What the Met Office is doing is deliberately talking up the meme which has become increasingly fashionable since global warming inconveniently halted in 1997: the idea that anthropogenic CO2 emissions have created something called "global weirding" or "extreme weather." It's a very useful theory for the climate alarmists because a) it distracts from the failure of their global warming theory and b) it means that whenever weather does anything remotely odd, anywhere in the world – which weather does, by nature, all the time – it can be cited in support of their alarmism.
Reply to article: James Delingpole: The Met Office – defending the indefensible, as per usual
Posted by John Farnham (Twitter) on Jan 11th 2013, 7:19 PM EST
Let me get this straight. You are telling me that the office could not tell the difference between climate and weather either ? And that weather forecasters - the only people making a living from forecasting future conditions - are not persona non grata re climatology 'science' ? They were before.
Forecast the Facts http://forecastthefacts.org/ was an integral part of 'Meteorologists Adjust Official Stance : Human Activity Causing Climate Change' http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/08/28-0
So they have no cachet in the fraud anyway. 1100+ Peer Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC / AGW Alarm
Heh. That would be interesting when one looks at the denouement of the UN tax initiative as summarized at Global Research.ca - and they have carried more alternative stories than you can even find at climategate.com
Forecast the Facts http://forecastthefacts.org/ was an integral part of 'Meteorologists Adjust Official Stance : Human Activity Causing Climate Change' http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/08/28-0
So they have no cachet in the fraud anyway. 1100+ Peer Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC / AGW Alarm
Heh. That would be interesting when one looks at the denouement of the UN tax initiative as summarized at Global Research.ca - and they have carried more alternative stories than you can even find at climategate.com
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