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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

2 November - feedly - Blogs I'm Following I - Z

Marker in Puerto Rico which traces the routes ...Image via WikipediaCorcho Beach in Vieques island, Puerto Rico.Image via WikipediaCommemorative plaque in Tongoy detailing Silva...Image via Wikipediaproyect to create the municipality of tongoyImage via WikipediaThe Playa Socos or Playa Chica beach in Tongoy.Image via Wikipediawfb76_w Women fishing, Bangladesh. Photo by Wo...Image by The WorldFish Center via FlickrGrainy B&W image of supposed UFO, Passoria, Ne...Image via Wikipedia

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

Argentina: An Absurd Morphology
Source: Gaceta OVNI (Argentina)Date: N.A.Argentina: An Absurd Morphology By Daniel LopezBeing able to attest to the wide variety of behaviors and shapes that manifest in active UFO zones, such as the Valles Chalchaqui, is truly remarkable. But this trait, a characteristic of the UFO phenomenon, cannot be superficially appreciated to say that the variety barely has anything to do with the abundanc
Expediente OVNI - Second Issue
Expediente OVNI No. 2 – An Editorial by José M. Echeverría[Contributing editor José M. Echeverría has posted the latest issue of his new publication Expediente OVNI. This second issue (Vol 1. No.2) tackles a subject that may seem conspiracy-minded, but is documented fact: the extent to which human experimentation has been conducted in Puerto Rico with by government agencies and by private companie
Chile: UFO Photographed Over La Serena
Source: NOUFA (Noticiero Ufologico Autonomo)Date: 10.26.11Chile: UFO Photographed Over La SerenaOn October 22, 2011 at approximately 15:00 hours, this photo was taken by Magdalena Montserrat Rivera Tarifeño using a Blackberry 9800 with a high resolution camera. The location was near the village of Tongoy. We have no further background information to share regarding the image, for example, whether
An Abductee Goes to Court: The Godoy Case
An Abductee Goes to Court: The Godoy Case (1998)By Luis Alberto ReinosoCourtesy of El Dragón Invisible (Carlos Iurchuk)Note from Luis Alberto Reinoso (lar769@hotmail.com): The following is the verbatim copy of the criminal complaint for the Godoy Case, presented before the Office of the Prosecutor for the Provincial Courts of Rosario (Argentina). The conclusions, research and analysis will appear
Cryptozoology: Has the "Gorliz Panther" Returned?
Source: Criptozoologia en EspañaDate: 10.22.11Spain: New Encounters with the “Gorliz Panther”By Javier ResinesOn a day like today, October 22, 2005, a resident of Erandio who had gone to the Gorliz Hospital to visit a relative saw a strange animal around six o’clock in the afternoon. “I was strolling with my 14-year-old nephew around the parking lot, next to the pine trees behind the center, when
Argentina: Chicoana Crop Circles Appear for 3 Years in a Row
Source: El Tribuno (www.eltribuno.info/salta/87887)Date: October 23, 2011Once again, the skies and fields of Chicoana were in the news for the third year in a row due to the manifestation of the “crop circles”. In 2008, 2010 and now, in 2011, this phenomenon repeated itself, accompanied as always by aerial lights. This time we have hundreds of witnesses and images. Are these pictograms related wit

killing Mother

We Occupy Earth – For anybody who is still wondering what the movement is all about, here is a brief explanation.
I have been abhorrently negligent by not posting anything about Occupy Wall Street, which is probably the single-most significant political movement since the Vietnam protests. I apologize. The demands of my continuing education at Harvard are considerable. I wish I had a photographic memory, speed reading skills or some other super-human abilities to help me with the mountain of reading and the
Nut, Squirrel, Hawk
The anticipation in the air is palpable. The fall colors are in full bloom, and I am harvesting the last straggly tomatoes and sweet potatoes from the garden. This past spring, a pair of Cooper’s hawks raised a nest of young in an old pine snag near the pond. Now they are fledged. Their seemingly endless bouts of circling and calling, calling and circling fill me with a feeling of foreboding. Whe
Columbus and the Great American Delusion
“We live our lives as characters in the grand narrative into which we have been socialized as children and conform as adults.  That narrative is the story told to itself by the dominant society of which we are a part.  We internalize narrative as ideology.  Ideology is a story told by people in power…By rewriting the story, we can challenge the structures of power.  All stories can and should be
Life is Good, and it goes on...
I had an incredible opportunity this past week, one which I am profoundly grateful for, and will continue to be, although it did not pan out. A fairly substantial publishing company contacted me regarding the possibility of publishing killing Mother (the book). I was asked to submit a couple of chapters to their editorial committee for consideration for publication in the fall of 2012. I swallowe

Land Destroyer

New Libyan "PM" is Big-Oil Goon
Meanwhile, rebels turn guns on each other turning Tripoli into a war zone, again. by Tony CartalucciNovember 2, 2011 - Associated Press recently reported that Libya's rebel militants have named a new "prime minister" this week. AP depicts the latest unelected Western proxy, Abdurrahim el-Keib, as a progressive academic who has spent decades in the United States teaching at Alabama University and l
Follow Land Destroyer on Twitter @Landdestroyer
November 2, 2011 - Occasionally there are lapses in Land Destroyer's coverage due to work behind the scenes - however, almost daily, news, analysis and debate is posted via Twitter.Go to Twitter.com and search for @Landdestroyer for the latest news, updates, and commentary - especially when regular reports are not being posted on the Land Destroyer blog.
Withdrawal of US Troops From Iraq Highly Suspect
Think-tank designs for Iran leave only Israeli attack & coaxed provocation for total war on table. analysis by Tony Cartalucci October 22, 2011 - For ten months the Obama administration has presided over the "Arab Spring," a geopolitical gambit years in the making, and executed simultaneously in multiple nations throughout the Middle East and North Africa in the beginning of 2011. The regional
Ron Paul Teaches Common Sense to the Establishment GOP Field
First seen on Activist Post. October 21, 2011 - Just remember, every single candidate on stage, with the exception of Congressman Ron Paul, has the exact same foreign policy because they have the exact same advisers hailing from the same corporate-funded think-tanks, all of whom dictated Bush's policy during his two terms, and believe it or not, the same ones who engineered Obama's foreign policy.
Iran Links US-funded Terrorists to Saudi-DEA Bomb Plot
Baseless US accusations countered with more likely Iranian allegations. by Tony CartalucciGholam Shakuri, who the US has claimed is a member of Iran's elite Quds Force, and behind a bungling plot involving a used-car salesman and undercover US DEA agents to assassinate a Saudi Ambassador in Washington DC, thus serving as an impetus for a war with Iran the US has been desperately pursing for the gr
Libya: Confirmation Could Take Days
2 US & Gullible Americans Celebrate Apparent Fortunes of Al Qaeda in Libyaby Tony CartalucciAt face value, the tenuous narrative of a struggling, desperate NATO confounded by months of fierce resistance on all fronts and an increasingly brutal and transparently atrocious proxy army on the ground in Libya, suddenly wringing victory from what was essentially a catastrophic failure, is difficult to

Lilith News

Earth's 7 Billion people set to keep expanding
POLITICS - Not even wars can slow down Earth's ever expanding population it seems. According to a variety of sources and estimates Earth now has 7 billion people. The "7 billionth baby" was supposedly born on October 31st 2011 (Halloween morning). In reality its impossible to pinpoint who was the actual 7 billionth human to be born on Earth at this present day, it was really more symbolic of all
Why you should never buy from a Puppy Mill
CANADA - If you love animals why would you buy a pet from a puppy mill? Well the sad answer is that some people just don't care. Out of sight, out of mind. They don't realize the horrible conditions the animals are subjected to, the unsanitary conditions, the diseases, the violent treatment of the people who run puppy mills. In Canada the Humane Society and police work continually to find puppy
McGuinty’s Liberals win third term... will there be a 4th?
CANADA - Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals were re-elected over a week ago and already people are thinking they might win a 4th term. But the third term will have a short leash. McGuinty’s Liberals were re-elected with a minority government, propped up by the NDP. The rare “three-peat” win on Thursday October 6th saw the Liberals win 53 seats out of 107, just 1 short of a majority govern
Exercise Addiction and Other Things
HEALTH - There are many bad things one could be addicted to that are bad for your health. ie. Cocaine, crack, heroin, smoking cigarettes. In contrast caffeine and chocolate are so comparatively minor that most people don't consider them addictions. A coke habit (Coca-Cola) certainly is better than a cocaine habit. Anything in too much abundance to the point of addiction can be a cause for troubl


PERSONALWHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT (PART 2):The first part of this series was published over at my Facebook page a little while ago. Yet a movement such as the 'Occupy' protests deserves far more than one comment. There is little doubt that this has become the most extensive political movement of the last century even if the number of participants says that it is not as intensive as man
CANADIAN POLITICS:STOP PUBLIC HOUSING PRIVATIZATION IN ONTARIO:The following appeal is from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP).***************Stop the Sell Off of Toronto Community Housing!‏STOP THE SELL OFF OF TORONTO HOUSING!Statement from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty www.ocap.ca In a move that falls in line with the plans of Rob Ford, Toronto CommunityHousing is looking to se
PERSONAL:GROWING UP WITHOUT THE STATE:It's been many many years since I left my ...
PERSONAL:GROWING UP WITHOUT THE STATE:It's been many many years since I left my old home town. 48 if I count right. I left it at precisely the right time, when I was turning 13. Enough of "being one with nature". Time to get into some serious trouble. Which, of course, I found in the (cough) "beautiful" city of Regina. My purpose in what I write below is to show a life that was as "stateless" as p

MSM Monitor

The Boston Globe's Circulation CQD
Just let 'em go down."Circulation falls at Boston’s daily newspapers" by Johnny Diaz  |  Globe Staff, November 01, 2011The nonprofit organization that measures newspaper circulation released figures yesterday showing continued declines in the six-month period that ended Sept. 30.The Audit Bureau of Circulations reported The Boston Globe’s average daily circulation was 205,939, down about 7.
Washington Keeps Poor Out in Cold
Anyone ever tell you anger can keep you warm?"Snag delays heating aid in Bay State; Funds for oil can’t be released without federal authorization" by Erin Ailworth  |  Globe Staff, November 02, 2011Thousands of low-income families in Massachusetts missed heating-oil deliveries as federal funding for heating assistance remained tied up in bureaucratic procedures in Washington.....   This as
Globe Goes Condo
Given the continuing decline in circulation maybe it is not a bad move."Condo sales climb in Boston; Median price drops slightly; luxury market fares even better" by Jenifer B. McKim Globe Staff / November 2, 2011Home sales in Boston’s downtown condominium market rose by more than 22 percent in the third quarter as ho
Globe Trick-or-Treat: Putting Out Ron Paul's Fire
Just setting the stage for the results from the rigged voting machines: "Despite fiery base, Paul’s spark yet to spread" by Brian C. Mooney Globe Staff / October 31, 2011CONCORD, N.H. - Fund-raising has not been Ron Paul’s problem. Neither has galvanizing a cadre of passionate supporters. They have been
Globe Trick-or-Treat: Cold Hard Candy
All tricks, folks."Skeptic finds he now agrees global warming is real" by Seth Borenstein AP Science Writer / October 31, 2011WASHINGTON—A prominent physicist and skeptic of global warming spent two years trying to find out if mainstream climate scientists were wrong. In the end, he determined they were
Globe Trick-or-Treat: College Hijinks
"Fed false logic, campus eats up a hoax and revolts" October 25, 2011|By Mary Carmichael, Globe StaffNORTHAMPTON - All last week, students at Smith College were buzzing over a rumor that the school was going completely vegetarian and locavore. There were protests and counter-protests, with slogans chalked on walkways. There was a Twitter feed that caught the attention of VegNews, “America’s p

New Orleans Ladder

Councilwoman blasts Landrieu for not changing the way sheriff gets paid~Matt Dav...
Councilwoman blasts Landrieu for not changing the way sheriff gets paid~Matt Davis, The LensOccupied: Homeless People, Occupy NOLA Protesters Converge at Duncan Plaza ~Shay Sokol, NOLA DEFENDERLee Zurik again tackles favoritism in Jefferson Parish Government getting reaction from Chris “Mini-me” Roberts on John Young’s former secretary ~Slabbed~Hat Tweet @GHartley5 @Official_Saints RT @tho
New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Bees is a master at work and is getting bett...
New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Bees is a master at work and is getting better at his craft ~Jeff Duncan~Also~Breesy Beefy Mac: the recipe sensation that's sweeping the Who Dat NationBaby’s Got The Benz ~moosedeniedHurricane Rina a strong category 2~Jeff Masters, WunderblogBGR Report: Making the Waterworks Work: Fixing the Sewage & Water Boards Governance Problems~Watershed NOLA~Also~ BGR
It was 45 years ago today that our New Orleans Saints were born! ~Hat Tweet @def...
It was 45 years ago today that our New Orleans Saints were born! ~Hat Tweet @defendnolaNew jail building approved by City Council; sheriff must close others when it’s built~Matt Davis, The LensNo, Buddy, the sweater is just plain nerdy looking. Man up, dude~Mark MoseleyLee Zurik tackles favoritism in Jefferson Parish Government as he profiles John Young’s former secretary ~SlabbedNew Orleans Storm
On Levees.org birthday, we’re thankful for its years of myth-busting~ Mark Mosel...
On Levees.org birthday, we’re thankful for its years of myth-busting~ Mark Moseley~"Why is this so difficult for some people to grasp? The system that failed on August 29, 2005 – the Hurricane Protection System – failed because the engineering and design system behind it had been in failure from the beginning of the project in the 1960′s. It was only a matter of time for this to happen, but it
The tourism of tragedy: From dead body dots to water marks, "Katrina" still haun...
The tourism of tragedy: From dead body dots to water marks, "Katrina" still haunts in New Orleans~Olga Campos
Corps of Engineers wants $1 billion to repair flood damage, yet almost no money ...
Corps of Engineers wants $1 billion to repair flood damage, yet almost no money to investigate how it happened Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro presents case for removing criminal court judgesCouncil frustrated that rank-and-file jobs frozen while top-brass spots getting filled~Ariella Cohen, The LensKenneth Feinberg vows better lifeline for shrimpers at House hearingFeinberg

News From Atlantis

Louis Farrakhan and cowering Europeans.
 Louis Farrakhan is an interesting character.  Vilified by the media, he has travelled a path of learning which has brought him to see the reality of those who rule over us.  Certainly he has made errors, but who hasn't?  Had he whored himself out to the Zionist mafia, like Herman Cain, he would be a darling of the Establishment, rather than labelled as an extremist and largely ignored.  In a
Forum: Total Free Speech Zone
Knowledge is Power:The Uncensored Free Speech ForumIn the battle for freedom, we must always be on the look out for new tactics. The Internet is a great place to post information, but blogs and sites such as YouTube are restrictive when it comes to sharing ideas and discussing issues. It is always good to communicate.  However, on ordinary websites, when there are multiple anonymous comments to ar
Foyle's War - The White Feather, or, The Zionist War of Yellow Journalism
Television is a powerful tool for whoever controls it.  Studies have found that watching television is detrimental to physical health.   As well as slowing the metabolism, leading to obesity and general lethargy, in the long term, sustained use of the television has been found to shorten the lifespan of the viewer.  Like a cancer eating away at the human body, television is responsible for early d
ACTA: Absolute Censorship Terminating Autonomy
ACTA is one more offensive against the sharing of culture on the Internet. ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) is an agreement secretly negotiated by a small "club" of like-minded countries (39 countries, including the 27 of the European Union, the United States, Japan, etc). Negotiated instead of being democratically debated, ACTA bypasses parliaments and international organisations t
Holodomor - the real Genocide
The greatest liars of every age are the propagandists who follow the Talmud.  They have been thrown out of every European nation for crimes against Christians, yet they use their control of the media to create the fable that they are righteous and pure.  The fully justified expulsions of the false Jews were required to protect the people from usury and ritual child sacrifice.  The whining weeping
David Cameron, Libya and the EU Referendum. Total Hypocrisy.
British politics reek of corruption and hypocrisy.  Within the space of a week we have seen the dramatic evidence that the UK is not a democracy and will fight against all who do not submit to the Establishment's tyranny.The once free nation of Libya has been bombed for eight months to bring it to its knees.  Its system of rule by committees, which came as close as is possible to real popular



Wall St. and other "Occupy" Protests Should Re-Brand as "Anti-Oligarchy"
.Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere, so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. – President Woodrow WilsonThe "Occupy" protests and other demonstrations across the US and Europe are reported as being "a
Alex Jones, Demos and Controlled Demolition
2 .Yesterday Alex Jones interviewed Demos operative Jamie Bartlett on his nightly show. Bartlett's job description on the Demos website goes as follows:Jamie is Head of the Violence and Extremism Programme. His primary research interests lie in terrorism, radicalisation and extremism, conspiracy theories and integration policy. He is a familiar figure to UK 9/11 activists. He came, along with Demos
We Are All Jews Now
.The issue of 'Deicide', the killing of Christ by "the Jews", has (astonishingly in this Talmud-dominated* age) been recently raised in the mainstream media. Bishop Williamson of the traditionalist Catholic SSPX order has accused Jews of killing Jesus in a (privately circulated) blog posting entitled "How can Pope Benedict let go of ancient truths?" (his article can be read on Michael Hoffman's we
Letwin A Third Party To Himself And The Actions Of His Own Arms
.Oliver Letwin, who has been dumping government documents in a bin in St. James Park, states in the video interview shown below:" .....and constituents may feel that I shouldn't have allowed their papers to be in that bin......"You have to hand it to these people. When it comes to nuance and spin the Letwins of this world are seriously talented.Here is a trick that was missed by the defending barr

No Shit Department-  

Plot Against America
1934: The Plot Against America 2007-07-28, Harper's magazine http://www.harpers.org/archive/2007/07/hbc-90000651 In November 1934, federal investigators uncovered an amazing plot involving some two dozen senior businessmen, a good many of them Wall Street financiers, to topple the government of the United States and install a fascist dictatorship. An alert FDR shut it down but stopped short o
3 Countries Left - Not under Chokehold Of Rothschild Bankers!!
Re-Posting this little diddy.. And how fascinating that the IMF, owned entirely by N.M. Rothschild & Sons, plus about 40 of the world's richest people, helped establish the "Central Bank of Benghazi" in Libya within two weeks of the start of the "no-fly-zone" action as well as to nationalize oil fields under its control.... despite being nowhere near beating Qaddafi
Aborgininal Affairs Minister, John Duncan.. "an education policy gone wrong"
Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan claims Indian residential schools "were not genocide" but "an education policy gone wrong"   An Open Letter to John "what corpses?" Duncan from Kevin Annett - Rawennatshani Dear John, So what's the problem, boyo? Was it laundry day in Ottawa, or something? I mean, why would you stand up all naked like that in public and expose yourself with such
CDC Deputy Director Charged with Child Molestation, Beastiality
CDC DOC CHARGED: MOLESTATION, BESTIALITY  by John Rappaport - Investigative Journalist OCTOBER 28, 2011. From LA Times Mobile: An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been arrested and charged with two counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality, police said. Police arrested Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, 44, in DeKalb County on Sunday. Authorities also
Engineered Culprit- Economic Global Collapse!!
AHA!! Finally, a population that deserves to fill all the new SUPERJAILS....WALL STREET AND CONGRESS!!  A comprehensive synopsis of the greatest financial crime in U. S. history (after the Federal Reserve Act of 1913): by Kenneth Dean Troxel (kdtroxel)   "Progressive-Constitutionalist" The American media has been remiss (intentionally) in reporting on the mortgage-backed securities fraud, even t
Dark Side of Cancer in TATA's
I am Re-Posting this crucial article from Dr. Mercola.  This is proof that simple ancient spices and home remedies do more good for Breast Cancer, than Cut, Poison and Burn!   They want to Raise Awareness again, as if we don't already know that there are more Cancers today than in the history of ManKind. Cancer became the most Rampant Predatory Disease of the twentieth and twenty first centur

Not PC
54 unread articles

Around Europe by stereotype
Zero Hedge has a few maps of European according to the worldview of various countries.  (Zero Hedge) Here, for example, is how the Greeks see the rest of Europe: The Brits: The U.S.: The Vatican: And as a special bonus, how Silvio Berlusconi sees the rest of Europe: More here.Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co
Can we bankrupt the country? Sure we can.
  Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Question for the day: On the EQC
Given that both the Blue Team and Red Team were respectively defending the Earthquake Commission last night and and promising to give it even more money, here’s the question I’d like you to ponder today: Is there any good reason for the Earthquake Commission to exist? Here’s a few things about that question to consider: prior to the earthquakes, the EQC was sold as the virtual investmen
Europe by stereotype
Zero Hedge has a few maps of European according to the worldview of various countries.  (Zero Hedge) Here, for example, is how the Greeks see the rest of Europe:   The Brits: The U.S.:   The Vatican:   And as a special bonus, how dear old Silvio Berlusconi sees the rest of Europe:   More here. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish:
Question for the day: About “entitlements”
Here's a question for you to consider this morning. Is a welfare cheque an entitlement? Yes, or no? Feel free to explain why. Or why not.   UPDATE: What happens to the poor and disadvantaged in a society without “entitlements”? Watch Don Watkins Q&A Question 4! Don Watkins Q&A Question 4 from The Undercurrent on Vimeo. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact
“Don’t steal music”– Townshend
Illegal downloaders of Rihana and Lady Gaga were pinged overnight by the Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (RIANZ), who asked Internet Service Providers to send copyright infringement notices to 42 customers that the association has accused of internet piracy. The first of many such notices that will be sent out as a reward for stealing music. Almost at the same time, The Who's Pete
Fixing what?

Orwell's Bastard

Mayor Stupid makes @KeithOlbermann's list ... AGAIN
Must be Halloween or something.I have no words.Update: the clip in all its glory.
@TOMayorFord puts Toronto on @KeithOlbermann 's map
Oh look. Mayor Stupid's gotten some international recognition!Worse than Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck.When? When will this nightmare end?Related posts:So Mayor Stupid takes one in the nads on the waterfront ...Oh, look: everything Team Ford touches turns to crap. Don't look so surprised@cityslikr on Team Ford's bullshit, and our complicity therein

Penny for your thoughts

"Faulty" vaccine caused massive foot and mouth outbreak
Yet, "negligence" is being cited.Negligence indicates something else entirely doesn't it?It indicates carelessness. Rather then something that could not be avoided or happenstance.A botched vaccine intended to protect Paraguay’s livestock against foot-and-mouth disease was responsible for transmitting the ailment to hundreds of animals that later had to be destroyed, the government said Tuesday
Syria: NATO will not intervene but the smear campaign is on!
If the smear is on, which it is, the media effort is concerted.Therefore there are plans to legitimize the attack on Syria, somehow...Going long today...NATO rules out Intervention In Syria- take this with a grain of saltNATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said military action in Syria was out of the question. “My answer is very short. NATO has no intention [to intervene] whatsoever. I c
Flu Vaccines: Ineffective and "floating dark specks"
It is flu season and the mainstream media is out in full force promoting the big pharma vaccine agenda!Surely you have seen countless articles extolling the virtues of the jab in the arm?Despite the fact recent studies demonstrate that vaccine efficacy is substantially less then has been officially promoted.I will get to that.Health Canada, giving big pharma free advertising, has dubbed October "I
Untangling the latest lies regarding Syria
Today we are heading back to Syria. Not literally, of course.Interesting piece in the NYT's "Turkey Shelters Anti-Assad Group""Turkey is hosting an armed opposition group waging an insurgency against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, providing shelter to the commander and dozens of members of the group, the Free Syrian Army, and allowing them to orchestrate attacks across the border
Buyology and Brandwashing- Are you making your own choices?
image borrowed from hereReally?Or do you just "think" that you are, due to the inundation of messages you have received since you were born and possibly before?Are you "Brand washed"? Note the play on brain washing. Perception Management. Mind Control.Quite likely, unless you avoid mass media- commercials, television and all forms of advertising- You have not made a choice based on your own NEEDS

Pippa's Place - Environmentally Speaking

Did You Know...
Towser, a tortoise-shell tabby whose job was to kill mice in a distillery in Scotland, was a world-record mouser. She killed 28,899 mice in her 21 years. She died in 1987.In the movie "The Wild Ones", Lee Marvin refers to the women in the gang as "beetles". Some Liverpool musicians saw the movie and decided to call themselves beetles - although they changed it to "The Beatles" so it was like th
Bike Share Program Comes to India
Photo courtesy: Cycle Chalao!/CC BY 1.0Raj Janagam was growing frustrated with the lack of transportation methods in India for commuting short distances. He said 10 million people in Mumbai alone use local trains and public buses for long-distance transport, but there was no practical way for him to get from the railway station to his college. It seemed the perfect place to set up a bike share pr
A Greener Passing
This is not a topic most people like to deal with; however, it should be decided before the final passing in order to ease the burden on those left behind. My own beloved mother passed away approximately 18 months ago; and, I remember it as if it were today. Fortunately, we knew what her wishes were; but, we had made no plans whatsoever.She was cremated according to her wishes. ALL photos and i
Boy! Have I Got a Car For You!
ALL photos courtesy: Kenneth CobonpueI can see me now...cruising the highway, hair blowing, oldies blasting on the radio...aaahh, I can feel the warm breeze already.With bamboo popping up everywhere in product design, and even in vehicles like bicycles and electric scooters, it was only a matter of time before cars got the same treatment. We've seen some not-so-successful bamboo car designs, but
Paper Coupons Destroy 13 Million Trees a Year
and 99% of them never get used.Photo courtesy: crustmania via Flickr/CC BY 2.0In order to promote its online paperless coupon business, SavingStar has rolled out a new ad campaign designed to appeal to the environmental sympathies of department store bargain hunters: In an infographic and accompanying news release, it claims that 13.6 million trees are destroyed every year to produce paper coupon
Three-Eyed Fish Caught Near Argentine Power Plant
Photo courtesy: infobae.comWay back in 1990, an episode of The Simpsons, a wildly-popular cartoon in N. America, introduced Blinky, a mutated orange fish with three-eyes caught in the waters near the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, emblematic of mean Mr. Burns' callousness towards the environment -- and now, it seems, life has imitated cartoon. Recently, a group of fisherman on a lake in the Co

Raed in the Middle

Downsize the State Department's Footprint in Iraq
My most recent IPA press releaseThe Iraq War is Not OverOctober 24, 2011AP reports today: “On his flight to Indonesia on Friday, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters that negotiations with Iraq on future training possibilities will begin later.“If such talks are held, they likely would start either when Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki visits Washington in December or after the end of
11/11/11 ?
Four important developments from Iraq:This week, in a surprising development, Iraqi political leaders declined the US request to grant full immunity to US military trainers left after the end of 2011. This might be a deal-breaker for the US. Iraqi political leaders want 300-400 US trainers with no immunity, while Jeffrey Buchanan and Panetta refuse to keep any troops or trainers without immunity.

Real History Blog

"In Time" - a film for the 99%
New Regency Pictures must be thrilled at the fortuitous timing of the launch of their new film “In Time.” The science fiction thriller revolves around a world in which time is the ultimate currency and most people can’t get enough of it. The world is divided into time zones, most of them poor, except for the zone of New Greenwich, where the richest 1 percent live. The premise of the world of the
British hypnotist shows how an ordinary person can be programmed to kill: Sirhan/RFK parallel
Wow. I mean, just, wow. It's one thing to believe something. It's another to know it. I used to simply believe it was possible to program someone highly hypnotizable to kill, or pretend to kill, someone else. But now I don't just believe. I know. I saw it done, on this British show.Master hypnotist Derren Brown has a new series of shows called "The Experiment" on Channel 4 in
Review of the new film re Shakespeare: Anonymous
The film Anonymous deals with a longstanding debate many people have never heard about: the question of who wrote the plays of William Shakespeare. While the answer seems obvious, numerous scholars have concluded the answer is anything but.Some of the many notables who have challenged the notion that the barely educated Shakespeare wrote those brilliant works, filled with literary and cultural

Running 'Cause I Can't Fly

"Why Government Promises Aren’t What They Used to Be"
"Why Government Promises Aren’t What They Used to Be"by Bill Bonner The Dow dropped 297 points yesterday. October may have been the best month for stocks in 37 years. But November could be the worst. Gold fell a little yesterday, too, down $13. Oil is still over $90. The newspapers tell us that investors are disappointed over the European deal. They thought they had that problem wrapped up with a
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What powers are being wielded in the Wizard Nebula? Gravitation strong enough to form stars, and stellar winds and radiations powerful enough to create and dissolve towers of gas. Located only 8,000 light years away, the Wizard nebula, pictured above, surrounds developing open star cluster NGC 7380. Visually, the interplay of stars, gas, and dust has created a shape that appears to some like a fi
Satire: "Sex Scandal Might be First Sign Cain is Qualified to Be Politician"
"Sex Scandal Might be First Sign Cain  is Qualified to Be Politician"Makes Him Seem ‘Presidential,’ Expert Says MINNEAPOLIS (The Borowitz Report) – "Herman Cain’s burgeoning sex scandal might actually be the first sign that he is qualified to be a politician. That is the assessment of presidential historian Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota, who believes that news of the sex s
The Daily "Near You?"
Galway, Ireland. Thanks for stopping by.

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home

What Is Color Discrimination And How Do I Prove It?
Even if your harasser is the same race, you can still complain about discrimination if they’re biased due to your color. Basically, color means the shade of your skin. If someone of your same race favors lighter or darker skinned employees, then that could be color discrimination. If your employer has 15 or more employees, then color discrimination is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Ac
Everything You Wanted To Know About Your Employee Handbook
In most states, your company handbook isn’t a contract. They don’t have to follow their own procedures. However, some employers are starting to make employees sign them and add things like an agreement to arbitrate all claims against the employer or a waiver of jury trial. You will want to read your handbook and understand your rights and responsibilities. Sections you’ll want to pay extra care
Occupy Your Workplace: Changes To Employment Laws That Would Make a Difference
Just like the Tea Party on the other side, the Occupy Wall Street movement is on the brink of having real political power. Everyone wants to know -- what do they want? What changes will they ask for? With unemployment still hovering at 9% and people scared they will lose their jobs for blinking wrong, America needs real changes to its employment laws. When I wrote my article, 10 Workplace Rig
My Employer Defamed Me!
So your employer called you incompetent. Or you disagree with your write-up. You're hopping mad. It's a lie! You're ready to sue. Slander. Libel. It has to be something you can sue for, right? Meh. Probably not. Slander and libel are in the general category of defamation. Defamation is where your employer or former employer makes a false statement of fact about you to someone other than you that d

So What Did I Miss?
1 unread article

Occupy Wall Street
Before Occupy Wall Street, there was clear consensus and proof that Wall Street traders and big bank mortgage lenders were responsible for the debt crisis we're seeing around the world. There were also a lot of people who thought that giving bailouts to the same banks that caused the problem was not okay. There were also a lot of people who were upset when those same banks continued to han


'We Shall Not be Moved!': A Response to L.A. Times' Oblique Attack on Occupy Wall Street...
Guest editorial by Ernest A. Canning An October 9 Time Magazine poll revealed that 89% of Americans agree that Wall Street exerts too much influence on our political system; 79% feel the gap between rich and poor is too large; 71% feel the executives from the major financial institutions responsible for the 2008 economic meltdown should be prosecuted; and that only 6% of Americans identify themsel
'People & Power - The Koch Brothers': Al Jazeera's Investigative Documentary
2 Al Jazeera English's Bob Abeshouse and Yasmeen Qureishi have put together an investigative report on the out-sized influence of the Koch Brothers on American democracy. The documentary premiered on AJE this week, and both starts and ends with the "Secret Koch Tapes" we exclusively published last month in a series of articles at Mother Jones and here at The BRAD BLOG. There are a number of notewort
Judge Refuses to Charge Demonstrators Arrested at 'Occupy Nashville': VIDEO
"There has been some twists in the overnight arrests of the Occupy Nashville protesters downtown." Hat-tip David Swanson on the Twitters... * * * Just some of The BRAD BLOG's most-recently related 'Occupy Wall Street' coverage... 10/28/11: He was Standing Stone Still Amid Tear Gas in Oakland - Clutching a Copy of the U.S. Constitution 10/27/11: It's The Accountability, Stupid (or Lack Thereof) 10
He was Standing Stone Still Amid Tear Gas in Oakland - Clutching a Copy of the U.S. Constitution
In our coverage of the police assault on peaceful Occupy Oakland demonstrators Wednesday, we ran the inspiring photo of a man standing in front of a line of riot police, wearing a sailor's uniform, holding a Veterans For Peace flag and clutching a copy of the U.S. Constitution. But what we didn't realize at the time --- not apparent from the photo, but seen in the following, remarkable video --- h

The Coming Crisis

Anonymous goes after deadly Mexican drug cartel
In an attempt to save one of its own, the hackivist group, Anonymous threatens one of most notorious Mexican drug cartels, Los Zetas.­In the latest video released by Anonymous, the group demands the release of one of its members who was kidnapped during a protest in Veracruz, Tamaulipas.“You made a huge mistake by taking one of us. Release him,” demands a man in a Guy Fawkes maskmade famous by the
5.4 Magnitude Earthquake COSTA RICA - 2nd Nov 2011
A magnitude 5.4 earthquake has struck Costa Rica at a depth of 39.6 km ( 24.6 miles), the
Four foot shark is discovered on double yellow lines in Welsh seaside town - 2nd Nov 2011
Double yellow lines are not normally reserved for anything or anyone - except perhaps the odd rogue car, van or lorry.However, people in Aberystwyth, Wales, which famously has no traffic wardens, were astounded to discover a dead shark washed up in their no-parking zone instead.Bank worker Tom Huxley came out of a friend's house and was hit by they smell of rotting fish, but when he went to i
Antonio Horta-Osorio a 'Overworked' CEO of taxpayer-backed Lloyds bank takes medical leave six months after receiving £8m golden hello - 2nd Nov 2011
Lloyds' job-cutting chief executive Antonio Horta-Osorio is taking a break due to ill-health, the taxpayer-backed bank said today.The announcement came so suddenly that his replacement was not named until hours later.Tim Tookey, the finance director who is due to leave early next year as part of a sweeping clearout of the bank's old guard, will take over until the 47-year-old boss's return, B
Abuse of painkillers reaches 'epidemic' levels in US
Abuse of prescription painkiller have reached "epidemic" levels in the US, a government report says.Overdoses of pain relievers cause more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined, the report has found.It says sales and prescriptions of the drugs rose sharply in recent years and this was linked to the rise in overdoses.Narcotic painkillers are prescribed to relieve chronic pain but the drugs can be
Japanese plant starts first nuclear reactor since tsunami crisis: Bad idea?
A Japanese power company restarted a nuclear reactor this week, the first to come back online since a March earthquake and tsunami in the nation.The March 11 disasters sparked a nuclear crisis and a backlash that postponed plans to reopen reactors shut down because of damage, inspections or unrelated technical problems.Kyushu Electric Power Co. said it has started generating electricity from the N

The Disaffected Lib

Noam Chomsky, Occupy = A Decent Future
Noam Chomsky delivered this year's Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture to Occupy Boston.  He stressed that the Occupy movement may be our last, best hope for a decent future and that it's vital the movement grow within the United States and around the world.   He contrasted America today with the situation in the Great Depression."...although the situation was objectively much harsher than it is
He Said What?
Poor Hamid Karzai.  The old bugger has to run the assassins' gauntlet until 2014 when he can step down and di di mau his sorry ass and his loot the hell out of Afghanistan.   In the meantime he'll need plenty of protection, as much as he can get, and US forces are vital to Hamid's continued well being.  So why does Karzai keep saying really stupid things?The latest gaffe was a remark K
Making Global Warming Official
There has been a lot of reluctance to link global warming to the spate of severe weather events our world has experienced in recent years.   Nobody wants to tie specific weather events to climate change because, well because they're weather events, not climate events.   That may be about to change.The UN's IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change, is working its way through a "phoneboo
Arms Race Update - A World Going Mad for Nukes
German built, Israeli Nuclear Missile SubThis is a big reason why our world needs the Occupy and similar movements.  A new report from BASIC, the British American Security Information Council, reveals that a multinational nuclear arms race is breaking out.The American government that pleads poverty when it comes to its social security obligations, is planning to spend more than three-quarters of a
Charlie Blow Explodes the American Dream
New York Times columnist Charles Blow has put a match to the powder keg that has, for decades, propped up the American Dream Myth."We sold ourselves a pipe dream that everyone could get rich and no one would get hurt — a pipe dream that exploded like a pipe bomb when the already-rich grabbed for all the gold; when they used their fortunes to influence government and gain favors and protection; whe
Occupy This!
I'm a bit surprised that there are still some progressives who don't "get" what the Occupy movement is truly about.  Some think it's just so much street theatre, a bunch of unambitious but greedy kids eager for attention.Bollocks!Quite predictably Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi gets it - loud and clear.  I'm not sure you can find a better take on Occupy.

The Ergosphere

Petition to restart the Integral Fast Reactor program
As many readers of this blog probably know, the Integral Fast Reactor project was killed by a very narrow Senate vote in 1994, with the connivance of the Clinton administration.This was all done very much behind the scenes.  The public at large had no knowledge of what was going on (I sure didn't), and what happened was probably driven by a few relatively narrow special interests.Times have
Thorium remix
I highly recommend this 2 hour mashup of various LFTR- and nuclear-related video clips, most of it taken from lectures and interviews with Kirk Sorensen.  It begins with the "LFTR in 5 minutes" sequence but broadens it with major and up-to-date bits about many matters, including Fukushima Dai'ichi.

The Excavator 


The Green Light is on to Strike Iran: Alex Jones Wednesday Edition
'Haaretz Screaming Headline: Bibi Seeks Cabinet Approval for Iran Attack''UK speeding up planning for potential US-led Iran attack''US House committee approves new penalties against Iran'Ynetnews.com: A senior state official accused Defense Minister Ehud Barak of compromising state security by pushing a possible Israeli strike on Iran onto the public agenda."It was a cynical and irresponsible move
Werner Herzog On Deeper Truth
"The deep inner truth inherent in cinema can be discovered only by not being bureaucratically, politically, and mathematically correct." - Werner Herzog. From the book, "Herzog on Herzog."
Israel And Washington Are Sounding The Horns For Another War
Nobody was surprised when the Obama administration announced that it will increase America's military footprint in the Gulf in preparation for a future war against Iran.Leaving Iraq was a political stunt by President Obama to give a bone to his loyal voters ahead of the 2012 election. The people who bought this lie ought to be ashamed of themselves for not knowing even the slightest bit of history

The Existentialist Cowboy

Rick Perry's Latest 'Enrich the rich' Plan!
by Len Hart, The Existentialist CowboyTexas Gov. Rick Perry unveiled his 'tax and spend' plan, officially called his “cut, balance and grow” plan. It is more properly the CUT TAXES for the ruling elite; balance if you can walk a tight rope between poverty on one side and rabid republican reptillians on the other; grow tough and smart or die!"Rich Perry's 'plan' is just another GOP give-away to the
Wealthy can declare support for Occupy Wall Street on new website - Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles TimesWealthy can declare support for Occupy Wall Street on new websiteLos Angeles TimesWhile members of the so-called 99% take part in Occupy Wall Street protests, a new website lets some of the wealthy 1% declare their support for the movement. "When I was 18 my father won $9 million in the California lottery," one person posted on the ...Occupy Wall Street shows diversity in age, pol
CIA Criminal Revolving Door
by Kevin FentonCIA Criminal Revolving Door: CIA Criminal Revolving Door: CIA Officer "Albert" Involved in False Intelligence Linking Al-Qaeda to Iran, IraqReprimanded for Torture, Retired, then Back to CIA as a Contractor. A recent book by former FBI agent Ali Soufan shows that the same CIA officer was involved in generating intelligence that falsely linked al-Qaeda to first Iran and then Iraq. Th
Is an Elite Feudal Society Preordained?
Is an Elite Feudal Society Preordained?: Monday, October 31, 2011by Staff Report, TheDailyBell.com From source article: And in fact, there are a handful of banking families, including the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, who have come to dominate economic and political affairs in the Western world. Unlike aristocrats, capitalists are not tied to a place, or to the maintenance of a place. Capital
Occupy Participation: #SomeThingsAreBiggerThanAnyOfUs
Occupy Participation: #SomeThingsAreBiggerThanAnyOfUs: October 30, 2011by Mickey Z.ProjectCensored.org[To subscribe to Media Freedom Foundation's email list and receive occasional Project Censored updates like this one, click here.]"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin As the eloquent Ms. Nin explains abo

the original Blogger Tips and Tricks

Will old images disappear when changing to custom domain?
The answer is no. Images will remain as long as the Google/Blogger account they are associated with is not deleted. I have checked one of my oldest post - How to change the date and time of your post which has a screen shot and which is dated Monday, May 01, 2006, way before I converted the blog to custom domain.
Upload text and picture direct from computer
2 There are bloggers who want to be able to prepare their posts including text and photos in their computer and upload it direct to Blogger. Some have tried using copy-paste from Microsoft WORD which obviously will not work.Here is a solution - Windows Live Writer. To add a photo while in Windows Live Writer, either click the photo icon or use the INSERT drop-down menu as shown in the screen shot be

The Rag Blog

Ted McLaughlin : The Occupy Movement is Changing the Conversation
It's changing the conversation:The wealth gap and the Occupy MovementBy Ted McLaughlin / The Rag Blog / October 31, 2011The image above brings home a very disturbing fact about the United States -- the vast inequality of wealth and income in the country. This inequality, which grows worse with each passing week -- since Congress has done nothing about it -- was the primary cause of this Great
Larry Ray : Cellular Civil Rights in Mississippi?
Graphic by Larry Ray / The Rag Blog.Civil rights for diploid cells?Legal 'personhood' in MississippiThe draconian redefinition of abortion and commonly used methods of contraception as murder would do away with a woman’s right to make her own decisions about childbearing.By Larry Ray / The Rag Blog / November 1, 2011On Tuesday, November 8th, Mississippi voters will will either support or d
Greg Moses : It's all Trick, no Treat, as Cops Bust Occupy Austin Protesters
Austin police confront demonstrators at City Hall, Oct. 29, 2011. Photo by Ann Harkness /Flickr.All trick no treat:Austin police take downfood table in midnight raidBy Greg Moses / The Rag Blog / October 31, 2011Police in Austin, Texas, made 39 arrests early Sunday as they moved to enforce a new rule banning food tables in the City Hall plaza where protesters have camped out. Some protesters
David Van Os : 'Non-Lethal Projectiles' in Oakland
Police officers with "non-lethal ordnance" after an early morning raid on Occupy Oakland's tent city, Oakland, CA, Oct.25, 2011. Photo by Stephen Lam / Reuters.Military zone in Oakland:Riot cops use 'non-lethal projectiles'to attack occupiers' encampmentScott Olsen, who served two tours of duty in Iraq, was struck in the head with what the City of Oakland glibly referred
Bob Feldman : The Confederate State of Texas, 1846-1860
Between 12,000 and 15,000 Texas lost their lives in the Civil War. Painting from the Texas Civil War Museum.The hidden history of TexasPart VI: The Confederate State of Texas, 1860-1865By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / October 26, 2011[This is Part 6 of Bob Feldman's Rag Blog series on the hidden history of Texas.]In 1861, the slave-owning Anglo political leaders of Texas decided that the state
Susan Van Haitsma : 'Viva la Vida' in Austin
CodePink at Viva la Vida. Photo by Susan Van Haitsma / The Rag Blog.Viva la Vida...and remember the deadBy Susan Van Haitsma / The Rag Blog / October 28, 2011See gallery of photos by Susan Van Haitsma, Below.AUSTIN -- One of Austin’s most colorful events of the year is the Dia de los Muertos festival organized by the good folks at Austin’s Mexic-Arte Museum. For 28 years, the museum has hosted

The Reference Frame

Israeli attack on Iran considered again
There have been a few articles on this blog about possible Israeli plans to strike Iran's nuclear and/or military facilities. It hasn't taken place yet; still, I consider such a scenario realistic enough for those blog entries to reappear. Today, it's another day of this kind. Israel has successfully launched a new long-range missile: video. Ehud Barak, a graduate in physics, mathematics, and e
CMS: a very large excess of diphotons
Almost a year ago, I had an e-mail exchange, and planned a phone call, with Maria Spiropulu of CMS. She looked particularly excited about something and the mortals may be learning what the cause was today. CMS turned out to be much more "aggressive" relatively to the "conservative" ATLAS detector and it has already provided us with some hints. But what they published today, in the paper called M
Referendum: Greece cannot be trusted
The Greek prime minister and the current top member of a notorious Greek socialist dynasty has shocked the rest of Europe – and the rest of the world – by plans to organize a referendum about the agreement from the Brussels (that he has already agreed with). The referendum should probably take place in January 2012. The general atmosphere in Greece makes "No" very likely. If he gets a "No", Pa
Palestine accepted to UNESCO
Palestine just became a member of the UNESCO, the educational, scientific, and cultural (ESC) branch of the United Nations. The children have prepared a song for their colleagues in the organization, to show how nicely they are being educated in Palestine: I have included this song because it has some catchy music but the content is just horrific. While Israel has become a semi-member of CERN (
7 billion people: far from the upper limit
According to the TRF census, the world population reached 7 billion five minutes ago. Well, it could also take place several months ago or it will take place in several months in the future because the error with which we actually know the world population doesn't allow us to determine the exact day: the demographers just decided to claim it was today. Correct me if I am wrong but I am confident
BEST, Judith Curry: unbelievably flat temperatures for 10 years
4 Curry urges people to talk about Muller's new ClimateGate In an interview for The Daily Mail (U.K.), Judith Curry – the chair of climatology at GeorgiaTech, a research member of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature team, and a human face of the contemporary mainstream climate science – has rightfully criticized her colleague Richard Muller of Berkeley for deducing invalid if not deliberately di

The Web (Untangled)
1 unread article

The World vs. Wall Street -- TAKE ACTION!
Thousands of Americans have non-violently occupied Wall St -- an epicentre of global financial power and corruption. They are the latest ray of light in a new movement for social justice that is spreading like wildfire from Madrid to Jerusalem to 146 other cities and counting, but they need our help to succeed. As working families pay the bill for a financial crisis caused by corrupt elite

5 unread articles

Farrakhan Ghaddafi and Libya, this says everything, I am far too angry to shout in their faces again, FUCKING SHEEPLE!
That which ensued in Libya, was to be expected.  Of course I prayed and hoped for the best, I hoped beyond hope that the announcements of G's evil murder were a scam, alas, it matters little, true or not. The King is Dead, Long Live the King! He like many Libyans have been persecuted for the prosperity of the filthy tribe...I have been so depressed of late, I have been indolent, supine if you
Black protester in Wall St. accused of antisemitism, for sign saying "Hitler's Bankers - Wall St" - video says it all:
The video begins with a fat yid accusing a black man of antisemitism because the words "Hitler's Bankers - Wall St -" and "Nazi Bankers - Wall St -" appear on his placard. Of course the fat yid has an eastern European accent. Why this fat fuck is not in israhell, an abomination created specifically for "chosen" yiddish-khazars, is beyond explanation, particularly when one considers how many Palest
The Australian “GREENS” and Global Governance! The NWO down-under says; fuck the environment we need MORE worthless derivatives!
From their own OFFICIAL PARTY website: http://greens.org.au/policies/human-rights-democracy/global-governance. Dumbing down our children and creating zombie droids that focus entirely on drugs, alcohol, sex and violence, when not staring hypnotically at a video game is the policy of the learned elders of Satanism, assisting to achieve this goal is the remit of the Australian “Greens”: The le
This is why people of courage and conviction detest israhell!
       I am waiting for the day when an International force goes house to house in every rat-nest illegal settlement and drags the filthy thieving child-molesting (it's in the talmud) yids out of those illegal dwellings and throws them all in cattle-trucks, then takes them to a shipyard at the Port Haifa and shoves their filthy arses onto cargo vessels and sends them ba

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Welcome Back to Pottersville

The New Civil Rights Movement is... Rush Limbaugh?
It's been tremendously amusing to watch Republicans and their flying monkey squadron shitting all over liberals for calling out Herman Cain for his alleged lechery back in the 90's. Predictably, the same party that is at this very minute devoting millions of man hours and millions of dollars to keep African Americans from voting, the same party that had viciously attacked ACORN with selectively-ed
Pottersville in Pictures: Halloween edition
Because, after all, what's scarier than Republicans on the loose?As Herman Cain looks on, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney explain to Rick Perry that challenging his fellow candidates to a duel isn't a legitimate debating strategy.The most light-hearted moment of the Las Vegas GOP debate was when Rick Perry regaled the audience with a story of the time he grabbed Rush Limbaugh's ass.Despite their vas
Top 10 Herman Cain Pickup Lines
Last night, it was reported in Politico and elsewhere that frontrunning Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain had allegedly sexually harassed two women who'd worked under him at the National Restaurant Association. The Cain campaign vigorously denies the allegations despite being ignorant about an undisclosed payout that also came with a nondisclosure agreement. Among the allegations were
Ricky Retardo, the Piece of Hot Dog in the Esophagus of America
There are different ways to interpret this speech that easily rivals the worst days Michele Bachmann or Herman Cain ever had on the campaign trail:There's the hypothesis that, just for shits and giggles, some practical joker in Perry's campaign hid his meds or slipped him a mickey just before this speech in New Hampshire last night. There's another that Perry somehow fell into a wormhole that ejac
What if I Say That'll We'll Never Surrender?
Instead of Radiohead, maybe we should send Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters to every occupied city in America, which is to say all of them, and maybe they can blast the riot police away like they did four years years ago in their "The Pretender" video. The top and third pictures were taken at Occupy Denver yesterday and the third one, if it isn't an iconic photo of police brutality and repression,
This is Cold
Some Saturday night rocking' to the snow. Cold's "Stupid Girl", dedicated to Michele Bachmann, a woman who is to history and science what Jack the Ripper was to women's rights.

Welcome to Pottersville 2 (U.S. Says "Huh?")

Bill Moyers Tells US "Democracy On the Ropes!"
Remember the changing of the guard in 2009? We may have another in 2013. Granted, Obama cuts a much better figure intellectually, but when measuring political results you might notice that he's actually achieved much more than George Dubya ever dreamed of. And not for "us" particularly (unless you're in that top .01%). It's almost cute to watch his dismay when the Rethugs won't even let him have
(What KIND of Fools Are We?) Welcome to the Greedocracy! (Karen Garcia at Sardonicky ROCKS!)
Robert Greenwald says it plainly with no apologies for being so presumptuous around his "betters." Will we? Meet the 0.01 Percent: War ProfiteersPosted by Robert Greenwald on @ 10:47 amArticle printed from speakeasy: http://blogs.alternet.org/speakeasyURL to article: http://blogs.alternet.org/speakeasy/2011/10/27/meet-the-0-01-percent-war-profiteers/ There’s the top 1% of wealthy Americans (
Unhappy Halloween (Message of OccupyEveryStreet? "We Are Ruled By Monsters: Put the Predators On Trial!")
THE TRICK - Being Played on the 99% The leaders and law makers in the government are psychopaths. The heads of the media, the military, and Wall Street are intraspecies predators. They are in complete control. We are ruled by monsters. You don’t think so? You can’t accept the idea that our society is completely dominated by these inhuman freaks? Well … ask yourself a couple of questions.
How the Legal System Was Deep-Sixed and Occupy Wall Street Swept the Land
Immunity and Impunity in Elite America How the Legal System Was Deep-Sixed and Occupy Wall Street Swept the Land Glenn Greenwald October 25, 2011 Tom Dispatch As intense protests spawned by Occupy Wall Street continue to grow, it is worth asking: Why now? The answer is not obvious. After all, severe income and wealth inequality have long plagued the United States. In fact, it could
Framing OWS - Why Is MSM So Afraid of OWS? Elaine Marshall - NC Sec. of State - ROCKS!
From my good buddy, Tony, at Wolves in the City: Wolves In The City *Mubarrak, Murdoch, Gaddafi. Bad year for Tony Blair's friends. Dubya next? Cliff Richards?*Thanks, Tony, we needed that! And from the Well-Armed Lamb we get a little bit of morning music: Well-Armed Lamb  Morning, hippies. Happy Weekend. Remember, if you HAVE a weekend, thank a Union! As the desperation
I've said for a very long time (since the stolen election in 2000 at least) that something big and societally dislocating must be in store for us as none of the events that were taking place made any sense otherwise. The subornation of the integrity of the once-unquestioned Supreme Court? The hundreds of obvious questions about the planning and implementation of the Incredibly Impossible 9/11

Wide Asleep in America

Occupy Oakland & Mercenaries of the Oligarchy:The 99% vs. The Iron Heel
"We are in power. Nobody will deny it. By virtue of that power we shall remain in power...We have no words to waste on you. When you reach out your vaunted strong hands for our palaces and purpled ease, we will show you what strength is. In roar of shell and shrapnel and in whine of machine-guns will our answer be couched. We will grind you revolutionists down under our heel, and we shall walk upo
This is Imperial Privilege
Operation Phantom Fury.Fallujah, November 8 - December 23, 2004.At least 2,000 Iraqis killed by the U.S. military, including hundreds of women and children; thousands injured; 300,000 displaced.Operation Cast Lead.Gaza, December 27, 2008- January 18, 2009.At least 1,385 - 1,417 Palestinians, including hundreds of women and children, killed by Israeli forces; 5,500 injured; more than 50,896 displac
Plumbing the Depths of Deception:Nancy Scola Ignores the H2Occupation of Palestine
An empty Palestinian agricultural reservoirJiftlik, Jordan Valley, West Bank, Palestine© Amnesty InternationalAn Israeli settlement swimming poolMaaleh Adumim, West Bank, Palestine© Angela Godfrey-Goldstein"[It is] of vital importance not only to secure all water resources already feeding the country, but also to control them at their source."- Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organi
Wall Street's Mike vs. The People's Mic:A Mayor, A Movement, and a Great Divide
2 "I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."- Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Taylor, May 28, 1816As Occupy Wall Street protests, demonstrations, and actions grow exponentially, expanding to hundreds of lo

Wit's End

Don Giovanni in a Blizzard of Snow
The newspapers are full of stories about the power outages following the snowstorm - power outages that are the result, mostly, of breaking branches and falling trees.  We will all be told that so many fell because the leaves were still on the trees - certainly, there is some truth in that.  But look at the pictures, with an excerpt from today's issue of the Star Ledger, followed by my comment:Tre
Just Don't Go Into the Pool
This is a very funny parody that succinctly reveals the invariably stupid and self-destructive behavior - say for example, polluting, over-extraction of resources, causing climate change, and atrocious overpopulation - typically engaged in by the human race (especially the ludicrously selfish, short-sighted, ecocidal spoiled suburban American subset)...oh, this will make you laugh!Thanks RPauli fo
Occupy Oakland
This is a little long - but it ends with what could in retrospect be the shot heard 'round the world:The corporatocracy is getting peeved, they are starting to lash back.Chris Hedges wrote another fascinating article about the Occupy movement, including this quote from Murray Bookchin (whose biography is worth checking out for his thoughts on ecology):"Radical politics in our time has come to
Ponder the Pond
2 Compare this photo from last year, October 29, 2010.  I was so thrilled with this pond scene, because it was proving difficult to find vestiges of the sorts of glorious autumn foliage we used to expect.The view below was taken today, the 25th.  Aside from the diminished number of leaves and their muted color, the pond is turgid and full of scum.  It's not surprising then, to read of all the &q
November 6 Circle the White House
Sigh.  Being a very, very extreme and very dangerous activist (according to David Koch!)  is turning out to be practically a full-time job.  So, you know where I'll be November 6!  [And shhhhh...watch out for another climate zombie action that weekend, too.]  Here's one call to circle the White House, which is also a nice example of how, being denied megaphones or other amplification, the
Biostitution and Marginal Leaf Burn - towards A New Vocabulary
This is the time of year when I generally check in with the USDA Forest Service's annual national Biomonitering Program, which has been collecting and analyzing samples of leaves for ozone damage at plots around the country, every year since 1994.  I wouldn't want the friendly fellow at the Northern Research Station who returned my call to get in trouble, so I'm not going to reveal his nam

  ( we move to canada )

urgent! new threat to toronto public library: make your voice heard
Read and sign the petition!From Our Public Library::* * * *The first order of business of Mayor Ford’s handpicked Toronto Library Board was to cut 100 librarians and other staff.Even though there is not a single children’s librarian in the entire system and library staff has already been reduced by 10% since amalgamation of the City, the Library Board dutifully cut the budget by millions with litt
greetings from new york city
We're here early this year, visiting friends and family now instead of over US Thanksgiving. Occupy Wall Street is definitely on the agenda. Probably not much blogging though.
monday, november 7 in toronto: a very special evening with s. brian willson
S. Brian Willson is a Vietnam veteran and peace activist. In September 1987, he lost both his legs when he was run over by a US government munitions train during a nonviolent blocking action. Willson recently published a memoir, Blood on the Tracks; you can hear or read an interview with him by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! here.Next Monday, November 7, Brian will be speaking in Toronto, at a fund
guerrilla librianship meets the occupied wall street journal
From the Occupied Wall Street Journal #3:Howard Zinn is here. Dominick Dunne and Tom Wolfe, too. Ernest Hemingway and Barbara Ehrenreich and Dr. Who and Beowulf: All here, and all free. Barnes & Noble may be endangered and the Borders across the street closed months ago, but The People’s Library at Liberty Square is open for business and thriving.That a lending library would spring up fully op
infographic: the u.s. should be ashamed, but canada has little to brag about
I found this telling infographic in a column by Charles Blow in the New York Times called "America's Exploding Pipe Dream". If you can't read it here, go here and click on the pop-up box.We have not taken care of the least among us. We have allowed a revolting level of income inequality to develop. We have watched as millions of our fellow countrymen have fallen into poverty. And we have done a po
occupy toronto vigil for iraq veteran and peace activist scott olsen
If you missed the story: 24 year-old Iraq War veteran beaten into critical condition by police.

WPB/NYC and Anything Else

The Big Fix - New Orleans Premiere Press Conference - Stuart Smith from Jason Be...
The Big Fix - New Orleans Premiere Press Conference - Stuart Smith from Jason Berry on Vimeo.The Big Fix - New Orleans Premiere - Dean Blanchard from Jason Berry on Vimeo.
Found on Facebookposted by Laura M.
Found on Facebookposted by Laura M.
Found on Facebookposted by Laura M.
Found on Facebookposted by Laura M.
[no title]
[no title]

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Want to stay well? Try meditation: Study claims it boosts our minds and immune systems
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How you CAN beat your 'fat genes' and lose weight... with exercise
When getting in to last season’s clothes is a struggle, it is all too easy to tell ourselves that being plump is in our genes. But those cursed with the ‘fat gene’ are mistakenly shunning exercise in the belief they are powerless to shift those extra pounds, a study claims. Experts have found that when it comes to our weight, we are not slaves to our genes after all. Getting into shape: We
Never put meat on the top shelf and beware of raw vegetables: Could your fridge KILL YOU?
Gleaming white and perfectly cool, the kitchen fridge seems a safe haven for your food. But if you believe that, you may be in for a nasty surprise.A study has revealed that refrigerator salad drawers can contain up to 750 times the level of bacteria considered safe, with potential killers such as E.Coli 0157, salmonella and listeria lurking in our fridges at much higher rates than previousl
Can't sleep? Forget milk or camomile tea and try pouring yourself a cherry juice
Forget hot milk or camomile tea. If you’re struggling to sleep at night, sip a glass of cherry juice.The drink significantly improves both the quality and duration of sleep, according to scientists. But it may not offer particularly sweet dreams, as only a sour type of the juice has the desired effect. Scientists have found that sour cherry juice will help insomniacs sleep Researchers from the
Do you suffer from Marilyn's breathless tones, have heart problems or impotence? Learn to breathe, says an expert
Tell someone you are learning to breathe and no doubt you’ll be met with puzzled stares. Inhale, then exhale, there’s no right or wrong way – it’s just something we do without thinking, isn’t it? Well, no. As a respiratory physiotherapist, I treat patients with a wide variety of health problems – from asthma to stress – that are exacerbated or even triggered by incorrect breathing patterns.
Wall of fat in the abdomen helps fuel the spread of ovarian cancer
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