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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 January - Common Dreams

English: American political activist Medea Ben...English: American political activist Medea Benjamin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
La Jolla - Ellen Browning Scripps ParkLa Jolla - Ellen Browning Scripps Park (Photo credit: Kwong Yee Cheng)
Newsweek Magazine (February 16, 2009) ... Lend...Newsweek Magazine (February 16, 2009) ... Lenders Add Bigger Fannie, Freddie Fee – Thanks to Payroll Tax Cut (January 15, 2012) ...item 2.. Dupuy: GOP trying to sell pyrmaid scheme to voters (September 3, 2012) ... (Photo credit: marsmet526)
week end con delittoweek end con delitto (Photo credit: milky.way)
Paul Krugman, Laureate of the Sveriges Riksban...Paul Krugman, Laureate of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2008 at a press conference at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Week Ending January 11, 2013
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Matt TaibbiSecrets and Lies of the Wall Street Bailout

  2. Robert Reich: The Hoax of 'Entitlement' Reform

  3. Kristin Moe: Idle No More: Indigenous Uprising Sweeps North America

  4. Chris Hedges: State of Fear

  5. Robert NaimanSave Social Security: Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary

  6. Medea BenjaminJohn Brennan vs. a Sixteen-Year-Old Boy

  7. Paul Buchheit: Tax Avoidance On the Rise: It's Twice the Amount of Social Security and Medicare

  8. Bernie Sanders: The Soul of America

  9. Norman Solomon: The Progressive Caucus: Enabling Obama's Rightward Moves

  10. Robert Fisk: Anonymous Comments, Gutless Trolls, and Why It's Time We All Stop Drinking This Digital Poison

 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Week Ending December 21, 2012
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Joe Brewer: What If All the World’s Debt Just Went Away

  2. Bill Quigley: Remember All the Children, Mr. President

  3. Robert KuttnerSocial Security and the Obama Cave-In

  4. Patrick Cockburn: US Stupidity in Syria: This Is No Fight Between Goodies and Baddies

  5. Peter Hart: What If Children Mattered No Matter Where They Lived–and Died?

  6. Michael Stewart: I Don't Want to Talk About Gun Control

  7. Richard Eskow: 8 Deficit Reducers That Are More Ethical—And More Effective—Than the 'Chained CPI'

  8. Ellen Brown: Fiscal Cliff: Let's Call Their Bluff

  9. Glenn Greenwald: New Press Freedom Group is Launched to Block US Government Attacks

  10. Paul Krugman Playing Taxes Hold ’Em: 'GOP Crazies' Save Progressives from Obama (Again)

Your support is critical to assure Common Dreams will stay alive in 2013.  Can you give a tax-deductible gift today!

 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Wealthiest Kissed, Weakest Kicked: Obama's Ugly 'New Deal' Offers to Cut Social Security
President gives away the store in fiscal negotiations.
Article here...
Gun Lobby Speaks: We Need More Guns, Especially in Schools
The NRA, its affiliates and the lawmakers it supports did not stay silent for too long. Now, the familiar arguments and strategies to defang a national push for stronger gun regulations.
Article here...
Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'Mr. President, I am Disappointed'
Remember when President Obama promised not to cut Social Security benefits? Remember when president-hopeful Barack Obama promised not to cut Social Security benefits?
Article here...
NRA Cowards Go Into Hiding As Gun Control Support Surges
New US Poll: 54%-43% want stricter gun controls.
Article here...
In Wake of School Massacre, Tea Party Holds 'Great Gun Giveaway'
'Without a word of sympathy,' group raises funds for pro-gun candidates.
Article here...
Report: Ecosystems in Upheaval, Biodiversity in Collapse
New study documenting climate change shows sweeping changes happening faster than previously recorded and bringing 'cascading effects'.
Article here...
Obama's Deficit Proposal: Cut Social Security Benefits
Indexing Social Security benefits to chained consumer price index means a cut for all beneficiaries.
Article here...
Bolivia's Morales Calls for New Era of 'Peace and Unity' to Break Greed of Capitalism
The 'end of the world' it is not, says president of Bolivia, but rather an opportunity to dispose of 'capitalism's greed' and unite in happiness and unselfishness.
Article here...
Massacre Muzzles Pro-Gun Lawmakers
Sen. Diane Feinsten vows to submit assault weapons ban on day one of new session.
Article here...
DOJ Lawyers: Drone Targets Receive 'Due Process' But We Won't Say How
Obama administration asks court to dismiss challenge to 'kill list' program.
Article here...
Burning 'Deep Purple': Australia So Hot New Color Added to Index
An 'unparalleled setting of new heat extremes' continues.
Article here...
Obama Nominates John Brennan, 'Kill List' Architect, as New CIA Chief 
John Brennan's career spans from the dark days of Bush's torture program to Obama's secretive 'kill list'.
Article here...
'Smoking Gun': Tar Sands Report Eviscerates Industry Claims
Research shows toxic contamination caused by mining 'world's dirtiest oil' worse than previously thought.
Article here...
Former Adviser: Obama as 'Ruthless and Indifferent to Rule of Law' as Bush
Americans 'unaware of the scale of the drone program ... and the destruction it has caused in their name'.
Article here...
Poisoned Planet: Doubling of Ocean Mercury Levels Threatens Global Health
UN report exposes toxic legacy of coal, gold, and a world bent on extraction.
Article here...
Filmmaker Michael Moore: US Leaders 'Are a Violent People'
Man who produced 'Bowling for Columbine' over a decade ago says he is 'heartbroken' that film did so little to stem culture of gun violence.
Article here...
Gen. Stanley McChrystal: Afghans Are Like Teenagers, We Have 'Emotional Responsibility' to Continue Occupation
McChrystal: 'I would certainly like to see American businesses in Afghanistan'.
Article here...
'Like Wildfire': Images of Climate Catastrophe in Australia Go Global
Photographs of bushfires offer a glimpse of our future on a hotter, drier planet.
Article here...
Hurtling Towards Climate Chaos: US Oil Production Set to Explode
Flying in face of dire climate figures, US continues to embrace fossil fuels.
Article here...
Week Ending December 14, 2012
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Paul Krugman: Robots and Robber Barons

  2. Jim Hightower: The Mass Media Favorites Fall Out of Favor

  3. Glenn Greenwald: The PSY Scandal: Singing about Killing People v. Constantly Doing It

  4. John Atcheson: Conservative Myths and the Death of Marlboro Man

  5. Paul Buchheit: Some Better Targets for the People Who Hate Government

  6. Sarah van Gelder: 4 Ways to Leap the “Fiscal Cliff” to a Better U.S.A.

  7. Peter Hart: This Time, Trust Anonymous WMD Claims–They've Got 'Specific Intelligence'

  8. Ruth Conniff: Right to Work: As Goes Michigan, So Goes The Nation

  9. David Vine: How U.S. Taxpayers Are Paying the Pentagon to Occupy the Planet

  10. Johnny Barber: There’s No Country That Would Tolerate Missiles

 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Study: World's Mighty Giants Dying off at Alarming Rate
'We are talking about the loss of the biggest living organisms on the planet'.
Article here...
'I'd Rather Fight Like Hell': Naomi Klein's Fierce New Resolve to Fight for Climate Justice
'Climate change is the human-rights struggle of our time'.
Article here...
Climate Fail: Cop18 Ends in 'Betrayal'
UN climate negotiations end in Doha, Qatar with Kyoto extension.
Article here...
Killing of World Famous Wolf Reignites Battle in the Rockies
Kill programs in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming reveal how fragile protection programs can be.
Article here...
Google on 'Immoral' Tax Evasion: 'It's Called Capitalism'
'Hypocritical assertion of its corporate motto, 'Don’t Be Evil'".
Article here...
Alarms Go Off as Obama Plays Footsie with Raising Medicare Age
Progressives from all quarters warn against unnecessary cuts to key social programs.
Article here...
A 'National Attack': Michigan Passes 'Right-to-Work' Law
Police in riot gear confront thousands as legislation seen as blow to collective bargaining power, middle class passes.
Article here...
The Senate Report on CIA Interrogations You May Never See
Senate committee putting the final stamp on a massive report on the CIA's detention, interrogation and rendition of terror suspects.
Article here...
'Zero Dark Thirty': Likely US Blockbuster Slammed for Glorifying CIA Torture
Film that recounts hunt for Osama Bin Laden injects torture despite factual inaccuracies.
Article here...
Sea Shepherd Buys Anti-Whaling Ship Under the Nose of Japanese Whalers
Four vessels now heading to Antarctic to halt this year's catch.
Article here...
Farmers Rally at White House to Protest Monsanto's GMO Empire
As court hears pivotal case for small farmers and organic seed growers, opponents to industrial agriculture speak out.
Article here...

Week Ending December 7, 2012
Readers' Choice / Further...
Abby Zimet: Local Hero: Trump Nemesis and Feisty Farmer Wins Top Scot of the Year Award
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Glenn Greenwald: Bradley Manning: A Tale of Liberty Lost in America

  2. Paul Buchheit: Five Facts About America's Pathological Wealth Distribution

  3. Chris Hedges: Katrina, All Over Again

  4. Sam Pizzigati: For Pete's Sake, What's Happened to Our Democracy?

  5. Paul Krugman: The GOP's Big Budget Mumble

  6. Mijin Cha: Extreme Drought Continues, Could be Most Extreme Weather Event This Year

  7. Robert Scheer: A Sign That Obama Will Repeat Economic Mistakes

  8. John Nichols: The Secret of Bernie Sanders' Success

  9. Michelle Chen: Foodies Get Wobbly

  10. Joshua Brollier: Speechless in Gaza

 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Historic 'Super Typhoon' Bopha Smashes Into Philippines
'Most southerly typhoon ever recorded in the Western Pacific' expected to bring 'life-threatening impacts'.
Article here...
Street Artist Charged with 56 Counts for Punking NYPD with Drone Poster
Artist claims goal was to bring use of domestic drones to 'dinner table conversations'.
Article here...
Fears Confirmed: Domestic Drones 'Fly Regularly' in US Airspace
Watchdog publishes new flight map, 'takes surveillance to a whole new level'.
Article here...
Walmart Relentless as Thousands Set to Lose Out in New Health Care Policy
Box store implicated in federal wage-theft lawsuit.
Article here...
Decade of US 'War on Terror' Yields More 'Terrorism' 
Inaugural study says that terror attacks worldwide have grown rapidly in the years since 9/11 and spiked during the US occupation of Iraq.
Article here...
Syria's WMD: Real Threat or 'Pretext for Intervention'?
US armada gathers off coast of Syria.
Article here...
Israel Seizes $120m in Palestinian Funds Over UN Vote
Israel continues to respond with 'war, occupation and settlements'.
Article here...
Grandfather of 16-year-old US Citizen Killed by Drone Strike: 'Why?'
Nasser Al-Awlaki, who has filed suit against the US government for the killings, says he does not want money, only justice.
Article here...
UN Resolution Calls for Israel to Disclose Nuclear Arsenal
Regional outlier asked to join NPT and back vision of a 'Nuclear-Free Middle East'.
Article here...
Israel's Latest Plan to Punish Palestinians Gets Worldwide Rebuke
UK, Sweden, France --even the US-- call latest settlement announcement in West Bank an assault on peace process.
Article here...
Week Ending November 30, 2012
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Michael Brick: When ‘Grading’ Is Degrading

  2. Jim Hightower: A Death in the Family -- and the Question Is: Whodunit?

  3. Chris Hedges: Stand Still For the Apocalypse

  4. Michael T. Klare: A Thermonuclear Energy Bomb in Christmas Wrappings

  5. Glenn Greenwald: Obama: A GOP President Should Have Rules Limiting the Kill List

  6. Ocean Robbins: Change Is Coming: Factory Farms' Days May Be Numbered

  7. Josh Eidelson: With Biggest Strike Against Biggest Employer, Walmart Workers Make History Again

  8. Cat Johnson: The Rise of the Sharing Communities

  9. Paul Krugman: Class Wars of 2012

  10. Sarah van Gelder: To Change Our Direction, It’s Time to Follow Nature’s Lead

Today the corporate media is failing to serve the public interest in even the most basic sense, and the consequences for our democracy - our future - are profound.

Common Dreams is almost 100% reader funded. Your support plays a critical role in the distribution of  independent news and  analysis

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 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Private Prison Company Used in Drug Raids at Public High School
Corrections Corporation of America used in drug sweeps of public school students in Arizona.
Article here...
Overwhelming US Majority: Tax the Rich! Hands Off Medicare!
Roughly sixty percent of those asked stated that they would like to see higher income taxes on those in higher income brackets -- $250,000 and greater.
Article here...
Overwhelming Majority Votes for Palestinian Statehood at UN
Despite objections from US and Israel, 138 nations vote to approve statehood.
Article here...
Sec. of State Hopeful Susan Rice Reportedly Holds 600k Stake in Keystone XL Decision
The approval of the pipeline is being spearheaded by the State Department since successful environmental campaigning prompted President Obama to delay authorization until 2013.
Article here...
Florida Man Shoots Unarmed Black Teen After Argument Over Music 
The shooting has already prompted comparisons to the death of Trayvon Martin.
Article here...
Anti-Drone Protesters Told: 'Irritate' US Colonel, Get 7 Years
Judge's signed protection order against peaceful protest called an 'escalation' and an 'absurd' threat to free speech.
Article here...
'Alarming' Year of Extremes as Climate 'Tipping Point' Looms
UN groups issue stark warnings at climate summit in Doha.
Article here...
CEO Council Demands Cuts To Poor, Elderly While Reaping Billions
The companies represented by executives working with the Campaign To Fix The Debt have received trillions in federal war contracts, subsidies and bailouts, as well as specialized tax breaks and loopholes that virtually eliminate the companies' tax bills.
Article here...
Fearing Romney Win, Obama Pushed to Codify 'Kill List'
"the president and top aides believe [the programs] should be institutionalized," and that these efforts "seemed particularly urgent when it appeared that Mitt Romney might win the presidency."
Article here...
Sanders: Wall Street CEOs Are The 'Faces of Class Warfare'
“Think about the arrogance of these guys...bailed out by the middle class...and now they come to Capitol Hill to lecture...about the need to cut programs for working families,”
Article here...
Week Ending November 23, 2012
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Paul Buchheit: Ten Numbers the Rich Would Like Fudged

  2. Chris Hedges: Elites Will Make Gazans of Us All

  3. Glenn Greenwald: Stop Pretending the US is an Uninvolved, Helpless Party in the Israeli Assault on Gaza

  4. Amy Dean: Help Obama Find His Shoes

  5. Ira Chernus: Obama Weaves Web of Deceit on Gaza War

  6. Amy Goodman: In Gaza, It’s the Occupation, Stupid

  7. Mark Morford: No Twinkies Please, We’re Dying

  8. Robert Reich: Why You Shouldn’t Shop at Walmart on Friday (and Why the Strike is Good for the Economy)

  9. Ralph Nader: Israel-Palestine: What is the US National Interest?

  10. Robert Fisk: Journalistic Cliches: 'Surgical Air Strikes', 'Rooting Out Terror', and 'Cyber-Terrorism' Cannot Conceal Reality

Without independent media, the only voices you'd hear would be ones approved by corporate sponsors. Without Common Dreams, the facts and arguments that challenge the corporate narrative might be lost. 

But a future without Common Dreams is a real possibility -- one that only you can prevent.

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 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Ahead of Black Friday Strikes, Walmart Lashes Out 
Workers "in it for the long haul" against world's largest retailer.
Article here...
'Black Friday' Strikes Mark Start of Walmart Workers Fight
Demand for living wage and human dignity will not be thwarted.
Article here...
Hour by Hour, Civilian Death Toll Climbs in Gaza
Israeli minister quoted as saying goal of the operation was "to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages."
Article here...
Outrage, Protests Show Gaza Solidarity in Middle East
Death toll climbs on sixth day of Israeli attacks.
Article here...
Ceasefire Reached after Week of Israeli Terror on Gaza
There have been no explosions since the official ceasefire starting point, but low flying drones can still be heard flying overhead in Gaza.
Article here...
Water Industry Outlook: 'The Time Is Ripe' for Water Privatization
Survey from water industry insiders shows hedge funds, private equity positioning to benefit from increasingly scarce resource.
Article here...
Thousands Surround White House: 'Stop Keystone XL!'
The groups organizing the rally promised that this is the first in a series of actions promoting climate solutions and rejecting tar sands, Keystone XL, and other extreme oil sources.
Article here...
World Bank: 'Catastrophic Consequences' of Global Warming
Economic group's call to action acknowledges climate campaigners' years of warning.
Article here...
'Sobering' UN Report: Global Warming Targets Fading Fast
At the current rate, as a result of subsequently inadequate provisions of Kyoto, global average temperatures could rise by 3 to 5 degrees C (5.4 to 9.0 degrees F) this century.
Article here...
New Report Ranks States in Efforts to Reduce Oil Addiction
Obama administration should 'do more to complement state initiatives'.
Article here...
Week Ending November 16, 2012
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Jesse Hagopian: I’m Black and I Want More “Stuff” and “Things”: An Open Letter to Bill O’Reilly

  2. Thomas Hedges: How Germany Is Getting to 100 Percent Renewable Energy

  3. Glenn Greenwald: FBI's Abuse of the Surveillance State is the Real Scandal Needing Investigation

  4. Robert Parry: Behind Petraeus’s Resignation

  5. Cenk Uygur: The Grand Bargain is a Grand Lie

  6. Paul Buchheit: Five Misconceptions about our Tattered Safety Net

  7. Sarah Anderson: The Trojan Horse in the Debt Debate

  8. Chris Hedges: Once Again—Death of the Liberal Class

  9. Amy Goodman: The Growing Global Movement Against Austerity

  10. Marjorie Cohn & Jeanne Mirer: Make Obama Do It

We don’t know what’s coming next...
But with your support Common Dreams will be here for you -- cutting through the spin and bringing you the news that matters.
That’s what we do.
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 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Walmart Workers Walk Off Job in First Wave of 1000 Protests
As Black Friday approaches, Walmart workers speak out.Article here...
Already? Obama Tells Supporters to Expect 'Bitter Pills'
Obama warned that he was prepared to swallow some bitter pills during negotiations.Article here...
'People's Bailout' Exposes Big Banks' Greed
Coalition kicks off 'Rolling Jubilee' campaign to eliminate debt.Article here...
'All Options on Table': Israeli War on Gaza to 'Continue and Grow'
Multiple airstrikes already started, ground invasion may follow.Article here...
Ground War? Israeli Forces Amass on Gaza Border
Assault on Palestinian territory continues as Netanyahu tells Israelis to expect further action and regional leaders condemn 'viciousness'.Article here...
'Nowhere to Run': Israel Batters Gaza
As US seeks to influence new government in Egypt, Israel continues to pummel Gaza.Article here...
Is Netanyahu Planning Nuclear Attack on Iran?
Netanyahu thinks ballistic missiles carrying tactical nuclear warheads will be necessary to take out Iran's Fordow uranium enrichment facility near the city of Qom.Article here...
Human Intelligence Peaked Thousands of Years Ago: Study
Stupidity trend will continue, says new research, but collective education can save us.Article here...
Sanders: Going Over 'Fiscal Cliff' Better than Bad Tax Deal
Senator says new Congress could recover 'in the first month or two'.Article here...
Progressive Economists Warn Obama Against Austerity Path
Americans don't want a "Grand Bargain"--they want sound and fair economic policies.Article here...
Week Ending November 9, 2012
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. John Nichols: 'Not Even Close': Obama Wins Populist Mandate

  2. Chris Hedges: The S&M Election

  3. Glenn Greenwald: From Liberal Victory to Disempowerment in Six Easy Steps

  4. Naomi Klein: Climate Crisis a Chance for 'People's Recovery'

  5. Robert Reich: We the People, and the New American Civil War

  6. Cenk Uygur: Why Obama Will Disappoint Progressives and I Voted for Him Anyway

  7. Amy Goodman: Now the Work of Movements Begins

  8. Glenn Greenwald: CNN Claims Iran Shot at a US Drone, Revealing the News Network's Mindset

  9. Fran Korten: Five Things to Watch for in Obama’s Second Term

  10. Robert Scheer: Yes We Can, We Did, and Now Obama’s Second Term Is Our Responsibility

 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
'Corporations Are Not People' in Montana, Colorado
The initiative directly challenges the now infamous Citizens United decision.
Article here...
Netanyahu Faces 'Payback' After Obama Victory?
On January 22nd, the day after Obama's re-inauguration, Netanyahu will face Israeli voters in his own attempt to get re-elected.
Article here...
Study: 6ºC Rise by 2100 Should End "Business as Usual"
'This isn't about shock tactics, it's simple maths' says global accounting firm.
Article here...
Climate Change's 'Terrifying Math' Coming to City Near You
350.org launches national tour that takes direct aim at fossil fuel industry.
Article here...
Warren Took on Wall Street, Wins US Senate Seat
"This victory is for you," Warren told her supporters following a concession speech by Brown.
Article here...
‘OK, Fine. Shoot Him.’: Words That Began US Drone War
Eight thousand miles away and moments later, six alleged terrorists were dead. Among them was a US citizen.
Article here...
Karl Rove and Crossroads' $175 Million Strikeout
Just because George W. Bush has been out of the White House for four years doesn't mean Karl Rove has stopped trying to influence who controls Washington.
Article here...
'The Time to Choose Sides on Climate Change Is Now'
While "we want our government first and foremost to keep us safe," it has neglected to heed warnings from climate scientists.
Article here...
Big Agriculture Bankrolls Defeat of California's Proposition 37
Proponents remain positive about the future fight against GMOs.
Article here...
CIA Director General Petraeus Resigns
Petraeus became head of CIA in September of 2011 following his tour as head of allied forces in Afghanistan.
Article here...
November 5, 2012
Dear Common Dreamer,
The Common Dreams 2012 Reader Survey results are in.
Between Nov. 1st and 12PM EST Monday, 15,767 of our readers weighed in on a wide variety of issues - including who they would vote for for US President Tuesday.
The key highlights:
  • 74% of our readers will vote for President Obama with the Green Party's Jill Stein at 18% and the Justice Party's Rocky Anderson at2%Romney will get the votes of 1%.
  • The older you are, the more likely you support the Obama ticket. The younger you are, the more likely you support 3rd party candidates.
  • Our readers overwhelmingly support the progressive position on key ballot issues being voted on in various states on November 6
  • 57% of our readers have been reading Common Dreams for over 5 years.
  • 82% of our readers use Facebook; 18% do not. 43% use Twitter;57% do not.
  • 73% of our readers read the comments below articles; 27% do not. But, only 12% have commented themselves; 88% have not.
  • 87% of our readers are 51 years old or older.
  • 56% of our readers either have graduate degrees or have attended graduate school.
* * *
The Presidential results:
Stewart Alexander/Alejandro Mendoza 
Socialist Party
Rocky Anderson/Luis J. Rodriguez
Justice Party
Virgil Goode/Jim Clymer
Constitution Party
Gary Johnson/Jim Gray
Libertarian Party
Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Democratic Party
Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan
Republican Party
Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala
Green Party
None of the above/Write-in3.1%

The results by age group show a sharp difference. Obama has the support of 80% of those 67 years old and older; Jill Stein comes in first among readers between the ages of 21-35:
Rocky Anderson/Luis J. Rodriguez
Justice Party
Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Democratic Party
Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala
Green Party

On the Ballot issues facing voters around the country on Election Day, readers overwhelmingly supported the progressive positions:
California's Prop 37: Label GMO Foods93.5%2.8%3.6%

Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage91.2%4.3%4.5%

Legalize Marijuana/Legalize Medical Marijuana79.7%14.0%1.9%4.4%

Weaken Reproductive Rights3.7%92.8%3.5%

How our readers self-identify on the political spectrum:

Week Ending November 2, 2012
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Sarah Anderson & Scott Klinger: 10 Filthy-Rich, Tax-Dodging Hypocrites Pushing Disastrous Austerity on America

  2. Bill McKibben: A Grim Warning from Science

  3. Juan Cole: Candidates Flee East Coast as Frankenstorm Takes Revenge for their Ignoring Climate Change

  4. Rebecca Solnit: Naming Our Storms: On Climate and Clarity

  5. Michelle Chen: In Sandy’s Wake, New York’s Landscape of Inequity Revealed

  6. Tony Norman: And Now, a Word from Mr. Mourdock's God

  7. John Nichols: Yes, Romney's a Liar, But This Is Getting Ridiculous

  8. Naomi Klein: Geoengineering: Testing the Waters

  9. Matt Taibbi: Hurricane Sandy and the Myth of the Big Government-vs.-Small-Government Debate

  10. George Lakoff: Yes, Global Warming Systemically Caused Hurricane Sandy
Dear Readers,
To continue improving our news service and assure we are bringing you the news
and information that matters to you -- we are conducting a survey of our readers.
If you haven't yet, please take a few minutes to give us your thoughts on the issues of concern to you and your feedback on our website. It would be of great help to us.

 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Extreme Weather Hits the Poor First – and Hardest
The old adage ‘nature is the great equaliser’ no longer holds true in countries like Sri Lanka.
Article here...
Hurricane Sandy Pushing Obama, Romney to Break Climate Silence
"The presidential candidates decided not to speak about climate change, but climate change has decided to speak to them."
Article here...
Sandy Released 'Staggering' Amount of Toxic Pollution
“The toxic legacy from this storm will continue."
Article here...
Imran Khan Detained on US Flight over Anti-Drone Activism
"I was taken off from plane and interrogated by US Immigration in Canada on my views on drones. My stance is known. Drone attacks must stop."
Article here...
Bank of England Executive: Occupy Movement Was 'Right'
Arguments of anti-banking movement 'loud and persuasive'.
Article here...
On Eve of Austerity Vote, Greek Newspapers Expose Billions in Overseas Banks
Journalist faces jail time for "doing his job".
Article here...
Obama's Rule on 'Climate Change': Don't Say 'Climate Change'
Off-the-record meeting in 2009 exposes long history and underlying strategy of President's "climate silence".
Article here...
Sandy Cracks Corporate Media's "Climate Silence"
'Its global warming, stupid'.
Article here...
Anger Surges in Storm-Ravaged Communities
“Nobody comes to help us. The cops don’t come in here. No one’s bringing us flashlights. No one’s bringing water. No one’s doing anything.”
Article here...
Dark Money Rises and the Secret Liars of 2012
More than $800 million was spent through mid-October on election ads by outside groups, nearly 1 in 4 dollars is so-called dark money and the identities of the donors remain a secret.
Article here...
Week Ending October 26, 2012
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Glenn Greenwald: The Remarkable, Unfathomable Ignorance of Debbie Wasserman Schultz

  2. Ralph Nader: Capitol Hill’s Rabid, Ravaging Republicans

  3. Charles P. Pierce: Nothing Is Foreign to the Liar Willard Romney Anymore

  4. Mark Morford: Frightened Men Love Romney

  5. John Robbins: Monsanto's Lies and the GMO Labeling Battle

  6. Ralph Nader: Solutions Worth Debating

  7. Jim Hightower: Helping Republicans Find Real Voter Fraud in America

  8. Chris Hedges: McGovern: He Never Sold His Soul

  9. Karen Greenberg: Will the Apocalypse Arrive Online?

  10. Glenn Greenwald: Joe Klein's Sociopathic Defense of Killing Afghan Children

 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Activist, Actor Russell Means Dead at 72
The Oglala Sioux was an early leader in the American Indian Movement (AIM) and had been battling throat cancer for years.Article here...
Over 100,000 March in London for 'A Future That Works'
No to Austerity!Article here...
Bernie Sanders Calls Out CEO Tax Dodgers over Deficit, Hypocrisy
'The last thing we need to do is listen to these deficit increasing CEOs'.Article here...
Exposed 'Kill Matrix' Gives Permanence to 'War on Terror'
The Washington Post reports on the codifying of Obama's 'kill list'.Article here...
Fukushima Operators Struggle to Contain 'Outrageous Amount' of Radioactive Water
Operators of Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi plant are having trouble storing a perpetual accumulation of radioactive cooling water from the plant's broken reactors.Article here...
Obama Wins a Failed Foreign Policy Debate
A primary reason: DC media people like Bob Scheiffer have zero interest in challenging any policy that is embraced by both parties.Article here...
UN Official: Aspects of US Drone Program Clearly 'War Crimes'
UN special rapporteur on counterterrorism and human rights announces investigation of civilians killed by US drone attacks.Article here...
Torture Whistleblower to Be Sentenced
Whistleblower advocates say prosecution of John Kiriakou sends message that torturing is OK, speaking about torture is prosecution-worthy.Article here...
Morgan Cuts It Short, But Sununu's Racism Goes Viral
Mitt Romney's campaign adviser appears to disparage the former secretary of state's endorsement of Barack Obama.Article here...
GOP Senate Candidate: Pregnancy from Rape is "Gift from God"
Indiana Republican Richard Mourdock, recently endorsed by Mitt Romney, shocks with comments at debate.Article here...
Week Ending October 5, 2012

Readers' Choice / Further...
Abby Zimet: Murder, Environmental Devastation and Human Rights Abuses Are Bad, Even In NigeriaReaders' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Linda McQuaig: Mitt Romney Blurts Out the Truth About Neo-Conservatism

  2. Matthew Rothschild: Bringing Torture Back: Romney Wants to Waterboard Again

  3. Paul Buchheit: Seven Deadly American Sins

  4. Bob Herbert: For Obama, No More Excuses

  5. Glenn Greenwald: The True Reason US Fears Iranian Nukes: They Can Deter US Attacks

  6. George Lakoff: Why Obama Lost the First Debate

  7. Paul Krugman: The Real Referendum

  8. Dennis Kucinich: Iraq: Ten Years, a Million Lives and Trillions of Dollars Later

  9. Karen Dolan: The Biggest Losers: Big Bird and the American People

  10. Robin Marty: 'Abortions on Women Who Aren't Pregnant' Common Trope of Anti-Choice Movement
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 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Progressives Pan Obama Following Dismal Debate
Most progressives also lamented the narrow scope and poor moderation of the debate by PBS' Jim Lehrer.
Article here...
Judge: Obama Administration Can Indefinitely Detain Anyone
Stay issued on Tuesday afternoon deals blow to civil liberties.
Article here...
Voyage Reveals 'Planetary Scale' of Plastic in Oceans
A groundbreaking marine voyage by scientific vessel Tara reveals the disturbing state of the world's plastic-filled oceans.
Article here...
Stiglitz: 'American Dream Has Become a Myth'
In an interview with DER SPIEGEL, economist Joseph Stiglitz blasts austerity, slams "economic manipulation" by financial elite.
Article here...
Tar Sands Blockade Escalates with High Profile Arrests
Great grandmother, Eleanor Fairchild, and film actress both arrested after blocking machinery.
Article here...
As Climate Change Destroys Oceans, 'The Coffin is Coming'
Dwindling fish size and stock may lead to food insecurity.
Article here...
France Unveils Super Tax on the Super Rich
New budget released Friday has 75% tax on millionaires, still commits to spending cuts.
Article here...
Barry Commoner, Pioneering Environmental Scientist and Activist, Dies at 95
Described by Time magazine as the "Paul Revere of ecology," Commoner followed Rachel Carson as America's most prominent  environmentalist.
Article here...
Iran to Nuclear-Armed Israel: Do Not Talk about "Red Lines"
The so-called "red line" is the point at which Israel says Iran will have reached breakout nuclear weapons capacity at which point Israel would take military action against Iran.
Article here...
GOP Congressman Accused of Threatening Local News Station
'If the news media can be bought off, our entire democracy is at risk' says challenger.
Article here...
Week Ending September 14, 2012
Readers' Choice / Most Read Views...
  1. Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez: We Eat by the Grace of Nature, Not by the Grace of Monsanto

  2. Chris Hedges: Growth Is the Problem

  3. Tom Engelhardt: Living in “The Greatest Nation on Earth”

  4. Glenn Greenwald: The Tragic Consulate Killings in Libya and America's Hierarchy of Human Life

  5. Robert Parry: Romney’s Jaw-Dropping Incoherence

  6. James Gustave Speth: America the Possible: Breaking the Chains of Consumerism

  7. Robert Fisk: The Provocateurs Know Politics and Religion Don't Mix

  8. Karen Lewis: Chicago Teachers: 'Join Our Fight for Education Justice'

  9. Jeremiah Goulka: Confessions of a Former Republican: On Joining the Reality-Based Community

  10. Digby: Teachers Have No Friends Among the Journalistic Elite

 Readers' Choice / Most Read News...
Funding Sources of Anti-Organics Study Questioned in New Report 
Stanford study was funded by corporate agriculture and biotechnology giants, according to a new report by the Cornucopia Institute.
Article here...
Romney: "Middle Income" in the US is $250,000 
US median annual household income in 2011 was only $50,054.
Article here...
Report Cites US as Example of World's Failing Democracies 
International commission warns of growing influence of money in politics and attempts to suppress voter turnout.
Article here...
'Shocking': 9/11 Warnings More Numerous Than Previously Thought 
Unreleased briefings would show Bush warned repeatedly, says journalist.
Article here...
Jimmy Carter Slams Citizens United as Threat to Democracy 
Carter hopes "Supreme Court will reverse that stupid ruling."
Article here...
The Strange Hollywood Scam that Spread Chaos across the Middle East 
A group of rightwing extremists aimed to destabilize post-Mubarak Egypt and roil US politicians. They got their wish.
Article here...
Numbers Show 30 Years of Failed US Economic Policy 
Census numbers show persistent poverty, falling wages, and rising inequality.
Article here...
Chicago Teachers Take Stand Against Corporate Education 
“Schools are not businesses, children are not widgets, and teachers are not robots or machines. Let’s start there."
Article here...
Climate Change Wreaks Havoc on US Power Plants 
Less water, more heat putting enormous strain on aging energy infrastructure.
Article here...
Protesters Interrupt Paul Ryan Speech: ‘Corporations Are Not People!’ 
The protesters were dragged out of the building by security.
Article here...
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