Thrive: new documentary exposes criminal New World Order of the 1%
The Thrive Movement and Movie explains and documents the CRIMES we witness that engage in wars and crushing control over the 99%. It also provides solutions.This history has dominated US policy since Abraham Lincoln’s failed effort to expose the US violation of crystal-clear treaty with Mexico in order to steal nearly half their land in 1846.
The answer is revolution from these CRIMES in obvious areas of war and economic looting in the trillions of our dollars every year.
Occupy is about American citizen recognition of these CRIMES, ending them through arresting the CRIMINALS, and implementation of policy to unleash humanity.
REPORT: Occupy Crackdowns Aided by Feds – Homeland Security taylormarsh.com/blog/2011/11/r…
#OWS Our democratic republic isn't what it used to be #news
( That must be 'de-mock-ratic republic' of fantasyland. Kent State, Domino Theory and the Cold War didn't have much of an educational impact on punditry. Spying on the public is much more pervasive now there is no believable physical hazard from other nations, however. Hazard from 'corporate persons' is another matter entirely.)
( That must be 'de-mock-ratic republic' of fantasyland. Kent State, Domino Theory and the Cold War didn't have much of an educational impact on punditry. Spying on the public is much more pervasive now there is no believable physical hazard from other nations, however. Hazard from 'corporate persons' is another matter entirely.)
Detainees: Working For $1 A Day, Using Phone for $5 A Minute
The money machine is just too perfect.
10 Things Your Bladder Says About Your Health
BPA Effect on Female Attraction to Men
Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. Children Poor, Census Says
Thursday, 17 Nov 2011 15:45 PM
* Some 15.7 million children below federal poverty line * 2 million in poverty in California, followed by Texas * Missis . . .
Fed Edges China as Top Owner of US Debt
Thursday, 17 Nov 2011 15:42 PM
The federal government now owns the biggest slice of the national debt, edging ahead of China, as the debt hit a record . . .
Chamber Raises Concerns on GOP Overseas Tax Plan
Thursday, 17 Nov 2011 15:41 PM
(Updates with Chamber comments starting in third paragraph.Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce raised co . . .
Read more on Newsmax.com: ‘Aftershock’ Book Predicts Economic Disaster Amid Controversy
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
U.S. troops will soon get tiny kamikaze drone
Air Force General blows whistle on Obama, but media deaf
'bin Laden' assassination ( as if )

Gulf Coast health crisis in aftermath of BP oil blowout underscored at Keystone XL protest | Climate
www.climatesciencewatch.orgPresident Obama, after heeding the people’s call to stop the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline until environmental and public health concerns are thoroughly vetted, must apply the same standards in the Gulf, where the government has yet to fully assess and respond to damage from the BP oil spill. For d...

We speak with former freelancer at the New York Times, Natasha Lennard, who helped the newspaper cover the initial Occupy protests. She was arrested during the Brooklyn Bridge demonstration while reporting on the event. She no longer freelances for the Times and recently wrote a piece for Salon.com
How Students at Historically Black Colleges Drove the Mississippi “Personhood” Defeat : Ms Magazine.
msmagazine.comWhen I was asked to come to Mississippi about three weeks ago to organize students against Initiative 26, or the so-called “personhood” amendment, I honestly did not know if we even had a chance of winning. The amendment could have made abortion illegal and banned hormonal birth control, including t...
Alabama’s ruling class has dug in against the storm it caused with the nation’s most oppressive immigration law. But Latinos in the south are moving now to protect themselves.

Oil and gas: Puny fines, scant enforcement leave drilling violators with little to fear -- 11/14/201
www.eenews.netOil and gas drillers who pollute groundwater, spill toxic chemicals or break other rules have little to fear from the inspectors and agencies regulating the surge in American petroleum production. A Greenwire review of enforcement data from the largest drilling states shows that only a sm…


Hundreds of police officers, many wearing riot helmets, marched into lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park early Tuesday morning to clear out the Occupy Wall Street protesters. The operation required boroughwide task forces and “scores of mobile officers who are usually used to flood high-crime neighborho...

Tim Geithner is a tool, literally. When Geithner took the Treasury helm, the amount of Treasury Security debt outstanding was $5.7 trillion. In August 2008, just before the most powerful banks sucked the soul out of the country in every manner possible, it was $4.9 trillion. Today, outstanding Trea...

Wisconsin lost an estimated 9,300 private-sector jobs in October in the state's fourth consecutive month of job losses, according to data released Thursday by the state Department of Workforce Development.

Submitted by Chris Martenson, authored by Charles Hugh SmithThe Future Of WorkA growing number of workers are becoming increasingly concerned about the future viability of their jobs (if they have them) and, in many cases, that of their professions. Looking at a future increasingly defined by slower...
(VIDEO) Retired Police Capt Slams NYPD Conduct – “Disgusting,” “Totally Uncalled For” – Joins Zuccotti Park OWS Protest… They’re trying to get me arrested. …. And I may disappear

The targets were followers of a cult-like group called The Seas of David, led by former Guardian Angel Narseal Batiste. The group was, perhaps, not even Muslim, as its religious practices involved Bible study and wearing the Star of David.' Paul Harris, Guardian UK
americancensorship.orgA bill that is very likely to pass will let government and corporations censor the internet, take down sites at the behest of corporations. My favorite sites and friends have to step up now to help stop it, or it passes: http://americancensorship.org/
300,000 Flu Vaccines Recalled Over Serious Adverse Reactions
Michael J. Murphy, Co-Producer of the Groundbreaking documentary "What in the World are They Spraying?" Investigates how chemtrail/geoengineering programs ar...

Read 'Airport X-ray body scanners banned in Europe over cancer risks' on Digital Trends. The controversial "backscatter" X-ray body scanners will no longer be used at European airports due to health risks associated with the technology.
Bob Powell explains that under orders from a cabal of international bankers, the CIA trained and equipped Al Qaeda terrorists and set them on a path of "revolution" that ended with a new Libyan Central Bank and the black flag of al-Qaeda flying over the Benghazi courthouse.
Assisted by NATO forces and Qatari Army Soldiers and supplied with weapons by the Qataris, these Al Qaeda terrorists tried to overthrow the Jamahiriya government and its symbolic leader Muammar Gaddafi by killing tens of thousands of Libyan civilians and by destroying the country's infrastructure.
Now, as the "legitimate" government of Libya, the National Transitional Council is waging a genocide against black Libyans, African guest workers, members of Muammar Gadaffi's tribe and the millions of Libyans who support the free democratic Jamahiriya government.
Assisted by NATO forces and Qatari Army Soldiers and supplied with weapons by the Qataris, these Al Qaeda terrorists tried to overthrow the Jamahiriya government and its symbolic leader Muammar Gaddafi by killing tens of thousands of Libyan civilians and by destroying the country's infrastructure.
Now, as the "legitimate" government of Libya, the National Transitional Council is waging a genocide against black Libyans, African guest workers, members of Muammar Gadaffi's tribe and the millions of Libyans who support the free democratic Jamahiriya government.