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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

8 January - The 'Drug War' Make Work Project

Development of a rational scale to assess the ...Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse, The Lancet, 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Potential harm of commonly used drugs based on...Potential harm of commonly used drugs based on a study by David Nutt, 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Rideau Canal in summer, just south of Dow'...The Rideau Canal in summer, just south of Dow's Lake as seen from Carleton University (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Compare this legitimate injection kit obtained...Compare this legitimate injection kit obtained from a needle-exchange program to the user-compiled one above. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A clandestine kit containing materials to inje...A clandestine kit containing materials to inject illicit drugs. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A bin allowing for safe disposal of needles in...A bin allowing for safe disposal of needles in a public toilet in Caernarfon, Wales. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A injection kit used in harm reductio...English: A injection kit used in harm reduction programs and given to intravenous drug addicts. Svenska: Ett injiceringspaket som används i skadereduktionsprogram och som delas ut till intravenösa missbrukare. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Drug adviser quits over science advice rules

Mar 29, 2010 ... Drug adviser quits over science advice rules ... The guidelines were compiled
following the controversial dismissal of ACMD chairman David ...

Advice and Dissent

People may argue about whether all drugs should be legalized, but they .... in
Britain, which state that scientific advisers should not be dismissed for public ...

Daily Kos: UK's Drugs Czar Fired For Marijuana Truths

Nov 1, 2009 ... David Nutt, the British chief drug adviser has been fired because of his ... senior
scientific advisors are set to walk out over the row over drug ...

Nutt dismissal in Britain highlights diverging drug views : Article ...

Nutt dismissal in Britain highlights diverging drug views ... the dismissal of an
independent drug advisor in Britain has highlighted the UK's hard-line ... taken
flak from other leading scientists and scientific advisors, who produced a
statement of ...

Call for scientific advisers to be free from political interference ...

Nov 6, 2009 ... Leading scientists ask the government to sign up to guidelines following the
sacking of its chief drugs adviser David Nutt. ... demanding a full account of why
he dismissed Nutt from the chairmanship of the Advisory Council on ... It was
published on guardian.co.uk at 00.05 GMT on Friday 6 November 2009 .

David Nutt: Governments should get real on drugs - opinion - 04 ...

Nov 4, 2009 ... But simple, accurate and understandable statements of scientific fact are
precisely ... As well as ignoring its own advisers, the UK is falling out of step with
... of Drugs until he was dismissed last week by the UK home secretary ...

Fired U.K. Drug Adviser Says Scientists Will Shun Government ...

The U.K. drug-policy adviser who was fired last week said that his sacking will
discourage scientists from working for Prime Minister Gordon ...

Three more scientists quit drugs council

Nov 11, 2009 ... I'm sure that the government's chief scientific adviser will be working to ensure...
Nutt was dismissed after questioning government drugs policy ...

David Nutt: 'The government cannot think logically about drugs ...

Dec 6, 2010 ... The former government adviser on drugs explains why his latest ... a scientific
adviser, if it wasn't interested in hearing scientific facts. Five other members of the
ACMD resigned in protest in the days following Nutt's dismissal.

Does Banning Psychedelics Hinder Science?

 UK neuroscientist David Nutt. "We lose sight of the fact that these drugs may well give us insights into areas of science which need to be explored and they also may give us new opportunities for treatment," he says. "Almost all the drugs which are of interest in terms of brain phenomena like consciousness, perception, mood, psychosis—drugs like psychedelics, ketamine, cannabis, magic mushrooms, MDMA—are currently illegal. So there's almost no [scientific] work in this field." 

"In the basic research model, one life would be saved for every 164 naloxone kits handed out. But using more optimistic assumptions, naloxone could prevent as many as 43,000 overdose deaths, saving one life for every 36 kits distributed"

Naloxone shared a link
Latest 'Drug Death Matters' Newsletter from the National Forum on Drug Related Deaths (Scotland)

DUAL is an independent group of drug consumers, ex-consumer and their allies who fight for the rights of those that use drugs, and our community, in the Ottawa area. Though we do not condone nor condemn drug use, we believe in complete harm reduction, and aim to improve the safety and education of a...


Racism's Hidden History in the War on Drugs
In 1909 Congress made opium smoking a federal offense by enacting the Anti-Opium Act. It reinforced Chinese

http://www.cbc.ca/strombo/ Writer and director Quentin Tarantino sits down with George to talk about his new movie 

Our mission is to fight for the rights of drug users across New England, empowering members to stand up for what is right. The membership is comprised of active and former users willingly fighting for the end of prohibition of illicit drugs and end of stigma in our community. Fighting for social jus...

4:20 Drug War News: Dean Becker
January 10, 2013
4:20 Drug War News on the Drug Truth Network – http://www.drugtruth.net CNN Rpt on opening Colo marijuana Club 64 Listen to the show – http://www.drugtruth.net/cms/node/4183
4:20 Drug War News: Terry Nelson
January 11, 2013
4:20 Drug War News on the Drug Truth Network – http://www.drugtruth.net Terry Nelson of LEAP: bankers drug war scam pays off big! Listen to the show – http://www.drugtruth.net/cms/node/4184

CopsSayLegalize: Head of Indiana State Police says legalize marijuana: http://t.co/xz4fdEUb

Law Enforcement Leaders Ask Department of Justice to Respect State Marijuana Laws
November 20, 2012
 Group Cites Public Safety Concerns Created by Illegal Marketplace  Teleconference With Colorado and Washington Law Enforcers at 12:00 PM ET  WASHINGTON, DC – This morning a former narcotics cop deliv …

cocaine unwrapped posterCocaine Unwrapped tells the story of cocaine: coca farmers in Colombia, drugs mules in Ecuadorian prisons, cocaine factories in the Bolivian jungle, dealers on the streets of Mexico, law enforcement officials on the streets of Baltimore – and the everyday consumers around the dinner tables of the West. It’s a story of politics, death, economic devastation and human suffering, and explores realistic alternatives to the war on drugs.  Watch this film and you will never think the same about cocaine and the war on drugs again.

the house i live in posterIn “The House I Live In” filmmaker Eugene Jarecki presents a penetrating look inside America’s criminal justice system, exposing the profound human rights implications of U.S. drug policy. LEAP executive director Neill Franklin and board chair Jack Cole had the opportunity to attend advance screenings of the film, and both believe it to be an extraordinary exposé on the damage done by drug prohibition. We urge everyone to see it. “The House I Live In” hits theaters on October 5, 2012.

Now Available from LEAP:
Drugs, Crime and Violence: From Trafficking to Treatment
Drugs, Crime and Violence: From Trafficking to Treatment by Howard Rahtz
Today, the illegal drug market funds international terrorism, the horrific drug war on the Mexican border, and the senseless violence plaguing our communities, large and small. It is past time for a new direction. This book provides a drug policy framework that will choke off the revenue supporting the illegal drug market. LEAP speaker and retired police captain Howard Rahtz outlines a series of drug policy steps buttressed by a historical review of drug policy measures, a review of international efforts against trafficking, and a clear understanding of the dynamics of addiction and its role in facilitating the illegal drug market. Click here to purchase
Honorable Intentions
In his book, Honorable Intentions, LEAP speaker and retired narcotics detective Russ Jones chronicles his involvement in the “war on drugs” on various fronts: As an ocean sailor, combat helicopter pilot, police officer, narcotics detective, DEA task force officer, and intelligence operative, Russell Jones has experienced a life of adventure, risks, and struggles against man, machine and nature. He served during Vietnam, Iran/Contra, and the War on Drugs, yet constantly questioned the policies that were taking the lives of those honorably serving. Honorable Intentions gives us deadly characters, exotic locations, and sobering facts. Order your copy today! A portion of every sale will be donated to LEAP.

U.S. and Canada only
95 Broadcast Affiliates in US and Canada
The Unvarnished Truth about the Drug War
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