12:11 pm MST
PC knocked unconscious by gang of ten youths - one as young as 14 - in 'disgraceful' street attack
A police officer was attacked and knocked unconscious in the street when he
approached a gang of youths.
The PC was on patrol in Preston, Lancashire, when he went to speak to a
group of ten youths when he was hit from behind and knocked to the ground.
A member of the public alerted his colleagues shortly after the assault on
Saturday and he was taken to the Royal Preston Hospital where he later
regained consciousness.
Satire: "G.O.P. Freshmen Saddened by Failure to Shut Down Government on First Day”
*"G.O.P. Freshmen Saddened by Failure to *
*Shut Down Government on First Day”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Just hours after being sworn in at the
U.S. Capitol, the freshman class of House Republicans said that they were
disappointed that they failed to shut down the government on their first
day in office. “We were all like, ‘O.K., we’re sworn in, let’s shut this
thing down,’” said freshman Rep. Byron Ernie (R-Kentucky). “We were all
pretty bummed that the government just kept running.” Rep. Ernie
acknowledged that it might have been “overly optimistic”... more »
'The threat to the euro is over': EU chief Barroso claims single currency will not implode

The threat against the survival of the euro has been overcome, European
Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said today.
'I think we can say that the existential threat against the euro has
essentially been overcome,' Mr Barroso told a conference in his native
'In 2013 the question won't be if the euro will, or will not implode.'
NPR Speaks to Brandon Sanderson, Harriet McDougal About A Memory of Light

The Last Battle is at hand. NPR reports.
Make sure to click on the full interviews near the bottom of the article.
That's nuts! Three fire engines sent to rescue tiny SQUIRREL from pond after it fell out of tree
It must have been a quiet day at the Watford fire station yesterday as a
team of seven firefighters turned out to rescue a hapless squirrel stranded
on reeds in the middle of a town pond.
The firefighters arrived in three fire engines after a member of the public
called to say the squirrel was stuck.
The squirrel could not climb back up the steep concrete walls and had taken
refuge on a small island of rocks in the high street pond in Watford,
Hertfordshire yesterday.
Norovirus: Patients treated in hospital car parks as norovirus continues to wreak havoc across the country
than 100 ambulance patients had to wait to be admitted to
hospital as staff struggled to cope with demand due to winter sickness
Hospitals say they have been so overwhelmed by people suffering from
sickness bugs that paramedics were forced to care for 999 patients and
ambulances stacked up outside hospitals.
The Merkely/Udall Senate Reform Proposal
After I wrote a post this morning about post-cloture time, I realized I've
now written on each of the four provisions in the Merkley/Udall Senate
reform proposal, but not gathered it all together. So here's the short
version of my critique of their proposal, along with links to what I've
said in more depth about each bit.
Overall, I think it's a disappointing proposal, although overall I do think
it would be at least somewhat better than the status quo. Perhaps the
problem isn't so much Merkley and Udall, but the Senators they much build
support from...it's very hard to tell, and if... more »
Bank of America in $10B-plus mortgage settlement
Associated Press/Charles Krupa -
In this Dec. 13, 2012 photo, a customer
stops at a Bank of America ATM office in Boston.
* *Bank of America in $10B-plus mortgage settlement*
Associated Press – 2 hrs 52 mins ago
Bank of America Corp. says it will spend more than $10 billion to settle
mortgage claims …more
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Bank of America says it will spend more than $10
billion to settle mortgage claims resulting from the housing meltdown.
Under the deal announced Monday, the bank will p... more »
DC Charters Kick Out the Problem Children and Keep the Compliant Ones

A clip from an investigative report by WaPo that details expulsion of 6
year old KIPP student:
. . . .Greenfield said the D.C. school system is far from perfect and too
often relies on suspensions, including long-term suspensions of up to 90
days, to deal with bad behavior.
The city’s traditional public schools use long-term suspensions more often
than charter schools, imposing nearly twice as many in the past academic
year, according to school data. That year, 2011-12, 601 students were
suspended from traditional schools for more than 10 days as punishment for
a single incident; ... more »
Why India is not safe for solo women: Georgia Arlott recounts her gap year travels around India, during which sexual harassment was a constant problem.
It was in the second month of my gap year in India that I learned to get
aggressive. It certainly didn’t come naturally.
Like most happy teenagers, my three friends and I left our all-girls school
full of optimism and eager to please. But from the very first day in the
vivid, colourful and thrilling country of India, wandering hands were a
constant problem for all of us.
Giddily piling into rickshaws, I was the first to discover that sitting in
the front seat means that many drivers will look for the ‘radio’ between
your thighs. Hands were slipped underneath our trousers while we wa... more »
Based on how unemployment was calculated in the 1980s, economist John Williams reported the true number for December to be 23%. It's a "new (post WW II) high," he said.

*America's Lackluster December Jobs Report*
*By Stephen Lendman (about the author)*
*OpEdNews Op Eds 1/7/2013 at 01:21:16 *
*America's Lackluster December Jobs Report*
*Official numbers belie weakness.*
by Stephen Lendman
Headlines belied its weakness. Economist John Williams reengineers economic
data based on reliable decades earlier modeling.
U-3 unemployment rose 0.1% to 7.8%. U-6 is broader. It's 14.4%. It includes:
(1) Marginally attached workers wanting jobs but not actively looking in
the pa... more »
Lord Strathclyde resigns as Leader of House of Lords

*Lord Strathclyde resigns as Leader of House of Lords*
Timing of his announcement caused an unwelcome distraction to the Coalition
David Cameron suffered a blow to the “relaunch” of the Coalition government
as one of his most experienced Cabinet ministers announced his resignation.
Lord Strathclyde stood down with immediate effect as Leader of the House of
Lords explaining that he wanted to resume his career in the private sector.
T... more »
Life In a Box

One bright idea that has received almost no attention in North America is Britain's
ShelterBox. Yet these compact little lifesavers in their thousands are
beginning to make their way to relief zones around the world. Here's
what a ShelterBox looks like unpacked:
It's survival for ten people. Tools, shelter, blankets, stove and
cookware, water containers and purification products all in one neatly
stackable, easily transportable box.
It doesn't look like much except to anyone who doesn't happen to have any
of these things, someone who has lost everything to conflict or natural... more »
At the Ford hearing
A mad house -- never seen such a packed courtroom. My prediction? A
reserve judgment and then dismissal -- then a Mayor will be appointed.
Whether that is what should be is another issue... .
The Security State Ramps Up

Newly extracted FBI documents show that, under Barack Obama, it's business
even worse than usual for the American security state. Chris Hedges,
writing for *TruthDig.com,* warns that the FBI and the Department of
Homeland Security have been unleashed on ordinary Americans, "*to silence
the voices and obstruct the activity of citizens who question corporate
*Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the [Partnership for Civil
Justice Fund], said in a written statement about the released files: “This
production [of information], which we believe is just the tip of th... more »
“Zombie Nation”
*“Zombie Nation”*
by Bill Bonner
"Creating and sustaining a nation of zombies is expensive. Large sections
of the US population have been turned into zombies. Retirees. Medicare
dependents. Food stamp recipients. Disabled people. They are not
necessarily bad people. They are not necessarily dishonest or lazy. But
rather than add to wealth, they consume it. And when you have too many of
them, your society consumes more wealth than it produces and you are on the
road to The Downside. But the feds are not only creating individual
zombies, they are also creating corporate zombies. A... more »
Jyoti Singh Pandey Blamed for her attack by Indian guru Asaram Bapu

Asaram Bapu said that Jyoti Singh Pandey, whose fate has drawn the sympathy
of the world and been treated as a national tragedy within India, was 'as
guilty as her rapists'. He added that she should have been more friendly to
her attackers if she wanted to preserve her own life. Politicians and web
users have reacted with fury to the 71-year-old guru's comments.
*His sick, evil and ignorant comments came as 5 of the 6 attackers appeared
in Court for the Murd... more »
Fukushima and The Privatization of Risk IV
I’ve been editing my book on Fukushima and the Privatization of Risk.
I've blogged on it here:
Majia's Blog: Fuksuhima and the *Privatization of Risk*: Introduction
Dec 17, 2012
Fuksuhima and the Privatization of Risk: Introduction. Every morning I look
at the Fukushima webcam and I wonder at what I am seeing. I see strange
brownish-purplish colors in vertical shafts, auras of blue-green, and *...*
Majia's Blog: *Fukushima and the Privatization of Risk* 2: What is the *...*
Dec 18, 2012
Fukushima and the Privatization of Risk 2: What is the Privatizati... more »
What Is It With Bubbles?

There's something about bubbles we must find enormously comforting or
somehow rewarding. Look at the Americans. They had the Savings & Loan
fiasco. Then it was Enron and a gaggle of similar cooked companies. Who
can forget the Dot.Com bubble where billions in notional wealth were
conjured out of thin air to snare unwary pensioners. And of course the
housing/sub-prime mortgage bubble that rocked markets around the world.
Now, still very much reeling from the Great Recession of 2008, we're
drifting about inside this fossil fuel bubble that, by some accounts, could
be ready t... more »
Miss McConnell Threatens To Shut Down The Government If He Doesn't Get To Cut Social Security And Medicare

Last night, Ken made it clear why he feels the 113th Congress is likely to
be as much of a pilonidal cyst on the ass of American governance as the
112th was. And one of the reasons Congress has been so much more a cause of
problems than a solution to problems is bad leadership, i.e.- Mitch "Miss"
McConnell, for one. Friday we saw how Miss McConnell leads Senate
Republicans into dysfunctional obstructionism to please his big corporate
campaign donors, who want the free hand that results from weak and
underfunded government. And yesterday Josh Marshall, sickened by the same *Meet
t... more »
Sara Ege jailed for life after beating her 7 year old son to death for failing to learn the Koran by heart

A mother has been jailed for life after beating her son to death for
failing to learn the Koran by heart and then burning his body to hide the
Sara Ege, 33, collapsed as the sentence was delivered at Cardiff Crown
Court and had to be helped, trembling and sobbing, from the dock.
Ege had been praised as a "brilliant mother" to seven-year-old Yaseen but
was convicted of his murder by a jury at the same court last month.
Derek Shrout Arrested Over US School Explosion Threats

A 17-year-old student has been accused of planning to use homemade
explosives to attack his school.
Derek Shrout, who attends Russell County High School in Seale, eastern
Alabama, was due to appear in court in Russell County on assault charges.
The teenager was detained last Friday after a teacher found a diary the boy
had left in a classroom.
“The Magician’s Con: Renewing FISA and the NDAA Under Cover of the Fiscal Cliff Debates”
*“The Magician’s Con: *
*Renewing FISA and the NDAA Under Cover of the Fiscal Cliff Debates”*
By John W. Whitehead
“If the broad light of day could be let in upon men’s actions, it would
purify them as the sun disinfects.”- Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
“What characterizes American government today is not so much dysfunctional
politics as it is ruthlessly contrived governance carried out behind the
entertaining, distracting and disingenuous curtain of political theater.
And what political theater it is, diabolically Shakespearean at times, full
of sound and fury, yet in t... more »
My Pantry Makeover

*Have you entered the LeanMoms giveaway yet? *
This project has been almost a year in the making. At the beginning of
2012 I completely changed our family's diet. We replaced fruit snacks and
Pop-Tarts with raisins and cranberries, totally shaking our little girl's
world for awhile there. When we changed our diet our old pantry had to go.
We weren't eating anything in there any more and it wasn't suiting our
needs as a family.
I am almost embarrassed to show you the before picture. Not only is it
full of unhealthy foods, it is so messy. I even spy an entire container of
Valent... more »
The TFA PR Machine Even Works in the Critics
Walt Gardner has a post on the TFA PR machine, and in it he shows exactly
how effective the TFA PR machine is by perpetuating the lie that TFA
teachers perform as well as, or better than, professionally-prepared
The protracted recession has caused many graduates from top-tier schools to
put their real career plans on hold and take their knowledge and skills to
the classroom through TFA.* I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and
assume they perform as well as, or even slightly better than, traditionally
certified teachers. *To the extent that such performance helps stud... more »
Sunday Globe Special: Negative Nader
*I still wrote him in for president.*
Student activism is alive and well
Ralph Nader said that today’s college students lack “fire in the belly.”
Indeed, according to published accounts of the talk, he’d said, “It is
harder to get a rise out of college and university students today than any
time in my 45 years of activity.” Did I think this was true, she asked. Was
it all hopeless?
I’m certain Nader was trying to inspire, not discourage — why else would he
still be out on campuses? But, in my experience, it’s not true. At least in
the climate change movement, where I’ve spent the l... more »
It's That Season Again. Might As Well Find the Humour
Vancouver and other parts of B.C. are falling victim to widespread
norovirus. Plenty of Vancouverites are "down" with the highly infectious
bug and they're not alone. There's plenty of it in the U.K. at the moment
which led *The Guardian's* Charlie Booker to offer up this not so whimsical
take on norovirus:
*Everyone hates the norovirus, with the exception of two distinct groups.
First: scientists. Professor Ian Goodfellow, who has spent the past decade
studying it, has lovingly dubbed the norovirus "the Ferrari of the virus
world", not because it makes the contents of your stoma... more »
How Much Wood Can the Log Cabins Chuck?

Let's get one thing straight: I never liked Chuck Hagel. I was never
impressed about him volunteering to fight in a clearly unjust war in
Southeast Asia. He's a typical right wing homophobe and Obama nominating
him to head up the Pentagon is just another wearisome sign that he will
never wean himself from the right wing douchebags that have largely gotten
us into the seemingly insoluble fix we're in. Tolerating Chuck Hagel when
he was in the Senate was like tolerating getting Hepatitis B because it's
still better than having Hepatitis C.
But, speaking as a bisexual lib... more »
4.9 Magnitude Earthquake OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 7th January 2013

Monday, January 07, 2013 at 13:53:49 UTC
Monday, January 07, 2013 at 10:53:49 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
37.817°N, 142.356°E
48.3 km (30.0 miles)
107 km (66 miles) SE of Ishinomaki, Japan
The Crass Argument for Teaching More Math In Poli Sci Courses

A few months back, we had a lively debate about what to teach
undergraduates in political science. As I prepare to motivate 20
undergraduates to learn elementary statistical analysis tools AND basic R
skills, I’ve been thinking about this subject a lot. I think that we both
should aim to teach political science to undergraduates–that
Continue reading
Good Stalker/Bad Stalker

Did you know that the same federal government which just renewed its intention
to spy on you with impunity, and re-declared its right to arrest you
without ever charging you, and jail you forever for reasons it never even
has to divulge, has declared January to be National Stalking Awareness Month?
Although it is widely acknowledged that the National Security
apparatus eavesdrops on, and collects the emails of, millions of American
citizens, and is even building a new $2 billion facility in Utah to store
all the data, the government still pretends to need to hear from you
person... more »
A Live Filibuster Plan Even I Could Support
This one is about the third plank of the Merkley/Udall reform package:
reducing post-cloture time on nominations. I'm for it, but would do it in a
slightly different way than they do.
Why is there 30 hours of post-cloture time? I mean -- why is there any
post-cloture time at all? I don't really know, but I assume that it was
originally a concession to those who opposed the cloture rule, and it was
justified on the basis of protecting the right of Senators to speak. I do
know (from Greg Koger's book) that the 1975 reform that set cloture to 60
Senators included 100 hours of post-clot... more »
Dine-Haber symposium in Santa Cruz

Between Friday and Sunday, particle physicists organized a spectacular
symposium in Santa Cruz to celebrate the 60th birthdays of Michael Dine
(left) and Howard Haber (right).
The website of the symposium shows that the program was impressive and
included speakers such as Gross, Seiberg, Witten, Arkani-Hamed, Kane,
Susskind, Allanach, Grossman, and others.
I've spent the first half of the year 2000 in this department inside the
UCSC campus – with lots of redwoods around – so I know these two great
Santa Cruz Sentinel wrote a few words about the event.
Congratul... more »
Michelle Rhee yes, the real facts no!
*The Times continues to fawn:* Who the Sam Hill is Motoko Rich? Until this
very day, we had very little idea.
Rich moved to the New York Times education beat in June of last year. That
said, it’s hard to find biographical info about major journalists.
We’re sure that Rich is a very nice person—and it seems she’s plenty smart.
Luckily, the Times published a bit of a bio of Rich when she married Mark
Topping in 2003.
We assume he’s a nice person too. In our experience, most people are:
*Motoko Rich, Mark Topping*
Motoko Rich and Mark Harrison Topping were... more »
Costs to a losing litigant
William v. British Columbia, 2013 BCCA 1 is a highly unusual case where a
losing party is awarded costs:
[34] While it is very rare for a court to award costs to a losing
party, the jurisdiction to do so does exist: *Okanagan Indian Band* at
para. 30, citing *B.(R.) v. Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto*
, 1995 CanLII 115 (SCC), [1995] 1 S.C.R. 315.
[35] In the case before us, the public interest in having the issue
of Aboriginal title determined by the Court was high. The need for
jurisprudential development in this area was adverted to in the Court's
ju... more »
Sunday Globe Special: Power Grab by State Inspector General
served up a subpoena on a Sunday!*
"Inspector general seeks greater powers" by Sean P. Murphy | Globe
Staff, December 02, 2012
Five months after appointment as state inspector general, Glenn A. Cunha
moving to strengthen his office’s power to compel witnesses to provide
sworn testimony in investigations of waste, fraud, and abuse in state
local government agencies.
Cunha, a longtime prosecutor, last month *without fanfare filed a
bill*with the Legislature that, if passed and signed into law, would
*significantly expand the powers of his office* by giving it the
*unfet... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Indian Affairs War Room'
Mohawk Nation News
MNN. Jan. 2, 2013. During the 1970s pipeline protests, the Department of Defense set up a secret “war room” on the 14th
floor of Indian Affairs in Ottawa. The windows were blacked out, a
large map of Canada sat on a table in the middle, with
N.Korea 'Seeks German Help to Open Economy'
North Korea is preparing to open up its economy with help from German
experts, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported Saturday.
The daily said Pyongyang is secretly seeking advice from German economists
and lawyers to come up with new economic policies and attract foreign
According to the advisors from leading German universities, North Korea is
currently devising investment laws and already has finalized a master plan
with the goal of opening up by the end of 2013.
One unnamed economist on the team told the paper that North Korea does not
want to follow the Chines... more »
Dr Judy Wood interviewed by Anne Hess
those of you who enjoyed Catherine Austin Fitts interviewed by Anne
Hesshere's a treat for you ... and even though I "don't necessarily
like" the
DISINTEGRATION RAY theory of 9/11 these claims from Dr Judy Wood refuse
go away.
And her evidence (people who survived in WTC stairwells) is a powerful
debunk of my favourite alternative WTC-demolition theory, i.e. deep
underground nukes c/o Dimitri Khalezov's presentation. And never forget
Hurricane Erin which headed DIRECTLY towards Manhattan for ten days
to 9/11 before veering off east into the Atlantic the day of the
event.... more »
Michael Hoffman On Usury
This very serious talk demands the full attention of all who consider
themselves serious Christians:
*Part 1—Heat versus light at Salon:* Is America facing a new Civil War?
That’s what it says at Salon. A few weeks ago, Andrew O’Hehir was trashing
Quentin Tarantino for clowning around, in Django Unchained, about the
American Civil War.
On Saturday, O’Hehir said we face a *new* Civil War. For our money, his
rhetoric was perhaps a bit overheated:
O’HEHIR (12/5/13): *So even though it’s a truism of American public
discourse that the Civil War never ended, it’s also literally true. We’re
still reaping the whirlwind from that long-ago conflict, and now we face... more »
Politicians As CEO's

When Brian Mulroney first ran for prime minister, his sales pitch was that
he would run government like a business. Mike Harris liked to refer to
himself as Ontario's CEO. George W. Bush's calling card was that he
possessed a Harvard MBA. All three were successful politicians but lousy
Donald Savoie writes that the notion that government should be run like a
business is wrongheaded:
The notion that public administration could be made to look like
private-sector management has been ill-conceived, misguided and costly to
taxpayers. Management in the private sector has ev... more »
Migrating wolf packs spark ‘emergency’ in Sakha, Russia
[image: An influx of wolves preying on reindeer herds has triggered a state
of emergency in the Sakha Republic, in north-eastern Russia. AFP]7 January
2013 (BBC) – An influx of wolves preying on reindeer herds has triggered a
state of emergency in the Sakha Republic, in north-eastern Russia.
Squads of hunters will pursue the wolves in a three-month "battle" from 15
January, officials say.
The most successful hunters will get bonuses. The vast, sparsely populated
region is also known as Yakutia.
Experts quoted by Russian media believe a shortage of mountain hares has
caused the ... more »
Over 100 missing in Tasmania as ‘catastrophic’ fire conditions sweep Australia – ‘Perhaps the worst fire danger the state has ever faced’
[image: Smoke billows high into the atmosphere as fires rage across
Tasmania, 6 January 2013. A 'dome of heat' pushed temperatures above 40
degrees, creating 'catastrophic' fire conditions, called 'the worst fire
danger the state has ever faced'. Reuters]
6 January 2012 (BBC) – Australian police are searching fire-ravaged towns
in southern Tasmania looking for 100 unaccounted people.
Tasmania's police commissioner said he feared lives may have been lost in
the wildfires which swept through parts of the island in recent days.
Almost 3,000 people have been evacuated from their homes... more »
‘Horrible’ sea level rise of more than 3 feet plausible by 2100, experts say
[image: Shaded relief maps of Antarctica and Greenland showing regions of
enhanced flow (in colour) and areas of the ice sheets grounded below sea
level (hatched). Also shown are regions discussed in the text. JI refers to
Jakobshavn Isbrae, a glacier that doubled in velocity during the late
1990s. J. L. Bamber & W. P. Aspinall, 2013]By John Roach, NBC News
6 January 2013
Melting glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland may push up global sea levels
more than 3 feet by the end of this century, according to a scientific poll
of experts that brings a degree of clarity to a murky and co... more »
Israel building Golan Fence in Syria since 2011

You could be forgiven, based on reading the latest round of thousands of
msm news stories, for believing that the Israeli theft, by stealth, of
Syrian homeland in the Golan Heights was a recent development.
However, if you ‘believe’ that you would be:* wrong*. Very wrong.
If you continue to believe this obfuscated 'news' after reading what is
posted below you are choosing to be willfully blind. Or foolishly naive?
Just plain ignorant? Uninformed? Propagandized? Whichever? Why would anyone
choose to fall under any of the previous descriptor categories?
... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Mark Allen Shepherd, 52.
And on to the good stuff:
1. Really nice 5 Myths column from Tom Mann and Norm Ornstein about the
Ignominious 112th. Also, from earlier last week, a nice one from Ezra Kleinon the 112th
2. Speaker elections scholar Jeffrey Jenkins on Nancy Pelosi, trend-setter.
3. Ashley Parker on what's up with Paul Ryan.
4. The House has a new history site.
5. And is steroids nonsense really just another example of the evils of
baby boomers? I don't know, but Scott Lemieux makes the case.
*Sen. Reid: Hurricane Katrina "nothing in comparison" to Hurricane Sandy*
*Vancleave company's invention may save lives after disaster*
*Will high cost sink levee plan?*
*Experts say sinkhole gas burning off slowly * *Back in the High Life: The
Grill Room at the Windsor Court ~He Said/She Said NOLA*
*Happy Hour - Re-rockin' The Columns** **Rolling With Kings: The Story of
the Krewe of the Rolling Elvi* *Nell Nolan Talks Debs and Carnival Balls*
The Art of the Possible Part 1

I happened across a photo off of Facebook recently that caught my attention
in many ways. It's from a small community on Baffin Island in Nunavut
where I worked before moving to Alberta. On the surface, it may not appear
that interesting to the average person....community members playing some
traditional Inuit games to pass the time during the dark season.
What caught my attention was actually up in the rafters. See that sports
banner hanging up there on the right-hand side? It has a story to tell.
And what a great story it is. If you've ever thought something was
impossibl... more »
Regarding the "climate cliff": Time is not on our side -- Bill McKibben and Tom Engelhardt remind us

*We can just continue to watch the Arctic ice melting. Oh wait, that's
already the "plan" we have in place.*
*"We could postpone healthcare reform a decade, and the cost would be
terrible -- all the suffering not responded to over those 10 years. But
when we returned to it, the problem would be about the same size. With
climate change, unless we act fairly soon in response to the timetable set
by physics, there’s not much reason to act at all."*
*-- Bill McKibben, in* "Obama Versus Physics:
Why Climate Change Won't Wait for the President"
*by Ken*
Environmental activist and polemic... more »
Best WeAreChange Confrontations of 2012
*Editor's Note:* Luke Rudkowki's hard hitting interviews of the criminals
running the United States of America!
*Enjoy this article? Vote it up the 'Vine! You can support this
information by voting on Reddit, AllVoices and Current.*
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Hovey (CT-ALEC) - One Nasty Piece of Work

*From CNN last Thursday*
(CNN) -- The former Arizona congresswoman who survived a mass shooting in
her district roughly two years ago paid a visit Friday to Newtown,
Connecticut, where last month a gunman killed 27 people and himself in one
of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.
Gabrielle Giffords made the trip with her husband, Mark Kelly. The couple
met with local and state leaders to discuss gun control legislation, mental
health identification and treatment, and "concerns for the erosion of our
societal values such that we are increasingly desensitized to violence,"
... more »
4.0 Magnitude Earthquake WESTERN TURKEY - 7th January 2013

Magnitude ML 4.0
Date time 2013-01-07 11:40:44.0 UTC
Location 38.74 N ; 27.52 E
Depth 11 km
Distances 4 km W Saruhanli, Turkey
4.5 Magnitude Earthquake CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA - 7th January 2013

Magnitude ML 4.5
Date time 2013-01-07 10:19:32.0 UTC
Location 27.96 S ; 67.19 W
Depth 162 km
Distances 149 km W Catamarca, Argentina
4.1 Magnitude Earthquake COQUIMBO, CHILE - 7th January 2013

Magnitude ML 4.1
Date time 2013-01-07 08:13:36.0 UTC
Location 29.56 S ; 71.04 W
Depth 36 km
Distances 43 km NE La serena, Chile
my magic number is 13
Today I begin my last term of grad school. There are thirteen weeks to a
term, so as of today I am counting down weeks to the finish line.
My courses may be interesting this term: graphic novels and comic books in
the library, which I'm excited about, and issues in children's and youth
services, which is at least relevant to my career.
The term itself will be difficult, because both classes are at night, plus
I will be working at least one night a week, possibly two. Working at night
is fine, and standard for the public library, but night classes are tough
for me. I am a total morn... more »
Life in Palestine under the brutal Israeli occupation - Warning these images may be disturbing
That brutal Israeli occupation and blockade of building materials is really
hitting hard isn't it?
No shit Sherlock
' The 'Palestinians' are not preparing for a state because they have no
desire to run schools, collect garbage, and provide water and electricity
to their 'people.' The only reason - the ONLY reason - they demand a
'Palestinian' state is that they want to replace the State of Israel.
That's the real goal and it's the only goal that matters to them.'
BBC - Masters Snooker 2013 - the art of snooker promo
I'm a British lad from the north so I love my snooker, both watching and
playing, AND I'm a sucker for artistic visual excess - what better then
than this 3D rendered fluid dynamics-enhanced BBC Masters Snooker 2013 'the
art of snooker' promo?
"Right classy," VIDEO HERE, once I've found it, online.
Do you want David Cameron to remain PM until 2020?
Do you want Cameron to remain PM until 2020?
8%Yes 92%No
Bahrain top court upholds sentences against uprising leaders
Bahrain's highest court upheld prison sentences against 13 leaders of the
2011 uprising on Monday, a defence lawyer said, a ruling that could stir up
further unrest in the U.S.-allied Gulf Arab state.
The case has drawn international criticism from rights groups and come
under scrutiny from U.S. officials keen for acquittals to help restore calm
in a country it counts as a regional ally against Iran.
Stuart Hall Denies Child Sex Abuse Charges

Veteran BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall has appeared in court to plead not
guilty to the sexual abuse of three girls.
The 83-year-old former It's A Knockout star gave his full name as James
Stuart Hall when he was called before the bench for the brief hearing at
Preston Magistrates' Court.
Hall was asked by the clerk of the court if he understood that he faced
three separate charges of indecent assault and if he wanted to enter a plea.
He replied: "Yes I do. Not guilty to all three charges."
China newspaper journalists stage rare strike

Journalists at a major Chinese paper, Southern Weekly, have gone on strike
in a rare protest against censorship.
The row was sparked last week when the paper's New Year message calling for
reform was changed by propaganda officials.
Staff wrote two letters calling for the provincial propaganda chief to step
down. Another row then erupted over control of the paper's microblog.
Syria conflict: Iran backs Assad speech
Here’s more on Iran’s reaction to Bashar al-Assad’s televised address to
Syrians yesterday. Ali Akbar Salehi, the Iranian foreign minister, said:
"This plan rejects violence and terrorism and any foreign interference in
the country and outlines a future for the country ... through a
comprehensive political process."
He urged world and regional powers to support attempts to end the crisis
through a “Syrian solution”.
Shanghai Market Fire: Six People Killed

Six people have been killed after a fire tore through a wholesale market in
The blaze broke out at around 8.30pm on Sunday, but firefighters were
unable to control it for several hours.
Rescuers are still searching for casualties inside the gutted market,
located in the city's Pudong district.
Depardieu shows off new Russian passport......as he turns his back on the Wonderful EU
You know things are getting bad when a European chooses to get a Russian
Exclusion drives CAR revolt, France steps back
The French dubbed it the neglected "Cinderella" of their African colonial
empire; modern observers have called it a "phantom state".
Landlocked, isolated and poverty stricken despite reserves of gold, timber,
uranium and gemstone quality diamonds, Central African Republic has been
racked by rural rebellions for more than a decade.
In the latest flare-up, loosely-allied insurgents, demanding an end to
years of exclusion from government, closed in on the capital Bangui over
Christmas and the New Year, forcing President Francois Bozize to agree to
talks about his future.
http://www.re... more »
Doom scenario far-fetched but euro gloom to deepen

It would be fair to say that U.S. hedge-fund manager Kyle Bass does not
expect the explosion in global debt in recent years to turn out well.
"This ends through war," Bass, the founder of Hayman Capital Management in
Dallas, said. "I don't know who's going to fight who, but I'm fairly
certain that in the next few years you will see wars erupt, and not just
small ones," he told a recent conference.
But while many investors have, like Bass, bet heavily on chaotic sovereign
default in countries such as Greece, three years of dogged diplomacy in
Europe have so far wrong-footed the dooms... more »
U.S. nuclear lab removes Chinese tech over security fears
A leading U.S. nuclear weapons laboratory recently discovered its computer
systems contained some Chinese-made network switches and replaced at least
two components because of national security concerns, a document shows.
A letter from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, dated
November 5, 2012, states that the research facility had installed devices
made by H3C Technologies Co, based in Hangzhou, China, according to a copy
seen by Reuters. H3C began as a joint venture between China's Huawei
Technologies Co and 3Com Corp, a U.S. tech firm, and was once called
Huawei-3Co... more »
Free Planet - 'your' COUNTRY is already dead - one ring to bind them.

one of the major issues people might have with the Free Planet idea is that ALL
COUNTRIES MUST DIE. After all, for centuries, national pride has been
ingrained into every soldier willing to give their lives to protect 'this
sceptred isle' from invaders from foreign lands or defend 'that commercial
interest' from the competition i.e. other r.i.s.k. game players. We have
always been divided, as a world view, so that each side (each country) can
be played off against the other.
Red vs Blue.
Us vs Them.
Good vs Evil.
But these are all constructs, concepts clothed in maritime flags ... more »
Prime Minister Medvedev reveals extraterrestrials secrets in Russian MIB documentary

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s off-air comments that Russian Presidents
are given a secret file about extraterrestrials living among us created
much media interest. Most news reports claimed that Medvedev was simply
joking. His apparent reference to the Men In Black movie as a source of
information on a super secret agency that monitors extraterrestrials on
Earth was commonly cited as key evidence that he was in fact joking. The
reasoning is that no political leader would refer reporters to a comedy to
clarify national policy. It has now emerged that Medvedev was not referring
to... more »
Police Chief's Warning To Belfast Rioters

Northern Ireland's police chief has said loyalist violence over the flying
of the Union flag in Belfast will be firmly dealt with for as long as
necessary after a fourth night of rioting.
Matt Baggott's warning came just hours before fresh disturbances erupted in
the east of the city, with police once again coming under attack.
A mob hurled steel barriers, bricks, fireworks and bottles at officers
patrolling Castlereagh Street.
Costa Concordia: 'Stupid' Tourists Rescued

Coastguards have criticised five German cruise ship passengers who hired an
inflatable boat to get a close-up look of the wrecked Costa Concordia liner.
The group, including two children, had to be rescued after their tiny boat
was swamped by waves, whipped up by storm force winds. All were suffering
from the effects of the cold.
India Gang Rape: Five In Court Amid Tight Security

Noisy protests have led to the first court appearance by five men accused
of gang raping a medical student to be heard behind closed doors.
The magistrate presiding over the case, Namrita Aggarwal, said: "The court
has become jam-packed. It has become impossible for this court to conduct
The hearing had been delayed by rowdy protests by some lawyers denouncing
other advocates who have stepped forward to defend the accused and police
were called in to restore order.
The defendants have been named as Ram Singh, Mukesh Singh, Vinay Sharma,
Akshay Thakur and Pawan Gupta.... more »
Barack Obama’s $7 million Hawaii vacation is an insult to America’s struggling middle class

$16.4 trillion – that’s the latest figure for America’s massive national
debt. Nearly $6 trillion of this debt was racked up in the first term of
the Obama presidency – a 50 percent increase. It is horrifying to imagine
what the debt will be when Obama leaves the White House in 2016, unless
Congress has the willpower to stand in the way.
Meanwhile, as the world’s superpower is literally drowning in debt,
President Obama is basking in the warmth of the beaches of Hawaii, at an
exclusive resort way beyond the financial reach of most Americans. The
president pays the cost of his own f... more »
Family Farmers to Travel to Washington, D.C. to Take on Monsanto

Dozens of family farmers, Plaintiffs in the landmark lawsuit Organic Seed
Growers and Trade Association et al v. Monsanto, will travel from across
America to Washington, D.C. next week to take on Monsanto and demand the
right to farm. They will attend the January 10th Oral Argument in the
Appeal of Dismissal to be aired before the US Court of Appeals for the
Federal Circuit. A Citizen’s Assembly in support of family farmers at 10am
in Lafayette Square will coincide with the beginning of the Oral Argument
inside the court room.
http://www.pakalertpress.com/2013/01/06/family-farmers-... more »

Firefighters have been sent to defend homes in Victoria's south-west as a
wind change sends a large blaze towards small communities.
The Country Fire Authority (CFA) has issued an emergency warning for
Drik, which is in the path of the fire that is burning in remote
near Portland.
The CFA is warning the fire could put lives and property at risk, and
people should follow their bushfire survival plans.

A total state-wide fire ban will be imposed in New South Wales from
midnight as authorities prepare for temperatures to soar above 40 degrees.
The fire danger in the Illawarra, Shoalhaven and southern ranges is
expected to be catastrophic, with many other areas expecting extreme danger
National parks, reserves and state forests across the state will be closed
and anyone in parks should immediate prepare to vacate camping areas.
5.2 Magnitude Earthquake TAIWAN REGION - 7th January 2013

Monday, January 07, 2013 at 06:49:07 UTC
Monday, January 07, 2013 at 02:49:07 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
24.535°N, 122.913°E
73.3 km (45.5 miles)
108 km (67 miles) E (94°) from Su-ao, Taiwan

*Brown eyes or blue?*
"Adam Lanza was a vegan because he ‘didn’t want to hurt animals’."
"The Sandy Hook Elementary School was in an up-market area of Connecticut,
shown by the large majority of its children being from Jewish families."
JAMES FETZER: Jan 6, 2013...
*Obama in mourning in Connecticut after the shootings.*
Alleged victims Noah Pozner and Ben Wheeler are Jewish.
Youngest victim in Newtown school massacre, 6-year-old ... - Haaretz
Veronique Pozner at the funeral
Francine Wheeler, September 2012
*Steve King, Colorado State Senator.*
*King is the founder a... more »
Hyperinflation Fears

No, there will be no hyperinflation simply because we have been deflating
a credit bubble by printing the necessary money to covered the accumulated
losses built up to 2008 that became real losses then.
Hyperinflation occurs when the demand for money is flooded way past the
absorption rate of the economy. To happen it is necessary to distribute
this hot coin widely. Try doubling pension payouts for example. Big ticket
items simply will not do it because the real market is too small. All other
ways are quickly sponged up in the financial products system to be doled
out prud... more »
Sports Domes and Emergency Planning

For once we have a good sense solution. The domes are there and most can
stand up to the winds. Making them the focus of disaster preparedness is
obvious and can be readily accommodated even in the ones already built. A
little attention during design could readily expand this usage.
In time we will have a network that is both utilitarian and visible.
This model can be applied to other forms of disaster also simply because
the domes are always well engineered to survive when nothing else may be.
Even a flood is going to do little to concrete.
At least emergency stores ... more »
Living Large in Small Houses

Per foot price pressure is forcing innovation on housing everywhere. This
item shows us a little of the evolution taking place and much more needs to
be done.
Every person needs access to a water service, a power service, a sewage
service, a food service all of which can be delivered cheap enough. After
that it is about a sleeping system and a work station and some extra room
in which to swing the cat. Toss out the land budget and it is all modest.
The real creativity comes in designing effective storage.
Every other need can be part of a shared environment because the... more »
Dairy Cliff?

You know that they are going to fix this one, but a little unwanted drama
may develop. Otherwise, read this item to just understand what is going on
if someone gets excited about it all.
Legislative gamesmanship and its like is becoming decidedly wearing,
particularly when problems are hoisted up as an outright cover to churn
through a wish list of earmarks.
The US economic system demands serious reform and general overhaul. I
continue to see no meaningful progress at all while the general economy
remains deflated with little serious recovery even yet four years after ... more »
11 Home Remedies for Various Ailments by Lisa Garber

11 Home Remedies for Various Ailments
by Lisa Garber
Natural Society, 6 January 2012
The next time you think about taking a trip to the drug store, check back
here for some various home remedies.
Admittedly, some old-fashioned cures are best left in history books, but
the ones we’ve included here are backed by modern researchers and
scientists and great-grandma’s stubborn insistence. She didn’t have
Neosporin in her bathroom cabinet growing up, and what with all the ills of
modern allopathic medicine and toxin-ridden pharmaceuticals, maybe you
shouldn’t either. Nature, after al... more »
Two terms not enough to change America?
H.J.Res.15 - Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United
States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing
the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as
President.113th Congress (2013-2014)
Overview: House Joint Resolution
Sponsor:Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-15]
(Introduced 01/04/2013)
See the resolution here
Imagine if such a resolution had been proposed during Ronald Reagan's
second term as President or George W. Bush. Can you see the headlines and
the ... more »
January 6, 1973
Continuing the recent theme: according to Stephen Ambrose's biography of
Nixon, today was Chuck Colson's turn, again, to tell Nixon that "this could
stretch into the White House." Nixon asked, "You mean Bob and John?" Which
was exactly who Colson meant -- Haldeman and Ehrlichman.
The biggest development of the day was outside of the Oval Office, however.
Two days before the trial was scheduled to start, the White House Counsel
was hard at work making sure nothing would go wrong. That meant John Dean
called Gordon Liddy, telling him (according to Liddy at least) that
"Everyone's goi... more »
With the NHL back on the ice, why not let Chinese taxpayers subsidize Canada’s billionaires?

The Great Leap Forum: what Edmonton’s luxurious new ice hockey palace could
look like with a little gesture of internationist solidarity from Prime
Minister Stephen Harper’s Communist Chinese friends. Conceptual art by Dave
Cournoyer used with permission. It’s a moment of such perfect convergence
that it’s astonishing Alberta’s Wildrose Party, which last week proposed
paying ... more »
Swiss bank Wegelin to close after guilty plea
* *Swiss bank Wegelin to close after guilty plea*
By Nate Raymond and Lynnley Browning
NEW YORK | Fri Jan 4, 2013 8:27am EST
(Reuters) - Wegelin & Co, the oldest Swiss private bank, said on Thursday
it would shut its doors permanently after more than 2 1/2 centuries,
following its guilty plea to charges of helping wealthy Americans evade
taxes through secret accounts.
The plea, in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, marks the death knell for
one of Switzerland's most storied banks, whose original European clients
pre-date the American Revolution. It is also potentially a major tur... more »
Economist Bill Black: "The fundamental insanity at all times was that [Obama and the Congress] put together, one, we must avoid the fiscal cliff because that's austerity and it'll throw us into recession, and two, therefore we must make far greater budget cuts, adopt far greater austerity. Now, obviously, that's insane logic.
* the**REALnews
January 3, 2013
*Cliff Deal a "Moderate" Betrayal*
Bill Black: Compromise on tax hikes on rich and allowing payroll taxes to
rise sets the ground for a "grand betrayal" yet to come
More at The Real News
William K. Black, author of THE BEST WAY TO ROB A BANK IS TO OWN ONE,
teaches economics and law at the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC).
He was the Executive Director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention from
2005-2007. He has ta... more »
Mystery of half-charred body of naked woman found on New York beach
The half-charred body of a naked woman has been discovered on a secluded
New York City beach.
The body was reported to police at 7.15am on Sunday by a hiker who was
walking through the Marine Park nature preserve in Brooklyn.
Detectives are trying to determine what befell the woman and whether she
was murdered.
'They're starting to seriously worry': Aides growing increasingly concerned about low turnout at Obama inauguration
Crowds may have flocked to the National Mall to see President Obama make
history in 2009, but the team behind the president's 2013 inauguration bash
later this month are bracing themselves for a ton of empty seats.
The ceremony that Washington will stage in a few weeks won't be the
historic affair it was in 2009, when nearly 2 million people flocked to the
Capitol o watch Obama take the oath of office.
This time, District of Columbia officials expect between 600,000 and
800,000 people for Obama's public swearing-in on the steps of the Capitol
on Monday, January 21.
http://www.daily... more »
Sonny Archuleta who left three dead in latest Aurora shooting lost his own brother to gun violence only a year ago
second gunman to open fire in Aurora, Colorado in so many months has
been identified by neighbors as 33-year-old Sonny Archuleta.
The gunman shot dead three people yesterday at a house near the cinema
where another lone shooter gunned down 12 people at a screening of ‘The
Dark Knight Rises’ in July.
Archuleta’s MySpace and Twitter pages reveal that he was deeply
and lost his brother Pat to gun violence only last year.
Hitler novel tops German chart: Comic novel follows the Nazi leader as he falls asleep in 1945 and wakes up in 2011
comic novel about Adolf Hitler falling asleep in 1945 and waking up in
Berlin in 2011 has stormed to the top of the bestseller lists in
Some 250,000 copies of Timur Vermes’ Er Ist Wieder Da, translated as
Back, have been sold, along with 75,000 audiobooks.
Enough illegal migrants to fill THREE cities the size of Newcastle: Home Office reports that 863,000 are living in the UK
Britain is hosting enough illegal immigrants to fill three cities the size
of Newcastle, according to border officials.
A Home Office report says an estimated 70 per cent of the 863,000 illegal
migrants are living in London.
The study also reveals that 10,000 foreigners who had no legal right to
live in Britain have been granted permission to stay under the so-called
14-year rule.
Deport first, ask questions later: 'Fed up' Cameron reveals plans to remove terror suspects before they launch appeals
suspects could face a new system of being deported before they get
the chance to hold a full appeal, David Cameron revealed yesterday.
The Prime Minister said he was ‘fed up’ with the likes of hate-preacher
Qatada using a string of human rights appeals to remain in the UK.
Mr Cameron went on: ‘That’s why I’m keen to move to a policy where we
deport first, and suspects can appeal later.’
Let's get serious about Mitch McConnell. Doesn't he always look like he knows he's just been caught?

*Miss Mitch and the look that says, "Rats, they caught me!"*
*by Ken*
Not that I normally feel any need to defend my practice of steering clear
of all the Sunday TV gabfests, but on a day like today it seems like the
merest common sense. I mean "Miss Mitch" McConnell on CBS, NBC, and ABC?
Aren't there laws about that sort of thing?
Even before the rat opens his mouth, you know he wouldn't tell the truth if
his life depended on it. And then he opens his mouth . . .
*G.O.P. Senate Leader Says No to More Tax Revenue*
January 6, 2013
WASHINGTON -- The ... more »
Coming Crisis January 72-Hour Help-a-thon Begins! (Please give this month if you haven't already done so and keep us going strong)

*Have you contributed this month?*
*Do you visit us each day?*
*Would you like us to stay online?*
*Want to be able to say you've done your part?*
*Contribute right now and be proud. *
Countless others have now joined our community as supporters and trusted
friends. Can you count yourself among them? Your financial support allows
us to do all the work we do, including delivering the news to you and
broadcasting freedom, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year,* even
on holidays*. You can give a one-time support donation, or support us
monthly, both of which help tremendously. ... more »
Northern Irish militants seen hijacking flag protests
Pro-British militant groups are instigating riots that have rocked the
Northern Irish capital Belfast in the past month, a police officers'
representative said on Sunday as officers came under attack again.
The violence stems from protests over the removal of the British flag over
Belfast City Hall. It has been among the province's worst since a 1998
peace accord ended 30 years of conflict in which Catholic nationalists
seeking union with Ireland fought British forces and mainly Protestant
James Holmes: Batman Shooting Suspect In Pre-Trial Hearing

Prosecutors will today begin to outline the case against the student
accused of a shooting rampage which left 12 dead and dozens wounded at a
Batman movie premiere.
A week-long preliminary hearing will determine whether there is enough
evidence to put James Holmes on trial on more than 160 counts of murder,
attempted murder and firearms offences.
Holmes is accused of opening fire during a showing of The Dark Knight Rises
in the Denver suburb of Aurora.
Belfast: Loyalist Call For Peaceful Protest

Leading loyalists have held talks with Northern Ireland's chief constable
Matt Baggott, as fresh disturbances erupted in Belfast.
In a statement after the meeting, Billy Hutchinson - who leads the
Progressive Unionist Party, the political wing of the paramilitary Ulster
Volunteer Force - welcomed attempts by church leaders to ease tensions and
called for all protests to be peaceful.
Briton Dies After Falling From Oz Waterfall

A British tourist has died after falling from a waterfall in New South
Wales, Australia.
A 20-year-old man was walking with friends in the Blue Mountains near
Sydney when he slipped over the edge of Wentworth Falls, according New
South Wales Police.
Police, paramedics and rescue teams were called and the man, who has not
been named, was declared dead at the scene.
Teenage Girl Killed In Police Pursuit Crash

A 13-year-old girl has died in a crash involving a car which was being
pursued by police in south east London.
The teenager was travelling with her mother, father and brother in Ilderton
Road, between New Cross and South Bermondsey, on Sunday when their
Volkswagen Polo and a Peugeot 308 that was being chased by a marked police
car collided.
The girl, who was in the rear of the car, died at the scene from her
injuries, Scotland Yard said.
4.1 Magnitude Earthquake FRANCE - 7th January 2013

Magnitude ML 4.1
Date time 2013-01-07 04:20:24.0 UTC
Location 44.77 N ; 6.71 E
Depth 5 km
Distances 2 km W Arvieux, France
4.4 Magnitude Earthquake VANCOUVER ISLAND, CANADA REGION - 7th January 2013

Monday, January 07, 2013 at 03:33:23 UTC
Sunday, January 06, 2013 at 07:33:23 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
49.035°N, 128.715°W
10 km (6.2 miles)
206 km (128 miles) W of Tofino, Canada
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake STRAIT OF HORMUZ - 7th January 2013

Monday, January 07, 2013 at 00:41:57 UTC
Monday, January 07, 2013 at 04:41:57 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
26.839°N, 56.184°E
10 km (6.2 miles)
15 km (9 miles) SW of Qeshm, Iran
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake GREECE - 6th January 2013

Sunday, January 06, 2013 at 23:22:32 UTC
Monday, January 07, 2013 at 01:22:32 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
40.153°N, 21.819°E
11.8 km (7.3 miles)
1 km (0 miles) S of Aiani, Greece
4.9 Magnitude Earthquake EAST OF THE KURIL ISLANDS - 6th January 2013

Sunday, January 06, 2013 at 19:39:03 UTC
Monday, January 07, 2013 at 05:39:03 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
45.676°N, 154.077°E
27.2 km (16.9 miles)
487 km (302 miles) E of Kuril'sk, Russia
Sunday Globe Special: The Lincoln Lush
"Man charged with driving drunk with child in car" by Gal Tziperman Lotan
| Globe Correspondent, November 24, 2012
Police in Lincoln arrested a man they said was driving drunk with a child
in his car around 2 a.m. Saturday.
Dingsit Yam, 27, who has numerous addresses in Massachusetts, was stopped
on a civil violation on Route 2, Lincoln police Sergeant Paul Westlund said.
Police determined Yam was drunk and charged him with operating under the
influence of liquor and endangering the welfare of a child.
Westlund said he did not know the child’s age, gender, or relation to Yam.
A f... more »
Sunday Globe Special: Swansea Mystery
Swansea woman’s death investigated
No arrests have been made, and no further details were immediately
The Wise Old Man tells American Muslims: "Man Up!"
My good friend Zan Overall, better known as the Wise Old Man, has an
important message to the Muslim community generally, and the American
Muslim community specifically: Man Up! Israel and her criminal network of
sayanim and stooges controlling America and the West did 9/11, NOT Muslims!
The Jews carried out 9/11 and then blamed it on Muslims to kick start the
fraudulent and genocidal "Global War on Terror"! It's a damn shame a white
man has to show up at a pro-Palestine, pro-Muslim rally to speak the truth
about 9/11 and the genocidal Jewish agenda against the Muslim world!
Be su... more »
It has been so freaking cold here. It almost makes you not want to do
anything that requires leaving the house. Ugh. I asked Kurt if he was
working out with me tonight (which requires walking to the basement of our
house) and he said "no, I am too cold to change". And our house is not
even cold, LOL.
Had a nice weekend of NOT working. We ran some errands on Saturday (had to
pick up a package from FedEx, stopped at the office to pick up my phone
charger & sunglasses I forgot and get the weekend deposit, picked up my car
from the shop), and then I went on to finish family holida... more »
Have I Got Your Number Then, harperscum trolls?
So, let's see if we're clear here. Chief Spence of Attawapiskat is corrupt.
That's why here reserve has been crying out for years and years, for a
goddamned school and for houses for people whose homes are mold-infested
hellholes? Becaubse for years and years she's been corrupt? And now her
very public hunger-strike is an attempt by her to sweep her (so-far)
unverifiable transgressions under the carpet?
Okay. Whatever. But what of the fact that for the majority of these years
the federal government has co-managed Attawapiskat??
Oh! I see! It's entirely possible that the federa... more »
Sunday Globe Special: She's a Little Runaway
*She's **Daddy's little girl**....*
"Runaway’s parents seek to help others; Social media helped Wayland couple
find runaway teen" by Bella English | Globe Staff, November 25, 2012
“Don’t look for me. I’m not lost. I’m found.”
Middle school can be a difficult time, especially for girls, said
Christina, 47. “Allie was struggling with the normal issues of being a
teenager. I remember being miserable at that age.”
Allie found the suburbs boring, and her parents weren’t surprised when
police learned two days into the search that she had taken a Peter Pan bus
to... more »
Decision making

*Decisions are mostly intuitive, logical explanations
catch-up milliseconds later ~ Robert Sapolsky [ link ]*
Sunday Globe Special: Libyan Attack Led to Accelerated AmeriKan Occupation of Africa
"Libyan attack exposes shortcomings in military command; Pentagon group in
region needed outside troops" by Eric Schmitt and Michael R. Gordon | New
York Times, November 04, 2012
WASHINGTON — The assault, on the *anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks
* on the United States, has *exposed shortcomings* in the *Obama
administration*’s ability to secure diplomatic missions and act on
intelligence warnings.
**Hmmmmmm. *
*Related(?)*: *The President Who Lost Afghanistan*
*And now he's lost Libya. *
But this *previously undisclosed episode*, described by several US
officials, poi... more »
Will Taiwan Independence Rock the World in 2013?

*Love getting out in the morning to see what bugs are hanging. Alas, he
spun just as I hit the shutter.*
Michael Mazza, longtime commentator and observer on things Taiwan, argues
in Foreign Policy that in 2013 Taiwan independence could be an issue that
rocks the world, with three other similar "surprise" issues:
*Taiwan Independence*
.......But while Taiwan's businesspeople enjoy closer ties with China, the
average Taiwanese voter continues to move toward independence. Over the
last 20 years, the portion of citizens of Taiwan identifying as "Taiwanese"
has increased ... more »
Sunday Globe Special: A Bad Idea For Canada
"Global domination? Whoa, Canada!
McGill University historian Gil Troy, in an essay published last spring in
the Canadian magazine Policy Options, he argued that it’s no longer enough
for Canada to be “the nice nation”—that to fulfill its potential, it must
rise up and become a “leading player in the Western democratic West.”
For Troy, that means *passionately supporting Israel*, denouncing Iran, and
being willing to stand up, militarily, for its ideals. The emphasis on
peacekeeping, Troy said in an interview, “curdled at a certain point—it
turned, and became too concerned with appe... more »
Personal Light Pillars

Frame captured from unrelated YouTube video
http://youtu.be/YzFk15wRlBk A reader writes:
So, AK, I’m writing to share a lightworker story and I don’t know another
good medium to share it. I’ve been following your blog for about a year I
think. I’m a Usui Reiki Master, a lightworker, a truther, and a PhD
chemist. I had a pretty remarkable experience over New Years with eleven
other lightworkers in various stages of their spiritual journey. I’ve felt
changes all around me since Ascension and since this trip, and I want to
share my experience and see if it fits in with other peopl... more »
Sunday Globe Special: Europe Splitting Apart
"Separatist groups are gaining ground throughout Europe" by Edward Cody |
Washington Post, November 04, 2012
ANTWERP, Belgium — Old *demons* of regional *separatism*....
Belgium’s prosperous Flanders region....
Independence-minded nationalists also have made recent gains in Spain’s
Basque Country and in Catalonia....
In Scotland....
‘‘*Secessionist temptations* are legion on our continent these days,’’
Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a Green representative in the European Parliament,
warned in a recent column.
On the other side of the ledger, *two long-term separatist strains* have
receded... more »
What Beijing Fears

People in China copying the Taiwanese WantWant media monopoly protest
tactic in criticizing the government's closure of a newspaper there.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums! Delenda est, baby.
Jihadist Terrorists Became Beloved Rebels In The Public Imagination
President Obama announced that he ordered the death of Bin Laden, an
untruthful claim, his *zombie-like followers gathered at the White
House*to cheer the end of Al-Qaeda's decade of terror. But, while they
were busy
cheering, their leader was secretly supporting Al Qaeda in its armed
struggle against Assad.
This fact was at first suppressed, but now the whole world knows that Al
Qaeda is leading the fight against Assad while being backed by the Obama
administration, Turkey, Israel, France, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.
According to neoliberal and neoconservative interventionists who... more »
Sunday Globe Special: North Korea Better Than U.S.
*Hard to believe, but.... *
**"a country that sends political dissenters to gulags, wobbles under food
shortages, channels money to the military, and uses the occasional
satellite launch as a way to show off a ‘‘thriving nation.’’" *
**We have the secret torture sites, the hunger crisis, and the
military-industrial complex, Americans; however, we are **now missing** the
space program.*
"North Korea’s plan to launch rocket seen as missile test" by Chico
Harlan | Washington Post, December 02, 2012
SEOUL — Security analysts say the North could be using the launch as a way
to fir... more »
Sunday Globe Special: The Land of the Setting Sun
*And where it is now rising*:
"Once-powerful Japan finds few believers in its recovery" by Chico
Harlan | Washington Post, November 04, 2012
TOKYO —An alternative — and increasingly accepted — school of thought about
Japan: The country is not just in a prolonged slump but also in an
inescapable decline.
There’s frequent evidence for that in economic data, and the current doom
is a sharp reversal from several decades ago, when Japanese companies
bought up Columbia Pictures and Rockefeller Center, and Americans argued
whether Japan was to be feared or envied.
Like a separate but r... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Elementals have Inspired the Clear Higher Dimensional Air

* *Elementals have Inspired the Clear Higher Dimensional Air*
by ÉirePort
Elementals have inspired the clear Higher Dimensional air. There comes now
an inbreath of all Hue-manity (and humanity general) of this
Elemental-clarified air. The Essence of the new Gaia.
As this Essence is embodied generally, planet wide, Gaia total, including
all humanity, animality, plants, elementals, express the Higher D
Energetic landmarks have been attained. Up-steps continue, at a pace
suited for each. "humanity" continues to develop to "Hue-manity". Rainbow
Signs a... more »