Republicans are a Disease
Worried About The Deficit?Maybe we could have some of the Americans that have 8 trillion dollars sitting in the tax havens pay some taxes? You know, the folks that are hoarding all the money their “investments” squeezed out of your family. Remember, for every dollar Mitt Romney pays in taxes, I pay $4, if you ...
Poor? Sick? Have Republican Governor? You̵ ...I just don’t understand why the millions of uninsured Americans who can’t afford to see a doctor don’t demand care. They could surround every capitol building in every state with a Republican Terrorist Governor and demand health care. Millions upon millions of Americans are one ...
Are You Really A Republican? A Conservative?To be a Republican / Conservative these days, you must agree that the following is just fine: A small business owner who makes a fair living will pay taxes at a rate over 4 times as high as wealthy Americans. These small business owners pay both sides of wage withholding taxes soon to equal 15.3 ...
Time To Leave RepublicansThis is a great time to tell all of your friends you have left the Republican Party. I mean who would want to be a Republican these days. The facts are simple. Today’s Republican Party stands for nothing but greed, and evil. They don’t respect women, hate minorities, and seem to only ...
Today We Honor All VeteransNo trashing Republicans today. Some of them may be Republicans, and for one day I can go easy on them out of respect for their service.
Appalachia Rising
Donate to Appalachia Rising Legal Defense!Donate to Appalachia Rising Legal Defense On June 5th, 22 Appalachians were arrested in Washington DC, refusing to leave the offices of their Congresspeople until their representatives committed to taking steps toward ending mountaintop removal. You supported these men and … Continue readi ...
Judge Says Quaker Pro-Mountain Demonstrators & ...PHILADELPHIA – Two Quakers, Vint Deming (78) and Gail Newbold (62), were found guilty on Thursday of Defiant Trespass and Conspiracy to Commit Trespass following their arrest and trial for a nonviolent religious witness at PNC Bank’s Center City headquarters … Continue reading →
Donations Needed for Legal Support of 22 ArrestedAll 22 Mountain Heroes are out of jail as of late night on Wednesday. However, they will all be making a return trip to Washington DC in July for a court hearing. This trip will be expensive, as well as … Continue reading →
Shaving Their Heads in Mourning and ProtestOn Memorial Day, nearly 20 people shaved their heads in mourning and protest of mountaintop removal. Today, 5 more people joined them. 1. Shaving their heads in an act of mourning and protest of mountaintop removal., 2. Shaving their heads … Continue reading →
Video from Rep. Griffith (R-VA) Congressional ...West Virginian’s singing “Country Roads Take Me Home” as the police escort them out of Rep. Rahall’s office.
Amped Status
‘Another World Is Happening’ ̵ ...Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, interviews David DeGraw about the birth and evolution of Occupy Wall Street on its one year anniversary: "This is about empowering a new generation to be leaders, to be engaged.... We have millions of people engaged in creating change that were not engaged an ...
As the 99% Movement Evolves, It’s Time t ...By David DeGraw “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” – Bob Dylan For those of us in the 99% Movement who started organizing Occupy in the spring of 2011, Flag Day June 14th marks the one-year anniversary since we first gathered in Zuccotti Park and 22 other loc ...
The Evolution of the ButterflyRenowned cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton narrates the process of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly over a milieu of imagery in "The Evolution of the Butterfly". The film combines first hand footage from the Occupy Wall Street movement with stylized portraits of the recent eco ...
After Being Beaten and Arrested Several Times, ...This is Daniel Murphy @ Union Square on March 22nd:
- Fault Lines: History of an Occupation
Campaign video decrying intermarriage is label ...With national elections less than two weeks away, political campaign videos are much in the news. A few days ago Noam Sheizaf wrote about the Balad party video that was banned, allegedly for mocking Hatikvah, the national anthem. Now Shas, the Mizrachi ultra-Orthodox party that is predominantly ...
Charges against J14 leader highlight suppressi ...J14 leader Daphni Leef has been charged with rioting, more than half a year after she was violently arrested during an attempt to reignite the protest movement of the summer of 2011. Her trial will begin on January 23. By Leehee Rothschild Look at this photo of Daphni Leef. Look at her, thrown a ...
No Give Backs! Facing down the Tel Aviv munici ...Three weeks ago, I received one of those hated bill-looking envelopes from the Tel Aviv municipality. It was not time for our hated Arnona bill to arrive, so I was skeptical about what they could possibly want from me. Enclosed were a letter and a bill for over 1,000 shekels. I found this strang ...
What Israeli Arabs really want from their leadersIt’s not what the Jewish majority likes to believe. A common Jewish Israeli criticism of Israeli Arab Knesset members is that they do a disservice to their constituents by focusing on high politics, mainly the Palestinian issue, instead of dealing with bread-and-butter economic issues tha ...
WATCH: Arab party’s elections ad banned ...The televised spots sponsored by Israel’s different political parties will begin airing tonight (Tuesday). Yesterday, the Central Election Committee banned Balad’s clip (below) for “mocking the national anthem.” The clip shows right-wing legislators (Avigdor Lieberman, Mi ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
Dawn breaks on a new Antarctic eraThe Gillard Government is today taking initial steps towards a new Antarctic icebreaker to replace the ageing Research and Supply Vessel Aurora Australis.
Australian Government welcomes South Korea wha ...The Gillard Government welcomes the official confirmation by the Republic of Korea that it will not go ahead with a lethal so called "scientific" whaling program.
Working together to learn more about Southern ...Environment Minister Tony Burke today announced a new international collaboration to share information on the rare Antarctic blue and killer whales.
Australian Government condemns Japan's decisio ...The Australian Government is aware of reports that the Japanese whaling fleet has left Japan for the Southern Ocean.
Funding to help plan for the impacts of climat ...Environment Minister Tony Burke today launched Stream 1 of the Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund, an important component of the Government's Clean Energy Future Plan.
Matt Weidner Blog
The Feds Enter Into A Sweetheart Settlment Wit ...Another side impact of the settlement scam that the feds entered into with the banks that no one it talking about, that the national press hasn’t even touched…. UNEMPLOYMENT OF THE GOOD PEOPLE WHO WERE HIRED TO DO THE INVESTIGATIONS! TAMPA — Nearly 500 local contractors who reviewed ...
Remember (One of) The Companies That Crashed T ...Remember AIG? The people whose reckless business practices helped create the financial crisis that landed us smack in the middle of this awful global recession? The people who we, the taxpayers, had to bail out to the tune of $182 billion dollars to avert a complete collapse of the global financ ...
Sickening, Disgusting, The Government Conspire ...Americans who have been filling out the forms sent to them by the government as part of the fraudclosure settlements who think they will have any practical impact on their own individual cases are in for many rude awakenings when their homes are stolen out from underneath them. True (maybe?)Read ...
SUMMARY JUDGMENTS IN FORECLOSURE COURTROOMS- D ...The pace of foreclosure sales is picking up, lenders all across this state are setting foreclosure sales all across the state. I go in court every day and families losing their homes because they go into courtrooms unrepresented by counsel. I’ve long supported homeowners defending themse ...
The American Taxpayer, Sold Out By Foreclosure ...Given the flaws in the review, it's questionable whether that rate is "remotely accurate," said Alys Cohen of the National Consumer Law Center. "Because the reviews were flawed," she said, "basing a total settlement number on them would grossly understate the harm and really be an abdication of ...
abelard - news
update on toll charges, february 2013 | motorw ...A new year and motorway tolls will go up again. Here is a round-up of what to expect.
absolute zero is absolute, but can look like i ...Yet again, sub-absolute zero temperatures are magically reached by smoke and mirrors, or in this case gas and lasers.
updated and expanded: other cathedral destruct ...Better details and illustrations of cathedrals battered, or even destroyed, during the French Revolution.
staying alive sung by darlene edwards, and oth ...What happens when American singers fool about musically.
basic income guarantee | politics uk news at a ...The German government is coming closer to the universal income suggestion made by abelard almost ten years ago.
The Parallel Parliament
Humanity PairedTomorrow the next chapter of the adventure begins. Our life with south Sudan was irrevocably joined together, not by choice …Continue reading »
Home, But Not AloneOn Saturday we leave for our big excursion to the Republic of South Sudan. We take a team of 16 …Continue reading »
How Was 2012 For Women?My new Huffington Post piece on how women fared globally and in Canada in 2012. huff.to/UDkrBq Filed under: Citizenship, Politics, …Continue reading »
Goodwill HuntingAnd on earth, peace to those of goodwill … Luke 2:14 Today I turn 62. A birthday is always a …Continue reading »
The Things You Can’t Buy For ChristmasWe live in the most financially minded era in history; nothing previous compares to it. Somehow we have put ourselves …Continue reading »
Vaccine Awakening
Under Attack, NVIC Helps Americans Stand Up & ...Posted: 11/20/2012 by Barbara Loe Fisher In 2013, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) enters our fourth decade of preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and defending the legal right to make voluntary vaccination decisions in America.[1] Each year du ...
Influenza Deaths: The Hype vs. The Evidence Posted: 10/3/2012 By Barbara Loe FisherIt's that time of the year again when drug companies, doctors, government officials and media conduct a national advertising campaign to sell flu shots to every American.1, 2, 3 You can't pass by a pharmacy,4enter a supermarket,5 ...
Turning Vaccine Exemptions Into Class WarfarePosted 9/14/2012 by Barbara Loe Fisher It is getting uglier and uglier out there, as angry, frustrated doctors inside and outside of government work overtime to foster fear and hatred of parents making conscious vaccine choices for their children. The latest political dirty tri ...
Find A Compassionate Doctor To Help You Preven ...August 28, 2012 by Barbara Loe Fisher Ever since the first vaccines – smallpox and rabies vaccines - one of the most serious complications of vaccination has been brain inflammation.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Brain inflammation can cause convulsions, also known as seizures.[8] Continuing seizures can ...
Doctors Slam Parents for Vaccine Choices & FDA ...Posted: 6/26/2012 by Barbara Loe Fisher On June 13, 2012, a study conducted by government health employees working at the Oregon Health Authority and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was published in Pediatrics, a medical journal owned by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).[1 ...
2020 Science
The science of VidCon – Connecting with Scienc ...Where I cover science at this year’s VidCon YouTube convention, take a look at science and engineering more broadly on YouTube, and suggest that for next year’s VidCon the organizers should bring together some of the leading science projects on YouTube with grass-roots science-advoca ...
Frying your brains on information overload: Ol ...Living online is changing our brains – at least according to Baroness Greenfield in an interview posted today by New Scientist. Leaving aside questions over the extent to which Greenfield’s concerns are driven by misapprehension or plausibility, the interview put me in mind of a rath ...
Would You Lick Jam Off An Old Man’s Foot? and ...Would You Lick Jam Off An Old Man’s Foot Or Drink Toilet Water For An Hour? Can you explain how gravitons can escape a black hole? Or do you have a good answer to the question “why are people annoying?” This is just a sampling of some of the more entertaining and challenging questio ...
What was worrying us about nanotechnology safe ...In 2004, the first International Symposium on Occupational Health Implications of Nanomaterials was held in Buxton in the UK. Seven years later, I’m preparing for a discussion panel at the fifth meeting in this very successful community-led series (being held this week in Boston MA), and ...
Want to know about teens and social media from ...If you are a teen who uses YouTube (or know of one – maybe even your own teenager), please think seriously about posting a response to this video: (You can also watch it directly on YouTube here). Over on the Risk Science Blog, I’ve just posted a piece about Baroness Susan Greenfield ...
Reader Supported News
Empty newsfeed.
War Resisters League
U.S. Tear Gas Still on the Streets of Egypt: H ...Earlier last week, Egyptians poured out onto the streets across Egypt to protest President Morsi’s dictatorial decree overriding the power of the courts, attempting to keep a heavily Muslim Brotherhood-influenced constitutional assembly in tact, and granting himself seemingly unchecked authority ...
منظمة مقوامة الحروب الامريكية تمنح للقيادية ال ...للنشر الفوري 11-26-2012 للاتصال: ali@warresisters.org علي عيسى – في نيو يورك 718-310-9968 اسماء محمد – في سويس, مصر012-680-9980 منظمة مقوامة الحروب الامريكية تمنح للقيادية العمالية, اسماء محمد محمد, التي قالت لا للغاز المسيل للدموع, جائزة سلام كان رفضها لتمرير … Continue reading →
Egyptian Revolutionary Labor Leader, Asma Moha ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 26th, 2012 Contact: Ali Issa, 718.310.9968, ali@warresisters .org, New York City, U.S.A. Asma Mohammed, 012-680-9980 – Suez, Egypt Egyptian Revolutionary Labor Leader, Asma Mohammed, Who Said No to Tear Gas, to be honored with War Resisters … Continue ...
Celebrations, Resistance, and Usby Matt Meyer This week, a project six years in the making – and which many of us hope will have a significant positive impact on US movements for social change – finally shot off the presses. We Have Not … Continue reading →
A.J. Muste Peace Mural DedicationBy Sachio Ko-yin*One Painter. One pacifist folk hero. And location location location.These were among the ingredients of a remarkable gathering on Thursday, August 9, the unveiling and dedication of the A.J. Muste Peace Mural by artist Christopher Cardinale.The subject of the … Continue re ...
Center for a Livable Future
The CLF Week in Links: New Year, New EnergyHere are a few of the news items that are getting the most attention at the Center for a Livable Future.
Cooking Climate-Friendly without a World-Class ...If it takes a professional chef to cook climate-friendly, we’re all doomed.
Can’t Stand the Heat? Get Into the KitchenAgriculture and the food system play a huge role in climate change – they’re far more important than most of us recognize. Because of that, choosing what to put on my table and on my own plate is a powerful act.
Opa! Food For Thought Symposia at The Black Ol ...Black Olive owner Stelios Spiliadis and his family have been introducing Baltimore not only to their Greek culture, but also to their passion for health and wellness. Their hopes of inspiring real change through the power of good food have been spreading like wildfire.
FDA Should Share Data about Livestock on DrugsIt’s my hope that GAP’s lawsuit against FDA will finally compel the agency to break ties with drug companies and release the information that the public health community needs to monitor the use—and misuse—of antibiotics and other drugs in food animal production.
k2p blog
Finally — a climate model is revisedThe UK Met Office has revised one of its forecasts for how much the world may warm in the next few years. If the forecast is accurate, the result would be that the global average temperature would have remained relatively static for about two decades.
Features I would like to see in my next computerI am replacing my old desktop and will also soon need a new laptop/tablet to replace my 3 year-old net-book but have not quite decided what to buy as yet. I keep looking for features and software which are not yet available but will surely be available in time. My top-10 wish list is here.
Features I would like to see in my next computerI am replacing my old desktop and will also soon need a new laptop/tablet to replace my 3 year-old net-book but have not quite decided what to buy as yet. I keep looking for features and software which are not yet available but will surely be available in time. My top-10 wish list is here.
Dreamliner still having electrical teething pr ...A Japan Airlines Boeing 787 Dreamliner caught fire at Logan International Airport in Boston on Monday when a battery in its auxiliary electrical system overheated. There were no passengers on board.
Dreamliner still having electrical teething pr ...A Japan Airlines Boeing 787 Dreamliner caught fire at Logan International Airport in Boston on Monday when a battery in its auxiliary electrical system overheated. There were no passengers on board.
Left Foot Forward
Comment: After 60,000 deaths in Syria, why are ...The general conversation on Syria has been rather quiet of late; and Syria has noticed. One Syrian blogger in Homs, referenced by CNN, recently noted that attempts by the international community are too little, too late, saying: “Syrians are doing things on their own and no one will help t ...
Blackpool council leads the charge on free sch ...Today Blackpool has become the first council in the country to provide free breakfasts for all its primary school children, whilst in London, 50 schools will be involved in a scheme in which free breakfasts are granted to pupils. In October, Left Foot Forward looked at the evidence of how an inc ...
Comment: why is outsourcing wrong?With the memory of the G4S debacle at the beginning of the summer still sore, today’s news that the government plans to outsource huge swathes of the probation service will be met by cynicism and concern. British government use of the private sector to run services has had a difficult history. H ...
Cap on benefit increases will do more harm to ...A leading Welsh think tank has warned that the decision to cap benefit increases at 1% could end up doing far more harm to the Welsh economy than the recession itself. In concluding that the policy will “hit Wales hard” research published by the Bevan Foundation goes on to warn in stark terms: “ ...
Business leaders warn Cameron over EU renegoti ...David Cameron has seen his stance over the EU come under fire yet again, this time by business leaders. A letter in the Financial Times, which includes such signatories as Sir Richard Branson (chairman of the Virgin Group) and Chris Gibson-Smith (London Stock Exchange chairman), has been sent ah ...
Some Thoughts From Red Robin Manager Who Gave ...The other day, we posted a little story about a happy experience at a North Carolina Red Robin. Since then, we’ve made contact with the actual manager from the story who explains why this isn’t that big a deal — but why so many people are interested in the story. Charles is the ...
Vote, Or The Scottie Dog Gets It: Monopoly Con ...There are many ways to win the game of Monopoly and thus, become champion of the entire world or at least lord it over your three brothers. Any strategy includes scooting around the board with a token you choose to symbolize the defeat of your enemies. Whether you pick the race car, iron, Scotti ...
Toys ‘R’ Us Popup Store Pushed Rew ...If you spend a lot of money at Toys ‘R’ Us, the chain’s rewards program may appeal to you. You earn rewards vouchers through in-store or online purchases, which you can exchange for even more toys after the holiday season. Why would anyone have a problem with that? Well, becaus ...
AIG Decides Not To Sue The Taxpayers That Bail ...Earlier today, the board of onetime Worst Company in America winner AIG met to discuss whether or not to pile on to a $25 billion lawsuit filed by its former CEO against the same federal government that spent $182 billion to bail the company out in 2008. Under pressure from the public and legisl ...
New Disney World Visitor Tracking System Raise ...Starting this spring, visitors to Disney World in Florida will be able to take part in a new program called MyMagic+ that allows them, via smart wristbands, to pay for purchases on the fly or reserve a spot in line for a ride. But is this coming at the expense of customer privacy? The bands, whi ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
Drake Talks Parallels Between His Prosecution ...FireDogLake: NSA Whistleblower Compares Case to CIA Officer Convicted of First Classified Leak (Video) Tom DrakeFireDogLake's Kevin Gosztola sits down with NSA whistleblower Tom Drake to discuss the parallels between his case and that of fellow GAP client and CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou. ...
NYT Front-Pager on CIA Whistleblower John Kiri ...The New York Times has a front-page, top-of-the-fold article on my client, CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou. [T]he irony of this whole thing is . . . he's going to be the only CIA officer to go to jail over torture, even though he publicly denounced torture. --Bruce Reidel, veteran CIA officer ...
More on Kiriakou; Obama's NDAA Signing Stateme ...HuffPost Live: CIA Officer to Prison In the wake of headline news about GAP client and CIA-Torture whistleblower John Kiriakou, GAP National Security & Human Rights Director Jesselyn Radack appeared on both HuffPost Live and the Kojo Nnamdi Show to discuss Kiriakou's case and the Obama ad ...
'American Whistleblower Tour' Coming to Frankl ...Stop Features Key Whistleblowers on Climate Change, Salmonella-Tainted Peanut Butter (Washington, DC) – Next Thursday, Jan. 17, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) will bring its acclaimed program, the American Whistleblower Tour: Essential Voices for Accountability, to Franklin & M ...
Reply to the Inter-American Development Bank’s ...The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has released a response to GAP’s recent review of its whistleblower policy. We appreciate the time devoted by IDB officials to evaluating GAP’s analysis. We found some of its feedback to be useful and have, accordingly, released an updated version of our ...
UK Progressive
TARP is Over, But the Bailouts Will Continue U ...by Robert Reich TARP – the infamous Troubled Assets Relief Program that bailed out Wall Street in 2008 – is over. The Treasury Department announced it will be completing the sale of the remaining shares it owns of the banks and of General Motors. But in reality it’s not over. The biggest Wall St ...
The Hoax of Entitlement Reformby Robert Reich It has become accepted economic wisdom, uttered with deadpan certainty by policy pundits and budget scolds on both sides of the aisle, that the only way to get control over America’s looming deficits is to “reform entitlements.” But the accepted wisdom is wrong. Start with the st ...
ON THE SOAPBOX: Andrew Haines – Chief Executiv ...by BTNews.co.uk Andrew Haines became the first Chief Executive of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in August 2009. Previously the post was called Executive Chairman. Mr Haines joined the CAA after a wide-ranging career in the rail industry. He quickly became what Flight International would c ...
Why Jobs Must Be Our Goal Now, Not Deficit Red ...by Robert Reich The news Friday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics was that the U.S. job market is treading water. The number of new jobs created in December (155,000), and percent unemployment (7.8), were the same as the revised numbers for November. Also, about the same number of people are l ...
Climate Change and City-States On Open Seasby Robert Hunziker The last time carbon dioxide levels were comparable to today, and sustained at high levels for a considerable period of time, global temperatures increased by 5-to-10 degrees F. The Arctic did not have a permanent ice cap; Antarctica and Greenland had very little ice. It was 1 ...
This Is How a Secret Gun Provision Made its Wa ...The Blaze
California has fewer kids, more elderlyThe San Francisco Chronicle reports:The number of children in California is on the decline, the number of elderly is on the rise and fewer people are moving to the state, according to a new report that argues the state will have to rely on fewer people to prop up its economy in the future. The n ...
Biden: Obama Considering 'Executive Order' to ...The Weekly Standard
Walmart's Too Busy to Talk to Joe Biden About ...The Atlantic Wire
Awesome at 85: Block Island's Mary Donnelly an ...Reason T.V.
American Geophysical Union – cheat, deci ...The American Geophysical Union – can it be saved? Seriously: the 2012 Convention included Mann, Gleick, Lewandowsky, Oreskes and Cook. If you are one of the 58,000 members, you could ask yourself if you want to be aligned to an organization that thinks “science” means sometime ...
Donna La Framboise – Secret Santa leak o ...BREAKING:All the files from Working Group II of AR5 are now available just as “ahem” the open-and-transparent-IPCC would want them. There are 661 files amongst 1 gigabyte of material. This includes their meeting in Japan, in Jan 2011 and a year later in San Francisco, and then Buenos ...
Gone Bezerkers. Climate change will turn human ...Pay up, or we’ll turn you into a Hobbit! This is what our public science establishment has reduced itself to? Science fiction writers have infiltrated universities. They’re running amok, and while it’s all very entertaining (thanks for the laughs) some poor sods (like The Expre ...
ABC uses taxpayer money to hide how it uses ta ...Assume for a moment that the ABC was a dedicated team working to serve the public, getting fair rates of pay. Then imagine Australians asked the ABC what salaries they paid their “celebrities”. The ABC team would be happy to provide that list, and surely it could be done in one worki ...
To get politics out of science, scientists nee ...Since when was science “political?” Answer: It’s not, but the institutions and bureaucrats who pretend to be scientists are. In the past, partisan scientists would at least try to hide that and keep up the dispassionate persona that marks a seeker of the truth. Now some scienti ...
ReNew America
Obamacare, the Supremes, Dickens, and the bumb ...(Wes Vernon, RA analyst) - No less a power than the highest court in the land has stumbled into the ultimate definition of Obamacare, and in the process has finally exposed the decades-long downslide of the political class's standards for honesty. It is up to us to try to reverse that...
From preserving liberty to destroying it(Alan Keyes) - When the U.S. Supreme Court announced its Obamacare decision, many conservatives professed to be shocked, even stunned, to hear that G.W. Bush appointee John Roberts wrote the decision in which he and the Supreme Court's anti-constitutional leftists upheld the individual mandate p ...
Building the free-market case against big business(Timothy P. Carney) - The most dangerous enemies of capitalism today are capitalists. This is becoming clearer every day to people committed to free markets. The conservative and libertarian grassroots came to deeply distrust big business after the Wall Street bailouts and Obama's stimulus and h ...
New hope for life worldwide(Janice Shaw Crouse) - During discouraging times, pro-lifers remind themselves that William Wilberforce worked for two decades before he began to change hearts and minds and end 19th-century slavery in Great Britain. In efforts lasting twice as long, pro-life activists are just now beginning to ...
Formal complaint seeks disbarment of Eric Hold ...(Daily Caller) - Attorney General Eric Holder could lose his license to practice law in the District of Columbia, or face some other penalty from the D.C. Bar, now that he has been found in criminal and civil contempt of Congress...
Truth Offering
Empty newsfeed.
2012 Blog
More Cranial Deformations / Elongated Skulls i ...Today I saw a local lad with an earring that made a hole in his ear lobe the size of a 50c piece. But that is today – I doubt that 1000 years ago people would dare to be so different just to make a spectacle of themselves…. “Cranial deformation in Mesoamerican cultures was used to di ...
Pane Andov on Failed PredictionsPane Andov, from Macedonia, is well known for his extensive presentations within posts at various forums – I was one of the moderators that let him get away with it, and I saw a presentation he gave in Melbourne a few years back. Like Geryl, he comes across as genuine, but he lacks a BS d ...
Shipping Containers As Faraday Cages?There’s a massive dilemma for preppers who wish to prepare for an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) from enemies or nature: Buy a Faraday Cage – very expensive, because none are made for the consumer market Build a Faraday Cage – and never know if you got it right until crunch time ...
Planet Earth Waking Up?Considering all the attention paid to Dec 21, 2012, it is almost ironic the lack of natural disasters. There hasn’t been a major earthquake in many weeks, and looks like the solar cycle has had an early and very weak peak. Or, is now the time to start fearing the worst? Tsunami warning af ...
Peter Gersten Didn’t Jump on Dec 21Of course we are grateful that the fateful Dec 21, 2012 day wasn’t (as far as I can tell) marked by a single pointless death. The downside is that Peter Gersten has good cause for being embarrassed. Back in 2011 I reported on his crazy plans for a Sedona death leap: Most of you will think ...
Facing South
Home builders lobby weakens drywall legislationFederal lawmakers trumpeted last week's passage of the Drywall Safety Act of 2012. But thanks to the efforts of U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) on behalf of the industry lobby, the bill doesn't actually set enforceable standards to prevent contaminated drywall from ending up in people's homes. ...
Big Tobacco has a ball in NCThe parent company of Reynolds Tobacco is a key sponsor of events celebrating North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory's inauguration this weekend, capping an aggressive year of political spending by the tobacco giant. read more
NC judge tosses law that represented GOP reven ...A judge has ruled that a law passed by the Republican-controlled legislature to punish the N.C. Association of Educators by barring it from collecting dues through payroll deduction represents unconstitutional "retaliatory viewpoint discrimination." read more
As foreclosure crisis drags on, so does flawed ...A look at the government's response as the foreclosure crisis enters its seventh year. read more
INSTITUTE INDEX: For the 1 percent, a fiscal g ...A by-the-numbers look at the so-called "fiscal cliff" deal approved at the 11th hour by Congress shows that the wealthy and corporate interests got some big breaks. read more
One News Page
Apple to launch new versions of MacBook Pro an ...It seems that Apple is already working to release new improved version of the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro by June 2013. Reported by Firstpost 1 hour ago
Kerala cops ask Facebook to remove fake photo ...N Vinayakumaran Nair, assistant commissioner of police, who heads the Hi-Tech Crime Enquiry Cell, said a probe had begun following a complaint from the parents of the woman whose picture was misused. Reported by Firstpost 1 hour ago
Singapore court charges 4 Indians with compatr ...According to local media reports, they were drinking in Jurong Lake Park on the western industrial region of Singapore on New Year's Day Reported by DNA 1 hour ago
Sajid Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez spotted ho ...The couple who has refrained from making any statements about their relationship so far finally decided to come out in the openAt the premiere of Marathi film Balak Palak held by Riteish Deshumukh last evening, his good friend Sajid Khan arrived arm-in-arm with girlfriend Jacqueline Fernandez, . ...
Name anti-rape law after daughter: Delhi victi ...Asking the Centre to make amendments in law to name the proposed new anti-rape law after his daughter, father of the Delhi gang-rape victim on Thursday said it will be an honour to the girl and respect public sentiments. Reported by Rediff.com 1 hour ago
Global Research TV
- 9/11 Revisited: The Unjustifiable Launch of En ...
- 9/11 Revisited: History, Consequences and Medi ...
- 9/11 Revisited: War, Justice and the Search fo ...
- Drone Warrior: Outrage Over Children Killed in ...
- Focus on Iran: History, Geopolitics and Media Bias
Daily Tech
T-Mobile Offering iPhones, Cutting Cell Phone ...T-Mobile is the last of the major U.S. carriers to join the iPhone bandwagon
CES 2013: Huawei Makes World's Smallest Data C ...It will be available in the Philippines in February 2013, with other markets to follow
Google Ditches Patent Claim Against Microsoft ...Google hasn't withdrawn all patent claims against Microsoft, though
U.S. Officials Point Finger at Iran in Bank HackThe attacks were described as highly sophisticated and not the work of amateurs
CES 2013: Rosewill Unveils New Computer Periph ...Backlit gaming keyboard has mechanical switches and more
Oriental Review
Torn Between “Good Al-Qaeda” and “Bad Al-Qaeda”“US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has said the slimmed-down force would focus on preventing Al-Qaeda… from regaining a foothold in the war-shattered nation.” When Do We Fight Against Terrorists and When Do We Put Them On the American Payroll? The hypocritical foreign policy of Barack Obama is i ...
Zbigniew Brzezinski As a Mirror of American De ...Part I Is the glory of Gorbachev proving contagious? We are halfway through the time allotted by Zbigniew Brzezinski in his landmark book «The Grand Chessboard», when he predicted that U.S. dominance in the world would remain unchallenged for a period of thirty years. Now just 15 years on and in ...
Zbigniew Brzezinski As a Mirror of American De ...A thirty-year plan accomplished in fifteen years The year 2012, among other things, was marked by a publication of fundamental importance in terms of understanding the processes occurring in the world and the U.S.: the book by Zbigniew Brzezinski «Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Glob ...
Afghanistan Under U.S. OccupationThere is nothing new in the opinion that has long been expressed regarding the similarity of the military action waged in Afghanistan, after the Soviet army entered the country on December 25, 1979, with the war waged by the U.S. Army in Vietnam. However this opinion leads us away from the truth ...
Syria Will Resist Even After AssadA Los-Angeles Times article begins with this sentence: “Now that a consensus is forming that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s days are numbered, diplomats and Middle East experts….” Aside from the psychological warfare value of mainstream Western media’s “days are numbered” mantra, this now hackn ...
Oscar Watch: What's Up With All The Violence?I love movies and I’m always thrilled when I read about a film made for adults. It’s a sad fact of life that the big-budget productions, issued in the summer, all feature superheroes with super powers or Will Smith saving the universe –films intended to appeal to teenaged boys, unless they ...
Dealing With Internet Jealousy and Crafty Cele ...Editors Note: Crafty Pod is always a wealth of fantastic and inspiring creative information. Blogger, author, teacher and all around craft diva Diane Gilleland is the woman behind Crafty Pod. One of my favorite segments on her blog are the interviews she does. Recently she ...
Tainted Baseball Players Snubbed By Hall Of Fame If you've ever been to Cooperstown, home to baseball's Hall of Fame, you know it is a fantastic place to visit with your family and relive a bit of American history as well as your favorite memories of the game. Looking at the plaques for greats such as Babe Ruth, Hank Williams, Nolan Ryan, Carl ...
Worldwide Vote on Monopoly Tokens: End of the ...In the latest example of The Future devouring The Past, one of Monopoly's decades-old tokens is destined for the rust (pewter?) pile. And while the beloved Scottie dog and race car seem safe, things don't look good for the iron and wheelbarrow. A worldwide vote is underway on - where else? - Fac ...
Learn the Reasons for Zuckerberg's SuccessDid you read the biography of Steve Jobs? You might want to read this book as well. Think Like Zuck: The Five Business Secrets of Facebook's Improbably Brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg by Ekaterina Walter is from McGraw Hill (2013). The book was a surprise in many ways. The biggest reason was the w ...
Health Freedom Alliance
The Easiest Guide to Safe Household Cleaners Y ...Save a Buck, Save the Planet, Save Your Health Store shelves are bursting with chemical cleaners for everything from stains to sinks to unpleasant odors (vegetable curry, the horror!). These days, “unpleasant” seems to mean any ... Related posts:Fukushima Fish Carrying 258 Time ...
Make Sure You’re Getting All Your Essential Vi ...The essential vitamins your body needs can all be found in readily-available foods. This handy chart shows you which foods are rich in each vitamin, so you can plan your meals accordingly. Created by graphic designer ... Related posts:The Top Ten Natural Sources of Important Vi ...
Maryland Decides Chickens Shouldn’t Eat Poison ...Maryland’s state motto is “Strong Deeds, Gentle Words.” Last week, the state’s farms got a taste of what that means: On Tuesday, Maryland implemented a ban to end the use of an arsenic additive commonly included ... Related posts:UPDATE 1-US needs arsenic limits in rice-Consume ...
What to Do Before Bed and After Waking Up for ...Getting a good night’s rest and starting your day with energy is about the best thing you can do for yourself, but it’s a tall order. With a few small adjustments to your morning and ... Related posts:New York Probes Energy-Drink Makers Share New York’s attorn ...
Washington Judges Set to Hear Case on Water Fl ...This Monday three appeals court justices in Tacoma, Washington will hear cases for and against fluoridation of the public water supply. Those in opposition to water fluoridation point out that those in support claim fluoridated water is promoted ... Related posts:Water Fluorida ...
Live News Wire
Editorial: As The Country Mourned, Tucson Need ...Those who criticized the reaction of the crowd at Wednesday night's memorial have it ingrained that a perfect memorial is one with candles, flowers and tears. The citizens of Tucson and the American people have mourned for five days. Wednesday's event was not a time to mourn some more. It was a ...
Police Made Visits To Loughner Home Before Sho ...The Tucson, Arizona family home of 22-year-old Jared Loughner had been visited by authorities before the shooting of a congresswoman and 18 others last Saturday, new information by the New York Times revealed Wednesday. It's unclear what the visits were about or what prompted the call to author ...
Criminal Charges Filed Against Congresswoman’s ...Newly-released court documents offer a glimpse into the motive behind Jared Loughner's attempted assassination of Tucson Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday. Recovered from Loughner's home was a letter addressed to Jared Loughner from Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords mailed a ...
“Unbelievable Tragedy:” Congresswoman Shot By ...At least fifteen gunshots rang out shortly after 10:10am Arizona Time Saturday, bullets fatally striking a Federal Judge and injuring a prominent Congresswoman. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) of Arizona's Eighth District was wounded at a public meet-and-greet event outside a grocery s ...
Queensland Facing Flood Of “Biblical” ProportionsThe worst floods in 50 years to hit Queensland, Australia are being described as nothing short of Biblical. More than 1,000 people have been evacuated, though officials say as the floodwaters get worse, as many as 4,000 residents could be asked to vacate their homes and businesses later this we ...
Coal Tattoo
Don Blankenship: ‘Miners deserve the saf ...Gazette photo by Chip Ellis I try to keep up with the words of wisdom from former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship (see here and here) … but it’s hard now that he’s blocked me from following him on Twitter. So thanks to Mike Niven over at SNL Financial, for pointing out these ...
EIA projects slight bump up for coal this year ...The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s new “Short-term Energy Outlook,” is getting some attention, in part because it had this to say about coal: EIA expects the coal share of total electricity generation to rise from 37.6 percent in 2012 to 39.0 percent in 2013 and 39.6 ...
Can West Virginia talk about climate change yet?In this Aug. 16, 2012 file photo, dust is carried by the wind behind a combine harvesting corn in a field near Coy, Ark. A brutal combination of a widespread drought and a mostly absent winter pushed the average annual U.S. temperature last year up to 55.32 degrees Fahrenheit, the government ann ...
Coal plant closures and Southern Co.’s & ...In this Nov. 13, 2012 photograph, workers’ vehicles fill the parking lots at Mississippi Power’s Kemper County energy facility near DeKalb, Miss. The plant, still under construction, is designed to use a soft form of coal called lignite in a gasification process to generate power. (A ...
Friday roundup, Jan. 4, 2013Afghan porters put a sack of coal donated by the United Nation’s refugee agency (UNHCR), in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013. Around 440 Afghan returnees and the most vulnerable families who are at risk in the cold winter weather received winter relief assistance distributed by ...
Daniel Miessler
This Drummer is Into ItRelated Posts:How to Handle BullyingA Talk on Parenting You Should SeeA Guy Talking About LifeAtheists and ChristmasBike Parkour
Armed Hate Crime Victim Doesn’t Draw Wea ...Earlier this week, a 24-year-old Tampa-area resident named Cameron Mohammed was walking with his girlfriend into Walmart at around 3 a.m. when the two were approached from behind by a 25-year-old named Daniel Quinnell. Quinnell allegedly yelled racial epithets at the two, then fired 20 shots at ...
Realtime iOS Filesystem Monitoring | Secu ...For the longest time a big struggle with doing mobile application assessments on iOS has been monitoring applications as they drop files to the file system. There were definitely ways to do this but they involved taking snapshots of the application directory with tools like m ...
Word of the Day: MinarchismMinarchism (also known as minimal statism) is a libertarian capitalist political philosophy. It is variously defined by sources. In the strictest sense, it holds that states ought to exist (as opposed to anarchy), that their only legitimate function is the protection of individuals from aggressi ...
What America NeedsI am participating in a series of quality political discussions on Facebook (gasp), and I wanted to replicate here a comment I just made in a thread about “what went wrong” with our country. – It’s true that it’s gotten bad. It’s true we’re in a ba ...
Vauxhall Squat RaidsThese pictures were taken during the eviction of squats in Vauxhall tonight. The eviction was resisted, and it took a reported eight and a half hours to finally clear squatters from the building and the roof. From what we have been told, the buildings are being torn down for redevelopment. There ...
New Years Eve Prisoner Solidarity DemoDoes exactly what it says on the tin. Lets be honest, this year has been a disheartening one. State and security forces have repositioned themselves with guns towards us (quite literally, in some cases) and scored significant victories against the dissenting population. Next year looks set to be ...
Plain clothes cop at Fridays demoCops turning up to demos in plain clothes seems to be a regular occurence these days. These pics were taken at the Fight for Sites demo on Friday. Although he appears to have forgotten his uniform, the man pictured is Constable Mark Stoddart. A number of cops in plain clothes have been pictured ...
Stay Safe; Stay Anonymous! #5 – Block & ...Okay, so by now we should know all the basic preventative measures we can take to defend our anonymity. But there is one more thing we can be doing this October 20th to proactively assert our freedom to dissent without state repression. This is, of course, the classic FITwatch Direct Action tact ...
Stay Safe; Stay Anonymous! #4 – Fashion ...Whilst what you wear on a demo is on one level (quite rightly) unimportant, it can be used as a great tool to disrupt intelligence gathering activities. When such a large part of political policing rests on the ability to profile, identify, isolate (and subsequently harass) individuals and group ...
Worldwide Hippies
WikiLeaks: Bradley Manning was illegally impri ...By Raf Sanchez,.telegraph.co.uk - A military judge has ruled that the US soldier accused of handing hundreds of thousands of classified documents to WikiLeaks was imprisoned under illegal conditions but refused to dismiss charges against him. Lawyers for Private First Class Bradley Manning argue ...
Dirty Snow and Grey SkiesBy Sherry Pasquarello,WWH/CJE – I’ve always had a thing about snow after it’s been on the ground for a few days and how really dirty and depressing it is for me. The yard snow is bad enough but the plowed edges of the roads and the heaps shoved into mountains in parking lots are the [...]
Rainbow hippies arrested after Nederland brawlBy Heath Urie,dailycamera.com – Five members of the “Rainbow Familyâ – a loose-knit band of hippies that preaches love, tolerance and peace and is best known for its large gatherings every July – were arrested Tuesday night by Boulder County sheriff’s deputies after ...
“Lawless America” Transocean Laugh ...By Bryan Dyne,wsws.org – Transocean Deepwater Inc. has settled for only $1.4 billion towards all criminal and civil claims relating to the company’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in 2010, which leaked 4.9 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico and killed eleven workers. ...
Anti-Keystone XL pipeline activists storm Tran ...By Michael Bastasch,dailycaller.com/ – Environmental activists are protesting at the headquarters of TransCanada in Houston, Texas against the Keystone XL pipeline, with some briefly storming the lobby of the corporation’s office there. “Right now 100+ of our friends have taken over TransC ...
reference frame
RSS AMSU: 2012 was 11th warmest yearFocus moved to the contiguous U.S. states: new warm record As the preliminary data published two months ago indicated, the satellite temperature record RSS AMSU has indeed concluded that the year 2012 was the 11th warmest year on their 34-year-long record, rather close to the median. ...
Nonsensical hype on negative temperaturesFox News and tons of other sources proudly announced that physicists in Munich have finally realized temperatures colder than the absolute zero, –273.15 °C. Their article has ignited a storm in the Jan 4th issue of Science. When you combine objects with people or worlds that are upsid ...
Dine-Haber symposium in Santa CruzBetween Friday and Sunday, particle physicists organized a spectacular symposium in Santa Cruz to celebrate the 60th birthdays of Michael Dine (left) and Howard Haber (right). The website of the symposium shows that the program was impressive and included speakers such as Gross, Seibe ...
Irrational hysteria about Klaus' amnestyAt the end of his last New Year address as the Czech president, Václav Klaus offered a "shocker" and declared a partial amnesty that has freed about 1/3 of the prisoners. A wave of hysterical criticism has emerged and it is still strengthening. I conjecture that the passionate critics (a group t ...
Czech presidential candidates: test your EnglishIn one week, Czechia will vote its new president who will replace Prof Klaus (who's been the Czech president for 10 years) in March in the first direct presidential election ever. The two candidates who are expected to pass to the second round, Mr Miloš Zeman and Mr Jan Fischer, were facing ...
Tatumba 2.0
FLASHBACK: San Antonio deputy police chief wan ...Citing a troubled culture that fuels drunken driving, a San Antonio Police Department deputy chief urged legislators Monday to consider establishing permanent sobriety checkpoints across Texas. “We really do need to make a cultural change in the state of Texas when it comes to driving unde ...
Theresa Spence pulls out of meeting with HarperAttawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence says she won’t be at a meeting Friday between First Nations leaders and Prime Minister Stephen Harper because Gov. Gen. David Johnston isn’t attending. CBC | Top Stories News Related posts: Idle No More protests target rail, bridges, roads a ...
Using the Theater of Fear to Pass Unjust Lawsby Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post: In the wake of the Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut shootings, it is both unfortunate and predictable that the media-induced hysteria would be followed by a massive assault against gun rights in the United States. In the subsequent campaign of fear ...
NYC ferry crash into dock injures at least 50A high-speed ferry loaded with hundreds of commuters from New Jersey crashes into a dock in lower Manhattan during the morning rush hour, injuring around 50 people, at least two critically. CBC | Top Stories News Related posts: Toronto bus flips on New Jersey highway, injuring 23 A bus ...
Latin America Beware – The Imperialists are Co ...from ZenGardner.com The history of US thuggery in Latin America to promote its own agenda and extort their economies and resources is a long and sordid one. As documented so well in John Perkins’ “Confessions of an Economic Hitman“, when the U.S. greed machine wants something it will methodicall ...
Truth About Our World
NotificationThis blogs entries have been moved to http://worldtruthtoday.wordpress.com/ I will no longer post anything here, although site will remain open for a while. Thanks Grace
- Trudell Documentary
- Occupy Wall Street “Beware The Zeitgeist ...
- The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right
- World War 3 (III,Three): September 11, 2001-20 ...
Can't Stop the Big MoHealthy spending and productivity add up to some good stock buys, says S&P's Kenneth Shea. Plus: His formula for a diversified portfolio
Higher Gas Tax? Smart MoveRaising it to 50 cents or $1 per gallon would push conservation and send a signal to America's enemies. It's the surest way to cut oil dependence
Grading Back-to-School StocksSome outfits that gain from families' spending may make dicey buys. But equity pros reveal those investments with strong potential
No Lull in the Airlines' HeadwindsThe industry isn't doing as badly as it was, but that's not saying much, according to S&P's Philip Baggaley
Merck: More Agony from Its PainkillerThe costly Vioxx verdict makes its plan to take on each claim individually more difficult. But a big settlement is no easy cure, either
ChiTrib Finds Toxic Fire Retardant in Crib Mat ...By Sonya Lunder, EWG Senior Analyst The Chicago Tribune reports it has detected cancer-causing chemicals known as chlorinated tris in 11 crib mattresses made in China and sold by Babies R Us, Foundations and Angeles brands. None of the... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website ...
Cleaning Never Tasted So GoodBy Samara Geller, EWG Research Fellow Olive oil and lemon juice,...sounds like a base for a fantastic vinaigrette, right? As a former professional chef, I always keep these simple ingredients stocked to create a variety of tasty sauces, dressings... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit ...
10 Top Environmental Health Stories of 2012The top environmental health stories of 2012 were all about everyday hazards that are right in our backyards. They have to do with the unintended consequences of chemical pollution that could harm the health of our families, our neighbors,... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my webs ...
Chemical Industry to Parents: Avoid Lead, Tail ...By Alex Formuzis and Sonya Lunder, MPH This is rich. The chemical industry has produced a new "health information" website titled Kids + Chemical Safety that mentions hardly any chemicals or any of the voluminous body of peer-reviewed research... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my ...
Just How "Green" is Walgreens?By Sarah Swanke, EWG General Research Intern Attention Bargain Shoppers: Walgreens now sells a line of healthy home products called Ology! These new products are advertised as free of toxic chemicals, including ammonia, chlorine bleach, di- and... [[ This is a content summary only ...
Quick Hits
More Teachers Being Replaced By TechnologyThe neoliberal wetdream coming to fruition. From Fast Company: Districts all over are experimenting with teacher-less computer labs and green-lighting entire classrooms of adult-supervised children exploring the Internet--an Android powered tablet designed specifically for students. Teachers' u ...
Food costs at record levels, likely to go higherMANILA/MILAN (Reuters) - World food prices hit a record in January and recent catastrophic weather around the globe could put yet more pressure on the cost of food, an issue that has already helped spark protests across the Middle East. Up for the seventh month in a row, the closely watched Food ...
Shell makes $2,208,480 (£1.6m) an hour, [Clue ...http://www.guardian.co.uk/busi... The Guardian in Britain says calmly:Shell stoked up the heated debate about the high cost of fuel on the forecourt today after reporting it made profits of nearly £1.6m an hour over the last three months.A leading member of the road lobby said moto ...
Gallup Helps Explain Egyptian/Tunisia UprisingsWellbeing in Egypt and Tunisia decreased significantly over the past few years, even as GDP increased. In Egypt, where demonstrations have prompted President Hosni Mubarak to give up power after elections this fall, the percentage of people "thriving" fell by 18 percentage points since 2005. In ...
Wallace Shawn: Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jef ...The Grand Nagus speaks! At Tom Dispatch.com.
Capital - NYC
- White House asked about trillion-dollar-coin, ...
- Cuomo wants early voting in New York
- Nick Flynn talks about the book about the movi ...
- A stop-and-frisk proponent thinks Scheindlin's ...
- Nets ignore non-basketball stories, thrash Phi ...
Views & News from Norway
More avalanche warnings postedAvalanche experts were warning of more dangerous conditions in the mountains over the weekend, following the death of a 32-year-old Swedish climber who was buried by snow and ice in Hemsedal on Thursday. Fresh snow on steep mountainsides in southern Norway simply isn’t stable. “The w ...
Rash of new regulations takes effectEvery Norwegian government over the past decade has vowed to simplify the country’s highly regulated society, but nearly 200 new rules and changes in the law went into effect on January 1. Some are actually aimed at streamlining the regulatory framework, but a top government official admit ...
‘Christian schools OK, not Muslim schools’Norway’s conservative Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, Frp) wants to make it easier to establish private schools in the country, but not those that would appeal to Muslim students. “It must be allowed to consider the need for integration when screening applications,” FrpR ...
‘Kon-Tiki’ makers fend off piratesThe new Norwegian feature film Kon-Tiki, which topped lists of the most-seen films in Norwegian cinemas in 2012, came out on DVD and BluRay last month and quickly became available on The Pirate Bay and other file-sharing websites. The film’s makers are in despair, and trying to halt the pr ...
Health authorities ignite new anti-smoking cam ...Nearly half-a-million Norwegians have stopped smoking since 1995, but health authorities still aren’t satisfied. They launched yet another anti-smoking campaign this week, aimed at encouraging even more Norwegians to stump out their cigarettes for good. Strict laws against smoking in publi ...
Permaculture Research Institute - Australia
Greeks Return to the LandThose who read Bad News, and Good News, for Greece and Greeks Reclaim the Land to Ease the Pain of Economic Austerity will want to follow up with this encouraging video. For the last several decades, modern society has been shaped by Big Business with a very narrow focus combined with an ...
Love Vs. FearImagine if we could help someone change their life for the better permanently, in under three years. Or imagine being in direct contact with the people on the ground, turning their semi-desert home back to an abundant food forest using permaculture, perhaps even going over and helping out… ...
China’s Rising Soybean Consumption Reshaping W ...by Lester R. Brown, Earth Policy Institute Where was once pristine Amazon rainforest, soybean harvesters march across the landscape instead Global demand for soybeans has soared in recent decades, with China leading the race. Nearly 60 percent of all soybeans entering international trade tod ...
Liberating Science and ImaginationScience co-opted by big business endangers society and stultifies the imagination on which the advancement of science depends; liberating science and the imagination is top priority for the survival of people and planet. by Dr Mae-Wan Ho Liberating Science Science is central to every aspect of ...
Video Spotlight on Kotare Village (New Zealand)You’ll enjoy this little video, a nice collage of thoughts and scenery and developing community integration. This is Kotare Village in the North Island of New Zealand, where PRI New Zealand (Koanga Institute) is making excellent headway into creating a model community where freedom of ...
Another whopping leak from the IPCC.A substantial second leak, already nicknamed the Secret Santa leak, of further portions of the forthcoming IPCC AR5 has just occurred. There was a smaller leak of material last year, which was owned up to by the person who did it on their blog. While everyone is no doubt considering how on Earth ...
Credo.It seems to be a human need that we all have to have some sort of belief in a higher thing. Every culture that’s ever been, had some sort of belief system. I think it’s an unavoidable side effect of our unique consciousness. The people I’ve met, who ended up believing in absolu ...
Ladiees and Gennulmen, we have a winnah!It’s time to announce the winner of this year’s climate prat award and boy was the competition a doozie. Talk about a rush. It had everything; a bewildering variety of prats to choose from, agonies of indecision having to cull all the nominees down to finalists, rule changes when non ...
Sir Patrick Moore (1923-2012), an appreciation.The Germans have a word we don’t have in English, and it really doesn’t translate very well because of that lack – Lebenskünstler. In a typical Teutonic fashion, they jammed together two words which each nearly expressed what they were after, and created a new word, which denot ...
Just how far are you prepared to go to feel go ...I believe the acid test of any political system or indeed any society, is how much compassion it has for its own people, who’re simply going through some travails or deeply in trouble. That very same test applies to such everyday organisations as a business enterprise and right down to an ...
Journalists' Toolkit
JavaScript Console in ChromeFor testing things quickly in JavaScript, open the JavaScript Console in the Google Chrome browser. View menu > Developer > JavaScript Console. You’ll see the console at the bottom of the current page. The console gives you a command line so you can test short pieces of code to see ...
Typography for the WebIn your CSS, you can specify typefaces (font families) to be used for the headings, paragraphs, etc., in your HTML. However, what you see on your computer is not always going to be the same thing your audience sees. Why? Because different people have different fonts installed on their individual ...
Good tutorial sites for HTML, HTML5, CSS, jQueryThere are a zillion sites out there offering free tutorials, but many are pure junk. So here are a few that I recommend, in no particular order: Codecademy: Web Fundamentals Codecademy: HTML Fundamentals HTML5 Please (not actually a tutorial, but very helpful) Nettuts+: The Best Way to Learn Jav ...
Baby Steps in Data JournalismThis is a Tumblr blog that I started in early April 2012: Baby Steps in Data Journalism Its purpose is to collect links and other useful information related to learning about data journalism. To go directly to something you might be searching for, try these links: How I installed Python (April 2 ...
The best video export optionsHow do you choose the best settings for exporting your video, after you have edited it? I remember how confusing this was for me when I started working with Web video several years ago. With the slower computers we had back then, I would wait for what seemed like forever while exporting a small ...
Justice Roars - Louisiana
Our People Are Worth the Risks: A Southern Que ...Reprinted from the SONG website and from the Scholar & Feminist Online, a webjournal published by the Barnard Center for Research on Women: In the best parts of our tradition as LGBTQ people for liberation, we have resisted assimilation. We have held die-ins, we have risked our li ...
Post-Katrina, Funders and Foundations Failed N ...In December of 2006, New Orleans' social justice community came together to draft a letter addressed to foundations and funders, in response to the dismal response to the continuing post-Katrina crisis. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and other disasters still to come, the issues raised ...
Remember All the Children, Mr. President, By B ...Remember the 20 children who died in Newtown, Connecticut. Remember the 35 children who died in Gaza this month from Israeli bombardments. Remember the 168 children who have been killed by US drone attacks in Pakistan since 2006. Remember the 231 children killed in Afghanistan in the first 6 ...
Crime Against Nature Law Back in CourtFrom our friends at Women With A Vision and Center for Constitutional Rights: Fill the Court For Oral Arguments In the Case To Overturn Louisiana’s Crime Against Nature Law! Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012, 10:00 a.m Federal District Court, 500 Poydras Street Judge Feldman’s Court—Room C551 Many of y ...
"I'm The Miracle": The Story of Exoneree Derri ...From our friends at Resurrection After Exoneration: “I’m number 119,” proclaims the man sitting beside my desk. His smile is broad and sincere, gold teeth glistening in the artificial light of the office. “Damon Thibodeaux is number 141, you know, the one who got out of Angola a couple weeks ...
Information Underground
Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...Looks like Professor Tracy was on Guns and Butter today: http://www.kpfa.org/archive/id/87874 Guns and Butter "Sandy Hook: Unanswered Questions" with Professor James F. Tracy. Discrepancies in media coverage; coroner's press conference; political fallout.Statistics: Posted by Amanda ...
Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...People should really try to support Professor Tracy for speaking out--looks like he's been getting some MSM attention and now he's getting attacked. His blog is here: http://memoryholeblog.com/ (original article was posted at RawStory--isn't that run by Soros?) Florida professor defends theor ...
Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...Thanks for posting Lindsey. All I care about on that list is Adobe Premier. Statistics: Posted by maz — Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:21 pm
Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...RE: THE WORST SANDY HOOK CONSPIRACY THEORY YET - SALON.COM Christopher Marlowe wrote: --I don't believe that any information from the MSM can be trusted. --Everything put forward as fact must be double checked from a reliable source. --Speculation and theories about motives and alleged perpe ...
Zionist Influence/Power • Re: Justin Bieber Re ...I agree. He is already falling into the drug and "gangsta" traps that too many young people fall into when they get "fame and fortune." Pretty soon, I would not be surprised to see photos of him smoking crack with one of those brothas with whom he is trying desperately to p ...
Venezuela court endorses Chavez inauguration delayVenezuela's top court has endorsed the postponement of Hugo Chavez's inauguration this week
Northern Ireland enjoys rare night of calm as ...Northern Ireland enjoyed its first night of calm in almost a week when protests at the removal of the British flag from Belfast City Hall passed off peacefully
Steve Marshall: Australia 'a BBQ hotplate'Firefighters across Australia face a new race against time, says Steve Marshall.
Kate and Wills' daughter would be a princessThe Queen has decreed that if the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's baby is a girl, she will be a princess.
India deeply concerned about truce violationAn incident at the Kashmir border is the first major ceasefire incursion since 2003.
environment 360
U.S. Heat Record Was Shattered in 2012, NOAA ...Last year was by far the warmest year in U.S. history, with the average temperature in the contiguous states climbing a full degree higher than the previous high and Click to enlarge NOAA Annual climate records, 2012 every state recording above-average annual temperatures, according to ...
Using Fireflies As a Model, Scientists Boost E ...Drawing inspiration from the structure of a firefly, scientists say they have improved the efficiency of a light-emitting diode (LED) by 55 percent. While studying the insects, the researchers noticed that Nicolas AndréLED inspired by fireflies a pattern of sharp, jagged scales on the fireflies ...
Interview: The Perils and Rewards of Protectin ...It is difficult to imagine a more dangerous place to be a conservationist than the Democratic Republic of Congo, which for decades has been ravaged by war and civil Virunga National Park/gorillacd.org Emmanuel de Merode strife that has left several million people dead. But it is against t ...
Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill Fails to Face Coas ...As part of the sorely-needed aid package to help victims of Hurricane Sandy, Congress is also considering spending billions on ill-advised and environmentally damaging beach and coastal rebuilding projects that ignore the looming threats of rising seas and intensifying storms. BY ROB YOUNG
New Experiments Yield Insights into State of P ...A team of U.S. researchers recently deployed a suite of technologies in the Arctic tundra that they say will provide a better understanding of the carbon contained in permafrost soils and how much is likely to be released as the planet warms. At an experimental plot near Barrow, Alaska, scientis ...
Climate DialogueTags: blog environment climate dialogue
Reef Relief FoundersTags: blog environment reef
Stuart H. Smith attorney: fighting oil, chemic ...Tags: oil chemical water radiation pollution
This Crowded SkinTags: blog politics environment curiosity
Welcome to the International Climate Science C ...Tags: science climate analysis
Of gazebos and Chief SpenceBy David@Sixthestate.net Under the circumstances, it’s actually a little surprising that it took this long. Through a convenient leak to the state broadcaster, presumably from the government, evidence has surfaced that hunger strike chief Theresa Spence’s Attawapiskat First Nation does a terribl ...
Spence hunger strike victory?By David@Sixthestate.net As I predicted, the Harper government has seized upon the olive branch extended by the Assembly of First Nations earlier this week to hold a summit later this month as a way to extricate itself from the Theresa Spence hunger strike. Also as I predicted, Harper claims tha ...
Chief Spence and the hypocrisy of The GlobeBy David@Sixthestate.net I was disappointed, but not entirely surprised to read this weekend that The Globe & Mail has officially joined Postmedia’s Christie Blatchford in denouncing the ongoing hunger strike in Ottawa by Attawapiskat chief Theresa Spence as an act not just of protest but of ...
Chief Spence and the Prime Minister’s prideBy Montreal Simon I didn’t want to blog on Christmas. I just wanted to enjoy the day. But I couldn’t get these two contrasting images out of my mind. Chief Theresa Spence slowly starving to death. While Stephen Harper, with a weird look on his face, plays cribbage. And the Idle No Mo ...
Boxing Day: Our gift to The StatesBy Rachelle Stein-Wotten Boxing Day was traditionally the day servants took off to spend time with their families and received gift boxes from their employers (or so one of the explanations goes). Nowadays, Boxing Day is better known as the Day to Buy Honking Big Electronics and Other Self-Indul ...
Daily Beast
Where Does the GOP Go From Here?To cap off today's series on proposals for a stronger, better GOP, here's a quote from Rod Dreher, a writer for The American Conservative (and a must read for people who want to understand the strongest arguments put forth by theological conservatives.) Dreher:
Some Conservative Pundits Tout Moderation Afte ...Kristol, Hannity urge GOP rethinking
More Fallout at the BBCThe BBC is investigating why a report about abuse allegations against Jimmy Savile, one of its former stars, was scuppered.
Chris Hayes is a Type?The host of Up With Chris Hayes has unknowingly seduced famed singer Cher. Very impressive!
Don't Let a Good Thing Pass Us ByJeffrey Leonard has a fascinating article in the Washington Monthly regarding the future of our electrical grid. He seems cautiously optimistic about natural gas as a replacement for dirtier forms of carbon such as coal and gasoline, but there's a hangup. Without major upgrades to our elect ...
Cameron Mohammed: Armed hate crime victim does ...Even as hate crime victim Cameron Mohammed was being sprayed in the head and neck by his assailant's pellet gun, he resisted the urge to pull out his .45 calibre pistol and shoot back.
Bishop Bernard Fellay, Head Of Traditionalist ...The head of the Society of St. Pius X has said Jews are "enemies of the Church."
#MyJihad Egypt: Imam Goes to Church–See ...Islamophobes will not report, and do not want you to see this video.
Halting anti-Muslim ViolenceMany of the recent attacks have taken place shortly after well-publicised anti-Muslim hate speeches, argues author.
German Bigotry Shifting From Race to Religion“It's no longer 'the Turks' but 'the Muslims'.”
Energy News
- Paper: Engineer files police report after inci ...
- International Media Covers Giant Sinkhole: Nev ...
- Doctor in Fukushima: Many feel they’re being u ...
- Asahi: We are reminded anew of the huge scale ...
- Fukushima ‘decontamination’ workers threatened ...
Japan Times
Sony Mobile sees closer ties with parent uppin ...Sony Mobile Communications, the phone arm of the major electronics company, said closer ties with its parent following a buyout last year are helping it create new products and win market share. The unit developed technology that lets its devices connect with other Sony Corp. products, includi ...
In the children's best interestsRegarding the Jan. 4 editorial, "Russia's orphans as political pawns": Over the past 10 years, four times more children have died in the U.S. from domestic violence than have soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan as a result of the wars. This is the worst death rate in the developed world. It casts d ...
Risk of losing food autonomyKudos to Philip Brasor for his illuminating Jan. 6 Media Mix article, "Japan's farming could be going to seed." Too often Japan's Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) dilemma is made out to simply be an industry versus agriculture problem, with the former to gain much and the latter to possibly lose ...
Sabres apologize to fans for lockoutFirst, came the apology. And then, Buffalo Sabres president Ted Black delivered a vow to the team's hockey-starved fans on Tuesday. With the four-month NHL lockout nearly over, Black said it's time for the team to get to work on delivering Buffalo a winner.
Wasabi takes old sounds to a young audienceThe members of Wasabi, a quartet who plays traditional Japanese instruments, are all used to fans and the politics of backstage meet-and-greets. However, they were surprised to see one particular fan after a recent 11 a.m. performance at a high school in Nara. After the show, the band headed t ...
Alexander Higgins
Alexander Higgins House, Blog Destroyed Sandy ...Alexander Higgins House, Blog Destroyed By Sandy Flooding When I was 16 my “foster” parents through me out on the streets in the middle of the Blizzard of ’96 and I spent the next 8 years battling homelessness. I worked … Continue reading →
Disaster: Massive Traffic Jams As 11 FT Hawaii ...Hawaii residents a stuck massive in an hour long traffic jams trying to flee an 11 foot Tsunami is less than 30 minutes from hitting the shore.
ALERT: Update 11 FT Tsunami Heading Toward Haw ...A live Weather channel alert warns that a 7 foot Tsunami is heading directly toward Hawaii following a major 7.7 earthquake off the coast of Canada earlier.
Seattle Police Given Approval To Deploy NDAA S ...The FAA has given Seattle police approval to start using NDAA surveillance drones for law enforcement spy operations on American citizens.
Sandy Worst Storm In 100 Years: East Coast Awa ...A massive storm is expected to hit the East Coast during the days leading up to Halloween, which meteorologists anticipate will cost up to $5 billion in damages.
Macleans - Central
Kate gets a one-of-a-kind birthday gift from t ...And it wasn't just a cashmere scarf
The Arrested Development movie may still never ...Jaime J. Weinman on why he's betting against it
Brian Burke’s off-ice bluster and bombas ...For the fired general manager, too little happened on the ice
Romeo Saganash to returnThe NDP MP, who took a leave in October to deal with an alcohol...
Sarah Polley’s birthday triumph at the T ...Toronto critics give Polley the $100,000 Rogers Best Canadian Film Award for her family memoir 'Stories We Tell'
Making It Count - CCPA
Selling out our natural resourcesIn the beginning of December, the Harper government gave its approval to two takeover deals in the energy sector. Nexen is involved in offshore production operations around the world and in oil sands in western Canada. It will now be the property of CNOOC, a Chinese corporation. The second deal ...
What Does the Bank of Canada Do?The Board of Directors of the Bank of Canada have retained Odgers Berndtson to seek a new Governor, and have placed an ad in the Globe and Mail, the Economist and La Presse. The wording of the advertisement is questionable. First, it states that “the Bank of Canada is the pre-eminent macro-econo ...
Best Books of 2012Here are, in no particular order, my picks for the four best books of 2012 from a progressive economics perspective. Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin. The Making of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy of American Empire. (Verso). I suspect this book will become a classic. It is a rich and highly ...
Why the Income Inequality Deniers Are WrongThis article was published in an abridged form today in the National Post. http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2012/12/21/armine-yalnizyan-sorry-andrew-coyne-but-income-inequality-is-a-real-problem/ I like this opening better so I posted it here. You couldn’t have made it through 2012 wi ...
Marc’s Letter from 2040The following comes from a short talk on a vision for a zero-carbon BC that I gave at a couple events this Fall. Many have asked for the text so I’ve posted it here, and we may try and turn it into a video. That said, I have been reluctant to do so up to [...] No related posts.
Has Israel groveller David Miliband changed hi ...Stuart Littlewood is surprised at the invitation by a pro-Palestinian medical charity to former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband - a proven groveller to Israel - to speak at its annual fundraising gala.
IMPORTANT: OUR WEBSITE IS CHANGINGRedress Information & Analysis is moving to www.redressonline.com. From now on we will publish new articles on www.redressonline.com only and, in the meantime, we will transfer important long-shef-life articles from our old website to the new one.
What might Netanyahu do if Romney's defeat bec ...Alan Hart examines whether Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is mad enough to order an attack on Iran in what remains of Obama’s first term without the president’s blessing and American participation.
Israel's Salafi foot soldiers in the wake of a ...Nureddin Sabir argues that Israel must bear responsibility for creating the climate that gave rise to the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims". But it is Israel's Salafi and Wahhabi foot soldiers behind the violent protests across the Arab and Muslim worlds who may eventually bring Arabs and M ...
Anti-Islam film: free speech or inciting to riot?Lawrence Davidson argues that outage against the anti-Muhammad film "Innocence of Muslims" "has exposed the deep vein of anger against the United States that runs through the Muslim world", but doubts that American leaders would have the courage and foresight to re-examine the policies and behav ...
Physics Today
Empty newsfeed.
Revolutionary Politics
Empty newsfeed.
US to become ‘net energy exporter’“Environmentalists and some analysts, however, caution that jubilant predictions from a country that consumes some 25 percent of the world’s oil will run into environmental constraints including global warming and a lack of fresh water. “There is no question that fresh water is ...
Chinese Mayor Apologizes for Drinking Water Co ...“The mayor of the Chinese city of Changzhi apologized for a delay in reporting a poisonous leak from a chemical plant that caused the cutoff of water to 1 million people, the state Xinhua News Agency said. The environmental authority in China’s northern Shanxi province didn’t receive a rep ...
Saudi Takes a Chunk of Nile Water to Feed its Cows“The cows raised at the Al Safi and Almarai farms live better than some humans in air-conditioned sheds and water misters that keep them cool. But feeding them with grain grown nearby has depleted 4/5th of the Kingdom’s ancient aquifer in the last 30 years. For milk. The farms are facing c ...
Record Low Water Levels in Lake Huron, Lake Mi ...“Preliminary figures from the US Army Corps of Engineers show Lakes Michigan and Huron, considered a joint body of water, had record low water levels in December. The lakes’ water ended the month at 576.15 feet above sea level, just under the record 576.2 feet set in 1964. And data r ...
Is Fracking Safe? Debate on Controversial Natu ...“The controversial use of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” that is behind the country’s natural gas boom has come under scrutiny in the new Hollywood drama, “Promised Land,” and met stiff resistance in New York state, where a four-year moratorium against the pro ...
D. Kucinich
The NDAA: More War Abroad and More Austerity H ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today spoke on the House floor in strong opposition to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). See video here. “In this discussion over the NDAA, we arrive at a moment where we meet the moral consequences of our nation’s choices over the past decade. W ...
Kucinich: NO to #CatFoodChristmasCongressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today strongly objected to a proposal to cut Social Security benefits. The White House suggested a reduction in Social Security to cut costs as part of the so-called “fiscal cliff” negotiations. The proposal called the “Chained Consumer Price Index” would ...
Kucinich: Report on Benghazi Not the Full StoryCongressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today took to the House floor to remind colleagues that while a supposedly independent investigation faulted the State Department for security failures in Benghazi, Libya it was the Administration that took us to war and created the chaos in Libya. See video h ...
Kucinich: Diplomacy Over ProvocationCongressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement regarding H.R. 3783, Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act of 2012. “In the developing relationship between Iran and the United States, there are many important issues to be addressed. We should address them throu ...
Kucinich Calls for Organized Approach to Peace:Washington D.C. (December 17, 2012) – Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today took to the House floor to call for an “organized, structured approach” to peace in the wake of the horrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. On Friday, Congressman Kucinich offered words of condolences to the familie ...
Authentically Wired
CLASSIC AMERICAN HYPROCRISY… What and allow Muslins voice in America … OOPS forgot according to some our President is Muslin …. ! Will Americans Be Able to Watch Al Jazeera America? Peter Hart, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting: A double-standard for objecting to bias in cable news media is coming to the ...
IT’S OUR RESPONSIBILITY… Actually children in the care of CPS are OUR (that’s you and me) responsibility as “we” (that’s you and me – again) elected those to represent us in our state legislature and to serve and to protect all citizens of our state – especially our children and those the least among us… Filed u ...
OUR NUCLEAR WINTER…?… Keep your fingers crossed the southern California coast does not experience a tsunami like that which hit Japan as our “nuclear –winter” will be a real eye-opener … Showdown at San Onofre: Why the Nuclear Industry May Be Dealt a Big Blow Two stricken California reac ...
GANG OF THIEVESThe four business gangs that run the US Source: http://www.blacklistednews.com ….This article first appeared on: The Age … http://chrisinmaryville.net/the-four-business-gangs-that-run-the-us.html If you’ve ever suspected politics is increasingly being run in the interests of big ...
WE DETERMINE TERM LIMIT… I would invite the writer of this letter to the editor to consider there is in place a perfect device to limit the term of everyone in Congress or any elected office … … It’s call an ELECTION … don’t want those in office to continue to serve then we need to get off [...]
Popular Technology
Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund: Please Donate!Hurricane Sandy ravaged the New Jersey coast and while it may not be in the news anymore, many people are still suffering. Flooding damage to the barrier islands was severe and FEMA is not providing anywhere near the funds people need to repair their homes or replace their cars. Popular Technol ...
The Truth about Skeptical ScienceSkeptical Science is a climate alarmist website created by a self-employed cartoonist, John Cook. It is moderated by zealots who ruthlessly censor any and all form of dissent from their alarmist position. This way they can pretend to win arguments, when in reality they have all been refuted. The ...
2016: Obama's America2016 Obama's America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the world’s most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man's past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question, "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in ...
The Truth About "Jon Stewart""Jon Stewart" who was born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, wants people to believe he is some kind of political "moderate" when in reality he has admitted to Fox News executive Roger Ailes in private and on CNN's Larry King Live that he is an outright socialist. His political bias to the Democratic ...
Skeptical Science: "Drown Them Out"In March of 2012, the climate alarmist website Skeptical Science had their forums "hacked" and the contents posted online. In these it was revealed that Skeptical Science members are organizing themselves into eco-strike squads to "drown out" those who do not accept their alarmist positions, " ...
Monga Bay ( Articles )
Mercury hurts birds and people: what we can le ...Birds aren't that different from people. We learn from our parents, just like zebra finches learn songs from their fathers. We are active and noisy during the day, like birds, and we can also be territorial. Also like birds, we try to attract mates through colorful displays and beautiful songs. ...
The year in rainforests2012 was another year of mixed news for the world's tropical forests. This is a look at some of the most significant tropical rainforest-related news stories for 2012. There were many other important stories in 2012 and some were undoubtedly overlooked in this review. If you feel there's somethi ...
Photos: the top new species discoveries in 2012Thousands of species were described for the first time by scientists in 2012. Some of these were 'cryptic species' that were identified after genetic analysis distinguished them from closely related species, while others were totally novel. Either way, here are some of the "new species" highligh ...
Our favorite nature photos of 2012In the course of reporting for Mongabay.com, I spent time in several countries in 2012, including Indonesia, Brazil, Madagascar, and Malaysia, among others. The following are some of my favorite nature pictures I took in the field. Overall I added more than 20,000 images to the site in 2012. For ...
Top 10 Environmental Stories of 2012Below is a quick review of some of the biggest environmental stories of 2012. The 'top stories' are listed in no particular order. Climate change, overpopulation, consumption, and ecological destruction is pushing planet Earth toward a tipping point according to a major study in Nature released ...
Science - NZ Herald
Tackling global warming head onIf there was any doubt that climate change is the biggest crisis facing mankind, the global groundswell of science being poured into the mother of all research efforts should confirm it.The United Nations Inter-governmental Panel...
Sir Ray loving break with family at homeThis year, social entrepreneur and author Sir Ray Avery is forgoing strong alcohol, skewered lambs and his wife's Greek family who will "kill you with love and food" for deserted beaches, barbecues and a game of catch with his 2-year-old.Sir...
Ocean depths giant caught on filmScientists have filmed an elusive giant squid, believed to be up to 8m long, that roams the depths of the Pacific Ocean.Japan's National Science Museum filmed the deep-sea creature in its natural habitat for the first time, working...
Unveiled laptop that can be rolled up and tuck ...The face of computer technology is set to be changed by a new tablet computer as thin and flexible as a sheet of paper - but a working version in the shops is some years away.Unveiled at the international convention CES 2013 this...
Techno revolution inside a pencilPaper-thin cellphones, ultra endurance batteries and tablet computers you can roll up and put in your pocket - the secret to such developments can be found in the common classroom pencil.With commercial applications of "graphene"...
The Bovine
Michael Schmidt off to court this monthWe’ve gone a long time without much overt legal sparring in the Canadian raw milk and food rights scene. But that’s soon to change as raw milk farmer Michael Schmidt heads to court later this month to face charges of … Continue reading →
USDA’s “feral invasive speciesR ...From Heather Callaghan at the Activist Post: ““Our farm is basically embargoed. We can raise all the pigs we want, but can not move them out to our market. That cuts off cash flow, effectively starving the farm financially and the … Continue reading →
Is organic food more nutritious?Special to The Bovine, from Gary Wilson: In order to determine if organic food is nutritious, it is first necessary to decide how to judge nutrition. Is nutrient content sufficient to judge the nutritional value of a food? Some examples … Continue reading →
When the rubber hits the road with those new F ...From David E. Gumpert on the Complete Patient blog: “Nearly three years ago, I asked in a blog post on the then-proposed new national food safety regulations a question I thought sounded provocative, but was likely far-fetched: “How does the idea of … Continue reading →
New Mexico bill calls for GMO labelingFrom Anthony Gucciardi at The Intel Hub: “Is this the next Prop 37, complete with a forthcoming wave of successful activism and education from concerned consumers? Unfortunately we know that Prop 37 failed due to not only irrefutable deception and lies from the … Continue reading →
Mish's Global Economic Trends
Debt Sells Like Hot Cakes as Corporations Rais ...In five January business days, corporations sold $52.75 billion in debt according to Informa Global Markets. MarketWatch highlights that point in companies sell debt like hot cakes Companies have flooded the market with new debt to start the year, even after the recent jump in Treasury yie ...
Yield Curve: Where To From Here? Extreme Compl ...After a somewhat lengthy hiatus, Curve Watcher's Anonymous is taking a good long look at the US treasury yield curve. Treasury Yield Curve click on chart for sharper image QE Ending in 2013? There have been three consecutive headfakes higher in treasury yields only to s ...
Reader Questions on the 1 Trillion Coin Propos ...Several people asked me to comment on the $1 trillion coin proposal endorsed by New York Times columnist and Noble Prize winner Paul Krugman. I did so yesterday in a satirical post Krugman Supports the $1 Trillion Coin; Why Stop There? I Support the $1 Quadrillion Coin. In response to ...
Social Security Trends: Beneficiaries, Total C ...Inquiring minds are digging into social security trends including the numbers of beneficiaries, average costs, total costs, number of workers, and the ratio workers to beneficiaries. First, let's take a look at the CNS News report Social Security Ran $47.8 Billion Deficit in Fiscal Year 201 ...
Eurozone Unemployment Hits Record High 11.8%; ...Inquiring minds are investigating miserable unemployment stats in Euroope as reported this morning by Eurostast. The euro area (EA17) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 11.8% in November 2012, up from 11.7% in October. The EU27 unemployment rate was 10.7% in November 2012, stable compa ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
Our new BFP DVD “The Police State” ...Our second BFP DVD includes The EyeOpener Police State Series with James Corbett, plus 2 bonus BFP Reports – Blackballed: ‘How the FBI Bends FOIA’ and TSA: ‘Tyrants Sucker America,’ plus an exclusive interview with BFP’s Andrew Gavin Marshall and a Jamiol/BFP Political Cartoon Gallery. Ple ...
BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- January ...Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Supp ...
The EyeOpener- Rings within Rings: How Secret ...The idea that global politics is directed by a small group of well-connected elite has long been decried as “conspiracy theory” by the establishment and their media outlets. However, today, this idea is openly discussed and acknowledged by those very figures that once sought to deride it. If we ...
The Endgame in Syria: Strategic Stage in the P ...“The siege against Syria is a front in the covert multi-dimensional war against Iran.” Since the kindling of the conflict inside Syria in 2011, it was recognized, by friend and foe alike, that the events in that country were tied to a game plan that ultimately targets Iran, Syria’s number one al ...
Our new BFP DVD “The Police State” ...Our second BFP DVD includes The EyeOpener Police State Series with James Corbett, plus 2 bonus BFP Reports – Blackballed: ‘How the FBI Bends FOIA’ and TSA: ‘Tyrants Sucker America,’ plus an exclusive interview with BFP’s Andrew Gavin Marshall and a Jamiol/BFP Political Cartoon Gallery. Ple ...
bloody crossroads
Is Obama a Fraud?The debt deal is yet another sign that hope and change has been a fiction from the start: Like many, I was extremely hopeful when Obama won in 2008. And like many I’ve become totally disillusioned with the president and … Continue reading →
Today’s StoriesGood politifact piece on how Social Security functions and its solvency How the state is revoking our civil liberties by imprisoning people, in some cases for up to 15 years, for recording police brutality with smart phones Economist Dean Baker … Continue reading →
The Tyranny of American HealthcareFor those who read this on Splice, be sure to re-read the unedited version… Why are we trying to prop up a broken system?: Do you realize how badly you’re being screwed by the health insurance corporations? Let me give … Continue reading →
Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
Globe Wireless And Airmar to Effectively Open ...Globe Wireless and Arimar have announced today that they have entered into a long-term cooperation agreement to provide Globe Wireless products and services to Italian flagged vessels. As part of [...]
Kulluk Tow Incident Timeline [INFOGRAPHIC]Ever since the AIVIQ lost the initial tow of Shell’s Kulluk drilling rig on December 27th, there were so many new developments and information pouring out that it was nearly impossible [...]
Nigeria’s Navy Hands Over Russian Crew Busted ...By Maram Mazen Nigeria’s navy said it handed over 15 Russian crew members to police for questioning after their ship was found to be carrying weapons and ammunition without valid documents. The [...]
Nigerian Pirates Release Kidnapped CrewThe Italian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday made the announcement that four crewmembers kidnapped from an AHTS off the coast of Nigeria in December are heading home. According to an earlier [...]
These First-Ever Photos of a Giant Squid are I ...These are the first ever photos captured of a live giant squid in its natural habitat. The photos are still images taken from video captured back in July 2012 by [...]
Press TV
Hamas, Fatah leaders meet in EgyptLeaders of rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah have held unity talks in Egypt.
US ready to send drones to DR Congo The United States says it is ready to send surveillance drones to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to help the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the African state despite opposition from Rwanda and other neighbors.
‘Americans live sicker, die younger’A new report shows that citizens of the United States live sicker and die earlier than people in other rich countries and that the trend is getting worse over time.
India-Pakistan cross border row deepensAngry protesters have staged an anti-Pakistan rally in India amid escalating tensions between the two neighbors over cross-border clashes in the past few days.
Shia PPP politician killed in PeshawarGunmen have killed a Shia Muslim politician who was the senior member of the main ruling Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, police say.
Fast-growing fish variety could benefit Egypt ...Tilapia fish breeding programmes have delivered new strains that could raise producers' income and enable poorer people to afford fish.
Phone texts fail to boost adherence to HIV therapySending mobile phone text reminders to African HIV/AIDS patients did not significantly improve their adherence to treatment, finds study.
Internet is 'valuable science resource but can ...Online science news is informing more people, but search methods and comment sections could be harming public debate, say researchers.
'Fund Indian universities for excellence – not ...India's policy of concentrating scientific research in specialised institutes has deprived the university system of top talent and funding.
Local software can spur development, says UN r ...Developing nations should fight piracy and improve ICT infrastructure to ensure strong local software sectors reach their potential, says report.
Congressional Budget Office Director's Blog
The United States is Experiencing the Longest ...The rate of unemployment in the United States has exceeded 8 percent since February 2009, making the past three years the longest stretch of high unemployment in this country since the Great Depression. CBO projects that the unemployment rate will remain above 8 percent until 2014. The share of ...
Models Used by the Military Services to Develo ...The military services—the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps—use modeling techniques to inform parts of their annual budget requests. As directed by the Congress in the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act, today’s CBO study provides information on the models used ...
Treatment of PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury b ...More than 2 million service members have deployed in support of overseas contingency operations (OCO) in Iraq and Afghanistan since October 2001. Two combat-related conditions that affect some OCO veterans and that have generated widespread concern among policymakers are post-traumatic stress di ...
Presentation to the National Economists ClubYesterday I spoke to the National Economists Club on our recently released Budget and Economic Outlook. My remarks reiterated much of what I said in several of last week’s blog posts: CBO Releases the Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 2022 Fundamental Fiscal Challenge How ...
Federal Budget Deficit Totaled $349 Billion fo ...The federal government accumulated a budget deficit of $349 billion for the first four months of fiscal year 2012, CBO estimates in its latest Monthly Budget Review, $70 billion less than the shortfall recorded for the same period last year. Without shifts in the timing of certain payments, howe ...
Naked Scientists - News
Robotic routerHave you have ever spent ages carefully sawing out a complex shape in a piece of wood only to find it was slightly too big, or worse slightly too small? This happened to Alec Rivers an electronics Ph...
Flexible batteriesOne of the big reasons that mobile phones and other personal gadgetry are still simple cuboids, and not more interesting shapes, is that they need a lot of energy storage, and batteries are simple cub...
Resistance is fertile: soil bacteria to blameSoil-dwelling bacteria are the source of the antibiotic resistance genes that are making many infections hard to treat, researchers have shown this week. Writing in Science, Washington University St...
Gait expectations: genetic basis of horse dres ...A gene responsible for affecting how the majority of mammals move has been revealed by studying a group of Icelandic horses with weird walking patterns. Although all horses can walk, trot and gallo...
Nanoparticles poison soilNanoparticles in cosmetics and exhaust fumes can accumulate in plants and stunt growth, scientists have warned. In a paper published this week in PNAS, UC Santa Barbara soil microbiologist Patricia ...
More Sources
- Angelbabe 43
- Addicting Info
- Ecology : Myths and Frauds
- Scribd
- Medicine Hunter
- Modern Slavery : Libertarian Critique of Civilization
IPS - Inter Press Services
U.S. to Take Closer Look at Flood of Corporate ...Civil society actors and the some corporate groups here are reacting with excitement to indications that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which regulates the country’s stock exchanges, is likely to take up discussion over new rules that would mandate the public disclosure of al ...
U.S. Immigration System’s Cost, Reach “Unprece ...The United States government is spending more on immigration enforcement each year than it is on all other federal law-enforcement agencies combined, according to the first comprehensive look at how the country’s sprawling immigration complex has grown over the past decade. Likewise, on a daily ...
Showdown Looms Between Erdoğan and Gülen MovementA tactical alliance in Turkey between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and a movement headed by theologian Fetullah Gülen is unraveling. And the break-up is threatening to turn acrimonious. Tension between Erdoğan and the Gülen movement heightened with two late-December announcements by the p ...
China’s Rising Soybean Consumption Resha ...Global demand for soybeans has soared in recent decades, with China leading the race. Nearly 60 percent of all soybeans entering international trade today go to China, making it far and away the world’s largest importer. The soybean was domesticated some 3,000 years ago by farmers in easte ...
New Push for U.S. to Ratify Major Women’ ...The United States continues to be in the dubious company of six countries that have either refused or are reluctant to ratify the landmark U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Now a coalition of more than 100 non-governmental organisations (NGO ...
My AntiWar
Hagel to rein in Israel on Iran strike: commen ...Summary: Chuck Hagel, the nominee for the next US defence secretary, will seek to rein in Israel over any attempt to carry out a unilateral strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, Israeli observers believe. Hagel’s nomination by US President Barack Obama must still be confirmed by ...
- US Contractor Pays $5 Million to Iraqis Over A ...
- Freed Iranian Hostages Arrive at Hotel in Damascus
- Egypt President Tries Hand at Palestinian Rivalry
- Egypt’s Ultraconservative Party Names Ne ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
Hagel to rein in Israel on Iran strike: commen ...Summary: Chuck Hagel, the nominee for the next US defence secretary, will seek to rein in Israel over any attempt to carry out a unilateral strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, Israeli observers believe. Hagel's nomination by US President Barack Obama must still be confirmed by the US Se ...
Chuck Hagel’s views are mainstreamSummary: A vociferous flock of Republicans in Congress, along with some of America’s most zealous right-wingers, have been hammering former GOP Senator Chuck Hagel, who President Obama nominated on Monday for secretary of defense. source: Daily Callerread more
Iran Nuke Deal Within SightSummary: A resolution to the Iranian nuclear dispute is within reach, with Iran ready to accept limits on its program and many in the West willing to ease sanctions. But the real question remains whether chest-thumping politicians and pundits will let a deal go through, writes ex-CIA analyst ...
Noam Chomsky: The Gravest Threat to World PeaceSummary: Reporting on the final U.S. presidential campaign debate, on foreign policy, The Wall Street Journal observed that "the only country mentioned more (than Israel) was Iran, which is seen by most nations in the Middle East as the gravest security threat to the region." source: Alter ...
Major Test for Israel Lobby As Obama Leans to ...Summary: WASHINGTON, Jan 5 2013 (IPS) - With President Barack Obama reportedly primed to nominate former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel to head the Pentagon early next week, the powerful Israel lobby, led by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), faces a major dilemma. source: ...
The Daily Galaxy
Star Systems Vega and Formalhaut Appear to Hos ...The discovery of an asteroid belt-like band of debris around Vega makes the star similar to another observed star called Fomalhaut (image above). The data are consistent with both stars having inner, warm belts and outer, cool belts separated by a gap. This architectu ...
Extreme 'Brown Dwarf' Weather --Massive Clouds ..."Unlike the water clouds of Earth or the ammonia clouds of Jupiter, clouds on brown dwarfs are composed of hot grains of sand, liquid drops of iron, and other exotic compounds," said Mark Marley, research scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Cal ...
Ice on Titan's Lakes: "May Host an Exotic Form ...A new paper by scientists on NASA's Cassini mission finds that blocks of hydrocarbon ice might decorate the surface of existing lakes and seas of liquid hydrocarbon on Saturn's moon Titan. The presence of ice floes might explain some of the mixed readings Cassini has seen ...
Outburst from Enormous Black Hole 11-Billion Y ...In early November, 2011, a months-long blast of energy launched by an enormous black hole almost 11 billion years ago swept past Earth. At the height of the outburst, the galaxy was more than 10,000 times brighter than the combined luminosity of all of the stars in ou ...
Astronomers Awed by Colossal Galaxy Outburst 1 ...The scientists were conducting a long-term study of molecules in galaxies when one of the galaxies showed a startling change. "The discovery was entirely serendipitous. Our observations were spread over a few years, and when we looked at them, we found that one galaxy h ...
Natural News
Obama to follow in footsteps of Hitler, Stalin ...It's official. President Obama is going to march America down the dark halls of history by following in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and all the other gun-grabbing madmen who have exploited fear to achieve the total concentration of power...
Twelve real reasons why Piers Morgan is crazie ...On Monday night's CNN broadcast of the barely-watched Piers Morgan show, infowarrior Alex Jones handed Piers Morgan his best ratings ever. He also "lost his cool," according to the mainstream media which blasted Jones all day Tuesday, trying to paint him as a radical...
New research shows how healthy eating affects ...Have you ever wondered how and why certain people seem to appear either younger or much older than their actual chronological age? Certainly genetic inheritance has some impact on aging, development of chronic conditions and longevity, but an abundance of new research...
GMO food fight: Round two 2013On November 6, in the wake of one of the most expensive and scurrilous smear campaigns in history, six million voters scared the hell out of Monsanto and Big Food Inc. by coming within a razor's edge of passing the first statewide mandatory labeling law for genetically...
Top cosmetic and personal care chemicals that ...The products we use to improve our personal appearance are often extremely harmful to our natural balance of hormones. There are several commonly used ingredients that can be found in everything from body and face lotions to cosmetics and shaving creams which are known...
Threat Level
Student Suspended for Refusing to Wear RFID Tr ...A Texas high school student who claimed her student identification was the "Mark of the Beast" because it was implanted with a radio-frequency identification chip has lost her federal court bid Tuesday challenging her suspension for refusing to wear the ...
Romanian Hacker Gets 21-Month Sentence for Bre ...A Romanian national is being sentenced in the United States to 21 months in prison for his role in a successful plot to hack credit-card-processing systems at more than 150 Subway restaurants and 50 other unnamed retailers.
WikiLeaker Bradley Manning Awarded 112-Day Pri ...A military judge overseeing pretrial hearings in the Bradley Manning case refused to dismiss the charges against the former Army intelligence analyst Tuesday, according to reports, but ordered that the accused WikiLeaker will be granted a 112-day sentencing credit for ...
Theater-Only Blockbuster Movies Playing on Com ...When the nominations for the Academy Awards are announced Thursday, millions of people already will have watched some of the leading flicks. But they likely didn't view them on a theater's big screen, even though they haven't been released on ...
Feds Dismantle Piracy Ring That Stole Super-Ex ...A Chinese national was set to plead guilty Monday for his role in a massive $100 million online software piracy scheme that authorities said was "one of the most significant copyright infringement cases ever uncovered."
PERRspectives : Blog
Polls Show GOP Duping Americans on Debt Ceilin ...During their rare moments of candor, Republicans leaders agree with President Obama that failing to raise the U.S. debt ceiling would be "catastrophic." Two years ago, Speaker John Boehner acknowledged "that would be a financial disaster, not only for our country but for the worldwide economy." ...
Introducing the $1 Trillion Ronald Reagan Plat ...As part of their never-ending campaign to canonize President Ronald Reagan, conservatives three years ago proposed replacing Ulysses S. Grant on the 50 dollar bill with the likeness of the Gipper. But while his hagiographers mercifully failed in that quest, a new and altogether fitting denomina ...
Current GOP Leaders Gave Bush "Clean" Bills to ...As McClatchy and the New York Times among others have documented, Senators and Representatives in the minority party have often voted against debt ceiling increases. Whether motivated by opposition to larger spending or tax legislation, or as a symbolic vote to embarrass the president and his C ...
Hagel Foes Graham and McCain Praised James "F* ...The Republican opposed the Iraq surge and favored regional negotiations with Iran and Syria. The GOP luminary has cautioned against pre-emptive strikes on Tehran's nuclear facilities. He publicly criticized Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank. He advised the presidential campaigns of ...
A Modest Proposal: The Trent Lott Super Storm ...On Friday, 67 House Republicans voted against $9 billion in funding to replenish FEMA's flood insurance program in the wake of super storm Sandy. Among those naysayers were five Gulf State Congressmen including Mississippi Rep. Steven Palazzo, whose 4th District was one of the most extensively ...
Blackspot News Feed
THREE PANELS OPEN: Eric Grissom & David HalvorsonEric & David have a free download of the zero issue of their comic PLANET GIGANTIC here.
“Central Park Five”: New Film On How Police Ab ...An explosive new documentary looks at a case once referred to as "the crime of the century”: the Central Park Five. Many people have heard about the case -- but far too few know that innocent men were imprisoned as a result. The film tells the story of how five black and Latino teenagers were ar ...
Former GOP Strategist Kevin Phillips on the Ro ...With the Republican Party in a state of turmoil following Mitt Romney's loss three weeks ago, we begin today's show with a guest who was once one of the most influential Republican strategists. In 1969 Kevin Phillips wrote the groundbreaking book, "The Emerging Republican Majority." Newsweek des ...
Headlines for November 28, 2012Egypt: More than 200,000 Fill Tahrir Square in Biggest Protest Against Morsi, At Least 34 Dead in Syrian Car Bomb Blasts, Shiite Worshipers Among At Least 30 Killed in Iraq Explosions, Report: M23 Rebels Preparing to Leave Goma After Initially Defying Deadline, Bangladeshi Factory Managers Arres ...
Palestine Activism in the UKAcross Britain growing numbers of people are acting in solidarity with Palestinians
Consortium News
- The Grilling that Brennan Deserves
- Keystone Pipeline’s March to the Sea
- Where Rachel Maddow Dares Not Tread
- Profiting Off the Terror Threat
- Walling in Israeli Occupation
Congress Must Debate the Libya WarThe US is now at war in a third Muslim country, according to the "official tally" (that is, counting Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, but not Pakistan or Yemen, for example.) But Congress has never authorized or debated the US military intervention in Libya. (A sharply disputed claim holds ...
News in Brief: Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wrigh ...Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wright Among 30 Arrested for Protesting Against Abuse of Bradley Manningread more
In This Nuclear World, What Is the Meaning of ...In a nuclear crisis, life becomes a nightmare for those people trying to make sense of the uncertainties. Imaginably, the questions are endless. Radiation is invisible, how do you know when you are in danger? How long will this danger persist? How can you reduce the hazard to yourself and famil ...
Richard D. Wolff: "Personal Debts" (Video)read more
Charmed Into Battle: How a Volunteering Vacati ...About to turn thirty, Conor Grennan planned a year-long trip around the world. He started his trip with a three-month stint volunteering in the Little Princes Orphanage in war-torn Nepal. What was supposed to be just a three-month experience changed Conor's life, and the lives of countless other ...
Giant Squid, First Video Taken Of The Animal I ...For the first time ever a giant squid has been filmed in its natural habitat deep under the ocean surface. The new film shows the giant squid at a depth of nearly 3000 feet, roughly 9 miles off the coast of Chichi Island in the North Pacific Ocean. The video was taken by researchers from Japan&# ...
Large Asteroid Apophis Passing Close By The Ea ...The large asteroid 99942 Apophis will be passing close by the Earth on Wednesday night, not close enough for an impact to be a danger though. There is a slight chance of an impact occurring on Friday, April 13, 2036, though. The Earth, and the asteroid nicknamed Apophis, follow a very similar or ...
First Galactic ‘Bone’ Discovered In The Milky WayFor the first time one of the ‘bones’ of the Milky Way have been identified by researchers. ‘Bones’ and endoskeletons are often visible in spiral galaxies, but as we are within the Milky Way it is more difficult to see what is what, as compared to our more clear observati ...
4 International Conferences Discussing Green E ...Following the events surrounding nuclear fallout in Japan last year, and the epic rise and fall of solar energy in the United States over 2012, the world is involved in a continuing conversation about exactly where the future of energy lies. Is nuclear power safe? Are wind and solar energ ...
Keystone Pipeline Opposition Grows Nationwide: ...Protesters yesterday mounted joint occupations of TransCanada’s corporate offices in at least three cities as the increasing protests against the Keystone “Tar Sands” Pipeline escalated into more public, direct confrontations. Various reports confirm 50 to 100 people  ...
Water Quality - WordPress
Drilling has created a public health emergencyIn May I posted a link to The List of the Harmed, a living list compiled by the Pennsylvania Allianc
Call for Artists!!!Yes we know its only December but our calendars are flipped to Spring as we plan for exciting upcom
The strange saga of how Los Angeles County's s ...Tomorrow, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Los Angeles County Flood Control District v.
December 2012December 2, 2012. It’s been over a month with no rain now – the last time there was a ra
W. Michigan groundwater quality and quantity t ...A new study by Michigan State University suggests #groundwater quantity to quality cause and effect:
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
The Global Banking ‘Super-Entity’ Drug Cartel: ...by Andrew Gavin Marshall Featured Writer Dandelion Salad http://andrewgavinmarshall.com Oct. 28, 201
Hidden Away Somewhere Within The Labyrinth Of ...by Gaither Stewart Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Rome, Italy Oct. 29, 2012 Hidden away somewhere w
Wake Up and Smell the Bullshit. Then Go Vote. ...by William Blum Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.killinghope.org November 1, 2012 English: Middle
Michael Parenti on The State of Human Rights i ...Image by thisisbossi via Flickr with Michael Parenti Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Michael Parenti
Michael Parenti: The Destruction and Colonizat ...Image via Wikipedia with Michael Parenti Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Michael Parenti Blog www.mi
Axis of Logic
Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash? ..."The American people are being disenfranchised, disinherited, and enslaved." The PBS Documentary "The Warning" proves the Illuminati bankers deliberately sabotaged the financial system before 2008. This was not the first time nor will it be the last."Economic c ...
CIA directing arms shipments to Syria’s “rebel ...22 June 2012 CIA agents have been deployed to Turkey to organize the arming of the so-called rebels in Syria seeking the overthrow of the government of President Bashar al-Assad, the New York Times reported Thursday. The report, citing information provided by senior US officials as well a ...
UNASUR Foreign Ministers in Paraguay to Discus ...Río de Janeiro, June 21 (Prensa Latina) Foreign ministres from member countries of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) are scheduled to leave today for Paraguay to discuss the situation in that country in the wake of decisión by the Chamber of Deputies to open an impeachment against Pre ...
The Right Wing Move to Impeach Paraguay's Pres ...Editor's Note: Does this sound familiar to anyone? It was 3 years ago this month that democratically-elected President Zelaya was thrown out of office by a coup in Honduras backed by the US State Department. In January, 2010 we published Mike Whitney's article, In South America, left-wing presid ...
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaks from E ...22 June 2012 Australian and US governments “playing word games” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange spoke out today from the Ecuadorian embassy in London about the escalating assault on his democratic rights and why he had been compelled to seek political asylum in Ecuador. Interviewed b ...
They Gave Us a Republic
Rick Scott Cooking the Books -- AgainBy @TedFrier Looks like Florida Governor Rick Scott is up to his old tricks. Earlier this week Scott told reporters in Washington that he's leaning toward opposing the administration's plan to expand Medicaid service in the states because expansion would cost about $63 billion over the next deca ...
The Nightowl NewswrapBy @BGinKC My fondest dream is for an @NRA endorsement to be a political kiss of death The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (full disclosure: I have, in the past, worked under contract for them writing about gun violence and how it is covered in the media) got newly-elected Senator Heidi Heitcamp' ...
The Nightowl NewswrapBy @BGinKC It's on. Obama has decided that Chuck Hagel is the right man to head the Pentagon and it's going to be a battle royale getting him confirmed, but I'm guessing Obama thinks it will cost the GOP more than they stand to gain, and he wants them to spend all their political capital early.. ...
Republicans Not Accountable to PublicBy @TedFrier One of the important lessons I took away from Crane Brinton's classic work on the "anatomy" of revolutions was that regime change does not always announce itself with shots heard around the world on a New England village green or by peasants storming royal fortresses. Rather, the in ...
The Nightowl NewswrapBy @BGinKC @MicheleBachmann can stop pretending she gives a damn about the debt or the deficit. We learned during the "fiscal cliff" legislation debate in the House that the vanity votes congressional republicans held on repealing Obamacare have cost us, the taxpayers, over $50 million. Yet craz ...
Care 2
'Smoking Gun': Tar Sands Report Eviscerates In ...Researchers involved in the independent but government-funded study say the report eviscerates claims by the industry that heightened levels of toxins found in Alberta could be "naturally occurring". Submitted by Judy C. to Science & Tech | Note-it! | Add ...
Thank U.S. Court for Protecting Threatened Spe ...Recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. upheld a legal settlement that requires the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to decide on the statuses of hundreds of threatened plants and animals. The settlement ensures that the USFWS will Submitted by Cher C. to Animals |&n ...
We Want a Worldwide Shark Fin Ban ! PLEASE SIG ...In the first weeks of 2013, thousands of shark fins were found on a factory rooftop in Hong Kong, hidden from the public. Likely, these fins were intended for shark fin soup -- a gourmet East Asian dish -- which surges in popularity around the Chinese Submitted by Cher C. to Animals |&nbs ...
Worlds largest thin-film power plant goes live ...PLEASE CHECK THIS ARTICLE, NOTE, COMMENT, SHARE, "On May 23, Solar Frontier and BELECTRIC announced that their thin-film solar power plant the biggest in the world was connected to the grid in Bochow, Germany." INCREDIBLE! Submitted by Ruth R. to Business | Note-it! | ...
CANADA: Ban Imports of Dog and Cat Fur ! PLEAS ...China has become a top fur importer, and is satisfying demand with domestic dogs and cats. Animal activists believe many of these are stolen pets. The United States, European Union and Australia have laws that ban importing cat and dog fur, and the U.S. Submitted by Cher C. to Animals |&n ...
Smirking Chimp
- Devolution: An Idea That's Time Has Come?
- The Founding Fathers Versus The Gun Nuts
- Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary
- Does Trade Deficit Drive Inequality?
- The Progressive Caucus: Enabling Obama’s Right ...
Paul Krugman
Talkin' 'bout StimulusMy panel at the AEA.
Barbarous RelicsThis is not a rational argument.
Rage Against the CoinLet them rage.
Moral Obligation CouponsAll that glitters need not be platinum.
Be Ready To Mint That CoinAnd put Boehner's face on it.
No Quarter
Nebraska Wendy’s franchisee slashes worker hou ...“Nebraska Wendy’s franchisee slashes worker hours to sidestep ObamaCare“: A Nebraska Wendy’s franchise is slashing employee hours so the owners do not have to pay for health benefits for their workers under ObamaCare’s requirements. WOWT reports about 100 workers in ...
Dick Cheney Apparently Didn’t Mind The Term “J ...Buzzfeed Politics reports that “Dick Cheney Apparently Didn’t Mind The Term “Jewish Lobby.” When Cheney was Secretary, the Defense Department published a pamphlet using the phrase Hagel has gotten in trouble for uttering. It also instructed soldiers to downplay America’s allian ...
Yes to Senator HagelA good friend, who is a genuine Conservative and has worked on Counter Terrorism issues for years as a senior U.S. Government official, was approached last September by a member of Mitt Romney’s national security team and asked for his recommendations on quality people who should staff a R ...
“Officers deliver emotional testimony about sc ...According to Fox News’s article, “Officers deliver emotional testimony about scene of Colorado theater shooting“: The officers struggled to hold back the tears as they recalled the Colorado theater shooting: discovering a 6-year-old girl without a pulse, trying to keep a wounde ...
Christie May Have “Prayed” For Sandy To Come ( ...As Larry Johnson said recently, “Chris Christie is a fat blowhard.” Today, CBS News wrote this article, “New Jersey Senate President: Christie May Have ‘Prayed’ For Sandy To Come”: Here is Chris Christie with his new buddy, President Obama. The second he could get out of ...
Hope for a Global Spring?Perhaps it’s because of the economy is beginning – finally – to pick up in the US. Perhaps it is because I’m sick to death of bad election-year politics, so I’m looking at anything else that comes along of interest. Maybe it’s even because I wrote about creative destruction the last time I did a ...
The only way to change your past is to steal s ...I get a fairly regular flow of emails about independent film projects. Most of them, to be honest, bounce straight off me – which says less about their quality than it does about my own taste in cinema. Independent cinema – like independent music and literature – has lots of pr ...
Censorship: I’m guilty as chargedSo, I stand accused of censorship by someone whose comment I declined to approve on this post. I figure anyone willing to throw around accusations of censorship is probably a big fan of radical transparency; hence, by way of amelioration, here is the digital papertrail for the full exchange. (Em ...
The Future Always WinsSoooooo, yeah – I’ve been busy. Did you miss me? New job, Masters degree… doesn’t leave a lot of spare time, so it doesn’t. But it’s been quiet here too long, so it’s time to dust down the soapbox and run a mic-check. One-two, one-two. The Future Always ...
New EconomiesLast month I pondered the extent to which the Arab Spring and Occupy Everything are socially-driven acts of creative destruction. Creative destruction is defined as a “process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying ...
Mountaintop Removal
Education, drugs among expected legislative to ...Education, drugs among expected legislative topics Independent Herald Efforts to ban mountaintop-removal mining in Tennessee have become an annual issue in Nashville, and Yager does not expect that to change with the 108th General Assembly. However, with some proponents of the bill losing their ...
First Day Off the Floor - wekuweku First Day Off the Floor weku Another regular visitor to the state capital is Lexington's Don Pratt…. who today stood behind a sign protesting mountaintop removal mining. Pratt cites Hurricane Sandy as evidence fossil fuels damage the environment. “I'm still here. They haven't .. ...
Young and disillusioned with America - phillyB ...Young and disillusioned with America phillyBurbs.com (blog) He caught catfish by hand with Louisiana Cajuns, worked a shrimp boat in the Gulf, stood with activists to stop mountaintop removal in West Virginia, and rock climbed in Colorado. He studied religion with an excommunicated Catholic prie ...
NEWS AND TRIBUNE BRIEFS — For Jan. 8 - Newsand ...NEWS AND TRIBUNE BRIEFS — For Jan. 8 Newsandtribune The Carnegie Center for Art and History, 201 East Spring Street, New Albany, is hosting a panel discussion on Mountaintop Removal and Renewable Energy from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 10. The panel discussion is presented in conjunction with ...
Deaths elsewhere - Minneapolis Star TribuneDeaths elsewhere Minneapolis Star Tribune She fought repeated attempts by Congress to limit the scope of the Clean Water Act and battled coal companies and government officials over mountaintop-removal coal mining, in which mountains are blasted away to create strip mines. In a regulatory ... ...
California Town Hall Provides Glimpse At The F ...Evan McMorris-Santoro / Talking Points Memo: California Town Hall Provides Glimpse At The Future Of The Gun Control Debate — Advocates on both sides of the gun control debate are prepared to make a lot of noise about the future of gun regulations in the wake of the Newtown, Co ...
Media giants big donors to Markey (Michael Lev ...Michael Levenson / Boston Globe: Media giants big donors to Markey — His committee oversaw industry — You are reading this article for FREE courtesy of BostonGlobe.com. Get unlimited access. — Representative Edward J. Markey, a leading ...
Are Republicans Scared of Al Franken? (Michael ...Michael Catalini / NationalJournal.com: Are Republicans Scared of Al Franken? — SNL star-turned-senator isn't drawing much early GOP opposition. — After winning election by the narrowest of margins in 2008, Sen. Al Franken looked like one of the GOP's most in ...
This Week's Cover: Your first look at 'Hunger ...PopWatch: This Week's Cover: Your first look at ‘Hunger Games’ sequel, ‘Catching Fire’ — The revolution has been sparked. In this week's cover story, EW traveled to Waikiki, Hawaii where cast and crew were in the final days of production on the ea ...
Biden to address the nation's mayors (Jonathan ...Jonathan Easley / The Hill: Biden to address the nation's mayors — Vice President Biden will address nearly 300 of the country's mayors later this month, the U.S. Conference of Mayors announced in a statement on Wednesday. — The group's winter meeting will ta ...
Energy & Environment News
National Briefing | Midwest: Missouri: Army Co ...Army Corps of Engineers and Coast Guard officials said efforts to keep a crucial stretch of the drought-starved Mississippi River open to barge traffic should avert a shipping shutdown.
Green Blog: In India, Solar Ambitions Are Sudd ...States propose to add solar installations at such a frenetic pace that doubts have arisen over the projects' viability.
Dot Earth Blog: On Budget Deficits and CO2 Bin ...Liberals and conservatives both seem to avoid looking in the mirror when facing certain challenges.
High Hay Prices Encourage More Thefts From FarmsDrought and grass fires have pushed the price of hay to near records, making it an increasingly irresistible target for thieves or desperate peers.
Green Blog: Court Seeks More Public Input on N ...An appeals panel asks the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to explain why it did not seek public comment on fire safety measures involving a reactor.
5+ quakes - 7 days
M 5.1, Antofagasta, ChileWednesday, January 9, 2013 11:21:18 UTC Wednesday, January 9, 2013 08:21:18 AM at epicenterDepth: 115.30 km (71.64 mi)
M 5.0, NepalWednesday, January 9, 2013 07:44:20 UTC Wednesday, January 9, 2013 01:29:20 PM at epicenterDepth: 34.20 km (21.25 mi)
M 5.0, Carlsberg RidgeWednesday, January 9, 2013 05:27:04 UTC Wednesday, January 9, 2013 10:27:04 AM at epicenterDepth: 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
M 5.8, MyanmarWednesday, January 9, 2013 01:41:53 UTC Wednesday, January 9, 2013 08:11:53 AM at epicenterDepth: 90.50 km (56.23 mi)
M 5.4, south of the Kermadec IslandsTuesday, January 8, 2013 21:26:55 UTC Wednesday, January 9, 2013 09:26:55 AM at epicenterDepth: 8.40 km (5.22 mi)
China Dialogue
蓝天之路的ਫ ...去年,多达60个城市开始了PM2.5的监测和发布,信息公开之后,马军指出下一步则应该是& ...
印染业毒害ໞ ...浙江省绍兴县和杭州市萧山区两个以纺织印染为主的工业园区,长期向钱塘江排放含 ...
为领导解决ߝ ...城市交通规划管理专家何东全担心,新一代领导人的“轻车简从”作风可能会让城市&# ...
长江成为鱼౲ ...一座座水电工程叠加在中国最重要的河流——长江上,这里正在成为鱼类的坟墓。刘&# ...
生物仿生:ྪ ...生物仿生的广阔潜力不仅创造了一个价值数十亿美元的产业,更能帮助我们加深对生 ...
AlterNet Top Stories
Obama Taps Anti-Gay Preacher for Inaugural Ben ...The Presidential Inauguration Committee announced Tuesday that the President Obama has selected Pastor Louie Giglio of the Georgia-based Passion City Church to deliver the benediction for his second inauguration. In a mid-1990s sermon identified as Giglio’s, available online ...
'Most Antagonistic' Toward Israel? That Would ...When Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina warned on national television over the weekend that Chuck Hagel "would be the most antagonistic secretary of defense toward the state of Israel in our nation's history," either his memory served him very poorly -- or he was simply ...
More Big Trouble for WalMart's Exploitative Pr ...The courts have apparently figured out WalMart’s super sneaky strategy of domestic outsourcing (contracting out parts its U.S.-based supply chain to other companies to skirt responsibility for labor infractions), which could produce a host of legal troubles for the nation’s larg ...
Christian Fundamentalist Freak Out Over Yoga i ...With a temporary ceasefire declared in the war over Christmas, fundamentalist Christian conservatives are looking for other places that religion may be under attack — and one radical thinks that that place may be the military.Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council, a rig ...
Obama's New Treasury Secretary Has to Work for ...As Tim Geithner packs his bags, America will be treated to a new Treasury Secretary. It seems that Citigroup alumnus Jack Lew is President Obama's pick. What can we expect? What sort of Secretary do we need? And what are we likely to get?Straight from the horse’s mouth, this is how the ...
Threat Level
Student Suspended for Refusing to Wear RFID Tr ...A Texas high school student who claimed her student identification was the "Mark of the Beast" because it was implanted with a radio-frequency identification chip has lost her federal court bid Tuesday challenging her suspension for refusing to wear the ...
Romanian Hacker Gets 21-Month Sentence for Bre ...A Romanian national is being sentenced in the United States to 21 months in prison for his role in a successful plot to hack credit-card-processing systems at more than 150 Subway restaurants and 50 other unnamed retailers.
WikiLeaker Bradley Manning Awarded 112-Day Pri ...A military judge overseeing pretrial hearings in the Bradley Manning case refused to dismiss the charges against the former Army intelligence analyst Tuesday, according to reports, but ordered that the accused WikiLeaker will be granted a 112-day sentencing credit for ...
Theater-Only Blockbuster Movies Playing on Com ...When the nominations for the Academy Awards are announced Thursday, millions of people already will have watched some of the leading flicks. But they likely didn't view them on a theater's big screen, even though they haven't been released on ...
Feds Dismantle Piracy Ring That Stole Super-Ex ...A Chinese national was set to plead guilty Monday for his role in a massive $100 million online software piracy scheme that authorities said was "one of the most significant copyright infringement cases ever uncovered."
Equality Trust
UK Drug Policy Commission Report published todayThe UK’s approach to drug policy appears simplistic in several ways. Seeing all drug use as invariably problematic can reduce the cost-effectiveness of policy. Equally, drug problems need to be seen and addressed within their wider social and economic context; entrenched drug problems appear to ...
The Spirit Level Documentary FilmWe're delighted to introduce The Spirit Level Documentary - a forthcoming film based on the best-selling book, which will show why a more equal society is better for us all. Find out more...
Act Local = Reduce the GapFind out more about our new campaign: Act Local = Reduce the Gap
We work in partnership with One SocietyVisit the website of One Society which works in partnership with The Equality Trust. One Society draws on a wealth of research which shows that large divides in income at the top and bottom of society – beyond ‘proportional rewards’ – are damaging to our economy and society, not just for those ...
Among Equals: read our newsletterRead the latest edition of our supporter newsletter
Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Mon ...Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics By Carmen Yarrusso There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”–Henry David Thoreau Clearly, our government ...
IOT: Healthcare for All Jan CallCall – Healthcare for All IOT Date – Jan 18, 2011 Agenda: 1. Introductions—Dr. Bill Honigman, PDA Healthcare for All IOT coordinator and California State Coordinator 2. National Single Payer Movement—Katie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! 3. States Single Payer Movement–Chuck Pennacchi ...
PDA Weekly Field Report 1/7/2011 – 1/18/2011Little Victories! Field Site: onenationpda.org California ADEM elections: Congratulations to all our PDA California friends and allies who completed a sweep up and down at the state at the recent CA Democratic Party Delegate elections. This will put the ...
War is a Crime: Join In For JusticeWarIsACrime.org JOIN IN FOR JUSTICE! 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment http://www.defendingdissent.org/action/Events.htm 1/18/11 Washington, D.C. Panel with Rep. Rush Holt, Emily Berman from the Brennan Center for Justice, Shah ...
An American Suicide TerroristWilliam John Cox The shooter of Congresswoman Gifford acted as a domestic suicide terrorist on the political “battleground” of American politics. His YouTube postings and “goodby” phone messages are ominously reminiscent of the traditional farewell videos ...
Marler Blog
E. coli Outbreak in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia ...15 to 20 sickened by E. coli O157:H7. The Public Health Agency of Canada has been working with its health and food safety partners on an investigation into 15 cases of E. coli O157:H7... Continue Reading
More Salmon Recalled Due to ListeriaSomething is up. This may well be the fifth salmon recall due to Listeria monocytogenes in the last few months. Is it an environmental problem? Processing? GIANT Food Stores, LLC... Continue Reading
E. coli in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Sicken 15The Chronicle Herald reports that in Nova Scotia, three cases were confirmed today, bringing the number across the province to 10 since the first was reported a week ago. Five... Continue Reading
In Colorado for another Food Safety SpeechI am in lovely, sunny Boulder this AM for a speech to those providing safe food to the students on the University of Colorado campus. Here is my Powerpoint without... Continue Reading
A California Perspective on the Food Safety ActStacy Finz of the San Francisco Chronicle weighed in on FSMA: The Food and Drug Administration on Friday proposed wide-ranging rules to prevent the spread of food-borne illnesses like the... Continue Reading
Report: Coda Automotive undergoes "massive lay ...Filed under: Sedan, Hirings/Firings/Layoffs, Earnings/Financials, Electric Plug In Cars is reporting that there have been "massive layoffs" at California electric vehicle startup Coda Automotive. Apparently, more than 50 employees, "including a substantial part of its sales and marketing staf ...
Los Angeles: Ford Fusion wins 2013 Green Car O ...Filed under: LA Auto Show, Hybrid, Sedan, Ford After three years that saw a diesel, a plug-in and a natural gas vehicle win Green Car Journal's Green Car of the Year award, the Ford Fusion won the title this year at the start of the second day of the LA Auto Show. The Fusion was nominated in ...
Quick Spin: 2014 Ford Fiesta 1.0-liter EcoBoostFiled under: Budget, Hatchback, Ford, Quick Spins There's an analogy to diesel engines hiding in the new Ford Fiesta with the 1.0-liter EcoBoost powerplant. There's still a segment of the population that has bad memories of diesel engines, and that makes it harder for Audi or Volkswagen to se ...
Official: Lincoln MKZ Hybrid rated at 45 mpg, ...Filed under: Hybrid, Lincoln Just how important are all the luxury touches of a Lincoln compared to a Ford? They'd better be worth a two-miles-per-gallon penalty, since that's what buyers will be hit with if they choose the MKZ Hybrid over the 47-mpg Fusion Hybrid. Ford announced today that t ...
First Drive: 2014 Honda Accord Plug-In HybridFiled under: Hybrid, Sedan, Honda, First DrivesThe Accord Gets Friendly With A Volt-esque Powertrain After 30 years, Honda is trying to teach the old Accord new tricks, and they're of the plug-in variety. We've been teased by various prototypes at auto shows and in spy shots, but Honda ...
Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
Survey: Small Businesses Expecting Growth, Rea ...According to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business, 22% of business owners see a light ahead and are ready to embrace a growing economy.
Japanese Whalers Set to Hunt Unimpeded in the ...Will Japan's controversial program of scientific whaling be impacted by the resignation of Sea Shepard's founder?
Image Comics - New Release Reviews for January ...A Weekly Review Of Image Comics' Newest Releases So You Don't Waste Your Time.
IDW Publishing - New Release Reviews for Janua ...A Weekly Review Of IDW Publishing's Newest Releases So You Don't Waste Your Time.
Dark Horse Comics - New Release Reviews for Ja ...A Weekly Review Of Dark Horse Comics' Newest Releases So You Don't Waste Your Time.
Time - Top Stories
Richard Nixon at 100: His 52 TIME CoversRichard Nixon at 100: His 52 TIME Covers
Dozens Injured as Ferry Strikes New York City DockDozens Injured as Ferry Strikes New York City Dock
North Korea: Google Exec Sees Limited Internet ...North Korea: Google Exec Sees Limited Internet Access
Will AIG Sue the U.S. over the Terms of Its Ba ...Will AIG Sue the U.S. over the Terms of Its Bailout?
What Awaits John Brennan at the CIAWhat Awaits John Brennan at the CIA
Invisible Opportunity
Global Warming/Climate Change, A Political Age ...by Tony Elliot We are bombarded on a daily basis in the mainstream media of stories warning us of the dire necessity to accept the concept of a warming world. We are told of rising sea levels, melting polar and glacial ice in both hemispheres, methane escaping from tundra because of thin ice and ...
2013, The Year of National Discontent. The Beg ...by The Watchdog Washington is out of control. The Constitution no longer restrains them from passing any law it pleases. The authoritarians are out in force coming after the right to keep and bear arms because of the Sandy Hook tragedy. They want control and cannot have it if there is still resi ...
YES, THE TIDE IS SHIFTINGby Kam Zarrabi Whether Chuck Hagel’s nomination as the new Defense Secretary gets through the Senate confirmation process in spite of wholesale opposition by the Republicans and even some high profile Democratic Senators like Chuck Schumer and Ben Cardin (both Jewish Zionists, of course), the fa ...
Israel Vows To Use Veto Power If Chuck Hagel C ...JERUSALEM—Top-ranking government officials in Jerusalem confirmed Tuesday that Israel would exercise its longstanding, constitutionally granted veto power over American policy if U.S. lawmakers confirmed retired congressman Chuck Hagel as the United States’ next Secretary of Defense. “In light o ...
Secret government documents reveal vaccines to ...by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) If you have children, you are more than likely already aware of the official U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “Immunization Schedules,” which today recommend an astounding 29 vaccines be given between birth and six ye ...
Global Insights
Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware.George Green will be a featured speaker.September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CAClick here for Tickets & Reservations
The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the ...
The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to pu ...
The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging C ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-op ...
About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to fo ...
Twilight Earth
Cartoon caption contestTake a look at the cartoon below and enter your caption idea in the comment section (more ifo on prize, etc. below the cartoon). Eligible captions will be those posted on my site, Elephant Journal, Wend Magazine, PlanetSave, Eco-Snobbery Sucks, Ecolutionist, Ecopolitology, and Twilight Earth. Wi ...
Exposed: Why the GOP wants to eliminate Clean ...Whether we can believe this see-through-elephant-trunk footage or not, the possibility that elephants have a triple fitration system within their trunks has to have some credence. Otherwise, why on earth would leading Republicans try to make it easier for big polluters to further pollute the air ...
Apples may lose trees [cartoon]The rest of Joe Mohr’s cartoons, and cartoon updates and other green news on Twitter @GreenCartoons. Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets Beat–May Lose Beets (cartoon) Eco-Snobbery Sucks: The Cartoon Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets Beat–May Lose Beets (cartoo ...
Mixed message from USDA chief Vilsack [cartoon]US Ag Secretary, Tom Vilsack tells us to eat more natural foods a few days after fully deregulating GMO alfalfa…I’m confused. Confused as well? Read the links below and try to figure out this mess. From The New York Times: Government’s Dietary Advice: Eat Less From Elephant Journal: ...
BREAKING: Deleted Monsanto cartoon panel, leaked!Unlike the former Monsanto cartoon on this subject, this version shows a bit more clearly who surrendered the future of organic agriculture to Monsanto. There’s been a lot of talk from both sides (organic and biotech) about compromise. That is misleading and almost laughable (read: cryable ...
Fabius Maximus
Controversial, Not Controversial. Brennan v. H ...Summary: Juan Cole looks at the views of mainstream journalists, which by repetition tend to become America’s views. They’re simple, if somewhat crazy. But we’re not to think about them, just absorb them. . Guest post by Juan Cole From his website Informed Comment. Reposted ...
A report about global warming in Alaska!Summary: This story about global warming in Alaska has many lessons for us. About our climate, our news media, about how we process information about our world. It’s a classic application of our methodology, close examination of a small subject to learn large lessons. This is the annual ...
The real Obama revealed, at last!Summary: During the election we were warned by Republicans about the horrors of Obama’s second term, when the radical leftist anarchist socialist would show his true colors. Now that day has arrived, and we see the real Obama revealed in his first two appointments. President Obama’s ...
We’ve worked through all 5 stages of gri ...Summary: As the Republic dies, its opponents become bolder. They move from subtly working to undermine it, to outright advocacy of its overthrow. “We’ve spawned a new race here … We’re a new nationality. We require a new nation.” — Benjamin Franklin speaking at the Continental Congress, 7 June ...
An optimistic & successful (so far) forecast b ...Summary: We’ve looked at plenty of false (or at least temporarily not proven) forecasts by American experts about wars and climate. The rule seems to be that political correctness is rewarded, irrespective of accuracy. Today we see the opposite, accurate forecasts by an eminent scientists ...
WIRED Magazine | Science
How Big Would a Coin Made of $1 Trillion Worth ...It’s not quite what’s being considered, but what if the U.S. Treasury minted a coin from $1 trillion worth of platinum? The coin would weigh 42,778,918 pounds — the equivalent of nearly seven Saturn V rockets — and occupy 31,947 ...
Watch Live: Former Doomsday Asteroid Apophis F ...Watch as the asteroid 99942 Apophis, once classified as the most likely asteroid to hit the Earth, zooms past our planet during two live shows today from the Slooh Space Camera collaboration. The first show begins at 4 p.m. PT/7 ...
Baby Sharks Can Sense Danger, Even Before They ...Before they even leave their eggs, embryonic bamboo sharks freeze in response to perceived danger – a behavior that may help scientists develop a more effective shark repellent. The still-developing bamboo sharks are responding to electrical fields generated by predators, ...
Galactic Pile-Up May Point to Mysterious New D ...By closely mapping the mass of an enormous galactic collision, astronomers may have uncovered a type of force that only affects dark matter.
Wired Science Space Photo of the Day: Looking ...These color maps of Jupiter were constructed from images taken by the narrow-angle camera onboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft on Dec. 11 and 12, 2000, as the spacecraft neared Jupiter during its flyby of the giant planet. Cassini was on its ...
US Gov, Foreign Troops & Local Police Prepare ...Those with nothing to lose the 47% of Americans on social or subsidy programs are expected to be the ones to take to the streets and riot at the beginning of the 2nd American civil war. Manufactured poverty has become the standard under the Communist-in-Chief, Barack Obama. This breaks the wi ...
Hitachi Develops World’s Smallest RFID ChipThe Japanese giant Hitachi has developed the world's smallest and thinnest Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip. Measuring only 0.15 x 0.15 millimeters in size and 7.5 micrometers thick, the wireless chip is a smaller version of the previous record holder - Hitachi's 0.4 x 0.4 mm "Micro-Ch ...
Three Days Before Shooting “United Way Extends ...(Thomas Dishaw) More twists to the Sandy Hook narrative. On December 11 Google indexed the United Way website that offered condolences to the family’s of Sandy Hook
Americans Are Targeted for Planned ObsolescenceTo my mind controlled friends, I temporarily interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to inform you that America is now entering into martial law. In order to receive this information, you must temporarily suspend all other previous programming whether it be from CNN, FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC or ...
Could Obama be first 3-term president since FDR?A United States congressman has introduced a bill that would repeal the 22nd Amendment, which currently limits the president to serving only two terms as commander-in-chief. Should the bill become a law, it could allow President Barack Obama to run for reelection yet again in 2016. The bil ...
Andy Worthington
Eleven Years of Guantánamo: Andy Worthington V ...Contact me from 10am Eastern Time on January 9 (until January 16) on 347-581-2677. It’s over 24 hours since I arrived in the US, with the support of Witness Against Torture, World Can’t Wait and Close Guantánamo, for a series of events to mark the 11th anniversary of the opening of t ...
Andy Worthington Discusses Eleven Years of Gua ...On Friday, I was delighted to talk to Michael Slate on his long-standing progressive show, on KPFK in Los Angeles, about Guantánamo, as I prepared to fly to the US for a series of events to mark the 11th anniversary of the opening of the prison, and to demand its closure, as promised by Presiden ...
Photos: Deptford and Rotherhithe on New Year&# ...Deptford and Rotherhithe on New Year’s Day, a set on Flickr. On New Year’s Day, from 11.30pm until 1am on the morning of January 2, I decided to take a bike ride around my neighbourhood, in part because I’m almost permanently enthusiastic about cycling and taking photos at nigh ...
Canada’s Shameful and Unending Disdain f ...Three months ago, Omar Khadr, the Canadian citizen seized as a child and held and abused by the US government in Guantánamo for ten years, was returned to Canada, where he now languishes in a maximum-security prison. Technically, the Canadian government is entitled to imprison him for another fi ...
Photos of Greenwich on the Last Day of the YearGreenwich on the Last Day of the Year, a set on Flickr. Some of my regular readers will have realised that, although I like cycling and photographing London in all weather, and that I am thoroughly enjoying experiencing the seasons first-hand, I am particularly fascinated by the city at night. I ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
The DOJ's escalating criminalization of speechMuslims continue to be targeted for prosecution for expressing political views the government dislikes
Facts and myths in the WikiLeaks/Guardian sagaA series of accidental events led to the publication of 251,000 diplomatic cables in unredacted form
Top CIA official: Obama "changed virtually not ...A new Frontline from PBS features a "revelation" that is anything but, though it offers an important added detail
Celebrating the fall of a dictatorReports about thankful citizens are being used to justify a pro-war argument -- but we've seen this before
A tweet that explains everythingThe nation's watchdog news outlets deploy to cover a Wednesday vs. Thursday scheduling conflict
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
Musical emotion detectorMusic recommendation systems have been around for a while, last.fm, Pandora, Spotify, Peter Gabriel’s “The Filter” and more recently they have been extended into the social domain, just like it was in the days before mp3s and Napster when we used to make mix tapes for each othe ...
2012 a busy year, some highlightsMy wife told me that publishing this would be like sending out one of those braggardly “family newsletters” to one’s friends, but I wanted to round off the blog for 2012 by posting a few memories from the year…is that so bad? I even blogged about not posting it. Anyway, i ...
Facebook boosts self esteem, leads to snackingThat’s an approximation of the tabloid headlines. But, as ever, NHS Choices offers a more solid critique of various bits of research into the effects of online social networking on our psyche. “Overall, social networking improves self-esteem, particularly when the person has a greate ...
End of the WorldWell, the sleeping Americans problem don’t know it yet, but the end of the world hasn’t happened as Australians and others who have already entered the day Winter Solstice will attest. Google celebrates with a piece of the Mayan Calendar. Of course, why anyone would trust the “ ...
Dead-tree stocking fillersA couple of arrivals on my desk for review worth a look. John Rentoul has been running the Questions To Which The Answer Is No! Awards for several years now. Celebrating the journalistic skill of basing an entire article on a fantastically far-fetched question-based headline and only admitting t ...
Common Dreams -News
Shell's 'Latest Calamity' Proves Folly of Arct ...Shell's latest blunder shows that safely drilling for oil in the Arctic is impossible, environmental experts say, as three government agencies launch investigations into Shell's grounding of the oil rig Kulluk. Greenpeace Arctic campaigner Ben Ayliffe said the Kulluk incident raised many ...
Despite 'Year of Extremes' Corporate Media Con ...If 2012 was the year that climate change made its undeniable mark on the world, a new report confirms that corporate news outlets in the US completely refused the opportunity to cover it. read more
Hurtling Towards Climate Chaos: US Oil Product ...Projections released Tuesday that US oil production is set to surge to record levels shows the US continuing down the path of runaway climate change. Reuters reports: [...] the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Tuesday that the country's crude oil production will rise by ...
Closing Europe’s Borders Becomes Big BusinessATHENS/WARSAW - The European Union is implementing a new border management system with tougher migration control the core aim. Major security and weapons companies are already reaping the benefits. Frontex, the EU border agency, has financed major weapons and security equipment producers to pres ...
New Questions over CIA Nominee Brennan’s Denia ...Claims by the Central Intelligence Agency’s new director-designate that the US intelligence services received ‘no information’ about any civilians killed by US drones in the year prior to June 2011 do not appear to bear scrutiny. ...
Remains of the Day: IFTTT Gets Some New Gmail ...IFTTT adds new triggers, Gmail gets a minor update, TweetDeck for Mac catches up to Chrome, and Microsoft Messenger gets an end date. More »
Make an Adjustable Mini Camera Tripod Out of D ...Whether you've got shaky hands or want to leave your camera unattended for some time-lapse action, you don't need to spend money on a tripod to do it. Instructables user jawasan cleverly makes one out of a few disposable razors. More »
Do you send follow up messages after a job int ...Great discussions are par for the course here on Lifehacker. Each day, we highlight a discussion that is particularly helpful or insightful, along with other great discussions and reader questions you may have missed. Check out these discussions and add your own thoughts to make them even ...
Negative Thinking Can Actually Help You Accomp ...You've probably heard a lot of people tell you to "stay positive," but being overly optimistic isn't always the best way to achieve your goals. The Wall Street Journal explains that it can actually cause anxiety. More »
Quickly De-Stink Your House by Cooking Vanilla ...Perhaps your house doesn't smell particularly nice and you've got company on the way. While you might not clear the smell up forever, you can improve your home's scent by burning some vanilla extract or any other essential oil. Redditor jimothywhite explains: More »
Water Privatization
Allentown council rejects ballot question; iss ...No vote means charter amendment on city assets will come in November, not May. Allentown City Council rejected a ballot question Tuesday that would give voters the right to weigh in on the sale or lease of city assets, but officials said the issue will appear on the May ballot regardless.
Washougal water privatization a washoutWASHOUGAL — A plan that could have reduced Washougal's annual upsurge in sewer and water rates is off the table.
Time To Steel Yourselves For This Year's F ...Higher water and sewer rates, parking fees and cigarette taxes. Everyone's paying in 2013. [ more › ]
Barcelona Water Privatization Deal Faces Legal ...Acciona SA (ANA) and Brazilian partner BTG Pactual said they are preparing legal action after the Catalan regional government accepted an appeal against a 1 billion-euro ($1.3 billion) contract to privatize Barcelona’s water supply.
Huge task for privatization fund by MarchThe state privatizations fund (TAIPED) will have to start one sell-off project per week from the start of the new year, as the new agreement signed by the government and its creditors provides for 10 privatization projects to begin within the first quarter of 2013, a particularly demanding targe ...
Academy schools use covert selection to skew i ...Holding social events for prospective parents or issuing lengthy admission forms among practices used to manipulate entry, Academies Commission claimsSome academy schools have been accused of manipulating admissions to improve results and using covert selection methods, according to a major repo ...
Coalition guilty of 'astonishing omission' in ...Ministers publish report saying UK is on course to meet fiscal mandate but does not mention failure on debt-to-GDP ratio vowThe coalition has declared that it is on course to meet its central economic pledge after omitting a "supplementary" element of the government's fiscal mandate from an audi ...
Marks & Spencer rushes out poor sales figures ...Chief Marc Bolland admits that the group's performance is 'not yet satisfactory' as it was forced to rush out a trading statement outside normal stock market hours Marks & Spencer's chief Marc Bolland has admitted that the group's performance is "not yet satisfactory" as it was forced to rush ou ...
Andrew Marr hospitalised after strokeBBC confirms high-profile journalist and presenter is 'responding to treatment' after being unexpectedly taken ill on TuesdayAndrew Marr is recovering in hospital following a stroke, the BBC said on Wednesday evening, having been unexpectedly taken ill the day before.In a statement, the BBC said ...
Mass donor organ fraud shakes GermanyCriminal inquiry launched into transplant centres as senior doctors are accused of 'jumping' waiting listsGerman medical authorities are calling for an extensive overhaul of the country's organ transplant programme after transplant centres across Germany were placed under criminal investigation ...
Washington insider Jacob Lew widely expected a ...President Barack Obama is expected to name longtime Washington insider Jacob ?Jack? Lew on Thursday as his next treasury secretary, a pivotal post as negotiations commence over raising the nation?s…Click to Continue »
As new fiscal crises near, Democrats seek more ...In case you thought there was no risk of your taxes going up again, think again. Washington isn?t done with you yet.Click to Continue »
Prisoner swap by Syrian government, rebels fre ...Rebels fighting to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad on Wednesday freed 48 Iranian hostages whom they?d been holding for five months in return for the government?s release…Click to Continue »
39 Manatee law officers working Presidential I ...Lt. Lorenzo Waiters of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office was somewhat excited when asked if he would like to supervise a local law enforcement detail going to Washington D.C., to…Click to Continue »
Commentary: Palazzo's offensive posturing on S ...Seldom has a single vote in Congress appeared as cold-blooded and hard-headed as one cast by Rep. Steven Palazzo, R-Miss., last week.Click to Continue »
Afghanistan Sun
Karzai McConnell to AfghanistanAfghan President Hamid Karzai met with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday afternoon and told reporters that McConnell and other senators would be traveling to Afghanistan this week. ...
US plays tough with Karzai on Afghan troopsWASHINGTON: US officials plan a mix of hardball negotiating and flattery during a visit by Afghan President Hamid Karzai as President Barack Obama decides how deeply to cut forces in America's ...
Popular committed British soldier killed in Af ...The father-of-one from Leeds was serving with the 28 Engineer Regiment on his first deployment to Afghanistan when he was killed on Monday. Six other British troops were injured in the attack as they ...
Cuts have clipped wings of RAF in AfghanistanThe Whitehall spending watchdog raised the alarm over delays in delivering new aircraft which it blamed for problems in the RAF's ability to carry out crucial tasks. It said the effect was ...
Afghan president meets with members of US Sena ...WASHINGTON - Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai is meeting with members of the Senate to discuss what Republican leader Mitch McConnell says are mutual goals for the two countries. Karzai sat down ...
Hope for a Global Spring?Perhaps it’s because of the economy is beginning – finally – to pick up in the US. Perhaps it is because I’m sick to death of bad election-year politics, so I’m looking at anything else that comes along of interest. Maybe it’s even because I wrote about creative destruction the last time I did a ...
The only way to change your past is to steal s ...I get a fairly regular flow of emails about independent film projects. Most of them, to be honest, bounce straight off me – which says less about their quality than it does about my own taste in cinema. Independent cinema – like independent music and literature – has lots of pr ...
Censorship: I’m guilty as chargedSo, I stand accused of censorship by someone whose comment I declined to approve on this post. I figure anyone willing to throw around accusations of censorship is probably a big fan of radical transparency; hence, by way of amelioration, here is the digital papertrail for the full exchange. (Em ...
The Future Always WinsSoooooo, yeah – I’ve been busy. Did you miss me? New job, Masters degree… doesn’t leave a lot of spare time, so it doesn’t. But it’s been quiet here too long, so it’s time to dust down the soapbox and run a mic-check. One-two, one-two. The Future Always ...
New EconomiesLast month I pondered the extent to which the Arab Spring and Occupy Everything are socially-driven acts of creative destruction. Creative destruction is defined as a “process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
National Whistleblowers Center's Work Highligh ...The Washington Post has published year-end articles that highlight three ongoing projects of the National Whistleblower Center. In an article published on December 26, "Top 10 stories in the federal workforce in 2012", The Washington Post cited the scandal involving FDA electronic spy ...
Congress Slams National Security Whistleblower ...Take Action! As part of a House/Senate Conference approved Tuesday, Congress passed an “Enhancement Act” for Department of Defense contractors. These contractors already had a right to go to federal court and obtain a jury trial. However, this new “Enhancement Ac ...
Special Holiday OfferThis year, as you are deciding what to give your loved ones, friends, and colleagues for the holidays, why not choose to give something interesting and useful? One of the most powerful gifts you can give is knowledge. The Whistleblower's Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing What's Right an ...
Congress Passes Magnitsky ActSergei Magnitsky On December 6, 2012 Congress passed the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012. (Magnitsky Act). The law was inspi ...
Record Recoveries under False Claims ActThe Justice Department confirmed in a release issued on December 4 that it has been a record year for recoveries from the False Claims Act. In fact 2012 garnered the DOJ the “largest annual recovery in Department history.” Most of the recoveries were from actions filed ...
Science Express
Pollution from Asia Circles Globe at Stratosph ...(PhysOrg.com) -- The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additiona ...
After growth spurt, supermassive black holes s ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20 ...
Lizard moms choose the right genes for the rig ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Two Dartmouth biologists have found that brown anole lizards make an interesting choice when deciding which males should father their offspring. The females of this species mate with several males, then produce more sons with sperm from large fathers, and more daughters with spe ...
More than One: Long-Reigning Microbe Controlli ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Marine scientists long believed that a microbe called Trichodesmium, a member of a group called the cyanobacteria, reigned over the ocean's nitrogen budget.
DailyDirt: Adapting To A TL;DR FutureWith the ever growing amount of content to read/watch/hear, humans are going to need to figure out much more efficient ways to consume information. Speed reading will only get us so far, and then we're going to have to rely on ways to filter out irrelevant stuff so we can focus more on just the ...
USPTO And DOJ Shocked (Shocked!) That Companie ...In a move that struck some by surprise, the US Patent Office and the Department of Justice put out an interesting statement arguing that companies need to stop abusing promises for fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) licenses (pdf) for standards essential patents (SEPs). They argued ...
Irish Newspapers Budge Slightly: Now Say Links ...Last year, we wrote about the insane position from the group Newspaper Licensing Ireland (NLI), which represents the major newspapers in Ireland, in demanding that a charity pay them for linking to newspaper stories. In the last few weeks that story has been getting more and more attention in I ...
Kuwait's Decision To Jail People For 'Insultin ...Kuwait has generally been a much more open and free society than some of its neighbors in the region, but there's been troubling news lately concerning the decision to put a man in jail for two years for a tweet "insulting the emir" followed quickly by another man getting the same sentence for t ...
The NHL Comeback And The Opportunity In StreamingI have long been a proponent of more widely available sports league streaming options as a method for building revenue. While I firmly believe in the concept of blackout-less and minimal cost streaming for anyone who wants to watch a game on the computer, tablet, or phone instead of on their tel ...
Serious Allegations against HPV Vaccine Trials ...The petition outlines a series of serious allegations regarding the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.
Minimum of 40 Children Paralyzed After New Men ...On December 20, 2012, a vaccination tragedy hit. According to one newspaper, out of five hundred children who received a new meningitis vaccine, at least 40 of them have become paralyzed.
Documents Show Merck Paid This Popular Website ...Have you ever wondered how some websites come to promote vaccines? Well, here’s the answer: Pharmaceutical companies pay enormous amounts of money for websites to promote vaccines.
“Do you think it will come to jail time ...This mother has a child injured by vaccines. She wants to know what will happen if she doesn't vaccinate...
Study Shows This Amazingly Simple Act Reduces ...The big secret vaccine peddlers avoid like the plague is, one amazingly simple act reduced two diseases by 50% or more. The most vital point to remember: The decrease in morbidity of—or the rate of incidence of a disease—those affected by the diseases had nothing to do with vaccines!
Things You Might Have MissedMust listen talk by Ashanti Alston over on the AK Press site called Anarchism, Zapatismo & the Black Panthers. More cops and cab driver impersonators out raping women. Charming. Holy crap. 75% of West Virginia teens don’t use any birth control?! Can somebody rent a crop duster and drop ...
Victor Jara, Solitude, Justice, and the USAIt looks like Victor Jara’s murderers have some small chance of being brought to justice. Jara, if you are unfamiliar, was a musician and activist in Chile during the dirty war. He was tortured and killed by Pinochet’s thugs. Now Chile is prosecuting his murderers and it turns out on ...
Nothing Should Last ForeverThis might be the creepiest thing I have ever read. Many engineers, including me, think that some time around 2050, we will be able to make very high quality links between the brains and machines. To such an extent that it will thereafter be possible (albeit expensive for some years) to arrange ...
Things You Might Have MissedHRW has a new report out called Sex Workers at Risk. If you don’t have time to read the whole report, skim through some of the testimonies. How cops treat sex workers and trans people is disgusting. Of course cops treat a lot of other people like shit too as this kickass kid managed to [...]
Stuff You Read 2012I feel like I hardly posted at all this year. But it turns I actually managed to spew stuff out. You even read some of it. So the top 10 for 2012 are: Beware of Strange Men on Airplanes Is the Media Liberal Dear Reformists, You’re Welcome My Uterus Hates Elections Confessions of a Former [...]
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
The Larger Horror Behind the Sandy Hook MassacreBy Nancy Spannaus Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 4, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 1
UN, Arab League, Russia Warn: Syria Now on the ...By Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 4, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 1
Wall Street, London Held Off Glass-Steagall—fo ...By Paul Gallagher Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 4, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 1
The Levee Breaks: 2013, a Year of Great DecisionsBy Helga Zepp-LaRouche Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 4, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 1
LaRouche: Obama’s in a Corner—Move To Impeach ...EIR News Service press release.
War in Context
Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided?Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich write: Virtually every past civilization has eventually undergone collapse, a loss of socio-political-economic complexity usually accompanied by a dramatic decline in population size. Some, such as those of Egypt and China, have recovered from collapses at var ...
Obama’s ‘light footprint’ masks a war fueling ...Since President Obama was re-elected on November 6, there have been 15 drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, including five strikes since New Year’s Day. This is the White House’s definition of a “light footprint” — a euphemism designed to imply that if the United St ...
New questions over CIA nominee Brennan’s denia ...The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reports: Claims by the Central Intelligence Agency’s new director-designate that the US intelligence services received ‘no information’ about any civilians killed by US drones in the year prior to June 2011 do not appear to bear scrutiny. John Brennan, Pres ...
Japan and China step up drone race as tension ...The Guardian reports: Drones have taken centre stage in an escalating arms race between China and Japan as they struggle to assert their dominance over disputed islands in the East China Sea. China is rapidly expanding its nascent drone programme, while Japan has begun preparations to purchase a ...
Hagel and the neo-McCarthyite Israel lobbyBernard Avishai writes: I think it is time to acknowledge, bluntly, that certain major Jewish organizations, indeed, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations — also, the ADL, AIPAC, the American Jewish Committee, political groups like the Republican Jewish Coalition, alon ...
Watts Up With That?
UK Rainfall 2012-The Report The Met Office Sho ...Guest post by Paul Homewood According to the Met Office, UK has just had the second wettest year on record, just behind 2000. These claims, however, are based on records dating back to 1910. The Met Office also keep a … Continue reading →
The ‘good IT fairy’ follows the &# ...People send me stuff. Yesterday in the major WUWT story More IPCC AR5: THE SECRET SANTA LEAK Donna asked: If anyone has the technical skill to make all of this data available – and searchable – online, that would be welcome, … Continue reading →
NASA on the sun: ‘…tiny variations ...Researchers have considered the possibility that the sun plays a role in global warming. From NASA GSFC: Solar Variability and Terrestrial Climate In the galactic scheme of things, the Sun is a remarkably constant star. While some stars exhibit dramatic … Continue reading →
December solar activity in a big slumpThe December data from NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center is in, and it looks more and more like the peak of solar cycle 24 has been reached, and that we are now past it. Even with documented problems like “sunspot … Continue reading →
Josh on the IPCC AR5 leak #2No longer a grey area…
Since 2009, Sunday TV Shows Have Not Quoted A ...For science, what matters is data. But for policy, you need to influence public opinion, and sadly, there's often a rift between what the scientific data shows and what public opinion knows.
2012 Was Hottest Year on Record for U.S. Lower ...2012 was a notable year on many fronts, and that includes the weather.
On It's 150th Birthday of the First London Sub ...It's just over a hundred years since Frank Pick started working there, and his influence has been felt around the world ever since.
CES 2013: Samsung Unveil Evolution Kits to Upg ...Instead of buying Samsung's latest premium TV, you can upgrade your old (Samsung premium TV) with this new little black box.
CES 2013: OLPC Launches Their Newest Laptop/Ta ...The non-profit has made three new announcements at CES this year, one of which is the OLPC 4.0 that switches from laptop to tablet and back.
New technology may enable earlier cancer diagnosisFinding ways to diagnose cancer earlier could greatly improve the chances of survival for many patients. One way to do this is to look for specific proteins secreted by cancer cells, which circulate in the bloodstream. However, the quantity of these biomarkers is so low that detecting them has p ...
In search of better antidepressantsA new study from researchers at MIT and Stanford University pinpoints brain cells that appear to be critically involved in depression, offering a possible target for new, more effective antidepressants. By stimulating these cells to deliver dopamine to other parts of the brain, the researchers w ...
Transgenic fish wins US regulatory backingThe first genetically engineered GE animal for human consumption — a fast-growing salmon — has come a step closer to the dinner table, with a piece of paperwork posted online today by the US Food and Drug Administration FDA.The FDA’s draft environmental assessment concludes that the fish poses n ...
‘Burden of Disease’ study shows a world living ...The health of most of the planet’s population is rapidly coming to resemble that of the United States, where death in childhood is rare, too much food is a bigger problem than too little, and life is long and often darkened by disability. High blood pressure is now the leading “risk factor” for ...
- DARPA’s Wound Stasis Technology Could Sa ...