Baher Kamal (Middle East and Arabic Service Director IPS-Inter Press Service) (Photo credit: Deutsche Welle Unternehmen)

Opit's Notes
Review of Arts, Literature, Philosophy and the Humanities
New Books in Science Fiction
Project Camelot : Shadow Operations : The Mars Project
The Permanent War Economy
New Books in Science Fiction
Project Camelot : Shadow Operations : The Mars Project
The Permanent War Economy
Defining National Security : the Nonmilitary Aspects
The Vulcans
Club of Rome
Henry Kissinger : Architect of the New World Order
The CIA leak scandal
U.S. War on Wikileaks : Why It Is Illegal
Jaffa - the Orange's Clockwork
The Law in These Parts ( Palestine )
Who's Afraid of Muslim Rage ?
50 Reasons to Boycott the Catholic Church
Gay Marriage : Foamy the Squirrel
Don't conceal your face at Canadian protests
50 Reasons to Boycott the Catholic Church
Gay Marriage : Foamy the Squirrel
Don't conceal your face at Canadian protests
Open Debates
Rigging the Presidential Debates
Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate
Open Media.ca
Secrecy,Archives and the Public Interest - H. Zinn
State Nullification : what is it ?
Controlled Unclassified Information
Infectious disease is a primary cause of variation in human intelligence
Are you dangerously deficient in Taurine ?
Clinics ordered to stop 'useless' breast cancer tests
9 Simple Reasons You Can't Lose Weight
Dr. L. Wilson
Wikia Community
Rigging the Presidential Debates
Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate
Open Media.ca
Secrecy,Archives and the Public Interest - H. Zinn
State Nullification : what is it ?
Controlled Unclassified Information
Infectious disease is a primary cause of variation in human intelligence
Are you dangerously deficient in Taurine ?
Clinics ordered to stop 'useless' breast cancer tests
9 Simple Reasons You Can't Lose Weight
Dr. L. Wilson
Wikia Community
Opit's Best : http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/oldephartte
Guide to Forum Trolls
Bad Behaviour
Kijiji : Forum
The United States Government Wages War on Leaks
The criminalization of U.S. foreign policy
The Real Reason for Germany`s Industrial Expansion
Ukraine's suffering still overlooked by world
Government Works Perfectly
Push Poll
Guide to Forum Trolls
Bad Behaviour
Kijiji : Forum
The United States Government Wages War on Leaks
The criminalization of U.S. foreign policy
The Real Reason for Germany`s Industrial Expansion
Ukraine's suffering still overlooked by world
Government Works Perfectly
Push Poll
The Necessity of Crime
Public schools use RFID chips to Track and Punish Students for Pre-Crime
Reparative and other Therapy to alter Sexual Orientation
One of the Biggest Problems Facing Gay People Isn't Marriage Equality
Homeless Die 30 Years Early
Anthropology at War
The Real Criminals in the Tarek Mehanna Case
General Honore, LLC
Community Emergency Response Teams - CERT
CERT Training Materials
The Green Book
Syria and Iran Dominoes Lead to World War
Public schools use RFID chips to Track and Punish Students for Pre-Crime
Reparative and other Therapy to alter Sexual Orientation
One of the Biggest Problems Facing Gay People Isn't Marriage Equality
Homeless Die 30 Years Early
Anthropology at War
The Real Criminals in the Tarek Mehanna Case
General Honore, LLC
Community Emergency Response Teams - CERT
CERT Training Materials
The Green Book
Syria and Iran Dominoes Lead to World War
Channelling CounterPunch ( includes extensive overview of the threat to Iran )
Land-trust missions conform to UN 'Agenda 21'
War Costs
Civilian deaths from U.S. Drone attacks much higher than reported ( check Deaths file )
How to Argue Against Victimless Crime Laws
10 years ago America sanctified Torture
Before 911: National Security Letters
13 most evil U.S. government experiments on humans
Internet Library
Natural NewsLand-trust missions conform to UN 'Agenda 21'
War Costs
Civilian deaths from U.S. Drone attacks much higher than reported ( check Deaths file )
How to Argue Against Victimless Crime Laws
10 years ago America sanctified Torture
Before 911: National Security Letters
13 most evil U.S. government experiments on humans
Internet Library
Change.org Canada
Political Information
Pedophiles Exposed in UK
8 Problems with the `case`against Assange : Naomi Wolf
Notetaking Software
Campus News
Diigo Education Edition
Blogging Alliance of Non Partisan Canadians( RSS )
Former IDF Soldiers Confess Abuse of Palestinian Children
The Palestine Solidarity Movement : a Recipe for Kosher anti-Zionism
Transcript of Obama's AIPAC Speech
Who is Osama bin laden
Transcript of Obama's AIPAC Speech
Who is Osama bin laden
Picasa Featured
Opit's LinkFest! Picasa Album
Pale Moon Light Firefox Build
Talk to Action
Russell`s Teapot
Nuclear Sharing
1970's negotiations with Shah of Iran
Arms Control and Proliferation Profile : Iran
Iran Nuclear Timeline
All Time Darwin Award : The Nuclear Industry
Australian media censorship over nuclear issues
Disqus for Politics
What if only women ruled the world ?
How the U.S. abortion war fares globally
what the research reveals about reading, libraries, and community
10 Biggest Lies of the Right Wing
File Hippo
How the U.S. abortion war fares globally
what the research reveals about reading, libraries, and community
The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 3/5
10 Biggest Lies of the Right Wing
File Hippo
Opit's LinkFest! RSS at Opera Community
Netvibes - Opit's Public Pages
Netvibes - Public Dashboards
( Opera ) http://fastmail.fm
Toxic Agenda
Environmental Rights and Canada`s Constitution
Resources for Journalists Who Report on Fracking
New research links health problems with oil and gas development
The Biggest 'Energy Crisis' Nobody is Talking About
The Hostmen - The World's First Fuel Cartel
Beyond Zero Emissions
Congressional Research Reports - National Security
Illuminati Exposed
When Your Father is Accused of Terrorism
800 page Lockerbie Report Exonerates Libya
Ranking Web of World Repositories
Sources in a World of Information
Astute Paradox Webring
on YouTube
Tamra - Opera Community Linked In
AnonOps Communications
Hidden Tools Find What You Want on YouTube
Proxy Server
Thorium Remix
Depleted Uranium
Hazards of Low Level Radioactivity
Plutonium and the end of humanity
2002 Millenium Challenge
The Supreme Leader's ( Iran ) view of nuclear energy
An Epic Deception : America's Overthrow of the Shah and the Quest for a One World Government
Sanctions ( Dec 2011 post )
ASP Fact Sheet : Significant Iranian Sanctions Since 1995
( 'Opit' thinks sanctions are an offense in that they make it counterproductive for a nation to conform to the NPT... loss of privacy, no protection from aggressive censure and War including war by other means. All it accomplishes for signatories is to advertise oneself as a target that cannot retaliate in kind to nuclear attack. )
U.S. non profit 'names and shames' businesses to put bite into Iran sanctions
Cuban Crisis, 1961,1962 and next 47 years
CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Sea of Lies - Strait of Hormuz
The Suicide Files
Conflict Minerals
Congo Genocide : Role of U.S. and others
United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group
email our military news
War News Radio
We've Always Been at War With Eastasia
The Tyranny of Free-Ranging Transnational Corporations
The Supreme Leader's ( Iran ) view of nuclear energy
An Epic Deception : America's Overthrow of the Shah and the Quest for a One World Government
Sanctions ( Dec 2011 post )
ASP Fact Sheet : Significant Iranian Sanctions Since 1995
( 'Opit' thinks sanctions are an offense in that they make it counterproductive for a nation to conform to the NPT... loss of privacy, no protection from aggressive censure and War including war by other means. All it accomplishes for signatories is to advertise oneself as a target that cannot retaliate in kind to nuclear attack. )
U.S. non profit 'names and shames' businesses to put bite into Iran sanctions
Cuban Crisis, 1961,1962 and next 47 years
CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Sea of Lies - Strait of Hormuz
The Suicide Files
Conflict Minerals
Congo Genocide : Role of U.S. and others
United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group
email our military news
War News Radio
We've Always Been at War With Eastasia
The Tyranny of Free-Ranging Transnational Corporations
GMO Food Dump
GMOs, a 12 year olds urgent warning to other kids
Rabbit Starvation
Campaign for Mercury Free Dentistry
The Sixth Extinction
The Dying Trees - Ozone and Pollution
Natural Gas: Avoidable Health Hazard
Dangers of 'Energy Saving' Bulbs
AlterNet - water
An assault on clean water and democracy
Poverty and tyranny central to immoral practice of mountain destruction, water and air poisoning
Wind Turbine Syndrome - Articles by topic
Ontario Wind Resistance
Wind Turbine Gearbox Reliability
The endangered groundwater beneath our feet( NYC )
North American Shale Plays
GMOs, a 12 year olds urgent warning to other kids
Rabbit Starvation
Campaign for Mercury Free Dentistry
The Sixth Extinction
The Dying Trees - Ozone and Pollution
Natural Gas: Avoidable Health Hazard
Dangers of 'Energy Saving' Bulbs
AlterNet - water
An assault on clean water and democracy
Poverty and tyranny central to immoral practice of mountain destruction, water and air poisoning
Wind Turbine Syndrome - Articles by topic
Ontario Wind Resistance
Wind Turbine Gearbox Reliability
The endangered groundwater beneath our feet( NYC )
North American Shale Plays
Technical Report on Fluoridation
Coverup and Denial : America's Gulf Disaster Revisited
How we wrecked the ocean
Swimming in Circles
Water makes the world go round
Reducing water consumption in concentrating solar electricity
Circle of Blue - YouTube - water issues
Extreme Weather Report PDF
Claims of More Severe Weather with Warming are Based on IPCC Errors and Omissions
It's the AMO Stupid
Silencing the Global Warming Skeptics
Keeping Global Warming Within Limits
Monckton on Blackbody Radiation
Climategate : UN seeks immunity from prosecution
Why the List of Participants to the BBC CMEP Jan 2006 Seminar is important
How we wrecked the ocean
Swimming in Circles
Water makes the world go round
Reducing water consumption in concentrating solar electricity
Circle of Blue - YouTube - water issues
Extreme Weather Report PDF
Claims of More Severe Weather with Warming are Based on IPCC Errors and Omissions
'Climate Change' Timeline 1895 - 2009
Advocacy Masking as Science
BBC Crisis Deepens in Exposure of Rigged and Unlawful Climate Policy
Advocacy Masking as Science
BBC Crisis Deepens in Exposure of Rigged and Unlawful Climate Policy
...Climate Change - historical perspectives PDF
Climate of Doubt
Crosstalk : Franken Climate
All posts tagged with : Denis Rancourt...Climate Change - historical perspectives PDF
Climate of Doubt
Crosstalk : Franken Climate
Silencing the Global Warming Skeptics
Keeping Global Warming Within Limits
Monckton on Blackbody Radiation
Climategate : UN seeks immunity from prosecution
Why the List of Participants to the BBC CMEP Jan 2006 Seminar is important
i.e. all inconvenient independent thought is now verbotenForecast the Facts shares the credit for enforcing conformity
1100+ Peer Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC / AGW AlarmLegends of the Flood
Intermission - IPCC expertise
IPCC admits it Isn't a 'Gold Standard' Body
Climatology Establishment Smears Scientific Critics
Monckton's reply to Eos on Climate Denial
Climate Change Science
WoodForTrees.org. hosts C++ software tools for analysis and graphing of time series data, and an interactive graph generator where you can play with different ways of analysing data.
Climate : The Counter Consensus
Omnologos Climate News
ACE Index
26 ethical flaws of propagandists
Paleoclimatology wiki
Global millenial scale cycling of climate
Evidence of a multi-resonant system within solar periodic activity
Evidence for Negative Water Feedback
Solar Activity : Leif Svaalgard
Research Page : Leif Svaalgard
SSN ( SunSpot Number ) Wiki
Post Normal Science, its culture and how it retards learning in our universities
Essential Guide to the Electric Universe
Child Sex Grooming
Traditional Marriage in the Bible
Centre for Distance Education
The World According to Monsanto
Marijuana laws - Canada
Texas to Canada : Harper's Crime Bill a huge mistake
Sexual Assault Online Hotline
Porton Down
Antibiotics may be permanently altering the Guts of humanity
Food Intolerences and Allergy Information
FDA - Recalls,Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts
Best Natural Anti-Inflammatories
Non surgical ways to treat a herniated disc
Engineered Viruses Created in Government Labs Validate Mass Vaccinations
Vaccine Research
Vaccine Nation
Intermission - IPCC expertise
IPCC admits it Isn't a 'Gold Standard' Body
Climatology Establishment Smears Scientific Critics
Monckton's reply to Eos on Climate Denial
Climate Change Science
WoodForTrees.org. hosts C++ software tools for analysis and graphing of time series data, and an interactive graph generator where you can play with different ways of analysing data.
Climate : The Counter Consensus
Omnologos Climate News
ACE Index
26 ethical flaws of propagandists
Paleoclimatology wiki
Global millenial scale cycling of climate
Evidence of a multi-resonant system within solar periodic activity
Evidence for Negative Water Feedback
Solar Activity : Leif Svaalgard
Research Page : Leif Svaalgard
SSN ( SunSpot Number ) Wiki
Post Normal Science, its culture and how it retards learning in our universities
Essential Guide to the Electric Universe
Child Sex Grooming
Traditional Marriage in the Bible
Centre for Distance Education
The World According to Monsanto
Marijuana laws - Canada
Texas to Canada : Harper's Crime Bill a huge mistake
Sexual Assault Online Hotline
Porton Down
Antibiotics may be permanently altering the Guts of humanity
Food Intolerences and Allergy Information
FDA - Recalls,Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts
Best Natural Anti-Inflammatories
Non surgical ways to treat a herniated disc
Engineered Viruses Created in Government Labs Validate Mass Vaccinations
Vaccine Research
Vaccine Nation
Deadly Immunity
Vaccination : Deception and Tragedy
Sites redlisted at WoT in apparent political censorship
Future Weapons of Mass Destruction
Vaccine Information*
What to do if Force Vaccinated
Vaccination : Deception and Tragedy
Sites redlisted at WoT in apparent political censorship
Future Weapons of Mass Destruction
Vaccine Information*
What to do if Force Vaccinated
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock
Holistic Healing Web Page
VRM : Pandemic preparedness and the dark agenda ahead
Healing Cancer Naturally
Vitamin supplement for children vs. Antipsychotic Drugs
Real Milk Articles
Raw vs Pasteurized Milk
Novel Proteins in Food
Study of DNA data indicates wrongful conviction rate of 6%
The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire
Dr. Steven Jones Why I Doubt the Official 9-11 Story
Treaty of 1213 : Beginning of the Lie
Errors in our Monetary System
Who Killed the Electric Car ?
Electric Bikes
E-Bike FAQ
EVCO Draft
Mandatory Bicycle Helmet Laws in Canada
Results of bicycle helmet laws
Patent Encumbrance of Large Automotive NiMH Batteries
FAQ - Plug in America
News Media
For those who want to know
The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire
Dr. Steven Jones Why I Doubt the Official 9-11 Story
Treaty of 1213 : Beginning of the Lie
Errors in our Monetary System
Who Killed the Electric Car ?
Electric Bikes
E-Bike FAQ
EVCO Draft
Mandatory Bicycle Helmet Laws in Canada
Results of bicycle helmet laws
Patent Encumbrance of Large Automotive NiMH Batteries
FAQ - Plug in America
News Media
For those who want to know
Mind Control : Queen Elizabeth and the children who 'disappeared'
Accusations of Jewish Self-Hatred and Anti-Semitism are a Strategy to Hide from One’s Self-Reflection
Oil Spill - Miami U
Ocean Currents
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