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Leapfrogging the Internet – with Mobile WorldWideScience.org
by WorldWideScience.org on Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 5:05am ·
Leapfrogging the Internet – with Mobile WorldWideScience.org
By Lorrie Apple Johnson
With the provocative title “Leapfrogging the Internet,” National Geographic Traveler editor Keith Bellows recently illustrated the power of the mobile web to level the playing field when it comes to knowledge and information access. “Ten-dollar cell phones are easier to obtain than Internet access in many parts of the developing world.” The article is about a man named Ken Banks, a National Geographic Emerging Explorer, and the software he invented called FrontlineSMS. It is text messaging software, offered for free, and used in over 70 countries. By installing the software on a computer, then connecting a mobile phone, one can send text messages, with only one bar of phone signal, to rural communities and groups. “It leapfrogs into places where digital communication didn’t exist.” The article goes on to discuss how users in the developing world have developed various modules for the software including ones for use in medical, finance, and legal applications. Mr. Banks says “My hope was to lower barriers to entry for technologies that can be transformative. It’s about making software tools that work where people need them the most.”
Like Mr. Banks, the WorldWideScience Alliance strives to provide transformative technologies to those who need them the most. The recent release of Mobile WorldWideScience.org (http://m.worldwidescience.org
) does just this. Mobile WorldWideScience.org makes over 80 scientific and technical databases from around the world available to anyone with a mobile phone. Using just a cell signal, users can search and retrieve information from some of the world’s most preeminent libraries and information centers. For many individuals in the developing world, access to a computer and an Internet connection could be miles away. Mobile phone usage is growing exponentially in Africa, for example, and the new mobile version of WorldWideScience.org suddenly opens the door to these users. It is very exciting to imagine users searching WorldWideScience.org and finding information from the British Library, the U.S. National Agricultural Library, the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, and so many others.To quote Mr. Banks once more, “I’m not creating the change; I’m empowering it.” WorldWideScience.org salutes Mr. Banks and others like him, and through its own new mobile version, hopes to also “empower change” and to improve the lives of people everywhere.
“Leapfrogging the Internet” by Keith Bellows, National Geographic Traveler, July-August 2011, p.20, 26.
Lorrie Apple Johnson is the Technical Product Manager for WorldWideScience.org and an Operating Agent representative for the WorldWideScience Alliance.
By Lorrie Apple Johnson
With the provocative title “Leapfrogging the Internet,” National Geographic Traveler editor Keith Bellows recently illustrated the power of the mobile web to level the playing field when it comes to knowledge and information access. “Ten-dollar cell phones are easier to obtain than Internet access in many parts of the developing world.” The article is about a man named Ken Banks, a National Geographic Emerging Explorer, and the software he invented called FrontlineSMS. It is text messaging software, offered for free, and used in over 70 countries. By installing the software on a computer, then connecting a mobile phone, one can send text messages, with only one bar of phone signal, to rural communities and groups. “It leapfrogs into places where digital communication didn’t exist.” The article goes on to discuss how users in the developing world have developed various modules for the software including ones for use in medical, finance, and legal applications. Mr. Banks says “My hope was to lower barriers to entry for technologies that can be transformative. It’s about making software tools that work where people need them the most.”
Like Mr. Banks, the WorldWideScience Alliance strives to provide transformative technologies to those who need them the most. The recent release of Mobile WorldWideScience.org (http://m.worldwidescience.org
) does just this. Mobile WorldWideScience.org makes over 80 scientific and technical databases from around the world available to anyone with a mobile phone. Using just a cell signal, users can search and retrieve information from some of the world’s most preeminent libraries and information centers. For many individuals in the developing world, access to a computer and an Internet connection could be miles away. Mobile phone usage is growing exponentially in Africa, for example, and the new mobile version of WorldWideScience.org suddenly opens the door to these users. It is very exciting to imagine users searching WorldWideScience.org and finding information from the British Library, the U.S. National Agricultural Library, the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, and so many others.To quote Mr. Banks once more, “I’m not creating the change; I’m empowering it.” WorldWideScience.org salutes Mr. Banks and others like him, and through its own new mobile version, hopes to also “empower change” and to improve the lives of people everywhere.
“Leapfrogging the Internet” by Keith Bellows, National Geographic Traveler, July-August 2011, p.20, 26.
Lorrie Apple Johnson is the Technical Product Manager for WorldWideScience.org and an Operating Agent representative for the WorldWideScience Alliance.
recently added several new databases, expanding its worldwide coverage
of scientific and technical information. The Synapse database, provided
by the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE), includes
information from over 100 medical journals. PLEIADI is the open access
platform for scientific literature in Italy, sponsored by
inter-university consortia CASPUR and CILEA. AGRIS is the international
information system for the agricultural sciences and technology – an
initiative run by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
WorldWideScience.org shared a link
WorldWideScience.org shared a link.
WorldWideScience.org shared a link.
The New WorldWideScience.org Application for SciVerse Hub is Available!
A great blog about WWS.org!
OSTI: Office of Scientific and Technical Information U.S. Dept. of Energy shared a link via Federal Laboratory Consortium.
2012, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory built on 60 years of
translating basic science concepts into technologies that address
pressing real world problems while expanding the boundaries of
fundamental science. The top 10 science and
technology stories of the year are a reflection of the Laboratory's
ability to apply its core national security competencies to a broad set
of national and global challenges, including: energy; climate change;
bio defense and detection; forensic science; high performance computing;
and materials science.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's top 10 science stories of 2012
This month’s DOE Science Showcase http://t.osti.gov/iBD
topic is Quantum Computer Hardware. Learn more about this hardware
development, get links to research results from Energy Citations
Database Science.gov and WorldWideScience.org, plus links to additional
information at selected DOE sites.
DOE Science Showcase - Quantum Computer Hardware | OSTI, Office of Scientific and Technical Informat
In the amazing world of quantum physics, DOE researchers and their partners are designing hardware for quantum
OSTI: Office of Scientific and Technical Information U.S. Dept. of Energy shared a link via Federal Laboratory Consortium.
National Laboratories is building regional testing centers around the
U.S. to field-test hardware for solar companies before their
multimillion-dollar solar systems are installed in buildings.
Sandia Lab building solar test centers across U.S. | News | R&D Magazine
Sandia Lab building solar test centers across US
OpenNet’s Spotlight on Human Radiation Experiments https://www.osti.gov/opennet/spotlight.jsp
includes the full text of letters, memos, notes, fact sheets, draft and
final reports, press releases, studies, documents, scholarly articles,
newspaper articles, responses, lists,
procedures, consent forms, handwritten data, agendas, status reports,
and other declassified information. The human radiation experiment
documents can be searched or browsed.
Improve your Energy Efficiency by following tips from the experts. Check out 12 Days of Energy Savings:
http://energy.gov/articles/12-days-energy-savings. DOE Green Energy also provides more resources that are easy to search.
http://energy.gov/articles/12-days-energy-savings. DOE Green Energy also provides more resources that are easy to search.
Check out ScienceCinema for some of the Department of Energy's more exciting research results.
ScienceCinema – see science in ACTION! | OSTIBLOG
More than 2,600 videos showcasing DOE’s most exciting research are available on ScienceCinema. Grab the
OSTI: Office of Scientific and Technical Information U.S. Dept. of Energy shared a link via Federal Laboratory Consortium.
an effort to discover why forests around the world are disappearing,
Dr. McDowell, a plant physiologist at Los Alamos National Laboratory,
has set up a kind of intensive care unit for trees to find out precisely
how they die.
Los Alamos National Laboratory Studies Tree Deaths
Trees are disappearing across the world, in a way not fully understood, so a scientist in New Mexico has set up a kind