Israeli ex-security chief sees risk of Palestinian uprising
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 43 seconds ago
Israel faces the prospect of a new Palestinian uprising because of despair
over the gridlock in peacemaking, a former head of the Israeli internal
intelligence agency who is standing in the January 22 election said on
Yaakov Peri, running for the centrist Yesh Atid party, told Reuters in an
interview that the next government must make peace negotiations with the
Palestinians its foreign policy priority.
10:31 a.m.
Grant G at The Straight Goods - 3 minutes ago
CKNW's Question of the Day
Do you think John Doyle should have been reappointed Auditor General of BC? Yes
84.8% No
Tunisia frees man held over attack on U.S. consulate in Libya
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 5 minutes ago
Tunisia has freed, for lack of evidence, a Tunisian man who had been
suspected of involvement in an Islamist militant attack in Libya last year
in which the U.S. ambassador was killed, his lawyer said on Tuesday.
Ali Harzi was one of two Tunisians named in October by the Daily Beast
website as having been detained in Turkey over the violence in which
Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, and three other American
officials were killed.
Teachers in Ohio, Texas flock to free gun training classes
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 minutes ago
School teachers in Texas and Ohio are flocking to free firearms classes in
the wake of the Connecticut elementary school massacre, some vowing to
protect their students with guns even at the risk of losing their jobs.
In Ohio, more than 900 teachers, administrators and school employees asked
to take part in the Buckeye Firearms Association's newly created, three-day
gun training program, the association said.
Gabrielle Giffords Takes On US Gun Lobby
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 minutes ago
Gabrielle Giffords has announced plans to take on America's powerful gun
lobby, on the second anniversary of the Arizona shooting which almost
killed her.
The former Congresswoman and her astronaut husband Mark Kelly are launching
an initiative aimed at curbing gun violence in the wake of the massacre at
Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
The couple wrote in an article published in USA Today that their Americans
for Responsible Solutions initiative would help raise money to support
greater gun control efforts and seek to "balance the influence of the gun
... more »
Ivory Poachers Kill Elephant Family In Kenya
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 26 minutes ago

A family of 11 elephants has been killed by poachers in Kenya in what
officials describe as the biggest single mass shooting of the animals on
record in the country.
A gang of about 10 attackers hacked off the elephants' tusks in Tsavo East
National Park on Saturday, officials said - the latest sign of a rise of
mostly Asian demand for ivory jewellery and ornaments.
Tuesday Afternoon Linkage Club
PM at Duck of Minerva - 33 minutes ago

In the wide world: Taylor Fravel lets us know about China’s surveillance
fleet’s op tempo (learn more about the China Marine Surveillance) and the
role of cell phone service in territorial disputes Thane Gustafson talks
about Russia’s oil infrastructure Handy capsule history of the
international oil market Closer to home: Congress more popular than
Continue reading
Meet Debra Cooper, Blue America's First 2013 Candidate
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 35 minutes ago
The Blue America candidate we're introducing today-- 11am at Crooks and
Liars-- is someone Digby, John and I have known for years, a colleague and
a comrade in arms (metaphorically; she's not into actual arms, except for
hugging)-- Debra Cooper. We didn't have to vet her in the conventional
sense. We've been working with her for years as an activist and leader in
the equality movement-- for women, for immigrants, for gays, for the
disabled, for ordinary American working families. Digby, John, Jacquie and
I were all struck by one particular quote from the video above:
“I have bee... more »
Geo-Engineering Could Be the Road to War
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 46 minutes ago
The message from the World Economic Forum is loud and clear: we're heading
for trouble if we fall back on geo-engineering to save us from global
A major drawback to geo-engineering technologies is that there is no "one
size fits all" option. One country may need more water. In another
corner of the globe other countries may want less water or less sunshine or
cooler skies. Geo-engineering is sort of like moving one's food around on
the plate. The hash browns still wind up somewhere. In other words,
geo-engineering can export crises from one part of the planet to a... more »
Howard Wooldridge : Rocky Mountain High / 3
thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 hour ago
"Cowboy" Wooldridge in Washington, D.C., with unidentified pro-pot
Misty and me:
Fighting pot prohibition in Colorado, Part III
An analysis of the 2013 state initiatives on cannabis.
By Howard Wooldridge / The Rag Blog / January 8, 2013
Howard "Cowboy" Wooldridge, the founder and director of Citizens
Opposing Prohibition (COP), is a Texan since 1994 and a former Michigan
Debt Limit Options
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 1 hour ago
I thought I had written about the platinum coin last time around, but if I
did, I can't find it. But basically, I think we all covered this last time
At some point, Barack Obama will, if Congress does not act, be faced with
an impossible choice. He will have clear, conflicting imperatives. Congress
will have obligated him to spend money; not spending money that Congress
has appropriated is an impeachable offense. The government will also be
obligated to make good payments on current debts; he's clearly required to
do that, as well. However he also will will be without mone... more »
Terror Suspect 'Escaped In Black Cab'.......He called a taxi and got in it (No great escape just useless authorities)
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago

Missing terror suspect Ibrahim Magag escaped surveillance by simply ringing
for a black cab, the Shadow Home Secretary claims.
Yvette Cooper told MPs that a tweet from London taxi news service Cabwise
suggested Somali-born Magag had evaded detection by picking up a ride less
than half-a-mile from Euston station on Boxing Day.
In a fierce exchange with Home Secretary Theresa May, Ms Cooper said: "Are
you worried that surveillance can be shaken off simply by jumping into a
black cab?"
India Gang Rape: Two Men To Plead Not Guilty
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago

Two of the men accused of gang-raping and killing a 23-year-old woman on a
moving bus in Delhi will plead not guilty to all charges, their lawyer has
Mukesh Singh and Akshay Thakur are among five suspects charged with
abduction, rape and murder over the December 16 attack on the medical
A sixth accused, who is 17, will be tried in a separate court for juveniles.
Señor mirando los grandes paisajes que lo rodean
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 1 hour ago

[image: Misterioso señor mirando el paisaje desde la gran colina]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de paisajes*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake OFF THE COAST OF MICHOACAN, MEXICO - 8th January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 15:50:10 UTC
Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 08:50:10 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
15.405°N, 104.986°W
40 km (24.9 miles)
394 km (244 miles) SSW of Coahuayana, Mexico
Oz Weather Map Scale Changed As Heat Rises
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago

Record temperatures have forced the Australian government's weather bureau
to increase its scale to 54C to reflect the extreme highs forecast for next
The temperature in parts of central Australia could soar to above 50C next
Monday, according to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).
Head of climate monitoring and prediction David Jones said the new scale,
which features a purple and pink colour code for temperatures from 52 to
54C, shows there is potential for records to be smashed.
Wiktoria Was Killed when her family's car was caught up in a police chase
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago

A schoolgirl killed when her family's car was caught up in a police chase
has been named as 13-year-old Wiktoria Was.
Wiktoria was a back seat passenger in the VW Polo when it was hit by
another car that was being pursued by police through southeast London.
She was pronounced dead at the scene on Ilderton Road, close to Millwall
Football Club on Sunday evening.
4.0 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA - 8th January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 14:46:33 UTC
Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 05:46:33 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
56.008°N, 135.454°W
10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program
56 km (35 miles) WSW (243°) from Port Alexander, AK
Linda cabaña rodeada de flores en el bosque encantado
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 1 hour ago

[image: Bonita cabaña junto a las flores del bosque encantado]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de cabañas*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
Alex Jones Stalked by NYPD Goons after Piers Morgan Debate
Intercept at The Intercept - 1 hour ago
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The Bad Audit
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 1 hour ago
Right now, I also know that you can read about it at Dr. Dawg's, Montreal
Simon's and the Sixth Estate.
An audit by Deloitte & Touche done last summer shows that the First Nation
of Attawapiskat does not have all its paperwork for spending on federal
housing from 2005-2011. (Also, according to Simon, it seems they often
didn't evict people for non-payment of rent in a timely fashion.) Chief
Spence was elected in 2010, and was a co-Chief a couple of years before
that. So this audit covers fully one year of her term. I also understand
she's known about the audit since September.
I'm ... more »
For Rhee and Corporate Reform Schools, the Gig Is Up
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 1 hour ago

The Face of Corporate Reform Schooling
*From Stan Karp:
Former Washington, DC Superintendent Michelle Rhee and her organization,
Students First, will be the subject of a PBS documentary tonight. Despite misrepresenting
her own teaching career, presiding over an extensive cheating scandal, and
getting poor results during her tenure as Supt., Rhee has become the media
face of corporate education reform. She recently released a “state report
card” grading states on the basis of how thoroughly they have adopted
proposals for test-based teacher evaluation, charters, and privatization.
Sta... more »
Rich People Really Enjoyed 2012 - The 'War On Terror' - By Design - Can Never End
Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 1 hour ago
To begin on a slightly lighter note (NOT) we learn from our bestest
reporting team at Wonkette: 10:45 am January 7, 2013 Good News, Everyone!
Rich People Had A Very Nice 2012! by Kris E. Benson “Last year was a great one for the world’s
billionaires,” said John Catsimatidis, the billionaire owner of Red Apple
Group Inc., in an e-mail written poolside on
Lindas flores azules como el cielo
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 1 hour ago

[image: Lindas flores azules como el cielo]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de flores*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
5.7 Magnitude Earthquake AEGEAN SEA - 8th January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 14:16:08 UTC
Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 04:16:08 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
39.658°N, 25.543°E
10.3 km (6.4 miles)
47 km (29 miles) WSW of Bozcaada, Turkey
WSJ: Rules for Lenders Rleaxed: Regulators Agree to Ease Requirements for Meeting Guideline on Liquidity
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 hour ago
by David Enrich, Geoffrey T. Smith, and Andrew Morse Wall Street Journal
Mon Jan 7 2012, p. C1, C3.
[Excerpted] Basel, Switzerland-Global banking regulators watered down a key
element of their plan for creating a safer financial system, giving ground
to banks that argued the rules were unworkable and financially risky...
Bowing to two years of intense pressure from the banking industry, the
regulators made it easier for banks to meet the rule, known as the
'liquidity coverage ratio,' and delayed its full implementation until 2019.
It is the latest instance of regulators chipping a... more »
bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 hour ago
*Part 2—Charles Blow defines the two tribes:* Is America facing “a new
Civil War?”
That’s what Andrew O’Hehir said last weekend at Salon (see THE DAILY
HOWLER, 1/7/13). Given the sweep of our first Civil War, this sounds like a
troubling notion.
Strangely, though, O’Hehir says he isn’t even clear what this new Civil War
is about. “The new Civil War is not entirely or even principally about
race, although there’s no mistaking its pernicious racial component,” he
writes. A bit later, he adds this: “While the Civil War of the 1860s really
was about slavery ... more »
Hermosa mariposa admirando la belleza de las flores del campo
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 2 hours ago

[image: Hermosa mariposa admirando la belleza de las flores del campo]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de mariposa*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
High Strangeness: The Escalante Entity (Spain, 1914
Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 2 hours ago

*Source: looculto.260mb.com and Facebook.com
Date: 01/07/2013*
*High Strangeness: The Escalante Entity (Spain, 1914)*
*By Francisco Renero*
One evening in the late summer of 1914, Claudio Rey was walking home from
Lastra to Escalante (Santander, Cantabria) late in the evening after having
dropped off his girlfriend at her home. Upon reaching the corner of the
town’s church, he saw a rather tall man standing in a luminous outfit. The
entity wore a sort of metallic tunic, and no features were visible at all.
Thinking someone was trying to play a prank on him, Claudio Re... more »
Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest opens an emergency triage tent to care for the increased number of people with flu-like symptoms
Matt at The Coming Crisis - 2 hours ago
It’s the most miserable time of the year for many people in the area. Flu
season is in full effect and this one in particular is shaping up to be
more extreme than usual.
The State Department of Health reports that four Pennsylvanians have
already died of complications from the influenza virus.
In response to the early start of flu season, the Lehigh Valley
Hospital-Cedar Crest had to open an emergency space to care for the
increased number of people with flu-like symptoms.
The hospital tells NBC10's Katy Zachry why the tent was erected.
"If we can remove them from the main ED an... more »
Allison Wyatt: Cathy Gaubert Claims Her Daughter’s Photo Was Stolen From Flicker And Used As Sandy Hook Shooting Victim (Is this a 2nd Emilie Parker? Are both girls still alive?)
Matt at The Coming Crisis - 2 hours ago
More interesting developments on the Sandy Hook shooting "conspiracy"… A
women named Cathy Gaubert is claiming someone stole her daughter’s “first
day of school” picture.
The photo was lifted from their Flicker account and published as a victim
in the Sandy Hook shooting.
The mother took to Instagram posting this interesting message asking
readers to put pressure on Facebook users to remove it from their pages.
According to the mother there is one page who is ignoring her request.
The above picture looks like its from the Daily Mail, although attempts to
find a cashed version of ... more »
Anonymous -- A Message to Canadians
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 2 hours ago
on Jan 6, 2013
Citizens of Canada, We are Anonymous.Your country is in far deeper
trouble than the government makes it out to be,then what the media
allows you to see. This program will just touch on some of the major
issues you as Canadians face.This program will show how Harper deceived
thousands.How he has angered many, and has not done
Who Is Watching What You Read?
Martyn Daniels at Brave New World - 2 hours ago

In a previous life, we learnt the power of information on behaviour and
buying patterns. Some 30 years ago one of the leading examples was Vons
supermarkets in the US. They not only tracked every purchase, but also
every purchase against the individual store layout and other associated
products. This information enabled them to send their customers paper
vouchers not for what they did buy, but also associated products they
didn’t buy, or areas of the store they didn’t buy from and when a
competitor open up nearby they supplied vouchers for the essentials the
individual bought re... more »
Three Days Before Shooting “United Way Extends Our Most Sincere Condolences To Sandy Hook Families” (Silence! How dare you disturb me and my crayon time with such information!?)
Matt at The Coming Crisis - 2 hours ago

More twists to the Sandy Hook narrative. On December 11 Google indexed the
United Way website that offered condolences to the family’s of Sandy Hook.
This is a full three days before the actual shooting that took place on
December 14 2012. You can view the Google page here and the United Way pagehere
Below is a excerpt from the December 11 united Way page. Don’t we all love
a good conspiracy?
United Way extends our most sincere condolences and prayers to all those
families affected by the devastating events in Newtown/Sandy Hook,
Connecticut. While the eyes of the world may be... more »
Sunday Globe Special: British Food Banks
Rocker at MSM Monitor - 2 hours ago
*Better fill up while you can, 'murkn*:
"Britain’s austere cutbacks a cautionary tale for US" by Megan Woolhouse |
Globe Staff, December 30, 2012
SALISBURY, England — Trussell Trust was founded here more than a decade ago
to help starving children in Bulgaria, but in recent years the nonprofit
has expanded its mission dramatically in a once-unthinkable direction,
opening more than 200 *food banks across the United Kingdom*.
This year alone, the centers have distributed free groceries to about
130,000 British families, more than double the number in 2011.
“The fact that people nee... more »
Paul Craig Roberts: "We need to be concerned about a financial media and economics profession that believes a recovery is underway when the unemployment rate is so high and the real median income is so low." "Essentially, Americans were told a packet of lies designed to win their gullible acceptance to an economy that produces high returns for Wall Street, shareholders, and corporate executives at the expense of everyone else in the country."
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 3 hours ago

*Washington’s Hegemonic Ambitions Are Not in Sync With Its Faltering
Economy — Paul Craig Roberts *
January 7, 2013 | Original Here
In November the largest chunk of new jobs came from retail and wholesale
trade. Businesses gearing up for Christmas sales added 65,700 jobs or 45%
of November’s 146,000 jobs gain. With December sales a disappointment,
these jobs are likely to reverse when the January payroll jobs report comes
out in February. Family Dollar Stores CEO Howard Levine told analysts that
his company’s customers w... more »
Mountain pine beetle threatening high-altitude, endangered trees
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 3 hours ago
[image: Whitebark pine stand. A warming climate has allowed mountain pine
beetles not only to make it through the winter, but to move higher up
mountain slopes to whitebark pine forests. Unlike, lodgepole pines,
whitebarks have no defenses against the beetle onslaught. Richard Sniezko /
U.S. Forest Service]
By Jeremy Hance
2 January 2013
(mongabay.com) – In the western U.S., few trees generally grow in higher
altitudes than the whitebark pine (*Pinus albicaulis*). Providing shelter
and food for bears, squirrels and birds, the whitebark pine ecosystems also
help regulate water flo... more »
Sunday Globe Special: Last Call at the Casablanca
Rocker at MSM Monitor - 3 hours ago
Harvard Square’s Club Casablanca closes for good
The Brattle Street bistro has scripted its own exit scene — a poignant
reminder that time indeed goes by. On Dec. 21, four months after announcing
its imminent departure, the Casablanca closed for keeps.
Known for its sultry ambiance and wall murals depicting scenes from the
film, the restaurant joins a long list of Harvard Square establishments
whose recent closings have left many in mourning for what’s gone, if not
forgotten. Across the Charles River, another iconic restaurant, Locke-Ober,
went dark two months ago.
It is especially... more »
Sunday Globe Special: Last Call at Gin Joint
Rocker at MSM Monitor - 3 hours ago
Harvard Square’s Club Casablanca closes for good"The Brattle Street bistro
has scripted its own exit scene — a poignant reminder that time indeed goes
by. On Dec. 21, four months after announcing its imminent departure, the
Casablanca closed for keeps.
Known for its sultry ambiance and wall murals depicting scenes from the
film, the restaurant joins a long list of Harvard Square establishments
whose recent closings have left many in mourning for what’s gone, if not
forgotten. Across the Charles River, another iconic restaurant, Locke-Ober,
went dark two months ago.
It is especially... more »
‘Exceptional’ Australia heatwave challenges records – ‘Australia-wide, we are currently well above average by many degrees’
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 3 hours ago
[image: Hobart sun through bushfire smoke at around 5.30pm, 8 January 2013.
Adelaide Now]
By Peter Hannam, Carbon economy editor
8 January 2013
Australia's “exceptional” heatwave has produced record-breaking
temperatures, with at least six of the first seven days of 2013 among the
top 20 hottest days in the past century.
The extreme January heat has prompted the Bureau of Meteorology to issue a
special climate statement, with further updates planned as the scorching
temperatures continue.
Data for Monday is still to be fully analysed by the weather bureau, but it
may be the hot... more »
An avalanche of decline: Snow leopard populations are plummeting
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 3 hours ago
[image: Snow leopard in the Toronto Zoo. Experts have estimated that there
are between 4,000 and 6,000 snow leopards left in the wild, making them one
of Asia’s most endangered mammals. This estimate was calculated several
years ago, however, and it is believed that the number today is
significantly lower. John Vetterli]
By Erica Santana
3 January 2013
The trading of big cat pelts is nothing new, but recent demand for snow
leopard pelts and taxidermy mounts has added a new commodity to the illegal
trade in wildlife products, according to the Environmental Investigation
Agency (E... more »
Sunday Globe Special: Drive-In Movie
Rocker at MSM Monitor - 3 hours ago
*We can leave anytime you want, reader. *
"Lacking funds to go digital, drive-ins fading out" by Michael White |
Bloomberg News, December 30, 2012
LOS ANGELES — *Drive-in movie theaters* that scraped by during the surge in
modern multiplexes are *edging closer to extinction* as Hollywood phases
out the 35-millimeter reels they need to show films.
**I believe there is **one** still open just up the road just past the New
Hampshire state line. *
Most of the remaining 368 US drive-ins, down from more than 4,000 in 1958,
must decide whether to pay as much as $70,000 to install digit... more »
Shifting The Focus
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 3 hours ago
Deloitte-Touche did as requested, and the reaction was predictable. Tasha
Kheiriddin writes:
The audit is out, the verdict is damning. As reported by CBC News, an
independent assessment of six years of transactions on the troubled
Attawapiskat First Nation reserve reveal “no evidence of due diligence.”
Auditors Deloitte and Touche concluded that out of 505 transactions, “an
average of 81 per cent of files did not have adequate supporting documents
and over 60 per cent had no documentation of the reason for payment.”
The argument is, "those who can't control their finances deser... more »
Oregonians ALECWatch WebPage Estalbished
2old2care at Because I Can - 3 hours ago
In a proactive fashion - Oregonians have set up a webpage that will track
ALEC legislation in their state.
You can see it
Thought I would share - as an idea generator for other activists in other
All you need if to set up a blog - and have someone who enjoys reading and
comparing legislation (which I loathe doing).
Good luck to all who replicate this wonderful example.
You will be doing a great service for the citizens of your state.
Sunday Globe Special: Stay Off Massachusetts' Highways
Rocker at MSM Monitor - 3 hours ago
*Maybe you would like to come along for a ride?*
"Safety chief has *long list of driving violations*; *Democratic operative
given state job* in 2007" by Sean P. Murphy | Globe Staff, November 18,
Her driving record includes seven accidents, four speeding violations, two
citations for failure to stop for a red light or stop sign, one failure to
stay in her lane, one driving without registration or license in
possession, and one driving without wearing a seat belt.
When she was nabbed for speeding in New Hampshire in 1999, she failed to
show up at her hearing, records show. U... more »
Sound a bit familiar?
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 4 hours ago
New York Times: January 7, 2013
*Questions Left for Mississippi Over Doctor’s Autopsies***
JACKSON, Miss. — For a long time, if a body turned up in Mississippi it had
a four-in-five chance of ending up in front of Dr. Steven T. Hayne.
Between the late 1980s and the late 2000s, Dr. Hayne had the field of
forensic pathology in Mississippi almost to himself, performing thousands
of autopsies and delivering his findings around the state as an expert
witness in civil and criminal cases. For most of that time, Dr. Hayne
performed abou... more »
My Mom's Easy Chicken Pot Pie
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 4 hours ago

*Have you entered the LeanMoms giveaway yet?*
Something about missing my mom always makes me crave chicken pot pie. Even
though we live so much closer to my parents now than we did last year, some
days it doesn't seem close enough, and so I make chicken pot pie, to bring
a little home to me.
This recipe started out much more complicated once upon a time, with
homemade crusts and then my mom realized that sometimes simple is just
better and it has been this way ever since.
You will need:
pie crusts, go ahead use one of the refrigerator ones, my husband can
never tell the differe... more »
Dry-cleaning byproducts a costly problem in Medford
Rachel Rindfleisch at Contaminated Nation - Water Contamination, Land Pollution & Hazardous Waste locations - 4 hours ago
By: Nathan Lamb
Contaminants from a long-gone dry-cleaning business are the prime suspect
behind a costly problem in Medford, Mass., according to a local news story.
At issue are high levels of tetrachloroethylene at a city parking lot and
three nearby businesses. Also known as perchloroethylene (or perc), the
chemical is often used in dry cleaning, but it also produces vapors that
can cause a variety of short- and long-term health problems.
The City of Medford is seeking federal grants to help pay for a $1.8
million remediation project to remove tainted soil from the parking lot.
... more »
Replacing Jesse Jackson, Jr In IL-02
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
Just when we thought the off-season was starting, there’s another critical
race on the horizon. After getting caught up in some unfortunate dealings,
Jesse Jackson Jr resigned his seat in Illinois’s 2nd district before
Thanksgiving last year, setting up a crowded special election in
Chicagoland—on the south side of the city, in the south suburbs and Will
and Kankakee counties.
While the district is generally considered a reliably Democratic seat, the
choice voters face there is a stark one. Only one poll has been released in
the district, and it shows former Congresswoman Debbie ... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 4 hours ago
Happy Birthday to Jenny Lewis, 37.
Some sad news, and the good stuff:
1. Richard Ben Cramer, RIP. If you haven't read What It Takes...it's just
wonderful, and marvelous accomplishment. Here's a C-SPAN spot; here's a Ben
Smith profile from two years ago.
2. John Sides knocks down 2012 presidential campaign effects.
3. Nice one from Timothy Noah about influential Veeps.
4. A useful overview of health care the the federal budget, from Amy Fried.
5. And from Seth Masket, who just possibly might have too much time on his
hands: Jews for Cheeses.
MS NAACP Releases New Report on ALEC
2old2care at Because I Can - 4 hours ago
The Mississippi NAACP has released an excellent new report on ALEC that is
well worth the read – in EVERY state.
As we are well aware of what is happening in Mississippi – is or will
happen in all ALEC states across the US.
I strongly recommend reading the whole report.
Did you know? Corporate Front Group Writes MS Law
Below are a few snips from the report that apply to all in the US when it
comes to ALEC.
AS I noted above – don’t let the fact that it was written in Mississippi
stop you from reading the whole thing – it is important.
January 7, 2013 – J... more »
Disaster MapNet at New Orleans Ladder - 5 hours ago

*Officials slam Senator Reid's stupid Katrina comments ~Jordan Bloom, Advoca
*Ninth Ward residents, others blast U.S. Senate Majority Leader*
*Lycée charter school parents ask state education chief to investigate
school’s board ~Rebecca Catalanello, The Lens*
*La. children's mental health program to cease *
*Today in Military History: Jan. 8, 1815, The Battle of New Orleans*
*198th Eucharistic Celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Prompt Succor
Over the past 198 years, many miracles have been attributed to Our Lady of
Prompt Succor (*Notre Dame de Bon Secours*). The mirac... more »
Review of The Geek Manifesto
noreply@blogger.com (Roger Pielke, Jr.) at Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog - 5 hours ago
My review of The Geek Manifesto is up over at The Breakthrough Institute.
In it I discuss "predistortion," the UEA emails, David Nutt's sacking and a
conversation between Clint Eastwood and Gene Hackman in Unforgiven. Here is
a short excerpt:
The idea that science and scientists deserve special treatment in politics
is often what leads to the temptation to exploit that specialness for
political gain, which ultimately works against science being afforded
special treatment. In this manner, calls for a “geek revolution” can have a
hard time avoiding the slippery slope of scientific a... more »
US/New Zealand & the Tsunami Bomb
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 5 hours ago

Unusual news. The kind that makes one go "what the hell"!!!
*This news story*, really got me thinking or perhaps rethinking Fukushima,
Haiti and other coastal disasters.
*Tsunami devastated ships and debris are seen in Namie Town which is inside
the exclusion zone of a 20km radius around the crippled Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear power plant, in Fukushima *
*During its search for the 'ultimate weapon' to end World War II, the
United States apparently teamed up with New Zealand to test a 'tsunami
bomb,' which could be used to destroy the enemy's coastal cities.*
A total of 3,700 b... more »
Confident, combative Obama risks overreaching
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 5 hours ago

Just two weeks before his second inauguration, President Barack Obama is
acting as if he believes he has a big mandate for his next term. The latest
sign: his decision to defy a concerted campaign against his choice for
defense secretary.
The Democratic president, re-elected in November, unveiled a more combative
approach during the end-of-year "fiscal cliff" taxes and spending drama,
exploiting disarray in Republican ranks that underscored Washington's
legislative dysfunction.
Obama also showed a "get-tough" strategy in his determination to pursue gun
control after last month's m... more »
Los Alamos National Laboratory Removes Huawei Products ... While Brad Wall Hands Rural Saskatchewan Cell Coverage To Huawei
leftdog at Buckdog - 5 hours ago

*(Reuters) - A leading U.S. nuclear weapons laboratory recently discovered
its computer systems contained some Chinese-made network switches and
replaced at least two components because of national security concerns, a
document shows. *
**A letter from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, dated
November 5, 2012, states that the research facility had installed devices
made by H3C Technologies Co, based in Hangzhou, China, according to a copy
seen by Reuters. H3C began as a joint venture between China's Huawei
Technologies Co and 3Com Corp, a U.S. tech firm, and was on... more »
Commercially Corrupted Medicine Leading Cause of Death in USA – Washington Post
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 5 hours ago

Commercially Corrupted Medicine Leading Cause of Death in USA –
Washington Post
Child Health Safety, 7 January 2013
*You could say these marketing tactics are merely concerning. But I think
of them as satanic. What the data are telling us is that these drugs are
ruining people’s lives,” said Phillip Prior, MD*
Commercially corrupted medicine is the leading cause of death in the US—and
it is bankrupting the US budget. The Washington Post is addressing both
issues in a powerful hard hitting investigative series by Peter Whoriskey
titled: *Can Medical Research be Trusted?*
The f... more »
Nonsensical hype on negative temperatures
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 6 hours ago
Fox News and tons of other sources proudly announced that physicists in
Munich have finally realized temperatures colder than the absolute zero,
–273.15 °C. Their article has ignited a storm in the Jan 4th issue of
*When you combine objects with people or worlds that are upside down, like
in this 2012 Canadian-French romantic movie "Upside Down" about the love
between Adam and Eve from two co-existing worlds, things may get confusing
or, more often, downright inconsistent. One has to be careful. ;-)*
Needless to say, I completely agree with David Berenstein:
Bad science ... more »
4.4 Magnitude Earthquake SUMBA REGION, INDONESIA - 8th January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours ago

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 11:26:49 UTC
Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 07:26:49 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
10.428°S, 120.163°E
38.7 km (24.0 miles)
27 km (16 miles) SSW of Nggongi, Indonesia
Cut to the chase
The Arthurian at The Rules of Exposition - 6 hours ago
I've gotten better at trimming loose ends from the end of my posts.
Usually, I read thru what I've written until it gets confusing, and then
cut off the confusing part. It seems to work pretty well.
But I also have trouble getting to the point. I sorta have to get warmed up
first. I write about related irrelevant things like trimming loose ends
from the end of my posts, when really what I want to say is:
Find the thing that you really want to say, and just keep that part.
Anon at aangirfan - 6 hours ago

*Elm Guest House, Rocks Lane, London.*
*In both the USA and Europe, it has been reported that the security
services have used government-run children's homes as brothels.
At a house in London, boys in care were were reportedly groomed for sex at
parties attended by top people.
*Police revisit the grim mystery of Elm Guest House* *- The Independent*
Elm Guest House "became a convenient place for rent boys to take their
Elm Guest House's German-born manager was Carole Kasir.
Reportedly Elm Guest House became a place for "the grooming of young boys
in care for sex, elabor... more »
Idle No More
BAL at WPB/NYC and Anything Else; A Green Rights Collection - 6 hours ago

Poverty can strip you of pride and hope.
Infirmity can deprive you of basic dignity.
Heartbreak can empty out your soul.
Loss can can leave you broken.
These are the way stations of life. The stopping points that absolutely
demand our attention. If we fail to notice, or to give our full presence,
we can be gripped by the emotions, the dull ache of these things and they
can become our lives, our children's lives and theirs.
Or we can stop grinding it out and listen.
Your spirit is speaking. The world whispers. The wind softly breathes and
all life speaks in quiet tones.
Quiet an... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Establishment of New Protocols has been Completed
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 6 hours ago

*Establishment of New Protocols has been Completed*
by ÉirePort
Establishment of new protocols for transmission of Higher D Energies into
the New Gaia has been completed. Further adjustments will be made as Gaia
projects forward via the finalized timeline.
Some will call this period that of "homeward bound". That is correct. The
home has been prepared appropriately by the New Gaia, and each of her
Hue-man inhabitants. Short period of adjustment will be necessary for those
unaware of their presence on this timeline. All has been accounted for
during transition.
Fellow tr... more »
Are British Telecom that incompetent?
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 6 hours ago
1. Report a home phone line fault to BT - line too crackly to use
2. Give BT your mobile number to reach you on
3. Wonder at a BT automated service calling you on the home line, all you
can make out is that it is BT but not the message, not the mobile number
4. Move telephone line service to another provider?
4.7 Magnitude Earthquake KYRGYZSTAN - 8th January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours ago

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 10:47:41 UTC
Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 04:47:41 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
39.491°N, 71.740°E
10 km (6.2 miles)
33 km (20 miles) NNE of Karakenja, Tajikistan
JOGGING NEWS - new speed record for four miles
Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET - 6 hours ago
that's not me in the pic, obviouslyI know how fast I normally jog, in
shorts and t-shirt; it's about one mile every ten minutes, even if I sorta
push myself.
Well, something caught my eye on the online catalogue of Summertown
library. And you know me, "Any excuse for a bit of a jog." I set off in my
running shoes, Chinos and lightweight raincoat round my waist the four
miles via the canals from Botley to Summertown.
that's less than one mile every *nine minutes*.
Neurons Of Space - As Above - So Below

*Video: Neurons Of Space - As Above - So Below*
Posted By: Lion
Date: Sunday, 6-Jan-2013 20:03:46
I have been witness to this anomaly many times, and have long suspected
the virtual patterns of the universe are modeled AFTER the neuronal
patterns of the human brain.
Not in static form, but ever changing patterns and a constant cycling and
re-routing of energies to (S)source, and back again.
I contend the energy of the universe is modeled AFTER the human neuronal
codes, because it is a unique ab... more »
Montauk Mind Control, Privately Run By Nazis, Funded and Controlled by Religious Secret Societies
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 7 hours ago
Last last night a former "3 letter" agency patriot contacted me with a
video of the most unusual sort. This video covers several topics, I've
excerpted the portion on MONTAUK MIND CONTROL.
Montauk is on Long Island, New York. Its also an area were unusual
animals are known to wash up on shore, the Daniel papers on this blog go
into the unusual creatures that inhabit TIME-SPACE and relates an incident
where one came through a time portal and trashed the facility severely.
I was aware of the subject Montauk mind control, and have heard Al Bielek
on Project Camelot, but ... more »
Library of Congress digs into 170 billion tweets
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago

An effort by the Library of Congress to archive Twitter posts has amassed
more than 170 billion tweets, which the library is now seeking to make
available to researchers and other interested parties.
Created in 1800, the Library of Congress serves as the unofficial library
of the United States, as well as being Congress' official research library.
Seven die in Peru helicopter explosion
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Seven people, including at least two Americans, were killed when a
helicopter crashed and exploded in central Peru, authorities said.
The crash happened Monday afternoon after the chopper took off from the
Pucallpa Airport, according to the Peruvian Corporation of Airports and
Commercial Aviation.
Minutes after takeoff, communication with the pilot was lost, and a heavy
smoke column could be seen in the distance from the control tower.
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Two people have been injured and two homes have been destroyed by a fire at
Chepstowe west of Ballarat in central Victoria.
The Country Fire Authority (CFA) has issued an emergency warning for the
area, as the grass fire burns out of control.
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Tasmania remains on alert with 40 bushfires burning around the state and
five blazes still considered a major threat.
A fire at Montumana northwest of Burnie was still cause for an emergency
warning from authorities on Tuesday evening, while massive blazes on the
Tasman Peninsula and in the Derwent Valley continued to burn out of control.
Two more fires, at Mathinna in the northeast, and Holwell, south of
Beaconsfield, reached emergency-warning level on Tuesday but were
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago

The wife of a firefighter, who was badly injured in a blaze yesterday, has
spoken exclusively to 7News about the terrifying incident which nearly
claimed her husband's life.
Father-of-three, Rick Hinds, was fighting his first fire since becoming a
volunteer, when the flames turned on him.
Rick was flown to Sydney's Concord hospital for treatment yesterday, and
regained consciousness this morning.
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTHEAST OF TAIWAN - 8th January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 09:08:32 UTC
Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 05:08:32 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
22.883°N, 123.064°E
19.1 km (11.9 miles)
175 km (108 miles) S of Yonakuni, Japan
Is this start of India's 'Arab Spring'?
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
The recent school shooting in Connecticut looked like a tipping point in
U.S. public consciousness.
Americans have been asking themselves some tough questions: why does this
happen so often and so much more in America than in other countries? What
does gun violence say about us as Americans and what measures can we put in
place to stop it?
A similar bout of public soul-searching was on display in India recently.
Across the country, tens of thousands of people took to the streets to
express outrage over the rape and death of one unnamed woman.
The latest on the case
The national att... more »
Report ties Syrian rebels to al Qaeda
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
A jihadist group with links to al Qaeda has become the most effective of
the different factions fighting the in regime, according to a new analysis,
and now has some 5,000 fighters.
The group is Jabhat al-Nusra, which was designated an al Qaeda affiliate by
the United States government last month. It is led by veterans of the Iraqi
insurgency "and has shown itself to be the principal force against Assad
and the Shabiha," according to the study.
CNN obtained an advance copy of the analysis, set to be released Tuesday by
the Quilliam Foundation, a counterterrorism policy institute bas... more »
NASA space telescope shows there may be 17 BILLION Earth-like planets in outer space
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago

Enough planets exist in the Milky Way to ensure that there is at least one
for each of the hundred million stars in the galaxy, NASA has revealed.
Analysis of data from the Kepler space telescope shows that 17 billion
planets in the galaxy are Earth-like in size.
The findings are making scientists increasingly confident of finding a
rocky planet the same size as Earth, with a similar orbit and situated in
the 'habitable zone' of a solar system.
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago

At least two homes have been destroyed by an out-of-control grass fire and
many more are under threat in Chepstowe, near Ballarat.
More than 120 firefighters have been sent to the area to help local crews
tackle the 1000 hectare blaze.
The CFA says the fire could put lives and more homes at risk, and people
should put their bushfire survival plans into action.
Michael Nodianos apologises as he describes how his life has been ruined after being caught on Video laughing at horrific ordeal of Ohio teen 'raped by high school football team'
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago

The attorney for 18-year-old Michael Nodianos right, who was featured
laughing and joking over the fate of the alleged Ohio rape victim in a
leaked YouTube video, has described his client's behaviour as,
'disappointing, insensitive and unfortunate.' Nodianos has been forced to
drop out of Ohio State university after he and his family received a slew
of death threats amid growing outrage over the case in Steubenville, Ohio.
Attorney Dennis McNamara said: 'After some sober reflection he is ashamed
and embarrassed himself. He's sorry to victims and his family.'
http://www.dailymail.co... more »
4.7 Magnitude Earthquake NEW GUINEA, PAPUA NEW GUINEA - 8th January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 08:29:42 UTC
Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 06:29:42 PM at epicenter
4.295°S, 141.985°E
119.2 km (74.1 miles)
197 km (122 miles) SSE (157°) from Vanimo, New Guinea, PNG
European shares, euro dip ahead of data rush
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
European shares and the euro dipped on Tuesday after an unexpected slump in
German exports set a negative tone ahead of other data that will fill out
the picture of the region's economic health.
Euro zone sentiment, employment and retail sales are due at 1000 GMT and
economists have forecast a slight improvement.
China holds man in secret under new law despite reform talk
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
A Chinese man who agitated for an investigation into the suspicious death
of an activist has been detained at an unknown location, his lawyer said on
Monday, describing him as possibly the first to be held under a
controversial new law that allows secret detention.
Authorities in Shaoyang city in central Hunan province told family members
of Zhu Chengzhi, 62, last Friday that he would be put under "residential
surveillance" under "Article 73", Zhu's wife, Zeng Qiulian, told Reuters by
telephone on Monday. Article 73 legalizes detaining people in secret.
http://www.reuters.com/articl... more »
Afghan man in army uniform kills NATO soldier in Helmand
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
A man wearing an Afghan army uniform shot dead one soldier from the
NATO-led force in Helmand in the country's south, where mostly British and
U.S. troops are based, officials said on Tuesday.
At least 63 NATO-led personnel were killed in 47 insider attacks across
Afghanistan last year, far more than previous years, eroding trust between
Afghan soldiers and their foreign counterparts as the coalition plans to
withdraw most of its troops by the end of 2014.
Fast-moving fire takes properties in central Victoria as NSW battles 135 blazes
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago

DOZENS of homes remained under threat late today as NSW firefighters
battled 135 blazes in 40-plus temperatures and often "catastrophic"
conditions, and a fast-moving fire in central Victoria has destroyed at
least two properties.
Fuelled by soaring temperatures and powerful winds, the worst fires were
the south of NSW near Cooma, Nowra, Bega and Wagga Wagga.
In Victoria, at least two properties have been burnt out by a bushfire
the area of Chepstowe.
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/fast-moving-fire-takes-properties-in-central-victoria-as-nsw-battles-135-blazes/story-e6f... more »
Chuck Hagel will initiate America's inevitable military decline
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago

There has been a huge, vicious, and well co-ordinated campaign against the
appointment of Chuck Hagel, the decorated Republican Vietnam hero, being
appointed as Barack Obama's Secretary of Defense. Ostensibly, this has been
based on his relatively dovish views on the Iraq War, defending Israel, and
attacking Iran. But according to David Brooks in today's New York Times,
all these policy considerations are "secondary".
The truth, Brooks says, is that Obama wants political cover for beginning
the decades-long process of reducing America's expenditure on the military.
The cost of heal... more »
Washington: 9 Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant workers checked for radioactive exposure
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Nine workers at the Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant are being checked as
a precaution to determine whether they may have breathed in radioactive
Last week, radiation release alarms sounded as workers were completing the
removal of contaminated material from within a glovebox. No contamination
was found on the skin or personal clothing of those workers, who were using
However, nasal smears indicated radioactive material might have been
breathed in by some of the workers who helped the glovebox workers remove
the protective clothing worn over their personal c... more »
Mexican officials: Wild dogs mauled, killed four in park
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Wild dogs killed and mauled four people whose bodies were found over the
past two weeks in a park on the edge of Mexico City, authorities confirmed
Monday. In one case, a teenage girl frantically called her sister with her
cellphone to plead for help as the attack took place.
Neighbors of the Cerro de la Estrella, a partly wooded, hilltop park
surrounded by the city's poor and populous Iztapalapa district, found the
bodies of a 26-year-old woman and a 1-year-old child in the area on Dec.
29, authorities in Mexico's capital said.
One of the victims, Shunashi Mendoza, was missing her ... more »
Rodney Alcala Sentenced In 1970s Murders
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago

A California serial killer has been sentenced in New York to an additional
25 years to life after pleading guilty to murdering two young women in the
Rodney Alcala said last month he wanted to plead guilty to the two New York
murder counts so he could get back to California - where he was sentenced
to death for convictions on five other killings - to pursue an appeal there.
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
More than 130 fires are burning across New South Wales as dangerous fire
conditions remain prevalent across much of southern Australia.
A total state-wide fire ban is in effect across NSW, with a catastrophic
rating in place for the Illawarra, Shoalhaven, Southern Ranges and
Riverina. Many other areas are experiencing extreme danger levels.
The mercury skyrocketed above 40 degrees this afternoon, accompanied by
strong winds and humidity in the single digits but relief is on the way.
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago

Residents in the outback town of Oodnadatta are preparing for their seventh
consecutive day above 45 degrees Celsius.
The temperature at the town in South Australia's far north is forecast to
reach 47C today after reaching 46C on Saturday and 47C on Sunday and Monday.
It will be the 10th day in a row above 40C.
The last time the town experienced a maximum below 35C was December 10.
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
Shortly before 10.30am (AEDT), RFS spokesman Ben Shepherd told reporters
the fire burning out of control around 12km east of Cooma had jumped the
Numeralla Bridge.
It's now headed towards around 20 properties in the Kybeyan valley. Those
in the Kybeyan Valley should shelter where they are as it's now too late to
Mr Shepherd said residents in the valley should leave now and head to
Nimmitabel, a small town in the Monaro region.
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago

Emergency services are struggling to assess the scale of damage caused by a
bushfire which has engulfed a Central Australian tourist resort.
Aerial spotters reported seeing flames surrounding the Kings Canyon Resort
as a one-kilometre wide fire front raced through the Watarrka National Park.
A group of 11 rangers were forced to flee the blaze and have made it safely
on to burnt out ground behind the firefront.
5.4 Magnitude Earthquake NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 8th January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 07:51:31 UTC
Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 04:51:31 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
40.208°N, 142.203°E
38.6 km (24.0 miles)
67 km (41 miles) ESE of Hachinohe, Japan
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake CENTRAL TURKEY - 8th January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 06:15:06 UTC
Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 08:15:06 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
37.682°N, 37.986°E
10.1 km (6.3 miles)
11 km (6 miles) E of Besni, Turkey
Complaining to the BBC Trust
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 10 hours ago
I have finally got my emailed complaint to the BBC Trust re Jeremy Bowen's
discriminatory choice of day to hold a Twitter Q&A on, namely Rosh Hashonah.
Here's the text of my email:
I have been referred to you by Stephanie Harris, Head of Editorial
Compliance & Accountability, BBC News, as I was not satisfied with her
explanation re this matter.
The bare facts are these:
The BBC's Middle East Editor, Jeremy Bowen, held a Twitter Q&A on Monday 17
September. This day was the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashonah, one of the
'high holy days' when all religious, and most even only slightly reli... more »
1940s Japanese Map of Taiwan
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 10 hours ago

1940s Japanese map of Taiwan.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums! Delenda est, baby.
4.5 Magnitude Earthquake CENTRAL TURKEY - 8th January 2013
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 06:05:09 UTC
Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 08:05:09 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
37.810°N, 37.952°E
10 km (6.2 miles)
3 km (1 miles) ENE of Tut, Turkey
Spain - a one-eyed picture from the BBC ?
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 10 hours ago
Link: http://youtu.be/hEBcJUQ92rg
The BBC is well-known for its high-quality documentaries. Their latest on
Spain is one. However: what exactly is the message of this docu? I am in
doubt. What I do observe today is some results from the 90 degrees turn the
Spanish government under president Mariano Rajoy (PP) imposed on society.
Less of everything it appears: food (which was usually 30% thrown away
anyway), unemployment (I observe more people working who were for years
without work), 'corruption' (several stark cases were/are rolled up), banks
(biter bit) and false promises from po... more »
American Hero Alex Jones Told Unspeakable Truths On CNN
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 10 hours ago
Alex Jones was a tour de force on CNN on Monday night.
America needs to hear the truth loud and clear, and Alex delivered it. Some
people are put off that Alex acted like a wild man, but America and the
world needs a bit of wildness at this moment in time.
The situation is critical. Private banks are looting the West without
facing accountability, unjust austerity measures and social chaos is around
the corner, and a new world war is being manifested through false flags
that began with 9/11. Another covert false flag operation that was used to
divide the West and Islam was the *orch... more »
Airship Test Flight Planned
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 10 hours ago

It presently weighs eighteen tons and will carry sixty tons. It is
certainly a good start. What it really becomes is a learning platform for
the integration of modern materials into effective airship design. While we
are at it, it would also be a good idea to discover if we can also operate
safely with hydrogen again.
If hydrogen could be held in chemically neutral bladders and designed to
fail upward for safe release we may have something. On the very large
craft, it may be practical to place helium filled bladders around the
perimeter while all the interior bladders hold ... more »
Was There a Church in Mecca?
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 10 hours ago

Quite likely of course. Christianity became the Roman state religion and
expansion was inevitable on the edges of the empire. Natural support would
be available. That it was then suppressed is also a certainty after
In the long term the Roman agenda of using Christianity (unwitting or
otherwise) to pacify the barbarian marches succeeded brilliantly. It was
not in time to resolve the short term pressures it faced or Arab barbarians
turning the idea to barbarian account.
If you were an alien from outer space though, or with a Chinese sense of
perspective, one c... more »
France's Financial Transaction Tax Experimen
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 10 hours ago

They cannot even get this right. There is merit in taxing financial
activity, or more accurately, there is merit in taxing fees paid to
facilitate a transaction including interest. We call it VAT.
Such cost is negligible over the amortized life of the capital and is
naturally low. It is simple. You pay ten dollars in interest, you tag on
fifty cents to a dollar in tax and this can be offset by tax paid on
interest paid. In this way most tax is paid at retail as has to happen to
avoid a loading that distorts the financial sector.
Taxation is already onto the usual dodges... more »
Breakthrough Russian Paper on DNA and Paranormal
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 10 hours ago

This is a very important piece and goes a long way to providing a
scientific paradigm for a wide range of phenomena. I have entered a fair
number of comments in the text as well and it all calls for a slow read.
I am not overly comfortable with the last conjecture as a fit all
explanation for the UFO phenomena, but it certainly provides us a plausible
explanation for a subclass of that. I also suspect that slime molds are
pretty handy for another such subclass. None of these can however be used
on the more robust manifestations.
Otherwise I can support everything said he... more »
5 Steps for Avoiding and Detoxing the Bt-Toxin Found in GMO Crops by Elizabeth Renter
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago

Source: https://www.facebook.com/GMOBoycott5 Steps for Avoiding and
Detoxing the Bt-Toxin Found in GMO Crops
by Elizabeth Renter
Natural Society, 7 January 2013
“It will make agriculture more efficient,” *they* claim. “It won’t hurt
anyone but the bugs,” *they* say. But despite all of their promises, Big
Agriculture has a vested interest in “selling” us the benefits of their
frankenfoods. After all, this is how they make their millions and billions.
Regardless of what they tell us, however, the vast majority of people are
waking up to the game and recognizing the current big ... more »
Today's must read on gun control: Bracken: Dear Mr. Security Agent
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 11 hours ago

*because it's important.*
[image: to protect and serve]
For widespread distribution, more cutting-edge commentary from Matt
Bracken, former SEAL and author of the *Enemies Foreign and Domestic*trilogy,
along with his most recent novel, *Castigo Cay*:
*Dear Mr. Security Agent, *
Federal, state, or local. You, the man or woman with the badge, the sworn
LEO or FLEA and those who inhabit the many law enforcement niches in
between and on all sides. This essay is directed to you, because in the
end, how this turmoil about gun control turns out will depend largely upon
your decisions a... more »
Anon at aangirfan - 11 hours ago

*Eric Holder, David Fein, Dannel P. Malloy, John DeStefano*
Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder and Connecticut Governor
Dan Malloy met on 27 *November* 2012.
*Eric Holder And Connecticut Governor Met Two Weeks Before Sandy Hook*
*Logan Dryer*
Karen Dryer took her son Logan Dryer, 5, out of kindergarten at Sandy Hook
Elementary School just two weeks before the deadly massacre...
"Logan started kindergarten in September 2012.
*"He was perfectly fine in September and October, and then in November he
started acting strange. *
"I got an email from his teacher saying h... more »
Eureka! Labour relations in Alberta explained by, of all things, NHL hockey!
David Climenhaga at Alberta Diary - 11 hours ago

An Alberta Labour Relations Board official suddenly realizes how the world
works, and immediately rules in favour of the employer. Application of the
law in Alberta may be pretty much exactly as illustrated. All but forgotten
amidst the rejoicing about the tentative end of the National Hockey League
lockout reached during the Feast of the ... more »
Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan on CNN - petition to deport Piers Morgan - Redcoat debate
Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET - 11 hours ago
Hardcore Texan mouthpiece Alex Jones is difficult to interrupt but Piers
Morgan allowed him into New York, into CNN's lair, so let's see the result.
"Ya finished?" asks Morgan. Nope, he wasn't finished. And he's furious!
The really sad thing about this 'debate' is (of course) BOTH SIDES ARE
RIGHT. Alex doesn't have his 'well trained militia' it's just THUGS or
NUTTERS in control of dangerous weapons. And Piers is right, "It's easier
to kill with readily available guns."
I did have a hearty chuckle when President Jones dropped into PROFESSORIAL
ENGLISH parlance to lay down some f... more »
Friday Baseball Post
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 11 hours ago
Yeah, I know, it's not Friday. But before the HOF results are announced, I
did have one other process point to make, and I didn't get to it when I was
supposed to over the weekend...
Rob Neyer has a good column out, by the way, on the current ballot. But
while he says that the current voting process is probably fine, I think
there's one reform I'd like to see.
It's about the notion of "first ballot" HOFers. We know about it: some
writers believe that they can come close to the sensible notion that there
are regular and "inner circle" HOFers by only voting for the
best-of-the-best t... more »
Sunday Globe Specials: Great Scott Takes Over as GM of MBTA
Rocker at MSM Monitor - 12 hours ago
*See*: Atlanta transit head hired to lead MBTA
"MBTA’s pick for chief had faced scrutiny; MassDOT unaware of audit,
evaluation at Atlanta agency" by Sean P. Murphy | Globe Staff, November
11, 2012
The newly selected director of the MBTA was *required to undergo counseling*with a
*business psychology consulting firm* while she was running the mass
transit system in Atlanta, a fact that state officials say they were *not
aware of* when they hired her.
Beverly Scott’s relationship with her board of directors in Atlanta had
grown so strained that the board in 2010 paid $144,000 to a ... more »
Mystery as American drone is found floating off the coast of the Philippines... 1,000 miles away from the nearest U.S. base
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago

A Filipino naval officer said officials did not know how the UAV ended
near the island, more than 200 miles from the capital Manila.
The drones are frequently used by the U.S. military as targets during
training exercises and weapons testing.
Sunday Globe Special: Boston's Buses Are Racist
Rocker at MSM Monitor - 13 hours ago
*And we are not talking school buses....*
"Black commuters face longer trips to work; Disparity particularly bad on
buses, averaging 80 minutes more per week" by Eric Moskowitz | Globe
Staff, November 25, 2012
In other words, affordable housing is scarce and often far from desirable
subway and rail stations. Those who can afford to drive largely do so,
because it is faster. And a transit system built up over a century to
funnel commuters toward downtown Boston does a poorer job connecting to the
service and physical-labor jobs not concentrated downtown — meaning longer,
slower bu... more »
Sunday Globe Special: Cock-a-Doodle-Pooh
Rocker at MSM Monitor - 13 hours ago
*I'm **pecking** my battles.... *
"Boom in backyard chicken flocks produces rooster glut" by Annys Shin |
Washington Post, December 16, 2012
WASHINGTON — The question of what to do with Hanz — and other roosters like
him — is an unforeseen byproduct of the growth of backyard chicken flocks,
which proponents promote as a more-nutritious and humane source of eggs.
Recently, efforts to amend laws that prohibit chickens in densely populated
areas have gained momentum. But that has meant a *proliferation of unwanted
roosters*, many of which arrive unexpectedly from hatcheries along wit... more »
Hunt for China's secret nukes: Obama orders the Pentagon to find ways to 'neutralize' store of up to 3,000 nuclear weapons
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago

The United States military will need to consider conventional as well as
nuclear means to ‘neutralize’ China’s underground nuclear weapons storage
facilities, according to a Pentagon authorization signed into law this
The new National Defense Authorization Act, which President Barack Obama
signed on Tuesday, January 2, orders the head of the U.S. Strategic Command
to submit a report by August 15 on the ‘underground tunnel network used by
the People’s Republic of China.’
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2258793/U-S-military-need-look-ways-neutralize-Chinas-underground-s... more »
Sunday Globe Special: Dutch Piet
Rocker at MSM Monitor - 13 hours ago
"Dutch fictional figure ‘Black Pete’ seen as blight on nation" by Toby
Sterling | Associated Press, December 16, 2012
AMSTERDAM — Foreigners visiting the Netherlands in winter are often
surprised to see that the Dutch version of St. Nicholas’s helpers have
their faces painted black, wear Afro wigs, and have thick red lips — in
short, a *racist caricature* of a *black person*.
The overwhelming majority of Dutch are fiercely devoted to the holiday
tradition of ‘‘Zwarte Piet’’ — whose name means ‘‘Black Pete’’ — and insist
he’s a *harmless fictional figure* who doesn’t represent any ... more »
Vittorio Missoni kidnapped? New evidence emerges in search for aircraft that disappeared off coast of Venezuela
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
As the search for fashion heir Vittorio Missoni and his wife continues
today, after a small plane carrying the couple disappeared off the coast of
Venezuela on Friday, new evidence suggests that they may have been
According to Telecom Italia Mobile, the son of fellow passenger Guido
Foresti received a text message from his father on the evening of January
6th that read, 'Call now, we are reachable.'
The phone company confirmed to a local Italian television station that the
message was sent, but they cannot verify exactly when it was written, and
subsequent calls to the n... more »
American may Create a Trillion $ Coin, then use it to pay their own DEBT!
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
American politicians are considering creating a $1trillion platinum coin
which the US Treasury would pay to itself with the aim of reducing the
country’s monumental debt.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has the authority to mint platinum
coins in the denomination of his choosing, and experts say the idea is
being taken seriously in Washington.
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 13 hours ago
“The grand, winding arms are almost mesmerizing in this face-on view of
NGC 7424, a spiral galaxy with a prominent central bar. About 40 million
light-years distant in the headlong constellation Grus, this island
universe is also about 100,000 light-years across making it remarkably
similar to our own Milky Way.
* Click image for larger size.*
Following along the winding arms, many bright clusters of massive young
stars can be found. The star clusters themselves are several hundred
light-years in diameter. And while massive stars are born in the arms of
NGC 7424, they also die t... more »
Colin Gregg arrested by child sex police as his luxury farmhouse is searched by officers
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
Colin Gregg, 71, son of Greggs' founder Jack, was arrested on suspicion of
sexual assault on Saturday at his home in Gosforth, Newcastle, which was
raided by police.
Oracle, Xerox, Dell, CSC Computer Sciences and Symantec paid no UK tax despite earning £500m from Government contracts
Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
Five technology giants that earned nearly £500million from taxpayer-funded
government contracts paid no UK corporation tax last year.
Oracle, Xerox, Dell, CSC Computer Sciences and Symantec had UK turnover of
more than £7billion, MPs heard last night.
Microsoft, which took £700million in government contracts, paid only
£19million in tax.