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Hijrah - Never Lose Hope
NEW HIJRAH YEAR 1433 In the lives of nations and the history of peoples, there are important turning point and events that have greatly changed the life of that nation or that people.

CIA Asset Susan Lindauer.. Can Now Speak 10 years after 2001-9-11
Susan Lindauer As a U.S. Intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer covered anti-terrorism at the Iraqi Embassy in New York from 1996 up to the invasion. Independent sources have confirmed that she gave advance warning about the 9/11 attack. She also started talks for the Lockerbie Trial with Libyan diplomats. Shortly after requesting to testify before Congress about successful elements of Pre-War

Hack an Old LCD Monitor into a Polarized Privacy Monitor
72 If you have an old LCD display you can remove the polarized and anti-glare films from the inside of the monitor's glass surface and reassemble it; this will make the screen look bright white to the naked eye. To see the actual display you just need to use a bit of paint thinner to remove the anti-glare film from the polarization film and cut that
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9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: ‘Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda’ NATO Working With Al CIAeda!
Uploaded by NotForSale2NWO on Jun 30, 2011 Susan Lindauer RT – With bin Laden’s elimination, the US announced a withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Now President Obama has revealed a new national strategy for counterterrorism. The focus is al-Qaeda and it’s affiliates, as well as Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas on the list of enemies. Susan Lindauer, former CIA asset who covered Libya for

Syria: We are Seeing the Initial Steps of a New Cold War
grtv Patrick Henningsen November 27, 2011 The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group Nuclear aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush has reportedly anchored off Syria. As an Arab League deadline to allow observers into the country passes with no response from Damascus, the possibility of intervention in Syria seems to be growing. The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group along with additional

War Criminals Conscience: Study suggests feelings of guilt may be a top factor in PTSD
Gregg Zoroya USA Today Fri, 25 Nov 2011 10:39 CST Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy. – Henry Kissinger Over 1,400.000 civilians killed in Iraq, over 500.000 were children. A leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder is guilt that troops experience because of moral dilemmas faced in combat, according to preliminary findings of a study of activ
The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel
http://republicbroadcasting.org/israel.bernstein.htm or you can find it here: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/israel.htm The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel Written in 1985 by Jack Bernstein A CHALLENGE THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK ARE EXPECTED TO BRING A STRONG REACTION FROM THE ZIONIST JEWS. I am well aware of the tactics of you, my Zionist brethren, use to quiet anyone
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Splatter evidence – sometimes I’ve just got bits and pieces
Is Twitter an editorial learning opportunity? I’ll start by admitting I’m often careless with my tweets, especially when it comes to spelling. But a couple times in the past few days I’ve had tweets that were a few characters too long. In cutting the thoughts down to the 140-character limit, I didn’t just make them shorter, I also made them better, tighter, more cogent. It occurred to me that tho

Bare ruined choirs
I guess it’s the fall. I guess it’s the weather today. The harsh lead-and-pewter clouds, the promise of cold rain, the last of the leaves fading and ragged on the skeletal trees, their recent iridescent glory shrunk to this little measure of mottled brown. The ground poulticed thick with death and the wet smell of rot fogging the air. It’s a cycle. That’s what we say. That death has no dominion,

You want a tax on your fries with that? How to make taxes more fair
OK smarty pants, you say, you’ve been whining about economic inequality, and you’ve tossed out some ideas on Social Security and tax shelters, but let’s see you solve the whole freakin’ problem. OK, if you insist. For purposes of our discussion, you’ll need to refer to the accompanying chart. Before we get to the specifics of the proposal, let’s consider some interesting facts. With total US consu

All politics is local, and I think I need an anesthetic
2 Maybe it’s our neighborhood. Lots of old folks around, and they (I guess I’m getting to the age where I should say we) tend to vote. Plus, the area’s pretty white, pretty conservative, so I guess if I’m in charge of sending canvassers out to collect signatures to get Republicans on the ballot, I’d send them here, too. But they are starting to irk me. They must be running some kind of right-wing, c
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Close call for NY City as Muslim Sympathasizer is arrested
by G: Nov. 21, 2011 Here’s the latest news on terrorism in NY. It’s sharing the headlines with the recent demonstrations in Egypt, where, according to the NY Times at least 23 people had been killed and more than 1,500 people had been wounded. It concerns a Muslim sympathizer that the NYPD has had under surveillance for 2 1/2 years. They followed him and an informant to the dollar store and a
Republican Party Platform in 2012
Republican Party Platform in 2012: Tax-cuts for the rich Tax hikes for the middle class Deregulate wall street … Unlimited corporate money in elections War with Iran War with Pakistan Trade war with China Stay in Iraq Patriot Act End Social Security End Medicare Increase military spending Defund Planned Parenthood End abortion End birth-control Outlaw gay marriages End EPA End Public School Defun

Occupy Wall Street, with Graham Nash and David Crosby – Countdown with Keith Olbermann
This is a feel good movie

Reefer Madness in Obama’s White House
Ethan Nadelman of Drug Policy Alliance calls a spade a ‘f’ – ing Shovel. salem-news.com Nov-08-2011 Dr. Phil Leveque (MOLALLA, Ore.) – I am completely flummoxed by the complete u-turn made by our president regarding medical marijuana. Nadelman in the NY Times on 7 November points the artillery and fires, what’s going on? In October 2009 he defended the use of medical marijuana and he promised
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Episode 210 – Hunting the Octopus
In Episode 209 we looked at the mysterious death of Danny Casolaro, the journalist who was about to crack the political conspiracy of the century, a plot that he called “the octopus.” This week we go in search of the octopus that Casolaro was hunting. For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode. For those interested in audio quality,

Corbett Report Radio 019 – Climategate 2.0
On tonight’s edition of “Friday Night Highlights” we dip into the archives of corbettreport.com and climategate.tv to cover the background and the latest on the unfolding “Climategate 2.0” scandal, the latest release of thousands of emails showing that the “science” behind the glboal warming scare is far from being settled…although don’t expect to read about that in the mainstream media. Tonight w

Interview 416 – F. William Engdahl
Today The Corbett Report is joined from Germany by F. William Engdahl, a political analyst, writer and researcher who has authored such books as A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order and Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century. We discuss the Anglo-American involvement in triggering the ongoing Eurozone collapse, the rise of China and Russia

Interview 415 – Joanne Nova
Today we talk to Australian blogger Joanne Nova of joannenova.com.au about the unfolding Climategate 2.0 scandal, the continuation of the original 2009 climategate scandal in which thousands more emails have been leaked out from the researchers at the heart of the climate change research community. We discuss the history and background of the scandal, explore the role of the media in failing to ed
New World Next Week – 2011/11/24
Welcome to http://NewWorldNextWeek.com – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in alternative news and open source intelligence. This week: Story #1: Fresh Round of Leaked Emails Called Climategate 2.0 http://ur1.ca/611g4 Related: Background and Context http://ur1.ca/611g8 Related: New Batch of Emails Released in Climategate 2.0
Interview 414 – James Evan Pilato
Welcome to http://NewWorldNextWeek.com – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in alternative news and open source intelligence. This week: Story #1: Fresh Round of Leaked Emails Called Climategate 2.0 http://ur1.ca/611g4 Related: Background and Context http://ur1.ca/611g8 Related: New Batch of Emails Released in Climategate 2.0
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As You Sit in Thanksgiving Gridlock, Remember that More Roads is No Solution
New Roads Just Means More Congestion
Vietnam’s Mekong Delta Will Soon Have its First Wind Farm
But Independent Expert calls Communist Country’s Wind-Energy Plans Unrealistic
Scientists Pin Down Cause of Disease Decimating Bat Populations in the Northeast
European Bats Seem Immune to Fungus Causing White Nose Syndrome in US Bats
Local Food, meet Local Legislation
While Congress Cooks Up a Secret Farm Bill, Some Towns Get Creative in Supporting Small-Scale Agriculture
Farmageddon Uncovers Government’s Insane Campaign Against Small Farmers
New Documentary Film Examines Attack on Raw Milk Producers, Ranchers
Is Climate Scepticism a Largely Anglo-Saxon Phenomenon?
New Study Shows Sceptics Feature More Prominently in the UK and US media Than in Other Countries
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Priorities. They Can Has.
by matttbastard Noted w/o comment: Time Magazine covers – December 5, 2011 h/t

The Troubling Truth About Naomi Wolf’s DHS/OWS Hype UPDATE: Original Source Walks Back teh BS
by matttbastard It’s total bullshit (not to mention batshit). AlterNet’s Josh Holland for teh Fisk: Wolf …offers a classic example of trying to shoe-horn reality into a theory with no factual basis. She set out to write a column indicting Congress for a nationwide crack-down that hasn’t actually been unearthed and, in order to do so, she needs to hopelessly muddle the chain of command… For the te
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sat’day riddymz
“Os tambores de Minas, by Milton Nascimento. This song roughly means, the drums of Minas Gerais, Milton Nascimento’s home state, will never be quiet.” Sis Ana. Saludos…
Eduardo Galeano Chronicles the History of Human Adventure
“I believe this reading by Eduardo Galeano is very interesting. Eduardo Galeano, the Uruguayan intellectual, writer and novelist, describes himself as being obsessed with remembering and committed to humanity and just causes. I agree with him.” Sis. Ana. Saludos… Click here.

sat’day riddymz
From Sis. Ana Panamanian national, Basilio Fergus went to Spain to study medicine and realized his true calling was composing songs and singing. With his rich angelic voice, he became an international star troughout the Spanish speaking world. Cisne Cuello Negro-Black Necked Swan, a song that talks about how the word” black” has been debased, became one of his most popular songs. Basilio succumbe

“Killing and treatment of Gaddafi blow to NTC” by Nkwazi Mhango
Although former Libya strongman Muammar Gaddaffi was almost hated by everybody except those who were closer to him, what the new regime did to display his remains for public to ridicule was unreasonable. There might be three reasons as to why Gaddafi was killed and publicly displayed. One, it is either the order came from above to have Gaddafi killed or it shows how disorganized National Transitio
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What Happens When Class Warriors Ignore Race?
One of the things I think progressives who ignore history don’t understand is that just like racism is taught, so is distrust. Especially in Af-Am households where our parents & grandparents who have lived through Jim Crow, Cointelpro, Reaganomics, & the War on Drugs (better titled the War on Inner City Communities) talk to us early & often about how to stay out of trouble. My

On Police Brutality, Living While Of Color, & Why Brutality At OWS isn’t Shocking
I’ve seen a lot of posts talking about OWS, police brutality, race, gender, & intersectionality. Many of those posts include links to the famous stories of police brutality. And those stories are important & should be told. But, by only talking about those stories I worry that we’re giving the impression that police brutality is relatively rare in communities of color. I’ve posted in the

Help Increase Nuanced Racial Representation in The Media
2 If you can spare a few bucks (every dollar helps) please consider kickstarting this great film project! Synopsis Cedric and Tiffany, two college friends, realize their feelings for each other and after an illicit night together, decide to make a pact. They vow to end their respective relationships in order to build one together. When one of them cannot follow through on their promise, the oth
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TiE announces all Asia business plan competition
TiE has announced the launch of All-Asia Business Plan Competition (AABPC). For people participating from Pakistan you have to go through the TiE Islamabad Chapter. Important dates to remember are Registration Deadline : 05-Dec-2011 at Midnight PKT Local Results Judged : 09-Dec-2011 Midnight PKT. If you clear the first level (i.e Selected by the local chapter which would be Islamabad Chapter for

Online shopping in Pakistan : Still a long way to go.
Recently I had a chance or urge to check out how effective the online shopping is. With a surge of online retailers sprouting every where I set out with high expectation for finding, buying and getting items I desired. However I was taken for a bumpy ride at the end of which I backed out from buying the item and then got it from market. I tried to shop online twice in last few months, both the tim

PriceSpy-Prices from All Pakistan
Online shopping sites has been increasing recently. We now have a lot of sites almost offering competitive prices, so the next natural thing would be sites which compare offering of these site. PriceSpy is one such site, it aggregates from other etailers and allows you to do a quick comparison of who is selling it the cheapest. PriceSpy is one stop solution for those who are looking for reliable

Qurtaba released “Urdu Writer App”
2 Qurtaba has launched a mobile app named “Urdu Writer”, the app allows you to write in Urdu language using your iPhone keyboard and you can send it as a SMS, email, share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter and on other social media sites). This app allows people to use urdu language for communication, it will specially be attractive to people who live abroad but want to some times feel the sw
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Thanksgiving 2011: How Muslims have come celebrate this day
Every November 24th, the Thanksgiving turkey dinner is the experimental guinea pig that reminds me that America is the multicultural cooking pot of the world. It’s only fitting this annual holiday primarily takes place in America’s cathedral: the kitchen. This is the universal, sacred, holy place honored by all communities around the world regardless of ethnicity, race, creed or religion. This Th
TV show "All-American Muslim": An all-American reality show
A new unscripted show about a handful of Muslim families from Dearborn premiered on TLC this weekend. Like many other American Muslims, I waited anxiously for the show “All American Muslim,” hoping it would put a more human face on our community through a mainstream media outlet. I watched patiently as one Arab family after another introduced themselves and tried to highlight how their multiple id
Conflict in Somalia: A message to Al Shabaab
An alarming call recently arrived from Somalia. The intended audience was Somali youth — like me — living in Canada. According to CBC News, the Al Qaeda-linked Somali militant group Al Shabaab has released an audiotape calling for terrorist attacks in a host of countries — including Canada. A suicide bomber, believed to be an American citizen, urges young people to rise up and murder non-Muslims.
Hajj 2011: A Democrat’s prayer in Mecca
O Lord, here I stand, in front of the house that Abraham built, to ask for Your mercy. Here I stand, together with millions of pilgrims from every corner of the earth, to ask for forgiveness, seek Your blessings and affirm Your majesty. At this most ancient of rituals, I circle the Ka'ba, walking softly upon the cool marble of this sacred house, as if I were but a drop of water in a sea of hum
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Citizens hate copyright, admits EU Commissioner
The EU’s Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes, recently gave a speech admitting copyright doesn’t work and citizens hate it: legal enforceability is becoming increasingly difficult; the millions of dollars invested trying to enforce copyright have not stemmed piracy. Meanwhile citizens increasingly hear the word copyright and hate what is behind it. Sadly, many see the current system

Why I’m not a Labour supporter
I recently said why I’m not a Tory. In the interests of balance, I’ll say why I’m not a Labour supporter. On Liberal Conspiracy I recently posted that: Public spending went up from 36% of GDP in 2000 to 48% of GDP in 2010. If the UK economy grew at an average rate of 2% over those years, that’s an increase of 63%. This is a vast sum of money, and if public services did improve by 63%, I certainly
Libyan militias fight each other
CNN: The Libyan war may be over, but rivalries rage on among some regional militias, leading to a mutual distrust that poses a challenge to the new leadership. Earlier this week, the rivalry was evident when dozens of fighters clashed at a Tripoli hospital in what residents said was the biggest armed confrontation in the capital in weeks. The National Transitional Council needs to put a lid on thi
Occupiers, Pirates, and the Labour Party
Jon Worth sees similarities between the Occupy movement and the Pirate Party: The Occupy movements are about the values of the left [...] They have Mac laptops and use the free wifi at Starbucks, to the consternation of the right wing blogosphere. These are the very sorts of people who, from the late 1960s onwards, formed themselves into punk and green movements, creating the Green Party in German
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EDL leader continues to reveal his disturbing attitudes
English Defence League leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka “Tommy Robinson”) gave an interview to Adrian Goldberg at BBC Radio West Midlands on 22 October 2011. It’s available via Youtube here. Yaxley-Lennon made some particularly self-incriminating statements towards the end: “The black community and the white community in Birmingham are treated with iron fists. The Islamic community are treated wi
We’re planning to disrupt Anjem Choudhary’s Remembrance day demo
Extremist Muslim group Muslims Against Crusades are planning their annual Remembrance Day stunt again, on 11th November. The Daily Mail, which always reports on their actions in advance, says the demo, which will mock the charity for injured soldiers Help for Heroes, is due to take place outside the Royal Albert Hall, the same location where a poppy was burned last year. The Muslims Against Crusad
New report into the EDL shows most political overlap with the BNP
The think-tank Demos have published a report into the English Defence League. There report is here. They say: While leaders of the EDL claim they are a pluralistic, liberal movement that is fighting Islamic extremism, chants heard at demonstrations and the vitriol frequently posted on the EDL’s chat forums suggest otherwise. It is in this context that we have undertaken the first ever large-scale
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Chronicles of Vonnegut
Caveat to those about to enter: If you have read some or all of Kurt Vonnegut's novels, I trust this essay will resonate and perhaps enlighten. If you have not read Vonnegut's fiction, perhaps I will lead you to it. When Vonnegut died nearly five years ago, American literature lost a giant. But readers of In These Times, for which Vonnegut wrote, understood something more than that obvious truism:
Assassinating the Rule of Law
Of all the promises made by candidate Barack Obama, it was his promise to end the lawlessness of the Bush years by closing Guantanamo, ending torture and restoring the United States' reputation for justice that got me out in the streets and knocking on doors. And it is President Obama's failure to keep these promises that makes it impossible for me to support him again. President Bush's foreign po
Haitians to U.N.: Please Leave
On October 14, the U.N. Security Council voted to renew the mandate of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), paving the way for the peacekeeping force's eighth year of operations in the Caribbean nation. The unanimous decision was made with little discussion of allegations that peacekeepers in Haiti have committed serious abuses, including sexual assault, killing protestors
CIA Boosts Vaccination Conspiracies
One grotesque aspect of the covert operation against Osama bin Laden has the potential to blow back--with the easy loft of a germ in a windstorm--and kill millions, especially children. The Obama administration now openly embraces assassination as a useful and legal tactic in the increasingly amorphous project called "war." But a new twist will spread collateral damage far beyond luckless civilian
New Eden, Old Devils
In late October, Time's tech blog reported a startling fact: Only 30 percent of all people tweeting about Occupy Wall Street were women. This, despite studies showing Twitter users are 64 percent female. The post "Why Aren't Women Tweeting About Occupy Wall Street?" reached for some conclusions. Maybe women aren't tweeting about their involvement; maybe female Twitter users aren't interested in pr
Is the Federal Government Helping to Bust Unions?
For the third time in three years, defense contractor Honeywell International Inc. is deploying union-busting tactics in a government-affiliated workplace--and a federal agency is failing to stop the corporation's behavior. This raises questions about whether Honeywell, a top contributor to the Democratic Party in the 2010 midterm election cycle, is wielding political influence to successfully wea
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Deviant Daughter Deprived Of First Prize
Howling mobs of enraged art-lovers are today marching on that satanic citadel of pure evil known as deviantART, ululating in holy outrage at the infamous anathema in which my daughter was awarded second prize in a deviantART poetry contest, rather than first. “This shall not stand!” Yahweh thundered, in a fervent burst of righteous wrath, making a rare public appearance before a roomful of startle

The Street Only Knew Your Name
The Street people are in the process of moving on from out the tent portion of their being, and on to something different. No big deal. That’s the way it goes. “Mutate and survive,” my once and future mentor, known round this blog as “sally,” used often to say. For that’s the way it works on this planet. Keep moving. What the Street thing is, is another acid test. As I said at some point over on

I Send Greetings
Humans think they want to communicate with distant life forms, out there in the great wide open, but, being humans, they don’t always go about it in the best of all possible worlds. The NASA spacecrafts Voyager I and Voyager II were famously equipped with “Golden Records” that sought to present to extraterrestrial beings the nature and meaning of what it means to be human. The Records project was

What Men Know About Women
Bud’s relationship with the female sex was governed by a gallimaufry of primal impulses, dim suppositions, deranged theories, overheard scraps of conversation, half-remembered pieces of bad advice, and fragments of no-doubt exaggerated anecdotes that amounted to rank superstition. —Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age Filed under: Wyrds

Skyway Robbery
Once upon a time, air travelers would occasionally have their Realities interrupted by young men with beards and a grievance, who would rise in the aisles to command that a flight proceed forthwith to some place other than where it was originally intended to go. Hijackings. For a while, all the rage. That was then, and this is now. But following the principle of everything old is new again, it see
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Abortion and The Girl Scouts
by Rachel Lynn Robinson: Does the Girl Scouts promote abortion and sexuality with young girls?
Michele, I am for Sarah, looking for a candidate I can support
by Mark Vogl: This is an open letter to Michele Bachmann, after visting her web site.
Palin supporter still lookin, Newt goes soft on illegals
by Mark Vogl: Looking some more, maybe Michele Bachmann is it!
Gingrich Supported Obamacare in 1993
by Walt Thiessen: A video found on YouTube shows footage from 1993 in which Newt Gingrich came out in support of forcing Americans to buy health insurance.
Thanksgiving, an American recognition of God!
by Mark Vogl: A uniquely American holiday, Thanksgiving is about a pioneer people struggling to survive, thanking God for His beneficence.
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Six years on . . .
NAOMI KLEIN is, IMHO, one of the most lucid and prescient political analysts to be found. Six years (how time flies) ago, as the Iraq elections ground to a conclusion after the invasion, Naomi made a number of acerbic observations.Six years later, in the light of Arab Spring and OWS, they are even more trenchant, IMHO. "The Neoliberal Project" is a reprise of a spell-binding address she gave as pa

Ottawa, we have a problem . . .
Many children are scalded and burned from living in densely overcrowded houses with makeshift wood stoves.AND IT'S NOT GOING AWAY. According to Charlie Angus, who's the MP for Timmins-James Bay, the plight of our aboriginals on the northern Ontario reserve of Attawapiskat is intolerable. His post on Huffington Canada, "What if They Declared an Emergency and No One Came?" has a must-see video, as w

Yummy . . .
FOOD FREEDOM is an interesting site, proclaiming that people should Decentralize, Grow Your Own and Buy Local — which makes great sense. There's a report by Miriam Reimer, originally posted on The Street, "15 Food Companies that Serve You ‘Wood’". Yep, wood, like pine trees.Chief among those concerns is the use of cellulose (wood pulp), an extender whose use in a roster of food products, from crac

Ursula comments . . .
IN THEIR CREATIONS, artists expound and explain. Io9's Charlie Jane Anders has a report that is worthy of your attention, "Ursula K. Le Guin writes a fable of Occupy Wall Street". If you've been wondering just what's wrong with unemployed people, and why they won't just go get a job, then Ursula K. Le Guin has some answers for you. In the time-honored tradition of fantasists and fabulists, she's p

Grow op . . .
2 SEEMS TO BE A GROWTH INDUSTRY. According to Spencer Ackerman at WIRED, in an article, "Pentagon’s War on Drugs Goes Mercenary", now the Pentagon is joining the DEA in the "War on Drugs", in a BIG way:An obscure Pentagon office designed to curb the flow of illegal drugs has quietly evolved into a one-stop shop for private security contractors around the world, soliciting deals worth over $3 billion
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U.S.: World's Tallest Solar Tower Set for Arizona
In the western desert state of Arizona, a company called EnviroMission is planning to build a new solar tower, the first of its kind, an ambitious new way to produce energy with heat from the sun.
Q&A: Climate Talks Must Ensure That "Words Become Reality"
Involving women in decision-making and resource management is a basic necessity for any effective plan to address the multi- layered and life-threatening consequences of climate change, says the head of UN Women.
KENYA: Like a Fish Belongs to Water, the Ogiek Belong to the Mau Forest
The resettlement of evictees from Kenya's Mau Forest remains a humanitarian and environmental concern for the country as more than 25,000 people continue to live in camps around the forest.
Radical Change Needed at Durban Conference, Experts Say
Global leaders will gather next week in Durban, South Africa to determine how to cap global warming at two degrees Celsius. This limit would entail de facto agreement to a global carbon budget of no more than 660 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions between now and 2050, climate science says.
CLIMATE CHANGE: Making a Hot Cup of Rooibos Tea Unaffordable
South Africa's Rooibos tea has become a popular drink all around the globe. But prices of the herbal brew could shoot up within the next decade, as the Rooibos plant can only grow in one small region in the world – which is severely affected by climate change.
CLIMATE CHANGE: Shale Gas Emerges as a Burning Issue
The issue seems rather similar to that of unconventional oil and has already sparked a major controversy in the West. But its implications for the debate on climate change are hardly known in countries of the Global South.
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Gould-Werritty Plot Finally Mainstream
The Independent on Sunday have bitten the bullet and openly questioned what Matthew Gould was doing in all those meetings with Adam Werritty, and why Gus O’Donnell lied about them. They have an interesting new line from an FCO spokesman: “The FCO has total confidence that Matthew Gould has acted appropriately at all times and at no stage was he acting independently, or out of line with government
The Third Man
This is the link for the video recording of the Public Administration Committee meeting at which Paul Flynn MP was prevented from asking questions about the role of the third man, Matthew Gould, in the Fox-Werritty plot to promote a war with Iran. The key action starts 1 hour and thirty minutes in (use the slider). The actions of long term paid zionist shill Robert Halfon – whose whole career has
Gould-Werritty: A Real Conspiracy, Not a Theory
There is a huge government cover-up in progress over the Werritty connection to Mossad and the role of British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould, and their neo-con plan to start a war with Iran. Yesterday at 22.15pm I submitted by email a Freedom of Information request for: All communications in either direction ever made between Matthew Gould and Adam Werritty, specifically including communicati
I have no excuse for not blogging the last couple of days, other than that I have been taking long walks over the beach and cliffs with my family. I feel wonderful for it. There has been much well deserved publicity for the report of the Low Pay Commission, which stated that we are fast returning to Victorian levels of inequality as the gap between rich and poor grows wider at an extraordinary pa
Petrol on the Flames
Nick Clegg today is proudly announcing a coalition housing policy which is perhaps the maddest thing the government has come up with yet (though that is a tough competition). Apparently the answer to housing problems is to find ways to enable people to take on yet more debt, being helped by government to find deposits which they will however ultimately have to repay in addition to the ordinary mo
Death in Kabul
I contribute to this BBC Radio Scotland programme which goes out at 14.05 today. It tells the story of Alexander Burnes, of whom I am currently writing a biography. It will hopefully give you some idea of why I am so devoted to the project. I presume that outside Scotland you can listen to it online – can anyone give a link? Given the appalling level of recent fatalities in our current doomed a
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Meet Sean Hubbard—Texas Progressive Alliance Round-Up
Here is the weekly posting of the Texas Progressive Alliance round-up. The TPA is a confederation of the best political bloggers in Texas. TPA members are citizen-bloggers working for a better Texas. Every Texan and every American has the ability to attend a public meeting, attend or organize a protest, write or call an elected official, talk to friends and family, start a blog, donate money, wr

How It All Ends Up
Longtime New York Times reporter and columnist Tom Wicker died yesterday. Mr. Wicker was 85. Mr. Wicker was at one point one of the best known journalists in America. I recall reading his columns. Here is Mr. Wicker’s NYT obituary. An obituary is a summation of your life. Mr. Wicker has been summed up. In the picture above are collections I have at home of the poems of Langston Hughes and Robert

Occupy Houston Prints Newspaper—Self-Starting And Working With Others Is The Occupy Wall Street Ethic
The first edition of the Occupy Houston newspaper is out. This is indeed the spirit. It is up to each of us to be self-starters, and to work with others for the good of the nation and of the 99%. You can pick up a copy of the paper at Occupy Houston at Tranquility Park. Occupy Houston will today be at the Egyptian consulate and at the Houston Galleria for Black Friday. Here are some details of th

It is a great Thanksgiving Day on the sunny shores of the Gulf of Mexico in Galveston, Texas. I hope you and yours are having a nice and safe Thanksgiving.
Occupy Houston Not Resting Over Thanksgiving
Occupy Houston will be having a “Fall Harvest Feast” today to mark Thanksgiving Day at 6 PM in Tranquility Park. Then on Black Friday the 25th, Occupy will be at the Egyptian Consulate and the Houston Galleria. Here is the latest New York Times report about events in Egypt. It is energetic and hopeful stuff. You just don’t have to accept the world as it is. You can be part of something better.

Almost Time To Occupy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day is almost here. Lieutenant John Pike is out and pepper spraying at the Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving family dinner. Nothing is more wholesome and American than Occupy Wall Street fighting for the 99%, and the free use of our First Amendment freedoms. I hope everybody has some great Thanksgiving plans. Please drive safely and let’s all be kind to one another.
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