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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

27 November - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

Monthly changes in the currency component of t...Image via Wikipedia

Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial

  1. Senators Demand Military Lock Up Americans in “Battlefield” Defined...
  2. Senate Moves Toward Ratification of U.N.’s ‘Law of the Sea Treaty’
  3. Federal Reserve Power Grab Bill Moves to Senate
  5. With victory in House, health care reform moves to Senate
  6. U.S. Senate Advances Extension of Patriot Act Wiretap Power
  7. Lieberman Looks to Strip the Citizenship of 1 Million Americans Wit...
  8. Senate Jobs Bill Contains Patriot Act Extension
  9. Police and Military Working Together to Oppress Americans
  10. Police and Military Train To Intern Swine Flu Vaccine Refusniks
  11. Senate Holds Vote on Sen. Paul’s Sense of the Senate Resolution
  12. Senate Moves Forward on Orwellian “Violent Radicalization and Homeg...
  13. Medical Marijuana Bill Moves Through Maryland Senate In Landslide
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From This Week's Featured Article: "Using this approach, it is possible to argue that the future of many Western economies, and that of the global economy, will be shaped by their ability to navigate four inter-related financial, economic, social, and political dynamics."
The sense of uncertainty prevailing in the West is palpable, and rightly so: People are worried about their future, with a record number now fearing that their children may end up worse off than them....
1 share  -  Antonio Carlos Lessa

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Project Syndicate  -  20 Nov 2011  -  Public
Check out our complete archive of Joseph Stiglitz's articles in our AmazonKindle offerings at http://amzn.to/StiglitzArchive. Let us know what you think!
Amazon.com: Joseph Stiglitz for Project Syndicate: The Complete Archive, 2001-2011 eBook: Joseph Stiglitz: Kindle Store

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Project Syndicate  -  13 Nov 2011  -  Public
"In short, the eurozone's periphery is now subject to the paradox of thrift: increasing savings too much, too fast leads to renewed recession and makes debts even more unsustainable."
Germany and the ECB have less power over the eurozone's peripheral countries than they seem to believe. If they continue to insist on concentrating all the pain of economic adjustment in the periphery...
1 share  -  HighclimbingFate
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1 share  -  Boris Krumov

To Do

By Michael Martina BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Friday announced an investigation into government policy and subsidy support for renewable energy, weeks after the United States decided to probe sales of Chinese-made solar panels. ...
By Joseph Baker on November 25, 2011 Online search engine giant Google Inc. recently announced it is ending its renewable energy research program. Launched in 2007 the Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal (RE C was active the program did help advance CSP ...
Wendland, who also is president of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, won't shed tears on New Year's Eve at the expiration of the tax credit. The 45-cent per gallon tax credit went not to ethanol plants, but to oil refiners, pipelines or fuel ...
We believe that, as far as the implementation of a renewable energy strategy is concerned, the numerous overlapping government entities are suffering from 'paralysis by analysis.' Action needs to be taken. The feed-in-tariff concept has some validity ...
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Human Habitat

The Seattle Times
By Rob Hotakainen ELAINE THOMPSON / AP Department of Ecology Director Ted Sturdevant, right, tosses a line to Jay Manning, a former Ecology director. They and Gov. Chris Gregoire, foreground, also a former Ecology director, were touring Commencement ...
Hill Post
Manali : Human interference disturbing the fragile ecology of a high Himalayan mountain pass overlooking this tourist resort has caught the attention of the Himachal Pradesh High Court. It has directed the officers concerned to bring all records ...
Pocono Record
Their teachers are experts in ornithology, botany, mycology, herpetology and ecology. Their class is field biology, taught the way it should be. What a concept, what a brilliant experiment masterminded by Jamie Reeger, program director for the ...
Renton Reporter
The Washington Department of Ecology has approved the update of the City of Renton shoreline master program' which took months to develop in consultation with the public and property owners. The program will improve the protection, use, development and ...
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Water Power

Washington Post (blog)
HARARE, Zimbabwe — The Roman Catholic church says Zimbabwe's chronic water shortages should be declared a national disaster. The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace says in a statement Sunday collapsed water and sanitation facilities will cause ...
Adelaide Now
Source: The Advertiser A LANDMARK plan to save the River Murray does not return enough water for the river's long-term sustainability. And in a "double whammy" hit to SA, the Murray Darling Basin Authority's draft Basin Plan released today is set to ...
And maybe they want to believe industry officials when they say that the fracking process - where water, sand and chemicals are pumped into rock to free up the gas - is scientifically sound. None of those findings would change some facts on the ground ...
With her long lean legs and new coat of paint, the Hollywood water tower beat out 150 challengers to grace a national calendar. After a $680000 makeover, the Hollywood water tower was chosen to be the cover of a national calendar. ...
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