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Scoop - NZ
Shearer: Outsourcing War" .. the evidence suggests that coercion is often essential to breaking deadlocks and bringing opposing parties to the negotiating table. In this context, military companies can be seen not as part of the problem but as part of the solution .. "
Hope Begotten From the Womb of Pain: AssadMany people are saying that Bashar is in a bubble. By this they are insisting that his victory speech is bluster or based on bad intelligence and fawning officers who give him only good news. Certainly, he is in a bubble. But it is a mistake to overestimate the power of the rebels. They too have ...
Hobbit's reign ends at US box-officeIt took Leatherface and his chainsaw to stop The Hobbit's stranglehold on the top spot at the US box-office. The horror sequel Texas Chainsaw 3D debuted at number one in the US box-office last week with $NZ27.6 million, according to studio estimates. It picks up where 1974's The Texas Chai ...
Scots: Who are you calling colonialists?Las Malvinas are more than 7900 miles from London. On the other hand, 1180 miles separate Buenos Aires from the Falklands Islands. At its closest point Argentina is around 300 miles from the islands' capital, Port Stanley. The little town and its surroundings, meanwhile, house fewer than 2900 pr ...
DGSE agent admits plot to assassinate Chavez29 December 2012 Israeli trained DGSE agent Frédéric Laurent Bouquet has been expelled by Venezuela after serving part of a four year prison term imposed following his arrest in 2009 for posession of a cache of weapons and explosives.
Independent - London
Palestinians evicted from E1, east of Jerusale ...A group of Palestinian protesters who had built a tented village in a strategically important area of the West Bank have been evicted by Israeli police, less than 48 hours after beginning their action. Related StoriesRebels 'seize helicopter base in Syria'
Thousands in Moscow protest over new adoption lawTens of thousands of Muscovites braved icy weather to march through the centre of Moscow in protest at a new law that bans the adoption of Russian children by American citizens. Related StoriesEU agency backs Pill after France blood clot scareKurdish activists killed in Paris were shot in head a ...
Six suspects arrested in new rape of a bus pas ...Police say they have arrested six men accused of repeatedly gang-raping a woman onboard a bus in the north of India. The assault is said to have taken place near the city of Amritsar.Related StoriesBrangelinas need not apply: A Cambodian orphanage is leading the march against 'voluntourism'A mot ...
Sri Lanka faces constitutional crisis as presi ...Sri Lanka is facing a deepening constitutional crisis after President Mahinda Rajapaksa went ahead and sacked its most senior judge – a move that critics say undermines the independence of the country’s judiciary.Related StoriesBrangelinas need not apply: A Cambodian orphanage is leading the ma ...
'This is not the petition response you're look ...The US government has rejected a petition calling for the building of a Death Star battle-station, on the grounds that the administration does not support the destruction of other planets.Related StoriesCracks and leaks turn Dreamliner to a nightmareEvolution of planes needs these glitchesAusti ...
Rogue Government.com
UK Energy bills ‘to double in five years’ as ...Energy bills are likely to double within five years as the Government drives a move to green power and building nuclear power stations, it is claimed.
Blackwater’s New Director: Bill Clinton’s Law ...Blackwater’s rebranding continues at a torrid pace. Danger Room has learned the latest Washington greybeard hired to spruce up the image of the world’s most infamous private security firm is Jack Quinn, a top Washington lobbyist and former White House counsel to President Bill Clinton.
Government asks Jewish groups to join in anti ...For the first time, the federal government is expanding its community-based anti-terrorism campaign to a religious group — the Jewish community, victims of past attacks in the U.S.
Analyst: Even Dollar Stores Struggling In ‘Ob ...More stores across the U.S. that offer deeply-discounted products are seeing their sales decline after years of growth amid America’s “Great Recession” — and one analyst said on Monday it’s another sign of even deeper downturn.
Hackers claim they exposed Booz Allen Hamilto ...Hackers flying the AntiSec banner claimed today that they compromised a server at consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton and have released internal data, including about 90,000 military e-mail addresses.
Innovation Canada
Safety havenIf Canadian postal workers were to design the perfect winter boot, it would help them avoid slipping on icy walkways, stop them from missing their truck brakes while driving and keep them from getting their crampon spikes stuck in wooden porches.If the hearing impaired were looking for a hearing ...
Small tools, big impactCancer, heart disease and stroke are leading causes of death among Canadians. As a medical doctor, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and a Canada Research Chair in Bioengineering and Biophotonics, Victor Yang has a unique perspective on these deadly diseases. Based at ...
Innovative, naturallyFor the first time this past winter, the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) launched the Emerging Science Journalists Award (ESJA). The award was created to support Canada’s talented young science writers. Below is one of the winning entries by Roslyn Dakin, doctoral candidate in the Departm ...
A very gourd ideaIt’s been known for years that plants can take up and store trace amounts of hazardous metals like nickel, arsenic and cadmium from contaminated soil in a process called phytoremediation. Until recently, however, scientists assumed that plants weren’t capable of taking up a class of toxic chemic ...
Johne’s happensTrudging through a dairy farm to collect manure samples isn’t exactly glamorous work, but the odorous task is starting to have a big impact on the health of dairy cattle in Atlantic Canada — and it will save the dairy industry millions of dollars each year. Technicians at the University of Princ ...
Signs of the times
Sri Lanka meteorite with evidence of life from ...A meteorite that Landed recently, close to the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka has been described as the most important scientific discovery in the last 500 years as it carried "compelling evidence of life" from outer space. The scientists who discovered the contents of the meteori ...
New Comet: C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)Discovery Date: January 3, 2013 Magnitude: 18.6 mag Discoverer: Robert H. McNaught (Siding Spring) The orbital elements are published on M.P.E.C. 2013-A14.
SOTT FOCUS: Sandy Hook hoaxes and the terror o ...Many of the most notable events in modern (and even ancient) history have provoked some form of 'conspiracy theory'. That is to say, ordinary people were not satisfied with the official story about how the event unfolded because all or some aspects of that story simply did not objectively make s ...
Tax Trap: Florida ministerial couple imprisone ..."Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging ...
Nazi redux: Democratic grandmothers spy on the ...Forget knocking on doors. The "Grandma Brigade" in Minnesota gathers public info about other voters. In Minnesota, Democratic volunteers scour their local newspapers each morning for letters to the editor with a political slant. They pay attention to the names of callers on radio shows. They dr ...
The Galloping Beaver
Audits and thingsIt stands to reason that if Idle No More and/or the initiative of the Assembly of First Nations with the government continues, that some pretty shocking information about the social and political reality of many Aboriginal communities and settlements will emerge. The challenge will be in explain ...
- Stevie's endgame . . .
Do not disturbWatching footage of Chief Theresa Spence yesterday, as she spoke on Victoria Island, I found myself pondering a few things. A few years ago I had some medical issues that meant I couldn't eat. The solution partly involved a couple of weeks of subsisting on an intravenous dextrose solution (suga ...
More INM commentaryIn a comment a few minutes ago The Regina Mom wrote: Just have to express my disappointment with you folks at The Galloping Beaver over this one. Let us focus on coming together and better ways of working together instead of magnifying our differences, especially now. And I find it i ...
"All my relations"This is one of the most compelling things I've ever read, and captures so much about about Idle No More, the ideals it aspires to, and hope for the future. Go now, and read.
Media Matters for America
Fox Papers Over Recent Increase In Gunshot WoundsFox News is emphasizing the decline in violent crime and murder rates since the 1990s to oppose calls for laws to prevent gun violence. But recent reporting indicates that the number of gunshot wounds has actually increased in recent years and that the lower homicide rate is partly due to improv ...
Sean Hannity Starts Witch Hunt Against Brennan ...Fox News' Sean Hannity lashed out at nominee for CIA Director John Brennan for identifying the term "jihad" as a legitimate tenet of Islam. But Brennan's comments are in line with mainstream thought on the term, and former President Bush expressed similar sentiments in 2005.Brennan: Don't Cede T ...
They Went There: Right-Wing Media Invoke Nazi ...Following reports that President Obama was considering proposals to strengthen U.S. gun laws, right-wing media figures likened the Obama administration to Nazi Germany and compared Obama to dictators like Hitler and Stalin.Right-Wing Media Figures Invoke Hitler, Stalin To Reject Proposals F ...
Ignoring The Past, Right-Wing Media Again Call ...Echoing their analysis from 2011, conservative media outlets have advised Republicans against raising the debt ceiling. The commitment to this narrative shows that the economic realities of the past debt ceiling debacle are being completely ignored by the right-wing media. Flashback: Conservati ...
It's Health Care: Why Fox Is Wrong About Ameri ...Fox News host Neil Cavuto and Fox guest Stephen Moore agreed that President Obama is wrong to suggest that federal spending growth is driven by health care costs, when in fact Obama is right. Health care spending is the only category of federal spending projected to grow substantially over the n ...
Global Research.ca
Wall Street Looting: Will JPMorgan Chase Be He ...As a sop to outraged public opinion over Wall Street’s looting of the real economy, criminal banksters are coming under increased scrutiny by federal regulators. Scrutiny however, is not the same thing as enforcement of laws such as the Bank…
Mali’s Tuareg-Uranium ConspiracyGlobal Research Editor’s Note In the light of recent events in Northern Mali, we bring the following April 2012 Global Research article to the attention of our readers. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ...
Impeach Obama!Global Research Editor’s Note This article initially published in February 2009 has led to a renewed debate within the Peace movement. It is worth recalling that Tom Santoni resigned from Veterans For Peace in protest when the impeachment resolution was…
The Withdrawal of US Combat Troops from Iraq d ...Support Iraqi Protests Against the Second Phase of the Occupation Urgent Call for International Solidarity with the Iraqi Thawra (Revolution) The International Anti-Occupation Network (IAON) The International Anti-Occupation Network (IAON) includes among others the BRussells Tribunal, The Span ...
US-led NATO and its Puppets Ignite Factional V ...…
TPM Cafe
Message to world government: Don't govern the ...You could think of the Aspen IDEA report published today as a letter to the head of the International Telecommunications Union, Hamadoun Touré, suggesting that he should reconsider his intent to put the "light touch" of government on the Internet's operations. M. Touré will be running a majo ...
Obama and Romney on Foreign Policy - Drawing t ...The political battle lines are being drawn for the general election debate over foreign policy and national security, and you can't do much better than my fellow Democracy Arsenal blogger Michael Cohen for a guide. One key theme of Michael's latest column for ForeignPolicy.com is what a differen ...
Will Yale's Alumni Save Liberal Education?Hoping to head off alumni resistance to the brand-new "Yale-National University of Singapore" college that the Yale Corporation has created somewhat stealthily in collaboration with the government of that authoritarian city-state, Association of Yale Alumni chairman Michael Madison has inadvert ...
Neocons Celebrate: We Got MJ Rosenberg, We'll ...The right-wing "pro-Israel" lobby has taken off its mask. In the wake of my departure from Media Matters, it is in a celebratory mood. In one article and column after another, the Israel-is-always-right types cannot contain their feeling of triumph. There are dozens of these articles. Here i ...
- Presented By:
Institute for Middle East Understanding
Podcast: Sounds from DAM's new hip-hop album D ...The Electronic Intifada's regular podcast which featured Palestinian Hip Hop group DAM this week. DAM's Tamer Nafar spoke with Nora Barrows-Friedman of The Electronic Intifada about the ...
Is Oscar-nominated 5 Broken Cameras an Israeli ...The film 5 Broken Cameras has been nominated for a Oscar in the best feature-length documentary category, it was announced yesterday. I reviewed the feature, the product of years' worth ...
Israeli security forces evacuate Palestinians, ...Hundreds of Israeli security forces early Sunday evacuated some 100 Palestinians from a protest tent camp set up two days earlier in the E-1 corridor east of Jerusalem. The evacuation - ...
Israeli soldiers clear West Bank protest camp, ...Hundreds of Israeli police swarmed a makeshift Palestinian protest camp pre-dawn Sunday and arrested activists, an operation that marked the latest saga in the bitter back-and-forth ove ...
Palestinians rally support online for West Ban ...About 200 Palestinian activists set up camp, and a Twitter feed, on Friday in a part of the Israeli-occupied West Bank just east of Jerusalem known as E1, where Israel plans to build ho ...
Water - AlterNet
5 Reasons Natural Gas Won’t Be an Environmenta ...This article was published in partnership with GlobalPossibilities.org.If you’re hoping the natural gas boom means we’ve solved our environmental and economic woes, you’re going to be disappointed. While natural gas produces less nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide wh ...
Major Military Contractor Poisons American Tro ...In the spring and summer of 2003, when U.S. troops were guarding cleanup of a neglected water treatment plant in the Basrah oil fields in Qatmat Ali, southern Iraq, they noticed orange dust scattered on the floor and sitting in open sacks. Within weeks, several were suffering nosebleeds, eye ...
Australia on Fire: Record-Shattering Heat, Wil ...NERMEEN SHAIKH: We begin our show in Australia, where hundreds of bush fires continue to rage amidst the country’s fiercest heat wave in more than 80 years. It’s so hot, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology has taken the unprecedented step of adding two new colors  ...
The Overlooked Threat to Our Nation's Drinking ...Wastewater from oil and gas drilling operations – disposed of deep underground – recently burbled to the surface in Oklahoma. It wasn’t a one-off. Similar contamination from so-called “injection wells” happened at seven locations across Oklahoma and at twelv ...
The Wicked Brew That Would Be Transported in t ...This article was published in partnership with GlobalPossibilities.org.The massive exploitation of Alberta tar sands may be the biggest environmental crime in history and a new benchmark for sacrifice of public health to corporate profit.It's so much more than converting an area of borea ...
Public Citizen in Texas
Fire at South Texas Nuclear Power PlantTuesday, a fire erupted in the Unit 2 main transformer that feeds power from the reactor to the public power grid of the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station near Bay City and about 85 miles southwest of Houston. The unit 2 was automatically taken offline and STP officials say unit 1 ...
2012 Warmest Year on Record in U.S.Well, it’s official. According to scientists with The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2012 was the warmest year on record in the contiguous United States with an average temperature of 55.3 degrees Farenheit. That’s 3.2 degrees above normal and a full degree higher ...
Texas Breaks Another Wind Energy RecordAs we close in on the end of 2012 with a winter front keeping temperatures low, Texas achieved a new wind power integration record of 8.638 GW on Dec. 25 at 3:11 p.m according to the Texas grid operator, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). Electricity from wind accounted for 25.71 ...
New wind installations my pass new natural gas ...According to Bloomberg, with four days left in 2012, wind-turbine installations are expected to exceed natural gas-fueled power plants in the U.S. for the first time as wind farm developers race to complete projects before a renewable energy tax credit expires. New wind capacity reached 6,519 me ...
The Results Are In: Cleaner Air Does Save LivesFine particles in the air (particularly those smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter) cause a multitude of health problems, ranging from difficulty breathing and asthma to heart attacks and premature death in people with heart or lung disease. The question has been whether or not cleaning the ...
Unexplained Mysteries
White House rejects 'Death Star' petitionThe US government has responded to a tongue-in-cheek petition asking them to build a Death Star. The petition was started on November 14th and receive...
Space station UFO sightings on the riseAn increasing number of videos and stills showing unknown objects around the ISS have appeared on-line. So many videos have appeared on Youtube in fac...
Clock based on single atom developedA new clock is capable of telling the time using nothing more than a single cesium atom. Scientists developed the device based on several principles i...
Daylight UFO photographed over SeattleA clear photograph of a strange object hovering in the skies over Seattle has been circulating on-line. The image was submitted to MUFON ( Mutual UFO ...
Report on Jesus' wife papyrus delayedThe article was expected to detail the discovery of a 4th century parchment which references Jesus' wife. The controversial discovery was made by Prof...
Protests erupted in Haiti read more
Build Back Better Mantra Unfulfilled in Haitiread more
Bhoodevi's Journey for Manchi Jeevithamimg_0336.jpg Bhoodevi (second from left) is a young Savaara woman from Srikakulam district (county) in Andhra Pradesh (AP) state. Her name means Earth Goddess or Mother Earth. The Savaaras are an Adivasi (ɑːdɪˈvɑːsi/ literally, earlie ...
Pain and Hunger in California’s Blueberries Fieldshernandez_blueberries.jpg Recently David Bacon, whose work amplifies the voices of those who otherwise might be unheard, shared the story of Lorena Hernandez. Lorena is a single mother and farmworker laboring in California’s agricultural fi ...
Youth Movements: The Next Generation of Global ...haiti-youth_crafts.jpg The future success of global social movements depends largely on cultivating the next generation of activists. With the support of Grassroots International, local groups around the world are organizing creative social ...
Shell Says Tax Played Role in Move of Drilling ...(Bloomberg) Avoiding a state tax played a role in Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA)'s decision to move a drilling rig from Alaska waters, though the company said the vessel’s grounding days later was the result of an unforeseen worsening of ...
New Orleans Needs New Approach to Water Management(The Times-Picayune) As fog blanketed New Orleans and rain threatened the day outside, the burning question in a Ritz Carlton hotel conference room Thursday morning was an old, persistent one: how to live in a 295-year-old, slowly ...
Energy Department Sued Over ‘Green Car’ Loan P ...(Washington Post) An electric car start-up and its sister company sued the Energy Department on Thursday, claiming Secretary Steven Chu and his agency awarded money to politically favored firms and strung along their firms and others i ...
Japan Seeks to Reverse Commitment to Phase Out ...(Guardian) Almost two years after the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi power plant sent shockwaves around the world, Japan's government is attempting to resell the nuclear dream to a traumatised public. Japan appear ...
Cyberstalkers Threaten Pipeline Security(New York Times) In a recent annual review, a team at the Department of Homeland Security that works to counter the threat of attacks on critical computer infrastructure counted 198 incidents in fiscal 2012. The ...
Sustainability issues among top 10 global concernsAlthough the list of global trends was mostly dominated by political and economic concerns, some key sustainability issues were at the top of leaders’ minds.
Pollution prevention internships find lost val ...Does your company need help improving efficiency and cutting costs? Pollution prevention interns could be the solution.
How She Leads: Beth Sauerhaft of PepsiCo Behind the scenes at PepsiCo's sustainability efforts with Beth Sauerhaft, Ph.D., Director of Global Environmental Sustainability.
Sustainability gains importance for private eq ...Environmental, social and governance issues take on increased prominence in the private equity industry.
How the University of Iowa busted silos to boo ...Making sustainability matter was no easy task at the 30,000-student institution that's Iowa's biggest educator, health care provider, and sporting draw.
Duly Noted
Ethiopia and Eritrea: An elusive peace on the ...Ethiopia and Eritrea are still at each others’ throats. The two neighbours fought hammer and tongs in sun-baked trenches during a two-year war over a decade ago, before a peace deal ended their World War I-style conflict in 2000. Furious veRed Sea, UNrbal battles, however, have continued to this ...
A Mafia in FATA: Haqqanis and DronesA new report about the Haqqani network's business interests raises questions about the anti-drones narrative in Pakistan
Are African governments suppressing art?The dust is finally settling on the storm that was kicked off in South Africa by a controversial painting of President Jacob Zuma with his genitals exposed.
Greek debt – remember the goatsGreece's creditors have essentially let it off the hook by overwhelmingly agreeing to take a 74 percent loss. So what better time to remember one of the first times Athens got in trouble with paying its debts.
Greeks on the streetGreeks smashing windows and setting fire to shops and banks in a fury of opposition to yet more austerity is gripping, but not unique. There are underlying elements than make such uprisings more common in Greece than elsewhere.
Booman Tribune
Jindal's Tax Plan is Un-American The problem with societies that have massive income inequality isn't just a matter of fairness. It's a matter of functionality. In the 18th Century, French peasants really had no hope of improving their lives or the lives of their children. That's unfair, but it's also dangerous. Whenever fo ...
Reading List Woody Allen is funny. If you see an American abroad carrying an easel and some paints, he could be a CIA operative. And a good one, too. I am only learning about Aaron Swartz now that he has hanged himself. I don't know if an overzealous prosecutor is primarily responsible, but facing a ...
It Was Bad Strategy, Anyway Look, like pretty much everyone else, I've been wrong about a few things in the debate about the platinum coin, but I was right on the main things. The White House, the Treasury Department, and the Federal Reserve have determined that it would not be legal. Look at the Treasury spokesman's, st ...
JFK Conspiracy Theory Thread The news cycle is so boring that it is probably a good time to engage in some gold old JFK assassination speculation. After all, it is the 50th anniversary this year. And now RFK Jr. is on the record that he's convinced that there was more than one gunman. I'm convinced of that, as well. I a ...
Get Rid of Your Racists, Moron J-Rube is trying to give advice to the GOP on how to fix their "Hispanic problem." She could start by counseling them to say 'Latinos' instead of 'Hispanics.' Most of her advice is pretty good, but she doesn't figure out the main thing that the Republicans need to do. They need to make the de ...
Environmental Graffiti
The Incredible Beauty of Thailand's Loi Kratho ...Stand mesmerized as Thailand's people illuminate the river and night sky with beautiful lights... This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Stunning Early Postcards of Geishas Posing in ...Amazing photos of geishas, playing their roles as the ultimate swimsuit pin-up girls of their time... This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
5 Coolest Links of the WeekFrom Nazi propaganda posters, to deadly homemade street drugs... Another diverse serving of links a la carte. This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
15 Incredible Creatures Born from Burning Matc ...Most of us wouldn't think twice about discarding a used matchstick, but Russian artist Stanislav Aristov turns them into charming creatures instead. Truly striking art! This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
The Kaleidoscopic Colors of Karijini National ParkSteep gorges with banded iron rock, clear green swimming holes, and abundant native wildlife... Karijini National Park in Western Australia is a very special place. This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
Postcard from LebanonLebanon is being pulled closer yet to Syria's civil war.
At Least Being Railroaded Isn't as Bad as Bein ...Could the charges on which former C.I.A. agent John Kiriakou are being jailed be any flimsier?
The Great Oil SwindleReports of peak oil's death have been greatly exaggerated.
On Brink of Admission to EU, Some Croatians St ...Daniel Bucan is not your usual run-of-the-mill Euroskeptic. He's a former diplomat whose last posting was in Strasbourg, at the Council of Europe.
What's in Store for 2013Ignatio Ramonet makes predictions of the major upcoming elections, risks, and dangers of 2013 in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia.
Al Jazeera
Balochistan officials fired over Shia attacksProvincial government dismissed by Pakistan prime minister three days after more than 90 Hazara Shias killed in Quetta.
French airforce strike Mali rebel strongholdsFresh air raids kill at least 11 civilians, including three fleeing children, as military campaign enters third day.
Iraq finance minister escapes bomb attackRoadside bomb explodes near convoy carrying Sunni minister who has been a central figure in anti-government protests.
Deadly explosion hits Afghan village mosque Seven civilians killed as they pulled bodies from rubble of mosque damaged in night raid by NATO and Afghan troops.
Mass rally against gay marriage held in ParisHundreds of thousands march through the French capital over planned legislation permitting same-sex marriage.
Green Inc. - NYT
Discolored Slopes Mar Debut of Snow-Making EffortAn Arizona resort attributes the initial yellowish cast to a rusty residue in its snow-making equipment, not the material's wastewater origins.
A Nuclear Post-Mortem for SandyInspectors have deemed the performance of the Oyster Creek nuclear plant during Hurricane Sandy to be "acceptable" despite several minor errors during a storm surge.
Would Exporting the Natural Gas Surplus Help T ...Companies that rely on low gas prices oppose liquefied natural gas exports, saying it would hurt the economy. Drillers say the opposite.
Shell Violated Air Permits for Arctic Ships, E ...Its ships allowed excess nitrogen oxides to escape during the abbreviated 2012 drilling season last summer and fall, the agency says.
'Mexsicko City' Turns a Corner in Its Clean Ai ...Even amid other environmental gains, it is the improvement in air quality that has most burnished the city's green credentials.
Dot Earth News
The Changing Newsroom EnvironmentThe Times drops its environment desk but that does not guarantee that its environmental coverage will decline.
More On a Quest for Common Ground on Climate C ...An animated view of the common ground that's possible on climate change between people with different politics.
A Closer Look at a Shift in Britain's Near-Ter ...A look behind Britain's downward revision of a short-term global warming forecast.
On Budget Deficits, CO2 Binges and Wise Invest ...Liberals and conservatives both seem to avoid looking in the mirror when facing certain challenges.
Australian Forecasters Add New Colors to Tempe ...The greenhouse factor in Australia's extreme heat.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
How to check cops checking your driver's licen ...Yet another nasty branch on the poisonous tree of data abuse in Minnesota is bearing its digital fruit. Anne Marie Rasmusson, a former law enforcement officer, got 'checked out' by an absurdly sprawling array of Minnesota law enforcement officers illegally abusing their driver's license lookup s ...
MPD Tracking OccupyMN Facebook BBQs: Minneapol ...Dateline: Pseudo-Secret Minneapolis (aka Fridley): What WCCO called the "secret" "City of Eyes" Strategic Information Center has been located on the Google! Your Federal Stimulus Money & FY2010 Homeland Security Appropriations At Work - A Facility for Spying on Facebook Occupy Barbecues It' ...
MPD Homeland Security Unit at Cruz House: Minn ...After some months, the Minneapolis Police Department released dozens of pages about Occupy Minnesota / Occupy Minneapolis and several high-profile operations, particularly the eviction of protesters from 4044 Cedar Ave. This data was released from the Department late yesterday afternoon. Interes ...
Federal Homeland Security TSA VIPR Team & #Vik ...Things are a little strange at the Vikings/Packers Game today. A drone has been photographed hovering around the Metrodome fan plaza on the west side, and a Homeland Security / TSA "VIPR" team has been hanging around as well, indicating the federal government is shifting into "protecting" the ma ...
The Next Big Thing - Idle No More MN: Indigeno ...Many hundreds, perhaps a thousand or more, Natives and supporters joined up at the Mall of America on Dec. 29 in sympathy with those struggling against the Canadian government. Burned sage wafted out into the crowd as echoes of drums & cheers throbbed off the walls. Reportedly, many were in ...
Daily Censored
- Netanyahu: The Face of Israeli Fascism
- Israeli Elections
- Children’s Fair in Thailand
- Flu Epidemic Hysteria
- Permanent Afghanistan Occupation Planned
AlterNet's Breaking News
McCain, NRA president: Assault weapons ban won ...Both Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and NRA President David Keene predicted that an assault weapons ban will not make it through Congress.On CBS' "Face The Nation," McCan said that he doesn't think an assault weapons ban, like the one introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., would pass, nor ...
Last call for phone boothsIN THE SUMMER OF 1999, the Holy Spirit directed Rick Karr, a 51-year-old Texan, to answer the calls made to a phone booth located in the middle of the Mojave Desert, 15 miles from a highway. He spent 32 days camping beside the phone booth on the desert playa in scorching heat. During that tim ...
White House rejects “Death Star” petitionForced to respond to a petition pushing for the federal government to "Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016," the White House dashed the dreams of the 34,000-plus Star Wars fans' who signed it: "The Administration shares your desire for job creatio ...
Top Dems urge Obama to weigh unilateral debt hikeWASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's top Democratic allies in the Senate advised him Friday to consider "any lawful steps" to make sure the government does not default of its debts and spur an economic crisis — even if it means acting without approval by Congress.Major ...
Must-see morning clip: Miss America vs. the NRAAt the Miss America pageant, Miss New York, who went on to win the competition, was asked by judge Sam Champion about the NRA's proposal to arm teachers in the wake of the Newtown school shootings. She responded that she opposes that proposition."I don’t think the proper way to fight vi ...
Institute for Policy Studies
It's a New Year, But Old Wars and Occupations ...The New Internationalism newsletter on the countdown to the afghan "draw-down," an update on Palestinian struggles , and Phyllis' upcoming road trip.
Human Trafficking and Immigration: The Ties Th ...President Obama has declared January as "National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month," and immigration will be near the top of President Obama's political agenda in his second term.
Key Facts from "The Dual Mandate: Immigration ...Between 14,500 and 17,500 persons are trafficked into the country each year and that approximately 50,000 trafficked individuals may be present at any given time.
On Brink of Admission to EU, Some Croatians St ...Daniel Bucan is not your usual run-of-the-mill Euroskeptic. He's a former diplomat whose last posting was in Strasbourg, at the Council of Europe.
Human Rights Watch: Time to Stand with Human R ...It is disappointing to see HRW's unwillingness to stand with those who are working to promote and defend human rights.
Turkey peace talks halted as Kurdish activists ...The future of peace talks between the Turkish government and the country’s Kurdish minority appeared uncertain yesterday, after three female Kurdish activists were found murdered assassination-style in downtown Paris. The murders marked the first-ever killings in Europe of senior members of the ...
Iran official in secret visit to Egypt to disc ...The trip was apparently meant to send "a message to the United States that Cairo will have little trouble finding another ally if Washington decides to curtail its humanitarian and military aid to Egypt".
How did the US know that Syria was about to us ...Early last December, United States President Barack Obama issued a surprise warning to the government of Syria, saying that if it made "the tragic mistake" of using chemical weapons against rebel forces, there would be “immediate consequences”. Today, a month after Obama’s December ultimatum, on ...
Obama’s National Security Nominations: Nothing ...The deluge of reports that are flooding the news media about the national security nominations of United States President Barack Obama is both natural and understandable. Yet much of the commentary on the nominations of John Kerry for State, Chuck Hagel for the Pentagon, and John Brennan for the ...
Analysis: Will 2013 Be the Year of the Unmanne ...As United States President Barack Obama prepares to enter his fifth year in office, one may be excused for thinking that his administration’s response to insurgency warfare essentially boils down to one thing: the joystick. This is the means by which Washington’s unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) fl ...
War is a Crime.org
13 PEACE, VETERANS, AND FAITH GROUPS ASK GOVE ...On January 10, thirteen peace, veterans and faith organizations from various parts of Oregon sent a letter to Governor John Kitzhaber urging him to keep the Oregon National Guard from its planned deployment of 1800 Oregonians to Afghanistan in 2014. The groups' letter cites a 2009 effort to keep ...
CIA Drone Wars Protested at CIABy Malachy Kilbride An estimated one hundred people assembled outside the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters on Saturday expressing their opposition to the US presidential assassination lists, killer drone death squads, illegal rendition, torture, and the continued confinement of pris ...
Afghan Peace Volunteer says drones bury beauti ...By Hakim and the Afghan Peace Volunteers Below is a transcript of an interview of Raz Mohammad, an Afghan Peace Volunteer, with questions prepared by Maya Evans of Voices for Creative Non Nonviolence UK. Raz Mohammad : Salam ‘aleikum. I am Raz Mohammad. I’m from Maidan Wardak province and I’m P ...
UNAC STATEMENT ON THE RAPIDLY INCREASING U.S. ...US sending 3500 troops to Africa On Christmas Day, 2012 – a time when few people were paying attention to the news – the Associated Press reported that the Obama administration had decided to send some 3,500 U.S. troops early in 2013 into as many as 35 of Africa's 54 countries, claiming it is pa ...
Former U.S. Intelligence Analysis Chief to Rec ...Oxford Union Press Office The Oxford Union will be hosting the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence award presentation on 23rd January 2013. The ceremony will feature several individuals well known in intelligence and related fields, including, via video-stream, remarks by Julian ...
Grist - News
The age-old battle of goats versus tortoisesby Sarah Laskow. Before reading further in this post, ask yourself a question (and answer honestly): Which do you care about more, guiltless (if hungry) goats or the Galápagos Islands' giant tortoises? If you answered goats, this post will make you sad. Here was the ...
Watch an orca chase a shark out of the waterby Sarah Laskow. Orcas might be charismatic movie stars, but they are also killer whales. A family of beachgoers in New Zealand caught on film an orca fighting with a few sharks. One shark was so eager to get away from the whale that it beached itself in the shallow water. (That's t ...
What environmental policy could we expect from ...by Jess Zimmerman. Stephen Colbert has officially thrown his hat in the ring for definitely possibly considering a run for president. He's already out-polling Jon Huntsman! So what kind of environmental policy platform could we expect from a President Colbert? Well, for starters, no ...
Don’t believe the hype about the ‘ ...by Christopher Mims. Some chemists came up with a really clever way to observe the intermediate stage of an atmospheric chemical reaction, and then some PR flack got a hold of it and suddenly science has invented a brand-new molecule that will solve all our climate change woes! As usual, t ...
Congressional staffers will stop betting on wi ...by Jess Zimmerman. We here at Grist mock a lot of people. But we don't always manage to mock some sense into them. Which is why we're pretty psyched about the response to Sarah Laskow's feature story revealing that congressional staffers were making deadly wildfires into a fun ...
Rafe's Radar
Gesture control coming to Windows 8 computersPointGrab brings its TV remote-control system to the gesture-friendly Windows 8 user interface. Originally posted at ...
First Thunderbird, now Sparrow? We need e-mail ...CNET's Rafe Needleman hopes Google's acquisition of Sparrow doesn't spell the end of competition among desktop e-mai ...
Groupiter makes workflow as simple as DropboxTiny two-person startup brings conversations about shared files up to date. Originally posted at Bootstrap ...
Highlight 1.2: Is it less creepy or are we jus ...New version of people discovery app adds social engineering tweaks. Originally posted at Bootstrap ...
Zaarly Anywhere takes projects from blogs to r ...New service lets consumers see a project or product on a Web site and then find someone to make them a custom versio ...
Camera Obscura
- No title
Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so ...
The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces ...
Written on the screen: mediation and immersion ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigo ...
Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmin ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of ...
Democracy Now!
Amy Goodman on MSNBC's "UP w/ Chris Hayes" on ...Democracy Now!’s award-winning host Amy Goodman will appear on MSNBC’s "UP w/ Chris Hayes" on Sunday, January 13th from 8-10 am ET.
Part 2: Jonathan Katz on How the World Came to ...To mark the third anniversary of the massive 2010 Haiti earthquake, we continue our conversation with Jonathan Katz, author of The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster . He was the only full-time American reporter in Haiti when the earthquake stru ...
Book Excerpt: How the World Came to Save Haiti ...Read an excerpt from the new book by Jonathan Katz, who will be on Democracy Now! Friday to discuss the aftermath of a the January 12, 2010, earthquake in which a quarter of a million people died. In The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster, Katz ...
DN! Interviews Oscar Nominees: "5 Broken Camer ...When the Oscar nominees for Best Documentary Feature were unveiled on Thursday, Democracy Now! saw that we had interviewed the directors and subjects of three out of five selected films. Last year, we sat down with filmmakers who tackled topics ranging from rampant sexual assault in the U.S. mi ...
John Brennan, Sami Al-Hajj and the Blight of G ...By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan It takes courage to enter a war zone willingly, armed with a microphone and a camera as a journalist. That is what Al Jazeera cameraman Sami al-Hajj was doing in Dec. 2001, as he was entering Afghanistan from Pakistan to cover the U.S. military operations t ...
Equity Overview with Chuck Gibson: Secular Tre ...By Catherine Austin Fitts This Thursday, Chuck Gibson, my partner at Sea Lane Advisory, LLC, joins me on our quarterly Equity Market Report for an in depth review of the U.S. equity markets. This one involves in-depth analysis and charts of the long-term trends that inform our expectations for ...
Sinéad O’Connor: 4th and VineThe music for this weekend is “4th and Vine” by Sinéad O’Connor. Check it out on Nowness.com.
Mexican Drug Cartels Celebrate Gun ControlBy Jon Rappoport The best way to depict what’s going on in America is through a letter from the head of the Sinaloa Drug Cartel, to President Obama. In case people are ready to assume this letter is real, it isn’t, but the spirit of it is very true and very real: Dear President Obama, [...]
China Warns Citizens To ‘Prepare For The ...By Robert Johnson After repeatedly flying surveillance aircraft into disputed airspace with Japan, and Tokyo scrambling F-15s in response, China’s now sending fighters of its own on “routine flights” into the East China Sea. China Daily: A Foreign Ministry spokesman said Frid ...
Every Person on Earth Has the Natural Born Rig ...By Tim Schmidt, Publisher – Concealed Carry Report Every person on earth has the natural born right to defend themself from harm. This is where I believe so many people get off topic. Many folks argue about our rights based on the wrong precedent. Don’t hear me wrong, I’m as thankful for ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job ...
Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more »
Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri L ...
Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United P ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
Times Square’s Heart-Shaped Valentines Day Boa ...This Valentines Day, a new heart-shaped boardwalk made from Hurricane Sandy debris will be installed in Times Square. The “Heartwalk” is being designed by Brooklyn-based Situ Studio, which beat out eight other firms in the design competition. The installation will pay homage to the & ...
Loomstate Launches New Line of Organic Cotton ...With Congress dragging its feet, NYC-based fashion company Loomstate is putting together a Superstorm Sandy relief package of its own. The company recently launched a trio of 100-percent organic-cotton T-shirts to benefit disaster recovery efforts. Each shirt features a “word cross” of rallying ...
Mom Builds an Amazing Dollhouse Inside a Guita ...Dollhouses are a great way to get kids’ imaginations going, but imagine playing house with this amazing dollhouse built right into a guitar! Mom, Lorraine Robinson, built this incredible miniature two-story abode right into the heart of her old guitar for her daughter’s 25th birthday ...
Up to 50 Percent of All Food Produced is Throw ...Vegetables photo from Shutterstock Researchers at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IME) recently found that between 30 to 50 percent of all food produced – or up to two billion tons – is thrown away each year. The UK-based group claims that over-cautious sell by dates, buy on ...
Zambia Finally Bans the Hunting of Endangered ...Africa has some of the planet’s most beautiful and endangered species, such as rhinos, elephants, leopards and lions. However, over the decades, poaching has severely impacted on these species seeing many of their numbers plummet to an all-time low. Despite conservation efforts and nature ...
Pogue's Posts
C.E.S. 2013: A Genuinely Novel Gadget, the Sel ...Google, which has had a successful self-driving car experiment for some time, was not at the Consumer Electronics Show this year. But a few other companies were showing their own take on the concept.
C.E.S. 2013: What's New in TVsDavid Pogue walks the floor of the International Consumer Electronics Show and finds humor in the excess -- mostly of it unintended by the companies.
Microsoft's Surface Pro Tablet Changes the GameEven if the Surface Pro is not strictly a laptop killer, it nonetheless changes the game. It's a machine nobody's built before, and it should get a lot of imaginations whirring. For thousands of people, it will be an ideal mobile companion.
12 Days of Gadgets: Necomimi Brain-Powered Cat ...Necomimi Brain-Powered Cat Ears is a headband with fluffy white cat ears attached. They perk up, flop down and otherwise turn, cutely and catlike, in sync with your brainwaves.
Pogue's 12 Days of Gadgets: The Touchfire iPad ...The Touchfire iPad keyboard is a transparent, flexible, squishable, silicone membrane, weighing less than an ounce. The Touchfire's surface is molded into the shape of keys so you can type on the tablet screen with ease.
The Progressive Realist
French Military Deploys to Mali: What’s Next?Ansar Dine rebels have made a push southward from their strongholds in northern Mali. This week, they captured a town very close to the key city of Mopti. The fall of Mopti to the Islamist, al Qaeda inspired rebel group could be a huge disaster. For one, the city has a population of 100,000. It ...
Flexibility and Constraint in Hegemonic OrdersDo rising powers have an intrinsic advantage in “flexibility” when compared to dominant ones? The answer to this question matters a great deal, I submit, to debates over the persistence and decline of hegemonic orders. As I’ve alluded to before, there’s a curious blindspo ...
The Coming Russian Naval ModernizationVladimir Isachenkov of the Associated Press is reporting tonight from Russia on the introduction of the Yury Dolgoruky, the first of the Borei class ballistic missile submarines that features 16 of the troubled Bulava submarine launched ballistic missiles. In his report he notes the second Bore ...
An Inescapable Truth: The Real Cost of OccupationAs I watched The Gatekeepers in a small hall in Jerusalem, three thoughts kept repeating in my mind. The first was that if the new Israeli documentary were showing on prime-time television rather than in tiny cinematheque auditoriums, the country's vapid election campaign might morph turn into a ...
Top of the Morning: France to Intervene in Mal ...Top stories from the Development and Aid World News Service — DAWNS Digest. France to Intervene as Mali Rebels Make Big Gains Ansar Dine is expanding its grip southward, and the Malian government can’t put up much of a fight. The government has asked France to urgently come to its aid. “Fr ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
How You Know Republicans Aren't So Serious on ...If you’re looking for evidence that Republicans will—despite their rhetoric—eventually cave on the debt ceiling, it’s worth noting a recent statement from Rand Paul, to Business Insider, on how he thinks the GOP should approach the ceiling. Rather than force a shutdown, Paul thinks Republicans ...
Bobby Jindal Decides Louisiana Isn't Doing Eno ...Derek Bridges / Flickr Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal wants to eliminate all income and corporate taxes in his state. No, really: Republican Governor Bobby Jindal said on Thursday he wants to eliminate all Louisiana personal and corporate income ...
Media Violence versus Real ViolenceIn the days since Wayne LaPierre of the NRA blamed the Sandy Hook massacre on violent movies and video games (in particular, for some reason, Natural Born Killers, a film that came out 19 years ago and was a critique of the media's obsession with violence), a number of people in the entertainme ...
To Stop Rape Culture, Ring the BellVery few men are rapists. Very few men are abusers. Or stalkers. Predators are the minority. The vast majority of men are decent people who want to do the right thing. What would it take to shift from a rape culture to a respect culture, and end violence against women? You have to involve the ...
Why In The World Would Business Favor Austerity? A New York Times article reported that Fix the Debt, the deficit hawk group which positions itself as a neutral body of wisemen, includes a number of corporate lobbyists and board members. The Times noted that many of those involved in Fix the Debt helped create the deficit problem to begin wit ...
Environment _ National Geographic
In Kulluk’s Wake, Deeper Debate Roils on Arcti ...The drive for the Arctic’s vast oil and natural gas stores could falter, but is not likely to end, with the grounding of Shell’s drilling rig, Kulluk.
2012: Hottest Year on Record for Continental U.S.Last year was the warmest year on record for the continental U.S. by a wide margin, scientists said this week.
Salt Power: Norway Project Gives Osmotic Energ ...Ocean energy lurks not only in waves and tides, but also in saltiness. A Norway experiment seeks to harness renewable power in saltwater’s natural movement into fresh water.
What Lives in Your Gut?A citizen science project explores how diet and lifestyle affect the microbes that dwell inside us.
Wireless Power May Cut the Cord for Plug-In De ...WiTricity, a company based near Boston, envisions a future where everything from mobile phones to vehicles can be charged without wires.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
Don't Turn Your Back on the Bankers for Even a ...The ink on the legislation is still drying and, already, the mortgage mill industry is trying to gut the little things that might help to hold them accountable for their bit part in the complete economic collapse of this nation: Dodd-Frank requires that lenders retain five percent of every loan ...
Sarah Palin: Mayor of New Milford?Is this a parody or real life? You decide. Citizens of New Milford: I want you to know that I'm on the job 24/7. Twenty four hours a week, seven months a year. But even with this strict time commitment, I can't be expected to keep up with everything going on in this vast metropolis. That's why ...
Much like the "conservative" GOP...The conservative Blue Dogs acted as Bush's domestic poodles, helping to move a dangerous right wing agenda. They were owned by the right wing and corporations and there is no big surprise why more than half of the Blue Dog caucus (28 of 54 members) were slaughtered in the 2010 elections. So f ...
Stop Drinking and Start Doing, Dem Dumb DumbsSober up, Dems. You started sucking suds when you captured the Congress in 2006. Since 2008 you've been binge drinking with Congress and the Prez. You even nibbled on some hot wings and pub nuts. Burp! And now the bartender just cut your drunk, lazy, liberal, progressive, leftie ass off. Y ...
The People Have Spoken. And Their Message Is ...So. What the heck happened last night? The GOP picked up 60 seats in the House, effectively reversing their losses there from 2006 and 2008, and returning control of that body to them. The GOP picked up some 6 seats in the Senate, but the Democratic Party retains control there. The GOP picked u ...
SPL Center
DHS Reportedly Investigating Tennessee Weapons ...Editor’s Update: The Tennessee Department of Public Safety and Homeland Security Friday suspended the handgun carry permit of James Yeager, who earlier threatened to “start killing people” if gun control advanced, according to WTVF-TV in Nashville. Commissioner Bill Gibbons sai ...
Anti-Gay Activist Lawyer Convicted of Child Po ...A New Hampshire lawyer who works with a virulently anti-gay Christian right organization has been found guilty of child pornography charges after videotaping a 14-year-old girl having sex with two men on multiple occasions. Lisa Biron, 43, of Manchester faces a minimum sentence of 25 years in pr ...
Yeager Not Alone: Radical Right Reacts to Gun ...When Tennessee weapons instructor James Yeager threatened Wednesday to “start killing people” if President Obama moved ahead on gun control, his infuriated rant went national, with dozens of media outlets and blogs expressing amazement. In thousands of comments about Yeager’s YouTube video and a ...
Tennessee Weapons Instructor Eases Up, Sort OfJames Yeager, the furious tactical weapons trainer who yesterday threatened to “start killing people” if gun control advances, today put up a second video in which he said he had “probably allowed my mouth to overrun my logic” — but then immediately added that he did not retract any of his state ...
Weapons Instructor for Police Threatens to ‘St ...The CEO of two companies that provide tactical weapons training and supplies to the military and police — and who is a former Tennessee police chief — said yesterday that if President Obama uses executive orders to ban assault rifles, “I’m going to start killing people.” James Yeager, CEO of Tac ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
Federal Scientists Release Draft National Clim ...The United States Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) released its draft National Climate Assessment today, just a week after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration confirmed the United States experienced its warmest year on record. The report is the flagship climate change ...
Brady Campaign Releases Policy Recommendation ...The Brady Campaign has been working closely with the Vice President’s Task Force on Guns. On Wednesday, Brady Campaign President Dan Gross accompanied by a group of families of victims of gun violence, met with the task force to discuss a set of policy recommendations. Today they are relea ...
40 Years After Women Won the Right to Choose, ...NARAL Pro-Choice America and NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation today released the 22nd edition of Who Decides? The Status of Women’s Reproductive Rights in the United States, the nation’s most comprehensive report on choice-related legislation. This report shows a mix of progress a ...
Medical Marijuana Advocates Hail San Diego May ...Advocates applauded the recent actions of San Diego Mayor Bob Filner in trying to put an end to the years-long crackdown on access to medical marijuana in the city. Two days after announcing at a local chapter meeting of Americans for Safe Access (ASA) -- the country's largest medical mariju ...
Beyond the Obama-Karzai Spin: * Oil * Warlords ...ANTONIA JUHASZ, read more
Common Dreams-Views
It's a New Year, But Old Wars and Occupations ...Phyllis Bennis First, Afghanistan. The war President Obama chose to escalate in the face of massive popular and significant military opposition – is back in the news as the countdown to the “draw-down” clicks on.read ...
The Great Oil Swindle: Scaling the Peak of Fos ...Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed Headlines about 2012’s World Energy Outlook (WEO) from the International Energy Agency (IEA), released mid-November, would lead you to think we are literally swimming in oil.read more
Learning to Connect the Dots: Developing Child ...Linda Booth Sweeney The road construction project around the local rotary had been going on for over a year. As a result, the whole town was cranky. One afternoon, my son and I drove the rotary just before 5:00 p.m., along with throngs of ...
America, the Violent: Banning Semi-Automatic W ...Matthew Rothschild I’m all for Pres. Obama’s and Gov. Cuomo’s efforts to ban semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines, but we shouldn’t kid ourselves that this is going to make much of a dent in the gruesome ...
WalMart Empire Clashes with ChinaMichelle Chen Typically when we hear “WalMart” and “China” in the same sentence, we picture the “made in” labels on our toys, gadgets, and the other mass-produced stuff that we grab off the shelves at low ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
This Is The War That Never EndsHASH(0xa903c40)
Who could have expected...?HASH(0xa09d238)
Making Afghanistan Safe For ChinaHASH(0xb4f0fb0)
The Costs of WarHASH(0x9061ce8)
NATO to lose its supply route through Pakistan?HASH(0xaac03c0)
Water Wars
Water wars: Can rising tide be stemmed?Homeowners and businesses throughout the Southland already have seen in their ever-rising bills what officials are saying these days about water: It is the new oil. But fueled by the second of four annual rate increases imposed by the city of Chicago for Lake Michigan water, towns throughout the ...
Residents show support for widespread tribal i ...A youth-oriented public awareness movement that began with indigenous nations in Canada has made its way to the Owens Valley, prompting three local demonstrations organized by young tribal members.
UCentomologist takes on new role: A corpse for ...Bruce Hammock is not just a distinguished professor of entomology at UC Davis.He's not just a renowned scientist who holds a joint appointment with the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center and directs the campuswide Superfund Program, the National Institutes of Health Biotechnology Training ...
Jack Nicholson, a murder and water rightsA couple of days after Christmas, the federal Bureau of Land Management approved a plan to carry billions of gallons of water from rural Nevada counties near the Utah border to Las Vegas by way of a 263-mile pipeline.
Big-time fun at fair: What's new, what' ...What: Mountain State Fair. When: Friday through Sept. 19. Open 9 a.m.-midnight Friday-Saturday and Sept. 18, 9 a.m.-11 p.m. Sundays, 3-11 p.m. Sept. 13-16 and 9 a.m.-1 a.m. Sept. 17.
WordPress | Economics
Inflation, Deflation and precious metals part 1Usually this blog discusses Japan and issues dealing with the Japanese. This is primarily because I
Treasury to Obama: We won’t mint a $1 trillion ...http://natmonitor.com/2013/01/13/treasury-to-obama-we-wont-mint-a-1-trillion-coin-so-dont-even-think
20 brands which have mastered instagramThese brands are killing it on instagram! Making a shed load of more profit for free and increasing
Brazil Is DoomedI almost cried today. I didn’t expect that. I’m not emotionally tough, but I am not very
AngerHamlet avenged his father by killing his uncle The Killing Scene: Hamlet 5.2.303–309. (Artist: Gusta
Electronic Intifada
BBC's cruel excuses for ignoring Palestinian h ...Amena Saleem London 10 January 2013 The BBC cites bizarre criteria in defense of its refusal to cover protests in Israeli jails.
Israel's wall will destroy my birthplace, BattirHasan Abu Nimah Amman 9 January 2013 A world heritage site is under threat from ongoing colonialism.
Palestinian children's photography showcased i ...Lauren Pyott Edinburgh 8 January 2013 We Teach Life, Sir exhibition aims to forge international solidarity.
Four years on, young girl still stunted by Cas ...Rami Almeghari Gaza Strip 4 January 2013 Sama Abu Meghasib saw her uncle be killed by an Israeli warplane four years ago.
Can we find compassion for Israelis in 2013?Ilan Pappe 4 January 2013 As the totalitarian right gains more power, there are few glimmers of hope in Israeli society.
The Wonk Room
Obama Administration To Seek Citizenship Pathw ...According to the New York Times, the Obama Administration will not back down on its calls for comprehensive immigration reform that addresses all aspects of the issue, including provisions for high-skilled workers, students, and a pathway to citizenship for immigrants who achieve legal status. B ...
New York Times Widely Cricitized For Dismantli ...“Keeping Environmental Reporting Strong Won’t Be Easy,” Warns Public Editor The New York Times will close its environment desk in the next few weeks and assign its seven reporters and two editors to other departments. The positions of environment editor and deputy environment editor ...
GOP Senator Now Questions Hagel’s ‘Temperament’Former GOP Sen. Chuck Hagel received bipartisan support after President Obama nominated him for Secretary of Defense last week. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), who served with Hagel on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also praised him as someone he is “very open to” for the nomination ...
NRA President: Americans Are Buying Firearms B ...Gun sales skyrocketed at the end of 2012 after the tragic shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. The FBI conductedmore than 2 million criminal background checks ahead of gun purchases in December, according to the National Sports Shooting Association, representing a 58.6 percent increase over Decemb ...
Snakerats May Join Bark Beetles, Jellyfish, Tr ...Who says there are no winners from climate change? “Global Warming is Doubling Bark Beetle Mating” and “The decline in creatures with shells could trigger an explosion in jellyfish populations” and “Climate change helps spread dengue fever in 28 states.” And o ...
thwap's schoolyard
An Insane and Degenerate Political CultureThis country is sick. The Canadian body-politic is sick. I still believe that most of the racist trolls denigrating "Idle No More" and Chief Spence are a minority of from 20-30% of the population. But I now think that the majority of Canadians sympathizes more with them than with progressi ...
No Surprises With the Corporate MediaI've always said that there are good journalists and good pundits in Canada. I do, however, subscribe to the Chomsky-Herman model of the media. The main media has become a big business. As a big business, they share interests with other big businesses. As forms of mass communication, they were e ...
More About That AuditThe awesome Canadians are making complete assholes of themselves. (Which, in a sense, is kinda honest!) Setting aside for a moment the obvious hypocrisy they're displaying in calling for Chief Spence to be dragged in chains to the Peace Tower for alleged indiscretions or incompetence that their ...
Rape Culture in Canada and IndiaBeen thinking about the huge national trauma presently going on in India and how it compares to Canada. I've written before about how Canada really doesn't have any claim to advertise itself as a feminist paradise, but I've some thoughts on the matter. India is a far more puritanical society th ...
Too AwesomeYou might remember my post from a couple of days ago - "The Awesome Canadian." It was about the mindset of those right-wing deluded fucks who genuinely believe (in their own fucked-up way) that there's no racism against the First Nations in Canada and that all the problems those people suffer ar ...
on Government Oversight
POGO Blog Has MovedHASH(0x554f490)
President Opposes Nuke Facility, Threatens to ...HASH(0x555f2e8)
DoD Contractors Cost Nearly 3 Times More than ...HASH(0x4385260)
Video: Freeman on the Revolving GeneralsHASH(0x42881b0)
EPA Sends a Message With BP SuspensionHASH(0x5666788)
Digital Journal
Viral Video: Maymo the lemon beagle in 'puppy ...Maymo the lemon beagle has gone viral online once again. A video of the adorable beagle in battle with an orange uploaded to YouTube on January 9, has gone massively viral with almost 1 million views in less than four days.
Man shocked by snake in luggageReturning from a visit to India a man in Calgary, Canada, found he had unknowingly helped an 'immigrant' into the country.
Not winning but nevertheless some joyCanada's Milos Raonic, world tennis Newcomer of the Year for 2011, withdrew from Australia's Kooyong Classic after a first-round loss (due to illness) in 2012, so, invited to return in 2013, he had something to prove. He didn't and did.
Lady Gaga tries to end feud with Kelly Osbourn ...Lady Gaga has attempted to stop a simmering dispute between herself and Kelly Osbourne with an open letter to the daughter of rocker Ozzy Osbourne. The letter comes after a volley fired at Gaga and her fans by Osbourne and appears to seek friendship.
Three years after quake, Haitians continue to ...Three years after Haiti was hit by a disastrous earthquake, over 358,000 people continue to live in makeshift camps spread around Port-au-Prince, where they remain exposed to crime and diseases, such as the cholera outbreak affecting the country.
End Homelessness | Change.org
Mississippi Launches Plan To End Child Homeles ...Fulfilling the wishes and happiness of children is at the heart of the holiday season. So, now seems particularly timely for Mississippi to launch a new plan to end child homelessness (pdf) in the state. What better way to set the season of giving in motion than by committing to finding safe an ...
Thanksgiving 2.0: Food, Poverty and Telling th ...This Thanksgiving, most of us around the country shared a bountiful harvest feast with friends and family. We celebrated all that we are thankful for by gorging ourselves right into a food coma. It's the American way. Unfortunately, it's also the American way to be thankful for all that we have ...
Homeless People Wanted: Must Be Open to Demean ...What are they thinking? People obviously don't see the homeless as human or they wouldn't attempt to hire them to do most of the insane, demeaning and illegal jobs out there. Here's a small sampling: Rob dead bodies. The Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan is the site of 50 to 100 ...
LA Plans to Make Homelessness Go the Way of th ...Instead of pretending homelessness doesn't exist, creating new laws to make it illegal to sit or sleep in public, or sending homeless residents on a one-way trip out of town, Los Angeles County may attempt to actually do something about ending homelessness. And the county is setting the bar high ...
Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unp ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a sc ...
No “direct military” mission to MaliPrime Minister Stephen Harper told a press conference on Tuesday that Canada is not considering a “direct military mission” in Mali. He did not, however, rule out other forms of assistance.
Canadian Auto Workers staff continue to suppor ...The Canadian Auto Workers’ staff made $15,000 donation to the Rideau Institute’s Ceasefire.ca program for 2013. Annie Labaj, Director of the CAW’s International Department, noted that the Rideau Institute and Ceasefire.ca “have been and continue to be important allies to our union and the ...
Armoured vehicles to Colombia?The Harper government is clearing the path for the sale of Canadian-made light armoured vehicles to the government of Colombia.
MacKay mulls Mali missionDefence Minister Peter MacKay has floated the possibility that Canadian troops may be sent to help to train troops in Mali.
Take our 2-minute member survey for 2013!Answer this short survey about Ceasefire.ca, leave your comment about your priorities for 2013, and read what others are saying.
Kevin Trudeau Show
KT’s Holiday Gift IdeasThe holiday season is upon us and they can be the most wonderful time of the year and the most difficult when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, for yourself and others. So, this holiday, let’s help each other out by giving gifts that will help someone eat healthier, be healthier, and ...
The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-10-12Today, Kevin reveals how he was able to build his financial empire and gives you tips on how to do the same! Self Help: Flood Your System With Nutrition Lose Weight Safely Become Financially Set Everything Kevin: Become An Insider! Kevin is on YouTube! Sign Up For Kevin’s FREE Podcast Follow Kev ...
Traveling This Holiday Season? Here Are Some S ...Well, the holiday season is here and you know what that means… travel. If you’re traveling a lot this holiday season to see family, friends or just to relax, you need to take the extra precautions to keep yourself from getting sick. Here are my suggestions to protect yourself before ...
The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-25-12Today, Kevin proves that majority of the studies done around the world are complete scams! Plus, get the latest scoop on natural ways to cure and prevent diseases. Self Help: Get Rid Of Candida Change The Way You Think What’s In Your Water? Kill Viruses Naturally Health: Low Vitamin D Leve ...
It’s Time To Turn Your Health Around!The holiday season is finally coming to an end and that means the excuses have to end, as well. It’s time to get into the habit of truly taking care of yourself. Lucky, you have me to guide you. Here are my top 12 ways to stay healthy all year long. I hope they help [...]
Armies of Liberation
Hadi appoints new SCEROn Monday Yemen’s interim president Mansour Abdo Hadi named several judges to the Supreme Commission on Elections and Referendum (SCER). The SCER is responsible for the technical aspects of elections and has a pivotal role in maintaining or subverting the integrity of electi ...
High risk US embassy in Yemen gets Marine rein ...High risk US embassy in Yemen gets Marine reinforcements as protests continue by Jane Novak An elite Marine rapid response team arrived in Yemen’s capital to protect the US embassy there which remains vulnerable and in disrepair following a mob attack this week. Protests against a video clip dee ...
State Department ends Yemen arms embargoWithout much fanfare or explanation, the US State Department revised its defense export policy on Yemen and will now consider applications for licenses to export lethal defense articles to Yemen. The July 3, 2012 Federal Register notice updates the US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (I ...
Yemen’s Al-Qaeda booby traps southern ci ...Several children were among 25 people killed by land mines planted as al Qaeda fled Yemen’s southern province of Abyan, the Yemen Executive Mine Action Center (YEMAC) said on Sunday. Reporting to Abyan’s governor, the YEMAC said it had cleared or exploded over 2100 shells and mines since June 13 ...
Yemen’s al Qaeda threatens to execute 73 hostagesAl Qaeda in Yemen threatened to execute 73 captured Yemeni soldiers unless the terror group’s imprisoned comrades are released. “Executing prisoners is a serious violation of the laws of war and a war crime,” Human Rights Watch said in a statement today. “It is also a war crime to use detainees ...
Dark Politricks
India arrests six in new bus gang-rape caseDark Politricks Feed View the latest alternative news at DarkPolitricks.comRaw Story Six men have been arrested over the rape of a passenger on a coach in India, police said Sunday, weeks after the gang-rape and murder of a student on a bus in New Delhi sparked nationwide protests. The v ...
Video Report: Operation Gladio – The Cold War ...Dark Politricks Feed View the latest alternative news at DarkPolitricks.comPrison Planet.com January 13, 2013 “Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societies”.Check out all the best #altnews at DarkPolitricks.com
Sandy Hook Shooting: Active-Shooter Drill Conf ...Dark Politricks Feed View the latest alternative news at DarkPolitricks.comShepard Ambellas & Alex Thomas theintelhub.com January 13, 2013 Once again a government funded mock emergency drill was being conducted at a nearby local school at the very same time the supposed realtime shooting wa ...
NASA: We May Be On the Verge of a “Mini-Maunde ...Dark Politricks Feed View the latest alternative news at DarkPolitricks.comNASA: We May Be On the Verge of a “Mini-Maunder” Event By WashingtonsBlogwashingtonsblog.com Is a Planetary Cooling Spell Straight Ahead? All climate scientists agree that the sun affects Earth’s climat ...
NASA: We May Be On the Verge of a “Mini-Maunde ...Dark Politricks Feed View the latest alternative news at DarkPolitricks.comNASA: We May Be On the Verge of a “Mini-Maunder” Event By WashingtonsBlogwashingtonsblog.com Is a Planetary Cooling Spell Straight Ahead? All climate scientists agree that the sun affects Earth’s climat ...
Dandelion Salad
Reddit Co-founder, Aaron Swartz, 26, Found DeadDandelion Salad Such sad and heartbreaking news today. My condolences to his family and friends. He will be missed greatly by many people across the country/world. ~ DS NewsyTech·Jan 12, 2013 Swartz dedicated his life to sharing data and information online, developing standards for the free and ...
US Farmers Take To The Streets Against MonsantoDandelion Salad PressTVGlobalNews·Jan 12, 2013 They are family farmers, their loved ones and supporters, all in favor of a farmer’s associations lawsuit against the agriculture and biotechnology giant, Monsanto. In March 2011, a group of farmers filed a suit against Monsanto, the purpose o ...
Michael Hudson: 2013 – the stage is setwith Michael Hudson Featured Writer Dandelion Salad michael-hudson.com January 11, 2013 TheBigPictureRT·Jan 11, 2013 Dr. Michael Hudson, Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends, joins Thom Hartmann. The United States is the only developed nation in the world that doesn’t guara ...
The Age of the Siege: Sanctions Are An Act Of ...by Felicity Arbuthnot Featured Writer Dandelion Salad London, England January 11, 2013 “Disengage, avoid, and withhold support from whatever abuses, degrades and humiliates humanity.” (Alice Walker, b:1944) The siege of Leningrad is still considered the most lethal siege in world history, a shoc ...
Apps: Inanities and Dependencies by Ralph NaderDandelion Salad by Ralph Nader The Nader Page Jan. 10, 2013 Redundant, trivial, overcomplicated and dependency-inducing apps (computer applications) are flooding the internet. Some apps associated with deceptive and harmful claims are even drawing the attention of the Food and Drug Administratio ...
Your New Reality
No titleOnly A Few Weeks Ago, Rupert Murdoch Was Still King Of The World A glimpse at life before the hacking scandal, from the UK Independent : It was only a few weeks ago that Rupert, his son James, daughter Elisabeth and Rebekah Brooks were the talk of the town; hailed as the king-makers to the pol ...
No titleJulian Assange, 2012: They've ranked him amongst war criminals....for exposing war criminals.
No titleThis man's brain comprehends in a fraction of a second what is about to happen, and orders his body into what looks like a superhuman sprint to get out of the way. The flight mechanism kicks in so fast the conscious mind, distracted by thoughts of work, home, leisure and love, plays no role in t ...
No titleTupac Rises Well, fuck me.... From even a few dozen rows back, reportedly, the hologram of Tupac was utterly believable. How long before a Michael Jackson hologram culled from his greatest live performances is touring the world's stadiums? I've been waiting decades to see holographic tech ...
No titleHypnotic, grin-making. A house filled with interactive reproductions of classic art, coming soon: Starry Night (interactive animation) from Petros Vrellis on Vimeo.
Wired - Science
Wired Science Space Photo of the Day: Cracks i ...ESA’s Mars Express has observed the southern part of a partially buried approx. 440-km wide crater, informally named Ladon basin. The images, near to where Ladon Valles enters this large impact region reveal a variety of features, most notably the double ...
Listen Live to Whale Songs From HawaiiThe gurgles, whistles and squeaks of humpback whales singing off Hawaii's island shores can now be heard live, courtesy of underwater microphones placed near Puako, Hawaii by the Jupiter Research Foundation.
Wired Science Space Photo of the Day: The Star ...This is a near-infrared, colour-coded composite image of a sky field in the southwestern part of the galactic star-forming region Messier 17. In this image, young and heavily obscured stars are recognized by their red colour. Bluer objects are either ...
This Isn’t the Petition Response You’re Lookin ...An online petition demanding the President Barack Obama administration build a Death Star like the one in Star Wars reached 25,000-plus signatures last month, a threshold obliging the government to respond whether it will build the fictional weapon capable of ...
Doomed Spacecraft Captures Awesome Close-Up Vi ...Three days before the moon-orbiting Ebb spacecraft collided with a lunar mountain, its on-board cameras captured some striking images of the pockmarked moon's northern hemisphere -- from just six miles up. On Jan. 10, NASA released what look like scenes ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
Netanyahu on evacuating Palestinian protest te ...Netanyahu: "We will not let anyone harm the contiguity between Jerusalem and Ma'aleh Adumim." IOA Editor: Obviously, what Netanyahu has in mind is "not let[ting] anyone harm" Jewish "contiguity... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestini ...
E-1 tent camp built on private Palestinian lan ...Mustafa Barghouti, Palestinian protest leader: “The people who need to leave are the settlers who have taken over the land, because the Palestinians have the right to stay on their land.” The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in i ...
Moshé Machover: Israel-Palestine – race agains ...If an Arab state west of the Jordan is legitimate, then Zionist colonisation and its state were and are illegitimate. So by acting consistently to prevent a ‘two-state solution’ Israeli governments... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian la ...
Moshé Machover review: The intersemitic crisisThe veteran Israeli socialist, Moshé Machover, has just brought out a wonderful collection of writings, chiefly his own, on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is no exaggeration to say that this... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lan ...
Israel’s arms exports increased by 20 percent ...Israeli military exports for 2012 are believed to have reached $7 billion, a 20 percent increase compared with 2011, according to preliminary Defense Ministry estimates. Final figures will be... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
Ria Novosti - Military
China Unveils Yi Long UAVChina has unveiled for the first time its Yi Long unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) local media reported on Wednesday, which its makers claim is far cheaper than its Israeli and American analogs at less than $1 million.
- Airshow China 2012
Iraq Denies US Pressure Over Russia Arms DealIraq denied on Tuesday that its decision to suspend a $4.2-billion arms deal with Russia had been taken after consultations with the United States.
Military Academy Relocation Put on IceRussian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has put on hold the relocation of a medical academy from central St. Petersburg, Public Chamber member Alexander Kanshin said on Tuesday.
Georgia Ex-Minister Faces Torture ChargesGeorgia’s former defense and interior minister Bacho Akhalaya has been charged with false imprisonment and torture, Chief Prosecutor Archil Kbilashvili said on Tuesday.
- Opposition to Gun Control Grounded in Post-Civ ...
Flu Means Extra Precautions for Older PeopleThe flu could be especially severe for the 39.6 million older adults in the United States.
Depressed Stroke Survivors May Face Triple the ...People who are depressed after a stroke may have a tripled risk of dying early and four times the risk of death from stroke than people who have not experienced a stroke or depression, according to a study released today that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 65th Annual M ...
Research Suggests Molecular 'Switch' May Play ...Indiana University structural biologist Joel Ybe and colleagues identify a "topology switch" in the protein clathrin, the function of which may shed light on molecular processes involved in tumor suppression.
- Sandy Hook One Month Later: Expert Guidance on ...
Natural Health News
The Evolution of Bird Flu and the Race to Keep UpBird Flu, or H5N1, doesn't spread easily among humans, but its capability of mutating has scientists worrying whether it could mutate enough to cause a human pandemic. The controversy is especially heated since it was announced that a group of researchers had figured out how to manipulate the vi ...
2009 Swine Flu Outbreak Was 15 Times Deadlier: ...A new study based on computer statistical models shows that the swine flu of 2009 killed 284,500 people, or 15 times more than health officials originally estimated.
NY Law Gives Women More Information about Mamm ...A New York state law that has yet to be signed by the governor would mandate that women be given information on their breast density.
Common Diabetes Drugs Associated with Increase ...A new analysis introduced to the most recent meeting of the Endocrine Society shows that three widely used drugs for diabetes are associated with an increased risk of death.
Study Says More Vitamin D = Less LbsIf you're a woman over age 65 and you're deficient in vitamin D, research shows that you're probably more likely not only to weigh more, but to gain more weight.
Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks mor ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “ ...
What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Re ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
Schools call for a “balanced teaching of globa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
Events and Announcements: January 13, 2013by An Hertogen by An Hertogen Calls for Papers Applications are due this week on January 15 for a workshop on European and transnational rulemaking in Amsterdam between July 1-5, 2013. More information can be found here. The Committee of Non-State Actors of the International Law Association (I ...
Weekend Roundup: January 5-11, 2013by An Hertogen by An Hertogen This week on Opinio Juris, Kevin responded to Eugene Kontorovitch’s post over at The Volokh Conspiracy on the comparability of Israel’s settlement of the West Bank to Turkey’s settlement of Northern Cyprus, by arguing that both settlements are no ...
Space Law Update – US Won’t Build Death Star, ...by Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson Opinio Juris is pleased to note official White House reaction to the petition (via the We the People White House site, an Obama administration initiative promising an official response to citizen petitions garnering 25,000 signatures within 30 days of po ...
Jennifer Daskal in the NYT on Why to Not Close ...by Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson Jennifer Daskal (who, I’m delighted to say, has just accepted an offer to join the faculty at my school, Washington College of Law) has an important op-ed in the New York Times today titled, simply, “Don’t Close Guantanamo.” Many ...
Weekday News Wrap: Friday, January 11, 2013by An Hertogen by An Hertogen More than 100 people were killed in bombings in Pakistan yesterday, and Pakistan Human Rights Watch is sounding alarm bells about increasing Sunni-Shia violence. Tensions in Kashmir are rising with Pakistan now claiming that India has killed another of its soldier ...
Public News Service
Solar Cheap Enough To Compete Without Subsidie ...Solar Cheap Enough To Compete Without Subsidies In Some States PHOENIX – Solar power appears to be shining a lot brighter. A sharp, long-term fall in the price of solar cells has lead The Economist magazine and others to declare that in sunny areas with high electricity prices, solar pow ...
Spending Time in "The Waiting Room"Spending Time in "The Waiting Room" PHOENIX, Ariz. - Think "E.R." - but in real life. That's what audiences experience when viewing the film "The Waiting Room." The Academy-Award-shortlisted documentary portrays a day in the life of one of America's public hospitals. ...(Read More)
Legal Efforts Underway to Protect Mexican Gray ...Legal Efforts Underway to Protect Mexican Gray Wolves PHOENIX - Efforts to restore wolves to the wild continue to face obstacles. Most recently, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service granted itself a "recovery permit" to live-capture endangered wolves that enter Arizona or New Mexico from Mexico or ...
Report: Megabanks Give Less than 1% to CharityReport: Megabanks Give Less than 1% to Charity PHOENIX - In an effort to rebuild their tarnished reputations, the nation's biggest banks are touting their charitable contributions and community involvement. But on closer inspection, a new report says, they're not so charitable after all. The N ...
Trouble on the Horizon as Cancer Screenings De ...Trouble on the Horizon as Cancer Screenings Decline PHOENIX - The American Cancer Society, along with cancer experts across the country, has promoted cancer screenings as a way to cut cancer death rates, especially for breast, colon and prostate cancer. But over the last decade, the number of ...
Center for Food Safety
Post-Prop. 37 Poll Shows Strong Public Support ...Young voters, communities of color, women pushed landmark initiative to near win; more than one-fifth of ‘no’ voters favor GE labeling An independent post-election poll shows that California voters continue to strongly support the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods in the wake of Nove ...
Obama Administration Snubs Risks, Moves Forwar ...400,000 public comments, 40 Members of Congress ignored; CFS calls proposed approval of first ever GE animal “premature and misguided” Center for Food Safety sharply criticized today’s U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) announcement releasing an Environmental Assessment (EA) on the contro ...
Center for Food Safety, Save Our Seeds File Su ...Case pitting corporations against farmers set to impact the future of seed patents Today, Center for Food Safety (CFS) and Save our Seeds (SOS)—two organizations dedicated to promoting safe, sustainable food and farming systems—challenged the agrochemical giant Monsanto and its restrictive “seed ...
Groups Stand Up for Clean Water Act in West Vi ...Pollution of local waterways, public health at stake from farm lobby actions A coalition of local and national public interest organizations have asked a federal court for permission to participate in a legal action that will decide when Clean Water Act restrictions apply to the release of pollu ...
Help CFS Defend Farmers Against GE CropsFarmers are at the front lines in the battle against genetically engineered (GE) crops. They are the ones that risk economic harm should their crops be contaminated by GE material. For more than a decade, Center for Food Safety (CFS) has been representing farmers in court against chemical compa ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
Woodlands Water HeaterWoodlands water heater area unit price effective alternatives to standard heaters, which need a considerable quantity of energy. Straightforward to put in, woodlands water heater don't need a vessel to produce plight. Woodlands water heater area unit best-known by completely different names like ...
CHOOSE CARPET FOR DECORATING YOUR HOMEChoosing a carpet for your home is no easy task. Regardless of whether you’re looking for a textured and more luxurious carpet or cut pile, Berber, frieze or patterned carpet, today’s have a vast selection of all the styles and color choices you could need. Some companies will allow you t ...
The Best Sources for Real Estate ListingsPosting your home into some credible Real Estate Listings are the best way you can do if you want to sell your property right away. It is not expensive either to do real estate listing. Most of home sellers nowadays have got their property listed for a very minimal amount, and most of these sell ...
House HoppingHouse Hopping Adolescent years are a challenge. For everyone involved. Young individuals searching, yearning for their independence though not yet prepared to manage the cost/benefit scales of life. Crazed parents hurt by their child's sudden rebuttals and scared by both their loss of control ...
Buying PropertyBuying Property In buying property, you need to know on the things on what you want to do in on your property. It also means that anything you want to wish to have in your property. It can be like a beautiful view in which you can view the sea or the city or an urbanized area. Well, people do ...
Another Civil Coup in Honduras?In 2009, the Honduran congress and supreme court perpetrated a messy coup against president Manuel Zelaya. Yesterday President Lobo and the Honduran congress have perpetrated an “institutional” coup against the supreme court, sacking 4 out of its 5 members. This was in retaliation fo ...
Fractal RealityWe inhabit a place in space, time and probability where none of the coordinates that we use to measure them have raced into infinity so far. But instead of a flat, sterile, constant and unchanging space, we live in a complex, dynamic, and unpredictable reality. In short, we inhabit chaos. Just l ...
Apple’s Superiors Jumped the Gun?Maybe Apple should have waited to announce iOS6 at the same time with the iPhone 5 launch, or announced the iPhone 5 sooner. Opinions about the new iPhone vary from “evolutionary” to “boring”. iOS6 on the other hand, is definitely more atractive. If Apple had chosen to co ...
O Ridiculous FortuneO fortuna! Velut luna, statu variabilis! Semper crecis et decrecis, vita detestabilis! (Carmina Burana) O fortune! Like the moon you are ever-changing: Always increasing and decreasing, making life detestable!(Rough translation) Whenever I’m feeling depressed, laughter is often the way out ...
Where’s the switch?I’ve been somber for two days in a row, which isn’t very common in me anymore. It feels as if someone turned off the light. I suspect that in the chemicals of my brain, this is not too far from the truth. Lately I haven’t had to make an effort to feel well. I could [...] Relate ...
Green Times
Kangaroo cullLast week, members of animal welfare groups protested against kangaroo cull! ''A recent survey of 600 Canberrans by Territory and Municipal Services found 79 per cent were supportive of kangaroo culling under some circumstances and 70 per cent were supportive of culling for conservation of smal ...
Environmental News 01/06/2012Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss Storms hit ahead of sunny long weekend The last day of autumn may have stolen winter’s thunder with a wet storm hitting the city yesterday afternoon. Dark skies covered the metropolitan area and much of the South West from mid-afternoon, with rain an ...
Green Capital AustraliaToday is Green Capital Day in Australia. Do you know something about that? Well, Green capital was established in 2002 by The Total Environment Center (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t rct=j q=the%20total%20environment%20center source=web cd=1 ved=0CF4QFjAA url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tec.org.au%2F ei=G ...
Environmental News 31/05/2012Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss Premier's park hunting backdown the price of power sale National parks in NSW will be opened up to recreational hunters as part of a deal between the Shooters and Fishers Party and the government to ensure passage of its electricity privatisation bill ...
Giraffe: A delicate animal that requires speci ...Last week, The Age website (http://www.theage.com.au/environment/conservation/giraffes-die-of-shock-after-zoo-rampage-20120515-1ynlq.html) published an article about 2 Giraffes' death from stress after a zoo rampage in Poland. Here you have an extract from this moving article: « Giraffes are ex ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
US, NZ intelligence agencies spied on Megauplo ...HASH(0x547f6c0)
Berlusconi’s fingerprints on Kate Middleton’s ...HASH(0x61389c8)
Vitamin D author slams misleading sunscreen claimsHASH(0x4f34660)
The Vitamin D BriefingHASH(0x5051b40)
New Zealand couple thrown in Bali jail, wife p ...HASH(0x1da7310)
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
Israeli Elections: Labor party leader pays ste ...As events in Egypt, Syria and Palestine heat up… …The nation-state in the middle of all this, Israel, has had its own share of high political drama. True, instead of blood, only tears and virtual ink were shed there. But as usual in Israel-Palestine, it makes for a good story. Earlie ...
Gaza Ceasefire: Giving Thanks to President ObamaThere is a ceasefire in Gaza. It remains to be seen if and when the promise to open Gaza to normal civilian movement, laconically stated in the ceasefire agreement, will be fulfilled. On Friday, less than 48 hours after its enactment, the first bad sign appeared. In at least two locations near t ...
Let’s Stop Bibi Netanyahu’s Sicken ...Part of expatriate life is worrying for the health of elderly overseas parents. My father-in-law’s health is bad enough to worry about, even without this recent crap. My wife’s parents live in Moshav Shahar, Israel, some 15km from the Gaza Strip as the missile flies. Their home has n ...
How NOT to Introduce New Green-Tech: The Cauti ...We have just ended four weeks during which Israeli business and politics were almost completely shut down due to a spate of Jewish holidays. There’s a known refrain in Hebrew: “After the Holidays”, meaning “Don’t worry, we’ll get back to you sometime in Octobe ...
Netanyahu’s UN Speech also had REALLY-NO ...…but they were completely upstaged by his Wile E. Coyote climax. These parts are highly worth revisiting. Bibi’s brazen, out-and-out racism and lunatic brand of nationalist-supremacy, were expressed in no uncertain terms upon the United Nations stage. The man’s true colors wer ...
Politics in the Zeros
Net-zero energy office buildingsLa Jolla Commons II Green Tech Gazette explains the technology and design involved in creating net-zero energy office buildings. Net-zero energy consumption is a growing trend that allows office buildings to generate as much energy as they use. [They] are made possible through a combination of i ...
Top 15 markets for hybrid cars are mostly in C ...2001 Prius. The granddaddy of all hybrids. I still have mine. Hybrid cars % of all new car sales 1.San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose 9.4% 2. Monterey/Salinas, Calif. 8.84 % 3. Eugene, Ore. 7.89% 4. Santa Barbara, Calif. 7.5% 5. San Diego, Calif. 7.13% 6. Eureka, Calif. 6.97% 7. Los Angeles 6.62% 8. ...
Aaron Schwarz family statement blames deranged ...Aaron’s death is not simply a personal tragedy. It is the product of a criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach. Decisions made by officials in the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney’s office and at MIT contributed to his death. The US Attorney’s office pursued an exce ...
You silly catOur cat Bandit had surgery and thus needs to wear the cone of shame. We took it off her briefly. Another cat, Harry, began sniffing and exploring it then suddenly started running around the room in panic. He stuck his head into it and couldn’t get it off. I was laughing so hard it took [...]
Martian Central Bank interested in buying tril ...More on the trillion dollar coin caper. A smaller cadre of analysts suspect the cnaively believes the fantasy that the arbitrary creation of assets, either via platinum coins or electronic entries in the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, creates actual value. Though this credulity borders ...
Yediot’s Plocker: Thank you Mossad for r ...On Sunday (January 9 2011), Yediot’s Itamar Eichner reported [emphasis mine; full translation here]: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is furious with outgoing Mossad Director Meir Dagan because of the briefing Dagan gave journalists last Thursday. In the course of that briefing, Dagan sha ...
“Rejectionist front”: Maariv detai ...As Israel’s diplomatic position erodes and the Palestinian Authority’s campaign for the unilateral recognition of a state in the 1967 borders gains ground, the demand for “direct negotiations” has become a central talking point of Israeli government spokespeople. Here ...
New Yorker editor David Remnick to Yediot:  ...On December 24 2010, Yediot’s Friday Political Supplement ran an interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick by Adi Gold. Most of the interview was dedicated to his new biography of Barack Obama. Gold did ask a political question on Israel and Reminck’s response was very blunt. No ...
Breaking the Silence’s landmark new book ...Breaking the Silence has just published a landmark collection of soldier testimonies from the Occupied Territories spanning the period 2000-2010. The 432 page book can now be browsed, downloaded and embedded here. If you read nothing else, take the time to look over the first to pages of the int ...
Following local pressure, Adidas reconsiders s ...This Maariv article [full translation below] from Friday is particularly badly written and repetitive, so I’ll summarize. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat decides to hold the first Jerusalem International Marathon in March 2011. He gets Adidas to sponsor the event. An Israeli runner registers an ...
Deadline Live
The Flu Vaccine Hype, Fear, & PropagandaJanuary 11th, 2012 866-762-9238 www.enerfood.com The Flu Vaccine Hype, Fear, & Propaganda Dear America, Everywhere I turn its all about the flu. ”This is the worst flu season ever”, “get your flu shot”, ...
Guns, Lies and Statistics“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Mark Twain The gun debate rages on. What a waste of time. It was settled over two hundred years ago. One would wonder what else is going on in the world where we need to focus on such a divisive issue. What’s g ...
Men “armed” with AR-15s walk throu ...KPTV – FOX 12 PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) - Two men carrying assault rifles on their backs said they were simply exercising their Second Amendment right, but police said they scared plenty of people. Officers arrived in the area and contacted both 22-year-old men. They were carrying ...
Police trick entire high school into signing & ...Masslive.com Northampton police officers are seen in the visitors parking area at Northampton High School last month in response to a threatening note being found. The Republican file / Don Treeger NORTHAMPTON – Police are hoping that a statement signed by Northampton High School students to tak ...
Reality Check: Executive Order For Gun Control ...Ben Swann nails it again! FOX19.com-Cincinnati News, Weather
The Air Vent
Common Sense on Government SpendingTom Fuller and I have always had a cordial relationship despite the fact that his politics are Pelosi-left. He left a comment on the last thread in relation to taxes and the deficit which depicts exactly how the left-wing media is trying to portray our current debt situation. While he is ref ...
Two Sides of the LafferHappy New Year readers. 2013! I still owe everyone some commentary on Steig’s 3rd (or is it the 4th) victory lap. I have spent several hours on the new Antarctic doom paper, hopefully I will have some time shortly to write on that. In the meantime, we are awaiting some movement on the ...
Gun Control DemandsLiberals are in a froth over a new gun ban on semi-automatic rifles (fire once per trigger pull). While these are powerful and dangerous weapons, I flatly don’t believe this new ban will have any impact at all on violent crime. Like so many things from the unbiased media, I cannot see an ...
IPCC – Full Speed AheadThanks to some very hard working bloggers and readers who care at WUWT, the IPCC second order draft has been released. Steig 09 appears to be much less prominently referenced in the second order draft than in the zero order which is still too often. I take it as an indication that some people ...
Just a Little More FairWhat will we do when the US runs out of money? A few months ago it seemed that the American public may actually grasp the size of the numerical problem, but the elections revealed that people in bulk are not capable of basic math. It only takes the most cursory of reviews to understand that [...]
Focal Point
Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summ ...
Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summer ...
Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summer ...
Bachmann's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Bad Scienc ...Hey, Michele Bachmann, you know who was really, really pro-vaccination? The Founding Fathers. Read all about it in my new article at The Nation. George Washington argued for mandatory inoculation of citizens against smallpox and mandated the inoculation of the Continental Army, under the ...
Bachmann's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Bad Scienc ...Hey, Michele Bachmann, you know who was really, really pro-vaccination? The Founding Fathers. Read all about it in my new article at The Nation. George Washington argued for mandatory inoculation of citizens against smallpox and mandated the inoculation of the Continental Army, under the . ...
Inside Facebook
This week’s headlines from across Inside NetworkA roundup of all the news Inside Network brought you between Jan. 7 and Jan. 11. Inside Mobile Apps Tracking the convergence of mobile apps, social platforms and virtual goods. Monday, Jan. 7 Guest Post: Presence...
Facebook roundup: test charges $100 to message ...Some users see option to message Zuckerberg for $100 - As part of Facebook’s paid message test, some users are seeing an option to send a message to CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s inbox for $100. When Facebook began...
‘Promote page’ option helps page owners create ...Facebook began rolling out its “Promote Page” option in mid-December, and now details of how it works have emerged. When page owners use the Promote Page button, they’ll be able to create three different types of...
Facebook careers: public policy manager, Franc ...Facebook added 27 new positions to its careers page this week, including a number of openings on the recruiting, marketing, sales, user operations and other teams. The company added a listing for a Country Manager, France. The job...
Facebook hires and departures: longtime design ...Facebook’s first designer, Aaron Sittig, has left the company, according to the Wall Street Journal. Sittig worked at Facebook from 2005 to 2010, and then again since January 2011. According to his Facebook profile, he ended...
Truthout - Tweets
Empty newsfeed.
ReDress News
Has Israel groveller David Miliband changed hi ...Stuart Littlewood is surprised at the invitation by a pro-Palestinian medical charity to former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband - a proven groveller to Israel - to speak at its annual fundraising gala.
IMPORTANT: OUR WEBSITE IS CHANGINGRedress Information & Analysis is moving to www.redressonline.com. From now on we will publish new articles on www.redressonline.com only and, in the meantime, we will transfer important long-shef-life articles from our old website to the new one.
What might Netanyahu do if Romney's defeat bec ...Alan Hart examines whether Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is mad enough to order an attack on Iran in what remains of Obama’s first term without the president’s blessing and American participation.
Israel's Salafi foot soldiers in the wake of a ...Nureddin Sabir argues that Israel must bear responsibility for creating the climate that gave rise to the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims". But it is Israel's Salafi and Wahhabi foot soldiers behind the violent protests across the Arab and Muslim worlds who may eventually bring Arabs and M ...
Anti-Islam film: free speech or inciting to riot?Lawrence Davidson argues that outage against the anti-Muhammad film "Innocence of Muslims" "has exposed the deep vein of anger against the United States that runs through the Muslim world", but doubts that American leaders would have the courage and foresight to re-examine the policies and behav ...
Amazon Rainforest
Peru police clashes with illegal gold miners: ...Thousands of illegal gold miners battled police for control of a regional capital in the Amazon basin on Wednesday and at least three people were killed by gunfire. Outnumbered riot police fired tear gas against miners who wielded clubs and rocks and tried to seize strategic facilities in Puert ...
Brazil to Dilma: Fulfill campaign promise!The Forest Code is dwindling, and with it the Brazilian forests. Soon to be voted in the House, the text that distorts the country’s main environmental law was the target of a demonstration today in Brasilia, which brought together social movements and environmental groups, asking the Pr ...
European energy corporation plans to flood Rai ...Spanish energy cooperation Endesa (subsidiary enterprise of the Italian Enel cooperation) is builiding a giant hydro-electric power plant next to the River Magdalena, Colombia- The construction work has started today- the protest camps of the local farmers and fishermen have been evacuated by fo ...
Plastic eating Fungi discovered in Amazon Rain ...The group of students, part of Yale’s annual Rainforest Expedition and Laboratory with molecular biochemistry professor Scott Strobel, ventured to the jungles of Ecuador. The mission was to allow “students to experience the scientific inquiry process in a comprehensive and creative way. ...
Justice for 8year girl burned alive by loggers ...Loggers in Brazil captured an eight-year-old girl from one of the Amazon’s last uncontacted tribes and burned her alive as part of a ‘campaign’ to force the indigenous population from its land! Sign Petition and share: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/813/288/541/ The ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
Soothing the Beast: Saturday Night BFP-Jamiol ...Willie Dixon– “Can’t Quit You Baby” We start our second year of the Soothing the Beast BFP/Jamiol music pick with some serious blues. Willie Dixon’s performance of I Can’t Quit You Baby puts us in smokey club (well not these days) listening to a blues great. Dixon was an Americ ...
Our new BFP DVD “The Police State” ...Our second BFP DVD includes The EyeOpener Police State Series with James Corbett, plus 2 bonus BFP Reports – Blackballed: ‘How the FBI Bends FOIA’ and TSA: ‘Tyrants Sucker America,’ plus an exclusive interview with BFP’s Andrew Gavin Marshall and a Jamiol/BFP Political Cartoon Gallery. Ple ...
Podcast Show #103: The Rise of the Police Stat ...The Boiling Frogs Show Presents Stephen Lendman Author and analyst Stephen Lendman joins us to discuss the Obama Presidency, the rise of the Police State in the USA, the Two-Sides-of-The-Same-Coin party system, the sham election system and campaign financing, our ever-expanding perpetual wars, a ...
A Thousand Mile Journey: Reflections on Being ...“A thousand mile journey begins with a single step” – Ancient Chinese Proverb By Guy Evans It may be a New Year, but age-old problems and issues still plague our Western societies. While there are many that gravitate to fire-and-brimstone negativity, rejoicing in the idea that a total planetary ...
The Reality Principle -Episode 12“American Nightmare: Racism & the Prison-Industrial Complex” with Solomon Comissiong In this week’s episode, Eric examines one of the most complex and misunderstood issues in America today: the prison-industrial complex and its relation to deeply rooted racism in this country. Eric to ...
Afro Spear
- sat’day riddymz
Positive VibrationsThree Zimbabwean women named among 2012 youngest power women Abandoned teen accepted to med school Teens Create A Way To Use Urine As …Continue reading »
Sunday InspirationsENGLISH TRANSLATION There’s no one, there’s no one like Jesus There’s no one, there’s no one like him never never …Continue reading »
sat’day riddymzThanks to Sis. Deb for permission to post this. This is so beautiful and inspirational!
Africland Social CommunityAfricland is a social networking community space for all African descendants, whether you are in Haiti, Colombia, Brazil, UK, Africa, USA, Jamaica, …Continue reading »
Tikun Olam
Jewish Foundations Support Islamophobia at Hom ...Most Jewish foundations support the equivalent of Bubbeh’s chicken soup: Israel, synagogues, youth groups, Jewish education, Jewish studies programs, etc. But over the past ten years or so, as the ideological battle within Israel has intensified with a rightward nationalist drift, a numbe ...
NYPD Arrests Suspect in Subway Murder, Hate Cr ...New York police arrested a 31 year-old woman suspected of murdering a man in Queens by pushing him in the path of an oncoming subway train a few days ago. Though she fled the scene, she was found and taken into custody today thanks to video footage of her that was aired. The statements she [...]
Egypt Arrests Israeli Activist Traveling to GazaLast summer, after leaving IDF service, Andrei Pshenichnikov, age 24, underwent a radical political conversion. He began working with anti-Occupation groups and decided to renounce his Israeli citizenship. Further, he actually moved to the Deheisha refugee camp outside Bethlehem and took up jo ...
Support Tikun Olam: 2012 Year-End AppealSupport Tikun Olam Every year I write this post asking for readers to step forward and support the efforts I put into this blog to light a fire under Israel’s Occupation regime and hold it accountable for its deeds and misdeeds. In the past year, the most important expose I published was t ...
Chuck Hagel, Knifed in the Back by the LobbyAs I wrote a few days ago when many were whispering that Chuck Hagel’s chances of becoming secretary of defense had died, what does it matter whether it’s the Israel lobby or the Jewish lobby? When you get a knife in the back, it doesn’t matter who’s putting the shiv int ...
If Americans Knew
NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again o ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner ...
Documentary Video: Shooting the MessengerThis documentary on the deliberate killing and intimidation of journalists in conflict zones, examines how international reporters became targets.
Impressions of Israeli Executions in the West BankMuch planning had gone into our family vacation in Israel-Palestine. We could spare only the last two weeks of 2009, and so had developed an uncompromising itinerary for each day, allowing a mere half-day to recover from jet lag from our trip from California. After devoting most of the first wee ...
Calling Bono: Your Palestinian Gandhis Exist . ...In your recent column in the New York Times, "Ten for the Next Ten," you wrote: "I'll place my hopes on the possibility -- however remote at the moment -- that...people in places filled with rage and despair, places like the Palestinian territories, will in the days ahead find among them their G ...
Noam Chomsky and the pro-Israel lobby: Fourtee ...Noam Chomsky has been called the US leading intellectual by pundits and even some sectors of the mass media. He has a large audience throughout the world especially in academic circles, in large part because of his vocal criticism of US foreign policy and many of the injustices resulting from t ...
David J. Gregory
Donation will give you ACCESS TO PRIVATE AREA!http://www.facebook.com/widgets/like.php?href=https://davidjgregory.wordpress.com/2012/06/16/donation-will-give-you-access-to-private-area/ As our private area grows with more and more data, it becomes more and more desirable. A donation will give you access to this area where not only will you ...
BIG NEWS Obama Threatens VETO CISPABig news. President Obama is threatening to veto CISPA, the bill that could give the government and big companies limitless powers to spy on us online. The President has folded on a lot of things in the past, but finally, yes finally, there is hope, the tide maybe changing, from the GOP Corporat ...
The Eye On Citrus Showhttp://www.facebook.com/widgets/like.php?href=https://davidjgregory.wordpress.com/2012/01/17/the-eye-on-citrus-show/ Our latest radio show is up, talking about the GOP Forum held in Crystal River this past Saturday, Jan 14, 2010. The two non-fiction books relating the dark and illegal deeds of t ...
Jesse Ventura, 63 Documents the Government Doe ...http://www.facebook.com/widgets/like.php?href=https://davidjgregory.wordpress.com/2012/01/07/jesse-ventura-63-documents-the-government-does-not-want-you-to-read/ EyeOnCitrus.com is proud to announce that Jesse Ventura, newest book, 63 Documents The Government Doesn’t Want you to read, is availab ...
What side are you on?As a Thanksgiving deadline nears for action by the powerful congressional committee on deficit reduction, Bernie sounded an alarm over reports that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid may be cut. "The American people have been very clear. They understand how important Social Security, Med ...
Unsuitable Blog
The Unsuitablog ArchiveThe Unsuitablog contains a huge range of posts from simple criticism to investigation to downright in-your-face sabotage. It also has heaps of advice on how to recognise and expose greenwash and the entire series of Monthly Undermining Tasks which helped the book Underminers become a reality. To ...
The Unsuitablog: Winding Down and Winding UpFour years, and it feels like it. It would take a book to tell the story of The Unsuitablog: all the work that has gone into it; the sleepless nights wondering whether a stunt would come off or what the repercussions of an exposure would be; the arm-aching pixel manipulation in creating the hund ...
You’re Not Taking “Radical” ...On Monday 5th December, 2011, Bill McKibben, author and figurehead-leader of 350.org wrote the following in the Daily Kos: You think OWS is radical? You think 350.org was radical for helping organize mass civil disobedience in DC in August against the Keystone Pipeline? We’re not radical. Radica ...
Strikes vs Royal WeddingsThere is going to be a strike in Britain on Wednesday. The UK Government are condemning it. This is starting to appear all over Facebook: When the government decide we can have a day off for the royal wedding it doesn’t damage the economy, but when the workers decide to strike for a day it ...
WWF Denies Palm Oil is the Problem, then Count ...It seems there is no depth to which the corporate world’s own favourite NGO, WWF, will not sink. An article in this week’s Guardian was happy to give WWF some free publicity, implying that the group actually give a stuff about the wildlife they were apparently set up to protect (or s ...
Subalternate Reality
Forget The Wealthy. How Do We Tax The Lucky?A few weeks ago, the Washington Post ran a lengthy, above-the-fold piece looking into what impact capital gains tax rates were having on wealth inequality in America. “Most of the richest Americans pay lower overall tax rates than middle-class Americans do,” the reporters noted, adding that duri ...
Muslim-Baiters Don’t Want To Be Treated ...Over the weekend, I posted the following message on Twitter: “When a Muslim commits terror, every Muslim in the world somehow shares responsibility. When it’s a white Christian, he’s always a lone wolf.” I wasn’t commenting on the tendency of commentators to use different words to de ...
Keith Ellison’s Tears And Epistemic ClosureRep. Peter King’s hearings looking into the “radicalization” of the American Muslim community, and the suggestion that the community doesn’t cooperate with law enforcement, was largely a waste of time and tax dollars. The affair didn’t produce a single insight into the actual and urgent issue of ...
Praying On Qasr al-NilOne of the more memorable scenes of the Egyptian revolution will surely be that of ordinary Egyptian’s praying on Cairo’s Qasr al-Nil Bridge as members of Egyptian state police direct their water cannons at them. Truly a remarkable sight. via Al Jazeera Filed under: Middle East Tagged: Al-Jazeer ...
“I Support Democratization, But…&# ...The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg – one of the key proponents of the disastrous invasion of Iraq – has some serious misgivings about the fledgling pro-democracy movement that’s taken over the streets of Egypt. “I support democratization, but,” he cautions, “the democratization we saw in Gaza (cour ...
Idea Lab | Technology
Why Journalism Tools Gather DustThe planets have finally aligned on one of my early assignments at The Boston Globe. The project is called Quizzler, and it is by no means going to change anything. It's a quiz system -- something the producers ultimately want because it will generate page views. It has been done. This post ...
Innovative Journalism Projects from 2012 That ...This post was written by Ryan Graff of the Knight News Innovation Lab and originally appeared on the Lab's blog. While the Knight Lab spent last week looking back at 2012, what we're really excited about is 2013 and beyond. Nieman Journalism Lab has a whole series on what to look for ...
A Look Behind Designing The State DecodedOver the last few months, I've been working on a standard website design to bundle with The State Decoded. That's the project funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to create a standard, installable platform to display laws online. The project started as a Virginia-only site, for w ...
Balloon Mapping From the Ground Up: Public Lab ...Public Lab's balloon- and kite-based mapping approach is a new way to take aerial images from the ground. However, there are some considerations and things that can be learned from a few map stories. Each map project has distinct characteristics in its time, place, and local atmospheric cond ...
Are You a Hacker Who Likes Poderopedia? Help U ...A week after Poderopedia launched its public beta, the response it's been getting has been huge. So far, close to 800 users have registered on the website; it's receiving an average of 26 new facts and connections per day; there are request to create local Poderopedia chapters from people in Por ...
Cutting Edge News
Venezuela on Edge - End Game Approaches for To ...Demonstrably one of the giant Latin American figures of this age, Hugo Chavez, has delegated a number of the responsibilities of his office to Vice President Nicolas Maduro and is, at this writing, fighting a battle with cancer in a hospital bed in Cuba, a country he frequently has turned to in ...
The Digital Edge - The Brazilian Congress Yet ...The so-called “Brazilian Internet Constitution� was shelved for the sixth time on December 5 after the government failed to even bring the legislation to a vote. The draft document, 25 articles in length, aims at spelling out the rights and responsibilities of internet users and providers, a ...
The Edeg of Health - Foods Identified as 'Whol ...Current standards for classifying foods as "whole grain" are inconsistent and, in some cases, misleading, according to a new study by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers. One of the most widely used industry standards, the Whole Grain Stamp, actually identified grain products that ...
Venezuela on Edge - Hugo Chavez and his Recond ...At the time of this writing, the Western Hemisphere, and Venezuela in particular, continues to wait for news regarding the fate of President Hugo Chavez, who is in a Cuban hospital recuperating from several rounds of surgery meant to treat his recurring cancer. The Venezuelan leader was re-elect ...
The Edge of Nature - Scientists Use Marine Rob ...Two robots equipped with instruments designed to “listen� for the calls of baleen whales detected nine endangered North Atlantic right whales in the Gulf of Maine last month. The robots reported the detections to shore-based researchers within hours of hearing the whales (i.e., in real time) ...
High Country News
Will Navajos approve a Grand Canyon megadevelo ...An audacious development proposal near Grand Canyon National Park divides a tribe and its neighbors.
As it goes high-tech, wildlife biology loses i ...We're learning a lot by monitoring millions of animals, but the high tech methods used to track animals takes some of the mystery out of our relationship with the wild.
Can the oyster industry survive ocean acidific ...As fossil fuel emissions lower the ocean’s pH, Pacific Northwest shellfish growers face an uncertain future.
A bird in handWill the soul of wildlife biology survive in an era of remote monitoring technology?
A sampler of wildlife techThe gadgets we attach to wild animals and fish include radio transmitters, microchips, acoustic tags, geolocators and accelerometers.
Why Is Obama Sending 12, 000 U.S. Troops To Li ...By Cynthia McKinney It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and Libyan sources that our President now has 12,000 U.S. troops stationed in Malta and they are about to make their descent into Libya
Will A Pro-Gadhafi Green Revolution Topple The ...By Franklin Lamb The signs from Libya are that this country remains volatile and that contrary to NATO claims that it put into place a new democratic Libya that the predictable next chapter is starting to unfold that may bring the end of the NTC before the coming June elections when it is sched ...
US Doubles Aircraft Carriers Near The Persian GulfBy Peter Symonds The Obama administration has reinforced the threat of American military strikes against Iran by doubling the number of US aircraft carrier groups in the region. The provocative decision heightens the danger of war in the Persian Gulf as the US moves aggressively to impose a de ...
And Who, By the Way, Is John C. Stennis?!?By Toby ORyan Who, you might ask, is John C. Stennis? What are the boons and benefits for humanity accomplished by this John C. Stennis such that he came to have his name emblazoned on a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier?
What Does Ken Ford Know? And Who Put Him In Pr ...By Cynthia McKinney Ken Ford, Jr. wrote an intelligence report on the Iraq War which contradicted the Administrations reason for going to war against Iraq
Contagious Love Experiment
Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/04/06-8
Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/04/06-8
Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
Practicing Peace in the New YearA friend, Frank Swift, that I met on my first journey has passed along some great practical steps towards peace for the new year. Frank has written a children’s book to help young people see an alternative to the competition and forcefulness that can too easily get instilled in our young p ...
Yid With Lid
Newsbusted: New Hampshire Law to Ban ConservativesA legislator in liberal New Hampshire has had it up to here with conservatives. She has introduced a new piece of legislation to ban conservatives from moving to the state. But her bigoted legislation may not be necessary. Via special report in today's Newsbusted Anchor Jodi Miller tells ...
NRA Says Biden Didn't Want to Be Confused With ...It's hard to understand what they expected from the meeting, but the NRA’s James Jay Baker met with the SCHMOTUS Joe Biden and he was NOT happy with the conversation. Soon after the meeting they released this statement: We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do wit ...
Hagel Confirmation Process Should Be IlluminatingBy Matt Vespa Chuck Hagel, former Senator of Nebraska, has been tapped to head the Department of Defense. He's a Republican, who vociferously criticized the Bush administration during the Iraq War – and equated 'The Surge' as ...
Dems Gain Voter ID Edge, AgainBy Matt Vespa The pendulum in the war between liberals and conservatives continues to swing with Democrats regaining the voter ID edge in the aftermath of the 2012 election. Mike Flynn of Breitbart, wrote today that this shouldn't be a surprise. A new survey by Gallup sho ...
Now That Obama's Caused US To Lose Our World S ...By Barry Rubin If we reach the following, highly unpleasant, conclusion what are the implications? The United States has taken a political turn which at least for the next four years will guarantee that it does not play the role of a great power mindful of and willing to protect its ow ...
The Real Agenda
White House will reveal its anti-Second Amendm ...By LUIS MIRANDA | THE REAL AGENDA | JANUARY 11, 2013 Without much-or no-common ground to share, U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden, hosted yesterday at the White House representatives from the National Rifle Association (NRA), in a first step to try to neutralize the strength of lobbying e ...
Obama has no power to overrule the Bill of RightsCOMENTARY Vice-president Joe Biden has thoroughly disgraced himself today by making such a shocking statement that he wants President Obama to issue an executive order to call for total gun confiscation in our nation! No American president has the power to break into and reverse the keystone ame ...
James Holmes was under the influence of prescr ...The case of the Colorado shooter is one more example of how prescription medications, not guns, are responsible for the lunacy epidemic observed in the United States By J.D. HEYES | NATURAL NEWS | JANUARY 11, 2013 What was the most deadly element involved in the mass murder of 12 peopl ...
IMF issues plan to starve Portuguese people ev ...By LUIS MIRANDA | THE REAL AGENDA | JANUARY 10, 2013 Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho warned a month ago: The Portuguese, that bears a progressive and growing cut in services for the last year and a half, intends to save another 4,000 million euros a year starting now. For ...
New York State now leading crusade against Sec ...By LUIS MIRANDA | THE REAL AGENDA | JANUARY 10, 2013 The U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden, met Wednesday at the White House in Washington with victims and groups demanding more restrictive legislation on weapons. While in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo, took advantage of the discourse o ...
Wind Watch
Company kills wind farm proposal; Other firms ...OREGON – It’s no longer just a whisper: A Spain-based company is withdrawing its plans for a wind farm in Ogle County. Gamesa USA had planned the Whispering Prairie wind farm for Ogle, Winnebago and Stephenson counties. But in November, the company informed landowners that it was terminating the ...
Iberdrola Renewables nixes wind leases, haltin ...HAMMOND — Spanish energy company Iberdrola Renewables is saying “Adios!” to its proposed Stone Church wind project. The company has withdrawn from its leases with landowners and will remove test towers it has in the town. “We are removing the meteorological towers and no longer developing the pr ...
Gov. McCrory vows to protect military against ...GOLDSBORO, N.C. – Governor McCrory has vowed to protect the military’s interests against the effects of a proposed wind farm in the East. For more than two years, a clean energy company in Chicago has been trying to build an 11,000 acre wind farm, consisting of 49 turbines, in Beaufo ...
Fenrother wind farm campaigners celebrate as p ...Families in a rural hamlet were celebrating a job well done yesterday after securing an overwhelming victory in their fight against plans to build a wind farm near their homes. Campaigners in 14-home Fenrother, near Morpeth, Northumberland, said they are relieved and delighted after county counc ...
New wind farm prospect shelvedThe proposed Green Point Wind Farm near Piccaninni Ponds will not go ahead after developers withdrew their application for the controversial project this week. Wind Prospect has notified Grant District Council of its decision to withdraw the application, citing economic reasons for the move. “Wi ...
Tippers News
Three men helped starve kids, court tolThree men helped starve five children in Adelaide until they looked like they had came from a famine-affected Third World country, a court has been told. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Chinese sex traders challenge verdictThe three Chinese nationals who were jailed by an Accra Circuit Court for transporting 10 Chinese girls into the country and engaging them in sex trade have appealed against the verdict. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against h ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Be a Voice for Coastal Louisiana's Wildlife ! ...Coastal Louisiana provides habitat to hundreds of wildlife species, including sea turtles, migratory birds, and manatees. But unfortunately, right now Louisiana is also experiencing the highest rate of land loss in the United States Submitted by Cher C. to Environment | Note- ...
About Us,,,You may want to lisent...interesting!Interesting Information that you may find interesting With Love... Evelyn (: Submitted by Evelyn J. to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
The Freeman
Human Trafficking: The Other Good Reason to Re ...Restrictive immigration policies have long been associated with a variety of economic problems. These include the diminished availability of foreign talent, the inability of businesses to fill low-skilled agricultural and service jobs typically scorned by legal residents, and reduced access to t ...
Methodological IndividualismI am just now rereading Ludwig von Mises’s magnum opus, Human Action. What a joy it is to get reacquainted with this masterful work and to use it as a benchmark to gauge my own intellectual odyssey since first reading it more than 40 years ago. Early on the reader encounters the term “methodolo ...
The Virtue of Market InefficiencyMarkets are often rightly characterized as extraordinary problem solvers. Under the right rules of the game (including private property, free exchange, and the rule of law) people following their own self-interests can coordinate their plans with one another more or less successfully, generating ...
The Entrepreneurial SpiritDorothy Whipple’s almost entirely forgotten novel High Wages is one of the most compelling stories of personal initiative and entrepreneurship that I have read. Left alone in the world with only fifty-two pounds in a savings account, Jane Carter decides to look for work. By chance, she arrives i ...
Austrian Economics: Ahead of its Time?So I’m a closet futurist. Being one, I sometimes find myself checking out sites like Transhumanity.net. I recently came across an article there that does a pretty good job of unpacking the difference between 20th century science and 21st century science. One of the things I noticed about 2 ...
Teaching Online Journalism
What people search for onlineWhen you’re writing a blog, you should check your stats from time to time (I’m not as obsessive about it as some are) to see what people are reading, where they came from (referrers), what they click in your posts. Search terms are especially interesting to me. They don’t exac ...
Should you get a master’s in journalism?To answer that question, make sure you know what you want to gain from the experience. Because getting a master’s degree is an experience — as well as an investment of your time and your money. Mu Lin, a professor at Georgian Court University in Lakewood, New Jersey, has addressed t ...
Required reading: How open source makes you betterIn this blog post (Why Journalism Tools Gather Dust), Dan Schultz of The Boston Globe describes what amounts to one of the big reasons why news websites are not as successful as they could be. If you borrow code then you are more likely to be familiar with what the rest of the world is doing. I ...
Teaching programming to journalistsI’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I’ve been preparing a syllabus for an upper-level undergraduate journalism course that I will begin teaching in January. I’ve been learning Python and starting to learn about jQuery. I’ve got some advantages: I learned HTML in ...
Most-viewed posts in 2012According to my WordPress stats, these are the posts with the most pageviews in the past 12 months: Best social media tools for journalists (5,669) Timelines in journalism: A closer look (4,365) A few words about digital audio recorders (3,626) How to shoot video interviews (3,465) 10 Rul ...
Facing South
INSTITUTE INDEX: Confronting a deepening clima ...With new data out showing that 2012 was the warmest year on record for the contiguous United States, and with costs mounting due to droughts and other climate-related disasters, will political leaders finally take action to address the problem? read more
An action-packed 2013 in store for Southern laborThe new year promises lots of action on the labor front -- and as always in the South, it comes with heavy baggage from the past. read more
Cabinet of Controversy: N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory’ ...The Koch brother from another mother overseeing the state budget. A man found guilty of assaulting children running the Department of Public Safety. A science skeptic chosen to protect the environment. What is Gov. Pat McCrory thinking? read more
VOICES: TVA board nominees confirmed, but what ...As the House wrestled with the fiscal cliff deal, the Senate approved nominees for the Tennessee Valley Authority's board. But conspicuously absent from the list that Sens. Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander sent for approval was Dr. Marilyn Brown -- the board's only sustainable energy expert. r ...
Home builders lobby weakens drywall legislationFederal lawmakers trumpeted last week's passage of the Drywall Safety Act of 2012. But thanks to the efforts of U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) on behalf of the industry lobby, the bill doesn't actually set enforceable standards to prevent contaminated drywall from ending up in people's homes. ...
Worldpress - Africa
DR Congo's Silent OrdealBrutal violence continues to ravage the Democratic Republic of Congo, but the massacres get very little coverage in Western media.
U.S. Upgrades Its Relationship with AfricaThe Obama administration has unveiled a new strategy that intends to shift the focus of its relationship with Africa from aid to sustainable development.
U.S. Upgrades Its Relationship with AfricaThe Obama administration has unveiled a new strategy that intends to shift the focus of its relationship with Africa from aid to sustainable development.
Cheers for Hollande in AfricaMany Africans were excited to see French President Nicolas Sarkozy voted out of office, hopeful that François Hollande will better represent their interests.
Cheers for Hollande in AfricaMany Africans were excited to see French President Nicolas Sarkozy voted out of office, hopeful that François Hollande will better represent their interests.
Telegraph UK - oil
Cosalt shareholders could be left with nothing ...Shareholders in David Ross's oil services group Cosalt could be left empty-handed if sales of the company's operating businesses go ahead, it has emerged.
Stanlow refinery plots path to survival amid i ...Essar Energy believes Stanlow refinery can survive the gloom that threatens the UK industry - but warns more refinery closures will leave Britain ever more dependent on imported fuels.
Carbon price floor threatens UK refiners, Essa ...Britain's unilateral carbon price floor could push more UK refineries towards closure, the head of Essar Energy's Stanlow refinery has warned.
Cheaper air fares as oil prices fallTourists can expect to pay less for their flights next year, claims the aviation industry's leading economist.
Israeli attack on Iran 'would damage UK economy'An Israeli or American military attack on Iran would damage the UK economy and jeopardise Britain's recovery from recession, Philip Hammond has warned.
Ian Welsh
Fire Ortiz, the prosecutor who hounded Aaron S ...Swartz, if you hadn’t heard, was being hounded by Ortiz for downloading millions of JSTOR academic articles. They claim he was going to publish them, and were seeking decades in jail, and a million dollars in fines. Swartz committed suicide. Lessig has a petition to fire Ortiz. You shoul ...
To know what to do is not enoughFor the past year I’ve been writing a book on prosperity, by which I mean widespread affluence. It’s been slow going, not because I don’t believe I know the general technical requirements of prosperity (I do, if I didn’t, I shouldn’t be wasting anyone’s time, ...
To know what to do is not enoughFor the past year I’ve been writing a book on prosperity, by which I mean widespread affluence. It’s been slow going, not because I don’t believe I know the general technical requirements of prosperity (I do, if I didn’t, I shouldn’t be wasting anyone’s time, ...
Christ-masChristmas is named after Jesus. What have you done to Jesus this year? 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I [...]
Christ-masChristmas is named after Jesus. What have you done to Jesus this year? 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I [...]
Media Consortium
- The Newsonomics of membership » Nieman Journal ...
- Giussani
- MediaShift . PubCamp Examines New Models, Phil ...
- New Voices: What Works
- The Media Consortium » The Big Thaw
Reality Asserts Itself
Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terr ...
PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NO ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli childr ...
FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END F ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become ...
PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will c ...
China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and worl ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
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new geography
The Evolving Urban Form: Kuala LumpurThe Kuala Lumpur region of Malaysia is generally defined by the state of Selangor and two geographical enclaves (the federal territories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya), carved from the state. These enclaves are the two seats of the federal government. Kuala Lumpur houses the national parliame ...
The New Places Where America's Tech Future Is ...Technology is reshaping our economic geography, but there’s disagreement as to how. Much of the media and pundits like Richard Florida assert that the tech revolution is bound to be centralized in the dense, often “hip” places where “smart” people cluster. Some, li ...
Globalization: Too Many Americans Are Droppin ...By the time I arrived in Silicon Valley in 1986 California's middle class economy was already being remade by globalization. Globalization's dramatic impact on northern California hit me square in the face the moment I arrived at my first career expo later that year at the Westin Hotel in Sa ...
The Dispersion of Financial Sector JobsWhen you think of financial services, one usually looks at iconic downtowns such as New York’s Wall Street, Montgomery Street San Francisco's or Chicago’s State Street. But since the great financial crisis of 2007-8 the banking business is on the move elsewhere. Over the last five ...
California's Poor Long-term PrognosisCalifornia's current economic recovery may be uneven at best, but things certainly look better now than the pits-of-hell period in 2008. A cautiously optimistic New York Times piece proclaimed "signs of resurgence," and there was even heady talk in Sacramento of eventually sighti ...
GM Watch
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The world according to Jacques ChiracIn his autobiography, the former French president spins a romantic but hole-ridden tale designed to depict himself as Super Statesman.
The ‘magic of the Cup’ is just an ...Even Championship teams - and their supporters - are more interested in joining the big boys, not just beating them.
Tom Daley: nice body, shame about the formatSplash! may be the naffest celeb show yet, but it’s given the nation the green light to perv over an Olympic starlet.
The Impossible: a giant wave of sentimentalityJuan Antonio Bayona’s disaster movie about the Boxing Day tsunami starts well, but ends up as a cynical tearjerker.
Does watching TV give you cancer? Of course notNews reports claiming that TV-addicted kids risk getting cancer confirm that the scaremongers mean business in 2013. It’s time to fight back.
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley b ...
Margaret's News
Reinstate Teacher Who Supported Trayvon Martin ...arget: Superintendent Jacqueline Cassell Goal: To reinstate Brooke Harris, an eighth grade teacher who was fired after supporting a fundraiser benefitting Trayvon Martins family. The Trayvon Martin case has already caused a storm of controversy, Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World &n ...
"Ive Been Duped" - Reflections on Israel and P ...Do you know the frustration you feel when you believed in something strongly and then you realize that the information that made you believe was from a source with an agenda to deceive? Submitted by Ken D. to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
What people will do for beauty: 8 Grossest Spa ...uh..the title says it all :) Submitted by Vicky P. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
White House sees more pain for Iran as it clea ...Aggressive war is illegal, immoral against nations that are no threat, is nonbelligerent & it is insane! Call your Reps. Tell your friends, rouse up the good folk in your church,mosque and synagouge. We must stop this exported violence or we are screwed. Submitted by michael hall to World &nbs ...
Iran Bashing, Terrorism, and Who Chose the Cho ...Dedicated to the long-suffering Palestinians and Iranians who have been sidelined by the United Nations in favour of the Nuclear Apartheid State of Zionist Israel in the most blatant exercise in International Double Standards that our world has ever known Submitted by Ken D. to World |&nb ...
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
New crowdsourcing platform gives hope to small ...Less than 24 hours after launching its online marketplace, Mosaic raised $313,000 to power read more
“Black hole for light” drastically improves ef ...Researchers at Princeton University led by electrical engineer Stephen Chou, have developed what is being called a “nanostructure sandwich” to trap light and improve the efficiency of organic solar cells by 175%. A layer of metal mesh ...
India’s solar mission, phase 2An Indian worker cleans solar arrays during the inauguration of a one-megawatt solar photovoltaic power plant near Gandhinagar, in 2011. The ground-mount photovoltaic power plant is the firs ...
Energy’s Presence, Not Price, Changes LivesThe Sustainable Energy for All initiative has rightfully united the world’s attention on a critical development issue – delivering universal energy access. r ...
Meet Uttar Pradesh, India's Next Distributed S ...Much attention has been paid to the distributed clean energy revolution brewing in Bihar. But for all the hype generated by Minister Kumar, what's happening next door in Uttar Pradesh may be even more exciting. read more
News Blaze
Laws to Become More Gun-Friendly After NewtownGun owners are on a 'winning streak' Todd Vandermyde, the NRA's lobbyist in Illinois, told news media. Chicago-area lawmakers in the General Assembly 'had better realize that,' he threatened.
Lex Vander Urges FIFA to Give Somalia More Pri ...Mr. Lext Vander who returned to his country overnight on Friday after the successful completion of the first phase of the construction of Somalia's old soccer facility told his farewell ceremony at the Lido Sea Food restaurant
America Grinding Its Way Into Ever Increasing DebtMuch of the planet is slowly finding its way out of grinding poverty. America is grinding its way into ever increasing debt. Rate of American growth from 1750 until now is going in a poor direction.
Is US Weary of Obama?'Whose the most tired of US Administration, them or Us?
Did David Wineland and Serge Haroche Steal Ide ...Dr. Omerbashich says the Royal Swedish Academy is a Crime Scene and he has the proof that Nobel laureates stole his discovery.
3 super foods help your skin look younger Check out our favourite age-busting superfoods. Blueberries This little berry has so many health benefits that we don't know where to start. Its rich vitamin C content aids...
A cup of tea and its many benefits While everyone is addicted to coffee, be it a cappuccino or espresso, not many are aware of the hazards of the consumption of excess caffeine, as compared to the good old cuppa tea. So reduce your intake of coffee and drink tea more often. A few points...
Top 7 fruits for energy By the end of the day we are drained out and exhausted. It may be the heavy lunch that's making you drowsy and lethargic or the fact that you have burned out your energy reserves. So how would you bounce back - would you choose oily street food or healthy fruits? We...
Top 10 ways to reduce snoring Snoring - that loud, hoarse breathing that keeps partners and neighbours wide awake all night - is a nuisance. Snoring counts as a sleep disorder, which can have serious medical problems like sleep apnea and social problems as well. In order to tackle this sleep troubling phenomena, and allo ...
4th record year for visitor head count? Travel to Orlando is expected to increase slightly in 2013, driven by Americans' growing desire to get away for a while and by solid growth in the number of international...
Alex in Wonderland
Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embed ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any T ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
Afghan Elections Rigged on Video? (Video)Yes, people videotaped it and Al Jazeera broke the story.
Fuckin’ Oil, Where Did It Went?With 90% of up to 4.4 million barrels of oil 'unaccounted for', it's now... still unaccounted for.
U.S. Troops ‘Killing for Sport’ in Afghanistan ...Taped interrogations of four soldiers charged in theatrically slaying numerous Afghan civilians were obtained by CNN and ABC. CNN's report includes the soldiers' rampant drug abuse and a before unreported case of staging the murder of an Afghan civilian.
MY Daily Apple
As Hurricane Sandy Battered East Coast, FP Org ...No one on the East Coast was totally prepared for the devastation unleashed by Hurricane Sandy last fall, but, on Staten Island, they got blindsided. Fortunately, one local family doctor realized that widespread flooding, massive power failures and overwhelming structura ...
Experts still split about what quantum theory ...Poll reveals diverse views about foundational questions in physics.
Are You Mentally Fit?You train your body, eat healthy and strive to improve your sports skills and game strategy, but how often do you work on your mental fitness? Sports psychology strategies can have a tremendous impact on your experience on (and off) the playing field, but very few athletes have a clea ...
How to Choose a Personal TrainerChoosing a personal trainer or PT requires careful consideration if you are to get good value and results for your money. How qualified are they; what experience do they have for your requirements; what are their 'personal' skills (which is important); and where will they train you?&# ...
[Perspectives] On the shoulders of giantsIf I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giantsIsaac Newton, 1676
Common Dreams
US 'Seconded' French Airstrikes in Mali as Rep ...Reports of innocent civilians killed—including children—have surfaced following bombings by French fighter jets in rebel-held sections of Mali over the weekend. As French soldiers also landed in the north African former colony, officials indicated their military intervention in the n ...
A Voice from Afghanistan: 'US Drones Bury Beau ...The interview that follows was conducted by Kathy Kelly and Maya Evans, members of the US- and UK-based chapters of Voices for Creative Nonviolence (VCVN). Raz Mohammad, an Afghan Peace Volunteer, is a Pashtun from Maidan Wardak province in eastern Afghanistan. _________________________________ ...
Palestinian Bab Al-Sham 'Tent City' Raided by ...read more
Boycott of Standardized Tests Spreads as Seatt ...Opponents of the nation's relentless push for standardized testing in public schools have new champions in Seattle this week as teachers at one high school and now another have refused to issue such exams to their students, calling them a waste of "time and money" amid "dwindl ...
- After Three Years, Haiti Earthquake's Lingerin ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
Empty newsfeed.
Energy Collective
More Americans Want Tough Fracking RegulationsAmy Mall, Senior Policy Analyst, Washington, D.C.
New Oil Sands Pipeline Plan Would Dramatically ...The annual flow of carbon through the proposed twinning project and the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway project (presuming full operation) would dwarf greenhouse gas emissions from British Columbia, an issue presented here in the past.
Weathering The Coming Storms: Governor Cuomo's ...New Yorkers are all too familiar with the devastation that followed, and the disruption that spread far beyond the water’s reach. As the immediate crises are resolved, our attention is now on the complex challenge of long-term resilience.
Future Energy Consumption: Natural Gas Poised ...The recent projections for future energy consumption from Exxon Mobil’s report, “Outlook for Energy,” and the EIA’s “Annual Energy Ou
Can Demand Response Help Us Achieve 100% Renew ...A recent study proposed that a mix of wind and solar energy production, along with energy storage technology and a standby supply of fossil fuel could create a 99.9% renewable energy grid by 2030. Could demand response provide that extra .01%?
Green House - USA Today
Climate change affects each U.S. state, Web to ...How badly is climate change affecting your state? A new Web tool allows users to see how vulnerable their area has been to drought, flooding and heat extremes as well as the health problems that go along with them.
What's in your child's car seat? Study finds t ...What's a parent to do? You buy a car seat to keep your child safe but then find out, as a new study reports, that 60% of these products contain dangerous chemicals. The good news: some seats were found to be almost toxic-free.
U.S. cities require buildings to disclose ener ...Worried that the apartment you like could be an energy hog? Help is on the way as U.S. states and cities begin this year to require that commercial buildings measure and disclose their energy use.
Study: Climate change imperils Himalayan glaciers Two of three Himalayan glaciers -- both in humid areas of eastern Nepal -- could disappear if present climate change patterns continue, a study predicts.
Environmentalists cheer Obama's fuel economy hikePresident Obama's plan to double fuel efficiency standards for cars and light-duty trucks by 2025 received applause from environmentalists who had pressed for such action.
Prior Art
With $4.5 Billion Bid, Group Led by Apple and ...HASH(0xa1dc540)
Hangover Cure: Warner Bros. Settles Copyright ...HASH(0x4aa6940)
This Week in IP: Apps, Tats, and Patent Reform ...HASH(0x5fdc098)
App Backwards: Lodsys, Texas Troll, Targeted i ...HASH(0x4a616f8)
Supreme Court Rules Against Microsoft in i4i CaseHASH(0x4a53730)
Peoples Voice
Jeanne Manford, PFLAG founder, RIPMary Shaw I was saddened to learn of the recent death of Jeanne Manford, founder of an organization that eventually grew to become Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). Manford started the original support group in 1972, after her gay son had been beaten while participati ...
Permanent Afghanistan Occupation Plannedby Stephen Lendman America came to stay. Accelerated withdrawal claims reflect subterfuge. Washington officials and media scoundrels don't explain. Misinformation and illusion substitute for reality. Reuters headlined "Obama, Karzai accelerate end of US combat role in Afghanistan." ...
Chavismo in Venezuelaby Stephen Lendman Chavez remains hospitalized. He's recovering from complicated cancer surgery. It's his fourth in 18 months. His scheduled January 10 inauguration was postponed. Venezuelans turned out en masse. Tens of thousands gathered outside Caracas' Palacio de Miraflores. It's Chavez's ...
Lest we forget, an attack on Syria is an attac ...by chycho United States involvement in Syria has nothing to do with a repressive regime. After all, in 2002 the United States willingly used Assad’s regime to torture Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen, when they renditioned him to Syria from New York. The world was also quite grateful to S ...
Anti-Chavez Media War Ragesby Stephen Lendman It shouldn't surprise. It raged throughout his tenure. It continues while he's ill. It vilifies progressive Bolivarianism. It wants neoliberal harshness replacing it. It ignores responsible social reform. It's dismissive of Chavez's overwhelming popularity. He rescued Venezu ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Joel Bakan to speak at the CCPA-BC Annual Gala ...We're pleased to announce that author and filmmaker Joel Bakan will be the featured speaker at our Annual Gala. Joel is the author of the widely-acclaimed book The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power (a companion to the documentary film), and Childhood Under Siege: How Bi ...
Interview with Scott Sinclair on trade and Atl ...CBC recently interviewed CCPA senior researcher Scott Sinclair about his report, Globalization, Trade Treaties and the Future of the Atlantic Canadian Fisheries. The report raises concerns about the impact trade treaties like CETA could have on the regulation of Atlantic fisheries. Wa ...
Executive pay in Canada: Overcompensating?For Canada’s 100 highest paid CEOs, the rewards start clocking in very early into the New Year. By 1:18pm on January 2, the first official working day of the year, Canada’s top 100 CEOs will have already pocketed $45,448. It takes the average Canadian an entire year of full-time w ...
Mapping Corporate Power in Saskatchewan"Mapping Corporate Power in Saskatchewan" traces the ties between the major corporate contributors to both the Saskatchewan Party and the New Democratic Party, and their links to other corporate interest and advocacy groups. The research demonstrates that Saskatchewan corporations have the netwo ...
Ontario 2013: Toward a Post-Austerity VisionOn January 9th, the CCPA's Ontario Office will be hosting an update on the province’s economy and a strategy session focusing on how to move toward a post-austerity vision. Ontario 2013: Toward a Post-Austerity Vision 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, January 9, 2013 (lunch included) Thomas Lounge, Oakham H ...
World Wide Hippies
Locate To Speak Like Presidential Candidate Ba ...Our government’s popularity during his campaign period turned up along with unusual designer shoes that a majority of had great outcomes to his followers, the designers came back up with one styles of work of his handle plastered all across. Until these days, everyone see heritage perpetua ...
‘The Unapologetic Hippie’ – ...To contact Phil or find out more: check out his website and blog For a copy of HUNGA DUNGA Phil Polizatto – Worldwide Hippies Bureau Chief – West Coast USA, is a graduate of The School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. He was a feature writer for the overseas division of UPI ...
Revolution 99% Update: “Don’t drea ...Yoko Ono Takes Fight Against Gas Drilling to Albany ALBANY — For months they have been descending on Albany: farmers, environmentalists, latter-day hippies and placard-bearing parents. But on Friday, the forces against hydraulic fracturing, a method for drilling for natural gas, brought to Alban ...
Tiny Horrors: A Chilling Reminder of How Cruel ...MARY ANNETTE PEMBER,indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/ - For such small objects, the child’s handcuffs are surprisingly heavy when cradled in the palms of one’s hand. Although now rusted from years of disuse, they still convey the horror of their brutal purpose, which was to restrain Native chi ...
Sewage Flows After Storm Expose Flaws in SystemNov. 29, 2012 Uli Seit for The New York Times Workers this week replacing pumps at the Bay Park sewage-treatment plant in East Rockaway, N.Y., on Long Island, that were damaged by Hurricane Sandy. More Photos » EAST ROCKAWAY, N.
Extensive coal ash contamination found in US w ...Oct. 22, 2012 Recent data released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) show that as many as 197 different sites across 37 states registered violations to federal drinking water statutes due to contamination from coal ash produced by power plants nearby. Coal ash impoundment sites, calle ...
Defeat the planet-killing trade dealNov. 28, 2012 Right now, the tar sands, a toxic oil reserve almost the size of Saudi Arabia's but over 3 times as dangerous for climate change, sits landlocked in Northern Canada. People power has twice blocked new pipelines into this poison, but now we have a bigger challenge. A new trade d ...
Great Barrier Reef at a CrossroadsCAIRNS, Australia, Jul 18 2012 (IPS) - The world’s largest and best protected coral reef will be doomed by Australia’s unprecedented scale of planned coal and gas development, experts say. The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest reef system, with 3,000 reefs running 2,300 ...
Special Investigation: The Earthquakes and Tox ...July 31, 2012 Fracking is facilitating an oil and gas boom in the Buckeye State, and Ohioans have reason to be shaken up about the issue. Between the spring of 2011 and early 2012, a fracking waste injection well known as Northstar 1 caused more than a dozen minor earthquakes near Youngstown, Oh ...
Crisis Maven
The End Game or: How the Dupes were Duped or: ...The Euro was probably the most hyped-in currency the world may have ever known. That fact alone should have been reason for suspicion. In this article we contrast some of the eulogies heaped on the Euro back in around 2001/2002 when it was introduced as a tangible currency with these past weeks& ...
The End Game or: How the Dupes were Duped or: ...The Euro was probably the most hyped-in currency the world may have ever known. That fact alone should have been reason for suspicion. In this article we contrast some of the eulogies heaped on the Euro back in around 2001/2002 when it was introduced as a tangible currency with these past weeks& ...
Neutrinos, Physics, Meteors and the Survival o ...As you may have noticed, CrisisMaven recently dabbled in speculative thought about the role of a universe-wide encyclopedia cum news service. The reason this came about was that recently at the Large Hadron Collider around Geneva/Switzerland and crossing under the French border a team of scienti ...
Neutrinos, Physics, Meteors and the Survival o ...As you may have noticed, CrisisMaven recently dabbled in speculative thought about the role of a universe-wide encyclopedia cum news service. The reason this came about was that recently at the Large Hadron Collider around Geneva/Switzerland and crossing under the French border a team of scienti ...
Archaeology, the Internet and NeutrinosOr: Space and the Universe are a Palimpsest . Most recently Israeli archaeologists unearthed a crusader’s inscription believed to be around 800 years old and, which is why it makes headlines, written in Arabic. For those who have followed archaelogical progress over several decades (and re ...
Capital Flow Analysis
Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted ...
Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagfl ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest ...
How long would it take to work off the US trad ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy p ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the curren ...
Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
A Look at DuPont Biofuel’s Work on Cellulosic ...Robert Rapier interviewed Mr. Jan Koninckx, global director of biofuels for DuPont Industrial Biosciences regarding DuPont's efforts in 2nd generation biofuels. DuPont is currently engaged in two major projects to commercialize advanced biofuels.
The Top 10 Energy Stories of 2012Happy New Year’s to readers everywhere! Last week we posted a poll listing 15 of the major energy stories of 2012. Readers voted, and the Top 10 are presented below with a short narrative describing the story. 1. Revolution in US oil and gas production continues The fracking revolution in ...
Vote for the Top Energy Stories of 2012For the past several years, at year end I rank what I felt were the the major energy stories of the year. 2012 lacked a blockbuster energy story like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 or the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 2011, so I thought I would change things up a bit and just le ...
Grading My Energy-Related Predictions for 2012In my list of Top 10 Energy Related Stories of 2011, I made five predictions for 2012. Those predictions were: President Obama will easily win reelection, which means that energy policies will likely continue along the current trajectory. The Keystone Pipeline project will be approved (although ...
An Oil Company Finds Itself On the Losing End ...When most people hear the term "fossil fuel subsidies" it conjures up images of governments giving their hard-earned tax dollars to already highly profitable oil companies. But a Brazilian subsidy is causing Petrobras to import gasoline and sell at 8% below cost.
Discovery Educator Network
A Teacher's Ultimate Destination for Virtual F ...Tags: virtualfieldtrips, virtual field trips, virtual, teachers, trips, fieldtrips, technologyby: Carolyn Rains
iCell for iPad Gives Students 3D Views of Cell ...Tags: cells, apps, biology, iPadby: Tim Childers
Elizabeth English: Why So Many Schools Remain ...Comments:"Educational leaders have to have the courage to reinvent our schools for real this time. And our teachers must be teachers of children as well as teachers of their subject area. This means possessing pedagogical knowledge -- the tools in the tool belt to design a lesson for the student ...
Little AlchemyTags: alchemy, interactive, scienceby: Dean Mantz
The Long-Term Effects Of Skipping Your Homewor ...Tags: reading, long-term, effects, skipping, homeworkby: John Evans
Rodale News
Are You Getting Scammed by Whole Grains?Eating whole grain foods is one of the healthiest ways to add more protein and fiber to your diet. It's also one of the fastest ways to get an unexpected dose of sugar and calories, if you're not paying attention to the quality of the whole grain products you're buying, according to a new study ...
Survive the Worst Flu Season in YearsThis year's flu season is turning out to be a doozy. People are succumbing to the illness in record numbers—in some areas, at levels that rival the notorious 2009 swine flu epidemic. And yet, things can, and are, getting worse. Not only are seasonal flu outbreaks plaguing the country, but doct ...
The Sad Facts about Diet SodaDiet soda is filled with genetically modified ingredients and, despite the "diet" part, doesn't actually help you lose weight, according to a number of studies suggesting that it contributes as much to weight gain as regular soda. The newest diet-soda downer? Depression, according to ...
The Smartest County in America? Bisphenol A is easily one of the most controversial chemicals you're exposed to every day. The chemicals industry insists that BPA is safe in spite of all the independent research suggesting that it interferes with reproductive and metabolic hormones and that it may cause heart disease and some ...
Pesticides: A New Threat to Food Safety?Could the pesticides being used to grow animal feed be making those same animals riskier to eat? The results of a new study out of Germany suggest that they might be. Roundup, one of the most commonly used pesticides in the U.S., is frequently applied to corn and soy, the two crops that make up ...
big think
Why Your Brain Contradicts ItselfWhat's the Latest Development? A particular theory of the mind may help explain why so many reasonable people are given to contradicting themselves in such obvious ways, seeing eye-to-eye with science when it comes to brushing their teeth but not on the topic of evolution, for example. C ...
Charity, Accuracy and Being "Nice" in (Online) ...In the middle of writing and reading about gun policy and morality, I was horrified to see responses to writer Sam Harris' essay on gun control. For example, this one by Ian Murphy makes no coherent argument and, uses more expletives and (inaccurate) character attacks than a drunken sailor; but ...
Why a Meaningful Life is More Fulfilling Than ...What's the Latest Development? A recent Gallup polls says Americans are happier today than they have been in the last four years. That may be small consolation given the largest economic crisis in two generations, which began about four years ago. But a forthcoming study in the Journal o ...
Why Your Mind Isn't Rational All the TimeWhat's the Latest Development? Humans are famously irrational, from betting against the odds to rationalizing wrong decisions. It turns out our brains may be hardwired to commit certain errors, but knowing what those errors are can help us avoid them. Confirmation bias attracts us to opi ...
A tribute to Aaron Swartz, the young hero of f ...Aaron Swartz was (amongst many, many other things) the co-author of RSS, the fantastic technology I described only in my last blog post as the technology that should be your New Year’s resolution to adopt: “If you make one New Year’s resolution this year, make it to throw out the ...
Information Liberation
Cop Who Shot & Paralyzed Unarmed Motorcyclist ...Remember the cowardly police officer who shot an unarmed motorcyclist in the back because he cooked up a paranoid fantasy he was reaching for a nonexistent gun? That police officer has now been given a second chance thanks to a gang of costume...
First Drug War Death of the YearWell, that didn't take long. A Tampa, Florida, man was shot and killed by undercover police officers during a drug sting Wednesday night. Robert Early Gary, Jr., 31, becomes the first person to die in US domestic drug law enforcement activities this ...
Newtown and the Bipartisan Police StateIn immediate response to the Newtown massacre, every pundit began pointing fingers and giving their answers. The problem was gun culture. No, the problem was feminism. Violent video games. Insufficient funding for programs for the mentally ill. Holly...
18 Facts That Prove That Piers Morgan Is Flat ...Piers Morgan is getting on television every night and flat out lying to the American people about gun control.* Nearly every statistic that he quotes is inaccurate and he fails to acknowledge a whole host of statistics that would instantly invalidate...
Alex Jones Interviewed on HuffPost LiveAlex Jones joins HuffPost Live to discuss his interview on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," which Morgan called "a perfect advertisement for gun control."...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
Early Exit For 2012If the Mayan calendar is correct, this is the final LibertyGibbert thread ever, so farewell. If it is wrong, then it’s simply the last thread for 2012. I’ve been so swamped with work lately, I need a month at least … Continue reading →
Early Exit For 2012If the Mayan calendar is correct, this is the final LibertyGibbert thread ever, so farewell. If it is wrong, then it’s simply the last thread for 2012. I’ve been so swamped with work lately, I need a month at least … Continue reading →
The Liberals Have Taken Over CaliforniaAn act of madness. Yet seemingly inevitable. Lost somewhere amid the circus of this month’s U.S. Presidential election was a potentially far more significant and historic poll result: that of the Californian state legislature. With a known population of 37.6 million, … Continue readi ...
The Liberals Have Taken Over CaliforniaAn act of madness. Yet seemingly inevitable. Lost somewhere amid the circus of this month’s U.S. Presidential election was a potentially far more significant and historic poll result: that of the Californian state legislature. With a known population of 37.6 million, … Continue readi ...
A Necessity Disguised As A VirtueEvents in Australia have overtaken my plans for two upcoming LibertyGibbert articles, one on Liberty and children, and the other on the Catholic Church. Yet the Gillard government’s announcement on Monday of a Royal Commission into institutional child sexual abuse … Continue reading ...
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
Shake it like a Polaroid pictureHilarious round up of the #overlyhonestmethods hashtag meme on twitter from Mark Lorch: “It all started with a neuropharmacologist researcher and blogger called Leigh when she tweeted "incubation lasted three days because this is how long the undergrad forgot the experiment in the frid ...
Shake it like a Polaroid pictureHilarious round up of the #overlyhonestmethods hashtag meme on twitter from Mark Lorch: “It all started with a neuropharmacologist researcher and blogger called Leigh when she tweeted “incubation lasted three days because this is how long the undergrad forgot the experiment in the fr ...
Spectral linesDicarbonyl didact – NMR spectroscopy has been used to investigate dicarbonyl sugars formed inside the human body from the natural breakdown of the simple sugar, glucose. The implications for understanding the link with diabetes are discussed. Biochemist Anthony Serianni and postdoctoral re ...
Spectral linesDicarbonyl didact – NMR spectroscopy has been used to investigate dicarbonyl sugars formed inside the human body from the natural breakdown of the simple sugar, glucose. The implications for understanding the link with diabetes are discussed. Biochemist Anthony Serianni and postdoctoral re ...
Musical emotion detectorMusic recommendation systems have been around for a while, last.fm, Pandora, Spotify, Peter Gabriel’s “The Filter” and more recently they have been extended into the social domain, just like it was in the days before mp3s and Napster when we used to make mix tapes for each othe ...
RFF Library
Is Biopower Carbon Neutral?Congressional Research Service www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41603.pdf [UNT Digital Library] This report assesses the variables involved in determining whether or not biopower (i.e., electricity generated from biomass) is a carbon-neutral alternative to fossil fuels as a way to help meet meet U.S. e ...
Unleashing Private-Sector Energy R&D: Insights ...American Energy Innovation Council / byJeffrey Rissman and Maxine Savitz http://americanenergyinnovation.org/staff-research/unleashing-private-sector-energy-rd-2013/ [From an E&E News PM article by Hannah Northey, sub. req'd] Weak federal support for research and development, limited access ...
Review of the Federal Ocean Acidification Rese ...National Research Council http://bit.ly/VUgJAX [Description] The world’s ocean has already experienced a 30% rise in acidity since the industrial revolution, with acidity expected to rise 100 to 150% over preindustrial levels by the end of this century. Potential consequences to marine li ...
EPA Extending Comment Period on Pavillion Frac ...US EPA https://s3.amazonaws.com/public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2013-00358.pdf [Summary] U.S. EPA is delaying its work on the Pavillion, Wyo., water pollution case by more than eight months, angering both sides in the bitter debate about whether drilling and EPA is announcing an extension ...
H.R. 2273 and S. 3512: Analysis of Proposals t ...Congressional Research Service http://1.usa.gov/13lx9a6 [InsideEPA.com Dec. 10, sub. req'd] The Congressional Research Service (CRS) says legislation to circumvent EPA’s pending coal ash disposal rule with state-crafted standards would be an “unprecedented” move by creating a delegated was ...
Scientific American - News
U.S. Effort on Ocean Acidification Needs Focus ...A federal plan to tackle ocean acidification must focus more on how the changes will affect people and the economy, according to a review of the effort by a panel of the National Research Council. [More]
Pompeii "Wall Posts" Reveal Ancient Social Net ...Think of it as the earliest version of the Facebook wall post: Ancient Pompeii residents revealed their social networks through graffiti on actual walls. [More]
Star Near Our Solar System May Be the Oldest KnownAstronomers have discovered the Methuselah of stars -- a denizen of our Solar System's neighborhood that is at least 13.2 billion years old and formed shortly after the Big Bang. [More]
Flu Hits U.S. Early and HardU.S. health officials announced early in December that this year’s influenza season had started early and they predicted it would hit hard. Unfortunately, as reports from around the country make clear, they were right. [More]
Epigenetics Posited as Important for Success o ...Two things are thought to be crucial for evolutionary adaptation: genetic diversity and long periods of time, in which advantageous mutations accumulate. So how do invasive species, which often lack genetic diversity, succeed so quickly? Some ecologists are beginning to think that environmental, ...
First Truths
The Anarchist LineageInteresting passage from Samuel Clark's Living Without Domination: The Possibility of an Anarchist Utopia. I would wonder what the anarchists I know think of the various lists referenced here: This account of anarchism as a permanent human tendency has been attacked by a number of authors. ...
"Crisis of the State"From Simon Clark's Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Crisis of the State: However this structural crisis was not the result of the changing functional requirements of changes in the labour process, but of the tendency for capital accumulation to take the form of the overaccumulation and uneven d ...
"Aspects of the Post-Ricardian Literature"Interesting and thought-provoking passage from Samuel Hollander's Economics and Ideology: Aspects of the Post-Ricardian Literature (1979): It was Marx's position, as we have mentioned, that while the labor writers of the 1820s drew upon Ricardo's value theory to reach their conclusion regarding ...
"Integrated Geographies"From Anthony Ince's Whither Anarchist Geography?:It has been said that anarchism combines a socialist critique of liberalism and a liberal critique of socialism. Its refusal to focus merely on "economics" or "freedom" or "culture," and so on, means that anarchism is inherently multifaceted and a ...
Colbert on AtheistsI enjoyed this passage from Stephen Colbert's I Am America (And So Can You!): AtheistsThese No-goodnik no-Godniks are growing in numbers and power in America. It makes me wonder how a God could exist Who'd allow people to piss me off so much.Luckily, a recent survey published in the American Soc ...
Media Co-Op
Solidarité / Solidarity with/avec IDLE NO MORE ...
CETA and the Atlantic FisheriesNew trade treaties jeopardize our ability to regulate fisheries K'jipuktuk (Halifax) — A new report on the impact of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement ( ...
Idle No More Downtown Van Robson & Burrard #J1 ...On January 11th, after a large rally at Vancouver city hall, another Idle No More event starts outside CTV @ Robson & Burrard in the centre of downtown Vancouver, then ...
Idle No More: SurreyOn 12 Janurary 2013, around 150 indigenous people and allies gathered in Surrey as part of the ongoing Idle No More movement.
BC Housing bails out Sequel 138 condosHousing Minister Rich Coleman buys BC Housing’s first condo? BC Housing bails out Sequel 138 condos BY Harold Lavender What a shock to read the recent article by Mark Hasiuk in the Province (November 20). He states, “according ...
David Seaton's News Links
Whither Obama David Seaton's News LinksThe demographic shift evident in the last election and the growing estrangement of the aspirational middle class from the super rich and a general disenchantment with the "conservative revolution" is offering the president-elect some interesting opportunities. However it ...
New Year's Re(v)olutionsPOTUS sits in Rosa Park's seat"It would be a good idea"Mahatma Gandhi, when asked his opinion of western civilization.Putting content into fine words would be the greatest of revolutions, now and always. Cynics today might be forgiven for thinking that the words of Jesus are often only used ...
The "cliff"David Seaton's News Links This is the perfect occasion to resurrect one of my favorite rants, that political paralysis in America is not a byproduct of ideological struggle but the principal objective of the billionaire front, that in the interest of economy I call, the "Tea-Fox-Koch-Murdoch-Bec ...
The Spanish Economic Crisis ExplainedDavid Seaton's News LinksIn case you are interested, this hour long documentary from the BBC gives a very workmanlike breakdown of how it all happened. Spain is the canary in the coal mine for the world's top economies, because of its large size and its fragility. The story carries lessons for e ...
The Sandy Hook school massacreDavid Seaton's News Links I have little to add to everything written about this horrible massacre. I find myself especially moved by the heroism of the school teachers that died trying to protect the children in their care. There should be a statue of them in Washington and a wreath laid at its ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
Platinum Coins and Banana RepublicsA couple of days ago Greg Sargent emailed to ask me why I was so opposed to the $1 trillion platinum coin as a way of evading the debt ceiling. After all, a lot of liberals argue that Republicans are threatening to turn the United States into a banana republic by refusing to allow our bills to ...
Chart of the Day: We're Driving Less and Less ...Justin Horner points out today that, against all odds, Americans are continuing to drive less and less. Vehicle miles traveled per person plateaued in 2005 and then started declining dramatically in 2008. On average, Americans drove about 700 miles per year less in 2012 than they did in 2007. ...
Sorry, Peeps: No Platinum Coin For YouWhen it comes to the Most Important Political Topic Of Our Times™—namely the possible minting of a $1 trillion platinum coin—Ezra Klein advances the ball today. The idea behind this slow-news-week chimera is that the Treasury would mint the coin, deposit it at the Fed, and vo ...
Lead and Crime: A Response to Jim ManziA couple of days ago Jim Manzi posted a long and technical critique of my hypothesis that gasoline lead is strongly linked to the rise and fall of violent crime that we've experienced over the past half century. (Detailed in "Criminal Element" in our current issue.) It's the kind of critique t ...
Friday Cat Blogging - 11 January 2013Last week we were collectively musing about how to get a wider variety of cat + quilt photos, and one suggestion was to make a tent out of the quilt and just wait for Domino to burrow under it. As you can see, this worked like a charm. Especially during chilly Southern California winters (low ...
Insanity Report
IC 373: As Useful As AquamanTopic: Being Lame on the Internet “Caping” for friends isn’t a bad thing Nerds & Geeks can be the worst lames on the Internet No one wants to be a nerd How Joe lost on Catfish Casting for Batman “As Useful As Aquaman” Why the Oscars are worthless Leonardo DiCap ...
IC 372: 2013 Pet PeevesTopic: First show of 2013 and Kriss & Kev are joined by Karen from The Black Guy Who Tips. They discuss their Pet Peeves that they aren’t putting up with in 2013. Share with your friends:
IC 371: The NWFO BibleTopic: Stupid Reality Shows #AvengersInitiative on Django How to deal with people who ignore the #AvengersInitiative The Bible is a terrible book Michael Bay Bible Translations The NWFO casts for The Bible movie Best Directors How good of a director is Ben Affleck? Overrated directors Share with ...
IC 370: Conscious Rapper SyndromeTopic: Kriss’ new tablet Teaching your kids about computers & technology early Kriss spills the secret about working in the computer field Django was awesome Black “Intellectuals” vs Tarantino Spike Lee & the “Conscious Rapper Syndrome” Kriss explains what ...
IC 369: Bulletproof BookbagsTopic: Kev’s job sucks Treating public servants horribly We are the problem No one really cares about mental health Twitter etiquette More guns won’t make you safer Gun control might be necessary but make a better argument Share with your friends:
Simple Climate
Delays raise emission halt urgencyStaying under the 2°C warming target demands a serious action rethink, find Steve Davis at University of California, Irvine and team-mates, after updating a method that breaks down the steps needed into “wedges”.
Climate limits room at the global dinner tableWith farming producing up to one-third of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, and more people wanting more meat, agricultural research faces big challenges to avoid us having to make more difficult choices about what we eat.
Warming brings home the value of a mealResearch into how climate change affects agriculture, and therefore the food we eat, shows the challenges farmers face and the knock-on costs to the rest of us.
2012’s record events put climate in mindWet summers and droughts, deadly storms, Arctic melting and Antarctic freezing. How do climate records in 2012 fit in with the broader picture of climate change?
Can we trust climate models?I’ve asked scientists I’ve spoken to for blog entries and articles published this year why we use models, how we know they’re accurate, and how to understand their projections.
e!Science News
Flu vaccine rates in children remain lower tha ...This year's flu season is in full swing with 41 states now reporting widespread illness. read more
Notre Dame astronomers find massive supply of ...Galaxies have a voracious appetite for fuel -- in this case, fresh gas -- but astronomers have had difficulty finding the pristine gas that should be falling onto galaxies. Now, scientists have provided direct empirical evidence for these gas flows using new observations from the Hubble Space Te ...
Game-based economics research explains why we ...With 41 states having reported widespread and severe outbreaks of flu this season, timely new research sheds light on why less than half of the American population has gotten a flu shot. read more
Nearby dwarf galaxy and possible protogalaxy d ...Peering deep into the dim edges of a distorted pinwheel galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major (the Great Bear), astronomers at Case Western Reserve University and their colleagues have discovered a faint dwarf galaxy and another possible young dwarf caught before it had a chance to form any sta ...
Breath test identifies bacteria's fingerprintScientists have identified the chemical 'fingerprints' given off by specific bacteria when present in the lungs, potentially allowing for a quick and simple breath test to diagnose infections such as tuberculosis. read more
Friday Finds: The Ocean’s Plastics PredicamentPlus: New FDA food rules and record-breaking heat waves A collection of plastic washed up along a beach San Francisco, Calif. (Kevin Krejci / Flickr) Tin ...
Arctic Needs Independent Review Of DrillingSalazar announces 60-day investigation Kulluk, grounded off the coast of Alaska on Jan. 3, 2012. (U.S. Coast Guard) Today, the Department of the Interi ...
World’s Largest Coal Exporter Feels Climate ChaosAustralia swelters as coal industry industry brags It's hot in Australia. (Stephen Mitchell) This week, our friends down under are experiencing climate chaos ...
Shell's Drill Rigs Requiring Extra Federal Att ...Obama must halt dangerous, misguided operations in Arctic Ocean The conical drilling unit Kulluk sits aground 40 miles southwest of Kodiak City, AK, on the shore of Sitkalidak Island, Jan. ...
Shell's Drill Rigs Requiring Extra Federal Att ...It’s time for Obama to halt dangerous, dirty, and misguided operations in the Arctic Ocean The conical drilling unit Kulluk sits aground 40 miles southwest of Kodiak City, AK, on the shore ...
Brave New Climate
Next Nukes – how U.S.-European cooperati ...As the debate over climate policy picks up again in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and President Obama’s reelection, policymakers should prioritize efforts that will accelerate the adoption of zero-carbon technologies, especially the only proven baseload source available: next generation nuclear. W ...
2012 BNC stats in reviewThe WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. (Note: about mid-way through the year, the site closed WP comments and moved them to the BNC Forums – this led to a redirection of many pageviews to the new site). Here’s an excerpt: About 55,000 tour ...
Energy White Paper is hazy on future vision fo ...The Energy White Paper 2012 (EWP2012), released by the Australian Government last week, seeks to map out a strategic policy framework for future energy supply. One of the major goals of EWP2012 is to provide a “clear vision” of how Australia should set about the long-term task of decarbonising o ...
CSIRO Energy Future 2050 toolCSIRO eFuture have built a new tool for exploring scenarios of Australia’s electricity future. It gives great flexibility to ‘build your own future’ and is a wonderful point of reference for debates on clean energy pathways from today through to 2050. It’s based, among ot ...
Objective analysis of nuclear and wind-solar o ...I’ve never asked the BNC community for any financial contribution. There’s no tip jar on the site; indeed I happily fund the website costs out of my pocket and give my time freely, because I think it’s a worthwhile pursuit. But now, I’d like to ask you to give a little, t ...
Indigenist Opinion
Woodlands Water HeaterWoodlands water heater area unit price effective alternatives to standard heaters, which need a considerable quantity of energy. Straightforward to put in, woodlands water heater don't need a vessel to produce plight. Woodlands water heater area unit best-known by completely different names like ...
CHOOSE CARPET FOR DECORATING YOUR HOMEChoosing a carpet for your home is no easy task. Regardless of whether you’re looking for a textured and more luxurious carpet or cut pile, Berber, frieze or patterned carpet, today’s have a vast selection of all the styles and color choices you could need. Some companies will allow you t ...
The Best Sources for Real Estate ListingsPosting your home into some credible Real Estate Listings are the best way you can do if you want to sell your property right away. It is not expensive either to do real estate listing. Most of home sellers nowadays have got their property listed for a very minimal amount, and most of these sell ...
House HoppingHouse Hopping Adolescent years are a challenge. For everyone involved. Young individuals searching, yearning for their independence though not yet prepared to manage the cost/benefit scales of life. Crazed parents hurt by their child's sudden rebuttals and scared by both their loss of control ...
Buying PropertyBuying Property In buying property, you need to know on the things on what you want to do in on your property. It also means that anything you want to wish to have in your property. It can be like a beautiful view in which you can view the sea or the city or an urbanized area. Well, people do ...
Republicans are a Disease
Worried About The Deficit?Maybe we could have some of the Americans that have 8 trillion dollars sitting in the tax havens pay some taxes? You know, the folks that are hoarding all the money their “investments” squeezed out of your family. Remember, for every dollar Mitt Romney pays in taxes, I pay $4, if you ...
Poor? Sick? Have Republican Governor? You̵ ...I just don’t understand why the millions of uninsured Americans who can’t afford to see a doctor don’t demand care. They could surround every capitol building in every state with a Republican Terrorist Governor and demand health care. Millions upon millions of Americans are one ...
Are You Really A Republican? A Conservative?To be a Republican / Conservative these days, you must agree that the following is just fine: A small business owner who makes a fair living will pay taxes at a rate over 4 times as high as wealthy Americans. These small business owners pay both sides of wage withholding taxes soon to equal 15.3 ...
Time To Leave RepublicansThis is a great time to tell all of your friends you have left the Republican Party. I mean who would want to be a Republican these days. The facts are simple. Today’s Republican Party stands for nothing but greed, and evil. They don’t respect women, hate minorities, and seem to only ...
Today We Honor All VeteransNo trashing Republicans today. Some of them may be Republicans, and for one day I can go easy on them out of respect for their service.
Appalachia Rising
Donate to Appalachia Rising Legal Defense!Donate to Appalachia Rising Legal Defense On June 5th, 22 Appalachians were arrested in Washington DC, refusing to leave the offices of their Congresspeople until their representatives committed to taking steps toward ending mountaintop removal. You supported these men and … Continue readi ...
Judge Says Quaker Pro-Mountain Demonstrators & ...PHILADELPHIA – Two Quakers, Vint Deming (78) and Gail Newbold (62), were found guilty on Thursday of Defiant Trespass and Conspiracy to Commit Trespass following their arrest and trial for a nonviolent religious witness at PNC Bank’s Center City headquarters … Continue reading →
Donations Needed for Legal Support of 22 ArrestedAll 22 Mountain Heroes are out of jail as of late night on Wednesday. However, they will all be making a return trip to Washington DC in July for a court hearing. This trip will be expensive, as well as … Continue reading →
Shaving Their Heads in Mourning and ProtestOn Memorial Day, nearly 20 people shaved their heads in mourning and protest of mountaintop removal. Today, 5 more people joined them. 1. Shaving their heads in an act of mourning and protest of mountaintop removal., 2. Shaving their heads … Continue reading →
Video from Rep. Griffith (R-VA) Congressional ...West Virginian’s singing “Country Roads Take Me Home” as the police escort them out of Rep. Rahall’s office.
Amped Status
‘Another World Is Happening’ ̵ ...Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, interviews David DeGraw about the birth and evolution of Occupy Wall Street on its one year anniversary: "This is about empowering a new generation to be leaders, to be engaged.... We have millions of people engaged in creating change that were not engaged an ...
As the 99% Movement Evolves, It’s Time t ...By David DeGraw “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” – Bob Dylan For those of us in the 99% Movement who started organizing Occupy in the spring of 2011, Flag Day June 14th marks the one-year anniversary since we first gathered in Zuccotti Park and 22 other loc ...
The Evolution of the ButterflyRenowned cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton narrates the process of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly over a milieu of imagery in "The Evolution of the Butterfly". The film combines first hand footage from the Occupy Wall Street movement with stylized portraits of the recent eco ...
After Being Beaten and Arrested Several Times, ...This is Daniel Murphy @ Union Square on March 22nd:
- Fault Lines: History of an Occupation
Eviction of Palestinian outpost exposes double ...The consequences of the the Israeli government decision go beyond the action against the Palestinian community in Bab Al-Shams. By evicting the residents, Netanyahu has made a mockery of the Israeli High Court and, in turn, the rule of law. In the early hours of Sunday morning, hundreds of Israe ...
Army closes in on Palestinian outpost, activis ...Less than two days after the new Palestinian outpost-village, Bab Al-Shams, was set up in the E1 area outside Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered authorities to evict the activists and dismantle the tents. Following Netanyahu’s order, police forces arrived on the scene and ...
WATCH: Palestinian teens attack Orthodox Jews ...This video, of Palestinian teens attacking Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem, really made me sick. Related PHOTOS: Under the fresh white Jerusalem snow, hatred still bubbles A week in photos: January 3-9
A real alternative? Tzipi Livni is far worse t ...Despite her direct responsibility for two wars which took the lives of 2,000 civilians, and her uncompromising, hawkish positions during negotiations with the Palestinians, Tzipi Livni is still considered an acceptable choice for the Israeli ‘peace camp.’ It is time for the public to ...
With (pro-Israel) friends like these, who need ...While the mainstream debate over Israel in the U.S. is changing as more people challenge the traditional ‘pro-Israel’ paradigm, it must also be accompanied by a shift in rhetoric. Roger Cohen, one of the New York Times writers I like most, wrote an op-ed this week called “Israe ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
Dawn breaks on a new Antarctic eraThe Gillard Government is today taking initial steps towards a new Antarctic icebreaker to replace the ageing Research and Supply Vessel Aurora Australis.
Australian Government welcomes South Korea wha ...The Gillard Government welcomes the official confirmation by the Republic of Korea that it will not go ahead with a lethal so called "scientific" whaling program.
Working together to learn more about Southern ...Environment Minister Tony Burke today announced a new international collaboration to share information on the rare Antarctic blue and killer whales.
Australian Government condemns Japan's decisio ...The Australian Government is aware of reports that the Japanese whaling fleet has left Japan for the Southern Ocean.
Funding to help plan for the impacts of climat ...Environment Minister Tony Burke today launched Stream 1 of the Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund, an important component of the Government's Clean Energy Future Plan.
Matt Weidner Blog
The Federal Government Kills Another Peaceful ..."Aaron’s death is not simply a personal tragedy," the statement reads. "It is the product of a criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach. Decisions made by officials in the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney’s office and at MIT contributed to his death. The US Attorney' ...
BREAKTROUGH RULING: BORROWER HAS STANDING TO C ...A Michigan state court found that a debtor may oppose foreclosure on the basis that the assignment of the mortgage to the foreclosing party was in violation of the Pooling and Service Agreement and, therefore, ineffective. HSBC Bank, USA v. Young, No. 11-693 (Cir. Ct. Mich. Oct. 16, 2012). HSBCR ...
BAD NEIGHBORS- WATCH HOW THE BANKS THREW HOMEO ...This website is from the Housing Justice Foundation….Very Good Information. Scridb filter
The Secret Behind The Federal Reserve “I ...Oversight by the regulators was nearly nonexistent, the reviewers said. Some employees hired by one of the consultants, Promontory Financial, to pore over hundreds of thousands of Bank of America foreclosures said that without a watchdog some consultants worked to minimize the number of homeowne ...
Foreclosure “Trials” In Florida 20 ...Let’s be very direct and clear about what’s happened here…The banks that crashed this world’s economy in 2008 then conspired with the United States Government to steal from our children and grandchildren in order to mask and cover up their crimes maintain such a flawed, f ...
abelard - news
a wonder of french road signing | the France z ...French idiosyncrasies of the road, and zealousness to instruct the driver!
transfer payments; price and value | economics ...Helping understand the ins and outs of what affects the Gross Domestic Product.
update on toll charges, february 2013 | motorw ...A new year and motorway tolls will go up again. Here is a round-up of what to expect.
absolute zero is absolute, but can look like i ...Yet again, sub-absolute zero temperatures are magically reached by smoke and mirrors, or in this case gas and lasers.
updated and expanded: other cathedral destruct ...Better details and illustrations of cathedrals battered, or even destroyed, during the French Revolution.
The Parallel Parliament
Humanity PairedTomorrow the next chapter of the adventure begins. Our life with south Sudan was irrevocably joined together, not by choice …Continue reading »
Home, But Not AloneOn Saturday we leave for our big excursion to the Republic of South Sudan. We take a team of 16 …Continue reading »
How Was 2012 For Women?My new Huffington Post piece on how women fared globally and in Canada in 2012. huff.to/UDkrBq Filed under: Citizenship, Politics, …Continue reading »
Goodwill HuntingAnd on earth, peace to those of goodwill … Luke 2:14 Today I turn 62. A birthday is always a …Continue reading »
The Things You Can’t Buy For ChristmasWe live in the most financially minded era in history; nothing previous compares to it. Somehow we have put ourselves …Continue reading »