours ago
The following is from RT.COM. Keep in mind the Russians, Germans and other countries are knee deep in this horror too, its not just the USA.

Tierno niño sobre el puente bajo los rayos del sol

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 9 hours ago
[image: Tierno niño caminando sobre el puente bajo el sol y el sonido de las cascadas] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de niños* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Amanda Sorensen 'kills her boyfriend's two-year-old daughter by force-feeding her CHILLI POWDER as a punishment'

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Amanda Sorensen (pictured far right and, center, with the un-named girl who died), 21, of Apple Valley, California, was taken into custody for allegedly feeding the chilli powder to the child, who had a seizure and died. Police were called to the family home at 4.16pm on Sunday where they found the girl who was the daughter of Sorensen's boyfriend. Forcing a child to eat chilli powder can swell their airways and cause them to stop breathing. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2258944/Woman-killed-boyfriends-year-old-daughter-force-feeding-chilli-punishment.html

"Have You Ever Wondered What Compels Your Conservative Relatives to Vote the Way They Do?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*"Have You Ever Wondered What Compels Your * *Conservative Relatives to Vote the Way They Do?"* by Jonathan Haidt By the time you’re reading this, the 2012 election will have been decided, and we’ll all have had our fill of the partisan rancor that’s become commonplace in politics. Perhaps you yourself have had the experience of getting lost in an argument in which you became exasperated that people on the other side couldn’t see what was so obvious, despite your best efforts to reason with them. When caught in the stalemate of a political debate, the advice of Jonathan Haidt, ... more »

Norovirus ruined festive season for 150,000 people - and it hasn't peaked yet, warn officials

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
More than 150,000 people had a miserable Christmas after they were struck down with the winter vomiting bug, figures suggest. During the last two weeks of 2012, the Health Protection Agency (HPA) confirmed 529 cases of norovirus. But for every reported case, an estimated 288 are not flagged up. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2259004/Norovirus-ruined-festive-season-150-000-people.html

University Professor: There were actors present at Sandy Hook shooting, if the shooting even happened at all

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
A communication professor known for conspiracy theories has stirred controversary at Florida Atlantic University with claims that last month's Newtown, Conn., school shootings did not happen as reported — or may not have happened at all. Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his memoryholeblog.com. that trained "crisis actors" may have been employed by the Obama administration in an effort to shape public opinion in favor of the event's true purpose: gun control. "As documents relating to the Sandy Hook shooting continue to be assessed and interpreted by independ... more »

Disgruntled GOP donors close their checkbooks

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 9 hours ago
Hell hath no fury like a GOP deep pocket donor scorned. GOP fundraising legend Georgette Mosbacher is done with kowtowing to tea party idiots. She's most unhappy they've been allowed to "tarnish the Republican brand" and puts establishment Republicans on notice. She's not going to pay to play their stupid game anymore. And neither will her wealthy friends. “There’s one thing they understand,” she says with the confidence of a woman who has played at the highest level of the game for many years. “They understand money. Politics is about money. Make no mistake. They’re going to have ... more »

Hermosos tulipanes sobre sábanas de seda

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 9 hours ago
[image: Frajiles tulipanes bioletas sobre sabanas de seda] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de tulipanes* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Does Truth Have A Future In America?

Intercept at The Intercept - 9 hours ago
Global Research Dr. Paul Craig Roberts [image: statue]*As a writer I have found that one problem in communicating with readers is that many have political, social, economic, or ideological agendas. * *They read in order to confirm their beliefs and agendas. Neither the right-wing nor the left-wing can escape their ideological boxes and are creatures of their biases. They want their prejudices vindicated and their beliefs supported.* *A writer who tells them something that they do not want to hear receives abuse.* *These readers cannot benefit from facts and new information and ch... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago

“Life Among the Plutocrats: What Unimaginable Wealth Does to a Person”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*“Life Among the Plutocrats:* * What Unimaginable Wealth Does to a Person”* by Chrystia Freeland “Last year the Occupy movement brought the subject of inequality into public debate, and especially the inequality between those of us in the 99 per cent and the happy few in the one per cent. But Chrystia Freeland has been studying the happy few for years, and has spent many hours talking with some of their most famous and powerful members. The result is a bookfull of surprises and insights. Today's plutocrats are the latest variation on an old theme, and at the same time they're st... more »

Free At Last Discussion Groups

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 10 hours ago
Hi Brian and AK, Former and current members of *Universal Voice*, once the TOPPT was announced bounced into action the same day and formed a Facebook group called *Free At Last Discussions* and a WordPress Blog called *Free At Last*. We are growing daily. We are new to both ventures in our quest to take ACTion by DOing something constructive. Our admins are from the USA, Canada, UK and Australia. There are 5 of us that bring multiple talents. We are also promoting worldwide and writing our own posts too. We will reblog from another site only if it pertains to TOPPT and c... more »

The difference between and inference and a hunch

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 10 hours ago
*Jacques Home Town Dry Cleaners v. Nova Scotia (Attorney General)*, 2013 NSCA 4 deals with the difference between an inference and a hunch, and the importance of properly drawn inferences in the context of judicial decision-making. The Court writes: [31] An inference may be described as a conclusion that is logical. An inference is not a hunch. A hunch is little more than a guess, a 50/50 chance at best, that may turn out to be right or wrong, once all the facts are brought to light. Whereas an inference is a c... more »

5.0 Magnitude Earthquake FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
Magnitude 5.0 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 18:55:40 UTC Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 08:55:40 AM at epicenter Location 52.405°N, 170.630°W Depth 52.7 km (32.7 miles) Region FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA Distances 133 km (83 miles) WSW (244°) from Nikolski, AK

5.5 Magnitude Earthquake OFF THE COAST OF SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
Magnitude 5.5 (Preliminary magnitude — update expected within 15 minutes) Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 18:45:05 UTC Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 09:45:05 AM at epicenter Location 55.426°N, 135.017°W Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program Region OFF THE COAST OF SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Distances 93 km (58 miles) SSW (194°) from Port Alexander, AK

Keshe Foundation Technology

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 10 hours ago

1,000 dolphins stampede toward Calif. boat

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
A phenomenon at sea and quite an incredible sight off the coast of Dana Point, Calif., happened when more than 1,000 dolphins put on a spectacular show for passengers and crew aboard Captain Dave's Dolphin and Whale Safari. The pod of dolphins could be seen in the distance frolicking in the water. It's not known what caused them to make a drastic move and stampede directly toward the boat, but it's a sight these people won't soon forget. http://www.wdtn.com/dpps/entertainment/must_see_video/1000-dolphins-stampede-toward-calif-boat-nd12_5295125#.UOxsmm9E5_k

French tax-the-rich minister 'hid money in Swiss bank'

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
The French minister responsible for enforcing new taxes on the rich is to be investigated for tax evasion. The Paris chief prosecutor announced today that he has started a preliminary investigation into media allegations that Jérôme Cahuzac hid money in an undeclared bank account in Switzerland until two years ago. If proved, the allegations could be explosively embarrassing for a Socialist French government already facing constitutional complications, and an exodus by the wealthy, as it attempts to enforce President François Hollande’s plans for a 75 per cent “supertax”. http://ww... more »

Chavez illness: Warning of 'Venezuela democracy threat'

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
Venezuela's opposition has issued a warning about a "threat to democracy" if President Hugo Chavez is not sworn in as scheduled on Thursday. In a letter to the Organisation of American States (OAS), the coalition said his absence would be "a serious constitutional violation". It is unlikely that Mr Chavez, who is in Cuba after a cancer surgery, will be able to attend his inauguration. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-20950541

"The Crisis of the American Middle Class"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*"The Crisis of the American Middle Class,* * The Long-Term Threat to U.S. Power"* By George Friedman "Last week I wrote about the crisis of unemployment in Europe. I received a great deal of feedback, with Europeans agreeing that this is the core problem and Americans arguing that the United States has the same problem, asserting that U.S. unemployment is twice as high as the government's official unemployment rate. My counterargument is that unemployment in the United States is not a problem in the same sense that it is in Europe because it does not pose a geopolitical threa... more »

ALEC & TransCanada Pipelines

2old2care at Because I Can - 10 hours ago
Found these today while researching something else. Ohio – 2011 Scholarship Fund TransCanada PipeLines Limited $1,000.00 South Dakota – 2007 Scholarship Fund TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. $500.00 Which leads me to the following questions - - How long has Transcanada Pipelines been involved with ALEC? - What level of involvement has TransCanada had with writing ALEC legislation? - Is this why the Premier of Saskatchewan and staff went to an ALEC meeting? - How much financial support have they given to ALEC? - How much undue influence have ALEC members ... more »

All the hegemony you can eat

Roobin at THROUGH THE SCARY DOOR - 10 hours ago
Lenin’s key political innovation was never the vanguard party. Look at the Communist Manifesto, it’s there already. Gramsci is correct in attributing hegemony over and over in the notebooks to ‘Illich’. Hegemony is the capacity to lead. It bridges the gap between a party that fights its cause and by extension the cause of the class it represents and the party that leads the whole of society. One should take care applying the concept too squarely onto our society. In Gramsci’s time hegemony at the level of statecraft meant a particular class leading a multitude of other classes, e... more »

GAIA PORTAL: Solar Light has Seeded Fully the Light Body of Gaia

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 10 hours ago
* * * * *Solar Light has Seeded Fully the Light Body of Gaia* by ÉirePort Solar (Soul-ar) Light has seeded fully the Light Body of Gaia. All beings upon Gaia are now fully potential-ized for completion of Soul (Soul-ar; Solar) contracts. Time frame for completion is individually configured, yet Hue-manity arises from established Higher Group Consciousness. "Many are called... and (now) many listen. And hear the Higher Solar (Soul-ar) message." ÉirePort January 8, 2013 at 18:19 URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-62

Israeli ex-security chief sees risk of Palestinian uprising

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
Israel faces the prospect of a new Palestinian uprising because of despair over the gridlock in peacemaking, a former head of the Israeli internal intelligence agency who is standing in the January 22 election said on Tuesday. Yaakov Peri, running for the centrist Yesh Atid party, told Reuters in an interview that the next government must make peace negotiations with the Palestinians its foreign policy priority. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/08/us-israel-election-palestinians-idUSBRE9070PU20130108

10:31 a.m.

Grant G at The Straight Goods - 10 hours ago
CKNW's Question of the Day Do you think John Doyle should have been reappointed Auditor General of BC? Yes 84.8% No 15.2% Back

Tunisia frees man held over attack on U.S. consulate in Libya

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Tunisia has freed, for lack of evidence, a Tunisian man who had been suspected of involvement in an Islamist militant attack in Libya last year in which the U.S. ambassador was killed, his lawyer said on Tuesday. Ali Harzi was one of two Tunisians named in October by the Daily Beast website as having been detained in Turkey over the violence in which Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, and three other American officials were killed. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/08/us-tunisia-usa-benghazi-idUSBRE9070HY20130108

Teachers in Ohio, Texas flock to free gun training classes

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
School teachers in Texas and Ohio are flocking to free firearms classes in the wake of the Connecticut elementary school massacre, some vowing to protect their students with guns even at the risk of losing their jobs. In Ohio, more than 900 teachers, administrators and school employees asked to take part in the Buckeye Firearms Association's newly created, three-day gun training program, the association said. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/08/us-usa-guns-teachers-training-idUSBRE9070MV20130108

Gabrielle Giffords Takes On US Gun Lobby

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
Gabrielle Giffords has announced plans to take on America's powerful gun lobby, on the second anniversary of the Arizona shooting which almost killed her. The former Congresswoman and her astronaut husband Mark Kelly are launching an initiative aimed at curbing gun violence in the wake of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The couple wrote in an article published in USA Today that their Americans for Responsible Solutions initiative would help raise money to support greater gun control efforts and seek to "balance the influence of the gun lobby". ... more »

Ivory Poachers Kill Elephant Family In Kenya

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours ago
A family of 11 elephants has been killed by poachers in Kenya in what officials describe as the biggest single mass shooting of the animals on record in the country. A gang of about 10 attackers hacked off the elephants' tusks in Tsavo East National Park on Saturday, officials said - the latest sign of a rise of mostly Asian demand for ivory jewellery and ornaments. http://news.sky.com/story/1034987/ivory-poachers-kill-elephant-family-in-kenya

Tuesday Afternoon Linkage Club

PM at Duck of Minerva - 11 hours ago
In the wide world: Taylor Fravel lets us know about China’s surveillance fleet’s op tempo (learn more about the China Marine Surveillance) and the role of cell phone service in territorial disputes Thane Gustafson talks about Russia’s oil infrastructure Handy capsule history of the international oil market Closer to home: From A Quantitative Peace, an Continue reading

Meet Debra Cooper, Blue America's First 2013 Candidate

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
The Blue America candidate we're introducing today-- 11am at Crooks and Liars-- is someone Digby, John and I have known for years, a colleague and a comrade in arms (metaphorically; she's not into actual arms, except for hugging)-- Debra Cooper. We didn't have to vet her in the conventional sense. We've been working with her for years as an activist and leader in the equality movement-- for women, for immigrants, for gays, for the disabled, for ordinary American working families. Digby, John, Jacquie and I were all struck by one particular quote from the video above: “I have bee... more »

Geo-Engineering Could Be the Road to War

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 11 hours ago
The message from the World Economic Forum is loud and clear: we're heading for trouble if we fall back on geo-engineering to save us from global warming. A major drawback to geo-engineering technologies is that there is no "one size fits all" option. One country may need more water. In another corner of the globe other countries may want less water or less sunshine or cooler skies. Geo-engineering is sort of like moving one's food around on the plate. The hash browns still wind up somewhere. In other words, geo-engineering can export crises from one part of the planet to a... more »

Howard Wooldridge : Rocky Mountain High / 3

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 11 hours ago
Howard "Cowboy" Wooldridge in Washington, D.C.,  with unidentified pro-pot mom. Misty and me: Fighting pot prohibition in Colorado, Part III An analysis of the 2013 state initiatives on cannabis. By Howard Wooldridge / The Rag Blog / January 8, 2013 Howard "Cowboy" Wooldridge, the founder and director of Citizens Opposing Prohibition (COP), is a Texan since 1994 and a former Michigan

Debt Limit Options

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 11 hours ago
I thought I had written about the platinum coin last time around, but if I did, I can't find it. But basically, I think we all covered this last time around... At some point, Barack Obama will, if Congress does not act, be faced with an impossible choice. He will have clear, conflicting imperatives. Congress will have obligated him to spend money; not spending money that Congress has appropriated is an impeachable offense. The government will also be obligated to make good payments on current debts; he's clearly required to do that, as well. However he also will will be without mone... more »

Terror Suspect 'Escaped In Black Cab'.......He called a taxi and got in it (No great escape just useless authorities)

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Missing terror suspect Ibrahim Magag escaped surveillance by simply ringing for a black cab, the Shadow Home Secretary claims. Yvette Cooper told MPs that a tweet from London taxi news service Cabwise suggested Somali-born Magag had evaded detection by picking up a ride less than half-a-mile from Euston station on Boxing Day. In a fierce exchange with Home Secretary Theresa May, Ms Cooper said: "Are you worried that surveillance can be shaken off simply by jumping into a black cab?" http://news.sky.com/story/1035051/terror-suspect-escaped-in-black-cab

India Gang Rape: Two Men To Plead Not Guilty

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Two of the men accused of gang-raping and killing a 23-year-old woman on a moving bus in Delhi will plead not guilty to all charges, their lawyer has said. Mukesh Singh and Akshay Thakur are among five suspects charged with abduction, rape and murder over the December 16 attack on the medical student. A sixth accused, who is 17, will be tried in a separate court for juveniles. http://news.sky.com/story/1035005/india-gang-rape-two-men-to-plead-not-guilty

Señor mirando los grandes paisajes que lo rodean

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
[image: Misterioso señor mirando el paisaje desde la gran colina] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de paisajes* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

4.3 Magnitude Earthquake OFF THE COAST OF MICHOACAN, MEXICO - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Magnitude 4.3 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 15:50:10 UTC Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 08:50:10 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 15.405°N, 104.986°W Depth 40 km (24.9 miles) Region OFF THE COAST OF MICHOACAN, MEXICO Distances 394 km (244 miles) SSW of Coahuayana, Mexico

Oz Weather Map Scale Changed As Heat Rises

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Record temperatures have forced the Australian government's weather bureau to increase its scale to 54C to reflect the extreme highs forecast for next week. The temperature in parts of central Australia could soar to above 50C next Monday, according to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). Head of climate monitoring and prediction David Jones said the new scale, which features a purple and pink colour code for temperatures from 52 to 54C, shows there is potential for records to be smashed. http://news.sky.com/story/1035107/weather-map-scale-changed-amid-australia-heat

Wiktoria Was Killed when her family's car was caught up in a police chase

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
A schoolgirl killed when her family's car was caught up in a police chase has been named as 13-year-old Wiktoria Was. Wiktoria was a back seat passenger in the VW Polo when it was hit by another car that was being pursued by police through southeast London. She was pronounced dead at the scene on Ilderton Road, close to Millwall Football Club on Sunday evening. http://news.sky.com/story/1035075/teenager-killed-in-police-chase-is-named

4.0 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Magnitude 4.0 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 14:46:33 UTC Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 05:46:33 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 56.008°N, 135.454°W Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program Region SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Distances 56 km (35 miles) WSW (243°) from Port Alexander, AK

Linda cabaña rodeada de flores en el bosque encantado

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
[image: Bonita cabaña junto a las flores del bosque encantado] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de cabañas* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Alex Jones Stalked by NYPD Goons after Piers Morgan Debate

Intercept at The Intercept - 12 hours ago
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The Bad Audit

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 12 hours ago
Right now, I also know that you can read about it at Dr. Dawg's, Montreal Simon's and the Sixth Estate. An audit by Deloitte & Touche done last summer shows that the First Nation of Attawapiskat does not have all its paperwork for spending on federal housing from 2005-2011. (Also, according to Simon, it seems they often didn't evict people for non-payment of rent in a timely fashion.) Chief Spence was elected in 2010, and was a co-Chief a couple of years before that. So this audit covers fully one year of her term. I also understand she's known about the audit since September. I'm ... more »

For Rhee and Corporate Reform Schools, the Gig Is Up

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 12 hours ago
The Face of Corporate Reform Schooling *From Stan Karp: Former Washington, DC Superintendent Michelle Rhee and her organization, Students First, will be the subject of a PBS documentary tonight. Despite misrepresenting her own teaching career, presiding over an extensive cheating scandal, and getting poor results during her tenure as Supt., Rhee has become the media face of corporate education reform. She recently released a “state report card” grading states on the basis of how thoroughly they have adopted proposals for test-based teacher evaluation, charters, and privatization. Sta... more »

Rich People Really Enjoyed 2012 - The 'War On Terror' - By Design - Can Never End

To begin on a slightly lighter note (NOT) we learn from our bestest reporting team at Wonkette: 10:45 am January 7, 2013 Good News, Everyone! Rich People Had A Very Nice 2012! by Kris E. Benson “Last year was a great one for the world’s billionaires,” said John Catsimatidis, the billionaire owner of Red Apple Group Inc., in an e-mail written poolside on

Lindas flores azules como el cielo

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
[image: Lindas flores azules como el cielo] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de flores* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

5.7 Magnitude Earthquake AEGEAN SEA - 8th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Magnitude 5.7 Date-Time Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 14:16:08 UTC Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 04:16:08 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 39.658°N, 25.543°E Depth 10.3 km (6.4 miles) Region AEGEAN SEA Distances 47 km (29 miles) WSW of Bozcaada, Turkey

WSJ: Rules for Lenders Rleaxed: Regulators Agree to Ease Requirements for Meeting Guideline on Liquidity

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 12 hours ago
by David Enrich, Geoffrey T. Smith, and Andrew Morse Wall Street Journal Mon Jan 7 2012, p. C1, C3. [Excerpted] Basel, Switzerland-Global banking regulators watered down a key element of their plan for creating a safer financial system, giving ground to banks that argued the rules were unworkable and financially risky... Bowing to two years of intense pressure from the banking industry, the regulators made it easier for banks to meet the rule, known as the 'liquidity coverage ratio,' and delayed its full implementation until 2019. It is the latest instance of regulators chipping a... more »


bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2013* *Part 2—Charles Blow defines the two tribes:* Is America facing “a new Civil War?” That’s what Andrew O’Hehir said last weekend at Salon (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 1/7/13). Given the sweep of our first Civil War, this sounds like a troubling notion. Strangely, though, O’Hehir says he isn’t even clear what this new Civil War is about. “The new Civil War is not entirely or even principally about race, although there’s no mistaking its pernicious racial component,” he writes. A bit later, he adds this: “While the Civil War of the 1860s really was about slavery ... more »

Hermosa mariposa admirando la belleza de las flores del campo

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 13 hours ago
[image: Hermosa mariposa admirando la belleza de las flores del campo] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de mariposa* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

High Strangeness: The Escalante Entity (Spain, 1914

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 13 hours ago
*Source: looculto.260mb.com and Facebook.com Date: 01/07/2013* *High Strangeness: The Escalante Entity (Spain, 1914)* *By Francisco Renero* One evening in the late summer of 1914, Claudio Rey was walking home from Lastra to Escalante (Santander, Cantabria) late in the evening after having dropped off his girlfriend at her home. Upon reaching the corner of the town’s church, he saw a rather tall man standing in a luminous outfit. The entity wore a sort of metallic tunic, and no features were visible at all. Thinking someone was trying to play a prank on him, Claudio Re... more »

Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest opens an emergency triage tent to care for the increased number of people with flu-like symptoms

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
It’s the most miserable time of the year for many people in the area. Flu season is in full effect and this one in particular is shaping up to be more extreme than usual. The State Department of Health reports that four Pennsylvanians have already died of complications from the influenza virus. In response to the early start of flu season, the Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest had to open an emergency space to care for the increased number of people with flu-like symptoms. The hospital tells NBC10's Katy Zachry why the tent was erected. "If we can remove them from the main ED an... more »

Allison Wyatt: Cathy Gaubert Claims Her Daughter’s Photo Was Stolen From Flicker And Used As Sandy Hook Shooting Victim (Is this a 2nd Emilie Parker? Are both girls still alive?)

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
More interesting developments on the Sandy Hook shooting "conspiracy"… A women named Cathy Gaubert is claiming someone stole her daughter’s “first day of school” picture. The photo was lifted from their Flicker account and published as a victim in the Sandy Hook shooting. The mother took to Instagram posting this interesting message asking readers to put pressure on Facebook users to remove it from their pages. According to the mother there is one page who is ignoring her request. The above picture looks like its from the Daily Mail, although attempts to find a cashed version of ... more »

Anonymous -- A Message to Canadians

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 13 hours ago
Published on Jan 6, 2013 Citizens of Canada, We are Anonymous.Your country is in far deeper trouble than the government makes it out to be,then what the media allows you to see. This program will just touch on some of the major issues you as Canadians face.This program will show how Harper deceived thousands.How he has angered many, and has not done

Who Is Watching What You Read?

Martyn Daniels at Brave New World - 13 hours ago
In a previous life, we learnt the power of information on behaviour and buying patterns. Some 30 years ago one of the leading examples was Vons supermarkets in the US. They not only tracked every purchase, but also every purchase against the individual store layout and other associated products. This information enabled them to send their customers paper vouchers not for what they did buy, but also associated products they didn’t buy, or areas of the store they didn’t buy from and when a competitor open up nearby they supplied vouchers for the essentials the individual bought re... more »

Three Days Before Shooting “United Way Extends Our Most Sincere Condolences To Sandy Hook Families” (Silence! How dare you disturb me and my crayon time with such information!?)

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
More twists to the Sandy Hook narrative. On December 11 Google indexed the United Way website that offered condolences to the family’s of Sandy Hook. This is a full three days before the actual shooting that took place on December 14 2012. You can view the Google page here and the United Way pagehere . Below is a excerpt from the December 11 united Way page. Don’t we all love a good conspiracy? United Way extends our most sincere condolences and prayers to all those families affected by the devastating events in Newtown/Sandy Hook, Connecticut. While the eyes of the world may be... more »

Sunday Globe Special: British Food Banks

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 13 hours ago
*Better fill up while you can, 'murkn*: "Britain’s austere cutbacks a cautionary tale for US" by Megan Woolhouse | Globe Staff, December 30, 2012 SALISBURY, England — Trussell Trust was founded here more than a decade ago to help starving children in Bulgaria, but in recent years the nonprofit has expanded its mission dramatically in a once-unthinkable direction, opening more than 200 *food banks across the United Kingdom*. This year alone, the centers have distributed free groceries to about 130,000 British families, more than double the number in 2011. “The fact that people nee... more »

Paul Craig Roberts: "We need to be concerned about a financial media and economics profession that believes a recovery is underway when the unemployment rate is so high and the real median income is so low." "Essentially, Americans were told a packet of lies designed to win their gullible acceptance to an economy that produces high returns for Wall Street, shareholders, and corporate executives at the expense of everyone else in the country."

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 14 hours ago
------------------------------ *Washington’s Hegemonic Ambitions Are Not in Sync With Its Faltering Economy — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ January 7, 2013 | Original Here In November the largest chunk of new jobs came from retail and wholesale trade. Businesses gearing up for Christmas sales added 65,700 jobs or 45% of November’s 146,000 jobs gain. With December sales a disappointment, these jobs are likely to reverse when the January payroll jobs report comes out in February. Family Dollar Stores CEO Howard Levine told analysts that his company’s customers w... more »

Mountain pine beetle threatening high-altitude, endangered trees

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago
[image: Whitebark pine stand. A warming climate has allowed mountain pine beetles not only to make it through the winter, but to move higher up mountain slopes to whitebark pine forests. Unlike, lodgepole pines, whitebarks have no defenses against the beetle onslaught. Richard Sniezko / U.S. Forest Service] By Jeremy Hance 2 January 2013 (mongabay.com) – In the western U.S., few trees generally grow in higher altitudes than the whitebark pine (*Pinus albicaulis*). Providing shelter and food for bears, squirrels and birds, the whitebark pine ecosystems also help regulate water flo... more »

Sunday Globe Special: Last Call at the Casablanca

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 14 hours ago
Harvard Square’s Club Casablanca closes for good The Brattle Street bistro has scripted its own exit scene — a poignant reminder that time indeed goes by. On Dec. 21, four months after announcing its imminent departure, the Casablanca closed for keeps. Known for its sultry ambiance and wall murals depicting scenes from the film, the restaurant joins a long list of Harvard Square establishments whose recent closings have left many in mourning for what’s gone, if not forgotten. Across the Charles River, another iconic restaurant, Locke-Ober, went dark two months ago. It is especially... more »

Sunday Globe Special: Last Call at Gin Joint

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 14 hours ago
Harvard Square’s Club Casablanca closes for good"The Brattle Street bistro has scripted its own exit scene — a poignant reminder that time indeed goes by. On Dec. 21, four months after announcing its imminent departure, the Casablanca closed for keeps. Known for its sultry ambiance and wall murals depicting scenes from the film, the restaurant joins a long list of Harvard Square establishments whose recent closings have left many in mourning for what’s gone, if not forgotten. Across the Charles River, another iconic restaurant, Locke-Ober, went dark two months ago. It is especially... more »

‘Exceptional’ Australia heatwave challenges records – ‘Australia-wide, we are currently well above average by many degrees’

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago
[image: Hobart sun through bushfire smoke at around 5.30pm, 8 January 2013. Adelaide Now] By Peter Hannam, Carbon economy editor 8 January 2013 Australia's “exceptional” heatwave has produced record-breaking temperatures, with at least six of the first seven days of 2013 among the top 20 hottest days in the past century. The extreme January heat has prompted the Bureau of Meteorology to issue a special climate statement, with further updates planned as the scorching temperatures continue. Data for Monday is still to be fully analysed by the weather bureau, but it may be the hot... more »

An avalanche of decline: Snow leopard populations are plummeting

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago
[image: Snow leopard in the Toronto Zoo. Experts have estimated that there are between 4,000 and 6,000 snow leopards left in the wild, making them one of Asia’s most endangered mammals. This estimate was calculated several years ago, however, and it is believed that the number today is significantly lower. John Vetterli] By Erica Santana 3 January 2013 The trading of big cat pelts is nothing new, but recent demand for snow leopard pelts and taxidermy mounts has added a new commodity to the illegal trade in wildlife products, according to the Environmental Investigation Agency (E... more »

Sunday Globe Special: Drive-In Movie

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 14 hours ago
*We can leave anytime you want, reader. * "Lacking funds to go digital, drive-ins fading out" by Michael White | Bloomberg News, December 30, 2012 LOS ANGELES — *Drive-in movie theaters* that scraped by during the surge in modern multiplexes are *edging closer to extinction* as Hollywood phases out the 35-millimeter reels they need to show films. * **I believe there is **one** still open just up the road just past the New Hampshire state line. * Most of the remaining 368 US drive-ins, down from more than 4,000 in 1958, must decide whether to pay as much as $70,000 to install digit... more »

Socialism Not Ma

Rufus News From Atlantis at News From Atlantis. - 14 hours ago

Shifting The Focus

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 14 hours ago
Deloitte-Touche did as requested, and the reaction was predictable. Tasha Kheiriddin writes: The audit is out, the verdict is damning. As reported by CBC News, an independent assessment of six years of transactions on the troubled Attawapiskat First Nation reserve reveal “no evidence of due diligence.” Auditors Deloitte and Touche concluded that out of 505 transactions, “an average of 81 per cent of files did not have adequate supporting documents and over 60 per cent had no documentation of the reason for payment.” The argument is, "those who can't control their finances deser... more »

Oregonians ALECWatch WebPage Estalbished

2old2care at Because I Can - 14 hours ago
In a proactive fashion - Oregonians have set up a webpage that will track ALEC legislation in their state. *BRAVO!* You can see it >>>>HERE<<<< Thought I would share - as an idea generator for other activists in other states. All you need if to set up a blog - and have someone who enjoys reading and comparing legislation (which I loathe doing). Good luck to all who replicate this wonderful example. You will be doing a great service for the citizens of your state.

Sunday Globe Special: Stay Off Massachusetts' Highways

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 14 hours ago
*Maybe you would like to come along for a ride?* "Safety chief has *long list of driving violations*; *Democratic operative given state job* in 2007" by Sean P. Murphy | Globe Staff, November 18, 2012 Her driving record includes seven ­accidents, four speeding violations, two citations for failure to stop for a red light or stop sign, one failure to stay in her lane, one driving without registration or license in possession, and one driving without wearing a seat belt. When she was nabbed for speeding in New Hampshire in 1999, she failed to show up at her hearing, records show. U... more »

Sound a bit familiar?

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 14 hours ago
------------------------------ New York Times: January 7, 2013 *Questions Left for Mississippi Over Doctor’s Autopsies*** By CAMPBELL ROBERTSON JACKSON, Miss. — For a long time, if a body turned up in Mississippi it had a four-in-five chance of ending up in front of Dr. Steven T. Hayne. Between the late 1980s and the late 2000s, Dr. Hayne had the field of forensic pathology in Mississippi almost to himself, performing thousands of autopsies and delivering his findings around the state as an expert witness in civil and criminal cases. For most of that time, Dr. Hayne performed abou... more »

My Mom's Easy Chicken Pot Pie

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 15 hours ago
*Have you entered the LeanMoms giveaway yet?* Something about missing my mom always makes me crave chicken pot pie. Even though we live so much closer to my parents now than we did last year, some days it doesn't seem close enough, and so I make chicken pot pie, to bring a little home to me. This recipe started out much more complicated once upon a time, with homemade crusts and then my mom realized that sometimes simple is just better and it has been this way ever since. You will need: pie crusts, go ahead use one of the refrigerator ones, my husband can never tell the differe... more »

Dry-cleaning byproducts a costly problem in Medford

By: Nathan Lamb Contaminants from a long-gone dry-cleaning business are the prime suspect behind a costly problem in Medford, Mass., according to a local news story. At issue are high levels of tetrachloroethylene at a city parking lot and three nearby businesses. Also known as perchloroethylene (or perc), the chemical is often used in dry cleaning, but it also produces vapors that can cause a variety of short- and long-term health problems. The City of Medford is seeking federal grants to help pay for a $1.8 million remediation project to remove tainted soil from the parking lot. ... more »

Replacing Jesse Jackson, Jr In IL-02

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
Just when we thought the off-season was starting, there’s another critical race on the horizon. After getting caught up in some unfortunate dealings, Jesse Jackson Jr resigned his seat in Illinois’s 2nd district before Thanksgiving last year, setting up a crowded special election in Chicagoland—on the south side of the city, in the south suburbs and Will and Kankakee counties. While the district is generally considered a reliably Democratic seat, the choice voters face there is a stark one. Only one poll has been released in the district, and it shows former Congresswoman Debbie ... more »

Read Stuff, You Should

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 15 hours ago
Happy Birthday to Jenny Lewis, 37. Some sad news, and the good stuff: 1. Richard Ben Cramer, RIP. If you haven't read What It Takes...it's just wonderful, and marvelous accomplishment. Here's a C-SPAN spot; here's a Ben Smith profile from two years ago. 2. John Sides knocks down 2012 presidential campaign effects. 3. Nice one from Timothy Noah about influential Veeps. 4. A useful overview of health care the the federal budget, from Amy Fried. 5. And from Seth Masket, who just possibly might have too much time on his hands: Jews for Cheeses.

MS NAACP Releases New Report on ALEC

2old2care at Because I Can - 15 hours ago
The Mississippi NAACP has released an excellent new report on ALEC that is well worth the read – in EVERY state. As we are well aware of what is happening in Mississippi – is or will happen in all ALEC states across the US. I strongly recommend reading the whole report. *ALEC HELPS WRITE MS LAW * Did you know? Corporate Front Group Writes MS Law Below are a few snips from the report that apply to all in the US when it comes to ALEC. AS I noted above – don’t let the fact that it was written in Mississippi stop you from reading the whole thing – it is important. January 7, 2013 – J... more »


Disaster MapNet at New Orleans Ladder - 15 hours ago
*Officials slam Senator Reid's stupid Katrina comments ~Jordan Bloom, Advoca te* *Ninth Ward residents, others blast U.S. Senate Majority Leader* *Lycée charter school parents ask state education chief to investigate school’s board ~Rebecca Catalanello, The Lens* *La. children's mental health program to cease * *Today in Military History: Jan. 8, 1815, The Battle of New Orleans* *198th Eucharistic Celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Prompt Succor * Over the past 198 years, many miracles have been attributed to Our Lady of Prompt Succor (*Notre Dame de Bon Secours*). The mirac... more »

Review of The Geek Manifesto

noreply@blogger.com (Roger Pielke, Jr.) at Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog - 16 hours ago
My review of The Geek Manifesto is up over at The Breakthrough Institute. In it I discuss "predistortion," the UEA emails, David Nutt's sacking and a conversation between Clint Eastwood and Gene Hackman in Unforgiven. Here is a short excerpt: The idea that science and scientists deserve special treatment in politics is often what leads to the temptation to exploit that specialness for political gain, which ultimately works against science being afforded special treatment. In this manner, calls for a “geek revolution” can have a hard time avoiding the slippery slope of scientific a... more »

US/New Zealand & the Tsunami Bomb

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 16 hours ago
Unusual news. The kind that makes one go "what the hell"!!! *This news story*, really got me thinking or perhaps rethinking Fukushima, Haiti and other coastal disasters. *Tsunami devastated ships and debris are seen in Namie Town which is inside the exclusion zone of a 20km radius around the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, in Fukushima * *During its search for the 'ultimate weapon' to end World War II, the United States apparently teamed up with New Zealand to test a 'tsunami bomb,' which could be used to destroy the enemy's coastal cities.* * A total of 3,700 b... more »

Confident, combative Obama risks overreaching

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago
Just two weeks before his second inauguration, President Barack Obama is acting as if he believes he has a big mandate for his next term. The latest sign: his decision to defy a concerted campaign against his choice for defense secretary. The Democratic president, re-elected in November, unveiled a more combative approach during the end-of-year "fiscal cliff" taxes and spending drama, exploiting disarray in Republican ranks that underscored Washington's legislative dysfunction. Obama also showed a "get-tough" strategy in his determination to pursue gun control after last month's m... more »
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