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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

13 November - Environmental Politics

More tents at OccupyImage by Matt From London via Flickr
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 20:  Artwork is proj...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
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SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 20:  Conductor Micha...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
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Friday, October 28, 2011

More great content creators coming to YouTube

Wonderful things happen when cool technology meets great entertainment. Cable television expanded our viewing possibilities from just a handful of channels to hundreds, and brought us some of the most defining media experiences of the last few decades-- think MTV, ESPN and CNN. Today, the web is bringing us entertainment from an even wider range of talented producers, and many of the defining channels of the next generation are being born, and watched, on YouTube.

Today we’re announcing that even more talented creators and original entertainment will soon join YouTube’s existing channel lineup, including channels created by well-known personalities and content producers from the TV, film, music, news, and sports fields, as well as some of the most innovative up-and-coming media companies in the world and some of YouTube’s own existing partners. These channels will have something for everyone, whether you’re a mom, a comedy fan, a sports nut, a music lover or a pop-culture maven.

Our goal with this channels expansion, along with the grants and educational programs we’ve launched in the past year, is to bring an even broader range of entertainment to YouTube, giving you more reasons to keep coming back again and again. And for advertisers, these channels will represent a new way to engage and reach their global consumers.

The first of these new original channels will appear on YouTube starting next month and will continue over the next year. They’ll be available to you on any internet-connected device, anywhere in the world, with all the interactivity and social features of YouTube built right in.

Be the first to know when the original channels launch by signing up here. For a sneak peak, take a look here.

Robert Kyncl, Global Head of Content Partnerships, recently watched “Halloween Light Show 2011.”
citizentube This week's top news on @YouTube: Penn State scandal, Eurozone crisis and the 'oops' heard around the world goo.gl/WTF8w yesterday · reply · retweet · favorite

Add to. Festival 2011: THE LOVE WE MAKE teaserby tiff1367 views · Thumbnail 2:34. Add to. Festival 2011_ LAST CALL AT THE OASIS ...
11-10-2011 by fendy
Last Call at the Oasis features interviews with activist Erin Brockovich and experts Peter Gleick, Alex Prud'homme, Jay Famiglietti and Robert Glennon. The deal was negotiated by ATO's head of acquisitions Sarah Lash, with ...
  1. Le Havre (PG)
    1.  12:45 PM |
    2.  3:15 PM |
    3.  7:15 PM |
    4.  9:30 PM |
  2. Mill and the Cross (14A)
    1.  1:45 PM |
    2.  4:30 PM |
    3.  6:45 PM |
    4.  9:00 PM |
  3. Mysteries of Lisbon (14A)
    1.  12:00 PM |
    2.  6:15 PM |
  4. Piers Handling on Rear Window
    1.  5:00 PM | 
    2. Wind Across the Everglades (14A) 1:00 PM 

Programmer's Note

When was the last time you worried about getting a glass of fresh water? In some parts of the world, it’s a daily anxiety. But for most people in developed countries, it never registers as a concern. You might consider yourself lucky, but water experts consider you dangerously deluded. In Last Call at the Oasis, we hear from scientists, activists and average citizens who are on the front lines of confronting an impending global water crisis. There’s no escaping it, but shifting our behaviour can lessen the impact. This requires a change in thinking — from individuals, governments and corporations. This invigorating wake-up call from the producers of Food, Inc. and An Inconvenient Truth can play a part.

Doc about more-urgent-than-you-think water issues wisely focuses on their relevance to the U.S.
Take Part

LastCallOasis RT @wendynuale: The U.S. Wastes 7 Billion Gallons of Drinking Water a Day: Can Innovation Help Solve the Problem? http://t.co/w8YC5vxP 6 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite
LastCallOasis Groundwater gets no respect, no respect at all. http://t.co/sQ8Q8Ymn 6 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite
LastCallOasis Attn Designers: How would you depict the water crisis? (Get your work featured at Times Square!) http://t.co/cx4Dyn8i 11 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite
The U.S. EPA has just released test results indicating that at least one common fracking chemical has contaminated drinking water in the town of Pavillion, Wyoming. The finding is significant because the natural gas industry has long denied any systematic connection between its fracking operations and harm to water supplies, despite a growing body of anecdotal evidence. Denial has traditionally be.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Bringing the very best of what we do to the veteran community

Cross posted from the Official Google Blog.

We believe that technology can be a force for good; one that builds and binds community. As a Googler, my proudest moments are when we take that technology and put it in the hands of people who can use it to communicate, collaborate, build and explore.

Today, on Veterans Day, I am proud to share a few Google tools and platforms for the military veteran community. They can be accessed on our website, Google for Veterans and Families, which was created by veterans and their family and friends, who work at Google. This single interface brings together Google products and platforms for servicemembers and their families. We believe it will be useful to all veterans, whether still in the service, transitioning out, or on a new path in their civilian lives. Here are some examples of what you’ll find on the site:

  • VetConnect - This tool helps servicemembers connect, communicate and share their experiences with others who have served using the Google+ platform.
  • Google Veterans Channel - A YouTube channel for discussion about military service for veterans, their families and the public. Veterans can share their experiences with each other as well as with civilians to help shed light on the importance and complexity of service. If you have not served, this is a great place to offer your thanks by uploading a tribute video.
  • Resume Builder powered by Google Docs - We found that Docs can be a particularly helpful tool to transitioning service members seeking employment. Resume Builder generates an auto-formatted resume that can be easily edited, saved and downloaded to share with potential employers.
  • Tour Builder powered by Google Earth (coming soon). A new way to tell your military story. Today, you can view some sample “tours”— 3D maps of veterans’ service histories, complete with photos and videos. Stay tuned for more details and updates on the Google Lat Long Blog.
It’s been a proud month for those of us here at Google who are veterans or family of veterans.

In October, 100 Googlers visited the Soldier and Family Assistance Center at West Point to conduct resume writing workshops for members of the Warrior Transition Unit. And, just two weeks ago, we traveled to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to teach wounded, ill and injured servicemembers how to use Google tools to stay in touch with their loved ones while in recovery.

Finally, this week, we introduced the Veterans Job Bank in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Veterans Job Bank is a customized job search engine in the National Resource Directory (NRD), which is powered by Google Custom Search technology and crawls the web for JobPosting markup from Schema.org to identify veteran-committed job openings.

Even playing a small part to serve those who have served has been an honor.

Carrie Laureno, Audience Evangelist and Founder, Google Veterans Network, recently watched "A message from the First Lady."

YouTube Tonight at 5pm PT/8pm ET: Watch the CBS News Republican Debate live streaming at youtube.com/cbsnewsonline yesterday · reply · retweet · favorite
YouTube UK Tweeples: Happy #BritainInADay UK based? Get filming! Extraordinary or ordinary, you have one week to upload at youtube.com/britaininaday yesterday · reply · retweet · favorite
citizentube This week's top news on @YouTube: Penn State scandal, Eurozone crisis and the 'oops' heard around the world goo.gl/WTF8w yesterday · reply · retweet · favorite
YouTube How @YouTube, Video Games and Culture Collide: goo.gl/fRr4d via @YouTubeTrends 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

YouTube Blog will be included in 'Netvibes - Private ' posts
  Occupy Wall Street Donates $7,500 in Cold-Weather Gear to Occupy Edmonton   Edmonton, AB – Occupy Wall Street just approved a $7,500 donation to Occupy Edmonton, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to help grow the global occupy movement. Oc...

The Occupy protesters have been ridiculed by the press, celebrated by the left, and reviled by the right—but rarely allowed to speak for themselves. After the initial New York protest morphed into a national movement in October, reporters struggled to understand the spectacle and pundits stepped in ...

I am putting this here in case it becomes difficult to find on the Internet at some point. This is the recipe and dosage directions for Essiac tea. This originally came from curezone.com. Please go to that website to find out more about the origins, uses and history of Essiac tea. “Snow gives complete instructions for preparing the brew....Source: The Truther Girls' Blog
Occupy: Transition to Global Wealth Redistribution In 2003, a representative from a US thinktank lectured a class of Generals here in Quebec about the coming transition and accompanying social unrest. From what I can tell, the social unrest is here in the form of the Occupy movement, and the transition is one into global wealth redistribution. On top of what I will show you in this video, I noticed today that in the...Source: The Truther Girls 
Lucis Trust Behind the Occupy Movement? When I heard about this, I just HAD to investigate- and my findings are none too reassuring. http://15october.net/ http://www.lucistrust.org/en/c
ontact_us http://www.lucistrust.org/en/home__1 http://www.blavatsky.net/ From: thetruthergirls Views: 140 18 ratings Time: 05:00 More in News & Politics...

Dealing With Stress and Negative People video response to DEMCAD From: thetruthergirls Views: 152 19 ratings Time: 05:32 More in People & Blogs...

Anita Goes to an NA Meeting Anita goes to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and gets a lot out of it. From: thetruthergirls Views: 26 3 ratings Time: 01:55 More in Comedy...

Today on The Truther Girls, I will be talking to ivestigative reporter Janet Phelan about the murder of people who have been put under conservatorship. See Janet’s website at janetphelan.com We will be discussing the issue in general, but we will focus on the coroner coverup of a suspicious death of a conservatee, Raymond Horspool, who died at age 90 in in Riverside County, California. His son, J....

Erin Brockovich's H20 Crusade 

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( The Truther Girls' have been added to 'Netvibes - Private' lists )

 A Sample taglist from Diigo -oldephartte -  'Science'

Zurich to provide political risk insurance for carbon credit projects - provides coverage for companies investing in programs to limit greenhouse gas emissions

Under the Kyoto Protocol – an international treaty created to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions linked to global warming – certain types of projects are eligible for carbon credits based on the level of greenhouse gases reduced. The carbon credit market – currently estimated to be $US60 billion – has doubled during the last two years. The protocol provides the means to monetise the environmental benefits of reducing GHGs and sell the emissions credits.
Zurich’s policy helps to protect against risk of host government actions that might prevent an investor from receiving benefits associated with emission credits generated.
Zurich’s global group earlier this year launched a climate initiative which has a three-pillar approach:
  • Establishing an internal Climate Office that is charged with driving an understanding of climate-related risks across its businesses and is fully embedded in Zurich’s underwriting infrastructure;
  • Establishing a Climate Change Advisory Council that will directly report on strategic and operational issues associated with climate change; and
  • Launching an applied research program with organisations and institutions to examine the critical economic, finance and policy issues associated with climate change.
The main objective of Zurich’s market-focused global climate change initiative is to understand the emerging weather, financial and regulatory risks associated with climate change and to develop products and services that allow customers to cope with these risks.
In Australia, Zurich has announced two local climate-related initiatives for its General Insurance business:
  • Zurich will be offering flood cover to its commercial clients by September – the first Australian insurer to automatically include the cover in its base wordings for commercial customers, and
  • piloting a comprehensive programme – through brokers – to help SME customers understand and adapt to climate change-related risks.
 ( This in a place where fire and drought combine with wild weather - and a lack of historical records to establish normal variation. I immediately thought of the last great typhoon floods. )


The NSW Government has ordered the state's electricity retailers to itemise the impact of the carbon tax and renewable energy schemes on energy bills.
Those with strong “egalitarian” and “communitarian” worldviews (marked by an inclination toward collective action and social justice, concern about inequality and suspicion of corporate power) overwhelmingly accept the scientific consensus on climate change. On the other hand, those with strong “hierarchical” and “individualistic” worldviews (marked by opposition to government assistance for the poor and minorities, strong support for industry and a belief that we all get what we deserve) overwhelmingly reject the scientific consensus. - Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein was the wrong person to send to a heavy-weight science conference — in “Capitalism vs Climate” she notices hundreds of details, but they’re all the wrong ones. Naomi can tell you the colour of the speakers hair, what row they sat in, and the expression on their face — it adds such an a...
 ( But has promoted faceless generalization of others' views into a frame promoted by 'liberal' press : Strawman Argumentation...political propaganda )

Is Maurice Strong The Global Warming Godfather?

hubpages.com › All ForumsEducation and Science
6 posts - 2 authors
Is Maurice Strong The Global Warming Godfather? in the HubPages Education and Science Forum.
Sep 12, 2011 ... NASA Satellite Data Nullifies Global Warming Conspiracy. ... Debt Ceiling Cut Backs: Defund Obama's $10 Billion To Brazil For Off Shore Oil Drilling! ... has fallen steadily to 48 percent in 2011, from 62 percent in 2007, an opinion ... Maurice Strong: The climate change and economic crisis require a degree ...
May 9, 2010 ... The global warming scare is turning out to be the biggest scam ever devised. ... Carbon Credit fraud causes more than 5 billion euros damage for European Taxpayer ... Maurice strong is at the forefront of the CO2 monetization. ... Power prices would increase by 50 percent after 2012. … the auctions will ...
Despite billions of dollars and millions of propaganda headlines, the global .... absorb 50 percent of man-made CO2 – that is, that there is no imminent global warming. ... Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on ...
Global Warming Myth and Marxism. 6 government run by the U.N.. Maurice Strong and the U.N. set up the 1997 Kyoto conference on global warming. ...
cultivated by Maurice Strong. With no evidence global warming and human production of CO2 become political issue when NGO's and other groups led ...
Maurice Strong. Tim Wirth. Richard Benedick. A sample trio of the Malthusians behind the global warming hysteria. retary-General, and chaired the gigantic ...
11-10-2011 by DJ Redman
... Pew Center on Global Climate Change. The President of the Clinton/Gore retread of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, which is now being called C2ES is none other than Eileen Claussen. .... I know who and what this witch is and she is a Maurice Strong acholite, prodige', and sicophant who has trees growing out of her butt, who believes like Maurice Strong does that America is the number one polluter in the world. She also believes that everything that ...
10-14-2011 by wilshire
ConspiracyTheory, Global Warming, Maurice Strong, One World Order · Wall Street rules..Why were Alessio Rastani's revelations such a shock?..He was Honest!. Julian Huppert MP Calls for Legalisation of Drugs ...
1-21-2010 by environmental4u
“Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsiblity to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme. “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… ...
10-6-2011 by admin
Is Global Warming nothing more than a Ten Trillion Dollar Scam? Maurice Strong is the resident of People's Republic of China. He is the head of the Council of the United Nation's University of Peace. This university comes ...

US Marine base for Darwin

Two-thirds of all US Marines are based in the Pacific, with big concentrations at US bases on Okinawa Island in Japan and Guam, a US territory 2000 kilometres north of Papua New Guinea.
''This is all about the rise of China, the modernisation of the People's Liberation Army and, particularly, it's about the increased vulnerability of US forces in Japan and Guam to the new generation of Chinese missiles,'' said Alan Dupont, the Michael Hintze professor of international security at Sydney University.
''The new Chinese missiles could threaten them in a way they've never been able to before, so the US is starting to reposition them to make them less vulnerable. Australia's 'tyranny of distance' is now a distinct strategic advantage.''
Professor Dupont, a former Australian Defence official and intelligence analyst, said the ''Australian strategic rationale is that we are also hedging against increasing Chinese military power and their capacity to destabilise maritime trade routes. And we want to get closer to the US.

Nimitz battle group -- USS Nimitz aircraft carrier, guided-missile cruiser USS Port ... force and see why they have become so important to U.S. naval operations. ...
missiles are unlikely to penetrate the battle group's integrated air defenses, ... The United States Navy operates twelve large-deck aircraft carriers that are the ...
The anti-ship ballistic missile challenge to U.S. maritime operations in the Western .... to counter aircraft carrier battle groups operating in the Western Pacific. ...

Mar 31, 2009 ... After years of conjecture, details have begun to emerge of a "kill weapon" developed by the Chinese to target and destroy U.S. aircraft carriers. ...
Apr 1, 2009 ... And what it says is that the US carrier group is scrap metal. ... specifically designed to kill US aircraft carriers: “Because the missile employs a ...

U.S. aircraft carrier frequent protests around China


Leaked memo discloses that 16,500 service personnel could be made redundant in total over the next three years


Produced in April 2009. This video contains a list of countries which are involved into chemtrail activity. 
Did you get your dose of Aluminium & Barium today?


This is a short segment of a longer interview withenvironmental activist and researcher, Sofia Smallstorm, producer of 9-11 Mysteries, who has for the past 3...


The ongoing radiation catastrophe stemming from three out-of-control nuclear reactors in Fukushima, Japan, has taken a back seat to far graver news events of late: Michael Jackson's doctor, fund-raising by presidential hopefuls, the World Series and Netflix stock.

The world’s most deadly food

Shrimp from the Gulf

black spots were "burnt through the shells"

More than 120,000 claimants have signed on to the federal lawsuit against BP and other energy firms, claiming financial and personal loss after the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion. The explosion on April 20, 2010, killed 11 workers and gushed more than 155 million gallons of crude into the Gulf, making it the worst oil spill in U.S. history. The legal proceedings, which begin in February, are expected to eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.


‎120,000 parties have joined federal lawsuit seeking damages from firms responsible for disaster.


Less than two years after the BP oil disaster and before Congress has passed one single law to make drilling safer, the Obama Administration has given a green light to expand offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic Ocean. Opening new areas to drilling before proper safeguards have been put in place is a reckless gamble. Oil companies are still using the same kind of blowout preventer that failed on the Deepwater Horizon rig. They are still relying on the same cleanup techniques used in the Exxon Valdez spill 22 years ago.


As Keystone XL protesters savor their victory to postpone the pipeline project, another oil policy decision this week did not turn out so well; a plan to expand drilling operations in the oil-damaged Gulf and&a...

‎***Please Share*** http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=311216412237332 (Facebook Event page) http://releaseteslasresearch.weebly.com/
(Release Tesla's Research Website) On January 7th 2012, the Anniversary of the death of one of history's most brilliant scientists, Nikola Tesla, we will stand together and demand ...See More


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