IAEA Exposed as Israeli Spy Front »
Iran Nukes By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor This week, the media, all of it, traced stories about Iran’s nuclear weapons program to…
Nov 25 2011 / 6 Comments / Read More »
IAEA Cries ‘Wolf’ Over Nov 25 2011 / 6 Comments / Read More »
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- The Cost of Israel to Americans (3976)
- You Will Die From The Nuclear Lie (3432)
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- Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude (2391)
- My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK ! (2271)
- Cry for Freedom by a Nude Egyptian Blogger (2138)
- Cracks Open in Iran Nuke Charges (2111)
Google Knols Move to WordPress: The Annotum Platform
the Google Knol project has provided people in many fields with a place to share their knowledge and expertise with the world using a platform designed for scholarly authoring and publishing.
Annotum is Live!
We are pleased to announce the release of Annotum version 1.0 as a hosted theme on WordPress.com, a free theme on WordPress.org, and a freely available download on GitHub (forks welcome). I could write a long post about the many months of hard work by many people at Google, PLoS, NLM, Automattic, and particularly Crowd Favorite, all of whom deserve, and receive, my sincere thanks. But instead I want you to get started using this fantastic new tool to author and publish beautiful, peer-reviewed scholarly articles and journals.
Knol users: to get started, follow these steps:
- Navigate to knol.google.com and log in with your Google account
- You’ll see a link to “Export” or “Download” your knols.
- To Export your knols to WordPress.com, click the link, provide a new or existing WordPress.com username and password, name your new journal, and follow the simple prompts. You may need to provide your knol username and password to complete the download.
- To Download your knols, click the link and follow the prompts to export your Knol data. You’ll need to set up your own WordPress installation to host Annotum, then import your Knols.
- Note: If your knols have multiple authors, you’ll need to map those authors to WordPress.com users, or you can add those users to your journal later.
- For more information about using Annotum, please see the Annotum Support Page on Annotum.org.
- After you download or export your knols, you can to set redirects on knol.google.com for each knol to let your readers know where to find your new content.
Not a Knol User? Follow These Steps
- Go to en.wordpress.com/signup and create a new WordPress site.
- In your site’s dashboard, navigate to the “Appearance > Themes” page.
- Search for the “Annotum” theme, and activate.
For more information about using Annotum, please see the Annotum Support Page on Annotum.org.Here are some posts about the launch:
Annotum is a product of Solvitor LLC with heavy lifting by Crowd Favorite
Annotum is free (speech and beer)
Bob Higgins
The Creek’s Rising, Texas Is Aflame And My Lawn Chairs Just Passed Memphis
a political cult has developed that seriously believes that people should fight their own fires. This cult apparently believes that only socialists call the fire department or the police. A truly self reliant follower of this line of Randian “reasoning” would get a bucket and bravely put out the blaze or get his trusty six gun and capture the bad guys himself. If one needs a road to drive on to reach the fire well by golly don’t be a socialist wimp,just bring a shovel and take care of that project while you’re there.
In a column at the Huff Post last week environmentalist, actor and director, Robert Redford asked the question, “Is the Obama Administration Putting Corporate Profits Above Public Health?”The short answer is yes…wait, that’s also the long answer and probably the only answer.
The waters are rising, the dead ocean is in the living room,the sewage ridden river is lapping at the kitchen door and the lawn furniture just blew past Memphis but please get these scientists out of our classrooms.
Everyone is being sold out here, every plant, animal and microbe on the planet is being sacrificed to the greed of big oil, big coal, big gas and big corporate profit. No air worth breathing? No water fit to drink? Is your food poisoning your family?
The republicans say they have the answer, just get rid of the American government and let the corporations run this place like a business.
Maybe that’s the “credible threat” that Homeland Security is currently babbling about, the republicans are taking over and they’re goin to run this show like Enron, Lehman Brothers or Bank of America.
I don’t know how credible the threat is but it’s pretty scary.
( Curiously absent : any note that the 'authorities' are harassing people cutting brush as a fire prevention measure....in the former style of one George Walker Bush...and in Comments I show what 'skepticism' actually entails
Perry and Palin are both bad news … but even a stopped clock is correct twice a day.
Riddle me this : How do ( you ) verify predictions of future conditions are correct ? Yet these are the allegations of ‘climate science.’
I’ve blogged enough on this to be sick of the topic : but the propaganda painting those pointing out what should be obvious are tarred with the ‘anti environmental polluter sympathizer’ meme. Uh – huh.
What happens in the real world while you are distracted by a bullshit scam to tax the globe for the use of Prometheus’ gift : Fire ?
It’s been savaged by a Blogger malfunction – I no longer have a catalogue of dissent – but hopefully the search for replacement material has not been wasted
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Political Cartoons
Huffington Post
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- Clarence B. Jones: The Moral Challenge of 'Shared Sacrifice' to Income Inequality in the Second Decade of the 21st Century
- James Zogby: Without Accountability, No Lessons Learned
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The Real News
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Too Much
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- The Five Worst Thanksgivings in History
- Your Thoughts on “Thrive”
- Occupy The Change (Video)
- Cthulhu Lives! (Video)
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- The Deepwater Horizon has Lost Its Sunshine - The Bradenton Times - Free News for Bradenton, FL and Manatee County http://t.co/iRJHRofv v\ 1 hour ago
- In Positive Economic Sign, Walmart Customers Killing Each Other to Buy Shit « Borowitz Report http://t.co/qUWje05Z via @addthis 19 hours ago
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- Herman Cain Says He Was Relieved When Doctor Who Treated Him Was A Christian http://t.co/ziWH4BAG via @addthis 4 days ago
- By the way, those turkey snakes have giant fangs, too - Dave Barry - http://t.co/ahHzY6BD http://t.co/oZlpp4Ev via @addthis 4 days ago
- Yesterday's hash served up cold by yesterday's political has been. http://t.co/eLCjuC6F 5 days ago
What's The Deal With These Neutrinos?
>> Friday, November 18, 2011
Posted by Jay Allbritton
Maybe, maybe not. But a repeat of the experiment found 20 neutrinos making a run for the border... of the space-time continuum. Still, before anyone starts writing nasty letters to Einstein's department of I'm Dead Over Here, keep in mind that it takes an independent team repeating the experiment before the shit really hits the fan.
I don't know about you people, but I find this beyond fascinating even though I have no idea what this will mean for anyone currently alive.
Here's a relevant web-comic from xkcd, which Stacy Sedai hipped me to:
Click to biggie size Clean Energy Stunner: Renewable Power Tops Fossil Fuels for First Time
Bill Moyers Slams 1% Rule: 'Plutocracy and Democracy Don’t Mix'
( What Moyers said. As for Joe Fromm... continuing the charade. Yet some interest remains ...in locking up oxygen )
Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage: Feasibility, Permanence and Safety Issues Remain Unresolved
Abramoff Drops Bomb on 60 Minutes--OMG DC is Corrupt, Ya'all
>> Thursday, November 10, 2011
Posted by Jay Allbritton
Cenk Uygur, as always, has more. Uygur makes the point that even though Abramoff is a crook, the real problem is the legalized corruption in the system.