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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

15 November - International Newsdesk - Care2

Care2Image via Wikipedia
An Australian ConversationImage by RubyGoes via Flickr
3D chemical structure of bisphenol AImage via Wikipedia
My News on Care2

Kidnapping and Ransom Rampant in the US
US Politics & Gov't  (tags: corruption, ethics, freedoms, Govtfearmongering, politics, terrorism )
John - 3 minutes ago - dollarvigilante.com
kidnappers are becoming more predatory and beginning to demand higher ransoms as the economic environment in the US continues to decline. The US has 5% of the population of the world but does 22% of the kidnapping.
Need Indoctrination for Jail, Debt Enslavement?
US Politics & Gov't  (tags: Compulsory Schooling )
Walter L - 1 day ago - dollarvigilante.com
We've written for years (see Debtucation) about the scourge of schooling. For decades, governments have been promoting school as being necessary... All public school is, in the US today, is indoctrination for jail or to train you to be a cubicle rat for
BPA Effect on Female Attraction to Men
Health & Wellness  (tags: bisphenol a, bisphenol a effects, female attraction to men, bisphenol a plastic, bisphenol a plastics, bisphenol a news )
Kate - 6 hours ago - pregnancyfitnessguide.org
To all the men out there, you definitely want to watch this video. Female mice were not attracted to male mice who had been exposed to bisphenol a.
The Two Year Window
Health & Wellness  (tags: poverty, isolation, society, community, 'mental disorders' )
John - 6 hours ago - tnr.com
Romanian orphanages study - new research - damage to the telomeres could change the timing of how some cells develop, including those in the brain. a signal that neglect of very young children changes architecture Hat Tip Ezra Klein ( ICE detainees ? )
Even the Cleanest Wastewater Contributes to More 'Super Bacteria'
Science & Tech  (tags: water treatment, antibiotic resistance, bacteria )
John - 6 hours ago - esciencenews.com
Standard wastewater treatment technologies probably release far greater quantities of antibiotic-resistant genes used by bacteria Study examined the impact of municipal wastewater on pristine surface waters near Duluth
Detainees: Working For $1 A Day, Using Phone for $5 A Minute
Business  (tags: corruption, investments, Dickens, slavery )
John - 7 hours ago - blogs.alternet.org
CCA and GEO the two larges private prison operators currently profit close to $5 billion and their share prices are at an all-time high CCA has spent $14.8 million lobbying for anti-immigration laws Immigrant and civil rights organizations vigil Nov 18
Mixed Messages on Climate 'Vulnerability'
Environment  (tags: climate-change, ecosystems, globalwarming, habitat, greenhousegases )
John - 12 hours ago - bbc.co.uk
"Long-term trends in normalized economic disaster losses cannot be reliably attributed to natural or anthropogenic climate change"- IPCC Hat Tip http://pc.blogspot.com/
Disturbing Footage! The US Army Doesn't Want You To See THIS! - YouTube   video
US Politics & Gov't  (tags: )
Walter L - 1 day ago - youtube.com
Showing the Crimes of the Industrial Military Complex and War Machine, Please Do Your Part To Make This Video Viral and then become active in each moment FROM this point onwards to stop this MADNESS!! Disturbing Footage!!
Cherri Foytlin Tells of Her Arrest at the BP Protest in NOLA
Environment  (tags: ecosystems, destruction, pollution, healthconditions, water, energy )
John - 1 day ago - bpoilslick.blogspot.com
Non-violent Direct Action Protest by environmentalists, community organizers, fishermen and clean-up workers who have negotiated for nearly 16 months - to little or no avail.
Fracking Without Water
Science & Tech  (tags: energy, fracking, groundwater pollution, Gasland )
John - 6 days ago - circleofblue.org
A new method of hydraulic fracturing utilizes reusable liquid propane gas instead of water to release underground natural gas deposits ( but that still crazes bedrock allowing poisons to percolate past confinement )
International Day of Action Against Depleted Uranium Weapons - Sunday, November 6th
Environment  (tags: Depleted Uranium Weapons, International Day of Action, 11/6, worldwide events, Ban DU Weapons, DU ammunition, health, risks, danger, public health, environment, UN Day-, Prevention Exploitation, of the Environment, during Wars & Armed Conflicts )
PeasantDi - 9 days ago - bandepleteduranium.org
Also happens to be UN's Day for Prevention of the Exploitation of the Environment during Wars & Armed Conflicts. Anti-DU events taking place worldwide so check here for what's near you. See what Belgium, Australia, US, Finland, Japan are doing for 11/6
UN Endorses Iran's Draft Resolution on Nuclear Disarmament
World  (tags: middle-east, news, politics, violence, war, UnitedNations )
John - 10 days ago - tehrantimes.com
The First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) of the United Nations General Assembly has approved Iran's proposed resolution on nuclear disarmament
Iran Is Run By the CIA
World  (tags: Arab Spring, Muslim Brotherhood, subversion, 'popular' and Colour Revolution )
John - 10 days ago - aangirfan.blogspot.com
In which the girls learn how to write a headline with punch - and they have done excellent research too
TURKEY: A Rising Influence Among Arab Nations
World  (tags: world, middle-east, politics, Turkey, news, international affairs, regional politics, asia )
Cal - 10 days ago - ipsnews.net
Assurances to women by the winners of the Tunisian elections that they will be free not to wear the Muslim veil has come as music to the ears of Turkish secularists. It was another signpost confirming Turkey's growing position and influence among Arab cou
What CNN Doesn't Want You to See Again   video
US Politics & Gov't  (tags: representative government, democrats, corruption, bipartisan tyranny ethics )
John - 10 days ago - youtube.com
Democratic Party Debates Note the nature of the questions and their phrasing - reinforcing divisive propaganda which turns people away from solidarity and unions to promote their views in the fashion of popular lobbies
Predicting the Course of Climate Change Over the Next Decade
Science & Tech  (tags: climate, history, investigation, study, environment )
John - 11 days ago - co2science.org
In a review of this extremely complex subject, Latif and Keenlyside first describe various mechanisms that are responsible for internal variability, then list numerous problems, among which is the fact that "the models suffer from large biases"
Dune - Wikiquote
Society & Culture  (tags: activists, culture, environment, murder, world, violence, dishonesty )
John - 12 days ago - en.wikiquote.org
Proverbs from the cult classic on water war, psi-cally envisioning futures, resistance to empire | When law and duty are one, united by religion, you never become fully conscious, fully aware of yourself. His curse lay in the fact that he saw the cage.
In Kids, Eating Disorders More Common Than Diabetes
Health & Wellness  (tags: children, ethics, food, healthcare, prevention, risks, warning, study, research )
Gravitas - 15 days ago - takepart.com
Pharma marketing has us believing diabetes is growing by leaps and bounds. This new Canadian study found that in kids 5-12, there are 2x more eating disorders than diabetes.
Seymour Hersch and the Men Who Want Him Committed
World  (tags: conflict, corruption, ethics, death, politics, terrorism, violence, war )
John - 15 days ago - whowhatwhy.com
How the Knights of Malta have intervened in politics and delivery of humanitarian aid to further corporate takeovers of countries Silencing criticism is an old technique for enforcing media control
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