It is quite obvious that the collapse of Europe and the United States as a result of the debt crisis in an engineered event planned well in advance to ultima...
The Greatest Speech Ever Made - Charlie Chaplin - YouTube | |
www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK2WJd5bXFg15 Sep 2011 - 5 min - Uploaded by guilleross One of the most important speeches in recorded history was given by a comedian by the name of Charlie ... |
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- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 4 minutes ago*The UK government launches an innovative project to fly radar satellites in the region of the Earth. Radar is one of the mainly helpful utensils in Earth scrutiny and can see the planet's exterior in al...
- posted by David Preiser (USA) at Biased BBC - 12 minutes agoYesterday, As I See It posted a comment in the open thread about how Lyse Doucet gave a report on Radio 5 in which she gently sanitized the Muslim Brotherhood ( I can't find a link to it right now, but if ...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 17 minutes agoRemember when we thought anyone yowling about "the Fed" was some kind of a crackpot like Ron Paul? We were supposed to think that. Wall Street invested a lot of money into making sure we would think that...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 minutes agoGeorge Osborne provoked a furious row by upgrading benefits in line with inflation while hard-pressed families and public-sector workers face a squeeze on their incomes. The Chancellor confirmed that most...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 22 minutes agoGeorge Osborne tightened the screw on the bloated public sector yesterday as Britain was warned it faces years of even more grinding austerity. With more than two million strikers forecast to cause chaos t...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 27 minutes agoAn 83-year-old woman has become the 11th person to die following a fire at a nursing home in Sydney, Australia. Police said in a statement that the woman, who has not been named, died on Tuesday in hospi...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 27 minutes agoA magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck Central Peru at a depth of 64.5 km (40.1 miles), the quake hit at 03:23:01 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 75 km (46 miles) ENE of Puquio, Peru No R...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 36 minutes agoA magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck Luzon, Philippines at a depth of just 2.1 km (1.3 miles - Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 01:27:43 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 123 km (76...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 41 minutes agoA magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 00:47:24 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 12 km (7.4 miles) Southeast of Van, Turkey...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 41 minutes agoA magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck Luzon, Philippines at a depth of 14.6 km (9.1 miles), the quake hit at 00:27:08 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 152 km (94 miles) WNW of Olongapo, L...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 41 minutes agoA magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck Tonga at a depth of 33 km (20.4 miles), the quake hit at 23:44:07 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 153 km (94.8 miles) West of Pangai, Tonga No Tsunami...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 55 minutes agoA magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Philippine Islands Region at a depth of 80 km (49.6 miles), the quake hit at 22:32:25 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 76 km (47.2 miles) Northeas...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 55 minutes agoA magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck offshore Chiapas, Mexico at a depth of 58.1 km (36.1 miles), the quake hit at 22:05:28 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 55 km (34 miles) Southwest of ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour agoPeople are being warned of major disruption to schools, council services and airports as up to two million public sector workers go on strike. Billed as the biggest day of industrial action since the 1979...
- posted by Christina Reed at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 hour agoThe WHOI Research Vessel Atlantis rescued Egyptian refugees from a sinking fishing vessel on its first day of its mission to explore brine lakes in the Mediterranean Sea.
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 2 hours agoPhoto by James Alex, an American artist. "The military-industrial complex, owned by the big banks, has hijacked America. I keep explaining this to people, and now it doesn't just want to dominate the Thi...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 2 hours agoLast time I asked for Canadian travel advice was 2008 - too long ago! That ended up as 16 days exploring Newfoundland. This trip is more modest, but I am very excited. We haven't had a good holiday in so l...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 2 hours ago"Show us your hands and show us the plans The weapon's biological so show us the cans We got a tip from snitches for ballistic positions Don't wanna listen? We putting these missile tips in ya kitchen We g...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago*"In other words," says Jeff Madrick, "Occupy Wall Street’s claim that 'We are the 99 percent' is dead on right."* *"[C]orporate profits now constitute the largest share of the economy since 1929. "1929,...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 3 hours agoWhile governments loot and destroy, creators still hold up the world. So now the election’s over, let’s draw inspiration from the productive and good rather than just focussing on the venal and disgustin...
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 3 hours agoFurther proof that Rick Perry has got to be without equivocation and without a shadow of a doubt the stupidest carbon-based life form in the entire solar system. Because in Rick Perry's Bizarro dimension:...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 3 hours agoFrom today’s Parliament Watch: *Election | Rookie MPs Take Grand Tour | Stuff.co.nz *Goodie bags containing iPads and smartphones and instructions on how to maximise your free air travel and accommodati...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 3 hours agoHow convenient. The patsy goes free by being declared "insane," and the real terrorists who directed the shootings have not been brought to justice.
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 4 hours agoDoubling the amount of containedprotein in rice and been able to grow it on dry soils will obviously hugelyexpand the importance of rice if that were even possible. It certainly makes it more valuable ...
- posted by Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 5 hours agoUN Syria Report Co-Authored by Director of US Corporate Think-Tank by Tony Cartalucci November 30, 2011 Blatant lies told by alleged "human rights activists" led to ignominious NATO-sanctioned brutality ...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoThe latest graffiti to splatter itself across the stores, buildings, and street signs is from an Atari 2600. The Space Invaders are back.
- posted by Joseph Pitkin at Contaminated Nation - Water Contamination, Land Pollution & Hazardous Waste locations - 5 hours agoBy: Duane Craig 2,200 residents exposed to hexavalent contamination Corporations sometimes acquire strange bedfellows and for Merck & Co., a pharmaceutical maker, its ownership of a company that pressure tr...
- posted by thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 6 hours ago"Port-A-Potty." Art by Ali Spagnola / alispagnola.com.Who needs tear gas?The switch from blameworthy military attack to invisible counterinsurgency is a smart one for cities and towns strapped for budget.B...
- posted by Trace Dominguez at Discovery News - Top Stories - 6 hours agoWe built a gift guide so you know what material to grab for your favorite DIYer this holiday season.
- *Linux Mint 12 with Gnome Shell 3.3.2* is the new combination for innovative desktop management, I think. It combines the best of old and new paradigms in a new design. From iPhone to Desktop PC. See the d...
- posted by thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 6 hours agoThe Freedman's Bureau in Texas. Image from Afrotexan.com.The hidden history of TexasPart VII: Reconstruction in Texas, 1865-1876/1By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / October 26, 2011[This is the first section of...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours agoGrowing up, my grandparents were the most important people in my life. When my parents would piss me off, I'd run away from home by packing up my stuff in a paper bag and taking the bus all the way across...
- posted by Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 7 hours agoAre you going to go peacefully into that dark night (of fascist control)? I don't intend to, but I'm only speaking for myself. After all, Cheney's plans to save Halliburton from bankruptcy with those no-bi...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours agoA magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Southern Alaska at a depth of 79.9 km (49.6 miles), the quake hit at 20:34:46 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 48 km (30 miles) West of Anchor Point, A...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours agoA magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck Southern Greece at a depth of 158 km (97.9 miles), the quake hit at 16:55:58 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 16 km (9.9 miles) South of Laúrion, Greec...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours agoA magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck the Kuril Islands at a depth of 119 km (73.7 miles), the quake hit at 16:35:44 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 80 km (49.6 miles) Northeast of Otradno...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours agoFive workers have drowned in a biochemical reaction basin at a Japanese-invested company in east Jiangsu province, local authorities said Tuesday. The workers drowned in the basin in Changzhou Chienchin G...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours agoA woman has been taken to hospital after what has been described as a "tornado" struck part of Greater Manchester. A sudden gust of wind toppled a chimney in Heaton Moor near Stockport at about 14:30 GMT...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours agoMore than three-quarters of British-grown oysters contain norovirus, known as the ‘winter vomiting bug’, experts have warned. A study conducted on behalf of the Food Standards Agency found that 76 per cen...
- posted by Trace Dominguez at Discovery News - Top Stories - 9 hours agoPresidential sex scandals are nothing new, though candidates and presidents alike feel the fallout when one breaks.
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 9 hours ago* Sirhan * What links the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy to the Norway Attacks of 2011? Sirhan Sirhan is a Christian, accused of killing Robert Kennedy. Anders Breivik is a Christian, accused of car...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 9 hours agoThe myth behind all modern economics, which is to say Keynesian economics, is that “the government can always pay.” It was one of the myths that allowed governments to think they could get away with bai...
- posted by Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 9 hours agoBloomberg: Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion By Bob Ivry, Bradley Keoun and Phil Kuntz - Nov 27, 2011 4:01 PM PT Bloomberg Markets Magazine Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve and the big ba...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoRussia displayed yet another show of strength today with the launch of a new military early warning radar - just days after the U.S. revealed its own missile defence plans. President Dmitry Medvedev switc...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoA magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck the Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska at a depth of 23.4 km (14.5 miles), the quake hit at 18:27:09 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 451 km (280 m...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoTwo workmen were rushed to hospital after a gangway leading to the warship HMS Belfast collapsed, plunging into the Thames. More than 100 people on board had to be evacuated in small boats following the i...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 9 hours agoWhile we in EnZed were having an election to which only two-thirds of voters showed up, Egypt was having its first election since, well, ever—and everyone showed up. [image: image]People queued for ho...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 10 hours ago*The data must be as impenetrable as possible* One year ago, a pr*ck named Chris Mooney was inserted as a director into the American Geophysical Union and became responsible for science communication. ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoThe Irish government has suddenly complicated the picture by requesting debt relief from as a reward for upholding the integrity of the EU financial system after the Lehman crisis, though there is no expli...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoA group of Polish squatters have taken up residence in a £1m home in one of London's most affluent areas because "rents are too high" for them to afford to live in the area. The six squatters "moved in" ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoIt is considered one of the basics of politeness, but saying "thank you" may be dying out, according to new research. Rather than failing to show gratitude, however, we are simply using other words. In f...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoShocked families in two streets at Thatcham, Berkshire, woke to find thirty gates had been lifted from their hinges and carted away during the night. Housewife Angela Bint, of Coopers Crescent, said "My hu...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoThis "bluefin gap" occurred despite enhanced reporting and enforcement measures introduced in 2008 by the 48-member International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), which sets annua...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoSo many pine, fir and spruce trees in the Northwest are riddled with bugs and disease that major tree die-offs are expected to rip through a third of Eastern Washington forests — an area covering nearly 3 ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoStanding on the shores of Netarts Bay in Oregon on a sunny fall morning, it’s hard to imagine that the fate of the oysters being raised here at the Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery is being determined by w...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoHeat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are building up so high, so fast, that some scientists now think the world can no longer limit global warming to the level world leaders have agreed upon as...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoGovernments of the world's richest countries have given up on forging a new treaty on climate change to take effect this decade, with potentially disastrous consequences for the environment through global ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoIndia has recently pulled far ahead of China on one dubious development marker – air pollution in the country’s capital. The air quality in New Delhi on Monday afternoon was significantly worse than the a...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoThe banks of China’s Yangtze River are crowded with chemical factories, which dump massive amounts of toxic waste water into the river, affecting hundreds of millions of people who rely on the river for dr...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoA majority of Americans across the political spectrum support policies that reduce carbon emissions, including a revenue-neutral carbon tax, according to a new survey by the Yale Project on Climate Change ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoMore than a million 16 to 24-year-olds - almost one in five - are considered ''NEET'' (not in education, employment or training), according to statistics published by the Department for Education (DfE). T...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoPrivate schools risk “perpetuating social divides” by failing to support struggling state comprehensives, according to a leading independent school headmaster. Anthony Seldon, head of Wellington College,...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoEducation Secretary Michael Gove is raising fresh concerns that youngsters are leaving school "woefully undernourished" in the subject of history. In a speech today, he says he is "startled" by the narrow...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoFrom the first time you step into Eastern Congo, you find yourself surrounded by the exotic and extraordinary, be it flora and fauna or the just plain incongruous -- the severed wing of a Russian aircraft ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoChina's mighty industrial machine is stalling. New figures today show something that will be worrying authorities. First the broad numbers: An index put together by HSBC – with no government input - shows...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoA Radio-Canada investigation that used hidden cameras to follow young people has questioned whether there is a street gang problem in Quebec City. The region gets about $1 million a year in government fund...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoI've a lovely little painting in my study of Germany's first emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm 1. It was painted soon after the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War and the creation of a united Germany with Wilhelm as its m...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoIt is the day before Thanksgiving, and CBS News, not exactly a radical, alternative news source, informs us that 1 in 6 Americans don't know where their next meal is coming from. And I am wondering how m...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoUnless you are very, very good at suppressing the gag reflex, you are not going to want to read a new blog put up by a former food industry executive, apparently as an act of contrition for his years of pu...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoThe burgeoning world population, already grown far beyond the numbers the planet can sustain, is increasing its consumption of water twice as fast as it is growing, according to the World Resources Institu...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoMasked by speculation, eased by the great economic contraction in the United States and Europe, the terminal industrial disease known as Peak Oil continues to ravage the industrial world, which has not yet...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoIt is no longer enough for the seed and chemical company Monsanto to use its rivers of cash to own and operate the United States Congress (in the language of corporations, there is no word for “enough”); i...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoDeclared dead in the 1970s, brought back to life by the environmental movement it did much to inspire, Lake Erie is once again expiring, killed by industrial agriculture. Specifically, phosphorous from syn...
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 10 hours agoChimps, like humans, learn from each other what foods can help cure what ails them.
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 10 hours agoA look at the long list of plants and plant parts that chimps consume and how they help them.
- posted by Rossella Lorenzi at Discovery News - Top Stories - 10 hours agoEvidence of ancient worship comes from the discovery of two pits set in celestial alignment at the Stonehenge site.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoForeign Secretary William Hague has said Iran faces "serious consequences" after the British Embassy in Tehran was stormed by hardline students. Rocks and petrol bombs were thrown, while documents were re...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours ago
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoDr. Conrad Murray was sentenced Tuesday to four years in jail -- the maximum sentence allowed under the law -- in the death of Michael Jackson. Judge Michael Pastor, in a lengthy statement delivered bef...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours agoHi folks, I'll be away and offline until Friday. Posting will resume then. Commenting has been disabled to deter those pesky comment live-link spammers. Thanks for your patience! See you then. - CP
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours agoBy Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Twitter has become a champion for human rights, with its real time alerts on abuses around the world and exposures of censored news article...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoA magnitude 5.3 earthquake has struck Southern Sumatra, Indonesia at a depth of 47.1 km (29.3 miles), the quake hit at 17:43:28 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 75 km (47 miles) SSW from B...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoA magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck the Macquarie Island Region at a depth of 6.8 km (4.2 miles), the quake hit at 17:01:49 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 52 km (32 miles) WNW of Macqu...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoA magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck the Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska at a depth of 41 km (25.5 miles), the quake hit at 13:46:12 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 102 km (63 mile...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours agoIf you're too young to remember *Gilligan's Island* don't worry. It doesn't matter and anyone who reads *DWT* already knows Mitt Romney was born into the 1% and has made himself an icon of that set. But ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck Myanmar at a depth of 77.8 km (48.3 miles), the quake hit at 13:37:18 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 113 km (70 miles) Southwest of Monywa, Myanmar N...
- posted by Lilith eZine at Lilith News - 11 hours agoART HISTORY - They're not abstract art paintings like those of Toronto artist Laura Warburton... but they're definitely interesting to look at. The Helen McClung Gallery at the Archives of Ontario buildin...
- posted by Lilith eZine at Lilith News - 11 hours agoCANADA - Toronto man Jason Wall has won his lawsuit against Toronto police for his treatment during the G20. He was on his way home to go to church on Sunday, June 27th 2010, when he was "mobbed by police"...
- posted by Lilith eZine at Lilith News - 11 hours agoPOLITICS - The European Union is facing a huge credit crunch and there really is only one solution... Raise corporate taxes and income tax on the rich. Instead the 17 finance ministers of the countries th...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 11 hours ago[image: Euro coin. The U.K. Treasury confirmed earlier this month that contingency planning for a collapse is now under way. BLOOMBERG] By James Kirkup, Deputy Political Editor 25 November 2011 As the I...
- posted by Sarah Simpson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 11 hours agoImpractical, but technically conceivable: A how-to-guide for harnessing earthquake energy in your backyard.
- posted by Marianne English at Discovery News - Top Stories - 11 hours agoDoing brain training exercises may be more effective at improving cognitive function than crossword puzzles.
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoThe Turkish foreign minister has said that Ankara is ready for any scenario if Syria continues its crackdown on protests against President Bashar al-Assad, but that his country is opposed to a military opt...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 12 hours ago[image: Oil from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, found at Pass-a-Loutre Wildlife Management Area on 4 November 2011. Gulf Restoration Network]By Jonathan Henderson 9 November 2011 This week, th...
- posted by thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 12 hours agoCartoon from Saida Online.With U.S. leading the way:Irreversible climate change loomsBy Jack A. Smith / The Rag Blog / November 29, 2011The Obama Administration has largely remained passive about the critica...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 12 hours ago[image: Ale Carballo take photographs of a male dolphin at the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulport, Miss., 25 November 2011. The dolphin was rescued on Nov. 23 while becoming beached. The Sun ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoA woman claims a dream family trip is being cancelled because of her terminal cancer, and the airline is refusing to refund the money for her ticket. The McKain family would have been taking off from BW...
- posted by Debra at Housewife Eclectic - 12 hours agoSometimes I think my sisters is a nicer reincarnate of Martha Stewart. If it is delicious, she baked it. If it is creative, she made it. I am lucky to have such a wonderful sister, because I get to gle...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 12 hours ago[image: Newt Gingrich speaks during a Republican presidential debate on Tuesday, 23 November 2011. Gingrich made unsupportable statements about U.S. potential oil supply. AP] By aeberman 28 November 201...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 12 hours ago[image: A grassy, snowless, competition slope is seen in Levi, Finland, 4 November 2011. World Cup Alpine skiing races were moved to Austria because of the lack of snow. Janne Koskenniemi / AP] STOCKHOL...
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 13 hours ago(By American Zen's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari Goldstein.) It almost seems like a betrayal that, in a festering cesspool of corruption and stupidity, a man like Barney Frank would lay down his arms a...
- posted by Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 13 hours agoborrowed from NYT's Another day, another Pro-Assad protest. As always far bigger then the NATO backed protests. Not just in Damascus. Also in Latakia. Syrian supporters have also protested outside of emb...
- posted by Christina Ortiz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 13 hours agoThis amphibious yacht has treads that can move it from land to sea and back.
- posted by thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 13 hours agoArt from Salon.The sophistry of Ayn Rand libertariansThe profiteers, using libertarian justifications, help corporations dominate American life to satisfy their quest for greater profits.By Lamar W. Hankins ...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 13 hours ago[image: Operations at a golf course in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, have been suspended due to radioactive fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Takuma Imamura] By TOMOHIRO IWATA, Asahi Shim...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 13 hours agoBy Alex Maldonado Censored News TUCSON -- In a rare direct action/resistance by Occupy Tucson, not seen across the nation thus far, occupiers climbed the trees of Veinte de Agosto Park before the 10:30pm ...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 13 hours ago[image: Cassava roots. UN scientists are warning that a virus attacking the cassava plant is nearing an epidemic in parts of Africa. BBC]By Matt McGrath, Science reporter, BBC World Service 17 November 2...
- posted by New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 14 hours agoNew Orleans Saints send message to rest of NFC with dominating 49-24 victory Coalition urges mayor to ‘man up’ and fulfill promises on jail size and budget reforms ~Matt Davis, The Lens Cross dresser’s t...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 14 hours agoCensored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Photo Climate Connections DURBAN, South Africa – Indigenous Peoples from the US andCanada join Pablo Solon Romero of Bolivia as featured speakers on climateju...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 14 hours agoThirteen of the warmest years recorded have occurred within the last decade and a half.
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours agoThis week sure started off badly for Mitt Romney-- not as badly as today started for the British Embassy in Tehran... but badly. Aside from the two ads-- the one up top and the one below-- released by De...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours agoHardline Iranian students have broken into the British Embassy in Tehran, according to reports. Rocks and petrol bombs were thrown, while documents were removed from offices and burnt, Iranian news agenc...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 15 hours agoOver the period 1927-2011, $1.00 invested in equities grew 29 times greater than $1.00 invested in government bonds. (However, equities massively underperformed bonds from late 1929 to mid-1932 and their...
- posted by Christina Ortiz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 15 hours agoThis iPhone spontaneously combusted during a two-hour flight to Sydney.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours agoAmerican Airlines has filed for bankruptcy, its parent company has announced. AMR Corporation made a voluntary filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganisation, but said it expected to continue operations...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 15 hours ago- More than half of online gamers are female - Female gamers have 5 per cent more sex - 64 per cent of female gamers are in relationship [image: Dead or Alive - Paradise: While gaming has s...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 15 hours ago- 'Repetitive heading could set off a cascade of responses that can lead to degeneration of brain cells' - Brains of players found to be similar to that in patients with traumatic brain in...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 15 hours ago- First study where participants recorded thoughts as they happened - Men think about sex roughly twice as often as women - But men ALSO think about other physical needs such as food and sleep ...
- posted by Len Hart at The Existentialist Cowboy - 15 hours ago*by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy* Why has the right wing apparently succeeded in stacking SCOTUS with 5 justices who have in common their disdain for the work of our founders? They succeeded for se...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours agoHundreds of farms and rural properties in northwest NSW remain isolated after heavy floods, with relief efforts set to continue for several days. Emergency Services Minister Michael Gallacher on Tuesday de...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours agoA French official says France may propose joint bonds among the eurozone's strongest economies as part of a package of measures to save the shared currency, despite German resistance. The official said Tu...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 16 hours ago*Off-topic rumor*: the LHC will probably only restart at 13 TeV, not 14 TeV, in 2015, after the 2013-2014 break (upgrade). Hermann Graßmann was born in 1809 as the 3rd child to a math teacher (his fathe...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 16 hours agoRead The Guardian article (11/29/11): Iranian students storm British embassy in Tehran. Did Khamenei send "protesters" as a retaliation against the British government for imposing newer and stiffer econom...
- posted by Inexplicata at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 16 hours agoA holiday season surprise! Manuel Carballal and Grupo FENIX have sent us the most recent edition of their El OJO CRITICO publication, clocking in at whopping 73 pages (let no man call this a 'zine). The f...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 16 hours ago- But centenarians are more likely to be afflicted by degenerative conditions and suffer loneliness Those lucky enough to reach the impressive milestone are often confronted with the same quest...
- posted by 2old2care at Because I Can - 16 hours agoThis morning as hundreds (hopefully thousand) of citizen activists pack their suitcases, arrange for a day off, arrange for childcare, etc. so they can go to Phoenix to *RESIST ALEC* on November 30th, I wo...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoA British woman has been charged in connection with a racist rant on a tram after a video of the apparent outburst became an online hit. A fellow passenger on the Croydon Tramlink in south London record...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoA magnitude 3.0 earthquake has struck Utah at a depth of just 0.2 km (0 miles - Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 11:42:46 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 13 km (8 miles) Northwest of...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoCourt-appointed psychiatrists have concluded that Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is criminally insane, tabloid VG reported on its website on Tuesday, and could be committed to a psychiatric i...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoAlleged Russian spy and former parliamentary aide Katia Zatuliveter has won her fight to remain in the UK. The 26-year-old convinced the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) that she was not wor...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoAN outbreak of whooping cough has hit at least one Hastings school. Port News contacted the school, which refused to be named, after it issued an urgent health warning to the parents and families of its st...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoEurozone finance ministers are streaming into Brussels on Tuesday in a desperate bid to save the 17-nation euro currency — and to protect Europe, the United States, Asia and the rest of the global economy ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoA WHOOPING cough outbreak on the North Coast has led to a renewed call for vaccinations from health authorities.[image: Link] The director of public health for the northern NSW and Mid North Coast local ...
- posted by Rufus at News From Atlantis. - 18 hours agoThe 29th November has been designated by the United Nations as the International day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The United Nations is notorious for creating days to mark all manner of usu...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoA breakaway Anglican Archbishop who claims to have been raped by a Catholic priest has officially filed a complaint with South Australian police, for the incident that occurred 40 years ago. Archbishop He...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA U.N. investigation has concluded that Syrian forces committed crimes against humanity by killing and torturing hundreds of children, including a 2-year-old girl reportedly shot to death so she wouldn't g...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoMore rice harvested in Fukushima Prefecture has been found to contain excessive levels of radioactive cesium, and 9 kilograms of the rice was sold earlier this month, the prefectural government said Monday...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoPhoto taken on Nov. 29, 2011 shows the burnt vehicles in Yuanzhou district in the city of Guyuan, northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region. The accident occurred at 8:30 a.m. as a van rear-ended a f...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoMarine biologists from the Sanibel Sea School as well as scientists from FGCU are saying red tide is back in full force. They're saying that's what's responsible for killing hundreds of Mullet, Atlanti...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoUturuncu is in a remote part of the Bolivian Andes, and hasn't erupted for the last 271,000 years. However, InSAR (satellite) measurements have shown it to be inflating by 1-1.5 cm/year, which is quite fas...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoFive people have been killed and more than 700 houses destroyed on the eve of the UN's COP17 climate-change conference when torrential rains fell in some parts of KwaZulu-Natal. The latest deaths bring t...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoEuro zone finance ministers are to agree on Tuesday the details of bolstering their bailout fund to help prevent contagion in bond markets, under pressure from the United States and ratings agencies to sta...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoIranian students planned a large anti-U.K. demonstration in front of the British Embassy in Tehran on Tuesday to demand that the British ambassador be sent home immediately. The Iranian parliament voted ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoAn Iranian military compound that blew up earlier this month was extensively damaged, the Institute for Science and International Security said after an analysis of new satellite imagery. ISIS compared a...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoA magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Philippine Islands Region at a depth of 45.5 km (28.3 miles), the quake hit at 08:29:33 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 124 km (76.8 miles) South...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoA magnitude 3.0 earthquake has struck offshore Northern California at a depth of 7.2 km (4.5 miles), the quake hit at 08:18:16 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 12 km (7 miles) West of Petr...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoThe Israeli military said rockets were fired from Lebanon into northern Israel on Monday and that its troops returned fire. No one was hurt in the incident on either, but the Israel military said it was ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoA magnitude 4.0 earthquake has struck the Iran-Iraq Border Region at a depth of 5 km (3.1 miles), the quake hit at 07:58:15 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 12 km (7.4 miles) East of Kifri...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoA magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck the Molucca Sea at a depth of 49 km (30.4 miles), the quake hit at 07:38:18 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 205 km (127.1 miles) SSW of Ternate, Moluc...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoA magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck Tajikistan at a depth of 106 km (65.7 miles), the quake hit at 03:04:59 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 74 km (45.8 miles) Southeast of Karakendzha, T...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours agoRight now the best modeleravailable with possession of meaningful facts has put the final demise of the ArcticSummer Ice at 2015. Using a rougher model, devoid ofany field data except the clear observa...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours agoThis is a complete surprise andwe suddenly have a plastic that even behaves like glass. I am sure it will soon be in productseverywhere. The science of organics continuesto advance strongly and we may...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours agoI was writing an exam forgeography when Kennedy died that day. Somuch of the time and place has been forgotten that needs to be recalled toproperly cast the time and place we lived in at that time. In ...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours agoHawass has been controversial tosay the least, but has had the power to do it his way and did. Even that passes in time and it is now time. Nothing is going to be resolveduntil a properly constituted g...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 21 hours agoThe BBC seem almost GIDDY with delight that Chancellor Osborne is up against it when it comes to making his update on the UK economy today. Evan Davies and Stephanie "Two Eds" Flanders were chuckling and m...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 22 hours agoIf you find yourself unable to sleep through the night, there could be a simple explanation: you’re lonely. A study has found that people who feel cut off from their family and friends have more trouble...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 hours ago"Sweet Darkness" "When your eyes are tired the world is tired also. When your vision has gone no part of the world can find you. Time to go into the dark where the night has eyes to recognize its own. ...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 23 hours ago- Pregnancy hormones may protect blood vessels for years after births - Women with more children have greater support as they get older Having a big family is good for a mother's heart, say s...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoRival revolutionary brigades remain almost entirely responsible for security in Libya, posing that country's most pressing challenge, according to the top United Nations envoy in Libya and a new U.N. repor...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 23 hours ago*The traditional Stradivarius violin has been recreated with X-ray scanner. The first idea of using a CAT scanner to take images of violins has made by Radiologist Steven Sirr in 1988. He was a junior uni...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoPolice have tonight arrested a woman after a passenger allegedly burst into a vile racist rant on a tram while holding a child on her knee. The video, posted on YouTube, shows a woman hurling abuse at othe...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA disabled mother has been killed by a blast triggered when she opened a package delivered by hand to her home, police said last night. Vicky Shachtay, 23, died in the explosion at her apartment in Innisfa...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago“Big, beautiful, barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300 lies some 70 million light-years away on the banks of the constellation Eridanus. This Hubble Space Telescope composite view of the gorgeous island universe i...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago*"What Does It All Mean?"* by Chet Raymo "A good friend tells me via e-mail that she is reading Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina." I read the book for a second time two years ago, in the new translation by ...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day agoVermont's Independent Senator Bernie Sanders explains it-- along with the Koch Bros echo chamber that is shoving fascism down American's throats. Does your senator or congresscritter ever talk about this? ...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago* the**REALnews Permalink* *Thanksgiving and Undocumented Farm Workers* Frank Bardacke: Millions of undocumented farm workers pr...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA 33-year-old man has been charged with murder after allegedly killing his three-year-old son by locking him in a washing machine and turning it on. Christophe Champenois, from Meaux, near Paris, allegedly...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 1 day ago*The UK's oldest environmental charity was an early on activist against air contamination. Oldest Ecological aid organization possibly will close since its profits have been slap by cuts to restricted pow...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.1 earthquake has the Crimea Region, Ukraine at a depth of 30 km (18.6 miles), the quake hit at 02:17:42 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 24 km (14.8 miles) Southwest of Vityaz...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 5.9 earthquake has struck North of Ascension Island at a depth of 10.1 km (6.3 miles), the quake hit at 00:30:29 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 708 km (439 miles) North of As...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck the Aegean Sea, Greece at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 23:22:52 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 57 km (35.4 miles) Northeast of Patit...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck the Carlsberg Ridge at a depth of 33 km (20.4 miles), the quake hit at 20:58:30 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 1033 km (620.4 miles) West of Maalhos, ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck the Bonin Islands, Japan at a depth of 40km (24.8 miles), the quake hit at 19:16:06 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 962 km (596.4 miles) Southeast of ...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 1 day agoIt is the so-called city of dreams that counts some of the greatest luminaries of music and art among its erstwhile inhabitants. And it seems Vienna still has plenty to boast about, as it has been named ...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 1 day ago'Just one more mouthful of dessert... I'll start the diet tomorrow': Most women have said something similar to themselves before - particularly at this time of the year, when holiday socialising is in fu...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 1 day ago*The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol to the United Nations scaffold conference on weather alteration, intended at skirmishing global warming. In the Kyoto Protocol Canada will not formulate extra cuts in its ...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day agoJonesborough, Tennessee, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago*"Secret History of Stonehenge Revealed"* by David Keys "Extraordinary new discoveries are shedding new light on why Britain's most famous ancient site, Stonehenge, was built - and when. Current research ...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day agoOpOhHai http://pastebin.com/Nc4uF6Uy *Statement online* On several occassions, the wide-ranging constituency of activists that comprise Anonymous, Wikileaks, Occupy Wall Street, and other efforts have com...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 day ago[image: Changes in Day-to-Day Rainfall Variability, 1984-2007. From 1997 to 2007, rainfall became highly erratic for much of the globe, particularly in tropical areas. Green areas indicate that the day-t...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 day ago[image: A conceptual model of the cell death and symbiosis breakdown under temperature and light stress in coral. Red coloration indicates morphological evidence for apoptotic cell death; blue block colo...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 day ago[image: Massive eruptions of the Deccan Traps eliminated species and resulted in the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction 65 million years ago. Marine sediment trapped between Deccan lava flows reveal tha...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoConflicting reports have emerged from Iran over an explosion heard in the central city of Isfahan, close to the country's sensitive nuclear facilities. Iran's semi-official Isna news agency quoted a judic...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoSeveral rockets fired from southern Lebanon landed in northern Israel, the Israeli army has said. There were no casualties from the strikes, the first across the border since 2009. Two buildings were dama...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*And that includes that job for Daddy you were whining about, you little snot* *Santas-in-training at the Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School in Midland, MI, learn how to size up families in need of havin...
- posted by Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 1 day agoI'm a confirmed fan of Russ Baker's books and blog. He's a valuable source of well-documented information about political events and when I saw this essay, I just had to share it with you. I suffer great u...
- posted by thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day agoJon Stewart covers Wall Street coverage.But for how long?Occupy Wall Street is all over the mediaBy Danny Schechter / The Rag Blog / November 28, 2011One of the oldest patterns of media coverage can be summe...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago"This is no time for ceremony. The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*Literally.* "Young Palestinian activists put forth a bolder agenda" November 13, 2011|By Joel Greenberg, Washington Post RAMALLAH, West Bank - When Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas returned...
- posted by Nic Halverson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoThis vehicles would travel in computer-controlled swarms to conserve energy. Will the year 2030 be ready for it?
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*Globe is getting up mine.* "Germany lost track of terror suspects" November 15, 2011|By Melissa Eddy, Associated Press BERLIN - *Germany’s domestic intelligence agency* was put *on the defensive*yesterda...
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoSmithsonian's National Zoo has a feisty new grapefruit-sized octopus that is lacking a name. And the zoo wants your help.
- posted by Refreshingly Twatted at No Shit Department- - 1 day agoSTATINS: The “Invented Drugs” to Treat an “Invented Disease” – that now Creates REAL Disease. Cholesterol is NOT A DISEASE! – Statins are Drugs that muck up liver functions and the body’s metabolism so...
- posted by Trace Dominguez at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoWith these gifts in tow your favorite traveler will definitely to remember to send you postcards.
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*The gang's all here-- that's Crowley on the left, Satan on the right* I was on the phone with some friends back East Monday and we were talking about working on a primary campaign against corrupt Conserva...
- posted by Nic Halverson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoConsider this: lights powered by bacteria that feed on the waste of homeowners. Gross or great?
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoOver one million tons of carbon emissions from a biofuel plant will be stored beneath central Illinois.
- posted by Trace Dominguez at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoWith these gifts in tow your favorite traveler will definitely remember to send you postcards.
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day agoNato 'ignored plea to stop attacks' Pakistan has had enough 'NATO strike revenge for Pakistan crackdown on CIA assets' China is "deeply shocked" at Pakistan cross border incident: Zardari didn't even ...
- posted by Alison at Creekside - 1 day agoIn response to media reports that CSIS had been complicit in the detention of Canadian citizen Abousfian Abdelrazik in Sudan, outgoing CSIS director Jim Judd requested that CSIS watchdog and review panel, ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 60 km (37.2 miles), the quake hit at 18:53:33 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 22 km (13.6 miles) Ea...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago*"Tracking the Government’s Plans to Save the Economy"* by Bill Bonner "Plan A doesn’t work…neither does Plan Z. Last week ended with a whimper and a bang. Stock markets whimpered. Investors didn’t know w...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 10km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 17:56:34 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 122 km (75.6 miles) East...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day agoWatch live streaming video from occupyphiladelphia at livestream.com http://www.livestream.com/occupyphiladelphia?utm_source=lsplayer&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign=footerlinks
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day agoTarpley.net: The Anatomy of the NATO-CIA Destabilization of Syria: Tarpley Interviewed by Hanaa Alsaleh of Syria’s Addounia Television, Damascus.
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day agoJudge Andrew Napolitano, astonishingly, on FAUX News.
- posted by 2old2care at Because I Can - 1 day agoIn case anyone is interested. *Tuesday, Nov. 29* Joint Board of Directors Meeting 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Board Reception/Dinner 6 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. *Wednesday, Nov. 30* Registration 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hig...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 1 day agoIt looks like ACT’s Minister of Rhyming Slang knows on which side his bread is buttered, and is intent on keeping the butter flowing no matter who and what he sells out. Because just three days after be...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoWilliam Hague has warned Iran that it would face an international backlash if it expelled Britain's ambassador to Tehran after the Islamic regime ratified legislation to downgrade UK ties. Mr Hague said ...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day agoNewt Gingrich: Mr. New World Order. Gingrich: Gov. Should Allow Some Terror Attacks To Remind Us
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago*"$707,568,901,000,000: How (And Why) Banks Increased Total* * Outstanding Derivatives By A Record $107 Trillion In 6 Months"* By Teotwawki Daily "While everyone was focused on the impending European coll...
- posted by Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 1 day agoHumanitarian concerns "dressing up" the military conquest of Syria. by Tony Cartalucci November 28, 2011 - Wall Street and London's media machine eagerly churned out headlines like BBC's "Syria security f...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoSyria said on Monday the Arab League had declared economic war on Damascus by announcing sanctions against its Central Bank, but said it had already withdrawn most funds targeted by a freeze on government ...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 1 day agoHere is the link to the final, fourth episode of Brian Greene's new PBS/NOVA documentary: Universe or Multiverse? I would say that it is inspired both by Greene's second popular book, The Fabric of the C...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoIn virtually all the debates about the eurozone I have been engaged in, someone usually makes the point that it is only when things get bad enough, the politicians finally act – eurobond, debt monetisation...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoOnline footage of the incident, which occurred earlier this month during an afternoon news bulletin on the privately held REN TV channel, is being avidly viewed in both Russia and the United States. In th...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoDays after India and China discussed the issue of oil exploration in the South China Sea, Beijing on Monday warned that it did not want foreign companies engage in activities in the disputed waters, saying...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoAt the rate homes are going on the foreclosure block in Maryland these days, it would take 21 years -- yes, years -- before the current "pipeline" of homes in danger of foreclosure are all sold. That's ac...
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