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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

27 November - TRNN Roundup

The Fall of the Berlin Wall, 1989. The photo s...Image via WikipediaHintersee, lake near Ramsau in Bavaria, GermanyImage via WikipediaWorld Recession PlungeImage by publik18 via FlickrThe Future of European Energy Security: A Disc...Image by CSIS: Center for Strategic & International Studies via Flickr

27 November - Talk to Action Digest

TRNN Weekly Roundup November 20 - November 26
November 26, 2011
Does Smaller Government Create More Jobs?
Bob Pollin: There is no evidence that austerity and cuts to social programs creates jobs
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November 25

Thanksgiving and Undocumented Farm Workers
Frank Bardacke: Millions of undocumented farm workers produce much of America's food
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November 24

Global Recession Looms as Euro Crisis Deepens
Costas Lapavitsas: Crisis deepens as Germany fails to sell-out 10 year bonds; the public must take over the financial system
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Egyptian Protests Rage On
Egyptians say this is not a second revolution, it's a continuation of the first one
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November 23

Meet Jihan Hafiz and Reed Lindsay
A special show with Cairo Correspondents Jihan Hafiz and Reed Lindsay speaking about covering the Egyptian Revolution and Jihan's recent detention while covering the Gaza flotilla
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"When the World Outlawed War"
David Swanson discusses his book about the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact and how it makes current wars illegal
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November 22

Million Man March for a Civilian Led Government
“The Military Council is preserving the system which did not fall with Mubarak”
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November 21

Cairo Protests "To Save the Revolution"
Jihan Hafiz reports that dozens killed as Egyptians demand a civilian government
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Will 50% Cuts "Hollow Out" the Military?
Jo Comerford: With the Super Committee deadlocked, the triggered cuts to military spending in 2013 will not affect real US security
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The Super Committee and the Attack on Labor
Michael Hudson: Austerity and recession used to lower wages
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Is Canada's Gold Corp. Good for Guatemala? Pt2
Lyuba Zarsky: Environmental and health effects are a violation of human rights
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Egyptians Document Tahrir Police Violence
From Cairo to Alexandria, Egyptians have captured images of rampant police violence using handheld video cameras and mobile phones
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November 20

Maher Arar on Syrian Conflict
Maher Arar updates his case and discusses the struggle in Syria
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Euro Crisis, Neo-Liberalism and Undoing the Welfare State
Gerry Epstein: German elite profited from the Euro Zone, now wants to use crisis to undo welfare state and privatize
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

ccupy Amsterdam Interview

Police Brutality - More Arrests At Occupy Oakland!

OWS: Jonathan Turley calls out Bloomberg, NYPD for blocking press coverage

Occupy Wall Street NYC Students Protest At Union Square

OWS protesters interrupt Obama's speech

Best of the web

In Aftermath of Financial Crisis, Who's Being Held Responsible?

Patriotic Millionaires meet with Grover Norquist

Cairo Carnage: Tahrir Square clashes turn deadly

Saif-al-Islam to get a 'fair' trial

Projectionists Light Up NYC Buildings, And Protesters' Spirits, With Occupy-Themed Display

Political Humor

epper Spray! A yummy and delicious form of crowd control

Campaign In 100 Seconds: Romney's Contextual Harassment

You Can't Pepper Spray A Mental Awakening - [censored version] M.O.C. #94

Worst Persons: Joe Walsh, Newt Gingrich, Michael Bloomberg and Raymond W. Kelly

A Very Republican Thanksgiving

Global Warning

Questions and discussion - Managing disasters in changing Climate IPCC

BBC Tropic of Capricorn Chile to Brazil

Improving Livelihoods by Conserving Mangroves

The People The Rain Forgot - Trailer

Scientists Develop Drought-Tolerant Maize

Latest Blogs

Will shopping save us?
Today's the day. It's "Black Friday" ("black" as in the day our business supposedly go into the black.) This may not have been such a wise use of language since the Wall Street crash of l929, ushering in the Great Depression,...
Thursday, 24th November 2011 

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