US Politics & Gov't

Texas Rep Lamar Smith probably never anticipated the fierce world-wide public outrage that SOPA provoked over the last week. Such intense opposition to Internet-related law hasn't been seen since the 2003 battle for copy-protection technology in PCs.

US Politics & Gov't

The Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) -- a bill now before the House Judiciary Committee -- is a threat to America's ability to lead the Internet, and must be defeated before it has a chance to damage America's ability to generate jobs and economic growth.
Propaganda for Punishing 'the Enemy'
US Politics & Gov't
John - 11 minutes ago - opitslinkfest.blogspot.com
US Politics & Gov't

Collected stories on the history of Iran, relations with the U.S.. nuclear technology, the NPT and how Iran is restrained from abridging it ( while others claim it should,IAEA is defunded and overworked,etc. history of Middle East nonproliferation failure
Iran Takes Up the Nuclear Cudgel
US Politics & Gov't
John - 1 hour ago - atimes.com
US Politics & Gov't

The second international conference on nuclear disarmament hosted by Tehran gets barely a mention in the Western media, despite featuring delegates from 40 nations the United Nations and the IAEA 40 years of conventions produced no progress in West
Russian Warships Entering Syrian Waters to Inhibit Foreign Invasion as Opposition Calls for No-Fly Zone
Walter L - 9 hours ago - endthelie.com

Haaretz characterizes this move as "a clear message to the West that Moscow would resist any foreign intervention in the country's civil unrest," and indeed it is a clear message that comes with threat of military repercussions.
Iran Isn't the Only One Misbehaving
US Politics & Gov't
John - 7 hours ago - globalpost.com
US Politics & Gov't

Ways in which the U.S. has continually harassed and punished Iran ( Much more at http://www.campaigniran.org/casmii/ )
CO2 Emitted By the Poor Nations and Absorbed By the Rich
Science & Tech
John - 2 days ago - joannenova.com.au
Science & Tech

If the evil modern polluters were producing more CO2 we'd see higher levels of CO2 there.Highest emissions are in China, and central Africa.The methane picture is remarkably similar.CO2 From the Evil Western Polluters meme has a serious hole in it
UC Davis Chancellor Called to Resign After Police Pepper Spray Students
US Politics & Gov't
John - 2 days ago - dissenter.firedoglake.com
US Politics & Gov't

UC Davis students showed solidarity with students at other UC campuses facing tuition increases and have been the victim of police brutality : Students sat on the ground in a circle ...he began spraying the students with orange-colored pepper spray.
Flibe Energy
Science & Tech
John - 2 days ago - flibe-energy.com
Science & Tech

New company will develop small modular reactors based on liquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) technology, use a chemically stable medium as fuel and coolant, making them much safer to operate than conventional reactors. HT http://ergosphere.blogspot.com

US Politics & Gov't

War profiteers benefit from the same corrupt system that bolsters the wealth of stock traders: this country provides more democracy, freedom and protection to the very wealthy than to the average citizen.
Welcome to a "Hung" Democracy
John - 2 days ago - joannenova.com.au

so it came to pass that a small band of the selfish or deluded came to steal the blood, sweat and toil of the many.They lied, broke solemn promises, failed to provide evidence,hid the models the public were forced to pay for, gave patrons highly paid jobs
Weight of Chains
US Politics & Gov't
John - 2 days ago - youtube.com

US Politics & Gov't

Destruction of Yugoslavia via IMF reforms, NATO intervention
On the Credibility of Climate Research Part II : Rebuilding Trust
John - 3 days ago - curry.eas.gatech.edu

Scientists are claiming that the scientific content of the IPCC reports is not compromised by climategate.Has a combination of groupthink, political advocacy and a noble cause syndrome stifled scientific debate, slowed down scientific progress and corrupt
Big Media's Double Standards on Iran
Walter L - 5 days ago - consortiumnews.com

Exclusive: The mainstream U.S. press corps is again pounding the propaganda war drums, this time over dubious accusations of Iran's secret work on a nuclear bomb. It is a pattern of bias that Robert Parry calls the U.S. media's worst -- and most dangerous
One Veteran's Rough Path From Killing and Torturing to Peace
US Politics & Gov't
Walter L - 4 days ago - opednews.com
US Politics & Gov't

Not yet 30, Evan Knappenberger has already lived several lives. His story destroys the U.S. government's case against whistleblower Bradley Manning, exposes the toxic mix of fraud and incompetence that creates U.S. war policies, and highlights the damage
Could Congress Be Crippling the Internet ?
Society & Culture
John - 4 days ago - current.com
Society & Culture

Two pieces of legislation making their way through Congress could change the Internet completely, for site owners and users...set to be passed before Christmas, against the objections of tech advocacy groups and major tech companies
Kidnapping and Ransom Rampant in the US
US Politics & Gov't
John - 5 days ago - dollarvigilante.com
US Politics & Gov't

kidnappers are becoming more predatory and beginning to demand higher ransoms as the economic environment in the US continues to decline. The US has 5% of the population of the world but does 22% of the kidnapping.
Need Indoctrination for Jail, Debt Enslavement?
US Politics & Gov't
Walter L - 7 days ago - dollarvigilante.com
US Politics & Gov't

We've written for years (see Debtucation) about the scourge of schooling. For decades, governments have been promoting school as being necessary... All public school is, in the US today, is indoctrination for jail or to train you to be a cubicle rat for
BPA Effect on Female Attraction to Men
Health & Wellness
Kate - 6 days ago - pregnancyfitnessguide.org
Health & Wellness

To all the men out there, you definitely want to watch this video. Female mice were not attracted to male mice who had been exposed to bisphenol a.
The Two Year Window
Health & Wellness
John - 6 days ago - tnr.com
International Day of Action Against Depleted Uranium Weapons - Sunday, November 6th
PeasantDi - 15 days ago - bandepleteduranium.org
Health & Wellness

Romanian orphanages study - new research - damage to the telomeres could change the timing of how some cells develop, including those in the brain. a signal that neglect of very young children changes architecture Hat Tip Ezra Klein ( ICE detainees ? )
Even the Cleanest Wastewater Contributes to More 'Super Bacteria'
Science & Tech
John - 6 days ago - esciencenews.com
Science & Tech

Standard wastewater treatment technologies probably release far greater quantities of antibiotic-resistant genes used by bacteria Study examined the impact of municipal wastewater on pristine surface waters near Duluth
Detainees: Working For $1 A Day, Using Phone for $5 A Minute
John - 6 days ago - blogs.alternet.org

CCA and GEO the two larges private prison operators currently profit close to $5 billion and their share prices are at an all-time high CCA has spent $14.8 million lobbying for anti-immigration laws Immigrant and civil rights organizations vigil Nov 18
Mixed Messages on Climate 'Vulnerability'
John - 6 days ago - bbc.co.uk

"Long-term trends in normalized economic disaster losses cannot be reliably attributed to natural or anthropogenic climate change"- IPCC Hat Tip http://pc.blogspot.com/
Disturbing Footage! The US Army Doesn't Want You To See THIS! - YouTube
US Politics & Gov't
Walter L - 7 days ago - youtube.com

US Politics & Gov't

Showing the Crimes of the Industrial Military Complex and War Machine, Please Do Your Part To Make This Video Viral and then become active in each moment FROM this point onwards to stop this MADNESS!! Disturbing Footage!!
Cherri Foytlin Tells of Her Arrest at the BP Protest in NOLA
John - 7 days ago - bpoilslick.blogspot.com

Non-violent Direct Action Protest by environmentalists, community organizers, fishermen and clean-up workers who have negotiated for nearly 16 months - to little or no avail.
Fracking Without Water
Science & Tech
John - 12 days ago - circleofblue.org
Science & Tech

A new method of hydraulic fracturing utilizes reusable liquid propane gas instead of water to release underground natural gas deposits ( but that still crazes bedrock allowing poisons to percolate past confinement )


Also happens to be UN's Day for Prevention of the Exploitation of the Environment during Wars & Armed Conflicts. Anti-DU events taking place worldwide so check here for what's near you. See what Belgium, Australia, US, Finland, Japan are doing for 11/6
UN Endorses Iran's Draft Resolution on Nuclear Disarmament
John - 16 days ago - tehrantimes.com

The First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) of the United Nations General Assembly has approved Iran's proposed resolution on nuclear disarmament
Iran Is Run By the CIA
John - 16 days ago - aangirfan.blogspot.com

In which the girls learn how to write a headline with punch - and they have done excellent research too
Teen Discovers Promising Cystic Fibrosis Treatment
Science & Tech
John - 189 days ago - ca.news.yahoo.com
Science & Tech

Marshall Zhang received first place Tuesday (May 10) in the 2011 Sanofi-Aventis BioTalent Challenge. He used a supercomputer system to find a new drug combination that shows potential in treating the genetic disorder cystic fibrosis
Mississippi Rising: Apocalypse Now?
Science & Tech
John - 203 days ago - dailyimpact.net
Science & Tech

The Mississippi River, its tributaries swollen by snowmelt and stormwater, is rising toward a flood level that could equal or exceed anything in its recorded history.The Mississippi River is going to change course
Dead, Missing and Jailed BP Whistle-Blowers -- Astonishing
John - 223 days ago - thecomingcrisis.blogspot.com

From Real Coastal Warriors on Facebook More posted Apr 3 - see main feed
Alarming NOAA Data, Rapid Pole Shift
John - 291 days ago - modernsurvivalblog.com

Since 1860, the magnetic pole shift has more than doubled every 50 years.During the past 10 years, the magnetic north pole has shifted nearly half of the total distance of the past 50 years! IOW, the pole shift has apparently sped up substantially
How Can We Have A Healthy Economy If Virtually Everything We Eat And Drink Is Constantly Making Us All Sick?
Health & Wellness
John - 330 days ago - theeconomiccollapseblog.com
Health & Wellness

The vast majority of Americans gladly consume aspartame, fluoride, BPA, genetically-modified food, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup, pharmaceutical drugs and toxic vaccines without any concern for their health.
Greenpeace Sues Corporate Spies in US
John - 350 days ago - greenpeace.org

Greenpeace USA has filed a lawsuit against Dow Chemical, Sasol North America and PR firms Dezenhall Resources and Ketchum, for hiring private investigators to steal documents from Greenpeace, tap our phones and hack into our computers.
U.N. Climate Panel Urged to Reform, Stick to Science
Science & Tech
John - 439 days ago - newsdaily.com
Science & Tech

The U.N. climate panel should make predictions only when it has solid evidence and should avoid policy advocacy, scientists said in a report on Monday that called for thorough reform of the body. IPCC errors show science behind global warming questionable
Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed
John - 475 days ago - prisonplanet.com

Prisonplanet.com July 30, 2010 Adulteration of the planet's staple crops, genetically-altered species and intentionally-altered water, food and air all amount to a Eugenics operation
Big Pharma Nanotechnology Encodes Pills With Tracking Data That You Swallow
Science & Tech
John - 488 days ago - sott.net
Science & Tech

from Natural News : Nanotechnologists are deconstructing the basic building blocks of materials and elements to make completely new ones. Nanoscientists are reconstructing the molecular building blocks of our world without knowing what may happen.
The Escalating Chemical War on Weeds and the Return of Agent Orange to Your Fields
Science & Tech
John - 491 days ago - current.com
Science & Tech

As is the nature of 'nature,' weeds would eventually evolve to withstand Roundup. The glory days lasted about a decade. The superweeds evolved faster than anyone imagined-- and with a vengeance.
Warning To Gulf Volunteers
Health & Wellness
John - 492 days ago - businessinsider.com
Health & Wellness

The expert that CNN had on said that the life expectancy for those who worked to clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill is only about 51 years.The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is now many times worse than the Exxon Valdez disaster.
The Boreal Forest: Part of a Global Warming Fraud of Gigantic Proportions?
John - 531 days ago - theflucase.com

If there really is a global climate change problem, then Canada's 200 million hectares of forests, specifically its Boreal Forest, must be part of the solution.200 million hectares of Canada's managed forest was simply dropped without a word from Kyoto
13 Million Acres of GMO Corn Illegally Planted in US
Science & Tech
John - 539 days ago - foodfreedom.wordpress.com
Science & Tech

Farmers growing 13.23 million acres of genetically engineered (GE) corn to kill insect pests aren't complying with federal requirements, a new report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Farmers must plant refuges to prevent resistance.
Oil Spill Clean-Up Workers Getting Sick
Health & Wellness
John - 547 days ago - switchboard.nrdc.org
Health & Wellness

Many of the fishermen who signed up to work for BP cleaning up the oil signed contracts that forbid them from talking to the press.The wives of some of the fishermen spoke out publicly about the symptoms their husbands were experiencing.
9 Unexpected Things in Drinking Water
Health & Wellness
John - 575 days ago - waterman99.wordpress.com
Health & Wellness

An analysis of federal data from the last five years revealed that more than 20 percent of the nation's water-treatment systems have broken provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act,19 million sickened each year
Whistle Blower Comes Forward With Solid Proof The Price Of Gold And Silver Is Being Manipulated By Major Financial Institution
John - 586 days ago - inteldaily.com

November 2009, Andrew Maguire, a former silver trader in Goldman Sach's London office, contacted the CFTC's Enforcement Division and reported the illegal manipulation of the silver market by traders at JPMorgan Chase.
Detroit Financier Eyes World's Largest Urban Farm
Green Lifestyle
John - 588 days ago - cleantech.com
Green Lifestyle

Businessman wants to start large scale farming of blighted land within Detroit city limits, raising questions about soil remediation, toxicity and other concerns.
Earth Pole Shift, Polar Shift 2012?
John - 591 days ago - umsonline.org

Spiritual texts in some traditions suggest that these pole reversals happen every 26,000 years and that the north and south pole have switched before more than once. In Hindu texts these cycles are called Yugas. Even the Bible says in Isaiah 24:1, "Behold
Afghanistan Enacts Law That Gives War Criminals Blanket Immunity
John - 613 days ago - truthout.org

Enacted three years ago by parliament,despite assurances by President Karzai he would not sign it or allow it to take effect.Approved by two-thirds of parliament did not need Karzai's signature
War Is Sin
Society & Culture
John - 617 days ago - canadiansagainstwar.org
Society & Culture

War is neither glorious nor noble. And we carry within us the capacity for evil we ascribe to those we fight.Those who return to speak this truth are our contemporary prophets. But like all prophets they are condemned and ignored for their courage.
Peruvian Massacre Aimed at Opening Up Amazon to Transnationals
John - 890 days ago - civillibertarian.blogspot.com

Bill van Auken ..killing began early last Friday in Bagua, Peru as 600 police attacked 1000 demonstrators blocking the road 40 civilians 23 security killed hundreds wounded 38 police and 1 civilian kidnapped at gas station 9 police killed in rescue
Wind Turbine Output Boosted 30% By Breakthrough Design
Green Lifestyle
John - 927 days ago - cleantechnica.com
Green Lifestyle

HT Current : 'Passive Structure Design' increases efficiency by changing airflow around the propeller
Department of Interior Report Wind Power Could Supply U.S. Energy Needs
Green Lifestyle
John - 960 days ago - current.com
Green Lifestyle

Simply accessing potential in shallow waters could produce at least 20% of demand in coastal states Altlantic coast 1000 Gigawatts
Sweden's Industrial City Eliminates Use of Fossil Fuels
Green Lifestyle
John - 973 days ago - yellowsandblues.com
Green Lifestyle

Kalmar, which has incomes lower than the national average, gets more than 65% of its energy from renewable sources. Publicly owned vehicles run on biogas made from waste wood and chicken manure, or Brazilian E85 ethanol Trucking co. practices eco-driving
P.E.I. Banning Cosmetic Pesticides
Green Lifestyle
John - 980 days ago - cbc.ca
Green Lifestyle

Government working with Ontario and New Brunswick to generate common regulations. Agricultural chemicals are not banned.
Criminalizing Organic Gardening
Green Lifestyle
John - 984 days ago - campaignforliberty.com
Green Lifestyle

http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:s425: Article alerting public to legislation requiring conformation to factory farming methods for producers of food sold to public : state authority superseded by requirement to enforce federal edicts : USA
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