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Top 10 Must-See Occupy Wall Street Videos [Slideshow]
Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/top-10-must-see-occupy-wall-street-videos-slideshow.html#ixzz1f3c7tWWT
What Chilean children can teach the Occupy movement

The comparisons have already started -- police in Egypt attacking demonstrators with clubs and tear gas, and police in a number of U.S. cities breaking up "Occupy" camps with clubs and tear gas. The limited nature of American police actions, and the ability of those injured or arrested to...
Reminder: Gaia University will be kicking off a "Thrive Now" call series tomorrow at 8pm EST with one of the THRIVE pioneers/interviewees, angel Kyodo williams, from the Center for Transformative Change. The Topic: Who's driving change?
You can sign up for the call on their website: http://www.gaiauniversity.org/angel-kyodo-williams .
As angel says in the movie: "As we develop increased relationship to who’s in the driver’s seat, what happens is there is a synergy; it’s a symbiotic relationship that our inner lives are actually able to be more in tandem with where we’re choosing to go, and we’re able to get there. We’re not nearly as insignificant in our impact as we think we are."
Police across the country have been criticised for their actions in clashes with Occupy Wall Street protesters. The man who led the police response to the historic Battle in Seattle protests during the 1999 WTO meeting blames the post-9/11 militarisation of American policing.
Reminder: Gaia University will be kicking off a "Thrive Now" call series tomorrow at 8pm EST with one of the THRIVE pioneers/interviewees, angel Kyodo williams, from the Center for Transformative Change. The Topic: Who's driving change?
You can sign up for the call on their website: http://
As angel says in the movie: "As we develop increased relationship to who’s in the driver’s seat, what happens is there is a synergy; it’s a symbiotic relationship that our inner lives are actually able to be more in tandem with where we’re choosing to go, and we’re able to get there. We’re not nearly as insignificant in our impact as we think we are."

"We piled out of the van, convinced we'd finally crossed into a Louisiana you couldn't read about back in Portland." Leave it to a comic book to introduce itself with a Slidell joke.
Scientists aboard the research vessel Weatherbird II are exploring the effects of the BP oil spill on marine life in the Gulf of Mexico.

Two more dead dolphins have washed ashore in Mississippi, but scientists hope an ailing dolphin found in neighboring Alabama will provide answers about what is killing the marine mammals in the Gulf of Mexico.
Patient 13754 is well scrubbed, round-bellied and hungry. The little blue penguin swiftly gulps down his seventh anchovy in a row, hand-fed to him by his two attendant bird rescuers

Bill Moyers Essay: Plutocracy and Democracy Don't Mix
Scientists aboard the research vessel Weatherbird II are exploring the effects of the BP oil spill on marine life in the Gulf of Mexico.
Dallas Fort Worth traffic: Oil and gas drilling in Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, could generate more cash.
blogs.star-telegram.comHURST -- Allowing oil and gas companies to expand domestic drilling could generate the money needed to fix the nation's crumbling roads and bridges and build new infrastructure to cope with growth, members of Congress say. The idea would be...

The British government is working with Canada to fight proposed penalties on fuel from the Alberta oilsands, according to the Guardian newspaper in London.
LONDON -(MarketWatch)- Two alternative ways of piping gas from the giant Shah Deniz field in Azerbaijan will be considered now that a series of accords have been agreed between Turkey and the southern Caucasian nation setting out how natural gas will be transported from the Caspian Sea to Europe for...
Chevron to brief U.S. regulators on Brazilian oil spill


This is not the first courtroom where I've faced off against BP, British Petroleum. But this time, I was outdoors, with a patrol car's red lights spinning.
BP has released the first in a series of new ads aimed at promoting tourism in Florida along with other Gulf Coast States. INSIDE: See the new ad
http://www.n-tv.de/mediathek/videos/panorama/TV-Star-erkrankt-an-akuter-Leukaemie-article4799201.html Ill TV star to acute leukemia: after eating vegetables ...
Windy weather in the past week has exposed more oil from the grounded ship Rena on some Bay of Plenty beaches, Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) says.

Canada confirms it will not make new emission cuts under the Kyoto Protocol and may formally withdraw from the treaty, adding new troubles for the UN climate summit.
BY VICTORIA CRAIG You're watching multisource political video news analysis from Newsy. After more than 56 days of protests, two Occupy Wall Street movements...
Protesters left peacefully after barricaded themselves inside, hoping to make basement into a place to feed the hungry

MPBN, Maine News and PBS programming. See television and radio highlights, web exclusives, and NPR News.

Facebook, which is not directly involved in the case, submitted a friend-of-the-court brief not because the company has suddenly decided to supplement its business by venturing into the real property market. Rather, the social media giant wrote that it's supporting the title insurer defendant because a ruling for the homebuyer plaintiff could empower a Facebook user to launch a "potentially bankrupting" class action on behalf of herself and millions of other users. Facebook fears they could seek billions of dollars in damages under federal electronic privacy laws with similar provisions to the one found in RESPA.
Although the justices name-checked neither those electronic privacy laws nor Facebook during Monday's oral argument, it was clear they were concerned about the broader ramifications of their decision on numerous other acts of Congress.
The issue is not how much the top one percent own. The issue is whether they have acquired their wealth legitimately.

Occupy the Southern District Court of New York: Judge Strikes Down SEC-Citibank Settlement | Swampla
swampland.time.comFederal District judge Jed Rakoff followed through with a smackdown of the Securities Exchange Commission on Monday, rejecting a settlement between the agency and Citibank that would have imposed a $285 million penalty on the bank without forcing it to admit wrongdoing for betting against mortgage s...
Protesters around the country have been cleared out of their occupied public spaces, but some of the smaller occupations could hold lessons for next steps.
Photo Credit: Ryan Williams
This story originally appeared at Salon.
- How White Supremacists Are Trying to Make an American Town a Model for Right-Wing Extremism
, Media Matters for America
Woman Alleges 13-Year Affair With Herman Cain
By Adele M. Stan | AlterNet
Koch-Fueled Americans for Prosperity Spends $2.4 Million on Solyndra Attack Ad
By Stephen Lacey | Climate Progress
Durban Climate Talks Set to Begin: Community Rights Groups Bring New Model for Change
By Kylie Nealis | Global Exchange
Party in the USA: Teen Megastar Miley Cyrus Releases Song, Video in Support of Occupy Wall Street
By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd | AlterNet
Wisconsin Students Learning To Beat GOP Voter ID Law
By Steven Rosenfeld | AlterNet
KS Governor Is Ridiculous, Tried to Get a Teenager in Trouble for Saying He "Blows" on Twitter
By Lauren Kelley | AlterNet
Contraceptive Coverage: Whose Religious Freedom Is It?
By Amanda Marcotte | RH Reality Check
A Must-See Tonight: "The War on Weed" Airs on Current TV's Vanguard Series
By Kristen Gwynne | AlterNet
Durex Condoms' Unfunny Twitter "Joke": God Created Penises to Shut Women Up?
By Lauren Kelley | AlterNet
Family's Eviction Called Off After Occupy Rochester, Other Protesters Plan to "Occupy" Their Home
Why Are Facebook And The Supreme Court's Conservative Justices Standing Together?
Based on Monday's oral argument, it appears they're both willing to make it more difficult for homebuyers to sue companies that have violated federal law in real estate transactions.
The critically important legal concept of "standing" -- or the ability to have one's claims judged in court -- lies at the heart of First American Financial Corp. v. Edwards. The Supreme Court has previously held that under the Constitution, standing in a federal court requires the plaintiff to show that the defendant's actions caused her "injury-in-fact" and that the injury consisted of "concrete and particularized" harm. Yet the law at issue in this case, the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, provides plaintiffs with a right to sue defendants who violate the RESPA kickback ban even if the kickback does not actually injure the plaintiff -- through higher fees or inadequate service.Facebook, which is not directly involved in the case, submitted a friend-of-the-court brief not because the company has suddenly decided to supplement its business by venturing into the real property market. Rather, the social media giant wrote that it's supporting the title insurer defendant because a ruling for the homebuyer plaintiff could empower a Facebook user to launch a "potentially bankrupting" class action on behalf of herself and millions of other users. Facebook fears they could seek billions of dollars in damages under federal electronic privacy laws with similar provisions to the one found in RESPA.
Although the justices name-checked neither those electronic privacy laws nor Facebook during Monday's oral argument, it was clear they were concerned about the broader ramifications of their decision on numerous other acts of Congress.
The camps will be cleaned up, the protesters will go away and the U.S. financial services industry will continue to be “too big to jail”

Before there was an occupation of wall street, African American and Puerto Rican students occupied City College in 1969, with demands to open CUNY to our communities; to create opportunities for us to compete; but to also provide the space for us to create our own revolutionary intelligentsia.

Shouting Wall Street protesters disrupted a University of California board meeting on Monday, calling on banks and the wealthy to pay higher taxes to help fund higher education.
Antibiotics in swine feed encourage gene exchange
A study to be published in the online journal mBio® on Nov. 29 shows that adding antibiotics to swine feed causes microorganisms in the guts of these animals to start sharing genes that could spread antibiotic resistance. Livestock farms use antibiotic drugs regularly, and not just for curing sick animals. Antimicrobial drugs are used as feed additives to boost animal growth, a profitable but controversial practice that is now banned in the European Union and under scrutiny here in the United States
( Could ? This is called minimizing damage...and it's old news )Rice is responsible for feeding half the world, or more than 3.5 billion people. In other words, rice is important. A tweak to how the grain is grown, sold or eaten can send ripples through the world economy. Take Thailand, which supplies 30 percent of the world's rice. Government subsidies there threaten to raise the price of putting dinner on the table in Mexico.
Reports say 10 percent of rice grown in China contains cadmium.
A look at Asia's rice fields from satellite images to stunning valleys.
How a plan to please Thai farmers could hike dinner prices worldwide.
Indonesia once needed to be coaxed to grow rice. Now, it struggles to diversify.
Golden rice could save lives, but in India it may never get into the ground.
BILL MOYERS: You've no doubt figured out my bias by now. I've hardly kept it a secret. In this regard, I take my cue from the late Edward R. Murrow, the Moses of broadcast news.
Ed Murrow told his generation of journalists bias is okay as long as you don't try to hide it. So here, one more time, is mine: plutocracy and democracy don't mix. Plutocracy, the rule of the rich, political power controlled by the wealthy.
Plutocracy is not an American word but it's become an American phenomenon. Back in the fall of 2005, the Wall Street giant Citigroup even coined a variation on it, plutonomy, an economic system where the privileged few make sure the rich get richer with government on their side. By the next spring, Citigroup decided the time had come to publicly "bang the drum on plutonomy."
And bang they did, with an "equity strategy" for their investors, entitled, "Revisiting Plutonomy: The Rich Getting Richer."
Ed Murrow told his generation of journalists bias is okay as long as you don't try to hide it. So here, one more time, is mine: plutocracy and democracy don't mix. Plutocracy, the rule of the rich, political power controlled by the wealthy.
Plutocracy is not an American word but it's become an American phenomenon. Back in the fall of 2005, the Wall Street giant Citigroup even coined a variation on it, plutonomy, an economic system where the privileged few make sure the rich get richer with government on their side. By the next spring, Citigroup decided the time had come to publicly "bang the drum on plutonomy."
And bang they did, with an "equity strategy" for their investors, entitled, "Revisiting Plutonomy: The Rich Getting Richer."
Putin's regime faces increasing resistance | ||||||||||||||||||||
Rampant corruption and economic stagnation have caused Russia's middle class to begin a grassroots movement. The Soviet-era infrastructure is failing more and more often. Old boats sink and Tupolev airplanes crash with passengers on board, space rockets fall down and Russian-made Lada still struggles to live up to the name of automobile. The decade of prosperity fuelled by high oil prices brought about growth of consumption, but not change in production. This is another reason of disaffection of the middle class. Then, there is corruption. One could speak forever about it in Russia, but suffice is to say that Transparency International ranks this country 154 out of 178 in their Corruption Perception Index - below Haiti, Cameroon and Zimbabwe. Unlike Western countries, corruption in Russia is usually initiated by rent-seeking civil servants and takes the form of extortion - not mere bribery. Nothing scary about this: Idea of civilians using drone aircraft may soon fly with FAA. The Federal Aviation Administration plans to propose new rules for the use of small drones in January, a first step toward clearing the way for police departments, farmers and others to employ the technology. Drone aircraft, best known for their role in hunting and destroying terrorist hide-outs in Afghanistan, may soon be coming to the skies near you. Police agencies want drones for air support to spot runaway criminals. Utility companies believe they can help monitor oil, gas and water pipelines. Farmers think drones could aid in spraying their crops with pesticides.
Give Military Women the Health Care Coverage They Deserve*nwlc.org - For a PDF version of this factsheet see below. Under current law, women in the military who are survivors of rape and incest are denied coverage for abortion care. This coverage is less than the co...also at Blue Girl Daily ![]() Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Unionaclu.org - While nearly all Americans head to family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, the Senate is gearing up for a vote on Monday or Tuesday that goes to the very heart of who we are as Americans. The...Why Aren’t Parents Vaccinating Their Children? | The Vaccine War | FRONTLINEpbs.org - According to a new AP report released today, more than 1 in 20 kindergarteners in public schools across eight states aren’t getting the required number of vaccines stipulated for attendance. In lar...Pregnant Occupy Protester Miscarries After Being Beaten and Sprayed by Policerhrealitycheck.org - As someone who lost a three-month pregnancy, I am broken-hearted for this young woman. I weep tears of rage. I am trying to think of something eloquent to say, but all that will come right now is a...Blue Girl ![]() Fighting corruption in the Philippines: Processional for presidentseconomist.com - Nov 25th 2011, 11:54 by J.M. | MANILA “THIS is just the start of the process.” Fearsome words from the sitting president, Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino, on the occasion of police arresting Gloria Arroyo,...Personhood amendment would change definition of ‘human life’host.madison.com - A proposed amendment to Wisconsin’s constitution that would define personhood as beginning at the moment an egg is fertilized, has pro-life groups in disagreement. State Rep. Andre Jacque, R-Bell...Dick Cheney is simply an evil sonofabitch Dick Cheney has been profiteering from the misery of virtually 99% of the world's population for close on to four decades now and in the end days, it takes a little county DA in some backwater county in Texas to finally have the balls to step up to the plate and say, "Enough's enough". ( Nonsense.Bitches don t breed pit vipers ) ![]() |