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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 January - My Feedly!

English: Picture taken from the safari vehicle...
English: Picture taken from the safari vehicle, at a stream just beyond the main gate of the Bijrani Range of the Jim Corbett National Park. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: An Asian Elephant herd at Jim Corbett...
English: An Asian Elephant herd at Jim Corbett National Park. Uttarakhand, India. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Amazon.com, Apple, eBay, Barnes & Noble and Google The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Amazon.com, Apple, eBay, Barnes & Noble and Google • 27 days ago
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Chatham House Rule: Inside the Royal Institute of International Affairs
by James Corbett BoilingFrogsPost.com January 15, 2013 The Council on Foreign Relations is well known amongst researchers of parapolitics as one of the organizations of interest directing Washington’s foreign policy. Once derided as “conspiracy theory” the influence of the group is now a truism that is openly joked about in Washington’s foreign policy circles. What many do not know, however, is that the CFR is in fact a branch of a slightly older, slightly less-known organization: the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Born from the ashes of war-ravaged Europe following the Great War, t

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Interview 578 – Dr. James Tracy on the Sandy Hook Controversy
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Interview 577 – Radio Liberty: Ceilings and Repos and WOCUs
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Nano-Technology Initiative Launched by PCST
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Syria Comment
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Assad Does not Live Russian Ship; Islamists More Honest and Capable than FSA; Winter Misery
Report says Assad residing on warship [This story has been dismissed as having “no basis” by the CIA] 2013-01-14 RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 14 (UPI) — Syrian President Bashar Assad and his family have been living on a warship, with security provided by Russia, intelligence sources told a Saudi newspaper. … The circumstances reinforce Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s comment Sunday that Ass

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Thai ivory ban needed to save elephants
Massive quantities of African ivory are being laundered through shops in Thailand and fuelling the elephant poaching crisis, conservation group WWF says. The organization today is launching a global petition asking Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to ban all ivory trade in Thailand in order to curb the illegal killing of African elephants. Although it is against the law to sell ivory from

In These Times
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Who Will Replace Hilda Solis?
When Hilda Solis surprised many insiders by announcing last week that she was stepping down as Labor Secretary, she received rave reviews from labor leaders for her work over the past four years. In a public statement, AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka praised Solis—the first Latina to hold a post in the U.S. Cabinet—as staunchly "on the side of working families" and described her as a C
Rigging Democracy
Many center-left political analysts tout Barack Obama’s re-election as affirmation that the unfolding demographic changes in the United States will inevitably vanquish the Republican Party as we know it. But before progressives sit back on their heels and wait for history’s just rewards, a deeper look at the 2012 election results is in order. Obama’s victory overshadowed the fact that Republic

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Death Star Amendment
The internet is abuzz with the White House’s official, very amusing response to the online petitionto build a Death Star (This Isn’t the Petition Response You’re Looking For). (I will admit that I got a little silly myself on Twitter: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9) Even before the White House responded, there was a very amusing little gem making the rounds.  Some genius staffer on the House side create this m

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Oh, for goodness sake.
Of all the things I don't understand about this world, the Twitter flounce out only to return 24 hours or so later is one of the things that perplexes me most.  It's the kind of thing I used to do on games forums when I was 15; when you're 55 you really ought to be over it.This said, you can't help but sympathise with Suzanne Moore, if not with those who decided to come to her defence.

Politicol News
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Obama Speech on Debt Ceiling Jan. 14, 2013
Tweet Jan. 14, 2013 Today, the US President Obama warned of another global economic collapse at the hands of republican controlled house determined to destroy the economy. Although his speech evolved on a history lesson of what the debt ceiling is and is not, he outlined the responsibilities of Congress to pay it’s bills on... (read more)

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Boy, 12, Convicted of Killing Neo-Nazi Father
The tragedy of the racist and the son is now complete. A California judge found a 12-year-old boy guilty today of second-degree murder in the shooting death of his father, Jeff Hall, a West Coast leader of one of the country’s largest neo-Nazi groups, the National Socialist Movement. The boy was just 10 when he shot [...]
18 Hatewatch | South... / by Don Terry / 21 hours ago  
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