IPS - Inter Press Services
- U.S.: World's Tallest Solar Tower Set for ArizonaIn the western desert state of Arizona, a company called EnviroMission is planning to build a new solar tower, the first of its kind, an ambitious new way to produce energy with heat from the sun.
- PAKISTAN: Anger Soars Over Attack"Enough is enough. Pakistan should respond aggressively to these unprovoked and unwarranted NATO air strikes," says local shopkeeper Muhammad Omar. Public anger is boiling over as the Pakistani government takes tough action to cut supplies and other support to NATO forces in Afghanistan.
- The Aid From Women No One CountsGender responsive budgeting becomes important when seen in the background of unpaid but important care work done by women, say delegates to an international meet on aid effectiveness in this South Korean city.
- Arab Women Seek a Place in the SpringAs several countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) elect bodies to write new constitutions, women are looking to expand their rights through legislation.
- Mobilising Men to End Violence Against WomenSince it launched in 1997, the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women has distributed more than 78 million dollars to 339 projects around the world, but even these resources fall far short, meeting less than five percent of demand.
My AntiWar
- Afghan Soldiers Called in Deadly NATO Airstrike
- Prison Terms for UAE Activists Over ‘Ins ...
- Jordan Says Has Hosted 100 Syrian Deserters
- Infographic: Egypt Elections Explained
- Arab League Imposes Unprecedented Sanctions on ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- In Defense of DiplomacySummary: Congress is taking up dangerous legislation which appears to be designed to make the risk of war more likely. The bill takes the unprecedented step of effectively preventing any kind of U.S. diplomatic contact with Iran. The Iran Threat Reduction Act of 2011 (H.R. 1905), sponsored by ...
- War with Iran Would Be MadnessSummary: President Obama’s refusal to rule out military action against Iran — and GOP contender Mitt Romney’s recent threat of war against Iran — should appall anyone who believes, with the free-market liberal Ludwig von Mises, that “not war, but peace, is the father of all things.” source ...
- Robert Dreyfuss proves his naïveté - againSummary: See Robert, while the Obama administration may not "want" a war, it is knowingly following the exact policies that make the hawks happy and which will intentionally and inevitably lead to war. Having appointed the likes of Ross as his Iran policy advisors, Obama committed himself to ...
- The dangerous hype about Iran’s nuclear programmeSummary: So why is the US, aided and abetted by Israel and supported by Britain, so fixated on Iran? Iran has the world’s third largest known oil and second largest gas reserves. Could it be, as the Campaign Against Sanctions & Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII) suggests, “Because it ...
- Iran and US: The Excuse and the Main ConcernSummary: Political analysts usually enumerate three main problems between Iran and the United States: the nuclear energy program, terrorism, and human rights. All Western media propaganda against Iran revolves around one of these three axes. source: Iran Reviewread more
The Daily Galaxy
- News Flash: NASA Launches Mars 'Curiosity' Rov ...NASA has launched its next Mars rover, capping a long-awaited mission to investigate whether the Red Planet could ever have hosted microbial life. The car-size Curiosity rover -the Mars Science Laboratory, or MSL- blasted off atop its Atlas 5 rocket...
- Eco Alert: Coral Sea Marine Sanctuary Proposed ...The Australian government has said it plans to establish the world's biggest marine protection zone to safeguard a huge swathe of the Coral Sea, one of the planet's great biodiversity hotspots. The proposed Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve off the...
- News Update: ESA Puts Hold on Contacting Mars' ...The European Space Agency (ESA) put off attempting to contact the stranded Russian Phobos-Grunt spacecraft that became stuck at a low-Earth orbit due to engine failure that followed its launch on November 9 until Monday, the head of the ESA...
- 'The Daily Galaxy' November Contest -Win a Fre ...Use it towards a purchase of an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV or Hundreds of Other Apple Products and Accessories. Users of Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Reddit, and StumbleUpon are invited to discover, review and share Daily Galaxy posts you love on...
- Is the Human Species Entering an Evolutionary ...Will the future of space exploration evolve into a hybrid of human and robotic expeditions, one which may change the face of humanity in space? The species that you and all other living human beings on this planet belong to...
Natural News
- FDA withdraws approval for breast cancer drug ...(NaturalNews) Several years after declaring it to be not only medically useless but also dangerous, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has officially withdrawn approval for the $100,000 breast cancer drug Avastin. In a statement, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said that Avastin has nev ...
- NaturalNews Store announces holiday season spe ...(NaturalNews) There's a lot of gift-giving going on this holiday season, but much of it is unfortunately founded in toxic gifts that actually cause cancer. Perfumes and colognes, for example, contain over 20 cancer-causing chemicals. Holiday meats and sausages almost always contain a chemical th ...
- Five toxic holiday gifts you should never buy ...(NaturalNews) Gift-giving is a wonderful activity, but many people who give gifts to family and friends don't realize they're actually giving the recipient cancer, or diabetes or attention deficit problems. In this article, I expose five dangerous gifts that may literally increase the risk of d ...
- While consumers shop, U.S. descends into plann ...(NaturalNews) We live in interesting times. Even as our own civilization hangs on the precipice of financial solvency, the priorities of the uninformed masses as so distorted that many will actually camp out in front of a Best Buy store in order to be the first in line to save $100 on a big-scre ...
- ASA sues Obama Administration for interfering ...(NaturalNews) The battle continues to rage between the individual states and the federal government over the legalized cultivation and use of medical marijuana. Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the nation's largest medical marijuana advocacy organization, has now filed a lawsuit against the Obam ...
Threat Level
- 9 Reasons Wired Readers Should Wear Tinfoil HatsThere’s plenty of reason to be concerned Big Brother is watching. We’re paranoid not because we have grandiose notions of our self-importance, but because the facts speak for themselves. Here’s our short list of nine reasons that Wired readers ought to wear tinfoil hats, or a ...
- Mobile ‘Rootkit’ Maker Apologizes to Critical ...A mobile data-logging software maker apologized Wednesday to an Android developer who the company had insisted that he publicly apologize for his critical research. Carrier IQ was virtually unknown until the 25-year-old Trevor Eckhart of Connecticut analyzed its workings, recently revealing that ...
- ‘Flash Robs’: Trying to Stop a Meme Gone WrongMany different types of crowd disturbance have bubbled up during 2011, but perhaps the oddest category has been the “flash mob robbery,” or “flash rob.”
- Inside Occupy Wall Street’s Growing Student Pr ...Occupy Wall Street may have been evicted from Zuccotti park, but New York students are now taking the protest back to their schools.
- Confusion Center: Feds Now Say Hacker Didn’t D ...A report from an Illinois intelligence fusion center that a water utility was hacked cannot be substantiated, according to an announcement released late Tuesday by the Department of Homeland Security.
PERRspectives : Blog
- Right-Wing Furious Over Obama's 'Godless' Than ...Remember when President Bush forgot to thank God in his 2008 Thanksgiving address? Neither do the conservatives now apoplectic that Barack Obama's 2011 remarks contained no reference to the Almighty. Nevertheless, the usual suspects on the right are frothing at the mouth over the perceived sli ...
- CBO Gives Thanks to the StimulusOn this the fourth Thanksgiving since the start of the Bush recession, families across America are still struggling with persistently high unemployment, underwater mortgages and stagnant wages. But as the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reminded us this week, Americans can be than ...
- Republicans Violate Norquist Pledge over Payr ...The Wall Street Journal greeted the failure of the Congressional debt super committee with an editorial titled, "Thank You, Grover Norquist." That gratitude should have surprised no one. After all, Norquist's anti-tax pledge led handcuffed committee Republicans not just to oppose even modest t ...
- Mitt Romney's Iran FolliesAs the GOP presidential field gathers once again for the CNN national security debate, Mitt Romney has already identified Iran as the place to contrast himself with the current commander-in-chief. "If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon," Romney declared at the last Republ ...
- GOP's "Servants of the Rich" Block Debt DealTwo weeks ago, House Speaker John Boehner protested that the characterization of his Republican Party as "servants of the rich" was "very unfair." But after the GOP torpedoed any debt reduction deal from the Congressional super committee including "any penny" in new tax revenue from the richest ...
Blackspot News Feed
- Occupy Everywhere! by Ralph NaderDandelion Salad by Ralph Nader The Nader Page Nov. 23, 2011 From New York City to Oakland, and several cities in between, the police, on orders from city officials, have smashed the Occupy encampments and evicted the protestors from public parks and spaces. More politicians from Congress to the ...
- Britain’s Cover-Up of Inside Job in Fatal RAF ...by Finian Cunningham Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Ethiopia 20 November 2011 Evidence points to liquidation of British counterinsurgency team to trick Irish republicans into a defeating political process For 17 years the British authorities have lied about the fatal RAF helicopter crash on the ...
- Will the UN insist on Fair Trials for Ex-Regim ...by Franklin Lamb Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Benghazi, Libya November 22, 2011 An affable gentleman, “Mahmoud” ushered this observer into the Benghazi People’s Court (Mahkamat al-Sha’b) and showed me the freshly painted courtroom where on December 19, 2006, the current NTC leader and long te ...
- “There is No Honor in Police Brutality” by Jil ...by Jill Dalton Guest Writer Dandelion Salad recoveringarmybrat Nov. 21, 2011 I met Sgt. Shamar Thomas at the rally against Police Brutality on 10/22/11 in Union Square, New York City. This was right after his famous rant against the NYPD had gone viral. Sgt. Thomas served 14 months in Iraq and t ...
- Send Back These Clowns + Occupy! by Ed Ciaccioby Ed Ciaccio Dandelion Salad Featured Writer November 25, 2011 Send Back These Clowns (With apologies to Stephen Sondheim) Aren’t they rich, and so sincere, Making such speeches and promises In debates this year? These GOP clowns. Mitt flips and flops, Newt juggles ideas, Bachmann and Cain and ...
Consortium News
- Would Jesus Join the Occupy Protests?
- Will Holiday Splurge Save US Economy?
- Gingrich, the Ultimate Beltway Bandit
- Questions to Ask the Candidates
- The Real Thanksgiving Day
- Congress Must Debate the Libya WarThe US is now at war in a third Muslim country, according to the "official tally" (that is, counting Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, but not Pakistan or Yemen, for example.) But Congress has never authorized or debated the US military intervention in Libya. (A sharply disputed claim holds ...
- News in Brief: Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wrigh ...Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wright Among 30 Arrested for Protesting Against Abuse of Bradley Manningread more
- In This Nuclear World, What Is the Meaning of ...In a nuclear crisis, life becomes a nightmare for those people trying to make sense of the uncertainties. Imaginably, the questions are endless. Radiation is invisible, how do you know when you are in danger? How long will this danger persist? How can you reduce the hazard to yourself and famil ...
- Richard D. Wolff: "Personal Debts" (Video)read more
- Charmed Into Battle: How a Volunteering Vacati ...About to turn thirty, Conor Grennan planned a year-long trip around the world. He started his trip with a three-month stint volunteering in the Little Princes Orphanage in war-torn Nepal. What was supposed to be just a three-month experience changed Conor's life, and the lives of countless other ...
- Genetically Altered Avian Flu Experiments Unde ...{Rotterdam, The Netherlands} A genetically altered strain of H5Ni avian influenza A virus (also known as “bird flu”) is under tight security at a medical facility in The Netherlands, pending formal review by the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) of a research pa ...
- One More Climategate PostI hope (but am not confident) that this will be my last “climategate” post. I’ve now posted on it several times, maybe dozens of times. I’ve tried to bring to light the true crime in nearly every way I can, which was hacking into scientists’ emails and then c ...
- Creative Experts Meet to Devise Plans for Stop ...Earlier this week, more than 20 participants from diverse areas – including advertising, public health, and wildlife trade – met at a workshop in Hong Kong to discuss strategies for reducing the demand for products made from endangered species. The seemingly inescapable appetite for ...
- U.S. Wants Clean Energy!Nathan Schock of sister site The Inspired Economist writes: “Apparently, Americans aren’t getting the message that renewable energy is dead. Following the Solyndra bankruptcy and the avalanche of negative news coverage, 90 percent of the American public still thinks that developing ...
- Your Email Got Hacked, & Someone’s Making You ...You find out that your email has just been hacked. Decades worth of emails, thousands, have been pulled. Not only that, the person who hacked you has taken out-of-context quotes and leaked them to the police in order to make you look like a robber. Some examples: “I robbed him” ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- October 2011 monitoringWe monitored during the morning of October 8. The sky was overcast but no rain at that time –
- Great day to be on the lake!The sun is beaming and the water is reflecting it everywhere. It seems to be better weather than in
- Lake Sunapee hosts international meeting of la ...Image via Wikipedia GLEON = Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network, a grassroots group of limnol
- Why to Test Water Quality Before DrillingThis article in The State Journal suggests that drilling companies and landowners alike should have
- We just constructed out pond, how long should ...We just constructed out pond, how long should we wait to add fish? Jay – Phoenix, AZ When you
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Goldman Sachs v. Occupy Wall Street: A Greg Pa ...by Greg Palast Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.gregpalast.com October 25, 2011 GregPalastOffice
- Capitalism: what a load of rubbish! By William ...by William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad williambowles.info Oct. 18, 2011 Something has to
- Rick Rozoff: Libya: A Brutal, Gratuitous Slayi ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism O
- Simon Patten on Public Infrastructure and Econ ...by Michael Hudson Featured Writer Dandelion Salad http://michael-hudson.com October 17, 2011 As publ
- Occupy Wall Street Visited by Joel S. Hirschhornby Joel S. Hirschhorn Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.foavc.org October 18, 2011 Last Saturday w
Axis of Logic
- Tunisia: The jobless revolution - TunisiaSIDI BOUZID, TUNISIA—From his sidewalk stall, brimming with pomegranates, grapes, garlic and bananas, Ammari Sassi ponders the political and economic landscape since a fellow fruit vendor died by fire and sparked a revolution. “Nothing has changed; it’s still the same,” said Sassi, who has ...
- Morocco Islamists claim 'historic' vote breakt ...RABAT: Morocco's moderate Islamists said on Saturday they were poised for an unprecedented electoral win, the latest religious party to achieve spectacular gains on the back of the Arab Spring. A month after Islamists won Tunisia's post-revolution election and days before their predicted s ...
- Black Friday - Critical Analysis...
- Abbas, Mashaal: We agreed to work as partners ...CAIRO (Ma'an) -- President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Khalid Mashaal on Thursday said they had resolved all their differences, after a meeting in Cairo to implement a unity agreement. "We want to assure our people and the Arab and Islamic world that we have tur ...
- Chavez repatriates Venezuela's foreign gold re ...Venezuela has received its first shipment of gold bars, after President Hugo Chavez ordered the repatriation of 85% of the country's bullion reserves. The gold was unloaded from a plane and taken under heavy guard to the Central Bank in the capital, Caracas. President Chavez has explai ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Of All the Things to Waste Public Money OnBy @KYYellowDog The worst has to be police brutality against peaceful protesters exercising their First Amendment rights. Jon Walker at Firedoglake speculates last week: Watching the massive late night raids on the occupations at places like Oakland and New York City I'm left thinking, who is pa ...
- Deficits Really Don't Matter to RepublicansBy @TedFrier New York magazine's Jonathan Chait answers a question I raised last week when I wondered how a conservative like the Boston Globe's Jeff Jacoby could write an 800-word column on the deficit debate in Washington without using the word "tax" once, instead employing one propaganda tech ...
- When For-Profit Companies Get Public DollarsBy @KYYellowDog The public gets screwed. Every. Time. The latest in an infinite line of examples is the Commonwealth of Kentucky. John Cheves at the Herald: Kentucky has paid $97 million since 1999 through its state scholarships to privately owned, for-profit colleges, including several under in ...
- Seven Billion People Aren't the Problem; the S ...By @KYYellowDog Shifting blame for pollution onto individuals is a long-standing corporate trick. Never mind that industrial sludge setting the Cuyahoga River on fire - look at the trash litter bugs throw along the road! It's not coal dust from the mines that's killing you - it's your smoking! T ...
- The Franistan TechniqueBy @KYYellowDog When I was a kid, my very un-mechanical father used to pretend to diagnose car problems by saying with great authority: "It needs the franistan adjusted." It was years before I realized that there really isn't any such thing as a franistan. In a car engine or anywhere else. But I ...
Care 2
- Hunger in America, By the NumbersLast year, 17.2 million households in the United States were food insecure, the highest level on record, as the Great Recession continued to wreak havoc on families across the country. Submitted by Kit B. to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Why Is There a Reason For An Animal Protection ...Some uninformed people may ask themselves why is there a need for an Animal Protection Law in Bolivia?. So that such people may be better informed, following are 10 reasons why. Submitted by Genoveva M. to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- URGENT! SIGN! Justice for Claire the Emaciated ...Claire is a Great Dane that was 70 pounds underweight when picked up by animal control. Extremely emaciated, she has 4 skin infections, chronic bleeding with any touch, demodectic mange & heartworms. The county deprived her of basic care! We want justice! Submitted by Michelle Sibinovic to Anima ...
- ACTION ALERT: Appeal to Kitasato university! ...OIPA has recently learnt from the Japanese Association JAVA that Kitasato University is performing particular cruel tests on cats during physiology seminars. These tests imply the catsskull opening with consequent fixing of electrodes into their brain . Submitted by Simone D. to Animals &nb ...
- Action now could double forests savedIts possible to reduce deforestation to near zero by 2020, but delaying action to save forests by even a decade means double the area of forests lost by 2030, says WWF Submitted by Simone D. to Green Lifestyle | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Smirking Chimp
- Thanksgiving Politics: Top Ten Reasons to be T ...
- Naomi Wolf's 'Shocking Truth' About the 'Occup ...
- From Alexandria to Zuccotti Park: They've Been ...
- Looking Back on the Road to Folly
- Oregon governor rightly suspends death penalty
Paul Krugman
- The Obama Spending Non-SurgeIt's the depressed economy, stupid.
- Hedge Fund IrelandDebt without deficits?
- Money At The TopA trillion here, a trillion there.
- Mysterious EuropeWhat's the plan? What's the story?
- Musical ConversationHaving some fun on the radio.
No Quarter
- From Recession to DepressionEurope now is the canary in the economic mine and the outlook is dire. Check out today’s headlines: European debt crisis: Risks grow as borrowing rates for Italy, other nations rise and Banks Build Contingency for Breakup of the Euro and OECD figures suggest Britain’s economy will sl ...
- Pakistan, Killing Them Softly?News today that NATO helicopters killed several, perhaps as many as 24, Pakistani soliders inside Pakistan. This is adding fuel to the inferno that has become the state of relations between Pakistan and the United States: NATO helicopters and fighter jets attacked two military outposts in northw ...
- Obama Losing His Love! (Open Thread)Barack Obama’s “body man,” Reggie Love, he of constant companionship to His O-ness for the last three years, is leaving the White House by the end of the year. Reggie has been Obama’s “work wife” throughout this time, always at the Prezzie’s side to assist him in any way he can, unlike his real ...
- Obama’s Good Buddy, Tony, Gets Another Prison ...Earlier this week, word came out that Tony Rezko, Obama’s good friend who helped him acquire his Chicago mansion, got another prison sentence handed down. This sentence was for insider trading with his other buddy (and Obama’s), Rod Blagojevich, and his sentence is for 10 1/2 years. ...
- Just for Grins… OPEN THREADWell, it’s a slow news day. Just a lazy day, unless you got all wrapped up in that cooking and entertaining guests thing, in which case you may be needing an escape for a few minutes to regain your sanity. Not much going on today at my house. Just fooling around on the computer, and [...]
- Long Term and Long Distance ThinkingLast month, I wrote about the government. I asserted that we need to get business interests out of government or we’ll keep making decisions based on next quarter’s profits instead of the health of the next decade. This month, I want to talk about a whole industry that seems to be falling victim ...
- Demon’s Souls and the Meaning and Import of Vi ...Bad is Good and Good is Bad The problem with video game writing is that it tends to be written by fans of video games. The corruption and stupidity of games journalism are not isolated quirks of the system but symptoms of a flawed approach to the medium. Fans, by their nature, approach th ...
- The Grand LieMost of my day-to-day life is good to great. A little too much stress, a few challenges with weight and sleeplessness, but I’m living my dreams about writing and I’ve got a job that pays the bills and leaves a bit extra behind for electronics. I’m usually optimistic. At the core, I suppose I sti ...
- The Shameful Joys of Deus Ex: Human RevolutionsContext, Dear Boy… Context Here is a common complaint: ‘One of the problems facing video game writing is a systemic failure to place games in their correct historical context’ What this generally means is that writers fail to open their reviews with a lengthy diatribe on the history ...
- When the going gets weird, the weird turn proI’ve been writing here at Futurismic for well over five years, now. It feels like longer, somehow, but it also feels like I only just started. I’ve learned a lot of things, not least of which is the fact that, the more you learn, the more you realise remains to be learned. One of the ...
Therapy News
- Do People Misestimate Their Future Reactions?When someone is asked to predict their emotional reaction to a future, hypothetical event, they usually underestimate how they will respond, according to previous research. However, a new study, led by Heather C. Lench of the Department of Psychology at Texas A&M University, suggests otherwi ...
- Therapist Self-Disclosure Decreases Stigma of ...One of the primary reasons people neglect to seek treatment for their mental health problems is because they are concerned about the external and internal stigmas associated with mental illness. Public stigma is the external belief that one is defective if they receive therapy for their problems ...
- GoodTherapy.org Weekly Inspirational ThoughtsNovember 23, 2011 – As we approach Thanksgiving, the day that reminds us to be thankful for those around us, we present Ghandi’s belief in the unity of all living things. Keep this in mind as you care for your loved ones this weekend and for those who are less fortunate. Happy Thanks ...
- Can Negative Attributions Predict Marital Diss ...Engaged couples form patterns of positive and negative behavior that can predict their marital satisfaction. “Serious marital dissatisfaction predicts increased risk for a major depressive episode, even when controlling for history of depression,” said Rebecca E. Osterhout of the New Mexico Vete ...
- Three Steps for Dealing with Panic AttacksPanic attacks are usually initiated by a triggering thought or collection of thoughts that are anxiety-provoking in nature. These thoughts then cause an overly exaggerated anxiety response in the body (choking sensations, dizziness, tightness, tingling, etc). These physical sensations are then o ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Fracking In The Mountain State Leaves A Commun ...Fracking In The Mountain State Leaves A Community Scarred Energy Collective West Virginia is home to one of the most destructive coal mining practices in the world--mountaintop removal--a process that blows up pristine mountains to lay bare the bituminous coal below. But a new fossil fuel Gold R ...
- Delaware Geological Survey welcomes new direct ...Delaware Geological Survey welcomes new director Wunsch The News Journal NEWARK -- When David Wunsch worked at the Kentucky Geological Survey, he studied the groundwater impact of the controversial mining technique known as mountain-top removal. He found that, if done correctly, the stripe minin ...
- Appalachian Coal Jobs Reach 14-Year High - unE ...ThinkProgress Appalachian Coal Jobs Reach 14-Year High unEARTHED, from Earthjustice (blog) Since Obama's EPA began increasing mountaintop-removal-related protections on streams and waters! The number of coal jobs in the region has increased by 10 percent since the US Environmental Protection ...
- War On Coal? EPA Regulations Boost Coal Employ ...ThinkProgress War On Coal? EPA Regulations Boost Coal Employment To 15-Year High ThinkProgress According to the same data, the spike in employment correlates to the EPA's crackdown on destructive mountaintop removal policies, the Charleston Gazette reports: Matt Wasson, director of programs ...
- Tomblin ousts 2 members of W.Va. Environmental ...Tomblin ousts 2 members of W.Va. Environmental Quality Board as mining rules ... The Republic Earl Ray Tomblin has replaced two members of an appeals board that's considering whether to apply new federal water-quality rules to West Virginia's mountaintop removal mining permits. The Charl ...
- Newt Gingrich Mocks President Barack Obama in ...Javier Manjarres / The Shark Tank: Newt Gingrich Mocks President Barack Obama in Naples — Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich dished out a heavy helping of rhetorical smackdowns directed towards President Barack Obama at last night's town hall meeting in Naples, Fl ...
- Powell: Tea Party presidential candidate can't ...Alicia M. Cohn / The Hill: Powell: Tea Party presidential candidate can't win in 2012 — Former Bush administration Secretary of State Colin Powell on Sunday dismissed chances for a Tea Party candidate to win the presidential election, criticizing the hard-line stance taken by ...
- Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: Shoppe ...Bloomberg: Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak — Black Friday sales increased 6.6 percent to the largest amount ever as U.S. consumers shrugged off 9 percent unemployment and went shopping. — Consumers spent $11.4 billion, ShopperTrak said in ...
- Muslim medical students boycotting lectures on ...Daily Mail: Muslim medical students boycotting lectures on evolution... because it ‘clashes with the Koran’ — Muslim students, including trainee doctors on one of Britain's leading medical courses, are walking out of lectures on evolution claiming it conflicts with ...
- Germany, France plan quick new Stability Pact: ...Reuters: Germany, France plan quick new Stability Pact: report — (Reuters) - France and Germany are planning a quick new pact on budget discipline that might persuade the European Central Bank to ramp up its government bond purchases, Welt am Sonntag reported on Sunday.
Energy & Environment News
- In the Region | Connecticut: Connecticut/In th ...Many builders are using energy-efficiency to distinguish their homes from older oil guzzlers.
- Digital Domain: Data Furnaces Could Bring Heat ...Some researchers propose installing data centers in homes so they can do double duty as furnaces.
- Green Blog: How Much Will the Earth Warm Up?A new paper suggests global warming will be on the low side of previous estimates.
- Dot Earth Blog: A Facebook Chat on the Plight ...An art student takes a novel approach to conveying the plight of rare wildlife.
- Uganda Welcomes Oil, but Fears Graft It AttractsThe expected revenue of $2 billion a year from oil could help Uganda, but the country’s corruption and political maneuvering could squander it.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.0, TongaSunday, November 27, 2011 14:41:05 UTC Monday, November 28, 2011 04:41:05 AM at epicenterDepth: 127.30 km (79.10 mi)
- M 5.4, Nias region, IndonesiaSunday, November 27, 2011 11:01:05 UTC Sunday, November 27, 2011 06:01:05 PM at epicenterDepth: 17.90 km (11.12 mi)
- M 5.0, north of SvalbardSaturday, November 26, 2011 23:59:54 UTC Saturday, November 26, 2011 11:59:54 PM at epicenterDepth: 15.30 km (9.51 mi)
- M 5.0, Tonga regionSaturday, November 26, 2011 22:24:33 UTC Sunday, November 27, 2011 10:24:33 AM at epicenterDepth: 22.40 km (13.92 mi)
- M 5.0, near the coast of central PeruSaturday, November 26, 2011 06:59:59 UTC Saturday, November 26, 2011 01:59:59 AM at epicenterDepth: 54.50 km (33.86 mi)
China Dialogue
- Cynical governments, worried worldThe planet is getting warmer, the weather is getting weirder and all the time our emissions keep on rising. But as negotiators gather in Durban, it’s clear no one plans to do much about it, writes Joydeep Gupta.Rarely has a major international conference started amid such cynicism as this ...
- Face to face with AppleThe US technology company finally met with Chinese environmental campaigners, but their argument isn’t over yet, reports Zeng Hang.At 10am on November 15, five Chinese environmental groups visited Apple’s Beijing office to discuss supply-chain pollution with company representatives d ...
- Climate talks: the year that wasAnother year has passed, another round of negotiations is about to begin, but what has been achieved and what direction are we heading in? A roundtable of experts helps chinadialogue find its bearings.Editor’s note: this weekend, officials, policymakers and activists will gather in Durban, ...
- There is no plan B for the climateIt is critical to secure a legally binding approach on climate change at the negotiations in Durban, writes John Ashton, the UK Foreign Office's special representative for climate change.The lesson the world is learning the hard way from the financial crisis is that there is only one boat and we ...
- Denmark’s road map to the future (1)In the absence of a global deal on climate change, Denmark has embraced an ambitious plan for fossil-fuel independence by 2050, explains Katherine Richardson. Can other nations learn from their example?Editor’s note: Prospects for significant progress towards a new global deal at UN-led cl ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- How Students Landed on the Front Lines of Clas ...University students find themselves victimized by the same neoliberal agenda that has created the current economic crisis.
- Did Michele Bachmann Really Expect To Get Away ...Michele Bachmann has been making quite a habit of revising her family history since entering the GOP primary race. Needing to sound more Iowan while campaigning in the all-important state of Iowa, she became a 7th generation Iowan, turning the story of her Norwegian immigrant ancestors into some ...
- Police Pepper Spray Protesters as Thousands Ra ...Cross-posted from Tikkun Daily. by David Harris-Gershon In Israel, conservative lawmakers are attempting to legislatively intimidate journalists and muffle criticism via a series of draconian bills slated to come before the Knesset. In response, several thousand protesters took to the streets ...
- How White Supremacists Are Trying to Make an A ...A recent influx of white supremacists and Patriot group members to the town of Kalispell, Montana, is causing alarm.
- Occupy the Holidays – Discussing the Occ ...Cross-posted from Tikkun Daily. Many of us will be visiting with family over the coming holidays, starting this Thanksgiving. How can someone who supports the Occupy movement have a civil conversation with family members who may have a different view of things? How can you be prepared if some ...
Threat Level
- 9 Reasons Wired Readers Should Wear Tinfoil HatsThere’s plenty of reason to be concerned Big Brother is watching. We’re paranoid not because we have grandiose notions of our self-importance, but because the facts speak for themselves. Here’s our short list of nine reasons that Wired readers ought to wear tinfoil hats, or a ...
- Mobile ‘Rootkit’ Maker Apologizes to Critical ...A mobile data-logging software maker apologized Wednesday to an Android developer who the company had insisted that he publicly apologize for his critical research. Carrier IQ was virtually unknown until the 25-year-old Trevor Eckhart of Connecticut analyzed its workings, recently revealing that ...
- ‘Flash Robs’: Trying to Stop a Meme Gone WrongMany different types of crowd disturbance have bubbled up during 2011, but perhaps the oddest category has been the “flash mob robbery,” or “flash rob.”
- Inside Occupy Wall Street’s Growing Student Pr ...Occupy Wall Street may have been evicted from Zuccotti park, but New York students are now taking the protest back to their schools.
- Confusion Center: Feds Now Say Hacker Didn’t D ...A report from an Illinois intelligence fusion center that a water utility was hacked cannot be substantiated, according to an announcement released late Tuesday by the Department of Homeland Security.
Equality Trust
- We work in partnership with One SocietyVisit the website of One Society which works in partnership with The Equality Trust. One Society draws on a wealth of research which shows that large divides in income at the top and bottom of society – beyond ‘proportional rewards’ – are damaging to our economy and society, not just for those ...
- Among Equals: read our newsletterRead the latest edition of our supporter newsletter
- Action for HappinessAction for Happiness is a new movement for positive social change, founded by Richard Layard, Geoff Mulgan and Anthony Seldon. They aim to bring together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone. Their vision of a better future inc ...
- Traduction des preuves en FrançaisLes preuves en Français Preuves à l’appui: une introduction Preuves à l’appui: la santé physique Preuves à l’appui: la santé mentale Preuves à l’appui: la toxicomanie Preuves à l’appui: l’éducation Preuves à l’appui: la population carcérale
- Response to criticism of The Spirit LevelFind our full response to criticism of The Spirit Level here.
- Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Mon ...Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics By Carmen Yarrusso There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”–Henry David Thoreau Clearly, our government ...
- IOT: Healthcare for All Jan CallCall – Healthcare for All IOT Date – Jan 18, 2011 Agenda: 1. Introductions—Dr. Bill Honigman, PDA Healthcare for All IOT coordinator and California State Coordinator 2. National Single Payer Movement—Katie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! 3. States Single Payer Movement–Chuck Pennacchi ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 1/7/2011 – 1/18/2011Little Victories! Field Site: onenationpda.org California ADEM elections: Congratulations to all our PDA California friends and allies who completed a sweep up and down at the state at the recent CA Democratic Party Delegate elections. This will put the ...
- War is a Crime: Join In For JusticeWarIsACrime.org JOIN IN FOR JUSTICE! 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment http://www.defendingdissent.org/action/Events.htm 1/18/11 Washington, D.C. Panel with Rep. Rush Holt, Emily Berman from the Brennan Center for Justice, Shah ...
- An American Suicide TerroristWilliam John Cox The shooter of Congresswoman Gifford acted as a domestic suicide terrorist on the political “battleground” of American politics. His YouTube postings and “goodby” phone messages are ominously reminiscent of the traditional farewell videos ...
Marler Blog
- Another Raw Milk Dairy E. coli Outbreak in Was ...Over Thanksgiving week, Cozy Vale Creamery’s raw milk products were recalled because they were linked to three E. coli O157:H7 illnesses and after environmental swabbing at the facility discovered that locations in the milking parlor and processing areas were contaminated with the E. coli ...
- The Opinionator of the New York Times, Mark Bi ...Here is part (and surprisingly) said he was thankful for: There are days when it seems — both in and out of the food world — that Everything Is Going Wrong. That makes it easy enough to complain, and I’m not alone in doing so routinely. Nothing tastes the way it used to. Even ...
- Raw Milk Myth Buster 1 - Organic Pastures 2006 ...Myth: Organic Pastures and the Weston A. Price Foundation continue to repeat that the 2006 E. coli O157:H7 Raw Milk Product Outbreak was caused by Spinach. Fact: - 2006 Organic Pastures outbreak, illness onsets ranged from 9/6 to 9/24 - 5 patients had definite exposure to raw milk o ...
- Cozy Vale Creamery's Raw Milk Linked to Three ...Environmental testing also positive. Cozy Vale Creamery’s raw milk products are being recalled because they may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 after being linked to three illnesses. The Cozy Vale Creamery’s whole and skim milk and cream are distributed through seven retail o ...
- Listeria Cantaloupe Wrongful Death Lawsuit fil ...Before her Listeriosis illness, the decedent, Florence Wilcox, was a 96-year-old resident of Hobbs, Lea County, New Mexico. Ms. Wilcox lived independently and remained very active. In fact, she was named 2011 “Patron of the Year” at the local public library. Ms. Wilcox frequently ...
- Official: 2013 Chevy Mailbu Eco will start at ...Filed under: Hybrid, Sedan, Chevrolet Who will want to buy a brand-new, nicely equipped 2013 Chevy Malibu Eco for $25,995? If you peruse General Motors' press release, then you may think it's people who are cross-shopping a Volkswagen Passat TDI or a Hyundai Sonata Hybrid, a Toyota Camry Hybr ...
- Report: Volkswagen still fighting new CAFE rulesWhich automaker still doesn't like the new CAFE rules? Volkswagen, that's who. After claiming the proposed 2025 Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards were biased back in August, VW is again saying, hey, wait a minute, let's not be so dismissive of diesel engines. When the original 5 ...
- Coda announces "price drop," starts production ...Filed under: Car Buying, Sedan, Plants/Manufacturing, Electric Coda may not have a new model to show off at the 2011 LA Auto Show, but the company can still make news with a price drop. Or with something that is a price drop in all but name. In September 2010, Coda said its all-electric Se ...
- Report: Jay Leno has driven 11,000 miles in hi ...Filed under: Hybrid, Etc., Hatchback, Chevrolet, Celebrities, Electric Here's a fun bit of trivia: Jay Leno has driven his Chevrolet Volt nearly 11,000 miles and doesn't have a single gas station receipt to show for it. According to The New York Times Wheels blog, Leno has had his plug-in for ...
- Los Angeles: 2012 Green Car of the Year is the ...Filed under: LA Auto Show, Sedan, Honda The 2012 Green Car of the Year award was snagged from the electric and diesel jaws of its competitors by the Honda Civic Natural Gas. In a year full of standard gasoline powertrain alternatives, the Civic beat out the Ford Focus Electric, Mitsubishi i, ...
Rafe's Radar
- Rafe Recommends: Apps for dumb gadget shoppersGet Amazon's Flow and the new Decide.com app to save yourself from spending too much. ...
- Rafe Recommends: To-do manager WunderlistSpecialized to-do list manager Wunderlist takes its place beside note-taker Evernote and grocery list manager Grocer ...
- HTML5 will kill mobile apps. No, it won'tThe latest Web technologies could kill mobile apps, if only Web apps would help sell hardware. Which they don't. ...
- Yet another micro-reviews service: StampedThis is actually a good app, but do we need another one of these? ...
- Rafe recommends: Scan your business cards with ...It's almost too simple, but CardMunch does a very good job of helping you get a pile of business cards onto your iPh ...
Camera Obscura
- No title
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigo ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmin ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of ...
Democracy Now!
- Arab Spring Under the King: Bahraini Activist ...Clashes have erupted in Bahrain ahead of today’s release of a report that investigates the crackdown on the pro-democracy uprising earlier this year. The Bahraini monarchy commissioned the supposed independent probe after crushing protests with the help of troops from Saudi Arabia. At lea ...
- "Pulling Accounts From the Unaccountable" by A ...Less than a month after Occupy Wall Street began, a group was gathered in New York’s historical Washington Square Park, in the heart of Greenwich Village. This was a moment of critical growth for the movement, with increasing participation from the thousands of students attending the cluster of ...
- The Brave New World of Occupy Wall StreetWe got word just after 1 a.m. Tuesday that New York City police were raiding the Occupy Wall Street encampment. I raced down with the “Democracy Now!” news team to Zuccotti Park, renamed Liberty Square. Hundreds of riot police had already surrounded the area. As they ripped down the tents, city ...
- Amy Goodman Interviews Occupy Oakland Man Befo ...Before dawn on Monday morning, hundreds of police in riot gear raided the Occupy Oakland encampment in order to evict peaceful protesters. They arrested more than 30 people who chose to remain as an act of civil disobedience. Later in the day, Mayor Jean Quan’s chief legal adviser resig ...
- 20th Anniversary of Santa Cruz Massacre: Watch ...On November 12, 1991 Indonesian troops fired on a peaceful memorial procession in a cemetery in Dili, East Timor, killing more than 270 East Timorese. Journalists Amy Goodman and Allan Nairn were beaten while reporting on the massacre. Watch the radio documentary they produced, set to video, ...
- Close call for NY City as Muslim Sympathasizer ...by G: Nov. 21, 2011 Here’s the latest news on terrorism in NY. It’s sharing the headlines with the recent demonstrations in Egypt, where, according to the NY Times at least 23 people had been killed and more than 1,500 people had been wounded. It concerns a Muslim sympathizer& ...
- Republican Party Platform in 2012Republican Party Platform in 2012: Tax-cuts for the rich Tax hikes for the middle class Deregulate wall street … Unlimited corporate money in elections War with Iran War with Pakistan Trade war with China Stay in Iraq Patriot Act End Social Security End Medicare Increase military spending ...
- Operation Protect and Shield
- Alex Jones on Homeland Security infiltrating OWS
- Occupy Wall Street, with Graham Nash and David ...This is a feel good movie
- Quote du Jour
- Special Solari Report: Crowdfunding Bill“Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act,” HR 2930 By Carolyn A. Betts House Passes Crowdfunding Bill On November 3, 2011, the House of Representatives passed the Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act (H.R. 2930). This law is intended to facilitate “crowd-funding” for financing small busine ...
- Fannie, Freddie Tentacles Embraced Many in Was ...* Freddie and Fannie had deep political connections * Rahm Emanuel, Tom Donilon were on payroll By Tim Reid, Margaret Chadbourn and Mark Hosenball While presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich was forced to defend his lucrative former role with Freddie Mac this week, the mortgage giant and its large ...
- Happy ThanksgivingBy Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have. In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizatio ...
- Euro Zone Unlikely to Survive Intact: Reuters PollBy Andy Bruce The euro zone is unlikely to survive its sovereign debt crisis in current form, according to a majority of leading economists and former policymakers polled by Reuters. Fourteen out of 20 prominent academics, former policymakers and independent thinkers polled over the last 10 day ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more »
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri L ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United P ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Naomi Wolf’s â€& ...Naomi Wolf's latest theory veers wildly from the known facts.
- Occupy Toronto Evicted; Police Show Protesters ...What Occupy Toronto protesters and police learned from each other when the encampment was shut down.
- Obama Makes a Few Pardons on Unfair Drug Convi ...Obama pardoned three marijuana offenders and commuted the sentence of one crack offender, but the implications of this action are not as optimistic as they may sound.
- Corporations Are Patenting Human Genes and Tis ...A medical ethicist explains the dark implications of corporate medical patents and the nightmarish scenario of our medical-industrial complex.
- The Fascinating History of How Corporations Be ...Occupiers could direct their energy not only at Wall Street, but also at its enablers, in Congress, and ultimately, at the high court.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign, challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project.
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become o ...
Fabius Maximus
- Using covert operations to discredit your enemiesSummary: Details emerge suggesting that the career of Strauss-Kahn (head of the IMF, candidate for the Presidency of France) was destroyed by a “honey pot” operation. It’s how conflicts are conducted in our century, as gaining the moral high ground becomes more useful than fi ...
- Attritionist Letter #13: Thinkers need not applySummary: Building a unadaptive military from enthusastic and innovative American young people requires work. It does not happen by accident. DoD’s success at that — proven by our similar mistakes in Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan, two generations distant — is a measure of inf ...
- Question time on the FM website – chapter 13Ask any question about geopolitics, broadly defined. We — and others reading the FM website — will attempt to answer it in the comments. Like Jeopardy, your comments must be in the form of a question! All answers welcomed! Questions received so far (click on the link to go directl ...
- Looking back on USMC thanksgivings, reminding ...Summary: a guest post by Beth Crumley, a Marine Corp retrospective about Thanksgivings past. This reminds of how much we have to be grateful before, and the price paid for our liberty and prosperity. Reposted with permission from the Marine Corps Association website. I love this time of year. ...
- FDR explains one dimension of our problem: ba ...Summary: We cannot fix America until we understand what ails it. Some of our problems are systemic. Some result from external rivals, even foes. Some result from our weakness. Some result from internal enemies of the Republic. Some result from lust for power and wealth by our fellow Americ ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Vatican kicks out Roma on EasterPress TV – About 150 Roma gypsies were barred from participating in the Easter vigil of the basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls on Sunday, after temporarily taking shelter there on Good Friday, The Telegraph reported. Local and foreign pilgrims, who had gathered to attend the vigil, ...
- Euro strikes 16-month high against dollarBreitbart – The euro struck a 16-month high against the dollar and the Swiss franc notched a record high versus the US unit Tuesday amid heightened investor nerves over this week’s busy economic calendar. The European single currency hit $1.4653 in morning trade, the highest point si ...
- British pound devalues by 94% in 50yrsPressTV – A new survey shows that the value of money in the UK has dropped by 94 percent over the past 50 years, which means an 18-time increase in retail prices. The survey carried out by BM Savings has found that almost £1,800 is needed to match the buying power of £100 in 1960, [...]
- Peru suffers an ‘environmental tragedy’IOL – The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years, a study published on Tuesday said. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of ...
- Next step humans? Every new pet dog in Britain ...Daily Mail – Every new pet dog will be microchipped under sweeping Government regulations to combat dangerous animals. Each puppy born and dog sold will have an electronic chip implanted under the skin. Details will then be placed on a national database accessible by police and the RSPCA. ...
The Progressive Realist
- Amb. Pifer to DA: “Door Remains Open” for Fut ...Josh Rogin reports earlier this week: The U.S.-Russian talks to cooperate on missile defense have apparently failed, as Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced a series of retaliatory measures today aimed at giving Russia the ability to destroy the American-led system in Eastern Europe. ...
- Feeling Thankfully Placid? I Can Fix That. Tod ...During some period of alertness during the turkey-comatose weekend, you might consider reading an essay by Franklin "Chuck" Spinney -- my long-time friend and a former guest blogger -- about the situation in Afghanistan. (It's in Counterpunch. This should go without saying, but I have learned al ...
- No Penance from Khmer Rouge War Crimes DefendantsThe first three days of Case 002 of the Khmer Rouge trial have seen both a total lack of penance, and a dogged determination to deflect blame for the death of millions of Cambodians from defendants “Brother Number Two” Nuon Chea, former foreign minister Ieng Sary, and former Head of ...
- Onshore Warfare and Offshore BalancingThe use and abuse of terms such as “offshore balancing” in the ongoing conversation about the next American grand strategy is a frequent topic of discussion here. While this can easily become an exercise in military and diplomatic history pedantry, examining what exactly offshore bal ...
- Independent Commission Says Bahrain Security F ...Our guest bloggers are Sarah Margon, associate director for Sustainable Security at the Center for American Progress, and Martin Wolberg-Stok, sustainable security intern at CAP. Earlier this week, a bipartisan group of Middle East experts and leading human rights organizations sent a letter to ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- After Police Violence, a Tipping PointOccupy Wall Street supporters were shocked this week after police pepper-sprayed a line of UC Davis students for peacefully refusing to leave the protest site Sunday. That evening, as school chancellor Linda Katehi walked from a meeting to her car, hundreds of students lined up in silence to ...
- Our Municipal Dollars, Ourselves"They don't know how to fix this," said New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg about Occupy Wall Street on MSNBC yesterday, according to the Daily News. "They want their government to fix. They don't even know what the problem is, much less how to fix it, but they know that things aren't worki ...
- Why Are They So Angry?"He's lying! He's lying!" the man at the back of the hall shouted, in a tone as desperate as it was angry. "He hasn't read the Geneva Conventions. You haven't read them, so you don't know he's lying." The primary object of his rage was me. The secondary object, it seemed, was his fellow congreg ...
- 13 Ways of Looking at a TurkeyOkay, maybe not thirteen ways. I didn't count. But we're not really working today, right—day before a holiday and all? So enjoy this.
- More Thoughts on FootballI should have posted this poem in October. But since I'm on a football jag now, here's a famous poem about what young men are channeling when they play football. Written in 1964, it includes some offensive language from its era. But I love this poem and have known it by heart for decades. Autum ...
- If the Tea Party Reps Believe God Runs the Gov ...STEVE JONAS FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT "The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday [Nov. 1] passed, 396-9, a concurrent resolution reaffirming 'In God We Trust' as the national motto. The resolution was introduced by Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.), co-chairman of the Congressional Praye ...
- Governor of Oregon, Who as a Physician Took an ...CHESTER KULIS FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Currently at least 16 states plus the District of Columbia ban capital punishment. Recently Oregon joined that select group due to the personal moral principles of the governor: John A. Kitzhaber is the Democratic governor of Oregon. He serve ...
- The Billionaire Stumbles: Bloomberg Uses "Terr ...MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Despite the attempt to create a sense of televised urgency with Michael Bloomberg starring as the savior of the public from an "imminent terrorist attack" by NYC resident Jose Pimental, this past Sunday's NYC news event -- co-starring the NYPD police ...
- Newt Gingrich is a "a Stupid Man's Idea of Wha ...ANN DAVIDOW FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Along with the many frustrating aspects of this campaign season there's the absolute butchering of the means by which we communicate verbally either by mistake or intent. There's the ludicrous assertion, for example by some, that Newt Gingrich is a smart ...
- Financier, Tax ThyselfPAUL BUCHHEIT FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT It's a brazen show of hypocrisy: while low-income families pay up to a 10% sales tax on necessities, wealthy investors who nearly crashed our economy pay ZERO sales tax on their financial purchases. Politicians seek creative ways to balance the budge ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- The DOJ's escalating criminalization of speechMuslims continue to be targeted for prosecution for expressing political views the government dislikes
- Facts and myths in the WikiLeaks/Guardian sagaA series of accidental events led to the publication of 251,000 diplomatic cables in unredacted form
- Top CIA official: Obama "changed virtually not ...A new Frontline from PBS features a "revelation" that is anything but, though it offers an important added detail
- Celebrating the fall of a dictatorReports about thankful citizens are being used to justify a pro-war argument -- but we've seen this before
- A tweet that explains everythingThe nation's watchdog news outlets deploy to cover a Wednesday vs. Thursday scheduling conflict
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Share your slides using a QR codeYour talk went down very well, you got rapturous applause, and some delegates even began to stand…there were murmurings of a Nobel Prize. Now, the hard bit, all those eager students in the front row want a copy of your slides so they can emulate your greatness, or more likely nitpick and p ...
- Is renewable energy just a myth?It’s a question I’ve asked several times, indirectly on Sciencebase – is renewable sustainable or just a pipedream for blue-skies thinkers? Dawn Stover suggests that it may well be: Renewable energy sounds so much more natural and believable than a perpetual-motion machine, but ...
- Singing the Movember Blues no moreMovember (as in moustache November) grows annually, it’s a month-long event started in 1999 in Adelaide, Australia. Since 2004, the Movember Foundation charity has run Movember events to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer and depression, in Aus ...
- What’s the best month to be born?According to a post from Stuart Farrimond, there’s a wealth of data showing that your month of birth actually has a very small but noticeable difference in your long-term health. Not because of astrological nonsense, but because of exposure to sunlight, disease and other factors during cri ...
- The little book of black delightsSchadenfreude: pleasure derived from another’s misfortune. Black humour. The hilarity experienced in watching a pratfall, the clumsy slip on a well-placed banana skin. From the German compound noun, deriving from Schaden (adversity, harm) and Freude (joy). Obvious. ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Lawsuit Filed Against EPA to Protect Public He ...A coalition of conservation groups filed suit late last week against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over its failure to protect public health and the environment from air pollution from coal mines in the United States.read more
- Landmine Monitor 2011: Handicap International ...The Landmine Monitor 2011 – the annual report on the Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty[1] – which was released Wednesday in Bangkok, found that at least three States not party to the treaty used anti-personnel landmines in 2011. Handicap International condemns the use of these weapons, which co ...
- Swept Up by Secure Communities: Law Enforcemen ...The Department of Homeland Security’s Secure Communities (S-Comm) program leads local communities to distrust law enforcement, encourages racial profiling and undermines the Constitution. Speakers will convey why the program is flawed at a press conference to be held on Wed., Nov. 30 at 11 ...
- Occupy Wall Street ThanksgivingThis Thanksgiving, Occupy Wall Street is celebrating unity and community with an open feast at Liberty Square. From 2 to 6 p.m. at Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park) we will meet to share food, stories and inspiration. All members of our global community are invited to break bread with us.read more
- As Gingrich Dares to Defy the GOP’s Lurch to t ...At last night’s Republican presidential debate, the issue of immigration erupted. The candidates were finally forced to go beyond their hollow sound bites about securing the border first and to confront the question of what to do with the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently ...
Common Dreams-Views
- The Uprising of 2012?Kara Miller Around the world, this has been the year of uprisings - spurred in large part by financial concerns. Athens, of course, has witnessed months of fiery protests. But the disaffected have also crowded the streets of Paris, London, ...
- Pepper-Spray Cop Begets Pepper-Spray Shopper Leslie Savan First we had the Pepper-Spray Cop. Now we have the Pepper-Spray Shopper, an as-yet unidentified woman who allegedly sprayed open an avenue for herself amid crowds grasping for Black Friday bargains in an LA-area Walmart. Appare ...
- UC Davis Pepper-Spray Video Shows Importance o ...Leonard Pitts Jr. Video of the Nov. 18 incident tells a different story. It shows a group of Occupy Davis student protesters sitting peacefully with arms interlocked while a UC Davis police officer walks back and forth, dousing them at clos ...
- Washington Leaves Millions to Die Jeffrey D. Sachs The wonder of our world is that scientific knowledge is now so powerful that we can save millions of children, mothers, and fathers from killer diseases each year at little cost. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malar ...
- Occupy ThanksgivingJulie Matthaei This Thanksgiving, inspired by the Occupy movement, I have found myself thinking about how my family shares this special meal. When we take a helping of something, we start with a modest serving, to make sure that all w ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Your “Oh Shit” Moment for a Saturday MorningHASH(0xbb277b8)
- The pace of violenceHASH(0xbc58d98)
- COIN's Clauswitzian disconnectHASH(0xbc94080)
- Ex D.N.I. Blair: The Hippies Were Right (Again)HASH(0x9eae7c0)
- The U.S. Has Created The Next Afghan Civil WarHASH(0xa33fa28)
Water Wars
- Water warsWeekly Poll Are you willing to give up your right to free plastic bags? Not on your life, hippie. It's a minor inconvenience to help save the environment.
- California Water Wars Heading To CourtSACRAMENTO; Calif. -- A landmark accord that ended decades of acrimony over how Southern California gets its water is in jeopardy.
- Water wars continue between Alabama and Georgi ...A state task force in Georgia wants to build reservoirs and wells to increase Atlanta's water supply. This despite a long running feud over water shared with Alabama and Florida.
- Water warsWeekly Poll Does the SMPD need a citizens' review board? No. The department is doing just fine. No. It'd be too expensive. Yes. The department needs more transparency.
- New reservoirs and wells eyed to avoid future ...A task force wants to build reservoirs and wells to increase Georgia's water supply, which was threatened by long-running disputes with neighboring Alabama and Florida.
WordPress | Economics
- http://www-blogger-opensocial.googleuserconten ...http://www-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/ifr?url=http://addthis-widget.googlecode
- Ron Paul : Freedom Watch : The Federal Reserve ...Ron Paul : Freedom Watch : The Federal Reserve
- North Dakota Oil Boom Creates Camps of Men - N ...North Dakota Oil Boom Creates Camps of Men – NYTimes.com.
- Martyrdom is a part of the messageYa gotta love the Mayor of LA — he thinks his verbal support for the Occupoopers would cause t
- Bailout the people, not the banks!Bail out the people not the banks Bail out the people not the banks Bail out the people not the bank
Electronic Intifada
- A love story, a Palestinian storyLina al-Sharif The Electronic Intifada Gaza Strip Lina al-Sharif’s story is one of love that knows no boundaries and all started with a friendly debate on Twitter.
- Family of 12 faces eviction in East JerusalemNadia Walid Somrein The Electronic Intifada Silwan Despite living in his home for nearly fifty years, and despite the fact there are legal documents clearly stating that the land is owned by the Somrein family, Mohammed Somrein’s land has been declared absentee property and thus subject t ...
- For Gaza journalist, more than one struggle un ...Rami Almeghari The Electronic Intifada Cairo Rami Almeghari recounts his struggle to both cover the growing protests at Cairo’s Tahrir Square and fight his own personal battle.
- Are the Freedom Rides a detour for the struggle?Linah Alsaafin The Electronic Intifada Last week, six courageous Palestinians attempted to defy racism, segregation and apartheid by boarding Jewish settler-only buses in the hopes of reaching Jerusalem, a city off limits to Palestinians in the West Bank. However, the symbolic, media-friendly a ...
- The anguish of a Gaza cancer patient in CairoRami Almeghari The Electronic Intifada Cairo Palestinians in Gaza needing urgent medical care are left with few treatment options because of Israel’s four-year-long blockade. Patients who are able to reach Egypt are oftentimes unable to afford or access treatment that can save their ...
The Wonk Room
- Is This North America’s Greenest Building?JR: The University of British Columbia makes its case for North America’s ‘greenest’ building in this video and the following news release. Feel free to link to other buildings that might vie for this title. South America’s green building of the moment is here. The University of British ...
- Georgia Business Declares New Company Policy: ...A business owner in western Georgia instituted a new company policy recently: “We are not hiring until Obama is gone.” Bill Looman, who owns U.S. Cranes, LLC in Waco, Georgia, explained that while “I’ve got people that I want to hire now,” he didn’t think he w ...
- Great Email Commentary: Who Are the Real Sceptics?Frankly, it warms my heart to read about scientists critiquing their colleagues’ work ruthlessly. I like my scientists second-guessing themselves. I also like them doing what they can to stamp out any interference in their research by the militantly ignorant. – Matt Bush in a repost Did yo ...
- Arab League Approves Sanctions On SyriaThe Arab League today approved financial sanctions on Syria after the Bashar al-Assad regime’s failure to end the violent crackdown on pro-democracy activists there. Nineteen of the organization’s 22 members voted to support the sanctions, which “include a travel ban on senior ...
- Occupy Wall Street HumorGreat to see Horsey throw in an environmental message. The first of the cartoons below also does: h/t Selfdeprecate.com Related Post: Top Ten Occupy Wall Street Cartoons
thwap's schoolyard
- Do Really Bad Newspaper Columnists Have Awesom ...How do these incoherent babbling lunatics, serial plagiarists and constantly wrong fuck-ups continue to find work? Surely there are higher-quality apologists and rationalizers for the system lining-up to provide the same sort of bullshit at a far more reasonable rate? Perhaps we must just imag ...
- Civilization is a Powder-KegSuper busy. Didn't have a clue what to write. Went and looked at unpublished drafts of entries and decided to put this out, ... whatever it is. The world isn't flat. It's round. But for tens of thousands of years, humanity, if we thought of it at all, believed that the world was flat, because w ...
- Nobody Home ...We shone a special camera at Ezra Levant's stupid head. Turns out the fucker doesn't have a brain. Big surprise.
- Problems with the world ...Here are two videos that I just stumbled upon during the last few days. The first one is a Bill Maher, "New Rules" segment from early in Obama's term, during the health care bill "debate." I don't find anything objectionable with it really. Nothing major anyway. I just think that it's wrong t ...
- What Now For Humanity?They wanted to stay in their camps because they camps were exciting places to be. But they mainly wanted to stay in their camps because the corrupt, lawless states wanted them to leave their camps. But the camps are coming down in a flurry of needless state violence. And you can bet your bott ...
on Government Oversight
- Pentagon Inspector General Gordon Heddell to S ...HASH(0xa720d40)
- Happy Thanksgiving: 50 Stunning Flickr Photos ...HASH(0xb633c98)
- United Space Alliance and the Price of Working ...HASH(0xb4193f0)
- Super Committee is a Super Failure, But There' ...HASH(0xb94a6a0)
- Morning Smoke: Super Committee Succeeds in Con ...HASH(0xc2d0118)
Digital Journal
- It's Christmastime in Toronto's Filipino communityThe Philippine Chamber of Commerce Toronto ushered the arrival of an old Filipino tradition with its Christmas Gala celebration on Saturday highlighted by singing and dancing.
- Is Bob Rae the Liberals next Keith Davey?Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae is in a unique position to radically shake up the stale politics of the Liberal Party of Canada. He would do well to take a page out of the legendary Liberal kingmaker Keith Davey's playbook for inspiration.
- Protesters in Toronto raise their voice for pr ...On Saturday people gathered in front of Toronto's old city hall to support those suffering from military rule in Cairo. Voices for those halfway across the world, where speaking out could mean death.
- Straight to the Streets 2011 brings a bit of w ...Six years ago a young man decided he wanted to make a difference. Tomy Bewick did more than most, that year with the help of his family, took several bags of clothes to the streets of Toronto and handed them out.
- Toronto Zoo celebrates its 5th Adopt-A-Pond ap ...Toronto Zoo is not only a zoo, it is also one of Ontario's main sources of knowledge for nature conservancy activities. Last Saturday, Toronto Zoo hosted its fifth yearly event for people participating in the Adopt-A-Pond programme.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Mississippi Launches Plan To End Child Homeles ...Fulfilling the wishes and happiness of children is at the heart of the holiday season. So, now seems particularly timely for Mississippi to launch a new plan to end child homelessness (pdf) in the state. What better way to set the season of giving in motion than by committing to finding safe an ...
- Thanksgiving 2.0: Food, Poverty and Telling th ...This Thanksgiving, most of us around the country shared a bountiful harvest feast with friends and family. We celebrated all that we are thankful for by gorging ourselves right into a food coma. It's the American way. Unfortunately, it's also the American way to be thankful for all that we have ...
- Homeless People Wanted: Must Be Open to Demean ...What are they thinking? People obviously don't see the homeless as human or they wouldn't attempt to hire them to do most of the insane, demeaning and illegal jobs out there. Here's a small sampling: Rob dead bodies. The Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan is the site of 50 to 100 ...
- LA Plans to Make Homelessness Go the Way of th ...Instead of pretending homelessness doesn't exist, creating new laws to make it illegal to sit or sleep in public, or sending homeless residents on a one-way trip out of town, Los Angeles County may attempt to actually do something about ending homelessness. And the county is setting the bar high ...
- Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unp ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a sc ...
- Sun TV attacks Ceasefire.ca!Sun TV, also known as "Fox News North," has turned its guns on the peace work of Ceasefire.ca and all of its 20,000 supporters – but especially Ceasefire.ca founder Steven Staples.
- ICC may examine NATO’s role in LibyaOttawa may be celebrating victory in Libya, but NATO and its members could yet face the scrutiny of the International Criminal Court (ICC) over their actions during the conflict, the Associated Press reported earlier this month (Slobodan Lekic and Mike Corder, “AP Exclusive: NATO may face ...
- Inside the pro-war lobby’s secret funding deal ...Please make your donation to stop the pro-war lobby from stealing from Canadians, and to make sure public funds are used for human needs and the environment.
- Staples: Canada overspending on defenceIn a recent op-ed article in Embassy magazine, Steven Staples, president of the Rideau Institute, argues that Canada’s military spending needs to be curbed: In 2010-11, Department of National Defence spending is estimated to reach $22.2 billion, its highest level since Canada was in Europe ...
- Panetta: F-35 could be on chopping blockU.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has warned the U.S. Congress that the Pentagon may be forced to cancel its planned purchase of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter if a congressional “super committee” fails to reach a budget deal, thus triggering automatic deep cuts in government spendi ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- The FBI Announces Gangs Have Infiltrated Every ...October 25, 2011 Business Insider By Robert Johnson The FBI has released a new gang assessment announcing that there are 1.4 million gang members in the US, a 40 percent increase since 2009, and that many of these members are getting inside the military (via Stars and Stripes). The report says t ...
- Feds Will Temporarily Cut Off All TV and Radio ...October 25, 2011 The Blaze By Buck Sexton If you have ever wondered about the government’s ability to control the civilian airwaves, you will have your answer on November 9th. On that day, federal authorities are going to shut off all television and radio communications simultaneously at 2:00PM ...
- Download The Kevin Trudeau Show Android App!
- 6 Ways to Naturally Whiten Your TeethOctober 25, 2011 DrAxe.Com By Josh Axe Almost 18% ‘usually conceal their teeth in photos’. Having great teeth is very important in our culture today. Do you have yellow or discolored teeth? The sad truth is some people no matter how many times they brush their teeth have stained teeth from drink ...
- U.S. Government Could Hide Existence Of Record ...October 26, 2011 ProPublica By Jennifer LaFleur A proposed rule to the Freedom of Information Act would allow federal agencies to tell people requesting certain law-enforcement or national security documents that records don’t exist – even when they do. Under current FOIA practice, the governmen ...
Armies of Liberation
- Yemen Air Forces bombs soldiers, kills 240The Yemeni Air Force bombed the al Samaa Republican Guard garrison in the Arhab district of Sanaa today, deliberately killing 240 guardsmen. The attack came after the troops refused to attack pro-revolution tribesmen with artillery. “The government did not stand quiet when the guards refused ord ...
- Yemenis protest against al QaedaIn a direct rebuke to the terror group, residents of Taiz held a major protest against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) on Thursday evening after prayers. Protesters held signs denouncing AQAP that said, “Your racism will do nothing but make us stronger.” Taiz is the largest city in Yeme ...
- اوباما يفقد السيطرة على اليمنMy article from PJM at al Mostakela: اوباما يفقد السيطرة على اليمن تخاطر الولايات المتحدة بتمكين القاعدة في اليمن وتنفير الشعب اليمني عن طريق إحباط تغيير النظام هناك كتبت – جين نوفاك يعتبر اليمن بلد معقد، فقد ظل يرزح تحت وطأة اضطرابات كبيرة، كما أن فهم اليمن يخبرنا الشيء الكثير عن الشرق ال ...
- Yemen’s CT chief accused of war crimesAfter Yemen’s Republican Guard killed and dismembered tribal prisoners Thursday, Arhab tribesmen issued a statement Friday demanding the immediate arrest and prosecution of General Ahmed Saleh as a war criminal. Ahmed Saleh heads the Republican Guard containing US funded counter-terror units and ...
- Yemen protesters announce boycott of US, Saudi ...Protesters in Yemen announced a boycott today of US and Saudi products, a largely symbolic move in light of Yemen’s grave humanitarian crisis. Protesters allege that the Obama administration has thwarted their efforts for regime change. Millions across Yemen have demanded the end to the 33 year ...
Dark Politricks
- A Third World War Won’t Stop A Second American ...The Excavator Sunday, November 27, 2011 “It’s not a scientific report, it’s a political document,” said investigative journalist Seymour Hersh on Democracy Now on November 21, referring to the latest IAEA report about Iran’s nuclear program. The same could be said about the 9/1 ...
- Manila says arrested hackers funded by Saudi groupMANILA/BOSTON (Reuters) – Philippine police and the FBI have arrested four people over a hacking operation that targeted customers of U.S. telecommunications giant AT&T to funnel money to a Saudi-based militant group. Those arrested on Wednesday in Manila were paid by the same group t ...
- Miley Cyrus Releases Occupy Wall Street Song a ...Miley Cyrus Releases Occupy Wall Street Song and Video By WashingtonsBlogwashingtonsblog.com Pop Mega Star Miley Cyrus Releases OWS Song and Video For other great OWS music, see this, this, this, this and this (yes, my day job is as a professional, but I’m also a long-time musician.) View ...
- 50 bodies found in two days of carnage in MexicoFifty dead bodies have been discovered over the past two days in western Mexico, victims of a fierce war waged between the government and the nation’s powerful drug cartels. The bodies of 26 young men were dumped in three vehicles near a busy intersection in Guadalajara. It bore the signs ...
- Colombian gov’t: FARC rebels have executed 4 m ...BOGOTA (Reuters) – Colombian FARC rebels executed four members of the security forces during a botched mission to free them from a decade as hostages, the most violent act by the group since troops killed its leader Alfonso Cano this month. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, which ...
Dandelion Salad
- Occupy Everywhere! by Ralph NaderDandelion Salad by Ralph Nader The Nader Page Nov. 23, 2011 From New York City to Oakland, and several cities in between, the police, on orders from city officials, have smashed the Occupy encampments and evicted the protestors from public parks and spaces. More politicians from Congress to the ...
- Britain’s Cover-Up of Inside Job in Fatal RAF ...by Finian Cunningham Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Ethiopia 20 November 2011 Evidence points to liquidation of British counterinsurgency team to trick Irish republicans into a defeating political process For 17 years the British authorities have lied about the fatal RAF helicopter crash on the ...
- Will the UN insist on Fair Trials for Ex-Regim ...by Franklin Lamb Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Benghazi, Libya November 22, 2011 An affable gentleman, “Mahmoud” ushered this observer into the Benghazi People’s Court (Mahkamat al-Sha’b) and showed me the freshly painted courtroom where on December 19, 2006, the current NTC leader and long te ...
- “There is No Honor in Police Brutality&# ...by Jill Dalton Guest Writer Dandelion Salad recoveringarmybrat Nov. 21, 2011 I met Sgt. Shamar Thomas at the rally against Police Brutality on 10/22/11 in Union Square, New York City. This was right after his famous rant against the NYPD had gone viral. Sgt. Thomas served 14 months in Iraq and t ...
- Send Back These Clowns + Occupy! by Ed Ciaccioby Ed Ciaccio Dandelion Salad Featured Writer November 25, 2011 Send Back These Clowns (With apologies to Stephen Sondheim) Aren’t they rich, and so sincere, Making such speeches and promises In debates this year? These GOP clowns. Mitt flips and flops, Newt juggles ideas, Bachmann and Cain and ...
Your New Reality
- No titleOccupy Horror : Police Attack Kids Trying To Rescue Injured Marine Incredible. Those Oakland, California kids were rescuing Scott Olsen, a fallen, brain injured Marine when a cop threw a potentially-deadly flash bomb amongst them. Mind-boggling. Oakland police saw a US Marine standing guard, wo ...
- No titleI wonder how fewer lights there will be when a fly-over happens in 2015, or 2020?
- No titleThis city is about to blow : A nationwide US general strike may be less than two weeks away. The protests against insane police violence will increase in number and size. The #Occupy Movement grows bigger by the hour. How could it not?
- No titleUS Police Now Using Flash Bombs, Chemical Weapons, 'Rubber' Bullets, Sound Guns On Peaceful #Occupy People The War In The Homeland Has Begun The first #Occupy death at the hands of police will come within days. And then what? That was how the London Riots started. The US is different, of cours ...
- No titleLibya 2.0 Tony Blair's Libyan dictator mate Gaddafi can rot in a ditch for all I care, but there's something about this video that is chilling. It's hard to nail the exact moment, amongst the laughter : This is what US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton was laughing at : Libyans, hired mer ...
Wired - Science
- SMARAGD Rocket Engines Test UpdateToday (Saturday 26, 2011) Copenhagen Suborbitals had a great testing day of two engines for the SMARAGD rocket. In short, SMARAGD (flight configuration) is a two stage rocket with a 3 seconds burn first stage engine and a second stage engine burning for app 20 seconds. The idea is to have both e ...
- NASA’s New Mars Rover Launches SuccessfullyNASA's Mars Science Laboratory lifted off from the launch pad at 10:02 a.m. EST on Nov. 26.
- How to Watch NASA’s Mars Rover Launch SaturdayAfter eight years of planning, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory is finally ready to launch. Watch the nuclear-powered, one-ton rover -- currently the largest machine that can land on the Red Planet -- take off from Cape Canaveral and begin its journey.
- Camera Trap App Sends Wild Animals to Your iPhoneStuck in an airport this holiday season? Hiding from extended family? Or just looking to take a mobile phone safari? The Instant Wild app, free and newly released by the Zoological Society of London, streams images to your iPhone or iPad (or browser) from camera traps in Kenya, Sri Lanka, Mongol ...
- Frigid Months Still to Come in a Warming WorldIn a world plagued by gradual warming, there will still be cold months -- even ones with record cold temperatures, although they'll be far less frequent than they are now.
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Hassan Jabareen: The right contextThe disingenuity of the Israeli government's international comparisons is evident when one compares politicians' rhetoric for audiences within Israel with the diplomatic discourse abroad. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in i ...
- Jonathan Cook: Is Britain plotting with Israel ...The real concern among [UK] government officials is that Fox, Werritty and Gould were conspiring in a “rogue” foreign policy – opposed to the British government’s stated aims – that was authored by... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian la ...
- Who Profits: Veolia owns, operates Tovlan land ...Veolia is not only still involved in the illegal Israeli tram project connecting Israeli's colonies to Jerusalem, it also owns and operates (through its subsidiaries), the infamous Tovlan landfill... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lan ...
- Right-wing group mapping Jerusalem businesses ...Jerusalem anti-Arab activist: "A booklet with a list of places that employ Arabs will be published soon. That will be followed by hanging up posters and signs with these lists in the streets - just... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian la ...
- Yitzhak Laor: NGO bill aims to create a democr ...We must not dismiss the NGO Bill - it truly intends to create a democracy for Jews only; if it were passed, no Arab - whether resident of the territories or Israeli citizen - would have access to the... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Pakistan orders US to close Shamsi airbasePakistani authorities on Saturday gave the United States 15 days to leave the Shamsi airbase, and closed NATO supply lines into Afghanistan in
- Iran to stage naval drills in international watersIran will hold large scale naval exercises in international waters, Navy chief Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said on Saturday.
- UK halts military data sharing with RussiaBritain will stop sharing military information with Russia over Moscow's decision to freeze compliance with the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), a government minister said on Friday.
- Russia’s Baltic radar to monitor missile launc ...Russia’s radar station in the Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad will monitor missile launches from the North Atlantic, as well as the future European missile defense system, the Aerospace Defense Forces chief said on Friday.
- Medvedev’s missile defense remarks ‘call for d ...Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s remarks about possible countermeasures against a European missile defense system were not a signal for confrontation but a message that Russia and its international partners should keep looking for compromise, Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said on Fr ...
- Planning Student's Senior Thesis Looks Inside ...With his June 2011 senior thesis examining tent cities, UC planning graduate Andrew Heben seemingly foreshadowed current "Occupy" protests. That research has already been published in Planning magazine, and Heben hopes to turn his student thesis into a book.
- Babson College Undergraduate Earns Innovation ...Babson College undergraduate senior Dinesh Wadhwani, cofounder of ThinkLite, LLC, received the Innovation Award and was among the Top 5 in the 2011 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards Competition at the 2011 GSEA Global Final.
- New Study Argues for More Local News Content i ...A new from Ryerson University examines the amount of local news coverage in Ming Pao, Toronto's second-largest Chinese language newspaper.
- Staying Festively Flu-FreeHoliday tip sheet from Ryerson University on staying flu-free this holiday season.
- Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Increases Airflo ...Hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HGNS) produced marked dose-related increases in airflow in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients without arousing them from sleep, according to a new study from the Johns Hopkins Sleep Disorders Center. The study suggests the potential therapeutic efficacy of HGNS ...
Natural Health News
- Major Progress in Eliminating Mercury in DentistryIn 2010, advisory panelists told the FDA that dental amalgam should not be used in children and pregnant women. Not a single one of the panelists agreed with the FDA's eventual decision to permit amalgam use in children and pregnant women. More recently, the World Health Organization ...
- Is Pepper Spray a Dangerous, If Not Lethal Weapon?When young, non-violent protestors were recently doused -- directly in the eyes -- with pepper spray, it was purportedly at least with a "non-lethal" chemical weapon. Pepper spray even sounds somewhat "natural". But while pepper spray invariably contains an extract of hot peppers, ...
- Can Ingesting 'Friendly Bugs' Reduce Your Anxiety?The probiotic known as Bifidobacterium longum NCC3001 has been shown to normalize anxiety-like behavior in mice with infectious colitis. A study found that chronic colitis was associated with anxiety-like behavior. Treatment with B. longum was found to reduce the symptoms, and to also pos ...
- New Study Finds BPA Not Only Plastic Problem - ...Bisphenol-A (BPA) is an endocrine-disrupting compound that is used in plastic products and the lining of nearly all food and beverage cans. Exposure to BPA has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and potential problems during fetal development. A recent study found that ...
- Executives Get Prison for Fatal Bone Cement TrialExecutives of Synthes North America, a medical devices company, have been sentenced to prison for unapproved tests of bone cement that left three people dead. According to the judge, the Synthes officials wanted to beat their competitors to market without going through the lengthy process ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks mor ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “ ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Re ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of globa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Dapo Akande on Surrendering Saif — and a Brief ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller Dapo Akande has a typically excellent discussion of the surrender issue today at EJIL: Talk!, in which he agrees with Jens Ohlin and disagrees with me. In his view, Libya is entitled to challenge the admissibility of the case against Saif without having ...
- Dapo Akande on Surrendering Saif — and a ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller Dapo Akande has a typically excellent discussion of the surrender issue today at EJIL: Talk!, in which he agrees with Jens Ohlin and disagrees with me. In his view, Libya is entitled to challenge the admissibility of the case against Saif without having ...
- Stahn on Libya and the ICCby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller My friend and PhD supervisor Carsten Stahn has posted a very interesting discussion of Libya and the ICC at the Hague Justice Portal. Here is a taste: One possible option to reconcile domestic jurisdiction with accountability before the ICC may be a div ...
- Stahn on Libya and the ICCby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller My friend and PhD supervisor Carsten Stahn has posted a very interesting discussion of Libya and the ICC at the Hague Justice Portal. Here is a taste: One possible option to reconcile domestic jurisdiction with accountability before the ICC may be a div ...
- The Eurozone Crisis Is Also a Governance Crisi ...by Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson Over the last few months, as the eurozone crisis has gathered steam, I have wondered what the crisis means for the governance structures of the EU. One answer is, not much — the political leadership will somehow muddle through as it always does, on the ...
Public News Service
- Turkey Bowl Time? A Lesson from the NFL LockoutTurkey Bowl Time? A Lesson from the NFL Lockout Phoenix, AZ - Some Arizonans are gearing up for their Thanksgiving tradition of backyard family football matches, but a new study of National Football League (NFL) athletes shows how a lack of proper training can result in serious injuries. Comment ...
- Report: Secret Chemicals Revealed in Common Ho ...Report: Secret Chemicals Revealed in Common Household Cleaners A new report released this week reveals that some of the top-selling cleaning products contain hidden toxic chemicals. The report by Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) looked at 20 common household cleaning products manufacture ...
- Penn State Case a Teachable Moment Penn State Case a Teachable Moment Phoenix, AZ – Child advocates say one thing that should come out of the Penn State situation, where an assistant coach is accused of sexually abusing children, is more understanding of how to prevent it from happening. Comments from child abuse activist ...
- Study: No Paycheck for Nearly Half of All New ...Study: No Paycheck for Nearly Half of All New Moms Phoenix, AZ – Nearly half of all new mothers in Arizona and across the United States are giving up a paycheck in order to spend time with their new baby, according to a new analysis from the Census Bureau. And while the number of working ...
- Free Driver Safety Classes for AZ's Half Milli ...Free Driver Safety Classes for AZ's Half Million Veterans Phoenix, AZ - During the month of November, Arizona's half million veterans are eligible to take a driver safety course free of charge. AARP is waiving the entrance fee for its Driver Safety Program to all military personnel, regardless o ...
Center for Food Safety
- Talking Turkey: Stuffing, Cranberries, Sweet P ...Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and Center for Food Safety Petition FDA to Eliminate Toxic Arsenic Residues in Meat Photo by: D Sharon Pruitt Nearly 88 percent of Americans surveyed by the National Turkey Federation eat turkey at Thanksgiving, but most will be blissfully unaware of wh ...
- California Ballot Initiative Filed to Require ...Yesterday, a ballot initiative that would require the labeling of all genetically engineered (GE) foods sold in California was submitted to the Attorney General’s office. The initiative has the support from a coalition of consumer groups and organic food companies – this coalition is expected to ...
- Lawsuit Aims To Halt Genetically Engineered Cr ...Public Interest Organizations Challenge Blanket Approval of Pesticide-Promoting Crops on 54 Refuges Across 8 States Latest Case In Successful Series A lawsuit filed today in federal court against the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) seeks to end cultivation of genetically engineered (GE) c ...
- Enough Tricks: Consumers Speak Up Against Mons ...With the threat of genetically engineered sweet corn hitting grocery stores next year looming, 264,000 people petition top retailers and food makers In response to Monsanto’s release of the company’s first genetically engineered sweet corn for human consumption, a coalition has collected more th ...
- New Report: A Global Citizens Report on the St ...Published by Navdanya (India), Navdanya International, the International Commission on the Future of Food, with the participation of the Center for Food Safety. The report consists of contributions from groups around the world. Entire report may be viewed HERE A new report highlights scientific ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Bankrolling Colonialism: From Ealing Council t ...Rise Resist and Revolt: Whilst browsing the internet to write a piece on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), today I conveniently found myself staring at a rather new press release; Agrexco, the largest Israeli exporter of fresh produce in illegal settlements had gone into liquidation. This ...
- No Thanks For Taking | nothingtobegainedhereNo Thanks For Taking | nothingtobegainedhere: “In effect, contentions over land usage and ownership have served to define the totality of US – Indian relationships from the first moment to the present day, shaping not only the historical flow of interactions between invader and invaded, but the ...
- Unite Against Fascism | UAF’s Weyman Bennett s ...Unite Against Fascism | UAF’s Weyman Bennett speaks at antiracist rally, Norway: UAF joint secretary Weyman Bennett is speaking tonight at a major antiracist meeting in Norway. The public meeting takes place in the week that fascist Anders Breivik appeared in open court after confessing to kill ...
- The Marmar Experience - Pepper Spray Is Just t ...The Marmar Experience - Pepper Spray Is Just the Beginning: Here Are More Hypermilitarized Weapons Your Local PD Could Use: On Friday, November 18, a group of UC Davis students staged a sit-in to protect their Occupy encampment from destruction by a horde of riot police. Seated on the ground, th ...
- Pregnant Woman Blasted with Pepper Spray by SP ...Pregnant Woman Blasted with Pepper Spray by SPD Says She Miscarried (Updated) | Slog: UPDATE: Jennifer Fox, 19, spoke to The Stranger at the Occupy Seattle encampment at Seattle Central Community College. Fox claimed that she was three months pregnant last Tuesday evening when she joined an Occu ...
- Siri, AI and TV CollideImagine talking to your TV, and having it answer you. Such a scenario is what the editors at the MacRumors website are suggesting Apple will soon unleash to the world. In this article, they say the Siri, the iPhone 4S virtual assistant, will be coming to television soon. Once Apple enters the Sm ...
- Bon Voyage, Steve JobsThere isn’t much I can say about Steve Jobs. I never met him, personally, but his influence was felt from my childhood. Like many reacting to the news of his passing, I am doing so on a device he was involved in designing. He has inspired me greatly, as with countless others. The official ...
- New Media Animation Roasts New FacebookI love the 1984 and Matrix references in this video. The animators at Taiwan’s New Media Animation, have once again produced a delicious roast of the news of the day. By the process described in detail in the Mashable tech blog, I have already started trying out the timeline. It seems perf ...
- Facebook Timeline: A Google+ Killer?This app turns Facebook into a virtual scrapbook of your life. The current model for profiles is an image of your current self, not how you have changed throughout your life. By adding the fourth dimension to the profile, Facebook explodes the potential of the profile exponentially. I read Ben P ...
- You Tube Launches New Video EditorYouTube has had a very basic video editor for some time, and has now updated and relaunched it. To me this was the next logical step for YouTube: to own the customer journey from the beginning. I have a further idea which is my Capstone project for my master’s degree, and since very few if ...
Green Times
- Broome Flash Mob ProtestFlash Mob Protest in Broome, Western Australia 2011 On 31st October 2011, members of the Broome Community took to the streets against the State governments plan to compulsorily acquire the coast line around James Price Point.For more information please look at savethekimberley.com (savethe ...
- Environmental News 23/11/2011Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- Organic JamInstead of buying regular food, consider buying organic food (glossary/food-drink/organic-food.html)! No pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics or hormones are used to produce organic food which makes it so much better for the environment, and for you too! Photo by: Alexandra Meusel
- The Story of BrokeStory of Stuff Project takes on [US] government subsidies in a new online movie; calls for investments in a clean, fair economy
- Environmental News 22/11/2011Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Phil Goff to resign as Labour leaderHASH(0xaf56270)
- Epsom through the eyes of CaravaggioHASH(0xa887bf0)
- Phil Goff: taxpayers to “guarantee” Kiwisaver ...HASH(0xb174a60)
- NZ First hits nearly 4% in polls, leader revea ...HASH(0xab8bf10)
- Turkey votes for early ChristmasHASH(0xb28e4b0)
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Statement of the Palestinian Freedom RidersAs of now, 6 Palestinian Freedom Riders are about to be arrested just inside Jerusalem. Read why the Palestinian human rights activists boarded segregated buses below. My name is Hurriyeh Ziadah. I am the media spokeswomen for the Palestinian Freedom Rides campaign. Thank you all for being here ...
- New Sheikh Jarrah Video from Just VisionJust Vision, the folks I interned for last spring, are out with, “Home Front is a new series of four video portraits chronicling the resolve of a neighborhood, and the support it receives from the most unexpected of places.” It documents different Israelis and Palestinians involved i ...
- Villages Group: South Hebron Hills UpdateDear friends and supporters, About one month ago we reported to you on the state of the local schoolhouse in Palestinian Susiya as its second school year opened. Visiting the school on Thursday November 2nd, 2011, we witnessed an impressive development in the construction of the school’s p ...
- Video: Democracy Now! footage from Freedom Wav ...Israel has boarded and detained the latest Freedom Flotilla heading for Gaza. See the last footage they were able to transmit from on board the boat here. If you are in New York City, there will be an emergency action. TODAY, November 4 5 – 6:30pm across the street from the Israeli Consul ...
- World-Class American Jazz Harpist Conducts Wor ...On Saturday, October 15th, 2011, American master jazz harpist Park Stickney visited the Salem village Music Center near Nablus. Stickney was in Israel-Palestine to give the opening concert for the new Jaffa Harp Festival. The Festival organizer, harpist Sunita Staneslow and her spouse Fred Schlo ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Jaguar sighted in Cochise, AZArizona Daily Star Jaguars were thought to be virtually extinct in the US but a highly experienced hunter and guide treed and photographed one before it escaped. “All my dogs took a pretty good beating. They had puncture wounds. … I got to see it in real life, and I’m glad, but ...
- Solar power cosiness?BrightSource Energy, the California solar power plant builder, largely backed by President John F. Kennedy’s nephew, Robert Kennedy Jr., was granted a 1.4 billion dollar bailout through a loan guarantee issued by a former employee-turned Department of Energy official .
- Extreme Black Friday shopping comes to reality TVCable TV is all abuzz with exciting news about potential reality shows based around Black Friday shopping and roller derby. Shoppers are given pepper spray and shopping carts, which they can weaponize. The bargains will be way in the back of the store. Aisles will be strategically blocked or mad ...
- su.pr is supersu.pr is part of Stumbleupon and allows posting in advance to Twitter, Facebook, and to Stumble itself. It has a useful feature that after a few days will tell you the best time to post,which is usually late afternoon or so. I’m getting increased hits using it. Another bonus: The post doe ...
- Brussels forcing Greek money in Switzerland ba ...Bruce Krasting A move is being made in Brussels to “force” the Swiss government/ banks to transfer all of the assets of Greek citizens back to the Greek banks. For a Greek this means that your money is hostage. It has been functionally expropriated. It will be transferred into a ban ...
- Yediot’s Plocker: Thank you Mossad for r ...On Sunday (January 9 2011), Yediot’s Itamar Eichner reported [emphasis mine; full translation here]: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is furious with outgoing Mossad Director Meir Dagan because of the briefing Dagan gave journalists last Thursday. In the course of that briefing, Dagan sha ...
- “Rejectionist front”: Maariv detai ...As Israel’s diplomatic position erodes and the Palestinian Authority’s campaign for the unilateral recognition of a state in the 1967 borders gains ground, the demand for “direct negotiations” has become a central talking point of Israeli government spokespeople. Here ...
- New Yorker editor David Remnick to Yediot:  ...On December 24 2010, Yediot’s Friday Political Supplement ran an interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick by Adi Gold. Most of the interview was dedicated to his new biography of Barack Obama. Gold did ask a political question on Israel and Reminck’s response was very blunt. No ...
- Breaking the Silence’s landmark new book ...Breaking the Silence has just published a landmark collection of soldier testimonies from the Occupied Territories spanning the period 2000-2010. The 432 page book can now be browsed, downloaded and embedded here. If you read nothing else, take the time to look over the first to pages of the int ...
- Following local pressure, Adidas reconsiders s ...This Maariv article [full translation below] from Friday is particularly badly written and repetitive, so I’ll summarize. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat decides to hold the first Jerusalem International Marathon in March 2011. He gets Adidas to sponsor the event. An Israeli runner registers an ...
Deadline Live
- Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American ...ACLU While nearly all Americans head to family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, the Senate is gearing up for a vote on Monday or Tuesday that goes to the very heart of who we are as Americans. The Senate will be voting on a bill that will direct American military resources no ...
- Colon Powell takes a cheap shot at the Tea PartyColin Powell on Sunday blamed the media as well as the Tea Party for the divisive political tone in Washington. Newsbusters Not surprisingly, neither the class warfare stoked by President Obama and his Party nor the resulting Occupy Wall Street movement was mentioned during this seven minute int ...
- Banks Build Contingency for Breakup of the EuroPARIS — For the growing chorus of observers who fear that a breakup of the euro zone might be at hand, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany has a pointed rebuke: It’s never going to happen. Multimedia Interactive Feature Tracking Europe’s Debt Crisis NYT But some banks are no longer ...
- Is the Sovereign Debt Crisis a Replay of the V ...Never let a good crisis go to waste? Or …. Invent a “crisis” , use media to stem a reaction / get the people to call for the solution to the Crisis you invented, and provide that solution by using further centralization, under control of the fewer elites… November 26, 201 ...
- Libya’s New Regime May Attack SyriaAt Istanbul Meeting, NTC Suggests Arming Opposition, Sending Fighters to Syria by Jason Ditz, November 25, 2011 AntiWar.com According to officials familiar with the situation, a meeting between Libya’s new regime, the NATO-backed National Transitional Council (NTC) and members of the Syri ...
The Air Vent
- Provenance of the Decline, a Forensic AnalysisThere is much about paleoclimatology we don’t know. Key among the questions is, “What exactly was done to that innocent, unsuspecting data?” The stealthy nature of these statistical oddities has led to the practice of an informal new field of blog science which could accurate ...
- CRU Scientist Excoriated in Open Letter (Clima ...Willis Eschenbach has an open letter at WUWT which absolutely excoriates Phil Climategate Jones for his lies to the public and to Willis. The letter is quite strongly worded, places the FOI lies in context and is worth a read. The critique is strong enough that it extends not only to Phil, but t ...
- Paleoclimate – Rotten to the coreThere is a lot to be said about Climategate 2 emails. Since I’ve focused so much of my time on dendroclimatology, much of the climate science I’ve studied is related to that subject. This is in no small part due to the influences of Steve McIntyre at Climate Audit. Often, we skept ...
- Repository and Question for the MediaI’m reading endless emails myself. In the meantime, if there are any that readers find particularly important, place the file number and why below. It seems to me so far that this email set fills in some of the holes in the various scientists understanding of the hockey stick curves and th ...
- Hide the Decline – HowtoThere are a lot of interesting emails. This one is worth calling attention to due to the popularity of hide the decline of Climategate 1 fame. It’s my bold in the middle. They chopped off the data and infilled it with temperature data. This is slightly different than Mann08 but it is t ...
Focal Point
- Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summer ...
- Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summer ...
- Bachmann's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Bad Scienc ...Hey, Michele Bachmann, you know who was really, really pro-vaccination? The Founding Fathers. Read all about it in my new article at The Nation. George Washington argued for mandatory inoculation of citizens against smallpox and mandated the inoculation of the Continental Army, under the . ...
- Bachmann's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Bad Scienc ...Hey, Michele Bachmann, you know who was really, really pro-vaccination? The Founding Fathers. Read all about it in my new article at The Nation. George Washington argued for mandatory inoculation of citizens against smallpox and mandated the inoculation of the Continental Army, under the .. ...
- Confessions of a Pro-Social Psychopath Neuroscientist James Fallon is fascinated by the brains of murderers, especially in light of his own family history. His father's side of the family was full of notorious murderers. So, he compared his family's PET scans to those of known psychopathic killers: "And I took a look at ...
Inside Facebook
- This Week’s Headlines from Across Inside NetworkA roundup of all the news Inside Network brought you between November 21st and November 26th Inside Mobile Apps Tracking the convergence of mobile apps, social platforms and virtual goods. Monday, November 21st: Arms Cartel From Pixel Addicts Shows That … Continue reading →
- New This Week on the Inside Network Job Board: ...The Inside Network Job Board is dedicated to providing you with the best job opportunities across social and mobile application platforms. Here are this week’s highlights from the Inside Network Job Board, including positions at BLiNQ Media, Storm8, Acquinity Interactive, Natural Motion Games, E ...
- Facebook Roundup: Law Enforcement, Friends, Wi ...Facebook’s Law Enforcement Rules - Hackers claiming to be with Anonymous published a few documents outlining how law enforcement agencies may obtain user data. Facebook Users Separated by 4.74 Friends – Facebook and the University of Milan conducted a study … Continue reading →
- Chase, “Twilight,” Hy.Ly, Photos, Black Friday ...Chase Community Giving, “Twilight,” Walmart’ Black Friday app, tabs, photos, Brazilian social networking and more made our list of emerging Facebook applications by monthly active users. The apps on our list grew from between 80,000 and 340,000 MAU, based on … Continue reading →
- Facebook Hires and Departures: Engineering, Si ...Facebook hired a few engineers this week, according to its LinkedIn feed, but the company also brought on quite a few engineers, analysts, communications staff, account managers and client partners, according to listings removed from its Careers Page. Please see a complete list below. New … ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Policy-Making Billionaires Privatizi ...truthout: Policy-Making Billionaires Privatizing Public Policy http://t.co/j4PY7KsV
- truthout: When the World Outlawed War: An Inte ...truthout: When the World Outlawed War: An Interview with David Swanson http://t.co/0SALNMF9
- truthout: Can There Be Solidarity Between Move ...truthout: Can There Be Solidarity Between Movement Activists and Police Officers? http://t.co/CW0PFGhC #OWS #OccupyTogether
- truthout: Come Monday, Congress will grapple w ...truthout: Come Monday, Congress will grapple with latest bipartisan foolishness: unlimited military detention http://t.co/hKxjUE58
- truthout: Seven Surveys Make A Trend For Fox A ...truthout: Seven Surveys Make A Trend For Fox And Viewers http://t.co/GQmXBUWB
ReDress News
- Palestine Solidarity Campaign in unholy allian ...Lauren Booth looks at how the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, in particular its national director Sarah Colborne, appear to have put appeasement of some of the UK's vilest Zionist bodies, such as the Jewish Chronicle weekly and the website Harry's Place, ahead of genuine opposition to Israeli rac ...
- Capitalism and the spy marketLawrence Davidson looks at the array of surveillance tools highlighted by the Wall Street Journal's "Surveillance Catalogue" - technologies that are designed to rob every person on the planet of their privacy - and argues that, as with some illicit drugs and some forms of deviant sex, these tool ...
- The Arab Spring - hello or goodbye to democracy?As the people of Egypt struggle to ensure that their pro-democracy uprising is not highjacked by the generals, Alan Hart sees signs that the days of Arab autocrats and despots may well be numbered and argues that genuine Arab democracy is Zionism’s worst nightmare.
- Support today's Freedom Riders by ending US su ...Josh Ruebner views the parallels between the US Freedom Riders of the early 1960s and the current Palestinian Freedom Riders who have begun a non-violent campaign against the segregated transport systems and apartheid conditions endured by Palestinians under Israel's brutal military occupation o ...
- America’s festering soresPaul J. Balles outlines "a must-do menu" of political causes needing public attention, from the icon of injustice and arbitrariness known as Guantanamo, through the silence over the 1967 Israeli attack on the US warship USS Liberty, which resulted in 200 American casualties, to the existence of ...
Amazon Rainforest
- World’s largest beef company signs Amazo ...The world’s largest meat processor has agreed to stop buying beef from ranches associated with slave labor and illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the state of Acre. The deal absolves JBS-Friboi from 2 billion reals ($1.3 bill ...
- World’s largest beef company signs Amazo ...The world’s largest meat processor has agreed to stop buying beef from ranches associated with slave labor and illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the state of Acre. The deal absolves JBS-Friboi from 2 billion reals ($1.3 bill ...
- Peru suffers an environmental tragedy!The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of 7,000 hectares of virgin and extremely divers ...
- Earth’s Living Treasure- Celebrating Forests f ...United Nations declared 2o11 as the International Year of Forests (Forests 2o11), and why Forests are the theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May 2o11. In this special year, the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are ...
- Belo Monte hydroelectric dam construction work ...The company leading the dam project, Norte Energia, announced that infrastructure work on roads that will provide access to the region started on Monday morning. The £7bn Belo Monte dam on the Amazon’s Xingu river is scheduled to start producing energy on 31 December 2014 and would be the ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Transcript: BFP Interview with Paul Thompson-P ...
- The EyeOpener- CIA & the Nuclear Black Market: ...The Business of Arming the Nation’s Enemies The AQ Khan nuclear network was first introduced to the public in early 2004, with Abdul Qadeer Khan’s dramatic televised confession to the Pakistani public that he had participated in selling nuclear technology, including bomb-making designs and ...
- BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October ...Police State: Contractors Pitch Spy Tech to Cops, Clinton Vows Millions of Dollars in Funding for the New Regime, Two Teenagers among those Assassinated by US Drone Attack in Awlaki Kill, Police State: Legislation Could Expand Reserve Role in Homeland Security, Lies Behind the “Humanitaria ...
- Follow the Money with Bergman-Chicago: The Cit ...Burrowing Into Some Rabbit Holes Chicago has a lot of strengths, along with a deserved, well, reputation. The City of Big Shoulders? Perhaps. But legal and illegal corruption have long greased the wheels in the City That Works. Chicago is joined at the hip with the State of Illinois, with no ...
- BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October ...Obama has now more than Doubled Bush-Era Total Deaths in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan: Baku’s Natural Gas Discoveries Reviving Interest in Caspian Pipelines, Police State: FBI’s DNA Database Upgrade Program Under Fire, Number of CIA Drone Attacks in Pakistan Hits 300, Covert Operative for Israe ...
Afro Spear
- sat’day riddymz“Os tambores de Minas, by Milton Nascimento. This song roughly means, the drums of Minas Gerais, Milton Nascimento’s home state, will never be quiet.” Sis Ana. Saludos…
- Eduardo Galeano Chronicles the History of Huma ...“I believe this reading by Eduardo Galeano is very interesting. Eduardo Galeano, the Uruguayan intellectual, writer and novelist, describes himself as being obsessed with remembering and committed to humanity and just causes. I agree with him.” Sis. Ana. Saludos… Click here.
- sat’day riddymzFrom Sis. Ana Panamanian national, Basilio Fergus went to Spain to study medicine and realized his true calling was composing songs and singing. With his rich angelic voice, he became an international star troughout the Spanish speaking world. Cisne Cuello Negro-Black Necked Swan, a song that ta ...
- Obama vs Jesus
- “Killing and treatment of Gaddafi blow t ...Although former Libya strongman Muammar Gaddaffi was almost hated by everybody except those who were closer to him, what the new regime did to display his remains for public to ridicule was unreasonable. There might be three reasons as to why Gaddafi was killed and publicly displayed. One, it is ...
Expose the BNP
- Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a na ...
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep hi ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative cand ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop den ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterday’s Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that “Liberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.” The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parents’ finances as we ...
Ode Magazine
- Sonic boonA search for the healing power of sound I’m lying in A bed that’s as hard as nails with a series of strings along the sides and two gongs above my head. It’s known as a gong bath, and Gwen de Jong, a practitioner of sound healing at Spirit Connection in Amsterdam ...
- The secret’s in the sauceWhat my father’s recipe for pasta marinara says about the future of capitalism As the daughter of a Neapolitan, I grew up eating pasta with marinara sauce. My father didn’t always make it from scratch, but he did so often enough for me to follow his recipe through memories. Fr ...
- Clean water, clean energyIn the prosperous West, we generally only get worked up about clean water and electricity when the bill arrives in the mail, and we discover that once again, we’ve been showering too long and leaving the lights on too often. But in many parts of the world, people can only dream ...
- Blocking CO2 to beat malariaMosquitoes are so difficult to elude because they pursue us via the CO2 exhaled in our breath. That’s annoying when we’re relaxing outside on a summer evening, but it’s devastating for the 200 to 300 million people who contract malaria annually. More than 1 millio ...
- A winter’s taleCelebrating the return of the bald eagle In the Iowa winter, as the poet Robert Hass wrote, “a farmer’s dreams are narrow,” and autumn can inspire me with a kind of dread as I work in the garden that will soon be buried under snow. But this coming winter, as the ...
OpEd News
- Fairy Tale EconomicsThe only way I know to make sense of the global economic crisis is to assume, until proven otherwise, that everything Obama, Wall Street and the corporate media tell us is a lie. The economy Wall Street and our political leaders talk about is a fairy tale economy that bears no relation to the re ...
- Thanks for What?On this Thanksgiving we have been cheated of the bounty of that harvest as the stakes have been pulled up on 50 million Americans who have lost or soon will lose their homes. The housing crisis haunts a majority of Americans, even those who own their homes outright but have lost their jobs and m ...
- Five Principles - Occupy CincinnatiOccupy Cincinnati has established five principles to align with in our processes and projects.
- Genocide and the Native American ExperienceAfter the Thanksgiving myths subside, a cold hard look at reality.
- Sharing the TurkeyAmericans are for most parts kind and generous, unlike its murderous government. I'm claiming that our 99% are mostly fair and decent, unlike the 1% that rule and represent us. Working against humanity and country, this 1% bring shame and dishonor to our name.
- Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce ... M ...Brad Sewell, Senior Attorney, New York After the Mayflower landed on Cape Cod, Tisquantum—a Native American better known as Squanto, who lived among the nearby Wompanoag tribe—taught the Pilgrims how to properly fish in Massachusetts&rsq ...
- 108 Countries Support HFC Curbs under Montreal ...David Doniger, Policy Director, Climate and Clean Air Program, Washington, D.C. The parties to the Montreal Protocol resumed their debate this week in Bali, Indonesia, on whether they can do more to protect the climate under the world’s most s ...
- Giving Thanks for the Montreal Protocol - Proo ...David Doniger, Policy Director, Climate and Clean Air Program, Washington, D.C. I just posted a report on the latest meeting of the parties to the Montreal Protocol, in Bali Indonesia. Let me add a personal reflection, as this is the Thanksgiv ...
- Giving Thanks . . . for Urban Green Space (an ...Larry Levine, Senior Attorney, New York As we all gather with our loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving, we have so many things for which to give thanks. Family, friends . . . football. Last Sunday, I took a jaunt downtown to the “ ...
- Clean Energy Opportunities Inspire, Even at a ...Peter Lehner, Executive Director, New York City I’m just returning from Honduras, where I spoke at a conference at Zamorano, Central America’s largest agricultural university. What I said, about farm pollution and opportunities to r ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- ConsolationsUnfathomably terrible news for longtime friend of LGM James Joyner. Sincerest consolations to James and his family.
- This Changes NothingAgain, I can’t really blame the campaign journalists for pretending that the GOP nomination race is still a going concern, but for anyone tempted to think that the Union Leader‘s endorsement of man who isn’t running for president Newt Gingrich is a big deal, let’s keep in ...
- The Shallower Jonah GoldbergShorter Verbatim Ann Althouse: “Moody doesn’t entertain the notion that OWS might be fascist. He blithely links Miller and fascism to the conservative side of the political spectrum.” And Althouse blithely refuses to consider that fascism in fact resides on the complacent cente ...
- The future: A lovely vacation in SpainIt’s pretty hard to set a new standard for “dumbest argument about climate change,” but this may just pull off that difficult feat. Via Henry Farrell. (Who also notes the evolution of the post tags)
- Stopping KeystoneWhile the nation’s attention has been focused on Occupy Wall Street, Jane Mayer wonders whether the really important American political movement of 2011 has not actually been the Bill McKibben led movement to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. I wouldn’t go so far as to downplay the impo ...
Desert Research Institute
- Radiation Levels in Real Time? There's an App ...Gamma radiation levels in the southern Nevada area will soon be accessible around the world at the touch of a finger. Makers of the cell phone application EcoData: Radiation are expanding their global network of radiation monitoring stations to include up-to-date readings from the Community Envi ...
- Truckee River Fund Supports DRI’s Integrated W ...DRI Scientists receive $318,000 from Truckee River Fund and the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for the development and implementation of an integrated water quality monitoring program for the Truckee River from Tahoe City to Marble Bluff dam (just upstream of Pyramid Lake).
- Dilworth students participate in Mission Antar ...Students at Dilworth STEM Academy join a team of scientists in Antarctica as they study the molecular biology, and evolution of microscopic organisms. The work has implications for understanding impacts of climate change and the ecology and evolution of organisms in the Southern Ocean.
- Communicating Science with AnimationDerek Norpchen calls his work eye candy. “I take the data that the scientists gather in the field and turn it into animations and visualizations so that the projects sponsors and the public can better understand the science behind the issue.”
- ASCENT Connecting women in atmospheric sciencesAtmospheric Science Collaborations and Enriching Networks (ASCENT) is a program focusing on women in atmospheric science/meteorology. It’s designed to initiate positive professional relationships among female faculty of different ranks and postdoctoral researchers.
Earth Techling
- U.S. Offshore Wind: How Best To Proceed?The U.S. is lagging on offshore wind, but ABB and partners say a DOE-backed study on grid interconnection could help move things forward smartly.
- The Insight Behind Record Solar EfficiencyBerkeley researchers realized that external fluorescence output was the key to building a solar cell that busted the old efficiency records.
- LEED Housing For UC Santa Barbara FacultyUC Santa Barbara has earned LEED certification for its new Ocean Walk faculty housing development, located just blocks from the beach.
- CRT Recycling Challenge Offers CashIf you can come up with an environmentally friendly way to dispose of the lead-heavy cathode ray tube glass used in old TVs, you could win up to $5,000.
- Philly Ripe For Green Retrofits, Studies SayTwo reports from the Greater Philadelphia Innovation Cluster for Energy Efficient Buildings shows that 47% of the city's comm. buildings could use an upgrade.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- How likely is Congress to fix federal sentenci ...The left and the right have yet to find common ground, and neither side has shown a willingness to compromise.
- The Minority 40 Under 40The lawyers profiled here were all born in the 1970s, a decade when law schools and law firms were just beginning to welcome minorities in significant numbers. The thriving careers of these lawyers — at law firms and in government, academia and public interest — attest to the greater ...
- WHITE-COLLAR CRIME: Taking a stand on taking t ...The decision about whether a defendant testifies should be exceptionally nuanced; ramifications are hard to judge.
- IN-HOUSE COUNSEL: Big moneyProfile of the Blackstone Group's general counsel John Finley.
- OPINION: Muzzling teachers on FacebookMissouri law illustrated dangers of chipping away at speech with a meat-ax instead of a scalpel.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Shale Gas Drilling PhotosThe below link will take you to public web album with photos from folks who live in areas where the gas drilling is happening. Click the link and see what the truth looks like. https://picasaweb.google.com/chec.pitt/ShaleGasDrilling
- Marcellus Shale case appealed to Pa. Supreme C ...By DONALD GILLILAND, The Patriot-News A court case that many believe has the potential to upend 100 years of case law and God knows how many Marcellus gas leases in Pennsylvania hinges on what the everyday definition of “minerals” was in 1836. Attorneys at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney who app ...
- Learn the FACTS about Marcellus ShaleThurs. Nov. 3rd at 7 PM GAS TRUTH OF YORK is sponsoring the YORK MARCELLUS SHALE FORUM so that you can learn what you need to know about Shale Gas drilling in Pennsylvania. In South Central PA we do not have Marcellus Shale drilling but the Oil & Gas Industry is affecting our water, land, ...
- Gas Truth of Central Pennsylvania Wants to Hea ...Give Your Testimony to the CITIZENS MARCELLUS SHALE COMMISSION GAS TRUTH is giving support to the CITIZENS MARCELLUS SHALE COMMISSION that has been formed by 8 organizations that want to get out the truth about the effect of Shale Gas drilling on Pennsylvania. Governor Corbett formed his Gas in ...
- GASLAND and Josh Fox Come to York, PAWed. Sept. 21st at 6:30 PM HACC York Campus is sponsoring a special outdoor screening of the Emmy award-winning film, GASLAND. GASLAND’s Director, Josh Fox will answer questions following the film. GASLAND is the story of the effect of Fracking for Natural Gas on families and communities ...
News Blaze
- NUSOJ Spearheads Conference to Honor Slain Som ...Most of the participants were journalists, diplomats, Somali lawmakers, ministries from the transitional federal government, Somali Ambassador to Kenya, Somali civil society representatives, Somali youth leaders, International press freedom organiza
- Car-Sized Rover 'Curiosity' Explores MarsThe mission will pioneer precision landing technology and a sky-crane touchdown to place Curiosity near the foot of a mountain inside Gale Crater on Aug. 6, 2012.
- New Amendments in Belarus Curtail Basic Human ...Under the new laws, organizing public assemblies without the prior and explicit consent of the authorities is a criminal offense, and organizers also face reporting liabilities regarding the financial resources used for any assemblies. Public calls
- The Privileges of Using Nitro Pro 7Nitro recently conducted a survey of 1000 Americans, and the results were quite interesting. While a majority of Americans acknowledged frequently using digital documents that commonly come as PDFs
- Water and Sanitation Crisis Claims More Lives ...Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water-related disease and diarrhea remains the second leading cause of death of children under the age of five.
environment 360
- Google Green Energy Program Is Cut as Company ...Google Inc. says it is abandoning its ambitious program to drive down the cost of renewable energy, one of seven major initiatives canceled by the Internet giant this week as it looks to focus on its core projects. Launched four years ago through Google.org, the company’s philanthropic arm, the ...
- Court Restores Protections For Yellowstone Par ...A federal appeals court has ruled that Yellowstone National Park’s population of 600 grizzly bears was improperly removed from the endangered species list, saying the bears face an unprecedented threat from the widespread die-off of a key food source, the white bark USFWS pine. A three judge ...
- Video: In Drought-Stricken West, A War Against ...In an e360 video, journalist Jon Brand reports on the controversy over the tamarisk tree, or salt cedar, which has been a fixture in West Texas since the late 1800s, when settlers imported it from the Mediterranean. As salt cedar has spread throughout the southwestern U.S., it has been vili ...
- New Cache of Emails Leaked in Advance of Durba ...An anonymous source has released a new cache of private emails from some of the world’s leading climate scientists, a leak apparently timed to disrupt international climate talks beginning next week in Durban, South Africa. While it remains unclear who shared the 5,000 emails — which are availab ...
- Camera Traps Document Wild Cats in Unprotected ...Using a network of camera traps, researchers captured images of five wild cat species within the same Sumatran forest corridor, an unprotected area rich in biodiversity but threatened by industrial logging and View gallery WWF-IndonesiaCamera trap images of wild cats in Sumatra clear-cutting f ...
Red Ice Creations
- Out Of The Ashes Of The Collapse Of The Eurozo ...All over Europe, headlines are declaring that the eurozone is on the verge of collapse. Many people falsely assume that this will mean the end of the euro and a return to national currencies. Unfortunately, that is not going to be the case at all. Instead, this is going to be yet another example ...
- Penn State Students Support Child Molester Ena ...Here‘s how (some) Penn State students reacted to the firing of Coach Joe Paterno. If you didn‘t already know, Paterno was fired because he found out his assistant coach was molesting children back in 2002 and didn‘t do anything about it. All of this is so sickening.
- Riddle of the radiation sweeping across Europe ...Ed comment: Despite continued problems at Fukushima the IAEA says that the source of the increased levels of radioactive iodine-131 all over Europe is unknown - resorts to blaming cosmic radiation. Very low levels of radioactive iodine-131 have been detected throughout Europe, but the particles ...
- Silvio Berlusconi resigns as PMSilvio Berlusconi has resigned as prime minister of Italy, after dominating the country‘s politics for 17 years. President Giorgio Napolitano is likely to appoint technocrat Mario Monti as his successor. Mr Berlusconi lost his majority amid an acute debt crisis that threatens the eurozone. He pr ...
- Sarkozy called Israeli PM Netanyahu ‘liar‘French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "liar" in remarks to US President Barack Obama overheard by journalists. "I can‘t stand him any more, he‘s a liar," Mr Sarkozy said in French. "You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day," ...
Russia Today
- Pakistan to ‘completely review’ ties with USPakistan says it is reviewing its relations with the US and NATO and has taken “urgent action” after a NATO attack on Friday killed 24 Pakistani soldiers. A key Afghan border has been sealed and the US ordered to quit...
- US AMD dilemma: Big dollar or world peace?Russia’s President Medvedev sent a sharp warning this week to Western powers over the planned NATO missile shield in Europe. He said if the plans go ahead without guarantees of Russia's safety, Moscow would deploy...
- ‘West should give way to regional players in S ...More casualties are being reported in Syria as armed rebels and government troops continue to clash in the country's eastern region. The violence continues amid increased pressure from other Arab nations and from the...
- Cairo’s bloody saga: Protester crushed by army ...A demonstrator was crushed to death by a military vehicle in Cairo on Saturday and another four injured when protesters tried to stop Kamal Al-Ganzouri, the new prime minister appointed by Egypt’s military regime, from...
- Life on Mars: Russian detector to help crack e ...NASA’s latest Mars mission takes off on Saturday carrying a huge array of high-tech tools. Critical to its success is a cutting-edge water detector built by Russian scientists.
Not My Tribe
- Operation: Love ReunitedAwww, how sweet… A volunteer group of professional photographers taking pictures of the “warriors” and their families as they go off to fight “for our freedom”. Anybody catch the tone yet? A sickly sweet family scene with a father in the Air Force being deployed, le ...
- Bad News for the CorpoFascists… Cali wom ...at a WalMart, scuffling over an X-Box. All the Corporate Goodies in one bag here, pepper spray, Capitalism, WalMart, Microsoft, greed, all in one fell swoop. On the main YouTube video of UC Davis Occupy being peppersprayed, 30 thousand comments and most from a tiny minority of the viewers, Right ...
- Disney stop poisoning our childrenOCCUPIED COLO. SPRINGS- Brianna saw the Adbusters flag with the corporate stars and stripes and was shocked to see the Disney logo in the multinational firmament. Do I have to hate Disney she asked?
- Banksters buying debt again, another bucket of ...So one credit card (not debit, which is money you do have, but credit which for some reason is money you DON’T have, God they’ve screwed up the English language) offers a 5% cash rebate for up $300 a quarter (I think) in purchases. Or, $15 back. Which another card issuer, Chase, as i ...
- It’s ThanksNowFuckOffAndDieGivingTHANKSGIVING would seem to commemorate misplaced thanks. Our thanks are not for the bounty of the New World, or for receiving aid from the indigenous peoples, or for assuming stewardship over their gardens and farms, or God forbid for their joining us for supper. American white folk give thanks ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- 9/11 Truth Versus The BBCMy video editing software hasn't been working for months, then all of a sudden it inexplicably came to life about three weeks ago (although it's still really slow), so I decided to finish a video that I started literally over a year ago. I thought it was time to go back to my roots and make ano ...
- 9/11 Truth Movement Trying to Co-opt the Occu ...Please spread to individual Occupy movement supporters, affiliated groups, websites, and forums. This is a plea for the Occupy movement to drop any preconceived notions about, and take careful consideration of, forming an alliance with the 9/11 truth movement, specifically the OccupyBuilding7.o ...
- Corbett Report Radio 011 – Occupy Building 7 w ...September 11, 2001 - the day our country was hijacked and a permanent war was launched that will not end in our lifetime unless we the 99% stop it. Ten years later the War on Terrorism has diverted trillions of dollars from more important uses and sunken our country into debt. 15 NOV 2011 Pod ...
- Thermite Has Never Been Used in Building Demol ..."Thermite has never been used in building demolition." - [9/11] Critical Thinking For Dummies - Controlled Demolition by "Juniversal" at the JREF Forum Popular Mechanics Ignores Its Own Historical Records of Thermite Demolition: Destruction of Skyride Towers, Reichstag Dome Set Incendiary Prece ...
- The Trapping of Screw Loose ChangeNovember 3, 2011 by Jeffrey Strahl 911truth.org Dear Readers, Please submit your comments on this article at the link at Amazon, here, as provided below by Mr. Strahl. 911Truth.org published this article; the author is not available to be reached through email to this site. We look forward to ...
- What if There was Black Friday for Fresh Produce?Friday’s shopping madness included consumer electronics, household items, clothes, toys and just about anything. Except for food. Well, maybe specialty and gourmet online retailers, but not your regular supermarket fare. What if supermarkets also had black friday sales? More specifically, ...
- Unpalatable Farm BillThis is a guest blog post by Benzi Ronen, founder & CEO of Farmigo Anyone interested in the future of agricultural policy in the U.S. has surely been following the progress of the U.S. Farm Bill that is currently making its ways through the halls of Congress. The bill is set to shape U.S. po ...
- Nutrition That Rocks: Using Media to Solve the ...This is a guest blog post by Jill Jayne, MS, RD Childhood obesity means more than just fat kids. It means that about one-third of American kids—despite eating too many calories—are not getting the proper nutrition. The repercussions are serious: a poor diet affects emotional health, physical fit ...
- Ten Thanksgiving Turkey Trivia TidbitsHappy Thanksgiving folks! It’s our third holiday of thanks with the wonderful Fooducate community. A BIG THANKS for your participation, discussion, proofreading, words of encouragement, and most importantly for showing up here to learn about better food choices. Here are some interesting f ...
- What’s in Turkey Stuffing?Yesterday we wrote about Thanksgiving’s cranberry sauce tradition. Today we’ll take a look inside a turkey – more specifically at the stuffing. Filling the cavities of poultry dates back to Roman times, and there are many food items that can be used – from grains to veget ...
- Twitter Step by StepTwitter management can be a daunting task. There are a lot of articles telling you the do's and don'ts of Twitter, however it can still be difficult to pin down exactly what you should be doing each day step by step. If you are having a hard time getting organized and keeping up with everything ...
- SEO Tips For Your Blog and BusinessWhen was the last time you thought about your site beyond adding content? It is probably time to take a look at how things are organized. When you started the site you had certain goals, ideas and experiences, now as time has passed it is a good idea to take another look at those goals [...]
- How To Choose KeywordsEvery day millions of searches are performed on the internet and all of those search terms are saved and provided to us to peruse at our discretion. Unfortunately, on the other hand, there are millions of searches performed every day on the internet and ALL that data is saved and provided to us ...
- Why Social Media Isn’t Working For YouSo you took the first step and signed yourself up for some social media sites and started marketing yourself and now you're waiting for the traffic to start rolling in. You've done your research about social media marketing and everyone tells you to find followers, engage them and turn them into ...
- How Do I Tweet – Writing the $6 Million Dollar ...Twitter recently made claims that they had reached 100 million users. A fairly impressive feat to be sure, and that is reflected in the pull people give to twitter as a social media outlet. Great tweets can make you a star as fast bad ones can kill your image. Most of the time tweets just pass ...
Survival International
- Filipino tribe protest as billionaire agrees t ...Palawan planting upland rice in the Philippines. © Dario Novellino Members of a Filipino tribe are protesting after the country’s second richest businessman agreed to enter a joint mining venture on the island of Palawan. The agreement signed between Lucio Tan’s MacroAsia Corporation and C ...
- New uncontacted pictures validate Brazil’s Yan ...New picture of an uncontacted Yanomami village in Brazil © Hutukara/Survival Survival has released new pictures of an uncontacted Yanomami village in Brazil, 20 years after one of its crucial campaigns created the biggest forested indigenous territory in the world. Survival International, ...
- Leader's last words: "Take care of this land"Nísio Gomes's last words were to his son. © Survival The last words of Nísio Gomes, the Guarani leader assassinated yesterday in southern Brazil, were to his son Valmir: ‘Don’t leave this place. Take care of this land with courage. This is our land. Nobody will drag you from it. Look a ...
- Masked gunmen attack Brazilian Indian leader i ...Nísio Gomes, a Guarani shaman shot dead by gunmen, in a photo taken just two days ago. © Survival Survival has developing news from Brazil, where masked gunmen have today executed an Indian religious leader in front of his community. Gunmen surrounded Nísio Gomes, ordering his community to ...
- Indigenous spokesman dismissed from Brazilian ...Kayapó Indians dance at a protest against the Belo Monte dam © Terence Turner Megaron Txucarramãe, an indigenous spokesman from the Brazilian Amazon, has been dismissed from his post in the government’s Indian Affairs Department, FUNAI. Megaron, of the Kayapó tribe, has stated that his dis ...
Greg Palast
- Kick-Ass, Mind-blowing"Greg Palast's Vultures’ Picnic is an eye-opening, heart-pumping, mind-blowing experience that should not, MUST not, be missed." - Nomi Prins, author Other People's Money We are just a few books short of bumping Bill O'Reilly on the New York Times list. Get it now, this weekend. We don ...
- Goldfinger eats CongoGoldfinger eats Congo Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!... "Top funders of the Republican Party have demanded that two African nations pay them over half a billion dollars.... Is one of these vulture’s claims based on a stolen security, criminally transferred to an American financier called 'Goldfi ...
- Etok is One Bad-Ass Eskimo-In September, Obama ...Alternet.org - From the Arctic Circle, from inside a whale carcass (really), Greg Palast investigates... There is a legend told among the Inupiat Alaskans who live above the Arctic Circle, “Etok Tames the Green People.” It goes like this: In the Old Days, as today, the peoples on the edge of t ...
- This is it, folks...This is it, folks - our last chance to make the New York Times bestseller list - we're doing well - but we want to slam it - we want to make sure that people can't miss Vultures’ Picnic when they go on Amazon, walk into stores and browse at airports. Let’s make sure the media can’t ignore [...]
- Before the BeginningRaven, that Lying Little Bastard by Greg Palast for TheMudflats.net "If I had a machine gun, I'd kill every one of them white sons of bitches." Makarka didn't say, "white." He used the unkind Alutiiq phrase, isuwiq-something, bleached seal. As a bleached seal myself, I couldn't blame him, n ...
How Can I Recycle This ?
- How can I reuse coffee that’s sat on the ...We’ve had an email from Iris: We make a big jug of filter coffee each morning at the weekend but I regularly have to pour away the last cup or two away because it’s gone bitter. Is there anything I can do to revive it or use it up some other way? Of course, there [...]
- How can I recycled/pass on an old, working ele ...We’ve had an email from Richard: We have 4-year-old electric oven in good working order which we would like to donate to a Charity. Any ideas? We’ll actually in a similar position soon – our (15+ year old) oven works for general cooking but not for the precise/high temperatures ...
- How can I reuse roller adhesive refill packs ( ...We’ve had an email from Carmel: Hello, I’m a paper crafter and was a Stampin Up demonstrator and use the Stampin Up snail adhesives or the tombow roller adhesives. Anyhow, to refill these things you have to buy another plastic mechanism that has the tape already in it. With all the p ...
- How can I reuse or recycle pretty synthetic li ...Over on The Really Good Life, we’re in the middle of a decluttering month, with the hope of developing a general habit of asking “do we need or even want this?” rather than getting blind to things that have been on shelves for years. I’m also setting a weekly mini-challen ...
- What can I reuse or recycle to make soap moulds?I made my first batch of cold-process soap earlier in the year – it took FOREVER to trace, but we’ve loved the resulting soap so I need to make some more. Ever since I made that first batch, I’ve been on the look out for what I can use as moulds this time around. Last [...]
Age of Autism
- Congratulations to Talk About Curing Autism on ...TACA Founder Lisa Ackerman is flanked by former NFL plaers Jason Bell, left, and DeShaun Foster. Congrats to our sponsor and good friends at TACA on a successful event. TACA gives parents the knowledge and skills they need to help...
- Best of AofA: Brian Deer's Wakefield Soap OperaWe first ran this post in the Spring of 2010. Given recent developments we thought we'd run it again for you. To read more from the prolific Martin Walker, who has followed and recounted the GMC Hearing from start to...
- Canary Party for America's Health Freedom Righ ...Canaries of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina Regional Conference Register HERE. Come be a part of history as we launch the most ambitious effort yet aimed at restoring health freedom and scientific integrity...
- The Story of Lorrin Kain, a Deadly DPT "Hot Lo ...By Anne Dachel Last May I attended Autism One in Chicago. It was an incredible meeting of parents, advocates and medical experts. A number of parents had their children with them, some severely disabled with autism. I didn't meet anyone...
- AofA Contest From Lee SilsbyOur good friends from Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD are offering you a chance to try two popular and useful products this holiday season. We'll have two winners each of whom will receive a bottle of Enhansa curcumin supplement...
Global BDS Movement
- Rotten fruit delivered to Mehadrin’s London of ...A group of Palestinians and campaigners for Palestinian rights delivered rotten fruit and empty water bottles to the UK headquarters of Israeli fruit and vegetable export company Mehadrin in Borehamewood, near London, yesterday in protest at the role the company plays in the colonisation of Pale ...
- Protest and lobby held at Belgian Ministry of ...Ten activists from Belgian group Vredesactie held a visible picket Friday outside the offices of the Ministry of Economy in the Brussels and held a lobby meeting with ministry officials
- British companies targeted for investment in I ...Protests take place outside offices of Israeli agricultural export companies across Europe
- Take Apartheid off the Menu!Follow all the latest updates from the November 26 European Day of Action against Israeli agriculutral produce exporters
- Activists in France launch campaign against Me ...Mehadrin has become Israel's largest agricultural produce exporter and is deeply complicit with Israeli violations of international law
Farm Wars
- Happy Corporate Holidays, America!It's the time of year when we plunge headlong into personal debt to support China and other countries while America slides into economic chaos.
- Media Consolidation: The Illusion of Choice In ..."I’ve always advocated for critical consumption, and what could be more important than an awareness of the sources of our families’ daily info and entertainment diets? And today, most of our media is controlled by one of six companies. Check out Frugaldad’s infographic on the state of media cons ...
- The Consolidation of American Food Infographic"...Take a look at this infographic from the Frugal Dad team. I’ve said it a million times – you get what you pay for, and cheap food is no exception. The amount of consolidation in the industry is shocking, and it’s not getting better any time soon."
- Executive Order 13575 Rural Council – Agenda 21"Obama recently signed EO 13575, establishing the White House Rural Council. The council is a list of the most aggressive agencies and departments in the US government. The all-inclusive council members represent the very agencies and departments most dedicated to forcing the subjugation of the ...
- How to Rewrite HistoryFamily units working together as a cohesive unit are anathema to what appears to be a concerted effort to destroy what we have and rewrite our very existence. But what can we do? How can we reverse this trend and bring history back into focus, denying the falsehood that is being thrust upon us b ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Study determines overfishing ‘tipping po ...FIS – Once fish stocks fall below 300 kg per ha, their coral reefs may collapse and lose their productivity. This figure offers an indicator of the “tipping point” or sustainable fishing, a new study claims. Read article
- Indigenous group battle with police in ChileReuters – Mapuche Indians set fire to trucks as they clashed with police over plans for a new airport in Temuco, Chile. Read article
- China’s Pacific Push Spurs U.S. Spending ...Bloomberg – China’s naval expansion in the Pacific Ocean is poised to accelerate U.S. investment in anti- submarine warfare equipment, according to Ultra Electronics Holdings Plc, the world’s biggest supplier of sonar detectors. The Pentagon and its allies will focus spending o ...
- UAE urges nationals to leave SyriaKhaleej Times – The United Arab Emirates has urged its nationals to leave Syrian territory and to postpone plans to travel to Syria because of the current tensions there, a senior UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. “Emiratis who are already in Syria are advised to avoid large gatherin ...
- EU sounds alarm for threatened freshwater speciesBBC – Many of Europe’s freshwater fish and molluscs are now threatened species, a new EU study shows. The European Commission called for urgent action to preserve the diversity of Europe’s wildlife. Read article
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- CO2 sensitivity possibly less than most extrem ...A new study in the journal Science suggests that the global climate may be less sensitive to CO2 fluctuations than predicted by the most extreme projections, and maybe slightly less than the best estimates of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
- Doug Brinkley, Rep. Don Young squabble over Ar ...Famed biographer Doug Brinkley and Alaskan Rep. Don Young clashed bitterly last Friday as Brinkley, a professor at Rice University and the author most recently of “The Quiet World: Saving Alaska’s Wilderness Kingdom 1979-1960,” testified at a House Natural Resources Committee meeting regarding t ...
- Court ruling keeps Yellowstone grizzlies on 't ...A ruling by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's 2007 decision to remove the "threatened" designation for Yellowstone grizzly bears under the Endangered Species Act.
- Peter Brown back onboard with Sea ShepherdPeter Brown, the activist and filmmaker who recently released a warts-and-all portrait of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in his documentary film, “Confessions of an Eco-Terrorist,” is making a surprising return to the crew for its annual Antarctic anti-whaling campaign after a two-year hi ...
- Karen Dawn's Thanksgiving turkey rescueAnimal activist and author Karen Dawn makes a point of having turkey for dinner every Thanksgiving, but the birds are at the table, not on it. For the fourth year in a row, Dawn, the author of the book Thanking the Monkey: Rethinking the Way We Treat Animals, has rescued two turkeys from an L.A. ...
- Christiane Amanpour interviews Damon & White (ABC)Actor Matt Damon’s Clean Water Mission (ABC This Week with Christiane Amanpour) - Actor Matt Damon is on a mission to improve access to one of the world’s most precious resources: water. “It’s really hard for people like us to relate to it, because it’s just never b ...
- Water.org, innovators using social media (BosI ...It’s Not Actually About You: How Innovators Are Using the Web For Social Action (Boston Innovation) – Water.org uses technology to help people get access to water. And together, they’re all trying to get people to change their behavior. Too often, people don’t donate to a cause or promote ...
- Matt Damon, Gary White on Huffington PostSafe Water and a Toilet — Is That Too Much to Ask… for 2.5 Billion People? By the time you finish reading this paragraph, one more child will have died from something that’s been preventable for over a century. Nearly 40 percent of the world’s population is still unable ...
- Dan Bena of PepsiCo interviewed about waterChrissy Coughlin of Nature of Business interviews Dan Bena Fabulous conversation with Senior Director of Sustainability at the PepsiCo about strategic partnerships, leadership, the future of water, their dedication to the farmer and the future of agriculture and much much more. Listen to the int ...
- Water.org™ Partners with CamelBak® This Holida ...Limited-edition water bottles with custom design to benefit those without safe water (Business Wire) PETALUMA, Calif. — CamelBak® and Water.org™ announced today that they are teaming up for a second consecutive year to share a simple and powerful way to help some of the 884 million people ...
Before It's News
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: American ...
- ‘I’ve been forward to Shen Yun for years!’ Say ...
- Arkansas Storms: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across ...
- Eats on Feets
- Introducing "Canadas Alex Jones", Dr. Judy Janzen
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley b ...
Margaret's News
- Mass Genocide of Mohawk ChildrenRev. Kevin Annett states that instruments of torture such as a rack for torturing the Mohawk children in ritual torture have been found at the now closed Mohawk Institute. Submitted by Dandelion G. to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Jordanians protest Israeli settlementsJordanians burn an Israeli flag during a protest rally in the capital, condemning Israeli attacks on Gaza. Thousands of Jordanians have rallied near the Israeli border to protest against the construction of Jewish settlements in al-Quds (Jerusalem). Submitted by Barbara W. to World | ...
- EU: Conditions Faced by Roma People - from ...Roma leaders are alarmed at the growing discrimination faced by their people in Europe, especially because of the anti-gypsy stance taken by many political parties, which blame the ethnic minority group for a wide range of social ills. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World | N ...
- EGYPT: Its January Again in Tahrir SquareDays of clashes between protesters and security forces culminated on Tuesday evening in what was estimated to be a million-man rally in Cairo's Tahrir Square to demand an end to military rule. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Some children's toys still contain toxic chemi ...Toys are the wonderful equipments for kids playing which help them to learn a lot but, Many toys still contain dangerous levels of toxins like lead, according to the 26th annual "Trouble in Toyland" report. Submitted by Yelin Pollan to World | Note-it! | Add ...
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- Google Ends Renewable Energy Research ProgramFirst Heliostats to be installed at the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in California Online search engine giant Google Inc. recently announced it is ending its ...
- Report Forecasts 130% Growth in Asia-Pacific S ...Once an after-thought in solar development, the latest data shows the Asia-Pacific region is becoming the industry's biggest market for photovoltaic solar power. read more
- NRG Energy Bolsters its Presence in Distribute ...NRG Energy Inc. (NYSE: NRG) has acquired distributed solar power developer Solar Power Partners (SPP). read more
- BLM and DOE Add Addendum to Western Solar Fast ...Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at one of California's solar energy developments. The U.S. Department of Energy and the Bureau of Land Management have c ...
- First Solar to Build and Operate 66 MW Alpine ...Electricity giant, NRG Energy recently announced an agreement to have First Solar (Nasdaq:FSLR) build, operate, and maintain a new 66 MW Alpine Solar Project in Lancaster, California. read more
News Blaze
- NUSOJ Spearheads Conference to Honor Slain Som ...Most of the participants were journalists, diplomats, Somali lawmakers, ministries from the transitional federal government, Somali Ambassador to Kenya, Somali civil society representatives, Somali youth leaders, International press freedom organiza
- Car-Sized Rover 'Curiosity' Explores MarsThe mission will pioneer precision landing technology and a sky-crane touchdown to place Curiosity near the foot of a mountain inside Gale Crater on Aug. 6, 2012.
- New Amendments in Belarus Curtail Basic Human ...Under the new laws, organizing public assemblies without the prior and explicit consent of the authorities is a criminal offense, and organizers also face reporting liabilities regarding the financial resources used for any assemblies. Public calls
- The Privileges of Using Nitro Pro 7Nitro recently conducted a survey of 1000 Americans, and the results were quite interesting. While a majority of Americans acknowledged frequently using digital documents that commonly come as PDFs
- Water and Sanitation Crisis Claims More Lives ...Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water-related disease and diarrhea remains the second leading cause of death of children under the age of five.
- Amazon's Lightning Deals for games on Sun ...It looks like Amazon will continue with daily Lightning Deals for its Cyber Monday deals week as the online retailer has revealed the scheduled deals for Sunday, November 27. The deals for Sunday are fairly light with more niche titles for the Wii, 3DS, DS, PSP and PC. You can keep track of ...
- Aamir Khan speaks out against smoking ban ...Aamir Khan has spoken out against the Indian Government's ban on smoking in films. According to " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">The Times of India, Khan argues that The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare's recent policy on on-screen tobacco smoking - that it can only be shown with discla ...
- Saif Ali Khan denies kissing scenes in 'R ...Saif Ali Khan has said that he is unhappy with reports suggesting he kissed co-star Deepika Padukone in Race 2. Apparently, there are no kissing scenes in the film and Khan is concerned as to where these stories have originated from. A source close to the actor told The Times of India: "Duri ...
- DLF Brands to launch multi-brand retail s ...NEW DELHI: DLF Brands is set to launch multi-brand retail stores to sell international fashion labels under one roof, with plans to open up to five such stores every year. DLF Brands, a subsidiary of realty major DLF Ltd, currently operates standalone stores for 11 global brands in India, in ...
- Indian market has opened up to global mov ...SHARE AND DISCUSSTweetPhillip Noyce Acclaimed Australian film director Phillip Noyce has said that the Indian market has opened up to global movies and the acceptability of international projects has flourished here. He stated that cinema has progressed by leaps and bounds across the...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embed ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any T ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cop ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- Researchers Find Men Less Willing To Be Screen ...Although men have higher cancer mortality rates than women, they are less willing to be screened for cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fla., and colleagues at Sanoa Consulting LLC, Muscle Shoals, Ala., and the New York University College of ...
- Hit the Trails RunningSo if you're feeling guilty for stuffing yourself full of turkey and trimmings (plus some yummy desserts), try shaking up your running routine this weekend. Instead of battling crowds at the malls, head to a local trail for a change of scenery. Check out the American Trail Running Association's ...
- RI Birthing Hospitals To Stop Giving Out Free ...PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — As part of efforts to encourage breastfeeding, mothers who give birth in Rhode Island will no longer receive free infant formula when they head home from the hospital. The state’s birthing hospitals ended the formula giveaways as of this fall. Rho ...
- Turkeynomics, Mahna Mahna, and 20 Pies for 19 ...“ Occupy the Gravy: Slate’s annual guide to your Thanksgiving dinner-table arguments,” by John Dickerson. It’s inevitable. At some point over hors d’ouevers, or while everyone is passing the stuffing and cranberries, a political debate will break out at your family ...
- Scientist at Work Blog: Heading Home From the ...Scientists wrap up their two months studying island birds in Papua New Guinea with a stop at an annual canoe festival that brings together hundreds of islanders. Presented By: Chicago Booth Business Forecast ...
Common Dreams
- Occupy LA Seems Set to Stay as Deadline ComesThe protesters whose tents line the lawn of Los Angeles City Hall made it clear that they received the eviction notice issued by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Whether they'll heed it is much less certain. read more
- Rich Nations Accused of Climate-Change 'Bullying'Britain and other rich countries are using aid money as a lever to bully developing countries over climate change, according to a new report by an anti-poverty pressure group. With international climate change negotiations beginning in South Africa tomorrow, a report by the World Development Mov ...
- WikiLeaks Wins Walkley for Revealing 'Inconven ...WIKILEAKS was last night awarded a Walkley for outstanding contribution to journalism for what was described by judges as a global publishing coup that achieved "justice through transparency". "WikiLeaks applied new technology to penetrate the inner workings of government to revea ...
- Thousands Await Nuclear Waste Train in GermanyDANNENBERG, Germany — Thousands of anti-nuclear protestors awaited the arrival Saturday of a train carrying radioactive nuclear waste from France to northern Germany, where it will be stored. Organisers expected some 20,000 protesters to make their way to the town of Dannenberg, where 11 c ...
- Thousands Await Nuclear Waste Train in GermanyDANNENBERG, Germany — Thousands of anti-nuclear protestors awaited the arrival Saturday of a train carrying radioactive nuclear waste from France to northern Germany, where it will be stored. Organisers expected some 20,000 protesters to make their way to the town of Dannenberg, where 11 c ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Dallas Islam: Nov. 28 - Dec. ...ExamineReligion: Dallas Islam: Nov. 28 - Dec. 4 http://t.co/NFpfOJp7
- ExamineReligion: Hannibal’s “Haunt ...ExamineReligion: Hannibal’s “Haunted” Rockcliffe Mansion http://t.co/VnVJCrJk
- ExamineReligion: When Ron Garan Goes to Work, ...ExamineReligion: When Ron Garan Goes to Work, He Has Quite A View http://t.co/d9sI8SOn
- ExamineReligion: Grace, Grace and MORE Grace - ...ExamineReligion: Grace, Grace and MORE Grace - A Devotion http://t.co/AiAzcLrC
- ExamineReligion: Advent in the monastery http: ...ExamineReligion: Advent in the monastery http://t.co/PUQjTQwI
Energy Collective
- Trade Dispute Poses Dangers for Residential Solar?You may have heard or read about the trade dispute brought before the US Department of Commerce between Solar World and Chinese panel manufacturers.
- Fracking In The Mountain State Leaves A Commun ...West Virginia is home to one of the most destructive coal mining practices in the world--mountaintop removal--a process that blows up pristine mountains to lay bare the bituminous coal below. But a new fossil fuel Gold Rush has hit the Mountain State; fracking for natura ...
- Can Global Emissions Be Reduced At All?As society grapples with the issue of climate change, the merit of various technologies and emission reduction approaches arises. Some advocate for a rapid switch to renewable energy, others favour nuclear and most argue that unless the efficiency of energy use is robustly tackled then there can ...
- Keystone XL, One Head of the HydraIn ancient Greek mythology, the Hydra was a deadly monster that had many heads. If one was cut off two grew in its place.
- The Montreal Protocol - Proof That Countries A ...I just posted a report on the latest meeting of the parties to the Montreal Protocol, in Bali Indonesia. Let me add a personal reflection, as this is the Thanksgiving holiday weekend back home in America. Bali is a beautiful place, but on the whole I’d rather be sharing turkey leftov ...
Green House - USA Today
- Climate change affects each U.S. state, Web to ...How badly is climate change affecting your state? A new Web tool allows users to see how vulnerable their area has been to drought, flooding and heat extremes as well as the health problems that go along with them.
- What's in your child's car seat? Study finds t ...What's a parent to do? You buy a car seat to keep your child safe but then find out, as a new study reports, that 60% of these products contain dangerous chemicals. The good news: some seats were found to be almost toxic-free.
- U.S. cities require buildings to disclose ener ...Worried that the apartment you like could be an energy hog? Help is on the way as U.S. states and cities begin this year to require that commercial buildings measure and disclose their energy use.
- Study: Climate change imperils Himalayan glaciers Two of three Himalayan glaciers -- both in humid areas of eastern Nepal -- could disappear if present climate change patterns continue, a study predicts.
- Environmentalists cheer Obama's fuel economy hikePresident Obama's plan to double fuel efficiency standards for cars and light-duty trucks by 2025 received applause from environmentalists who had pressed for such action.
Prior Art
- With $4.5 Billion Bid, Group Led by Apple and ...HASH(0xa1dc540)
- Hangover Cure: Warner Bros. Settles Copyright ...HASH(0x4aa6940)
- This Week in IP: Apps, Tats, and Patent Reform ...HASH(0x5fdc098)
- App Backwards: Lodsys, Texas Troll, Targeted i ...HASH(0x4a616f8)
- Supreme Court Rules Against Microsoft in i4i CaseHASH(0x4a53730)
Peoples Voice
- The Feds Knew: 50 years of fracking-induced ea ...By Rady Ananda Washington's Blog posted some info last August confirming that the US federal government has long known of the link between fracking and earthquakes, as well as the link between deep well fluids contaminating shallow drinking wells. As more info keeps coming out, this collection ...
- Global milk war ramps up as citizens face off ...By Rady Ananda The battle for food freedom intensifies across the planet as citizens assert their right to raw dairy products unadulterated by drugs and genetically modified ingredients – in the face of authorities seeking to restrict our food choices and to criminalize entrepreneurs who ...
- Suffolk Co. NY to hear proposal to ban chemtrailsBy Rady Ananda Food Freedom On Dec. 6, New York’s Suffolk County government will hold a public hearing on a proposal to ban aerial spraying of aluminum oxide, barium, sulfur, and other salts into the air over the county without first filing an Environmental Impact Statement with and rece ...
- US Higher Education in Crisisby Stephen Lendman Diogenes called education "the foundation of every state." Education reformer Horace Mann said the "common (public) school (is) the greatest discovery ever made by man." Education reform under Bush and Obama want public education made another business profit center. Doing so ...
- Thanksgiving Hypocrisyby Stephen Lendman On November 25, 2009, a New York Times editorial headlined, "A Thanksgiving Toast," saying: "Sitting down with friends and family today, there will be thanks for the steady currents, flowing out of the past, that have brought us to this table....And there will be prayerful t ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Instruments of Social ChangeThe recent Occupy movements have sparked a number of fundamental conversations about the world in which we currently live and how it needs to change. But how do we nurture societal change that ensures an inclusive, equitable, fair and sustainable world--one that values experience and personal ci ...
- Household carbon footprints increase with incomeA new CCPA report finds household carbon footprints increase with income. In fact, the richest 20% of Canadian households are responsible for almost double the greenhouse gas emissions of those in the lowest-income households. The study, by Marc Lee and Amanda Card, concludes that GHG reduction ...
- Recommended reading: FearmongerFearmonger, by CCPA research associate Paula Mallea, is the first comprehensive independent analysis of the "tough on crime" policies and legislation being implemented by the Harper government. According to Statistics Canada, all crime rates—including violent crime—have been trending downward ...
- Retirement HeistUnions are working people’s anti-theft device, so goes the bumper sticker. In a new book entitled, Retirement Heist: How Companies Plunder and Profit from the Nest Eggs of American Workers, award-winning journalist Ellen Schultz has written an indispensable account of the organized kleptom ...
- 2011 David Lewis Lecture: Stephen Lewis and Mi ...On November 3rd, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives proudly hosted the 2011 David Lewis Lecture in Toronto. This year’s lecture featured an intimate conversation between two of Canada’s leading thinkers and recipients of the Order of Canada - Stephen Lewis and Michele Landsberg. H ...
World Wide Hippies
- Let’s play ‘Hate the Hippie’By Jaime O’Neill,paradisepost.com – I’ve been writing this column for a long time now, and I’ve attracted my share of hate mail. Though I no longer remember the opinion I offered in my first column, I do remember being surprised at the vehemence of some of the responses i ...
- The Shopping SheepleBy Diana May Waldman,WWH- I am always amazed at the people who lunge for the dangling carrot. Not only will they lunge, they will knock you over to get there. Please view the following video. It shows what happens when the doors are opened for Black Friday Shopping. http://www.youtube.com/watch? ...
- Worldwide Hippies Book NookWWH – Book Nook will appear every Sunday here at WorldWide Hippies. We want to bring you some of the best writers and poets–whether they are new writers, weary older writers, experimental, funny, romantic, and innovative and energetic writers. You’ll find them here, each and every Sunday a ...
- The Shocking Truth About the Crackdown on OccupyBy Naomi Wolf, Guardian UK – The violent police assaults across the US are no coincidence. Occupy has touched the third rail of our political class’s venality US citizens of all political persuasions are still reeling from images of unparallelled police brutality in a coordinated cra ...
- Worldwide Hippies News Briefs SundayHow much crazier can Black Friday get? NEW YORK (AP) — Pepper-sprayed customers, smash-and-grab looters and bloody scenes in the shopping aisles. How did Black Friday devolve into this? As reports of shopping-related violence rolled in this week from Los Angeles to New York, experts say a volati ...
- Substance in Gulf of Mexico likely sediment, n ...A reported "sheen" in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana is likely the result of large amounts of sediment, not spilled oil, the U.S. Coast Guard said on Sunday. The Coast Guard collected and tested samples of a dark substance after receiving varying reports on Saturda ...
- Florida spring breakers find the oil (VIDEO)
- Fight Against Marine Garbage Runs Into Plastic ...HONOLULU, Hawaii, U.S., Mar 28, 2011 (IPS) - Every day, billions of plastic bags and bottles are discarded, and every day, millions of these become plastic pollution, fouling the oceans and endangering marine life. No one wants this, but there is wide disagreement about how to stop it. "Eve ...
- Ocean Garbage: Floating LandminesNo matter where you travel on the Canada's West Coast, no matter how remote or seemingly untrammelled and pristine the fiord or inlet, a piece of plastic, Styrofoam or other garbage has been there before you. God knows how it got there: Dumped recklessly off a vessel, swept down a river or throu ...
Crisis Maven
- Neutrinos, Physics, Meteors and the Survival o ...As you may have noticed, CrisisMaven recently dabbled in speculative thought about the role of a universe-wide encyclopedia cum news service. The reason this came about was that recently at the Large Hadron Collider around Geneva/Switzerland and crossing under the French border a team of scienti ...
- Archaeology, the Internet and NeutrinosOr: Space and the Universe are a Palimpsest . Most recently Israeli archaeologists unearthed a crusader’s inscription believed to be around 800 years old and, which is why it makes headlines, written in Arabic. For those who have followed archaelogical progress over several decades (and re ...
- Updated Statistical, Economic and Historical R ...We have updated our References section and, for the first time, also published our References ordered by Subjects – probably the most comprehensive trove on Statistical, Economic, Monetary and Historical Data etc. … References by Subject References – General and Applied Statistics Re ...
- Why Our Future Must Be Solar As Our Past Once WasWhen you put a pot on the hot plate on your stove and switch on the heat – do you not expect the pot to get hot? When you add energy on the earth’s surface to what the sun and geothermal influences already provide would you not expect the earth respectively the atmosphere to get [...]
- Why Our Future Must Be Solar As Our Past Once WasWhen you put a pot on the hot plate on your stove and switch on the heat – do you not expect the pot to get hot? When you add energy on the earth’s surface to what the sun and geothermal influences already provide would you not expect the earth respectively the atmosphere to get [...]
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagfl ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trad ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy p ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the curren ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- R-Squared Energy TV: Episode 2 – Environmental ...Join the forum discussion on this post This week’s episode of R-Squared Energy TV considers a couple of questions that I receive from time to time. The questions are as follows: You’ve called yourself an environmentalist in the past; can you expound on that? What causes do you support ...
- How I Would Decide the Keystone XL Pipeline IssueThe following is a lengthy essay explaining why I would approve the Keystone pipeline despite finding myself on the side of those concerned over the negative environmental impact of tar sands development. I will debunk much of the misinformation going on in the pipeline debate and ultimately lay ...
- Announcing R-Squared Energy TVJoin the forum discussion on this post This week on R-Squared, we are starting a feature that readers have asked for on occasion, and one that Consumer Energy Report editor Sam Avro has been asking me to do for a while now. Each week we will be putting up a short video clip in which [...]
- Take a Stand, Mr. PresidentJoin the forum discussion on this post The Importance of Being Decisive When I worked in Scotland, one of my managers was a wise Englishman named Graham Walker. As with many people whose paths I have crossed in my life, some nuggets of wisdom were transferred from Graham into my long-term memo ...
- Germany Faces Sticker Shock Over Renewable Ene ...Join the forum discussion on this post The following is a guest post from Oilprice.com, republished with permission to R-Squared. For years many Germans warned that nuclear was the only way they could meet the energy needs of their population and reduce carbon emissions at the same time. Now th ...
Discovery Educator Network
- Free Classroom Guides and Educational Download ...Tags: edutopia, resources, education, classroom, technology, learning, students, teachers, brain, project, media, assessments, assessby: Jennifer Dorman
- http://docs.docstoc.com/pdf/1176380/42e90573-4 ...Comments:Google for Teachers ebook - Carolyn RainsTags: googleforeducators, Google, for, teachers, docs, pdfby: Carolyn Rains
- Superwoman Was Already Here: The Montessori Ph ...Tags: montessori, education, classroom, learning, teachingby: Jennifer Dorman
- Harvard Education LetterTags: flippedclassroom, flipped, technology, education, teaching, pedagogy, techtalkby: Dean Mantz
- teachwithyouripad - iPad AppsTags: ipad, apps, education, ipads, teachwithyouripad, wiki, appleby: Dean Mantz
Rodale News
- Farmer's Markets Innovations Make Healthy Food ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—There's often a throwback feel to farmer's markets, where you can seek out the same heirloom vegetable varieties your great-grandmother adored. Old-school, heritage-breed chicken eggs? Yep, a true farmer's market probably offers them. And while the farmer's market is a p ...
- Bobby Flay's Tips for a Tex-Mex ThanksgivingRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—When you think "Thanksgiving," it's unlikely that chile peppers, avocados, and calabacitas come to mind—unless you live in the American Southwest. Arid and sunny, the region's climate makes Thanksgiving look like a warm summer picnic to the rest of us, with its own uniqu ...
- 6 Healthy Holiday Cleaning RecipesRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Preparing to have a big crowd over for the big Thanksgiving holiday? You could be serving up a dose of cancer-causers, allergens, and hormone disruptors alongside your healthy holiday dinner, according to the health advocacy group Women's Voices for the Earth (WVE). The ...
- 7 Traditional Thanksgiving Staples From Your N ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—The pilgrims had their first Thanksgiving at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts, so if you're really intent on serving a traditional Thanksgiving menu, it makes sense to stock your meal with traditional staples that America's earliest settlers would approve of. Cranberries, ...
- Thanksgiving Dinner, Southern-StyleRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA— Southern food may have a bad reputation for being deep fried and heavily processed, but like any traditional cuisine, its roots lie in whole, seasonal, locally grown foods with flavors influenced by the many different cultures that settled the region, from Europeans to ...
big think
- Scattered, Smothered, and Covered at THE WAFFL ...So the New York Times has a predictably pointless or just randomly condescending article on America's leading diner. The long and diverse thread is a lot more interesting than the article. Sure Waffle Houses are robbed more than most restaurants. But it's actually amazing that ...
- The Dawn of NeuroeconomicsWhat's the Latest Development? Researchers from the field of neuroscience are introducing new concepts into the study of economics, turning the once-rational discipline on its head. One of the most recent texts to surprise economists is Paul Glimcher's Foundations of Neuroeconomic Analysis ...
- Stem Cells Repair Damaged NeuronsWhat's the Latest Development? Two independent studies have concluded that injecting stem cells into the brain's hippocampus can repair damaged neurons, opening the possibility of curing neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease. Researchers at the U of Wisconsin-Madison injected hum ...
- The Top 5 Innovative Designs & Apps for the Ho ...1. Leave your wallet behind. Swipe your mobile phone instead. Perhaps we'll remember 2011 fondly as the year the credit card died. In January, Big Thinker (and tech entrepreneur) James Currier reported that Biometrics had gone mainstream -- and that your leather wallet would soon be replace ...
- How to Resist the Irresistible: A Buyers' Guid ...What's the Big Idea? Do holiday sales make your palms sweat, eliciting the kinds of emotional reactions (pressure, nervousness, glee) you'd usually reserve for loved ones? That's because they're designed to. As anyone who has run out for a box of trash bags and returned with a li ...
Information Liberation
- Who Knew The Zeitgeist Movement/Venus Project ...Wow, I don't know how I missed this! Apparently, the Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement have imploded due to Jacques Fresco's egomaniacal insanity. This is too rich. Peter makes the guy famous, then, of course, the idiot communist ...
- Doug Casey on Fresh StartsL: Doug, we've had a lot of requests from younger readers asking for advice on how they should tackle the world, starting out amidst a crisis. We've also had questions from older readers asking what you might do differently if you were 21 again -- or...
- Driven By Drug War Incentives, Cops Target Pot ...CHICAGO -- As Jessica Shaver and I chat at a coffee shop in Chicago's north-side Andersonville neighborhood, a police car pulls into the parking lot across the street. Then another. Two cops get out, lean up against their cars, and appear to gaze acr...
- Heroic School 'Resource Officer' Takes Down Fi ...Five-year-old Stockton, California resident Michael Davis has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a clinical term often used to pathologize the predictable behavior of young boys. Like many other boys his age, Michael doesn'...
- Police gone wild with pepper spray at WalmartIt was Black Friday and their was a 32" TV advertised in the Walmart paper. My mom excited to go shopping pulled my sister and I into going shopping with her. We thought, "This is going to be a nightmare." However, we could have never predicted how...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- Parliament On A Knife Edge Part IV – The Rise ...And on it goes. The Gillard government clearly believes it was about to lose its one-seat parliamentary majority, either with this bloke making good with his threat to withdraw support, or this one being carted off to jail. It’s the … Continue reading →
- Agree Or ElseI thought I had better post another discussion point for those who haven’t read Ayn Rand; so how about this article, by the Sydney Daily Telegraph’s Miranda Devine, to which Dr Dave and CommonSenseMajority alerted us the other day. Basically, … Continue reading →
- Life Imitating ArtWhile on my recent road trip, I took the opportunity in my spare time to re-read Atlas Shrugged. It’s been quite a while—over thirty years, in fact—since I first picked up Ayn Rand’s magnum opus, and was struck by how accurately … Continue reading →
- A Whisper In The EarOK, so now the people of the Hellenic Republic won’t have a referendum on the Big Fat Greek Bailout. PM George Papandreou has done a remarkable backflip in the last couple of days. Reading his rhetoric of four days ago, … Continue reading →
- Almost But MaybeAlmost certainly, this man will not be the next President of the United States of America. This is despite him consistently winning straw polls, focus group surveys and post-debate polls. Despite him being more consistent in his policies, over forty … Continue reading →
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- Share your slides using a QR codeYour talk went down very well, you got rapturous applause, and some delegates even began to stand…there were murmurings of a Nobel Prize. Now, the hard bit, all those eager students in the front row want a copy of your slides so they can emulate your greatness, or more likely nitpick and p ...
- Is renewable energy just a myth?It’s a question I’ve asked several times, indirectly on Sciencebase – is renewable sustainable or just a pipedream for blue-skies thinkers? Dawn Stover suggests that it may well be: Renewable energy sounds so much more natural and believable than a perpetual-motion machine, but ...
- Singing the Movember Blues no moreMovember (as in moustache November) grows annually, it’s a month-long event started in 1999 in Adelaide, Australia. Since 2004, the Movember Foundation charity has run Movember events to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer and depression, in Aus ...
- What’s the best month to be born?According to a post from Stuart Farrimond, there’s a wealth of data showing that your month of birth actually has a very small but noticeable difference in your long-term health. Not because of astrological nonsense, but because of exposure to sunlight, disease and other factors during cri ...
- The little book of black delightsSchadenfreude: pleasure derived from another’s misfortune. Black humour. The hilarity experienced in watching a pratfall, the clumsy slip on a well-placed banana skin. From the German compound noun, deriving from Schaden (adversity, harm) and Freude (joy). Obvious. ...
RFF Library
- Managing the Growing Impacts of Development on ...United Nations Univ., Institute for Water, Environment and Health / by Hanneke Van Lavieren, John Burt, David A. Feary, Geórgenes Cavalcante, Elise Marquis, Lisa Benedetti, Charles Trick, Björn Kjerfve and Peter F. Sale http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3960397/UNU-INWEH%20Policy%20Report.pdf [From an art ...
- America’s Biggest Mercury Polluters: How ...Environment America http://bit.ly/t9jFOw [From an E&E Daily article by Jeremy Jacobs, sub. req'd] Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania release the most mercury air emissions in the country, and just five companies account for more than one-third of all mercury emissions in the United States, accor ...
- Governing Clean Development: What Have We Learnt?University of East Anglia | University of Sussex / by Peter Newell and Jon Phillips www.uea.ac.uk/dev/gcd/PolicyBriefing003 [From Press Release] Environmental, economic and development experts will debate whether the commitment to carbon markets is the right approach to tackle climate chang ...
- Responding to Climate Change in New York State ...New York State Energy Research and Development Authority http://bit.ly/tglsgc (full report) http://bit.ly/rH4EbR (summary) [Environmental News Network article] …New York released its own climate study this week, predicting that with expected sea level rise and stronger storms, future hurri ...
- Considering Shale Gas Extraction in North Caro ...Duke University, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions | Nicholas School / by Sarah Plikunas, Brooks Rainey Pearson and Jonas Monast, Rob Jackson and Avner Vengosh http://nicholasinstitute.duke.edu/nc-hydraulic-fracturing/paper [From Oil and Gas Online] A new report by Duk ...
Scientific American - News
- Next Stop Mars! Huge NASA Rover Launches towar ...[More]
- Amping Up Brain Function: Transcranial Stimula ...WASHINGTON, D.C.--One of the most difficult tasks to teach Air Force pilots who guide unmanned attack drones is how to pick out targets in complex radar images. Pilot training is currently one of the biggest bottlenecks in deploying these new, deadly weapons. [More]
- NASA's Massive Curiosity Rover Nears Launch to ...Don't be fooled by the innocuous name--Curiosity, NASA's new Mars rover, is a brute. [More]
- Eating Turkey Does Not Really Make You Sleepy'Tis the season for giving thanks and sharing blame. The supercomittee, the White House, "the One Percent," Greece, Italy -- the accusations seem to be swirling everywhere this fall. So in the spirit of sharing guilt, we thought it might be fun to ask a physician, Dr. Howard Markel ...
- Will Energy Storage Play a Big Role in the Ele ...More than 200 tops spin in vessels half-buried in the dirt outside Stephentown, N.Y., a town near the Massachusetts state line. Inside the vessel a vacuum permits each top to rotate as many as 16,000 times per minute, despite the fact that each weighs more than one metric ton, thanks to its st ...
First Truths
- "Crisis of the State"From Simon Clark's Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Crisis of the State: However this structural crisis was not the result of the changing functional requirements of changes in the labour process, but of the tendency for capital accumulation to take the form of the overaccumulation and uneven d ...
- "Aspects of the Post-Ricardian Literature"Interesting and thought-provoking passage from Samuel Hollander's Economics and Ideology: Aspects of the Post-Ricardian Literature (1979): It was Marx's position, as we have mentioned, that while the labor writers of the 1820s drew upon Ricardo's value theory to reach their conclusion regarding ...
- "Integrated Geographies"From Anthony Ince's Whither Anarchist Geography?:It has been said that anarchism combines a socialist critique of liberalism and a liberal critique of socialism. Its refusal to focus merely on "economics" or "freedom" or "culture," and so on, means that anarchism is inherently multifaceted and a ...
- Colbert on AtheistsI enjoyed this passage from Stephen Colbert's I Am America (And So Can You!): AtheistsThese No-goodnik no-Godniks are growing in numbers and power in America. It makes me wonder how a God could exist Who'd allow people to piss me off so much.Luckily, a recent survey published in the American Soc ...
- Tucker on Anarcho-CommunismFor your consideration (and entertainment), the always pugnacious Benjamin Tucker railing against anarchists of the communist sort:Were I now to say, as I think, that the dead revolutionists knew nothing of the principles of scientific Anarchism, freely advocated Archistic and despotic m ...
Media Co-Op
- Pitch for pay!Write for the Media Co-op! As we do every month, in December we will pay two contributors for news features to be published in The Dominion. We prioritize solutions-oriented news pieces with a Canadian angle, including photo essays and ...
- A Message from the So-Called "G20 Main Conspir ...Text below and video originally published on Conspire to Resist. As people across Turtle Island look towards the global wave of protests against the austerity agenda, the ...
- When is a Clear Cut not a Clear Cut?When the Government Promises You It Isn't - Natural Resource Strategy Is Wide Open for Business as Usual Perhaps the only thing worse than doing nothing is doing something that's worse than doing nothing, and then touting it as hav ...
- CJSF Radio Special on Occupy Vancouver part2/2Occupy
- CJSF Radio Special on Occupy Vancouver part1/2Occupy
David Seaton's News Links
- Thoughts at Thanksgiving 2011David Seaton's News LinksWe've been through this beforeRead carefully the two quotes below as if they were a Zen koan on the order of "what is the sound of one hand clapping?" or "does a dog have Buddha nature?", and see if you notice the cognitive dissonance they produce.Consumer spending ...
- Globalization: fun and gamesDavid Seaton's News LinksOpen "Google Translate" and set the translation to English to Chinese (traditional), then write in the word "jokes", which will produce the Chinese ideogram 笑話, then paste that into Google-Google and it will produce the following search results (click here). C ...
- Looking on the bright side of life - Part TwoDavid Seaton's News Links"Melancholia" - Lars Von TrierLooking at the political paralysis of the American political system, the wasted lives and treasure in Iraq and Afghanistan, the ceaseless unrest in the Arab world,the increasing possibility of a war with Iran and the sense of imminent finan ...
- How paranoiac should we be?Critics in Europe are very uneasy about the new Italian ECB chief, the Greek premier and the prime minister-designate of Italy’s past or present relations with the Goldman Sachs bank. Key European crisis figures Mario Draghi, Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti all have backgrounds with ‘Government ...
- The bright side of life - revisited“When you’re chewing on life’s gristleDon’t grumble, give a whistle”Eric IdleI am in the process of reworking a lot of my material, looking to see if I could ever make a book out of it all, trying to see what, if any, threads of thought might hold it all together. This is a rough draft of some o ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- Hollywood vs. the NFLI've been trying to figure out why my interest in pro sports has waned in recent years, and today's announcement of a possible agreement between NBA owners and players to end their lockout gives me an excuse to toss out a theory. I'm not sure I even really believe this, but I'm sort of wonderi ...
- Levitated Mass, Take 2After my griping yesterday about the 340-ton boulder being installed above a trench in front of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Isaac Butler tweeted a challenge: You're asking "why this work of art?" When someone takes you in good faith and tries to explain it to you, you then dismiss ...
- Faking Rape on the TubeAmanda Marcotte wrote a piece a couple of days ago called "8 Obnoxious Cliches about Men, Women and Sex in Otherwise Good TV Shows." One of her items is about an episode of the teen sleuth show Veronica Mars in which campus feminists at Hearst college fake a rape in order to provoke a scandal ...
- Al-Qaeda is Dead, Long Live al-QaedaA few days ago I linked to a Washington Post story suggesting that the original al-Qaeda network was all but dead. It was late at night when I posted about it, so I didn't bother musing on the legal implications of this, but Robert Chesney picks up the ball and suggests that it matters. Sure, ...
- Friday Cat Blogging - 25 November 2011Happy Black Friday! Or, in Inkblot's case, black-and-white Friday. Though even that might be overstating things a bit. According to the five-year-old who joined us for dinner yesterday, Inkblot is now officially "the white cat." You can see how he came to that conclusion compared to our other ...
Insanity Report
- IC 286: Hippie HaterTopics: Holiday Shopping is getting out of hand Man masturbates in department store New images of Bane from The Dark Knight Rises Nerds go too far Sandusky victim bullied at school Joe Paterno had a history of getting involved in investigations Occupy Denver explains why they need tents The prob ...
- IC 285: I Wish I Was WhiteTopics: Twilight and the pattern of average white girls Strawberry Letter, you’re single cause you’re stupid Shaq cheats respectfully Ashton & Demi break up and how will we survive? Man goes broke in Ukraine trying to met his online girlfriend Great Moments in White Privilege: B ...
- IC 284: The White Tyler PerryTopics: Jack & Jill does horribly at the Box Office Adam Sandler is terrible Woman goes crazy over McDonalds serving breakfast Jerry Sandusky gives the worst interview EVER Herman Cain has a senior moment Share with your friends:
- The New Man DaywalkerIt’s been a rough week for men. From the XY Movement, to the cowardly men in the Penn State situation to the release of Drake’s extra soft album. Men can’t catch a break. Even our regular clothes are under attack by this push to make everything “European cut” (i ...
- Herman Cain Pulls a Sarah PalinForeign Policy is the great equalizer when it comes to politics. Nobody minds a domestic dummy, but when it comes to dealing with other country, no one wants a politician who embarrasses them. Its like family. When your dad say something stupid at the dinner table, its cute and funny. When h ...
Simple Climate
- Controls needed to avoid waste in $100B climat ...To ensure the money pledged to the Green Climate Fund is used wisely, its spending rules should be regularly reassessed, spending programs should be independently audited, and a scientific approach to spending decisions should be adopted, says geographer Simon Donner, from the University of Brit ...
- Climate benefit from trees depends on location21 scientists including Xuhui Lee from Yale University find that while planting trees near the equator both cools local temperatures and absorbs CO2, planting in northern regions could be self-defeating.
- Teeming tropical seas face exodus to cooler waterSome of the world's most biodiverse environments, in particular equatorial oceans, are will be most threatened by the speed of climate change find Michael Burrows from the Scottish Marine Institute in Oban and 18 other researchers from eight different countries.
- Moscow shows warming driving temperature recordsThere is only a one in five chance that last year's heatwave in Russia would have happened without global warming, an analysis of record temperature probabilities by Stefan Rahmstorf from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research shows.
- 2020 target offers climate change control hopeIf greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 are equivalent to 31 to 46 billion tonnes of CO2, the world can avoid the worst consequences of climate change, says Joeri Rogelj from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
e!Science News
- Big pest, small genomeA University of Utah biologist and an international research team decoded the genetic blueprint of the two-spotted spider mite, raising hope for new ways to attack the major pest, which resists pesticides and destroys crops and ornamental plants worldwide. read more
- Scripps Research scientists uncover new role f ...Against the backdrop of the growing epidemic of obesity in the United States, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have made an important new discovery regarding a specific gene that plays an important role in keeping a steady balance between our food intake and e ...
- Climate sensitivity to CO2 more limited than e ...A new study suggests that the rate of global warming from doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide may be less than the most dire estimates of some previous studies -- and, in fact, may be less severe than projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report in 2007. read more
- Ancient environment found to drive marine biod ...Much of our knowledge about past life has come from the fossil record -- but how accurately does that reflect the true history and drivers of biodiversity on Earth? read more
- Dana-Farber/Children's Hospital Boston study i ...A combination of two drugs may alleviate radiation sickness in people who have been exposed to high levels of radiation, even when the therapy is given a day after the exposure occurred, according to a study led by scientists from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Children's Hospital Boston. rea ...
- Stormy Waters: National Geographic’s David Dou ...“I'm afraid that a lot of the images that I've made underwater are going to be documents of a time passed.” David Doubilet, on assignment. (Jennifer Hayes) ...
- Tr-Ash Talk: Thank You!To all those clean water champions out there! Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA) opposed H.R. 2273, calling it a "green-light pass for utility companies to dispose of their waste without regard to p ...
- Stormy Waters: Earthjustice’s Andrea Treece “Trawl fishing is like clear-cutting on land, but just in the bottom of the ocean.” Earthjustice attorney Andrea Treece (Brian Treece) This is the fourth in ...
- Stormy Waters: Earthjustice’s Roger Fleming “If we can make changes that will work in New England, it helps lead the nation on fisheries policy.” Roger Fleming, with Gompers and Scout, in Cape Cod. (Amy Wells) ...
- Appalachian Coal Jobs Reach 14-Year HighSo this is what you mean by EPA's "War on coal" and EPA's "job-killing regulations"? The jig is up: New data shows coal mining regulations are creating jobs, n ...
Brave New Climate
- Summary of China’s fast reactor programmeChina is looking seriously at a range of nuclear options. From the commercial side of things, the country is building over 25 light water reactors, including four of the new US-designed AP1000. The Chinese are also pursuing a range of advanced reactor programmes, including gas-cooled pebble-bed ...
- CO2 is a trace gas, but what does that mean?Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and most other long-lived greenhouse gases (i.e., barring short-lived water vapour), are considered ‘trace gases’ because their concentration in the atmosphere is so low. For instance, at a current level of 389 parts per million, CO2 represents ...
- Feeding the billions in 2050′s sauna (Pa ...Guest Post by Geoff Russell. Geoff is a mathematician and computer programmer and is a member of Animal Liberation SA. His recently published book is CSIRO Perfidy. His previous article on BNC was: The Swiss army nuclear knife —————— During the past few years, all the world’s major science ...
- The IFR vs the LFTR: An Exchange of EmailsWith regards to Generation IV nuclear fission technology, most of the attention on BNC has been on the Integral Fast Reactor (IFR), for reasons explained in this post, which I quote: The focus of this series (IFR FaD) is aimed squarely at the Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) rather than other Gen IV ...
- Energy Storage Discussion ThreadDebate over large-scale energy storage is a regular theme in the comments on this blog. The post is intended to be a place to centralise this discussion. Some questions that might be considered in the comment thread: 1. What is the cost (per Watt hour, kWh, MWh, GWh — how does this cost sc ...
Indigenist Opinion
- Bankrolling Colonialism: From Ealing Council t ...Rise Resist and Revolt: Whilst browsing the internet to write a piece on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), today I conveniently found myself staring at a rather new press release; Agrexco, the largest Israeli exporter of fresh produce in illegal settlements had gone into liquidation. This ...
- No Thanks For Taking | nothingtobegainedhereNo Thanks For Taking | nothingtobegainedhere: “In effect, contentions over land usage and ownership have served to define the totality of US – Indian relationships from the first moment to the present day, shaping not only the historical flow of interactions between invader and invaded, but the ...
- Unite Against Fascism | UAF’s Weyman Bennett s ...Unite Against Fascism | UAF’s Weyman Bennett speaks at antiracist rally, Norway: UAF joint secretary Weyman Bennett is speaking tonight at a major antiracist meeting in Norway. The public meeting takes place in the week that fascist Anders Breivik appeared in open court after confessing to kill ...
- The Marmar Experience - Pepper Spray Is Just t ...The Marmar Experience - Pepper Spray Is Just the Beginning: Here Are More Hypermilitarized Weapons Your Local PD Could Use: On Friday, November 18, a group of UC Davis students staged a sit-in to protect their Occupy encampment from destruction by a horde of riot police. Seated on the ground, th ...
- Pregnant Woman Blasted with Pepper Spray by SP ...Pregnant Woman Blasted with Pepper Spray by SPD Says She Miscarried (Updated) | Slog: UPDATE: Jennifer Fox, 19, spoke to The Stranger at the Occupy Seattle encampment at Seattle Central Community College. Fox claimed that she was three months pregnant last Tuesday evening when she joined an Occu ...
Republicans are a Disease
- Joe Walsh Tired Of Media Protecting #occupyWalsh claims “Your profession, not you, but the media, has been protecting and boosting this Occupy Wall Street stuff ever since it began,” he told Fox Business host Eric Bolling. “And I’m tired of it.” Mr. Walsh never had one single objection to Fox News (Lies) hosts headlining tea bagger eve ...
- Megyn KellyIs Megyn Kelly the dumbest blonde in the world? No, I mean really…..
- Chris Wallace Claims Americans Are Fed Up With ...Folks, you have to understand. Fox Lies tells it’s lemming viewers what they are supposed to think so they can repeat the same Fox lies around water coolers. Anyone who watches Fox is already brainwashed and lives in some alternate universe where giving billionaires all the breaks help ...
- Pssst CNN… Why Ask Condi About Anything ...Dear CNN. The only question you should be asking Condi is when does she think her treason trial will begin. To ask her opinion about anything else is a disservice to all the brave soldiers who died looking for Saddam’s WMD’s (err… oil). As far as asking her about world affairs, ...
- Newt Says Get A Job After Taking A Bath #occupyWhere Newt? China? That is where our jobs are. Newt babbled “All the occupy movements start with the premise that we owe them everything” to a cheering crowd of fake Christians. No Newt you confirmed corporate whore, lying, lobbyist, scam artist. You, and the billionaires you work f ...
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a f ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304- ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb webb.bo@gmail.com Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conferen ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalac ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind co ...
Amped Status
- Get Ready for OWSnews.orgApologies for the lack of updates lately. We are currently busy working on a new website specifically dedicated to aggregating and producing news reports on the OWS 99% movement. The site will not be announced for another few days, but you can check it out here: http://OWSnews.org/. An amazing ...
- Does Obama Care About the 99%? David DeGraw on ...
- Aftermath of the Police Raid on #OccupyOaklandBy Ken Knabb This seven-minute video gives a pretty good brief impression of what happened in Oakland yesterday, following the police destruction of the Occupy Oakland encampment at Frank Ogawa Plaza. Among other things, I call your attention to a poignant interaction around 4:45 where a ...
- Marine Down in Oakland – “We’ ...Marine Scott Olsen made it through two tours in Iraq without an injury, but back home in the United States he was critically wounded by a police riot. Heavily-armed police injured Olsen and other unarmed citizens on Oct. 25 when they attacked the non-violent Occupy Oakland. Olsen, 24, had his sk ...
- #OccupyOakland: Riot police fire tear gas, fla ...Defiant Occupy Oakland protesters vow to return to plaza On Tuesday night and into Wednesday, police clashed with hundreds of protesters whom they’d dislodged from an encampment outside City Hall. More than 100 people were arrested, police said, as officers used tear ...
- A sad commentary on the state of liberal Zioni ...Recent work by authors Bernard Avishai and Gershom Gorenberg reflect the inability of liberal Zionist champions to engage in an honest debate about the core issues of contention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The noted liberal Zionist writer, Bernard Avishai, has a longish piece on the Pal ...
- Apocalypse Soon: The aftermath of an attack on ...Consensus opinion now seems to be that Israel will attack Iran. So it might be worth thinking about what sort of war might follow. It might also be worth thinking about how such a war would end. In the last month or so, there seems to have been a shift in perception about Israel’s plans for Iran ...
- Israel Hayom: Manufacturing “consensus&# ...When it can’t find national consensus for an attack on or “steps” against Iran, pro-Netanyahu newspaper Israel Hayom, makes one up… Israel Hayom is Israel’s most widely read Hebrew-language newspaper. It is distributed for free on street corners throughout the count ...
- Haaretz publisher: US president can’t ac ...Haaretz publisher Amos Schocken published a very strong op-ed this weekend, titled, “The necessary elimination of Israeli democracy.” Schocken is referring to settlers ideology as “promoting apartheid,” and accuses all Israeli governments, except Rabin’s during Oslo ...
- EXCLUSIVE: Excerpts of leaked report on BGU ...Last week, Yediot Ahronot broke a story about a draft report by an evaluation committee of Israel’s Council for Higher Education (CHE), recommending closing the Department of Politics and Government at Ben Gurion University if changes are not made, including to the perceived political leaning of ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
- New Murray-Darling water purchase rounds in th ...Water Minister Tony Burke today announced three new water purchasing tenders in the northern Murray Darling Basin.
- World's largest living coral reef aquarium win ...The national education centre for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park has scooped a prestigious international award for its outstanding educational services.
- 2011 Finalised Priority Assessment List AnnouncedEnvironment Minister Tony Burke today released the 2011 list of priority native species, ecological communities and threatening processes to be considered for protection under national law.
- Environmental approval for sustainable agricul ...Environment Minister Tony Burke today approved the expansion of irrigated agriculture in the east Kimberley in Western Australia under national environmental law.
- TV and computer recycling regulations released ...The Australian Government today released draft Regulations for a national, industry-led Television and Computer Recycling Scheme.
Matt Weidner Blog
- UC Davis Pepper Spray, Administrative Wage Gar ...Pepper Spray, that’s what I’ve been obsessing about over the weekend. If you have not yet seen the video, you must watch the entire video of University of California, Davis police officers spraying pepper spray on PEACEFUL student protesters like they are cockroaches. (SEE VIDEO HER ...
- OUTRAGE! Paramilitary Forces Pepper Spray Stud ...College campuses are supposed to be places where young people go to learn and express themselves right? And is there any venue more appropriate for PEACEFUL, NON-VIOLENT protest than a college campus? I mean, I hear all the comments complaining about Occupy and how they’re interrupting bus ...
- Hey I Know, Let’s Throw People Into The ...Rats Replace Homeowners In Foreclosed Homes Scridb filter
- America Died in 2000…And We’re Dyi ...I remember, not so many years ago that America was a proud and strong and honest and hard working and free and just nation. Really, we were. Honestly, it’s true. Entire nations and people all around the world looked towards America with envy and longing and hope. In the allegory that w ...
- LISTEN TO 84 YEAR OLD NAZI SURVIOR COMPARE OCC ...I have been criticized for using the specter of Nazi persecution and totalitarian persecution to describe what is sweeping across this country….I’ve been quoting the poem: First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist. Then they c ...
abelard - news
- on the leveson inquiry | civil liberties news ...Media reptiles depend on the gullibility and greed for sensationalism of their audience.
- gop candidates: gingrich moves to front runner ...Is experience going to outweigh charisma, folksiness and religious fervour? And what's their chances against Obama?
- the dangerous economic delusions of france and ...Squeezing until the pips squeak could start wars. Remember, France's harsh pressure on Germany did that in the 1930s. Then Germany's had an easy ride since the end of WW2.
- more fantasy banking - 29 alleged credit-ansta ...The G20 ends and this about all that was acheived. The spectre of the Great Depression still hovers.
- other people's money | politics news at abelar ...Stock exchange and bank traders can be similar to socialist governments - who cares, not my money.
The Parallel Parliament
- Riot TimeSuccess for any community often depends on the difference between vocabulary and language. Articulating the current challenges faced by all …Continue reading »
- Thin DemocracySome are surprised to learn that the planet Neptune wasn’t discovered; it was deduced. In 1846 the French astronomer Urbain …Continue reading »
- LayersHow does it feel when you hear billionaire Warren Buffett state, “Actually, there’s been class warfare going on for the …Continue reading »
- Participation Above AllPrior to its removal from Zuccotti Park, Occupy Wall Street had some strong intellectual support that sought to provide the …Continue reading »
- Identity CrisisFor those supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement things have just entered a new phase. It all had begun in …Continue reading »
Vaccine Awakening
- Vaccine Wake Up Call for Parents: Your Childre ...by Barbara Loe Fisher Every mother has had the nightmare. We dream our child, who we love more than we thought we could love anyone, has been taken away by strangers and cannot be found. The cold fear rises up from our stomach into our throats as we search, endlessly, to find the child we would ...
- The Health Liberty Revolution & Forced Vaccination“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln by Barbara Loe Fisher In America today, there is an unprecedented assault on the human right to exercise informed consent to medical risk-taking ...
- What You Should Know About Meningococcal Disea ...by Barbara Loe Fisher Today, pediatricians give American babies as many as 33 doses of 13 different vaccines by 12 months of age.1, 2 Now, federal public health officials are considering recommending that doctors give four more doses of a new vaccine – meningococcal vaccine – to babies between ...
- Vaccines & Liberty: Let Freedom Ringby Barbara Loe Fisher My country, ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims’ pride, From every mountain side, Let freedom ring.[1] What is liberty? Webster’s Dictionary defines Liberty as “the quality or state of being free,” ...
- In Memoriam: Infant Deaths & Vaccinationby Barbara Loe Fisher Memorial Day is for remembering those, who have fought and died to defend America and preserve our civil liberties, including freedom of thought, speech, religious belief and conscience. So every Memorial Day I remember the children, who have died after receiving state man ...
2020 Science
- Spiders, silk and a transgenic goat – the comp ...Last week while at the NISE Net network-wide meeting, I was fortunate enough to see a preview of part of NOVA’s forthcoming series Making Stuff. The series focuses on the wonders of modern materials science. But rather than coming away enthralled by the ingenuity of scientists, I found mys ...
- Nanotechnology prominent in percieved 21st cen ...This image from the first US National Science and Engineering Festival attracted my attention this morning: It’s a wordle constructed from responses to the question “What will be the greatest discoveries and advancements science and engineering will bring us in the 21st century?̶ ...
- International Handbook on Regulating Nanotechn ...Back in the mists of time, I was approached with a crazy proposition – would I help co-edit a book on nanotechnologies regulation! In a moment of weakness I said yes, and a little more than two and a half years later, the book is finally about to hit the shelves. I actually think the [... ...
- Lost in the MaizeA weekly reflection on life in academia Note to self: Try not to fall asleep before important interviews with smart journalists. It’s been a tough week. My gift from last week’s meeting in San Francisco was a lovely ripe cold – something of an occupational hazard these days be ...
- Tenure track faculty positions in risk science ...Just thought I’d circulate this on the 2020 Science network – please feel free to pass on the information to anyone who might be interested. We have finally started the process of looking for two junior faculty to join the Risk Science Center at the University of Michigan School of P ...
Reader Supported News
- Egypt Protests: 'Friday of the Last Chance' - ...Intro: "Tens of thousands of people return to Tahrir Square...White House calls for civilian rule as soon as possible...Syria faces new Arab League deadline to allow observers...Morocco's first elections under new constitution." In Cairo's Tahrir Square, tension and pressure mounts, 11/24/11. ...
- The Creators of Occupy Wall StreetIntro: "If anyone could claim responsibility for the Zuccotti situation, it was Lasn: Adbusters had come up with the idea of an encampment, the date the initial occupation would start, and the name of the protest - Occupy Wall Street. Now the epicenter of the movement had been raided. Lasn began ...
- The Creators of Occupy Wall StreetIntro: "If anyone could claim responsibility for the Zuccotti situation, it was Lasn: Adbusters had come up with the idea of an encampment, the date the initial occupation would start, and the name of the protest - Occupy Wall Street. Now the epicenter of the movement had been raided. Lasn began ...
- Occupy Oakland Calls for Total West Coast Port ...Intro: "In response to coordinated attacks on the occupations and attacks on workers across the nation: Occupy Oakland calls for the blockade and disruption of the economic apparatus of the 1% with a coordinated shutdown of ports on the entire West Coast on December 12th. The 1% has disrupted th ...
- Occupy Oakland Calls for Total West Coast Port ...Intro: "In response to coordinated attacks on the occupations and attacks on workers across the nation: Occupy Oakland calls for the blockade and disruption of the economic apparatus of the 1% with a coordinated shutdown of ports on the entire West Coast on December 12th. The 1% has disrupted th ...
War Resisters League
- Welcome Home: Building an Inclusive Movement f ...[This article was originally published on the Fellowship of Reconciliation Blog on Thursday, November 17, 2011.] By Randall Amster I’m on a number of email lists across the activist spectrum, and have noticed an increasing tendency toward what might be … Continue reading →
- Message of Solidarity to Occupy Wall Street fr ...[This statement was originally published in the e-zine Jadaliyya on November 3rd, 2011, by OWFI President Yanar Mohammed* and WRL national field organizer Ali Issa.] Dear Occupy Wall Street, The people of the world are watching you, following your … Continue reading →
- Between Credit, Bullion and Rebellion: Debt by ...[The WRL blog is excited to feature a third book review by Jeanne Strole, co-director of the A.J. Muste Memorial Institute, with which the War Resisters League shares a long history, as well as the building at 339 Lafayette St. … Continue reading →
- 10 Years of the Global War on TerrorThis Friday, October 7 marks ten years of the U.S. Global War on Terror, which began with the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. War Resisters League along with a number of antimiltarist and community groups will commemorate the occasion with … Continue reading →
- “Stands Against Its Oppressor”: Ir ...“I think that whoever talks of pressure has to be precise. I don’t feel any pressure. Even the Syrian regime has stopped talking about conspiracy and foreign intervention. Either they know there is pressure and they don’t dare declare it … Continue reading →
Center for a Livable Future
- Canning the Cans in Food DrivesWhat concerns me most, as a doctoral student researching environmental contaminants in the food system, is all of the BPA that has leached from those epoxy resin can linings into the food. Is it okay that we are feeding food-insecure people with consumables that we would not put on our own table ...
- EBT at Farmers’ Markets: A Win for EveryoneProviding EBT at farmers’ markets may very well be a victory in the making for local and regional farmers, local economies, and SNAP participants alike.
- Visualizer Shows Farm Bill SpendingThe Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future has launched the Farm Bill Budget Visualizer, an innovative web-based application that allows visual analysis of Farm Bill spending since the 2008 Farm Bill.
- Indirect Land Use Change and Biofuels: Real or ...While increased food prices is the most contentious of the many controversies surrounding the rapid increase in ethanol production from corn, the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from what is termed “indirect land use change” (ILUC) ranks a close second in the debates.
- Walmart’s Sustainable Agriculture Goals: A Cri ...In 2005, Walmart announced three sustainability goals, one of which is to sell products that sustain people and the environment. So, how’s Walmart doing?
k2p blog
- “the objective impartial (ho ho) BBC tha ...An email exchange between Alex Kirby of the BBC and Phil Jones of CRU exposes the BBC's blatantly biased reporting.
- Guttenberg buys his way out of prosecution for ...Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has paid 20,000 euros to avoid prosecution on charges of plagiarism. With the case dismissed, Guttenberg could stage a political comeback.
- Fox News worse than no news! and viewers of Th ...Fox News viewers tend to be less informed about current events than those who don't watch any news at all.
- Facebook and the illusion of communicationFacebook is just a tool for transmission of information. But it is indiscriminate dissemination of information packages which can only be part of a true communication process. Unfortunately the ease of the use of the tool creates the illusion of communication. I have deactivated my Facebook account.
- Google abandons its backing of renewable energyGoogle is abandoning its "Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal" project and Bill Weihl, their Green Energy Czar has left the company last month.
Left Foot Forward
- What is patriotism in Britain today?Carl Packman reviews Demos’s new report on what patriotism means in Britain today.
- Tribune survives, but where now for progressiv ...Nathaniel Mehr looks at what the future holds for progressive print media - are there inevitable hurdles which left wing journalism can’t leap?
- Thatcher was every bit as bad as we rememberKevin Meagher argues that, regardless of how human the Iron Lady film makes her look, we should never forget the corrosive effect Margaret Thatcher had on Britain.
- Look Left – Workers prepare to fight slasher O ...George Osborne delivers his autumn statement on Tuesday against a backdrop of low growth, high unemployment and impending strikes, reports Shamik Das.
- Lebanese politicians hurl glasses and chairs a ...Alex Hern presents a wonderful video from Lebanon.
- "Competitive Shopper" Pepper Sprays Fellow Bla ...In an incident the police are referring to as "competitive shopping," a woman at a Walmart store in California's San Fernando Valley stands accused of attacking her fellow shoppers with pepper spray during last night's Black Friday door-buster thingamajig. "I heard screaming and I heard yellin ...
- Top Posts Of The Week And Open ThreadThis $10 Tip Is Not The Best Way To Show Your Gratitude To Your Server Amazon Puts Your $1000 Kindle Library 'On Hold,' Apologizes, Shrugs Rebecca Black Friday Kohl's Ad Annoys Pretty Much Everyone Bakery: We Lost At Least $19,500 In Groupon Deal Who Knew U.S. Airways Had Standing Room Only ...
- Sam's Club Pulls Lego Bible Due To ComplaintsThe author of The Brick Bible, which uses Lego blocks to tell biblical stories, says Sam's Club has yanked his product from shelves because customers complained it is too vulgar and violent. He says he feels as though he's being singled out because his book simply contains literal depictions of ...
- Morning DealsClothingAbercrombie & Fitch: [Clothing & Accessories] Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister coupons: 40% off sitewidemacys: [Clothing & Accessories] Macy's Black Friday Sale: Up to 70% off select items, moreGap: [Clothing & Accessories] Gap Black Friday Sale: Up to 60% off online or in-store + 20% off ...
- Online Tools That Show You The Benefits Of Pay ...The longer debt hangs over you, the easier it is to become used to it and disregard the damage it's causing. In particular, credit card debt can nail you the hardest if you ignore high interest rates while paying the minimum balance every month. Doing all you can to minimize and eliminate cred ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
- December Hearing Set for Bradley Manning: Dail ...Baltimore Sun: WikiLeaks Suspect Bradley Manning to Have Hearing at Maryland's Fort Meade Next Month Army Pfc. Bradley Manning – the whistleblower accused of sending WikiLeaks a trove of classified information detailing American military conduct in Iraq and Afghanistan, and State Department c ...
- Retaliation Against Gayl Shows Need for WPEA: ...Huffington Post: Let’s Ensure Whistleblowers’ Good Deeds Go Unpunished Summary: Because the retaliation that MRAP whistleblower and GAP client Franz Gayl endured is all too common for government whistleblowers, this article supports the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, which has passe ...
- Gas Company Whistleblower Reveals Reckless Pra ...Courtesy of Flickr user US Army AfricaTimes-Tribune (PA): Gas Company Whistleblower Details Spills, Errors Summary: A former gas company employee and several other residents of a Pennsylvania town are suing the company because of negligence leading to high levels of methane gas in the public w ...
- Radack, Drake Win Sam Adams Award: Daily Whist ...GAP's Jesselyn Radack and NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake in March 2011.Radack, Drake Win Sam Adams Award Summary: Department of Justice whistleblower and GAP National Security & Human Rights Director Jesselyn Radack, and NSA whistleblower (and GAP client) Thomas Drake, have each won t ...
- Radack, Drake Win Sam Adams AwardTom Drake and Jesselyn Radack at the Ridenhour Prize for Truthtelling Ceremony in March 2011National Security & Human Rights Director Jesselyn Radack and GAP client and National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Thomas Drake have won this year's prestigious Sam Adams Award, presented annua ...
UK Progressive
- 25 Million US Unemployed And Underemployed Mak ...Although America’s 25 million unemployed and underemployed could be a powerful force for social change, they aren’t combining in any effective way to protest, an eminent business authority writes. “Activism has given way to acquiescence,” writes Louis Uchitelle, even though “unemployment is once ...
- A Thanksgiving Weekend Reflection: Looking Bey ...Most political analysis of America’s awful economy focuses on whether it will doom President Obama’s reelection or cause Congress to turn toward one party or the other. These are important questions, but we should really be looking at the deeper problems with which whoever wins in 2012 will have ...
- Senator Seeks Answers on X-Ray Body Scannersby Michael Grabell, ProPublica The top Republican on the Senate homeland security committee is seeking answers after the head of the Transportation Security Administration backed off a promise to study the health effects of the X-ray body scanners used at airports. In a letter sent Wednesday to ...
- Our Reading Guide on Congressional Dysfunctionby Lois Beckett, ProPublica Congress’ approval rating is abysmal, and the failure of the congressional “super committee” to find a compromise on reducing the national debt has set off a new round of recriminations. One senator on the super committee, Democrat Max Baucus of Montana, told The Wash ...
- Video Tribute to Those Wanting to Break FreeYeah, I was a geek in school and astronomy was a place to realise how tiny we and all of our dramas are in the grand scheme. As people today invest in stomach antacids and crowd shopping malls, Carl Sagan puts life into deeper perspective. So just do it, take care of your corner of [...]
- Money doesn't buy you manners: Owner of world' ...The Daily Mail
- Chicago’s New Media Outperforms Two Old Dying ...Illinois Pay to Play reports:Today, if readers want to more fully understand Chicago and national politics they must expand the horizons of their news sources to include Chicago’s New Media. If the people of Northern Illinois want to stay abreast of stories like the Rezko and Blago trials, they ...
- Corzine’s return to Congress as disgraced bankerThe New York Post
- Flashback: Oliver Wendall Holmes Calls Sterili ...Oliver Wendall Holmes wasn't your ordinary racist. The statist Supreme Court judge really believed he was genetically superior to those who weren't white. He has little compassion for handicapped people:Holmes later confided to Harold Laski that “in upholding the constitutionality of a state ...
- Judge Andrew Napolitano: What if ...?LRC Blog
- Pointman — A dead mans hand detonator on ...In the high powered risky game of whistleblowing there are ways to make the the leaker a less attractive target. Pointman analyzes the ClimateGate whistleblower’s tactics and explains why he, she or they probably released those other 200,000 emails but kept them hidden behind the 4000-800 ...
- Australia picks last possible moment to leap O ...Gillard — the Australian Prime Minister — got the timing perfectly wrong. Within two weeks of the Carbon Tax finally becoming Law, it’s becoming hard not to notice that the whole Global Scam is fragmenting. This Carbon ship is on fire, the lifeboats are leaving, the rats are ...
- Hot new search tool for Climategate – I ...Behind the scenes, I’ve been playing with a new neat tool for hunting hypocrisy, corruption, bias and unprofessional behaviour and I’m pleased to announce its ready to share with the world. The kudos for this all belongs to, as usual, a skilled volunteer. Thanks to EcoGuy for turning ...
- More emails: Phil Jones paid £13.7 million in ...Up to £13.7 million in grants have been paid to Professor Phil Jones, from a number of funding bodies including the European Union, NATO, and the US Department of Energy. But the intellectual and philosophical climate is so weak that Jones doesn’t even consider himself to be paid to serve ...
- Breaking! Apparently, more emails released. Cl ...Five hours ago, FOIA left a link on my blog to a Russian site (I had been away). Emails and comments are streaming through to let me know that the Tallbloke, and Jeff ID have also got them. Tallbloke has opened it and checked for viruses. Jeff ID confirms there are thousands of emails readable a ...
ReNew America
- The Gospel According to Peanuts(Lee Habeeb) - Few headlines about network television make me giddy. Fewer still make me hopeful that all is good in the world. But back in August of 2010, I read the following headline from the media pages with great excitement: "Charlie Brown Is Here to Stay: ABC Picks Up 'Peanuts' Specials Th ...
- Pro Palin group to launch Iowa ad(NewsMax) - With the primary and caucus season just weeks away, a pro-Sarah Palin group is doing its part to get the former Alaska governor and GOP vice presidential candidate into the 2012 Republican White House nomination sweepstakes...
- The birthers press on(Peter Lemiska) - In a belated response to the birther movement, earlier this year the White House released Barack Obama's "long form" birth certificate. Everyone believed it would finally silence the birthers; and it did -- for a while. But since then, various independent researchers, as well a ...
- Message for Jon Huntsman: New e-mails rock the ...(Forbes) - A new batch of 5,000 emails among scientists central to the assertion that humans are causing a global warming crisis were anonymously released to the public Tuesday, igniting a new firestorm of controversy nearly two years to the day after similar emails ignited the Climategate scand ...
- Coolidge on giving thanks(Charles C. Johnson) - In our increasingly secular age, as we watch grown men play a boys' game, as a certain parade sponsored by Macy's commercializes our streets, and as we look forward to shaking off our tryptophan-induced slumber to wait in line for Black Friday, it is worth remembering, as ...
Truth Offering
- The False Flag Cyber Attack Takedown of the In ...Here are some of today's top shock headlines: "Army of hackers targets the Swedish government, Sarah Palin and credit card giants in WikiLeaks 'Operation: Payback'" - The Daily Mail "Hackers Rise for WikiLeaks" - Wall Street Journal "WikiLeaks backers hit MasterCard and Visa in cyberstrike" - R ...
- S. 510: The Death of Food Freedom ActIn the world of liberty lovers and food freedom fighters, there's been a ton of attention lately on Senate bill S.510 -- the deceitfully-named, "Food Safety Modernization Act [1]." But in the mainstream media, there's been but a whimper; a pathetic trickle of occasional, fleeting and understated ...
- Politicians and the Voting Public: A Toxic Rel ...At TruthOffering.com, we've written much about what's known as the Liberty to Tyranny cycle. The reason we've focused so much attention on this cycle is that we believe in it completely. That is to say, since every civilization has followed this cycle's projection, it's reasonable to suspect the ...
- Education v. Conditioning: Wundt, Rockefeller ...John D. Rockefeller, Sr. / Wilhelm WundtSince reading "the deliberate dumbing down of america" by Charlotte Iserbyt, I've been trying to find other people out there who have also noticed the ruining of education in the United States. To be honest, it's hard to find information on this subject ou ...
- TruthOffering's Matt Gordon on LA Talk Live's ...Have a listen to Matt Gordon from TruthOffering.com chatting with Hip-hop connoisseur, D-Bracks, on LA Talk Live. Topics range from economics and politics to international banksters and chemtrails. Be sure to drop a comment and let us know what you think of Matt's perspective:
2012 Blog
- Megafaunal Extinction – Still UnsolvedMany scientists have been attempting to find an underlying cause for the demise of large mammals at the end of the last Ice Age. And they will still keep trying, because they aren’t thinking outside ...Megafaunal Extinction – Still Unsolved is a post from: 2012 Blog Related po ...
- Dec 21, 2012: Second Mayan ReferenceMayan experts keen to debunk 2012 doomsday theories used to point out how strange it was that the Mayans never mentioned the specific date of (their equivalent to) Dec 21, 2012, not anywhere. The only ...Dec 21, 2012: Second Mayan Reference is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:Geoff St ...
- A Humorous Nibiru VideoSo as to focus on the clear and present (potential) dangers of 2012, I’ve spent a lot of time debunking various scenarios. Planet X / Nibiru is NOT heading our way in 2012. There is ...A Humorous Nibiru Video is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:FIXED: 2012 Debunked – Excel ...
- Another Alien Skull?Probably a child with a deformity, potentially an alien and possibly an example of a different human species… More pics at guanabee.com At RPP (in Spanish) experts are claiming that it is an alien: Riquelme Davila explained that ...Another Alien Skull? is a post from: 2012 Blog ...
- Gerard Celente on MF GlobalI don’t usually cover politics and finance here, but we have a very interesting piece of audio… Gerard Celente is a well known futurist and forecaster. It just so happens (he claims) that his savings ...Gerard Celente on MF Global is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:Reduce ...
Facing South
- Cain revamps 9-9-9 tax plan, but it still hurt ...Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain revised his tax proposal in response to criticism that it would disproportionately burden the poor. But the new plan would still hit low-income A ...
- U.S. oil companies, security contractors look ...American oil and security firms see big opportunities in post-Gaddafi Libya.
American oil and security firms see big opportunities in post-Gaddafi Libya. read more
- Alabama workers meet harsh immigration law wit ...As all-out attack continues on immigrants in the South and West, Alabama's immigrant workers met it with a day of wildcat strikes.
As all-out attack cont ...
- 3 reasons why Art Pope deserves all the media ...North Carolina powerbroker Art Pope doesn't like the media attention he's received since a New Yorker profile pushed him and his political empire into the national spotlight t ...
- More cutbacks in legal services for the poor i ...North Mississippi Rural Legal Services is closing its office in the region's largest city and shuttering a unit that handles public benefits issues -- at the very time the public need ...
One News Page
- Amy Adams Talks Miss Piggy!AMY Adams says Miss Piggy has been her most formidable costar to date. The 37-year-old actress has worked with the likes of Hollywood legend Meryl Streep but says working with a puppet pig on the new Muppet Movie was far more nerve-wracking. “Miss Piggy is a formidable character,” says Amy. ...
- Enrique: We deserved betterRoma coach Luis Enrique believes his side deserved a better result than their 2-0 defeat at Udinese on Friday. Goals...
- Kim Kardashian Vs Mrs PiggySOCIALITE Kim Kardashian has a new rival when it comes to farcical celebrity marriages in the cuddly form of Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy. Muppet star Kermit has revealed his on screen nuptials with his pig partner in the 1984 movie Muppets Take Manhattan were not legally binding and both ...
- Army not master of people, should focus on inf ...Making a strong pitch for removal of the AFSPA from parts of JandK, Union minister Farooq Abdullah on Sunday said the Army was not the 'master' of the people of the state and that it should concentrate on choking infiltration of terrorists.
- Karzai announces second wave of Afghan transitionThe announcement means that more than 50 per cent of Afghanistan will soon be under the control of local forces.
Global Research TV
- Syria: We are Seeing the Initial Steps of a Ne ...
- Tear Gas, Barbed Wire, Isolation: NATO Tools f ...
- New Nuclear Reactors Do Not Consider Fukushima ...
- A River of Waste: Anti-Biotics and America's F ...
- When the World Outlawed War
Daily Tech
- Climatologists Trade Tips on Destroying Eviden ...Penn State researcher and his CRU/IPCC colleague treated AGW like a religious "cause" despite warnings from peers
- New Cathode Material Could Help Extend EV Batt ...New cheap nanoparticle-based cathode for K+ batteries can survive 40,000 cycles with only modest degradation
- Backup Camera Mandate Part of National DebateNHTSA pushes for the mandate to save lives while opponents such as the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers reminds it of costs associated with implementing the rule
- Intel Aims Pentium 350 at ServersWill Pentium replace Celeron as low-end name?
- Report: World's Second LTE Slider, Nexus Prime ...This could be an epic Thursday in the smartphone world
Oriental Review
- Marine Le Pen: «We Have Never Been Wrong»It is hard to tell which of the two emotions – national pride or indignation over obvious injustice – fuels the revival of the Europeans’ unique national spirit. This year the process which the European political class is desperately trying to impede manifested itself in a pattern-setting ...
- Joint European Missile Defense: Cooperation or ...Part 1 Strategic and Tactical Nuclear Arms Modernization vis-a-vis the BMD Program The functional feature of the contemporary BMD infrastructure of the US and its key NATO allies is that their missile defense assets are never used per se or alone or separately from their strategic and tactical n ...
- Joint European Missile Defense: Cooperation or ...The positions which Washington and the NATO headquarters in Brussels adopted at the consultations on a joint Russia-USA/NATO European ballistic missile defense (BMD) system have recently drawn a new round of criticisms from the Russian military-political leadership. Such stances on the current s ...
- Shadows and uncertainties on the road… t ...I took a break half a month. I tried to be just mere observer of events. The events are so fluid that information became obsolete within 24 hours. But all combined can give you an overview. So take a look about situation in Syria … and the democracies under construction in Libya and Egyp ...
- Russia as Provocateur?Among the high profile of former Soviet based English language media, the Kyiv Post (KP) is better at promoting nationalist anti-Russian leaning views, when compared to The Moscow Times’ (TMT) approach to patriotically reasonable Russian perspectives. TMT and KP can each show instances of ...
- The Pipeline Fellowship - A New Brand of AngelsRecently I had the pleasure of catching up with Natalia Oberti Noguera, Founder & CEO of the Pipeline Fellowship to learn more about how they are helping the new breed of women angel investors. Typically only 12% of angel investors are women and Pipeline Fellowship is out to change that. Som ...
- Buy Fair Trade, Hand Made or Global AidHere’s one of my holiday shopping dilemmas: I want to buy presents for my friends and family, but I don’t want to get caught up in the consumer frenzy. Especially with the reports about dubious manufacturing practices (child labor?) or war-torn starvation in the Horn of Africa. Well, there are g ...
- NBA Lockout is Over - Does Anyone Care?The NBA lockout is tentatively, unofficially, hopefully over.After 149 days of contentious talks between the owners and players, a 15 hour post-Thanksgiving negotiation saved the 2011-12 season bringing an early holiday gift to many.Commissioner David Stern and Player's Association leader ...
- White Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies[Editor's Note: This cookie recipe sounds delicious, but what I really love about this post is the sweet story behind it. Cassie of Bake Your Day made these for her husband to welcome him home after he'd been away. They were just the thing for a happy reunion. --Genie] White Chocolate Pumpkin S ...
- Deck the Halls: A (Mostly) Handmade Home Decor ...Buying gifts for someone else's home is tricky business. I often warn people to proceed with caution. A man's home is his castle and he wants it to look just so. Take into serious consideration each person and their personal style and tastes when buying decor for their home. &n ...
Health Freedom Alliance
- Lawmakers Step Into Food Fight Over PizzaOur economy is getting worse and worse and millions are unemployed but don’t worry the government is ready to do battle. However it’s not the economy their willing to battle. It’s pizza! Congress ...
- Co-Sleeping Ad Of Baby With Knife Aims To Warn ...The city of Milwaukee, Wisc., is taking a “raw” approach at warning parents of the dangers of co-sleeping with their babies. SERVE marketing designed an advertisement for the city’s Health Department that features a baby sleeping ...
- More and more Americans living past 90If your saving up for retirement you better keep on saving. More and more Americans are living longer, a lot longer. By the year 2050 nine million people will be in their 90s. ...
- Beer Drinking And Cardiovascular HealthThere is good new for beer drinkers. Researches have known for some time that moderate wine drinking can lower your risk of heart attacks and stroke but now a new study shows beer can ...
- Air fresheners can trigger allergies, asthmaAsthma suffers and parents of children with asthma should pay special attention to the chemical products they use in their house. New information shows that many different types of common air fresheners ...
Live News Wire
- Editorial: As The Country Mourned, Tucson Need ...Those who criticized the reaction of the crowd at Wednesday night's memorial have it ingrained that a perfect memorial is one with candles, flowers and tears. The citizens of Tucson and the American people have mourned for five days. Wednesday's event was not a time to mourn some more. It was a ...
- Police Made Visits To Loughner Home Before Sho ...The Tucson, Arizona family home of 22-year-old Jared Loughner had been visited by authorities before the shooting of a congresswoman and 18 others last Saturday, new information by the New York Times revealed Wednesday. It's unclear what the visits were about or what prompted the call to author ...
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Congresswoman’s ...Newly-released court documents offer a glimpse into the motive behind Jared Loughner's attempted assassination of Tucson Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday. Recovered from Loughner's home was a letter addressed to Jared Loughner from Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords mailed a ...
- “Unbelievable Tragedy:” Congresswoman Shot By ...At least fifteen gunshots rang out shortly after 10:10am Arizona Time Saturday, bullets fatally striking a Federal Judge and injuring a prominent Congresswoman. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) of Arizona's Eighth District was wounded at a public meet-and-greet event outside a grocery s ...
- Queensland Facing Flood Of “Biblical” ProportionsThe worst floods in 50 years to hit Queensland, Australia are being described as nothing short of Biblical. More than 1,000 people have been evacuated, though officials say as the floodwaters get worse, as many as 4,000 residents could be asked to vacate their homes and businesses later this we ...
Coal Tattoo
- Happy Thanksgiving everybody …Hey folks, Coal Tattoo is going to be shut down for a couple of days. I hope everyone enjoys some time with family and friends. Be safe, be kind to each other, and be thankful.
- Gov. Tomblin replaces appeals board members in ...Well, West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin has made it pretty plain that one of his absolute top priorities is to defend the state’s coal industry and to perpetuate the practice of mountaintop removal coal mining. So perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise that on Friday — less ...
- Coal industry continues to aggressively appeal ...The blog post yesterday from our friend Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., understandably focused on the clear good news in a new report from the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission and the Department of Labor: Efforts to reduce the backlog of the thousands of health and safety appeals b ...
- Remembering the Farmington DisasterGazette photo by Lawrence Pierce Forty-three years ago yesterday, 78 miners were killed in an explosion at Consolidation Coal Co.’s No. 9 Mine in Farmington, W.Va. WBOY-TV reported from yesterday’s commemoration: That morning, an explosion at the Consol Number 9 Mine just outside of Farmin ...
- MSHA cites ‘imminent danger’ at Al ...Here’s the SEC filing made by Alpha Natural Resources on Friday: On July 21, 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) was enacted. Section 1503 of the Dodd-Frank Act contains new reporting requirements regarding mine safety, including disclosing o ...
Daniel Miessler
- Mechanical Turk vs. CAPTCHA: An InfoSec LessonI’ve always hated the “THING is dead. Long live the THING” cliché, but I’m going to use it here for CAPTCHA. CAPTCHA raises the cost of attacking something, which improves its security. It’s that simple. The question is simply how much you raised the cost vs. the de ...
- In-depth Analysis of Predator vs. Hogwartz | R ...Okay, first we have to assume a few stated facts from both franchises, but namely Hogwarts. Technology isn’t supposed to work well (if at all) on the grounds With this limitation there is no drop in, Predator must approach on foot. Wizards are not inherantly stupid, they will notice classm ...
- A Hiring PrimerFew topics are discussed as much in the tech industry as how to hire great people. There are myriad approaches, from how to look for qualities you want, to how to filter people you don’t want, to how to ignore standard metrics and go with some sort of instinct. Everyone has their favorite ...
- Handling Redirects with Varnish and NginxI run Varnish here on the site, with Nginx as the backend. I’ve written before about my overall setup, and how to improve site performance, so I won’t go into it here. Here I want to cover a subtlety of putting varnish in front of nginx (or any other web server, really) with respect ...
- Education Pays | Bureau of Labor Statisticsvia bls.gov A striking visualization. Posted via email from danielmiessler.com | posterous Related ContentVisual.ly | Infographics & VisualizationsEducation in AmericaA Digital IO WorkflowBrowser CombatDon’t Be a Cryptic Ass
- Plainclothes cops spotter cardSPOTTER CARD PLAINCLOTHES PDF - please copy and distribute freely. We must remember these faces and not allow them near our protests again!
- Plainclothes Police and “Agents Provocat ...FITwatch have been inspired by the amount of people taking an interest in the policing operations on November 9th. FITwatch recognise critical enagagement with policing strategy as being crucial to our success as a protest movement. However, FITwatch wanted to flag one particular area of concern ...
- Plainclothes cops on education demoThese are a selection of the plainclothes cops spotted on the education demo on 9th November. Fitwatchers witnessed the violent arrest or one protester and followed the officers. Other photos have come from various sources. REMEMBER THESE FACES! THESE COPS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED ON OUR PROTESTS AGA ...
- Don’t be intimidated! See you on the st ...On the eve of the mass education/sparks/cabbies protest on 9th November, it is clear the state are trying to intimidate us. From the news today that the police have written to protesters arrested at previous demonstrations warning them off protesting (see picture), to the “total policing” of the ...
- Armed police raid Kurdish tent at OccupyLSXLast night, the Kurdish tent at the OccupyLSX camp was raided by armed police following an alleged tip off of a gun being present. They searched the tent for over half an hour unsurprisingly finding nothing. The Kurdish community has long been criminalised, and labelled as terrorists for their a ...
Worldwide Hippies
- Capitalism and the Spy Market: An AnalysisBy Lawrence Davidson,tothepointanalyses.com - I. The Merchandise It was certainly appropriate that the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the mouthpiece of capitalist ideology, should publish an expose on “a new global market for off-the-shelf surveillance technology…” Entitled “The Surveillance Catalog ...
- Let’s play ‘Hate the Hippie’By Jaime O’Neill,paradisepost.com – I’ve been writing this column for a long time now, and I’ve attracted my share of hate mail. Though I no longer remember the opinion I offered in my first column, I do remember being surprised at the vehemence of some of the responses i ...
- The Shopping SheepleBy Diana May Waldman,WWH- I am always amazed at the people who lunge for the dangling carrot. Not only will they lunge, they will knock you over to get there. Please view the following video. It shows what happens when the doors are opened for Black Friday Shopping. http://www.youtube.com/watch? ...
- Worldwide Hippies Book NookWWH – Book Nook will appear every Sunday here at WorldWide Hippies. We want to bring you some of the best writers and poets–whether they are new writers, weary older writers, experimental, funny, romantic, and innovative and energetic writers. You’ll find them here, each and every Sunday a ...
- The Shocking Truth About the Crackdown on OccupyBy Naomi Wolf, Guardian UK – The violent police assaults across the US are no coincidence. Occupy has touched the third rail of our political class’s venality US citizens of all political persuasions are still reeling from images of unparallelled police brutality in a coordinated cra ...
reference frame
- Andrea Rossi: pressure and boiling pointNo boiling occurs in the "reactor"; numbers match In June, Swedish server Cornucopia looked at the following 13-minute June 2011 presentation by Andrea Rossi a little bit critically and with some updates from TRF, it becomes pretty hilarious. The explanation should be comprehensible to e ...
- The Fabric of the Cosmos IIIQuantum Leap Just one link. If you have 53 spare minutes, you may watch the third episode of The Fabric of the Cosmos with Brian Greene on PBS. The outline of the program below isn't supposed to be pretty or ordered... It is about quantum mecbanics: quantum computing a ...
- Jones and Mann in Tahiti: and many other e-mailsTom Nelson has found some new hilarious e-mails in the Climategate 2011 package. You must have always wondered how the billions of dollars are being spent in the climate research if the only outcome seem to be a few fraudulent graphs that every other crackpot is able to fabricate ...
- Hydrogen atom and \(SO(4)\) symmetry"Shut up and calculate" is not only a wise attitude to the questions about the foundations of quantum mechanics; it is a constructive approach to physics in general. But what about the idea to walk the walk and calculate something? Symmetries play a crucial role in physics – in classica ...
- Google's renewable energy is sunsettingGoogle is thankfully acting as a commercial entity that does care about the impact (and profitability) of their projects. So – see Reuters – among the projects it will be retiring or "sunsetting" by Spring 2012, we find: Google Knol: a framework that was collecting high-quality art ...
Tatumba 2.0
- Hydrogen buildup at Fukushima? What does it me ...Hydrogen buildup at Fukushima? What does it mean & why does it happen? from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo. TEPCO recently discovered hydrogen buildups within the containment buildings in Fukushima Units 1, 2 and 3. Could there be another explosion, and if so how? Fairewinds conducts a labor ...
- I was able to punk Doomtards using YouTube eve ...What does this headline conjure up? Type ‘Illuminati’ backwards into a web browser followed by “.com” Over the years I have spent considerable time, effort, and expense trying to educate the fluoridated media zombies to wake up. I have had moderate success and traffic to ...
- Proof that we could be breathing in Hot Partic ...Scientist Marco Kaltofen Presents Data Confirming Hot Particles from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo. Washington, DC – October 31, 2011 – Today Scientist Marco Kaltofen of Worchester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) presented his analysis of radioactive isotopic releases from the Fukushima accid ...
- WALL STREET INSIDER: The Obama White House Wan ...by Ulsterman on October 17, 2011 with 72 Comments in News Our latest interview with a longtime Wall Street Insider reveals details of a troubling Obama White House stance against Wall Street executives voicing concern over the now daily violence permeating the Occupy Wall Street movement – and ...
- Mac Slavo: Bugging Out of NYC: Something Terri ...Bugging Out of NYC: “Something Terrible is Coming… So For Now, I’m Getting Out.” Mac Slavo October 20th, 2011 SHTFplan.com Comments (67) You may remember the Wall Street Insider from a previous interview in which he suggested that elements within the Obama administration were mobilizing to incit ...
Truth About Our World
- Occupy Wall Street “Beware The Zeitgeist ...
- The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right
- World War 3 (III,Three): September 11, 2001-20 ...
- Max Keiser: Time to Get The Hell Out of the US
- Hidden No Longer: Genocide in Canada, Past and ...BOOK: http://hiddennolonger.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/No-Longer-Hidden-1.pdf The stories, documentation and other evidence in this book are based in part on the living testimonies of nearly three hundred survivors of thirty eight separate Indian residential or hospitals across Canada. The ...
- Can't Stop the Big MoHealthy spending and productivity add up to some good stock buys, says S&P's Kenneth Shea. Plus: His formula for a diversified portfolio
- Merck: More Agony from Its PainkillerThe costly Vioxx verdict makes its plan to take on each claim individually more difficult. But a big settlement is no easy cure, either
- No Lull in the Airlines' HeadwindsThe industry isn't doing as badly as it was, but that's not saying much, according to S&P's Philip Baggaley
- IGN Entertainment: Where the Boys AreThe Web outfit has drawn a huge, male-dominated following and has an IPO in the works. But will a big Net player come calling?
- At Motorola, "a Hop in Everybody's Step"CEO Ed Zander admits he hasn't checked every box on his to-do list. But he's happy to take credit for kick-starting innovation
- Teens Find Out the Real Story Behind CosmeticsBy Adrienne Barlia and Melissa Aronson EWG's 2011 Teen Ambassadors Hey teens! We know you probably wear make-up and use cosmetics everyday, but do you have any idea what's inside these products? Many personal care products may include dangerous... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my ...
- Save the Delaware RiverSince George Washington crossed the Delaware in 1776, the river has become an iconic American image. Nearly 16 million people rely on the Delaware river for drinking water, and every year 5.4 million Americans swim, fish, camp, hike and explore... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my ...
- Hey Parents: Read This Book, Then Save the Pla ...By Lisa Frack, EWG Social Media Manager We parents give a lot of orders. "Put your pajamas away. Clear the table, please. Don't pull the cat's tail!" But in her new book, Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, ...
- Don't get slimed: Skip the fabric softenerBy Rebecca Sutton, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist Fabric softeners contain toxic ingredients that are bad for your health and the environment. EWG recommends that laundry doers just say no. Fabric softeners and dryer sheets are relative newcomers to the... [[ This is a content summary only. Visi ...
- Feinstein to fight for BPA-free formula By Elaine Shannon, Environmental Working Group editor-in-chief Five years ago, tens of millions of baby bottles and sippy cups sold in the United States were manufactured with a petrochemical derivative called bisphenol A. Today, according to the... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit ...
Quick Hits
- More Teachers Being Replaced By TechnologyThe neoliberal wetdream coming to fruition. From Fast Company: Districts all over are experimenting with teacher-less computer labs and green-lighting entire classrooms of adult-supervised children exploring the Internet--an Android powered tablet designed specifically for students. Teachers' u ...
- Food costs at record levels, likely to go higherMANILA/MILAN (Reuters) - World food prices hit a record in January and recent catastrophic weather around the globe could put yet more pressure on the cost of food, an issue that has already helped spark protests across the Middle East. Up for the seventh month in a row, the closely watched Food ...
- Shell makes $2,208,480 (£1.6m) an hour, [Clue ...http://www.guardian.co.uk/busi... The Guardian in Britain says calmly:Shell stoked up the heated debate about the high cost of fuel on the forecourt today after reporting it made profits of nearly £1.6m an hour over the last three months.A leading member of the road lobby said moto ...
- Gallup Helps Explain Egyptian/Tunisia UprisingsWellbeing in Egypt and Tunisia decreased significantly over the past few years, even as GDP increased. In Egypt, where demonstrations have prompted President Hosni Mubarak to give up power after elections this fall, the percentage of people "thriving" fell by 18 percentage points since 2005. In ...
- Wallace Shawn: Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jef ...The Grand Nagus speaks! At Tom Dispatch.com.
Capital - NYC
- See 'Alien' and 'The Life and Death of Colonel ...
- Some other movies for the days of Thanksgiving
- 'The Muppets': Leveraging the devotion of its ...
- Giving thanks to Andrew Hartshorne, Joe Marino ...
- Mitt Romney's hairstyle doesn't waver, and a B ...
Views & News from Norway
- Wind and waves clobber the coastThe “extreme weather system” known as “Berit” hit Norway’s northwest coast hard on Friday and through the night into Saturday morning, moving north from Hordaland and Møre og Romsdal up to Lofoten and beyond. Waves as high as 30 meters, hurricane-force winds and rec ...
- New art museum rising in OsloPICTURE STORY: After years of planning and construction, a new home for Oslo’s Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art now seems to suddenly be rising quickly on the capital’s western waterfront. We snapped some photos over the weekend, when the weather suddenly cleared as well. The Os ...
- Battles loom over new military plansNorway’s top military brass must prepare for battle with politicians and members of their own ranks, after presenting their advice and specific long-term plans for how the country’s defense forces should be organized to boost preparedness at home. Defense experts predict the plans wi ...
- Royal guards march to a tougher roleThey’re often referred to as “pyntsoldater” (decorative or ceremonial soldiers) who stand guard outside royal properties, march in parades and perform in international competitions. Norway’s royal guards, however, now may be called upon to respond to national emergencies ...
- ‘Russ’ partying may be delayedGraduating students known as “russ” in Norway may be able to party with even more abandon from 2013, after the Labour Party announced this week that it would consider moving final exams forward from June until the second week of May. The partying could then begin after that. Marianne ...
Permaculture Research Institute - Australia
- Urine: Closing the NPK LoopThe Stockholm Environment Institute conducted experiments and collected data that shows the usefulness of a resource every one of us has access to — urine. When utilized as a fertilizer, urine can provide an alternative to chemical fertilizers. The impacts ripple far beyond the nutrient va ...
- Learn Grow: Edible Plant Information ResourcesI thought I’d share this excellent, growing resource on edible plants for specific regions. At time of writing the Learn Grow project has created comprehensive plant list info for the following regions: Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea Timor Leste Nigeria In addition, the site has t ...
- Hear Ted Trainer Speak About Your Future, Newc ...Do you wonder about the future? Yours? Your children’s? Your grandchildren’s? Hear Ted Trainer speak on the issues that matter. Free ~ Free ~ Free ~ Free Where: Mulubinba Room, City Hall, Newcastle, NSW, Australia When: 3.30 p.m. Tuesday 29 November 2011 Who: Ted Trainer Ted T ...
- Rainwater Harvesting Volumes I & II Christmas ...Looking for an enlightening Christmas gift? Brad Lancaster’s highly regarded Rainwater Harvesting series certainly fits neatly into this category. The two books are temporarily discounted to encourage you to share the permaculture word this holiday season. To receive your order before Ch ...
- New Zealand’s 160-2 Food Bill – an Opportunity!Some of you will have seen the sensational ‘news’ that the New Zealand government is planning to introduce a law that "takes away the human right to grow food". Hopefully you’ll also realise that good ‘ol everything-is-a-conspiracy Alex Jones, who has the Infowar ...
- Some thoughts and some questions about the Cli ...Two years ago, I did what can only be described as a highly speculative profile of the climategate leaker. You can find it here. I strongly suggest you read it now or you’ll have some difficulty following the rest of this piece. Reading it again in the light of what more can be deduced abo ...
- Crash Post : Climategate Mk 2.A new dump of what looks to be another batch of very candid emails between climate scientists has just been leaked onto the internet. At first glance, they appear to be what was left out of the original “selection of emails” referred to in the original climategate readme file. You ca ...
- The Durban debacle awaits …Here we go again, another climate clambake attracting attendees from all over the world. They’ll be the usual assortment of politicians, government civil servants, Media, NGOs, activists and fruit loops determined to save the earth from global warming. Nothing changes. In terms of the basic poli ...
- Happy birthday Climategate.It’s around the time of the second anniversary of the Climategate leak so it’s fitting to take stock of where we are now. Before doing that, it’s worth taking a walk down memory lane to recall how things were before it occurred. They were really different. If you were in the fight at the time,&# ...
- Green myths : We have to get back to a natural ...We live under this pervasive avalanche of propaganda that’s telling us we’re the single fly in the ointment that’s killing an Earth that was somehow an Eden before we appeared to spoil the whole thing; if only we could change. Yes, if only we could change. If only we could stand to watch a perso ...
Journalists' Toolkit
- The best video export optionsHow do you choose the best settings for exporting your video, after you have edited it? I remember how confusing this was for me when I started working with Web video several years ago. With the slower computers we had back then, I would wait for what seemed like forever while exporting a small ...
- Video Resources updatedThe new Video Resources page has been added to this site. This is a carefully curated page with links to good tutorials for video editing software, video shooting tips, and the like. It’s intended for beginners, particularly journalism students and journalism educators who are teaching vid ...
- Flash Journalism updatesI have been hard at work updating the Flash Journalism website. New tutorials for ActionScript 3.0 and for working on the Timeline in CS4 and CS5 have been added. The old pages from the original site (created to support the book I wrote about Flash journalism in 2004) are still online, and all t ...
- New tutorial: Windows Live Movie MakerAs an aid to a journalism training session I agreed to give, I created a short PowerPoint that is aimed at journalism students. Windows Live Movie Maker Tutorial Windows Live Movie Maker is quite different from its predecessor — Windows Movie Maker (not “live”). It is less vers ...
- Convert WMA files with SwitchSwitch Sound File Converter is a free program from NCH Software. You can download it here (Mac or Windows). I have been using this program and recommending it widely for about two years. It’s easy to use, and it’s especially useful for converting WMA format files to WAV so that we ca ...
Justice Roars - Louisiana
- The Houma Nation Fight for Recognition, By Ada ...The Bridge The Gulf Blog recently posted a powerful report from a citizen of the United Houma Nation, about the tribe’s history and its ongoing struggle to be officially recognized by the US government. Below are excerpts from the posting. I am a citizen of the United Houma Nation (UHN), Lou ...
- Ethics Issues Raised Regarding Chas Roemer and ...A recent blog post from the Louisiana Federation of Teachers highlights some of the issues that have recently been raised around candidates for the upcoming Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) election. Below are excerpts from the blog: Two candidates strongly supported by Gov. ...
- New Orleans Is No Education 'Miracle' By Lind ...An article recently posted on the Education Week website offers an important perspective on New Orleans' schools: As a recent graduate of a New Orleans public high school, I find it very troubling that the national conversation about post-Katrina education amounts to little more than talking ...
- “There’s Too Much Misinformation About Us Out ...Parnell Herbert sat with Norris Henderson, Co-Director of V.O.T.E. NOLA to discuss the fact and fiction about Black-on-Black crime in New Orleans. While sitting with Norris Henderson upstairs at the RAE House, I couldn’t help but marvel at his calm, composed demeanor. Here is a man who served m ...
- Confederate Flag in Caddo Parish to Come DownFrom The Louisiana Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty: After more than sixty years since it was raised, the Confederate Flag outside the Caddo Parish Courthouse will come down. The decision comes after two hearings at the Caddo Parish Commission (2002 and 2011), one hearing in the ...
Information Underground
- Economics, Money/Banking, Investments, Profite ...Interesting show with Steve Keen (from Australia): [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=rGkmgnprrIU[/youtube]Statistics: Posted by CrackSmokeRepublican — Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:55 pm
- Historical Events • 200 years Together: Chapte ...Very much worth a look ... the translation of Solzhenitsyn's 200 years together... --CSR http://200yearstogether.wordpress.com/ ----- Chapter 4. In the Age of Reforms Posted on August 23, 2011 At the moment of the ascension of Alexander II to the throne, the Peasant Question in Russia had ...
- Health, Poisons, Diseases, Drugs • Jew Corrupt ...Money for Nothing & Where have All Our Dollars Gone Wednesday, 16. November 2011 $433 Million for a Disease that Hasn’t Been… Did you know that we haven’t had a single case of smallpox in the United States for over 60 years? To be exact, the last case of smallpox was in 1949. So, why w ...
- Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...Always the golden question that one, just how many of them are involved? How deeply ingrained is it in them to hate the goyim and work hard against them? How many of them are actually behind this conspiracy of theirs? No one wants to believe it's every Jew, surely it can't be and most likely it ...
- Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...LordLindsey wrote: For those of you who don't "get-it," I am hoping that I will wake-up and find a world where the ENTIRE zionist-philosophy has been erased from this planet and those psycho/sociopaths are out of all of our lives so that the human-race can get back on-track with SOME S ...
- Egypt's ElBaradei turns up heat on ruling generalsPresidential candidate Mohamed ElBaradei has offered to lead a government of national unity.
- More deaths in Syria as Arab states plan sanctionsArab states plan to cut commercial ties with President Bashar al-Assad's government and freeze its assets.
- Prince Andrew slammed over travelDespite being urged to "drastically cut back" on his travelling, Prince Andrew is at it more than ever.
- FARC rebels execute four military hostagesColombian FARC rebels executed four members of the security forces during a botched mission
- NATO raid kills up to 28 Pakistan troopsNATO helicopters and jets attacked two military outposts in Pakistan, killing as many as 28 troops.
environment 360
- Google Green Energy Program Is Cut as Company ...Google Inc. says it is abandoning its ambitious program to drive down the cost of renewable energy, one of seven major initiatives canceled by the Internet giant this week as it looks to focus on its core projects. Launched four years ago through Google.org, the company’s philanthropic arm, the ...
- Court Restores Protections For Yellowstone Par ...A federal appeals court has ruled that Yellowstone National Park’s population of 600 grizzly bears was improperly removed from the endangered species list, saying the bears face an unprecedented threat from the widespread die-off of a key food source, the white bark USFWS pine. A three judge ...
- Video: In Drought-Stricken West, A War Against ...In an e360 video, journalist Jon Brand reports on the controversy over the tamarisk tree, or salt cedar, which has been a fixture in West Texas since the late 1800s, when settlers imported it from the Mediterranean. As salt cedar has spread throughout the southwestern U.S., it has been vili ...
- New Cache of Emails Leaked in Advance of Durba ...An anonymous source has released a new cache of private emails from some of the world’s leading climate scientists, a leak apparently timed to disrupt international climate talks beginning next week in Durban, South Africa. While it remains unclear who shared the 5,000 emails — which are availab ...
- Camera Traps Document Wild Cats in Unprotected ...Using a network of camera traps, researchers captured images of five wild cat species within the same Sumatran forest corridor, an unprotected area rich in biodiversity but threatened by industrial logging and View gallery WWF-IndonesiaCamera trap images of wild cats in Sumatra clear-cutting f ...
- FreakOutNationTags: progressive blog
- Researching Criminal zionismTags: politics criminal zionism conspiracy
- Screw You Guys, I'm Going HomeTags: law employment jobs firing quitting
- The neokids DailyTags: paper li kids news medicine
- No Shit Department-Tags: realpolitik alternative press conspiracies crime politics
- Death in Vancouver, bluster on TwitterBy Frank Moher A young woman died of a drug overdose in Vancouver yesterday. Her name was Ashley. She became one of the approximately 120 people who will die of drug overdoses in Vancouver this year. She happened to be at the Occupy Vancouver encampment when she died. Or perhaps it wasn ...
- Three simple words that can save a lifeBy Montreal Simon About ten years ago I saw a young couple throw themselves in front of a subway train at the McGill metro station in downtown Montreal. It was all over in a flash. All I saw was two people on the opposite platform suddenly rush forward, and then the body ...
- Minister Oliver goes oil drummingBy Alison@Creekside While in Washington oildrumming up K-XL support with US senators on tuesday, Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver plumped for the Keystone XL pipeline in his keynote address to the 4th Annual United States Energy Association (USEA) Energy Supply Forum. Here is the qu ...
- Letter to Steve Jobsby Eric Pettifor Dear Mr. Jobs: I write to you on the occasion of your death to congratulate you on making a difference. As more of a technology visionary and businessman than a true geek (that was your erstwhile partner Steve Wozniak, or "Woz"), you may not recall that this was ...
- Should the CBC boot Cherry and O’Leary?By Frank Moher It's not at all a bad thing that CBC loudmouths Don Cherry and Kevin O'Leary have agitated some viewers lately, Cherry with his rant against former NHL enforcers who have come out against violence in hockey, and O'Leary with his interview of American journalist Chris Hedges, in ...
Daily Beast
- The GOP’s Supercommittee BacklashAmericans are appalled at Washington’s latest failure—but more angry at Republicans. John Avlon explains why.
- America’s Pakistan MessBruce Riedel on the decades of deceit that have Obama in diplomatic hell—and why Pakistan holds the cards.
- Obama's Cunning Truman StrategyWith the supercommittee in tatters, the president’s hands-off approach suddenly looks savvy.
- WWII's Audacious Double-AgentHe tricked Hitler so thoroughly that the Germans thanked him after the war—with no idea he'd helped defeat them.
- My Husband the PedophileDarlene Ellison, the ex-wife of a convicted sex offender, reveals how Dorothy Sandusky may have been kept in the dark.
- GTA Woman has Niqab Pulled Off in AssaultA Muslim woman from Mississauga, Ont., who had her niqab pulled from her face at a local mall, says her young children no longer feel secure with only her nearby.
- Daniel Pipes Misrepresents CAP Report on Islam ...Daniel Pipes and co. are working hard for that Islamophobia money.
- Wajahat Ali: How turkey came to our Thanksgivi ...Once shunned by my Muslim family, the bird finally found a place in our home, just like so many American traditions.
- The Stealth Halal Jihadist Turkey: Or, How I L ...Wajahat Ali writes about turkey jihad in this guest piece for LoonWatch.
- Anti-Muslim Geert Wilders and Government Ally ...I think it rocks Geert Wilders mind that Turkey and the Netherlands have had a relationship for 400 years.
Energy News
- Asahi: Almost 1,000,000 times more radioactive ...
- “It’s like Russian roulette” ...
- Gov’t Survey: Shinjuku, Tokyo has third ...
- Asahi: Gov’t survey shows Fukushima fall ...
- Busby: We are going to take some kind of libel ...
Japan Times
- Vettel makes history with 15th poleTwo-time Formula One champion Sebastian Vettel made history again on Saturday, breaking Nigel Mansell's 19-year record for the most pole positions in a season. One year after becoming the youngest driver to win the F1 championship, the German captured his 15th pole at the Brazilian Grand Prix ...
- Hawks blank Perth at Asia SeriesSeiichi Uchikawa drove in three runs and Sho Iwasaki combined with three relievers in a shutout as the Japan Series champion Fukuoka Softbank Hawks defeated the Perth Heat of Australia 4-0 to win their third game in a row at the Asia Series on Sunday. Softbank, which finished the round-robin s ...
- China gives Japan cold shoulder on cyberattackJapan asked China to help probe a cyberattack earlier this year on the computer system of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., government sources said. The late September request was made because the cyberattack on the major defense contractor was suspected to have originated in China, the source ...
- The two pillars of the world's futureOur world is about to be transformed. It is too early to tell what changes will come about. Yet, there is a premonition that the future relationship between America and China will set the course for the entire world. America and China must relate in a manner that is not confrontational and des ...
- Maruti Suzuki chief expects to stay No. 1Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. will stay No. 1 in India's small-car market for at least another decade because no other automaker has a similar infrastructure, maintenance network or the technical flare to produce vehicles that meet local demand, says R.C. Bhargava, chairman of the joint Japan-India v ...
Alexander Higgins
- #NOV17 – #OccupyWallStreet To Shutdown W ...Occupy Wall Street calls for shutdown of Wall Street and NYC subways on the Nov 17th international day of mass non-violent action with over 400 events scheduled nationwide.
- #OccupyWallStreet – This Is What Revolut ...Chris Hedges lays out the progression of Occupy Wall Street and makes clear that we are now entering into the final phase of the start of a revolution against the elite.
- Largest Anti-Fracking Rally EVER! To Be Held I ...Occupy Trenton Will Join Occupy DRBC on November 21st in Trenton as 1000s expected to join the largest anti-fracking rally EVER!!!
- Occupy Wall Street March To DC Arrives In Prin ...The latest updates from the Occupy Wall Street March to DC as they march to Trenton for Veteran's day.
- #OccupyWallStreet March To DC Heads To Occupy ...Veteran’s Day Events at Occupy Trenton To Include A March To Other Memorials And The Welcoming Of The Occupy Wall Street March To DC At Our New Tent City At North 25 Park.
Macleans - Central
- Movember madness
- This is the week that wasThe long-gun registry split the NDP leadership contenders. Paul Dewar talked medical infrastructure. Nathan...
- Fur on the HillManitoba Conservative MP Robert Sopuck shows off his fur in the House of Commons...
- This week has four sketchesMonday. James Moore’s audition Tuesday. Ipso facto governance Wednesday. Whatever he meant, Tony Clement...
- Holding the government to accountLike Rob Merrifield earlier this week, here is the question Conservative MP John Weston...
Making It Count - CCPA
- Children and Families Living in Poverty in Nov ...Today, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia releases its 2011 Report Card on Child and Family Poverty in Nova Scotia written by CCPA-NS Research Associate, Lesley Frank. It evaluates Nova Scotia’s progress toward Canada’s 1989 goal of eradicating child poverty by 2000. Accor ...
- Naomi Klein on Capitalism vs. the ClimateWith all the hoopla about climate change and global warming, it’s hard to be a capitalist these days. At least, that was the theme of the Heartland Institute’s Sixth International Conference on Climate Change (and judging from some of the opinions voiced at this event, I can only imagine the “fa ...
- A Progressive Alternative to the Harper AgendaThe Harper government is set to cut spending on public services and social programs in the name of deficit reduction, but implemented mainly to increase reliance on the market, to create new sources of profit for the private sector, and to finance future tax cuts. This ideological agenda will ta ...
- Challenging capitalism: a 12-step programOver a year ago, I posted “What are the Game Changers?“, an attempt at sparking some strategic thinking for the broader left. Now that we’ve had a month of Occupation, building on the original Occupy Wall Street action, I’ve been wanting to put these ideas back on the tab ...
- The Mowat Centre and Employment InsuranceThe Mowat Centre final report on Employment Insurance (EI) released today has won a fair bit of media attention, and will serve to deepen the national debate over Canada’s most important income security program for working age adults and families. The Task Force has commissioned and publis ...
- Palestine Solidarity Campaign in unholy allian ...Lauren Booth looks at how the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, in particular its national director Sarah Colborne, appear to have put appeasement of some of the UK's vilest Zionist bodies, such as the Jewish Chronicle weekly and the website Harry's Place, ahead of genuine opposition to Israeli rac ...
- Capitalism and the spy marketLawrence Davidson looks at the array of surveillance tools highlighted by the Wall Street Journal's "Surveillance Catalogue" - technologies that are designed to rob every person on the planet of their privacy - and argues that, as with some illicit drugs and some forms of deviant sex, these tool ...
- The Arab Spring - hello or goodbye to democracy?As the people of Egypt struggle to ensure that their pro-democracy uprising is not highjacked by the generals, Alan Hart sees signs that the days of Arab autocrats and despots may well be numbered and argues that genuine Arab democracy is Zionism’s worst nightmare.
- Support today's Freedom Riders by ending US su ...Josh Ruebner views the parallels between the US Freedom Riders of the early 1960s and the current Palestinian Freedom Riders who have begun a non-violent campaign against the segregated transport systems and apartheid conditions endured by Palestinians under Israel's brutal military occupation o ...
- America’s festering soresPaul J. Balles outlines "a must-do menu" of political causes needing public attention, from the icon of injustice and arbitrariness known as Guantanamo, through the silence over the 1967 Israeli attack on the US warship USS Liberty, which resulted in 200 American casualties, to the existence of ...
Physics Today
- With new bionic contact lens, text will be up ...BBC: A group of researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle is developing a contact lens that can project images in front of the eye through the use of an embedded pixel array. Such a device has been challenging to create because it not only requires a suitable power source and mechan ...
- More stolen climate science emails releasedNew York Times: Another batch of stolen emails from climate scientists was posted yesterday by the hacker or group of hackers responsible for Climategate two years ago. Involving the same scientists and many of the same issues, some of them also carried a similar tone: “catty remarks by th ...
- European Union names its first chief scientistNature: Anne Glover, a molecular and cell biologist who is currently serving as Scotland's chief scientific adviser, will become the European Union's first chief scientific adviser. Although the identity of the nominee has been announced, key aspects of her job remain undefined, writes Nature's ...
- Student loans imperiled by supercommittee's fa ...Chronicle of Higher Education: The so-called supercommittee of 12 congressional Democrats and 12 congressional Republicans admitted yesterday that it had failed to carry out its charge: to reach agreement on a series of deficit-reducing measures. The failure triggers automatic spending cuts, whi ...
- World's lightest material is developed by Cali ...Talking Points Memo: Researchers at HRL Laboratories, Caltech, and the University of California, Irvine have created the world’s lightest material—ultralight metallic microlattice. The researchers poured a liquid material into the microlattice pattern and hardened it by exposing it t ...
Revolutionary Politics
- FF News: President Abdulla on Julius Caesarby requintn (Posted Sat, 26 Nov 2011 01:58:58 GMT) In 2010 heeft de stad kreeg een Chinees bedrijf dat mensen formeel opgestegen van de lijn moncler, te beginnen met het vasteland, in Hong Kong te koop. Beleid van de privacy van Moncler Zij ontvangen het gezelschap van mensen en krijgt ton unde ...
- FF News: October 2011 Keysearches...by requintn (Posted Sat, 26 Nov 2011 01:57:59 GMT) De populaire record van Moncler Voor Europa moncler, het product krijgt een uitstekende verkenning van de mensen die ervoor kiezen om de Europese natie te maken in Italië, Frankrijk etc.. De cyste materiaal, Europees en internationaal met veel ...
- FF News: President Abdulla 'dines,' Aishwarya ...by requintn (Posted Sat, 26 Nov 2011 01:57:25 GMT) of het krijgt de derde plaats is dienen om het bedrijf kunnen verzamelen over uw gegevens: persoonlijke naam volgende adres via de post door het sturen van e-mail adres moncler jassen, telefoonnummer, geslacht , verjaardag rente ... enz. Om geïn ...
- FF News: President Abdulla 'dines,' Aishwarya ...by requintn (Posted Sat, 26 Nov 2011 01:56:53 GMT) Ad elk moment dat u allen ontvangen volgens dit beleid de keuze verzamelingen van mensen en de manier waarop ze gebruik maken van de persoonlijke informatie moncler jassen. Als je een persoon om het beleid van terughoudendheid vragen heeft, dru ...
- FF News: President Abdulla on SA Newsby footprints888 (Posted Fri, 25 Nov 2011 17:57:48 GMT) Re:FF News: President Abdulla on SA News 0 Minutes ago Karma: 0 (Reuters) - President of South Africa Omar Abdulla says South Africa's state-owned power utility Eskom wants to greatly expand its grid beyond its borders, bringing energy sec ...
- Bottled water companies target minorities“New York, New York - Water is the lifeblood of this planet, whose inhabitants are watching its accelerated spiral into crisis mode even as they struggle to address the issues and lifestyles that are stretching the earth’s resources thin. Outwardly, the global water crisis appears st ...
- The best wastewater treatment plants can’ ...“The implications are unclear — researchers did not look for whole living bacteria, just for dead fragments of their genetic material — but experts are concerned. Superbugs have developed resistance to almost every kind of antibiotic. They are building resistance faster than sc ...
- Queensland Approves Toxic Waste Discharge“The Queensland Government ignored environmental safety guidelines when it granted Origin Energy and ConocoPhillips permission to release toxic water from its coal seam gas operations into the headwaters of the Murray Darling Basin. “In June last year the government granted an enviro ...
- Kerala ready to talk to TN on Mullaperiyar dam ...“The State Minister for Water Resources, Mr P. J. Joseph, has said the Kerala is willing to hold talks with Tamil Nadu on the Mullapperiyar dam issue if only to ensure the safety of its people. “Speaking to newspersons here after a conference of officials convened to discuss the issu ...
- Judge voices support for big California water pact“A state appeals judge on Monday strongly defended a landmark agreement on how Southern California gets its water, casting aside arguments that the pact should be scrapped because the state essentially wrote a blank check to save a dying lake. “Justice Ronald Robie noted that the agr ...
D. Kucinich
- Kucinich Raises Questions of Structural Integr ...Calls for Public Hearings in Region Prior to Restart Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a long-time watchdog of the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant, today sent a letter to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that raises serious technical questions about the structural viabi ...
- Kucinich to Introduce Statute of Limitations o ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), today announced plans to introduce an amendment that would reinstate a statute of limitations for states to reclaim overpayments made to the poorest of the poor who are food stamp recipients. The State of Ohio, for example, recently sent out notices to mor ...
- Kucinich Calls for Open, Free and Fair Electio ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a proponent of diplomacy and peaceful resolution to conflict, wrote to the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, calling for an end to the violent crackdown in Syria and for open, free and fair elections. The full text of the letter follows: Dear President ...
- Kucinich: Decision to Send Marines to Australi ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement after the Obama Administration announced plans to deploy 2,500 marines to Australia. “The Obama Administration’s decision to send marines to Australia is worrisome because it again demonstrates this Administration’s incli ...
- Kucinich: Special Interests Put Ahead of Child ...Washington D.C. (November 17, 2011) – Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a longtime advocate of children’s nutrition, today released the following statement after language was inserted into the Fiscal Year 2012 Agriculture, Rural Development Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies App ...
Authentically Wired
- The Great Thanksgiving Hoax…Hey you gotta admit it’s a hell of a good story … The Great Thanksgiving Hoax Mises Daily: Saturday, November 20, 1999 by Richard J. Maybury Each year at this time school children all over America are taught the official Thanksgiving story, and newspapers, radio, TV ...
- … Need you ask … it’s only a ...… Need you ask … it’s only a matter of time … Will U.S. Protesters Be Treated As Terrorists? 11-25-2011 • intelhub.com … http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/100194-2011-11-25-will-u-s-protesters-be-treated-as-terrorists.htm?From=News More and more latel ...
- found guilty of war crimes. Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes A War Crimes Tribunal in Malaysia has found former US President George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of war crimes for their roles in the Iraq war, Press TV reports. View video here … http://www.presstv ...
- NOT limited to one political affiliationTragically it is NOT limited to one political affiliation … lawlessness is rampant throughout all phases of our elected government … Our Lawless Tea-Publican Legislature Posted: 25 Nov 2011 07:11 AM PST…Posted by AzBlueMeanie… http://www.blogforarizona.com/blog/201 ...
- REALLY NEED 3 GUESSES… Guess what it is … ? The Medical Miracle You’ll Get Arrested for Using ...
Popular Technology
- Mastering the Firefox Search BarAs a veteran online searcher, data miner, researcher, and computer scientist, I have in the past shied away from using in-browser search bars... instead preferring to use the search tools available on individual sites. This is for practical and functional purposes, as: [1] in-site searches t ...
- The Truth about SourceWatchSourceWatch is a propaganda site funded by an extreme left-wing, anti-capitalist and anti-corporate organization, the Center for Media and Democracy. Just like the untrustworthy Wikipedia the content can be written and edited by ordinary web users. Users who all conveniently share an extreme lef ...
- Correcting misinformation about the journal En ...A frequent source of contention in the global warming debate is the existence of skeptical peer-reviewed papers. These have been overwhelmingly proven to exist. Once confronted with this inconvenient truth, alarmists have desperately tried to discredit the journals that dare publish these papers ...
- Origin of the Popular Technology.net Peer-Revi ...There are various myths floating around online about where the Popular Technology.net peer-reviewed paper list originated, falsely giving credit to people who copied earlier versions of my list and published it as their own. The following is a brief history,Back in February 2007 I began compilin ...
- 900+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticis ...WARNING: Do not accept any criticisms of this list without reading the notes or emailing, populartechnology (at) gmail (dot) comRead: The following papers support skepticism of AGW or AGW Alarm defined as, "concern relating to a negative environmental or socio-economic effect of AGW, usually exa ...
Monga Bay ( Articles )
- Covert Creatures: The Clandestine Lives of Sea ...Seahorses are strange looking creatures, with a horse's head on top of a kangaroo’s pouched belly, bulging, swiveling chameleon eyes, a prehensile monkey tail, color-changing armor and a royal crown, all shrunk down to the size of a chess piece. To marine biologist Helen Scales, these elus ...
- War of words between Greenpeace, Asia Pulp & P ...Greenpeace and Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), a giant global paper supplier, are locked in a heated battle over the activist group's allegations that APP products contain fiber sourced from the destruction of forests in Indonesia. At stake is APP's access to some of the world's most lucrative markets
- Sowing the seeds to save the Patagonian SeaWith wild waters and shores, the Patagonia Sea is home to a great menagerie of marine animals: from penguins to elephants seals, albatrosses to squid, and sea lions to southern right whales. The sea lies at crossroads between more northern latitudes and the cold bitter water of the Southern Ocea ...
- Big damage in Papua New Guinea: new film docum ...In one scene a young man, perhaps not long ago a boy, named Douglas stands shirtless and in shorts as he runs a chainsaw into a massive tropical tree. Prior to this we have already heard from an official how employees operating chainsaws must have a bevy of protective equipment as well as traini ...
- Taking corporate sustainability seriously mean ...As more and more people demand companies to become sustainable and environmentally conscious, many corporations are at a loss of how to begin making the changes necessary. If they attempt to make changes—but fall short or focus poorly—they risk their actions being labeled as 'greenwa ...
Science - NZ Herald
- Gloom over new bid for carbon gas dealThe biggest climate change talks of the year begin next week, but New Zealand officials admit that the chance of an international agreement on emissions is bleaker than ever.On Monday, delegates from more than 190 countries will...
- Hacked emails reignite 'Climategate' controversyThe "Climategate" dispute over global warming science was reignited yesterday, when thousands more hacked emails from climate researchers, some of them potentially damaging, were released online on the eve of a vital United Nations...
- 'Dream machine' Curiosity to explore MarsAs big as a car and as well-equipped as a laboratory, Nasa's newest Mars rover blows away its predecessors in size and skill.Nicknamed Curiosity and scheduled for launch on Saturday, the rover has a 7-foot (2-meter) arm tipped with...
- Gareth Morgan and Geoff Simmons: Our oceans ca ...Control of global stocks is the only answer, say Gareth Morgan and Geoff Simmons, authors of Hook, Line & Blinkers: Everything Kiwis Never Wanted to Know About Fishing . The election is looming, but it's a sad state of affairs...
- GE law probe a big surpriseA highly sensitive Government study into how much money can be made by changing genetic engineering laws will be underway immediately after the election.Environment Minister Nick Smith is facing embarrassment after admitting he...
Truth Survival + RSS
- NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS AND VISITORSAs of today this website will be inactive by webmaster. there will be no further reports or updated information of any kind. however all information that is currently on the website will remain as an archive for the purpose of … Continue reading →
- AARON MCCOLLUM’S FINAL MESSAGEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/universaltruthevolution/2011/07/07/a-special-announcement-by-aaron-mccollum-on-ute Exist Free…. Thank you Aaron Filed under: Black Projects, Common Purpose, Current Events, Dis-Information, Economic Collapse, Elite, Extraterrestrial, Festival of Enlighte ...
- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM AARON MCCOLLUM ON UT ...This Thursday I will be the guest on Universal Truth Evolution Radio to discuss some extremely important information and make a special announcement. I ask that everyone who takes the information provided on Truth Survival tune in to this … Continue reading →
- WHY WE WON’T CELEBRATE THE 4TH OF JULY * ...Simply put…The celebration of a holiday that we see as now dead is pointless. Think of this what you will but can YOU honestly say that the people of this country are still truly free? Should we as a nation … Continue reading →
- DISARMAMENT OF THE ELITEReport written by Roma AKA A2B The Elite want to disarm us, they don’t want us to use our tools and weapons against their tyrannical selves. How about turning the tables… we disarm them, what … Continue reading →
Hit & Run | Reason
- Medvedev: If We Can Put a Man in a Gulag, Why ...Acting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev surveys the failure of the Phobos Grunt mission earlier this month and the loss of a Soyuz cargo craft in August, and he reaches the obvious conclusion: This kind of thing wouldn’t happen if Stalin were around. From AFP: "The recent ...
- Gary Johnson: Should He Run for the LP Nominat ...Former two-term Gov. Gary Johnson (R-N.M.) tells the Santa Fe New Mexican that he feels "abandoned" by a Republican Party that shut him out of all but two of GOP presidential debates so far. As a result, he's mulling over the idea of running for the Libertarian Party's presidential no ...
- New at Reason: Todd Seavey on Grant Morrison, ...In September, DC Comics, America’s oldest comic book publisher, relaunched the series in which its signature character, Superman, made his 1938 debut: Action Comics. DC’s updated Action will be written by a bald, Scottish, mysticism-practicing, psychedelic-drug-taking, punk-music-maki ...
- New at Reason: A. Barton Hinkle on Why Both Pa ...If you could use some good news—and these days, who couldn’t?—pay attention to Virginia’s debate on eminent domain. The progress toward a constitutional amendment limiting that power has something to gladden the heart of every political type. Lawmakers approved the measure for the ...
- New at Reason: Friday FunniesIn the latest edition of Friday Funnies, Henry Payne forcasts the EPA's list of unreasonable fuel requirements. View this article.
Mercury Rising
- Pope Benedict, Fellow Vatican Conservatives Re ...After seeing this, I never want to hear some right-winger lob the “cafeteria Catholic” word-bomb at anyone who uses birth control and still attends Mass: By saying Jesus died “for many” instead of “for all,” will Roman Catholic priests be proclaiming a different theology beginning th ...
- Why Are “Deficit Hawks” Such Morons?That’s the question posed, unwittingly, by deficit hawk knob-polisher and austerity joneser Matt Miller (courtesy of Dean Baker): Miller apparently doesn’t know that China pegs its currency against the dollar. In order to keep the yuan from rising against the dollar, it has purchased over ...
- Mexican president accused of war crimesGuardian staff: Mexican human rights activists have asked the international criminal court to investigate President Felipe Caldéron, as well as top officials and the country’s most-wanted drug trafficker, accusing them of allowing subordinates to kill, torture and kidnap civilians. Netzai ...
- Blowback Central: Online propaganda websiteVia Scott Horton, we learn from Foreign Policy’s David Trilling that the US taxpayer is funding the Pentagon’s lie machine to improve the image of dictators who boil their political opponents to death, and the like: Over the past three years, a subdivision of Virginia-based General D ...
- German Insistence On ‘Punishing’ E ...Angela Merkel wants to punish the rest of Europe for not treating its people like dirt: Angela Merkel was unmoved by another roller-coaster day that saw Portuguese debt being downgraded to junk status, Italian bond yields pushed into the bail-out zone, and doubts cast over France’s AAA rat ...
Reality Sandwich
- Occupy This WeekWeek #9 of OWS saw a nationwide sweep of occupations going through varying degrees of evictions. In NYC, Zuccotti Park was aggressively evicted at 1AM in the morning on November 15th. Without warning, NYPD destroyed a library, kitchen, alternative energy system, a religious alter and a very well ...
- Loss & Enlightenment at OWSIsaac Wilder, the eloquent 21-year old college drop-out who is also head of the Free Network Foundation, was found rummaging around the Department of Sanitation's unmarked headquarters Thursday morning last week, two days after the NYPD’s crude invasion of Zuccoti Park. Wilder has been a vi ...
- Thrive: The Story is Wrong but the Spirit is Right"What is keeping us from thriving?" asks the new movie, Thrive. The answer it gives is "the global elite," the people who control the financial system that in turn controls everything else. Operating through the power institutions of our society, this elite pursues a ...
- The Electric Jesus Hits the RoadFor those of you on the West Coast, I invite you to celebrate the release of my debut book, The Electric Jesus: The Healing Journey of a Contemporary Gnostic. These Evolver gatherings will feature aliens, ayahuasca, and chakra activations -- oh my! ---- read more
- Touring Sacred EconomicsMy new book, Sacred Economics, has been released in print! I'll be touring a bit for the next several months, giving readings, telling the story of the book, and connecting it to recent developments as we enter deeper into the time of transition. Join me for some new perspectives on money ...
- CLIMATE CHANGE: Himalayan Nations Yet to Break ...Chungda Sherpa, a former herder from eastern Nepal, has a warning tale ahead of the United Nations climate change conference in Durban.
- AFRICA: Change the Donors ClimateWhen donor-funded horticultural projects failed in Kalacha village at the edge of the Chalbi Desert in North Eastern Province, Kenya, the local pastoralist community proposed their own idea, which turned out to be the solution to their problems.
- Q&A: "Grabbing of Drylands is a Serious Concern"Designated Drylands Ambassador, United Nations Convention for Combating Desertification (UNCCD), at its 10th Conference of the Parties (COP10) in South Korea in October, Dennis Garrity is mandated to raise awareness of land degradation.
- Climate Change Could Unravel Development ProgressThe United Nations unveiled its 22nd annual Human Development Report on Wednesday, with grave warnings that unless countries take action against climate change and implement sustainable solutions, progress in human development will be in serious jeopardy.
- Hard Targets Needed to Halt Land Degradation C ...Every six seconds, a child dies of hunger-related causes. That disturbing reality seems as remote as the moon here in the ultra-modern Changwon Convention Centre, where delegates struggled to create effective ways to stem the ongoing decline of food-producing lands.
Automatic Earth
- November 25 2011: Deleveraging: There never wa ...
- November 22 2011: Europe Tumbles, America Pays ...
- November 20 2011: Why Germany is right to refu ...
- November 17 2011: This is what happens when go ...
- November 14 2011: The Growth Paradigm Has Beco ...
Press TV
- 'Regional discord only benefits enemies'Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast says sowing discord among regional countries will only benefit the enemies of the region's interests.
- Iran censures violence in BahrainIran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast advises regional states that violence is not the way to respond to the legitimate demands of the people.
- 'Netanyahu, all Israeli premiers, liars'Not only Netanyahu, but all previous 'Israeli prime ministers were liars' according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, a political analyst tells Press TV referring to Sarkozy's comment about Netanyahu.
- UN urges end to Somalia crisisUnited Nations Political Office for Somalia has met with the country's civil society and rights groups in a bid to solve decades-long crisis in the war-torn nation, Press TV reports.
- 'Iran oil sold four months in advance'Iran's Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi says the country's oil has been sold four months in advance and the Islamic Republic will face no problems even if European sanctions are imposed.
- Support R&D to adapt to climate change, says O ...An OECD report released ahead of UN climate talks in Durban calls for more financial support for research on new climate technologies.
- Scientific community calls for universal code ...Science research organisations called for a code of conduct on the ethical practice of science at last week's World Science Forum.
- Four South Asian countries to jointly address ...Four eastern members of the eight-nation SAARC grouping have agreed on a joint climate adaption strategy.
- Three international R&D centres to open in Chile An Australian and two European research centres are opening premises in Chile as part of a national plan to boost technology transfer.
- North-South partnerships are not the answerNorth-South partnerships dominate university funding in Tanzania, but they are failing to build capacity, says Johnson M. Ishengoma.
Congressional Budget Office Director's Blog
- Estimates of ARRA’s Impact in the Third Quarte ...As required by law, CBO prepares regular reports on its estimate of the number of jobs created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), which was enacted in response to significant weakness in the economy at that time. In its latest report, issued this afternoon, CBO provide ...
- An Analysis of the Navy’s Amphibious Warfare ShipsThe U.S. Navy’s fleet numbers 284 ships, including 29 amphibious warfare ships that are designed primarily to carry marines and their equipment into combat but also to perform peacetime missions. Today CBO released a report—requested in the report of the Senate Armed Services Committ ...
- CBO Testified on Policies to Promote Economic ...This morning I testified before the Senate Budget Committee on policies to promote economic growth and employment in 2012 and 2013. During the past two years, CBO has produced several publications focused on options that are available to lawmakers for spurring the economy through changes in taxa ...
- Federal Budget Deficit for Fiscal Year 2011: $ ...Last month, the Treasury Department reported that the federal government incurred a budget deficit of $1.3 trillion for fiscal year 2011, almost identical to the deficit it incurred in 2010. As a share of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP), the deficit declined slightly—from 9 ...
- CBO’s Panel of Economic AdvisersCBO has a panel of economic advisers consisting of widely recognized experts on a range of issues. Members of the panel have a variety of backgrounds, areas of knowledge, and experience. We host periodic meetings of the advisers at our office and solicit their views between meetings via e-mail e ...
Naked Scientists - News
- Powering up radiotherapyA way to boost the effectiveness of radiotherapy and protect patients and even astronauts fromthe effects of radiation exposure has been discovered by scientists at Oslo University. Radiothera...
- Bringing Together Brain ScientistsOver 32, 000 neuroscientists, from around the world, converged in Washington, DC, this week for the 2011 Society for Neuroscience Conference, which included over 16,000 presentations! Here are just a...
- Chemical liposuction: fat-reducing injection s ...A fat-reducing drug, Adipotide, that can reverse obesity in monkeys has been successfully tested by US scientists. The agent, which was injected daily over afour week study period into a group...
- The HIV transmission bottleneckResearchers have found that the strain of Human Immunodeficiency Virus most abundantly present in the genital tract is not necessarily the strain that infects a sexual partner. Unprotected heterosex...
- Warming Earth not so good for Arctic tree growthA group of researchers from Columbia University publishing in the journal Environmental Research Letters have found that the growth of white spruce trees on the northern treeline in the far north of A...