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A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck the
Puerto Rico Region at a depth of 41 km (25.5 miles), the quake hit at 04:56:23
UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 56 km (34 miles) North of Hatillo, P...
A blast at a hotel in the southern Philippines on Sunday killed three people and wounded 27, an official said. The explosion took place at the Atilano Pension House in
Zamboanga City, said Sheila Covarru...
Today Christine Amanpour had
Colin Powell on her ABC-TV show, *This Week*. He sure used the phrase "the 99%" a lot but wasn't really using it the way that's been current of late. In his *Times* column on ...
Vladimir Putin accepted his ruling party's nomination on Sunday to return to Russia's presidency, while accusing foreigners of funding his political opponents in a reminder of the anti-Western rhetoric tha...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Eastern
New Guinea Region, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 68.8 km (42 miles), the quake hit at 04:28:40 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 41 km (25 ...
Iran will bomb Turkey if the U.S. or Israel tries to destroy its nuclear installations, a senior military commander warned today. General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the aerospace division of the powerful ...
[image: Age gap: Kasey Buckles of
Notre Dame University lead the study into age gaps between siblings] Kasey Buckles of Notre Dame University lead the study into age gaps between siblings Forget expens...
“It is of the nobility of man's soul that he is insatiable: for he hath a benefactor so prone to give, that he delighteth in us for asking. Do not your inclinations tell you that the WORLD is yours? Do yo...
Britain is drawing up emergency plans for the collapse of the ‘creaking’ Eurozone amid warnings debt-stricken Italy will need a £500 billion bailout involving billions of pounds of UK taxpayers’ money. C...
- Children as young as five being treated in hospital for anorexia Half of girls and a third of boys are willing to take extreme measures to get a perfect body or reach an ideal weight, a study has...
Patients admitted to hospital for emergency treatment at weekends are almost ten per cent more likely to die than those admitted on weekdays. A report suggests mortality rates ‘rise sharply’ for those ad...
*Get a fire going.* "National park in Congo offers views of erupting volcano" November 15, 2011|Associated Press KINSHASA, Congo - A *national park* in Congo best known for its endangered mountain gorill...
The over-50s have been dubbed the ‘generous generation’ after a report found that a third are providing financial support to their children and grandchildren. Saga’s latest quality of life index found t...
Union leaders have declared there is nothing the Government can do to avert the biggest strikes in a generation this week. As the Army is put on standby to secure Britain’s borders, millions of public sec...
*Most of the emergent world's major greenhouse gas emitters are request to impediment discussion on a novel typical weather concurrence. Upward countries will undoubtedly goal wealthy governments such as...
For people who think war is fun and war is great, go to hell. "War is a racket," said General Smedley Butler. War in the nuclear age is futile and stupid. A war between Israel/America and Persia hasn't st...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck the Mid-Indian Ridge at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 03:33:34 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 550 km (341 miles) Northeast of Ile Rod...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck South of the Fiji Islands at a depth of 506.8 km (314.9 miles), the quake hit at 01:44:17 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 456 km (283 miles) SSW of Nd...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Bougainville Region, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 146.3 km (90.9 miles), the quake hit at 01:24:53 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 95 km (59 mil...
*"A Warning from the Ancestors-* * Psychopaths in Folklore and Fairy Tales"* Thomas Sheridan "Recently, I received a message from a someone who read "Puzzling People"and they asked me this question: "Why a...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck near the Coast of Ecuador at a depth of 56.7 km (35.2 miles), the quake hit at 23:53:56 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 53 km (32 miles) NNW of Machal...
"Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand- and melting like a snowflake..." - Marie Beyon Ray
*Most accomplished appliance yet built to earth on top of Mars, NASA has launched. Amazing cartridge in use from the upper-stage of the missile showed it wandering off into the space. Nicknamed inquisiti...
* “Of Pumpkins And Velvet Cushions”* by Chet Raymo "Art is I; science is We," said the great French physician Claude Bernard. Which says a lot in six words. Science is consensus, and because of that it i...
*I don't know what Gale Gand plans to put in those ramekins, but whatever it is, please, please save one for me.* *by Ken* One nice thing about the long weekend was being home on the two weekdays, and dis...
“The most distant object easily visible to the eye is M31, the great Andromeda Galaxy some two and a half million light-years away. But without a telescope, even this immense spiral galaxy - spanning over ...
War with Iran from parstimes on Vimeo. The US and Iran from parstimes on Vimeo.
Political cartoon by Joshua Brown / The Rag Blog / September 18, 2011.[Joshua Brown is the executive director of the Center for Media and Learning/American Social History Project, The Graduate Center, The Ci...
Awhile back - I put out a request for someone to debunk the American Legislative Exchange council report "Rich States Poor States". Tonight while I was surfing I found this on the Progressive States Networ...
“Faith and doubt belong together; they govern each other like inhaling and exhaling.” - Hermann Hesse, "The Glass Bead Game"
*INTERNATIONAL ANARCHIST MOVEMENT:* *LIBERTARIAN SOLIDARITY WITH THE STRUGGLE IN EQYPT:* The following is a document sign by a number of libertarian socialist organizations reiterating their suppo...
The world is being pushed towards rule by a single global authority. Many of the powers behind that drive are known as Jews by race or religion, and the undeniable association of internationalism and org...
Stephen M. Walt, who coauthored the book 'The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy' with John Mearsheimer, says America's problem is not a rising China but the moral collapse in Washington and the lack of ...
I'm guessing most Americans have forgotten every they ever knew about Rhodes beyond, *maybe* the Colossus of. I went for a visit once... hated it. I'm guessing it's a much cooler place to go during the s...
Mannford, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
*“Study: Guilt May Be A Top Factor In PTSD”* by Gregg Zoroya "A leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder is guilt that troops experience because of moral dilemmas faced in combat, according to pre...
*"That Rocky Road to Damascus"* Pepe Escobar "The trillion-dollar question in the "Arab Winter" is who will blink first in the West's screenplay of slouching towards Tehran via Damascus. As they examine t...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 7 hours ago
Naomi Wolf in *The Guardian*: US citizens of all political persuasions are still reeling from images of unparallelled police brutality in a coordinated crackdown against peaceful OWS protesters in cities ...
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: Part 7: Part 8: Part 9: Part 10: Part 11:
posted by PC at
Not PC - 8 hours ago
*[image: _McGrath001]Libz leader Dr Richard McGrath looks at who really won on Saturday night.* Let's check out the real result of Saturday night. Total number of eligible voters by 5 p.m. Friday 25 Nov...
A storm ravaging southwestern Sweden has cut off the electricity supply to some 12,000 homes and has disrupted ferry services between Sweden and Germany. Ferry operator Scandlines said Sunday it has cance...
A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has struck the Molucca Sea, Indonesia at a depth of 25.3 km (15.7 miles), the quake hit at 19:59:38 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 145 km (90 miles) NNW of Tern...
Durban, South Africa will be hosting another annual two-week gathering of the global warming activists and lobbyists. The proceedings will begin tomorrow. Fortunately, the nations of the world will only...
A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck near the Coast of Central Peru at a depth of 29 km (18 miles), the quake hit at 19:56:38 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 52 km (32 miles) Southwest of...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck the Santa Cruz Islands at a depth of 54.9 km (34.1 miles), the quake hit at 17:48:02 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 199 km (123 miles) South of Lata,...
To D-fox: if you're reading this, please contact us at It's important -- we believe.
Let us all extend our sympathies to the Spanish people. They face the greatest national emergency since the Civil War yet their vote for drastic change is palpably useless, even if democracy has in this ca...
They drive cars, but seldom new ones. They earn paychecks, but not big ones. Many own homes. Most pay taxes. Half are married, and nearly half live in the suburbs. None are poor, but many describe themselv...
The thylacine, the dodo, the great auk, the passenger pigeon, the golden toad: these species have become symbols of extinction. But they are only the tip of the recent extinction crisis, and according to a...
A new phrase is entering the culinary lexicon: “ration-book meat cuts”. After decades relegated to pet food and canny ethnic butchers, offal and other more obscure bits of calf, sheep and pig are finding t...
View the entire photo gallery here.
Unlike the student revolutionaries of the Sixties, the protesters at Zuccotti Park and St Paul's Cathedral have no clear political objectives, apart from vague attacks on the current economic system. Some...
The cracks in the euro have created fissures in the whole European project of 'ever closer union'. There has been a fundamental change in the way the European Union is thought about – and the change has h...
As mainland Chinese discover expensive wines and luxury cars from the west, so too grows the demand for illegal drugs such as cocaine. And this booming trade uses Hong Kong as a conduit between Latin Ameri...
It does not make for pleasant dinner conversation. But we have a global sanitation crisis. More than 40% of the world's population does not have access to a toilet. These 2.6 billion people, most living in...
Economists are warning of dire consequences if US politicians fail to make progress this weekend in tense talks aimed at reducing America's massive deficit ahead of a Wednesday deadline. The bi-partisan c...
BRITAIN will soon be forced to scrap the pound and join the euro, one of Germany’s most senior figures said yesterday. In a chilling threat to UK sovereignty, German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble pre...
The Duke of Edinburgh has made a fierce attack on wind farms, describing them as “absolutely useless”. In a withering assault on the onshore wind turbine industry, the Duke said the farms were “a disgrac...
Current and former US intelligence officials estimate that any Israeli attack on nuclear sites in Iran would go far beyond airstrikes from F-15 and F-16 fighter jets and likely include electronic warfare a...
Ron Paul with Sean Hannity discussing the economy and the election. Paul talks about the lack of attention he receives, if he is not ignored altogether. Paul says he and his staff were "annoyed" by the f...
Climate change will make drought and flooding events like those that have battered the United States and other countries in 2011 more frequent, forcing nations to rethink the way they cope with disasters, ...
FOREIGN hackers have broken into a water plant control system in Illinois and damaged a water pump in what may be the first reported case of a cyber-attack on a critical US computer system, according to an...
Pizza still counts as a vegetable in U.S. public school cafeterias. The U.S. Agriculture Department originally wanted to require a half cup of tomato paste for a pizza slice to qualify as a vegetable. But ...
*Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeldt (left) * *The Government, Parliament and military forces of Sweden reported for war crimes in Libya *Source: *High crimes [dot] org** *Click* **here* to see the suspects....
*"Horrible Bosses, Pitchforks & Torches" * By: D Sherman Okst "If you haven’t seen the movie “Horrible Bosses” I’d recommend that you do. Please see it. Go enjoy yourself. As bad as things are getting it ...
posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at
FOTOfrontera - 10 hours ago
[image: Imágenes para Navidad, Esferas, Regalos y Santa Claus] [image: Imágenes para Navidad, Esferas, Regalos y Santa Claus] [image: Imágenes para Navidad, Esferas, Regalos y Santa Claus] [image: Imágenes...
*"Congress to Vote Next Week on EXPLICITLY Creating a Police State"* by George Washington "The police brutality against peaceful protesters in Berkeley, Davis, Oakland and elsewhere is bad enough. But nex...
*The Daily Reckoning* By Joel Bowman [image: leadimage] 11/17/11 Buenos Aires, Argentina – Before I get started… Anybody here know what glossophobia means? The word derives from the Greek *glossa*, meanin...
*Curtain up!* *We like to start at -- or at least get back to -- the beginning. Since we're looking at the opening of Act II of Otello, here's the orchestral introduction again, performed by the Vienna Ph...
[image: Euro/Dollar spot chart shows four possible scenarios for eurozone collapse. Masterforex-V] November 26 ( – Nouriel Roubini, an American economist and a Nobel Prize winner in econo...
And you thought Newtie's latest thoughts on abolishing the Congressional Budget Office were pulled out of his ass? (As usual.) Nope. Because if he knows nothing else, he certainly knows where the big dolla...
*From wiki:* Kyl is a staunch conservative, ranked by National Journal in 2007 as the fourth-most conservative U.S. Senator.[4] He has been a fixture of Republican policy leadership posts, chairing the R...
November 27 (Telegraph) – More than 900 people have called for emergency help and 29 people were rescued from the floodwaters, which on Saturday claimed the life of a three-year-old boy who was swept in...
The Libyan Prime Minister Abdurrahim El-Keib has escaped an assassination attempt this weekend according to sources within the government. El-Keib visited the headquarters of the Libyan radio in the distri...
Germany and France are exploring radical methods of securing deeper and more rapid fiscal integration among euro zone countries, aware that getting broad backing for the necessary treaty changes may not be...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
Photo by Brenda Norrell Censored NewsBy Alex Maldonado Censored News TUCSON -- (Nov. 27, 2011) From 10:40pm, Saturday night to 12:10am, Sunday morning, Tucson Police Department cited and released demonstra...
[image: In this photo taken Monday, 21 November 2011, Janet Vambe, 72, prepares to sow maize seed in Harare, Zimbabwe. As she surveys her small, bare plot in Zimbabwe's capital, farmer Janet Vambe knows ...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
By Brenda Norrell Censored News The ways of living life in balance with the earth, along with the 1978 occupation of Point Conception in California and a chapter on Nuc...
Pictured clutching a pump-action shotgun in a crowd of protesters, this is the boyish face of the man accused of being 'The Eye Hunter'. Wanted posters showing First Lieutenant Mahmoud Sobhi El Shinawi hav...
Iranian planes banned from refuelling in countries that have economic ties with the U.S. are dodging the sanctions by filling up at a privately owned airport in Kent. The Iran Air flights are allowed to l...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck Tonga at a depth of 128.5 km (79.8 miles), the quake hit at 14:41:06 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 81 km (50 miles) West of Neiafu, Tonga No Tsunami ...
At least 24 people were killed early Sunday when militants raided a Sunni town in northern Yemen, medics and witnesses said. The Houthi Shia militants raided a Sunni town in Sa'ada in the predawn hours, ...
The Arab League has backed strict sanctions against Syria as pressure is stepped up on the regime to end violence.
Wales manager Gary Speed has been found dead at his home aged 42, the country's football association has announced. It is being reported the father-of-two was found hanged after apparently taking his own...
Friday Digby turned me on to a couple of fascinating historical documents about the Red Referendum that nudged Germany along the path towards Nazism. Here's the contemporaneous (August 1931) writing on it...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 355 km (220.6 miles), the quake hit at 11:19:09 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 130 km (80 miles) S...
10 Outlandish things the 'scientific' controllers have in mind for you in the near future by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) What corporate-driven "science" has in mind...
*Your top story today*: "Owners, players save NBA season; Celtics to start on Christmas" by Gary Washburn Globe Staff / November 27, 2011 *You mean it is not NATO's declaration of war against Pakistan?* ...
A magnitude 3.2 earthquake has struck Oklahoma at a depth of 4.9 km (3 miles), the quake hit at 11:52:26 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 5 km (3.1 miles) WSW of Wellston, Oklahoma No Report...
SCORCHING weather conditions were thought to be the cause of a small scale fish kill at Beachmere. Division Two Councillor and Mayoral candidate Chris Whiting said more than 1000 dead fish were discovere...
It’s a mystery: Something is killing mullet in Estero Bay, but nobody knows what. Katie McFarland, an FGCU graduate student, first saw large numbers of dead mullet floating in the bay and washed up along ...
Geologists here are getting a better feel for what’s going on beneath Yellowstone’s 2.2 million acres of ever-shifting earth thanks to advances in technology. Last week, park officials released Yellowsto...
Every revolution has its losers. Libya's new rulers, who swept to power three months ago in a revolt against Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year rule, have promised the country a brighter future. In the biggest citi...
A magnitude 5.4 earthquake has struck the Nias Region, Indonesia at a depth of 32.1 km (19.9 miles), the quake hit at 11:01:07 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 192 km (119 miles) SSW of Sib...
Seven people have gone missing after a landslide triggered by their illegal mining activities for rare earth metals in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, local authorities said Sunday. The l...
At least 17 people fell ill, four of them seriously, after they got exposed to chlorine gas leaked during water purification in Niladri Vihar area on Saturday, police said. The incident happened in the ev...
The Iranian parliament Sunday voted to expel the British ambassador and reduce diplomatic relations with the nation in retaliation for newly-imposed Western sanctions, according to Iran's official news age...
Just days after a top American commander in Afghanistan said the situation on the border with Pakistan was improving, the U.S. once again finds itself back in the nadir of relations with the Pakistanis. ...
The coastguard is searching for six people missing after a ship sank in the Irish Sea during gale-force winds. A mayday call was sent out from the Swanland cargo vessel at around 2am from 20-miles northw...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck Central Mongolia at a depth of 14.2 km (8.8 miles), the quake hit at 10:14:11 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 86 km (53 miles) NNE of Bayan-Ondor, Mong...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 09:12:46 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 168 km (104 miles) ENE of...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 18 hours ago
Here, David Rose of the Mail on Sunday does a very creditable job for the second week running in teasing out the BBC's cosy links to the eco fanatics at the University of East Anglia. I particularly like t...
Despite the sluggish economy, retail sales on Black Friday hit a new record.
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Azores-Cape St. Vincent Ridge at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 05:16:59 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 478 km (296 miles) East o...
Occupy LA protesters say they intend to stay put despite a deadline from Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to move out by Monday. Although a few broke camp today, most said they didn't intend to. Instead demons...
A group of scientists is pushing to publish research about how they created a man-made flu virus that could potentially wipe out civilisation. The deadly virus is a genetically tweaked version of the H5N1 ...
Inmates planning to escape from jail in South Korea will soon have to overcome more than prison bars, high walls and watchtowers. For one high-security facility is to be given a new weapon in the war on c...
A gang of kidnappers has executed a tourist in a restaurant and abducted three others in the ancient Mali city of Timbuktu. Two of the hostages are Dutch and the third a South African who may have lived i...
A Norwegian school segregated ethnic minority classmates because white children were feeling 'in the minority.' The move, at Bjerke Upper Secondary School in Oslo, divided students and parents, sparking a...
An astronomer has captured the first amateur pictures of another solar system from a tiny telescope in his back yard. Rolf Olsen, a New Zealand based astrophotographer, has published the first non-profess...
Severe monsoon rains that left Thailand submerged under floods last month killing more than 600 people have finally started to recede, exposing the full devastation to the country’s industry. A Honda fact...
A new account of the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been pieced together and appears to support suggestions he was the victim of a conspiracy. Shockwaves reverberated through France and the financia...
[image: Kalasha girl] *Pakistan by **bag_lady (away)* For many years now, the USA has been trying to break up Pakistan. Pakistan's only hope of survival may be to kick out the CIA, and form a close allian...
Steve Hilton, the Prime Minister’s director of strategy and ‘green guru’, is the latest person to admit to doubts about climate change. ‘I’m not sure I believe in it,’ he announced at a meeting of the Ener...
An Australian teenager holidaying in Bali was fatally electrocuted by live wires, according to officials, with reports his friends initially thought it was a prank. Jake Flannery, 18, died Saturday after ...
More than 5,000 documents have been leaked online purporting to be the correspondence of climate scientists at the University of East Anglia who were previously accused of ‘massaging’ evidence of man-made ...
A toddler was beaten to death as his family prepared to celebrate his fourth birthday. Christopher Valdez was found dead in his Chicago home yesterday, shortly before his party, with cake and presents, w...
About 1,800 residents in the north-western New South Wales town of Wee Waa are preparing to be cut off by floodwater's for up to a week. The heavy rains have abated, but rescue workers are now monitoring i...
Do we, as a society, take pills without seriously considering the possible consequences? Photo courtesy: As a society, we have become blinded by science. We are only too willing to ingest,...
A magnitude 4.0 earthquake has struck the Alaska Peninsula at a depth of just 0.3 km (0 miles Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 03:59:43 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 84 km ( 52 mile...
A magnitude 3.9 earthquake has struck the Southern Yukon Territory, Canada at a depth of just 1 km (0.6 miles Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 02:21:24 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck North of Svalbard at a depth of 15.3 km (9.5 miles), the quake hit at 23:59:54 UTC Saturday 26th November 2011. The epicenter was 195 km ( 131 miles) ENE of Nord, Green...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck the Sumba Region, Indonesia at a depth of 50.9 km (31.6 miles), the quake hit at 22:35:36 UTC Saturday 26th November 2011. The epicenter was 26 km ( 16 miles) Northwes...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Tonga Region at a depth of 22.4 km (13.9 miles), the quake hit at 22:34:33 UTC Saturday 26th November 2011. The epicenter was 216 km ( 134 miles) South of Nuku'Alof...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck Antofagasta, Chile at a depth of 107.6 km (66.9 miles), the quake hit at 21:24:50 UTC Saturday 26th November 2011. The epicenter was 94 km ( 58 miles) SSE of Calama, A...
Many caves and rock shelters, such as Jerimalai shelter where the oldest fish hooks were found, are located in the uplifted Pleistocene reef terraces at the east end of the island of Timor. Photo courtesy:...
- Youngest in academic year are less likely to get good GCSEs, study found Children born in August do significantly worse in exams than classmates born 11 months earlier at the beginning of ...
A cure for high blood pressure that could save millions of lives every yearappears to be just around the corner. Researchers believe they may be able to control production of an enzyme that can trigger t...
[image: Pro probiotics? Live bacteria in the yoghurts has been found to break down carbohydrates] Pro probiotics? Live bacteria in the yoghurts has been found to break down carbohydrates After wolfing...
posted by leftdog at
Buckdog - 23 hours ago
*"At a CFL Alumni Association luncheon on Friday, Kapp and Mosca, both 73, went Ali-Frazier in front of startled onlookers. The feud dates back to the 1963 Cup when Mosca’s sideline hit on Willie Fleming p...
- Dramatic results for women who have undergone lumpectomy - Ten-year study is one of most in-depth of its kind [image: According to researchers from Oxford University a course of radiation ...
Earlier today we ran a post about the Montana congressional race. Perhaps looking for an excuse to not spend her entire day doing call time, the progressive candidate in the race, Franke Wilmer, was moved...
Found this posted on DU and had to share, too good not to share with more - The people fighting the good fight in Wisconsin are the best!!!!! The Wisconsin members of the American Legislative Exchange Counc...
"Truck Bomb Kills Dozens in Somalia’s Capital" by MOHAMED IBRAHIM and JEFFREY GETTLEMAN, Published: October 4, 2011 MOGADISHU, Somalia — This particular area of Mogadishu was supposed to be safe, a highly...
A little bit of trivia and history before I get this piece going. *Did you know ALEC had a TV Show?* National Empowerment Television (NET), also known as America's Voice, was a cable TV network designed ...
*Jeez, you couldn't make this stuff up. Does it ever occur to the brain-obliteratin savages of Crap Christianity that God is keeping tabs on them? No, probably not -- if they were capable of processing th...
"Somali children win weapons in contest" September 21, 2011|New York Times NAIROBI - A *typical prize for a children’s contest* might be a backpack, a lunchbox, or some toys. Not in Somalia. Over the wee...
“To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.” - Kofi Annan
*And they are slow-stepping it.* "Somali pirates appeal US conviction; Attorneys argue 5 didn’t board ship" September 21, 2011|By Steve Szkotak, Associated Press RICHMOND - Attorneys seeking to overturn t...
"It’s not a scientific report, it’s a political document," saidinvestigative journalist Seymour Hersh on Democracy Now on November 21, referring to the latest IAEA report about Iran's nuclear program. The...
*LITERATURE:* *SO THEY NEVER DID LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER:* I have recently finished 'The Collected Fairy Tales Of Hans Christian Anderson, and am about 80% through 'The Collected Fairy Tales Of The Br...
*Not that I'm tired of the whole phony drug war.* "Marijuana, opium flourish as Mexico fights cartels" October 25, 2011|By Nick Miroff, Washington Post EL BARRIL, Mexico - The Mexican government is allowi...
posted by David L Riddick (aka The Aged P) at
Biased BBC - 1 day ago
Obviously the BBC has not made much of this story.....I wonder why? * Britain's Guardian newspaper was forced to apologise to Rupert Murdoch's The Sun today for falsely alleging that the tabloid's report...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
It's beautiful this morning. But that's everything to do with the weather, and nothing to do with politics. Or the election. Yesterday' election finished up as a ringing endorsement of no-one. Labour got ...
Seymour Hersh: Iran and the I.A.E.A. (November 18, 2011).