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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

6 January - The View

Downtown Wheeling, West Virginia and the Ohio ...
Downtown Wheeling, West Virginia and the Ohio River as viewed from Wheeling Island (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Schematic sketch of a channel protein...
English: Schematic sketch of a channel protein at an endothelial membrane of the blood-brain barrier. Deutsch: Schematische Darstellung eines Kanal-Proteins auf dem Endothel an der Blut-Hirn-Schranke. Français : Schéma d'une protéine-canal à la membrane endothéliale de la barrière hémato-encéphalique (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A network of capillaries supply brain cells wi...
A network of capillaries supply brain cells with nutrients. Tight seals in their walls keep blood toxins—and many beneficial drugs—out of the brain. From: Bridging the Blood-Brain Barrier: New Methods Improve the Odds of Getting Drugs to the Brain Cells That Need Them Ferber D PLoS Biology Vol. 5, No. 6, e169 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050169 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Sailors inspect needles containing influenza v...
Sailors inspect needles containing influenza vaccine (Photo credit: Official U.S. Navy Imagery)

Revolutionary atmospheric vortex engine funded by Silicon Valley

No more Corporate Welfare for Big Oil.
Did you get a flu shot this year?
CS  SHARED! And No Bloody Way! My first MS attack occurred two weeks after a compulsory shot for Hep B (nursing) in 1989.. I now take 10,000 iu Vit D daily..it is FAR more effective than a flu shot and controls.. or rather it has effectively CURED... my Multiple Sclerosis. I also take Methylcobalamin 1000 mcg.. it crosses the blood-brain barrier and repairs damaged nerves but also detoxifies any Mercury I may ingest (and there's LOTS of Mercury in heavily-mined West Virginia!). ALL my MS lesions have, quite simply, gone
How are you feeling, Rick B?
Well Facebook, you see the thing is, I've um, I've been seeing this other social network...no, no let me finish. I won't say- it isn't you it's me... because, well...it's you. I just feel like I can't trust you anymore, when you say you'll keep things private I then find out you're blabbing them out all over town and frankly when you started charging me, well that was...that just felt WRONG. So I met this micro-bogging site, called Twitter, it's very different to you, yes it doesn't have all the apps and yes it doesn't ask me for money just to reach my friends but, I just feel like I need this change. I'm sorry it had to happen like this, but since you became friends with all those Wall Street people, you've been less interested in me and more into, well....money this and money that. We'll still be friends, we can still 'Like' each other, but I think it's best if you spend some time on your own and stop calling me all the time and asking me questions. Maybe you need to find what you really want out of life, I just wish you;'d stop trying to be the whole world wide web for everyone, you don;t have to be all things to all people, you don't need to rule the world to be special, just be yourself. Ok? Oh, is this Amy Winehouse CD yours? I'll leave it here anyway...
( Not my story ) 
I was just on my way to work and I had to stop for gas so I allowed myself some extra time to get to work. When I pulled up to the pump I shut my car off and saw this middle aged man crying looking at the gas pump. I began to wonder what happened with this man and as I got out of my car and looked at him my heart felt like it stopped.

In Apple Valley, Minnesota it is 10 degrees and freezing cold with the wind. This man was wearing flip flops with socks covered in holes. I look I his car and see his wife in the front seat covering her face in her hands and the 2 teenage girls both of cuddling under a blanket in the back seat.

I didn't even think and I went up to the man and said sir is something the matter? He looked at me and I could tell he was on the verge of giving up because he didn't even try to conceal his tears when he said I can't even provide for my family.

Without even thinking I put my card in his machine and tell him Jesus Christ the Son of God died to provide for you. Fill up. Something, something came alive in him. He was in shock and it was like he forgot how to pump gas.

In that same moment his wife got out of her car, she asked her husband what was going on and he told her I just payed for their gas she started to cry and came around the corner to shake my hand when I saw her pants dirty and torn. I asked her to come to my car.

The airport lost some of my luggage on my way to MInnesota from California and I had to clean out my closet to find stuff to wear and get rid of a lot of stuff all of that stuff that I had yet to give away was siting in the back seat of the car and in the trunk. I opened up my car and told the lady to take what she wanted.

This lady RAN back to her car. I was so afraid I had just embraced her but a moment later her and her two girls were digging through those clothes layering my sweatshirts and shirts and sweat pants over the worn out clothes they had been wearing.

Soon the father had finished pumping the gas and came over. This attracted a little crowd at the gas station. An some older man gave the family a cub gift card and another middle aged man gave away his jacket to the father. Never in my life did I think I would see this kind of thing happen at a gas station with a handful of complete strangers.

But it gives me hope. That the love of God can be so contagious. That we are not alone in being the change we want to see in the world. That God's love is greater than anything and we get to be a part of that love changing lives. And HE always provides!
We Are Change added a new photo.
McDiabetes #GMO #McRib is back!

If it doesn't Bio-degrade, It's NOT FOOD. Eat fast! Die fast! If you think this isn't killing you, your are affected by McNormalcy Bias which will result in McIntenstinal Diseases, McCancer, and an early McDeath.

There’s no rib in a McRib. There are about 70 other ingredients. The greatest amount of them come from ground-up low-value pork trimmings mixed together with salt and water to create “meat logs” that are then carved to size. So in what forest do you find a meat log?

1. It’s made up of “restructured meat technology.”
According to Chicago magazine , it includes tripe, heart, and scalded stomach.

2. It has about 70 ingredients, “including a flour-bleaching agent used in yoga mats.”
That flour-bleaching agent is called azodicarbonamide, according to the article.

3. Processing the McRib takes about 45 minutes.
That’s how long it takes to go from fresh pork to flash-freezing it, the report said.
McDiabetes #GMO #McRib is back!

If it doesn't Bio-degrade, It's NOT FOOD. Eat fast! Die fast! If you think this isn't killing you, your are affected by McNormalcy Bias which will result in McIntenstinal Diseases, McCancer, and an early McDeath. 

There’s no rib in a McRib. There are about 70 other ingredients. The greatest amount of them come from ground-up low-value pork trimmings mixed together with salt and water to create “meat logs” that are then carved to size. So in what forest do you find a meat log?

1. It’s made up of “restructured meat technology.”
According to Chicago magazine , it includes tripe, heart, and scalded stomach.

2. It has about 70 ingredients, “including a flour-bleaching agent used in yoga mats.”
That flour-bleaching agent is called azodicarbonamide, according to the article.

3. Processing the McRib takes about 45 minutes.
That’s how long it takes to go from fresh pork to flash-freezing it, the report said.
Nurse Rise ~ Nurses for Safe Water shared a link.

  • Thank you Aaron Milton, a Californian page member who is a former Gas Worker. When you watch this video, remember CA receives about 4.4 million acre-feet of water annually from the Colorado river. This short video takes a look at the symbiotic relationship between water and energy. [K]
IT IS "COMPULSORY"> That Land you OWN be Fracked....
in The New America
Today: Compulsory Integration - You don't have to lease your land to be fracked.  If the majority of your neighbors have leased they can tunnel under your house and your water supply.  Comments were submitted on Compulsory Integration the last comment period.  The DEC responded by doing nothing.  Time to turn up the volume.  Commment and SHARE today:  http://www.thirtydaysoffrackingregs.com/jan05reg.php
Today: Compulsory Integration - You don't have to lease your land to be fracked. If the majority of your neighbors have leased they can tunnel under your house and your water supply. Comments were submitted on Compulsory Integration the last comment period. The DEC responded by doing nothing. Time to turn up the volume. Commment and SHARE today: http://www.thirtydaysoffrackingregs.com/jan05reg.php
Dear Friends, SIGN AND SHARE, this is outrageous: please see the recently issued NY Fracking Rules regarding Eminent Domain. It gives gas companies, owned for example by Norwegians, French and Chinese shareholders the same rights granted to the American government under the 5th amendment! i.e. TO TAKE PRIVATE PROPERTY! How can this be happening!!!!! http://www.thirtydaysoffrackingregs.com/jan05reg.php
30 Days of Fracking Regs
Today is day 25 in the regs comment calendar. And tonight is Twelfth Night, the traditional end of the Christmas season. In ancient times, celebrants went out on this night
Resurrect the Bill Of Rights & The Constitution with the energy of the rising phoenix of humanity's first awakening.

From "The Awakening" List (1,900+ Truth LIKE pages)
--·> http://bit.ly/TheAwakeningOnFB <·-- SUBSCRIBE
Sad truth. (And I don't want to hear more crap about electing the wrong president, because it's not like Romney was going to overturn this. Move on. If my 'influence' was so profound, the WalMart parking lots would have been empty on Black Friday.)
Resurrect the Bill Of Rights & The Constitution with the energy of the rising phoenix of humanity's first awakening.

From "The Awakening" List (1,900+ Truth LIKE pages) 
--·> http://bit.ly/TheAwakeningOnFB <·-- SUBSCRIBE
‎"The Obama administration will be able to keep secret its legal justification for killing without a trial an American suspected of joining al Qaeda after a federal judge on Wednesday dismissed most of a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and The New York Times."*

Anwar Al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen, was killed in a drone strike. Under what circumstances? We aren't allowed to know, the Freedom of Information Act apparently doesn't apply. Why not? Cenk Uygur explains.

No Details Allowed on Al-Awlaki Drone Killing
"The Obama administration will be able to keep secret its legal justification for killing without a trial an American suspected of joining al Qaeda after a 
You know, it's—unfortunately, more of the same, which is the war-on-terror excesses, first of the Bush administration, and now the Obama administration. We're going into, really, the middle of the 11th year of what I consider to be a lawless way of carrying out the so-called war on terror. The model that has been used is essentially presidential fiat, congressional fiat, no due process, no trials, indefinite detention.

Obama Signs NDAA Bill Allowing Indefinite Detention; Obama Orders Assassinations with No Oversight
Michael Ratner: Obama continues model of Presidential fiat,
Activists Gather In Washington, D.C. For The Dis-inauguration Of Barack Hussein Obama

Activists will gather at the Christoper Columbus Memorial Fountain (Union Station) in Washington, D.C. Monday, January 21, 2013 for the Dis-Inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama.


NOT MY PRESIDENT: Jan. 4, 2013 - January 21st, Obama will be inaugurated for his 2nd term as President of the United States of America. A group of activists, including Iraq War Veteran and Host of the Adam vs The Man Show, Adam Kokesh, will be there to dis-inaugurate him.

They invite you to join them in Washington, D.C. to proclaim that "Obama is not my President" for whatever reasons you want, and to celebrate whatever you plan to do about it, from civil disobedience to supporting candidates.

Schedule of Activities:

7am: Rally at the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain at Union Station
8am: Deploy to Metro stations surrounding the Mall
8:30am-6pm: Outreach - fliering and bullhorning as a million Obama supporters pass through 8 metro stations (a coordinator will be available for those looking for fliers and a metro stop to cover throughout the day)

Stations they plan to cover: Federal Triangle, Smithsonian, Archives, L'Enfant, Federal Center, Judiciary, Union Station, Capitol South, Farragut West, McPherson Square, Metro Center

To get your group involved: Mike Heise, bigmiketheterror@gmail.com

Activists Gather In Washington, D.C. For The Dis-inauguration Of Barack Hussein Obama

Activists will gather at the Christoper Columbus Memorial Fountain (Union Station) in Washington, D.C. Monday, January 21, 2013 for the Dis-Inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama.


NOT MY PRESIDENT: Jan. 4, 2013 - January 21st, Obama will be inaugurated for his 2nd term as President of the United States of America. A group of activists, including Iraq War Veteran and Host of the Adam vs The Man Show, Adam Kokesh, will be there to dis-inaugurate him.

They invite you to join them in Washington, D.C. to proclaim that "Obama is not my President" for whatever reasons you want, and to celebrate whatever you plan to do about it, from civil disobedience to supporting candidates.

Schedule of Activities:

7am: Rally at the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain at Union Station
8am: Deploy to Metro stations surrounding the Mall
8:30am-6pm: Outreach - fliering and bullhorning as a million Obama supporters pass through 8 metro stations (a coordinator will be available for those looking for fliers and a metro stop to cover throughout the day)

Stations they plan to cover: Federal Triangle, Smithsonian, Archives, L'Enfant, Federal Center, Judiciary, Union Station, Capitol South, Farragut West, McPherson Square, Metro Center

To get your group involved: Mike Heise, bigmiketheterror@gmail.com


One of the biggest public relations hoaxes ever perpetrated by the British Crown, is that King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1938, due to his support for the Nazis, was a black sheep, an aberration in an otherwise unblemished Windsor line. Nothing could be further from the truth. The British monarchy, and the City of London’s leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Fuhrer’s election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain’s planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia. Support for Nazi-style genocide has always been at the heart of House of Windsor policy, and long after the abdication of Edward VIII, the Merry Windsors maintained their direct Nazi links.

So, when Prince Philip, co-founder with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), tells an interviewer that he hopes to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to help solve the population problem, he is justdoin’ what comes naturally for any scion of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy.

To get beyond the soap opera stuff and truly understand the Windsors today, it is useful to start with Prince Philip. Not only was he trained in the Hitler Youth curriculum, but his German brothers-in-law, with whom he lived, all became high-ranking figures in the Nazi Party.

Before his family was forced into exile, Prince Philip had been in line of succession to the Greek throne, established after a British-run coup against the son of King Ludwig of Bavaria, who became King Otto I of the Hellenes. Having dispatched King Otto in 1862, London ran a talent search for a successor, which resulted in the selection of Prince William, the son of the designated heir and nephew to the Danish king, Crown Prince Christian. In 1862, Prince William of the Danes was installed as King George I of Greece, and married a granddaughter of Czar Nicholas I in 1866. Prince Philip is a grandson of Queen Victoria, and he is related to most of the current and former crowned heads of Europe, including seven czars. Prince Philip’s mother was Princess Alice of Battenburg, who was the daughter of Princess Victoria of Hesse, whose mother was another Princess Alice, Victoria’s second daughter and third child.

The marriages of Prince Philip’s sisters definitely strengthened the German aristocratic ties. During 1931-1932, Philip’s four older sisters married as follows: Margarita to a Czech-Austrian prince named Gottfried von Hohenlohe-Langenburg, a great-grandson of England’s Queen Victoria; Theodora to Berthold, the margrave of Baden; Cecilia to Georg Donatus, grand duke of Hesse-by-Rhine, also a great-grandson of Queen Victoria; and, Sophie to Prince Christoph of Hesse.

Three of Philip’s brothers-in-law were part of a group of German aristocrats who were Anglophile and pro-Nazi at the same time, and who remain a subversive force in Germany to this day.
Enter Prince Bernhard

His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard, royal consort to Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and father of the current Queen Beatrix, co-founded and became the first head of the World Wildlife Fund (now the World Wide Fund for Nature) in October 1961. When the Lockheed scandal forced Prince Bernhard to resign from his most important public functions in 1971, he was replaced by Prince Philip. Prince Bernhard, like Prince Philip, whom he recruited to the eco-fascist cause, had strong roots in the Nazi movement. In fact, the whole House of Orange did: Queen Wilhelmina, mother of the future Queen Juliana, married a right-wing playboy who begged for money for Hitler; Juliana married an SS man (Prince Bernhard); and, Queen Juliana’s daughter Beatrix married a former member of Hitler Youth.

Prince Bernhard first became interested in the Nazis in 1934, during his last year of study at the University of Berlin. He was recruited by a member of the Nazi intelligence services, but first worked openly in the motorized SS. Bernhard went to Paris to work for the firm IG Farben, which pioneered Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht’s slave labor camp system by building concentration camps to convert coal into synthetic gasoline and rubber. Bernhard’s role was to conduct espionage on behalf of the SS. According to the April 5, 1976 issue of Newsweek, this role, as part of a special SS intelligence unit in IG Farbenindustrie, had been revealed in testimony at the Nuremberg trials.

When Bernhard left the SS to marry the future Queen Juliana, he signed his letter of resignation to Adolf Hitler, Heil Hitler! William Hoffman writes in his book Queen Juliana:

“Tensions [over the marriage] were not cooled when Adolf Hitler forwarded his own congratulatory message. The newspaper Het Volk editorialized that ‘it would be better if the future Queen had found a consort in some democratic country rather than in the Third Reich’.”

This is the man who recruited Prince Philip to eco-facism, but Prince Philip’s Nazi roots had been laid much earlier.
Hitler Youth and Universal Fascism

Through the influence of his sister Theodora, young Philip was sent to the German school near Lake Constance that had been founded by Berthold’s father, Max von Baden, working through his longtime personal secretary, Kurt Hahn. During World War I, Prince Max von Baden had been chancellor, while the Oxford-trained Hahn first served as head of the Berlin Foreign Ministry’s intelligence desk, then as special adviser to Prince Max in the Versailles Treaty negotiations. Von Baden and Hahn set up a school in a wing of Schloss Salem, employing a combination of monasticism and the Nazis’ strength-through-joy system. At first a supporter of the Nazis, Hahn, who was part Jewish, soon got into trouble with the SS, and came to support the more centrist elements of the Nazi Party. What Hahn really had become is what Henry Kissinger’s friend, Michael Ledeen has termed a universal fascist, in the sense of Vladimir Jabotinsky, Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, the Strasser brothers, and other fascists whom the hard-core Nazis would have no dealings with. Although Hahn’s powerful connections permitted him to escape the concentration camps, he was forced to leave the school he founded in Germany before Philip’s arrival there, and established a new school in Scotland, called Gordonstoun. It would play a major role in rearing all the male children of Queen Elizabeth II and Philip. When Philip arrived at Hahn’s school in Schloss Salem, it was in control of the Hitler Youth and the Nazi Party, and the curriculum had become Nazi race science. Hahn became an adviser to the Foreign Office in London, urging policies of appeasement based upon appeals to the centrist Nazis.
Philip’s Relatives Work for the SS

The husband of Philip’s sister Sophie, Prince Christoph, was embraced by the Nazis, who saw him as a channel to the appeasement faction in Britain epitomized by King Edward VIII. Joining the Nazi Party in 1933, by 1935 Prince Christoph was chief of the Forschungsamt (directorate of scientific research), a special intelligence operation run by Hermann Goering, and he was also an SS Colonel on Heinrich Himmler’s personal staff. The Forschungsamt used electronic intelligence-gathering methods to police the Nazi Party, while working with the Gestapo against the Catholic Church, the Jews, and labor organizations. When rumors of homosexuality spread against Capt. Ernst Roehm of the Stormtroopers, Himmler turned to the Forschungsamt’s eavesdroppers, and ordered the Night of the Long Knives as a result. The eldest of Prince Christoph and Sophie’s children was named Karl Adolf, after Hitler. Later, Prince Philip would promote his education. Prince Christoph’s brother, Philip of Hesse, married a daughter of the King of Italy, and became the official liaison between the Nazi and Fascist regimes.

Four years after Prince Philip left Schloss Salem to attend Gordonstoun Academy in Scotland, on Nov. 16, 1937, Philip learned that his sister Cecilia and her husband Georg Donatus, hereditary grand duke of Hesse-by-Rhine, had crashed in one of Goering’s Junker aircraft on a trip to London for Georg’s brother’s wedding. According to the British magazine Private Eye, the funeral became a gathering point for leading Nazis and their appeasers. Prince Philip himself developed secretive ties with King Edward VIII, continuing after Edward was deposed in 1938.

In fact, one of the central figures in the 1930s Nazi-British back-channel was Philip’s uncle and sponsor, Lord Louis Mountbatten (originally, Battenberg, a branch of the House of Hesse). Until he was forced to abdicate, King Edward VIII enjoyed the full backing of Dickie Mountbatten. Through much of World War II, secret channels of communication were maintained between the British royal family and their pro-Hitler cousins in Germany, by Lord Mountbatten, through his sister Louise, who was crown princess of pro-Nazi Sweden. Louise was Prince Philip’s aunt.

Although Buckingham Palace’s rumor mill has tried to depict this wartime collaboration with the enemy as mere family correspondence, the channel apparently included messages from Prince Philip’s secret ally, the Duke of Windsor (the former Edward VIII). On Nov. 20, 1995, the Washington Times reported, based on recently discovered Portuguese Secret Service files first published in the London Observer, that the Duke of Windsor had been in close collaboration with the Nazis in Spain and Portugal to foment a revolution in wartime Britain, that would topple the Churchill government, depose his brother King George VI, and allow him to regain the throne, with Queen Wallis [Simpson, the American divorcà ©e, for whom he abdicated the throne] at his side. Portuguese surveillance revealed that Walter Schellenberg, head of Gestapo counterintelligence, was one point of contact in this plot. After Schellenberg met with the Spanish ambassador to Portugal, Nicol ¡s Franco, brother of fascist Gen. Francisco Franco, Ambassador Franco told a Portuguese diplomat: The Duke of Windsor, free from the responsibilities of the war, in disagreement with English politicians, could be the man to put at the head of the Empire.

Whatever correspondence was hidden in Sophie and Prince Christoph’s Kronberg Castle, King George VI, in June 1945, felt compelled to dispatch the former MI-5 officer turned Surveyor of the King’s Pictures, Anthony Blunt, to gather up the correspondence. Queen Elizabeth II reportedly insisted that there be no interrogation of Blunt about his secret trip to the castle. Otherwise, it is notable that starting with an exchange between King George VI and President Eisenhower, the House of Windsor has been desperate to keep classified those documents from Kronberg Castle that fell into American Army hands, long beyond the normal length of time. Clearly, Prince Philip’s patron Lord Dickie Mountbatten, Mountbatten’s sister Crown Princess Louise, and Philip’s brother-in-law Prince Christoph of Hesse were not just exchanging Christmas greetings.

One of the biggest public relations hoaxes ever perpetrated by the British Crown, is that King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1938, due to his support for the Nazis, was a black sheep, an aberration in an otherwise unblemished Windsor line. Nothing could be further from the truth. The British monarchy, and the City of London’s leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Fuhrer’s election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain’s planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia. Support for Nazi-style genocide has always been at the heart of House of Windsor policy, and long after the abdication of Edward VIII, the Merry Windsors maintained their direct Nazi links.

So, when Prince Philip, co-founder with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), tells an interviewer that he hopes to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to help solve the population problem, he is justdoin’ what comes naturally for any scion of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy.

To get beyond the soap opera stuff and truly understand the Windsors today, it is useful to start with Prince Philip. Not only was he trained in the Hitler Youth curriculum, but his German brothers-in-law, with whom he lived, all became high-ranking figures in the Nazi Party.

Before his family was forced into exile, Prince Philip had been in line of succession to the Greek throne, established after a British-run coup against the son of King Ludwig of Bavaria, who became King Otto I of the Hellenes. Having dispatched King Otto in 1862, London ran a talent search for a successor, which resulted in the selection of Prince William, the son of the designated heir and nephew to the Danish king, Crown Prince Christian. In 1862, Prince William of the Danes was installed as King George I of Greece, and married a granddaughter of Czar Nicholas I in 1866. Prince Philip is a grandson of Queen Victoria, and he is related to most of the current and former crowned heads of Europe, including seven czars. Prince Philip’s mother was Princess Alice of Battenburg, who was the daughter of Princess Victoria of Hesse, whose mother was another Princess Alice, Victoria’s second daughter and third child.

The marriages of Prince Philip’s sisters definitely strengthened the German aristocratic ties. During 1931-1932, Philip’s four older sisters married as follows: Margarita to a Czech-Austrian prince named Gottfried von Hohenlohe-Langenburg, a great-grandson of England’s Queen Victoria; Theodora to Berthold, the margrave of Baden; Cecilia to Georg Donatus, grand duke of Hesse-by-Rhine, also a great-grandson of Queen Victoria; and, Sophie to Prince Christoph of Hesse.

Three of Philip’s brothers-in-law were part of a group of German aristocrats who were Anglophile and pro-Nazi at the same time, and who remain a subversive force in Germany to this day.
Enter Prince Bernhard

His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard, royal consort to Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and father of the current Queen Beatrix, co-founded and became the first head of the World Wildlife Fund (now the World Wide Fund for Nature) in October 1961. When the Lockheed scandal forced Prince Bernhard to resign from his most important public functions in 1971, he was replaced by Prince Philip. Prince Bernhard, like Prince Philip, whom he recruited to the eco-fascist cause, had strong roots in the Nazi movement. In fact, the whole House of Orange did: Queen Wilhelmina, mother of the future Queen Juliana, married a right-wing playboy who begged for money for Hitler; Juliana married an SS man (Prince Bernhard); and, Queen Juliana’s daughter Beatrix married a former member of Hitler Youth.

Prince Bernhard first became interested in the Nazis in 1934, during his last year of study at the University of Berlin. He was recruited by a member of the Nazi intelligence services, but first worked openly in the motorized SS. Bernhard went to Paris to work for the firm IG Farben, which pioneered Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht’s slave labor camp system by building concentration camps to convert coal into synthetic gasoline and rubber. Bernhard’s role was to conduct espionage on behalf of the SS. According to the April 5, 1976 issue of Newsweek, this role, as part of a special SS intelligence unit in IG Farbenindustrie, had been revealed in testimony at the Nuremberg trials.

When Bernhard left the SS to marry the future Queen Juliana, he signed his letter of resignation to Adolf Hitler, Heil Hitler! William Hoffman writes in his book Queen Juliana:

“Tensions [over the marriage] were not cooled when Adolf Hitler forwarded his own congratulatory message. The newspaper Het Volk editorialized that ‘it would be better if the future Queen had found a consort in some democratic country rather than in the Third Reich’.”

This is the man who recruited Prince Philip to eco-facism, but Prince Philip’s Nazi roots had been laid much earlier.
Hitler Youth and Universal Fascism

Through the influence of his sister Theodora, young Philip was sent to the German school near Lake Constance that had been founded by Berthold’s father, Max von Baden, working through his longtime personal secretary, Kurt Hahn. During World War I, Prince Max von Baden had been chancellor, while the Oxford-trained Hahn first served as head of the Berlin Foreign Ministry’s intelligence desk, then as special adviser to Prince Max in the Versailles Treaty negotiations. Von Baden and Hahn set up a school in a wing of Schloss Salem, employing a combination of monasticism and the Nazis’ strength-through-joy system. At first a supporter of the Nazis, Hahn, who was part Jewish, soon got into trouble with the SS, and came to support the more centrist elements of the Nazi Party. What Hahn really had become is what Henry Kissinger’s friend, Michael Ledeen has termed a universal fascist, in the sense of Vladimir Jabotinsky, Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, the Strasser brothers, and other fascists whom the hard-core Nazis would have no dealings with. Although Hahn’s powerful connections permitted him to escape the concentration camps, he was forced to leave the school he founded in Germany before Philip’s arrival there, and established a new school in Scotland, called Gordonstoun. It would play a major role in rearing all the male children of Queen Elizabeth II and Philip. When Philip arrived at Hahn’s school in Schloss Salem, it was in control of the Hitler Youth and the Nazi Party, and the curriculum had become Nazi race science. Hahn became an adviser to the Foreign Office in London, urging policies of appeasement based upon appeals to the centrist Nazis.
Philip’s Relatives Work for the SS

The husband of Philip’s sister Sophie, Prince Christoph, was embraced by the Nazis, who saw him as a channel to the appeasement faction in Britain epitomized by King Edward VIII. Joining the Nazi Party in 1933, by 1935 Prince Christoph was chief of the Forschungsamt (directorate of scientific research), a special intelligence operation run by Hermann Goering, and he was also an SS Colonel on Heinrich Himmler’s personal staff. The Forschungsamt used electronic intelligence-gathering methods to police the Nazi Party, while working with the Gestapo against the Catholic Church, the Jews, and labor organizations. When rumors of homosexuality spread against Capt. Ernst Roehm of the Stormtroopers, Himmler turned to the Forschungsamt’s eavesdroppers, and ordered the Night of the Long Knives as a result. The eldest of Prince Christoph and Sophie’s children was named Karl Adolf, after Hitler. Later, Prince Philip would promote his education. Prince Christoph’s brother, Philip of Hesse, married a daughter of the King of Italy, and became the official liaison between the Nazi and Fascist regimes.

Four years after Prince Philip left Schloss Salem to attend Gordonstoun Academy in Scotland, on Nov. 16, 1937, Philip learned that his sister Cecilia and her husband Georg Donatus, hereditary grand duke of Hesse-by-Rhine, had crashed in one of Goering’s Junker aircraft on a trip to London for Georg’s brother’s wedding. According to the British magazine Private Eye, the funeral became a gathering point for leading Nazis and their appeasers. Prince Philip himself developed secretive ties with King Edward VIII, continuing after Edward was deposed in 1938.

In fact, one of the central figures in the 1930s Nazi-British back-channel was Philip’s uncle and sponsor, Lord Louis Mountbatten (originally, Battenberg, a branch of the House of Hesse). Until he was forced to abdicate, King Edward VIII enjoyed the full backing of Dickie Mountbatten. Through much of World War II, secret channels of communication were maintained between the British royal family and their pro-Hitler cousins in Germany, by Lord Mountbatten, through his sister Louise, who was crown princess of pro-Nazi Sweden. Louise was Prince Philip’s aunt.

Although Buckingham Palace’s rumor mill has tried to depict this wartime collaboration with the enemy as mere family correspondence, the channel apparently included messages from Prince Philip’s secret ally, the Duke of Windsor (the former Edward VIII). On Nov. 20, 1995, the Washington Times reported, based on recently discovered Portuguese Secret Service files first published in the London Observer, that the Duke of Windsor had been in close collaboration with the Nazis in Spain and Portugal to foment a revolution in wartime Britain, that would topple the Churchill government, depose his brother King George VI, and allow him to regain the throne, with Queen Wallis [Simpson, the American divorcà ©e, for whom he abdicated the throne] at his side. Portuguese surveillance revealed that Walter Schellenberg, head of Gestapo counterintelligence, was one point of contact in this plot. After Schellenberg met with the Spanish ambassador to Portugal, Nicol ¡s Franco, brother of fascist Gen. Francisco Franco, Ambassador Franco told a Portuguese diplomat: The Duke of Windsor, free from the responsibilities of the war, in disagreement with English politicians, could be the man to put at the head of the Empire.

Whatever correspondence was hidden in Sophie and Prince Christoph’s Kronberg Castle, King George VI, in June 1945, felt compelled to dispatch the former MI-5 officer turned Surveyor of the King’s Pictures, Anthony Blunt, to gather up the correspondence. Queen Elizabeth II reportedly insisted that there be no interrogation of Blunt about his secret trip to the castle. Otherwise, it is notable that starting with an exchange between King George VI and President Eisenhower, the House of Windsor has been desperate to keep classified those documents from Kronberg Castle that fell into American Army hands, long beyond the normal length of time. Clearly, Prince Philip’s patron Lord Dickie Mountbatten, Mountbatten’s sister Crown Princess Louise, and Philip’s brother-in-law Prince Christoph of Hesse were not just exchanging Christmas greetings.

 Prince Harry Wears Nazi Uniform to Party - Elites TV - Your Elite News ...
Prince Harry Wears Nazi Uniform to Party ... It was a poor choice of costume and I apologize.' Many British citizens ...


If you don't know what Trapwire is, please go read and understand. They're Watching You!


Wikileaks reveals “TrapWire,” a government spy network that uses ordinary surveillance cameras:

It's just like an episode of Person of Interest. According to documents leaked on Wikileaks, a company run by ex-CIA agents has created a piece of technology, called TrapWire, that siphons data from surveillance cameras in stores, casinos, and other businesses around the country. TrapWire then analyzes this data for, well, people of interest. Are we living in a total surveillance state without even realizing it?

Over at Business Insider, David Seaman reports on the contents of the documents at Wikileaks:

Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence. It's part of a program called TrapWire and it's the brainchild of the Abraxas, a Northern Virginia company staffed with elite from America's intelligence community.

The employee roster at Arbaxas reads like a who's who of agents once with the Pentagon, CIA and other government entities according to their public LinkedIn profiles, and the corporation's ties are assumed to go deeper than even documented. The details on Abraxas and, to an even greater extent TrapWire, are scarce, however, and not without reason. For a program touted as a tool to thwart terrorism and monitor activity meant to be under wraps, its understandable that Abraxas would want the program's public presence to be relatively limited. But thanks to last year's hack of the Strategic Forecasting intelligence agency, or Stratfor, all of that is quickly changing."

So: those spooky new "circular" dark globe cameras installed in your neighborhood park, town, or city-they aren't just passively monitoring. They're plugged into Trapwire and they are potentially monitoring every single person via facial recognition.

Currently it's pretty hard to reach Wikileaks to read the papers yourself, because the site has been crushed under an onslaught of DDOS attacks — which, how convenient is that, conspiracy theorists? But you can still see a description of Abraxas' Tripwire technology here, at the USPTO.



Former senior intelligence officials have created a detailed surveillance system more accurate than modern facial recognition technology — and have installed it across the US under the radar of most Americans, according to emails hacked by Anonymous.

Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence. It’s part of a program called TrapWire and it's the brainchild of the Abraxas, a Northern Virginia company staffed with elite from America’s intelligence community. The employee roster at Arbaxas reads like a who’s who of agents once with the Pentagon, CIA and other government entities according to their public LinkedIn profiles, and the corporation's ties are assumed to go deeper than even documented. http://rt.com/usa/news/stratfor-trapwire-abraxas-wikileaks-313/


Anonymous Operation TrapWire http://pastebin.com/fkzhxLf9


A TrapWire white paper describes their offering as "a unique, predictive software system designed to detect patterns of pre-attack surveillance. As such, TrapWire represents the basis for a paradigm shift in the methodologies traditionally applied to securing critical infrastructure and personnel; a paradigm shift from the currently accepted and widely adopted philosophy of damage mitigation through increased physical security to a new and proactive approach of attack prevention through the identification and disruption of pre-attack planning and surveillance activities."


In other words, TrapWire is for all intents and purposes an Orwellian thoughtcrime detection system. http://www.prlog.org/11947869-trapwire-spying-on-you-predicting-your-moves.html




The massive 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), signed into law by President Obama Jan. 2, contains sanctions that effectively ban Iran’s popular station, Press TV, from U.S. airwaves or cable networks. Press TV is still available on the internet.

Following the NDAA’s passage, Press TV interviewed Chicago anti-war leader Joe Iosbaker, who is also spokesperson for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, and is one of the anti-war and international solidarity activists whose home was raided by the FBI.

Iosbaker told Press TV, “In order for there to be an anti-war movement, there have to be alternative sources of information. And they’re afraid of the anti-war movement because even in just the recent history, the anti-war movement has had consequences for the rulers here.”

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