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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

17 November - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

Painting on the Tulalip tribal center (ca. 199...Image via Wikipedia
The headquarters of the United States Environm...Image via Wikipedia

To Do

Sacramento Bee
17, 2011 -- /PRNewswire/ -- DTE Energy was recognized by the US Department of Energy (DOE) for its leadership in promoting renewable energy through the company's GreenCurrents renewable energy program. DTE Energy was presented with the Green Power ...
Power Engineering Magazine
According to new research by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, more than 15 percent of total energy production will come from renewable sources in 20 years. This projection includes large hydro, and shows an increase from the 12.6 percent global renewable ...
Virginia Business Magazine
If Whitman were really serious about promoting jobs in the energy sector, she would be talking about energy efficiency and renewable energy. They not only create more jobs than nuclear, they are cheaper, safer, and can be deployed much more quickly. ...
Energy Digital
Four leading green power organizations were recognized for their efforts in expanding renewable energy to customers and creating thousands of jobs at yesterday's 11th annual Green Power Leadership Awards in San Francisco, Calif. ...
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Human Habitat

Lonik was the first executive director of the Legacy Land Conservancy, based in Ann Arbor, and for the last decade Lonik has been president of Treemore Ecology and Land Services, Inc. The business' focus has been staffing locally-funded land ...
The headwaters of the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers in the northwest province are important sources of fresh water for the whole country and essential to ecology on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The Lancang River, the upper stream of the Mekong River ...
Access Washington
TULALIP RESERVATION – The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology), US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), US Coast Guard and Tulalip Tribe are monitoring a tank leaking ammonia on Tulare Beach on the Tulalip Indian Reservation. ...
Arizona State University
Details of the complex modeling experiments conducted at Arizona State University and the University of Colorado Denver will be published in the December issue of the journal Human Ecology, available online Nov. 17. “To better understand human ecology, ...
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Water Power

Huffington Post
New research that suggests Jupiter's moon Europa has a body of water the size of the Great Lakes just two miles below its icy surface has brought scientists one step closer to determining whether or not the freezing satellite is suitable for the ...
Water intake by oil and gas will rise 96 per cent, led by oilsands use, the report says. This is the Syncrude plant and tailings pond near Fort McMurray, Alta.Water intake by oil and gas will rise 96 per cent, led by oilsands use, the report says. ...
San Francisco Chronicle
Dentists and children's health advocates in California are cheering a decision to add fluoride to the drinking water of San Jose — the largest city nationwide without the cavity-fighting mineral in its water supply. The San Jose Mercury News reports ...
Market Intelligence Center
American Water Works Company (NYSE: AWK) closed Wednesday's trading session at $30.56. In the past year, the stock has hit a 52-week low of $23.84 and 52-week high of $31.49. American Water Works (AWK) stock has been showing support around $30.19 and ...
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