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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, January 11, 2013

11 January - Blogs I'm Following II

10:26 pm MST

Sunday Classics goes on hiatus

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 26 minutes ago
*The "Moonlight Interlude" from Richard Strauss's last opera, Capriccio, is played here by the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra under the composer's friend Clemens Krauss, who happened also to be the librettist of the opera. It's from a complete Munich broadcast performance of Capriccio from 1953.* *by Ken* As TV savants know, this is not usually a good thing, when a program goes -- or more properly *is sent* -- on hiatus, a domain from which only the select few spectacles return, except perhaps for the run-off of previously unaired by already-paid-for episodes during times when ... more »


A few months ago, panic struck neoconservatives, right-wing Zionists, and especially Benjamin Netanyahu, were telling the world that in a few months time Iran will have a bomb which they will then use against Israel unless the US and the rest of the world attacked Iran right away. Despite the rhetoric, there were no takers. The West and Obama kind of sort of agreed that Iran needed to be watched carefully but didn’t think attacking Iran just yet would be a very good idea on account of the upcoming US presidential elections. Netanyahu jumped up and down and made childish empty threat... more »

Obama Signs Bill Giving Him Armed Protection For Life (While simultaneously launching effort to disarm the American people)

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 57 minutes ago
Despite launching a gun control agenda that threatens to disarm the American people, President Obama has signed a bill that would afford him armed Secret Service protection for life. “The legislation, crafted by Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, rolls back a mid-1990s law that imposed a 10-year limit on Secret Service protection for former presidents. Bush would have been the first former commander in chief affected,” reports Yahoo News. The new bill, which will cost American taxpayers millions of dollars, is a re-instatement of a 1965 law which will see presidents prote... more »

I know people that tout "animal rights"...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 hour ago
*that don't even like animals.* Dopes!

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
“How do clusters of galaxies form and evolve? To help find out, astronomers continue to study the second closest cluster of galaxies to Earth: the Fornax cluster, named for the southern constellation toward which most of its galaxies can be found. Although almost 20 times more distant than our neighboring Andromeda galaxy, Fornax is only about 10 percent further that the better known and more populated Virgo cluster of galaxies. *Click image for larger size.* Fornax has a well-defined central region that contains many galaxies, but is still evolving. It has other galaxy groupin... more »

U.S. Lags Peers in Life Expectancy

Intercept at The Intercept - 2 hours ago
Wall Street Journal Louise Radnofsky Americans die younger and have more illnesses and accidents on average than people in other high-income countries—even wealthier, insured, college-educated Americans, a report said Wednesday. The study by the federally sponsored National Research Council and Institute of Medicine found the U.S. near the bottom of 17 affluent countries for life expectancy, with high rates of obesity and diabetes, heart disease, chronic lung disease and arthritis, as well as infant mortality, injuries, homicides, teen pregnancy, drug deaths and sexually transmitt... more »

Photos 'Idle No More' Jan. 11, 2013

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 2 hours ago
NOW! CTV British Columbia @CTVBC BREAKING: Hundreds of Idle No More protesters have blocked the intersection of Burrard and Robson streets in Vancouver http://ow.ly/i/1mttY Thousands in the streets of Toronto today. Twitter photo The Real Plex . Paris, France. Thanks to Last Real Indians for sharing! Idle No More in Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territories. Photo courtesy:

Poll Results: 1 in 4 Never Expects to be Able to Afford to Retire

Kenneth Thomas at Middle Class Political Economist - 2 hours ago
Thanks to everyone who answered the poll on when you have or expect to be able to retire. The biggest takeaway is that 1 in 4 never expect to be able to retire. Full results: Retire before 65: 20% At 65: 20% At 70: 20% At 75: 4% Over 75: 8% Never: 25% (Total does not equal 100 due to rounding.) This underscores just how dire our retirement crisis will be. As I explained in my last post, the decline in defined benefit pensions from 38% of private sector workers in 1980 to 20% in 2008 means that Generation X will be particularly vulnerable to poverty in retirement, yet Republicans w... more »


laura k at wmtc - 3 hours ago

And if there happened to be an extra one of those $1 trillion platinum coins lying around, you could stick it in my account

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
*from TPM* *"Republicans go wild at this analogy, but it's unavoidable. This is exactly like someone walking into a crowded room, announcing that he has a bomb strapped to his chest, and threatening to set that bomb off unless his demands are met."* *-- Paul Krugman, in his NYT column* Coins Against Crazies *by Ken* "Mint that coin!" exclaims Paul Krugman at the end of his NYT column today, "Coins Against Crazies." so I guess that means we need to get up to speed on the subject. Oh, probably you've already doped out this platinum-coin business -- trillion dollars the limit, or ma... more »

Is that a trillion dollar coin in your pocket...

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 3 hours ago
I've read more about the platinum coin than any underpaid observer should endure. Here's what I think right now. The platinum coin is serious. It is real. The platinum coin has been virtually minted on the internets. The platinum coin exists in the public imagination just as surely as if it was a real weight in the hand. It would be folly for Obama to publicly endorse it as an option. He doesn't have to *show* it. Boehner is useless. McConnell is hamstrung. Harry Reid should put a clean debt limit bill on the floor that raises the ceiling -- as necessary -- *to honor the financial... more »

Thanks Obama: Millions noticing paychecks lighter today, due to payroll tax hike

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 3 hours ago
Gabriella Hoffman’s paycheck is a little lighter today, thanks to a payroll tax increase that is forcing millions of Americans to make the kind of tough budget cuts their representatives in Washington lawmakers seem unwilling to tackle. Hoffman, a 21-year-old Virginian who works at a nonprofit, estimates her paycheck will be roughly $30 less this biweekly pay period, or about $780 annually, thanks to the end of a two-year cut on payroll taxes, which fund Social Security. The tax has risen back up to 6.2 percent from 4.2 percent, costing someone making $50,000 annually about $1,000 p... more »

I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 3 hours ago
CLN Editor’s Note: The type of propaganda strategy described in the article below occurs across a wide range of topics and is employed by various corporate, political, and governmental groups to promote a variety of agendas. It is called astroturfing, and it is far more common than most would imagine. This post is not about Israel. It is simply an illustration of the mechanics of how online debate is manipulated. For more information on this important topic, see: - Alcyone @CLN I Was a Paid Internet Shill By Ex-Shill, Above Top Secret I am writing here to come out of the closet as ... more »


Matt at The Coming Crisis - 3 hours ago
CLN Editor’s Note: The type of propaganda strategy described in the article below occurs across a wide range of topics and is employed by various corporate, political, and governmental groups to promote a variety of agendas. It is called astroturfing, and it is far more common than most would imagine. This post is not about Israel. It is simply an illustration of the mechanics of how online debate is manipulated. For more information on this important topic, see: - Alcyone @CLN I Was a Paid Internet Shill By Ex-Shill, Above Top Secret I am writing here to come out of the closet as ... more »

what i'm reading, children's book edition: # 3: a war resister story of sorts

laura k at wmtc - 3 hours ago
In this children's book review, I look at a book about military war resistance and analyze its lessons and conclusions. *Shot at Dawn* deals with many unpleasant realities of war - including some shameful episodes in Canada's past - with open eyes and without sugar coating. Ultimately, the author pulls his punch, forcing a conclusion that is palatable to mainstream sensibilities. At the same time, though, the book insists on difficult questions without clear-cut answers. So while it doesn't square with my own views, neither does it satisfy pro-military or nationalist propaganda. I ...more »

A Good Time For This Post

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 4 hours ago
In art as in life, timing is ­everything.... more »

Why is Facebook charging $100 for messages?

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 4 hours ago
A little digging by Mashable has turned up a strange new initiative from Facebook. While you can already send a message for free to a friend — or a friend of a friend — the ubiquitous social network is now giving you the option to pay a hefty $100 to send a message directly to a total stranger's inbox. Without ponying up the cash, your message goes to the dreaded "other folder," a.k.a. "Facebook's dumping ground for all messages it guesses you won't want to read urgently," where it will likely be completely overlooked. (By the way, have you checked your "other" folder recently? Do ... more »

Support Seattle Teachers in Their Campaign of Conscience

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 4 hours ago
From Monty Neill at FairTest: *Support Seattle Teachers’ Boycott* Show your support for the teachers’ boycott of the MAP tests. The teachers have set up a petition, which you can sign at https://www.change.org/petitions/seattle-public-schools-support-garfield-high-school-teachers-refusing-to-administer-the-map?utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=url_share&utm_campaign=url_share_before_sign Please circulate it widely! The teachers wrote me: “We would love for people to write letters to our superintendent and school board showing their support: Email addresses are: superintendent... more »

You may ask yourself, how did we get here?

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 4 hours ago
I've got ten other things I'd rather talk about but the gun nuts mounted a full assault on sanity today. I can hardly keep up with the incoming barrage of crazy. So I'm just getting to this genius PR move for "gun rights activists." Larry Ward, chairman of the national Gun Appreciation Day gun rights advocates have planned for the weekend of President Obama's second inauguration... Brilliant. Prove how reasonable and responsible "gun rights activists" are by holding a mass demonstration featuring angry white guys fondling lethal weapons while a black guy they hate is being sworn i... more »

More Excerpts From Sanai's "The Walled Garden of Truth"

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 4 hours ago
*Sanai (1080 - 1131/1141)*. Related: *A Long Excerpt From Sanai's "The Walled Garden of Truth"* Source: Sanai. "The Walled Garden of Truth." Translated by David Pendlebury. 1974. London: The Octagon Press Ltd. "Nothing in the world can harm you like prosperity; no prison in the world binds like the prison of existence." Pg. 35 "God is his friend, who is no friend of self; no man with eyes on self has eyes for God. If you are really a man of the path abstain awhile from looking at yourself." Pg. 47. "Malice and rancour are unkown to him: anger is a sign of impurity; you cannot speak... more »

Oy it's Oickle!

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 4 hours ago
*R. v. Oickle*, 2000 SCC 38 holds a court considering the common law confession rule: 1. must consider whether the police made any threats or promises. The Supreme Court states that whether there is a *quid pro quo* for the confession will usually determine whether the statement was voluntary. 2. must look for oppression. That is, where there is distasteful or inhumane conduct that would amount to an involuntary confession. 3. must consider whether the suspect has an operating mind. The suspect is sufficiently aware of what he or she is saying and who they are s... more »

The Stoughton Shooting

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 4 hours ago
"Mass recalls life of a Stoughton teen; Death still under investigation" by Evan Allen | Globe Correspondent, October 01, 2012 STOUGHTON — Nearly 300 people gathered at St. James Catholic Church Sunday night to remember 17-year-old David Wade, a sweet, goofy young man with a fierce streak of originality and a passion for football, who authorities say was shot and killed Saturday afternoon by his older brother.... Wade was shot once in the chest, allegedly by his 21-year-old brother, in the basement of their Stoughton home, little more than a mile from where his friends came to pra... more »

Why does Alabama hate women?

noreply@blogger.com (deBeauxOs) at DAMMIT JANET! - 4 hours ago
Yesterday my co-blogger provided an overview of the abject anti-Choice situation in the US. Today, there's news via state media and triumphallists at Lies-Siteregarding a decision from the Alabama Supreme Court. *The Alabama Supreme Court ruled today that the state’s chemical endangerment of a child law also pertains to unborn children.* * **The law was intended to target situations in which children were exposed to conditions such as methamphetamine labs, but women also have been prosecuted for harming their children by using drugs during their pregnancies.* * **The court’s ruling ... more »

SSRI's: Mass murder and the havoc they wreak on society

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 5 hours ago
*My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together-Desmond Tutu* This post was written by another blogger, LVB, and it is excellent. It is extensive but well worth the read. That is in my opinion. I hope in yours also? I am only going to excerpt and urge you to get over to read the rest at LVB's place. I firmly believe that we humans need to watch out for one another To let each other know when we may need to zig and when we may need to zag. To keep one another informed as best as we can possibly, within our capabilities. If we all do this we will help one anoth... more »

Eranos - Love and the Vocation of the Artist

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 5 hours ago
"The figure of the shaman is closely associated with madness. When an initiate becomes a shaman by Eliade’s first method, “spontaneous vocation,” he “takes the risk of being mistaken for a ‘madman’” (Myths 80). The behaviour of someone chosen in this way becomes more and more strange. Such a person “seeks solitude, becomes a dreamer, loves to wander in woods or desert places, has visions, sings in his sleep, etc.”" - Mary Nicole Silvester, *"The Artist as Shaman: Madness, Shapechanging, and Art in Terri Windling's The Wood Wife."* Eranos - Love and the Vocation of the Artist R... more »

Truck Hit By Girl

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 6 hours ago
*Had to title it that to grab your attention*: "Girl killed crossing street in Stoughton; Hit by truck near elementary school" by Natalie Feulner and Melanie Dostis | Globe Correspondents, September 14, 2012 STOUGHTON — A toddler was killed Friday afternoon when she was struck by a box truck while crossing the street with her mother in front of parents and others at an elementary school, the Norfolk district attorney’s office and a worker who rushed to the scene said. The mother and her 3-year-old daughter, Shayla Lutz, of Stoughton, were making their way across the street near t... more »

Letting the Boston Globe Leaves Fall Where They May

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 7 hours ago
*Raking them up now... * "Foliage, a blitz of bright hues." * **Also see*: Foresters foresee bright Maine foliage Extreme foliage chaser leaving nothing to chance

Ask us about our AK-47s

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 7 hours ago
Meet the newest poster boys for better gun regulation. Two 22 year old lame-brained gun nuts terrorize a Portland neighborhood by casually strolling the street armed to the teeth. These two idiots are probably just attention whores who wanted to see themselves on the teevee but that doesn't make them any less dangerous to the public safety. But of course they claim the best of intentions. The men told officers they were hoping to educate the public about gun rights. "Exercising my rights with a rifle to try to decrease the demonizing of peacefully exercising your rights in public... more »

Xavier Becerra-- A Representative In Congress For Working Families?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
Wednesday evening we talked about Norman Solomon's critique of the inability of the Congressional Progressive Caucus-- for whatever reason-- to hold Obama's feet to the fire on a wide range of issues crucial to working families. The failure of the Congressional Progressive Caucus to stand up to President Obama on many vital matters of principle is one of the most important-- and least mentioned-- political dynamics of this era. As the largest caucus of Democrats on Capitol Hill, the Progressive Caucus has heavyweight size but flyweight punch. During the last four years, its deci... more »

…and Still Further Clarification of The One People’s Public Trust

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 7 hours ago
* * *I thought I'd reblog this interesting perspective. This whole issue with law and how the country was shrink wrapped inside the cellophane of the UCC code is really a pretty new subject to me. This blog post brings a bit of some of the historical background that I didn't quite understand until now. -AK* http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2013/01/11/and-still-further-clarification-of-the-one-peoples-public-trust/ *…and Still Further Clarification of The One People’s Public Trust* JANUARY 11, 2013 I’m hoping that by sharing an aggregate of many takes on this Trust that ... more »

An Unexpected Error

PM at Duck of Minerva - 7 hours ago
Reader Anjali Dayal sends along this image from Foreign Policy (since corrected): Presumably Mr. Putin has not yet overturned Roe v. Wade. (On the other hand, I am reminded of this Onion classic.)

The Lexington Lie

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 7 hours ago
"Lexington schools deny locking child in ‘closet’; Lexington rebuts father’s article" by Travis Andersen | Globe Staff, September 11, 2012 A father’s account, published over the weekend, of how his daughter was*repeatedly locked in a “closet” * as a Lexington kindergartner in 2006 prompted a rebuttal Monday from the town’s school superintendent, leaving *conflicting accounts of exactly what happened* to her six years ago. Bill *Lichtenstein*, 55, of Newton, said Monday that his daughter Rose, who is now 12, *continues to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder* as a result of th... more »

Northern Ireland Protests: Bus Set On Fire

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago
Petrol bombs have been hurled and a bus set on fire during Union flag demonstrations in Northern Ireland. Officers were pelted with bombs, fireworks and other missiles in the Rathcoole area of Newtownabbey, north of Belfast. A bus was also set on fire during the disorder. Police deployed water cannon in a bid to restore calm. http://news.sky.com/story/1036999/northern-ireland-protests-bus-set-on-fire

Some wise advice...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 7 hours ago
The Coming Storm

Blog Archeology: Guns Won’t Stop Genocide

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 7 hours ago
Brad Delong calls this “hoisted from the archives,” which is clearly a better term for what I’m doing. But, as that’s taken and I’m not as smart as the great economics professor, I guess I’ll just have to stick with this alternative. Guns and Genocide, version 96.12b From 11 June 2005 After the 1989 massacre of pro-democracy Continue reading

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago

Facebook owes you money!

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours ago

France Displays Unhinged Hypocrisy as Bombs Fall on Mali

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 7 hours ago
NATO funding, arming, & simultaneously fighting Al Qaeda from Mali to Syria. *January 11, 2013* (LD) - A deluge of articles have been quickly put into circulation defending France's military intervention in the African nation of Mali. TIME's article, "The Crisis in Mali: Will French Intervention Stop the Islamist Advance?" decides that old tricks are the best tricks, and elects the tiresome "War on Terror" narrative. TIME claims the intervention seeks to stop "Islamist" terrorists from overrunning both Africa and all of Europe. Specifically, the article states: "...there is a (pr... more »

“Mexican Drug Cartels Celebrate Gun Control”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*“Mexican Drug Cartels Celebrate Gun Control”* By Jon Rappoport "The best way to depict what’s going on in America is through a letter from the head of the Sinaloa Drug Cartel, to President Obama. In case people are ready to assume this letter is real, it isn’t, but the spirit of it is very true and very real: Dear President Obama, Let me begin by saying that you can count on us to support your efforts in disarming American citizens in any way we can. The Fast and Furious operation backfired a bit in this regard, but I’m glad to see it hasn’t stopped you. As you know, we are m... more »

Photo American Indian Genocide Museum supports 'Idle No More'

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 8 hours ago
Today, Friday, Jan. 11, 2013. American Indian Genocide Museum supports 'Idle No More' in Houston.

Obama the Pipeline President: You own this disaster

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 8 hours ago
The Pipeline President: Obama’s Keystone XL  Note to President Obama: You approved it. You own it. by Tom Weis Common Dreams Reposted at Censored News Last spring, President Obama made a special trip on Air Force One to the “Pipeline Crossroads of the World” to call for fast-track approval of the southern (OK-TX) leg of TransCanada’s Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.(Photo: Jason

Laying a Brick on an Everett Lawn

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 8 hours ago
Everett landscaper charged with trying to poison dogs Markus Chambly, the defendant’s attorney, said the case arises from an ongoing dispute between neighbors. “As the evidence comes out, you will find here an ongoing disagreement between parties here about allowing dogs to . . . defecate on this lawn,” he said.

Most see-through dress ever? Friday Night Rule 5 Post - NSFW

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 8 hours ago
Anne Hathaway at the film premier of School of Rock The most see-through dress ever? Unless you know better...

4.9 Magnitude Earthquake GUATEMALA - 11th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Magnitude 4.9 Date-Time Friday, January 11, 2013 at 20:32:52 UTC Friday, January 11, 2013 at 02:32:52 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 15.502°N, 91.630°W Depth 229.3 km (142.5 miles) Region GUATEMALA Distances 2 km (1 miles) SW of Todos Santos Cuchumatan, Guatemala

The Incestuous-Industrial Complex

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 8 hours ago
It looks like a demented ferris wheel from hell. But what it really depicts is the tangled corporate media web emanating from that exclusive, yet bloated, think tank known as the Council on Foreign Relations. For even more detailed CFR intertwinements, be sure to visit the Muckety site, which is running a series of special reports on the dizzying incestuousness that exists within the Beltway and beyond. The Hollywood bone's connected to the Wall Street bone, the Wall Street bone's connected to the government bone, the government bone's connected to the pharmaceutical bone, the ph... more »

An ounce of theory is worth a ton of action

Roobin at THROUGH THE SCARY DOOR - 8 hours ago
The old 'orthodoxy' such as it was, was the three pillars of the IS, state capitalism, permanent arms economy and deflected permanent revolution. The last two are now void and the first isn't such a tremendous intellectual head start any more. The SWP has no programme. What makes the party different and how? Why is it a distinct organisation? Often it’s described as democratic centralism, but such a term is polyvalent, it means different things to different people. Democratic centralism is often attributed to Lenin as a key innovation, sometimes its blurred with vanguardism, another... more »

An accidental army of paranoid gun nuts

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 8 hours ago
It appears James Yeager isn't ready to give up the limelight just yet. He apparently took down yesterday's crazed video but Yaeger has a new warning today. If you can't watch the video, here's the basic text: Now, I don't condone anybody doing anything rash. I do not condone anybody committing any kind of felonies up to and including aggravated assaults or murders. Unless its necessary. Right now, it is not necessary. I understand that my video was very volatile. You have no idea how many people that sent me emails and texts and call me like 'Right on! My shit's clean. My bag ... more »

An ounce of theory is worth a ton of action

Roobin at THROUGH THE SCARY DOOR - 8 hours ago
The old 'orthodoxy' such as it was, was the three pillars of the IS, state capitalism, permanent arms economy and deflected permanent revolution. The last two are now void and the first isn't such a tremendous intellectual head start any more. The SWP has no programme. What makes the party different and how? Why is it a distinct organisation? Often it's democratic centralism, but such a term is polyvalent, it means different things to different people. Democratic centralism often attributed to Lenin, as his key innovation, sometime blurred with vanguardism, another key 'Leninist' t... more »

More INM commentary

Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 8 hours ago
In a comment a few minutes ago The Regina Mom wrote: Just have to express my disappointment with you folks at The Galloping Beaver over this one. Let us focus on coming together and better ways of working together instead of magnifying our differences, especially now. And I find it interesting that I'm not hearing any of this divisiveness here in SK.Let us focus on coming together and

Ebola Strikes in Uganda Again

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Reports from Uganda indicate that Ebola has struck again in the district of Mubende about 4hours from the capital Kampala. A Mubende district health officer (DHO), Dr. Wilson Mubiru said two five-year-old children were admitted on Thursday night while vomiting blood – a symptom that was hurriedly linked to Ebola. Earlier local reports had put the number of patients admitted at the hospital to four and that three had died on spot. The hospitalised children are from different families. http://en.igihe.com/news/ebola-strikes-in-uganda-again.html

Foreign fighters seek Islamic state after Assad

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Huddled around a fire in a bombed-out building in Aleppo, foreign jihadists say they are fighting for a radical Islamic state in Syria - whether local rebels trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad like it or not. Among their fellow revolutionaries and civilians, these foreigners draw both respect for their iron discipline and fear that if Assad falls, they may turn on former allies to complete the struggle for an Islamic caliphate. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/11/us-syria-jihadist-idUSBRE90A0XO20130111

Why the 49ers will lose to the Packers in tomorrow's playoff game

Rich Rifkin at Lexicon Daily - 8 hours ago
For the first time in the Colin Kaepernick era, the San Francisco 49ers enter the NFC playoffs. They face the Green Bay Packers on Saturday at 5 pm at Candlestick Park. Unfortunately, for four reasons, Kaepernick will not be able to do what his predecessor, Alex Smith, did last year in leading the 49ers to the NFC championship game. *Reason 1: Justin Smith.* While the 49ers behemoth defensive end will play in the game, his first since tearing a ligament in his triceps against the New England Patriots on December 16, it is unlikely Smith will be be effective. He simply has not had... more »

Flu hits epidemic level: CDC

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
Influenza has officially reached epidemic proportions in the United States, with 7.3 percent of deaths last week caused by pneumonia and the flu, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday. That is just above the epidemic threshold of 7.2 percent. Nine of the 10 U.S. regions had "elevated" flu activity, confirming that seasonal flu has spread across the country and reached high levels several weeks before the usual time of late January or February. The other region, the Southwest and California, had "normal" flu activity last week. This year's flu vaccine is ... more »

Merkel Flies Into Cyprus to Consider Nation's Not-So-Small Debt Problem

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours ago
German Chancellor Angela Merkel joined her European conservative counterparts at a resort in Cyprus for a meeting of the European People’s Party. For those in Cyprus, the event doubled as a rally for Nicos Anastasiades, the head of the DISY opposition, who aims to take the presidency after elections next month. Looming in the background is the country’s bailout, the fifth bailout of a European Union member since the debt crisis broke out. Despite it’s size — at 18 billion euros ($24 billion) Cyprus is the third-smallest euro-area economy — the rescue package has proved a headache fo... more »

Gaza: Palestinian farmer 'killed by Israeli gunfire'

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
A Palestinian farmer has been shot dead in northern Gaza, local medics say. The Hamas-run health ministry said the 22-year-old man was hit by Israeli army fire near Jabaliya refugee camp. An Israeli military spokeswoman told the BBC he had entered a "forbidden area" near the border fence, along with dozens of other Palestinians. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-20986433

France confirms Mali intervention

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
President Francois Hollande says French troops are taking part in operations against Islamists in northern Mali. French troops "have brought support this afternoon to Malian units to fight against terrorist elements", he said. Armed groups, some linked to al-Qaeda, took control of northern Mali in April. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-20991719

Cameron's EU strategy falters as Merkel backtracks on treaty renegotiation

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
David Cameron's entire European strategy has been thrown into doubt less than two weeks before his landmark speech on the European Union as Germany backs away from initiating negotiations that would give Britain a chance to claw back some powers from the EU. Amid growing German rhetoric against British Eurosceptics – including a warning that they are seeking to "blow up" the EU's single market – diplomatic sources said Angela Merkel was abandoning plans to call for a major revision of EU treaties. The chancellor's move will come as a blow to the prime minister, who is expected to ... more »

"Well, At Least The SUBJECT Is Correct (Health Care)"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*"Well, At Least The SUBJECT Is Correct (Health Care)"* by Karl Denninger "When a fellow says it ain't the money but the principle of the thing, it's the money." - Artemus Ward "That's all I can give them on this one... "One tempting idea for saving money on Medicare, a program that vacuums up some 15 percent of federal spending, is to raise the age at which Americans become eligible for it. We ourselves have succumbed to this temptation, on more than one occasion. Raising the eligibility age a couple of years, to 67, remains an attractive idea; it would save the program ... more »

Syrian rebels: We're on our way to Assad

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Syrian rebels celebrated one of their greatest accomplishments on Friday: After months of fighting, in a significant blow to the government of President Bashar Assad, they managed to gain control of the strategic airbase of Taftanaz. The Taftanaz air base in the northern Idlib province is considered the biggest field in the country's north for helicopters used to bomb rebel-held areas and deliver supplies to government troops. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4331373,00.html

France launches air strikes on Mali

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
French troops have begun military operations including air strikes in Mali to contain Islamist groups which are continuing to clash with the army in a fight for control of the desert north of the west African country. François Hollande announced on Friday night that French armed forces had gone to the aid of Malian troops on the ground during the afternoon. The French president said Mali was facing a "terrorist aggression" of which "the whole world now knows its brutality and fanaticism". The foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, said France's air force carried out an air strike in Mali... more »

At least 32 dead and 'dozens' more trapped as landslide wipes entire Chinese village off the map

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
A landslide has engulfed a village in southern China killing at least 32 people and leaving 'dozens' more trapped today. Mud and rocks smothered 16 homes in Zhaojiagou village, in county of Zhenxiong this morning. Rescuers have so far recovered 32 bodies and a further 46 have been reported missing according to state media sources. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2260751/At-32-dead-dozens-trapped-landslide-wipes-entire-Chinese-village-map.html

Grandma scares off knife-wielding store robber...by pulling a gun

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Pulling a knife on this brave grandmother almost proved fatal for a suspected armed robber. Ernestine Aldana was working behind the counter of her convenience store in Milwaukee when the man, wearing a dark hat and grey top, appeared to threaten her with a knife before grabbing the cash register. But in dramatic CCTV footage released by the police, he is soon seen sprinting to the door in terror after the 48-year-old pulled out a gun and pointed at him. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2260626/Grandma-scares-knife-wielding-store-robber--pulling-gun.html


Anon at aangirfan - 9 hours ago
*Alexis Haller* the uncle of Noah Pozner 28 December 2012 "Today we left Connecticut and returned to the Northwest." Will all those Sandy Hook families who 'lost children' leave Newtown? http://www.facebook.com/ This is Desaree Juarez On 13 December, before the Sandy Hook 'shootings', she set up the above page. [image: Image] source:http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/connecticut-school-shooting-victoria-soto-1498326 Which of these people are the wrong size? *Newtown, Connecticut School Shooting 14 dec. 2012 • Cluesforum ... Newtown, Connecticut School Shooting 14 dec. 2012 •... more »

Birmingham Double Stabbing, 2 Dead

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Two men have died after a double stabbing in Birmingham city centre, West Midlands police have said. http://news.sky.com/story/1036978/two-men-die-in-birmingham-double-stabbing

Astronomers reveal they have found the biggest thing in the universe.....How did we miss that?

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
British astronomers have found the biggest structure in the universe - so large that it would take a spacecraft travelling at the speed of light 4 billion years to cross it. The large quasar group (LQG) is made up of quasars, galaxies from the early days of the universe. This particular group is so large that it challenges modern cosmological theory, researchers said. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2260925/How-did-miss-Astronomers-reveal-biggest-thing-universe--say-4-BILLION-years-cross-travelling-speed-light.html

Ask The Leveretts Anything: How Should Obama Deal With Iran?

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 9 hours ago
Source: *The Dish*. *Read this*, and *this*.

Full Disclosure: CO, WI, CT shootings.. Are These The Work of "Lone Wolf" Gunmen

Intercept at The Intercept - 9 hours ago
Editor's Note: Here's a good rule of thumb. If the official story contradicts existing evidence and there is no transparency while independent inquiry is discouraged by the authorities, it is reasonable to acknowledge that the event was facilitated by the authorities. Help Us Transmit This Story Add to Your Blogger Account Put it On Facebook Tweet this post Print it from your printer Email and a collection of other outlets Try even more services

What will Americans REALLY do if the Feds show up at their Doorstep?

MrArbitrage at Table Of Wisdom.com - 9 hours ago
Glenn Beck Show IF Scott Was There - Episode No.1 Gun Confiscation

"All my relations"

Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 9 hours ago
This is one of the most compelling things I've ever read, and captures so much about about Idle No More, the ideals it aspires to, and hope for the future. Go now, and read.

The Zero Dark Thirty Fraud: Globalist (Jewish) Hollywood Puppets Concoct Laughable Cinematic Recreation Of Bin Laden Death Hoax!

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 9 hours ago
Osama bin Laden died sometime around December 13th, 2001, due to complications from his long battle with Kidney failure. He was buried in the Tora Bora border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He was best known for being American CIA agent, Tim Osman, and was trained by the CIA in California during the 1980's. For years, Osama bin Laden ran the American CIA/Israeli Mossad operation called "Al Qaeda" with operations conducted on their behalf in the Middle East and Africa during the 1990's through to 2000. During 2001 he was being treated for his failing kidneys in a h... more »

Thomas Quinlan kills himself two weeks after being charged with shooting dead his wife

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours ago
Chemical company owner Thomas Quinlan, 58, (inset) was found dead from a self-inflicted wound at his home in Montgomery, Texas, where police said he had gunned down his wife during an argument on December 30. Quinlan was released from jail on $500,000 bond on January 3, but was ordered to stay away from his home on Lake Conroe were the murder took place. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2260757/Wealthy-businessman-commits-suicide-weeks-charged-shooting-dead-wife.html

Minority Report has arrived: Maryland and Pennsylvania using computers to predict future crimes

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
When police in Minority Report predicted who would commit crimes and stopped them before they did it, it was considered so futuristic, the film was set in 2054. Now, however, law enforcers in two American states are using crime-prediction software to predict which freed prisoners are most likely to commit murder, and supervising them accordingly. Instead of relying on parole officers to decide how much supervision inmates will need on the outside by looking at their records, the new system uses a computer algorithm to decide for them. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2260609... more »

Fears grow UK economy is set for triple-dip recession after industrial output slumps in November

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
A leading think-tank today estimated Britain's output shrank by 0.3 per cent in the last quarter, which would mark an abrupt end to the UK's economic bounce back and set the country up for a third recession if 2013 starts with a contraction. This followed 0.9 per cent growth in the third quarter, but the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) pointed out that the third-quarter GDP was artificially high as tickets for the Olympic Games were sold throughout 2011 and 2012, with all sales allocated to Q3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-2260747/Fears-g... more »

How to End the "Gun Debate" Forever

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 10 hours ago
*UN's 2011 Homicide Study - .pdf available here. * *January 11, 2013* (LD) Violence is driven by socioeconomic and cultural factors, not the mere presence of firearms. The statistics clearly show this, and the very same statistics manipulated by so-called "gun control advocates" irrefutably contradicts their agenda's premise when put into proper context. Worse yet, the obsession over gun control sidelines the urgency needed to address issues like poor education and dismal economic prospects for those living in the most destitute and violence-stricken neighborhoods in our country. ...more »

Are Central Banks and Governments really solving or fixing anything?

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 10 hours ago
*Thanks to Theo Spark for the image.*

Why is the National "Catholic" Reporter still allowed to use the word Catholic?...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 10 hours ago
*when they are anything but Catholic.* This shameful publication should have had the name "Catholic" stripped from it's masthead decades ago. Wake up bishops! The attendance at this years March for Life in Washington, DC may surpass the attendance at the inauguration. Last year 400K people marched. Did you see anything in the MSM about it? Thought not. *From Father Z:* Some people are getting it. Liberals, even – to their eternal *shame* liberal catholics – are hijacking pro-life language as a way of promoting strict gun-control as if it were a *pro-life* issue. What they a... more »

Judge Rejects Obama Administration Ploy To Dismiss 'No-Fly' Suit With Secret Evidence

Intercept at The Intercept - 10 hours ago
Business Insider Michael Kelley A federal judge has rejected an attempt by the Obama administration to use secret evidence to derail a former Stanford student's attempt to challenge her inclusion on the government's no-fly list, Bob Egelko of The San Francisco Chronicle reports. In 2005 officials detained Rahinah Ibrahim when she attempted to fly from San Francisco International Airport to her native Malaysia. The then-Standford doctoral student and her 14-year-old daughter were allowed to take a flight the next day but were not allowed to return to the U.S. two months later. The... more »

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.11.13"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.11.13"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "Looks like the gun control debate is taking precedence over the severe financial problems the country is facing. We have a debt ceiling issue that could call into question the “full faith and credit” clause of the Constitution. In other words, we might default on our debt. We have these automatic cuts that have been postponed, and we still don’t have a deal to cut government spending. So, why is the Obama Administration pushing gun control now? Does the government want to start disarming the public just in time for... more »

Saskatchewan New Democrats At Crossroads In Leadership Race

leftdog at Buckdog - 10 hours ago
* * *Yens Pedersen is a lawyer, a former president of the Saskatchewan NDP and was a candidate in the 2009 leadership race.* *"In two months the Saskatchewan NDP will choose a new leader. But if the NDP wants to form government again, it must renew itself.* *So, what would renewal look like under each of the four potential leaders? A simple question put to each would reveal much about the NDP's future direction: "What do you believe is more important - getting elected or achieving your professed goals?"* *They would likely avoid answering directly, saying that both are important. ... more »

It's All Over For Andover Doctor

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 10 hours ago
"Boston Children’s Hospital doctor accused of buying child porn" by Chelsea Conaboy and Martine Powers | Globe Staff, September 13, 2012 A Boston Children’s Hospital endocrinologist and former medical director of Phillips Academy in Andover was charged in federal court Thursday with *receiving child pornography* after more then 500 photographs and at least 60 DVDs were found during a search of his ­Andover home, federal prosecutors said. Dr. Richard Keller drew inves­tigators’ attention after his name, e-mail, and billing ­*address turned up* in the *customer database* of an overse... more »

Jessops: All Stores Shut With 1,370 Job Cuts

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
Administrators say camera chain Jessops is to close all its 187 stores with the loss of 1,370 jobs PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), which was appointed to the group on Wednesday, said it would begin the process of shutting the network at the close of business today. The administrators said further job losses are likely at the group's head office in Leicester. http://news.sky.com/story/1036884/jessops-close-all-stores-1370-jobs-to-go

He's Doug Stanhope and That's Why He Drinks

Jay Allbritton at Jay Allbritton - 10 hours ago
British presenter Charlie Brooker has added a running series of editorial pieces from brilliant American comedian Doug Stanhope to his show *Newswipe*(h/t @DaveAnthony). In this clip Stanhope discusses how crass sideshow exploitation schemes from the 19th century have wormed their way into contemporary culture.


Barbara Diamond at American Scofflaw - 11 hours ago
最优秀的视频: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1mpqNGiKKg 简明版本: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZFVnoTaUy8 *意见发送至:* rdubrenski@yahoo.com

Judge must answer jury questions promptly and before verdict

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 11 hours ago
R. v. Ellis, 2013 ONCA 9 holds that, when a jury asks a question normally that question should be addressed promptly and before a verdict is accepted.

Mohawk Nation News 'Canada, Rise and Fall of 4th Reich'

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
MNN: CANADA, RISE AND FALL OF 4TH REICH By Mohawk Nation News http://www.mohawknationnews.com CANADA:  RISE AND FALL OF 4TH REICH  MNN.  Jan. 11, 2013.  Their criminals are running the country.  That’s how a fascist state works.  The masses voted for Stephen Harper. They turned a blind eye to the genocide.  Our

The Rebirth Of Gabby Giffords As Gun Control Warrior?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. There's no question about the horror and tragedy of the mass murder scene in Tucson that killed 6 people and wounded 13 others, including Rep. Gabby Giffords who was holding a public meeting with constituents at the time. An ex-Republican, Giffords was a Blue Dog Democrat who tended to frequently vote with the GOP against progressive measures. Back before she was thrust into the role of martyr and American heroine, I was always mentioning her in articles about Democrats who supported reactionary positions, like this: Yesterday... more »

Flexibility and Constraint in Hegemonic Orders

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 11 hours ago
About a year ago I introduced an ocasional series called “Quarter-Baked Ideas.” The idea was to blog about semi-formed thoughts related to international affairs. The whole notion turned about to be quarter-baked: I haven’t done another one until now. Do rising powers have an intrinsic advantage in “flexibility” when compared to dominant ones? The answer Continue reading

An iPotty? Really?

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 11 hours ago
Americans may endure dreadful healthcare outcomes but at least their kids can go in style.

Say What, Michelle?

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 11 hours ago
*Salon* is reporting that Michelle Bachmann is refusing to pay five staffers who worked on her presidential nomination campaign. Those who remain unpaid have apparently refused to sign "*a nondisclosure agreement that would bar them from discussing any 'unethical, immoral, or criminal activity' they witnessed on the campaign with police or reporters*." * ...the nondisclosure agreement stems from the campaign’s alleged misuse of an email list. A home-schooling group accused the Bachmann campaign of stealing the list, which was contained on a volunteer’s laptop, and then using it to ... more »

Sonriente payaso de colores listo para la fiesta de los niños

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 11 hours ago
[image: Sonriente payaso de colores] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de payasos* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Ricos y jugosos cítricos para el desayuno de la mañana

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
[image: Ricos y jugosos cítricos] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de cítricos* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Timeswatch: Some headlines compel further action!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 2013* *Everyone read this report:* Some headlines compel further action. The reader of such a headline is *forced* to peruse the attendant report. So it was with the following headline from today’s New York Times: “Man in Plastic Ball Dies on Russian Ski Slope” Who *didn’t* read that news report? To read that report, just click here.

Chief Spence speaking Ottawa Jan. 11, 2013

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
Published on Jan 11, 2013 Theresa Spence Speaks out CBC NEWS Ottawa January 11, 2013 Video footage courtesy of CBC GOVERNMENT ATTENDANCE LIST AT TODAY'S MEETING – Parliamentarians: Prime Minister Minister Duncan Minister Clement Minister Aglukkaq Parliamentary Secretary Greg Rickford AANDC Officials DM Michael Wernick Senior ADM Josée Touchette Senior ADM Jean-François

'Savile groomed the nation': Official police report into DJ's 60 years of abuse reveals that he raped 34 women and girls and sexually assaulted up to 450

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
The official probe by Scotland Yard and the NSPCC found he abused victims in almost every corner of the UK, some as young as eight. The Met officer in charge of the investigation, Peter Spindler, said Savile had 'groomed the nation' and released a map (pictured) detailing where the DJ carried out attacks. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2260589/Jimmy-Savile-scandal-Report-reveals-raped-34-women-girls-sexually-assaulted-450.html

No Surprises With the Corporate Media

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 12 hours ago
I've always said that there are good journalists and good pundits in Canada. I do, however, subscribe to the Chomsky-Herman model of the media. The main media has become a big business. As a big business, they share interests with other big businesses. As forms of mass communication, they were engaged in a partnership with elites who desired and who would interest a mass audience. They are part of the system in other words. The system in Canada relies upon easy access to valuable resources and a fee simple regime of property ownership facilitates this. The treaties with the First Na... more »

Rico helado sobre frutas y chantilly para alegrar el día

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
[image: Rico helado sobre frutas] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de helados* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

DAYS OF THE COIN: Columnist Krugman talks pork to the people!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 2013* *We liberals don’t know how to talk:* Inexorably, your Daily Howler was churning out those results! Just as it always does! At least, that’s how it seemed at the start of Paul Krugman’s important new column. In a piece whose headline said “Coins Against Crazies,” Krugman was unveiling an odd idea—Obama should mint a magical coin if Congress won’t raise the debt limit. As he started, he seemed to be making all the appropriate moves: KRUGMAN (1/11/13): *So, have you heard the one about the trillion-dollar coin? It may sound like a joke.* But if we aren’t ... more »

Russia/US talk on Syria end: No break through

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 12 hours ago
UN Talks International mediator Lakhdar Brahimi and senior envoys from Russia and the United States called for a political solution to end the Syria conflict on Friday *but reached no breakthrough*. Brahimi urged world powers to "create an opening" diplomatically to help stem the bloodshed and alleviate the Syrian people's suffering. He said that he would brief the U.N. Security Council later this month on his latest consultations. * **"We stressed again that in our view there was no military solution to this conflict. We underscored the necessity to reach a political solution ba... more »

Can you feel the love tonight...(video)

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 12 hours ago
*beautiful.* A patron of a Tim Horton's doughnut and coffee shop in Oakville, Ontario, stumbled into a senior's barbershop choir that meets every Monday after rehearsal. The choir asked for requests. The patron gave one, and pulled out his cell phone to record it. May God bless them for bringing such joy into the world.

Greek police beat up another ‘illegal immigrant’ who’s actually a tourist

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Even after Greek police handcuffed him without giving cause, took his passport and beat him on three separate occasions as they dragged him to the station, South Korean tourist Hyun Young Jung insisted on being sympathetic. ”I can understand them asking me for ID and I even understand that there may have been a case to justify them hitting me in the first instance,” he told BBC News. “But why did they continue beating me after I was handcuffed?” In August, Greece instituted a new law enforcement strategy, termed “Operation Xenios Zeus,” to detain and export illegal immigrants. It’s ... more »

China sends fighters to counter Japanese aircraft

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
China's Ministry of National Defense on Friday denounced Japanese military aircraft disrupting the routine patrols of Chinese administrative aircraft. At a press conference, an official with the ministry confirmed that China sent two J-10 fighters to the East China Sea after a Y-8 aircraft was closely followed by two Japanese F-15 fighters as it patrolled the southwest airspace of the East China Sea oil platform on Thursday. The two J-10 fighters were sent to monitor the Japanese fighter jets tailing the Y-8 as well as another Japanese reconnaissance plane spotted in the same airspa... more »

Sydney 2012 : Why has norovirus been so bad this winter?

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
A new strain of norovirus may be the reason for the sharp rise in cases of the vomiting bug this winter. The Health Protection Agency has done tests which show there is a new variant called Sydney 2012 which has become the dominant strain in England and Wales. It spreads quickly because people are less immune to it. More than a million people are thought to have had norovirus since the summer, that is 63% higher than this time last year. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20982721

Galaxy collision results in largest known spiral galaxy

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Astronomers have stumbled across the largest known spiral galaxy -- five times the size of our own Milky Way galaxy. The barred spiral galaxy NGC 6872, located some 212 million light-years from Earth, has been known to be among the largest stellar systems for over two decades. The full extent of its span was only discovered when a team of astronomers from Brazil, Chile and the US examined data from Nasa's Galaxy Evolution Explorer (Galex) telescope while looking for new star-forming regions. When the team looked at the ultraviolet readings taken by Galex, they noticed a collection... more »

The murder of Kurdish activists on the streets of Paris is part of a much wider struggle for freedom

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
The assassinations of three Kurdish activists in Paris have all the necessary ingredients for a murderous political whodunnit. The victims were women, one of them a founding member of the PKK; they were shot in a room with no sign of forced entry; the clear implication being that the killer was someone they trusted, someone who was also confident enough to carry out such an attack in a Western European city. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, claimed this morning that the deaths were almost certainly the result of an internal feud over talks being held by his governme... more »

Whistleblowing, Surveillance, and the Obama Administration

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 12 hours ago
*The Obama Administration does not have an exemplary record protecting whistleblowers, nor for protecting US civilians from unwarranted surveillance.* Recently the Washington Post covered a statement made by the administration concerning whistleblowers*. *The statement was in response to a defense law clause protecting whistleblowers. Obama's statement about the clause seems to undermine its intent, which is to protect whistleblowers, not control them: Obama statement concerns whistleblower advocates, but will it have much impact? by Joe Davidson January 7 http://www.washing... more »

In India, "Respected" Women Don't Get Raped

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 12 hours ago
The lawyer defending three of five men charged with the recent gang rape and murder of a young Indian woman intends to hold her male companion responsible for her death. *Manohar Lal Sharma said his clients would plead not guilty to all charges at their next court appearance. Mr Sharma said the male companion of the murdered 23-year-old was ''wholly responsible'' for the incident as the unmarried couple should not have been on the streets at night.* * * *''This is the mentality which most Indian men are suffering from unfortunately,'' said Ranjana Kumari, the director of the Delhi-ba... more »

Pareja de osos jugando en el hielo

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
[image: Pareja de osos jugando en el hielo] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de osos* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

5.1 Magnitude Earthquake OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO - 11th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Magnitude 5.1 Date-Time Friday, January 11, 2013 at 16:30:44 UTC Friday, January 11, 2013 at 10:30:44 AM at epicenter Location 14.883°N, 92.611°W Depth 90.4 km (56.2 miles) Region OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO Distances 33 km (21 miles) SSW (207°) from Huixtla, Chiapas, Mexico

George Osborne to the EU: Change or Britain will leave

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
The Chancellor made the threat despite saying that he wants Britain to remain a member of the EU. David Cameron is preparing to give a major speech about Britain’s future in Europe, which could pave the way for a referendum on EU membership. Some Conservatives say Britain should leave the EU if other members do not agree to much looser membership. Mr Osborne issued his threat to EU members in an interview with the German Die Welt newspaper published today. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9795800/George-Osborne-to-the-EU-Change-or-Britain-will-leave.html

Rebels 'take control of key north Syria airbase'

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Rebel are reported to have taken control of a strategic military airbase in north-western Syria after weeks of fierce fighting with government forces. Online videos appeared to show rebels celebrating inside Taftanaz airport, alongside tanks and helicopters. Helicopters based there have been used to attack rebel-held areas. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-20984142

France Urges Citizens to Leave Mali

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
France is urging its citizens to leave Mali amid reports of escalating clashes there between pro-government forces and Islamist rebels. Reports out of Mali's capital, Bamako, say the Malian army has launched an operation to retake the central town of Konna, which Islamist fighters captured on Thursday. Details on the operation are sketchy but witnesses reported seeing helicopters and planes landing late Thursday in the nearby city of Mopti. http://www.voanews.com/content/france-to-decide-on-malis-aid-request/1581820.html

Last year, 1082 more Americans were killed by drunk drivers than by gun owners, yet that is precisely what people like Piers Morgan and Joe Biden are calling for; collective punishment on all gun owners for the crimes of a tiny minority of SSRI-addled shooters.

Barbara Diamond at American Scofflaw - 12 hours ago
Nobody calls for taking cars away from all drivers for the crimes of a minority. Everyone recognizes that the cars are not the cause of drunk driving. There is a drug involved, alcohol, that impairs the brain. And it is already illegal for anyone to operate a car while on that drug. So why do people like Piers Morgan want to take all guns away from law-abiding citizens, and steadfastly refuse to address the fact that at least 90% of the crimes involved people either on or withdrawing from prescription anti-depressants? If alcohol, not the cars, cause drunk driving, it is time to un... more »

It's Friday...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 12 hours ago
*what's going on.* Reaganite Republican: *NRA Releases Statement Re. One-Way 'Meeting' with Holder and Joey Plugs* Capitalist Preservation: * Liberals continue to use human suffering and prevarications as a means to disarm America* Always on Watch: *Tyranny And Gun Control* Lonely Conservative: *Yes, People Really Are This Stupid* Bungalow Bill: *How Little is Being Said About Big Pharma and Violence in America * T.L. Davis: * With Tomorrow In Doubt* NCR: *Kudos to the President's Inaugural Committee * American Spectator: *A Pimp for Obamacare Feels the Pain* The B... more »

Lluvia de chocolates confitados de colores

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
[image: Lluvia de chocolates] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de chocolates* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Lack of deal with Iran on nuclear talks alarms Russia

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
Russia expressed alarm on Friday that no date or venue had been agreed for a new round of talks between global powers and Iran over Tehran's nuclear programme. Iran, which denies Western accusations it is seeking to develop a capability to make nuclear weapons, said last week it had agreed to resume talks in January with six powers. But Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Friday there was no final agreement on when or where a meeting would take place. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/11/us-nuclear-iran-talks-idUSBRE90A0LV20130111

These weapons certainly have the "cool factor" written all over them.

Barbara Diamond at American Scofflaw - 12 hours ago
But what concerns me here as that this technology isn't going to STAY overseas, fighting against third world countries whose resources the US government covets. As things fall apart financially here in this country, expect some of these weapons to be used against American citizens. After all, President Obama has come to the decision, with the help of his legal advisors and counselors, that his administration has the power to extrajudiciously assassinate any American he sincerely feels needs to be killed;* why not here in the homeland?!?* And if you are still stubbornly clinging to... more »

Drugmakers report U.S. shortages of flu vaccine, Tamiflu

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours ago
This year's early and potentially severe flu season has created shortages of the children's formulation of the leading treatment and most forms of the top-selling flu vaccine in the United States, according to their manufacturers. Roche Holding AG told Reuters late on Wednesday that it had a shortage of the liquid formulation of Tamiflu, which is used mainly to slow down or stop the symptoms of the flu in children already infected with the virus. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/10/usa-flu-idUSL1E9CA9H820130110 *This may not be such a Bad thing......* Feb 2012 - Flu Drug Tami... more »

Rocky Gone; Never Did Have To Spend It All

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 12 hours ago
Jay Rockefeller today announced that he will not seek another term. He was going to have a tough time winning it, perhaps; Republicans had already recruited a tough challenger, Shelley Moore Capito. And of course West Virginia has been increasingly Republican lately, although more so in presidential voting than in statewide contests. Democrats do have some viable options -- and there's no guarantee that Republicans won't wind up with a Tea Party candidate after all. As Sean Trende suggests, any restraint that conservatives might have had about acting strategically in a primary may d... more »

Hermosura de pastel para las grandes fiestas

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
[image: Hermosura de pastel para la gran fiesta] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de pasteles* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Flores perfumadas adornando la cascada

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 12 hours ago
[image: Flores perfumadas adornando la cascada] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de flores* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Are Drones Self-Defeating?

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 12 hours ago
Ask any Somali, Yemeni or Pakistani mountain tribesman. Barack Obama likes his drones or, more accurately, likes to use his drones to obliterate people he thinks deserve to be wiped from the face of the earth. It seems that not a week goes by that the Americans aren't whacking some top al Qaeda leader. Imagine the job description: "*...rapid promotion ...short hours ...early retirement*." Yet, judging by Obama's seemingly endless success there appears to be no end to al Qaeda leadership in need of whacking. So, what gives? *The Guardian's* Simon Jenkins contends that drone war... more »


Barbara Diamond at American Scofflaw - 12 hours ago
整个政府和媒体的情况下解除武装的美国人民依赖的假设,美国人应该永远不必担心美国政府滥用自己的权利,这不仅是历史上不合理的,但在现今的情况下,我们有政府公开承诺法外谋杀,折磨无辜的人死亡,不存在大规模杀伤性武器,并走上了一个明确的政策,解决华尔街的问题, 趁火打劫的人。

4.1 Magnitude Earthquake CENTRAL ALASKA - 11th January 2013

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
Magnitude 4.1 Date-Time Friday, January 11, 2013 at 14:59:54 UTC Friday, January 11, 2013 at 05:59:54 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 62.501°N, 151.363°W Depth 89.9 km (55.9 miles) set by location program Region CENTRAL ALASKA Distances 35 km (22 miles) WNW (294°) from Petersville, AK

Exquisito postre para saborear

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 13 hours ago
[image: Exquisito postre] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de postres* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Rising From the Boston Globe Ashes

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 13 hours ago
*Getting a look at their future I think. * "A hybrid rises from the old Boston Phoenix; Alternative paper’s longtime publisher adjusts to changing times" by Joseph P. Kahn | Globe Staff, September 18, 2012 As summer approached, staff meetings at The Boston Phoenix grew more frequent amid mounting concerns about layoffs, an announced move to new offices, and the future of the Phoenix itself. One indication of the meetings’ importance was the presence of owner and publisher Stephen Min­dich. He has guided the paper’s fortunes since the 1970s, making it the centerpiece of a youth-or... more »

Escalating Drone Attacks in Pakistan

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 13 hours ago
U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan on rise for 2013 By Greg Miller, Published: January 10 http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-drone-strikes-in-pakistan-on-rise-for-2013/2013/01 [Excerpted] The CIA has opened the year with a flurry of drone strikes in Pakistan, pounding Taliban targets along the country’s tribal belt at a time when the Obama administration is preparing to disclose its plans for pulling most U.S. forces out of neighboring Afghanistan. A strike Thursday in North Waziristan was the seventh in 10 days, marking a major escalation in the pace of attacks. D... more »

Panetta, Dempsey clear Pentagon desk of US military option for Syria: Proof that standing up to the United States is indeed possible

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours ago
At a joint news conference Friday, Jan. 11, retiring Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs, Gen. Martin Dempsey, cleaned the Pentagon’s Syrian desk ready for incoming Secretary Chuck Hagel. Boiled down to essentials, their triple message was that Bashar Assad could not be stopped from using chemical weapons if he chose to do so, that securing the CW sites after Assad’s fall was the job of the “international community” and that no US ground troops would be sent to Syria. Panetta and Dempsey essentially confirmed a fact first reported by debkafile in the t... more »

Tiernos conejos de color café jugando en el jardín

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 13 hours ago
[image: Conejitos tiernos de color cafe] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de conejos* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Bella flor de loto sobre el agua con bebé incluído

José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 13 hours ago
[image: Bella flor de loto sobre el agua] *Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de flores de loto* Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com

Why, Do They Taste Like Chicken?

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 13 hours ago
I recently received an e-mail from Hedy Fry about "*how to find Liberals near you*." Truth be told, I'd rather know how to find Mormons near me because rumour has it they keep a full year's worth of food stockpiled and that information could come in handy some day. That beats locating some Liberal with a shoebox full of Dion and Ignatieff campaign buttons any day. And then I got to thinking. What if it was Steve Harper or Vic Toews sending the same e-mail, "how to find Liberals near you"? Coming from Fry the message is boring. Coming from the Prince of Darkness or one of h... more »

America the Sick

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 13 hours ago
Let's hope money can buy happiness because it sure isn't buying Americans much in the way of health. A report from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences finds that, although Americans pay more for health care and services than anyone else, they're less healthy and likely to die earlier than people of any other affluent nation. *Even the best-off Americans – those who have health insurance, a college education, a high income and healthy behaviour – are sicker than their peers in comparable countries, says the report by the US National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine... more »

Paul Craig Roberts and I differ in that he is a Reagan Republican and an economist whereas I am a progressive Democrat and a physicist. However, we are similar in age, academic training (we're each a Ph.D. in our respective discipline), and we are both widely recognized for our life's accomplishments. And one more thing: We are both searchers for THE TRUTH ...even when PCR's search cost him his livelihood and mine figured in my early retirement. And recently we both have had the sense that the official story of the Newtown shootings is false. The article that I re-post immediately below this one by PCR provides a stunning collection of new evidence supporting our mutual impression that the Sandy Hook atrocity took place very differently from what the U.S. government and colluding media wishes us to believe.

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 13 hours ago
------------------------------ *Agenda Driven News* ------------------------------ December 19, 2012 | Original Here I have known for a long time that US news is agenda-driven. Tonight (December 18) I was made aware of the extent to which agenda-driven US news drives the news of the rest of the world. For reasons unbeknownst to me, Russia Today Moscow requested a live TV interview via Skype about the Newtown, Connecticut, school shootings that killed 20 young children and several adults. I was interested to know what was Moscow’s interest in the shootings, and I agreed to the inter...more »

Human population may peak in 2070 and decline to extinction in the next few centuries

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago
[image: Newborns in incubators in India. From 1960 to 2009, India’s fertility rate dropped from six live births per woman to 2.5. Deshakalyan Chowdhury / AFP / Getty Images] By Jeff Wise 9 January 2013 The world’s seemingly relentless march toward overpopulation achieved a notable milestone in 2012: Somewhere on the planet, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates, the 7 billionth living person came into existence. Lucky No. 7,000,000,000 probably celebrated his or her birthday sometime in March and added to a population that’s already stressing the planet’s limited supplies of... more »

Met Office hits back at ‘inaccuracies’ in James Delingpole article on climate science

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago
[image: The Met Office in Exeter. The forecaster has published a blog responding to an article by James Delingpole in the Daily Mail, 10 January 2013. Photograph: Met Office]By David Batty 10 January 2013 (guardian.co.uk) – The Met Office has hit back at claims that it conceded there is no evidence for global warming and that its weather forecasts are inaccurate. The forecaster has published a blog detailing an alleged "series of factual inaccuracies about the Met Office and its science" made in a *Daily Mail*article written by James Delingpole. The blog provides a point by po... more »

DPP March Sunday

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 14 hours ago
The DPP is holding a major march on Sunday in Taipei to which it hopes to attract 100,000 people. The meeting spot is the intersection of Ren Ai Road and Yi Xian Rd at 2, the march begins at 3. The march is to protest the handling of the economy and other issues by the Ma gov't. __________________ *Daily Links*: - Yuan clearing operations to begin in Taiwan within a month. - Taiwanese treat mainland tourists like cattle again. - Taiwan posts record trade surplus in 2012 - Completing one third of Taiwan's unique triathlon, something several Taiwanese have mentioned to m... more »

Heat, flood, or icy cold, extreme weather rages worldwide

Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago
[image: Snow blankets palm trees in Jerusalem, 10 January 2013. Weather extremes that are growing more frequent and intense globally. Menahem Kahana / Agence France-Presse / Getty Images] By SARAH LYALL 10 January 2013 WORCESTER, England (The New York Times) – Britons may remember 2012 as the year the weather spun off its rails in a chaotic concoction of drought, deluge and flooding, but the unpredictability of it all turns out to have been all too predictable: Around the world, extreme has become the new commonplace. Especially lately. China is enduring its coldest winter in n... more »

New evidence shows that everything we were told about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting has been a lie ...and that factions possibly within our own government and mainstream media were complicit in staging this atrocity.

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 14 hours ago
------------------------------ *(Updated) Evidence: Sandy Hook School Shooting Staged by Factions of US Government and Mainstream Media?* *It is a sad day in America as new evidence has come forth showing that everything we were told about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a lie and that, possibly factions, within our own government and mainstream media were complicit in staging the atrocity to possibly strip constitutional rights from American citizens by banning firearms.* Original Here By* Shepard Ambellas* * theintelhub.com* January 9, 2013 Tue... more »

WantWant media monster merger maneuvers

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 14 hours ago
*My wife and daughter attempt to lure a puppy dumped in our neighborhood so they can take off the collar left on him by the idiot who dumped him. Near a hilly area, our neighborhood is a big favorite for dumping dogs.* WantWant's drive to create a media monster by annexing Next Media hit a snag at the National Communications Commission (NCC) this summer when the NCC demanded that it meet three conditions: - Want Want China Times Group Chairman Tsai Eng-meng (蔡衍明) and his family sever all ties with the management of CtiTV’s news channel - China Television Co’s (CTV, 中視) new... more »

A Long Excerpt From Sanai's "The Walled Garden of Truth"

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 14 hours ago
"Your intellect is just a hotch-potch of guesswork and thought, limping over the face of the earth; wherever they are, he is not; they are contained within his creation. Man and his reason are just the latest ripening plants in his garden. Whatever you assert about his nature, you are bound to be out of your depth, like a blind man trying to describe the appearance of his own mother. While reason is still tracking down the secret, you end your quest on the open field of love. The path consists in neither words nor deeds: only desolation can come from these, and never any lasting edific... more »

Is the Testing Fever Breaking? When Teachers Let Their Conscience Speak

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 14 hours ago
This is not the first time our nation's schools have been mired in an "orgy of tabulation" (Harold Rugg phrase). During the heyday of eugenics, schoolmen were obsessed with measuring and sorting, just as they are today in the neo-eugenic era of KIPP's psychological and cultural sterilization programs. The last time we went down this road, it took an economic depression and a World War to break the grip of the testing mania. What, this time? An economic depression and an ecological catastrophe?? Might we reconsider our priorities as a species before our future on the planet is ... more »

Nestle - You have No Right to Water

2old2care at Because I Can - 15 hours ago
When viewing this - and it is subtitled so you have to read it - a couple of things to remember. Six minutes for a very stark message about what "free market" means - truly means. *First* I have no idea if the subtitles are correct - I can only assume that *Second* Nestle was at one point a financial supporter and participant of ALEC - we can not confirm present day - because ALEC keeps their member list secret. ALEC believes and preaches a free market philosophy - which includes the privatization of everything - everything, do not kid yourself folks. This video is an example (if t... more »

The Mole in Ron Paul's Campaign

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 15 hours ago
*It has been long suspected on the blogs I frequent that there was some sabotage occurring during the Republican primary campaign. I think we found him*: "GOP leader Mitch McConnell hires Tea Party strategist" by Roger Alford | Associated Press, September 14, 2012 FRANKFORT, Ky. — Senate Republican leader Mitch ­McConnell has hired some Tea Party credibility. The Kentucky Republican has hired Jesse Benton, who steered the presidential campaign of Texas congressman Ron Paul, to head his reelection campaign in 2014. McConnell says he is committed to running a presidential-level cam... more »

Ryan Cost Romney the Election

Rocker at MSM Monitor - 15 hours ago
*How may that be when Mitt was such a woeful candidate?* "Ryan finds fault in $40b Fed plan Republican Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan *thinks the Federal Reserve is making a mistake* in its new effort to prop up the economy. Ryan spoke at a rally in Oldsmar, Fla., near Tampa on Saturday. He said the Fed’s plan to *spend $40 billion a month* to *buy mortgage bonds* in an effort to keep interest rates low won’t work. * **Related*: Federal Reserve unveils $40 billion stimulus plan He said it will *help banks and Wall Street* but not people. He called the idea ‘‘sugar-high econom... more »

The Tide's Going Out

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 15 hours ago
Carol Goar writes that Stephen Harper's reputation as a brilliant economic manager has more to do with luck than expertise. That luck showed up in the person of Mark Carney: As Harper and Flaherty implemented their hit-and-miss fiscal plan, Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of Canada, moved sure-footedly, slashing interest rates more aggressively than any other central banker in the world. After watching with a mixture of awe and doubt, his counterparts in Washington, London and the European Union eventually followed his lead. It was Carney’s swift action more than anything else ... more »

Lego Birthday Party

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 15 hours ago
I have long held the opinion that my sister should open a party business. Not only can that girl decorate a cake, but she is just amazing at the little details. I asked her if I could share some of her fabulous parties with all of you. She has five little boys and she lets each one of them pick a theme for their parties. This is a Lego party that she threw for her eldest son a couple of years ago. Look at that amazing Lego cake! It is made with a square cake and with small cupcakes on top, covered in fondant. Square plates made up to look like Lego guys as well as juice boxes w... more »

Will The SEC Finally Force Corporate Bribers To Disclose Political Spending?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
Investors-- the owners of corporations-- have demanded for years that corporate managers disclose how they're spending corporate money politically... but to no avail. Now the Securities and Exchange Commission is working to force them to. Public Citizen is one of many good government reform groups applauding the decision. In one of the last actions of departing SEC Chair Mary Schapiro’s term, the agency announced that it will consider a proposed rule to require that public companies provide disclosure to shareholders regarding the use of corporate resources for political activiti... more »

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