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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

2 November - feedly - Blogs I'm Following A - H

U.S. Treasury Department, Washington, from Rob...Image via Wikipedia
DoD Peacetime Support OrganizationImage via Wikipedia
LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL - MARCH 01:  In this hand...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
"The Third-Term Panic", by Thomas Na...Image via Wikipedia
The Pentagon, looking northeast with the Potom...Image via Wikipedia

I Work on a Starship

All politics is local, and I think I need an anesthetic

They must be running some kind of right-wing, canvasser-training boot camp, because I just had the second one this week, and they both used exactly the same talking points to kick off their conversation. Here’s there script: “Hi, I’m (insert canvasser’s name), and I’m collecting signatures to get (insert candidate’s name) on the ballot for (insert office). (Candidate) is a true conservative and a strong believer in Christian family values. I’m not asking for your vote, I’m just asking for your signature so that voters will have a strong, conservative choice.” (Push clipboard at voter.)
A few days back, some guy was pimping Jim Oberweis, a local millionaire who’s hit on politics as a way to spend his twilight years. I guess he figured he should start near the top, so he first ran in the Republican primary for the US Senate back in 2002 and again in 2004. Illegal immigration was his hot-button issue, and he demagogued the shit out of it.

Going Ballistic


Nov 02
All politics is local, and I think I need an anesthetic
Maybe it’s our neighborhood. Lots of old folks around, and they (I guess I’m getting to the age where I should say we) tend to vote. Plus, the area’s pretty white, pretty conservative, so I guess if I’m in charge of sending canvassers out to collect signatures to get Republicans on the ballot, I’d send them here, too. But they are starting to irk me. They must be running some kind of right-wing,
Nov 01
Some thoughts on Occupy Wall Street and class warfare part three: Gimme Shelters
Everybody’s heard of tax shelters, but few U.S. citizens could tell you what they are, how they operate or what they cost the U.S. every year in lost tax revenue.  Which is curious.  Current U.S. Treasury Department estimates place lost tax revenue from individual tax payers due to foreign tax shelters at $70 billion a year.  By comparison, the Department of Defense spent about $80 billion last ye
Oct 28
Some thoughts on Occupy Wall Street and class warfare part two: Fixing Social Security
Pointing out structural inequities in the US economic system, which I did in a recent blog post, is one thing.  Proposing actual solutions is another.  So I’m going to take a shot.  First up?  Social Security. You all know the problem. At current projected rates, the Social Security Trust Fund starts running out of money sometime around 2037 – the surplus in the fund would be gone, and taxes comin
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune – a few thoughts on ANONYMOUS
Noted scholar Roland Emmerich (c’mon, INDEPENDENCE DAY? THE DAY AFTER TOMMOROW? 2012? Those don’t cement his intellectual credentials?) opens his new film today – ANONYMOUS, which, as all his promo spots say “explores the theory that Shakespeare never wrote a word.” It isn’t a new theory, and it’s got all the credibility of one of the GOP candidate debates, but now it’s a movie, so there’s the cha
Oct 18
Hey, CEO, where you goin’ with that gun in your hand? Some thoughts on Occupy Wall Street and class warfare
2 The Occupy Wall Street protest and other attendant demonstrations around the world have been a pretty smoky fire thus far.  The protesters have generated a general sense of discontent with economic inequality and with the lack of individual accountability suffered by the heads of the financial institutions who crashed the economy, threw the housing market into an ongoing tailspin, wiped out almost


Video Evidence Suggests Oakland PD Violated CA State Law, Federal Consent Decree in Violent Confrontation With Occupy Oakland Demonstrators
Guest blogged by Ernest A. Canning, with Brad Friedman In the wake of a violent, night-time confrontation with Occupy Oakland demonstrators last week by the Oakland Police Department (OPD) and some 15 other law enforcement agencies, questions have arisen about the legality of the tactics used by the agency during mass arrests which led to serious injuries, including the fractured skull of a two-to
An Actual Discussion on American TV About Something That Actually Matters to Americans
4 No wonder MSNBC buried Chris Hayes' new show in in the absurdly early hours of the weekend TV ghetto. He should be hosting, at a minimum, NBC's Meet the Press. Had he been doing so for the last several years --- rather than the clueless elitists who have been, along with their weekly parade of meaningless softballs served up to similarly clueless elitist guests and panelists --- we likely wouldn't
How to Define Science Fiction
18 The question has filled pages and books,  resonating across hotel bars and conferences for decades. What, exactly, is science fiction?  It matters for many reasons, not least because the genre encompasses just about everything that's not limited to the mundane here and now, or a primly defined past.Up till the early 18th century, when Defoe, Richardson and Fielding fed a growing apetite for "rea

Join us at the Weston A. Price Foundation Conference!
Since 1999 the Weston A. Price Foundation has advocated on behalf of traditional foods–especially those containing animal fats. Dr. Price’s research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats. Their annual [...]
'Green News Report' - November 1, 2011
TWITTER: @GreenNewsReport VIA SMART PHONE: Stitcher Radio! IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Mitt Romney flip-flops again, this time on global warming; Fox 'News' --- ignorant and proud of it; U.S. Navy ignores Fox and Mitt by taking the lead on biofuel innovation; PLUS: It's not your imagination: weather disasters are becoming more frequent, and more expensive ... All that and more in today's Green News
Modern Pediatrics Needs Health Care to Evolve
Why can't the United States have a smarter health care system? That was the frustrating question that kept poking through my train of thought as I read a study from the most recent issue of Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The study, out of UCLA, examined the association between length of well-child visits and quality of the visits, including thi
Huge Victory at Occupy Nashville as State Declines to Defend Gov's Crackdown on Demonstrators
Over the weekend, we highlighted a video of a night court judge in Tennessee refusing to jail Occupy Nashville demonstrators after they'd been arrested, bussed downtown by state troopers, and detained for several hours in the wake of a seemingly arbitrary enforcement of a curfew in a public space where protesters had been camping out. As seen in that video, Judge Tom Nelson ordered the protesters
From Religion to Biology: Various Cool and Worrisome Items
4  Had loads of fun at the recent Singularity Summit 2011. I gave a talk to all those folks who think that technology will soon empower us to construct super-intelligent artificial intelligences, or perfect intelligence enhancing implants, or even cheat death. The title:  "So you want to make gods. Now why would that bother anybody?" Here I present some Singularity-tilted theology.And while
Scared of slave-harvested candy? Try reverse trick-or-treating!
Just a brief Halloween post for all you goblins and ghouls out there. There’s a new trend hitting the streets, and its aim is to educate! No longer must your bedsheet-covered toddler stand idly by and accept the tasty but unethical sweets foisted upon him or her on Halloween night by well-meaning but ignorant adults. No, [...]
Support The BRAD BLOG With a Signed Copy of Greg Palast's New Book: Vultures' Picnic!
Our friend Greg Palast, investigative journalist, BBC documentary reporter and author of the best-selling books Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse has a new book out in November, and he's been kind enough to give us a limited number of advanced, signed hardcover copies as premiums in support of The BRAD BLOG. We don't have a lot of copies, so it's first come first serve! His new book

The Rules of Exposition

Third Fourth Time's the Charm
If you don't know where to start, maybe the idea is too big. Consider breaking it up into two or three posts. If they have to go together, post 'em on the same day, an hour apart or something. I'm gonna go try breaking it up.
Secrets of a master
I've said it before: People don't just like Paul Krugman or dislike him. They love the guy or hate him. His writing evokes strong responses, because his writing is so effective.I try to write that well, of course.Krugman offers a few thoughts on his writing style in yesterday's But, And, Why.1. informality.2. "One thing that helps, I’ve found, is to give the writing a bit of a forward rush, with a

A Different Perspective

Rowell Investigation Dream Team
Tom Carey, (seen here signing a book at the Roswell festival in 2011) a UFO researcher living in Pennsylvania and one of the authors of Witness to Roswell, realized that there was a great deal of work left to be done on the Roswell UFO case. You might say that his dream was to pull all the information together, to locate and interview the witnesses who have yet to tell their stories, verify as bes
Fact or Faked: The Paranormal Files
I watched Fact or Faked: The Paranormal Files today and had some questions. First, I enjoy the show and am all in favor of anything that brings a note of skepticism and research into these tales. But I sometimes wonder if they know the answer before they attempt their recreations.Not all that long ago they aired some footage of a nighttime object falling that broke into three pieces before fading
We Have the Wrong Roswell Crash Site?
This one is so funny that I have to laugh. I got into a discussion with someone about the location of the debris field as described by Bill Brazel. I was told that I had the wrong location.How can this be?Bill Brazel took me there himself. It was early morning and we, and by we, I mean Don Schmitt and I, meant Brazel at a café in Capitan. He was driving an old red pickup and we left my car at the

A Voice In The Wilderness

Politics And Shadow Politics: Understanding The Elite's War on Humanity
The Excavator A mass grave site in La Macarena, Colombia, that was unearthed in 2010 outside a Colombian military base overseen by the U.S. military. Human rights lawyer Dan Kovalik said that, "The discovery of this mass grave by sheer accident raises the prospect that there are more yet to be found," in his April 2010 article called, "U.S. and Colombia Cover Up Atrocities Through Mass
The Killing Fields: Where Government Grows
Zero Govby Bill Buppert“Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.”- Thomas PaineTo perversely paraphrase Bastiat:  “The state is the great fiction within whose tax jurisdiction it deems itself fre


Cia Creates Al Qaeda Fighters In Its Prisons?
Mefloquine belongs to a class of drugs which is part of the CIA's MKULTRA mind-control program.The US Defense Department forced all detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison to take a high dosage of mefloquine.(Controversial MK ULTRA Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees ...)A bunch of Moslems get thrown into prison by the CIA and MI6.The CIA and MI6 then deliberately turn these Moslems into al Qaed
Germany Owes Greece £60 Billion For Nazi War Crimes
German Nazis murdered Greeks at Distomo in GreeceThe Greeks were terrorised by the German Nazis.Hitler said: "Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future." (hitler quotes - Stormfront)Terror was part of the Nazi philosophy.(Blammo asked for some solid examples of NAZIs using terror as a philosophy.) Greece under the Nazis.In June 194
Justin Bieber Has A Kid?
Justin Bieber has been accused by a 20-year-old Californian, Mariah Yeater, of being the father of her child.Mariah Yeater has filed a lawsuit against Justin Bieber.Teen idol Justin Bieber accused of fathering a child with fan."We went inside and immediately his personality changed drastically."He began touching me and repeatedly said he wanted to f*ck the sh*t out of me."In February 2011 Justin B
Screaming Teenage Girls
The man from the University of California; he had a misspent youth in California."SCREAMING hordes of teenage girls..."One gasping 'I can see him, I can see him'...You guessed right.It's those televangelists attracting the teenage girls.One televangelist "describes a misspent youth in California, going to clubs with women and ... drinking alcohol...Here's another photo of this televangelist who ha
Queer Goings On
The King of Sweden and some scouts.1. A Los Angeles Times and Canadian Broadcasting Corp. investigation has revealed that:The Boy Scouts of America and Canada allowed at least five thousand child abusers to continue leading scouts, and having sex with scouts, for over 20 years.One scout leader, Rick Turley, admits to abusing more boys than he can remember while serving in Boy Scouts organizations
The Enfield Poltergeist
The Hodgsons - Janet 11, mother Peggy, Margaret 12, Billy 7, Johnny 10.Johnny died of cancer, aged 14. Peggy developed breast cancer, dying in 2003. Janet suffered the loss of her son when he was 18.Foolishly, Janet Hodgson and her sister had begun to play with an Ouija board.Then things began to go wrong.In 1977, Janet Hodgson and her family began to experience strange events in their home at 284

Abraham says

The Methuselah Enzyme
News they missed to tell you. The Methuselah Enzyme. Here's what they found, being hungry will let you live longer. This is a follow up on research that was done on all kinds of animals, where they found that animals deprived of food will live 1/3 longer than their well fed counterparts. They wanted to find out why and here it is. An enzyme called Peroxiredoxin.  This enzyme is what regulates mu
أعداء مصر... Hsbc
واضاف "شعب مصر لديها عدو جديد، عدو من أسوأ نوع. عدو لا يمكن قتل بالرصاص أو القنابل". بن يهودا  Dictionary هذه المجموعات ، التي تعقد الحسابات المصرية مع العملاق المصرفي العالمي، ويقول انه خلال الشهرين الماضيين  HSBC وقد اتصلت بهم تطلب الوثائق والمعلومات المتعلقة بالنواحي المالية والعمل في مصر. وقالت إحدى المنظمات غير الحكومية العاملة، ومدير مؤسسة التي تعمل على تعزيز الديمقراطية في جميع أنحاء مصر ،
Enemies of Egypt...HSBC
"The people of Egypt have a new enemy, an enemy of the worst kind. An enemy that can't be killed with bullets or bombs."   Ben Judea The groups, which hold Egyptian accounts with the global banking giant, say that over the past two months HSBC has contacted them requesting documents and information relating to their finances and work in Egypt. One NGO worker, the director of an org
Έθνος της ενοικιαστές: Ελλάδα.
Θα πάρετε παρούσας προκήρυξης, ακόμη και αν έχουν ήδη καταβληθεί μακριά την υποθήκη σας. Έθνος της ενοικιαστές: Ελλάδα. Το παραπάνω έγγραφο δόθηκε σε αυτό το blogger από έναν φίλο που διαβάζει το blog και σκέφτηκα ότι θα ήταν μια χρήσιμη καταχώρηση χρονικού. Το παραπάνω έγγραφο αποτελεί απόδειξη ότι στην Αμερική η κυβέρνηση κατέχει το κάθε κτήριο κατοικίας και γης. Κάθε χρόνο, τους μόνους γον
America a nation of Renters, and don't know it
You will get this notice even if you already paid off your mortgage. The document above was provided to this blogger. The document is proof that the American people are only renters not owners of anything. The real owners of all property be them houses, land, apartment building. Because of that document it is safe to say America is a Nation of renters the American people Own nothing. The loca
New field of medicine part II
As was written before it would not be a surprise if Drug and alcohol addiction could be cured by changing the intestinal flora.  Ben Judea Read more below... The human intestine is a paradise for microorganisms: it is home to roughly 100 billion bacteria made up from 2,000 different bacterial species. The microorganisms of the intestine are not only indispensable for digestion, but also for the i

Activist Teacher

University of Ottawa spins fired physics prof as mansonesque
U of O witch-hunt against Rancourt in full swing -- DAY-3 of arbitration trialToday was DAY-3 of the binding labour arbitration hearing into the wrongful dismissal case of physics professor Denis Rancourt. Following a rough start (link to all posts about hearings), it was up to the University, in the person of union-busting lawyer Lynn Harnden, to make the opening statements.The opening statement
"Anti-racism" in support of racism
By Denis G. RancourtThe First World education complex is responsible to create the professional managerial force that advances and maintains the global North-South exploitative flux of human and natural resources; and also partly or largely responsible for intra-Empire mythology, the obvious military-technology dominance, local-elite management, and supporting and developing empire-workforce and
The first victim of education
By Denis G. RancourtThe First World education complex is responsible to create the professional managerial force that advances and maintains the global North-South exploitative flux of human and natural resources; and, therefore, is responsible for a deeply-racist planetary-scale genocidal pillaging using continuous war in conjunction with financial predation.It also is responsible for the
Ups and downs of the open court principle in Ontario
By Denis G. RancourtRecently, there has been some discussion on the Canadian law web site SLAW about an Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruling that is argued to have set legal precedent regarding attendance of public observers and media at court-supervised out-of-court cross-examinations.The ruling on a procedural motion is HERE (see paragraph-20). The SLAW article is HERE.I disagree that an

Adventures with Kurt and Lori

Week in Review
**Post-Race picture. Recognize the hoodie, Mom? :). Ran a 5K race in Woodhaven this morning called "The Monster Mash". A lot of people dressed up for it, so it was a fun race. Smaller turnout, which was good for me since they only gave out medals to the first person in each age group, and the age groups were 10 year increments. Anyway, I placed first! :). They accidentally put me in the wro
Trial and The Verdict
2 Trial for the Underwear Bomber started this week, on Tuesday. Since neither Kurt or I had been contacted about being witnesses or being sequestered from the courtroom, we decided to head down to the trial in the hopes of being able to observe. Seats were reserved for all victims, and we really wanted to be there as much as possible. When going through security on the first floor of the court, w
Random Updates
Have not posted in forever--been busy, and I always feel weird posting when so many people I don't know personally are visiting the blog to read Kurt's posts about the trial. But, whatevs. This was initially MY blog and was taken over by Kurt, so people can just skip over this, ;).Trying to think of anything relevant that has happened recently to blog about since my last post, which was San Fran
Looks Like I'll Be A Witness For The Defense In The Underwear Bomber Case
by Kurt HaskellToday was the day for final jury selection in the Underwear Bomber case. I watched some of it on Tuesday and I was interested to see which jurors were picked. The final jury was set to be picked today at 1:30. I adjusted my schedule so that I could be down there at 1:30 today. I had a trial a few blocks away that was due to last until around 1:00 today. My plan was to head over ther

Angola 3 News

Bonding With Herman Wallace Inside a Louisiana Dungeon
Bonding With Herman Wallace Inside a Louisiana DungeonBy Ashley WennerstromI first wrote to Herman Wallace and Albert Woodfox after seeing In the Land of the Free last spring and learning of the horrendous injustices the Angola 3 have suffered.  I felt compelled to offer my support and admiration for their commitment to social justice.  Within just a few days, I received a response from Herman (Al
"We Called Ourselves the Children of Malcolm" --An interview with Billy X Jennings of It's About Time BPP
"We Called Ourselves the Children of Malcolm"--An interview with Billy X Jennings of It's About Time BPPVideo by Angola 3 NewsThis year marks the 45th year since the Black Panther Party was co-founded by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland. It's About Time BPP is organizing events in the SF Bay Area throughout the month, with the biggest events Oct. 21-23. Read the full schedule below (click
15 Years of Giving Voice to Women and Transgender Prisoners --An interview with the California Coalition for Women Prisoners
15 Years of Giving Voice to Women and Transgender Prisoners in California--An interview with Diana Block, Pam Fadem, and Deirdre Wilson of the California Coalition for Women PrisonersBy Angola 3 NewsOn Sept. 26, the statewide prisoner hunger strike resumed after a postponement of almost two months to give the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) time to implement policy c

AnonOps Communications

Assange loses Swedish extradition appeal - Judgment & Info #Wikileaks
This fund is to pay for Wikileaks staff and Julian’s legal fees and is not part of WikiLeak’s core publishing operations.
A New World
2 What it is, the demand the 1% can’t comprehend, is us. It is the individuals and villages, the cities and peoples across the world who are seeing each other on the far side of appeals and petition. It is the world we are becoming.Establishment polls confirm what everyone in the street already knows: a clear majority of New Yorkers, three of every four, support the occupation and get the “demand” i
Anonymous Call To Action - Join The Month Of Global Uprising
2 On November 1st, Israel participated in a general strike, shutting down the global neoliberal machine.On November 2nd, Oakland will join the month of global uprising with a city-wide general strike during which the people will converge on downtown Oakland to shut down the city and its port.While these assemblies are calling for general strikes, they are also calling for much more. Schools, communi


Bofors reloaded: Defence ministry stung again
Allegations of kickbacks paid to middlemen in purchase of Bofors artillery guns led to one of the worst electoral defeats for Congress party in the late 80s, and since then the Army has been unable to purchase even a single new artillery gun for over the past 25 years. But there is a yet unheard of twist to the Bofors scam, it now emerges. Sources said the blame for Army's stalled artillery
All IAF helicopters in UN mission withdrawn
 Indian Air Force has withdrawn all of its Mi-17 and Mi-35 attack helicopters deployed in the UN missions in Congo and Sudan to provide support for anti-naxal and other humanitarian operations in the country. "We had our detachments operating in Congo. Read more
Sea Trails Of Severodvinsk Nuclear Powered Submarine Completed
Russia has completed the sea trails of  fourth-generation Severodvinsk nuclear powered attack submarine and Russian Navy is scheduled to receive its first Severodvinsk submarine in late 2011.  Read More
Taiwan's National Day Parade to Mark 100th Anniversary of Revolution
CM-32 "Clouded Leopard" is also known as Taiwan Infantry Fighting Vehicle (TIFV) is equipped with Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun. Clouded Leopard an 8-wheeled armoured vehicle  Read More
Indian Small Arms System
Indian INSAS Rifle (5.56 mm) with Fixed and Foldable ButtINSAS Excalibur Mark-I rifle (5.56 mm). Read More
IAF's placement fair for air warriors on Saturday
The Indian Air Force will hold the sixth placement fair here on Saturday to provide resettlement opportunities to its air warriors in PSUs and corporate sector."More than 800 companies and 16,000 air warriors have registered with the IAF Placement Cell in last five years. The fair will be inaugurated by Defence Minister A K Antony who will release a pension handbook on the occasion," an IAF

Because I Can

ALEC Members: What Fools These Mortals Be
Last night I spent 27 minutes watching this video on the Koch brothers.It is very good, but not a production from MSM in the United States - they would never do a documentary like this.After I watched it I couldn’t help thinking for a minute or two – have they already won?But that train of thinking brought me back to Koch funding of the American Legislation Exchange Council (ALEC) - the epitome of
Banks - Obscene Revenues; Customers - Obscene Fees
From Think Progress this morning:Facing continued consumer pressure, Bank of America is pulling back from its debit-card fee by allowing customers to avoid the monthly $5 charge “by maintaining minimum balances, having paychecks direct-deposited or using Bank of America credit cards.”Minimum Balance:  Is till at $20,000 – oh, yeh - I've got that much extra cash - ha!.Paychecks directly deposited: 
Big Oil: $100 Billion of Profits And Counting
From the Think Progress Front Page - (in it's entirety)Big Oil’s Scary Haul: $100 Billion And Counting | The combined profits of the Big Five oil companies — ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips, and Chevron — has already exceeded $100 billion this year. Tabulated by Oil Change International’s Ross Hammond, the profits from the first three quarters of 2011 are a combined $102.85 billion, much of
Washington State Kicks Unemployed to the Curb in Favor of $1/hr Prisoners.
WA. State apple growers paying prison authoritie​s $22.00 per hour per inmate for labor - inmates keep $1 to $2 per hour 105 inmates picking apples in Grant After saying last week that prison labor would be too costly, state officials received a call from desperate growers agreeing to pay program costs of $22 an hour for each offender.“That amount covers things like transportation, housing and gua
Keystone Pipeline Will Cost Midwest Economy - Dearly
TransCanada and API's job projections also fail to consider the large number of jobs that could be lost by construction of Keystone XL, Sweeney said. This includes jobs lost due to consumers in the Midwest paying 10 to 20 cents more per gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel, as Keystone XL diverts oil from refineries in the Midwest to the Gulf region.Job Loss in the MidwestHigher fuel costs in the Mi
On #Occupy - show your support
It appears to me that99%of the 99%are letting less than 1% of the 99%Do all the work.To the other 99+% of the 99% - the least you can do is show your support.PRINT and tape the document in the link belowto the back window of your car - the lower "left" corner - PLEASE!Your support of the 99% link.

Biased BBC

Open Thread
Mid-week and time for a brand new Open Thread. Over to you......Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
All Greek To The Bbc
Another blow to the BBC. Greece's cabinet has given unanimous backing to the plan by PM George Papandreou to hold a referendum on a EU debt rescue package. You will recall that only yesterday the BBC was hoping that perhaps Papandroeu would fail to win this backing, so another bad day for those living in the fetid Euro-swamps of the BBC. They wheeled on Elena Panaritis, an MP from the Greek Pas
Charlie Hebdo
It's been interesting observing the BBC coverage of the overnight firebombing of the offices of French satirical magazine "Charlie Hebdo". The offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have been destroyed by a petrol bomb, French police say. It comes a day after the publication named the Prophet Muhammad as its "editor-in-chief" for its next issue.Its cover carried a caricature
What Would Jesus Do?
The BBC is a strange creature. It is profoundly anti-Christian, in my view, and as detailed in these pages over the years, but yet it has a certain fondness for the Anglican Church just so long as that institution careens off in a nihilistic leftist direction. It has been fawning in covering the commentary by well known economist Rowan Williams in the FT this morning in which he backs the farcical
Shhh... Don'T Mention The Obama Connection
BBC: MF Global files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.US brokerage firm MF Global has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after revealing £4bn of eurozone debt exposure....Jon Corzine, who took over as chief executive of MF Global last year, made big bets on sovereign bonds issued by European countries, it is claimed. And now for the detail you don't get from the BBC...Jon Corzine was t
Katty Kay, retweeted by Adam Blenford: Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

Big Dan's Big Blog

Police Brutality Against Protesters...even VETS... at Occupy Wall St Protests (OWS) Around The Country
What do we do when the POLICE are the ones breaking the law? Also notice, and I keep saying this, NO POLITICIANS FROM EITHER PARTY ARE ON TV DENOUNCING THE POLICE VIOLENCE AGAINST U.S. CITIZENS EXERCISING THEIR FREEDOMS AND WAY OF LIFE, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, AND FREEDOM TO PROTEST. Did you see Obama on TV denouncing it? Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi? Mitch McConnell? John Boehner? ANY Republicans or Democ
OBAMA & PNAC & 9/11
Both parties are knowingly taking down the United States. If Obama is carrying out the EXACT PNAC 9/11 plan, then who is really running our government?The party that's not "in power" pretends to be on your side. But whatever party IS in power, does the same thing, and it's not for YOUR benefit! This way we have "elections" and put the OTHER party back in power so we think we have a democracy, but
The 1% Have Bought Out And Rigged: Law Enforcement/Courts/News/Financial System/Health Care System/Voting And Use False Flag Terrorism To Keep It Going
The 1% are: Congress & the president (Democrats & Republicans), Banksters, the FED, war profiteers, families like the Rockefellers & Rothschilds. They speka through the TV News Liars. They carry out false flag terrorism through the FBI, CIA, and Mossad.FAKE RIGGED POLICE BY THE 1%:The silence of Obama, Boehner, Reid, the Democrats, the Republicans, the Clintons, the Bushes, on the pol
I Would Like To Thank Veterans For Fighting For Protesters' Freedom And Way Of Life Against The Police


The Once MIGHTY Liberal Party Contests Only 9 Of Saskatchewan's 58 Provincial Ridings
Saskatchewan is nearing the end of a provincial election. The once might Liberal Party is only able to muster enough resources to contest 9 of the 58 provincial Ridings. Lack of money - lack of talent and lack of vision has driven the Liberals to this embarrassment. The decline of the Liberal Party in Saskatchewan is a harbinger of what is happening to the Liberal Party of Canada.-Buckdog: - Polit
Jedras Whines And Pines In The National Post
I have always maintained that many federal Liberals should be Conservatives. Many others, however, should be New Democrats. There is no doubt in my mind that when the Liberal Party of Canada finally dies (and trust me, there is no stopping the demise of the once mighty LPC) ... blogger Jeff Jedras will surely find his comfort level in the Conservative Party of Canada. In fact, he's practicing his
How Much Will Harper's 'Omnibus Crime Bill' Cost Saskatchewan? Brad Wall's NOT Saying! UPDATED - UPPERDATED!
`So far, the most expensive election promise of the Saskatchewan Election campaign is the ongoing Billions in windfall profits that Brad Wall is allowing PotashCorp to rip off from the taxpayers of Saskatchewan. Another HUGE expenditure is looming for the province and that's the amount that we will have to pay to implement Stephen Harper's Omnibus Crime Bill. Today, both Quebec and Ontario (AND NO
"No evidence has been offered to support assertions that Saskatchewan levies the world's highest (Potash) royalties and taxes" Saskatoon Star Phoenix
"(PotashCorp CEO Bill) Doyle wrote, "Saskatchewan is still the highest tax jurisdiction in the potash world." The Saskatchewan Party also made this statement in its platform document and in the provincial leaders' debate.Unfortunately, repetition is not a form of evidence. [...]No evidence has been offered to support assertions that Saskatchewan levies the world's highest royalties and taxes. On t
Why Is Brad Wall Wearing NDP Orange??
Halfway through last week, the Saskatchewan Party pulled all of their overly aggressive 'attack' ads on Dwain Lingenfelter. Clearly, their polling showed that these scathing ads were not being well received by the public. To replace them, the Sask Party is now advancing a softer, friendly Brad Wall ..... wearing NDP orange!??The brain trust who run the Saskatchewan Party campaign are leaving no ba
Robert Chisholm Enters New Democratic Leadership Race As A Serious Contender
I've known Robert Chisholm for many years and am very happy that he has thrown his hat into the race for leader of Canada's New Democrats. Robert took the Nova Scotia party from 2 or 3 seats in the provincial legislature to Official Opposition. He is a charismatic, committed and highly skilled candidate for the position. "Nova Scotia MP Robert Chisholm has joined the federal NDP leadership race, b


This Race Is Unfair, Vote For Mulcair!
Some leadership campaigns like to make a policy announcement every week.For Thomas Mulcair, it appears he had adopted a "complaint-a-week" strategy. The latest:NDP's Mulcair blames 'whisper campaign' for tough slogging in leadership effortCandidate says the fact he's from Quebec is being used against him by some party membersOutremont MP Tom Mulcair blames "a whisper campaign" and clever spinning
Happy Halloween
If anyone is still looking for last minute Halloween costumes, here are a few politically-themed ideas:At the Party...Senate Page: Black dress, white gloves, and long braided pony tail. Be sure to hold up home made "Stop Harper" stopsign at the most inoportune moments - when people are making out, going to the bathroom, etc...Gilles Duceppe: This may be your last chance to wear the costume (or not
Backs against the Wall
I don't intend to write much about the Saskatchewan provincial election because, truth be told, there's not much to write. When the incumbent is literally more popular than God, you can usually call the campaign before it begins. So all that's left to determine is just how bad it gets for the opposition. Don't expect the orange wave to hit land locked Saskatchewan on November 7th. The NDP are atte
Redistribution Update
Just what we need - 30 more MPs!Ontario will get 15 new seats, British Columbia and Alberta six each and Quebec three in the latest and probably final attempt by the Harper government to rejig the House of Commons in favour of the fast-growing provinces. I took a look at the impact of this last week, by seeing who holds the ridings most likely to split. Updating for the new seat totals announced t
This Week in Alberta - Redford's Honeymoon
Since becoming Premier, Allison Redford has faced a barrage of attacks, the latest over a "backroom deal" between her Finance Minister and a pair of energy companies:EDMONTON - Two energy companies learned of potentially lucrative changes to a $350-million incentive program before cabinet ministers approved it, documents obtained by the Alberta Liberals show.Internal emails reveal that days before
Frank Klees, the runner up to Tim Hudak in the 2009 Ontario PC leadership race, has announced he will be running for speaker when the Ontario legislature resumes sitting.If you're wondering why we should care, the answer is "math" - with Klees as speaker, the legislature would be split between 53 Liberals and 53 opposition MPPs. By convention, the speaker sides with the government on confidence mo
Liberal Renewal


Freedom Waves Flotilla enroute to break siege of Gaza
Photo copyright Lina AttalahBOATS SAILING NOW TO GAZA!SPREAD THE WORD.First story from boat by Lina AttalahClick here: http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/511291Israel and the U.S. outsourced the siege of Gaza to Athens last summer by preventing 8 boats in the Freedom Flotilla 2-Stay Human from sailing from Greek ports to Gaza. Despite this we were able to bring world-wide attention to the bl
Justice for Naomi NOW!
JUSTICE FOR NAOMI NOW: Photos by Glenda Sue DeerBreaking news ... please check back for article at Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.comWednesday, Nov. 2: 11 to 3 pm Oklahoma State Capitol - South Plaza2300 N. Lincoln Blvd.Oklahoma City, OK Naomi's foster mother was found guilty in her death and only fined $5,000. This outrage has sent shockwaves across the country. Please att
Occupy Oakland shuts down Port of Oakland!
Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com
Video: Lakotas protest Keystone Pipeline on Pine Ridge
WATCH VIDEO: Lakotas protest Keystone Pipeline on Pine RidgeCensored news reporter Brenda Norrell http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com
Oakland Police: 'We are the 99 percent,' confused by mayor
An Open Letter to the Citizens of Oakland from the Oakland Police Officers’ Association1 November 2011 – Oakland, Ca.http://www.opoa.org/uncategorized/an-open-letter-to-the-citizens-of-oakland-from-the-oakland-police-officers’-association/We represent the 645 police officers who work hard every day to protect the citizens of Oakland. We, too, are the 99% fighting for better working conditions, f
Photos: Unidentified officers arrived before Marine Scott Olsen shot
Officers on the far right, unidentified, arrived on the police line in front of Marine Scott Olsen, moments before Olsen was struck with a projectile in Oakland. The uniformed officers are with the San Francisco Sheriff's ESU, Emergency Services Unit.Officer in the center, unidentified, with pepperball or paintball gun,appeared in the area from where chemical agents were fired shortly before Marin

Chelsea Green Full Feed
13 unread articles

VIDEO: How to Handle Broody Hens — from Harvey Ussery
We’re busily promoting and selling our new book The Small-Scale Poultry Flock by Harvey Ussery, so I wanted to do a little research on the prevalence of the household flock. Imagine my surprise when I found this Slate article from two years ago, debunking the “bogus trend” of burgeoning backyard chicken ownership. “In all of God’s [...]
Simplify Banks and Bank Regulation
In January 2010, after Scott Brown's upset victory in the special Massachusetts Senate election, a panicky President Obama managed to sound like a populist for a couple of days. He called for a tax on banking profits and drafted Paul Volcker to appear at a quickie press conference so that the administration could call for something dubbed "The Volcker Rule." Volcker, an impeccab
A Grass-Roots Newscast Gives a Voice to Struggles
 This article was shared by The Media Consortium, about fellow member organization, Democracy Now!. It was first published by the New York Times, where you can read the original. Hours after Amy Goodman, the host of the grass-roots newscast “Democracy Now!,” was arrested in Minnesota in 2008 while trying to cover protesters at [...]
Now Available: The Transition Companion!
In 2008, the best-selling Transition Handbook suggested a model for a community-led response to peak oil and climate change. Since then, the Transition idea has gone viral across the globe, from Italian villages and Brazilian favelas to universities and London neighborhoods. In contrast to the ever-worsening stream of information about [...]

Cherchez la Verite

Some Good News For A Change: Occupy Wall Street Raises Big Bucks Without Trying!
October 31, 2011Occupy Wall Street Raises More Than $450,000Occupy Wall Street volunteers man a communication station in Zuccotti Park near Wall Street in New York.By Lisa ChiuNew YorkThe Occupy Wall Street movement didn’t set up to become a big fund-raising operation, but it has already spontaneously attracted $454,000 in cash from some 8,000 online donors and other supporters to finance the prot
Find original on YouTubeMax Keiser: Debt slash = debt hike, collapse guaranteed!http://www.youtube.com/user/RussiaTodayCherchez la Verite
In Iceland The Government Sells Icelandic Banks To Foreign Vuture Banks Now Evicting Icelanders From Their Homes ...While The Government Refuses To Allow Elections Whereby The People Would Throw The Bums Out.
  theREALnews                                                                            PermalinkOctober 26, 2011Icelandic People Said NoMichael Hudson: Peoples of countries indebted without their consent should refuse to repay odious debts Cherchez la Verite
Naomi Wolf: how I was arrested at Occupy Wall StreetArresting a middle-aged writ...
Naomi Wolf: how I was arrested at Occupy Wall StreetArresting a middle-aged writer in an evening gown for peaceable conduct is a far cry from when America was a free republic• Naomi Wolf condemns 'Stalinist' erosion of protest rights Naomi Wolf guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 19 October 2011 17.05 BST
October 21, 2011 at 00:50:48Promoted to Headline (H3) on 10/21/11:Permalink  The End of HistoryBy paul craig roberts (about the author)opednews.comNow that the CIA's proxy army has murdered Gaddafi, what next for Libya?If Washington's plans succeed, Libya will become another American puppet state. Most of the cities, towns, and infrastructure have been destroyed by air strikes by the air forces of

Contaminated Nation - Water Contamination, La...

Environmental Ironies Pop Up In Framingham MA
By Duane CraigEnvironmental contamination in Framingham MAIn perhaps what only can be called insaneirony, a chemical processing company in Framingham, Massachusetts, that is partof a family of companies billed as a "fully permitted, state-of-the-arthazardous waste management" group, has allegedly been involved with aplume of contamination in the Leland Street area of that city.General Chemical Cor
It's Not Rocket Science.
By Duane CraigDid you know the Kennedy Space Center is contaminated?Even rocket scientists haven't been veryastute about the handling of toxic substances, according to this reportin USA Today. At the Kennedy Space Center it was routine to pourtrichloroethylene onto the sandy soil under the delusion that it would simplyevaporate. That was even the disposal guidelines printed on the Material DataSaf
Criminal Charges Being Sought in 31-Year-Old Contamination Case
By Duane CraigA former Hoechst Celanese plant nearCannon's Campground, South Carolinas, is being blamed for improperly disposingof contaminating chemicals and causing dozens of cancer cases since the 1960s,according to this reportin GoUpstate.com.Lawyers are representing 70 families in aclass action suit and the state's attorney general has been asked to filecriminal charges against the company, n
Rhode Island Superfund Site in Crosshairs of Final Remediation
Woonasquatucket RiverResidents in Providence, Rhode Islandrecently were informed of the latest contamination issues and potential cleanupcosts along the WoonasquatucketRiver watershed, according to this articlein the Providence Journal's online edition. The area is a Superfund sitelargely because a chemical company and drum recycler that operated there fromthe 1940s through the 1970s.The contamina

Contrary Brin

Political Idea Bomb #1: Rejigger the Immigration Debate
16 What can any sensible American citizen do about the present political climate? (Wait... not "climate." Let's use a less divisively fraught word. "Environment?"  Aw hell.)Rebuilding an optimistic, pragmatic, problem-solving, scientific, brave and world-valuable United States will be hard. The skill I'm paid for is looking at things from quirky angles - perspectives that h
A South Pole Centennial, Cryonics, and Organ Regeneration
8 So many things to remark-upon, from the recent summit conference about a coming "Singularity" to the conclusion of the Iraq and Libya wars, to the critical issues raised by Occupy Wall Street... and the prospects for banking transparency in the light of Moammar Ghaddafi's stolen $200 billions.......but I want to focus this time on some amazing thoughts and images from old and new frontiers of s
Was 1957 America Better Than Today?
26 All right... this one put me into fill-tilt, bellowing rant mode!  It's a reaction to one of those email circulars that our crazy uncles keep sending us - you know the kind, offering vast, sweeping, counter-factual assertions in lieu of evidence, logic or even common sense, all in order to justify hating half of their fellow citizens. I generally ignore them, but this one is wildly popular
Altruism, Optimism and Worries...Many Thought-Snacks!
6 It's the (Not the) End of the World Cruise! Come with us to sea and celebrate the world Not coming to an end during the "Mayan Millennium" winter solstice in 2012 with parties, special guests & speakers, including astronaut Steve Hawley, Authors David Brin and Robert Sawyer, plus several renowned scientists.  Featuring snorkeling, a costume party, fascinating talks, and a visit


Ethical Oil Ethics For Dummies
Ethical Oil's new spokesy Kathryn Marshall had a little think yesterday about whether the tarsands are still ethical even if bits of it are owned by China and its unethical oil company, and even if Ottawa and Alberta are successful in their bid to hawk the stuff to communist China."Is Canadian oil suddenly less ethical, " she asks, "when it's produced and used by unethical countries?"No! she a
TransCanada : an "American company"
Hey, did you think TransCanada, the company intending to extend the Keystone XL pipeline from Hardisty, Alberta to the Free Tariff  Zone refineries in Texas, was a Canadian company? Me too. Must be something about the name. And the fact that articles about TransCanada always refer to it as "Alberta-based".However TransCanada's own K-XL Know the Facts webpage begs to differ. Debunking the "Myt
Stupid Senate Pet Tricks
Harper-appointed Senator Nicole Eaton is calling for a private members bill to replace the beaver with the more "stately" polar bear as the national symbol of Canada.In her remarks to the Senate, the former National Post gardening columnist from the Eaton department store family referred to the beaver as "a has-been", "a dentally defective rat", and "a big rat that doesn't reflect our ne
"Never again," said Harper
.... last Friday, “Never again will Gadhafi be in a position to support terrorism or to turn guns on his own citizens."No, because as you can see from the pictuure above, that was our job..
Steve gets his long gun wedge on
Never mind that rifles and shotguns are the weapon of choice for spousal homicides (71% in the last decade, of which the majority of victims are women), or that 14 of the last 18 officer shooting deaths were committed with a long gun, or that the long gun registry last year cost less than 40 Gazebos ($1Gazebo =$100K) and less than one one-hundredth of what just one of the Cons nine new war on invi
Harper's very own "Mission Accomplished"
As already noted by Pogge, Campbell Clark at the Globe and Mail is just awesome proud of Steve winning his first ever war of his very own  :  With Libyan liberation, a political victory for Harper"Stephen Harper’s first war victory was clinched in a few sudden hours when Moammar Gadhafi was captured and killed and his last bastion of Sirte fell.  Although Mr. Harper has led a nation with forc

Current news updates, World current news

Israeli army examines the rocket system
The defence ministry of Israel said,” Israel has tested a rocket propulsion system from a military base in the centre of the country”. Israeli media states that a ballistic missile had been fired.The test came amid speculation in Israel that the government could be preparing a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. The defence ministry said the test had long been planned. Israel succes
The French and German leaders emergency talks with Greece's PM
The euro zone planning to save Greece from bankruptcy is not up for renegotiation, Germany has warned, ahead of urgent talks with Greece and France.Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said "[What] we just agreed last week cannot be placed back on the table". Greek PM George Papandreou is to meet France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany's Angela Merkel later on Thursday.The meetings come a day after Mr
U.S. Dollar turn down Euro Strengthens
The dollar turn down against most major peers on speculation reports this week pointing to a faltering U.S. economy will urge the central bank to consider more asset purchases, or quantitative easing, to support growth.The dollar slid versus the euro before Federal Reserve policy makers end a two-day meeting today. The euro strengthened after Greece’s Cabinet backed Prime Minister George Papandreo
French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo was attacked
French police say that, “the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have been destroyed by a petrol bomb”. Its cover carried a picture of the Prophet making a facetious comment. The magazine said the move was intended to "celebrate" the victory of an Islamist party in last month's Tunisian elections.Charlie Hebdo's editor is quoted as saying: "We no longer have a newspaper. All our
Investors to move focus from Europe to US economy
Encouraging news from Europe helped catch fire on stock prices in October. This week, investors will shift their focus to U.S. economic data, which might temper their exuberance.Three events this week will command attention: the U.S. jobs report for October, the Federal Reserve's policy meeting and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's quarterly news conference.A report Thursday showed that the U.S. economy
Heavy Snowstorm hits US – killing at least nine
An unusual snowstorm has hit the US East Coast, with some areas of Massachusetts seeing more than 27in (68cm) of snow.The authorities stated that at least nine people have died in snow-related accidents. More than three million homes have lost their electricity supply from Maryland to Massachusetts - some residents may be without power for several days.The snowfall eased on Sunday, as the storm he

Desdemona Despair

The ethical dimension of tackling climate change
By Stephen Gardiner20 October 2011 Sometimes the best way to make progress on a problem is to get clearer on what that problem is. Arguably, the biggest issue facing humanity at the moment is the looming global environmental crisis. Here, the problem is not that we are unaware that trouble is coming. After all, the basic science is both well known and continually being reiterated in major nation
Global warming: Middle East’s vital wet winters are disappearing
By Pete Spotts, Staff writer28 October 2011 Winter droughts have become increasingly common in the Mediterranean region, particularly over the past 20 years, and a new study finds that global warming has driven at least half of the change. Drought conditions in this politically explosive region are expected to grow more severe over the course of the century unless countries begin to significant
Let the End Times roll: World Catastrophe Map is back
Editorial help arrived, and CatMap is up and running again. Desdemona welcomes you back to the doomscape. Good Bye Hello Technorati Tags: doom
Graph of the Day: Cesium-137 Concentrations in Ocean Sediments Near Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Plant, 21 April – 18 October 2011
[Translated from French] This graph shows the evolution of sampled cesium-137 concentration and the respective distance from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Concentrations vary typically from 1 to 10,000 Bq/kg, with an increasing trend over time. This evolution may be the result of the kinetics of cesium transfer to sedimentary particles and particle deposition processes the most fine. In v
Video: Children’s health issues and Fukushima radiation
  By arevamirpal::laprimavera30 OCtober 2011 […] ContAct, did an interview with Mika Noro, which was webcasted on July 14, 2011. Ms. Noro has been active in helping children in areas affected by the Chernobyl nuke plant accident, and after the Fukushima accident her organization has been setting up free medical consultations for mothers and children in Fukushima. Noro and the host of the program
Anger grows in Bangkok as officials choose which neighborhoods flood – Disease threat looms across Thailand
By THOMAS FULLER, with additional reporting by Poypiti Amatatham in Bangkok. 1 November 2011 BANGKOK – In the rush to defend Bangkok from monsoon floodwaters on Tuesday, Thai officials were faced with the choice of saving men or machines. Angry residents of a northern Bangkok neighborhood are demanding that officials open a barrier that is causing flooding in their homes but keeping a nearby in

Discovery News

A Laser to Give the Universe a Hernia?
Those pesky physicists are at it again; they want to build a laser so powerful that it will literally rip spacetime apart.
Bird's Eye View of a Descent Down a Raging River
Kayakers plunge down waterfalls and navigate through churning rapids. In this video, they almost make it look easy.
Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Big Hoax?
Theoretically, this type of power would provide radiation-free, cheap and virtually unlimited energy.
Cancer Found in 2,000-Year-Old Mummy
The man known today only as M1 died a slow, painful death and is further proof that cancer existed in antiquity.
Invasive, Fragrant Ants Crash Hawaii
House ants, that smell like fresh coconut when smashed, are invading coconut-filled Hawaii.
Natural Born Musical Prodigy? Maybe
2 A person's innate abilities may matter just as much as practice and study.



Doug Kahn Wants To Share Some Thoughts On Rick Perlstein And Occupy Wall Street
I rarely read a book, put it down and immediately read it again. If you follow DWT you probably know that's exactly what I did with Rick Perlstein's masterful Nixonland... which has been with me to Bali, Mali, Morocco, Thailand, Spain, Albania, Italy, Mexico and half a dozen other countries. This week everyone is talking about Rick's post at Crooks and Liars about OccupyWallStreet. It's like pulli
You'd Never Vote For A Republican? What If Justin Bieber Ran As One Against Amy Klobuchar?
OK, this is all fantasy. Justin won't even be 18 until next March and he's not only not an American citizen, he's not interested in becoming one... and at least in part because he loves Canada's socialized medicine. He is anti-Choice though, and ambivalent about gays, so we can stretch the fantasy a little and imagine him as a Republican. (He's unsure himself which party he'd back if he was old en
Who's Really Most To Blame For The Economic Collapse? Ever Hear Of Phil Gramm?
2 Where does a corrupt bankster end & a corrupt politician begin?The manifestation of conservative Democratic 1%-er-turned-Republican 1%-er, Texas Senator Phil Gramm's "greatest" achievement-- at least in terms of making himself fabulously wealthy, but also in terms of impacting the people of the United States-- was the mortgage meltdown in the finally two years of George W. Bush's illegitimate
The Frivolousness That Has Marked John Boehner's Term As Speaker
2 If nothing else, the lengthy early morning post today should have given readers a clue that the most serious problems faced by the American people have been largely created by our own political class. The Beltway Democratic Establishment, having to deal with pesky progressives and do-gooders within their own ranks-- sometimes make an attempt to appear like they want to deal with the meta-problems
Why should you care about the Albertine Rift? The November National Geographic does a spectacular job of explaining
The Albertine Rift extends 920 miles from Lake Albert in the north to Lake Tanganyika in the south. The giant but much shallower Lake Victoria, by the way, isn't a true rift lake at all, though as the National Geographic article explains, its underlying geology explains why the East African Rift splits below Uganda into western and eastern portions. (By all means click to enlarge this map, which t
Counting On Romney
George Will is normally the most dependable of shills for the Republican Party establishment. And if Romney's consistent pattern of flip-flops and his utter contempt and disdain for principles is driving Will off the rails... well, it helps to explain why the inevitable GOP nominee against Obama can't get the backing of more than a quarter of Republican voters no matter what he-- or, more importan

Dr. John v. Kampen -
  My Hiding Place

El Hierro - volcanic nightmare unfolding?
The about 280 km² Spanish island El Hierro (Canary Islands) and its 10.000 inhabitants tremble like Andalucian Flamenco dancers. Since July 18th about 11.000 times tremors were registered. The flurry of earthquakes still takes place, so far causing little if any damage. The last few days seismic activities have increased again, whereas the magnitude of some shocks has risen above 3.5. Seismic and
Where are my mega-pixels - digital photography from zone system to HDR
Digital photography is everywhere, it seems. Even most smart phones have small cameras. Apart from telling a friend about things you see, you now can convey him/her an instant picture in good quality. New ways of communicating? However delving somewhat deeper into digital photography it occurred to me that it also has its pitfalls and myths. There is a lot of technology involved before any result
U2 Ride to 70.000 feet high and back
Url: http://youtu.be/1PmYItnlY5M - Our world in true perspective... James May shows us. John
Gnome 3 Shell in Mint 11 (and 12) - I tested...
Gnome 3 Shell in Mint 11 Katya? Yes, I tested and was amazed. Nothing of the sort anymore we see on YouTube (!), or find discussed elsewhere from weeks ago. It's remarkable how Gnome 3 Shell has evolved. I must congratulate the team that worked its way out of the 'unholy mess' that we still can see in many months' old movie-clips that keep hanging around on the Internet, even on t
Global Revolution TV is ON AIR
For those interested to follow the global 'revolution' that is taking place, an independent news channel has appeared on air: http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution For the people interested in Greek developments, go here for a direct link and be staggered: http://www.livestream.com/stopcarteltvgr -- It's interesting to see independent media reshaping society. We can see what
Europe (and USA) at the Tipping Point?
Current politics have something in common with the weather. Both are unpredictable and completely chaotic. Even a 10-days forecast may fail while too many complexities are at play. See Europe struggling with its horrendous debts, using 'austerity measures' to -as a result- get economic growth going and bring down the debts or vice versa, hopefully in the next 5 to 8 years... The new idea

7 unread articles

Clinton Backs U.N. Probe of Qaddafi's Death
Fox NewsExecutive Branch - POLITICSPublished October 23, 2011Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday she supports calls for a U.N. probe into the death of Libyan leader Moammar al-Qaddafi, whose being shot point-blank in the head has given rise to concerns he was executed last week rather than killed in crossfire."Let's have an investigation, I fully support the United Nations invest
Cornel West Arrested at Supreme Court
The RootBy: Sheryl Huggins Salomon | Posted: October 16, 2011 Cornel West arrested (NCFTV)Update on Monday, October 17 at 3:25 p.m.: A spokesperson for Dr. Cornel West told The Root that following a court appearance this afternoon he was released from jail.Update: According to a message retweeted on Cornel West's Twitter page, "Dr. Cornel West will be spending the night behind bars and is ordered

Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra

Python Swallows Adult Deer in Florida
Just in case you thought that fictionalsources such as The Swiss Family Robinson had got it wrong, we have here anexample of the great snake’s capacity. It makes one wonder just what the true giants of the Amazon that I havealso posted on are really capable of eating. I am sure however, that they mostly focus on the obvious target of alligators.  Most everything else can actually getaway fairly ea
Cell Phone Radiation and Cancer
After reading enough material onthe possible risk of cell phone usage it is welcome to have an expert viewregarding the actual energetics of DNA damage as a precursor to cancer.  It becomes clear that particular route is adead end.  What this means is that interms of the physics we know and believe we understand, there is no route tocancer.This does not mean that othereffects are not taking place.
Giant Four Inch Amoebas Found in the Deep
The one thing I am comfortablewith is that ample biological oxygen is available in the ‘Deep’.  This has never been particularly obvious toscience because the mechanism remains unknown. That it is becomes clear with the obvious mass of lifeforms there.Is is the largest single biomeand it is the least observed.  Here wesee technology to overcome that problem and provide remote eyeballs to see whatc
New Therapy Increases Good Cholesterol
A clearly promising drug regimenalthough I cannot help but think that we are adjusting a secondary while notclearly able to determine a real cause and affect protocol.  In the meantime I suspect most heart patientswill support this new medicine.It does solve the problem ofincreasing the so called good cholesterol. That alone may have an excellent effect of the likely prognosis.  Yet the fact is th
Rossi Focardi One MW Pilot Test Begins
They have fired up the onemegawatt Rossi Focardi Energy Catalyzer over the past few days and havedemonstrated it to a large group of observers and their prospective customer.  Initial production was clocked at 470 KW.  This is the key pilot demonstration that wasdiscussed a couple of months ago and is meant to at least mock up a productionunit for immediate commercial application.Let me make this
Other Arm of Milky Wave Located
It appears that we are getting abetter confirmation of the nature of out apparent spiral galaxy.As noted, out present knowledgeis speculation.  This work has confirmedthe real existence of the other spiral arm that we had not seen yet.This is neat work and shows usjust how much is out there to piece together.Found - the missing arm of the Milky Way (but it's not a great locationfor life)By TEDTHOR

Home Nature Report

Occupy Wall Street The Media is the Message
The Invisible 99%: Sunday Morning Talk Shows Ignore Occupy Wall StreetPoliticsUSA October 2, 2011By Jason EasleyThe five Sunday morning talk shows on CBS, Fox, CNN, NBC, and ABC devoted zero segments with zero guests to Occupy Wall Street today. To the media inside the Beltway, the 99% do not exist.A day after over 700 protesters were arrested during a march over the Brooklyn Bridge, the five netw
"Those on the streets around Wall Street are the physical embodiment of hope. Th...
"Those on the streets around Wall Street are the physical embodiment of hope. They know that hope has a cost, that it is not easy or comfortable, that it requires self-sacrifice and discomfort and finally faith. They sleep on concrete every night. Their clothes are soiled. They have eaten more bagels and peanut butter than they ever thought possible. They have tasted fear, been beaten, gone to jai

Housewife Eclectic

WoW: Pintiquette, or The Art of Politely Pinning
I am no Emily Post.  (I know you're surprised. ;) I am terrible at sending thank you notes, formal introductions give me hives, and my elbows end up on the table at some point during most any meal. However, I do believe in being generally courteous and polite, even if I'm no stickler for being absolutely proper. And generally, being polite is more a matter of being aware than of knowing and
Mini Book Bracelet Giveaway from Sophie's Beads
I love Etsy. I mean who doesn't? I have found lots of really cool shops and items but when I found Sophie's Beads the other day, it was the first time I gasped out loud at how amazing her pieces are. Sophie's Beads is the perfect shop for any reader or music lover. She takes the covers of your favorite books or cds and turns them into the perfect bracelet, necklace, keychain or earrings. Since I
Dinner in a Pumpkin
For as long as I can remember, my mom has made chili on Halloween. Since I have never really cared for beans I always ate my dinner begrudgingly and have even made chili for Halloween dinner since I couldn't come up with anything that seemed to scream Halloween more... until this year. This savory meal is stuffed inside a pumpkin for its two hour baking time, what could be more Halloween tha
Mr. Pumpkinhead - Last-Minute Pumpkin Decorating
Today Lu is stepping out from behind her usual Wednesdays on the Web, to share her delightful pumpkin accessories with us. Be sure to stop by Just Lu and check out her amazing Dahlia Top because trust me, you have to see it! I plan ahead for the holidays. But only in my head. In my head, I choose our costumes, our pumpkin carving designs, the candy we will hand out to trick-or-treaters before La
Pumpkin food to make this weekend
Halloween is just around the corner and with it comes lots of pumpkin treats! Here are some of my favorites I have found on the web this year. Can't wait for Halloween!  Pumpkin Pie Truffles by Shugary Sweets  Stuffed Pumpkin Jack O' Lanterns Peppers by Go Dairy Free   Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars by All Recipes.   Jack O' Lantern Cake Pops by Nothing but Country.  Pumpkin Cream
WoW: Social Bookmarking - The 5 Ws & H
Last week I told you about two of my favorite online services -- Delicious and Pinterest -- and promised that this week we'd talk more about the whole social bookmarking thing. Up today: the 5 Ws and H. For those of you who skipped English class that day in high school, the 5 Ws are Who, What, When, Where, and Why -- and don't forget the H - How! Who can/should/could use social bookmarking? You
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