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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

5 January - Race to the Bottom on Nutrition

Theobroma cacao fruits ( seedpods )...Trái Cac...
Theobroma cacao fruits ( seedpods )...Trái Cacao .... (Photo credit: Vietnam Plants & America plants)
Cocoa beans right out of the pod
Cocoa beans right out of the pod (Photo credit: Daisee Chain)
English: Cacao tree and cocoa tree (Theobroma ...
English: Cacao tree and cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) fruits in Kew Gardens. Magyar: Kakaófa (Theobroma cacao) termések a Kewban. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cocoa beans
Cocoa beans (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Español: Plan...
English: Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Español: Planta de Cacao (Theobroma cacao) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Ecuador: A Woman Harvests Cocoa Beans
Ecuador: A Woman Harvests Cocoa Beans (Photo credit: USAID_IMAGES)
A cacao tree with fruit pods in various stages...
A cacao tree with fruit pods in various stages of ripening. Taken on the Big Island (Hawaii) in the botanical gardens. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Has Bolivia's coca-growing scheme worked?



Rejection of U.S. 'war on drugs' as applied to ...


Cocoa, Food of The Gods 

Did you know that Cocoa is a Medicinal Plant, a Sacred plant, a Hot Plant, and a Psychoactive Plant? Did you know Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) means "Food of the Gods"? Did you know that the Aztecs regarded cocoa as a sacred plant, and they valued cocoa beans as currency? Did you know that Cacao trees bear cocoa pods that jut out directly from the trunk? Did you know that, according to traditional classification, there are three varieties of Theobroma cacao whose beans are used in the making of chocolate? Did you know that chocolates can vary as widely in flavor and aroma as do wines? Did you know, that of all foods known, cocoa has the highest antioxidant polyphenol content, and provides the greatest cardio-protection? Did you know that even small amounts of cocoa can reduce cholesterol in the blood, and can lower blood pressure? Cocoa, an agent of sensual delight and nourishment since antiquity, is the mightiest of protective, health-imbuing agents. It literally has the power to transform medicine, and to save millions of lives.



Dark Chocolate: A Tasty Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease

Unfortunately, sweet chocolate may contain milk, which, as will be discussed 
later, may ... chocolate, milk must be avoided because of the possibility that it may 
actually neutralize .... Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 17(S1), 284-287.

Heart-Health Benefits of Chocolate Unveiled

The reasoning being that the cocoa bean is rich in a class of plant nutrients ... But 
for now, your best choices are likely dark chocolate over milk chocolate ... Dutch 
processing (cocoa that is treated with an alkali to neutralize its natural acidity).

Raw Chocolate Health Benefits You MUST know!

Apr 12, 2012 ... You may know that dark chocolate is a healthier choice than milk chocolateand 
that ... it loses most of its nutrient and antioxidant strength and really provides you 
with nothing ... 3) Raw chocolate Can Neutralize free radicals ...


Cooking with Marijuana - The Stoner's Cookbook

Even for experienced smokers, eating foods containing marijuana can be a 
whole ... There are virtually no health risks, as you are not smoking and there is 
no ...

For a Healthy Life: Fewer Calories and Marijuana | Psychology Today

Oct 23, 2012 ... Recently, I was invitated to give a TED talk on the topic of how foods and drugs
affect brain function and aging. The video can be found at this ...

Amazon.com: Marijuana Gateway to Health: How Cannabis Protects ...

Marijuana Gateway to Health: How Cannabis Protects Us from Cancer and 
Alzheimer's Disease [Clint Werner] on Amazon.com. *FREE* super saver 
shipping on ...

Nutrition, Health and related claims - Food Standards Australia New ...

Dec 12, 2012 ... Standard 1.2.7, Nutrition, Health and Related claims, will become law in early 
2013. Food businesses will then have three years to meet the ...

EFSA Topic: Nutrition and health claims

Nutrient profiles are nutritional requirements that foods must meet in order to bear 
nutrition and health claims. One of the key objectives of this Regulation is to ...

Food processing and nutrition | Better Health Channel

Food can have its nutrient value changed by the way it is processed, cooked and 
stored. Food processing can destroy the water soluble B-group and C vitamins.

Nutrition Question: What Are Processed Foods?

4 days ago ... Fruit and vegetable juice is also an example of a healthy processed food -- 
usually. In fact, some orange juice is fortified with calcium to make it ...
  • 37 ingredients Twinkie eaters ingest - food - TODAY.com

    Oh, Twinkie snack cake. As a nation, we've adored you for 80 years. But what are 
    you made of? These photos provide the answer.
  • The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project

    Aug 12, 2000 ... The Official T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project Logo ... University. The tests were designed to 
    determine the properties of that incredible food, the Twinkie.
  • The Twinkie Myth - Food Reference - About.com

    Dispelling the myth that the popular snack cake, Twinkies, will stay fresh for years
    , even decades and can survive a nuclear war.
    • Nutrient-Depleted Soil

      Over the years, Agricultural practices have stripped the soil of much needed 
      nutrients. But how does the depleted soil affect you? Learn more about the 
      dangers ...
    • Mineral nutrient depletion in US farms and range soils

      Consequently, there is evidence of widespread mineral nutrient depletion in U.S. 
      farm and range soils. II. Introduction A. Overview of Report This report explores ...

      Soil Depletion is Killing Us - SellersPARADISE

      Oct 6, 2009 ... Soil Depletion Is Going To Kill Us ... Modern farming methods have caused 
      massive soil depletion on the commercial farm acreage upon which ...

      Soil depletion

      Jun 19, 2005 ... Mineral Depletion of the Soil ...why a 'healthy diet' isn't so healthy any more. 
      Hundreds of years of farming have depleted the soil of the ...

      U.S. Rare Earth Minerals, Inc. - Soil Depletion

      If global warming seems ominous, consider this new assessment of how humans 
      have disrupted the natural cycling of nitrogen.

      Soil DepletionBitter Harvest of a Monoculture

      Soil depletion refers to farmland barren of trace minerals and nutrients required 
      to grow life sustaining produce.

WPHNA World Public Health Nutrition Association

The proposal that food processing has an impact on public health may seem 
obvious. But it is largely overlooked by conventional nutrition science. As now ...

Nutritional Effects of Food Processing – NutritionData.com

... of the nutritional losses associated with common methods of food processing. 
... has encouraged some health-conscious consumers to eat more raw foods.

Whole Foods vs. Processed Foods - Nutrition by Natalie - YouTube

Oct 29, 2007 ... What's a whole food vs. a processed food? Nutrition by Natalie explains. Whole 
foods can help your health and help you lose weight.

Joanna Dolgoff, M.D.: Healthy Processed Foods: Do They Exist?

Jan 8, 2012 ... Healthy Processed Foods: Do They Exist? Posted: 01/ ... The best way to assess 
a food's value is to decipher its nutrition facts panel. Besides ...

Processed Food and Nutrition - We Want Organic Food

Jun 24, 2007 ... Although we might not always like to acknowledge it — especially when the 
hunger pangs hit or the junk food is staring us in the face — the ...

10 Surprisingly Processed Foods | Nutrition | Core Daily | Core ...

Some foods commonly thought to be healthy may actually be more processed 
than ... Nutrition. 10 Surprisingly Processed Foods. Edwina Clark March 13, 2012 ...

Seven Reasons to Eliminate Processed Foods from Your Diet in ...

Aug 21, 2012 ... A new study in Journal of Nutrition found that older women who ate a .... 5) Avoid 
Processed Foods For Better Insulin Health and Blood Sugar ...

Understanding Food Safety: Pesticides, Hormones, and Antibiotics ...

Pesticides in produce, hormones in milk. ... Pesticides in produce, hormones in 
milk, antibiotics in meat -- what are all ... Related to Healthy Eating & Nutrition ...

Organic Foods Contain Higher Levels of Certain Nutrients, Lower ...

conclusions, stating that four nutrients were found in significantly higher levels in 
organic produce. Key words: organic, pesticides, health food, nutritional value, ...

Organic food: nutrition study leaves health question unanswered ...

Sep 5, 2012 ... Organic food: nutrition study leaves health question unanswered ... hard 
information about the impact of pesticide contamination on health.
  • Organic food might not be more nutritious, but you should eat it ...

    Sep 5, 2012 ... So much of the story depends on what do you mean by “significant healthbenefit
    ?” The meta study found less pesticide residue, higher levels ...
  • Organic foods contain similar nutrients but less pesticides, study ...

    Sep 4, 2012 ... From a nutritional standpoint, are organic foods worth the added cost? ... 
    therefore, have economic as well as health ramifications. But although ...

    The FDA, Vitamins, and the Dietary Supplement Industry

    W. Steven Pray, PhD, DPh 
    Bernhardt Professor of Nonprescription Drugs and Devices 
    College of Pharmacy 
    Southwestern Oklahoma State University 
    Weatherford, Oklahoma 

    US Pharm. 2008;33(10):10-15. 

    A look at the FDA and regulation of vitamins in the United States is revealing for the pharmacist. Patients and even pharmacists may assume that some governmental agency has vast regulatory powers to control advertising and marketing of vitamins and other dietary supplements, but this is clearly not the case. 

    New Regulations on Supplements (doctor, diet, vitamin, expensive ...

    Jan 18, 2008 ... Most of the public is not aware of the new regulations that have come out recently 
    on dietary supplements. Last summer, FDA released a set of ...

    Vitamins: Will they be regulated as drugs?

    Feb 25, 2005 ... Vitamins: Will they be regulated as drugs? Some warn of draconian measure by 
    world body, others roll eyes. Published: 02/25/2005 at 1:00 AM ...
    • www.wnd.com/2005/02/29086/
    • Discovery Health "Why doesn't the FDA regulate herbal supplements?"

      Why doesn't the FDA regulate herbal supplements? Learn the benefits and 
      dangers of herbs and why they aren't currently regulated by the FDA.

      CODEX Alimentarius: Home

      Official site. Part of FAO and WHO food and veterinary standards activities. With 
      information about procedure, forthcoming activities, members and participating ...
      • Codex Alimentarius - the REAL threat to World health

        Codex Almentarius is a global cartel designed to hand over the control of natural 
        remedies to the pharmaceutical giants. If you use herbs (including garlic - in ...
      • How Codex Alimentarius Promotes Dangerous GMOs

        If the U.S. has its way, and it usually does when it comes to Codex Alimentarius, 
        GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) will be promoted by making their ...
  • Codex Alimentarius - the REAL threat to World health

    Almentarius is a global cartel designed to hand over the control of natural
    remedies to the pharmaceutical giants. If you use herbs (including garlic - in If the U.S. has its way, and it usually does when it comes to 

    In-Depth Codex Alimentarius Information

    Natural Solutions Foundation The Voice of Global Health Freedom™ In-Depth 
    Codex Alimentarius Information. HINT: If you're looking for something specific, ...
    • www.codexalimentarius.net/gsfaonline/
    • Codex Alimentarius - YouTube

      Sep 6, 2008 ... Codex Alimentarius was created in 1962 as a trade Commission by the UN to 
      control the international trade of food. Its initial intentions may ...
      • www.codexalimentarius.org/standards/pesticide-mrls/en/
      • Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of ...

        Sep 10, 2008 ... (NaturalNews) Codeath (sorry, I meant Codex) Alimentarius, latin for Food Code, 
        is a very misunderstood organization that most people ...
        • Codex Alimentarius: An Introduction to Soft Kill Eugenics :

          Dec 6, 2012 ... The world according to Codex Alimentarius looks grim indeed. Codex 
          Alimentarius (Latin for “food code”) is a global set of standards created by ...
        • Codex Alimentarius: Big Brother's Plan to Control Health ...

          Jan 15, 2009 ... Jan. 15, 2009. If Codex standards ever replace the current laws in the U.S. 
          governing food and dietary supplements, it will affect not just ...
          • Farm Food Freedom Coalition | We aim to preserve our agricultural ...

            Help Save Nick's Farm. The Brickyard Road middle school site has been 
            organically farmed for the past 32 years. It also supplies non-GMO feed, silage, 
            alfalfa ...
          • Food Freedom - Food Freedom

            Championing the cause for food security, the freedom for seed collecting and 
            natural food growing, and developments of local economies based on food ...
            • foodfreedom.us/
            • IWF - Women for Food Freedom

              IWF Food Freedom logo. Governments at every level are seeking to more

              • Food-bloggers-to-the-rescue.-video
              • Twinkies - Top 10 Iconic Junk Foods - TIME

                Nov 16, 2012 ... When the manufacturer of the classic Twinkie snack cake announced its plan to 
                stop the ovens and shut down its business this week, a little ...

              • Food-bloggers-to-the-rescue.-video
              • Twinkies - Top 10 Iconic Junk Foods - TIME

                Nov 16, 2012 ... When the manufacturer of the classic Twinkie snack cake announced its plan to 
                stop the ovens and shut down its business this week, a little ...

              • Raids are increasing on farms and private food-supply clubs — here ...

                Jul 15, 2010 ... When the 20 agents arrived bearing a search warrant at her Ventura County 
                farmhouse door at 7 a.m. on a Wednesday a couple weeks back, ...
              • Learn More - Farm Raids

                One of the best ways the Fund's legal expertise can be utilized is during a farm 
                raid. If you find yourself at the farm gate facing an inspector who does not have a ...
              • Amish farmer targeted by FDA raids shuts down raw milk business ...

                Feb 15, 2012 ... An Amish man who was targeted by federal officials for selling raw milk across
                state lines – and whose cause was championed by GOP ...
              • Farm Raids in the United States | Food Control

                Below is a list of farm raids as presented at http://www.farmtoconsumer.org/farm-
                raids.html. A separate article is published on that same page that everyone ...
              • Health department tyrants raid local 'farm to fork' picnic dinner ...

                Nov 11, 2011 ... (NaturalNews) It is the latest case of extreme government food tyranny, and one 
                that is sure to have you reeling in anger and disgust. Health ...
              • Southern Oregon medical marijuana farm raided by federal drug ...

                Sep 18, 2012 ... About 9:30 a.m. today, U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency agents raided The High 
                Hopes Farm, James Bowman's medical marijuana operation, ...
              • Michael Schmidt's Ontario Farm Hit By Raid in Connection with ...

                Aug 2, 2012 ... The view from Michael Schmidt's farmhouse of some of the government agents 
                who raided his farm A raiding party of twenty agents from three ...
              • Raids - Mafia Farm Wiki

                Raids are the fastest way to gain experience in the game. In a raid you attack 
                another Mafia...
              • Agriculture Society » Farm Raids – Small Farms Need Your Support!

                Nov 19, 2010 ... This film showed small farms being raided by the government. In the United 
                States of America. I watched as a farmer's wife, with tears streaming ...
              • A Guide to Farming Vanilla Raids - Wowhead News

                Sep 17, 2011 ... Overwhelmed by what vanity gear to farm for your 4.3 Transmogrification gear?
                We've provided an overview of some quick instances to solo ...

              • tenthamendmentcenter.com/nullification/food-freedom-act/
              • Events - | Farm Food Freedom Coalition

                Trial of Vernon Hershberger on misdemeanor charges of selling raw milk and 
                other food without licenses Mon, 01/07/2013 - 07:00 to Fri, 01/11/2013 - 15:30. 13 ...
              • The Founders | Farm Food Freedom Coalition

                The Farm Food Freedom Coalition was formed by four woman in response to 
                recent raids on their food clubs, (two members of the recently raided and 
                shutdown ...
              • Local Food Freedom – Nevada County | Maintaining our right to ...

                Dec 26, 2012 ... Posted in Food Freedom, Monsanto Moments | Tagged corporate power, Food
                safety politics, glyphosate, GMO, government out of control, ...
              • 2012: The Year Food Freedom Became A Topic

                3 days ago ... Progressive social authoritarian Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been engaged in 
                what progressive social authoritarians love to engage in ...

              • www.facebook.com/Foodfreedomoregon
              • Food Freedom Radio | AM950

                Food Freedom Radio: Planting the Seeds for Change. A lively and informative 
                conversation about healthy food that is good for us and sustainable for the planet.
              • Virginia Food Freedom

                Virginia Food Freedom is to promote access to regional local foods without 
                government interference.

              Top 10 Food Policy Success Stories of 2012 - Reason.com

              6 days ago ... The continuing spread of state cottage food laws is a fantastic development for 
              food freedom. California and Texas are two of the most recent of ...

              vigorously dictate what Americans can and cannot eat. This is government over-
              reach ...
            • Wyoming Food Freedom | Protecting Ranching and Farming ...

              Wyoming Food Freedom, a grassroots citizen organization works to ensure that 
              Wyoming citizen's access to fresh, local food is unimpeded, and that Wyoming's ...
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