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"Trust Nobody Else" and the future implications of remote warfare (Photo credit: Tjebbe van Tijen / Imaginary Museum Projects) |
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Freedom of Speech in America: One Way Christmas carolers with "Stop World War III Impeach Obama" poster, he who smells own moustache style, Larouche crazies, Christmas tree, Seattle, Washington, USA (Photo credit: Wonderlane) |
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Map of countries who own nuclear weapons (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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U.S. and USSR/Russian nuclear weapons stockpiles, 1945–2005. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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World map with nuclear weapons development status represented by color. Five "nuclear weapons states" from the NPT Other states known to possess nuclear weapons States formerly possessing nuclear weapons States suspected of being in the process of developing nuclear weapons and/or nuclear programs States which at one point had nuclear weapons and/or nuclear weapons research programs States that possess nuclear weapons, but have not widely adopted them (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Localisation of nuclear weapons. Major nuclear weapons power Average nuclear weapons power Low nuclear weapons power Presumed nuclear weapons ability Note: A more specific and potentially more accurate image is at Image:Nuclear weapon programs worldwide.png. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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U.S. reconnaissance photograph of soviet missile sites on Cuba, taken from a Lockheed U-2 spy plane following the Cuban missile crisis. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Schematic representation of the two methods with which to assemble a fission bomb (see nuclear weapon design). (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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Nuclear Weapons Center (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |

The Fukushima crisis brought into the open the unspoken relationship between nuclear energy and nuclear war. Nuclear energy is not a civilian economic activity. It is an appendage of the nuclear weapons industry which is controlled by defense contractors. The powerful corporate interests behind nuclear weapons and energy overlap.

The CIA Killed Children - NYT Calls For More Killing
Lamenting the murder of Pakistani aid workers working in polio eradication campaigns the New York Times editors show some breathtaking imperial arrogance:
On Wednesday, there were reports that local police had promised extra protection for aid workers who are planning to conduct a polio vaccination campaign on Saturday in Peshawar and other cities in northwest Pakistan. That move is clearly necessary, though far from sufficient. The federal authorities need to make sure that the killers are brought to justice and make clear that murdering health workers is a terrorist act against the nation itself.The real terrorists and killers of these aid workers and of the children that will die for lack of vaccination are the idiots in the CIA that abused a fake polio campaign to go after Osama Bin Laden and his family.
When you kill health officials in Pakistan, it's a "terrorist act against the nation", when you bomb their children & kill rescuers & bomb funerals it's what? Oops , bugsplat, "terrorist propaganda", collateral damage or just plain meh. These polio workers thanks to the CIA have become little more than collateral damage if you go by American standards, but let's just yell at the Taliban & "bring them to justice" for "terrorist" acts we commit each day.
Posted by: Jose Rios | Jan 5, 2013 1:45:10 PM | 1
The NYT is no different than Goebbels' propaganda machine. In fact,
they have the same fascist roots. These are war crimes the NYT commits
on a daily basis and the staff at the NYT are just as guilty as the
political/government and business people who plan and execute these war
Posted by: вот так | Jan 5, 2013 1:46:13 PM | 2
fwiw no good comes from the modern polio vaccine anyway. There is CT
buzz that "The Taliban" sees western vaccine campaigns as ways to
sterilize Muslim children. Might not be too far off the mark actually.
Posted by: L Bean | Jan 5, 2013 1:52:16 PM | 3
Benazir Bhutto claims Osama Bin Laden Dead In 2007 during BBC interview. Let's ask her why she claimed that... Uhmmm, she dead too. Perhaps she's floating out there, together with Usama, on that big floating prairie aka 'The Great Pacific.'
What sensible person shoots a mastermind, who fooled all 16 US agencies, who kept NORAD grounded, who knew that the weather would be clear that day [9/11] so his untrained 'minions' could fly toward all intended targets using visuals instead of instruments, who arranged for similar exercises to take place across the border in Canada playing through identical scenarios of highjacked planes, etc. and all this from a cave in Afghanistan, in the face and dumps him in an ocean?
Imho Usama was a handy scapegoat,serving many purposes. We've seen Saddam's sons dead, we've seen Saddam being hanged, we've seen countless Afghan mujaheddin 'commanders' on ice, but we just couldn't bring Usama to justice, could we?
This might be perceived as sidetracking this discussion. That is absolutely not my intention. In this murky world of psy-ops nothing is what it seems to be or pretends to be. I agree, the moment those who want to do good are being abused to do evil [IAEA in Iraq, anyone?], the trust in them evaporates quicker than the tears streaming down a crock's leathery cheeks.
And again, the innocent pay with their lives for Western, fucked up idiocies.
Posted by: Daniel Rich | Jan 5, 2013 5:12:19 PM | 12
Benazir Bhutto claims Osama Bin Laden Dead In 2007 during BBC
interview. Let's ask her why she claimed that... Uhmmm, she dead too.
Perhaps she's floating out there, together with Usama, on that big
floating prairie aka 'The Great Pacific.' http://www.youtube.com/watch%3fv=SDTEEXG3ge8*
Is it ALL a $cam?
Study: 97 percent of children affected by 2009 mumps outbreak were vaccinated for condition
As I have stated numerous times, while America wars abroad, it is also at war on it's own people.
As above, so below, as abroad, so at home.
Posted by: Uncle $cam | Jan 6, 2013 2:06:19 PM | 24
Uncle Scam - same as with the recent whooping cough outbreaks, most
were recently vaccinated but the spin still is to blame it on parents
who decline the (insanely bloated and unregulated)vaccine schedule.
Kudos to Uncle $cam and L Bean for keeping it real.
http://www.infowars.com/bill-gates-and-47500-cases-of-paralysis/ It isn't just that the vaccine schedule* is insanely bloated - or that batch immunization flies in the face of lab protocols and good practice so as not to overstress the immune system. http://opitslinkfest.blogspot.ca/p/sidebar-12-12-12.html Look at the links below the red print Plus an older collection including the vaccination schedule* http://oldephartte.livejournal.com/4649.html
Posted by: L Bean | Jan 6, 2013 3:00:54 PM | 25
http://www.infowars.com/bill-gates-and-47500-cases-of-paralysis/ It isn't just that the vaccine schedule* is insanely bloated - or that batch immunization flies in the face of lab protocols and good practice so as not to overstress the immune system. http://opitslinkfest.blogspot.ca/p/sidebar-12-12-12.html Look at the links below the red print Plus an older collection including the vaccination schedule* http://oldephartte.livejournal.com/4649.html
As it happens, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated at the same time as I moved to Opera from WordPress , late Dec 2007 ( opit.wordpress.com is archived but not available ) . The oldest posts at my.opera.com/oldephartte/blog are doubleposted to http://oldephartte.blogspot.com/ and include links to the story - which was reported as both similar to a mob hit and replicating JFK's murder in that security was unaccountably missing.
And I'm into my second DCMA notice - 3 May Blogs I'm Following this time. It will likely stay in Draft unless I magically can find out what the alleged problem might be.
Two hundred government inspectors are heading to the region to
investigate mines it suspects are tied to organised crime. The state
government has also been tarred by the accusations. A Coahuila
government body (PRODEMI) buys coal from the companies and then sells it
to the state electricity company. Now the country's attorney general is
investigating its links with companies thought to have sold "Narco
The State of Coahuila presents a tempting target for any organised crime group looking to diversify from drug smuggling, kidnapping and extortion. It produces 95 percent of Mexico's coal, churning out 15 million tons a year. Unregulated "pozos", small roadside mines which are often little more than a hole in the road, abound; easy targets for those looking to make quick money.

a link.
VIDEO: Our Action Camp this weekend joined members of the Coushatta and Biloxi-Chitimacha tribes for an Idle No More solidarity round dance and rally within feet of the KXL pipeline easement.
Click LIKE and WATCH the video here:
Over a 120 blockaders danced and rallied in the front yard of an
indigenous family's home immediately adjacent to the Keystone XL
pipeline easement. The toxic pipeline is being laid about 100 ft from
their front door. Blockaders from Michigan reached out to the family to
offer first-hand experiences of dealing with tar sands spills
VIDEO: Our Action Camp this weekend joined members of the Coushatta and Biloxi-Chitimacha tribes for an Idle No More solidarity round dance and rally within feet of the KXL pipeline easement.
Click LIKE and WATCH the video here:
Over a 120 blockaders danced and rallied in the front yard of an indigenous family's home immediately adjacent to the Keystone XL pipeline easement. The toxic pipeline is being laid about 100 ft from their front door. Blockaders from Michigan reached out to the family to offer first-hand experiences of dealing with tar sands spills afterwards.