Cherri Foytlin tells of her arrest at the BP Protest in NOLA
Cherri was arrested for civil disobedience to mark the anniversary of the so called end of the BP crisis.Stop Legal Contamination by Unapproved GM Foods: "Low Level Presence"
Before November 25, 2011: The Canadian Government is proposing to allow contamination of our food supply with genetically engineered foods that have not been approved for safe eating in Canada.The Trouble with Monsanto and GMO - Dr. David Suzuki spells it out
Bob Powell : We've been lied to by every media outlet in the world about Libya
"Completely and Utterly Fail in an Earthquake"
The Fukushima story you didn't hear on CNN
Hillary Clinton’s Deceptive Bluffs on Iran’s Nuclear Program
U.S. President Barack Obama will be a lame duck next year and the officials in his administration, especially his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are hilariously doing their best to make sure that they haven’t spared any effort to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries and sabotage the stability and security of those whom they call “enemies”, like Iran. .....Clinton is the representative of a country which throughout the history has repeatedly betrayed the Iranian nation.
Disturbing Footage! The US Army Doesn't Want You To See THIS!
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- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 minutes agoGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel today said Europe could be living through its 'toughest hour since World War Two' - as new leaders in Italy and Greece rushed to form governments to limit the damage from th...
- posted by Anonops at AnonOps Communications - 12 minutes agoIn a raid this morning, the city of Oakland used riot gear-clad police to evict the Occupy Oakland tent city. “It feels pretty sad because we built a community here, and now they can just come and destroy ...
- posted by Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 16 minutes agoI know that the Rethug debates make many in our country think that the issues aren't really serious - after all, clowns are good enough to inspire bigtime MSM coverage every day. But there are immensely se...
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 18 minutes agoOver 80 percent of the sources, opinions and editorials skeptical of climate change were found in the US or UK press.
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 18 minutes agoThe coast of Tasmania is notorious as a whale trap, and dozens of whales beached themselves over the weekend.
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour agoBenjamin Wallace-Wells, and other apologists for Mitt Romney's Mormon version of Ayn Rand's glorification of undiluted selfishness and greed, may try painting Romney's life at Bain Capital as some kind of...
- posted by 2old2care at Because I Can - 1 hour agoIf it wasn't for the fact that this is posted on the front page of The Hill- I wouldn't have believed it - would have thought it was a snarky entry on the web. READ FOR YOURSELF - It's worth 3 minutes of ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour agoA magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 5 km (3.1 miles), the quake hit at 16:31:32 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 31 km ( 18.9 miles) Northwest of Edremit, Turk...
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 1 hour agoThere's a new right winger in town and his name is Frank Miller. Usually, we can comfortably ignore overrated comic book artists who appeal primarily to 14-30 year-old zit-popping basement dwellers who ne...
- posted by Alyssa Danigelis at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 hour agoBeing able to track people in a crowd, in a sports arena or even on the job just got easier.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour agoA magnitude 4.2 earthquake has struck Southern Peru at a depth of 217.8 km (135.3 miles), the quake hit at 15:40:11 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 114 km ( 71 miles) West of La Paz, Bolivi...
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 hour agoAfter 65, people produce less carbon emissions with age. But the most carbon emissions occur just before retirement.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 2 hours agoPolice and other state organs are on alert against illegal trafficking of nuclear materials into the country, the director of Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Robert Manumba has affirmed. He confir...
- posted by Christina Ortiz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 hours agoThis concept project attracts bees to an artificial honeycomb, leaving users to reap the sweet benefits.
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 2 hours agoAt least 17 people were killed in heavy clashes in the Yemeni city of Taiz Friday, a day after a U.N. envoy began a new mission to push President Ali Abdullah Saleh to quit under a Gulf peace plan. Witnes...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 2 hours agoThe Syrian government has described the Arab League's decision to suspend the country as an "extremely dangerous step". Foreign minister Walid al Moualem made the comments as the regime demanded an emerg...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 2 hours ago[image: Poles Apart: The International Reporting of Climate Scepticism. The new study shows that climate sceptics feature much more prominently in the UK and US media than in other countries. James Paint...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 2 hours agoA magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck the Timor Region, Indonesia at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 13:20:14 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 138 km ( 85 miles) ENE of Kupan...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 2 hours ago*Permalink* Congress: Still Working Hard at Being Ineffective, Useless Seat-Warmers November 8, 2011 By Tina Dupuy I asked an Occupier in DC named Rob Wohl, why the movement he’s a part of is re...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 3 hours ago[image: Third Prophecy: Cultural Crisis. 'The third curve (on the left) is simply the mathematical curve for exponential growth. No physical quantity can follow this curve for more than a brief period of...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 3 hours ago*New IPCC report is going to say that science doesn't know whether CO2 has an effect on most climatic observables* Roger Pielke Jr, Richard Black of BBC, The GWPF, Tom Nelson, Marc Morano, and others ce...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 hours agoLong-term aerosol pollution affects cloud formation and rainfall, exacerbating extreme weather conditions.
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 3 hours ago[image: Researchers measuring a Wilson’s warbler. Researchers have found that wing length of U.S. West Coast bird has been steadily increasing, and body mass has expanded as the climate has changed. P.R....
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 3 hours ago------------------------------ * the**REALnews Permalink* November 13, 2011 *IAEA Iran Report Spins Intelligence* Gareth Porte...
- posted by New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 3 hours agoBless dem Boys! Go Saints! ~Hat Tweet @Official_Saints~Front page of today's Times-Picayune. New Orleans: Proud to Kill at Home ~He Said/She Said NOLA About the fools stupid enough to hire a lawyer because...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 3 hours ago*Maybe you could rent a room?* "Push to build housing in UK challenges idyllic country image" November 13, 2011|By Anthony Faiola, Washington Post GREAT CORNARD, England - Uproar in this sleepy town of 8,...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 4 hours ago*The call is for you, dear readers*: "UK police knew of hacking in ’02, chief says" October 21, 2011|Associated Press LONDON - *Authorities knew* that Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World tabloid had hacke...
- posted by Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 4 hours agoSo how is it that millions and millions of people go out to support their government, their nation and their right to chose. This isn't the first time either. I have lost count of how many Pro -Assad mass ...
- posted by BAL at WPB/NYC and Anything Else - 4 hours agoWatch live streaming video from occupyoakland at livestream.com
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 4 hours ago*A Russian spacecraft taking an American and two Russians blasted off Monday from the snow-covered Kazakh steppes in a faultless launch that eased anxiety about the future of U.S. and Russian space progr...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 4 hours agoMonday morning and a new thread for you to detail the bias from the State Broadcaster. The floor is yours... Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 4 hours agoDo you remember the story about the Pyramids being closed on 11.11.11? Must admit I just glanced at it but turns out that even when the BBC reports seemingly innocuous stuff, it ain't necessarily so. So...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 4 hours ago"Protest moves historic cathedral to close" October 22, 2011|Associated Press LONDON - *Protesters who have camped outside* St. Paul’s Cathedral in central London for *six days *have forced the venerable ...
- posted by Maldivian at You Will Read News - 4 hours ago- Women are twice as likely as men to develop depression [image: Low mood: Experiencing bouts of depression can double the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease] Low mood: Experiencing bouts of...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 4 hours agoDear Mozilla, First you tell me I need an upgrade. You nag and nag. Upgrade this, upgrade that. Finally, I can't stand your pleading, and I give in. I upgrade. As soon as I do, you tell me the upgrade is...
- posted by Maldivian at You Will Read News - 4 hours ago- Women infected with the 2009 strain of the virus five times more likely to have babies with birth defects [image: Expectant mothers are at greater risk of having a stillbirth after contracti...
- posted by Maldivian at You Will Read News - 4 hours ago- Women who regularly consume sugary soft drinks more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, diabetes and larger waistlines - Pattern does not apply for men Women who drink just two fizzy ...
- posted by Maldivian at You Will Read News - 5 hours ago[image: Superstition: People who try to sell a house with the number 13 can expect to sell it for £6,500 less than neighbouring homes] Superstition: People who try to sell a house with the number 13 can ...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 5 hours agoPresident Obama, or someone at the White House, seems to have liked Makana's music well enough to invite him to perform for the president again, this time at a dinner for the APEC leaders meeting in Hono...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 5 hours agoMass murder suspect Anders Behring Breivik appeared in an Oslo court Monday in connection with the killing of 77 people in attacks in July, Norway's TV2 reported. He was not allowed to deliver a speech h...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 5 hours agoA magnitude 4.3 earthquake has struck the Haiti Region at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 11:53:35 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 60 km ( 37 miles) West of Port-Au-Prince, H...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 5 hours ago*Chinese President Hu Jintao and leaders of other Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) members assembled in Honolulu, Hawaii on Sunday to discover the ways to speed up regional economic integration, ...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 5 hours agoI suggest you might give this interview concerning the Leveson Inquiry on Today a whirl if you get a moment. Contrast the treatment of Roy Greenslade with that of Trevor Kavanagh. I was pleased when Kavana...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 5 hours agoA magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Azores Islands, Portugal at a depth of 8 km (4.9 miles), the quake hit at 11:34:57 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 148 km ( 91.7 miles) Northwest ...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 5 hours agoI was reading this item by Nick Robinson. In essence, he argues that the Coalition is using the Eurozone crisis to cloak a failure in its own policies for conjuring up "economic growth". Robinson parrots t...
- Australia redback spiders in Britain: Creepy crawlies invading our homes from abroad - 14th Nov 2011posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoFor almost 1,000 years, Britain has been able to defend itself against any wannabe-conqueror who fancied seizing the kingdom. But after successfully seeing off the likes of Napoleon and Hitler, our shores...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoTwo explosions ripped through a vinyl chloride monomer plant at Tosoh Corp's Nanyo complex in Shunan, Yamaguchi Prefecture, on Nov. 13, killing at least one person, police and firefighters said. At aroun...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoThe tremors from Europe's financial upheaval have reached U.S. shores, rattling consumers and companies. The consequences have been limited so far. Yet the United States and Europe are so closely linked ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoA South African farmer has been killed by the pet hippopotamus he raised from the age of five months, and which he once described as being 'like a son' to him. Humphrey the Hippo gouged owner Marius Els, ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoVince Cable vowed to bring in new legislation to slash huge salaries for failed executives yesterday as 'Occupy' protesters appeared outside second UK cathedral. As the Business Secretary said he shares t...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours agoA magnitude 4.0 earthquake has struck Western Turkey at a depth of 26 km (16.1 miles), the quake hit at 09:46:48 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 53 km ( 32.8 miles) South of Fethiye, Turkey...
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 7 hours agoAfter a two month delay, and a string of unmanned launch mishaps, two cosmonauts and a NASA astronaut head to the space station.
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 8 hours ago*The Illusion of Time* A few weeks ago, I discussed the first episode of *The Fabric of the Cosmos*on PBS (see the full episode here), one about space. This is the second episode: *The last six minutes...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 8 hours ago*1.* Who controls the people-power demonstrations? Who controls the 'anti-war' groups? *Who is sending annoying comments to your blog? * http://*twelfthbough*.blogspot.com/ (facilitate this) reveals ...
- posted by Maldivian at You Will Read News - 8 hours ago- 1 in 15 doctors develop an addiction at some point - 24% of lawyers will battle alcohol during their careers Rising numbers of doctors, dentists, vets and lawyers are becoming ‘functioning alc...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoGeorge Osborne warned last night that France is being drawn into the same economic chaos as Italy. As the curtain fell on Silvio Berlusconi’s premiership, the Chancellor said his EU counterparts were ‘ter...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoBahraini authorities on Sunday explicitly tied the recent arrests of alleged "terrorist cell" members with Iran, claiming the suspects got funding from that Middle Eastern nation and had ties to Iran's Re...
- posted by Nicole Gugliucci at Discovery News - Top Stories - 9 hours agoShortly after the "Dark Ages" of the Cosmos the first stars popped into existence -- but they weren't the galactic Goliaths we thought they were.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoU.S. President Barack Obama ended his trip to this weekend's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit stressing job creation -- calling the Pacific region vital to such economic growth, even as he needle...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoAuthorities in Norway have tightened security as the man accused of killing 77 people in a shooting rampage and a bomb attack makes his first court appearance in person Monday. Until now, the proceedings...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoOne in three Australians is going without meals to ensure their children are fed, a new survey shows. One-third of people surveyed went without meals in the past year to ensure their family was fed as ris...
- posted by Maldivian at You Will Read News - 9 hours agoPosting the most flattering picture possible alongside one’s profile may seem a legitimate part of the internet dating game. But if new research is to be believed, those who try to level the playing fi...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoThe Federal Government is set to announce billions of dollars in spending cuts before Christmas. The announcement will coincide with the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) report due out before...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoA magnitude 3.7 earthquake has struck South Dakota at a depth of 5 km (3.1 miles), the quake hit at 06:51:39 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 42 km ( 26 miles) South of Hot Springs, South Da...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoA magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck near the coast of Northern Peru at a depth of 42.3 km (26.3 miles), the quake hit at 06:24:33 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 128 km ( 80 miles) WSW o...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 9 hours agoEffectively heat transferincreases at -54 degrees F. I presume theyavoided actual freezing in this experiment and this is a condition never to beseen in nature anyway. Recall though deep ice used tot...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoA magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck Kepulauan Sula, Indonesia at a depth of 29.7 km (18.5 miles), the quake hit at 06:20:04 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 228 km ( 141 miles) SSW of Ter...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 10 hours agoThe bad news of course is that this bird may not be goinganywhere. Unfortunately it is the one I wantto succeed since it appears that we need to know a lot more about Phobos. Phobos is probably hollow...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 10 hours agoAs this review makes clear, it isearly days for working therapies that can be used on humans. However, we now know that removal of senescentcells works to restore prime condition while halting and eve...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 10 hours agoThe upshot is that the funnylooking horses did exist at the time that they were painted by Paleolithic man. So much for theories of an early abstractsensibility. Perhaps we can breed themback. It is...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 10 hours agoKhomeini's "Revolution" was staged by the shadow CIA-MI6 network in 1979. The 9/11 "Islamic terrorist" attacks were staged by the shadow CIA-Mossad network in 2001. A few weeks ago, after a period of inne...
- posted by Maldivian at You Will Read News - 11 hours ago[image: Exhausted: The survey found that 93 per cent of adults lacked energy as a result of poor sleep] Exhausted: The survey found that 93 per cent of adults lacked energy as a result of poor sleep Mo...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 11 hours agoIt was the *49ers' “King Lear,” that 27-20 victory over the challenging New York* Giants. Or perhaps it was their “Hamlet.” *It was their masterpiece game of this season which already has become a master...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoAnglo-Dutch energy major Shell said on Sunday it was containing a new oil spill in Nigeria's onshore delta, the latest in a string of leaks from the company's pipelines, which it has blamed on sabotage att...
- posted by Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 12 hours agoSuper Mario To Quickly Form New Italian Gov't When will the true repair to our wounded nation begin? When will the shysters and quacks be finally exposed and tried? Have you wondered seriously about how l...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 12 hours ago*Related: Turkish Triple Cross** * *I've lost track, readers.* "At UN, Turkey takes Israel to task; Blames ex-ally for fueling strife in Middle East" September 23, 2011|By Neil Macfarquhar, New York Times...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoThe son of a former Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander was found dead in a Dubai hotel room -- with his father's website calling the death "suspicious," though police insisted it was not. Numerous Ira...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoA huge explosion rocked a commercial building Monday morning in central China, killing at least seven people and injuring 31, state media said. The incident occurred around 7:30 a.m. at Jiatian Internatio...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoA magnitude 3.3 earthquake has struck Oklahoma at a depth of 5.4 km (3.4 miles), the quake hit at 05:31:42 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 5 km ( 3.1 miles) SSE of Sparks, Oklahoma No Repor...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoBarack Obama was met with a wall of silence from his counterparts in China and Russia when he brought up the increasing problem of Iran's nuclear programme at a global summit. The President had sought sup...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoA magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck the Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska at a depth of 54.8 km (34.1 miles), the quake hit at 04:47:37 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 57 km ( 36 mil...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 12 hours ago*The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, warned on Wednesday that Europe's debt crisis risked dipping, the global economy into a ''lost decade'' and said it was up to rich nations...
- posted by Maldivian at You Will Read News - 12 hours agoVisiting a dental hygienist isn’t just good for your teeth – it could also protect your heart, researchers claim. They found that those who have their teeth professionally cleaned and polished at least ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoPolice are hunting a man after gunshots were fired near the White House. An AK-47 assault rifle was recovered and several streets were shut down after the incident in Washington on Friday night. U.S. Park...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoA magnitude 3.1 earthquake has struck the Greater Los Angeles Area, California at a depth of 10.1 km (6.3 miles), the quake hit at 04:59:18 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 5 km ( 3.1 miles...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoFour neo-Nazi murderers hell-bent on building a 'Fourth Reich' in Germany were the biggest extremist threat seen in the country since the demise of Hitler, according to police. Interior minister Hans-Pete...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 13 hours agoThe new issue of the Texas Observer digs around in the fetid sewer that is the Koch family background. Yasha Levine's sleuthing helps put in perspective exactly why the Koch's have made themselves the big...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 13 hours ago*Police brutalized peaceful protesters in the Occupy movment on Saturday and Sunday, from North Carolina to Denver* By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Photo Charlotte Observer...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours agoFraud is costing the NHS £3billion a year, with millions being paid to doctors and dentists who ‘invent’ shifts and treatment. Managers are also using surgery funds to pay their mortgages or buy iPods, di...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours agoA magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck the Banda Sea, Indonesia at a depth of 120 km (74.6 miles), the quake hit at 23:14:58 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 242 km ( 150 miles) NNW of Sauml...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 65.4 km (40.6 miles), the quake hit at 19:40:36 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 62 km ( 38 miles) S...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours agoA magnitude 6.6 earthquake has struck Kepulauan Sula, Indonesia at a depth of 19.4 km (12.1 miles), the quake hit at 04:05:15 UTC Monday 14th November 2011. The epicenter was 200 km ( 124 miles) SSW of Ter...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 14 hours agoMissiles fired from Israeli warplanes overnight Sunday struck a Hamas naval building in northern Gaza, killing 1 person and injuring at least three others, according to Hamas security and medical officials...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 14 hours ago*Wait until you see who they want to draft*: "Web primary aims to find third option for president; Millions raised to secure ballot access" by Brian C. Mooney Globe Staff / November 13, 2011 Frustrated b...
- posted by Lori H at Adventures with Kurt and Lori - 14 hours agoLife has been pretty chaotic. When I do get downtime, I truthfully have not really felt like coming on here and blogging. It takes enough keeping up with everything else with email, facebook, reading frien...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 14 hours agoDramatic video posted to YouTube purports to show the initial moments of an attack against Venezuelan opposition presidential candidate Maria Corina Machado and her supporters. The video begins with the...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago*"Wild Geese"* "You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tel...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago“Few butterflies have a wingspan this big. The bright clusters and nebulae of planet Earth's night sky are often named for flowers or insects, and NGC 6302 is no exception. With an estimated surface temper...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago"When you begin a great work you can't expect to finish it all at once; therefore do you and your brothers press on, and let nothing discourage you till you have entirely finished what you have begun. Now...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours agoDunn, North Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 15 hours ago*I've already learned I'm sick of tyranny based on propaganda and lies.* "Northeastern develops high-tech homeland security devices" October 09, 2011 |By Akilah Johnson, Globe Staff This is Northeastern Un...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago*Contrary to the impression given by the presentation of this report on the "60 Minutes Overtime" webpage,* *tonight's report actually targeted a bunch of crooked Republicans before giving Nancy Pelosi at...
- posted by Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 17 hours agoSo, close enough to a trillion dollars later (with so much more to come in, among other things, bills for the care of the American war-wounded and traumatized), don’t let anyone say that the United States ...
- posted by Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 18 hours agoHumanitarian issues merely rhetorical cover for regional gambit to dismantle Iranian influence. by Tony Cartalucci November 14, 2011 - As stated in February 2011's "The Middle East & then the World," the...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 20 hours agoLast week George Papandreou resigned as Prime Minister-- fired by the Germans-- and yesterday Silvio Berlusconi suffered the same fate. The German's put Lucas Papademos in to replace Papandreou and they'...
- posted by 2old2care at Because I Can - 21 hours agoThis hit the news earlier this week and I kind of brushed right by it - but on hindsight it holds valuable information not found anywhere else. A group of conservative South Dakota legislators came to Fort...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoA magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 5 km (3.1 miles), the quake hit at 19:57:29 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 24 km ( 14.9 miles) Southeast of Ercis, Turkey...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 21 hours ago*Berkeley City Council will vote to honor Geronimo* * * By Berkeley City Council Censored News BERKELEY, Calif. -- (Nov 9, 2011) The Berkeley City Council will vote on a revised resolution from the City’...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 21 hours ago"People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage." -J. K. Galbraith • And so they are...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 22 hours agoInvestors will be reassured by the appointment of so-called technocrats to run Italy and Greece, but no one is pretending the countries' problems have become any less severe. Both have too much debt and ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 22 hours agoA magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Tonga Region at a depth of 24.3 km (15.1 miles), the quake hit at 19:21:38 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 177 km ( 110 miles) Northeast of Neiafu,...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 hours ago*“Welcome To Serfdom”* Top 1 Percent Control 42 Percent of Financial Wealth in the U.S. by mybudget360 “Many Americans are not buying the recent stock market rally. This is being reflected in multiple pol...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 22 hours agoAm I the only one who couldn't care less what the Prime Minister and the Minister of Rhyming Slang said to each other over their well orchestrated and very public cup of tea last Friday? It seems so. C...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 22 hours agoThe belief in man-made global warming resembles religious systems by many of its features and sometimes one has to smile how childishly naive the belief of many people has to be. *Waxman and Markey. The...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 22 hours agoNumerous arrests took place in several Western cities as police moved in to clear Occupy encampments over the weekend, authorities said. In Portland, Oregon, unrest continued into Sunday morning as protes...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoSeveral thousand demonstrators took to the streets of the Spanish capital Sunday, protesting unemployment a week before voters elect a new government. The march past the world-famous Prado museum and Madr...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoTo D-fox: if you're reading this, please contact us at thecomingcrisis@gmail.com. It's important -- we believe.
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoJournalists got their first ground-level glance Saturday around Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility -- eying shells of reactor buildings, tons of contaminated water and workers scurrying st...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoFrom the cotton field in rural India to the local rag bin, a typical pair of blue jeans consumes 919 gallons of water during its life cycle, Levi Strauss & Company says, or enough to fill about 15 spa-size...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoSandblasting new blue jeans to make them look “distressed” killed a number of young Turkish textile workers before the practice was outlawed, a new study has found. The study, published in Chest, a medica...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoFor a world already weary of weather catastrophes, the latest warning from top climate scientists paints a grim future: More floods, more heat waves, more droughts and greater costs to deal with them. A d...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoThe world population has hit a whopping 7 billion, and researchers suggest it could reach 10 billion within the next century. On the one hand, this means we're a great success — after all, the goal of any ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoYou've heard of life imitating art, but now a fish found in Argentina resembles something you'd see on "The Simpsons" -- and it's not making environmentalists laugh. Back in 1990, the long-running series ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoSignificant increases in annual temperatures are having a devastating affect on glaciers in the mountainous regions of south-western China, potentially affecting natural habitats, tourism and wider economi...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoOff historic Route 66 in the heart of the California desert the barren landscape of dry scrub and rock abruptly gives way to an oasis of tall green trees heavy with lemons and grape vines awaiting next mon...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoThe media has been fixated on the alleged Herman Cain sexual harassment scandal, though his accusers have yet to come forward and tell the public what exactly happened. Despite the media frenzy over th...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoDEBATE over the safety of ''fracking'' in Australia has reignited after a gas project in Britain was named as the likely cause of 50 tremors this year. A panel of seismic experts has found it ''highly pr...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoHan Ying had just dropped off her 9-year-old son at school and was almost home when she found an unfamiliar guard at the gate to her neighborhood, barking at her, "You can't come in." The Beijing land-rig...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoRepublican presidential hopeful Ron Paul says "offering friendship" to Iran, not sanctions, would be a more fruitful way to deal with Iran's alleged nuclear ambitions. The libertarian-leaning Texas congre...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoResearchers used advertisements on Facebook pages to persuade over 10,000 followers of 14 far-Right parties in 11 European countries to fill in detailed questionnaires about their beliefs. The study found...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoSermons delivered by Catholic priests are often painfully "grey and dull" and need to be livened up with the "scandal" contained within the Bible, the Vatican's most senior cultural official said. Cardin...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoThe realities of 21st-century politics are finally catching up with the guardians of the single currency. It is extraordinary to recall that, until June last year, HM Treasury still had a “euro preparatio...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoSomething seems to have gone seriously awry with our child-rearing culture. Anne Marie Carrie, the chief executive of Barnardo’s, unveiled a survey last week that seemed to indicate that Britons, as a who...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoAlleged arms dealer Viktor Bout has been found guilty by a jury court in New York. RT reports on some of the skeletons hidden in the closet of this case. The US spent years and reported tens of million...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoJapan's sovereign debt is set to surpass 1,000 trillion yen ($12.81 trillion) at the end of this fiscal year. According to a Finance Ministry estimate, the country's borrowings through the issuance of s...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago"The Tide is Turning" - POSTER#111 - Alex Noble Much more here: http://www.alexnoble.typepad.com/occupy
- posted by David Preiser (USA) at Biased BBC - 23 hours agoSaturday night's Republican candidates' debate was on the topic of foreign affairs. In that spirit, the BBC asked PJ Crowley, a former State Dept. flack, to come up with a list of what the media likes to ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoA magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 14 km (8.6 miles), the quake hit at 18:29:53 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 25 km ( 15.5 miles) Southeast of Ercis, Turke...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoSeveral dozen residents of Obuasi in the Ashanti Region are suffering from suspected food poisoning after eating fried rice from a particular fast food joint. The affected persons are experiencing severe ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoNorth Korea is grappling with a strain of the deadly lung disease tuberculosis that is resistant to conventional treatment. Humanitarian workers say the impoverished communist country, which already has on...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 23 hours ago*Darha area * According to Associated press, on 14 November 2011, fighting continues in Libya. Rival Libyan forces clash near military base Rival forces have clashed on the outskirts of Tripoli for four...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 23 hours ago[image: Wreckage of the Unit 3 reactor building at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, 13 November 2011. independent.co.uk]Based on a pooled dispatch from Martin Fackler of the New York Times 13 Novembe...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoA magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska at a depth of 24 km (14.9 miles), the quake hit at 16:56:03 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 124 km ( 77 mile...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoA warning has been issued over Loyd Grossman Korma sauce after two people in Scotland were taken to hospital with botulism. People are being advised by the Food Standards Agency not to consume 350g jars ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoMario Monti is expected to be officially appointed as Italy's new prime minister tonight. The respected economist won crucial backing from Silvio Berlusconi's conservative party to try to put together a ...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*In Clarence Brown's Song of Love (1947), Paul Henreid as Robert Schumann introduces the newly composed "*Widmung*" to Katharine Hepburn as Clara; later Henry Daniell as Liszt plays his version, and final...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck Tajikistan at a depth of 35 km (21.7 miles), the quake hit at 17:19:29 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 77 km ( 47 miles) Southwest of Sary-Tash, Kyrgyz...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoThe Occupy Wall Street movement is facing off with authorities across the country as officers step up pressure against the demonstrators. In Portland, protesters and their supporters flooded a downtown cit...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoSearching for help, President Barack Obama lobbied the skeptical leaders of Russia and China on Saturday for support in keeping Iran from becoming a nuclear-armed menace to the world, hoping to yield a 'co...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand at a depth of 74.1 km (46 miles), the quake hit at 15:40:51 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 57 km ( 35 miles) SSE of...
- posted by New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 1 day agoSaints vs Atlanta – Do it for Val! ~Disenfranchised Citizen ~Our Hero in pregame warmups (AP PHOTO) If this were a lynching, the nigger would be dead ~Jarvis DeBerry Costliest -- and deadliest -- hurrican...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoGermany has worked out a top-secret Plan B in the increasingly likely event that Greece has to quit the eurozone - to minimise the economic wreckage left for the rest of the world. Influential news magazi...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoThe first heavy snows of winter piled misery on thousands of earthquake survivors in eastern Turkey on Saturday as Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan visited the quake zone amid rising anger among homeless fami...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*NOW LIVE SUNDAY * *OCCUPY PORTLAND ORE. * *POLICE CLEARING TENTS* Thousands turned out in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday night, Nov. 12, to protect the Occupy camp, after the mayor called for it to be cl...
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 1 day agoOur friend Yolande Knell addresses the Bedouin question. I think it is fair to say that she sees it solely from the Bedouin perspective. So much so that her article comes across as another bit of pure Isra...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Kermadec Island Region at a depth of 82.3 km (51.1 miles), the quake hit at 14:43:49 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 322 km ( 200 miles) SSE of Ra...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago------------------------------ Find original YouTube here. N.B. I became aware of this and other videos (like the preceding one!) from Brasscheck TV, which you can subscribe to for free. Cherchez la Ve...
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 1 day agoNoted conservative pundit Bill O'Reilly recently published a book entitled, *Killing Lincoln*, one containing numerous errors in historical scholarship. In fact, the book by the Fox News host has been so ...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 1 day agoRoy Blount contemplates the original Winnie-the-Pooh I have one last snippet to share from our recent, brief trip to New York City. My friend NN, who writes this blog, surprised me with a wonderful gift...
- posted by Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 1 day agoMadison Ruppert, *Contributing Writer* *Activist Post* Today the Israeli intelligence website DEBKAfile claimed that their usual unnamed sources reported that one of the explosions in Iran was actually ca...
- posted by Orwell's Bastard at Orwell's Bastard - 1 day agoDetroit prayer rally draws protests - Arizona News from USA Today: 'via Blog this' Ignorant hateful superstition? Check. Racism? Check. Religious intolerance? Check. Homophobia? Misogyny? Fundamentalist...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck Southern Iran at a depth of 60 km (37.2 miles), the quake hit at 14:11:09 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 72 km ( 44.6 miles) Northwest of Hajnuj, Iran...
- posted by Anonops at AnonOps Communications - 1 day agoOn Thursday November 17th, the two month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement, we call upon the 99% to participate in a national day of direct action and celebration! *New York City Schedule* *...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Eastern New Guinea Region, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 91.4 km (56.8 miles), the quake hit at 12:58:53 UTC Sunday 13th November 2011. The epicenter was 84 km ( ...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago------------------------------ Permalink *The Truth Is Viral - Libya, The Real Story* The real reasons behind the overthrow of Moammar Gadaffi's government are exposed in this episode of The Truth...
’m a geneticist. What bothers me is we have governments that are supposed to be looking out for our health, for the safety of our environment, and they’re acting like cheerleaders for this technology, which… is in its infancy and we have no idea what the technology is going to do.
…At the cutting edge of scientific research, most of our ideas are far from the mark – wrong, in need of revision, or irrelevant.
…At the cutting edge of scientific research, most of our ideas are far from the mark – wrong, in need of revision, or irrelevant.
Source: Red Green & Blue (http://s.tt/13wJI)
Source: Red Green & Blue (http://s.tt/13wJI)
’m a geneticist. What bothers me is we have governments that are supposed to be looking out for our health, for the safety of our environment, and they’re acting like cheerleaders for this technology, which… is in its infancy and we have no idea what the technology is going to do.
…At the cutting edge of scientific research, most of our ideas are far from the mark – wrong, in need of revision, or irrelevant.
…At the cutting edge of scientific research, most of our ideas are far from the mark – wrong, in need of revision, or irrelevant.
Source: Red Green & Blue (http://s.tt/13wJI)
The trouble with Monsanto and GMO – Dr David Suzuki spells it out
Source: Red Green & Blue (http://s.tt/13wJI)
The trouble with Monsanto and GMO – Dr David Suzuki spells it out
Source: Red Green & Blue (http://s.tt/13wJI)