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Knowledge of Today: The man who changed Iceland - The message for Greece
The Conspiracy Archives
4 min
Real Coastal Warriors
6 min
7 min
Meryl Dorey Resigns From The Australian (Anti)Vaccination Network
Because it’s news and because Doubtful News is on the scene with the
info and you should check them out: The AVN’s announcement: Meryl gives
her Crayons to Greg – Dave The Happy Singer. Meryl...
Token Skeptic
7 min
Very Odd Profile Article With Laser-Beam Dinosaurs And Daniel Loxton At Young Australian Skeptics Site
Still recovering. This was written during one of the many times when I
couldn’t sleep and demonstrates why I should have taken a break for my
health much earlier, really.. 20 SKEPTICS YOU SHO...
Token Skeptic
7 min
Sam Harris as a Trophy for Righteous Indignation
Here is Sam Harris’s great sin: In the context of many hot-button
issues, the data leads him to a conclusion or approach that conflicts
with one or another liberal orthodoxy. Liberals and sec...
Near-Earth Object
Occupy Monsanto
12 min
Court case draws Monsanto protesters to White House
Critics of genetically modified food say they also intend to show up at the inauguration this month.
edit / refresh finance
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Amazon.com, Apple, eBay, Barnes & Noble and Google
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Amazon.com, Apple, eBay, Barnes & Noble and Google
• 22 days ago
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Amazon.com, Apple, eBay, Barnes & Noble and Google
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Amazon.com, Apple, eBay, Barnes & Noble and Google
• 22 days ago
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: IBM, Oracle, salesforce.com, SAP and Chevron
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: IBM, Oracle, salesforce.com, SAP and Chevron
• 34 days ago
Imported Vehicles Drive AutoNation
Imported Vehicles Drive AutoNation
• 24 days ago
Earnings Preview: Red Hat
Earnings Preview: Red Hat
• 23 days ago
Earnings Preview: Micron Tech
Earnings Preview: Micron Tech
• 23 days ago
Genomic Presents Oncotype Results
Genomic Presents Oncotype Results
• 28 days ago
Equinix Sells 16 Data Centers
Equinix Sells 16 Data Centers
• 23 days ago
Today The latest and greatest from your favorite sites.
The 7 Most Sought After Good Habits
I'm an avid student of behavioral psychology, and I really
enjoy observing trends of large groups of people. A few days ago, I
noticed something curious about one of my new favorite iPhone apps,
Lift, which focuses on habit formation. There's a section in the app
which lists all of the most selected habits that users have added.
What's interesting is that due to the app's intentions (sticking to good
habits), you essentially get an inside look at what habits matter to
the most people. More »
Transparency 2013: Good and bad news about banking, guns, freedom and all that
== Bank Secrecy 'ending' at last? =="Bank secrecy is essentially
eroding before our eyes," says a recent NPR article. "I think the
combination of the fear factor that has kicked in for not only Americans
with money offshore, countries that don't want to be on the wrong side
of this issue and the legislative weight of FATCA means that within
three to five years it will be exceptionally difficult for any American
to hide money in any financial institution."In one sense, this would
appear to be vindication of my forecast, in EARTH, that banking secrecy
would become a major
New World Next Week – 2013/01/10
Welcome to http://NewWorldNextWeek.com – the video series from
Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important
developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
Story #1: World Economic Forum’s Report Says Financial, Climate Crises
Raise Global Risks
World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2013
What’s Threatening Our World?
Story #2: Obama’s Picks For Defense, CIA Signal New Security Era
CIA Nominee Resumé Highlights Include Obama “Kill List” and Bush Torture
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Larry Pratt Slams Piers Morgan Over “Sham” Gun Control Argument
CNN host is still ludicrously claiming that gun control made England
safe, when it is the most violent country in Europe
Paul Joseph Watson
Gun Owners of America head Larry Pratt re-appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgan
Tonight and proceeded to school Morgan on his ridiculous argument that
England, a country with the highest violent crime rate in Europe, was
made safe by gun control.
Pratt savaged
Chet Raymo, “A Wildly Seething Power”
“A Wildly Seething Power”by Chet Raymo
"I read Kierkegaard's “Fear and Trembling” at about the same age as
Kierkegaard was when he wrote it- thirty. The young philosopher was
wrestling with his demons, including the death of his father, a sternly
religious man who demanded absolute obedience from his son. He had
jilted the woman he loved, a self-inflicted wound that perhaps not even
he unders
No More Clowning Around
"Clown collapses, dies during paradeA clown suffered a fatal
collapse in front of spectators at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
in New York City. Robert Blasetti, 67, went into cardiac arrest as he
made balloon animals, officials said. A civilian worker for the New
York Police Department also died, suffering an apparent heart attack
while hooking up a vehicle to be towed off the parade rou
Editilla say Archie Whodat!@bound4somewhere Found @Editilla on instagram. See @t
Editilla say Archie Whodat!@bound4somewhere Found @Editilla on
instagram. See @thefabulouseileen photo
http://instagram.com/p/PpUwEWy0S8/Falcons Fan? Atlanta Man Run Over By
Car He “Allegedly” Stole ~Saints Tailgate
Interview 576 – David L. Smith on Banks, Gold and Guns
David L. Smith of GenevaBusinessInsider.blogspot.com joins us for
our monthly discussion on economics, finance and politics. This month
we cover the fudging of the Basel III accords, the state of the Swiss
central bank and other central banks around the world in 2013, the gun
control debate in America and much more.
Interview 575 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Welcome to http://NewWorldNextWeek.com – the video series from
Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important
developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
Story #1: World Economic Forum’s Report Says Financial, Climate Crises
Raise Global Risks
World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2013
What’s Threatening Our Worl
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No Dolphinariums in India, Nation’s Environment Ministry Advises its States
Preemptive move follows proposals for captive dolphin facilities in several Indian states
Overfishing Causes Pacific Bluefin Tuna Numbers to Drop 96%
Conservationists also warned that the vast majority caught were juveniles and had never reproduced
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New links between pesticides & Parkinson's
A new study from neurologists at UCLA adds to the growing
scientific evidence showing an ever stronger link between exposure to
pesticides and development of Parkinson’s disease.
This latest study documents how the fungicide benomyl triggers a cascade
of events at the cellular level that increase the likelihood of
developing Parkinson’s. The researchers say the findings clarify the
role of natural
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The Church of Fear
I attended a launch last night for John Sweeney’s exposure of
Scientology – “The Church of Fear”. Get down your bookshop and order a
copy now. Carter Ruck and intense legal pressure was only the most
“legitimate” form of the threats directed at John to stop this book,
including a determined effort to have him sacked from the BBC. Every
major UK publisher turned down the book and in the end John
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VP Biden -Newtown Kids “Not Shot But Riddled with Bullets”
VP Joe Biden speaks to NRA reps today, said kids weren't just
shot, they were riddled with bullets -riddled", as another school
shooting happened in California. You just finished reading VP Biden
-Newtown Kids "Not Shot But Riddled with Bullets"! Consider leaving a
comment!You just finished reading an article by our staffers at
Independent Politics News
Thanks for dropping by, we'd love to have y
Babies Hand Reaches out to Doctor
A baby's hand reaches for the doctor's finger in a c-section
where Nevaeh (heaven spelt backwards) strikes an amazing pose for the
camera. You just finished reading Babies Hand Reaches out to Doctor !
Consider leaving a comment!You just finished reading an article by our
staffers at Independent Politics News
Thanks for dropping by, we'd love to have you join us on Twitter
Lincoln Sweeps 2013 Oscar Nominations
Lincoln sweeps 2013 Oscar Nominations for 11 Oscar nods, Steven
Spielberg's epic movie of historic importance, in a nation glued to
political theater this year.You just finished reading Lincoln Sweeps
2013 Oscar Nominations! Consider leaving a comment!You just finished
reading an article by our staffers at Independent Politics News
Thanks for dropping by, we'd love to have you join us on Twitter
Utah Teacher- Parents Don’t Have the Right to Know I Carry A Gun
A Utah teacher tells Ed Shultz that parents don't have the right
to know she is carrying a gun, with new gun laws allowing teachers to be
armed, it would be a dangerous plan for America.You just finished
reading Utah Teacher- Parents Don't Have the Right to Know I Carry A
Gun! Consider leaving a comment!You just finished reading an article by
our staffers at Independent Politics News
Thanks for d
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Instead of Being Dumped, Ideas And Things Of Value Should Be Treated With Regard
Above are some Christmas Trees I saw in Houston a few days ago.
Surely it is so that our feelings about Christmas and about holiday
traditions merit more than just tossing these trees out into the dump.
These trees could have been composted.
Ideas and things that have value to us should be treated with respect.
This is true of Christmas Trees and of so many things.
Once We Cleared Out The Native Population, We Were Free To Have A Good Time
Here are some folks paddling about on Houston’s Buffalo Bayou a couple
of months back. I am sure they are very fine people.
Over a longer time frame however, it is so that once we cleared out the
native population of our nation we were free to paddle about and have a
good time.
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Weapons Instructor for Police Threatens to ‘Start Killing People’
The CEO of two companies that provide tactical weapons training
and supplies to the military and police — and who is a former Tennessee
police chief — said yesterday that if President Obama uses executive
orders to ban assault rifles, “I’m going to start killing people.”
James Yeager, CEO of Tactical Response and also of Tactical [...]
Tennessee Weapons Instructor Eases Up, Sort Of
James Yeager, the furious tactical weapons trainer who yesterday
threatened to “start killing people” if gun control advances, today put
up a second video in which he said he had “probably allowed my mouth to
overrun my logic” — but then immediately added that he did not retract
any of his statements.
Yeager, who is CEO [...]
Veterans Today Editor Blames Newtown Tragedy on Israel
Veterans Today, a website that purports to be a “military
veterans and foreign affairs journal” but is really a locus of the far
right, is now squarely in neo-Nazi territory.
Oh, sure, Veterans Today (VT) has engaged in all kinds of conspiracy
theorizing, most of it focusing on the alleged evils of Israel, for
years. Senior [...]
‘Delusionally Dangerous’ Alaska Militia Leader Gets 26 Years
Alaska Peacemaker Militia founder and gun-rights advocate Francis
Schaeffer Cox — described by federal investigators as a “delusionally
dangerous man” — will serve almost 26 years in federal prison, despite
his show of last-minute contrition.
The 28-year-old defendant, who became a modern-day poster boy of sorts
for the militia movement, was convicted by an Alaska jury [...]
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Regional cooperation on Mekong River in tatters
Gland, Switzerland – Ministers from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and
Vietnam meeting next week in the Lao city of Luang Prabang must put
derailed decision-making on Mekong River mainstream dams back on track
or risk sabotaging management of one of the world's great rivers, warns
WWF.Environment and water ministers had agreed in 2011 to delay a
decision on building the US$3.5-billion Xayaburi dam
Rhino poaching toll reaches new high
Rhino poaching statistics released today by the South African
government reveal that a record 668 rhinos were killed across the
country in 2012, an increase of nearly 50 per cent from the 448 rhinos
lost to poachers in 2011. An additional five rhinos have been killed
since the beginning of this year. A majority of the rhino deaths, 425,
occurred in Kruger National Park, South Africa's premier safa
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Bumford and Sons.
There's very little point in getting worked up over the Brit
awards. Every industry simply has to have a ceremony where the biggest
successes of the year are celebrated, if only to ensure Jimmy Carr can
keep stashing his money offshore.This said, Mumford and Sons in three
categories, including best album? Really? Really? And Paloma Faith in
any category at all? Thank heavens for small merc
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Will there be a Jefferson Davis sequel to Abe Lincoln?
by Mark Vogl: Lincoln is getting all the award nominations and
turn out at the box office - with our nation so divided, shouldn't
there be a sequel?
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Bits and Pieces - January 10, 2013
Did you know that John Boehner usually doesn't bring a vote
unless it can pass the House with only Republican votes? The New York
Times today suggests he might try democracy.This seems to happen every
few years: killer whales trapped by ice in Hudson Bay. Let's hope some
brave humans with chain saws can help them out.Yuval Diskin disses Bibi
and Barak. Really ugly stuff here.An eyewitness account
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In Latitude: Egypt, Pound for Pound
↪ Morsi Borrows From Mubarak's Playbook to Manage Egypt's
Currency Crisis - NYTimes.com
My latest piece for the IHT's Latitude, looking at Morsi's recent
handling of the economy and the cost of his rushed decision-making on
the constitution and economic policy.
New Yorker: Where is the MB leading Egypt?
↪ Peter Hessler: Where is the Muslim Brotherhood Leading Egypt? :
The New Yorker
Too bad it's behind a paywall, because Peter Hessler's Letter from
Cairo in the latest issue of the New Yorker is the best piece on Egypt
the magazine has had in a long time. I've met Peter once (he came to
interview me over a year ago when he arrived in Cairo) and I've been
eagerly waiting to see his reporting. I kne
Morsi and the Military
↪ Morsi and Egypt's Military - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the
Middle East
Good piece by Yezid Sayigh on Egypt's military and the deal it made with
Morsi on the constitution, which grants it unprecedented autonomy:
The Muslim Brotherhood’s detractors have repeatedly accused it of
concluding a secret deal with the EAF to allow it to assume office. But
Egypt is nothing like Sudan, for example, where a
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PTA and MoIT has No Set Plan of Action over the Internet Censorship
The current government has shown its incompetence in many aspects. Even
censorship policies are not consistent. Considering the false pride of
the democracy that the government is living in, it is an irony that
services such as mobile communication and internet has to be censorsed.
Over the matter of YouTube censorship along with many other websites
which contain material considered unfit for the
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Because the sky is full of surprises, we can’t afford to be too
doctrinaire about what tomorrow’s discovery might be. After all, ‘hot
Jupiters’ were considered wildly unlikely by all but a few, and even
here in the Solar System, probes like our Voyagers have turned up one
startling thing after another — volcanoes on Io were predicted just
before Voyager arrived, but who thought we’d actually see t
Centauri Dreams
by Paul Gilster
13 hours ago