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Bassenthwaite and Scotland from the top of Dodd (Photo credit: Ed.ward) |
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English: Watchtower, Rafah, Gaza Strip border with Egypt, April 2009. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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The Yasser Arafat International Airport, located in the southern corner of the Gaza Strip, is currently inoperable (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Damaged housing, Gaza Strip, April 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The Briefing Room | Investigate
US, NZ intelligence agencies spied on Megauplo ...HASH(0x547f6c0)
Berlusconi’s fingerprints on Kate Middleton’s ...HASH(0x61389c8)
Vitamin D author slams misleading sunscreen claimsHASH(0x4f34660)
The Vitamin D BriefingHASH(0x5051b40)
New Zealand couple thrown in Bali jail, wife p ...HASH(0x1da7310)
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
Israeli Elections: Labor party leader pays ste ...As events in Egypt, Syria and Palestine heat up… …The nation-state in the middle of all this, Israel, has had its own share of high political drama. True, instead of blood, only tears and virtual ink were shed there. But as usual in Israel-Palestine, it makes for a good story. Earlie ...
Gaza Ceasefire: Giving Thanks to President ObamaThere is a ceasefire in Gaza. It remains to be seen if and when the promise to open Gaza to normal civilian movement, laconically stated in the ceasefire agreement, will be fulfilled. On Friday, less than 48 hours after its enactment, the first bad sign appeared. In at least two locations near t ...
Let’s Stop Bibi Netanyahu’s Sicken ...Part of expatriate life is worrying for the health of elderly overseas parents. My father-in-law’s health is bad enough to worry about, even without this recent crap. My wife’s parents live in Moshav Shahar, Israel, some 15km from the Gaza Strip as the missile flies. Their home has n ...
How NOT to Introduce New Green-Tech: The Cauti ...We have just ended four weeks during which Israeli business and politics were almost completely shut down due to a spate of Jewish holidays. There’s a known refrain in Hebrew: “After the Holidays”, meaning “Don’t worry, we’ll get back to you sometime in Octobe ...
Netanyahu’s UN Speech also had REALLY-NO ...…but they were completely upstaged by his Wile E. Coyote climax. These parts are highly worth revisiting. Bibi’s brazen, out-and-out racism and lunatic brand of nationalist-supremacy, were expressed in no uncertain terms upon the United Nations stage. The man’s true colors wer ...
Politics in the Zeros
Scotland renewable energy – Best response to c ...Juan Cole departs from his usual topic of the Middle East to give credit where huge credit is due. Scotland is well on its way to powering itself entirely on renewable energy. They are showing the world that this can be done. Scotland renewable energy is primarily hydro and wind. However tidal ...
Matternet – delivery systems using networks of ...Matternet We take it for granted today that you can put data out on the Internet and it will sort of magically move to anywhere else on the planet. What if there were a Matternet that could do the same thing with physical objects? Sounds like FedEx, perhaps, but what if this worked even [...]
Middle East and North Africa teeter on the brinkMiddle East, North Africa (MENA) When the boot comes off the neck of the populace, the results sometimes are not at all what the original peaceful protesters envisioned and hoped for. Egypt is now increasingly hard-line Islamist (say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss) and Syria may wel ...
Christie goes postal on GOP leadersVia The Big Picture
Boehner and Teapublicans are yappy chihuahuas, ...The fearsome Teapublican threat Ever notice how chihuahuas bark and yap at you wanting to show how tough they are then run out of the room if you stomp your foot at them? Boehner and the Teapublicans are the same. They make a great and feisty show of being aggro yet when threatened, fold [...]
Yediot’s Plocker: Thank you Mossad for r ...On Sunday (January 9 2011), Yediot’s Itamar Eichner reported [emphasis mine; full translation here]: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is furious with outgoing Mossad Director Meir Dagan because of the briefing Dagan gave journalists last Thursday. In the course of that briefing, Dagan sha ...
“Rejectionist front”: Maariv detai ...As Israel’s diplomatic position erodes and the Palestinian Authority’s campaign for the unilateral recognition of a state in the 1967 borders gains ground, the demand for “direct negotiations” has become a central talking point of Israeli government spokespeople. Here ...
New Yorker editor David Remnick to Yediot:  ...On December 24 2010, Yediot’s Friday Political Supplement ran an interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick by Adi Gold. Most of the interview was dedicated to his new biography of Barack Obama. Gold did ask a political question on Israel and Reminck’s response was very blunt. No ...
Breaking the Silence’s landmark new book ...Breaking the Silence has just published a landmark collection of soldier testimonies from the Occupied Territories spanning the period 2000-2010. The 432 page book can now be browsed, downloaded and embedded here. If you read nothing else, take the time to look over the first to pages of the int ...
Following local pressure, Adidas reconsiders s ...This Maariv article [full translation below] from Friday is particularly badly written and repetitive, so I’ll summarize. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat decides to hold the first Jerusalem International Marathon in March 2011. He gets Adidas to sponsor the event. An Israeli runner registers an ...
Deadline Live
The Jack Blood Show – August 15 2012Chris Maple joins us to discuss his documentary film series “THE GREAT CULLING” www.thegreatculling.org – the first edition is about our poison water (Fluoride)! Facts fly like crazy in this 60 min interview. The same director made “What in the world are the Spraying̶ ...
Gunman Opens Fire At Conservative Family Resea ...What were we saying about Civil war? Sectarian violence is way up in 2012! The conservative Family Research Council was the site of a shooting by someone who obviously demonstrates the “radical hatred” of the left. The gunman entered the lobby of the Chinatown headquart ...
More Federal Agencies Caught Ordering Huge Amo ...What does the Social Security Administration National weather service need with this kind of ammo? It appears our calculation a few months back could be right after all. Getting ammo off the market before it is banned or highly restricted / regulated. By the time regular folks find out it will ...
“The Great Culling” Official Water ...Chris Maple will be our guest ON “The Jack Blood Show” Wednesday August 15th 2012 (find it in our archives) SHARE THIS!!!!!!! “The Great Culling” Official Water Trailer 2 Donate Today! http://www.thegreatculling.org Hello Everyone - Chris and Paul here, we just wanted to ...
Gen Wesley Clarke hosts Military meets d list ...Gag…. The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
The Air Vent
Common Sense on Government SpendingTom Fuller and I have always had a cordial relationship despite the fact that his politics are Pelosi-left. He left a comment on the last thread in relation to taxes and the deficit which depicts exactly how the left-wing media is trying to portray our current debt situation. While he is ref ...
Two Sides of the LafferHappy New Year readers. 2013! I still owe everyone some commentary on Steig’s 3rd (or is it the 4th) victory lap. I have spent several hours on the new Antarctic doom paper, hopefully I will have some time shortly to write on that. In the meantime, we are awaiting some movement on the ...
Gun Control DemandsLiberals are in a froth over a new gun ban on semi-automatic rifles (fire once per trigger pull). While these are powerful and dangerous weapons, I flatly don’t believe this new ban will have any impact at all on violent crime. Like so many things from the unbiased media, I cannot see an ...
IPCC – Full Speed AheadThanks to some very hard working bloggers and readers who care at WUWT, the IPCC second order draft has been released. Steig 09 appears to be much less prominently referenced in the second order draft than in the zero order which is still too often. I take it as an indication that some people ...
Just a Little More FairWhat will we do when the US runs out of money? A few months ago it seemed that the American public may actually grasp the size of the numerical problem, but the elections revealed that people in bulk are not capable of basic math. It only takes the most cursory of reviews to understand that [...]
Focal Point
Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summ ...
Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summer ...
Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summer ...
Bachmann's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Bad Scienc ...Hey, Michele Bachmann, you know who was really, really pro-vaccination? The Founding Fathers. Read all about it in my new article at The Nation. George Washington argued for mandatory inoculation of citizens against smallpox and mandated the inoculation of the Continental Army, under the ...
Bachmann's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Bad Scienc ...Hey, Michele Bachmann, you know who was really, really pro-vaccination? The Founding Fathers. Read all about it in my new article at The Nation. George Washington argued for mandatory inoculation of citizens against smallpox and mandated the inoculation of the Continental Army, under the . ...
Inside Facebook
Facebook adds asynchronous voice messages to M ...Facebook today released an update for its standalone Messenger app to allow users to record and send each other voice messages. The company also announced that it would begin testing free voice over IP services for...
Facebook allows ‘flexible sentences’ for Open ...Facebook today announced new “flexible sentences” options for apps that publish to Facebook using custom Open Graph verbs. Developers can now better control the sentence structure for stories that users share from their apps. Not only...
Facebook to begin bundling breaking changes qu ...Facebook announced that it would replace its 90-day breaking change policy with quarterly updates that will encompass a number of breaking changes. Previously, Facebook announced breaking changes throughout the year, each time giving developers 90 days...
Blackberry, Trident, Gammarly and others among ...Blackberry leads this week’s top People Talking About This gainers with over 9.6 million stories published on user’s pages. The brand has begun to use global pages, merging page Likes and PTAT with 27 different region...
Facebook shares back up to $28; company to rep ...Facebook shares are up 5 percent today, closing at $28 on the first day of trading in 2013. The company also set the date for its 2012 fourth quarter earnings call: Jan. 30 at 2 p.m....
Truthout - Tweets
Empty newsfeed.
ReDress News
Has Israel groveller David Miliband changed hi ...Stuart Littlewood is surprised at the invitation by a pro-Palestinian medical charity to former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband - a proven groveller to Israel - to speak at its annual fundraising gala.
IMPORTANT: OUR WEBSITE IS CHANGINGRedress Information & Analysis is moving to www.redressonline.com. From now on we will publish new articles on www.redressonline.com only and, in the meantime, we will transfer important long-shef-life articles from our old website to the new one.
What might Netanyahu do if Romney's defeat bec ...Alan Hart examines whether Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is mad enough to order an attack on Iran in what remains of Obama’s first term without the president’s blessing and American participation.
Israel's Salafi foot soldiers in the wake of a ...Nureddin Sabir argues that Israel must bear responsibility for creating the climate that gave rise to the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims". But it is Israel's Salafi and Wahhabi foot soldiers behind the violent protests across the Arab and Muslim worlds who may eventually bring Arabs and M ...
Anti-Islam film: free speech or inciting to riot?Lawrence Davidson argues that outage against the anti-Muhammad film "Innocence of Muslims" "has exposed the deep vein of anger against the United States that runs through the Muslim world", but doubts that American leaders would have the courage and foresight to re-examine the policies and behav ...
Amazon Rainforest
Peru police clashes with illegal gold miners: ...Thousands of illegal gold miners battled police for control of a regional capital in the Amazon basin on Wednesday and at least three people were killed by gunfire. Outnumbered riot police fired tear gas against miners who wielded clubs and rocks and tried to seize strategic facilities in Puert ...
Brazil to Dilma: Fulfill campaign promise!The Forest Code is dwindling, and with it the Brazilian forests. Soon to be voted in the House, the text that distorts the country’s main environmental law was the target of a demonstration today in Brasilia, which brought together social movements and environmental groups, asking the Pr ...
European energy corporation plans to flood Rai ...Spanish energy cooperation Endesa (subsidiary enterprise of the Italian Enel cooperation) is builiding a giant hydro-electric power plant next to the River Magdalena, Colombia- The construction work has started today- the protest camps of the local farmers and fishermen have been evacuated by fo ...
Plastic eating Fungi discovered in Amazon Rain ...The group of students, part of Yale’s annual Rainforest Expedition and Laboratory with molecular biochemistry professor Scott Strobel, ventured to the jungles of Ecuador. The mission was to allow “students to experience the scientific inquiry process in a comprehensive and creative way. ...
Justice for 8year girl burned alive by loggers ...Loggers in Brazil captured an eight-year-old girl from one of the Amazon’s last uncontacted tribes and burned her alive as part of a ‘campaign’ to force the indigenous population from its land! Sign Petition and share: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/813/288/541/ The ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- January ...Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Supp ...
Our new BFP DVD “The Police State” ...Our second BFP DVD includes The EyeOpener Police State Series with James Corbett, plus 2 bonus BFP Reports – Blackballed: ‘How the FBI Bends FOIA’ and TSA: ‘Tyrants Sucker America,’ plus an exclusive interview with BFP’s Andrew Gavin Marshall and a Jamiol/BFP Political Cartoon Gallery. Ple ...
Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Ma ...Of Profit and Poverty Many multinational corporations are larger than most governments in the world. While governments and their populations go deeper into debt, these large corporations take in record profits, hoard trillions in cash, and avoid paying taxes. These same corporations then demand ...
Agenda Prevails Over Truth“The American left is the enabler of the police state, and the American right is its progenitor.” In the Western world truth no longer has any meaning. In its place stands agenda. Agenda is all important, because it is the way Washington achieves hegemony over the world and the American people. ...
Soothing the Beast: Saturday Night BFP-Jamiol ...Bob Dylan – “All Along The Watch Tower” For the last Soothing the Beast BFP/Jamiol music pick for 2012, we have Bob Dylan performing his All Along the Watchtower. The song first appeared on his 1967 album John Wesley Harding. Covered by many, the only other version of the song that’s close ...
Afro Spear
Afro-Futurism: The Evolution Continuum“When you teach your children, you teach your children’s children” Talmud As a father, someone who is involved in nurturing …Continue reading »
- Christmas Riddymz
Byts and BytesU Texas Professor Says Black Kids Don’t Succeed Because Most Are Raised by Women Homosexuality is “unAfrican” in pre-colonial history A Balanced Look at Female Genital “Mutilation” Black Pete exposes the Netherlands’ problem with race Zero Dark Thirty: CIA hagiography, pernicious propagand ...
“Obama, Sharpton and Black America’s Dow ...Op-ed submission by Project 21 As a conservative, President Barack Obama’s re-election was one of the most disappointing experiences of my life. As a black American, my sorrow was only amplified. Just look at President Obama’s economic track record. Look at the unemployment rate during Obama’s f ...
“Life, Liberty and Happiness” by A ...Op-ed submission by Project 21 In an increasingly secular America — where moral absolutes have vanished — it is not surprising that same-sex marriage referendums recently passed in Maryland, Washington and Maine. After all, noted theologian N.T. Wright said, “by itself, human reason can no more ...
Expose the BNP
Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a na ...
Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep hi ...
Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative cand ...
Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop den ...
Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterday’s Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that “Liberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.” The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parents’ finances as we ...
Ode Magazine
Sonic boonA search for the healing power of sound I’m lying in A bed that’s as hard as nails with a series of strings along the sides and two gongs above my head. It’s known as a gong bath, and Gwen de Jong, a practitioner of sound healing at Spirit Connection in Amsterdam ...
The secret’s in the sauceWhat my father’s recipe for pasta marinara says about the future of capitalism As the daughter of a Neapolitan, I grew up eating pasta with marinara sauce. My father didn’t always make it from scratch, but he did so often enough for me to follow his recipe through memories. Fr ...
Clean water, clean energyIn the prosperous West, we generally only get worked up about clean water and electricity when the bill arrives in the mail, and we discover that once again, we’ve been showering too long and leaving the lights on too often. But in many parts of the world, people can only dream ...
Blocking CO2 to beat malariaMosquitoes are so difficult to elude because they pursue us via the CO2 exhaled in our breath. That’s annoying when we’re relaxing outside on a summer evening, but it’s devastating for the 200 to 300 million people who contract malaria annually. More than 1 millio ...
A winter’s taleCelebrating the return of the bald eagle In the Iowa winter, as the poet Robert Hass wrote, “a farmer’s dreams are narrow,” and autumn can inspire me with a kind of dread as I work in the garden that will soon be buried under snow. But this coming winter, as the ...
OpEd News
Court: Evidence Doesn't MatterIgnoring the factual evidence and inventing its own reality, U.S. Appeals Court rules that First Amendment allows publisher to violate labor law.
Why They LoseThis current clump of mostly pasty-white rich men still believe we're living in the dark ages of the American Experiment, when minorities and women had no rights and no voice in Congress. Despite the last election and umpteen polls that indicate that -- surprise! -- women vote, they still contin ...
Congress Will Be Diminished by the Departure o ...The Kucinich who came to Congress in the 1990s was every bit as incorruptible and uncompromising on principle as the "boy mayor" who fought Cleveland's crony capitalists in the 1970s. He opposed trade deals, deregulation schemes and, most notably, the wars of whim of Democratic and Republican pr ...
Human StateWe are rapidly approaching the most important crossroads in world history since the 1930's. Will our future be one of "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness;" or shall humanity be reduced to a state of serfdom in service to the multinational conglomerates of the World. Shall our future be ...
How Government GrowsAmericans have witnessed in the short space of 11 years a government that has metastasized built around a fiction that the American people are somehow under serious threat from foreign enemies. Government never admits failure and its response to shortcomings is to throw more resources at the pro ...
Fiscal "Deal" Energy Investments Form Foundati ...Nathanael Greene, Director of Renewable Energy Policy, New York City Millions of Americans breathed a sigh of relief this week following successful votes in the U.S. Congress to avoid the “fiscal cliff”. Within the ener ...
Latest Shell Debacle in Alaska Part of a Large ...Frances Beinecke, President of NRDC, New York City Shell Oil’s string of failures in its Arctic Ocean drilling attempts continued into the New Year. One of the company's drill rigs ran aground near Alaska’s Kodiak Island with 150,000 gal ...
Even Kids Get It: End Mountaintop Removal NowMelissa Waage, Campaign Director, Washington, DC Today our friends at Appalachian Voices present kids in Appalachia explaining why mountaintop removal mining is a disaster for people and the environment. (Blowing up mountain ...
Starting the New Year With Good News: Califor ...Melissa Lin Perrella, Staff Attorney, Southern California Air Project, Santa Monica Just as the holiday season was kicking-in to high gear, California scored a victory in the courtroom that will clean our air and save lives. On December 19, 20 ...
Pebble Mine: 2012 Was a Very Bad Year for the ...Joel Reynolds, Western Director, Senior Attorney, Santa Monica, CA If you’re the Pebble Limited Partnership (“PLP”), you have to be relieved to see 2012 fade into history. According to PLP, 2012 was to be a year of gathering ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
Decided Schematic Advantage: The Continuing Sa ...Let’s review a great story of American meritocracy, Mr. Charlie Weis: Weis acquired the reputation of an offensive supergenius by being associated with the best coach of his generation in New England. One of the two greatest QBs of his generation also emerged during his time in New Englan ...
Inevitable Follow-Up On the Obesity MythMurc Marc makes an argument that was inevitable in any thread about the obesity myth: And then he claims (in other contexts) that it’s impossible to lose weight – ignoring things like the fact that we used to weigh a lot less than we did, or the fact that people in different countries with diffe ...
The obesity myth revisitedI have an op-ed on the new JAMA meta-analysis which concludes that a BMI between 25 and 35 correlates with a lower mortality risk than that observed among so-called normal weight people. (In America, the former group includes nearly 80% of everyone who public health authorities claim weigh too m ...
The Awful Keeps ComingIt’s not just disaster relief — the House Republican leadership continues to find a variety of appalling-in-themselves excuses to refuse to renew the Violence Against Women Act: But House Republicans insisted the bill is too supportive of immigrants, the LGBT community, and Native Am ...
A Declaration of IndependenceIn the spirit of Andrew Sullivan’s bold Declaration of Independence from old media, Lawyers, Guns and Money would like to announce that it also wants your money. For a donation of only $19.99, you assure yourself of access to all the extraordinary LGM content that you have grown accustomed ...
Desert Research Institute
Gary Trubl, Dec. 2012 Featured DRI Graduate St ...Meet Gary Trubl, a student working towards his masters in Environmental Science and currently studying the biogeochemistry related to denitrification of Lake Vida, Antarctica.
Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme A ...This week a pioneering study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) and co-authored by Dr. Alison Murray and Dr. Christian Fritsen of Nevada’s Desert Research Institute (DRI) reveals, for the first time, a viable community of bacteria that survives and ekes out a ...
Tom Malamakal, Nov. 2012 Featured DRI Graduate ...Meet Tom Malamakal, a second year student of the Atmospheric Sciences graduate program, whose focus has been on monitoring the influence of wildfires and prescribed burns in and around the Lake Tahoe basin.
DRI Announces 2013 DRI Nevada Medalist Dr. Nin ...DRI will proudly present Dr. Nina Fedoroff, a leading geneticist and molecular biologist who is a pioneering researcher in the field of plant genetics, with the 2013 DRI Nevada Medal during a special event scheduled for early next spring in Reno and Las Vegas.
Nicholas Beres, Oct. 2012 Featured DRI Graduat ...Meet Nicholas Beres, a second year student of the Atmospheric Sciences graduate program, working in the Laboratory for Aerosol Science, Spectroscopy, and Optics (LASSO) at DRI.
Earth Techling
- Every Roof Tells A Story At Tokyo School
- Green Jobs And The Wind Production Tax Credit ...
- Vodafone Cuts Cost and Waste With Pre-Owned Sm ...
- The Wind Production Tax Credit Passing And Wha ...
- Buffett’s California Solar Buy Gives PV Stocks ...
National Law Journal | U.S.
DOJ, Transocean reach $1.4B agreement in Gulf ...Transocean Ltd. will pay $1.4 billion in civil and criminal penalties and fines for the company's role in the Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion and spill, the U.S. Justice Department has announced.
Novak Druce opens Boston office with 7-lawyer hireThe newly created IP super-boutique Novak Druce Connolly Bove + Quigg has opened a Boston office with the addition Rissman Hendricks & Oliverio's seven lawyers.
Appeals court revives lawsuit against Minneapo ...A former client of Fredrikson & Byron has won an appeal that revives a lawsuit claiming that it padded its fees in a construction dispute.
In first, BoA settles fed claim of bias agains ...Bank of America has agreed to pay $7,500 and update its employee training to settle a claim that it discriminated against a lesbian couple seeking a mortgage--the first such enforcement action by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Law firms preparing to take advantage of fisca ...The last-minute plan to avoid the 'fiscal cliff' on January 1 left many central budget questions without permanent answers--and law firms, which reaped the benefits of this ambiguity during the past couple of months, are now predicting more work from clients uncertain about how to proceed.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
Community Workshop in Tioga County on Environm ...The Clean Air Council and Penn Environment, state-wide environmental groups, will give an educational workshop in Tioga County for residents of north-central Pennsylvania on Saturday, March 24, 1-4 PM. The training will be held at the W.M. Tokishi Training Center, NYPUM Drive, Wellsboro, PA 1690 ...
New State Impact PA AppSince I now live in south central PA (I moved south from Tioga County; north central PA) and have less access to the center of the gas drilling, I frequently use State Impact PA as a resource as well as tune in to WITF radio on my commutes to work, when I’m not pedaling my [...]
OilandGasHelp.comI happen to be looking for the location of a specific Northwest Savings Bank in PA and when I pulled up their website I found the below link. http://www.oilandgashelp.com/ It looks like Northwest Savings Bank has put together a section of their website to answer questions or help folks who are c ...
The Passage of House Bill 1950…I thought I’d highlight a few of the items that I find horrifying that passed with house bill 1950 during yesterdays vote. Municipalities will no longer be safe from drilling and the acceptable distances of drilling pads and compressor stations from homes or public spaces, such as schools, ...
Update on PA Roads Effected by Gas Drilling fr ...From the DCNR website: In recent years there has been a marked increase in natural gas activity in state forests in north central Pennsylvania . Visitor experiences and road usage can be impacted by this activity. Loyalsock State Forest Bodine Mountain Road: Heavy gas activity is to be expected ...
News Blaze
Significant Problems Ahead for Mississippi River Unless there is a big turnaround later this winter and spring, more significant problems could be ahead for the Mississippi River above the Ohio River junction.
A Giant Leap of Faith for Child Health in IndiaWe looked around the room at these village women, most of whom had studied no more than Class 6 or 7. They were ordinary women who had done the extraordinary.
Should We Be Afraid of Mad Cow Disease When It ...Mad cow disease is a fatal transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), which is called bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cows, scrapie in sheep and goats and chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer and elk.
Blindness Not a Hindrance to Live to The Fullest I am 53 today. My visual disability was discovered at the age of about six, after constant complaints about my school work from teachers. I was instantly rushed to our family doctor who diagnosed my approaching blindness.
UN Imposes Sanctions on Congo's Notorious Rebe ...Reports say UN Security Council has imposed an arms embargo on M23 rebels and the FDLR as violence continues to escalate in the Democratic Republic of Congo's eastern region.
environment 360
Methane Leak Data Highlights Concerns About Na ...A pair of ongoing studies show unexpectedly high methane leakage from some oil and gas fields in the U.S., findings that underscore concerns that the climate benefits of the natural gas boom may be overstated. Researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder say new data indicates that as ...
U.S. Wind Tax Credit Extended in ‘Fiscal Cliff ...The last-minute tax deal brokered by U.S. lawmakers to avert the so-called “fiscal cliff” included a one-year extension of the wind energy tax credit, a subsidy that industry officials say is critical for the growth of the wind energy sector. The bill, which now awaits President Obama’s signatur ...
In U.S., the Lure of Export May Further Fuel N ...As the United States experiences a glut of natural gas, a host of facilities are being proposed that would convert gas to a liquid and export it. But before embracing a gas export boom, the nation should carefully weigh the implications for both the economy and the environment. BY SHAUN GOHO
Network of Smartphone-Based Sensors Monitor Ai ...Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed a network of smartphone-based air pollution monitors that allow individuals to track UCSDCitiSense device pollution levels in real time and feed a central database of air quality trends citywide throughout the day. The so-ca ...
Group Collecting DNA Codes of Endangered Speci ...The Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL), a global initiative assembling the “DNA barcodes” of the world’s endangered species, received $3 million from Google this month to create an online database organizers hope will emerge as a critical tool in the enforcement of inter ...
Red Ice Creations
A Twinkling Christmas Tree, Powered by…an Elec ...Electric eels have to navigate the dark, murky streams and ponds where they live in South America. (Or, in Sparky’s case, his large tank.) The slender, snake-like fish have tiny eyes that are not very effective in low-light conditions. So, to wayfind, electric eels, true to their name, rely on t ...
Buried Christian Empire Casts New Light on Ear ...Archeologists are studying the ruins of a buried Christian empire in the highlands of Yemen. The sites have sparked a number of questions about the early history of Islam. Was there once a church in Mecca? The commandment "Make yourself no graven image" has long been strictly followed in the Ara ...
The Spirit of Christmas and the End to All War ...The Christmas Truce of 1914 was an initiative of the soldiers on both sides; it was a mark of human solidarity and fraternity against the political and military architects of World War I. The Spirit of Christmas in December 1914 prevailed: “In the front lines, the fraternisation of Christmas Eve ...
New kind of magnetism discovered: ’Quantum Spi ...Following up on earlier theoretical predictions, MIT researchers have now demonstrated experimentally the existence of a fundamentally new kind of magnetic behavior, adding to the two previously known states of magnetism. Ferromagnetism -- the simple magnetism of a bar magnet or compass needle - ...
Secret Dowsers and GovernmentOne of the strangest skills and talents allegedly possessed by humans is water-divining, or dowsing as it is more popularly known. Although the ability of the dowser to locate water by non-conventional means is looked on with suspicion and skepticism in some quarters, for many it is an age-old t ...
Russia Today
Unique meteorite hints at Mars’ oxygen-saturat ...Experts have discovered a unique meteorite from Mars which contains ten times the amount of water and far more oxygen than any other Martian samples found on earth. Read Full Article at RT.com
Car bomb annihilates Damascus gas station, kil ...At least 11 people have been killed and 40 injured after a car blast ripped through a gas station near a hospital in Damascus' Barzeh al-Balad district. The number of casualties is likely to rise as many of the injured... Read Full Article at RT.com
Israel's new barrier with Syria: Another brick ...The walls around Israel are growing as the country’s army builds a new physical barrier, this time on its border with Syria. The wall will reportedly begin in the southern part of the occupied Golan Heights, extending... Read Full Article at RT.com
No cards in Vatican: Holy state turns ‘cash only’ If a trip to Vatican is on your to do list, you’ll need plenty of cash for all the tickets, souvenirs and food. The world’s tiniest state has suspended all bank cards payments and emptied ATMs after it failed to comply... Read Full Article at RT.com
What’s in a name? Quite a lot, if you live in ...Recent decades have ushered in an era of creative baby names – at least in Hollywood. But not every country embraces such unique labels. In the first case of its kind, a 15-year-old girl in Iceland is suing the state... Read Full Article at RT.com
Not My Tribe
14 centsSince cities like Colorado Springs are trying to make it illegal for anyone to ask for spare change on downtown streets and elsewhere, the State of Colorado in its infinite wisdom and kindness of the bosses has just now raised the minimum wage by 14 cents an hour! Whoopeee!!!!!! Now don’t ...
The NYE Fiscal Cliff is a Buffalo Jump. Is you ...DENVER, COLORADO- The DC Kabuki Divas are amping up their New Years cliffhanger, the so-called Fiscal Cliff, to inaugurate domestic austerity measures meant to cement the widening income gap between the rich and everybody else. If it’s a cliff, it’s a buffalo jump off which the easil ...
Denver Canadian Consulate closes its doors to ...DENVER, COLORADO- Indigenous activists paused only one day before assembling a second IDLE NO MORE gathering to perform a round dance at the Canadian Consulate in Denver today, to deliver a letter urging the Canadian government and the British Crown (the Queen!) to meet with Chief Theresa Spence ...
Why so many crazies are loose in the US killin ...An autistic youth with a gun nut Mom goes into an elementary school and kills kids in mass, and the NRA can only suggest putting cops with guns in ALL schools, including elementary schools! CRAZY! Crazy NRA and crazy USA. And a woman pushes a man to have him run over by a subway in [...]
The US government occupation of Africa—- What does US imperialism look like? Well it looks much like this… US deploying troops to 35 African countries in 2013.
Debunking the Debunkers
911 Free Fall Radio: Mark Basile and WTC Dust ...Mark Basile is a chemical engineer who has worked in the industry for thirty plus years and has been a pioneer of the 9/11 Truth movement when it comes to the hard evidence. He is also featured in the latest movie by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, "9/11 Explosive Evidence, Experts Spea ...
Occupy Steubenville, 12/29/2012I’m happy to announce that the Occupy Steubenville protest was a huge success. Hundreds of people showed up, and we voiced our message loud and clear for all to hear. We got some pretty good coverage by WTRF. You might recognize the guy shown at minute 1:09. ;) WTRF 7 News Sports Weather ...
Attending Occupy Steubenville TomorrowI’m going to be attending occupysteubenvilletomorrow. For those who can't attend, the live-stream will be here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/oprollredroll. While there I'll shoot some footage and pictures, and upload those online as soon as I can. Peace. Free desktop streaming ap ...
The latest viral from "liberal" HollywoodWhen a bunch of clueless celebrities get together to advance a political agenda it annoys me. I remember when I first watched Team America: World Police. While I found the movie hilarious, I didn't really like how it ridiculed anti-war celebrities. Now, 8 years later, South Park is pretty much m ...
New Independent Study of WTC Dust - Please DonateDonate at: http://aneta.org/markbasile_org/donation/index.htm Proposal for Independent Study of the WTC Dust: http://www.markbasile.org/ See also: http://aneta.org/markbasile_org/study/index.htm http://nanothermite911.blogspot.com/
- Return of the Killer Grapefruit ?
- The Nutrition Lessons We Can All Learn from Dr ...
- 4 Ways to Make Your New Year Resolution Succeed
- Yet Another 2012 Summary, Fooducate Style
- Top 5 Foods and Ingredients People Don’t Want ...
How to Do It Yourself: DIY SEO CampaignPeople who are just beginning to focus on their website or blog may or may not know that they should make their content live up to the standards of search engine optimization or SEO. Making content SEO rich is the one of the most effective strategies for boosting the number of visitations on you ...
Twitter Step by StepTwitter management can be a daunting task. There are a lot of articles telling you the do's and don'ts of Twitter, however it can still be difficult to pin down exactly what you should be doing each day step by step. If you are having a hard time getting organized and keeping up with everything ...
SEO Tips For Your Blog and BusinessWhen was the last time you thought about your site beyond adding content? It is probably time to take a look at how things are organized. When you started the site you had certain goals, ideas and experiences, now as time has passed it is a good idea to take another look at those goals [...]
How To Choose KeywordsEvery day millions of searches are performed on the internet and all of those search terms are saved and provided to us to peruse at our discretion. Unfortunately, on the other hand, there are millions of searches performed every day on the internet and ALL that data is saved and provided to us ...
Why Social Media Isn’t Working For YouSo you took the first step and signed yourself up for some social media sites and started marketing yourself and now you're waiting for the traffic to start rolling in. You've done your research about social media marketing and everyone tells you to find followers, engage them and turn them into ...
Survival International
In pictures: The reindeer people under threat ...Tribal people rely on reindeer for food, transport, shelter and warmth.© Steve MorganEach year, the image of the reindeer finds its way onto cards, sweaters and into people’s imaginations, but to the world’s indigenous peoples of the Arctic, the animal is not just for Christmas. As news emerges ...
Indians sue Peru over broken promise to isolat ...The Nanti are one of several isolated tribes living inside the reserve who would be severely affected by the gas expansion plans© Survival InternationalPeru’s top indigenous organizations are taking on the government and powerful gas companies in an attempt to stop gas exploration that seriously ...
South American tribe labelled backward by BBC ...Marr’s TV series re-enacts Ibore and Parojnai’s (pictured) first contact in 1998.© SurvivalA South American tribe whose way of life was labelled backward in a major BBC TV series has hit back at the programme. The moment in 1998 when members of the Ayoreo tribe in Paraguay first made contact wi ...
Bushmen beaten, suffocated and buried alive fo ...Kebonyeng Kepese has been arrested and beaten for hunting to feed his family. © Survival Paramilitary police have severely beaten two Bushmen, burying one in a shallow grave, after accusing them of hunting without permits in Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR). Nkemetse Motsok ...
Siberian Evenk indigenous organization under a ...Evenk boy with reindeer© Raipon/SurvivalMasked gunmen have raided the offices of a Siberian tribal community in Russia, kidnapping two men and taking them to undisclosed locations. After weeks of silence, one of the hostages managed to phone his relatives. He said he had been beaten and threate ...
Greg Palast
The Obligatory, End of the Year Top 10 ListHere's the stories the got the most attention in 2012 The Palast Investigative Fund was quite effective this year. Vulture funds were banned, election theft made national headlines, and we outed gov't profiteer posing as a candidate. Oh, and our little book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits hit ...
The Anti-Clause: Reverend Billy's No-Click Chr ...By Greg Palast for Truthout.org [New York, December 18, 2012] Even for New York, this was WEIRD. There were a half dozen Santa Clauses on Second Avenue getting a sermon from a Midwestern preacher who looks like a cross between televangelist Jerry Falwell and a white-haired Elvis. The Santa Crew ...
Before it's too late...Xmas/Xanuka Gifts from ...By Greg Palast The Mayans sure know how to take the fun out of Christmas. The world ends on December 21... but that still gives you time, if you act NOW, to make your year-end tax-deductible donation to the not-for-profit Palast Investigative Fund. And we'll get a 'Thank You Gift' out to you (or ...
Don’t Touch that Snooze Buttonby Greg Palast Monday, December 10, 2012 By my initial calculation, 9.3 million Americans lost their vote on November 7 – purged from voter rolls, blocked at the polls, or had their “provisional” and absentee ballots thrown in the dumpster. Let's get to the bottom of this: In the next 90 days, w ...
Sandy De-Filed Us! Please Donate to our Hurri ...A personal note from Greg Palast Damn that Sandy! She flooded our New York office. I am asking those of you who can, to make a tax-deductible donation and download my New York Times bestselling book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal and Election in 9 Easy Steps or simply make a con ...
How Can I Recycle This ?
How can I reuse or recycle a wooden shoe rack?There was a neighbourhood “give and take” event near me at the weekend – people took along their unwanted items and took home anything other people had donated that took their fancy — all for free. It was mostly small things – crockery, household knick-knacks and bo ...
How can I reuse or recycle old glass blocks/gl ...We’ve had an email from Whitney, asking about reuse/recycling ideas for glass blocks (or glass bricks, as they’re also known): We just bought a house and making a lot of renovations. We removed some glass blocks from an old bathroom window and I want to reuse them for something. I lo ...
How can I “reuse” fresh eggs that ...(Hi! Sorry to regular readers for the stupidly long break in posting – I’ve been reading all the comments as usual as they come in, just not posting any new content myself due to a combination of busy-ness, illness and laziness. I’m hoping to get back to regular scheduled blogg ...
How can I reuse or recycle toilet seats?Apologies for the break in blogging – I’ve been super busy with other things over the last month. And in my absence, Recycle This had its sixth birthday! Happy Birthday website! :D Anyway, moving on: we’ve had an email from Stephanie about toilet seats: I just came into about 2 ...
How can I reuse or recycle empty bottled gas/p ...Lyndon has emailed to ask about reusing – or recycling – propane gas canisters (the ones for heating, barbecues or patio heaters etc): Trying to tidy up the yard at work, what can I do with some old gas bottles? If there is a company name on the bottles (like Calor Gas, Flo Gas or [...]
Age of Autism
Dachel Media Update: Judge's Orders, Prenatal ...Jan 2, 2012, Cincinnati.com: Judge orders therapy for autistic child Dec 28, 2012, New Parent: Should You Test Your Tot for Autism? Cincinnati.com “A federal judge ordered state officials on Wednesday to provide speech therapy and other care to an...
Autism Science Digest: Aluminum Toxicity in Mi ...Thank you to our friends at Autism Science Digest magazine for allowing us to excerpt this article. Aluminum Toxicity in Mitochondrial Dysfunction and ASD By Nancy Mullan, MD, and Amy Yasko, PhD, AMD, FAAIM Currently, there is intense interest and...
Dachel Media Update: Autism McScreenings, Grie ...Jan 2, 2013, Florida News-Press.com: Children's Hospital, Ronald McDonald House join forces to host autism screening in Estero Jan 1, 2013, Waterloo (IA) Courier: New autism center offers family support Dec 31, 2012, Boston Globe: Is Grief Really a Disorder...
Ask White House & EPA to Ban Land Application ...URGENT: sludge ban petition/please sign There is an excerpt from and link to an article by David Lewis titled Institutional Researcher Misconduct: An Honest Researcher's Worst Nightmare that will put this petition into context. From the intro: Scientists have implicated...
Utter Froth: Autism Epidemic Caused by the Fil ...By John Stone The remarkable claim that the autism epidemic is an artefact of the popularity of the film Rain Man is made by the developmental psychologist and autism expert Prof Uta Frith of University College, London in a recent...
Global BDS Movement
G4S loses its contract with the European Parli ...Campaigners had raised concerns about the role the company plays in equipping Israeli prisons in which Palestinian political prisoners are held in violation of international law
Palestinian civil society and human rights org ...Marking Palestinian Prisoners Day, Palestinian organisations call for action against G4S, supplier to Israeli prisons at which political prisoners are detained
BDS roundup: Los Angeles activists urge city t ...In this week’s BDS roundup from the Electronic Intifada, LA activists, international campaign urges Yves Béhar, university students in Pennsylvania protest, boycott activists, and more
Why Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Should ...The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has been a significant instrument in the campaign to tear down Israel's democratic facade
Scottish govt. helps Israeli company deal with BDSDocuments obtained by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign show how a subsidiary of an Israeli company operating in Britain turned successfully for help from the Scottish Government
Farm Wars
The Non-Logic of Fluoridating WaterFluoride is a compound that is added to most drinking water in the United States and some other countries. It can even be found in your food and other products such as toothpaste and dental floss. Now, why is fluoride added to the water? Let’s have a look at the alleged “logic”...
Just Say No to GMO Hemp!GMO Hemp - A good plant gone bad...
It’s 2013!Greetings from Farm Wars!
A Letter of Thanks to Organic FarmersWhether you are a famous farmer like Joel Salatin of Virginia or The Barefoot Farmer of Tennessee, or you’re just trying to feed your family and a few friends with real food, you are healing the world! And your hard work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.
Libor Hearings, School Shootings and Disinfo, ...Propaganda does not require evidence to prove itself. It simply utilizes the ignorant masses that believe what they see and tend to repeat the lie as fact to their friends, family, [and] repost to message boards, comment threads, social media sites, which prop up the lie until the truth no longe ...
Open Your Eyes News
UN says Syria death toll has passed 60,000Aljazeera – More than 60,000 people have been killed in Syria since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime erupted in March 2011, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has said. Navi Pillay said that an exhaustive analysis carried out by data specialists showed t ...
India gang rape: Five suspects to be chargedBBC – Five men in India are to be charged with the murder of a medical student who was gang-raped on a Delhi bus. The 23-year-old victim died at the weekend from injuries she sustained during the 16 December attack, in an incident that sparked national outrage. If convicted, the five could ...
West trying to influence Iran’s 2013 pre ...PressTV – Iran Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast says the West is trying to influence the upcoming Iranian presidential election by mounting pressure on the nation. “Instead of direct conflict and paying a high price, the arrogant Western front is after creating internal crises ...
Silent killer: Nuclear submarine is latest in ...Mail Online – Russia has begun testing the latest in its fleet of new nuclear submarines nearly seven years after it was begun to be built. The silent submarine, the Vladimir Monomakh, which is the third ship in Russia’s Borei project, began its sea trials on Sunday as it bids to bec ...
Methane leaks erode green credentials of natur ...Nature – Scientists are once again reporting alarmingly high methane emissions from an oil and gas field, underscoring questions about the environmental benefits of the boom in natural-gas production that is transforming the US energy system. The researchers, who hold joint appointments wi ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
Conservation groups buy 3,000 acres on Donner ...Ending a battle to preserve a historic piece of the Sierra Nevada crest, conservation groups recently finalized their purchase of the 3,000-acre Royal Gorge property on Donner Summit.
Some Arctic seals now officially listed as thr ...First came the polar bear. Now, the federal government has added two other marine mammals to the list of creatures threatened with extinction because of vanishing sea ice in a warming Arctic.
A few encouraging signs for Asia's endangered ...Make no mistake. Tigers have gone extinct in Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Singapore, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, the islands of Bali and Java in Indonesia and possibly in Korea.
Climate change could cut Western water runoff ...Another climate change study is projecting declines in runoff in many parts of the West, a scenario that would put more pressure on the region’s water supplies.
Study links disease, poverty and biodiversityPoverty and disease often come together. That much is well understood.
A safe drink of waterMrs. Rangamma and her family members used to drink water directly from the tap in front of the house that was then stored inside. However, the water was not safe for drinking as Mysore City Corporation is not using proper methods of water purification. Rangamma used to find a white layer of cont ...
Summit on the Summit BeginsChevenee Reavis, Director of Strategic Initiatives, co-leads a team of safe water advocates and educators on an ambitious expedition to Mt. Kilimanjaro in an effort to drive awareness of the global water crisis.
2012 Year End Conference CallRecorded: Wednesday, December 19th, 2012 Duration: 34:36 Our co-founder and CEO, Gary White, shared his thoughts on this past year, major milestones reached, new partnerships, and innovations. He also discuss where the organization is headed in 2013. The conference call concluded with a ...
Thank You for a Great 2012Thank you for all of your support in 2012. This year, you've been a true water champion – you've learned about the water crisis, inspired your families and friends, donated your voice, held fundraising events, and gotten to know some of the individuals we serve by reading and watching their stories.
The Happiest DanceHaving safe water to drink and for your daily chores makes life better and can bring joy to a life. Have fun with a joyful dance.
Before It's News
Empty newsfeed.
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley b ...
Margaret's News
Reinstate Teacher Who Supported Trayvon Martin ...arget: Superintendent Jacqueline Cassell Goal: To reinstate Brooke Harris, an eighth grade teacher who was fired after supporting a fundraiser benefitting Trayvon Martins family. The Trayvon Martin case has already caused a storm of controversy, Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World &n ...
"Ive Been Duped" - Reflections on Israel and P ...Do you know the frustration you feel when you believed in something strongly and then you realize that the information that made you believe was from a source with an agenda to deceive? Submitted by Ken D. to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
What people will do for beauty: 8 Grossest Spa ...uh..the title says it all :) Submitted by Vicky P. to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
White House sees more pain for Iran as it clea ...Aggressive war is illegal, immoral against nations that are no threat, is nonbelligerent & it is insane! Call your Reps. Tell your friends, rouse up the good folk in your church,mosque and synagouge. We must stop this exported violence or we are screwed. Submitted by michael hall to World &nbs ...
Iran Bashing, Terrorism, and Who Chose the Cho ...Dedicated to the long-suffering Palestinians and Iranians who have been sidelined by the United Nations in favour of the Nuclear Apartheid State of Zionist Israel in the most blatant exercise in International Double Standards that our world has ever known Submitted by Ken D. to World |&nb ...
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
“Black hole for light” drastically improves ef ...Researchers at Princeton University led by electrical engineer Stephen Chou, have developed what is being called a “nanostructure sandwich” to trap light and improve the efficiency of organic solar cells by 175%. A layer of metal mesh ...
India’s solar mission, phase 2An Indian worker cleans solar arrays during the inauguration of a one-megawatt solar photovoltaic power plant near Gandhinagar, in 2011. The ground-mount photovoltaic power plant is the firs ...
Energy’s Presence, Not Price, Changes LivesThe Sustainable Energy for All initiative has rightfully united the world’s attention on a critical development issue – delivering universal energy access. r ...
Meet Uttar Pradesh, India's Next Distributed S ...Much attention has been paid to the distributed clean energy revolution brewing in Bihar. But for all the hype generated by Minister Kumar, what's happening next door in Uttar Pradesh may be even more exciting. read more
Meet Uttar Pradesh, India's Next Distributed S ...Much attention has been paid to the distributed clean energy revolution brewing in Bihar. But for all the hype generated by Minister Kumar, what's happening next door in Uttar Pradesh may be even more exciting. read more
News Blaze
Significant Problems Ahead for Mississippi River Unless there is a big turnaround later this winter and spring, more significant problems could be ahead for the Mississippi River above the Ohio River junction.
A Giant Leap of Faith for Child Health in IndiaWe looked around the room at these village women, most of whom had studied no more than Class 6 or 7. They were ordinary women who had done the extraordinary.
Should We Be Afraid of Mad Cow Disease When It ...Mad cow disease is a fatal transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), which is called bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cows, scrapie in sheep and goats and chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer and elk.
Blindness Not a Hindrance to Live to The Fullest I am 53 today. My visual disability was discovered at the age of about six, after constant complaints about my school work from teachers. I was instantly rushed to our family doctor who diagnosed my approaching blindness.
UN Imposes Sanctions on Congo's Notorious Rebe ...Reports say UN Security Council has imposed an arms embargo on M23 rebels and the FDLR as violence continues to escalate in the Democratic Republic of Congo's eastern region.
Sissoko back in Mali squad for Nations Cu ...BAMAKO, Jan 3 (Reuters) - Hard-tackling Momo Sissoko is set to return to Mali's national team three years after he last played international football after being named on Thursday in a provisional squad for this month's African Nations Cup. Coach Patrice Carteron unveiled a strong line-up of ...
AC Milan confirm sale of Alexandre Pato t ...AC Milan is reported to have agreed to the sale of young striker Alexandre Pato according to Radio Bandeirantes on Jan. 3, 2013. The youngster was once believed the future of the Red Devils attack but his future has been blurred in the past 18...
Clinton open to testifying on Benghazi at ...Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton remains open to testifying before Congress about security failures in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. “She has said that she i ...
Azarenka wins in Brisbane Photos BRISBANE, Australia - (AP) -- Top-ranked Victoria Azarenka opened her 2013 season with a 6-3, 6-3 win Wednesday over to join No. 3 Serena Williams and fourth-seeded Angelique in the Brisbane International quarterfinals. American Sloane Stephens had a 6-3, 6-4 win over Sweden's to set ...
Manmohan for approaching complex issues t ...Debate over nuclear energy and genetically modified food has come to the fore again, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday saying such “complex” issues should be approached through a structured debate and analysis, than being driven by faith or fear. “Complex issue ...
Alex in Wonderland
Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embed ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any T ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
Afghan Elections Rigged on Video? (Video)Yes, people videotaped it and Al Jazeera broke the story.
Fuckin’ Oil, Where Did It Went?With 90% of up to 4.4 million barrels of oil 'unaccounted for', it's now... still unaccounted for.
U.S. Troops ‘Killing for Sport’ in Afghanistan ...Taped interrogations of four soldiers charged in theatrically slaying numerous Afghan civilians were obtained by CNN and ABC. CNN's report includes the soldiers' rampant drug abuse and a before unreported case of staging the murder of an Afghan civilian.
MY Daily Apple
Prompt-Pay Reform in Georgia Blocked by Judge ...At issue is whether state prompt-pay laws can cover not only traditional insurers, but also third-party administrators of self-funded ERISA plans. Medscape Medical News
A3003 NERVE BLOCK () Kit [Smiths Medical ASD, ...Updated Date: Jan 2, 2013 EST
A3071 NERVE BLOCK () Kit [Smiths Medical ASD, ...Updated Date: Jan 2, 2013 EST
A2859 NERVE BLOCK () Kit [Smiths Medical ASD, ...Updated Date: Jan 2, 2013 EST
2 GALLBLADDER (Fel Tauri, Chionanthus Virginic ...Updated Date: Dec 31, 2012 EST
Common Dreams
Tar Sands Activists' Lives on the Line: Back i ...Banner deployed as blockaders engage in their latest action in Diboll, TX (Tar Sands Blockade via Flickr / Creative Commons license)Activists from the group Tars Sands Blockade have once again put themselves in harm's way to prevent land clearing for the construction of the Keystone XL Pipel ...
'An Accident Waiting to Happen': As Rail Incre ...As oil production in the Bakken area of North Dakota and Montana skyrockets, rail companies are capitalizing on pipeline gaps and reaping profits by transporting the crude while environmental watchdogs call the practice "an accident waiting to happen." ...
Montana Judge Orders Wolf Killing to Resume Ne ...Wolf hunting and trapping will resume near Yellowstone National Park after a Montana judge blocked the state from shutting down the practice after a brutal hunting season that saw the death of several wolves collared for research. State officials closed the gray wolf season on Dec. 10 after wild ...
In Fight Against Privatized Water, Bottles Ban ...Concord, Massachusetts became the first town in the nation to ban the sale of plastic water bottles as a new bylaw went into effect Tuesday, following years of campaigning by local activists. read more
'Alarmingly High Methane Emissions' from Natur ...New research on "alarmingly high methane emissions" brings further environmental scrutiny to natural gas extraction including fracking, and illustrates how the boom in the industry may well be a plan for climate disaster. read more
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
Empty newsfeed.
Energy Collective
Why Does the U.S. Lack an Objective and Cohere ...The Federal Government has yet to approve a specific climate policy. Since the U.S. Senate rejected the 1997 Kyoto Protocol no Administration has formally proposed a climate policy to Congress. The Federal Government has, however, developed many non-climate energy regulations that have signifi ...
Renewables for the 100%I’m a big fan of bringing solar to the 75% -- that is, those of us who can’t get solar on our own rooftops. In the solar equation, with leases putting panels within reach of more Americans, solar is no longer an elite luxury that only the 1% can afford. But for most of us, it’s still o ...
Bridge To Nowhere? NOAA Confirms High Methane ...Photo by Walter Disney
Biofuels A Winner In Fiscal Cliff Deal, TooThe wind power industry wasn’t the only renewable energy winner in the fiscal cliff deal that cleared Congress late Tuesday – the legislation also showered taxpayer largess on the producers of various categories of biofuels.
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson Leaves a Legacy ...Lisa Jackson recently announced she will be resigning from her post as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Her dedicated leadership will be missed, but she leaves behind an extraordinary legacy that will improve the lives of millions of Americans.City dwellers across the nation ...
Green House - USA Today
Climate change affects each U.S. state, Web to ...How badly is climate change affecting your state? A new Web tool allows users to see how vulnerable their area has been to drought, flooding and heat extremes as well as the health problems that go along with them.
What's in your child's car seat? Study finds t ...What's a parent to do? You buy a car seat to keep your child safe but then find out, as a new study reports, that 60% of these products contain dangerous chemicals. The good news: some seats were found to be almost toxic-free.
U.S. cities require buildings to disclose ener ...Worried that the apartment you like could be an energy hog? Help is on the way as U.S. states and cities begin this year to require that commercial buildings measure and disclose their energy use.
Study: Climate change imperils Himalayan glaciers Two of three Himalayan glaciers -- both in humid areas of eastern Nepal -- could disappear if present climate change patterns continue, a study predicts.
Environmentalists cheer Obama's fuel economy hikePresident Obama's plan to double fuel efficiency standards for cars and light-duty trucks by 2025 received applause from environmentalists who had pressed for such action.
Prior Art
With $4.5 Billion Bid, Group Led by Apple and ...HASH(0xa1dc540)
Hangover Cure: Warner Bros. Settles Copyright ...HASH(0x4aa6940)
This Week in IP: Apps, Tats, and Patent Reform ...HASH(0x5fdc098)
App Backwards: Lodsys, Texas Troll, Targeted i ...HASH(0x4a616f8)
Supreme Court Rules Against Microsoft in i4i CaseHASH(0x4a53730)
Peoples Voice
Fiscal Cliff Postmortemsby Stephen Lendman Congressional profiles in courage are sorely lacking. Pretenders usually vote party line when asked or pressured. No House or Senate member explained what constituents most need to know. Fiscal cliff hype reflects doublespeak duplicity. Previous articles explained. ...
American Politics and the Innocent Children KilledMahboob A. Khawaja, PhD “Americans need to look at how their society has increasingly become a psychopathic culture of death over many decades. Americans need to realize how their hallowed capitalist ideology of the putative American Dream is in practice nothing but the destruction of c ...
The Real Murders Of ChildrenBy Dr. Elias Akleh The whole US was shocked when armed with automatic assault weapons 20 years old Adam Lanza murdered 20 first grade students in Newtown, Connecticut, yet very few, if any, Americans get shocked when their presidents murder thousands of similar children of other nations but ca ...
Flim Flam Fiscal Cliff Legislationby Stephen Lendman Senate members met, debated, negotiated, passed stopgap legislation, and largely delayed deficit cutting for later. On Tuesday, the House followed suit. Obama will sign it into law or may already have done so. Media reports announced it. The New York Times headlined "Senat ...
The conspiracy to thwart Palestinian hopes for ...Stuart Littlewood This Christmas the Palestinian embassy in London sent out a particularly pathetic message. Headed Palestine mulling ICC if UN takes no action on settlements, it warned that if the UN Security Council didn't act against Israeli settlements Palestine would "consider complai ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Mapping Corporate Power in Saskatchewan"Mapping Corporate Power in Saskatchewan" traces the ties between the major corporate contributors to both the Saskatchewan Party and the New Democratic Party, and their links to other corporate interest and advocacy groups. The research demonstrates that Saskatchewan corporations have the netwo ...
Ontario 2013: Toward a Post-Austerity VisionOn January 9th, the CCPA's Ontario Office will be hosting an update on the province’s economy and a strategy session focusing on how to move toward a post-austerity vision. Ontario 2013: Toward a Post-Austerity Vision 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, January 9, 2013 (lunch included) Thomas Lounge, Oakham H ...
Taxes: British Columbians are ready to talk Popular wisdom seems to be that you can't talk about raising taxes: people just won't stand for it. But today we released poll results that suggest something a little different. The majority of British Columbians not only feel that the wealthiest should be taxed more, but they are also willing t ...
Taxes: British Columbians are ready to talk Popular wisdom seems to be that you can't talk about raising taxes: people just won't stand for it. But today we released poll results that suggest something a little different. The majority of British Columbians not only feel that the wealthiest should be taxed more, but they are also willing t ...
BC's water and hydroelectricity: more fragile ...It's easy to think of BC's water and hydro resources as limitless, especially in the rainy Lower Mainland. But our latest study examines the serious challenges facing these resources, particularly from industrial use, and calls for a new policy approach to protect and manage them. This is th ...
World Wide Hippies
Video: Steubenville’s Michael Nodianos D ...By Michael Allen,opposingviews.com - A newly surfaced video shows high school students laughing about a 16-year-old girl being raped in Steubenville, Ohio. In the 12-minute video, released yesterday by hacktivists KnightSec on Deadspin.com, there are several references to a girl being raped and ...
Eight Corporate Subsidies in the Fiscal Cliff ...By Matt Stoller, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis – Throughout the months of November and December, a steady stream of corporate CEOs flowed in and out of the White House to discuss the impending fiscal cliff. Many of them, such as Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, would then publicly ...
The power of school music programs: Students c ...From blogs.ajc.com/ – Melissa Walker, a professional jazz vocalist and president and founder of Jazz House Kids in Montclair, N.J., and Peter Smagorinsky, Distinguished Research Professor of English Education at the University of Georgia, joined forces to write a piece on the benefits of m ...
Why Your Mane Shouldn’t Be Maintained!From zebradetox.com - Now this is something fascinating to know! For those of you who think you have to look fashionable: then this article of learning a super cool new human power is not for you. If you’re anything like me and think long hair is awesome and super, then read on! I don’t know abo ...
NY Couple Not Terrorists, Not Hippies and Not ...From .thedailybeast.com -New York City police have decided that a couple arrested for possession of weapons and explosives don’t appear to be terrorists, just privileged kids with drug habits. By Michael Daly and Lizzie Crocker Investigators say they believe 27-year-old Morgan Gliedman and 31-ye ...
New evidence suggests BP knowingly downplayed ...Dec. 8, 2012 Thousands of previously unread emails will be presented to court in February 2013 BP claim they always provided full disclosure on worst oil spill in history, new information seems to show otherwise Documents that will be presented to court in February appear to show that BP knew ab ...
- Sydney's secret undersea scrapheap [AU]
TV: 'Some beaches have essentially turned into ...June 23, 2012 Shoes swept up in tsunami land on Washington beaches KING5.com Seattle by LINDSAY CHAMBERLAIN June 22, 2012 at 1:44 PM A grim and personal reminder of the thousands of lives lost in last year’s earthquake and tsunami in Japan is drifting toward the West Coast &m ...
GMO Farming, Glyphosate Significant Causes of ...June 29, 2012 Water pollution and air pollution has been and continues to be a serious issue in many nations. Both of these pollution types are successfully bringing down the health of not only humans, but also animals, plant life, and the ecosystem as a whole. While the causes of water pollutio ...
Amazon of Europe Threatened by a StraighteningBELGRADE, Jun 30 2012 (IPS) - Wildlife is being increasingly threatened around the Danube river, the “Amazon of Europe”. The need for profit is taking over from the need to protect natural resources along the river. Austria and Croatia are engaged in a major project to tame the Danub ...
Crisis Maven
The End Game or: How the Dupes were Duped or: ...The Euro was probably the most hyped-in currency the world may have ever known. That fact alone should have been reason for suspicion. In this article we contrast some of the eulogies heaped on the Euro back in around 2001/2002 when it was introduced as a tangible currency with these past weeks& ...
The End Game or: How the Dupes were Duped or: ...The Euro was probably the most hyped-in currency the world may have ever known. That fact alone should have been reason for suspicion. In this article we contrast some of the eulogies heaped on the Euro back in around 2001/2002 when it was introduced as a tangible currency with these past weeks& ...
Neutrinos, Physics, Meteors and the Survival o ...As you may have noticed, CrisisMaven recently dabbled in speculative thought about the role of a universe-wide encyclopedia cum news service. The reason this came about was that recently at the Large Hadron Collider around Geneva/Switzerland and crossing under the French border a team of scienti ...
Neutrinos, Physics, Meteors and the Survival o ...As you may have noticed, CrisisMaven recently dabbled in speculative thought about the role of a universe-wide encyclopedia cum news service. The reason this came about was that recently at the Large Hadron Collider around Geneva/Switzerland and crossing under the French border a team of scienti ...
Archaeology, the Internet and NeutrinosOr: Space and the Universe are a Palimpsest . Most recently Israeli archaeologists unearthed a crusader’s inscription believed to be around 800 years old and, which is why it makes headlines, written in Arabic. For those who have followed archaelogical progress over several decades (and re ...
Capital Flow Analysis
Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted ...
Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagfl ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest ...
How long would it take to work off the US trad ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy p ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the curren ...
Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
The Top 10 Energy Stories of 2012Happy New Year’s to readers everywhere! Last week we posted a poll listing 15 of the major energy stories of 2012. Readers voted, and the Top 10 are presented below with a short narrative describing the story. 1. Revolution in US oil and gas production continues The fracking revolution in ...
Vote for the Top Energy Stories of 2012For the past several years, at year end I rank what I felt were the the major energy stories of the year. 2012 lacked a blockbuster energy story like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 or the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 2011, so I thought I would change things up a bit and just le ...
Grading My Energy-Related Predictions for 2012In my list of Top 10 Energy Related Stories of 2011, I made five predictions for 2012. Those predictions were: President Obama will easily win reelection, which means that energy policies will likely continue along the current trajectory. The Keystone Pipeline project will be approved (although ...
An Oil Company Finds Itself On the Losing End ...When most people hear the term "fossil fuel subsidies" it conjures up images of governments giving their hard-earned tax dollars to already highly profitable oil companies. But a Brazilian subsidy is causing Petrobras to import gasoline and sell at 8% below cost.
Hofmeister: US Could Tap into 1.6 Trillion Bar ...The surge in shale oil production shows that new technologies can convert formerly uneconomical oil resources into oil reserves, so it isn't out of the realm of possibility that this could also be the case with kerogen.
Discovery Educator Network
The Long-Term Effects Of Skipping Your Homewor ...Tags: reading, long-term, effects, skipping, homeworkby: John Evans
Please Share,Tweet,Comment:Competition finalis ...Comments:Share and comment also my last blog post : Top 10 social media educational apps to unleash you ipad power http://bitly.com/Top10iPadCurationedapps - LUCIAN DUMATags: education, technology, web2.0, learning, tools, social, media, curationby: LUCIAN DUMA
Why Aren’t We Talking More About iTunes U? - i ...Comments:"With so many schools adopting the use of iPads I find it strange that we aren’t hearing more about the incredible opportunities available in iTunes U. Well I suppose it isn’t that strange given that schools in the early stages of transitioning to an iPad platform are extremely busy an ...
Emancipation Proclamation: Pictures, Videos, B ...Tags: emancipation, proclamation, pictures, videosby: Jackie Gerstein
How We Learn What We LearnTags: no_tagby: Jackie Gerstein
Rodale News
The New Place to Find Cruelty-Free EggsBuying eggs from a local farmer, or even a neighbor with a backyard flock, is the best way to get healthy, pastured, cruelty-free eggs. And what better way to know your eggs than meeting the actual chickens that laid them? The next best place to shop for them: Safeway grocery stores. The nation ...
The Surprising Side Effect of a Winter HikeGo hiking, then come home and write the Great American Novel? Spending two days hiking in the Tetons might not turn you into William Faulkner, but research published in PLoS One suggests that a few days in a national park may make you more creative in other ways. The study followed 56 hikers o ...
The Nickel Pincher: Easy Homemade Dinner RollsNothing says "special" quite like a basket of piping hot, fresh-from-the-oven…rolls that came from a can? Huh? Sure, canned breads might make dinner easier, since all you have to do is pop, separate, and bake. But homemade dinner rolls taste much better and can be made without all the ...
What Factory Farms Are Doing to FishWhat to do with animal poop? It's a question that plagues organic and factory farmers alike, and in areas with lots of factory farms (also called concentrated animal-feeding operations, or CAFOs), animal manure is accused of adding high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous to nearby waterways, ro ...
How to Sniff Out Seafood FraudWhen you order beef from a butcher and he hands you chicken, you know something's screwy. But if you order flounder at a restaurant, would you be able to tell if your waiter brought you tilapia? Maybe, maybe not. Yet, it happens every day, and seafood lovers across the U.S. are being scammed i ...
big think
Mine Detector Looks And Works Like A Dandelion ...What's the Latest Development? Afghan-born industrial designer Massoud Hassani is currently looking for funds to further development of an object called the Mine Kafon. This wind-driven device consists of 150 bamboo legs attached to a central ball, and each leg ends in a plastic disk abo ...
Gesture Control Tech To Be Bundled Into PCsWhat's the Latest Development? Leap Motion, which has received a lot of attention for its gesture-recognition technology, has partnered with Taiwan-based Asus Computers to bundle its sensors and software into some of the company's higher-end PCs and laptops. The first of these should app ...
How To Stay Sane. A Q&A With Philippa PerryPhilippa Perry is a British psychotherapist and writer. She is also the author of How To Stay Sane , a charming new book and a recent edition to The School of Life series, "a new enterprise offering good ideas for everyday life." Although you'll find Perry's book in the self-help section so ...
Modeling Future Cyberattacks Using A Model-Tra ...What's the Latest Development? The SANS Institute, which conducts information security training for the military and industries, has created a model-train town it calls "Cyber City" which it will use to develop education on how to handle a variety of cyberattacks and other threats. The 6 ...
Want to Save the Manufacturing Sector? It’s Ti ...Like most industries, the manufacturing sector is transforming rapidly. Because of recent technological advances and globalization, U.S. manufacturing is facing intense international competition, increasing market volatility and complexity, a declining workforce, and a host of other challenges. ...
Information Liberation
Texas Man Arrested For Filming Cop, Police Rep ...The cop didn't want the video to "end up on Youtube," so he harassed and arrested the man for filming him. Enjoy the video in all its glory via Youtube....
Hurst Police Officer Won't Face Criminal Charg ...[...] the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that Officer Arnold will not be charged with a crime. "After reviewing the video, we advised the police department that it did not appear that a crime had occurred," Melody Mc...
The Rationally Misinformed VoterIn the sub-discipline of economics known as public choice, an important concept is the theory of "rational ignorance." First articulated by political scientist Anthony Downs in the 1950s, and expanded upon by economist Gordon Tullock and others...
Doug Casey on 2013L: So Doug, the world didn't end in 2012, so it's onward into another new year. It's time to tune in to your guru-vision and tell us what trends you see shaping up and what actions they imply taking. Doug: Yes, it looks like the Mayans missed this...
Inflationary Illusions in Real EstateReal estate, and the careers that depend upon it, is a boom-bust business in the age of inflation. The illusion of wealth is everywhere..until it is snatched away. That*s why it*s a great time for David Mamet*s Pulitzer Prize winning *Glengarry Gl...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
Early Exit For 2012If the Mayan calendar is correct, this is the final LibertyGibbert thread ever, so farewell. If it is wrong, then it’s simply the last thread for 2012. I’ve been so swamped with work lately, I need a month at least … Continue reading →
Early Exit For 2012If the Mayan calendar is correct, this is the final LibertyGibbert thread ever, so farewell. If it is wrong, then it’s simply the last thread for 2012. I’ve been so swamped with work lately, I need a month at least … Continue reading →
The Liberals Have Taken Over CaliforniaAn act of madness. Yet seemingly inevitable. Lost somewhere amid the circus of this month’s U.S. Presidential election was a potentially far more significant and historic poll result: that of the Californian state legislature. With a known population of 37.6 million, … Continue readi ...
The Liberals Have Taken Over CaliforniaAn act of madness. Yet seemingly inevitable. Lost somewhere amid the circus of this month’s U.S. Presidential election was a potentially far more significant and historic poll result: that of the Californian state legislature. With a known population of 37.6 million, … Continue readi ...
A Necessity Disguised As A VirtueEvents in Australia have overtaken my plans for two upcoming LibertyGibbert articles, one on Liberty and children, and the other on the Catholic Church. Yet the Gillard government’s announcement on Monday of a Royal Commission into institutional child sexual abuse … Continue reading ...
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
2012 a busy year, some highlightsMy wife told me that publishing this would be like sending out one of those braggardly “family newsletters” to one’s friends, but I wanted to round off the blog for 2012 by posting a few memories from the year…is that so bad? I even blogged about not posting it. Anyway, i ...
2012 a busy year, some highlightsMy wife told me that publishing this would be like sending out one of those braggardly “family newsletters” to one’s friends, but I wanted to round off the blog for 2012 by posting a few memories from the year…is that so bad? I even blogged about not posting it. Anyway, i ...
Facebook boosts self esteem, leads to snackingThat’s an approximation of the tabloid headlines. But, as ever, NHS Choices offers a more solid critique of various bits of research into the effects of online social networking on our psyche. “Overall, social networking improves self-esteem, particularly when the person has a greate ...
Facebook boosts self esteem, leads to snackingThat’s an approximation of the tabloid headlines. But, as ever, NHS Choices offers a more solid critique of various bits of research into the effects of online social networking on our psyche. “Overall, social networking improves self-esteem, particularly when the person has a greate ...
End of the WorldWell, the sleeping Americans problem don’t know it yet, but the end of the world hasn’t happened as Australians and others who have already entered the day Winter Solstice will attest. Google celebrates with a piece of the Mayan Calendar. Of course, why anyone would trust the “ ...
RFF Library
Joint Analysis of Stressors and Ecosystem Serv ...Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Jan. 1, 2013, v110 n1 p372-377) / by J. David Allan, et al. http://www.pnas.org/content/110/1/372.full.pdf+html [Abstract] With increasing pressure placed on natural systems by growing human populations, both scientists and resource managers need ...
Improving Our Understanding of How Highway Con ...Transportation Research Board http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/168141.aspx TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Capacity Project C04 has released a prepublication, non-edited draft version of a report titled Improving our Understanding of How Highway Congestion and Price Affect ...
Provisional Assessment of Recent Studies on He ...US EPA, National Center for Environmental Assessment http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/isa/recordisplay.cfm?deid=247132 EPA is announcing the availability of the final report, Provisional Assessment of Recent Studies on Health Effects of Particulate Matter Exposure. This report presents the findings of ...
Valuation of Human Health: An Integrated Model ...US EPA, National Center for Environmental Assessment / by Shelby Gerking, Mark Dickie, Marcella Veronesi http://yosemite.epa.gov/EE/epa/eed.nsf/WPNumber/2012-07 [Abstract] This paper develops and applies an integrated model of human mortality and morbidity valuation that is consistent with princ ...
The True Costs of Automobility : External Cost ...Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) for the Greens/European Free Allianace (EFA) in the European Parliament http://www.greens-efa.eu/fileadmin/dam/Documents/Studies/Costs_of_cars/The_true_costs_of_cars_EN.pdf [Green Car Congress] A recent study from Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dre ...
Scientific American - News
Safety Survey Reveals Lab RisksScientists may have a false sense of security about the safety of their laboratories, according to early results from the first international survey of researchers’ workplace attitudes and practices. [More]
U.S. Fiscal Deal Leaves Science VulnerableLaw-makers in Washington DC greeted the new year with a frantic deal meant to avert a fiscal crisis. But the bill that passed the Senate and the House in pre-dawn votes on 1 and 2 January keeps researchers on tenterhooks for at least another two months by delaying mandatory spending cuts that co ...
Memory Molecule DethronedFor years, a particular protein has been cast as a lynchpin of long-term memory. Inhibiting this enzyme could erase old memories, whereas adding it could strengthen faded ones . But two independent groups of US scientists have now seriously challenged the role of this 'memory molecule' ...
The Opposite of Mining: Tar Sands Steam Extrac ...CONKLIN, Alberta--The challenge of pulling oil from sand near here has typically required scraping away the boreal forest and underlying peat to expose the tar sand deposits below. The thickened sand is scooped out, then boiled to separate out the bitumen, with the leftover contaminated water ...
New Year, New Science[More]
First Truths
The Anarchist LineageInteresting passage from Samuel Clark's Living Without Domination: The Possibility of an Anarchist Utopia. I would wonder what the anarchists I know think of the various lists referenced here: This account of anarchism as a permanent human tendency has been attacked by a number of authors. ...
"Crisis of the State"From Simon Clark's Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Crisis of the State: However this structural crisis was not the result of the changing functional requirements of changes in the labour process, but of the tendency for capital accumulation to take the form of the overaccumulation and uneven d ...
"Aspects of the Post-Ricardian Literature"Interesting and thought-provoking passage from Samuel Hollander's Economics and Ideology: Aspects of the Post-Ricardian Literature (1979): It was Marx's position, as we have mentioned, that while the labor writers of the 1820s drew upon Ricardo's value theory to reach their conclusion regarding ...
"Integrated Geographies"From Anthony Ince's Whither Anarchist Geography?:It has been said that anarchism combines a socialist critique of liberalism and a liberal critique of socialism. Its refusal to focus merely on "economics" or "freedom" or "culture," and so on, means that anarchism is inherently multifaceted and a ...
Colbert on AtheistsI enjoyed this passage from Stephen Colbert's I Am America (And So Can You!): AtheistsThese No-goodnik no-Godniks are growing in numbers and power in America. It makes me wonder how a God could exist Who'd allow people to piss me off so much.Luckily, a recent survey published in the American Soc ...
Media Co-Op
Idle No More in EgyptPatricia Stein, a Lakota from North Dakota, on hunger strike in solidarity with Chief Theresa Spence, and participating in #IdleNoMore from Cairo Patricia Stein @PygmySioux is a Lakota from North Dakota who is living in Cairo, Egypt. On Dec ...
2012 in ReviewFrom student strikes to ominous omnibus bills, from memorials for missing and murdered women to creating climate justice, and introducing Idle No More ...
Round Dance Revolution at Waterfront Station - ...On January 2nd 2013 the Idle No More 'Round Dance Revolution' packed Waterfront Station in Downtown Vancouver - unceded Coast Salish Territories. Hundreds of peopl ...
Report-back from the Montreal New Year's Priso ...Over 50 people gathered in Montreal to carry on the tradition of anti-prison noise demos at prisons on the new year. The demo assembled at the designated meeting place and took to the streets behind a banner reading “Pour un monde sans patrons, ni flics, ni prisons” (for a world with ...
Coast Salish Territory Idle No More Rally: On ...COAST SALISH TERRITORY - Hundreds of Idle No More supporters filled Waterfront Station in downtown Vancouver this afternoon. There were lots of drums in the crowd of more than 300 and they were used for more than an hour's worth of chants and drum circles. The crowd included lots of kids. Th ...
David Seaton's News Links
New Year's Re(v)olutionsPOTUS sits in Rosa Park's seat"It would be a good idea"Mahatma Gandhi, when asked his opinion of western civilization.Putting content into fine words would be the greatest of revolutions, now and always. Cynics today might be forgiven for thinking that the words of Jesus are often only used ...
The "cliff"David Seaton's News Links This is the perfect occasion to resurrect one of my favorite rants, that political paralysis in America is not a byproduct of ideological struggle but the principal objective of the billionaire front, that in the interest of economy I call, the "Tea-Fox-Koch-Murdoch-Bec ...
The Spanish Economic Crisis ExplainedDavid Seaton's News LinksIn case you are interested, this hour long documentary from the BBC gives a very workmanlike breakdown of how it all happened. Spain is the canary in the coal mine for the world's top economies, because of its large size and its fragility. The story carries lessons for e ...
The Sandy Hook school massacreDavid Seaton's News Links I have little to add to everything written about this horrible massacre. I find myself especially moved by the heroism of the school teachers that died trying to protect the children in their care. There should be a statue of them in Washington and a wreath laid at its ...
Global Civics: The ideas the Tea Party fears m ...David Seaton's News Links In my last post I wrote how the fear of a new wave of reform propelled by the problems and abuses arising from globalization.Global Civics is the idea-force that would make reform possible if it spread, not only possible, but inevitable. Any collective global action w ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
Who Gerrymanders More, Democrats or Republicans?A couple of months ago I linked to a bit research showing the effect of gerrymandering on House races. Long story short, Eric McGhee concluded that gerrymandering produced about 7 extra Republican seats this year while Sam Wang figured it at about 6.3 seats. A few days ago, Sam took a deeper d ...
The Prison Population is Dropping. Can You Gue ...Keith Humphreys has a nomination for the most underreported public policy story of the past year: The continuing decline in the number of Americans who are behind bars or on probation/parole. Alex Tabarrok illustrates the trend with the chart on the right. What's going on? At the risk of soun ...
Politicians Should Learn Bigger Lessons From T ...Harold Pollack highlights an excerpt from a Chicago Sun-Times interview with Sen. Mark Kirk, who suffered a stroke last year and has spent the time since in intensive rehabilitation: “I will look much more carefully at the Illinois Medicaid program to see how my fellow citizens are b ...
Lead and Crime: I'll Be on the Leonard Lopate ...If you're in New York City, I'll be on the Leonard Lopate show on WNYC today at 1:20 pm discussing my story about the connection between lead and violent crime. Tune in! And while I'm on the subject, there are a couple of quick items I'd like to mention that may or may not have been clear fr ...
The Near-Rich Did Really Well in the Fiscal Cl ...Who were the biggest winners from the fiscal cliff deal? The invaluable Tax Policy Center has a preliminary analysis up, and it shows how much various income groups will save as a result of the deal. (These are savings compared to going over the cliff and letting the Bush tax cuts expire compl ...
Insanity Report
IC 371: The NWFO BibleTopic: Stupid Reality Shows #AvengersInitiative on Django How to deal with people who ignore the #AvengersInitiative The Bible is a terrible book Michael Bay Bible Translations The NWFO casts for The Bible movie Best Directors How good of a director is Ben Affleck? Overrated directors Share with ...
IC 370: Conscious Rapper SyndromeTopic: Kriss’ new tablet Teaching your kids about computers & technology early Kriss spills the secret about working in the computer field Django was awesome Black “Intellectuals” vs Tarantino Spike Lee & the “Conscious Rapper Syndrome” Kriss explains what ...
IC 369: Bulletproof BookbagsTopic: Kev’s job sucks Treating public servants horribly We are the problem No one really cares about mental health Twitter etiquette More guns won’t make you safer Gun control might be necessary but make a better argument Share with your friends:
IC 368: Disasterbation in the Face of TragedyTopic: White people saying the N-word Thirst traps on Twitter Batman is an Impossible White Man Disasterbation & the Connecticut shooting Teasing a few Impossible White Man criteria Share with your friends:
IC 367: Losing Builds CharacterTopic: #InsanityCheck Kriss doesn’t care about starving kids in Africa The Internet is the home of the asshole Civilizing the Internet “Plot Holes” in the Dark Knight Rises Awesome week in trailers Losing a basketball game 107-2 Losing builds character Cuddling with no sex/Send ...
Simple Climate
Warming brings home the value of a mealResearch into how climate change affects agriculture, and therefore the food we eat, shows the challenges farmers face and the knock-on costs to the rest of us.
2012’s record events put climate in mindWet summers and droughts, deadly storms, Arctic melting and Antarctic freezing. How do climate records in 2012 fit in with the broader picture of climate change?
Can we trust climate models?I’ve asked scientists I’ve spoken to for blog entries and articles published this year why we use models, how we know they’re accurate, and how to understand their projections.
CO2 casts off shackles to power up Atlantic hu ...Reductions in particulate pollution and increases in greenhouse gases are going to cooperate to give us more intense hurricanes in the Atlantic, finds NOAA’s Gabriel Vecchi
Space agencies pinpoint polar ice sheet damageGreenland and Antarctica lost over 4 trillion tonnes of ice from 1992-2011 - equivalent to 11 mm of sea level rise, the giant Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-Comparison Exercise (IMBIE) has shown by bringing together over 50 years’ worth of satellite data .
e!Science News
'Universal' personality traits don't necessari ...Five personality traits widely thought to be universal across cultures might not be, according to a study of an isolated Bolivian society. read more
Steroids that only nature could make on a larg ...Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have achieved a feat in synthetic chemistry by inventing a scalable method to make complex natural compounds known as "polyhydroxylated steroids." These compounds, used in heart-failure medications and other drugs, have been notorious ...
Finding Chicago's food gardens with Google EarthUrban agriculture is promoted as a strategy for dealing with food insecurity, stimulating economic development, and combating diet-related health problems in cities. However, up to now, no one has known how much gardening is taking place in urban areas. Researchers at the University of Illinois ...
Cup color influences the taste of hot chocolateTwo researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Oxford have demonstrated that hot chocolate tastes better in an orange or cream coloured cup than in a white or red one. The study adds to recent research demonstrating how our senses perceive food in a different w ...
Coral records suggest that recent El Nino acti ...By examining a set of fossil corals that are as much as 7,000 years old, scientists have dramatically expanded the amount of information available on the El Nino-Southern Oscillation, a Pacific Ocean climate cycle that affects climate worldwide. The new information will help assess the accuracy ...
Landmark Mercury Decision is Jackson’s LegacyBut EPA must not leave the job half done During her four-year tenure as administrator of the EPA, Lisa Jackson was a true champion for public health and environmental justice. One of her greatest legacies is the Mercury and Air T ...
One-Year Anniversary Of California's Lone WolfWolf OR7 has successfully lived in northeast corner of state Last Friday, California’s only documented wild wolf, a young male known as OR7, officially hit the one- year mark since his arrival in the Golden State. OR 7 cross ...
Earthjustice Thankful For EPA Chief Lisa Jackson America was well-served by her staunch efforts Lisa P. Jackson has announced that she will be stepping down from her position in January 2013. Earthjustice is ...
The Top 10 unEarthed Stories of 2012Readers were most inspired by stories of the wild Blog posts about Earth's magnificent places and creatures were the most popular themes for unEarthed readers in 2012. By far the most-read post concerned Arctic drilling, followed b ...
EPA Grants Deathly Delay Of Cement RuleHealth of thousands put on hold by weak agency action Alexandra Allred. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice) “…My son's school would be named in a ...
Brave New Climate
Next Nukes – how U.S.-European cooperati ...As the debate over climate policy picks up again in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and President Obama’s reelection, policymakers should prioritize efforts that will accelerate the adoption of zero-carbon technologies, especially the only proven baseload source available: next generation nuclear. W ...
2012 BNC stats in reviewThe WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. (Note: about mid-way through the year, the site closed WP comments and moved them to the BNC Forums – this led to a redirection of many pageviews to the new site). Here’s an excerpt: About 55,000 tour ...
Energy White Paper is hazy on future vision fo ...The Energy White Paper 2012 (EWP2012), released by the Australian Government last week, seeks to map out a strategic policy framework for future energy supply. One of the major goals of EWP2012 is to provide a “clear vision” of how Australia should set about the long-term task of decarbonising o ...
CSIRO Energy Future 2050 toolCSIRO eFuture have built a new tool for exploring scenarios of Australia’s electricity future. It gives great flexibility to ‘build your own future’ and is a wonderful point of reference for debates on clean energy pathways from today through to 2050. It’s based, among ot ...
Objective analysis of nuclear and wind-solar o ...I’ve never asked the BNC community for any financial contribution. There’s no tip jar on the site; indeed I happily fund the website costs out of my pocket and give my time freely, because I think it’s a worthwhile pursuit. But now, I’d like to ask you to give a little, t ...
Indigenist Opinion
Woodlands Water HeaterWoodlands water heater area unit price effective alternatives to standard heaters, which need a considerable quantity of energy. Straightforward to put in, woodlands water heater don't need a vessel to produce plight. Woodlands water heater area unit best-known by completely different names like ...
CHOOSE CARPET FOR DECORATING YOUR HOMEChoosing a carpet for your home is no easy task. Regardless of whether you’re looking for a textured and more luxurious carpet or cut pile, Berber, frieze or patterned carpet, today’s have a vast selection of all the styles and color choices you could need. Some companies will allow you t ...
The Best Sources for Real Estate ListingsPosting your home into some credible Real Estate Listings are the best way you can do if you want to sell your property right away. It is not expensive either to do real estate listing. Most of home sellers nowadays have got their property listed for a very minimal amount, and most of these sell ...
House HoppingHouse Hopping Adolescent years are a challenge. For everyone involved. Young individuals searching, yearning for their independence though not yet prepared to manage the cost/benefit scales of life. Crazed parents hurt by their child's sudden rebuttals and scared by both their loss of control ...
Buying PropertyBuying Property In buying property, you need to know on the things on what you want to do in on your property. It also means that anything you want to wish to have in your property. It can be like a beautiful view in which you can view the sea or the city or an urbanized area. Well, people do ...
Republicans are a Disease
Worried About The Deficit?Maybe we could have some of the Americans that have 8 trillion dollars sitting in the tax havens pay some taxes? You know, the folks that are hoarding all the money their “investments” squeezed out of your family. Remember, for every dollar Mitt Romney pays in taxes, I pay $4, if you ...
Poor? Sick? Have Republican Governor? You̵ ...I just don’t understand why the millions of uninsured Americans who can’t afford to see a doctor don’t demand care. They could surround every capitol building in every state with a Republican Terrorist Governor and demand health care. Millions upon millions of Americans are one ...
Are You Really A Republican? A Conservative?To be a Republican / Conservative these days, you must agree that the following is just fine: A small business owner who makes a fair living will pay taxes at a rate over 4 times as high as wealthy Americans. These small business owners pay both sides of wage withholding taxes soon to equal 15.3 ...
Time To Leave RepublicansThis is a great time to tell all of your friends you have left the Republican Party. I mean who would want to be a Republican these days. The facts are simple. Today’s Republican Party stands for nothing but greed, and evil. They don’t respect women, hate minorities, and seem to only ...
Today We Honor All VeteransNo trashing Republicans today. Some of them may be Republicans, and for one day I can go easy on them out of respect for their service.
Appalachia Rising
Donate to Appalachia Rising Legal Defense!Donate to Appalachia Rising Legal Defense On June 5th, 22 Appalachians were arrested in Washington DC, refusing to leave the offices of their Congresspeople until their representatives committed to taking steps toward ending mountaintop removal. You supported these men and … Continue readi ...
Judge Says Quaker Pro-Mountain Demonstrators & ...PHILADELPHIA – Two Quakers, Vint Deming (78) and Gail Newbold (62), were found guilty on Thursday of Defiant Trespass and Conspiracy to Commit Trespass following their arrest and trial for a nonviolent religious witness at PNC Bank’s Center City headquarters … Continue reading →
Donations Needed for Legal Support of 22 ArrestedAll 22 Mountain Heroes are out of jail as of late night on Wednesday. However, they will all be making a return trip to Washington DC in July for a court hearing. This trip will be expensive, as well as … Continue reading →
Shaving Their Heads in Mourning and ProtestOn Memorial Day, nearly 20 people shaved their heads in mourning and protest of mountaintop removal. Today, 5 more people joined them. 1. Shaving their heads in an act of mourning and protest of mountaintop removal., 2. Shaving their heads … Continue reading →
Video from Rep. Griffith (R-VA) Congressional ...West Virginian’s singing “Country Roads Take Me Home” as the police escort them out of Rep. Rahall’s office.
Amped Status
‘Another World Is Happening’ ̵ ...Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, interviews David DeGraw about the birth and evolution of Occupy Wall Street on its one year anniversary: "This is about empowering a new generation to be leaders, to be engaged.... We have millions of people engaged in creating change that were not engaged an ...
As the 99% Movement Evolves, It’s Time t ...By David DeGraw “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” – Bob Dylan For those of us in the 99% Movement who started organizing Occupy in the spring of 2011, Flag Day June 14th marks the one-year anniversary since we first gathered in Zuccotti Park and 22 other loc ...
The Evolution of the ButterflyRenowned cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton narrates the process of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly over a milieu of imagery in "The Evolution of the Butterfly". The film combines first hand footage from the Occupy Wall Street movement with stylized portraits of the recent eco ...
After Being Beaten and Arrested Several Times, ...This is Daniel Murphy @ Union Square on March 22nd:
- Fault Lines: History of an Occupation
Israelis give their votes to Palestinians in F ...In an act of protest one can only find in the world of social media, activists open a Facebook page where Israelis are urged to ‘hand over’ their voting rights to Palestinians. Every once in a while, social media shows you what an amazing tool it can be. On December 26, 2012, a new F ...
Can Palestinian non-violent resistance make it ...By the time the documentary Five Broken Cameras came out towards the end of 2011, the Palestinian village of Bil’in in the occupied West Bank had already become the symbol of Palestinian non-violent resistance to Israeli occupation, Israeli settlements and the separation wall/barrier. It h ...
Interior minister exploits rape by Eritrean fo ...Prepare yourselves. Last May, when it was last announced that an Eritrean citizen raped an Israeli woman, Interior Minister Eli Yishai responded by placing thousands of asylum seekers, among them children, rape and torture victims and the elderly in administrative detention, all in accordance wi ...
Israel overstates Gaza exports to Europe, won& ...The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), which regulates the movement of goods into and out of the Gaza Strip, flaunts having allowed limited export of goods from Gaza to Europe. While there is certainly value in the move, Gaza’s economy would be far better serv ...
Avigdor Lieberman’s massacre of Israeli ...This is your Tikva: This is Avigdor Lieberman: This is your Tikva on Avigdor Lieberman: And these are some funny renditions of that evening from 2011, conveniently being posted ahead of the elections. Let’s begin with the never-ending, pre-symphony tuning version: And then move on to the i ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
Working together to learn more about Southern ...Environment Minister Tony Burke today announced a new international collaboration to share information on the rare Antarctic blue and killer whales.
Australian Government condemns Japan's decisio ...The Australian Government is aware of reports that the Japanese whaling fleet has left Japan for the Southern Ocean.
Funding to help plan for the impacts of climat ...Environment Minister Tony Burke today launched Stream 1 of the Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund, an important component of the Government's Clean Energy Future Plan.
Ella Bay Integrated Resort Development approvedEnvironment Minister, Tony Burke, has approved the Ella Bay Integrated Resort Development in far north Queensland.
Connect with the World Indigenous NetworkEnvironment Minister, Tony Burke, today launched a website to connect Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities land and sea managers across the globe, creating a virtual meeting place to share traditional knowledge and experiences.
Matt Weidner Blog
Another State Attorney General Lets The Banks ..."To me this appears to be some type of a midnight pardon," Bates said. "It certainly sends a confusing message to the public and to the courts and the 10th Circuit as to why the chief law enforcement agency in the state is dismissing its claims in defense of the laws of the state."
The Federal Reserve “Independent” ...The political classes have a vested interest in giving “cost of doing business” punishments because no punishment at all undermines their role and what little confidence there is left in the system.
WATCH OUT! Mortgage Debt Relief Forgiveness Ac ...The good news is Congress passed a bill that kicks the can down the field a bit….so if you sell your home in short sale, or if you get a principal reduction…..on your homestead….you may not ow taxes….. BUT IF IT’S NOT YOUR HOMESTEAD….WATCH OUT….. From th ...
The US has a two-tiered justice system…B ...Of course the US press will not report on this….corrupt and captive as they are…part of the fascist machine…but read this: “The US is the world’s largest prison state, imprisoning more of its citizens than any nation on earth, both in absolute numbers and proportion ...
IMPORTANT UPDATE- SHORT SALE/FORECLOSURE TAX L ...Remember all the rush to complete short sales before 12/31/12 in order to avoid massive tax liability? Well, buried in section 202 of the Fiscal Cliff Tax Bill/Band Aid is a nifty little section that takes care of that little issue: SEC. 202. EXTENSION OF EXCLUSION FROM GROSS INCOME OFRead the R ...
abelard - news
basic income guarantee | politics uk news at a ...The German government is coming closer to the universal income suggestion made by abelard almost ten years ago.
38,000 preview the new bridge at bordeaux | ar ...A special treat for the Bordelais and their neighbours, walking on a high-tech bridge across the Garonne River at Bordeaux.
interview with a socialist voter | behaviour a ...Listen to the interviewer, like us: sympathetic, then incredulous, then outraged. Listen to the interviewee: sure, confident, 'innocent', and oh so hard done by.
to help shepherds watch their sheep | news-lit ...Have the sheep scare the wolves!
incredible muslims | world of fundamentalism n ...The tug of the modern world versus traditional methods of social control -in the realm of employment.
The Parallel Parliament
Home, But Not AloneOn Saturday we leave for our big excursion to the Republic of South Sudan. We take a team of 16 …Continue reading »
How Was 2012 For Women?My new Huffington Post piece on how women fared globally and in Canada in 2012. huff.to/UDkrBq Filed under: Citizenship, Politics, …Continue reading »
Goodwill HuntingAnd on earth, peace to those of goodwill … Luke 2:14 Today I turn 62. A birthday is always a …Continue reading »
The Things You Can’t Buy For ChristmasWe live in the most financially minded era in history; nothing previous compares to it. Somehow we have put ourselves …Continue reading »
Citizen Gifts – InnovationDifficult economic times have a tendency to get communities to pull into themselves. No light appears at the end of …Continue reading »
Vaccine Awakening
Under Attack, NVIC Helps Americans Stand Up & ...Posted: 11/20/2012 by Barbara Loe Fisher In 2013, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) enters our fourth decade of preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and defending the legal right to make voluntary vaccination decisions in America.[1] Each year du ...
Influenza Deaths: The Hype vs. The Evidence Posted: 10/3/2012 By Barbara Loe FisherIt's that time of the year again when drug companies, doctors, government officials and media conduct a national advertising campaign to sell flu shots to every American.1, 2, 3 You can't pass by a pharmacy,4enter a supermarket,5 ...
Turning Vaccine Exemptions Into Class WarfarePosted 9/14/2012 by Barbara Loe Fisher It is getting uglier and uglier out there, as angry, frustrated doctors inside and outside of government work overtime to foster fear and hatred of parents making conscious vaccine choices for their children. The latest political dirty tri ...
Find A Compassionate Doctor To Help You Preven ...August 28, 2012 by Barbara Loe Fisher Ever since the first vaccines – smallpox and rabies vaccines - one of the most serious complications of vaccination has been brain inflammation.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Brain inflammation can cause convulsions, also known as seizures.[8] Continuing seizures can ...
Doctors Slam Parents for Vaccine Choices & FDA ...Posted: 6/26/2012 by Barbara Loe Fisher On June 13, 2012, a study conducted by government health employees working at the Oregon Health Authority and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was published in Pediatrics, a medical journal owned by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).[1 ...
2020 Science
The science of VidCon – Connecting with Scienc ...Where I cover science at this year’s VidCon YouTube convention, take a look at science and engineering more broadly on YouTube, and suggest that for next year’s VidCon the organizers should bring together some of the leading science projects on YouTube with grass-roots science-advoca ...
Frying your brains on information overload: Ol ...Living online is changing our brains – at least according to Baroness Greenfield in an interview posted today by New Scientist. Leaving aside questions over the extent to which Greenfield’s concerns are driven by misapprehension or plausibility, the interview put me in mind of a rath ...
Would You Lick Jam Off An Old Man’s Foot? and ...Would You Lick Jam Off An Old Man’s Foot Or Drink Toilet Water For An Hour? Can you explain how gravitons can escape a black hole? Or do you have a good answer to the question “why are people annoying?” This is just a sampling of some of the more entertaining and challenging questio ...
What was worrying us about nanotechnology safe ...In 2004, the first International Symposium on Occupational Health Implications of Nanomaterials was held in Buxton in the UK. Seven years later, I’m preparing for a discussion panel at the fifth meeting in this very successful community-led series (being held this week in Boston MA), and ...
Want to know about teens and social media from ...If you are a teen who uses YouTube (or know of one – maybe even your own teenager), please think seriously about posting a response to this video: (You can also watch it directly on YouTube here). Over on the Risk Science Blog, I’ve just posted a piece about Baroness Susan Greenfield ...
Reader Supported News
Empty newsfeed.
War Resisters League
U.S. Tear Gas Still on the Streets of Egypt: H ...Earlier last week, Egyptians poured out onto the streets across Egypt to protest President Morsi’s dictatorial decree overriding the power of the courts, attempting to keep a heavily Muslim Brotherhood-influenced constitutional assembly in tact, and granting himself seemingly unchecked authority ...
منظمة مقوامة الحروب الامريكية تمنح للقيادية ال ...للنشر الفوري 11-26-2012 للاتصال: ali@warresisters.org علي عيسى – في نيو يورك 718-310-9968 اسماء محمد – في سويس, مصر012-680-9980 منظمة مقوامة الحروب الامريكية تمنح للقيادية العمالية, اسماء محمد محمد, التي قالت لا للغاز المسيل للدموع, جائزة سلام كان رفضها لتمرير … Continue reading →
Egyptian Revolutionary Labor Leader, Asma Moha ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 26th, 2012 Contact: Ali Issa, 718.310.9968, ali@warresisters .org, New York City, U.S.A. Asma Mohammed, 012-680-9980 – Suez, Egypt Egyptian Revolutionary Labor Leader, Asma Mohammed, Who Said No to Tear Gas, to be honored with War Resisters … Continue ...
Celebrations, Resistance, and Usby Matt Meyer This week, a project six years in the making – and which many of us hope will have a significant positive impact on US movements for social change – finally shot off the presses. We Have Not … Continue reading →
A.J. Muste Peace Mural DedicationBy Sachio Ko-yin*One Painter. One pacifist folk hero. And location location location.These were among the ingredients of a remarkable gathering on Thursday, August 9, the unveiling and dedication of the A.J. Muste Peace Mural by artist Christopher Cardinale.The subject of the … Continue re ...
Center for a Livable Future
Cooking Climate-Friendly without a World-Class ...If it takes a professional chef to cook climate-friendly, we’re all doomed.
Can’t Stand the Heat? Get Into the KitchenAgriculture and the food system play a huge role in climate change – they’re far more important than most of us recognize. Because of that, choosing what to put on my table and on my own plate is a powerful act.
Opa! Food For Thought Symposia at The Black Ol ...Black Olive owner Stelios Spiliadis and his family have been introducing Baltimore not only to their Greek culture, but also to their passion for health and wellness. Their hopes of inspiring real change through the power of good food have been spreading like wildfire.
FDA Should Share Data about Livestock on DrugsIt’s my hope that GAP’s lawsuit against FDA will finally compel the agency to break ties with drug companies and release the information that the public health community needs to monitor the use—and misuse—of antibiotics and other drugs in food animal production.
Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun: Nutrient Trading a ..."My first objection to this kind of program is semantics. Let's call it what it is: pollution trading. Excess nutrient pollutants in the bay lead to public health problems, just as other pollutants do."
k2p blog
Obama – sort-of – wins the “ ...But whatever it was that was agreed to, the US debt will rise by some $4 trillion directly as a consequence of this "deal". The US follows exactly the same way as Europe in putting off the day when the music must be faced.
Obama – sort-of – wins the “ ...But whatever it was that was agreed to, the US debt will rise by some $4 trillion directly as a consequence of this "deal". The US follows exactly the same way as Europe in putting off the day when the music must be faced.
Kyoto protocol fails in all ways: Goals not ac ...A failure of something utterly unnecessary ought to be a success. But the damage caused by the pursuit of meaningless goals for unsound reasons has been immense. The controversial and ineffective Kyoto Protocol's first stage comes to an end today, leaving the world with 58 per cent more greenhou ...
Kyoto protocol fails in all ways: Goals not ac ...A failure of something utterly unnecessary ought to be a success. But the damage caused by the pursuit of meaningless goals for unsound reasons has been immense. The controversial and ineffective Kyoto Protocol's first stage comes to an end today, leaving the world with 58 per cent more greenhou ...
Animal camouflage: Spot the animalA superb collection of wild-life camouflage images.
Left Foot Forward
Comment: Constitution deadlock may derail mean ...Caroline Mortimer looks at the constitutional complexities that hinder the moral arguments for gun control in the wake of a series of tragedies.
What does 2013 hold for devolution?Left Foot Forward's Devolution Correspondent Ed Jacobs looks ahead to what 2013 has in store for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Boris’s budget is an insult to LondonersLabour London Assembly Group budget spokesperson John Biggs AM responds to London Mayor Boris Johnson's budget.
Hezza set to launch Greater Birmingham Project ...Lord Heseltine will launch the Greater Birmingham Project today - but the question is, will the government actually back him up?
Annual rail hike takes effect and dampens star ...Further rail price hikes get the year off to a difficult start for many and meanwhile, the government remains entirely oblivious to the impact of its policies.
4 Reasons Why Profanity-Filled E-Mails & Rants ...Bad customer service — especially the kind that has the consumer bouncing from one department to the next without any hope for resolution — can be infuriating. It can be incredibly easy, if not downright tempting, to dust off every dirty word you ever learned by watching football wit ...
Could It Be? Photos Purport To Show BlackBerry ...Whenever my friends are like, “Ugh, I just spilled water in my BlackBerry keyboard!” I don’t feel bad. No, I just hope that said friend will finally get a phone with a touch screen like the rest of the civilized world. I’m mostly joking — BlackBerry still has some very lo ...
The Financial Powers That Be Shut Down Credit ...Vatican City had a bit of an embarrassing situation on its hands come New Year’s Day, when tourists and pilgrims waited in long lines to see holy sites only to find out all electronic purchases had been suspended. That means no credit cards anywhere in the city state. See, the bank that h ...
Victims’ Families Call Invite To Aurora ...Almost six months after alleged gunman James Holmes opened fire on a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., killing 12 people, the victims’ families are calling an invitation to the re-opening of that same theater — dubbed a special evening of remembrance” by the Century Aurora 16 theater ...
Transocean Pleads Guilty, Agrees To Pay $1.4 B ...Transocean, the offshore drilling company that operated, on BP’s behalf, the ill-fated Deepwater Horizon rig whose collapse resulted in multiple deaths and untold amounts of oil being released into the Gulf of Mexico, has agreed to plead guilty to violating the Clean Water Act and to pay a ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
John Cusack Leads Talk on WikiLeaks and Whistl ...Image by David SifryHuffington Post: John Cusack – What is an Assange? Actor John Cusack, now on the board of the newly launched Freedom of the Press Foundation, moderates a discussion about WikiLeaks' impact on transparency and the comparison of Julian Assange to Pentagon Papers whistleblowe ...
Dismay Over Renewal of Government Surveillance ...The Guardian: Activists Voice Dismay as Senate Renews Government Surveillance Measure On Friday, the US Senate voted in favor of extending the FISA Amendments Act, which authorizes the government's warrantless surveillance program. Civil rights campaigners voiced dismay over the vote, as wel ...
Whistleblowers at Intl Tech Conference; Deutsc ...Firedoglake: US Whistleblowers on Being Targeted by the Secret Security State (Video) Jesselyn RadackIn this video, GAP National Security & Human Rights Director Jesselyn Radack, along with GAP clients and whistleblowers Thomas Drake and William Binney, gave a presentation about "Blowing t ...
Federal Contractor Whistleblower Provisions In ...12 Million Affected, Six Times More than Federal Employees (Washington, DC) – Today, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) is praising the inclusion of "best practice" whistleblower protection rights for federal government contractors in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 (NDA ...
Internal Document Shows World Bank's Mahmoud M ...Mahmoud Mohieldin, Image Courtesy of the World Economic ForumAccording to an internal document sent from World Bank President Jim Yong Kim on December 18, Mahmoud Mohieldin – Egypt’s former Minister of Investment during the deposed Hosni Mubarak regime – has apparently been demoted from his post ...
UK Progressive
Op-Ed: Dick Armey–Armed Assailant?by : Jeanine Molloff I never liked Dick Armey. In my opinion he has been a loud, crass, political opportunist bereft of any principles or ethics. Politically, he is the proverbial ‘loud fart’ in church–aimed squarely at (ahem)— the public interest. That being said; thi ...
On a Wyoming Ranch, Feds Sacrifice Tomorrow’s ...by Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica GILLETTE, Wyo. — On a lonely stretch at the edge of the Great Plains, rolling grassland presses up against a crowning escarpment called the Pumpkin Buttes. The land appears bountiful, but it is stingy, straining to produce enough sustenance for the herds of cattle ...
The Ongoing War: After the Battle Over the Cli ...by Robert Reich “It’s not all I would have liked,” says Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, speaking of the deal on the fiscal cliff, “so on to the debt ceiling.” The battle over the fiscal cliff was only a prelude to the coming battle over raising the debt ceiling – a battle th ...
Wishing You and Yours a Happy Holiday…Thanks for being a part of this great election season ride. We’re taking a much needed holiday break after this election. We’ll be back on January 3rd with a major announcement about a new strategic partnership and programme for 2013 and beyond. We wish all of our loyal readers and c ...
TSA to Commission Independent Study of X-Ray B ...by Michael Grabell ProPublica Following months of congressional pressure, the Transportation Security Administration has agreed to contract with the National Academy of Sciences to study the health effects of the agency’s X-ray body scanners. But it is unclear if the academy will conduct i ...
FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs E ...Instapundit
Study: Eco-Friendly Light Bulbs May Put Health ...CBS Miami
Conservative women's group: More Dem women in ...The Hill
Class Warfare Tax Policy Causes Portugal to Cr ...Cato
Blue America Update: Welfare voter drive falls ...The Boston Herald reports:A taxpayer-financed, Democrat-driven crusade to put welfare recipients on the state’s voter rolls fell far short of its mark, with 500,000 pitch letters garnering just 31,000 registrations, at a cost of about $9 apiece, the Herald has learned.Great moments of Blue Amer ...
Two million years of climate change made us wh ...Bradshaw Art, Kimberley, Australia. This distinctive style of painting disappeared 7,000 years ago. | Photo TimJN1 Two million years of climate change has made us human — in a ying meets yang contradiction, while climate change destroyed cultures and groups, without it, we would no ...
UnthreadedJan 2 or 3 (depending on where you are). Rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes cast) Rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes cast)
Welcome to a Kyoto-free-world: Best use was to ...Goodbye to the Kyoto protocol. How well did those ambitious plans work out? The government solution that aimed to reduce CO2 emissions by 5% achieved a 58% increase instead. Welcome to Case-Study #224 in Government failure. Kyoto climate change treaty sputters to a sorry end “The controve ...
What Fiscal Cliff? It’s a fiscal-crack-i ...There is an economic crisis out there, but it isn’t the Fiscal Cliff. The best summary of the economics I’ve seen comes from Mark Steyn. The bipartisan Super Committee of Super Friends was supposed to find $1.2 trillion dollars of deficit reduction by last Thanksgiving, or plucky lit ...
The Age — “Sceptics Weather the St ...Cartoonist John Spooner gets away with saying in text what no one else has said before in The Age: that the skeptics are clawing their way ahead, and winning. The tide has shifted. Some excerpts: WELL, so much for the 2012 apocalypse. If the ancient Mayans ever knew anything about the future, th ...
ReNew America
Obamacare, the Supremes, Dickens, and the bumb ...(Wes Vernon, RA analyst) - No less a power than the highest court in the land has stumbled into the ultimate definition of Obamacare, and in the process has finally exposed the decades-long downslide of the political class's standards for honesty. It is up to us to try to reverse that...
From preserving liberty to destroying it(Alan Keyes) - When the U.S. Supreme Court announced its Obamacare decision, many conservatives professed to be shocked, even stunned, to hear that G.W. Bush appointee John Roberts wrote the decision in which he and the Supreme Court's anti-constitutional leftists upheld the individual mandate p ...
Building the free-market case against big business(Timothy P. Carney) - The most dangerous enemies of capitalism today are capitalists. This is becoming clearer every day to people committed to free markets. The conservative and libertarian grassroots came to deeply distrust big business after the Wall Street bailouts and Obama's stimulus and h ...
New hope for life worldwide(Janice Shaw Crouse) - During discouraging times, pro-lifers remind themselves that William Wilberforce worked for two decades before he began to change hearts and minds and end 19th-century slavery in Great Britain. In efforts lasting twice as long, pro-life activists are just now beginning to ...
Formal complaint seeks disbarment of Eric Hold ...(Daily Caller) - Attorney General Eric Holder could lose his license to practice law in the District of Columbia, or face some other penalty from the D.C. Bar, now that he has been found in criminal and civil contempt of Congress...
Truth Offering
Empty newsfeed.
2012 Blog
Patrick Geryl Stayed at HomePatrick Geryl became quite famous in his home country (Belgium), had a best selling book in Poland and frequently appeared in the media worldwide telling people that, according to his calculations, doomsday would certainly occur on Dec 21, 2012. I placed a pair of his articles on this website be ...
Playboy in South Africa Features 2012 Forum Me ...This is the very same article that appeared in USA editions of Playboy a few years ago, but because it was just before the doom date we got the cover: I figure this is the first and only time an article that quotes me has a naked woman promoting it. You can read about me and three other 2012 Fo ...
Daily Mail: Robert Bast is a Prize Twit – My R ...So here are the first few paragraphs of one of the many, many articles that have taken the cheap and easy shot, laughing at survivalists who were motivated by the Mayan end date. With my responses in RED Without wishing to sound too smug, I think we can predict the menu for the next five years a ...
REM: TEOTWAWKI Song Hits The Charts AgainI’ve done enough media in the last month to get a pretty good idea about how little effort is put into most news items. By my reckoning one minute of TV news would take 10-15 minutes of just 4-5 people: a cameraman, sound engineer (sometimes one person does both), the reporter, the editor ...
Where are the earthquakes? volcanoes? solar st ...It is almost ironic, and there’s a tiny part of me wondering if the ancient Maya predicted Dec 21, 2012 as the most un-eventful date to give us. Yes, there are some winter storms in the USA/Europe. But these aren’t exactly unexpected. What is unusual is the lack of: earthquakes - acc ...
Facing South
VOICES: Medicaid misinformation multipliesOne of the biggest decisions facing North Carolina's new legislature and governor is whether to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act to cover more than 500,000 low-income people. Much of the opposition to expansion is more about ideology than anything else, a visceral reaction to a law ...
NC governor-elect vows immediate action to beg ...Speaking today at the N.C. Bankers Association's 2013 Economic Forecast Forum, incoming Republican Gov. Pat McCrory said he would waste no time in joining with Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia to begin negotiating with the federal government to drill offshore for gas and oil. read more
Congress waves green flag for NASCAR tax breakA little-noticed loophole in the fiscal cliff bill gives NASCAR a multi-million dollar tax break. Do they need it? read more
Mr. Sam's 'chintzy' treatment of workers comes ...Walmart founder Sam Walton admitted in his autobiography that he was too "chintzy" to pay his employees well, and the corporate culture he created is taking a heavy toll on workers in the retail supply chain. Will consumers consider the people who make the products they buy? read more
A New Year for the SouthBe part of a growing voice for change in the South -- join us with a year-end gift to Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies today! read more
One News Page
Apple to launch new versions of MacBook Pro an ...It seems that Apple is already working to release new improved version of the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro by June 2013. Reported by Firstpost 1 hour ago
Kerala cops ask Facebook to remove fake photo ...N Vinayakumaran Nair, assistant commissioner of police, who heads the Hi-Tech Crime Enquiry Cell, said a probe had begun following a complaint from the parents of the woman whose picture was misused. Reported by Firstpost 1 hour ago
Singapore court charges 4 Indians with compatr ...According to local media reports, they were drinking in Jurong Lake Park on the western industrial region of Singapore on New Year's Day Reported by DNA 1 hour ago
Sajid Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez spotted ho ...The couple who has refrained from making any statements about their relationship so far finally decided to come out in the openAt the premiere of Marathi film Balak Palak held by Riteish Deshumukh last evening, his good friend Sajid Khan arrived arm-in-arm with girlfriend Jacqueline Fernandez, . ...
Name anti-rape law after daughter: Delhi victi ...Asking the Centre to make amendments in law to name the proposed new anti-rape law after his daughter, father of the Delhi gang-rape victim on Thursday said it will be an honour to the girl and respect public sentiments. Reported by Rediff.com 1 hour ago
Global Research TV
- 9/11 Revisited: The Unjustifiable Launch of En ...
- 9/11 Revisited: History, Consequences and Medi ...
- 9/11 Revisited: War, Justice and the Search fo ...
- Drone Warrior: Outrage Over Children Killed in ...
- Focus on Iran: History, Geopolitics and Media Bias
Daily Tech
Google, FTC Settle Antitrust Spat Without Any ...Google agrees to modifications to its patent lawsuit strategy, how it handles online data
Microsoft Shouts Antitrust Over YouTube SnubMicrosoft said FTC isn't doing enough to force Google to conform with antitrust laws
Microsoft Acquires R2 Studios for Xbox UnitR2 Studios has been working on technology that distributes and displays digital media on TVs
Some Chevrolet Dealerships Have Volt Revolt Af ...Dealerships don't want to spend more on tools needed to service the Volts since sales for most are down
Ubuntu for Android Gets Official"Webtop" will give Linux fans a second mini-desktop when plugged into their Linux machine
Oriental Review
Zbigniew Brzezinski As a Mirror of American De ...Part I Is the glory of Gorbachev proving contagious? We are halfway through the time allotted by Zbigniew Brzezinski in his landmark book «The Grand Chessboard», when he predicted that U.S. dominance in the world would remain unchallenged for a period of thirty years. Now just 15 years on and in ...
Zbigniew Brzezinski As a Mirror of American De ...A thirty-year plan accomplished in fifteen years The year 2012, among other things, was marked by a publication of fundamental importance in terms of understanding the processes occurring in the world and the U.S.: the book by Zbigniew Brzezinski «Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Glob ...
Afghanistan Under U.S. OccupationThere is nothing new in the opinion that has long been expressed regarding the similarity of the military action waged in Afghanistan, after the Soviet army entered the country on December 25, 1979, with the war waged by the U.S. Army in Vietnam. However this opinion leads us away from the truth ...
Syria Will Resist Even After AssadA Los-Angeles Times article begins with this sentence: “Now that a consensus is forming that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s days are numbered, diplomats and Middle East experts….” Aside from the psychological warfare value of mainstream Western media’s “days are numbered” mantra, this now hackn ...
Germany Rediscovers Its Imperialist DriveHas Germany finally gotten over its war guilt? It would seem so, with the imminent deployment of 400 Bundeswehr troops in Turkey to help install and operate NATO Patriot missile systems in that country. The historic move of German troops being sent to a foreign territory in full combat mode foll ...
House GOP Lets Violence Against Women Act DieHard to believe, but the GOP House just hit a new low on the women’s front. They chose not to re-authorize the Violence Against Women Act. How will their inexcusable failure affect women across America? It's clear the impact will be profound. Since VAWA passed in 1994, the rate of intimate par ...
I Don't Care About Your Diet or Your Extra Fiv ...It's that time of the year when everyone is abuzz with New Year's resolutions. They include "lose weight," "exercise more," "get healthy," and a million others in between. I'm not against resolutions, but what I do hate to see is an unrealistic attitude and approach on the losing weight one -- a ...
Add Meaningful Content with Data VisualizationSarah Allen from The Evolving Ultrasaurus has been thinking about data visualization and how it can add meaningful information to the content of a blog post. She also suggests a tool that anyone can use to create effective charts and graphs for your own data visualization needs. Sarah writes, I ...
How a Mom's Heart Was Broken by an Email that ...[Editor's Note: Did you receive those weekly updates when you were expecting your child? You know the ones: They tell you how big the baby is and what grew that week and what to expect. Perhaps you continued getting those emails after your baby arrived. Monique at Razing Mayhem did, and was rece ...
Welcome Back Hannah StormWelcome back to sportscaster Hannah Storm. In case you missed it, the Sports Center anchor sustained second- and third-degree burns in a freak grilling explosion at her Connecticut home last month. On New Year's Day, she was in Pasadena hosting the Rose Parade. Thanks to a cadre of hai ...
Health Freedom Alliance
Billions Paid Out for Surgical ErrorsSurgical “never events” — such as leaving a sponge in a patient — cost healthcare professionals a minimum of $1.3 billion in malpractice payouts from 1990 to 2010, researchers found. In an analysis of such surgical ... Related posts:Anemia Drugs Made Bil ...
Top Healing Foods That Stop Ovarian Cancer in ...Ovarian cancer is one of the most deadly diseases out there. It is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women — an astounding 14,000 out of 23,000 diagnosed each year, die. Ovarian ... Related posts:Cancer Fighting Foods – 4 Anti-Cancer Foods Share Could it ...
Inflammatory Marker Tied to DepressionElevated levels of proinflammatory C-reactive protein (CRP) had significant associations with psychological stress and depression, a large population-based study showed. The odds for antidepressant use, antidepressant prescriptions, and hospitalization with depression increased b ...
Why Did Russia Ban The Use Of Microwave Ovens?Consumers are dying today in part because they continue to eat dead foods that are killed in the microwave. They take a perfectly healthy piece of raw food, loaded with vitamins and natural medicines, then ... Related posts:Russia Suspends Import and Use of American GM Corn Aft ...
10 Medical Conditions That Share Symptoms With ...According to Health Central expert Eileen Bailey, getting an accurate ADD/ADHD diagnosis can be difficult at any time, but the fact that the disorder shares symptoms with other health conditions can make it even harder. Autism/Aspergers Syndrome People ...
Live News Wire
Editorial: As The Country Mourned, Tucson Need ...Those who criticized the reaction of the crowd at Wednesday night's memorial have it ingrained that a perfect memorial is one with candles, flowers and tears. The citizens of Tucson and the American people have mourned for five days. Wednesday's event was not a time to mourn some more. It was a ...
Police Made Visits To Loughner Home Before Sho ...The Tucson, Arizona family home of 22-year-old Jared Loughner had been visited by authorities before the shooting of a congresswoman and 18 others last Saturday, new information by the New York Times revealed Wednesday. It's unclear what the visits were about or what prompted the call to author ...
Criminal Charges Filed Against Congresswoman’s ...Newly-released court documents offer a glimpse into the motive behind Jared Loughner's attempted assassination of Tucson Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday. Recovered from Loughner's home was a letter addressed to Jared Loughner from Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords mailed a ...
“Unbelievable Tragedy:” Congresswoman Shot By ...At least fifteen gunshots rang out shortly after 10:10am Arizona Time Saturday, bullets fatally striking a Federal Judge and injuring a prominent Congresswoman. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) of Arizona's Eighth District was wounded at a public meet-and-greet event outside a grocery s ...
Queensland Facing Flood Of “Biblical” ProportionsThe worst floods in 50 years to hit Queensland, Australia are being described as nothing short of Biblical. More than 1,000 people have been evacuated, though officials say as the floodwaters get worse, as many as 4,000 residents could be asked to vacate their homes and businesses later this we ...
Coal Tattoo
W.Va.’s coal politics: New year, but sam ...As we ease into the New Year, there’s always hope that we can all change and improve — that goes for West Virginia’s political and business leaders, too. It’s sometimes had to have much hope of that, though … take the silly reactions last week when Lisa P. Jackson, ...
The Sago Mine Disaster, Jan. 2, 2006It was 7 years ago this morning that an explosion ripped through International Coal Group’s Sago Mine in Upshur County, W.Va. Twelve miners died and another barely got out alive. Miner Randal McCloy Jr. survived, and the miners killed were: Tom Anderson, Terry Helms, Marty Bennett, Martin Toler, ...
- Merry Christmas from Coal Tattoo
Friday roundup, Dec. 21, 2012This Sept. 11, 2012 photo shows a Whitehaven Coal mine outside Narrabri, Australia near Gunnedah, 450 kilometers (280 miles) northwest of Sydney. (AP Photo/Rob Griffith) There was some big news out of Kentucky this week, with American Electric Power’s announcement that it is going to clos ...
C.A. Phillips to retire from W.Va. mine safety ...It’s just been confirmed that C.A. Phillips, director of the West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health, Safety and Training, plans to retire effective Dec. 31. C.A. has been director of the agency since August 2011, and had served as acting director for nearly a year before that. He spe ...
Daniel Miessler
Sam Harris on GunsAccording to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, 47 percent of all murders in the U.S. are committed with handguns. Again, only 3 percent are committed with rifles (of any type). Twice as many murderers (6 percent) use nothing but their bare hands. Thirteen percent use knives. Although a semi-automa ...
A Guy Talking About LifeRelated Posts:A Talk on Parenting You Should SeeHow to Handle BullyingAtheists and ChristmasObama Cries as He Thanks His TeamOn Failure and Success
Don’t Upload Your Malware Samples to Vir ...Without further ado, the #1 Malware Analysis Protip is STOP uploading your files to VT. Start with a hash search. If nothing was found then chances are it is custom malware targeted to just a few people; handle with care. The longer the attacker thinks their payload is not detected, the long ...
A Talk on Parenting You Should SeeRelated Posts:How to Handle BullyingAtheists and ChristmasObama Cries as He Thanks His TeamBike ParkourOn Failure and Success
2012 Site Stats2012 was a good year for the site. Related Posts:Mobile Visitor Data: November 2012Obama Gaining GroundNew Cisco Switch For the HouseOur Earth’s Timeline, Scaled to One YearOS X Easter Egg Reveals LoTR Calendar
New Years Eve Prisoner Solidarity DemoDoes exactly what it says on the tin. Lets be honest, this year has been a disheartening one. State and security forces have repositioned themselves with guns towards us (quite literally, in some cases) and scored significant victories against the dissenting population. Next year looks set to be ...
Plain clothes cop at Fridays demoCops turning up to demos in plain clothes seems to be a regular occurence these days. These pics were taken at the Fight for Sites demo on Friday. Although he appears to have forgotten his uniform, the man pictured is Constable Mark Stoddart. A number of cops in plain clothes have been pictured ...
Stay Safe; Stay Anonymous! #5 – Block & ...Okay, so by now we should know all the basic preventative measures we can take to defend our anonymity. But there is one more thing we can be doing this October 20th to proactively assert our freedom to dissent without state repression. This is, of course, the classic FITwatch Direct Action tact ...
Stay Safe; Stay Anonymous! #4 – Fashion ...Whilst what you wear on a demo is on one level (quite rightly) unimportant, it can be used as a great tool to disrupt intelligence gathering activities. When such a large part of political policing rests on the ability to profile, identify, isolate (and subsequently harass) individuals and group ...
Stay Safe; Stay Anonymous! #3 – Affinity ...For the purposes of a mass demonstration, affinity groups – small groups of people who attend the same demonstration together - are a great way to stay safe and anonymous, providing a miniature support network that is both empowering and practical. This is one of the first things you should be c ...
Worldwide Hippies
Video: Steubenville’s Michael Nodianos D ...By Michael Allen,opposingviews.com - A newly surfaced video shows high school students laughing about a 16-year-old girl being raped in Steubenville, Ohio. In the 12-minute video, released yesterday by hacktivists KnightSec on Deadspin.com, there are several references to a girl being raped and ...
Eight Corporate Subsidies in the Fiscal Cliff ...By Matt Stoller, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis – Throughout the months of November and December, a steady stream of corporate CEOs flowed in and out of the White House to discuss the impending fiscal cliff. Many of them, such as Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, would then publicly ...
The power of school music programs: Students c ...From blogs.ajc.com/ – Melissa Walker, a professional jazz vocalist and president and founder of Jazz House Kids in Montclair, N.J., and Peter Smagorinsky, Distinguished Research Professor of English Education at the University of Georgia, joined forces to write a piece on the benefits of m ...
Why Your Mane Shouldn’t Be Maintained!From zebradetox.com - Now this is something fascinating to know! For those of you who think you have to look fashionable: then this article of learning a super cool new human power is not for you. If you’re anything like me and think long hair is awesome and super, then read on! I don’t know abo ...
NY Couple Not Terrorists, Not Hippies and Not ...From .thedailybeast.com -New York City police have decided that a couple arrested for possession of weapons and explosives don’t appear to be terrorists, just privileged kids with drug habits. By Michael Daly and Lizzie Crocker Investigators say they believe 27-year-old Morgan Gliedman and 31-ye ...
reference frame
Al Jazeera buys TV from Al Gore et al.There's been lots of interesting science news – for example, Neil Armstrong has apparently lied to us when he was saying that he invented the "one small step for man" line on the Moon. He had been thinking about it for quite some time, his brother recently told the BBC, and he was even collectin ...
Feynman's "Ode to a Flower": an animationYou must have heard Richard Feynman's monologue on the beauty of a flower from the scientist's viewpoint. It was aired at the very beginning of the interesting 1981 BBC program The Pleasure of Finding Things Out. But this may be the first time when you're encouraged to watch thi ...
NYT urges Obama to introduce socialismMany American conservatives remain significantly proud about their country that they believe to be much more immune against socialism, top-down bureaucratic control, and other things they associate with the Eurotrash in their own old continent. Well, I am afraid that this pride is exaggerat ...
Greenhouse effect doesn't contradict any laws ...It's the new year, 2013, and I will start it with some sort of "hardcore skeptic bashing". Needless to say, it's not the first time when you can read a text on this blog that could be described in this way. Your humble correspondent is balanced when it comes to the catching of mistakes spre ...
Prediction isn't the right method to learn abo ...Happy New Year 2013 = 33 * 61! The last day of the year is a natural moment for a blog entry about time. At various moments, I wanted to write about the things that the year 2012 brought us. The most important event in science was the discovery of the \(126\GeV\) Higgs boson (something ...
Tatumba 2.0
New UN Report on Syriaby Stephen Lendman, SJLendman.Blogspot.com: On January 2, the UN News Center headlined “Data suggests death toll could be more than 60,000, says UN human rights office.” The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) commissioned the analysis. It covers the March 15, ...
New UN Report on Syriaby Stephen Lendman, SJLendman.Blogspot.com: On January 2, the UN News Center headlined “Data suggests death toll could be more than 60,000, says UN human rights office.” The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) commissioned the analysis. It covers the March 15, ...
Ontario imposes contracts on public school tea ...The Ontario government will attempt to end a months-long dispute by imposing contracts on its public school teachers, Education Minister Laurel Broten announced this morning. CBC | Top Stories News Related posts: Half of Ontario public elementary school teachers walk out A total of 35,0 ...
Illinois Total Gun Ban Legislation To Be Submi ...by Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post: The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) is claiming that it has learned from a credible source that Illinois State Senate President John Cullerton plans to introduce an “assault weapons” ban on Wednesday January 2nd during the course of the “lame duck” s ...
Hunger-striking chief urges unity with Idle No ...Attawapiskat First Nation Chief Theresa Spence is urging unity among protesters and aboriginal leaders in the grassroots Idle No More movement. CBC | Top Stories News Related posts: Idle No More stages national day of protest Hundreds of First Nations protesters waved flags, chanted slo ...
Truth About Our World
NotificationThis blogs entries have been moved to http://worldtruthtoday.wordpress.com/ I will no longer post anything here, although site will remain open for a while. Thanks Grace
- Trudell Documentary
- Occupy Wall Street “Beware The Zeitgeist ...
- The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right
- World War 3 (III,Three): September 11, 2001-20 ...
Can't Stop the Big MoHealthy spending and productivity add up to some good stock buys, says S&P's Kenneth Shea. Plus: His formula for a diversified portfolio
Higher Gas Tax? Smart MoveRaising it to 50 cents or $1 per gallon would push conservation and send a signal to America's enemies. It's the surest way to cut oil dependence
Grading Back-to-School StocksSome outfits that gain from families' spending may make dicey buys. But equity pros reveal those investments with strong potential
No Lull in the Airlines' HeadwindsThe industry isn't doing as badly as it was, but that's not saying much, according to S&P's Philip Baggaley
Merck: More Agony from Its PainkillerThe costly Vioxx verdict makes its plan to take on each claim individually more difficult. But a big settlement is no easy cure, either
Cleaning Never Tasted So GoodBy Samara Geller, EWG Research Fellow Olive oil and lemon juice,...sounds like a base for a fantastic vinaigrette, right? As a former professional chef, I always keep these simple ingredients stocked to create a variety of tasty sauces, dressings... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit ...
10 Top Environmental Health Stories of 2012The top environmental health stories of 2012 were all about everyday hazards that are right in our backyards. They have to do with the unintended consequences of chemical pollution that could harm the health of our families, our neighbors,... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my webs ...
Chemical Industry to Parents: Avoid Lead, Tail ...By Alex Formuzis and Sonya Lunder, MPH This is rich. The chemical industry has produced a new "health information" website titled Kids + Chemical Safety that mentions hardly any chemicals or any of the voluminous body of peer-reviewed research... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my ...
Just How "Green" is Walgreens?By Sarah Swanke, EWG General Research Intern Attention Bargain Shoppers: Walgreens now sells a line of healthy home products called Ology! These new products are advertised as free of toxic chemicals, including ammonia, chlorine bleach, di- and... [[ This is a content summary only ...
How EWG Grades Cleaning Products in its New Gu ...By David Andrews Ph.D., EWG Senior Scientist It's that time of year again, when students everywhere try to figure out how well they need to do on the final exam to get an A for the term. Or maybe... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ...
Quick Hits
More Teachers Being Replaced By TechnologyThe neoliberal wetdream coming to fruition. From Fast Company: Districts all over are experimenting with teacher-less computer labs and green-lighting entire classrooms of adult-supervised children exploring the Internet--an Android powered tablet designed specifically for students. Teachers' u ...
Food costs at record levels, likely to go higherMANILA/MILAN (Reuters) - World food prices hit a record in January and recent catastrophic weather around the globe could put yet more pressure on the cost of food, an issue that has already helped spark protests across the Middle East. Up for the seventh month in a row, the closely watched Food ...
Shell makes $2,208,480 (£1.6m) an hour, [Clue ...http://www.guardian.co.uk/busi... The Guardian in Britain says calmly:Shell stoked up the heated debate about the high cost of fuel on the forecourt today after reporting it made profits of nearly £1.6m an hour over the last three months.A leading member of the road lobby said moto ...
Gallup Helps Explain Egyptian/Tunisia UprisingsWellbeing in Egypt and Tunisia decreased significantly over the past few years, even as GDP increased. In Egypt, where demonstrations have prompted President Hosni Mubarak to give up power after elections this fall, the percentage of people "thriving" fell by 18 percentage points since 2005. In ...
Wallace Shawn: Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jef ...The Grand Nagus speaks! At Tom Dispatch.com.
Capital - NYC
- Senator Working Mom gets sworn in
- The first stirrings of Rupert Murdoch's new co ...
- Lhota's libertarianism: Less Swanson, more Gol ...
- Teachers group asks for an evaluation system, ...
- Lost Foods of New York City: Vichyssoise
Views & News from Norway
NRK’s ‘slow TV’ won more viewersNorwegian Broadcasting (NRK) made television history with its record-breaking “minute-by-minute” coverage of a coastal voyage on a Hurtigruten vessel two summers ago. It’s since made similar “slow TV” shows, and the latest coverage of a trip on Norway’s northe ...
More asylum seekers under wrapsThe number of asylum seekers needing extra protection, or whose applications are considered especially sensitive in Norway, has nearly quadrupled in the past five years. Immigration authorities are now handling 775 cases involving skjermede personer – persons whose identities are being kep ...
Hospital drawn into indictment for exploitatio ...Prosecutors in Oslo have indicted both Oslo University Hospital and a couple who arranged jobs at the hospital for three nurses from the Philippines who are believed to have been seriously exploited. The couple, initially charged with human trafficking, is now charged with violating immigration ...
New Year’s baby boom in DrammenThree babies were born within the first five minutes of 2013 at the hospital in Drammen, west of Oslo, beating out the hospital in Volda that initially thought it could lay claim to this year’s official New Year’s baby in Norway. That honor went to a family of three (now four) in Dra ...
Swine flu death sets off a scareThe death of an 11-year-old boy to swine flu over the New Year’s weekend has sent scores of Norwegians to emergency clinics in recent days. They fear they have the same dreaded strain of flu, but officials claim there’s no epidemic. The boy from Porsgrunn had been admitted first to h ...
Permaculture Research Institute - Australia
PRI’s January PDC Update – Two Places Now Avai ...Unforeseen circumstances for two of our booked students mean that two places have now become available on our January 7th PDC course. The booking link is open again here or you can contact Bonnie at education(at)permaculturenews.org or phone +61 (0)419 741 358 to reserve a place. This Permacult ...
Concentric Rings of ChangeAs you’ll have noticed, I’ve been using this time of year (when people are, hopefully, doing family- and/or outdoor-oriented activities, rather than sitting in front of a computer) to take a break from putting articles up on the site. I’m still keeping somewhat busy though, ...
Success in Tough Times (France)by Steve Hanson 2012 is our eighth year of small scale farming in France and has seen us move from income dependence to financial security and independence. Looking back over the last eight years at our mistakes and our successes in getting to this point demonstrates the value of an integrated ...
The Gift of the MayaAs we approach the winter solstice and the end of one long count and the beginning of another, our understanding of the Mayan world is rapidly being transformed by new knowledge. The traditional Mayan narrative in western literature is perhaps best exemplified by the writings of Jared Diamo ...
Local Spotlight: But Don’t We Need Economic Gr ...Farmers planting nitrogen fixing trees on their farms As a group challenging the growth paradigm, one of the most common questions that we hear is, ‘But don’t we need economic growth to lift the poor out of poverty?’. While growth has been successful to this end in certain ways, there are also ...
Ladiees and Gennulmen, we have a winnah!It’s time to announce the winner of this year’s climate prat award and boy was the competition a doozie. Talk about a rush. It had everything; a bewildering variety of prats to choose from, agonies of indecision having to cull all the nominees down to finalists, rule changes when non ...
Sir Patrick Moore (1923-2012), an appreciation.The Germans have a word we don’t have in English, and it really doesn’t translate very well because of that lack – Lebenskünstler. In a typical Teutonic fashion, they jammed together two words which each nearly expressed what they were after, and created a new word, which denot ...
Just how far are you prepared to go to feel go ...I believe the acid test of any political system or indeed any society, is how much compassion it has for its own people, who’re simply going through some travails or deeply in trouble. That very same test applies to such everyday organisations as a business enterprise and right down to an ...
Just how far are you prepared to go to feel go ...I believe the acid test of any political system or indeed any society, is how much compassion it has for its own people, who’re simply going through some travails or deeply in trouble. That very same test applies to such everyday organisations as a business enterprise and right down to an ...
How tropical storm Sandy became a Frankenstorm ...Infowar uses propaganda, which is directed at a population to give them a worldview which accords with your own political beliefs. There are a lot of propaganda techniques; disinformation, censorship, misrepresentation, character assassination, lies, intimidation and the rewriting of history, to ...
Journalists' Toolkit
JavaScript Console in ChromeFor testing things quickly in JavaScript, open the JavaScript Console in the Google Chrome browser. View menu > Developer > JavaScript Console. You’ll see the console at the bottom of the current page. The console gives you a command line so you can test short pieces of code to see ...
Typography for the WebIn your CSS, you can specify typefaces (font families) to be used for the headings, paragraphs, etc., in your HTML. However, what you see on your computer is not always going to be the same thing your audience sees. Why? Because different people have different fonts installed on their individual ...
Good tutorial sites for HTML, HTML5, CSS, jQueryThere are a zillion sites out there offering free tutorials, but many are pure junk. So here are a few that I recommend, in no particular order: Codecademy: Web Fundamentals Codecademy: HTML Fundamentals HTML5 Please (not actually a tutorial, but very helpful) Nettuts+: The Best Way to Learn Jav ...
Baby Steps in Data JournalismThis is a Tumblr blog that I started in early April 2012: Baby Steps in Data Journalism Its purpose is to collect links and other useful information related to learning about data journalism. To go directly to something you might be searching for, try these links: How I installed Python (April 2 ...
The best video export optionsHow do you choose the best settings for exporting your video, after you have edited it? I remember how confusing this was for me when I started working with Web video several years ago. With the slower computers we had back then, I would wait for what seemed like forever while exporting a small ...
Justice Roars - Louisiana
Our People Are Worth the Risks: A Southern Que ...Reprinted from the SONG website and from the Scholar & Feminist Online, a webjournal published by the Barnard Center for Research on Women: In the best parts of our tradition as LGBTQ people for liberation, we have resisted assimilation. We have held die-ins, we have risked our li ...
Post-Katrina, Funders and Foundations Failed N ...In December of 2006, New Orleans' social justice community came together to draft a letter addressed to foundations and funders, in response to the dismal response to the continuing post-Katrina crisis. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and other disasters still to come, the issues raised ...
Remember All the Children, Mr. President, By B ...Remember the 20 children who died in Newtown, Connecticut. Remember the 35 children who died in Gaza this month from Israeli bombardments. Remember the 168 children who have been killed by US drone attacks in Pakistan since 2006. Remember the 231 children killed in Afghanistan in the first 6 ...
Crime Against Nature Law Back in CourtFrom our friends at Women With A Vision and Center for Constitutional Rights: Fill the Court For Oral Arguments In the Case To Overturn Louisiana’s Crime Against Nature Law! Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012, 10:00 a.m Federal District Court, 500 Poydras Street Judge Feldman’s Court—Room C551 Many of y ...
"I'm The Miracle": The Story of Exoneree Derri ...From our friends at Resurrection After Exoneration: “I’m number 119,” proclaims the man sitting beside my desk. His smile is broad and sincere, gold teeth glistening in the artificial light of the office. “Damon Thibodeaux is number 141, you know, the one who got out of Angola a couple weeks ...
Information Underground
Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...iframe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmOJ-IV8SZQStatistics: Posted by Ognir — Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:35 pm
Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...CrackSmokeRepublican wrote: Amanda wrote:Also, here's a crazy question: how do we actually know Adam Lanza's body was even found in Sandy Hook Elementary?? Did anyone see him there (I'm pretty sure we were told he was wearing a mask)? And how did he actually get to the school?? At first the MSM ...
Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ..."Keep in mind that Adam Lanza was capable, he was not disabled, it just was that he was not involved with the larger society. Defensive representation is needed for Adam Lanza just to determine his culpability, but of course it is not going to happen. This story is still playing out. I pers ...
Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...Christopher Marlowe wrote: 1...Do the children/teachers/school exist? I find it difficult to believe that none of the children existed. Ditto with the teacher and the school. I recently posted a video of one of the victims singing with her brother. Did all of them exist? 2...Was this a potemki ...
Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...Amanda wrote: Also, here's a crazy question: how do we actually know Adam Lanza's body was even found in Sandy Hook Elementary?? Did anyone see him there (I'm pretty sure we were told he was wearing a mask)? And how did he actually get to the school?? At first the MSM gave the impression that h ...
Argentina's president urges Falklands talks wi ...Britain has rejected calls from Argentine President Cristina Fernandez for talks over the disputed Falkland Islands.
Congo rebels demand govt sign ceasefire for talksCongolese rebels have threatened to walk away from this week's peace talks to end their nine-month revolt.
Britain extradites al Qaeda suspect to USA Pakistani man accused by British authorities of being an al Qaeda operative will face terrorism charges in the US.
Indian rape victim's father calls for hangingFive Indian men have been formally charged with the gang rape and murder of a physiotherapy student.
Google boss plans trip to North KoreaGoogle's executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, will travel to reclusive North Korea this year.
environment 360
Methane Leak Data Highlights Concerns About Na ...A pair of ongoing studies show unexpectedly high methane leakage from some oil and gas fields in the U.S., findings that underscore concerns that the climate benefits of the natural gas boom may be overstated. Researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder say new data indicates that as ...
U.S. Wind Tax Credit Extended in ‘Fiscal Cliff ...The last-minute tax deal brokered by U.S. lawmakers to avert the so-called “fiscal cliff” included a one-year extension of the wind energy tax credit, a subsidy that industry officials say is critical for the growth of the wind energy sector. The bill, which now awaits President Obama’s signatur ...
In U.S., the Lure of Export May Further Fuel N ...As the United States experiences a glut of natural gas, a host of facilities are being proposed that would convert gas to a liquid and export it. But before embracing a gas export boom, the nation should carefully weigh the implications for both the economy and the environment. BY SHAUN GOHO
Network of Smartphone-Based Sensors Monitor Ai ...Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed a network of smartphone-based air pollution monitors that allow individuals to track UCSDCitiSense device pollution levels in real time and feed a central database of air quality trends citywide throughout the day. The so-ca ...
Group Collecting DNA Codes of Endangered Speci ...The Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL), a global initiative assembling the “DNA barcodes” of the world’s endangered species, received $3 million from Google this month to create an online database organizers hope will emerge as a critical tool in the enforcement of inter ...
Climate DialogueTags: blog environment climate dialogue
Reef Relief FoundersTags: blog environment reef
Stuart H. Smith attorney: fighting oil, chemic ...Tags: oil chemical water radiation pollution
This Crowded SkinTags: blog politics environment curiosity
Welcome to the International Climate Science C ...Tags: science climate analysis
Chief Spence and the hypocrisy of The GlobeBy David@Sixthestate.net I was disappointed, but not entirely surprised to read this weekend that The Globe & Mail has officially joined Postmedia’s Christie Blatchford in denouncing the ongoing hunger strike in Ottawa by Attawapiskat chief Theresa Spence as an act not just of protest but of ...
Chief Spence and the Prime Minister’s prideBy Montreal Simon I didn’t want to blog on Christmas. I just wanted to enjoy the day. But I couldn’t get these two contrasting images out of my mind. Chief Theresa Spence slowly starving to death. While Stephen Harper, with a weird look on his face, plays cribbage. And the Idle No Mo ...
Boxing Day: Our gift to The StatesBy Rachelle Stein-Wotten Boxing Day was traditionally the day servants took off to spend time with their families and received gift boxes from their employers (or so one of the explanations goes). Nowadays, Boxing Day is better known as the Day to Buy Honking Big Electronics and Other Self-Indul ...
Idle No More: The overnight YouTube roundupThe Idle No More movement approached critical mass yesterday, as tens of thousands of First Nations people and their supporters rallied across Canada, and as far afield as New Mexico and Ukraine. Many of the peaceful protests, featuring round dances and drumming, struck at the very heart of the ...
New F-35 figures don’t fly eitherBy David@Sixthestate.net I have to say, it’s pretty depressing that not one of the many, many professional journalists in Canada is literate enough to read a government report. To their credit, some are trying. But they also had a whole press briefing slash lock-up slash sleazy play-time with th ...
Daily Beast
Where Does the GOP Go From Here?To cap off today's series on proposals for a stronger, better GOP, here's a quote from Rod Dreher, a writer for The American Conservative (and a must read for people who want to understand the strongest arguments put forth by theological conservatives.) Dreher:
Some Conservative Pundits Tout Moderation Afte ...Kristol, Hannity urge GOP rethinking
More Fallout at the BBCThe BBC is investigating why a report about abuse allegations against Jimmy Savile, one of its former stars, was scuppered.
Chris Hayes is a Type?The host of Up With Chris Hayes has unknowingly seduced famed singer Cher. Very impressive!
Don't Let a Good Thing Pass Us ByJeffrey Leonard has a fascinating article in the Washington Monthly regarding the future of our electrical grid. He seems cautiously optimistic about natural gas as a replacement for dirtier forms of carbon such as coal and gasoline, but there's a hangup. Without major upgrades to our elect ...
Islamophobes Spencer and Greenfield Push Fabri ...The bigots love to push hoaxes as long as it increases anti-Muslim hate.
MotherJones: The GOP’s Anti-Muslim Wing ..."The biggest wake-up call for the GOP's Muslim-bashing lawmakers came from voters."
Deputies say Middle Eastern man shot at Walmar ...He asked the young man if he was Middle Eastern and if he was a Muslim. (video)
EDL By-Election Candidate Clint Bristow in Cus ...An activist for the far-right English Defence League who stood in the recent Rotherham byelection has been remanded in jail on burglary charges.
Orlando, Florida: Billboards Stress Commonalit ...Local Muslim organizations have started a media campaign stressing the commonality of Christians, Muslims and Jews.
Energy News
- Study: Radioactive cesium in 25 of 26 food sam ...
- Gov’t Map: Fukushima fallout transported direc ...
- Analysis of how far corium penetrated undernea ...
- New Close-ups of giant sinkhole: Tree trunks c ...
- Wired: Workers find nuclear fuel when digging ...
Japan Times
Ex-coach Dwyer has heart attackFormer Australian rugby union coach Bob Dwyer is recovering in the hospital after suffering a heart attack. Australia's Fairfax Media said Thursday the 72-year-old Dwyer experienced chest pains at his farm south of Sydney on Wednesday and was taken to a local hospital where he suffered cardiac ...
Ravens defensive legend Lewis to retire once p ...Ray Lewis spent 17 seasons instilling fear in his opponents while serving as an inspirational leader for the Baltimore Ravens. Now he's poised and eager to become a full-time dad.
Cut straight to the commercial at 'World's CM ...Japan's TV commercials are notorious worldwide for their perceived oddities and random Western-celebrity appearances. However, that's nothing compared to the frustrating tendency of TV programs to cut to commercial break just as, say, viewers are about to find out some big piece of information. ...
Mac who would be governor says: SmileMakoto Tonami was born in 1948 in Aichi Prefecture and graduated from the prestigious Kyoto University with a degree in agriculture. Upon graduation he went to work for trading house Itochu Corp., a job that would take him on business trips around the globe. But after working for 25 years in t ...
Nippon Sport Science ends droughtNippon Sport Science University held onto its first-day lead to win the Tokyo-Hakone men's collegiate ekiden road relay for the first time in 30 years on Thursday. Nippon Sport Science completed the 217.9-km round trip between Tokyo's Otemachi business district and the spa resort of Hakone in ...
Alexander Higgins
Alexander Higgins House, Blog Destroyed Sandy ...Alexander Higgins House, Blog Destroyed By Sandy Flooding When I was 16 my “foster” parents through me out on the streets in the middle of the Blizzard of ’96 and I spent the next 8 years battling homelessness. I worked … Continue reading →
Disaster: Massive Traffic Jams As 11 FT Hawaii ...Hawaii residents a stuck massive in an hour long traffic jams trying to flee an 11 foot Tsunami is less than 30 minutes from hitting the shore.
ALERT: Update 11 FT Tsunami Heading Toward Haw ...A live Weather channel alert warns that a 7 foot Tsunami is heading directly toward Hawaii following a major 7.7 earthquake off the coast of Canada earlier.
Seattle Police Given Approval To Deploy NDAA S ...The FAA has given Seattle police approval to start using NDAA surveillance drones for law enforcement spy operations on American citizens.
Sandy Worst Storm In 100 Years: East Coast Awa ...A massive storm is expected to hit the East Coast during the days leading up to Halloween, which meteorologists anticipate will cost up to $5 billion in damages.
Macleans - Central
Heroes absent from 2013 headlinesTease the day: Cynicism wins the day as new year begins
The West BlockFrom last Sunday’s show, Le Devoir’s Marie Vastel, Global’s Amy Minsky and I discuss...
Where your MP was born?MAP: Many of our elected representatives in the House represent their hometowns, but dozens were born outside of their ridings, and even outside the country
Air travel myths dispelledJesse Brown: Body scanners don't work and phones are safe for takeoff
The Fiscal Cliff explainedFive things you need to know about the (totally manufactured) term
Making It Count - CCPA
Best Books of 2012Here are, in no particular order, my picks for the four best books of 2012 from a progressive economics perspective. Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin. The Making of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy of American Empire. (Verso). I suspect this book will become a classic. It is a rich and highly ...
Why the Income Inequality Deniers Are WrongThis article was published in an abridged form today in the National Post. http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2012/12/21/armine-yalnizyan-sorry-andrew-coyne-but-income-inequality-is-a-real-problem/ I like this opening better so I posted it here. You couldn’t have made it through 2012 wi ...
Marc’s Letter from 2040The following comes from a short talk on a vision for a zero-carbon BC that I gave at a couple events this Fall. Many have asked for the text so I’ve posted it here, and we may try and turn it into a video. That said, I have been reluctant to do so up to [...] No related posts.
Harper’s prisons: Québec’s point of viewOn this past 5 December, we learnt on the front page of the daily Devoir that college-level instruction provided to inmates was now in jeopardy because of the federal cuts in Flaherty’s last budget. At Collège Marie-Victorin in Montréal, these cuts could bring an end to forty years of inmate ins ...
Shale gas: “Chapter 11” steps inBoth in Québec and in the United States, public authorities have legislated to protect populations from shale gas industry-related risks. These precautions could however come up against controversial NAFTA provisions within the infamous chapter 11 regarding investor protection. In the States, th ...
Has Israel groveller David Miliband changed hi ...Stuart Littlewood is surprised at the invitation by a pro-Palestinian medical charity to former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband - a proven groveller to Israel - to speak at its annual fundraising gala.
IMPORTANT: OUR WEBSITE IS CHANGINGRedress Information & Analysis is moving to www.redressonline.com. From now on we will publish new articles on www.redressonline.com only and, in the meantime, we will transfer important long-shef-life articles from our old website to the new one.
What might Netanyahu do if Romney's defeat bec ...Alan Hart examines whether Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is mad enough to order an attack on Iran in what remains of Obama’s first term without the president’s blessing and American participation.
Israel's Salafi foot soldiers in the wake of a ...Nureddin Sabir argues that Israel must bear responsibility for creating the climate that gave rise to the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims". But it is Israel's Salafi and Wahhabi foot soldiers behind the violent protests across the Arab and Muslim worlds who may eventually bring Arabs and M ...
Anti-Islam film: free speech or inciting to riot?Lawrence Davidson argues that outage against the anti-Muhammad film "Innocence of Muslims" "has exposed the deep vein of anger against the United States that runs through the Muslim world", but doubts that American leaders would have the courage and foresight to re-examine the policies and behav ...
Physics Today
Empty newsfeed.
Revolutionary Politics
Empty newsfeed.
As the World Warms, the Future of Skiing Looks ...“As polar bears watch their winter ice recede farther and farther from boggy Arctic shores each year, skiers may notice a similar trend occurring in the high mountain ranges that have long been their wintertime playgrounds. Here, in areas historically buried in many feet of snow each winte ...
Defense and Security Companies Are Planning to ...“It is not just the coercive industries that are positioning themselves to profit from fears about the future. The commodities upon which life depends are being woven into new security narratives based on fears about scarcity, overpopulation and inequality. Increasing importance is attache ...
Between Drought and Floods – A Year of Extreme ...“Between Dec. 17 and 26, cyclone-level rains left 34 dead, nine unaccounted for and 328,000 stranded. Over 8,000 homes were damaged and roughly 4,000 were completely destroyed. “No one expected this much rain,” Lal Kumara, deputy director at the government’s Disaster Management Centre (DMC ...
China Is Top Dam Builder, Going Where Others W ...“Up a sweeping jungle valley in a remote corner of Cambodia, Chinese engineers and workers are raising a 100-meter- (330-foot-) high dam over the protests of villagers and activists. Only Chinese companies are willing to tame the Tatay and other rivers of Koh Kong province, one of Southeas ...
California issues proposed rules for ‘fr ...“The proposed rules, released Tuesday, would require energy companies to disclose for the first time the chemicals they inject deep into the ground to break apart rock and release oil. They also would have to reveal the location of the wells where they use the procedure. Though fracking ha ...
D. Kucinich
The NDAA: More War Abroad and More Austerity H ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today spoke on the House floor in strong opposition to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). See video here. “In this discussion over the NDAA, we arrive at a moment where we meet the moral consequences of our nation’s choices over the past decade. W ...
Kucinich: NO to #CatFoodChristmasCongressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today strongly objected to a proposal to cut Social Security benefits. The White House suggested a reduction in Social Security to cut costs as part of the so-called “fiscal cliff” negotiations. The proposal called the “Chained Consumer Price Index” would ...
Kucinich: Report on Benghazi Not the Full StoryCongressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today took to the House floor to remind colleagues that while a supposedly independent investigation faulted the State Department for security failures in Benghazi, Libya it was the Administration that took us to war and created the chaos in Libya. See video h ...
Kucinich: Diplomacy Over ProvocationCongressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement regarding H.R. 3783, Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act of 2012. “In the developing relationship between Iran and the United States, there are many important issues to be addressed. We should address them throu ...
Kucinich Calls for Organized Approach to Peace:Washington D.C. (December 17, 2012) – Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today took to the House floor to call for an “organized, structured approach” to peace in the wake of the horrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. On Friday, Congressman Kucinich offered words of condolences to the familie ...
Authentically Wired
ARIZONA 2013 EDUCATION PROGRAM… Benson captures the true $pirit of Arizona’s legislature and our Az Gov Jan Brewer’s view of the coming educational $hift in our state … … Corporate owned “education” will benefit while public owned educational institutions will $uffer especially those catering those the LEAST among us … those ...
HELPS CHOKE DOWN THE BULLSHIT… It could make choking down all the bullshit surrounding the illusive fiscal cliff negotiations far easier to tolerate … Marijuana Smoothie, Anyone? Laura Gottesdiener, AlterNet Could freshly blended cannabis become the health food craze of 2013? READ MORE» Filed und ...
SENSE OF FAIRNESS…?… I would like to believe we are … although as we “educate” it appears we remove that sense of fairness … read – http://www.psmag.com/culture/are-we-born-with-a-sense-of-fairness-50925/ … is this what we truly want …? Are We Born With a Sense of Fairness? Does fairness come standard with e ...
AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN IN THE USA… America will not see a banker put in Jail … as they own our judiciary … Iceland puts a banker in jail! 12-30-2012 • http://www.dailypaul.com, by fishyculture Two former executives at an Icelandic bank which collapsed in the 2008 financial meltdown were sentenced to jail on Friday f ...
LET’S PLAY THE PRETEND GAME… If only WE could believe this is what America’s “press” (news organizations) actually want … the truth is our “press” pretends WE are provided the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth … When they know law euphemistically titled OPEN MEETING are nothing but a sham designed to deny us ...
Popular Technology
Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund: Please Donate!Hurricane Sandy ravaged the New Jersey coast and while it may not be in the news anymore, many people are still suffering. Flooding damage to the barrier islands was severe and FEMA is not providing anywhere near the funds people need to repair their homes or replace their cars. Popular Technol ...
The Truth about Skeptical ScienceSkeptical Science is a climate alarmist website created by a self-employed cartoonist, John Cook. It is moderated by zealots who ruthlessly censor any and all form of dissent from their alarmist position. This way they can pretend to win arguments, when in reality they have all been refuted. The ...
2016: Obama's America2016 Obama's America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the world’s most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man's past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question, "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in ...
The Truth About "Jon Stewart""Jon Stewart" who was born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, wants people to believe he is some kind of political "moderate" when in reality he has admitted to Fox News executive Roger Ailes in private and on CNN's Larry King Live that he is an outright socialist. His political bias to the Democratic ...
Skeptical Science: "Drown Them Out"In March of 2012, the climate alarmist website Skeptical Science had their forums "hacked" and the contents posted online. In these it was revealed that Skeptical Science members are organizing themselves into eco-strike squads to "drown out" those who do not accept their alarmist positions, " ...
Monga Bay ( Articles )
The year in rainforests2012 was another year of mixed news for the world's tropical forests. This is a look at some of the most significant tropical rainforest-related news stories for 2012. There were many other important stories in 2012 and some were undoubtedly overlooked in this review. If you feel there's somethi ...
Photos: the top new species discoveries in 2012Thousands of species were described for the first time by scientists in 2012. Some of these were 'cryptic species' that were identified after genetic analysis distinguished them from closely related species, while others were totally novel. Either way, here are some of the "new species" highligh ...
Our favorite nature photos of 2012In the course of reporting for Mongabay.com, I spent time in several countries in 2012, including Indonesia, Brazil, Madagascar, and Malaysia, among others. The following are some of my favorite nature pictures I took in the field. Overall I added more than 20,000 images to the site in 2012. For ...
Top 10 Environmental Stories of 2012Below is a quick review of some of the biggest environmental stories of 2012. The 'top stories' are listed in no particular order. Climate change, overpopulation, consumption, and ecological destruction is pushing planet Earth toward a tipping point according to a major study in Nature released ...
Uncontacted tribes still exist, but extinction ...The world is more interconnected than ever. Globally, there are six billion cell phone subscribers and 900 million Facebook users. Nearly 32 million people follow Lady Gaga on Twitter. Given this content it may seem hard to believe that there remain people who have never had contact with the out ...
Science - NZ Herald
Antidepressants off the hook as baby death ris ...The use of antidepressants during pregnancy is not linked to a higher overall risk of stillbirth and death in newborns, a study says, confounding a long-held opposing view of such drugs.The Swedish study of more than 1.6 million...
Nobel scientist Rita Levi-Montalcini diesRita Levi-Montalcini, a biologist who conducted underground research in defiance of Fascist persecution and went on to win a Nobel Prize for helping unlock the mysteries of the cell, has died at her home in Rome. She was 103 and had...
Experts call off search for life in Antarctic lakeBritish scientists have called off the hunt for exotic life in an ice-bound Antarctic lake after their mission was hit by a technical hitch.Researchers with the British Antarctic Survey had hoped to drill into Lake Ellsworth, which...
Antarctica warming at triple speedTemperatures in the western part of Antarctica are rising almost twice as fast as previously believed, adding to fears that continued thaws are causing sea levels to rise, according to comprehensive research published this week.In...
GM fish closer to being served upA genetically modified salmon which grows twice as fast as ordinary fish could become the first GM animal in the world to be declared safe to eat, after America's food-safety watchdog ruled it posed no major health or environmental...
The Bovine
CFIA’s mighty enforcement powersA past president of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) provides an overview of the agency’s remarkable powers. From Ronald Doerring, on “Food Law”: “A Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) inspector stopped at a farm and talked with the old farmer: … Conti ...
Biodynamics and sacred agricultureFrom Gayl Creutzberg on the Biodynamics blog: “…I had a very personal experience at the Biodynamic Conference. Although I have gathered with BD farmers for over 10 years, I had never been able to capture the undercurrent, the pulse, the energy, or … Continue reading →
“Farmageddon” now on Netflix CanadaJust watched Kristin Canty’s recent film about raw milk and food rights, featuring a lot of the same issues and persons that have been a part of the stories on this blog. Interesting too, that early on in the film … Continue reading →
“Farmageddon” now on Netflix CanadaJust watched Kristin Canty’s recent film about raw milk and food rights, featuring a lot of the same issues and persons that have been a part of the stories on this blog. Interesting too, that early on in the film … Continue reading →
Dairy lobby drives raw milk prohibitionDavid Gumpert isn’t the only one who sees the Vernon Herschberger case as a bellwether. From Margo Redmond in the Baraboo News Republic: “…The Wisconsin Farm Bureau is an advocate of corporate farming. Two years ago I spoke with Jeff … Continue reading →
Mish's Global Economic Trends
60% of Spanish Companies are Losing Money, Soc ...Via Google translate from Libre Mercado, Joan Rosell, the president of the Spanish Confederation of Employer Organizations (CEOE) has estimated 60% of Spanish Companies are Losing Money. This is a Mish-modified translation of some key snips. In an interview with the newspaper La Razon ...
Glass Half Missing? What About Healthcare Prem ...I have seen Fiscal Cliff analysis written from two perspectives 1. Republicans Caved In 2. Democrats Caved In Theory number 1 (Mine and others) says Congress punted the ball and Republicans waived the white flag. Given that virtually nothing has been done about the deficit, I fail to ...
Gallup Poll Suggests Private Sector Hiring Dow ...Gallup reports U.S. Job Creation Steady in December, but hiring in the nongovernment job sector stalls. The following charts (trendlines added by me) reflect answers to Gallup's question: Based on what you know or have seen, would you say that, in general, your company or employer is 1) hir ...
Crowd of Fools Cheers Obama; Tweet IronyCaroline Baum, one of my favorite Bloomberg columnists has an interesting article today that's worth a read. Please consider Wanted: Middle-Class Tweeters for White House Event. Who were these people, gathered on the afternoon of New Year's Eve to fete the president as a deal to avert ...
Republicans Prepare to Wave White Flag Again, ...Having totally collapsed on deficit reductions in fiscal cliff non-negotiations (agreeing to a mere $12 billion in cuts down from an Obama offer of $600 billion), Republicans are already offering signs they will once again wave the white flag when it comes to the alleged battle over the debt cei ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- January ...Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Supp ...
Our new BFP DVD “The Police State” ...Our second BFP DVD includes The EyeOpener Police State Series with James Corbett, plus 2 bonus BFP Reports – Blackballed: ‘How the FBI Bends FOIA’ and TSA: ‘Tyrants Sucker America,’ plus an exclusive interview with BFP’s Andrew Gavin Marshall and a Jamiol/BFP Political Cartoon Gallery. Ple ...
Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Ma ...Of Profit and Poverty Many multinational corporations are larger than most governments in the world. While governments and their populations go deeper into debt, these large corporations take in record profits, hoard trillions in cash, and avoid paying taxes. These same corporations then demand ...
Our new BFP DVD “The Police State” ...Our second BFP DVD includes The EyeOpener Police State Series with James Corbett, plus 2 bonus BFP Reports – Blackballed: ‘How the FBI Bends FOIA’ and TSA: ‘Tyrants Sucker America,’ plus an exclusive interview with BFP’s Andrew Gavin Marshall and a Jamiol/BFP Political Cartoon Gallery. Ple ...
BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December ...Please help us continue this work. We do not have foundation bosses or fund-ers. We do not serve the corporate fund-ers by being their advertisement platform-stage. We solely depend on you and your direct support. Please support this home of the irate minority, and thank you for all you do: Supp ...
bloody crossroads
Is Obama a Fraud?The debt deal is yet another sign that hope and change has been a fiction from the start: Like many, I was extremely hopeful when Obama won in 2008. And like many I’ve become totally disillusioned with the president and … Continue reading →
Today’s StoriesGood politifact piece on how Social Security functions and its solvency How the state is revoking our civil liberties by imprisoning people, in some cases for up to 15 years, for recording police brutality with smart phones Economist Dean Baker … Continue reading →
The Tyranny of American HealthcareFor those who read this on Splice, be sure to re-read the unedited version… Why are we trying to prop up a broken system?: Do you realize how badly you’re being screwed by the health insurance corporations? Let me give … Continue reading →
Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
Shell’s Arctic Drilling Containment Dome RepairedRoyal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSA, RDSA.LN) has repaired a piece of safety equipment intended for its Arctic drilling program and will soon ask U.S. regulators to approve its use, the company [...]
RIG Stock Rebounds as Transocean Reaches Settl ...*UPDATE* ZUG, SWITZERLAND-Transocean Ltd. (NYSE: RIG) (SIX: RIGN) today announced that it has reached an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice to resolve certain outstanding civil and potential criminal [...]
Japanese Firms May be Prohibited from Shipping ...South Korea’s government is moving to bar foreign shipping lines from contracts in the state-run energy sector as it supports domestic companies struggling to recover from the global downturn. State-controlled [...]
Star Bulk Reaches Agreement with Banks, To Def ...Star Bulk Carriers Corp. (SBLK) reached an agreement with its lenders to defer up to $24 million of repayment obligations over the next two years. The agreement accounts for more [...]
Meyer Werft Delivers the Dual Fuel-Powered LNG ...German shipyard Meyer Werft announced today the delivery of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) tanker CORAL ENERGY to Rotterdam-based shipowner Anthony Veder. It is the first ship of a new [...]
Press TV
Saudis rally anew against ruling familySaudis have staged fresh protest against the ruling Al Saud family as anti-regime protests gather steam in the kingdom, Press TV reports.
Jobless man sets self afire in Spain A jobless man has set himself on fire in the Spanish city of Malaga, highlighting the human cost of economic crisis in the eurozone state.
Casualties feared after Damascus attackAn unknown number of people are feared dead after a car bomb attack targeted a gas station in Damascus.
Severe cold kills over 100 in N IndiaFreezing temperatures have claimed the lives of more than 100 people in northern India over the past weeks as the country suffers one of its coldest winters.
Turkey court jails 40 for ‘PKK ties’Turkish court has sentenced 40 people to jail for suspected ties to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).
Building support for locally relevant climate techClimate Innovation Centers can promote clean technologies but need backing with a coordinated effort, says policy specialist Ambuj Sagar.
Science and development highlights of 2012The Rio+20 summit, cutting-edge science, high-tech solutions and other highlights from around the developing world.
Indian Science Congress tries to go inclusive ...As the annual Indian Science Congress marks its centenary this month (3–7 January) the relevance of its present 'inclusive' form is being questioned, reports Archita Bhatta.
India's shift to inclusive innovation is 'a mo ...Inclusive, affordable innovation — as exemplified in India — can help meet development goals, an OECD conference hears.
Himalayas should brace for 'mega quake' this c ...Scientists have said that a mega quake is likely to happen this century after taking closer look at a weak point in the main Himalayan fault.
Congressional Budget Office Director's Blog
The United States is Experiencing the Longest ...The rate of unemployment in the United States has exceeded 8 percent since February 2009, making the past three years the longest stretch of high unemployment in this country since the Great Depression. CBO projects that the unemployment rate will remain above 8 percent until 2014. The share of ...
Models Used by the Military Services to Develo ...The military services—the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps—use modeling techniques to inform parts of their annual budget requests. As directed by the Congress in the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act, today’s CBO study provides information on the models used ...
Treatment of PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury b ...More than 2 million service members have deployed in support of overseas contingency operations (OCO) in Iraq and Afghanistan since October 2001. Two combat-related conditions that affect some OCO veterans and that have generated widespread concern among policymakers are post-traumatic stress di ...
Presentation to the National Economists ClubYesterday I spoke to the National Economists Club on our recently released Budget and Economic Outlook. My remarks reiterated much of what I said in several of last week’s blog posts: CBO Releases the Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 2022 Fundamental Fiscal Challenge How ...
Federal Budget Deficit Totaled $349 Billion fo ...The federal government accumulated a budget deficit of $349 billion for the first four months of fiscal year 2012, CBO estimates in its latest Monthly Budget Review, $70 billion less than the shortfall recorded for the same period last year. Without shifts in the timing of certain payments, howe ...
Naked Scientists - News
Robotic routerHave you have ever spent ages carefully sawing out a complex shape in a piece of wood only to find it was slightly too big, or worse slightly too small? This happened to Alec Rivers an electronics Ph...
Flexible batteriesOne of the big reasons that mobile phones and other personal gadgetry are still simple cuboids, and not more interesting shapes, is that they need a lot of energy storage, and batteries are simple cub...
Resistance is fertile: soil bacteria to blameSoil-dwelling bacteria are the source of the antibiotic resistance genes that are making many infections hard to treat, researchers have shown this week. Writing in Science, Washington University St...
Gait expectations: genetic basis of horse dres ...A gene responsible for affecting how the majority of mammals move has been revealed by studying a group of Icelandic horses with weird walking patterns. Although all horses can walk, trot and gallo...
Nanoparticles poison soilNanoparticles in cosmetics and exhaust fumes can accumulate in plants and stunt growth, scientists have warned. In a paper published this week in PNAS, UC Santa Barbara soil microbiologist Patricia ...