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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

9 January - RSS SnapShot! Pt III

English: A picture from one of the chapels in ...English: A picture from one of the chapels in the basement (crypt) of Washington National Cathedral (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Stained glass window at The Washingto...English: Stained glass window at The Washington National Cathedral (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Buttresses at The Washington National...English: Buttresses at The Washington National Cathedral (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Darth Vader grotesque on the tower of...English: Darth Vader grotesque on the tower of the Washington National Cathedral (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A 3x2 stitched and HDR tone mapped image of th...A 3x2 stitched and HDR tone mapped image of the sanctuary at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Keystone XL demonstration, White House,8-23-20...Keystone XL demonstration, White House,8-23-2011 Photo Credit: Josh Lopez (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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