Killer whales trapped by ice in northern Quebec - CBC.ca 1 hour ago
USA Today
(500) Twitter / CNN
(235) ReadWriteWeb
grabbed some of the limelight at the Consumer Electronics Show by
unveiling a cloud-based video platform for service providers like cable
TV companies. A lot of hubbub was made over technology, which would
deliver movies and TV shows on any...
Want To Know What's Up At CES But Aren't Going? - 1 hour ago
ShareSo, you're borderline-unhealthy obsessed with CES, you want to know what everyone is posting,... -
Verizon Fell Behind AT&T In Q4 With 9.8 Million Smartphone Sales - 2 hours ago
ShareIn a note to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Verizon Wireless noted yesterday that it...

Penguin joins publishers settling with the DOJ over e-book prices
3 weeks ago Share The US Department of Justice may have only reached settlements with three of the five major...
ITC Judge finds Motorola patent claim...
3 weeks ago
Share Apple and Motorola's patent spat at the ITC has been dragging on for months...

Engadget HD Podcast 329 - 12.18.2012
3 weeks ago
Share Flashy new logo, same HD news. We've finally put out our review of Ceton's...

The Daily Roundup for 12.18.2012
3 weeks ago
Share You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news....
(500) Mashable!
(500) GigaOM
(500) Boing Boing
If you and your partner are expecting a new addition to the
family, now might be a good time to clean up your language. New research
suggests that babies begin to pick up language from within the womb.
More »
10 Photoshop Alternatives That Are Totally Free - 1 hour ago
Share If a free copy of a 10-year-old Adobe Photoshop release wasn't for you—maybe your... -
The Complete BlackBerry 10 Video Walkthrough: Surprise, It's Neat - 1 hour ago
Share This is the new BlackBerry 10, two weeks from its official release. And while visually it...