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The Armed Forces are furious at effectively being hit by a pay cut despite risking their lives in Afghanistan and Libya. Families of soldiers, sailors and airmen lashed out after
George Osborne capped pub...
posted by Suzanne MacNevin at
Lilith News - 3 minutes ago
POLITICS - Not sure? Watch this video.
The hardy souls who take a caravan holiday in
North Wales at this time of year are well used to wet and windy weather. But even they weren’t prepared for the 80mph tornado that ripped through their holida...
*Couple of douche bags* If you want to make believe the Republicans in Congress aren't fighting a vicious and concerted class war against working families on behalf of Big Business,
Wall Street and the 1%...
Militant union leaders failed in their campaign to bring Britain to its knees yesterday.
David Cameron dismissed as a ‘damp squib’ a strike billed as the biggest for a generation. With picket lines spars...
Ever since
Black Friday I have been thinking about the materialism of Christmas. The store I happened to be at on Black Friday was chaos with greed. I couldn't even enjoy the fun of shopping as I watched...
Britain has been sucked into a second credit crunch that threatens the stability of the world’s banking system, Downing Street warned last night. Central banks from around the world – including the Bank of...
*A lack of rainwater over the past few months denotes that groundwater levels are tranquil declining in several areas. According to Environment Agency the drought that has exaggerated parts of England wh...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck Western Xizang (Tibet), China at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 03:50:57 UTC Thursday 1st December 2011. The epicenter was 56 km (34 miles) SSW of Luma...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Balleny Islands Region at a depth of 9.8 km (6.1 miles), the quake hit at 22:40:44 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 751 km (466 miles) Northwest...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck the Nicobar Islands, India region at a depth of 35.8 km (22.2 miles), the quake hit at 19:49:06 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 82 km (50 miles) Ea...
A magnitude 5.5 earthquake has struck the Nicobar Islands, India region at a depth of 4.9 km (3 miles), the quake hit at 19:42:32 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 78 km (48 miles) East o...
*Animals that survive in or near groundwater are highly susceptible to any changes in its chemistry, and they can predict earthquakes before the humans know that. So they might intellect this time sooner...
*DOG EAT DOG* *By Mohawk Nation News* ** MNN. 30 Nov. 2011. European rulers train their people to be obedient, and can order them to attack or pull back. They need an enem...
*INTERNATIONAL POLITICS:* *DEMOCRACY VERSUS THE BANKERS:* The following item on the international finamcial crisis is from the Anarkismo website. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ *Europe & the Bankers The limits...
[image: A general view of the South African Petroleum Refinery (SAPREF) is seen during the COP17 (Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Climate Change) climate talks in Durban. Reuters] Novemb...
*Bob Mankoff says that this offering by Chon Day is, for him, the perfect cartoon.* *by Ken* This is once again ripped straight "From the Desk of Bob Mankoff" -- the *New Yorker* cartoon editor's always-e...
Screen capture live stream Censored News*Tohono O'odham Veteran remains hospitalized after being pepper sprayed by police at ALEC* By Brenda Norrell Censored News SCOTTSD...
The Big Fix premieres this Friday in NYC. See it at 6PM. AMC Loews Village 7 66 Third Ave., New York, NY 10003 at 11th St. NYC, NY 212-505-6397
November Spawned A Monster ~moosedenied
A planet about 1.6 times the radius of Earth has been found closely circling the sun-like star Kepler-21, one of the 100,000 stars under scrutiny by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope.
We've heard tidbits of this information before, over the past few years... now, connect the dots and see what has been constructed underneath our very noses! And Canadians... don't be too smug.... don'...
Leadership races are notoriously hard to handicap, due to the absence of credible polling data. Asking Canadians who they want as the next NDP leader is pointless, since only 3 or 4% of *NDP voters* will b...
There is a video which has gone viral on youtube. It concerns a 34 year old Londoner who has dared to air her opinion about the demise of the Capital of England. She may be uncouth and foul-mouthed, but...
Has a brewing company finally managed to launch their beverage into space? Well, it depends on your definition of "space" (and how much "space beer" you've had to drink).
Photo courtesy: © W.D. Bransford Several weeks ago, I wrote a blog about Andy Wood and his single-handed fight to save the Ramshorn snail. I am delighted to share a similar story from Texas. The Bracted t...
By examining a little of the material about the Roswell case, and here I mean a combination of documentation and testimony, we can draw a couple of conclusions in a limited way. I will note that I hold all...
Friends who went out on a Thanksgiving weekend fishing trip have the ultimate shark story to tell.
Both photos courtesy: ©Philips Oh boy, how far we have come since we got light when the sun came up and lost it when the sun set. Edison reshaped the world with his electric light bulb. However, Edison i...
In the first of an occasional series dedicated to BBC-related Christmas gift ideas I would like to take this opportunity to draw our readers' attention to the following items… Further Xmas gift reco...
*Want to win some AWESOME scrapbooking software? Go here to enter! * Hello all! I missed you last Wednesday. With the Thanksgiving holiday, my days were all Saturdays since my husband was home... so I w...
A crop of unique and extraordinarily unqualified men and women were elected to Congress last year. It's the ultimate damage the Koch-funded Tea Party did to America. And a case can be made that there was ...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 8 hours ago
*Guest post by Mark Tammett* As the recent Christchurch earthquakes amply demonstrated, an emergency often brings out the best in people . In these situations individuals tend to put aside their differe...
The "gamma-ray burst" seen on Christmas Day last year may have actually been a comet being eaten by a distant neutron star.
A glass barrier is placed around the writer's tomb to protect it from admirers' greasy kisses.
Here's how to convert an old LCD screen into a covert privacy monitor.
Test out your gaming skills while visiting the restroom, hands-free.
O'odham Pepper Sprayed at ALEC Protest! By Brenda Norrell Censored News Photo by Dixie*David Ortega, Tohono O'odham, suffered a stroke after being pepper sprayed by police...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck Zacatecas, Mexico at a depth of 15 km (9.3 miles), the quake hit at 18:07:07 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 25 km (15.5 miles) NNE of Sombrerete, Z...
*Under this PM the state is everywhere* *Industry Canada documents show 'Harperization' of government communications * *Harperized : Rebranding the federal government* *The Politics of Destruction* PM ...
Federal Judge Pimp-Slaps the SEC Over Citigroup Settlement POSTED: November 29, 10:10 AM ET Read more Chris Goodney/Bloomberg via Getty Images/Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images Greetings,...
For some reason, Scandinavia is not its frigid self, with unusually warm weather delaying the onset of winter in northern latitudes normally decked in white. The lack of snow has been bad news for winter ...
The chief economist for the International Energy Agency said Monday that current global energy consumption levels put the Earth on a trajectory to warm by 6 degrees Celsius (10.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above ...
More than 200 people were arrested at the Occupy L.A. camp today as 1,000 riot police stormed the site and cleared the tents. Officers swept through the camp under darkness to drive out some of the longes...
A shocking Greenpeace video has revealed the appalling slaughter of marine life during tuna fishing. A tuna industry whistleblower spoke out to expose the routine killing of whales, dolphins and manta ra...
Today's Institute of Fiscal Studies briefing was a grim affair. The headline figures are about real household disposable income, the money in your pocket to spend on fun stuff like food and clothes each we...
By: Duane Craig Tennessee Valley fossil-fuel plants contaminating groundwater The Tennessee Valley Authority, operator of 21 fossil fueled power plants, three nuclear power plants, 29 hydroelectric dams, 1...
An international agency makes an impassioned plea for renewable energy to help stop global warming.
Given the discoveries made on outer moons of the solar system, it is not too far-fetched to think that the icy dwarf planet Pluto could have subsurface oceans too.
HP on Tuesday vigorously denied reports that LaserJet printers made before 2009 -- about 100 million have been sold since 1984 -- can be remotely instructed to catch fire.
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
This is the dramatic moment a father was arrested on suspicion of murdering his two-year-old daughter by tossing her into a creek still strapped into her car seat. Arthur Morgan III was captured yesterday...
China's nuclear arsenal may be many times larger than estimates suggest, a group of students have claimed after three years of painstaking researching through restricted documents. Led by a former top Pen...
The military's miniature space shuttle could pave the way for ships to fly cargo and crew to the space station.
The whole GOP clown car claiming to be running for president vows to end regulations near and far. So do Boehner, Cantor, Issa, Ryan and the rest of the Ayn Rand acolytes in the House. Tomorrow they'll ev...
Police are hunting a woman who was secretly filmed appearing to hurl racist abuse at passengers on a train just days after another woman allegedly ranted at travellers. In the latest YouTube clip filmed...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 11 hours ago
Spot the difference. Richard Black of the BBC leads the way in "sock-puppet journalism". Jo Nova has a superb post showing how a select band of climate change eco-fanatics round the world have deployed 1...
British banks must brace themselves for the chaotic break-up of the euro, the City watchdog has warned. The head of the Financial Services Authority told the UK’s biggest lenders to draw up contingency pl...
The mysterious explosion at an Iranian military base west of Tehran earlier this month was far more devastating than initially reported, reports the New York Times. Satellite images of the site reveal dest...
Former Philadelphia schools superintendent Arlene Ackerman, who was given a nearly $1-million buyout earlier this year, has applied for unemployment. School District spokesman Fernando Gallard today confir...
Thousands of public sector workers took to the streets today in response to the bitter row over pensions. But if they were hoping to disrupt the country, it appeared they had failed, with Prime Minister ...
The Chinese character for truth.(In 400 words)What Is Truth?By Bill Meacham /The Rag Blog/ November 30, 2011Philosophy Now magazine runs an occasional contest: Write an answer to a philosophical question in ...
A 103-year-old woman and her 83-year-old daughter were just moments from being evicted from their home Tuesday, when sheriff's deputies and the moving company hired by the bank decided not to go through ...
Foreign Secretary William Hague has ordered the immediate closure of Iran's embassy in London and all diplomatic staff must leave the UK within 48 hours. It comes a day after protesters stormed the Briti...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck South of the Fiji Islands at a depth of 178.8 km (111.1 miles), the quake hit at 14:57:46 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 189 km (117 miles) Southw...
Photo by Gallo / Getty Images / Al Jazeera.American DeceptionalismUnder the growing influence of the 1 per cent, American exceptionalism has become American deceptionalism.By Paul Rosenberg / Progressive Ame...
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CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
*PHOTOS NOW: SHUT DOWN ALEC SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA* *Censored New Photos 2 by Dixie. Photo 4 arrest Occupy Phoenix. Photos 1, 3 and 5 photo screen captures Censored News.* Watch live streaming video from theu...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck Vanuatu at a depth of 264.7 km (164.5 miles), the quake hit at 10:14:05 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 115 km (71 miles) ESE of Luganville, Espirit...
200+ arrested at Occupy Los Angeles, 50 in Philly A New Song for Occupy Wall Street: 'I'll Occupy' Chloe Cornelius is a young woman who previously posted a few self-made music videos on youtube which got ...
*Hitler would be proud of the U.S. congress: it's more important for the U.S. congress to spend time thinking of Hitleresque legislation taking away our freedoms than to work on jobs for us, jail banksters...
A British company called Gamma International marketed hacking software to governments that exploited the vulnerability via a bogus update to iTunes, Apple's media player, which is installed on more than 25...
Horses could soon be butchered in the U.S. for human consumption after Congress quietly lifted a 5-year-old ban on funding horse meat inspections, and activists say slaughterhouses could be up and running ...
An alarming rise in a potentially fatal bacterial infection known as whooping cough has prompted a warning from the Suffolk County Health Department. It’s a tell-tale sign winter is coming — children an...
*or Why Herman Cain Ought to be Cock-Punched From Coast to Coast With Spiked Brass Knuckles From Now Until the Iowa Caucus.* (In which Jurassicpork taketh a semen-spattered page from the Rude Pundit and ...
[image: Delaware stands to lose about 95 percent of its coastal wetlands, like those at Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge just west of Broadkill Beach, during the next 100 years in the worst-case scena...
Standard & Poor’s on Tuesday cut its credit ratings for many of the world’s largest banks, including Citigroup (NYSE: C), Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) and Bank of America (NYSE: BAC). The move follows S&P’s s...
Three days before the Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt was warned in a memo from naval intelligence that Tokyo's military and spy network was focused on Hawaii, a new and e...
For most Canadians, an unlimited supply of clean water flowing freely from a tap and imperceptibly whisking away their waste at the simple push of a lever is a given; for many First Nations, it's a luxury ...
A leading cyber-crime expert says foreign hackers who launched a massive attack on Canadian government computers last fall also broke into the data systems of prominent Bay Street law firms and other compa...
Worms can be sent into space and monitored remotely for many generations, a new study shows, providing a way to research the effects of long space voyages such as those required to get to Mars. "While it ...
Image from Pragmatic Witness.An email string:Analyzing 'mic check'Polarizing behavior, besides being wrong, simply creates more polarization...By Allen Young / The Rag Blog / November 30, 2011“Mic check,” as...
A 3D printer is being used to create "bone-like" material which researchers claim can be used to repair injuries. The engineers say the substance can be added to damaged natural bone where it acts as a sc...
The eurozone unemployment rate rose slightly to 10.3% in October, up from a revised 10.2% in September, official figures have shown. The number of people unemployed rose by 126,000 from September to 16.3 ...
EU finance ministers are meeting in Brussels after a top official said the region had just days to take decisive action to resolve the crisis. EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn said: "We are now e...
My interview on Democracy now today
Amnesty International has called for the US to stop sentencing juveniles to life in prison without parole. More than 2,500 adults are in US jails for crimes committed as a child - under current rules they...
Hundreds of South Floridians lined up in Little Havana overnight for a chance to feed their families this holiday. As part of the Latin Chamber of Commerce’s annual holiday basket giveaway, representati...
Europe's hurting for cash, and central banks around the world are stepping in to give it a boost. The Federal Reserve, along with five other central banks, acted Wednesday to make it cheaper for banks aro...
World pressure on the Syrian regime escalated Wednesday as Turkey announced tough economic sanctions and a leading U.N. body announced a Friday meeting on the human rights situation. The Organization of...
Police in Los Angeles and Philadelphia dismantled tents and arrested Occupy protesters who refused to leave city property early Wednesday. Los Angeles police moved in at 12:30 a.m. Wednesday (3:30 a.m. E...
International companies are preparing contingency plans for a possible break-up of the eurozone, according to interviews with dozens of multinational executives. Concerned that Europe's political leaders ...
China is cutting the amount of money banks need to hold in reserve, freeing those funds to stimulate the Chinese economy. The People's Bank of China said Wednesday it will lower its reserve requirement ra...
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CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
By Indigenous Environmental Network Posted at Censored News DURBAN, South Africa -- In Durban, Canada and the United Kingdom, Indigenous activists and their supporters targeted Shell today for violating a...
Generations of worms raised in space suggest it's possible for this and other species (humans?) to live beyond Earth.
Norman Solomon. Image from Nation of Change.Occupy Congress:Norman Solomon sees arole for progressive legislatorsBy Robert Jensen / The Rag Blog / November 30, 2011Conventional politics in the United States ...
Gumby-like robot is able to squirm through small gaps under doors.
Bucktown’s gift to the world David Duke: From Deutschland back to Dixieland with much love ~Slabbed IG letter says Serpas did nothing wrong ~Charles Malondo, Gambit Gulf of Mexico saltwater threatens ric...
A two post day. I had planned on doing some vaccine/flu news for today. That didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow? Came across an interesting take on Iran as it relates to Syria. It's a good read, lots of food for ...
Twenty minutes with the vibrations from this dental device could reduce "brace-face" time.
------------------------------ Uploaded by RussiaToday on Nov 23, 2011 The US is like a drunkard who charges to war with anyone who might pose a threat, ex-Senator and former US presidential candidate ...
The CIA and its friends have been using snipers to kill innocent civilians, according to various sources. (Syria: Such snipers have been used by the CIA and its friends in: ...
Source: Diario de Cuyo Date: 11.30.2011 Argentina: A Second UFO Report Out Of Jáchal By Favio Cabrera - Diario de Cuyo The fi...
Yesterday, in a slam against serial flip flopper Mitt Romney, Gingrich toldlisteners to WSC-FM in South Carolina the following: "I wouldn't lie to the American people, I wouldn't switch my positions for p...
30/11/2011 SEGUNDO CASO EN EL MES Apareció otro supuesto ovni y hay conmoción en Jáchal Esta vez dicen que fue captado en fotos sobre la ruta 150. Hace unas semanas fue en Gualcamayo. FAVIO CABRERA - Diari...
To whom it may concern: I'd like to know why Patriot Boy (aka Jesus' General) was banned from your website. The General, who is an 11 on a manly scale of absolute gender, has been nothing but a throbbing...
Things are getting heated- Or are they? Allegedly there was an explosion in Iran this past Monday. The entire story emanates from the Israel. Ynet Jerusalem Post Haaretz Satellite imagery confirms Isfahan ...
Throughout my life, I’ve had a tendency to get down. Not in a dramatic, suicidal, can’t go on way, but in a slow, steady, grey mist sort of way. There are days when it’s hard to get out of bed, days whe...
- Pottering around 'lowers blood pressure and boosts self-esteem' - Benefits could add years to a man's life, says professor It's long been cherished by men as a refuge to get on with some DI...
- Meat, alcohol and musical Elmo are among most stolen items - Shoplifting in U.S. rises by 6 per cent this year They range from pieces of meat to everyday grooming products and must-have el...
[image: Those who snack between breakfast and lunch lose less weight than those who abstain] Put the biscuit down: Those who snack between breakfast and lunch lose less weight than those who abstain Wh...
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CENSORED NEWS - 17 hours ago
Armed police go after occupier of tree Occupy Los Angeles *Police Evicting Occupy LA and Philly* Censored News *Riot Police Storm Occupy LA* WED. Nov. 30, 2011 1 am Hundreds of police stormed Occupy Los Ange...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 17 hours ago
[image: Newsnight's Paul Mason puts the case for rioting] Fascinating insight into the BBC's Paul Mason here. "In what will doubtless be seen as further evidence of a Left-wing agenda at the BBC, Paul Mas...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 18 hours ago
Well, the public sector may be closed but we are OPEN and awaiting your comments. Just to let you know that I am going to be away for a few days on holiday so I pass the torch to my fellow writers. I shal...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 18 hours ago
Here's an interesting response to; *BBC: World Service Trust * Question Asked by Lord Laird "To ask Her Majesty's Government why the Department for International Development has made a grant of £90 mil...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 18 hours ago
[image: Theatre nurse Eleanor Smith (centre), President of Unison leads health workers out on strike at midnight from the Birmingham Women's Hospital] Well, here we are on November 30th - the day the State...
Researchers have narrowed down the size requirements for dark matter -- the elusive stuff that pervade the universe, lending mass but emitting no detectable radiation.
The death toll from a deadly fire that swept through a popular tourist market in Hong Kong Wednesday morning has risen to nine, officials have said. The blaze broke out at a hawker stall close to the Lad...
More than 100 Los Angeles police officers, including dozens in white protective suits, surrounded the Occupy L.A. camp on the City Hall lawn early Wednesday and began to dismantle tents and other shelters....
Egyptians reveled in their chance to vote in a post-Hosni Mubarak era during a second day of parliamentary elections, but nightfall brought new clashes in Cairo's Tahrir Square that stretched into Wednes...
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CENSORED NEWS - 20 hours ago
Indigenous Environmental Network's Tom Goldtooth speaks at the conference. Photo: Langelle/GJEP Media Alert *COP17: Indigenous activists from North America join African activists to target Shell* Nov. 3...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Sumbawa Region, Indonesia at a depth of 191km (118.4 miles), the quake hit at 04:26:22 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 25 km (15.5 miles) North...
Attend the New York City DEC Public Hearing! 11/30 Tribeca Performing Arts Center, 199 Chambers Street, New York, NY 12:00 Noon PRESS CONFERENCE: Come hear and hold your signs for the press as the case...
*The US doctor Conrad Murray, convicted of the instinctive unlawful death of pop star Michael Jackson has been sentenced to four years in county prison. The official teams will come back in January 2012 t...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 20 hours ago
Roger Harrabin has responded to the clear evidence that he (and the BBC)were bunged thousands of pounds to work with climate "scientists" at the UEA to indoctrinate BBC journalists about climate alarmism. ...
Britain is evacuating all its embassy staff from Iran a day after protesters stormed its mission in the capital Tehran, Western diplomatic sources have told Reuters. The workers were forced to flee to sa...
I have included this item, not somuch to discuss EDTA generally, but to share the first several pages of thisarticle which describes the profoundly distorted medical procurement system inplace and how ...
Drought conditions persistthroughout the South West and it appears to be part of a decadal cycle weunderstand poorly. It is the one reason Iwould like to see emergence of my previously described Eden ...
It is always delightful when an extinct lifeform is rediscovered and it isnot so extinct. * *I am sure it will requireeffort to reestablish its original range but the first step is here inplace. Very...
I do not know how valid the countis or whether we are dealing with smaller obsolete systems. Yet a windmill should remain operating ifonly to generate whatever revenue they can produce. Creditors and...
*Samsung has won a main fight in its current brawl with Apple subsequent to an Australia court inverted a ban on the auction of its Galaxy label in the state. Samsung has seeing as redesigned the lozenge...
- Scientists say those with vivid imaginations could be 'riskier' in the workplace Creative thinkers are more likely to cheat as they can come up with elaborate explanations to justify their ac...
- Fatty acid found in fish and seafood boosts memory function by 15 per cent - Fish-rich diet important for maintaining optimal brain health and preventing onset of dementia Eating oily ...
A rough childhood is likely to lead to bullying behaviour, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Michigan found that triggers for bullying included getting in fights, skipping sch...
It's likely that many of us will be embarking on weight-loss plans in the New Year. But according to new research, it could be more effective if you don't tell anybody when you're cutting back on calorie...
Photo courtesy: Bonnie Alter/CC BY 2.0 As my readers may have guessed by now, I am a huge fan of living walls. There are just so many reasons to love them - aesthetically pleasing; environmentally-friend...
*Libyan resistance news - 29. 11. 2011*.] (1) The anti-Gaddafi rebels emptied Libyan community banks of gold backed dinar and gold bullion. The new currency is not acceptable in neighboring Tunisia, Alge...
Under this PM, the state is everywhere - The Globe and Mail: 'via Blog this' It doesn't make up for the fact that it still publishes Wente, but every now and then the Globe manages to do something worthw...
*Humans must first study to economically and carefully force them into space often, and then, once there, contain adapt to elevated levels of emission and to lightness. Space is no easy moseyed. Worms hav...
*Occupy LA **Teach-In with William K Black * *Occupy LA Teach-In with Ellen Brown* *Occupy LA Teach-In with Robert Reich, Parts 1 and 2* Cherchez la Verite
A man who held a Kansas couple hostage in their home while fleeing from authorities is suing them, claiming they broke an oral contract made when he promised them money in exchange for hiding him from poli...
A U.S. businessman held over the disappearance of his travelling companion during a holiday on the island of Aruba has been released from jail. Gary Giordano, 50, was taken into custody on August 5 after R...
Sitting atop his taxi surrounded by flood waters, this man was one of hundreds caught out as Scotland, northern England and Northern Ireland were hit by heavy rain yesterday. This scene was captured in a ...
Four Ecuadorean villages are being evacuated after a volcano close to the country's capital began spewing smouldering rock and billowing columns of ash. The government is urging 700 people living beside t...
*The UK government launches an innovative project to fly radar satellites in the region of the Earth. Radar is one of the mainly helpful utensils in Earth scrutiny and can see the planet's exterior in al...
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 1 day ago
Yesterday, As I See It posted a comment in the open thread about how Lyse Doucet gave a report on Radio 5 in which she gently sanitized the Muslim Brotherhood ( I can't find a link to it right now, but if ...
Remember when we thought anyone yowling about "the Fed" was some kind of a crackpot like Ron Paul? We were supposed to think that. Wall Street invested a lot of money into making sure we would think that...
George Osborne provoked a furious row by upgrading benefits in line with inflation while hard-pressed families and public-sector workers face a squeeze on their incomes. The Chancellor confirmed that most...
George Osborne tightened the screw on the bloated public sector yesterday as Britain was warned it faces years of even more grinding austerity. With more than two million strikers forecast to cause chaos t...
An 83-year-old woman has become the 11th person to die following a fire at a nursing home in Sydney, Australia. Police said in a statement that the woman, who has not been named, died on Tuesday in hospi...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck Central Peru at a depth of 64.5 km (40.1 miles), the quake hit at 03:23:01 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 75 km (46 miles) ENE of Puquio, Peru No R...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck Luzon, Philippines at a depth of just 2.1 km (1.3 miles - Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 01:27:43 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 123 km (76...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 00:47:24 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 12 km (7.4 miles) Southeast of Van, Turkey...
A magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck Luzon, Philippines at a depth of 14.6 km (9.1 miles), the quake hit at 00:27:08 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 152 km (94 miles) WNW of Olongapo, L...
A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck Tonga at a depth of 33 km (20.4 miles), the quake hit at 23:44:07 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 153 km (94.8 miles) West of Pangai, Tonga No Tsunami...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 00:47:24 UTC Wednesday 30th November 2011. The epicenter was 12 km (7.4 miles) Southeast of Van, Turkey...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Philippine Islands Region at a depth of 80 km (49.6 miles), the quake hit at 22:32:25 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 76 km (47.2 miles) Northeas...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck offshore Chiapas, Mexico at a depth of 58.1 km (36.1 miles), the quake hit at 22:05:28 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 55 km (34 miles) Southwest of ...
People are being warned of major disruption to schools, council services and airports as up to two million public sector workers go on strike. Billed as the biggest day of industrial action since the 1979...
The WHOI Research Vessel Atlantis rescued Egyptian refugees from a sinking fishing vessel on its first day of its mission to explore brine lakes in the Mediterranean Sea.
Photo by James Alex, an American artist. "The military-industrial complex, owned by the big banks, has hijacked America. I keep explaining this to people, and now it doesn't just want to dominate the Thi...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
Last time I asked for Canadian travel advice was 2008 - too long ago! That ended up as 16 days exploring Newfoundland. This trip is more modest, but I am very excited. We haven't had a good holiday in so l...
"Show us your hands and show us the plans The weapon's biological so show us the cans We got a tip from snitches for ballistic positions Don't wanna listen? We putting these missile tips in ya kitchen We g...
*"In other words," says Jeff Madrick, "Occupy Wall Street’s claim that 'We are the 99 percent' is dead on right."* *"[C]orporate profits now constitute the largest share of the economy since 1929. "1929,...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
While governments loot and destroy, creators still hold up the world. So now the election’s over, let’s draw inspiration from the productive and good rather than just focussing on the venal and disgustin...
Further proof that Rick Perry has got to be without equivocation and without a shadow of a doubt the stupidest carbon-based life form in the entire solar system. Because in Rick Perry's Bizarro dimension:...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
From today’s Parliament Watch: *Election | Rookie MPs Take Grand Tour | *Goodie bags containing iPads and smartphones and instructions on how to maximise your free air travel and accommodati...
How convenient. The patsy goes free by being declared "insane," and the real terrorists who directed the shootings have not been brought to justice.
Doubling the amount of containedprotein in rice and been able to grow it on dry soils will obviously hugelyexpand the importance of rice if that were even possible. It certainly makes it more valuable ...
UN Syria Report Co-Authored by Director of US Corporate Think-Tank by Tony Cartalucci November 30, 2011 Blatant lies told by alleged "human rights activists" led to ignominious NATO-sanctioned brutality ...
The latest graffiti to splatter itself across the stores, buildings, and street signs is from an Atari 2600. The Space Invaders are back.
By: Duane Craig 2,200 residents exposed to hexavalent contamination Corporations sometimes acquire strange bedfellows and for Merck & Co., a pharmaceutical maker, its ownership of a company that pressure tr...
"Port-A-Potty." Art by Ali Spagnola / needs tear gas?The switch from blameworthy military attack to invisible counterinsurgency is a smart one for cities and towns strapped for budget.B...
We built a gift guide so you know what material to grab for your favorite DIYer this holiday season.
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*Linux Mint 12 with Gnome Shell 3.3.2* is the new combination for innovative desktop management, I think. It combines the best of old and new paradigms in a new design. From iPhone to Desktop PC. See the d...
The Freedman's Bureau in Texas. Image from hidden history of TexasPart VII: Reconstruction in Texas, 1865-1876/1By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / October 26, 2011[This is the first section of...
Growing up, my grandparents were the most important people in my life. When my parents would piss me off, I'd run away from home by packing up my stuff in a paper bag and taking the bus all the way across...
Are you going to go peacefully into that dark night (of fascist control)? I don't intend to, but I'm only speaking for myself. After all, Cheney's plans to save Halliburton from bankruptcy with those no-bi...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Southern Alaska at a depth of 79.9 km (49.6 miles), the quake hit at 20:34:46 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 48 km (30 miles) West of Anchor Point, A...
A magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck Southern Greece at a depth of 158 km (97.9 miles), the quake hit at 16:55:58 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 16 km (9.9 miles) South of Laúrion, Greec...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck the Kuril Islands at a depth of 119 km (73.7 miles), the quake hit at 16:35:44 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 80 km (49.6 miles) Northeast of Otradno...
Five workers have drowned in a biochemical reaction basin at a Japanese-invested company in east Jiangsu province, local authorities said Tuesday. The workers drowned in the basin in Changzhou Chienchin G...
A woman has been taken to hospital after what has been described as a "tornado" struck part of Greater Manchester. A sudden gust of wind toppled a chimney in Heaton Moor near Stockport at about 14:30 GMT...
More than three-quarters of British-grown oysters contain norovirus, known as the ‘winter vomiting bug’, experts have warned. A study conducted on behalf of the Food Standards Agency found that 76 per cen...
Presidential sex scandals are nothing new, though candidates and presidents alike feel the fallout when one breaks.
* Sirhan * What links the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy to the Norway Attacks of 2011? Sirhan Sirhan is a Christian, accused of killing Robert Kennedy. Anders Breivik is a Christian, accused of car...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
The myth behind all modern economics, which is to say Keynesian economics, is that “the government can always pay.” It was one of the myths that allowed governments to think they could get away with bai...
Bloomberg: Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion By Bob Ivry, Bradley Keoun and Phil Kuntz - Nov 27, 2011 4:01 PM PT Bloomberg Markets Magazine Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve and the big ba...
Russia displayed yet another show of strength today with the launch of a new military early warning radar - just days after the U.S. revealed its own missile defence plans. President Dmitry Medvedev switc...
A magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck the Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska at a depth of 23.4 km (14.5 miles), the quake hit at 18:27:09 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 451 km (280 m...
Two workmen were rushed to hospital after a gangway leading to the warship HMS Belfast collapsed, plunging into the Thames. More than 100 people on board had to be evacuated in small boats following the i...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
While we in EnZed were having an election to which only two-thirds of voters showed up, Egypt was having its first election since, well, ever—and everyone showed up. [image: image]People queued for ho...
*The data must be as impenetrable as possible* One year ago, a pr*ck named Chris Mooney was inserted as a director into the American Geophysical Union and became responsible for science communication. ...
The Irish government has suddenly complicated the picture by requesting debt relief from as a reward for upholding the integrity of the EU financial system after the Lehman crisis, though there is no expli...
A group of Polish squatters have taken up residence in a £1m home in one of London's most affluent areas because "rents are too high" for them to afford to live in the area. The six squatters "moved in" ...
It is considered one of the basics of politeness, but saying "thank you" may be dying out, according to new research. Rather than failing to show gratitude, however, we are simply using other words. In f...
Shocked families in two streets at Thatcham, Berkshire, woke to find thirty gates had been lifted from their hinges and carted away during the night. Housewife Angela Bint, of Coopers Crescent, said "My hu...
This "bluefin gap" occurred despite enhanced reporting and enforcement measures introduced in 2008 by the 48-member International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), which sets annua...
So many pine, fir and spruce trees in the Northwest are riddled with bugs and disease that major tree die-offs are expected to rip through a third of Eastern Washington forests — an area covering nearly 3 ...
Standing on the shores of Netarts Bay in Oregon on a sunny fall morning, it’s hard to imagine that the fate of the oysters being raised here at the Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery is being determined by w...
Heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are building up so high, so fast, that some scientists now think the world can no longer limit global warming to the level world leaders have agreed upon as...
Governments of the world's richest countries have given up on forging a new treaty on climate change to take effect this decade, with potentially disastrous consequences for the environment through global ...
India has recently pulled far ahead of China on one dubious development marker – air pollution in the country’s capital. The air quality in New Delhi on Monday afternoon was significantly worse than the a...
The banks of China’s Yangtze River are crowded with chemical factories, which dump massive amounts of toxic waste water into the river, affecting hundreds of millions of people who rely on the river for dr...
A majority of Americans across the political spectrum support policies that reduce carbon emissions, including a revenue-neutral carbon tax, according to a new survey by the Yale Project on Climate Change ...
More than a million 16 to 24-year-olds - almost one in five - are considered ''NEET'' (not in education, employment or training), according to statistics published by the Department for Education (DfE). T...
Private schools risk “perpetuating social divides” by failing to support struggling state comprehensives, according to a leading independent school headmaster. Anthony Seldon, head of Wellington College,...
Education Secretary Michael Gove is raising fresh concerns that youngsters are leaving school "woefully undernourished" in the subject of history. In a speech today, he says he is "startled" by the narrow...
From the first time you step into Eastern Congo, you find yourself surrounded by the exotic and extraordinary, be it flora and fauna or the just plain incongruous -- the severed wing of a Russian aircraft ...
China's mighty industrial machine is stalling. New figures today show something that will be worrying authorities. First the broad numbers: An index put together by HSBC – with no government input - shows...
A Radio-Canada investigation that used hidden cameras to follow young people has questioned whether there is a street gang problem in Quebec City. The region gets about $1 million a year in government fund...
I've a lovely little painting in my study of Germany's first emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm 1. It was painted soon after the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War and the creation of a united Germany with Wilhelm as its m...
It is the day before Thanksgiving, and CBS News, not exactly a radical, alternative news source, informs us that 1 in 6 Americans don't know where their next meal is coming from. And I am wondering how m...
Unless you are very, very good at suppressing the gag reflex, you are not going to want to read a new blog put up by a former food industry executive, apparently as an act of contrition for his years of pu...
The burgeoning world population, already grown far beyond the numbers the planet can sustain, is increasing its consumption of water twice as fast as it is growing, according to the World Resources Institu...
Masked by speculation, eased by the great economic contraction in the United States and Europe, the terminal industrial disease known as Peak Oil continues to ravage the industrial world, which has not yet...
It is no longer enough for the seed and chemical company Monsanto to use its rivers of cash to own and operate the United States Congress (in the language of corporations, there is no word for “enough”); i...
Declared dead in the 1970s, brought back to life by the environmental movement it did much to inspire, Lake Erie is once again expiring, killed by industrial agriculture. Specifically, phosphorous from syn...
Chimps, like humans, learn from each other what foods can help cure what ails them.
A look at the long list of plants and plant parts that chimps consume and how they help them.
Evidence of ancient worship comes from the discovery of two pits set in celestial alignment at the Stonehenge site.
Foreign Secretary William Hague has said Iran faces "serious consequences" after the British Embassy in Tehran was stormed by hardline students. Rocks and petrol bombs were thrown, while documents were re...
Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced Tuesday to four years in jail -- the maximum sentence allowed under the law -- in the death of Michael Jackson. Judge Michael Pastor, in a lengthy statement delivered bef...
Hi folks, I'll be away and offline until Friday. Posting will resume then. Commenting has been disabled to deter those pesky comment live-link spammers. Thanks for your patience! See you then. - CP
By Brenda Norrell Censored News Twitter has become a champion for human rights, with its real time alerts on abuses around the world and exposures of censored news article...
A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has struck Southern Sumatra, Indonesia at a depth of 47.1 km (29.3 miles), the quake hit at 17:43:28 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 75 km (47 miles) SSW from B...
A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck the Macquarie Island Region at a depth of 6.8 km (4.2 miles), the quake hit at 17:01:49 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 52 km (32 miles) WNW of Macqu...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck the Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska at a depth of 41 km (25.5 miles), the quake hit at 13:46:12 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 102 km (63 mile...
If you're too young to remember *Gilligan's Island* don't worry. It doesn't matter and anyone who reads *DWT* already knows Mitt Romney was born into the 1% and has made himself an icon of that set. But ...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck Myanmar at a depth of 77.8 km (48.3 miles), the quake hit at 13:37:18 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 113 km (70 miles) Southwest of Monywa, Myanmar N...
ART HISTORY - They're not abstract art paintings like those of Toronto artist Laura Warburton... but they're definitely interesting to look at. The Helen McClung Gallery at the Archives of Ontario buildin...
CANADA - Toronto man Jason Wall has won his lawsuit against Toronto police for his treatment during the G20. He was on his way home to go to church on Sunday, June 27th 2010, when he was "mobbed by police"...
POLITICS - The European Union is facing a huge credit crunch and there really is only one solution... Raise corporate taxes and income tax on the rich. Instead the 17 finance ministers of the countries th...
[image: Euro coin. The U.K. Treasury confirmed earlier this month that contingency planning for a collapse is now under way. BLOOMBERG] By James Kirkup, Deputy Political Editor 25 November 2011 As the I...
Impractical, but technically conceivable: A how-to-guide for harnessing earthquake energy in your backyard.
Doing brain training exercises may be more effective at improving cognitive function than crossword puzzles.
The Turkish foreign minister has said that Ankara is ready for any scenario if Syria continues its crackdown on protests against President Bashar al-Assad, but that his country is opposed to a military opt...
[image: Oil from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, found at Pass-a-Loutre Wildlife Management Area on 4 November 2011. Gulf Restoration Network]By Jonathan Henderson 9 November 2011 This week, th...
Cartoon from Saida Online.With U.S. leading the way:Irreversible climate change loomsBy Jack A. Smith / The Rag Blog / November 29, 2011The Obama Administration has largely remained passive about the critica...
[image: Ale Carballo take photographs of a male dolphin at the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulport, Miss., 25 November 2011. The dolphin was rescued on Nov. 23 while becoming beached. The Sun ...
A woman claims a dream family trip is being cancelled because of her terminal cancer, and the airline is refusing to refund the money for her ticket. The McKain family would have been taking off from BW...
Sometimes I think my sisters is a nicer reincarnate of Martha Stewart. If it is delicious, she baked it. If it is creative, she made it. I am lucky to have such a wonderful sister, because I get to gle...
[image: Newt Gingrich speaks during a Republican presidential debate on Tuesday, 23 November 2011. Gingrich made unsupportable statements about U.S. potential oil supply. AP] By aeberman 28 November 201...
[image: A grassy, snowless, competition slope is seen in Levi, Finland, 4 November 2011. World Cup Alpine skiing races were moved to Austria because of the lack of snow. Janne Koskenniemi / AP] STOCKHOL...
(By American Zen's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari Goldstein.) It almost seems like a betrayal that, in a festering cesspool of corruption and stupidity, a man like Barney Frank would lay down his arms a...
borrowed from NYT's Another day, another Pro-Assad protest. As always far bigger then the NATO backed protests. Not just in Damascus. Also in Latakia. Syrian supporters have also protested outside of emb...
This amphibious yacht has treads that can move it from land to sea and back.
Art from Salon.The sophistry of Ayn Rand libertariansThe profiteers, using libertarian justifications, help corporations dominate American life to satisfy their quest for greater profits.By Lamar W. Hankins ...
[image: Operations at a golf course in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, have been suspended due to radioactive fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Takuma Imamura] By TOMOHIRO IWATA, Asahi Shim...
By Alex Maldonado Censored News TUCSON -- In a rare direct action/resistance by Occupy Tucson, not seen across the nation thus far, occupiers climbed the trees of Veinte de Agosto Park before the 10:30pm ...
[image: Cassava roots. UN scientists are warning that a virus attacking the cassava plant is nearing an epidemic in parts of Africa. BBC]By Matt McGrath, Science reporter, BBC World Service 17 November 2...
New Orleans Saints send message to rest of NFC with dominating 49-24 victory Coalition urges mayor to ‘man up’ and fulfill promises on jail size and budget reforms ~Matt Davis, The Lens Cross dresser’s t...
Censored News Photo Climate Connections DURBAN, South Africa – Indigenous Peoples from the US andCanada join Pablo Solon Romero of Bolivia as featured speakers on climateju...
Thirteen of the warmest years recorded have occurred within the last decade and a half.
This week sure started off badly for Mitt Romney-- not as badly as today started for the British Embassy in Tehran... but badly. Aside from the two ads-- the one up top and the one below-- released by De...
Hardline Iranian students have broken into the British Embassy in Tehran, according to reports. Rocks and petrol bombs were thrown, while documents were removed from offices and burnt, Iranian news agenc...
Over the period 1927-2011, $1.00 invested in equities grew 29 times greater than $1.00 invested in government bonds. (However, equities massively underperformed bonds from late 1929 to mid-1932 and their...
This iPhone spontaneously combusted during a two-hour flight to Sydney.
American Airlines has filed for bankruptcy, its parent company has announced. AMR Corporation made a voluntary filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganisation, but said it expected to continue operations...
- More than half of online gamers are female - Female gamers have 5 per cent more sex - 64 per cent of female gamers are in relationship [image: Dead or Alive - Paradise: While gaming has s...
- 'Repetitive heading could set off a cascade of responses that can lead to degeneration of brain cells' - Brains of players found to be similar to that in patients with traumatic brain in...
- First study where participants recorded thoughts as they happened - Men think about sex roughly twice as often as women - But men ALSO think about other physical needs such as food and sleep ...
*by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy* Why has the right wing apparently succeeded in stacking SCOTUS with 5 justices who have in common their disdain for the work of our founders? They succeeded for se...
Hundreds of farms and rural properties in northwest NSW remain isolated after heavy floods, with relief efforts set to continue for several days. Emergency Services Minister Michael Gallacher on Tuesday de...
A French official says France may propose joint bonds among the eurozone's strongest economies as part of a package of measures to save the shared currency, despite German resistance. The official said Tu...
*Off-topic rumor*: the LHC will probably only restart at 13 TeV, not 14 TeV, in 2015, after the 2013-2014 break (upgrade). Hermann Graßmann was born in 1809 as the 3rd child to a math teacher (his fathe...
Read The Guardian article (11/29/11): Iranian students storm British embassy in Tehran. Did Khamenei send "protesters" as a retaliation against the British government for imposing newer and stiffer econom...
A holiday season surprise! Manuel Carballal and Grupo FENIX have sent us the most recent edition of their El OJO CRITICO publication, clocking in at whopping 73 pages (let no man call this a 'zine). The f...
- But centenarians are more likely to be afflicted by degenerative conditions and suffer loneliness Those lucky enough to reach the impressive milestone are often confronted with the same quest...
Occupy Economics from Softbox on Vimeo.
This morning as hundreds (hopefully thousand) of citizen activists pack their suitcases, arrange for a day off, arrange for childcare, etc. so they can go to Phoenix to *RESIST ALEC* on November 30th, I wo...
A British woman has been charged in connection with a racist rant on a tram after a video of the apparent outburst became an online hit. A fellow passenger on the Croydon Tramlink in south London record...
A magnitude 3.0 earthquake has struck Utah at a depth of just 0.2 km (0 miles - Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 11:42:46 UTC Tuesday 29th November 2011. The epicenter was 13 km (8 miles) Northwest of...
Court-appointed psychiatrists have concluded that Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is criminally insane, tabloid VG reported on its website on Tuesday, and could be committed to a psychiatric i...
Alleged Russian spy and former parliamentary aide Katia Zatuliveter has won her fight to remain in the UK. The 26-year-old convinced the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) that she was not wor...
AN outbreak of whooping cough has hit at least one Hastings school. Port News contacted the school, which refused to be named, after it issued an urgent health warning to the parents and families of its st...
Eurozone finance ministers are streaming into Brussels on Tuesday in a desperate bid to save the 17-nation euro currency — and to protect Europe, the United States, Asia and the rest of the global economy ...
A WHOOPING cough outbreak on the North Coast has led to a renewed call for vaccinations from health authorities.[image: Link] The director of public health for the northern NSW and Mid North Coast local ...
The 29th November has been designated by the United Nations as the International day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The United Nations is notorious for creating days to mark all manner of usu...
A breakaway Anglican Archbishop who claims to have been raped by a Catholic priest has officially filed a complaint with South Australian police, for the incident that occurred 40 years ago. Archbishop He...
A U.N. investigation has concluded that Syrian forces committed crimes against humanity by killing and torturing hundreds of children, including a 2-year-old girl reportedly shot to death so she wouldn't g...
More rice harvested in Fukushima Prefecture has been found to contain excessive levels of radioactive cesium, and 9 kilograms of the rice was sold earlier this month, the prefectural government said Monday...
Photo taken on Nov. 29, 2011 shows the burnt vehicles in Yuanzhou district in the city of Guyuan, northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region. The accident occurred at 8:30 a.m. as a van rear-ended a f...
Marine biologists from the Sanibel Sea School as well as scientists from FGCU are saying red tide is back in full force. They're saying that's what's responsible for killing hundreds of Mullet, Atlanti...
Uturuncu is in a remote part of the Bolivian Andes, and hasn't erupted for the last 271,000 years. However, InSAR (satellite) measurements have shown it to be inflating by 1-1.5 cm/year, which is quite fas...
Five people have been killed and more than 700 houses destroyed on the eve of the UN's COP17 climate-change conference when torrential rains fell in some parts of KwaZulu-Natal. The latest deaths bring t...
Euro zone finance ministers are to agree on Tuesday the details of bolstering their bailout fund to help prevent contagion in bond markets, under pressure from the United States and ratings agencies to sta...
Iranian students planned a large anti-U.K. demonstration in front of the British Embassy in Tehran on Tuesday to demand that the British ambassador be sent home immediately. The Iranian parliament voted ...
An Iranian military compound that blew up earlier this month was extensively damaged, the Institute for Science and International Security said after an analysis of new satellite imagery. ISIS compared a...