The Armageddon Network: How the war party is ginning up war with Iran
by Justin Raimondo (source: antiwar.com) November 14, 2011
Reports of Iran's Nuclear Ambitions Sound Like a Repeat of Iraq Eight Years Ago
by Gwynne Dyer (source: Information Clearing House) November 13, 2011
Tightening the Noose: The IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program
The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee is considering a new sanctions bill that would, for the first time in U.S. history, forbid the president or any member of his administration to talk with a representative of another country, in this case Iran, without prior Congressional approval, effectively blocking any chance of a negotiated settlement of differences between the U.S. and Iran. The bill is being heavily promoted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Israel's well-funded U.S. lobbying organization. (5)
the only reason the IAEA is issuing this report in the first place is that Iran is one of the 189 countries that have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the world's principal arms control agreement. Only three U.N. members have never signed the treaty: Israel, which constantly accuses Iran of violating the NPT; India, which nevertheless is part of the U.N.'s IAEA team charged with making sure that countries signing the NPT adhere to its rules; and Pakistan, which with its failed government presents a real threat of the actual use of nuclear weapons.
WMD charges all over again, and with the same goal
We already know without a doubt that the U.S. government will lie in order to build a case for war. That's exactly what it did in 2003 with its charges against Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, ties to al-Qaeda and responsibility for the 9/11 attacks.
As with Iraq, the real aim for Iran is a regime change in order to set up a puppet government in this oil- and gas-rich country in the strategically key Persian Gulf region.
As a signatory to the NPT, Iran has an “inalienable right” to develop and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Further, the NPT actually requires all parties to the treaty to help other members wishing to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. But with Western pressure blocking its access to such cooperation, Iran has been forced to strive for self-reliance in nuclear technology.
Despite a campaign of continuing and multiple charges, the fact is that there is no credible evidence that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons. Every IAEA report on Iran to date, including that of May 31, 2010, has stated that “the Agency continues to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Iran.”(6)
Further, the 2011 National Intelligence Estimate on Iran reportedly once again states that there is no evidence that Iran is working to develop an atomic or nuclear weapon. The NIE is the collective report of the 16 U.S. intelligence agencies. (7)
When the Republican-leaning New York Post says history may well mark United States President Barack Obama "as the leader who let Iran get the bomb - and so doomed the Middle East to a new Dark Age", it based its assertion on a report it attributed to Rand Corporation analyst Gregory Jones.
"Using the latest data from the International Atomic Energy Agency, he recently concluded that, if Iran's centrifuges continue to produce enriched uranium at current capacity, the regime will have 90% of the 20 kilograms it needs to produce a nuclear weapon within two months - certainly by summer's end," the Post said in an opinion piece. [1]The Post report was at least an accurate reflection of Jones'
calculations in a report dated June 2, but inaccurately reported that it was published by the Rand Corporation, when it was in fact from the Non-proliferation Policy Education Center.
The Rand Corporation's own report, Iran's Nuclear Future: Critical US Policy Choices, financed by the US Air Force and published on June 7, contained no such timetable and is about policy alternatives for the United States and urges greater engagement.
Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr., President of the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis and Professor at the Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis
The Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis (IFPA) is an conservative research and strategic planning organization that specializes in issues of national security, foreign policy, political economics, and government-industrial relations.
The IFPA was founded in 1976 by a seed grant from the Scaife Family Trust to focus on "the danger of international communism and the need for a strong defense for the United States."The IFPA and its small-business subsidiary, National Security Planning Associates (NSPA), provide programs and services that include the following:
- Tailored briefings for government agencies, military planners, and corporate executives
- Public forums for the broader discussion of issues critical to the U.S. policy-planning process
- Reports, point papers, policy recommendations, and monograph- or book-length studies for dissemination to a wide audience of key policy makers
- Major conferences, seminars, training workshops, and simulation exercises
- Quick-reaction assessments of breaking events
IAEA Accusations Against Iran are Bunk
by Muhammad Sahimi (interviewed) (source: antiwar.com) November 17, 2011Iran formally protests against IAEA Director-General
“It is necessary that the Agency refrain from distributing any materials or documents before completion and conclusion of its investigationThe Director General is highly expected to submit factual reports reflecting comprehensively the developments related to safeguards verification since his previous reports. The Director General shall not politicize the technical organization, IAEA, by bias and selective approach contrary to the spirit and letter of the Statute in his reports.
It is a matter of deep regret that your report is in full contravention with the above legitimate expectations and it is not balanced and factual.
Your objection to the generous cooperative offer of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the prompt Agency’s engagement prior to the Board of Governors in November 2011, pose serious questions on your intention to resolve the issue and to put an end to the endless process.
You are hereby strongly advised to rectify the above mentioned concerns in your introductory statement at the opening of the Board of Governors on 17 November 2011.
Iran's Nuclear Program and the Legal Mandate of the IAEA
by Daniel Joyner (source: Jurist) November 15, 2011
Military Statistics > WMD > Nuclear (most recent) by country
The United States spends more money on its military than the next 12 nations combined.
Top 10 ways U.S. tries to subvert Iran
U.K. cuts ties with Iranian banks
President Obama’s administration plans to add sanctions against Iran’s petrochemical industry
CIA spies caught in Iran, Lebanon
Ex-Inspector Rejects IAEA Iran Bomb-Test-Chamber Claim
by Flynt Leverett (source: Race for Iran) November 18, 2011
An Iranian 'human rights' wrong
the ICRC and Schabas endorse the center
Iran ProfileWhy is Israel allowed to have nukes?
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the West practices double standards in regard to Israel’s nuclear arsenal.
In an interview with CNN on Sunday, Erdogan noted that Israel is the only player in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons and asked, “Why is it that countries banning Iran from having nuclear weapons don’t also ban Israel from having nuclear weapons?”Turkey downgraded ties with Israel after Tel Aviv refused to apologize for its attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which left nine Turkish citizens dead on May 31, 2010.
Earlier in September, the Turkish Economy Minister said Ankara would continue its “normal” economic ties with Tel Aviv. From January 2011 to July 2011, trade between Turkey and Israel reached $2.3 billion.
Erdogan also commented on Turkey’s decision to host one component of a missile shield system, calling it a “NATO concept.”
He advised against “different interpretations” of Turkey’s decision and urged everyone to look at “what is actually the reality” in the issue
Mossad vs Assad? ‘CIA death squads behind Syria bloodbath’
The empty promise of a malaria vaccine – Malaria’s toll: 3 billion +
We have the power to eradicate malaria starting tomorrow — saving millions of lives around the world.But instead of using that power to wipe out the mosquitos that transmit the disease, we’re wasting precious time on the least effective possible approach: vaccines.
There hasn’t been anything close to an effective malaria vaccine yet — and while researchers claim they’re finally on the verge of a breakthrough, one look at their own numbers shows they’re not even close.
In limited studies, the experimental vaccine being lauded in the media has proven to be effective at reducing the disease by just 56 percent — a number that falls to 47 percent if you count only the most serious and potentially deadly cases.
What’s more, the results in the New England Journal of Medicine are only from early tests.
It’ll be at least three more years before we see results from a bigger study… and in that time, roughly 3 million people — most of them African children — will literally die waiting.
It’s a crime, because we don’t have to wait — we don’t have to wait three years, three months or three weeks to take action on malaria. We can take action right now — and all we have to do is bring back the widespread use of the pesticide DDT.
Governments do love to shoot the children with bullets or vaccines!
Courts put huge California water pact in limbo
A landmark accord that ended decades of acrimony over how Southern California gets its water is in jeopardy.
A California appeals court is considering whether to overturn a 2003 pact that created the nation’s largest farm-to-city water transfer and set new rules for dividing the state’s share of the Colorado River. If a lower court ruling stands, consequences could ripple to six other Western states and Mexico, which also rely on the 1,450-mile river that flows from the Rocky Mountains to the Sea of Cortez.Farmers and environmentalists involved in the lawsuit argue the pact is deeply flawed, while water agencies say it is critical to keeping an uneasy peace on the river. A three-judge panel of the 3rd Appellate District in Sacramento will hear arguments Monday and is expected to rule within three months.
California long used more of the Colorado River than it was granted under agreements with Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming and Mexico. Its overindulgence was never a big problem until Sunbelt cities like Phoenix witnessed explosive growth and other states clamored for their full share. Drought only exacerbated tensions.
Truth Frequency News
Nov 21

Israel: Time has come to deal with Iran
Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:39AM presstv Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak refuses to rule out speculations about a military strike on Iran’s nuclear sites, again insisting that the “time has come” to deal with Iran. Zionist war criminal Ehud Barak “I don’t think that that is a subject for public discussion. But I can tell you that the (International Atomic Energy Agency) IAEA report has a sobering i

Breaking News: Wikileaks suspect Bradley Manning given court date
21 November 2011 Last updated at 20:37 GMT BBC Bradley Manning before... A US Army analyst suspected of leaking government secrets will face a military court on 16 December, his lawyer says. Bradley Manning faces charges of obtaining and distributing government secrets – which he allegedly leaked to the anti-secrecy website Wikileaks. The Article 32 hearing will determine whether Mr Manning is

Mossad vs Assad? ‘CIA death squads behind Syria bloodbath’
Uploaded by RussiaToday on Nov 21, 2011 Moscow has accused the west of stirring up tensions in the Arab world by calling for the overthrow of the Syrian regime. Russia says calls from certain states for the Syrian opposition to avoid dialogue with the government, are only provoking further violence. Author and journalist Webster Tarpley, who’s in Damascus, says, it’s very simple, western powers

AP Exclusive: Spies Outed, CIA Suffers In Lebanon
By Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo, Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The CIA’s operations in Lebanon have been badly damaged after Hezbollah identified and captured a number of U.S. spies recently, current and former U.S. officials told The Associated Press. The intelligence debacle is particularly troubling because the CIA saw it coming. Hezbollah’s longtime leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, boas
The empty promise of a malaria vaccine – Malaria’s toll: 3 billion +
We have the power to eradicate malaria starting tomorrow — saving millions of lives around the world. But instead of using that power to wipe out the mosquitos that transmit the disease, we’re wasting precious time on the least effective possible approach: vaccines. There hasn’t been anything close to an effective malaria vaccine yet — and while researchers claim they’re finally on the verge of

Truthers Talk at Occupy Wall Street Camp – David Icke & Luke Rudkowski of ‘We Are Change’
phuketword.com 20/11/2011 WORD ON GLOBAL POWER STRUGGLE: While in New York on a tour to give talks about the way the world really works, British reporter David Icke spent time at the Occupy Wall Street camp in ‘Liberty Park’ (Zuccotti Park), talking with Luke Rudkowski of ‘We Are Change’. This excellent interview / conversation demonstrates the state of the police state which David Icke has b

NYPD ‘Justifies’ Alot, Caught Another McMujahideen, Al Qaeda Supposed McTerrorist. I’m Lovin’ It
Luckee1′s note: This stinks of a farce. Videos of what a bomb would look like and a model of a bomb? All camera candy for media to paste everywhere. Again we all have to believe the word of a faceless unidentified confidential informant. Funny the FBI declined working on this case, they were not uninvited, they declined! ‘al-Qaida sympathizer’ accused of NYC bomb plots By TOM McELROY | AP –
Nov 20

Governments buy hacking and monitoring from these companies! WSJ: Document Trove Exposes Surveillance Methods
The Surveillance CatalogWhere governments get their tools Must Watch the video at this link Documents obtained by The Wall Street Journal open a rare window into a new global market for the off-the-shelf surveillance technology that has arisen in the decade since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The techniques described in the trove of 200-plus marketing documents include hacking tool
Epic Failure: The Supercommittee Was A Super Joke
November 20, 2011 By Michael Snyder BlacklistedNews.com Does anyone need any additional evidence that our political system is completely broken? The bipartisan congressional supercommittee that was given two months to come up with at least $1.2 trillion in deficit cuts over the next decade has failed to reach an agreement. It is an epic failure and a national embarrassment. The truth is that t