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Bipartisan Policy Center's Debt Reduction Task Force (Photo credit: Talk Radio News Service) |
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Eve Meyer -- Bold Magazine (November 1956) ...item 1.. Barry Goldwater -- Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed (July 1964) ... (Photo credit: marsmet524) |
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"July 4th 1776. When our Declaration of Indepedence was Signed Loyal Americans were of one mind to Protect Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." (Photo credit: The U.S. National Archives) |
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Independence Rock (Photo credit: J. Stephen Conn) |
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Oberon (Photo credit: Erick )) |
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October 17, 2008 Sarah Palin Rally in West Chester Ohio. John Boehner is alongside Sarah. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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John Boehner (Photo credit: Keith Allison) |
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Justin Amash (Photo credit: Gage Skidmore) |
The unsmart ones
would be the NRA dragging the president's kids into their little
tantrum. It isn't like there life is going to get any easier from here
on, but really!
Drought Gives Rise to New Crime

The round hay bales used on larger farms. Photo courtesy: Flickr/CC BY 2.0
Economics 101 says that, all else being equal, when the supply of something
goes down, the price should go up. That's exactly what has been happening
with hay in drought and wildfire-afflicted areas of the United States. In
fact, many aren't ready to fork out the extra cash, or they simply can't
locate a seller, because there's been a big resurgence of hay bale thefts.
"Sheriffs in rural counties in Colorado, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Kansas say
the spike in hay thefts is part of a broader rise in agricultural c... more »
Citizens File Articles of Impeachment Against Obama

When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is
their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide
new Guards for their future security.”
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.
There can no longer be any doubt – the forces of tyranny are running wild
across our once great Republic. The time has come for all good men and
women to rally to the aid of their country. We have now entered a historic
crossroads that will decide the destiny of the United States. Ar... more »
A Tale Of Two House Republicans-- Justin Amash And Lynn Westmoreland... And The Asshole Factor

Boehner has something in his eye-- Justin Amash
With Ron Paul no longer in Congress, libertarian Justin Amash (R-MI) now
has a voting record second only to New Yorker Chris Gibson as the most
consistently at odds with the House Republican leadership of anyone in the
GOP caucus. Presumably that's why Boehner, Cantor and Ryan kicked him off
the Budget Committee-- rather than the stated reason. (Boehner lapdog Lynn
Westmoreland, always in a fierce contest with Gohmert for the title of
"Dumbest Member of Congress," has told anyone who would listen that Amash
was kicked off the committee ... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)

Welcome back to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)! Have you missed our
weekly challenges as much as I have? I'm happy to be back and even happier
to see you!
Yesterday's POST included the changes we'll be making this year and we
started things off with our first poll. If you haven't yet voted and
commented, please do ... I'd love to know your thoughts on the subject.
Ready to challenge yourself? Let's jump right in! If this is your first
visit, please click HERE for information and a complete list of all the
challenges we've taken on so far.
The new year seems to beg us to sort th... more »
IDEAS / Bill Meacham : Speaking of Consciousness
from TZA's photostream / Flickr.
Speaking of consciousness
The cardinal sin of philosophy, committed all too often, is to use terms
that are ambiguous.
By Bill Meacham / The Rag Blog / January 15, 2013
The philosophy club is currently studying Philosophy of Mind, a topic
fraught with ambiguity. People use terms such as “mind,”
“consciousness,” “awareness,” “experience,” and so forth as
Musical Interlude: Enya, “Only Time”
Enya, “Only Time”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6g2BoHQGwk
Musical Interlude: Enya, Full Album: "The Best Of Enya"
Enya, Full album: "The Best Of Enya"
Orinoco Flow 0:00
Caribbean Blue 4:32
Book Of Days 8:30
Anywhere Is 11:29
Only If... 15:16
The Celts 18:38
China Roses 21:38
Shepherd Moons 26:22
Ebudae 30:03
Storms In Africa 32:02
Watermark 36:16
Paint The Sky With Stars 38:44
Marble Halls 43:00
On My Way Home 46:58
The Memory Of Trees 50:38
Boadicea 54:58
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOtQ2vMxOl0
Athabasca Chipewyan Chief Allan Adam Statement Jan. 15, 2013
Press Statement From Chief Allan Adam regarding Highway 63 Roadblocks
January 15, 2013 – Fort McMurray, AB – In the wake
of Idle No More and the AFN’s calls for blockades, peaceful protests and
a stall of the Canadian economy Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca
Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) has made waves with talk of potential long
term blockades in Northern Alberta.
“At this
HuffPost Live: Going To Tehran

Source: *HuffPost Live*. Description:
"Iran is the most serious U.S. foreign policy challenge. The policy
approach is consistently unproductive. So how can the U.S. begin to appeal
to its long time enemy?"
Link: *Leveretts Discuss Going to Tehran on HuffPost Live*.
Obama Will Use Children as Props for Gun Control Announcement
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"Bipartisan" House GOP says: Can you really put a price on the defense of ignorance, bigotry, and hatred?

*Why, it's the all-Republican "bipartisan" majority of the
House's "Bipartisan" Legal Advisory Group ("B"LAG)!*
*"In a statement this week, House Democrats said the agreement was reached
in secret and they weren't aware of it until late Monday."*
*-- Chris Johnson, **reporting for the *Washington Blade* on the*
*House GOP's secret doubling of the budget for defending DOMA*
*by Ken*
In October I wrote a post asking, "Does anyone believe the now-spent $1.5M
is all 'Sunny John' Boehner will ram through for the defense of DOMA
ignorance and hatred?"
The $1.5M, you'll recall, was authori... more »
ALEC - You Do NOT Find This - at an NCSL Meeting

I just forced myself to listen to a 10 minute presentation on a radio
program sponsored by the extremist right-wing free-market radio station
from the John Locke Foundation in North Carolina.
They were talking about ALEC. In fact they were whining about how the
American Legislative Exchange Council is being picked on by the left
-whining, whining, whining. They spent ten minutes trying to get the
listener to believe that ALEC is just like NCSL. I get so sick of that
While I was listening to it I thought of this quote from a PR Watch articlethat was released today (my em... more »
Berlusconi: Libya's "Revolution" is a FAKE!

*"We Came, We Saw, He Died."* - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The same could not be said about Osama Bin Laden's departure. In that
case, U.S. solders bravely went to Afghanistan, saw, and at the last minute
were pulled back and prevented from killing Bin Laden in 2001 by their
superiors in D.C. He later died of natural causes, hardly the spectacular
ending to his life that is portrayed in "Zero Dark Thirty." There is zero
truth in that film.
Bin Laden's image as a menacing dragon who has the ability to escape the
reach of the United States was central in the selling... more »
Another Virtue of Blogsphere Engagement?
PM’s latest post, “Nobody cares about foreign policy” (note to self: we
need a style manual to resolve whether, for example, post titles should be
capitalized), was prompted by a proseminar we both attended on Monday. At
this proseminar, the always-interesting and invariably thoughtful Elizabeth
Saunders presented part of her book project: a paper entitled
Continue reading
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 7331 is often touted as an analog to our
own Milky Way. About 50 million light-years distant in the northern
constellation Pegasus, NGC 7331 was recognized early on as a spiral nebula
and is actually one of the brighter galaxies not included in Charles
Messier's famous 18th century catalog.
* Click image for larger size.*
Since the galaxy's disk is inclined to our line-of-sight, long telescopic
exposures often result in an image that evokes a strong sense of depth. The
effect is further enhanced in this sharp image by galaxies that lie beyond
th... more »
American Lives Shorter and Less Healthy
U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health. The
National Academies Press Authors:
Steven H. Woolf and Laudan Aron, Editors; Panel on Understanding
Cross-National Health Differences Among High-Income Countries; Committee on
Population; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education;
National Research Council; Board on Population Health and Public Health
Practice; Institute of Medicine
[excerpted from the overview] The United States is among the wealthiest
nations in the world, but it is far from the healthiest. Although life
expectancy and surv... more »
Jon Stewart battles a bit with Paul Krugman!
*The key thing Jon Stewart knew:* Oof.
By light years, Paul Krugman has been the most valuable player in upper end
journalism over the past dozen years.
That said, we have increasingly felt that his political judgments aren’t
always as crisp as his understanding of policy. And uh-oh:
Last night, Jon Stewart had a bit of fun at Krugman’s expense. We think the
tape is worth watching. Click here.
A bit of background:
Last week, Stewart was mocking that trillion dollar coin before it rolled
under that million pound couch. Krugman voiced his annoyance, even ... more »
Chet Raymo, “One Last Reflection About ‘The Middle Ground’"
*“One Last Reflection About ‘The Middle Ground’"*
by Chet Raymo
"I have been reading again Karl Iagnemma's collection of stories “On the
Nature of Human Romantic Attraction.” At the time my paperback edition was
published (2004), Iagnemma was a research scientist in mechanical
engineering at MIT. The stories in the collection all involve scientists of
one sort or another trying to negotiate the bewildering no-man's land
between the analytic and the romantic.
“You've got to live a little, take a little,
And let your poor heart break a little...”
Is there a middle ground betwe... more »
Highway Robbery in Massachusetts
*I was driving home late at night and found this*:
*"A new 0.16 percent transportation payroll tax that employers would pay on
their employees’ wages; a 30-cent increase per gallon in the existing gas
tax; an increase in the state sales tax from 6.25 percent to 7.75 percent;
and an increase in the state income tax from 5.25 percent to approximately
5.66 percent.... a “green fee” that would be added to existing title and
registration fees, and a vehicle-miles-traveled tax of 2.4 cents per milethat would
collected at the annual safety inspection or by an onboard device.... *
**The o... more »
Paulo Coelho, "Porcupines and Solidarity"
Paulo Coelho, "Porcupines and Solidarity"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auwxu6Ym1uc
This is a crisis...
A large crisis. In fact, if you've got a moment, it's a twelve storey
crisis with a magnificent entrance hall, carpeting throughout, 24-hour
portage, and an enormous sign on the roof, saying 'This Is a Large Crisis'.
A large crisis requires a large plan. Get me two pencils and a pair of
"We Think..."
"We think we know...but tend to act...as if we know it...for a fact."
- Robert Brault
If It's Always a Crisis...
Philip Klein has been urging Republicans to act sensibly on the debt limit,
but I'm going to have to call him out on this one:
[I]t’s undeniable that Obama’s first term sent a clear message. For Obama
to agree to cut spending, there needs to be a crisis. If Republicans don’t
use crises as leverage, Obama will make lofty statements about deficit
reduction without actually doing anything about it.
Now, never mind that Klein here equates "deficit reduction" (which Obama
has strongly supported by advocating tax increases) with "cut spending."
He's pretty clearly interested mainly in the... more »
The power of music, dance and drums
[image: Four-year-old Lily Mervyn holds a sign at an Idle No More
demonstration near Surrey, B.C., earlier this month. A teachable moment?]
During the 2011 federal election campaign that Harper's CONtempt party
*won* with a pathetic 39% of the popular vote, and with the support of CPC
fraudulent tactics that likely included voter suppression in key ridings, I
wrote this review of world-reknowned Mali musician Salif Keita's concert.
As a result of political upheaval and regime changes in northern Africa,
the tenuous balance of power in other countries has been disrupted, notably in ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Charlotte, Vermont, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
What's Really Behind All The Noise About An Early Withdrawal From Afghanistan? It's Not What You Think
Karzai was in Washington last week and suddenly there was all this
talkabout how U.S. troops, despite his panic, would be leaving
sooner rather than later-- and perhaps leaving no troops behind to prop
Karzai's weak government which isn't seen as legitimate by wide swathes
the population. In fact, Karzai is from the same sub-tribe as Shah
who was restored, briefly, to the throne by the British in the First
War (1838-'42) and of whom Dost Muhammad told his people, "The Shah is
a servant of the Kafir infidels." When the British left Afghanistan,
Sh... more »
Texas prepares to jail any federal official attempting to enforce gun restrictions

A Texas lawmaker says he plans to file the Firearms Protection Act, which
would make any federal laws that may be passed by Congress or imposed by
Presidential order which would ban or restrict ownership of semi-automatic
firearms or limit the size of gun magazines illegal in the state, 1200 WOAI
news reports.
Republican Rep. Steve Toth says his measure also calls for felony criminal
charges to be filed against any federal official who tries to enforce the
rule in the state.
"If a federal official comes into the state of Texas to enforce the federal
executive order, that person i... more »
Employment Support Allowance Standard Letter
I reproduce below is the standard letter the Department for Work and
Pensions sends to anyone who complains directly to them about their
experience of a Work Capability Assessment, subsequent changes to their
Employment Support Allowance, or the very real harassment people suffer
from so-called "work providers".
Though written by a civil servant and not an explicitly political document,
the letter is pretty appalling. Witness the repeat use of
ideologically-loaded terms like 'claimant' and 'entitlement'. Notice how
the sentences are carefully constructed to undermine the notion tha... more »
Mass. Manipulation of State Economic Numbers
*As austerity once again comes to Massachusetts!*
*"The state had expected to issue an income tax reduction in January, which
would have been triggered automatically by sustained growth. For only the
second time in recent years, the state was expected to shave the income tax
by .05 percent, but the disappointing tax collections of the fall canceled
that plan"*
*That explains the recent stories over the preceding months talking down
the Massachusetts economy after talking it up for years, even though the
cut amounted to 1/20th -- that's 1/20th -- of ONE CENT! They even want to
keep ... more »
What is causing so many raccoons to develop brain cancer?

A raccoon's brain with a cancerous tumor.
The San Francisco Chronicle today has a story which solves one
mysteryabout raccoons but leaves open another. The first is why some
raccoons were
displaying baffling, un-raccoon-like behavior.
"A lot of the calls were, 'There's a raccoon sitting on my porch and he
hasn't moved all day, and I open the door and he doesn't move,' and
not normal," said (Melanie) Piazza, the director of animal care at
WildCare, a wildlife refuge in San Rafael and one of several Bay Area
centers baffled in recent years by a rise in strange raccoon... more »
"What Can You Do?"
"What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than
who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his
- George Orwell
Satire: “Republicans Accuse Obama of Using Position as President to Lead Country”
*“Republicans Accuse Obama of Using *
*Position as President to Lead Country”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Responding to reports that President
Obama is considering signing as many as nineteen executive orders on gun
control, Republicans in Congress unleashed a blistering attack on him
today, accusing Mr. Obama of “cynically and systematically using his
position as President to lead the country.”
Spearheading the offensive was Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas), who charged
the President with the “wanton exploitation of powers that are legally
granted to him ... more »
"If You Really..."
"If you make people think that they are thinking, they will love you;
but if you really make them think, they will hate you."
- Aristotle
"Your Brain Is Flawed- 12 Scientific Reasons Human Beings Are Wildly Irrational"
*"Your Brain Is Flawed- *
*12 Scientific Reasons Human Beings Are Wildly Irrational"*
By George Dvorsky
"While flaws in our judgment help us process information more efficiently,
they lead us to make grave mistakes. The human brain is capable of 1016
processes per second, which makes it far more powerful than any computer
currently in existence. But that doesn't mean our brains don't have major
limitations. The lowly calculator can do math thousands of times better
than we can, and our memories are often less than useless — plus, we're
subject to cognitive biases, those annoyin... more »
Mercury Contamination Worsening, Adding to Our Damaged Genome
Published on Thursday, January 10, 2013 by Common Dreams: Poisoned Planet:
Doubling of Ocean Mercury Levels Threatens Global Health UN report exposes
toxic legacy of coal, gold, and a world bent on extraction- Beth Brogan,
staff writer http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/10-1
[Excerpted] The world's rivers, lakes, and oceans are suffering the severe
consequences of modern industrial mercury pollution, according to a new UN
report, which also warns the health of the entire planet and its
inhabitants face a perilous future if serious action is not soon taken.
Hundreds of t... more »
Nada mas romántico que regalar flores el 14 de febrero

[image: Nada mas romantico que regalar rosas el 14 de febrero]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de Rosas*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
Catch of the Day
I didn't get around to this one yesterday, but you know who earned one?
Barack Obama, for batting aside a Jackie Calmes question about whether he
socializes enough. After first explaining that "I like a good party"
(which, true or not, sounded about as convincing as Graham Chapman's
colonel protesting that "nobody likes a good laugh more than I do), Obama
continued with a very nice riff on how presidenting really works.
I'm going to put the whole long thing below the fold, but the key quote?
"You know -- and the reason that, you know, in many cases, Congress votes
the way they do, o... more »
5.0 Magnitude Earthquake GUERRERO, MEXICO - 15th January 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 19:20:27 UTC
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 01:20:27 PM at epicenter
16.664°N, 98.203°W
22.7 km (14.1 miles)
23 km (14 miles) E (94°) from Ometepec, Guerrero, Mexico
Linda flor de loto sobre el agua verde y fresca

[image: Linda flor de loto sobre en agua]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de flores*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
5.4 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS - 15th January 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 19:04:35 UTC
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 07:04:35 AM at epicenter
34.722°S, 178.901°E
170.6 km (106.0 miles)
372 km (231 miles) NE of Whitianga, New Zealand
Number of U.S. working poor families grows as wealth gap widens
[image: A man and his children sleep in a car outside the venue of a dental
camp, hoping to get a free checkup, in Wise, Virginia. About 10.4 million
working poor families -- or 47.5 million Americans -- now live near
poverty. Michael S. Williamson / The Washington Post via Getty Images]
By Susan Heavey
15 January 2013
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The number of U.S. families struggling with poverty
despite parents being employed continued to grow in 2011 as more people
returned to work but mostly at lower-paying service jobs, an analysis
released on Tuesday shows.
More working parents... more »
Barack Obama 'says Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't know what is good for Israel'
Barack Obama sees Benjamin Netanyahu as a "political coward" whose policies
pose a greater threat to Israel's existence than Iran's nuclear programme
because he does not know what is in the country's best interests, it has
been claimed.
Britain needs a European strategy....Couldn't Agree more, Get out while you still can!
On Friday, we are told, David Cameron is going to make a major speech about
Britain and Europe. Don't hold your breath. His government does not have
any strategy for dealing with Europe, and that reality is not likely to
Ricas frutas jugosas nutritivas y saludables

[image: Ricas frutas jugosas y nutritivas]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de frutas*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
El corazón que representa al amor

[image: El corazón que representa al amor]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de amor*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
Another Amazing Tax From Massachusetts
*At least my Globe still comes tax-free, and any such move would really be
a stake in the heart of the centuries-old tradition of print. *
"Mass. prods Amazon to collect sales taxes" by Michael B. Farrell | Globe
Staff, November 21, 2012
The Patrick administration is pressing *Amazon.com* Inc. to *begin
collecting sales taxes* from Massachusetts customers as early as next year,
arguing it is no longer exempt under federal law from charging the tax.
**Who reads books anymore?*
Under federal law, online retailers do not have to collect sales taxes from
Massachusetts buyers unless ... more »
Record BC Coal Exports to China, Record Chinese Deaths Attributed To Air Pollution

*Update "A blanket of toxic air that has blocked out the sun across most of
north China is dominating social media and looming as a serious health and
political challenge.
Visibility was reduced to a few hundred metres for much of the weekend in
the Chinese capital and many of the city's 20 million residents went online
to vent their frustration about "apocalyptic" and "post-apocalyptic"
The Beijing News covered the story with the headline "Blown the Charts",
showing that several air monitoring stations were recording levels higher
than their indexes could cope with... more »
4.1 Magnitude Earthquake CENTRAL IRAN - 15th January 2013

Magnitude ML 4.1
Date time 2013-01-15 18:37:11.5 UTC
Location 33.41 N ; 56.98 E
Depth 10 km
Distances 22 km S Tabas, Iran
A Comic on GDP Accounting
A friend recommends this comic as a way to motivate a class discussion of
Regalo para los enamorados en el día del amor y la amistad

[image: El regalo de los enamorados]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de amor*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Richard Nixon's secret backers included:
*1.* Allan Dulles, friend of the Nazis, boss of the CIA, and agent of the
*2.* The bankers who wanted the Federal Reserve to remain private.
*3.* The Mafia, led by Meyer Lansky.
In other words, a mixture of Jews, Nazis, oligarchs and gangsters.
Politician Jerry Voorhis advocated public ownership of the Federal Reserve
Voorhis claimed that, in 1945, 'big Eastern financial interests,' arranged
for Nixon to stand against Voorhis and defeat him.
(Source: The Arrogance of Power by Anthony Summers; The Nixon Administration... more »
Obama To Unveil Gun Proposals Wednesday

President Barack Obama will unveil "a package of concrete proposals" to
curb gun violence on Wednesday, the White House has said.
Vice President Joe Biden, who Mr Obama directed to lead a panel tasked with
creating the proposals, will join the president at the White House at
11.45am to announce the measures.
Obama will unveil gun control plan Wednesday as it's revealed he's weighing 19 executive orders that would not require approval of Congress
Obama is weighing 19 different gun control measures that he could
enforce without congressional approval as he prepares to unveil on
Wednesday a comprehensive plan to address gun violence.
Vice President Joe Biden discussed some of the measures with House
Democrats during a meeting Monday, after Obama confirmed during the
press conference of his first term that he was prepared to side-step
Congress to strengthen laws regulating firearms.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2262821/President-Obama-expected-unveil-gun-control-plan-early-Wednesday-revealed-hes-weighi... more »
Vctory in Tucson: Visioning, Declaring, and Ensuring it
By Roberto Cintli Rodriguez, SpeakOut | Op-Ed
"*It is not what we want, it is what we will.*"
- Tupac Enrique Acosta of Tonatierra, Phoenix
Consider the prism of Tucson's battle to defend Raza or Mexican-American
Studies (MAS).
It has recently been suggested by some MAS supporters that MAS is now dead.
MAS is a discipline. For some, it’s a movement and still yet for others, it
is a spirit. For me, it is a sub-discipline, part of the larger Indigenous
story of this continent.
What perhaps is meant is that the former TUSD-program - as it formerly
operated - is n... more »
Mohawk Nation News: Owistah, Diagnosis and Cure
Mohawk Nation News
Posted on January 15, 2013
MNN. Shawn Atleo, of the Assembly of First Nations, is on sick
leave after the disastrous January 11 meeting between him, the corporate
chiefs and Prime Minister Harper. While you are resting, we hope you
will become of a
Internet Meme - True Story
in 1989 I was an indifferent High School student taking Grade 12
Chemistry. On the Chemistry final (that I was well on my way to failing)
we had the question "Is Hell Exothermic or Endothermic?" My answer, I
swear, was nearly identical to the one listed here at Snopes.com
Imagine my surprise when I received an e-mail from my sister around
1996/1997 forwarding the claim that this answer was
UFOs 'spotted over Texas': Oil workers claim to have seen flying saucers

Oil workers in the Eagle Ford Shale drilling territory claim to have seen
unidentified objects in the sky several times since last October with the
most recent photo surfacing last week.
A security camera even caught a shaky, black-and-white image of lights in
the sky which workers believe to be a flying saucer hovering over a well
New drilling projects at the oil fields have created an economic boom which
has seen scores of new workers pour into an otherwise economically-starved
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2262558/Howdy-partners-Oil-workers-claim-witn... more »
Adam Greene Attack: Dashcam captures moment driver having diabetic shock was kicked FIVE times in the head by cop who thought he was drunk

Brett Seekatz, a police sergeant in Las Vegas, was caught on tape
Adam Greene after he was dragged from his car while suffering severe
hyperglycemia. Greene was awarded nearly $300,000 in damages last year
Seekatz wasn't charged with a crime. The alarming incident, which took
place on a Nevada highway in 2010, is now being investigated by a
grand jury.
How Many Members Of Congress Does The NRA Own?

When right-wing huckster and NRA president David Keene went on CNN's *State
of the Union* Sunday and boasted to Candy Crowley that Congress will not
pass a ban on assault weapons, he was counting on the effect of the
$16,147,440 his group spent in federal election in the 2012 election cycle
alone to trump the expressed will of the American people. Of the direct
legalistic bribes they made to office holders and candidates, 88% went to
Republicans and 12% went to Democrats. Aside from the bribes, the NRA spent
$10,765,834 in independent expenditures, mostly against Democrats or for
... more »
It is just never a good idea if someone is going to "discern" whether you
will receive medical care or not.
1,000 Chinese cats discovered in cramped cages following road accident

These pictures capture the moment animal lovers come to the rescue of more
than 1,000 cats found starving, thirsty and cramped in cages on the back of
a crashed lorry in China.
The cats were destined for the restaurants of Guangdong until the road
accident in Changsha, Hunan province delayed the journey by 24 hours and
enabled the 50 locals to rescue them.
They were nursed with food, water and milk before being packed off to
Changsha Small Animal Protection Association for treatment.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2262662/Volunteers-save-1-000-cats-dining-table-discovering... more »
Indian girl, seven, is raped in school toilet sparking fresh protests and arrest of headmistress for negligence of duty

Hundreds of people surrounded a school in India to protest after a
seven-year-old girl was allegedly raped in the toilets next door to the
headmistress's office.
The girl was attacked at Deepvihar high school, which also has a primary
faculty, in the city of Vasco da Gama in Goa yesterday.
The incident is the latest in a series of horrific rape cases which have
besieged India and caused widespread protests.
Eighteen severed human heads are discovered by customs agents at Chicago's O'Hare airport
suspicious shipment containing 18 severed human heads was discovered at
U.S. airport yesterday.
Customs agents found the human heads, still covered in skin, at
O'Hare International Airport, but have declined to further discuss their
U.S. Customs and Border Protection are currently investigating whether
foreign shipment are legitimate medical specimens.
Austerity 'could last for ten more years as Government struggles to bring spending under control'
Britain faces another 10 years of austerity as the government struggles to
repair the country’s battered finances, a hard-hitting report warns today.
The vast deficit racked up by Labour will not be eliminated until after
2020 and possibly not until 2023, according to the Centre for Economics and
Business Research.
The report also warns that Britain will be stripped of its coveted AAA
credit rating as the national debt spirals further out of control.
'No refunds, no exchanges, no gift vouchers': Collapsed HMV under fire as it refuses to accept vouchers it was selling until YESTERDAY

The music chain's demise would cost 4,000 jobs and make it the second
household name on the British high street to go under in the first weeks of
the year. Last-ditch rescue talks failed to find a solution and HMV's banks
said they were unwilling to go on lending the firm money. But as the
company stood on the brink of administration it continued selling gift
cards - only to announce days later that the cards were now worthless.
Bosses insist they are searching for a solution, and CEO Trevor Moore -
former boss of failed high street chain Jessops - says he is 'confident'
that the v... more »
Anthony Stubbs: Police searching for 16-year-old schoolboy who disappeared weeks after becoming a father find a body
searching for a young father who vanished more than a month ago say
they have found a body they believe to be his.
Anthony Stubbs, 16, was last seen on November 25 when he left his home
Leyland, Lancashire, to visit his mother’s house nearby.
Anthony, who has a four-month-old daughter, Lily, with girlfriend
Mason, has not been seen since.
The Sandy Hook Shooting Exposed (Did Sandy Hook Really Happen?)
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"Aaron Swartz, Hero and Martyr"
*"Aaron Swartz, Hero and Martyr"*
by Jeffrey Tucker
"My apologies for the sad tone of this piece, but a hero has fallen and we
need to pay him tribute — and make sure his death is not in vain.
Every turning point in the history of civilization has its champions and
its opponents. The opponents of the digital age are those who use the power
of the state to keep the population in a state of ignorance, even though
the technology is at hand to universalize knowledge through digital
networks. The main weapon they use is known as “intellectual property,”
even though the monopoly censo... more »
Death toll from Rebel Double Bombing at Aleppo University rises to 52

Rebels have used car bombs and suicide attacks in fighting government
forces and attacking government-controlled areas.
Which includes unarmed civilians and now Universities
Syrian officers beg al-Assad to help gain their freedom from rebels
Two captured Syrian military officers are begging President Bashar al-Assad
to help free them from rebels.
On Tuesday, a video was posted online purportedly showing the two men, who
said they were abducted last October by the Free Syrian Army, a loosely
organized group of Syrians who have been fighting for nearly two years to
oust al-Assad.
In the video, Staff Brigadier Hussein Allouch, an engineer from the Armored
Vehicles Department, and Gen. Brig. Ahmed Raeidi are shown begging al-Assad
-- a fellow Alawite -- to help them.
http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/15/world/syria-civil-war/... more »
6.2 Magnitude Earthquake PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE - 15th January 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 16:09:37 UTC
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 05:09:37 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
62.580°S, 161.397°W
10 km (6.2 miles)
1029 km (639 miles) ENE of Scott Island Bank, Antarctica
New Higgses at \(90-105\GeV\), \(\tan\beta=6\)
A few days ago, I wanted to write about a new paper
Recent Developments in HiggsBounds and a Preview of HiggsSignals (PDF)
by Philip Bechtle and 6 co-authors. I decided there had been too many
articles about SUSY fits on this blog. However, even an enemy of SUSY named Tommaso
Dorigo positively mentioned that paper so I decided a comment should be
here, too.
They discuss games with (similar authors') publicly available program
HiggsBounds and its various versions (3.8.0 and 4.0.0) which unifies the
constraints from LEP, Tevatron, and LHC experiments. Feel free to click at
the link i... more »
France expected to more than triple Mali troop numbers
France is expected to more than triple its troop numbers in Mali as raids
continue on Islamist insurgents following overnight air strikes on a small
town that had been seized by the rebels.
Sources close to the French defence minister said the number of French
troops deployed in the west African country would "gradually" reach 2,500.
There are currently 800 French troops in Mali, with hundreds more on the
way over the next few days.
France carried out a fifth day of air strikes in a vast desert area seized
last year by an Islamist alliance, which combines al-Qaida's north African
w... more »
Francois Hollande says France only committed to restoring order in Mali
will end its intervention in Mali and pull its forces out once the
West African country has returned to being stable and safe with a solid
political system, French president Francois Hollande said on Tuesday.
you left Libya in a Stable and Safe Political System?)*
Three Ways Stephen Harper Aided al Qaeda in Mali
Scott Taylor of *Espirit de Corps* magazine indicts Stephen Harper for
repeatedly aiding al Qaeda in Mali and now turning his back on the mess he
helped create.
The Walmart-White House Connection, Revisited

Walmart has been getting some well-deserved bad press lately. Squelchingunion activity,
paying abysmal wages, violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by
bribing officials in Mexico and elsewhere, neglecting hazardous conditions
in its off-shore manufacturing plants.... the list goes on and on. The fact
that the Walmart heirs now possess more wealth than the bottom 40% of all
Americans combined only adds fuel to the fire.
So what more opportunistic time for Walmart, with the assistance of the
Obama Administration, the *New York Times* and other media giants, to
stage another pu... more »
The 3 Percent Cut to Social Security, A.K.A. the Chained CPI, Means A Cut In Your Lifestyle
there anyone left out there that doesn't realize that the magic words
"chained CPI" mean permanent cuts in benefits for which we've already
The 3 Percent Cut to Social Security, A.K.A. the Chained CPI Monday, 14
January 2013
By Dean Baker, Truthout
(Image: Social Security via Shutterstock)
According to inside-Washington gossip, Congress and the president are
going to do exactly
"Economic Advice To Congress"
“Don’t let your mouth write no check that your tail can’t cash.”
- Bo Diddley
“$16 Trillion U.S. DEBT - A Visual Perspective”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFP-2_iDYMU
From 2010... it's a *lot* worse now, folks... - CP
John Ibbitson - Media Troll
NOTE: I've decide that I'm too busy to finish this right now. I'll post as
is and finish when i can. It will (eventually!) be a response to this:
A troll lived under the bridge in the story "The Three Billy Goats Gruff."
A troll is a mythical creature - an ugly, greedy, vicious thing. But the
origin of the term "internet troll" came out of the habit of some people on
internet discussion boards and what-not, to post nasty, vicious, outrageous
comments that wou... more »
Mental health and guns...

*be very careful when you say you want stronger restrictions on the
mentally ill owning firearms.*
Did you know that ADD and ADHD are considered "mental illnesses" by the
so-called experts? Think about the hundreds of thousands of kids who are
given dangerous drugs rather than teaching them in a way that is compatible
with how their brains function.
My guess?
None of them will ever be able to purchase a firearm.
I have ADD. I do not have a mental illness. I do not have a disability.
I would, however, be much more interested in that little green ball while
my friends were line... more »
Senators Doing It Right
Chuck Schumer today finally said that he would support confirming Chuck
Hagel for Secretary of Defense. This set off plenty of guffaws on the
twitter machine, as savvy journalists pointed out that of course a leading,
loyal, partisan Democrat would support Barack Obama's nominee for a cabinet
And, yes, that's true as far as it goes.
But the focus on whether Hagel will be confirmed (and he'll still need some
Republican votes, or else a GOP willingness to allow confirmation by simple
majority) misses that what Schumer was up to was a perfectly legitimate and
meaningful part... more »
"Why Americans Are Broke, And Getting Further In Debt"
*"Why Americans Are Broke, And Getting Further In Debt"*
by Tyler Durden
*"I'm in debt. I am a true American."*
-Balki Bartokomous
"Just as the president reminded us yesterday we are not a deadbeat nation,
merely borrowing money today to pay the bills of yesterday, so, as the NY
Times reports in this all-too-real article, many of the citizens of the US
are also living not just paycheck-to-paycheck but
short-term-loan-to-short-term-loan. As one debt-consolidation service noted
"They've been borrowing just to meet payments on previous loans; it builds
on itself." Rings an awful... more »
Drum versus dumb: The way the upper-end press corps reasons!
*David Gregory knows how to count:* Three cheers for Slate’s Dave Weigel,
who has done a highly unusual thing.
But first:
Even as Kevin Drum’s detailed report was breaking every rule in the book,
Maureen Dowd was helping us see the actual way the upper-end “press corps”
reasons. (For yesterday’s award-winning post about Drum, go ahead—just
click this.)
Dowd was discussing a serious topic—the need for full inclusion of women at
all levels of government. But as she started, she gave us a taste of what
was to come:
DOWD (1/13/13): President Obama ran prom... more »
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A Definite Must See Video: Sherrie Telling It Like It Is! The Truth About 9-11, Sandy Hook, AND Who The REAL Conspiracy Theorists Are Now!
I have been under constant fire since I posted up material in this blog
concerning the quite obvious set up and very criminal operation conducted
at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut last month. I and
others in what I call the REAL truth movement saw through the bullcrap put
out by the government and the criminal Jewish controlled media almost from
the moment that this "shooting" took place, and we smelled a rat. Since
that time, we have stuck to our guns, and realized this was a set up and a
fraudulent operation for the sole purpose of convincing an already dumb... more »
Law enforcement has no duty to defend or protect you as an individual...
*bet you didn't know that. *
That's right, people. If you want real protection, it would have to be
bought and paid for by you. In most cases the duty of the police is to
string yellow crime scene tape, pick up spent shells, and take statements
from witnesses - that is if any are still alive.
Not to besmirch the police since in most scenarios they will do their best
to help most citizens, but the fact remains - *they don't have to. *
Listen to Keith Morgan, president of West Virginia Citizen's Defense
League, destroy the wimpy libtard host on "State Journal's Decision Makers"
on ... more »
Florida Python Hunt: Only 11 Snared So Far

Florida wildlife officials say just 11 Burmese pythons were killed during
the first three days of a public hunt for the invasive species in the
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said more than 1,000
people from more than 30 states registered to compete in the month-long
Python Challenge.
The snakes killed since the competition began Saturday will be processed by
the University of Florida.
'Submerged in Symbolism' - An occult analysis of The Beatles' Yellow Submarine

This is a great interview with Robert Richard Hieronimus. The main focus is
his 2002 book, *"Inside the Yellow Submarine: The Making of The Beatles
Animated Classic,"* but it branches off into other areas of his life and
YouTube Video Description - [Channel: conspiroTV]:
In an interview recorded on June 26th 2012 to mark the latest re-release of
The Beatles' 1968 animated movie 'Yellow Submarine' on DVD and Blu-ray,
ConspiroTV' chats to symbologist, artist, author, researcher and radio-host
Robert Richard Hieronimus Ph.D.
His 2002 book, 'Inside the Yellow Submarine: The M... more »
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake CHIAPAS, MEXICO - 15th January 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 13:42:58 UTC
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 07:42:58 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
15.872°N, 92.311°W
200.8 km (124.8 miles)
12 km (7 miles) NNW of Chicomuselo, Mexico
Paying Just $11 a Day, Subcontractors Ripping Off Fukushima Nuclear Accident Decontamination Workers

The Tokyo Shimbun has discovered that workers involved with national
government controlled cleanup projects resulting from the accident at the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant are being ripped off by
Despite being able to rent lodging facilities from the government and
others for free or for very little money, contractors forcibly deduct
inflated accommodation and meal charges from workers’ pay. When the 10,000
yen (US$111) a day “danger pay” provided to contractors by the government
(read: taxpayers) is taken into consideration, it means the contractors
them... more »
Extreme Misrepresentation: USGCRP and the Case of Floods
The US Global Change Research Program has released a draft national
assessment on climate change (here in PDF) and its impacts in the United
States, as required by The US Global Change Research Act of 1990 (which
incidentally was the subject of my 1994 PhD dissertation). There has been
much excitement and froth in the media.
Here I explain that in an area where I have expertise on, extremes and
their impacts, the report is well out of step with the scientific
literature, including the very literature it cites and conclusions of the
IPCC. Questions should (but probably won't) be as... more »
Dear 'Idle No More' Supporters ... Did you vote in the last election? That's how we will get rid of Harper!

*If you would like to see an end to the Harper administration, you need to
vote and get other like minded people to vote. Elections Canada indicates
that there was a much lower turnout of First Nations voters in the last
Federal Election. Remember .. Conservatives get out and vote for Harper.
Those of us who oppose Harper's policies MUST get out and vote against him!*
**There is a reason that Harper and his Conservatives are nervous about
'Idle No More'. There is a reason that Ezra Levant and Sun News Network are
viciously attacking the movement. It's because they know that an
or... more »
The First Totally Digital Public Library?

We knew an exclusive digital public library was coming and to many it makes
good sense for civic communities to mix their digital and physical offer to
members. Now Bexar County, Texas, has announced its plans to become the
first totally digital US public library.
It is claimed that the initiative came to County Judge Nelson W. Wolff
after he read Steve Jobs’s biography. He claims he was inspired to believe
that future generations will have little use for hardcover or paperback
renditions. As a result the new ‘BiblioTech’ system plans to make thousands
of e-books available for coun... more »
Nobody cares about foreign policy

It bears repeating that nobody votes on foreign policy, and most folks
don’t know anything about it anyway (remember that a nontrivial number of
Americans think South Korea is our greatest enemy). I’ll quote myself:
[N]obody gives a damn about foreign policy. Theories of democratic
responsiveness and empirical models of foreign policy choice need to
Continue reading
The Mine Kafun — An Amazing Invention That Could Save Lives And Make the World a Safer Place
Mine Kafon | Callum Cooper from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo.
We all know that life can be cruel, but f*ew things in this world are
crueller than landmines that can indiscriminately maim or kill innocent
civilians,* young or old, decades after they’ve been planted. If ever you
needed proof of human foolishness, you only have to think about the
countless hidden landmines still buried in different parts of the world,
perhaps long forgotten by the people who planted them, but still as capable
as ever of maiming or killing unsuspecting victims.
Sadly, *mines continue even today to be ... more »
Sunday Globe Special: California Cold Snap
*Maybe the global warming fart mist can warm them up*:
"Californians deal with a cold snap; Records could fall as frost takes aim
at beaches" Associated Press, January 13, 2013
SAN DIEGO — Californians are bundling up with sweaters and gloves and
stocking up on firewood as they endure a *winter storm* that has brought
very *unseasonable freezing temperatures*.
The National Weather Service said *records could fall* as the cold snap
extends into the weekend. ‘‘It’s *only going to get colder*,’’ specialist
Bonnie Bartling of the Weather Service said....
Freeze warnings were issued fo... more »
Hey, NYTimes: Garfield HS Teachers Made News
From Peter DeWitt's Ed Week Blog:
19 teachers at Garfield High School in Seattle, Washington refused to
administer the district required Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) to
ninth grade students on January 9th. After many years of out of control
high stakes testing in the U.S. it was bound to happen sooner or later. It
was another example of some strong teachers who are putting the needs of
their students first.
English teacher Kit McCormick said she "*has no problem with state testing,
or testing in general. But they say this particular test has a number of
problems, everything f... more »
Mercury emissions increase in developing countries
[image: Crude methods of gold extraction can also expose miners to very
high levels of lead toxicity. Children gold miners in Nigeria suffer the
twin effects of mercury and lead poisoning. Photo: greenfudge.org]
United Nations, New York, 10 January 2013 (UPI) – People in developing
countries are facing increasing health and environmental risks linked to
exposure to mercury, a U.N. report says.
Parts of Africa, Asia and South America are at risk of increasing emissions
of mercury into the environment, mostly the use of the toxic element in
small-scale gold mining and through the b... more »
Sunday Globe Special: Kill All the Lawyers
*You will feel that way after reading this*:
"New England Law head draws scrutiny for his pay; A princely paycheck for
dean of unheralded school" by Michael Rezendes and Christina Pazzanese |
Globe Staff | Globe Correspondent, January 13, 2013
New England Law, Boston has operated in the shadows of the region’s more
prestigious law schools for decades, trailing so far behind in some
measures of excellence that US News & World Report does not include the
downtown campus in its widely read ranking of 145 better law schools in the
Yet the school’s longtime dean, John F. O’B... more »
Obama prepares public to accept first Iranian nuclear test
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told an Israeli TV interviewer Monday
night, Jan. 14 that his government had spent billions of shekels to outfit
Israel’s Defense Forces with offensive and defensive options which were
hitherto lacking. He stressed Israel is obliged to be extremely strong –
whether to stand up to the Iranian nuclear threat and the extremist
Islamist wave lashing the Arab world – or to make peace.
Earlier Monday, Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz ceremonially installed
Maj. Gen. Gady Eisenkott as deputy C.-of-S, after the state attorney had
approved his taking up t... more »
China shuts factories in latest bid to cut pollution levels – ‘Once people have no water, no air, no land – something will happen’
[image: Palaces in the Forbidden City are seen during the heavy smog in
Beijing, China, 14 January 2013. Photo: Imaginechina via AP Images]
14 January 2013 (Bloomberg News) – China shut dozens of factories and
pulled government cars off the road to limit pollution that hit hazardous
levels for a third day, as state media said Beijing was becoming more
famous for its smog than its culture or food.
A cold front and strong winds tonight are forecast to clear the smog and
pollution levels will be “good” in the next two days, Beijing’s
environmental agency said in a briefing yesterday... more »
Rhino poaching hits new record in 2012
[image: Indian rhino with its horn sawed off, 2007. A cut-off horn may help
keep poachers away, but doesn't guarantee it. Photo: Rhett A. Butler /
11 January 2013 (mongabay.com) – 668 rhinos were killed in South Africa
during 2012 according to new figures released by the South African
government. The total, which represents a 49 percent rise over the 448
killed in 2011, reveals the heavy toll the black market trade in rhino horn
is taking on one of Africa's best known and most endangered animals.
The figures show that 425 rhino deaths occurred in Kruger National Par... more »
PEDDLING RHEE: Fuzzy claims, no actual numbers!
*Part 2—What happened to Washington test scores:* Did test scores rise in
the DC schools because of Michelle Rhee's “reforms?”
Last weekend, readers of the Washington Post were told that test scores *did
* go up. But they were offered no data.
(For part 1 in this award-winning series, see yesterday's DAILY HOWLER.)
Over the weekend, the Post went into Full Rhee Mode, as is its periodic
wont. In a trio of reports, the paper defined the wonders of the nation’s
new “education celebrity” while defending her against claims of cheating on
the DC-CAS, the Dist... more »
Herb School - How To Make Your Own Birch Leaf Oil and Tea

Birch Forest.
Source of the picture:
Herb School. First Day Of Class
*This information was from a Swedish Television program called, Herb School
if translated into English that was a TV show in Sweden in which it was
shown how to use fresh Birch leaves as a healing herb. You must live in a
Northern area where the Birch tree grows to try your hand at being
more health care self-reliant. *
*There were 2 methods of use shown. *
*The first was on how to make a Birch leaf oil:*
1. Put a handful of fre... more »
New water lows for Great Lakes could drain local economies – ‘In years past, there was always a buffer. That buffer’s gone.’
[image: In 2012, water levels in Lake Michigan, pictured, and Lake Huron
fell to record low levels for December. Photo: Jeff Haynes / AFP / Getty
By Mike Pearson
14 January 2013
(CNN) – Chris Berkey makes his living plying the often treacherous waters
of the Great Lakes, delivering staples like cement to industries nestled in
the myriad harbors that dot a coastline that's equal to nearly half of the
circumference of the globe.
It's not glamorous work, but it is critical to the U.S. economy. And it's
getting harder.
Water levels in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron fell to rec... more »
Extinction looms as Indonesia opens forests for logging – ‘We’ll see the extinction of all the charismatic species in 10 to 20 years’
[image: Deforestation in Aceh, Indonesia. A new government plan will allow
for companies to exploit Indonesian forests, threatening orang-utans,
tigers, Sumatran rhinos, and other endangered species. Photo: Getty Images]
By Michael Bachelard, Indonesia correspondent for Fairfax Media
15 January 2013
(Sydney Morning Herald) – Some of the richest and most biodiverse forests
in Indonesia will soon be opened up for commercial exploitation under a
plan drafted by the new government of Aceh.
The chairman of the Aceh parliament's spatial planning committee, Mr Anwar
(who goes by only on... more »