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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 January - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

The Jupiter intermediate-range ballistic missi...
The Jupiter intermediate-range ballistic missile. The US secretly agreed to withdraw these missiles from Italy and Turkey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Soviet submarine B-59, forced to the ...
English: Soviet submarine B-59, forced to the surface by U.S. Naval forces in the Caribbean near Cuba. U.S. National Archives, Still Pictures Branch, Record Group 428, Item 428-N-711200. Polski: Radziecki okręt podwodny B-59, zmuszony do wynurzenia się przez Marynarkę Wojenną USA na Morzu Karaibskim w rejonie Kuby. U.S. National Archives, Still Pictures Branch, Record Group 428, Item 428-N-711200. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A Solid Fuel Rocket Booster aided the take-off...
A Solid Fuel Rocket Booster aided the take-off of the KS-7 Missile. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
S-75 Dvina with V-750V 1D missile on a launche...
S-75 Dvina with V-750V 1D missile on a launcher. An installation similar to this one shot down Major Anderson's U-2 over Cuba. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cuban missile crisis alternate history
Cuban missile crisis alternate history (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: This U-2 reconnaissance photo showed ...
English: This U-2 reconnaissance photo showed concrete evidence of missile assembly in Cuba. Shown here are missile transporters and missile-ready tents where fueling and maintenance took place. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: The engine of Lockheed U-2 which has ...
English: The engine of Lockheed U-2 which has been brought down above Cuba in Museum of the Revolution in Havana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A U.S. Navy P-2 of VP-18 flying over a Soviet ...
A U.S. Navy P-2 of VP-18 flying over a Soviet freighter during the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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