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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

16 January - The View

Sunlight (Photo credit: Dave Stokes)
Gitmophoto (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Minefield maintenance Marines stack mines for ...
Minefield maintenance Marines stack mines for disposal. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is clearing it's minefields of outdated mines in accordance with President William Jefferson Clinton's directive. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Troms county, Norway: From Rotsund in Nordreis...
Troms county, Norway: From Rotsund in Nordreisa municipality. The mountains on the other side of the Lyngen fjord are in Lyngen municipality. ‪Norsk (bokmål)‬: Troms: Fra Rotsund i Nordreisa kommune mot fjellene på vestsiden av fjorden Lyngen, i Lyngen kommune. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cover of "Josie and The Pussycats"
Cover of Josie and The Pussycats

A Russian scientist is trying to convince people they can change the world simply by using their own energy. He claims that thinking in a certain way can have a positive or negative effect on the surrounding environment.

“We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world,” said Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, professor of physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University.

Studies at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory have suggested that the mind has the subtle capacity to influence the output of devices known as Random Event Generators (REGs).
Mind over Matter: Secrets of Human Aura. Mind-Matter Interaction Princeton Research
“We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world,” said Dr. Konstantin
Wana know the secrets of the music industry? Wana know why our kids buy so much useless crap. You wana know why most artists DIE? This movie(YES..... MOVIE) will tell you exactly why. Parts of it are pretty funny but is SO DEAD ON POINT to what actually goes on behind the scenes. I'm surprised this was even in theaters. This video is just a tiny analysis of the movie. ~KaBa~
 shared Stellar Eyes's photo.

A Species Recovering from Amnesia: A Talk with Graham Hancock (Gabriel D. Roberts)

No New World Order.

You are the Sheep... the Brainwashed Sheep... the followers of the Dark ones whom enslave you. You are all Members of...
The comparison might seem a bit extreme but it's all good ole propaganda folks! Obama care calls for people to be chipped with all their data on it. That's when the guns will be needed!
Some won't like the comparison BUT, just wait til' tomorrow when our "king" goes on TV with a group of kids and wants to take your rights away. Just remember this and THINK. It's all part of a plan. The world has been here before and we're here again.
Some won't like the comparison BUT, just wait til' tomorrow when our "king" goes on TV with a group of kids and wants to take your rights away. Just remember this and THINK. It's all part of a plan. The world has been here before and we're here again.

Why is it important for you to understand the subject of the Hegelian Dialectic? Because it is the process by which all change is being accomplished in society today. More importantly, it is the tool that the globalists are utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average American to accept that change, where ordinarily they would refuse it.

The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one.

When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change. Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving society toward whatever end the planners have in mind.

It's also important to understand that as this process is being driven, arguments are created both for and against certain measures of change. All arguments are controlled. The presented solutions — each with varying levels of unadornment — are "debated" publicly by the manipulators or their minions. This is done until a perceived compromise has been reached on the best measure to take in route to solving the crisis. Then, the outcome of the "debate" — which purportedly weighs the concerns of the public with the mandate to do something — is enacted as public policy.

Such is a summary of the Hegelian Dialectic. Though few in American society have ever heard of it, still fewer have not been profoundly impacted by its use in the effective neutralization of opposition in the formation of public policy.
Scott Dro
Why is it important for you to understand the subject of the Hegelian Dialectic? Because it is the process by which all change is being accomplished in society today. More importantly, it is the tool that the globalists are utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average American to accept that change, where ordinarily they would refuse it.

The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one.

When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change. Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving society toward whatever end the planners have in mind.

It's also important to understand that as this process is being driven, arguments are created both for and against certain measures of change. All arguments are controlled. The presented solutions — each with varying levels of unadornment — are "debated" publicly by the manipulators or their minions. This is done until a perceived compromise has been reached on the best measure to take in route to solving the crisis. Then, the outcome of the "debate" — which purportedly weighs the concerns of the public with the mandate to do something — is enacted as public policy.

Such is a summary of the Hegelian Dialectic. Though few in American society have ever heard of it, still fewer have not been profoundly impacted by its use in the effective neutralization of opposition in the formation of public policy.
@[271145583008892:274:Scott Dro]

Would You Guys Want Your DNA Taken at a Traffic Stop? Let Them Know in The Vote at the Bottom of the Story!

View the story here --> http://caledonia.patch.com/articles/federal-grants-could-mean-dna-at-arrest-in-wisconsin

Subscribe to We Are Change on Youtube:

Subscribe to We Are Change Milwaukee on Youtube:

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Would You Guys Want Your DNA Taken at a Traffic Stop? Let Them Know in The Vote at the Bottom of the Story!

View the story here --> http://caledonia.patch.com/articles/federal-grants-could-mean-dna-at-arrest-in-wisconsin

Subscribe to We Are Change on Youtube:

Subscribe to @[197737953599572:274:We Are Change Milwaukee] on Youtube:

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Former guard at Guantanamo Bay, Brandon Neely, speaks out about witnessing torture, being lied to by the government and how he relives his experience in Iraq & Gitmo every day of his life on Breaking The Set:

Scott Dro


RT shared a link.

Everyone who works on or uses the Internet owes a lot to Aaron Swartz. Today was his funeral. His eloquence and relentless defense of free speech will be missed. - Mischa Nachtigal
The US House of Representatives has approved a long-delayed $50.4bn disaster relief funding package for victims of superstorm Sandy: http://aje.me/X4icDt

The Main Cause of Heart Disease is NOT Cholesterol

Was up. Issue leg ready to SURF?

Did you know?
Honey in lemon water often outperforms cough syrup. This tried and true method has been around since the 16th and 17th centuries and was used widely in folk remedies. (Warning: do not give honey to babies under 1 year old).
Homesteading / Survivalism shared a photo.
Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease - http://is.gd/0FpagK
Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease - http://is.gd/0FpagK
Butter made from raw organic grass-fed milk is an excellent source of healthful fats, including short- and medium-chain fats, which support immune function, boost metabolism and have anti-microbial properties, as well as the perfect balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, and arachidonic acid, which is important for brain function, skin health and prostaglandin balance.

The good news is that a life of chronic digestive upset does not have to rule the day, as simple dietary changes can help significantly improve and even cure many colonic problems.

The pharmaceutical industry does not create cures; they create customers.

fine. Then he pointed to where the “inactive ingredients” were listed and started to read the ingredients and went to read the first one which is formaldehyde and stoped like he didn’t read the word correctly or embarrassed or something along those lines. I was laughing in my head thinking “I wonder if this guy even knows what he is shooting people up with?”

I said “thank you, I can take this home right?” and he said “yes”

Then I stopped looked at the sheet and looked at a lady that just walked up in line and said, “man, formaldehyde in the flu shot.... and mercury(Thiomersal) interesting….” and she sarcastically say’s “sounds safe”. ~KaBa~

Learn more by listening in live to our radio show tonight (12amET GMT-5): http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show/2013/01/16/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show-1
So, today(October 1, 2012) I was in Rite Aid getting vinegar and after I went to the pharmacist. I ask for the package insert for the flu shot to see the ingredients and he got it for me like I asked and everything was fine. Then he pointed to where the “inactive ingredients” were listed and started to read the ingredients and went to read the first one which is formaldehyde and stoped like he didn’t read the word correctly or embarrassed or something along those lines. I was laughing in my head thinking “I wonder if this guy even knows what he is shooting people up with?”

I said “thank you, I can take this home right?” and he said “yes”

Then I stopped looked at the sheet and looked at a lady that just walked up in line and said, “man, formaldehyde in the flu shot.... and mercury(Thiomersal) interesting….” and she sarcastically say’s “sounds safe”. ~KaBa~

Learn more by listening in live to our radio show tonight (12amET GMT-5): http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show/2013/01/16/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show-1

Truth News Radio Australia shared a link.
Minimum of 40 Children Paralyzed After New Meningitis Vaccine
At least 40 of 500 children vaccinated in a small African village have become hospitalized after suffering
Good question.


As the FDA paves the way for clinical LSD trials, scientists are exploring its medical benefits. Is acid the new Xanax?

Bob Wold doesn't seem like your typical acid tripper. A happily married 56-year-old contractor with four kids who lives the suburbs of Chicago, he had never considered taking psychedelic drugs until about 10 years ago. At the time, he was suffering from cluster headaches—known as “suicide” headaches because they’re so painful—for 12 hours a day, and he was spending more than $20,000 a year on medication. Then he read a post on a support-group Web site from someone who said they’d found a miracle cure for their own cluster headaches: LSD.

Wold decided to try it. "Compared to brain surgery,” he says, “taking a couple hits of LSD looked a lot more attractive.” But ever since a bust of the country’s biggest LSD lab nine years ago, the drug has become much harder to find. So Wold got his hands on the closest equivalent he could think of: psilocybin “magic” mushrooms (though he has since switched to LSD, which he says works better). The psychedelics arrived in a brown box at his doorstep from a long-distance dealer. He took one dose: about 1.5 grams. "In 15 minutes I could feel the difference,” he says. “My head was clearer than it had probably been in the past 20 years. Other medications felt like they were just covering it up.” But on acid, “All the pressure was gone."

Most people with headaches aren’t going to purchase an illegal drug. And soon, they may not have to. For the first time in four decades, the government is cracking open the door to studies looking into the medical benefits of LSD. If such studies bear fruit—and early results are promising—people like Wold may someday be able to pick up an LSD pill at their local pharmacy.

The watershed moment came last September, when the FDA approved a clinical trial on the use of LSD to treat anxiety in cancer patients. According to the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (or MAPS), it was the first time since the 1960s that a medical study involving LSD was permitted by the federal government. MAPS Director Rick Doblin called it “a symbol that the psychedelic renaissance is here.”

MAPS reached its fundraising goal of $225,000 in April, and will soon run its LSD trials in Switzerland, where it’s easier to legally obtain acid. The FDA’s approval is crucial, however, because it means it will accept the data that comes out of the Swiss trials. If those results prove the drug works, the agency will then run similar tests for safety and effectiveness. Doblin thinks that because of this ruling, it’s highly possible that within 10 years LSD prescriptions for treating anxiety associated with life-threatening illnesses could be available in America.

Several other clinical trials involving LSD are also under way, one of them at Harvard’s McLean Hospital. Cluster Busters, a nonprofit advocacy group co-founded by Wold, is funding research by Harvard’s Dr. John Halpern, who recently administered a modified LSD molecule to a handful of cluster patients, successfully ending most of their headache cycles for weeks or months. Halpern thinks they may have finally found the cure for an ailment that has mystified physicians for years, and hopes to run a larger clinical trial soon.

Harvard’s Dr. John Halpern recently administered a modified LSD molecule to patients, successfully ending most of their headache cycles.

Other universities are beginning to take seriously research into LSD and other psychedelics as well. UC-Berkeley is working with the California Pacific Medical Center to understand how LSD affects the brain. And a lab at Johns Hopkins is giving subjects psilocybin mushrooms to test their “personally and spiritually meaningful experiences.”

Wold knows plenty of people like him, from policemen to lawyers, who would be happy to get their hands on such a pill. He was wary the first time he took acid, but he’s since become a firm (if unconventional) advocate for its use. “You shouldn’t have to go to a Grateful Dead concert to get this,” Wold says. But he’s also careful to play down the high he gets as a side effect of his treatment—only a small dose is required for treating cluster headaches. “The colors go a little funny,” he says, “but I’m not seeing any pink elephants.”

Though the FDA won't comment on investigational drug applications specifically, a spokesperson told The Daily Beast, "We do review applications for psychedelic drugs. They are held to the same standards as other drugs considered for FDA approval. And now there are some studies that have been permitted to proceed."

"You could say there’s this balance between science and drug-war hysteria,” Doblin says. “What we’ve seen over the 23 years of MAPS' history is the balance shifting from the primacy of drug-war propaganda to a more scientific approach to MDMA [the active ingredient in ecstasy], mescaline, LSD, DMT [another psychedelic]. The FDA has courageously, even under pressure from National Institute on Drug Abuse, permitted the science to go forward."

Before it was banned in 1966, LSD had a rich scientific history, used as a popular treatment for everything from alcoholism to autism. (YouTube has old black-and-white videos of 9 year olds tripping acid under doctors’ supervision.) But LSD’s recreational legacy has made current proposals at Cambridge and other institutions an awkward subject. When Dr. John Mendelson first approached the California Pacific Medical Center about his LSD study, he says, “There was some discomfort because it doesn’t have a clean health bill. Our research director felt it was very difficult to justify in the context of a health system.”

The biggest roadblock to psychedelic research is no longer getting legal permission, according to Doblin—it’s getting people on board. Because LSD is a Schedule I drug, funding only comes from private donors, many of whom are still skittish at its mere mention. “We’ve had people too scared to be on our mailing lists,” Doblin says, “fearing the DEA is going to bust them.” Despite this, he’s found wealthy civil libertarians and Silicon Valley types who have had positive experiences with the drug to support what he expects to be a “$20 million, 20-year plan” to make medical LSD mainstream.

Of course, even if it’s legal, it’s unclear how much demand there will be for prescribed LSD. The medical benefit, Mendelson says, is limited—cluster headaches, for instance, affect less than 1 percent of the population, and pharmaceuticals like Imitrex reach the same receptors without the side effects. And the drug’s potential for expanded consciousness and spirituality might be limitless, but is that reason enough to legalize it? Doblin imagines a future in which any reasonably healthy person could walk into a clinic and experience their first high under supervision. “You used to be a nut if you talked about yoga. Now you go to the YMCA, and there are all these yoga classes,” he says.

Mendelson’s ambitions are much more modest. He says he’s just happy to have gotten a study off the ground at all. In many ways, what’s most remarkable about the breakthrough of LSD is the drug itself. It’s the most potent psychedelic of its kind. It lasts several hours longer than either MDMA or psilocybin, and it has the greatest risk profile of any psychedelic. But researchers say that's also what makes it so tempting. “It’s more challenging, more powerful, but there’s also great therapeutic potential,” Doblin says. “It’s like taming the lion. If we can tame the lion, then we can work with the leopard and the wolf.”

Learn more by listening in live to our radio show tonight (12amET GMT-5): http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show/2013/01/16/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show-1



Japan's two biggest airlines have grounded their fleets of Boeing Dreamliners after an apparent battery problem forced one of All Nippon Airways' jets to make an emergency landing on Wednesday: http://aje.me/13Bnn3D

Venezuelan vice president Nicolas Maduro took the place of the country's ailing leader by delivering a short state-of-the-nation address amid legal debate about his legitimacy: http://aje.me/Uq6Rjc

‎"The return to #BabalShams"

Read the article: http://bit.ly/SH00Vh

Palestinian and international activists meet Israeli resistance while returning to the tent city.

RT shared a link.

Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world — Public may not be aware that HSBC, Lloyds TSB and Barclays Banks fund the War Industry. “Banks are the sole cause of our current worldwide economic problems. They deserve to get hit. RBS, Lloyds TSB and Barclays are next,” FawkesSecurity (one of Anonymous hacker groups) said.

The info they left out of history class.*
* 'Japanese' relocation in Canada too.

Learn more by listening in live to our radio show tonight (12amET GMT-5): http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show/2013/01/16/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show-1

Scott Dro
The info they left out of history class.

Learn more by listening in live to our radio show tonight (12amET GMT-5): http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show/2013/01/16/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show-1

@[271145583008892:274:Scott Dro]

 CBC Digital Archives - Relocation to Redress: The Internment of the ...
Japanese Canadians: The case against the 'enemy aliens' As Canadian soldiers were fighting overseas in the name of democracy, at home the federal government was ...

Japanese Canadian Internment - Information at the University of ...
Tensions mounted and early in 1942 the Ottawa government bowed to West Coast pressure and began the relocation of Japanese nationals and Canadian citizens alike.

Japanese Relocation Centers - Infoplease — Free Online Encyclopedia ...
Nearly 23,000 Nikkei, or Canadians of Japanese descent, were sent ... to a 1943 report published by the War Relocation Authority (the administering agency), Japanese ...

Japanese Internment Camps in Canada - Yukon Education Student Network
"Japanese Canadian Centennial Project.1877-1977 the Japanese Canadians a Dream of Riches.Vancouver: Gilchnist Wright,1978" "Many of us had volunteered for the Canadian Army.
http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/projects/canadianhistory/camps/internment1.html Narrating Japanese Canadians In and Out of the Canadian Nation: A ...
Through an analysis of the Japanese Canadian film ... family becomes one about how the "relocation" was "a blessing in disguise" insofar as it helped Japanese Canadians ...

Inuit get federal apology for forced relocation - North - CBC News
The Canadian government says it regrets the mistakes ... Indian and Northern Affairs Minister John Duncan issued a ... the government's controversial High Arctic relocation ...

The Indian Act: Historical Overview - Mapleleafweb.com | Canada's ...
In some cases, this involved forced-relocation and even genocide. In ... Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. October 1996. 14 April 2008.

914c Timeline of Social Injustices - Education and Literacy
in Canada 9.1.4 c 1876 The Indian Act is established and ... government about the relocation of First Nations. (Since then, the Indian Act ... 1956 Sayisi Dene in northern ...

Real Coastal Warriors shared Native Canadian-American Indian Veterans and Warriors's photo.
Idle No More -Attawapiskat Tap Water After Boiling
Idle No More -Attawapiskat Tap Water After Boiling

From Occupy Canada"

"Government agenda forces us to be Idle No More -

"Now is the time for us to stand together--Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, young and old, working people and retired folks--and tell our political leaders that we are not prepared to watch them do away with long-standing treaty rights, important environmental protections and our hard-won social programs — all so that they can force their ideological agenda on Canadians, whatever the costs." - Rob Douglas, Cowichan News Leader Pictorial. ᐰ

Read more: http://www.cowichannewsleader.com/opinion/186988941.html "
Government agenda forces us to be Idle No More - 

"Now is the time for us to stand together--Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, young and old, working people and retired folks--and tell our political leaders that we are not prepared to watch them do away with long-standing treaty rights, important environmental protections and our hard-won social programs — all so that they can force their ideological agenda on Canadians, whatever the costs." - Rob Douglas, Cowichan News Leader Pictorial. ᐰ

Read more: http://www.cowichannewsleader.com/opinion/186988941.html

Go Blackfoot tribal members!
The Sky Grizzly. Badger Two Medicine area, Blackfeet Reservation, 400 Blackfeet from age 3 to 80 gather in the shape of a grizzly bear to declare the sacredness of their land & send a message to the government that they do not want this land to be harmed in any manner.
The Sky Grizzly. Badger Two Medicine area, Blackfeet Reservation, 400 Blackfeet from age 3 to 80 gather in the shape of a grizzly bear to declare the sacredness of their land & send a message to the government that they do not want this land to be harmed in any manner.

More support for Idle No More from Australia.
Idle No More gathering, Sydney Jan 15
Idle No More gathering, Sydney Jan 15

FRACKING is back on the table for western Sydney after the coal seam gas company AGL reversed a pledge not to use the controversial drilling technique in the suburbs.

The company told Fairfax Media unconditionally on December 27 that it would not use fracking, a drilling method linked to water pollution, in its planned 66-well drilling program between Liverpool and Campbelltown.

Its assurances prompted the Premier, Barry O'Farrell, to defend AGL's promise not to frack and downplay any impacts of the project on the thousands of residents who live near drilling sites.

But AGL has now backtracked after internal discussions revealed the company would have to change the drilling plans it has already submitted to the state government. It now says it would prefer to use a ''horizontal drilling'' technique to extract gas, but reserves the right to revert to ''vertical drilling'' which would lead to ''well stimulation'', or fracking.

''AGL's position remains consistent that drilling vertical wells … remains unlikely, however if any vertical well is drilled in the future, such a well will likely require fracture well stimulation to promote the flow of natural gas,'' a spokeswoman said.

The NSW Greens accused the company of lying to residents about its plans.

''Fracking in urban areas is a risky proposition that could pollute the air and water with methane, other gases and fracking chemicals, posing a risk to health and the environment,'' the Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham said. ''The people of western Sydney should not be used as guinea pigs in AGL's fracking experiments. AGL have admitted fracking 75 per cent of their existing wells [outside urban Sydney] and the permeability of the coal seams means they always needed to frack. They have now been caught in a lie.''

Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, involves pumping a mix of water, sand and chemicals underground at high pressure, to force more gas to the surface. Opponents say the practice can cause gas leaks, damage aquifers and pollute water with its mix of potentially toxic chemicals.

However, it is favoured by drilling companies at some sites because it usually extracts more gas - and makes more money - than conventional drilling.

The decision on whether to frack wells in western Sydney will now be made on a case-by-case basis, depending on geological and environmental conditions, the company said. It said it had reversed its stance on fracking in the interests of transparency.

"The CSG industry has some of the country's most stringent environmental and safety regulations that AGL must adhere to and we are committed to meeting all of these,'' a spokeswoman said.

About 10,000 homes in the proposed drilling area, covering suburbs such as Currans Hill, Varroville, Kearns, Eschol Park and Denham Court, have been notified of the company's plans by newsletters. It has promised there will be no effects at the surface from its underground drilling.

The company's public change of position followed pressure from residents, who are concerned about the potential effects on human health, and property values, in their suburbs.

John Fraser, 61, moved to his home on Chasselas Avenue in Eschol Park 12 months ago for some ''peace and fresh air''.

But now he faces the prospect of coal seam gas trucks and industrial rigs regularly using his street and nine months of noisy drilling if the AGL project goes ahead, he said.

''I'm very disappointed by the O'Farrell government [which] has not done anything to protect residents,'' said Mr Fraser, a member of the local residents group, The Scenic Hills Association.

His street will be one of the most affected as it sits near the proposed coal seam gas well CU26 cluster, planning documents show.

The group Doctors for the Environment has also raised concerns about the health effects of drilling in urban areas. NSW Health is reviewing the case and will make a submission to the government on AGL's plans, which are open to public submissions until February 8.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/agl-breaks-fracking-pledge-20130115-2crld.html#ixzz2I6zOEqKe
Knowledge of Today shared Exposing The Truth's photo.

With respect, if something doesn't seem right question it. FEMA held an children's safety exercise the same day as shooting. NORAD had an exercise on same day as 9/11. The British government held an 'anti' terrorist exercise same day as 7/7 London bombings. Connect the dots. Government 'false flags' to sway public opinion. In this case the conversation of US citizens guns.


The Conspiracy Archives
This is one of my all time favorite photos

Learning to listen to our hearts, our real consciousness that taps into the central Source, and observe from that point is the key. As things start to pick up more speed as they are now this will be more and more important when mental processes get more and more affected.

The mind is much like the computer that is susceptible to an EMP blast, a large electromagnetic pulse, the same kind that can stop your computer controlled car and shut down the grid. The heart, however, your conscious spirit, only revels in the additional energetic bursts and will never let you down!

Now that’s empowerment! But we have be careful.

These energetic changes are not the answer. We are the answer. Those they affect who in turn willingly transform and pass it on, helping others understand and utilize what’s going on, are the answer.

You and me.

With or without these new energies our mission is the same. But what a great time to be alive as it clearly appears we’re getting a boost…good for conscious humanity, but bad for the matrix whose minions are scared to death of what’s happening.

This is why the frantic implementation of the control system. Poor puny bastards. It’s like a bucket of water on a raging forest fire. Sorry guys, you already lost. You really think you can fight the Truth? C’mon.

But we do need to keep exposing them so others can see through their false projection and find empowering Truth and Reality for themselves.

Sail On!

We’re sailing the cosmic sea, the wind is picking up, and it’s all hands on deck!

We’re here to act out our mission, however we’re each called. We can follow, we can lead. We can sit by the wayside.

I don’t personally condone non-action in the least. We need to be conscious responders. Not inexcusable idiots. That’s thoroughly pathetic. I think we’ve all been through enough of that..and so have the enslaved.

Raise your voice.

Radiate the change any way you can


Congressman threatens impeachment if Obama uses executive action for gun control

Caroline May - Political Reporter

Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman threatened Monday afternoon that he would file articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama if he institutes gun control measures with an executive order.

Stockman warned that such executive orders would be “unconstitutional” and “infringe on our constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms.” (RELATED: Levin: If Obama sidesteps Congress on debt ceiling, ‘no choice’ but impeachment)

“I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment,” Stockman said in a statement.

At his press conference Monday, Obama floated the possibility of using executive action to enact policies aimed at reducing gun violence.

The freshman congressman, who served one term in Congress in the mid-1990s, further labeled the possibility “an existential threat to this nation” because, he said, the purpose of the Second Amendment is to allow the people to protect themselves from tyranny. (RELATED VIDEO — Walter Williams: People misunderstand the point of the Second Amendment)

“Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible,” he added. “Under no circumstances whatsoever may the government take any action that disarms any peaceable person — much less without due process through an executive declaration without a vote of Congress or a ruling of a court.”

He concluded by claiming that an executive order would be not just “not just an attack on the Constitution,” but also an “attack on Americans.”

“If the president is allowed to suspend constitutional rights on his own personal whims, our free republic has effectively ceased to exist,” he said.

Learn more by listening in live to our radio show tonight (12amET GMT-5): http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show/2013/01/16/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show-1
Scott Dro
Congressman threatens impeachment if Obama uses executive action for gun control

Caroline May - Political Reporter

Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman threatened Monday afternoon that he would file articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama if he institutes gun control measures with an executive order.

Stockman warned that such executive orders would be “unconstitutional” and “infringe on our constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms.” (RELATED: Levin: If Obama sidesteps Congress on debt ceiling, ‘no choice’ but impeachment)

“I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment,” Stockman said in a statement.

At his press conference Monday, Obama floated the possibility of using executive action to enact policies aimed at reducing gun violence.

The freshman congressman, who served one term in Congress in the mid-1990s, further labeled the possibility “an existential threat to this nation” because, he said, the purpose of the Second Amendment is to allow the people to protect themselves from tyranny. (RELATED VIDEO — Walter Williams: People misunderstand the point of the Second Amendment)

“Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible,” he added. “Under no circumstances whatsoever may the government take any action that disarms any peaceable person — much less without due process through an executive declaration without a vote of Congress or a ruling of a court.”

He concluded by claiming that an executive order would be not just “not just an attack on the Constitution,” but also an “attack on Americans.”

“If the president is allowed to suspend constitutional rights on his own personal whims, our free republic has effectively ceased to exist,” he said.

Learn more by listening in live to our radio show tonight (12amET GMT-5): http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show/2013/01/16/the-conspiracy-archives-radio-show-1
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Twenty five remarkable people have been chosen from across Africa for leadership coaching with a difference. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the patron of the scheme, signs them up to his vision to become a new moral task force for the continent.

Watch Tutu's Children: http://aje.me/Y6QMDA
Twenty five remarkable people have been chosen from across Africa for leadership coaching with a difference. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the patron of the scheme, signs them up to his vision to become a new moral task force for the continent. 

Watch Tutu's Children: http://aje.me/Y6QMDA

Nesara Australia shared Giles Clarke's photo.
September 17, 2012. A young doctor is arrested on Broadway. Amongst the megaphones and NYPD bravado, this peaceful protestor took it all in his stride.

'It turns out that we physicians have become passive components of the trillion-dollar medical-industrial complex. The brand medications we prescribe, the ever multiplying tests we order, and the expensive tools we use while struggling to inhale the dizzying cloud of evidence, ultimately subdue us into accepting that this is the best we have to offer our patients and communities. This machinery has taken a life of its own and grows every day, engulfing our researchers, our policy-makers, our administrators, and our legislators. It is the malignancy that erodes the art, science, and sanctity of our profession.

We can stand up to that.

Our agenda is broad, our dreams are deep. With no funding, no political affiliation and no physical presence, we seem outmatched against the organized forces of the medical-industrial complex. But they underestimate the magnitude of the collective awakening that is taking place this very moment. All we need is for you to unleash your imagination.

A better world is possible. This is our movement that started in the streets. It is finally bursting through our hospital doors.

Join us.
Doctors for the 99%'.....www.doctorsforthe99.org
September 17, 2012. A young doctor is arrested on Broadway. Amongst the megaphones and NYPD bravado, this peaceful protestor took it all in his stride.

'It turns out that we physicians have become passive components of the trillion-dollar medical-industrial complex. The brand medications we prescribe, the ever multiplying tests we order, and the expensive tools we use while struggling to inhale the dizzying cloud of evidence, ultimately subdue us into accepting that this is the best we have to offer our patients and communities. This machinery has taken a life of its own and grows every day, engulfing our researchers, our policy-makers, our administrators, and our legislators. It is the malignancy that erodes the art, science, and sanctity of our profession.

We can stand up to that.

Our agenda is broad, our dreams are deep. With no funding, no political affiliation and no physical presence, we seem outmatched against the organized forces of the medical-industrial complex. But they underestimate the magnitude of the collective awakening that is taking place this very moment. All we need is for you to unleash your imagination.

A better world is possible. This is our movement that started in the streets. It is finally bursting through our hospital doors.

Join us.
Doctors for the 99%'.....www.doctorsforthe99.org

‎"Vote's in five minutes." By Matt Bors. http://truth-out.org/art/item/13921-action
"Vote's in five minutes." By Matt Bors. http://truth-out.org/art/item/13921-action
NOW WE'RE TALKING ACCURACY - $192 BILLION DOLLARS SOUNDS FAIR AND HERE'S THE MATH TO PROVE IT: "To date, a full accounting of exactly what BP should owe for its crimes in the Gulf has not been made public. Such an accounting is vital if we are to ensure that justice and restoration are delivered to the Gulf Coast and that such a catastrophe never occurs again. A straightforward application of just the most pertinent U.S. laws yields a fine of $192 billion. (For simplicity sake, I only address BP's fines.")

DEPARTMENT OF MARINE RESOURCES *FIRES* EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WILLIAM WALKER - BILOXI -- "The commission did not know the things that were going on with the director. I was very surprised by this information that we received. It was disturbing to me."

The state Commission on Marine Resources today fired Executive Director Bill Walker, who is under investigation by state and federal authorities.

Spending at the state Department of Marine Resources under Walker is the subject of a state grand jury probe, DMR attorneys have confirmed.

Commissioner Shelby Drummond said after Tuesday's meeting that new information from the state and federal investigations led to the unanimous commission vote on Walker's dismissal "with cause." The commission had earlier suspended him, pending the outcome of the investigations.

Read more here: http://www.sunherald.com/2013/01/15/4407322/cmr-permanently-removes-walker.html#wgt=rcntnews#storylink=cpy
DEPARTMENT OF MARINE RESOURCES *FIRES* EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WILLIAM WALKER - BILOXI -- "The commission did not know the things that were going on with the director. I was very surprised by this information that we received. It was disturbing to me."

The state Commission on Marine Resources today fired Executive Director Bill Walker, who is under investigation by state and federal authorities.

Spending at the state Department of Marine Resources under Walker is the subject of a state grand jury probe, DMR attorneys have confirmed.

Commissioner Shelby Drummond said after Tuesday's meeting that new information from the state and federal investigations led to the unanimous commission vote on Walker's dismissal "with cause." The commission had earlier suspended him, pending the outcome of the investigations.

Read more here: http://www.sunherald.com/2013/01/15/4407322/cmr-permanently-removes-walker.html#wgt=rcntnews#storylink=cpy

WHERE HAS THE BP MONEY BEEN SPENT? BILOXI -- The attorney for the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources read a statement during a board meeting Tuesday morning about why the agency recently denied the Sun Herald's request for financial records.

Attorneys who specialize in access issues believe the public records request was wrongly denied because the public records exemption DMR cited applies to law enforcement agencies and should not impede the public's right to view records filed at the agency. The Sun Herald has not requested investigative files from the State Auditor's Office, which has an ongoing probe of DMR under director Bill Walker, whom the governing Commission on Marine Resources fired Tuesday.

DMR has in past months granted Sun Herald requests for records, but changed its position when the agency was served Jan. 8 with a grand jury subpoena for records the Sun Herald had already sought. The Sun Herald wanted to review the agen...See More
WHERE HAS THE BP MONEY BEEN SPENT?  BILOXI -- The attorney for the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources read a statement during a board meeting Tuesday morning about why the agency recently denied the Sun Herald's request for financial records.

Attorneys who specialize in access issues believe the public records request was wrongly denied because the public records exemption DMR cited applies to law enforcement agencies and should not impede the public's right to view records filed at the agency. The Sun Herald has not requested investigative files from the State Auditor's Office, which has an ongoing probe of DMR under director Bill Walker, whom the governing Commission on Marine Resources fired Tuesday.

DMR has in past months granted Sun Herald requests for records, but changed its position when the agency was served Jan. 8 with a grand jury subpoena for records the Sun Herald had already sought. The Sun Herald wanted to review the agency's artificial reef and post-Katrina disaster accounts, along with documents associated with those accounts.

Attorney Sandy Chesnut read the following statement in the CMR meeting:

"The department has provided the Sun Herald numerous documents pursuant to their public records requests in a timely and efficient manner.

"Last week, the department was served a subpoena, which was issued by the State Auditor's Office and returnable to the grand jury.

"The subpoena specifically mandated that the records requested by subpoena "may not be released to any other entity besides the (auditor's office).

"Accordingly, pursuant to the terms of the subpoena and upon advice received from the State Auditor's Office, the department's only course of action was to comply with the subpoena and deny the release of records to the Sun Herald.

"If the Sun Herald chooses to do so, they may challenge the validity of the state auditor's subpoena in the proper forum.

"Until then, the department will comply with the mandates of the subpoena and requests for any documents subject to the state auditor's subpoena will be denied."

Read more here: http://www.sunherald.com/2013/01/15/4407948/dmr-records-subpoenaed-by-grand.html#storylink=cpy
Bridge the Gulf and Real Coastal Warriors shared a link.

  • ‎"I'm asking them (BP) to come in and stand tall with me, and let's walk the beach, let's walk every inch to make sure we clean this island." - Grand Island Mayor David Camardelle

  • LOOK AT THE TARBALLS! January 15, 2013: Grand Isle Mayor, David Camardelle, explains life on the small tourist destination since the 2010 BP Oil SPill. Tar balls continue to was ashore on the island, nearly three years after the spill.
Real Coastal Warriors and Bridge the Gulf shared a link.
Who here likes hypocrites?

freethoughtblogs.comIn the second part of its series ‘Losing Our Faith’ (I linked to the first part yesterday), NPR convened a group of young people from varying religious family backgrounds to talk
The latest variation where 'humans control the climate' attacks the use of fuels which don't have to be excavated. Wowsers. It would take something like that to make mountaintop strip mining seem sane.
The bad news is that black carbon (aka soot) is now the second largest human cause of global warming. The good news is that if we ever stopped sending the stuff up it would (unlike carbon dioxide and methane) clear out of our skies in about three weeks, give or take. This is why I work so hard to make solar cooking more accessible to people for whom cooking with wood, charcoal, dung (horrible smoke pollution) and crop residues has been the only option. With as many people as Earth is housing these days, burning wood (especially in the open or in traditional wood burning devices that make lots of smoke) for cooking or heating should be a last resort, never a first choice.

Russians announce retrieval of first clean ice sample from Lake Vostok
(Phys.org)—Researchers with Russia's Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute have announced that they have
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