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*"Freedom: The New and Future Experiment"* by Joel Bowman "Before I get started… Anybody here know what glossophobia means? The word derives from the Greek glossa, meaning tongue, and phobos, meaning fear...
The NDP has made a lot of noise arguing Quebec deserves a fixed percentage of seats in the House of Commons. At the same time, they continue to move full speed ahead with a leadership race where Quebecers ...
I may or may not have tickets to the midnight showing of
Breaking Dawn tonight. OK, OK, so I have tickets. I almost feel like I need to hang my head in shame, because until recently I was anti-twilight. N...
British spy boss
John Buchan wrote the spy novel *
Greenmantle* in 1916. In *Greenmantle* a shadowy Moslem figure threatens to spark an Islamic jihad against Britain. "The Germans and their Turkish allies...
"Either you live or you die by a stereotype. Either you live or you die by your ignorance." - Tupac
We Are All
Rupert Murdoch Now By
Russ Baker on Nov 16, 2011 With the non-stop revelations about Rupert Murdoch and his news outfits, it’s easy to divide the media between the bad guys and everybody else. E...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Tonga Region at a depth of 37.1 km (23.1 miles), the quake hit at 15:33:36 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 173 km ( 107 miles) Northeast of Neiaf...
A pony owner was distraught to find the severed head of her pet after it went missing. Patricia Lister kept Trigger, a brown and white six-year-old Shetland pony, on an allotment to the back of the Frog a...
This is most excellent - give it a view! Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
*Shall we bomb some more ARAB COUNTRIES...because they HATE OUR FREEDOMS & WAY OF LIFE? This is RIGHT HERE IN THE GOOD OLE USofA, FOLKS, protesters exercising their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS being beaten like ...
Rescuers have been unable to save the last surviving sperm whale from separate mass-strandings in Australia and New Zealand that have seen 91 whales die since the weekend. Though whale strandings are rela...
Puerto Rico is having its deadliest year on record as authorities struggle to control a rampant drug war on the U.S. Caribbean territory. Police said Wednesday that three people died overnight in separate ...
Spain will pay its highest cost of borrowing since the creation of the euro to sell 10-year debt on Thursday as the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis intensifies. The Treasury aims to sell between 3 billi...
As shockwaves from the eurozone crisis radiate outwards, Hungary has felt the full force of their impact. Budapest has endured three difficult bond auctions in a week, yields have shot up, and the forint ...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 1 hour ago
This man, Robert Lamb, appears to be at the heart of the BBC's environmental programmes scandal. Surprise, surprise, he was trained as a BBC producer in the 1980s and has since become a one man blizzard o...
Lately we've heard some mixed messages from the American right with regard to China. There's some recognition that China's currency manipulation is draining American jobs, destroying American manufacturin...
Huntington Beach Police Tuesday searched for a desperate dad, who apparently turned to robbery to feed his kids. The man robbed a GameStop store, telling the clerk that he was sorry, but that he needed ...
Nicholas Coyle, a Salve Regina University Lacrosse player, has been arrested in Newport on charges of animal cruelty after he allegedly killed a rabbit with a hockey stick and used the body as a puck. WPR...
Russia is facing a heightened risk of being drawn into conflicts at its borders that have the potential of turning nuclear, the nation’s top military officer said Thursday. Gen. Nikolai Makarov, chief of ...
Students, tests and cash were the perfect variables to fatten high school math teacher Jeff Spires’ wallet, officials said, but administrators pulled the plug on him after several students brought his alle...
Campus police at an upstate New York college say they're investigating the posting of racist signs in two buildings at the school. A sign reading "Colored only'' was found posted over a drinking fountain ...
The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office is weeks away from launching an unmanned aerial asset to help deputies fight crime. The ShadowHawk helicopter is six-feet long, weighs fifty pounds and fits in the ba...
"There is definitely going to be another financial crisis around the corner," says hedge fund legend Mark Mobius, "because we haven't solved any of the things that caused the previous crisis." We're raisi...
The number of middle-income neighborhoods in the United States has dwindled significantly over the past 40 years, as the rich-poor divide deepens across the country, a study released Wednesday showed. In ...
U.S. banks face a “serious risk” that their creditworthiness will deteriorate if Europe’s debt crisis deepens and spreads beyond the five most-troubled nations, Fitch Ratings said. “Unless the euro zone d...
------------------------------ Permalink *Occupy Roundup: Olbermann's Devastating Special Comment Nailing Bloomberg Plus New Video of Eviction* Keith Olbermann's special comment last night explained why...
The rare wild cats represent five of the seven different types of wild cats found on the unprotected forest corridor.
Use your TV's big sound and picture to video call contacts on their choice of chat-enabled device.
BMW is integrating an on-demand streaming music service that allows users to choose what song to play next.
The Vizio Tablet is decent but unremarkable. No wonder Android tablets still haven't put a dent in the market.
This flight simulator costs $57,000, sure you don't just want to fly home for real instead?
As Thailand Drowns, Proxy Government Seeks Amnesty for Wall Street Stooge. by Tony Cartalucci November 17, 2011 - Thailand's floods were the predictable result of poor planning, incompetent leadership, bot...
More than one in four American women took at least one drug for conditions like anxiety and depression last year, according to an analysis of prescription data. The report, by pharmacy benefits manager Me...
At the close of business on Tuesday, the debt of the federal government exceeded $15 trillion for the first time--with the largest single owner of the publicly held portion of that debt being the Federal R...
Sometimes “progressive media” publishes something that is so incomplete, you could drive a truck through the missing storyline. All it would take is an hour more of research and ten more minutes of writin...
Only a first-year journalism student or my most thick-headed colleagues would deny that we reporters are a largely bourgeois bunch who have trouble dealing with the unconventional. Collectively, we apprec...
A private member's bill set for debate Thursday in Ottawa would make it a crime to cover your face with a mask or other means during a riot. The bill by Conservative MP Blake Richards was introduced in the...
Earlier today, reports Tim, a retired Philadelphia police captain refused entreaties to step aside and proudly insisted on being arrested with the 99%. Watch Tim's livefeed, witness history in the making!
A senior climatologist with Environment Canada says the country should expect a cold winter, but warns that forecasting is getting more and more difficult. "It's almost as if you can't look at the past to...
Radioactive caesium has been detected above the safety level in rice for the first time in Japan since the nuclear crisis began at the Fukushima plant. The sample came from a Fukushima city farm about 60k...
Army defectors in northwestern Syria -- armed with rocket-propelled grenades -- attacked a pro-government youth group office and clashed with Syrian security personnel Thursday, activist groups said. Se...
You may've heard by now that some crackpot took a potshot at the White House yesterday. When Fox "News'" website reported it, it drew some, uhm, interesting comments from Tea Baggers who still bristle at t...
A suspected U.S. drone strike in Pakistan's tribal region killed six suspected militants on Thursday, intelligence officials told CNN. Two Pakistani intelligence officials said the suspected drone fired fo...
Search teams combed through rural South Carolina Thursday morning, a day after strong storms swept through the Southeast, killing at least six people and causing injuries in several states. At least thr...
Twenty years after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian business is dominated by a handful of men known simply as the oligarchs. In the 1990s many of them carved up Russia’s newly privatized state-owned...
It's hard not to become distressed, when I'm carefully following the situation in Yemen since violence got worse. It's even more troublesome not to become distressed thinking that there is a bleak future w...
Protesters in New York launched what they called an effort to "shut down Wall Street" Thursday morning at the beginning of a nationwide day of what could be the Occupy movement's largest protests yet. F...
Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, one of the greatest failures of the country’s leadership has been the inability to make a promised transition from a monarchy to republican rule. In fact, since ...
An asteroid impact crater in France is getting the honor of giving the “terrible lizards” their chance to take over the Triassic.
Whoot whoot! Tearing down the barricades around Zuccotti! http://www.ustream.tv/theother99
Females are up to nine times more likely to suffer 'broken heart syndrome,' a study revealed today. The condition - when sudden or prolonged stress caused by an event such as an emotional breakup or dea...
[image: Caviar – the processed, salted roe of certain fish species, most notably sturgeon – is commercially marketed worldwide as a delicacy. The highly endangered sturgeons of the Danube river basin are...
Webs of floating cells could collect energy simultaneously from the sun and ocean waves.
[image: A yellow frog (Hyla punctata) in the Colombian Amazon, one of the tropical areas where amphibians are most at risk. Jeffrey Arguedas / EPA] By Camila Ruz, www.guardian.co.uk 16 November 2011 I...
posted by David L Riddick (aka The Aged P) at
Biased BBC - 3 hours ago
The man supected of shooting at the White House last Friday had become obsessed with President Barack Obama, officials have told US media. It is thought Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, 21, believed God had given ...
Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com *Above: Live on Global Revolution from Occupy Wall Street New York* *Below: Second stream The Other 99 Ustream* *Twenty-six journalists ...
Did you see this? The BBC may have embarked on some of the most dramatic cost-cutting in its history, but it seems there is still some way to go. There are almost 4,500 job titles in existence at the Corp...
Can't wait for the BBC's much loved "comedians" to poke fun through good natured banter at Obama who is under the belief that Hawaii is in Asia. On a good day perhaps you can see it from the White House, r...
Below is a three-part video of Denis Rancourt's "Science, Technology, and Academic Freedom Panel" presentation at the Frederic Ewen Academic Freedom Center 2nd Annual Conference, New York University, April 3...
When my (former) PhD adviser Tom Banks wrote his first guest blog for *Cosmic Variance*, I couldn't quite agree with his views on eternal inflationand/or understand his groundbreaking 22nd century concept...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 5 hours ago
Today, if you can, join an Occupy site for however long you are able. Today, if you cannot physically join an Occupy site, do something to stand in solidarity with the Occupy Movement: blog, Tweet*, Face...
- High cheekbones and slender chin frame wide smile - Being able to 'smile with your eyes' is crucial - Simply KNOWING your smile 'works' strengthens the effect [image: Cheryl Cole's smil...
Levees.org to defend listing of levee breach sites to National Register today! ‘Til disaster comes along, I’m satisfied ~moosedenied Jesse Jackson stops by Occupy Nola to provide support as eviction hints...
I will be expanding on this post- It's not a security council resolution, but, if adopted could it be enough of a cover to launch an attack on Syria? The Europeans had introduced the resolution in the Gene...
*Virginia Foxx wants to "balance" the budget. Is Sherrod Brown still with her?* Tomorrow the House plans to vote on the so-called Balanced Budget Amendment. This is, after all, what the 1% pays their cons...
(By American Zen's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari Goldstein) The only good thing about fascism and its brutal and oppressive tactics is that it's never subtle. Push these people and you'll always get th...
European bond yields climbed again Thursday -- with the exception of the yield of Germany, the bastion of stability in the eurozone -- despite the European Central Bank's repeated bond-buying sprees. Ital...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck offshore Guatemala at a depth of 96.6 km (60 miles), the quake hit at 13:31:11 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 26 km ( 16 miles) SSW of San Marcos, G...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck offshore Guatemala at a depth of 80 km (49.8 miles), the quake hit at 13:06:42 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 30 km ( 18.6 miles) Southwest of Tiqui...
OWS livestream: http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution http://www.ustream.tv/cbsnews - helicopter http://www.ustream.tv/theother99 - Tim! Update: here they come in with the poor horses again! another...
posted by leftdog at
Buckdog - 6 hours ago
*Today, the Federal Court in Halifax will begin hearing arguments in the class action, which could potentially affect the benefits of as many as 6,000 injured veterans in Canada.* Chronicle Herald
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck offshore Guatemala at a depth of 38.7 km (24 miles), the quake hit at 12:44:48 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 57 km ( 36 miles) SSW of Retalhuleu, G...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 6 hours ago
Our tax dollars at work. The head of an agency that provides services to First Nations children and families accuses the government of discrminating against that community. The agency head is then the subj...
[image: A woman sitting crossed legged meditating] Food for thought: Meditating can make you more confident in bed, a study has revealed Meditation has become a popular practice over the years, helping ...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of just 2 km (1.2 miles), the quake hit at 12:38:32 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 29 km ( 18 miles) Southeast of Ercis, T...
From today's Independent: The London-based television company being investigated by Ofcom over a global news fixing row tried to “cultivate” a world-famous environmental economist and other leading opinio...
A new discovery negates the "inside-out" theory of tooth evolution.
As a non science person, I welcome good news. Why is Dave so determined on bad negative news that Government and profiteers can use to make my life, my kids lives and my grandchildren's lives bad right now...
[image: A long term study of 2,000 teenagers has found that ten per cent of teenage girls admitted to self-harming, compared to six per cent of boys] A long term study of 2,000 teenagers has found that t...
Protesters are preparing to vent fury at their economic plight in New York and Athens - as the euro debt crisis threatens to engulf Spain and France. The cost of borrowing for Spain's government has soare...
Most of the radioactive cesium emitted by the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant has piled up within two centimeters of the soil surface, the government has announced. The Cabinet Office's Team...
More than half of the radioactive materials that were emitted into the atmosphere in the days after the Fukushima nuclear disaster have since fallen into the ocean, according to a recent simulation by a te...
A Ministry of the Environment official has dumped radioactive soil on a vacant lot of land near his home in Saitama Prefecture after the soil was sent to the ministry by a Fukushima resident, it has been a...
The Japanese government is considering banning shipments of cesium-contaminated rice from the Onami area in the city of Fukushima that was affected by the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power pl...
The following places share one thing in common; on the dates which accompany them, they freed themselves from the usurious peril which had been sucking their economic life-blood, and which had been commit...
Uploaded by caseyneistat on Nov 15, 2011 New York City Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez is shown arrested at minute 3:32 Video by C Neistat: like me on https://www.facebook.com/cneistat My office isn't far fr...
The San Francisco branch of the Occupy movement charged into a Bank of America today and set up camp before dozens of protesters were arrested. Demonstrators had arrived by the busload to march through th...
National debt for the United States raced through the $15 trillion mark Wednesday afternoon without any pause or reflection from the snowballing digits, in contrast to critics of the White House. To Repub...
Tech giants including Google Inc took aim today at U.S lawmakers proposing anti-piracy legislation which they say promotes censorship. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) has pit internet giants, consumer gr...
Occupy Wall Street librarians with new books again NYPD and Brookfield seize People's Library AGAIN By XENI JARDIN/Boing Boing Net http://boingboing.net/2011/11/16/nypd-hates-books-police-and-b.html ...
The results of a second autopsy on Rebecca Zahau, who was found hanging naked from a balcony at her lover's mansion, have not convinced police to reopen the case. San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said ...
The United States' Department of Defense needs to know more about how climate change affects global security, recommends the department's science advisers.
Uploaded by PlanetEarthAwakens01 on Nov 17, 2011 Retired Captain Ray Lewis of the Philadelphia police has joined Occupy Wall Street and gives his perspective on the general police mentality. Source: ht...
The mother of the 13-month-old baby whose body was found wrapped in a blanket and dumped in woods has been charged with his murder. Shelby Dasher, 20, was charged with second-degree murder after admitting ...
A bronze 'buckle' believed to be 1,400 years old had been unearthed in Alaska for the first time - and archeologists are mystified about how it got there. The artifact was found in sediment as they dug on...
Clothing firm Benetton has been heavily criticised by the Vatican for using an image of Pope Benedict kissing an imam on the mouth in its latest shock advertising campaign. The controversial image, which ...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 17.4 km (10.8 miles), the quake hit at 09:43:02 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 130 km ( 81 miles...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck North of Halmahera, Indonesia at a depth of 76 km (47.2 miles), the quake hit at 09:18:09 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 380 km ( 236 miles) NNE of...
*N17 Day of Action* *24 hours of protest* First Rally: Noon at Municipal Building @ 201 West Colfax Avenue Second Rally: 6PM @ The Greek Ampitheatre in Civic Center Park OCCUPY DENVER November 17: 60 Days...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck Southeast of the Loyalty Islands at a depth of 87.1 km (54.1 miles), the quake hit at 09:14:10 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 274 km ( 170 miles) E...
Search teams combed through rural South Carolina on Thursday morning after a storm swept through the Southeast, killing four people and causing injuries in several states. At least three people died and ...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 59.2 km (36.8 miles), the quake hit at 08:34:34 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 102 km ( 63.4 mil...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck Sulawesi, Indonesia at a depth of 14.8 km (9.2 miles), the quake hit at 07:50:57 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 147 km ( 91 miles) NNE of Kendari, ...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck the Fiji Region at a depth of 583.7 km (362.7 miles), the quake hit at 07:45:31 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 257 km ( 159 miles) Southeast of Lamb...
Explosions and gunfire rocked the Syrian capital early Thursday, an opposition group said, hours after military defectors struck a government intelligence complex in a bold assault reflecting surging resol...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck the Northern East Pacific Rise at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 07:17:00 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 724 km ( 449 miles) ESE of...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Banda Sea, Indonesia at a depth of 155.9 km (96.9 miles), the quake hit at 06:58:50 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 238 km ( 147 miles) Northwes...
By *Raoul Heinrichs*, The Diplomat U.S. President Barack Obama’s sheen may have worn off somewhat in the United States, but not in Australia. Yet amid the handshaking and backslapping, the photo opportun...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Northern East Pacific Rise at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 06:52:41 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 694 km ( 431 miles) ESE of...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck Bio-Bio, Chile at a depth of 27.3 km (17 miles), the quake hit at 06:25:50 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 36 km ( 22 miles) ENE of Lebu, Bio-Bio, Ch...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck the Northern East Pacific Rise at a depth of just 1 km (0.62 miles Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 06:11:51 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 69...
Scientists say their hunt for extra-terrestrial life has been given a boost by new evidence of a massive hidden sea on Jupiter's moon Europa. The sea - which is as big as the North American Great Lakes - ...
The Arab League has given the Syrian regime three days to halt violence against its people or face economic sanctions, Qatar's prime minister has said. The suspension of Syria from the 22-nation group, f...
Most of us are ignorant of thedetails of Haitian Voodoo. One catchesbits of exotica from time to time but little else. Here is an old article that addresses thatgap in our knowledge. It is worth a r...
What makes even more sense isthat we had two Jupiter sized planets working in similar orbits accumulatingmass. This configuration is naturallyunstable, but may well persevere until Jupiter dominated b...
Read my lips. We reside in a capitalist society. In order to participate in a capitalistsociety, it is necessary to have access to capital. Having 20,000,000 participants and really40,000,000 unable ...
Thefundamental argument laid out here is that the Islamic world in particular iscollapsing on contact with modernity. That this trend will likely continue and that the Islamic world itselfwill continue ...
Emergency intervention in canceris common if not the norm, although the removal of a mass is certainly aninevitable necessity. However, we allknow that this far too often is a simple postponement and ...
*Graham Spanier (left)* Top American universities have appointed former CIA officials as their presidents. (Researching Violence, Democracy and the Rights of People - Google ) Graham Spanier "serves as ...
[image: Frustrated: The huge number of channels means people are constantly missing programmes they would like to watch] Frustrated: The huge number of channels means people are constantly missing progr...
They're attractive and successful, yet a growing number of women say they prefer independence to romance. Liberating - or a recipe for loneliness? Kim Williams is excitedly packing her bags for the trip of...
[image: Lifesaver: Garlic oil contains an ingredient, diallyl trisulphide, that has the power to prevent the destruction of heart tissue] Lifesaver: Garlic oil contains an ingredient, diallyl trisulphide...
If you start to nod off at your desk in mid-afternoon, don’t reach for a sweet treat as a pick-me-up – have an egg. Scientists have found that egg proteins, specifically those found in the white, help u...
Clint Eastwood's J. EdgarIt is precisely because Eastwood has made the sexual angle central to the film, without playing games with it, that the film is so powerful. By David McReynolds / The Rag Blog / Nove...
Following in Charlton Heston's immodest footsteps.Ten immodest commandmentsWhat, indeed, have I learned from my fumbling-and-bungling lifetime of activism?By Mike Davis / The Rag Blog / November 17, 2011A fr...
Image from Addicting Info.‘Occupy America’: The people are the pointBy Bill Freeland / The Rag Blog / November 17, 2011The “Occupy” movement, which began as a small gathering in a private park near Wall Stre...
Casey Anthony is lucky to be alive after allegedly surviving an assassination attempt at her Florida safe house. Casey's 'panic-stricken' bodyguards had to pull her out of the firing line and whisk her to...
France and Germany, Europe's two central powers, clashed today over whether the European Central Bank should intervene to halt the eurozone's accelerating debt crisis - as modest bond purchases failed to s...
Five people have been hospitalised after they were sprayed with sulphuric acid as they walked near Buckingham Palace. The substance was thought to have dropped from the back of a lorry before mixing with ...
Photo by RunItsTheFuz / Flickr / Truthout.Half of vets returning from Iraq andAfghanistan need medical attentionBy Eric Newhouse / Truthout / November 16, 2011More than half of America's former warriors are...
Friday the Republicans will bring up their balanced budget amendment. It's the favoritest thing ever-- a Grover Norquist wet dream. But it takes a two-thirds vote in each chamber to be able to send it on ...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 19.4 km (12.1 miles), the quake hit at 02:37:21 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 40 km ( 24 miles) North of Mus, Turkey N...
A magnitude 5.7 earthquake has struck off the Coast of Ecuador at a depth of 29.8 km (18.5 miles), the quake hit at 01:57:05 UTC Thursday 17th November 2011. The epicenter was 129 km ( 80 miles) Southwest ...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck Southwestern Sakha, Russia at a depth of 15.8 km (9.8miles), the quake hit at 22:05:54 UTC Wednesday 16th November 2011. The epicenter was 145 km ( 90 miles) ENE of Us...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 5 km (3.1 miles), the quake hit at 19:39:48 UTC Wednesday 16th November 2011. The epicenter was 106 km ( 65.7 miles) ...
“Hot, young stars and cosmic pillars of gas and dust seem to crowd into NGC 7822. At the edge of a giant molecular cloud toward the northern constellation Cepheus, the glowing star forming region lies abou...
On Thursday, November 10, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned the United States and Israel against attacking Iran, saying: "Anybody who takes up the idea of an attack on Iran, should get re...
*"Bright Lights"* by Chet Raymo "In Comments, shhiggins draws our attention to the brights website. I've had my eye on this movement ever since Dan Dennett brought it to national attention with an op-ed ...
by Greg Palast and the Palast investigations team at *Zuccotti Park Wall Street, Occupy Portland, Occupy Oakland, and Kinshasa, Congo* exclusive for OpedNews.com So big deal. They evicted us. That just me...
*"Ask Me" * by William Stafford "Some time when the river is ice ask me mistakes I have made. Ask me whether what I have done is my life. Others have come in their slow way into my thought, and some have t...
*"Child Abuse: * *Why People So Often Look the Other Way"* by Stephanie Pappas "Of all the missed chances outlined in the grand jury report regarding the allegations of child sexual abuse by former Pennsy...
Vince Lombardi was famous for saying, "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing." Image from Great American Things.Did winning become everythingfor Penn State's Joe Paterno?By Thomas McKelvey Cleaver / ...
By Denis G. RancourtA system, such as the medical establishment, based on lies and anchored in a profession is extraordinarily resilient -- in the case of medicine, even in the face of itself being the third...
*"[A]ny woman who levels a charge of sexual harassment at a GOP candidate is going to be pummeled by the conservative media and treated like a cross between a crank and a witch. In the reddest, angriest p...
This comes up a lot at my work. Which phrase is better:1) ... will help save you time.2) ... will help you save time.Imagine each phrase as more than a 5-word sentence, and assume the "..." part must be im...
------------------------------ by Stephen Boyer | November 15, 2011 · 11:09 | Permalink *EMOTIONAL NIGHT IN LIBERTY SQUARE* As you probably know, Liberty Plaza was raided last night. An hou...
How To Create A Culture of Rape Widespread greed and lack of empathy facilitated the cover-up of child rape at Penn State University. Cliff Schecter 15 Nov 2011 In May of 2009, as President Barack Obama pr...
Prosecutors have charged a 20-year-old suburban St. Louis woman with murdering her 13-month-old son. St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch said Wednesday that Shelby Dasher is charged with second-degre...
*We Are The Many - Makana* *MakanaVideos * Original here We Are The Many Lyrics and Music by Makana Makana Music LLC © 2011 Cherchez la Verite
Forfar, Angus, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
*"3 PM Slump? Why A Sugar Rush May Not Be The Answer"* by Medical Xpress "A new study has found that protein and not sugar activates the cells responsible for keeping us awake and burning calories. The re...
*“Is There Anything Coffee Can't Do?”* By Eryn Brown "Scientists reported Monday that drinking coffee was associated with decreased risk of a common and slow-growing form of skin cancer called basal cell...
Actual Harper quote : "I remain optimistic that the project will eventually go ahead because it makes eminent sense." I'm surprised that TransCanada's forays into eminent domain - a corporations' stat...
Ex-Freddie Mac official said Newt Gingrich paid $1.5 million for consulting Gingrich Said to Be Paid $1.6M by Freddie Mac
New Canadian banknotes will incorporate several security features to make life tough for counterfeiters.
An awe-inspiring video of the things people can make their bodies do.
*"Redefining Health: Throw Away Your Scale"* by The DailyOm "No matter what our weight, we can use the cues from our physical and mental selves to judge how healthy we are. Health is not a numerical conce...
Word from Capitol Hill is that multimillionaire plutocrat John Kerry (D-MA) is the weakest link among Democrats on the SuperCommittee-- not the strongest group of warriors for the middle class to begin wi...
"Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live n...
If you've been hanging around here more than 6 months, you may remember that I am conceited and published my own Gospel (of Links) back in March. And, if you actually read that series, you may remember t...
Sixty days into the struggle #OccupyWallStreet was violently evicted by the NYPD, who leveled our homes at Liberty Square to the ground. Our movement, however, is stronger than it has ever been. In these ...
posted by leftdog at
Buckdog - 21 hours ago
*REGINA — The City of Regina makes history once again. “We may be the first city to do it, but it wasn’t about us it was about the recognition of our Metis people,” said Mayor Pat Fiacco. On Tuesday, th...
posted by leftdog at
Buckdog - 21 hours ago
*125 years ago - at the North West Mounted Police barracks in Regina, the government of Canada executed a father of Confederation because he was not white ... was not an English speaking Conservative and...
The author's untimely death at the age of 41 has long been a cause for speculation among historians.
A Chinese man set himself on fire in Beijing's Tiananmen Square in what is thought to be the first act of self-immolation at the scene of the 1989 pro-democracy protests for more than a decade. The incid...
The headmaster of a private school was attacked on his doorstep and had bleach thrown in his face for his part in an unpopular merger, police suspect. Jim Keefe, 42, is the head of Arnold School in Black...
A tornado struck a southern Indiana town, tearing the roof off the police and fire headquarters and leaving debris piled on the courthouse square. The National Weather Service said Monday night’s storm dam...
Ngee Ann Polytechnic students participating in a sports and wellness class this morning were sent fleeing from the field when bees in a hive on a tree attacked them. The students said they had been playi...
Up to 1,000 people may have been exposed to measles in downtown Edmonton and at University Hospital, Alberta Health Services said Tuesday. Only people who have not been vaccinated or have not had the conta...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 22 hours ago
*[image: _McGrath001]You can’t keep a good doctor down. Here’s another update from the campaign trail in Doc McGrath’s Wairarapa electorate, where he received 453 votes at the last election.* The Wairar...
Alberta's premier, Alison Redford, complains that public policy is shaping Canada's energy future. Well Alison, so what? What's so damned toxic special about Alberta bitumen that it should be exempt from...
Bavarian adventure resort offers fearless campers a night to remember.
Analog circuits simulate the way the brain works, and may open computers to learning.
*"This Is What Revolution Looks Like"* by Chris Hedges "Occupy Wall Street protesters react and wave copies of the court order allowing them back into Zuccotti Park as police block them from re-entering...
A team of investigators from the National Weather Service has determined two EF-2 tornadoes touched down in Chautauqua County on Monday. The National Weather Service says the first tornado touched down ...
A CLOUD of radioactive gas has been detected over France and large parts of Europe but the French nuclear watchdog IRSN and the International Atomic Energy Agency say there is no public health risk. The ...
Experts have warned that the economic crisis could spark a 'rapid spread' of HIV infections across Europe. Budget cuts have resulted in understaffing and hospital closures, while many patients say they ar...
- Les Visible, "The Forces of the Last Gasp, on Meat Street."
The Liberals have come out against an expanded House of Commons, arguing we have enough MPs as it is. I personally feel the problem is one of *quality *rather than *quantity*, but most Canadians would like...
*"Where's That Sign Again?"* by Karl Denninger "What sign? That big one that says I told you so! There are multiple swirling rumors (and some information that's not-so-rumorish) about the "raids" that ha...
A prominent forensic pathologist said a woman found hanged, bound and nude at the mansion of her wealthy boyfriend was less likely a victim of suicide than of murder, and he urged a reopening of the case. ...
*"The Symbiotic Relationship of Feds and Insiders"* by Bill Bonner "Yesterday when the markets closed the price of oil was only 66 cents shy of $100. What a come back. We expected oil, stocks and gold to ...
Applications are being accepted for NASA's next class of astronauts. Do you have what it takes?
The U.S. Postal Service said Tuesday it has lost $5.1 billion in the past year, pushing it closer to imminent default on a multibillion-dollar payment and to future bankruptcy as the weak economy and incre...
It's not even December, but Santa has already been fired from Charleston's Hollings Cancer Center. For each of the past two years, hospital volunteer Frank Cloyes spent one day as St. Nick, spreading good...
Iran is contemplating violently shutting down shipping in the Persian Gulf as one of several counterattack options if Israel strikes its nuclear facilities, regional and intelligence analysts say. Such at...
Italy's new leader Mario Monti has formed a technocratic government containing no politicians as the country attempts to stave off financial disaster. Economist and former European commissioner Mr Monti, ...
After a manhunt for a disturbed gunman who is suspected of shooting at the White House with an AK-47 assault rifle and smashing a window, he was captured in Pennsylvania on Wednesday. Police said Oscar Ra...
The recent bankruptcy of financial stalwart and Wall Street casino failure MF Global in the US, has claimed a new and unlikely victim. Following the company’s glorious collapse, Trends Research founder G...
Last week, Eric Berger mentioned a paper by the notorious recidivist James Hansen, Climate Variability and Climate Change: The New Climate Dice, written together with Sato and Ruedy. *Summers in Moscow...
A teacher at a suburban Christian school has been charged with a felony, after he was fired for allegedly masturbating behind a podium while teaching class. As CBS 2′s Dana Kozlov reports, Schaumburg po...
The lawyer for alleged Penn State child abuser Jerry Sandusky got a teenage girl pregnant when she was 17 and he was 49, according to a report. Defense attorney Joe Amendola, 63, is said to have later marr...
Former Penn State football coach Joe Paterno's long service at the university theoretically puts him in line for a pension of more than $500,000 a year, according to an Associated Press analysis of state p...
Let them try to beat us down. We will not be stopped! Mario Savio Lecture at UCLA - Berkley - Will Occur Outside on Mario Savio Steps! "A lot of people don't like freedom of speech." - Robert Reich Novembe...
Animal control officers captured three of four pit bulls believed to have killed 42 goats in a Los Angeles-area farm. The goats were slaughtered on a property at 164th Street and Avenue Q Monday in Lancas...
A man with a gun was shot by police Tuesday inside a campus building at the University of California, Berkeley, the school said. The shooting happened at the Haas School of Business on the east side of c...
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been targeted by anti-US protesters during a visit to the Philippines. The cavalcade she was travelling in was splattered with red paint by activists angry at US ...
An Albertson’s supermarket on Harbor Boulevard was evacuated Monday after a burglary suspect fell through the ceiling to the ground near a cash register. Police say around 9:30 p.m., a female shopper re...
Police in Queens are hunting for three suspects they say are wanted for an assault on a subway train that was captured on video. The video was recorded just after 2 a.m. on Nov. 8. It shows an argument ...
The loss of their camp at Zuccotti Park doesn’t seem to be slowing down the Occupy Wall Street movement as protesters are calling for “a national day of direct action” on Thursday. According to their webs...
Doused in milk to counter the effects of the pepper-spray indiscriminately fired in her face, this 84-year-old woman was caught in the crossfire when an Occupy march descended into violence. Dorli Rainey ...
Australia has agreed to host a full US Marine task force in the coming years, Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced at a news conference with US President Barack Obama in Canberra. She said about 250...
Turkey and members of the Arab League have called for "urgent measures" to protect Syrian civilians from a brutal government crackdown. At a meeting in Morocco, they also declared they were "against all fo...
The UK's economic outlook has worsened and the economy could stagnate until the middle of next year, the governor of the Bank of England has said. Sir Mervyn King also said that the eurozone debt crisis wa...
The Bank of Japan (BOJ) has warned that the country's economic growth may be hurt by the eurozone debt crisis, flooding in Thailand and a strong yen. It said the euro crisis was stifling demand from Europe...
The news feeds of thousands of Facebook users were flooded with violent and pornographic photographs after an attack by hackers, a spokewoman for the social networking site confirmed. Thousands of users a...
The news feeds of thousands of Facebook users were flooded with violent and pornographic photographs after an attack by hackers, a spokewoman for the social networking site confirmed. Thousands of users a...
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has warned that the eurozone faces a "systemic crisis" that needs deeper integration to resolve. He told the European Parliament in Strasbourg that further...
Despite the noise, the ambient background of indistinct shouting, it is peaceful, almost romantic. The newly scrubbed square is lit by rectangles of neon lights embedded in the ground. They cast their lig...
Melissa & Doug want you to tell them which of their educational toys you think is the best! Just click on the image below to place your vote in the North "Poll!" You'll Get a *Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon...
A fledgling force of Syrian military deserters struck an important government security complex on the outskirts of the capital overnight, a bold strike reflecting the resolve and confidence of the regime's...
Large lakes discovered just below Europa's icy shell may provide a habitat for life.
Security forces killed 20 militants in an operation in northwest Pakistan on Wednesday, military officials said. Helicopters launched an aerial assault on militant hideouts in central Kurram Agency, a sem...
The Secret Service is looking into whether a bullet fired into a window at the White House is connected to a shooting nearby last Friday. The bullet was stopped by a bullet-proof window and did not enter t...
A magnitude 4.3 earthquake has struck offshore Guatemala at a depth of 30.7 km (19.1 miles), the quake hit at 16:24:14 UTC Wednesday 16th November 2011. The epicenter was 67 km ( 42 miles) SSW of Suchiate, ...
The healthy immigrant effect persists, according to a Statistics Canada study released Wednesday that found immigrants are generally healthier than Canadian-born citizens. Although the edge in health decl...
A New York Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that Occupy protesters will be allowed to return to Zuccotti Park, but they can't bring their tents and generators -- once a mainstay of the movement. The Lower Ma...
An overloaded school minibus crashed head-on with a truck in rural western China on Wednesday, killing at least 18 kindergarten children on their way to class as well as two adults, officials said. Two ad...
Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com
Reader Contribution; Thanks Nick
The mother of the one-year-old boy whose body was found dumped in woods just hours after he was reported missing from her home has been arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder. Shelby Dasher, 20, w...
Sand dunes are a common feature of Mars – and now scientists believe the red planet has winds powerful enough to move them around. Experts have known for a long time that it often blows a gale on our cosmi...
Photos by Brenda Norrell Censored News A walk around Occupy Tucson this morning, where there are more than 50 tents in the heart of downtown Tucson. Signs carry the messages to end the war and stop the ...
One bullet struck an exterior window of the White House and another was found nearby.
Most Republicans in Congress are staying out of the GOP "presidential" primary endorsement race, although with Romney clearly headed for the nomination, he's got the bulk of the endorsements (32). A few r...
Defence chiefs have warned that the U.S. is prepared to retaliate with military force if it came under cyber attack. In the most explicit statement about cyber security to date, Pentagon officials said th...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
“If you're happy and you know it, tick National. If you don't like change and you thoroughly approve of the confiscation of private property and the grotesque mismanagement of Christchurch since the e...
------------------------------ * the**REALnews Permalink* October 16, 2011 *Eviction Reinforces OWS Determination* Occupy Wall ...
There is a spectre sitting on the face of the unemployed. It's like a giant, suffocating cat only less concerned whether or not you can breathe. It's what Wall Street, Congress, several successive preside...
Did Goldman Sachs play a key role in Europe's fiscal meltdown and are Goldman Sachs alumni now moving into top positions in the most unstable Euro nations? Apparently so. This one's a true eye-opener. ...
The UN recently issued a report warning of the effects of global warming on the world's major river systems. Increased evaporation, drought and irregular rainfalls are expected to leave water levels chaot...
Go here for original *OWS Livestream for Post-Eviction Day of Action* This feed may go in and out, but here's the livestream following the protesters just cleared out of Zuccotti Park as they p...
It seems our European cousins are coming to grips with the utter madness of the past. Along the Atlantic coast and in the Baltic sea thousands of tonnes of chemical weapons littering the seabed are close...
Syrian army defectors have launched a major attack on an intelligence complex on the edge of Damascus, activists claimed today. Members of the Free Syrian Army fired shoulder-mounted rockets and machine g...
The team puts together an A+ effort on this week's Friday News Feedbag, which means they all showed up this time. So... you're welcome. The Friday News Feedbag podcast pits Discovery News reporters James W...
It seems like Apple is going to forgive us for all the music we have that we didn't acquire through iTunes.
For some time now I have wondered at the Kurdish role in Syria You may recall that a Kurdish leader was assassinated. This was blamed on Syrian forces/government. I covered that all in a previous post, poi...
Canada may be a Pacific Rim country just not, perhaps, to our corporate news media. There's a lot happening in the South-Asia/East Asia arc involving China, India, the United States and, most recently, Au...
Words; they are the ammunition the BBC uses to disguise profound and systemic bias. The BBC on numerous occasions via website & television, describes Ennahda, the Islamist party that won the recent Tunisia...
Ready for war on Syria? Sure, those brown people who don't take our orders easily are scary, but do we have the right to replace their governments just because we'd like to be the ones who determine their ...
Eurozone bond markets suffered from a mass sell-off yesterday - with previously healthy economies finding themselves sucked into the debt crisis. The yield on French government bonds climbed to 3.63 per ce...
So yesterday I attempted a post..... Then hit publish and got a 404 error! Good bye post. Time constraints and a total lack of patience got the better of me. It just wasn't meant to be. Today, I will give i...
Make it a daily habit, just once a day, to follow the request on the flashing arrow banner above. It only takes 5 seconds of your time, is completely safe, and does a world a good! Let's make a deal: You...
A man appeared in court today charged with kidnap and sexual assault after a 10-year-old boy vanished on a trip to local shops. Michael Jackson, 49, from Oldbury, West Midlands is accused of the kidnap an...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck near the Coast of Central Peru at a depth of 52 km (32.3 miles), the quake hit at 14:02:14 UTC Wednesday 16th November 2011. The epicenter was 27 km ( 16 miles) SSW of...
There's a warrant out for Oscar Romero Ortega, suspected of firing a couple of shots at the White House Friday evening. According to *BBC News* there is evidence one round hit a White House window and two...
A convicted sex offender attacked a 10-year-old boy minutes after being allowed out of a secure mental health unit on unsupervised leave, a court heard. Shaun Tudor, 43, who has spent his entire adult lif...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Region, Alaska at a depth of 28.4 km (17.6 miles), the quake hit at 11:15:19 UTC Wednesday 16th November 2011. The epicenter was 21 km ( 13 miles) NNE of Larsen Bay, Al...
At least 15 suspected insurgents were killed by drones Wednesday in western Pakistan near the border with Afghanistan, according to news reports. The salvo of missiles struck an insurgent compound in the i...
A convicted sex offender attacked a 10-year-old boy minutes after being allowed out of a secure mental health unit on unsupervised leave, a court heard. Shaun Tudor, 43, who has spent his entire adult lif...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Region, Alaska at a depth of 28.4 km (17.6 miles), the quake hit at 11:15:19 UTC Wednesday 16th November 2011. The epicenter was 21 km ( 13 miles) NNE of Larsen Bay, Al...
Occupy Wall Street New York occupiers' belongings thrown in pile by New York police during Tuesday's raid *State of Seized Library: Books and laptops destroyed by New York police in raid* *By Occupy Wall St...
*Look, It's a Turkey - Sitting in Front of a Turkey* The way things are going, the F-35 may save Canada from getting F-35'd. Every couple of weeks I Google F-35 to harvest the latest litany of gaffes, se...
Thai authorities are considering the construction of a super-express waterway through Bangkok to prevent future floods similar to the one that has crippled the Thai capital and brought manufacturing in o...
The capitol of Mongolia seeks to keep cool next summer by forming a giant block of ice on a river running through the city.
Air bags aren't just for autos; soon backcountry skiers and snowboarders could be wearing them.
A heavily overloaded nursery school bus has collided with a truck, killing 18 passengers and injuring 44 in northwest China. The nursery school bus was a nine-seat minivan, but was packed with 64 passeng...
Heated words are being exchanged between world governments as further signs emerge that the euro might not survive its debt crisis. David Cameron has called for the EU's rule book to be rewritten - and ha...
*Oh, I'm sooooo happy!* "The *Boston Globe was a media sponsor of the event*. The Globe’s publisher, Christopher M. Mayer, said the *newspaper’s hope* is to *create dialogue* about *issues of importance*....
The company's new line uses integrated printers to print 3x4 color photos instantly.
Music-based therapy helped the congresswoman relearn how to walk and talk, but science is still awaiting data to support the technique.
[image: Sir David Attenborough on Arctic snow, with a tranquilized polar bear. Attenborough presents and authors the 'On Thin Ice' episode of 'Frozen Planet'. It looks at how the planet's ice is changing...
"... as about 220 protesters camped in their tightly packed tents, most of them asleep, powerful klieg lights on the trucks snapped on with a* '*Whoosh!' Now, it was as bright as day, even though it was 1 ...
People's Library at Occupy Wall Street. Photo by David Shankbone / Flickr.NYPD apparently destroys 'American cultural history'More than 5,000 books in the Occupy Wall Street library were reportedly thrown a...
You made me write this I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to do it You made me do this and all the time you knew it I guess you always knew it. I know. I’m no Judy Garland. But I really wish I didn’t h...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
A while back, wmtc had a discussion about the supposed controversy of the authorship of Shakespeare's plays, after I read the book *Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare*, by James Shapiro. Now a movie i...
"Privately owned public spaces" ~Library Chronicles ~Hat Tweet @brianpmoore666~WATCH YOUR ASS SMELLY HIPSTER RT @*Satchfield*: Businesses bringing security cameras to Frenchmen Street wwltv.com/news/More-...
J.J. Benítez: UFO Buzzed Chile’s Pinochet Before Coup Attempt Mexico’s NOTIMEX news agency published an interesting news item yesterday: a statement by Spanish UFO researcher / novelist J.J. Be...
Waning crescent moon. Photo by Ed Euthman / Flickr.Moon Musings:Waning Crescent Moon(November 19 - 22, 2011)By Kate Braun / The Rag Blog / November 16, 2011The waning crescent moon is a good moon phase to us..
November 17, 2011
November 16, 2011
November 15, 2011
November 14, 2011
November 11, 2011
November 10, 2011
November 9, 2011
November 8, 2011
November 7, 2011
November 4, 2011