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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 January - Political Psychology

TZA Art & Enrichment DayTZA Art & Enrichment Day (Photo credit: tim ellis)
English: Neural Correlates Of ConsciousnessEnglish: Neural Correlates Of Consciousness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Consciousness Awakening on Vimeo by Ralph BuckleyConsciousness Awakening on Vimeo by Ralph Buckley (Photo credit: Ralph Buckley)
Billing for A Hedge, BackwardsBilling for A Hedge, Backwards (Photo credit: Reeding Lessons)
Psychobabble. I was bugged by Hullballoo's article* on Libertarian ideology as an exercise replicating the situation cautioned against in 

Luke 6:42 - Online Parallel Bible

First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you'll see clearly enough to
remove the speck from your brother's eye." King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) ...
bible.cc/luke/6-42.htmAlready we are cautioned about Executive Overreach.

IDEAS / Bill Meacham : Speaking of Consciousness

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 55 minutes ago
Image from TZA's photostream / Flickr. Speaking of consciousness The cardinal sin of philosophy, committed all too often, is to use terms that are ambiguous. By Bill Meacham / The Rag Blog / January 15, 2013 The philosophy club is currently studying Philosophy of Mind, a topic fraught with ambiguity. People use terms such as “mind,” “consciousness,” “awareness,” “experience,” and so forth as

 It's too obvious that, difficult as it may be for liberals and conservatives alike, the best approach to the pedophilia problem is early identification, treatment, compassion and active steps to integrate them safely into society to prevent them from going underground and actualizing their desires by abusing children.

 I recall a particularly nasty film by Stanley Kubrick warning against exactly this sort of proposition : "Clockwork Orange." Can you imagine a more over the top policy than Thought Police ? ( The War on Terror and War on Drugs come to mind .  One says torture and killing is solely the province of uniformed state sanctioned goons....often operating outside the sponsoring state and outside the court system of subject occupied territories.  How else can you have international torture rampant by a signatory of international law forbidding it ?
The other claims the state should regulate what a person puts in their own body : which opens up the question of  "Whose body is it ?")
And then there is the matter of psychology. I well recall days of the 60's when the USSR was claimed and decried as using 'clinics' and mind altering drugs to repress dissent under the guise of treating mental illness. Meanwhile minds in the West were being scrambled by electroshock. And that was done openly.
"Whose mind is it ? "
This should come under 'Opening the Floodgates of Moral Ambiguity.'

"Bipartisan" House GOP says: Can you really put a price on the defense of ignorance, bigotry, and hatred?

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 2 hours ago
*Why, it's the all-Republican "bipartisan" majority of the House's "Bipartisan" Legal Advisory Group ("B"LAG)!* *"In a statement this week, House Democrats said the agreement was reached in secret and they weren't aware of it until late Monday."* *-- Chris Johnson, **reporting for the *Washington Blade* on the* *House GOP's secret doubling of the budget for defending DOMA* *by Ken* In October I wrote a post asking, "Does anyone believe the now-spent $1.5M is all 'Sunny John' Boehner will ram through for the defense of DOMA ignorance and hatred?" The $1.5M, you'll recall, was authori... more »

Obama Will Use Children as Props for Gun Control Announcement

Intercept at The Intercept - 2 hours ago
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2old2care at Because I Can - 3 hours ago
I just forced myself to listen to a 10 minute presentation on a radio program sponsored by the extremist right-wing free-market radio station from the John Locke Foundation in North Carolina. They were talking about ALEC. In fact they were whining about how the American Legislative Exchange Council is being picked on by the left -whining, whining, whining. They spent ten minutes trying to get the listener to believe that ALEC is just like NCSL. I get so sick of that argument. While I was listening to it I thought of this quote from a PR Watch articlethat was released today (my em...more »

Berlusconi: Libya's "Revolution" is a FAKE!

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 3 hours ago
*"We Came, We Saw, He Died."* - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The same could not be said about Osama Bin Laden's departure. In that case, U.S. solders bravely went to Afghanistan, saw, and at the last minute were pulled back and prevented from killing Bin Laden in 2001 by their superiors in D.C. He later died of natural causes, hardly the spectacular ending to his life that is portrayed in "Zero Dark Thirty." There is zero truth in that film. Bin Laden's image as a menacing dragon who has the ability to escape the reach of the United States was central in the selling... more »

GERALD CELENTE - Obama's work is done. America the Police State. NDAA Act, No Judge, No Jury

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours ago

Left vs. Right : U.S. Political Spectrum

Infiltration of Political Movements is the Norm in the US

The Fraud of Psychiatry & Psychology

Dangerous & Costly Psychobabble, The Fraud of Psychiatry & Psychology: A
report from Eye on Bureaucracy.

The 7 Psychological Principles of Scams: Protect Yourself by ...

Jan 21, 2010 ... How hustlers trick 3.2 million people each year in the UK into handing over £3.5
billion. Good hustlers are excellent intuitive psychologists.

Department of Commerce - WA ScamNet - The Psychology of Scams

Psychology of ScamsScammers often use psychological triggers to get an
automatic response from you without you realising it. Watch out for them next time ...

Teacher Cheating Scam (degree, public schools, psychology, salary ...

Nov 25, 2012 ... This is so sick. Think about how many kids were cheated out of being taught by
qualified teachers by this man and his unethical business and ...

The psychology of being scammed « Mind Hacks

May 17, 2009 ... I'm just reading a fascinating report on the psychology of why people fall for
scams, commissioned by the UK government's Office of Fair ...

False positives: fraud and misconduct are threatening scientific ...

Sep 13, 2012 ... Malpractice comes to light rarely, perhaps because scientific fraud is often easy
to perpetrate but hard to uncover. The field of psychology has ...

Harvard Psychology Researcher Committed Fraud, U.S. ...

Harvard Psychology Researcher Committed Fraud, U.S. Investigation Concludes.
by Siri Carpenter on 6 September 2012, 4:57 PM |. Email Print | More ...

Six of the Biggest Placebo Scams at your Drugstore | Psychology ...

Sep 3, 2010 ... Snake oil has nothing on these products By David DiSalvo...

Marriage Fraud | Psychology Today

May 23, 2012 ... Is discrimination obscured when the gates of marriage are opened? By Bella
DePaulo, Ph.D....

All Stories about Criminal Psychology, Forensics, criminal profiling ...

Criminal Psychology · Criminal Profiling · Forensics & Investigation · Sexual
Assault · Scams & Hoaxes · All Criminal Mind ...

The psychology of scams - Office of Fair Trading

The psychology of scams: Provoking and committing errors of judgement.
Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by the. University of Exeter School of ...

Why We Fall for Scams-Kiplinger

Scam artists aren't so much artists as they are students of human nature. ... To
sucker us into scams, crooks manipulate the same psychological biases that
often ...

Understanding the psychology of scam victims

With Paul Wilson, co-author and co-presenter of the BBC TV show The Real
Hustle, in this study we help you understand the psychology of scam victims in
order ...

Fraud Case Seen as a Red Flag for Psychology Research

Nov 2, 2011 ... A Dutch scholar was found to have falsified findings in dozens of papers, in a
field that critics say is vulnerable to such abuses.

Cultural Blaspheme and The Scam of Psychology |

Nov 22, 2012 ... Howdy, Pardners… Interesting headlines this morning… “Researchers discover
secret to stopping criminal behavior among ADHD sufferers”.

Uncertainty shrouds psychologist's resignation : Nature News ...

Jul 12, 2012 ... “Some people are concerned that this will damage psychology as a whole and
the public will perceive an epidemic of fraud,” says Simonsohn.

Psychology and Mental Health Law Blog | The blog for ...

4 days ago ... The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is warning psychologists to be
aware of a prescription drug scam. This telephone scheme is ...

emotional impact of fraud - York County

Many victims of fraud describe their victimization as a "psychological mugging."
They may describe their experience as "like being raped" and often experience ...

Chicago School of Professional Psychology - Downtown - Los ... - Yelp

5 Reviews of Chicago School of Professional Psychology "3 stars." ... This school
is honestly a huge scam. I really don't know how else to put it. They will charge ...

Scam victim psychology: What makes you vulnerable?

Dec 1, 2009 ... "Understanding scam victims: seven principles for systems security" is a paper by
Frank Stajano, an associate professor with the Computer ...

What to Do About Scientific Fraud in Psychology? | Psychology Today

Sep 10, 2011 ... Five Golden Rules for Conducting Ethical Research By Mark van Vugt, Ph.D....

Freud's seduction theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An alternative account that has come to the fore in recent Freud scholarship
emphasizes that the theory as posited by Freud was that hysteria and
obsessional ...

The Myth of Freud's Ostracism by the Medical Community in 1896 ...

The suggestion that Freud's abandonment of the seduction theory was a
consequence of his colleagues' hostility to the ... Under this pressure Freud

Freud's theory of unconscious conflict linked to anxiety symptoms in ...

Jun 16, 2012 ... An experiment that Sigmund Freud could never have imagined 100 years ago...
In recent years, exchanges between Grunbaum and Shevrin ...

History and Evolution of the Unconscious Before and After ... - info

Rosenzweig (1985/1992) treats Freud more kindly than Baron et al. as he recants
the case of a former patient and friend who tried to persuade him not to destroy ...
  • Jeffrey Masson: Freud, Seduction, and the New Puritanism

    The intellectual and emotional distance separating Frank Sulloway's Freud,
    Biologist of the ...... And that is what happened; Ferenczi died, but he did not
  • Project MUSE - Freud's Traumatic Memory

    The first is the genre of works that seeks to gain insight into Freud's
    psychoanalytic theorizing by examining Freud's biography. The second is the
    recent spate of ...

    Does Freudian repression exist? « Mind Hacks

    Apr 17, 2008 ... Rofé is careful to point out that Freud's ideas about the repression of memory 
    were ... Insomnia, mirror neurons and the recanting of bluster » ...

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