Australia Perth (Photo credit: Kenny Teo (zoompict))
English: Scott Ludlam, Senator for Western Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Rachel Siewert, Senator for Western Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Percentage of first preference votes for the Australian Greens candidate in each Commonwealth electorate in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, at the 2007 Federal Election (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Sarah Hanson-Young, Senator for South Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Penny Wright, Senator for South Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
3:53 pm MSTq: How does the Queen answer the phone?
In the only reference yourself you’re likely to see on this blog, however oblique, to the fact we have A Royal Walking Amongst Us this week, allow me to help answer the important questions for you. Such as, how does the Queen answer the phone? And does she really say, “Wassup! This is Liz.” Answers here. [Hat tip Geek Press] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
It's two for one day! "The Present"
Today in Australia, (tomorrow in the USA), is the birthday of an angel and we are getting the present! My first born son, who is older and oh so much wiser than I was when he was born, has written a love letter to the world. Enjoy this, share this and send some of your own love light “down under”. He would like that. *it's after midnight, i'm 28 now, and i love you. i don't care who you are. i don't care what your name is, what you look like, where you live, or what you've done with your life so far. i love you because it's a choice, because it's my god-given ri...more »
Deep Green
Since I’ve just posted below just some of the dopiness promoted by Hard Labour activists, I thought it only fair to update my on-going study of their coalition partners favourite word: “ban.” I first examined this back in 2006 when a a commenter took issue with my claim "that the Greens always want to ban things." Turned out my commenter was right. The Greens didn’t want to ban everything, and they still don't. Just this lot: - Californian grape imports - ferrets - trade in cat and dog fur - trade in furniture and timber from China - imports of all Chinese milk-... more »
Pundits do the CYA dance
This is hilarious. He is always wrong, about everything. So much so, his predictions are considered the proverbial kiss of death. Still it's significant that Dick Morris is willing to tell us he lied in order to keep the Rmoney campaign alive. "I think that there was a period of time when the Romney campaign was falling apart, people were not optimistic, nobody thought there was a chance of victory and I felt that it was my duty at that point to go out and say what I said." -- Dick Morris, in an interview on Fox News, explaining why he predicted a landslide for Mitt Romney in the... more »
Filibuster Thoughts: Coalitions
In my post last week, I said that I'd like to increase incentives for cross-party incentives. An anonymous commenter quite sensibly asked: "Why?" It's worth a response. Basically, I'm for strong parties -- but at the same time parties where are relatively non-ideological and non-hierarchical. In other words, I think that democracy is best served when parties cooperate *and* internally compete to make policy. At their best, American parties have done a pretty good job of that. Part of that involves real intraparty differences. Our parties are stronger, in my view, if they can accomm... more »
Zombie Regeneration
Zombies are not really good for much. They're stupid, psychotic, and cannot be domesticated. Did I mention they smell really bad too? But they are a profitable foil for the film and video game business. And, according to this innovative regen idea from Detroit, zombies could be an answer to that city's urban blight epidemic.
The Third Way (An Economic False Flag That Will Kill Off the Weak and Many Present-Day Strong)
Read the essay below for a generational tale of unspeakable evil and earnest betrayal on the part of those who were allowed (hell, encouraged) to thrive previously on the backs of the now dead meat "moochers." Wall Street's Plan to Push Obama to Betray William K. Black Reader Supported News 13 November 12 Through its lobbying group Third Way and media mouthpieces, Wall Street is determined
Given A Real Choice, Voters Pay Attention-- Alan Grayson, Thomas Paine And The Lame Duck
A lot is being made about how voters in states where Republican legislatures tried making it more difficult to vote, voters responded by helping defeat Republicans. That makes sense. Many Americans take democracy seriously. Unfortunately, it isn't only the Republicans who sometimes try to subvert it. This whole bullshit about using the lame duck session-- filled with defeated congressmembers who have no accountability to voters-- to seriously alter America's social contract is a disgrace being foisted on us by our transpartisan (conservative consensus) political elite. This isn't ... more »
Treasury's Geithner warns against postponing fiscal crisis
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Tuesday warned against extending all the U.S. tax breaks to give Washington more time to broker a deficit reduction deal, saying it would create more uncertainty in the markets.
A Salacious CIA Chief
*It's dominating the corporate press and media channels*: "CIA chief Petraeus resigns over affair uncovered by FBI" by Bryan Bender | Globe Staff, November 10, 2012 WASHINGTON — CIA director and retired Army General David H. Petraeus, the accomplished battlefield commander credited with turning around American fortunes in Iraq before retooling the military strategy in Afghanistan, *resigned in disgrace* on Friday after admitting to an *extramarital affair* that some specialists suggested could have compromised national security.... According to the New York Times, government offi... more »
Horrible: Owners ‘Devocalizing’ Dogs To Curtail Pets From Barking
Paul Ryan rejects reality in election results
Paul Ryan emerged from whatever rock he was hiding under for the last six weeks to announce he's certain it wasn't his agenda that was rejected on election day. No, he just knows that everybody still loves granny starving and his team would have won the damn race if only all those moochers didn't turn out to vote: In his first interview since losing the election, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) wouldn’t admit that voters rejected his economic vision and instead chalked up President Obama’s victory to a large turnout of the “urban vote.” “I don’t think we lost it on those budget issues, espe... more »
*EL PLAN DE TLAMANALCO: * *A COMMUNITY RESPONSE TO THE TUCSON DESGREGATION PLAN* By Roberto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez The most important aspect of the proposed plan for the Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) – to get out of its desegregation order – is that beyond individuals, the community is coming together to respond, both as a local and national community. Perhaps soon, we will hear of El Plan de Tlamanalco (Tucson) or something similar that our community is putting together. And why Tlamanalco? Because the fire and the drum have been there at every step of the way. What’s before... more »
Can a right of first refusal bind a non-party? Yes
Benzie v. Hania, 2012 ONCA 766 provides a properly registered right of first refusal can bind a non-party: [1] Can a right of first refusal bind non-parties? Is it registrable under the *Land Titles Act*, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.5 (the *Land Titles Act*)? These questions lie at the heart of this appeal. ... [84] The parties expressly consented to registration of the Agreement on title to the Property. It has been so registered for almost twenty-five years. It was properly registered at the outset; it remains properly registered today. Accordingly, s. 71(2) ope... more »
The Bright Side of The Petraeus Sex Scandal: At Least He's Not A Pedophile
"This culture is so sick, so hypocritical, and so enmeshed in the worst and most outlandish of lies, that it all but renders itself immune to criticism, let alone correction. This culture, this country approaches a state of psychosis, a state so profoundly disconnected from reality at any and every point, that it is almost entirely futile to attempt to address its numerous, ungraspably awful failings. (It occurs to me that I should add, in what I consider the all but impossible event that this should be the case, that if the affair *is* the actual reason for Petraeus's resignation... more »
Keira Knightley's breasts - Not Safe For Work - Rule 5 post
According to The Mail, 'Keira Knightley bares her modest cleavage as she blasts Hollywood bosses for giving her 'droopy' big bust on film poster'. It seems that: 'She also told how she has a strict 'no bottom half' clause when it comes to getting naked on film. She told the U.S. fashion magazine: 'No bottom half! 'I don't mind exposing my t*ts because they're so small - people really aren't that interested!' Here's some video of Keira Knightley's completely uninteresting breasts... And some pictures for the totally uninterested
Maestra Angelbertha Cobb Nov 13-19 Tucson
*Nov. 13-19th 2012 – * *Maestra Angelbertha Cobb of Xicoxixico,* *Sierra de Puebla, Mexico* "*Maestra Angelbertha Cobb of Xiloxixico from the Sierra de Puebla, Mexico should not exist. By all rights, she defies the rules of Western knowledge - defies the accepted historical, archaeological, anthropological and linguistic narratives of this continent. Maestra Cobb is a living treasure, a repository of memory and a link to all of Indigenous America. She can speak with Hopi elders in mutually intelligible conversations in her own native Nahuatl language. Nahuatl, Mexicano or Macehual ... more »
Oil spill Post being held for now
Until I get confirmation, I will have to hold back the post..... Something`s going on.. Be patient.. No information as of yet, maybe the containment boom was placed out of precaution, I just spent the last hour and a half walking the Chevron perimeter .....There is a lot of digging going on, all the asphalt around one of the big tanks has been dug up, .. In attempting to evesdrop on the workers digging and moving asphalt, they unfortunately are speaking Mexican, A report 2 weeks ago came out about the seabird decline in Vancouver harbour, the decline has been blamed on ma... more »
Hard Labour is coming for you
Want to know what dangerous fantasies inhabit Labour activists’ minds? Wonder no longer, as all the dopy policy remits activists have dreamed up for consideration at this weekend’s Hard Labour conference have now been published online. Fortunately, DPF has done the hard work of extracting the remits from the 25-page conference document. As he says, “Do not read these if you are of a nervous disposition”: - Nationalisation of partially-sold assets - A state owned insurance company - State-owned and managed retirement homes - Every NGO receiving even minimal government ... more »
Important Health News: New Video By Mike Adams, The Health Ranger: "The Dark Side Of Science"
I came across a most interesting video just the other day that was posted by my friend, Noor, who writes the blog: Snippits And Snappits ( It comes from Mike Adams, who is also known as the "Health Ranger" and is the main editor behind the website: Natural News (, and after viewing it myself, I knew that I had to present it here for my own readers to watch. This video is entitled: "The Dark Side Of Science (Here's what Scientists don't want you to see)", and it contains some important information and some warnings about e... more »
Summit of 15 EU countries shows split on EU budget
Divisions among the 27 European Union countries over increasing the region's €1 trillion budget deepened Tuesday as the region's two opposing camps set out their arguments over raising spending in the midst of a three-year debt crisis. A group of 15 of the political leaders meeting in Brussels Tuesday called for an increase in the EU budget, which is used to fund pan-European programs designed to ensure a level economic playing-field across the region. Meanwhile on a visit to Rome, David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the euroskeptic U.K. called on the EU to "live within its means".... more »
France recognises new Syria opposition....Hardly surprising, they will back anyone
France became the first European power to recognise Syria's new opposition coalition as the sole representative of its people and said on Tuesday it would look into arming rebels against President Bashar al-Assad once they form a government. Twenty months into their bloody uprising against Assad, fragmented Syrian opposition groups struck a deal in Qatar on Sunday to form a broad coalition and their leader immediately appealed for European backing.
Petraeus' Successor John Allen In Email Probe
US President Barack Obama "has faith" in America's top commander in Afghanistan, a spokesman has said - as more details emerged connecting him to the scandal surrounding the CIA's ex-director. General John Allen is under investigation for alleged "inappropriate communications" with Jill Kelley, who is said to have received threatening emails from a woman conducting an extramarital affair with General David Petraeus.
"So Petraeus And Mistress Are Cyber-Illiterate?"
*"So Petraeus And Mistress Are Cyber-Illiterate?"* by Karl Denninger “I'm literally having trouble breathing right now I'm laughing so hard, and in addition I spat my afternoon espresso all over my keyboard, so if there's a letter that is missing in my text, that's the reason (I shorted it out!) It is being reported by CNBC this afternoon (I just heard it) that Petraeus and his mistress, in an attempt to conceal their email traffic, had a "shared" Gmail account and used the "drafts" folder as a means of communicating; each would sign in, write a "draft", not send it, then the o... more »
*The Classic Liberal politician - Sir Cyril Smith.* Sir Cyril Smith "sexually abused boys" and "reduced them to quivering wrecks", an MP has claimed. *Sir Cyril Smith 'sexually abused boys and reduced them to quivering wrecks',* A member of the UK parliament, Simon Danczuk, has described the late Sir Cyril Smith as a "29 stone bully" who "imposed himself" on his victims whom he "humiliated and terrified". Sir Cyril, who had freemason connections, was investigated by Lancashire Police in the 1960s but no action was taken. *BIG CYRIL * * *Barry Fitton, a former resident of the Cam... more »
Dump Trump Petition Gains 400,000 Signatures
Macy’s has prided itself on it’s holiday campaigns with the slogan “The Magic of Macy’s”. For some reason, this year they thought The Apprentice star, Donald Trump, would help usher in holiday shoppers. However, a recent petition is demanding Macy’s to “Dump Trump” from their holiday campaign. The campaign has gotten over 466,000 signatures so far and is just a few shy of the 500,000 signature goal. An excerpt from the petition on states: “Donald Trump engages in especially unpleasant, nasty and despicable behavior. more »
Sphinx Destruction Urged By Egyptian Salafi With Taliban Connections
The Sphinx destruction as well as the Giza pyramids are being called for by an Egyptian Salafist. Murgan Salem al-Gohary is a Muslim jihadist leader with connections to the Taliban who went on TV over the weekend to announce jihad on one of the seven wonders of the world. “The idols and statues that fill Egypt must be destroyed. Muslims are tasked with applying the teachings of Islam and removing these idols, just like we did in Afghanistan when we smashed the Buddha statues,” Gohary said in a Saturday night television interview, according to Egyptian daily al-Masry al-Youm. “God or... more »
China Airshow: Drone And Fighter Jet Unveiled
China has taken the wraps off its latest military drone and fighter plane as the country builds up its defence capabilities. The unmanned Yi Long drone can carry two missiles and although it looks similar to the MQ-9 Reaper used by the British and US military it is likely to be priced far more cheaply.
3.6 Magnitude Earthquake SPAIN - 13th November 2012
Magnitude ML 3.6 Region SPAIN Date time 2012-11-13 19:18:24.0 UTC Location 41.20 N ; 1.11 W Depth 15 km Distances 3 km SW Herrera de los navarros, Spain
H.R. Giger scuplture CAPRICORN - understanding Free Planet
as I was born in the month of January, I'm a Capricorn. Austrian hyper-surrealist and inventor of the Alien creature, H.R. Giger did a series of astrological sculptures in 1995 or so; here's Capricorn - joy. image copyright H.R. Giger (c)1995 and this creation, this weird and confusing work of art, sorta made me realise, "Artists aren't supposed to be understood," and by that (of course) I'm refering to this ponderous Free Planet mantra I keep hammering out. It's a MIND SET; Free Planet is supposed to be lived, not 'understood'. What's that allegory about an unfamiliar path, "Never... more »
Divisions overshadow Europe's plan to control banks
Divisions in Europe over a new regime to supervise banks overshadowed fresh attempts by EU finance ministers on Tuesday to agree a centerpiece reform that some officials fear could unravel. After three years of piecemeal crisis-fighting measures, agreeing on a banking union would lay a cornerstone of wider economic union and mark the first concerted attempt to integrate the bloc's response to problem lenders.
Simple truths
Not being much of a voyeur, I've been rather bored with the Petraeus scandal. Far as I can tell it's pretty much just an excuse to indulge in Villager gossip. If they get around to investigating the shirtless FBI guywho apparently is some kind of tea party nut and may well have been trying to sabotage the Obama administration for a long time, I'll start paying attention. There is real stuff to talk about but I've been occupied with real life for the last couple of weeks. So while I pull myself together to start blogging again, here's the best graphic I've seen on the election reacti... more »
Petraeus scandal derails another general's promotion *Petraeus scandal derails another general's promotion* By Stephen Dinan The Washington Times November 13, 2012, 12:38PM Petraeus scandal derails another general's promotion The Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday said it is putting off a hearing on the nomination of Gen. John Allen to be NATO's Supreme Allied Commander after his name popped up in the same investigation that toppled CIA Director David Petraeus. *Early Tuesday Defense Secretary Leon Panetta s... more »
Washington ex-city official sentenced in bank fraud case.... to home arrest
The former No. 2 official in the Washington city government was sentenced to home arrest, probation and community service on Tuesday on a bank fraud charge, the latest stage in financial scandals surrounding local officials in the U.S. capital. Kwame Brown, 42, a Democrat, who had been the City Council chairman, pleaded guilty in June to a federal charge of overstating his income in applying for bank loans in 2005 and 2007.
SC12 Day 3
Yesterday was long and tiring but Southern Man got up with the alarm and had breakfast with his colleagues and made haste over to the Salt Palace for the keynote address by Dr. Micheo Kaku. Dr. Kaku and a few book titles. Southern Man was kicking himself for forgetting to bring his copy of *Parallel Worlds* but (as it turned out) wouldn't have been able to get close enough for an autograph anyway. Photo stolen from Teh Interwebs. He gave a very exciting and upbeat talk about both the past and the future. His thesis is that (a) science and technology create wealth and (b) that wea... more »
The Apollo Moon Hoax: Excellent Documentary Exposing The Moon Hoax - "What Happened On The Moon"
It has been a while since I put up any articles pertaining to NASA's FRAUDULENT Apollo moon landings of the late 1960's- early 1970's, and I figured this was a good time to delve into that massive hoax and swindle. For this article, I want to present a great documentary that is finally available over Youtube for everyone to view in its entirety. It is entitled: "What Happened On The Moon" and I have it right here for my own readers to view. It is over 3 hours long, but contains a wealth of information that shows how the Apollo moon landings were indeed an impossibility and are sti... more »
4.9 Magnitude Earthquake MYANMAR - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.9 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 18:28:14 UTC Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 12:58:14 AM at epicenter Location 22.828°N, 95.943°E Depth 21.8 km (13.5 miles) Region MYANMAR Distances 93 km (58 miles) N (351°) from Mandalay, Myanmar
Did Expert Witness, Activists Thwart a Rove Ohio Vote Plot?
The Justice Integrity Project By Andrew Kreig [image: Michael Duniho]A software expert’s testimony last week may have thwarted a plot to flip enough votes to secure a victory for GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Building on years of efforts by activists, election software critic Michael Duniho testified in Ohio's state court that secret software installed on Ohio machines could enable officials to flip enough votes to select a different statewide winner that the one chosen by voters. Duniho, a retired National Security Agency analyst, is shown at right in similar testimon... more »
Satellite images suggest North Korean working on missiles, group says
Undeterred by the embarrassment of a failed rocket launch earlier this year, North Korea appears to be pressing ahead with the development of long-range missiles, according to an analysis of satellite images by a U.S. academic website. Drawing on commercial satellite imagery, the website 38 North suggests that the reclusive North Korean regime has carried out at least two tests of large rocket motors at the Sohae Satellite Launch Station on the country's west coast since April.
*American Scofflaw* “这是其他完全不同的东西,真理将出来,”他告诉“每日新闻”。 “有很多更是走出来的...你等着瞧吧。有很多比满足眼睛。“ 他说,他的女儿,谁的争议,中央情报局局长戴维·彼得雷乌斯辞职从他的文章的中心,是人格谋杀的受害者,而且有更大的东西背后潜藏着的窗帘。 克兰茨还表示,他支持他的女儿“100%”,并说他不能制定任何进一步的。 为什么,你好
38 Kenyan officers killed in ambush
In the worst single incident for Kenyan police in living memory, 38 officers were killed in northern Kenya over the weekend by heavily armed cattle rustlers, according to injured police reservists who were on the scene. Local media reports put the number at between 37 and 42 dead. Internal Security Minister Katoo Ole Metito would not give a total figure on how many police officers had died.
John Friend's Truth Militia Broadcast For Monday, November 12th, 2012, With Special Guest John Kaminski
My friend, John Friend (, has been doing a Blogtalk radio internet telecast for the last two weeks now, at 6PM Pacific Standard Time (8PM Central) on the Truth Militia site (, and for this, his third show, he had a very special guest, John Kaminski, on his program. I have the link to that broadcast for everyone to listen to for themselves right here: John Kaminski is indeed a wealth of information in this fight against the criminal Jews who want to conquer our world a... more »
"I always think that impartiality is in our DNA - it's part of the BBC's genetic make-up."
"I always think that impartiality is in our DNA - it's part of the BBC's * genetic* make-up." That was Helen Boaden, the then director of BBC News. ‘No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.’ That's Martin Plaut, the BBC World Service Africa editor. He was being interviewed in The KentishTowner. I wonder how unbiased any reports of his would be if they involve any mention of the Conservative lead coalition government? I wonder how... more »
Voyager 12.10 - Small can be Beautiful...
Link: *Xubuntu*, the small footprint version of Ubuntu with Xfce Desktop Environment, is used as a basis for this French adaptation, called: Voyager. I couldn't get more information because the website appeared to be hacked and was temporarily closed. So you'll have to try later to find more. Nevertheless for smaller laptops and people requiring a low footprint this might be an interesting product for testing. John
Stephen Harper's Conservatives ARE The Worst Fiscal Managers In The History Of Canada!
*Conservative Party supporters like to advance the myth that their party is the party of 'fiscal conservatism'. This is total B.S. * *Put aside all of the outrageous wasteful spending (Bev Oda's orange juice - flying limos to India - fighter jets, etc etc) .... the main reason for this ongoing record Canadian deficit is the massive giveaway that the Canadian corporate sector is receiving from the Harper administration. Corporate tax cut after tax cut has put the nation into a fiscal mess ... and Harper is to blame.* *"In a speech to the Chamber of Commerce in Fredericton, Flahert... more »
Marc Faber: Prepare for a Massive Market Meltdown
The markets are going to go into meltdown soon, so expect stocks to lose 20 percent of their value, Marc Faber, author of the Gloom, Boom and Doom report told CNBC on Tuesday. “I don’t think markets are going down because of Greece, I don’t think markets are going down because of the ‘fiscal cliff’ — because there won’t be a ‘fiscal cliff,’ ” Faber told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” “The market is going down because corporate profits will begin to disappoint, the global economy will hardly grow next year or even contract, and that is the reason why stocks, from the highs of September of 1,47... more »
Wall Street Kind Of Lost-- But Not Really, Of Course
Did you help elect Obama? Watch him reward Wall St. for your efforts Wall Street certainly wanted Romney to win the presidency and, overall, backed a GOP takeover of the Senate and continued, even expanded, GOP dominance of the House of Representatives. Last Tuesday Wall Street was thwarted by the voters. But... no need for anyone there to panic-- or even frown. The little chart from below shows the top 5 biggest direct donors to the Romney campaign. This doesn't count the tens of millions of dollars Wall Street poured into PACs and SuperPACs supporting his campaign. ... more »
Swept away by Sandy: Shocking before-and-after images of East Coast show ghostlike seaside towns with flattened houses, ravaged beaches and broken piers
The dramatic before and after photos of the New York and New Jersey shoreline reveal in minute detail just how much the land was altered in just a few moments. They are part of a large-scale survey of the damage by the U.S. Geological Service, which stretches from the Outer Banks of North Carolina in the South to as far north as Massachusetts.
UN Must Make Amends for Cholera (Posted by Roger Annis)
*UN must make amends for cholera that organization brought to Haiti* Editorial, Boston Globe, November 13, 2012 When the international aid community descends on a vulnerable place, the first objective must be to do no harm. But all too often, good intentions make a bad situation even worse. That’s what happened two years ago, when United Nations peacekeepers arrived in Haiti in the wake of a devastating earthquake, bringi... more »
Stephen Colbert's Magic Lawyer Hides His SuperPac Money For Him
Money laundering 101. Welcome to Scalia's America. The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30cColbert Super PAC SHH! - Secret Second 501c4 - Trevor Potterwww.colbertnation.comColbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive
Ecotrust 2012 Indigenous Leadership Awards
Brian Cladoosby, Chairman of the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Photo by Benjamin Drummond Ecotrust announces winners of 2012 Indigenous Leadership Awards*Today Nov. 13, 2012, at the Portland Art Museum* ** *Gwich'in Steering Committee said past winners Sarah James and Clarence Alexander will be in attendance* *Censored News* ** *PORTLAND, Oregon -- *Ecotrust announced today the winners of the 11th annual Indigenous Leadership Award, an honor bestowed on exceptional Native leaders who are working throughout the region to improve the social, econom... more »
Callous couple caught on camera stealing a collection box minutes before Remembrance Day parade
The woman snatched a box containing around £200 for the Royal British Legion from a Costcutter store in Hockley in Essex as proud veterans prepared to march through the village. The thieves are believed to have targeted Poppy Appeal tins at another two stores in nearby Rochford. Shop owner Peter Wood, 49, branded the crooks a disgrace.
Japan still wary of restarting huge nuclear plant
Tokyo Electric Power Co sees no imminent resumption of operations at the world's biggest nuclear plant, shut down after last year's Fukushima disaster, further raising its costs as it spends more on fossil fuels to generate electricity. A wall to protect the 8,212-megawatt Kashiwazaki-Kariwa station's seven reactors against tsunamis will not be finished until June next year, said Shiro Arai, deputy site manager. "It is too premature to talk about when reactor restarts will happen," Arai told Reuters in an interview at the plant in Niigata prefecture on Japan's northwest coast. htt... more »
(updated)Breaking News, Oil Containment boom deployed after spill/Vancouver harbour
From Capitoal hill, Burnaby BC, I have phoned Kinder Morgan...No answer from the Kinder Morgan control room, .. Oil Containment boom just deployed around Oil Tanker terminal in Vancouver Harbour, .. Not sure how big the spill is, more to come.... Heavy Fog has now obscured the view, ... *Updated..9:49: am*....Containment boom now has cornered around oil tanker site, from my vantage point on Capital Hill, there does appear to be an oil sheen on the water.. Still no one answering phones at Kinder Morgan... *Updated again 10:05 am*, it isn`t Kinder Morgan, it`s the Chevron termin... more »
Syria now fighting off attacks from Turkey and Israel
*Updated* ...... the war mongers in France- Hollande, the 'socialist' recognized the NATO merc government. Apparently France had a change of heart? In just one day? Why? Libya, yet again. What a farce. France on Tuesday became the first European country to recognize the newly formed Syrian rebel coalition and raised the possibility of arming the group as it begins taking charge of the opposition’s role in the civil war. Covering the ongoing "unofficial" attacks on Syria. No declaration of war by the nations of Turkey and Israel. Nor NATO, for that matter. Though Turkey and Isr...more »
Filibuster Thoughts: Superbill!
I was finally getting around to responding to some comments to a post I wrote last week about filibuster responses were getting long, and so I decided to just make new posts out of them. I have at least a couple of these, maybe a bit more. The general point, to recall from last week, is that if we're to have reform it's terribly important to get it right. So here goes. First up, Philosophical Ron asks about "Superbill" -- my proposal for basically a revved up reconciliation. The idea is that the majority party in the Senate could designate one bill a year as Superbill! -... more »
Hundreds of Smuggled Cobras Seized By Thai Customs Officials
Thai customs officials have seized 600 deadly cobras after stopping a vehicle at a checkpoint in a central region of the country. The reptiles came from Malaysia and were being shipped through Thailand for use in traditional medicine or for food in another country, according to customs officials. They were apparently destined for Laos.
31 Days of Photo Props: Rompers
If you want to talk trends in children photography, you have to mention rompers. Rompers are a fun way to dress up simple photographs. Little girls love them and they are so cute. What do I look for when I buy a romper? I always buy the rompers with straps. They stay up and I don't end up with unusable photographs because of wardrobe malfunctions. Rompers in general run pretty small, so I like to go up a size, but they also stretch like crazy, so it is pretty much a matter of preference. I just think it is easier to have a slightly bigger romper. Typically I love to do romper pic... more »
Lists from history
*Historical Haemorrhoid Sufferers* Alexander the Great T.S. Eliot Viv Richards Marylin Monroe Percy Bysshe Shelley Socrates Nero Napoleon Gerard Manley Hopkins Martin Luther *Historical Druggies (and their drugs)* Admiral Nelson - opium Lord Liverpool - ether Tsar Nicholas the 2nd - hallucinogens, cocaine and opium Winston Churchill - barbiturates Anthony Eden - amphetamines Richard Nixon - amphetamines Leonid Brezhnev - sleeping pills *Historical Phobics (and their phobias)* Nicolae Ceausescu - bacillophobia, fear of germs Sigmund Freud - siderodromophobia, fear of trains Samuel Johnson ... more »
Back Up Generators and Nuclear Power Plants
On November 2, 2012 The Wall Street Journal reported that "Few Big FEMA Generators Humming: Federal Officials' Tally of Emergency Power Supplies Shifts: Stricken States Tap Fraction of Equipment" page A4 by D. Barrett The article examine the problem of making back-up generators available in the event of wide-spread power outages, as illustrated with the case of Sandy. The article notes that matching the size/type of generator to the need is challenging and takes time. The article does not discuss the types of back-up generators needed for nuclear power plants. I wonder how diffic... more »
*Sheriff Gusman seeks 60% increase; Criminal Court faces major cut ~Tom Gogola, The Lens* *Tolls will remain on the CCC* Agreeing that he wants an alternative to the oft-derided price-per-prisoner amount he collects from the city, Orleans Parish Sheriff Marlin Gusman submitted a fixed-cost budget to the City Council today. Gusman is asking for $37 million for 2013. That’s not going to happen, city officials said.
A Libertarian God
An excerpt from Glenn Greenwald's article, *"FBI's abuse of the surveillance state is the real scandal needing investigation"*: But, as unwarranted and invasive as this all is, there is some sweet justice in having the stars of America's national security state destroyed by the very surveillance system which they implemented and over which they preside. As Trevor Timm of the Electronic Frontier Foundation put it this morning: "Who knew the key to stopping the Surveillance State was to just wait until it got so big that it ate itself?" It is usually the case that abuses of state pow... more »
Long bus rides, and the high cost of lousy infrastructure in Honduras
A new bridge installation didn't go so well in Olancho last month; communities will continue to be isolated in the rainy season I’ve made the trip to Tegucigalpa, the capital, a couple of times in the last few weeks. It take about eight and a half hours from Copan Ruinas, with a stop in San Pedro Sula to change buses. It’s comfortable. Cuso encourages people to use Hedman Alas, a high-end bus line that makes a big deal about security. Airport-style check-ins, with hand baggage checks, a metal detector and a digital snapshot of every passenger. (I’m not sure how that is supposed to in... more »
Chile: "Friendship" and Its Collateral Effects
[*One of the most perplexing cases to ever come out of Latin America in recent decades has been known as the “Friendship” case – a mixture of encounters, audio recordings and sightings of strange characters, largely human, who claim to belong to “The Friendship” - identified by some as space aliens, Nazi survivalists by others, and even Protestant missionaries from North America. We have presented articles on Friendship since the 1990s, when Josep Guijarro visited the Chile and kindly allowed us to translate his findings for the INEXPLICATA Journal. Today, thanks to our ... more »
*State orders Texas Brine to take safety steps* *Missouri Gov Nixon tells Corps its Missouri River plans could be disastrous * *A Rant: Treme Sucks ~Blackened Out* *3rd Annual Outlaw Homebrew Contest ~The Beer Buddha* *New Orleans Fringe Festival takes to stages across the city this week ~WWOZ *
BBC's 30 "experts" who decided in 2006 that balance on AGW wasn't needed
The British Broadcast Corporation is legally obliged to be impartial. However, at one point, the BBC Trust has boldly informed the public that after a seminar held on January 26th, 2006, the public news organization has decided that no balance was needed in climate reporting anymore and the organization would continue to spread the demagogy of the unhinged climate alarmists only. The organization would insist that the decision was made by a few dozens of top invited scientific experts and it would use every trick to hide the identity of these "experts". Indeed, last Friday, a ju... more »
The US Should Cut Number of Nuclear Weapons
Cutting the U.S. nuclear arsenal can help cut the deficit by Walter Pincus Nov 12, 2012 Washington Post [Excerpted] One of the ironies in Obama’s negotiations with Republicans to get support for the treaty [2010 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia] was his agreement to spend up to $200 billion to modernize the nuclear weapons manufacturing complex and build a new generation of strategic su... more »
Alan Waldman : 'Rebus' is Fine Scottish Cop Series
The grizzled Ken Stott played the older Rebus. The earlier shows featured John Hannah (inset photo below). Waldman's film and TV treasures you may have missed: Rebus is an excellent Scottish TV series based on Ian Rankin's outstanding mystery-crime novels. Fourteen episodes of this fine Edinburgh cop show aired from 2000-2007. By Alan Waldman / The Rag Blog / November 13, 2012
[In his
Moving Forward Will Congress Treat Grover Norquist As Just Another Rapacious K Street Lobbyist?
Of the three Democrats who signed Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge only one, Rob Andrews (NJ), will be returning to Congress. Nebraska reactionary and corporate whore Ben Nelson was driven from office and will return to lobbying and Kentucky Blue Dog Ben Chandler was defeated despite hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted on his race by the DCCC. Not that big a deal in Norquist-world. In the current Congress all but 6 of the 242 Republicans had signed-- plus 40 of the 47 Republican senators. Yesterday in *The Hill*, Russell Berman reported that the next Congress will be very diff... more »
Susan Rice, please report under the bus!
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2012* *Rachel abandons her too:* Early on last evening’s program, Rachel Maddow even mentioned Susan Rice—although she stuck to the script here too: MADDOW (11/12/12): Senator Kerry had mostly been talked about as a potential replacement for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. *The [Washington] Post reporting tonight that that nomination for secretary of state is instead almost certain to go to United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. * Republicans tried to make into a scandal Susan Rice’s Sunday news show comments after the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya... more »
It's a Start
I couldn't resist borrowing the Ann Coulter line. A woman in the state that thinks Jan Brewer should be their governor has run down her husbandbecause (a) he didn't vote and (b) Barack Obama won re-election to the White House. ** *Holly Solomon, 28, was arrested after running over husband Daniel Solomon following a wild chase that left him pinned underneath the vehicle.* * Daniel Solomon, 36, was in critical condition at a local hospital, but is expected to survive, Gilbert police spokesman Sergeant Jesse Sanger said. Police said Daniel Solomon told them his wife became angry over hi... more »
Paul Krugman, please report under the bus!
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2012* *Rachel joins Matthews and David:* Last Friday, Paul Krugman said Obama should be willing to go down the fiscal cliff before accepting a *bad*“grand bargain.” To read his column, click this. That night, he was mocked by Chris Matthews and David Corn, right there on The One Liberal Channel! See THE DAILY HOWLER, 11/10/12. Corn is billed as Our Man from Mother Jones. Even *he* wouldn’t speak up for Krugman, who’s just a columnist. Last night, Rachel effectively joined them. No, she didn’t criticize Krugman; she pretended he doesn’t exist. In a twenty-... more »
Ozone Histories of Convenience: Grundmann on Sunstein
*NOTE: This is a guest post by Reiner Grundmann, a professor of Science & Technology Studies of the University of Nottingham. * Last weekend the eminent legal scholar Cass Sunstein commented in the New York Times expressing his optimism that the new Obama administration will finally embark on a policy leading to climate change mitigation. He draws a parallel to a previous global challenge, ozone depletion. The Montreal Protocol for the protection of the ozone layer, signed in September 1987, is commonly regarded the only successful international treaty in matters regarding globa... more »
thank you, senator harb: help end the commercial seal hunt
Canadian Senator Mac Harb has been fighting for many years to end the commercial seal hunt in Canada. I admire him and his struggle, which must be lonely at times, and at the moment has little to no official support. The Canadian commercial seal hunt is a shameful waste of life that contributes very little (if at all) to the economy of Atlantic Canada. It is a vestige of a bygone era, and it should be retired along with the specious arguments propping it up. Despite claims to the contrary, abolishing the seal hunt will not harm aboriginal sustenance hunters, as their native status e... more »
A Matter Of Trust
"Trust -- or the lack of it --" Tasha Kheiridden writes, "can make or break a political career." She then goes on to list three politicians who lost the public's trust and retired quickly -- the mayors of Montreal and Laval and Dalton McGuinty. Which brings us to Stephen Harper. The 2012 Americas Barometer poll is not good news for the prime minster: The survey of 40,971 people in 26 countries measures people’s trust in their politicians and institutions. It reveals that only 16 per cent of the 1,500 Canadians polled place “a lot of trust” in Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Keit... more »
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2012* *Part 5—Slowest children love novels:* In last night’s opening twenty minutes, Rachel Maddow joined David Corn, Our Man from Mother Jones. She threw Paul Krugman under the bus! So it goes in Potemkin press culture. We’ll review that segment in our next post. For today, let’s consider a pleasing novel Rachel gave us near the end of last evening’s program. This novel involves Richard Carmona, Democratic candidate for the Senate from Arizona. On election night, Carmona conceded. This week, he may be taking that back, Maddow said last night: MADDOW (11/12... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Whoopi Goldberg, 57. Plus a bit of good stuff: 1. More on how Team Obama used social science insights, reported by Benedict Carey. I'll keep linking to this stuff, because it is interesting...but be careful; there's a strong tendency to want to attribute election results to campaign actions, and stuff like this has an enormous appeal to people. Especially people who are reporters. We don't know how important any of it turned out to be. 2. More discussion of pollsters, pundits, and how Team Romney could have been so wrong, from Henry Farrell. Same caution as befor... more »
Two Microsieverts an Hour Measured in Children's Park in Fukushima
Majia's Blog - 8 hours ago
Someone of 148production went to a park in Fukushima and measured the background radiation level. He recorded 2 microsieverts an hour. <img alt="" src="...more »
Golden Dawn Lands in Italy as Race Attacks Increase in Athens
Greece's neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party has set up an Italian branch in the north-eastern city of Trieste, according to local reports. Alba Dorata (Golden Dawn Italy) was founded by Alessandro Gardossi, formerly a member of Forza Nuova, a neo-fascist organisation that has ties with Greece's far-right party, Huffington Post Italy reported. Gardossi said he has already registered the party's emblem, a crowned squared spiral on a blue-coloured background.
Facebook censors Golden Dawn members
Following hundreds of complaints Facebook has decided to censor Greece's ultra-nationalist party Golden Dawn (Chrysi Avgi), by blocking the profiles of some MPs and party members. TVXS reported Facebook stated the profiles of Golden Dawn members "violate the policy against violence and racism."
On streets of Athens, racist attacks increase
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — The attack came seemingly out of nowhere. As the 28-year-old Bangladeshi man dug around trash bins one recent afternoon for scrap metal, two women and a man set upon him with a knife. He screamed as he fell. Rushed to the hospital, he was treated for a gash to the back of his thigh. Police are investigating the assault as yet another in a rising wave of extreme-right rage against foreigners as Greece sinks further into economic misery. The details vary, but the cold brutality of each attack is the same: Dark-skinned migrants confronted by thugs, attacked with ... more »
Tuesday Morning Link-up
Welcome, Venezuela and Hugo Chávez, to a seat on the UN Human Rights Council. The US also won a seat. Worth noting, Hugo’s seat wasn’t contested but the seat the US won was contested. Don’t worry, though, Council may just be there for “rhetorical inaction.” Or, maybe it does more than that. And, new members Continue reading
Nebraska Takes on Nitrate Challenges
Rachel Rindfleisch at Contaminated Nation - Water Contamination, Land Pollution & Hazardous Waste locations - 8 hours ago
By: Duane Craig Farmers and residents in the area of York, Nebraska met recently to discuss the elevating levels of nitrates being found in groundwater, according to this report. To date, 17 communities have had one or more administrative orders on their municipal water supplies for elevated nitrate levels. Nitrate levels in large areas of Nebraska exceed the 10 ppm threshold. Not only that, levels are continuing to escalate. Elevating levels of nitrates have been expected for at least a decade, even with drastic reductions in the amount of nitrogen that farmers are using to grow ... more »
Boehner Cracks The Whip On The Nuts And Kooks
16 Republican incumbents lost their seats to Democrats Tuesday-- Dan Lungren (CA), Brian Bilbray (CA), Mary Bono Mack (CA), Allen West (FL), David Rivera (R), Joe Walsh (IL), Robert Dold (IL), Judy Biggert (IL), Bobby Schilling (IL), Roscoe Bartlett (MD), Chip Cravaack (MN), Frank Guinta (NH), Charlie Bass (NH), Nan Hayworth (NY), Ann Marie Buerkle (NY), and Quico Canseco (TX) and Jeff Flake (AZ) was the only one of the 4 current Republican House members who gave up their seats to run for the Senate wasn't defeated. The losers: Denny Rehberg (MT), Rick Berg (ND), Todd Akin (MO) an... more »
Germany eyes "bundled" loan payment to Greece
European countries deliberating on the payment of delayed loans to Greece could decide to bundle several tranches together in a single transfer of roughly 44 billion euros, a German government source said. Under the terms of its second bailout programme, Greece was due to receive 31.2 billion euros by the end of June, plus an additional 5 billion by the end of September and 7.2 billion euros by the end of December.
Iran unveils new missile systems on second day of drills
Iran unveiled new missile and artillery systems on Tuesday, Iranian media reported, on the second day of large-scale military exercises which officials said were aimed at sending a warning to those threatening the Islamic Republic. Played out against a backdrop of high tension between Iran and the West over Tehran's nuclear program, the "Velayat 4" man oeuvres across a vast swathe of the eastern half of the country have focused on air defenses.
3.4 Magnitude Earthquake NORTHERN CALIFORNIA - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 3.4 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 13:40:05 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 05:40:05 AM at epicenter Location 39.047°N, 123.091°W Depth 0.9 km (~0.6 mile) (poorly constrained) Region NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Distances 11 km (7 miles) SE (146°) from Talmage, CA
'Zombie Firms': Mass Unemployment Warning
More than 100,000 so-called zombie firms – debt-laden companies surviving only because of ultra-low interest rates – are at risk of failure, a think tank has warned. According to the Institute for Turnaround (IFT), a 'zombie collapse' is threatening to hit the country once interest rates return to more traditional levels. "The number of businesses only able to pay off the interest on their debt, has escalated to somewhere between 100,000 to 150,000," the IFT said.
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.3 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 12:42:50 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 08:42:50 PM at epicenter Location 0.274°N, 122.312°E Depth 155 km (96.3 miles) Region MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA Distances 91 km (57 miles) WSW (250°) from Gorontalo, Sulawesi, Indonesia
''Big Brother alert: Microsoft wants to know how many friends you've got in your living room''
''One of Microsoft’s latest patent applications is a humdinger. It proposes to turn the Kinect camera into a snitch for movie studios, reporting back just how many friends you’ve got in your living room and what they’re watching. Think that sounds alarmist? Here’s what it actually says: “*The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken.” It’s that blatant – a system to spy on private viewing habits.*'' more »
''Europe’s plan A for a monetary union may hold the answer to the euro crisis''
''Europe’s politicians nowadays are desperately looking for someone to blame for the euro crisis. Germany blames France, and vice versa. Even lawyers are getting into the act, trying to identify legal responsibility for the monetary union’s design flaws.Meanwhile, as the crisis has deepened, a new consensus about Europe’s monetary union has emerged. The euro, according to this view, was devised in a fit of giddy and irresponsible optimism – or, alternatively, panic at the prospect of German hegemony over Europe – in the wake of the fall of the Berlin Wall.'' more »
UK: ''Hard-up families are turning to short-term loans with interest rates as high as 4,214 per cent to pay off their bills, pay for rent and even to buy food''
And research from Which? has found that 48 per cent of borrowers find they cannot afford to repay their payday loans after getting the credit and, incredibly, almost a third make a short-term loan application KNOWING they cannot pay it back.'' A third of respondents also revealed they had been hassled by debt collection agencies in the last 12 months.
Toronto war memorial defaced in ‘hate crime’
TORONTO - Toronto Police are calling the vandalism of a west-end war memorial “a hate crime.” A woman walking Sunday night by the sculpture in Coronation Park — at the foot of Strachan Ave. and Lakeshore Blvd. W. — called police after noticing someone had taken a black marker and written “Canada will burn; Praise Allah” on the memorial.
Nelson Report on Asia People in Obama's Second Term
This got sent around. From the Beltway insider Nelson Report: *+++++++++++++* Since Bader left for Brookings and private sector consulting, the heavy China load has been carried by Donilon, State's Kurt Campbell, with key starring roles by Sec. Clinton, DOD Sec. Panetta, and the President himself. Whether this "senior China person" serves at State or the NSC can be critical, given lines of communication and personal relations issues. Richard Bush, former NIO at the CIA for Asia, former President of the US Institute on Taiwan, former House Foreign Affairs Committee China person, cur... more »
Ohioans’ food stamp aid to be reduced - Benefit to fall $50 a month starting in January
Ohio families receiving food stamps could get an unwelcome surprise come January: $50 less every month in assistance. For the 869,000 households enrolled in the program for the poorest Ohioans, that could amount to about $520 million annually out of the grocery budgets. Because of the way the federal government calculates utility expenses for people receiving the benefit, a mild winter nationwide last year, and a lower price for natural gas, many families could experience a significant cut in aid, those familiar with the program say. »
'Bombshell story is just a smoke screen for something bigger'...
The mystery woman who blew the lid off former CIA Director David Petraeus’ career-ending affair is also tied to the military — a sexy social liaison for an Air Force base in Tampa who says she and the ex-general are just “friends.”
Margaret Moran fiddled her expenses to Claim more than £53,000
She claimed almost her entire annual allowance in one bogus entry and forged invoices for more than £20,000 of non-existent goods and services. Jurors at Southwark Crown Court in London were unable to return a guilty verdict after Moran was ruled unfit to stand trial for mental health reasons.
“8 Middle-Class Tax Breaks on the Chopping Block”
*“8 Middle-Class Tax Breaks on the Chopping Block”* by David Sterman “Politicians have spent years telling you that they will never raise taxes. What they don't admit is that your taxes can rise anyway, simply by letting current laws expire. And rise they will. Though the "Bush-era" tax cuts were given a two-year extension at the end of 2010, it's overwhelmingly likely that many of these decade-long tax breaks will expire at the end of the current quarter. That's the impending "fiscal cliff" the media is buzzing about. Now that the presidential election is over, it's time to get ... more »
Another Tibetan Self- Immolates
At the 18th Party Congress, Tibet officials denied to the media that any self-immolation occurred in Tibet. Kunga Tashi, analyst on Tibet issues at the official agency of the Dalai Lama for America, calls on Tibetan officials to play their own role (and not that of the CCP ). He appeals to these local cadres in Tibet to disobey the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s central authorities. Otherwise, they will regret what they have done.
Call for Papers, 2013 European Assoc of Taiwan Studies Conference
[image: Ershuei2_12] Sure wish I could go! Call for Papers for the 2013 European Association of Taiwan Studies Conference. It will be held in Lyon May 2-4, 2013. Website for details: EATS _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums! Delenda est, baby.
4.8 Magnitude Earthquake TONGA - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 12:13:18 UTC Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 02:13:18 AM at epicenter Location 16.672°S, 175.747°W Depth 176.5 km (109.7 miles) Region TONGA Distances 289 km (179 miles) NW (319°) from Neiafu, Tonga
4.6 Magnitude Earthquake SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.6 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 12:12:08 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 07:12:08 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 4.886°S, 103.024°E Depth 67.4 km (41.9 miles) Region SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA Distances 84 km (52 miles) W of Kuripan, Indonesia
Sandy Ford, Andy Ford and 3 Grandchildren found dead in Ohio garage; carbon monoxide suspected
When firefighters used a sledgehammer to force open the door to a garage which had been barricaded shut, they found five people, two dogs and a cat inside. All were dead of apparent carbon monoxide poisoning. Police believe the three children, their uncle, and their grandmother died Monday in a possible murder-suicide amid a custody dispute. A truck was running with hoses leading from the exhaust into a car in the family's garage. They were identified as 54-year-old Sandy Ford; her 32-year-old son, Andy Ford; and her grandchildren, 10-year-old Paige Hayes, 6-year-old Logan Hayes an... more »
An "outrageous slur" on the BBC or the uncomfortable truth?
The Sun's Trevor Kavanagh asking a very sensible question of the BBC's former director of editorial policy, Phil Harding. Trevor Kavanagh is right isn't he? The whole Today programme interview can be heard here.
Italy Floods: Trio Killed As Bridge Collapses
Severe rainfall in Italy has claimed the lives of at least three people after the car they were in fell off a collapsed bridge in Tuscany. Severe flooding has devastated the region and neighbouring Umbria over the past two days, with rivers breaking their banks in several areas.
Stock futures fall on "fiscal cliff," Home Depot rises
Stock index futures fell on Tuesday amid investor concern about the looming U.S. "fiscal cliff" debate and how a lack of agreement in Congress could hurt the nation's economy.
2.3 Magnitude Earthquake WASHINGTON - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 2.3 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 12:13:08 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 04:13:08 AM at epicenter Location 47.880°N, 121.650°W Depth 9.6 km (6.0 miles) Region WASHINGTON Distances 3 km (2 miles) NNE (30°) from May Creek, WA
Libyan military engineers face toxic chemical clouds as they clear up armaments from Gaddafi regime
Weapons experts battle thought a vivid orange toxic gas haze as they take on the hazardous task of clearing a Libyan arms dump. More than a year after Muammar Gaddafi was ousted, technicians are still attempting to clear the country of the dictator's deadly arsenal.
Failed bank bosses hit £100m pension jackpot: Cosseted retirement for directors who led us to disaster...Is that what you meant during your Speech Cameron?
Senior bankers who brought Britain to the edge of collapse will receive gold-plated pensions worth at least £300,000 a year, with one landing £1.4million.
Portuguese anti-austerity demonstrators direct Nazi jibes at Merkel in protest against her 'Frankenstein' policies
Angela Merkel was greeted with Nazi jibes from protesters in Lisbon today as she arrived in the Portuguese capital to advocate the benefits of austerity and economic reforms. As with her recent trips to bailed-out Greece and debt-stricken Spain, demonstrators unhappy about tax hikes and pay cuts devised to improve public finances turned their anger on the German leader.
Peter Ball Arrested Over Child Sex Abuse Claims
A retired Church of England bishop is among two clergymen arrested over historic allegations of child sex abuse. Peter Ball, 80, was held at his home near Langport, Somerset, on suspicion of eight sex offences against eight boys and young men aged from 12 to their early 20s, sources said. The alleged abuse is said to have happened within the scandal-hit Diocese of Chichester in East Sussex and elsewhere in the late 1980s and 1990s. A second man, an unnamed 67-year-old retired priest, was also detained at his home this morning near Haywards Heath, West Sussex more »
David Cameron Claims those who 'trash the banks would end up trashing Britain'.....Yeah that really worked out well for Iceland
The Prime Minister used his annual speech at the Lord Mayor's Banquet – traditionally used to discuss foreign policy – to instead deliver a warning that Britain is in a battle to survive as a major economy in the wake of the financial crisis. He defended both the banks and defence companies, insisting the Government would stand up for sectors vital to the country's economic future.
The independent states of America: Tens of thousands demand secession with petitions filed in 20 states since Obama won election
Although America carried President Obama confidently into a second term last Tuesday - not everyone is jumping for joy at the prospect of four more years. Tens of thousands have put their names to secession petitions in 20 states, asking that they peacefully become independent from the rest of the country. The documents have been lodged on a government website We The People - and Texas has almost enough people behind its petition to warrant an official White House response. more »
Gregory Faull Murdered, John McAfee suspected and on the Run
The first images are emerging of Gregory Faull, the American expatriate who was found shot dead in his home in Belize. Local police in the Central American nation say multimillionaire software mogul, John McAfee, is wanted in the murder and is currently on the run from authorities.
Kilimanjaro's glaciers shrink and crack as scientists warn Africa's highest mountain may soon be ice free
The peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro, the world's highest free-standing mountain, may soon be ice free, scientists warn. Between 1912 and 2011, the mass of ice on the summit of the 19,341ft dormant stratovolcano in Tanzania decreased by more than 85 per cent, say researchers with Nasa's Earth Observatory. Kimberly Casey, a glaciologist based at the U.S. space agency's Goddard Space Flight Centre, who visited the mountain earlier this year, also noticed Kilimanjaro's north ice field had separated. »
"Smooth Bobby would fill 50 seater coaches... *"We met the high and the mighty. Judges, QC's, directors and a host of other well paid participants."* *mam mon: October 2012* *International Worker No 241, 8 November 8, 1997:* Tony Hyland wrote an article entitled: 'State cover-up of high level paedophile ring.' "Care workers ... acted as go-betweens for a paedophile ring that extends into the topmost layers of society. "Policemen, church ministers, local authority executives, senior businessmen and politicians, including someo...more »
Hear no tax, see no tax, pay no tax: Amazon, Starbucks and Google lashed by MPs as they defend elaborate avoidance schemes.........But will it Change Anything?
The 'immoral' tricks used by corporate giants to avoid UK tax were laid bare yesterday. Executives (from left) Andrew Cecil from Amazon, Matt Brittin from Google and Troy Alstead from Starbucks had been summoned by MPs to explain why they contribute little or nothing to the Treasury's coffers. In a three-hour inquisition, Google admitted funnelling profits to a company in Bermuda, Starbucks said it 'buys' coffee through Switzerland even though the beans never touch Swiss soil, and Amazon claimed not to know its UK turnover. more »
NATO's European Supreme Commander's appointment on hold because he 'sent THOUSANDS of inappropriate emails to socialite'
As the US military establishment reels from the fallout of CIA boss David Petraeus' extra-marital affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell (pictured left with Petraeus), another top general has been ensnared in the scandal. John Allen (centre) is under investigation by the FBI over claims he has sent up to 30,000 'potentially inappropriate' emails to Jill Kelley (right), the 37-year-old Florida socialite and housewife who sparked off the Petraeus scandal after she claimed to have received threatening messages from Broadwell. His nomination as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander, Euro... more »
Tamiflu accused of being useless in fighting flu as experts call for legal action against manufacturers
A leading British medical journal is asking the drug maker Roche to release all its data on Tamiflu, claiming there is no evidence the drug can actually stop the influenza virus. The drug has been stockpiled by dozens of governments worldwide in case of a global flu outbreak and was widely used during the 2009 swine flu pandemic. *So here it is, finally after 3 years a leading medical journal has said what hundreds if not thousands of people have... more »
Vaughan Jones held for 18 HOURS in police custody for 'assaulting' intruder who was Burgling his Mother's Home
Vaughan Jones, was held in custody for 18 hours after confronting a burglar who had raided his widowed mother Eleanor's home in Bargoed, Gwent. Mr Jones, 39, jumped into action when his mother heard a thief looting her family home. He called police before dashing around to help her and confronted the burglar in a hand-to-hand struggle. he was only released when the Crown Prosecution Service advised police not to press charges.
Secrecy cloaks South Korea's nuclear program
South Korea's government should resume publishing polls on nuclear safety after a loss of public confidence in the sector in the wake of Japan's Fukushima disaster, an opposition South Korean lawmaker said on Tuesday. The call came as South Korea, whose public is traditionally seen as pro-nuclear, investigated fake safety documents for parts used in nuclear plants led to two of the country's 23 reactors being shut down last week and has raised the prospect of power shortages in the harsh Korean winter. more »
Joseph Griffiths Murder: 20-Year-Old Man Arrested
A 20-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a pensioner was found dead in his southwest London home. Officers discovered the body of 73-year-old Joseph Griffiths after responding to reports of a burglary at the house in Fulham during the early hours of Saturday morning.
John McAfee Flees After Murder
The head of the country's anti-organised crime brigade, Marco Vidal, said Mr McAfee was wanted for homicide. However, in an interview with technology magazine Wired - which was apparently given while on the run in the Central American country - Mr McAfee denied killing his neighbour and claimed the Belize government had a vendetta against him.
Qatada Smiles As He Goes Free After Appeal
Terror suspect Abu Qatada has been released on bail after winning his latest appeal to avoid extradition to Jordan. The radical cleric smiled as he was driven from Long Lartin prison in Worcestershire and began the journey back to his family.
4.8 Magnitude Earthquake OFFSHORE GUATEMALA - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 09:08:01 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 03:08:01 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 13.871°N, 92.332°W Depth 34.8 km (21.6 miles) Region OFFSHORE GUATEMALA Distances 65 km (40 miles) SW of Champerico, Guatemala
Afghanistan Is Lost - Bring Our Troops Home Now
12 November 2012 Many know the war in Afghanistan is lost. The blood of every single death in Afghanistan -- whether Afghan civilians or British troops -- is on the hands of the politicians who after eleven years are still sending soldiers to kill and die in an unjustified and futile war. In this video, filmed at a Naming the Dead ceremony in Trafalgar Square, London, on 7 October 2012, families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan, MPs and other prominent figures call for all the troops to come home now. Film footage provided by Fourman Films: ** Source: *St... more »
'If the BBC had devoted as many reporters to the paedophile scandal as it’s devoting to the BBC scandal, there wouldn’t be a BBC scandal.'
'If the BBC had devoted as many reporters to the paedophile scandal as it’s devoting to the BBC scandal, there wouldn’t be a BBC scandal.' Read more of Michael Deacon's article in The Telegraph . It's well worth a read.
Happy birthday Auguste Rodin
[image: image] Today would have been Auguste Rodin’s birthday. He would have been 172. [image: Burghers of Calais Auguste Rodin] He had the almost unique ability to breathe life into mere stone—to grant a life force to inanimate objects. He could do with a pair of hands what other sculptors could never manage even with whole constellations of subject matter. [image: Hands Cathedral Auguste Rodin] After him, sculpture was truly never the same again. [image: image] IMAGES from top to bottom: ‘The Kiss’ aka ‘Francesca da Rimini’; ‘ Cathedral’; Pierre di Wissant from the ‘Burghe... more »
EU-IMF feud erupts over Greek debt
Eurozone finance ministers last night postponed agreement on Greece's long-delayed €31.3bn aid payment for yet another week as divisions between the International Monetary Fund and EU creditors over how fast Athens must reduce its burgeoning debt levels burst into the open. Christine Lagarde, the IMF chief, and Jean-Claude Juncker, chair of the eurogroup of finance ministers, publicly sparred over whether Greece must reduce its debt levels to 120 per cent of economic output by 2020, long viewed the target to get Athens back to a sustainable debt level. In a rare breach, Mr Juncker ... more »
Online International Political Economy Course
If you've enjoyed my posts, you may be interested in my courses, too. In spring 2013, I will be offering an online course at the advanced undergraduate level in my specialization, international political economy (Political Science 3830). This course will examine the main issues of the global economy, including trade, money, investment, and globalization, from a variety of theoretical perspectives and a special focus on who wins and who loses from different policies. I have taught this course for over 20 years and am now in the process of finalizing the online architecture. This is a... more »
Citrus Fruit and Green Tea Combination Lowers The Risk Of Cancer by Aunindita Bhatia
Source: Fruit and Green Tea Combination Amplifies Cancer Protection, Study Findsby Aunindita Bhatia Natural Society, 11 November 2012 A study carried out in Japan has once again shown the cancer-fighting properties of citrus fruit. The study found that those who were eating the fruit had significantly lower risk of getting a number of cancers, but this was also true of green tea consumers. Interestingly and more importantly, daily citrus consumption provided *significant protection* when combined with green... more »
As Apocalyptic War Looms, Need For Truth Is Greater Than Ever
"I think history is going to judge American foreign policy in the Bush-Obama years harshly. And I think a big reason is that we're missing a fleeting opportunity to help build a world civilization based on widely respected laws and norms. Shortly after 9/11, with the US holding the attention and sympathy of the world, it had the opportunity to start doing this. President Bush failed--by, to pick just one of many examples, attacking Iraq without having international law on his side. I wish I could say that President Obama has done a whole lot better than Bush. And, in Obama's defen... more »
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.3 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 07:34:19 UTC Monday, November 12, 2012 at 11:34:19 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 52.824°N, 132.437°W Depth 10.1 km (6.3 miles) Region QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION Distances 134 km (83 miles) S of Masset, Canada
Lockheed says cyber attacks up sharply, suppliers targeted
The Pentagon's No. 1 supplier, Lockheed Martin Corp, on Monday cited dramatic growth in the number and sophistication of international cyber attacks on its networks and said it was contacting suppliers to help them shore up their security. Chandra McMahon, Lockheed vice president and chief information security officer, said about 20 percent of the threats directed at Lockheed networks were considered "advanced persistent threats," prolonged and targeted attacks by a nation state or other group trying to steal data or harm operations. »
U.S. cautiously re-considers Syria options
With the U.S. election over and Syria's civil war growing bloodier and spreading, the Obama administration is quietly re-examining its options for involvement in the conflict. Whether that will lead to a change in strategy remains unclear. President Barack Obama and his advisers are extremely cautious, current and former officials involved in discussions say. But those who favor greater U.S. involvement - not least Syrian opposition leaders - clearly believe their time has come.
Starbucks Boss Denies Making Money in Britain for 15 Years...That's why they keep expanding in the UK
When grilled by PAC chair Margaret Hodge, Mr Alstead said Starbucks had only made a profit once in the 15 years it has been doing business in the UK. "I assure you we are not making money," he told the committee. "It's very unfortunate. We're not at all pleased about our financial performance here. It's fundamentally true everything we are saying and everything we have said historically." Labour's Ms Hodge replied: "You have run the business for 15 years and are losing money and you are carrying on investing here. It just doesn't ring true." more »
FBI Agents Search Home Of Petraeus' Mistress
FBI agents have been searching the North Carolina home of the woman whose affair with David Petraeus led to his resignation as director of the CIA. A spokesman for the bureau confirmed agents went to Paula Broadwell's home in Charlotte on Monday night. But Shelley Lynch declined to say what the agents were doing there.
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake NEAR THE COAST OF NICARAGUA - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.3 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 07:17:02 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 01:17:02 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 11.965°N, 86.421°W Depth 140.6 km (87.4 miles) Region NEAR THE COAST OF NICARAGUA Distances 9 km (5 miles) ESE of Carlos Fonseca Amador, Nicaragua
4.4 Magnitude Earthquake SICILY, ITALY - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.4 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 07:06:33 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 08:06:33 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 38.230°N, 15.901°E Depth 81.9 km (50.9 miles) Region SICILY, ITALY Distances 31 km (19 miles) E (80°) from Messina, Sicily, Italy
4.6 Magnitude Earthquake NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE - 13th November 2012
agnitude M 4.6 Region NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE Date time 2012-11-13 06:58:03.3 UTC Location 29.94 N ; 42.78 W Depth 10 km 1505 km (935 miles) SW of Santa Cruz das Flores, Portugal
4.9 Magnitude Earthquake NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.9 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 06:48:19 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 03:48:19 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 29.717°N, 42.599°W Depth 10.1 km (6.3 miles) Region NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE Distances 1505 km (935 miles) SW of Santa Cruz das Flores, Portugal
4.8 Magnitude Earthquake PAPUA, INDONESIA - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 06:44:17 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 03:44:17 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 3.006°S, 139.602°E Depth 48.4 km (30.1 miles) Region PAPUA, INDONESIA Distances 116 km (72 miles) WSW of Abepura, Indonesia
4.8 Magnitude Earthquake NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 06:21:32 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 03:21:32 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 29.839°N, 42.795°W Depth 10.1 km (6.3 miles) Region NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE Distances 2110 km (1311 miles) E (92°) from HAMILTON, Bermuda
4.8 Magnitude Earthquake OFFSHORE GUATEMALA - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 05:31:57 UTC Monday, November 12, 2012 at 11:31:57 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 13.768°N, 92.054°W Depth 36.4 km (22.6 miles) Region OFFSHORE GUATEMALA Distances 60 km (37 miles) SSW of Champerico, Guatemala
Granny Fights Off Wolf
A woman from a village in southern Russia fought off a wolf with her bare hands and killed it with an axe. Aishat Maksudova, from Novo Biryuzyak village in the Dagestan region, was in a group of villagers herding cows and sheep.
European Repopulation of Americas
I have posted on this topic in the past and it is good to see someone else step up and support an original population of between 30 to 100 million for the Americas before Columbus. This has been put out of our collective consciousness for way too long. What we are sharply reminded of is that the occupation of the Americas took place a step behind the population decimation brought on by the plague brought with the initial visitors. One needs to merely recall that Columbus himself benighted directly from this effect. The island he landed on had thousands who easily would ... more »
Vision Evolution
700,000,000 years ago one single act of origination started us down the road to having vision. That it appears unique is interesting unless there is a reason it is hard. I would prefer easy and multiple originations and a sorting out. It is still a long time ago and reminds us of the antiquity of our core biological toolkit inheritance. Everything began as a cellular application with huge variation possible. Recall that natural selection works wonderfully at the cellular level. It is much more doubtful thereafter. Then the organism is unconsciously able to modify his ... more »
Who Did Not Have Sex With Neanderthals?
The hard reality exists that hunting bands exchange women one way or the other or they collect DNA from guests. In the event, DNA and new know how traveled readily. It appears at likely that the Neanderthal was the red haired giant that shows up quite often. I would like to see that outright proven and there exists reports of actual living types in South America. It at least appears to be possible. So although pure neanderthal populations have essentially disappeared, their DNA has been absorbed into the larger populations. This is the ultimate fate of all small su... more »
It is the Interest, Stupid! With Ellen Brown
As I have explained before, Governments create money or provide a license to create money which is then either lent out or spent. It is then taxed or paid back. None disappears. However, charging interest also creates money in addition to all the rest. This obligation must also be printed or we have an equation that will never balance. For this reason, the US fed allows the money supply to increase at a rate of about three percent a year. If it did not, the economy would be forced to contract artificially. The author is quite correct here. Public banking needs...more »
Did General David Petraeus and Hilary Clinton organise the Benghazi fiasco, so as to help Romney? Or, did Obama organise the Benghazi fiasco? *Victim of a CIA drone.* "An American hero like David Petraeus who served his country with distinction and honor deserved better than to leave his post in humiliation and ignominy..." Rabbi Shmuley Boteach - Petraeus: Did a Great Man Have to Fall? *Paula Broadwell, Petraeus's lover, is the daughter of Paul Kranz. While at West Point she participated in a summer cadet exchange program in Israel.[7] * * *"Petraeus was a valued interlocutor... more »
“How to Be Free When You’re Not”
*“How to Be Free When You’re Not”* by The Daily Reckoning "It’s not hard for any moderately observant person to see the oppressiveness of the state all around us. We are taxed, regulated, coerced, controlled, patted down, pulled over, censored, cited, and sued anytime we step outside of the ever-changing boundaries prescribed by the political and bureaucratic classes. Many take umbrage at these violations of our innate human freedom and dignity. We engage in all kinds of activities to push back against the state. It doesn’t always work, and certainly not immediately. It’s all we... more »
Nutrient dense breads
How we make bread at Stony Run Farm. Not a recipe, more like a kitchen tour. Suggestions for some ingredients to make the "staff of life" live up to its promise again.
EFN Asia 13: Welfare Populism and Poverty
* This is my article yesterday in the online magazine, ------- State-mandated welfare populism or universal welfare, is creating more dependency and mendicancy rather than independence and self reliance. It is encouraging more corruption rather than curing it, expanding the spend-tax-borrow policy, bloating the public debt and the economic uncertainty that comes with it. Therefore, politicians and the public should avoid welfarism trap and steer government to focus on promulgating the ... more »
Is a Wildrose ‘coup d’etat’ in the works as blog claims? Not very likely
Shades of Videodrome: Wildrose Deputy Leader Rob Anderson listens to Danielle Smith on a mysterious video about goings on in the Wildrose Party emanating from a French online video site. Actual clips from the missing movie may not be exactly as illustrated. Below: Blogger Kathleen Smith, Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith, Progressive Conservative Premier Alison Redford ... more »
"Just When I Thought..."
“Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.” Al Pacino as Michael Corleone, “The Godfather, Part 3" - And so it goes... commenting is restored, limited posting resumes. Thanks for your patience and understanding, folks.- CP
Musical Interlude: George Harrison, “What Is Life?”
George Harrison, “What Is Life?” -
Rocket bombardment of southern Israel continues, with barrage now reaching 300 projectiles
*More here:*
Musical Interlude: Traveling Wilburys, "End Of The Line"
Traveling Wilburys, "End Of The Line" -
John McAfee sought in Belize murder probe
Police in the Central American nation of Belize said Monday that they are looking for the founder of the software company McAfee Inc. to question him about the slaying of another U.S. citizen, his neighbor in an island town on the Caribbean. John McAfee lived next door to 52-year-old Gregory Viant Faull, who was found with a gunshot wound to his head inside his two-story home north of San Pedro, a town on the island of Ambergris Caye, said Raphael Martinez, spokesman for Belize's Ministry of National Security. The housekeeper discovered the body Sunday morning and called police. Ma... more »
Walter Kaufmann: Kierkegaard and the Crisis in Religion
YouTube video description [Channel - Eidos84]: "Kierkegaard and the Crisis in Religion", the first part of Walter Kaufmann's famous 1960 lecture series on existentialism. Kaufmann begins by explaining that existentialists share as many differences as other schools of philosophy. First coined to refer to the theories of Jaspers and Heidegger, existentialism became primarily associated with the work of Kierkegaard, Sartre, and Nietzsche, all radical individualists who found previous philosophical systems lacking. Kaufmann explains their writings as an answer to the modern crises in... more »
Musical Interlude: Simon & Garfunkel, “American Tune”
Simon & Garfunkel, “American Tune” -
Between violence on Gaza border and Syria tensions, Israel mulls next move
Israel is preparing for a series of offensive measures against Hamas and the other Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip, amid continued fire from the coastal enclave into the Negev. Among other options, Israeli officials are considering such moves as targeting prominent militants as well as a systematic attack on Gaza's infrastructures and Hamas institutions in the Strip. Meanwhile, tensions persist in the Golan Heights as well, where Israeli tanks fired at Syria forces – apparently hitting two soldiers – in response to a Syrian mortar shell landing in Israeli territory. ... more »
Syria's newly-formed opposition coalition draws mixed reaction
A coalition newly formed by exiled Syrian opposition parties to defy the administration of President Bashar al-Assad have drawn mixed reactions from inside and outside Syria. The Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces formed Sunday in Doha, Qatar, will be composed mainly of opposition groups outside Syria, but will also include activists inside the country as well as rebel commanders.
Abu Qatada: Terror Suspect To Be Released back on our Streets
Home Secretary Theresa May has vowed the Government will continue to fight to "get rid" of the radical cleric who was once described as Osama bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe. The Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) allowed his appeal and chairman Mr Justice Mitting granted him bail, meaning Qatada will be released from maximum security prison HMP Long Lartin to return to his home address.
6.0 Magnitude Earthquake OFF THE COAST OF AISEN, CHILE - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 6.0 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 04:31:27 UTC Monday, November 12, 2012 at 11:31:27 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 45.744°S, 77.142°W Depth 9.7 km (6.0 miles) Region OFF THE COAST OF AISEN, CHILE Distances 338 km (210 miles) W of Puerto Chacabuco, Chile
5.1 Magnitude Earthquake QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 5.1 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 04:55:48 UTC Monday, November 12, 2012 at 08:55:48 PM at epicenter Location 52.823°N, 132.006°W Depth 9.8 km (6.1 miles) Region QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION Distances 200 km (124 miles) SW (215°) from Prince Rupert, BC, Canada
We Will Find You, Dirty Fag! You Are Dead!
Last year my friend Shaun went to Cameroon and made a movie, *Born This Way*-- you can see a couple minutes of footage above-- about changing antigay sentiments (and laws) in that West African nation. He's close to raising the money he needs to complete the film which follows Cedric and Gertrude, two young Cameroonians, as they move between a secret, supportive LGBT community and an outside culture that, though intensely homophobic, is in transition toward greater acceptance. Shaun: Cameroon is on the cusp of change, poised to become an example of how tolerance and traditional cu... more »
Dulce and Maestra Cobb Tues 3:30-6pm UA Chavez #400
*TUES NOV. 13 Performance/Platica * * * Dulce Juarez - Performance Artist 3:30-4:30 UA-Chavez BLDG 400 Maestra Angelbertha Cobb 4:30-6pm Dr. Cintli 520-626-0824
5.0 Magnitude Earthquake TARAPACA, CHILE - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 5.0 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 03:11:26 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 12:11:26 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 20.468°S, 69.012°W Depth 91.5 km (56.9 miles) Region TARAPACA, CHILE Distances 121 km (75 miles) ESE of Iquique, Chile
5.0 Magnitude Earthquake OFF THE COAST OF ECUADOR - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 5.0 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 01:56:45 UTC Monday, November 12, 2012 at 08:56:45 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 1.777°S, 81.594°W Depth 34.8 km (21.6 miles) Region OFF THE COAST OF ECUADOR Distances 84 km (52 miles) NW of Salinas, Ecuador
Truth Militia Radio with John Friend
I just finished *the third edition* of Truth Militia Radio with John Friend. My guest *John Kaminski* and I discussed the recent election, the various techniques of destabilization used by organized Jewry to corrupt and destroy America, Jewish supremacism, Hurricane Sandy, and related matters. You can download the entire show *here* or subscribe on iTunes via the *Truth Militia Radio page* on Blog Talk Radio. Thanks for tuning in and downloading! Next week will be a 9/11 and JFK special with Dr. Jim Fetzer of *Scholars for 9/11 Truth*.
Secession petitions filed in 20 states
In the wake of last week's presidential election, thousands of Americans have signed petitions seeking permission for their states to peacefully secede from the United States. The petitions were filed on We the People, a government website. States with citizens filing include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Oddly, folks from Georgia have filed twice. Even stranger, several of the petitions come from s... more »
4.8 Magnitude Earthquake MYANMAR - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 01:52:20 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 08:22:20 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 19.238°N, 96.082°E Depth 18.2 km (11.3 miles) Region MYANMAR Distances 50 km (31 miles) NW of Taungoo, Myanmar
4.2 Magnitude Earthquake COSTA RICA - 13th November 2012
Magnitude 4.2 Date-Time Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 00:12:00 UTC Monday, November 12, 2012 at 06:12:00 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 10.362°N, 85.548°W Depth 39.6 km (24.6 miles) Region COSTA RICA Distances 6 km (3 miles) SE of Belen, Costa Rica
4.6 Magnitude Earthquake MONTENEGRO - 12th November 2012
Magnitude 4.6 Date-Time Monday, November 12, 2012 at 23:18:42 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 12:18:42 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 42.558°N, 19.021°E Depth 14 km (8.7 miles) Region MONTENEGRO Distances 10 km (6 miles) W of Danilovgrad, Montenegro
RMN: Drake apparently getting new intel sources, now wonders if Obama might be a good guy. *Drake apparently getting new intel sources, now wonders if Obama might be a good guy.* Posted By: hobie Date: Monday, 12-Nov-2012 04:56:56 Hi, Folks - Previous to Sunday, Drake had been pretty regularly "down" on Obama and considered Romney possibly to be the better choice. I haven't made it all the way through the first hour of the 4-hour recording yet, but in his show Sunday Drake indicated some of the information he'd received previously has proven unreliable. It's not his sources, but the folks who were feeding i...more »
4.8 Magnitude Earthquake MID-INDIAN RIDGE - 12th November 2012
Magnitude 4.8 Date-Time Monday, November 12, 2012 at 23:02:24 UTC Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 04:02:24 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 37.761°S, 77.917°E Depth 9.9 km (6.2 miles) Region MID-INDIAN RIDGE Distances 36 km (22 miles) ENE of Amsterdam Island,
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake GULF OF ALASKA - 12th November 2012
Magnitude 4.3 Date-Time Monday, November 12, 2012 at 22:20:52 UTC Monday, November 12, 2012 at 12:20:52 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 57.496°N, 142.581°W Depth 20 km (12.4 miles) set by location program Region GULF OF ALASKA Distances 283 km (176 miles) SW (218°) from Yakutat, AK
4.2 Magnitude Earthquake GULF OF ALASKA - 12th November 2012
Magnitude 4.2 Date-Time Monday, November 12, 2012 at 22:18:46 UTC Monday, November 12, 2012 at 12:18:46 PM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 57.544°N, 142.802°W Depth 11.8 km (7.3 miles) Region GULF OF ALASKA Distances 286 km (178 miles) SW (220°) from Yakutat, AK
PRESS TV: Why else did the CIA spymaster resign? *Why else did the CIA spymaster resign?* US General David Petraeus, former CIA chief By Gordon Duff Columnist for Press TV Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:55AM GMT By Gordon Duff The real issue is dealing with political uncertainty, the difference from what is publicly said, what is publicly seen and what actually exists.” The United States is undergoing a political maelstrom that, in many ways, parallels what is currently going on in China. Though the election ended days ago, a significant victory for Ob... more »
My Louisiana Love: Tragedy and survival in the Houma heartland
*My Louisiana Love* *By Brenda Norrell* *Censored News* *My Louisiana Love* is an intimate account of one young woman's love for her homeland, love for her family, and her journey through tragedy as she struggles to keep alive the beauty of the southern Louisiana bayou. Monique Verdin, Houma Indian, tells of Hurricane Katrina and how her family members survived. The hurricane, however, is only one of the slayers of the peace and beauty of the Houma heartland. It is not an easy film to watch for those of us who grew up in Louisiana and see how th... more »
Angela Marie Davis: Navajo Water Rights, the People have spoken
*Navajos need water, not a raw deal manufactured by a non-Indian attorney* ** *Angela Marie Davis responds to the latest scheme targeting Navajo water rights to the Little Colorado River in Arizona* ** *By Angela Marie Davis* *Censored News* Yah’at’eeh. My name is Angela Marie Davis. I am an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation and participate in my chapter’s elections. I am writing in regard to Legislation 0468-12 because I do not approve of it. It is the same as S2109, with a few amendments, forcing the Navajo Nation to give up our treaty-guarant... more »
There's No Scumbag Like a Pizza Scumbag
I know for a fact Schnatter did all this because Mrs. JP's niece has worked for this piece of shit for six years now and he cut her pay a couple of weeks before the election. Other employees are coming out on Facebook and elsewhere telling the same story. So do yourself and your cardiovascular system a favor and boycott this asshole and his shitty pizza. If you absolutely *need* pizza, buy local, not corporate.
Challenging Bill McKibben and the Green Establishment: The Environmental Case for Fossil Fuels
Last week Alex Epstein from the Center for Industrial Progress got to debate the head of warmist activist, environmentalist Bill McKibben, who’s been called “the world's most powerful opponent of fossil fuels.” The debate was on fossil fuels. Given that McKibben is on an anti-fossil-fuel rampage as I write this (see, and he other environmentalist leaders are using Hurricane Sandy as a pretext for policies that would cause far more permanent blackouts, there’s never been a better time to challenge their fundamentals. Check out these 2-3 m... more »
Haitian Orphanage
Haitian Orphanage… — John A. Carroll (@haitianhearts) November 11, 2012
Skype rats out alleged WikiLeaks supporter without waiting for court warrant (by gleefully handing over records)
FSA Terrorists Use a Mosque to Launch Terror Attacks
Nothing is sacred to these little FSA terrorists. They have the nerve to yell out "God is Great," while they indiscriminately shoot at people from a mosque. They deserve no respect. YouTube video description [Channel - Eretz Zen]: Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis and the Islamist and al-Qaeda affiliated "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) terrorists have used mosques to store weapons, to position snipers, to launch attacks from, to plot inside, to organize gatherings, and then to booby trap when they feel surrounded and blow the mosque just to accuse the Syrian Army of attacking mosq... more »
Wildness and Balance
In 1906, a young Danish lad named Peter Freuchen arrived in Greenland. Tired of city life, he had signed up to spend the winter alone in a remote meteorological research station, far from anyone — an experience he never forgot. The plan was that a sled would come every month to deliver food, coal, mail, and other supplies. Much to his dismay, the sleds never arrived, because wolves stopped them, and ate the sled dogs, every time. Freuchen had seven dogs at his cabin and, one by one, the wolves ate them all. This made it impossible for him to escape. He soon used up his coal, and... more »
Fukushima Diary reports: 12778.74Bq/kg of cesium from the HEPA filter of air cleaner in Yokohama Location : Five stories apartment in Yokohama Kanagawa Usage : 2/4/2011 ~ 8/30/2012 (Not 24 hours everyday) Size : 38.5×24×4 cm Cs-134 : 5250.44 ± 68.456 Bq/Kg Cs-137 : 7528.30 ± 68.476 Bq/Kg
When a megabank dumps its CEO, are they supposed to just give him some cheap watch?
*How much should you pay when you hurt a guy's feelings?* *by Ken* There seems to be some uproar over deposed Citigroup CEO walking into the sunset with, well, who knows how many millions of dollars, or maybe tens of millions -- it's so hard to keep track when everywhere you turn there seems to be another, oh, $6-7M tied up in a nice bow. Apparently at Citigroup the stuff is just lying all over the place, waiting for some stray puppy of a CEO to be frog-marched off the premises. Just to be clear, because I know it's hard to keep track, the $6.7M referred to in the headline below i... more »
TX - Wants to Pick up Marbles and Go Home - To Mexico
Hasta la Vista, Baby. Poor babies. Been nice knowing ya! Found this on The Hill tonight Petition for Texas secession hits White House response mark By Brendan Sasso - 11/12/12 05:10 PM ET Less than a week after President Obama's reelection, an online petition calling for Texas to secede from the Union has gained enough signatures to prompt a response from the White House. The petition is posted on "We the People," the White House's website for petitions. The White House has pledged to provide a formal response to all petitions that receive more than 25,000 signatures within 30 day... more »
10 imágenes muy bonitas en diferentes categorías
*Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre el collage para ver todas las imágenes* [image: Banco de Imagenes Gratuitas] *código para poner esta imagen en su blog* (Un click para seleccionar, Control C para copiar y Control V para pegar) [image: Banco de Imagenes Gratis] [image: Banco de Imagenes Gratuitas] *código para poner esta imagen en su blog* (Un click para seleccionar, Control C para copiar y Control V para pegar) [image: Banco de Imagenes Gratis] [image: Banco de Imagenes Gratuitas] *código para poner esta imagen en su blog* (Un click para seleccionar, Control C para copiar y Control V... more »
My Thoughts on the BP Settlement “Fairness Hearing”
My Thoughts on the BP Settlement “Fairness Hearing” Mon, 2012-11-12 12:53 I had hoped to write a full article concerning my thoughts on the subject of the BP Settlement Fairness Hearing held Thursday, November 8, but I (along with 3 others) was wrongfully accused of “live streaming audio,” and forcibly removed from the federal courtroom. I won't go into that now, but you can read Ada McMahon's article for more information. All I can tell you is that I wasn't. We didn't. And that is the most worrisome part of our ejection – it was so easy for impacted citizens to be barred from a p... more »
The petition to let Texas secede from the U.S. to be reviewed by the White House
White House website deluged with secession petitions from 20 states
Iran Launches Massive War Simulation
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