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Traditional Family Values Parade (Photo credit: Fritz Liess) |
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Family Values (Photo credit: opk) |
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CONservative governMENt (Photo credit: i_follow) |
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IRISH CANADIAN RANGERS, 199th Canadian Infantry Battalion (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Photographs of the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Map of the United States Air Force bases, Royal Canadian Air Force bases and NATO Dispersed Operating Bases in France from 1951 to 1966. Français : Carte des anciennes bases de l'OTAN en France de 1951 à 1966. Česky: Mapa zobrazující letecké základny NATO ve Francii mezi lety 1951 a 1966. Lambert-93 projection ; RGF-93 datum (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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The territories that were at one time or another part of the British Empire. The British Overseas Territories are underlined in red. Русский: Территории, когда-либо бывшие частью Британской империи. Названия Британских заморских территорий подчеркнуты красным. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Political cartoon. Title: "The next favor. 'A flag to suit the minority.'" French tricolor is given greater prominence than the Union Jack, and the maple leaf is surrounded by two fleurs-de-lis... (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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US Navy 090306-N-8933S-284 A guest instructor debriefs students from the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation and Naval Small Craft Instruction and Technical Training School after a field training exercise (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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US Navy 090306-N-6359M-193 Students from the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation and students from the Naval Small Craft Instruction and Technical Training School conduct a joint assault on a simulated narcoti (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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Anti-Margaret Thatcher badge (Photo credit: dannybirchall) |
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Mary Ann Vecchio gestures and screams as she kneels by the body of a student, Jeffrey Miller, lying face down on the campus of Kent State University, in Kent, Ohio. On publication, the image was retouched to remove the fencepost above Vecchio's head. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Best-of Canadian Conservative government blunders for 2012
24 Percent Majority: 2012 Best Of - Week 87 - Dec 25-Jan 1
This little blog is my attempt to keep track of all of the comings and goings of Canada's Conservative government. Every week I spend an hour or two putting together a weekly round-up of the bad things done by the Conservatives in the name of "fiscal responsibility" and "family values". Honestly, there's always so much material to work with that it practically writes itself.
Which is about the way I feel about most 'Americans'. Heck - they don't even HAVE an individual name, unlike the United States of Mexico as an instance - and I remember waaay too much about JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King as decent men sacrificed to the Mafia as much as Jimmy Hoffa was. The peanut farmer was the last one to resemble a decent President with some internationalism of view. Reagan ran the Contras upsetting governments of countries in Central and South America and secret arms trade through Iran. I'm not sure that wasn't 'international aware' as well as the School of the Americas !
School of the Americas Watch
group devoted to closing and monitoring the US military's "Western
Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation", which has trained Latin
American dictators.
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation - Wikipedia, the free...
Until 2000, the United States Army School of the Americas (USARSA) was the principal training school for U.S. and Latin American military and police personnel in a variety of small unit tactics and leadership courses.
School of Americas
School of the Americas: School of Assassins, USA. " We routinely had Latin American students at the School of the Americas (SOA) who were known human rights abusers, and it didn't make any difference to us."
US Army School of the Americas
conventional methods-- elections, plebiscites, national
referenda--fail, or when the results threaten the oligarchy, the US
Army's School of the Americas, a shadowy but formidable war factory billeted at Fort Benning, Georgia, can help.
College essay blunders! Just as you should know what to do, you should also know what NOT to do! Here are some of the biggest blunders students make in their essays
students.berkeley.edu/apa/personalstatement/blunders.html Godwin's Law
British propaganda during World War I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Britain had no propaganda agencies at the war's outbreak, but an organisation was soon ... mistranslation of "Kadaver" as "corpse" instead of "carcass" were innocent mistakes ...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_propaganda_during_World_War_I DARPA looking to master propaganda via 'Narrative Networks'
Propaganda is the reason people grow up despising socialism. A socialist is not an ... Sep 30, 2011 0 How your brain reacts to mistakes depends on your mindset
Insanity: doing the same thing... at BrainyQuote
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
What am I saying ? Blunders and mistakes are exercises excusing malice as stupidity. GW Bush fronted for Dick Cheney for a reason. Think of all the Bushisms you've heard.