This week on New Scientist TV
Obama never mentions it-- and seems to try peaceful coexistence with it-- but earlier presidents recognized what a tremendous danger plutocracy is to democracy. We should think about that at a time...
*Police loving violence against the students and citizens* Occupy Cuny and allied protestors who gathered Monday at Baruch College to express opposition to CUNY tuition hikes, unfair labor practices, and...
*"Using Our Outside Voice: * *Freeing Our Inner Desires"* by The DailyOm "Our best chance of getting what we need is to communicate by converting our inner voice to our outside voice. Each of us has devel...
“Grand spiral galaxies often seem to get all the glory. Their young, blue star clusters and pink star forming regions along sweeping spiral arms are guaranteed to attract attention. But small irregular gal...
posted by PC at Not PC - 20 minutes ago [image: _Quote4]Qua businessman, a man does not need to know economics. If he does know it, his knowledge does not affect his strictly business decisions, such as whether or not to raise his price when...
A magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck Romania at a depth of 150 km (93 miles), the quake hit at 04:17:35 UTC Tuesday 22nd November 2011. The epicenter was 7 km ( 4.3 miles) East of Siriu, Romania No Reports...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 8 km (5 miles), the quake hit at 03:30:36 UTC Tuesday 22nd November 2011. The epicenter was 20 km ( 12 miles) WSW of Van, Turkey No Reports...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck Southern Peru at a depth of 113.4 km (70.5 miles), the quake hit at 02:18:06 UTC Tuesday 22nd November 2011. The epicenter was 67 km ( 41 miles) Southwest of Arequipa, ...
*“Love In The Afternoon”* by Chet Raymo “Oh, if only it were that simple. We human males must woo and coo and wash dishes and vacuum and buy roses and provide candlelight and wine and whisper "God, you l...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Nias Region, Indonesia at a depth of 30 km (18.6 miles), the quake hit at 23:32:12 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 86 km ( 53.3 miles) Northwest o...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck the Flores Sea, Indonesia at a depth of 552.2 km (343.1 miles), the quake hit at 21:20:28 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 157 km ( 97 miles) NNE of En...
- Sperm concentration and motility, can be negatively influenced by body weight and diet - Specialists encouraging diet high in fruit and grains to increase the chance of successful IVF tr...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 5 km (3.1 miles - Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 21:00:35 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 24 km ( 14 miles) NNW of...
Canada, the US and the UK announced sanctions against Iran today : "in an effort to pressure Tehran to halt its suspected nuclear weapons program. The British announced the first measures, declaring they...
Monday, Nov. 21, 2011: Crowd now at UC Davis. Photo by Joe Jaszewski via Twitter. UC DAVIS NOW ABOVE: Gathering to oppose pepper spraying attack. The photo was taken w...
Bumper sticker on a car in Texas. Photo by Zereshk / Wikimedia Commons.Our future depends on stopping an attack on IranBy Harvey Wasserman / The Rag Blog / November 21, 2011The global Occupy Movement has com...
Yes, there are plenty of people who defend our "progressive" President as getting the best deals he can in the face of the rightwingnutters' opposition. And hey! He got us health coverage for everyone (oka...
One of the hottest items on the sports marketing scene is the Tebow number 15 jersey with "Jesus" on the back.Tebow redeemed?Tim Tebow is awful,but he finds a way to winHe’s not awful in the turgid unwatchab...
*Oh look, children! It's the Confidence Fairy, come out to play now that the Supercommittee has, as forecast, officially whiffed on deficit reduction -- with the president reproving, "Ba-a-ad Congress!"* ...
Major thanks to David Talbot and the staff at who had the guts to let the truth be heard in their publication. I'm very grateful and impressed that I was allowed to write what I wrote there. See fo...
The kit uses a patient's skin cells to develop new ones in under an hour.
Virtual Penn State Nittany Lion by Avatar Sculptor Cheen Pitney / Cheen Pitney's Peacefools.The 'Paterno effect':Thinking about capitalism,higher education, and moral repugnanceBy Harry Targ / The Rag Blog /...
The same compounds that give habaneros their bite is the same thing that sprays out of the cans used by police.
posted by laura k at wmtc - 4 hours ago Shortly after the Occupy Movement began to make headlines, my friend and comrade Dr. J wrote this on his blog your heart's on the left: Is occupation a tactic or a principle? Should the focus be on the int...
A computerized lens could offer personal streaming as well as a sneaky way to capture information.
posted by PC at Not PC - 4 hours ago *[image: _McGrath001]**Libz leader Dr Richard McGrath has a message to anyone with liberty in their brain, hope in their heart and any fire at all in their belly.* In late 2008 Helen Clark passed on the...
*“Freedom: The New and Future Experiment… Part II”* by Joel Bowman “What if the “best of the States” is always on its way to becoming “the worst of States”? It is true, of course, that certain forms of St...
I used to be a Civil Servant. I worked in various departments, and had connections with many more; the Civil Service may be split into different departments, but it really is quite monolithic. All Civil...
Depending on how the world uses available crops, there are two possible futures.
*“The Economy Has Changed: * *Expect Hopes, Dreams and Lifestyles to Follow”* by Bill Bonner “Not much action in the markets on Friday. It was a helluva week, though. At the beginning it looked like Europ...
. Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
posted by PC at Not PC - 5 hours ago Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
"It's a bad paper." - Gore Vidal, referring to the New York Times. "Mr. Chapman, 21, said he had not heard Mr. Ortega talk of taking violent action. But more than a year ago, he recalled, Mr. Ortega and ...
*#OpPigRoast* *TARGET: POLICE EXECUTIVE RESEARCH FORUM (PERF)* *Posted online by Anonymous* *REASON:* Do we really need to explain ourselves much here? PERF assisted in organizing and coordinating the rec...
posted by PC at Not PC - 6 hours ago Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
*Sometimes It Pays To Rethink What we Know* I didn't grow up in a house where books or authors were discussed over dinner. But my friend Danny did. And his parents often invited me over. His father was a ...
posted by PC at Not PC - 7 hours ago This Saturday you have three votes. You can vote for the pack of bastards you prefer, which bugger you want in your electorate, and which system should be used to decide which buggers are finally elect...
The app tests its users hearing by playing varying frequencies and then adjusts the device's volume accordingly.
A Belgian priest and cosmologist named Georges Lemaitre published a paper reaching very similar conclusions two years before Edwin Hubble's historic discovery. Was Lemaitre's work covered up?
Researchers have found a way to pick up trace amounts of explosives on shoes that are still on passengers' feet.
posted by PC at Not PC - 7 hours ago *[image: _McGrath001]**Libz leader Dr Richard McGrath has a message to anyone with liberty in their brain, hope in their heart and any fire at all in their belly.* In late 2008 Helen Clark passed on the...
posted by PC at Not PC - 7 hours ago Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
posted by laura k at wmtc - 8 hours ago If you like men, and you like libraries, you're sure to love Men of the Stacks. Proceeds from calendar sales support It Gets Better. Here's a good story on Men of the Stacks in *The Guardian*. Plus I'm pre...
posted by laura k at wmtc - 8 hours ago Message from Occupy Toronto: OCCUPY TORONTO IS BEING EVICTED. Mayor Rob Ford has angrily taken to television, even gritting his teeth, to say he wants protesters "gone NOW". City Manager says by midnight ...
(Editor's note: If you could help Mrs. JP and I weather another month so we could make the rent after the holidays, we'd surely appreciate it. Doing so in any amount would certainly help keep online ...
AP: Air Force officials say an airman armed with a pistol has barricaded himself in a building at an Air Force base in Colorado that controls dozens of military satellites, but no one has been injured and ...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck off the Coast of the North Island, New Zealand at a depth of 2.5 km (1.6 miles - Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 19:38:29 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epic...
Two people were injured Monday when Syrian soldiers attacked a convoy of Turkish citizens who were passing through Syria on their way home from a hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, Turkey's state news agency...
posted by PC at Not PC - 9 hours ago Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
posted by PC at Not PC - 9 hours ago Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
Thanksgiving is hardly the only autumn festival celebrating family and the Earth's bounty.
by G: Nov. 21, 2011 Here's the latest news on terrorism in NY. It's sharing the headlines with the recent demonstrations in Egypt, where, according to the NY Times at least 23 people had been killed a...
Egypt's ruling military council is considering whether to accept the resignation of the cabinet amid a third day of violence between police and pro-democracy protesters. The entire cabinet reportedly sub...
Do you ever have trouble figuring out just what makes an authoritarian git like Stephen Harper tick? An article from *In These Times* entitled "*New Confederacy Rising" *offers some helpful insights into ...
Nine pigs heads complete with teeth and eyes have been found, dumped in a street, after being skinned. They were found on a pavement in King Edwards Road, Middlesbrough, by builder Mark Waters as he arriv...
By Denis G. RancourtAbstract -- Establishment medicine is sustained by a triad of core deceptions: (1) An apical lie by omission which does not admit that the predominant causal determinant of an individual’...
This is the moment a taxi driver deliberately ploughed into a passenger after a row about an £8 fare. Muhammed Javed, 45, drove straight into Huw Lloyd, who was left clinging to the bonnet for 80ft, befor...
A US Marine Corps general is the latest stuffed tunic to warn of dire consequences to America if the Pentagon's budget is cut. Corps Commandant General James Amos says he's sure that something sort of aw...
Stocks Plunge As Debt Talks Near Collapse Which is a good thing. Heck, a great thing! Maybe as the stock market goes to hell for an extended period, the rest of the "vanished" middle class will awaken from...
Although the idea of working from home may conjure up images of sitting in your pajamas with coffee in hand, research suggests it's a difficult balancing act.
New York City's melting pot just got a little bigger with the discovery of several new species of bees within the city and its suburbs.
Slitscan camera helps Texas artist record the passage of time with his photo sculptures.
“We don’t take sides!” is a cry repeatedly heard from certain biased organisations that operate under banners of impartiality. On the other hand, the foreign secretary isn’t constrained by such a banner. N...
Belgians deported to Nazi Germany in World War II to work as slaves for the Third Reich have now received tax demands from Berlin. Belgium's finance minister Didier Reynders has vowed to confront Germany ...
Anyone who follows American politics will have heard the Right's endless demands for "entitlement reform." They argue that Social Security is on the verge of insolvency and therefore payouts need to be t...
*"This Is What America Looks Like"* by William Rivers Pitt "They say it's hard to speak They feel so strong to say we are weak But through the eyes the love of our people They've got to repay. We come fro...
Britain cut all financial ties Monday with Iran over concerns about Iran's nuclear program, the first time it has ever cut an entire country's banking sector off from British finance, the British Treasury ...
The operative word is "*accelerating*." The World Meteorological Organization reported today that, "*the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hit a new record in 2010 and that the growth of the b...
I almost forgot...I always wanted to be in a band! I had just enough time before the occupy concert was to start to locate a toyshop on the fancy Upper East Side. I told the salesman I wanted some musical...
*"How To Respond To The Awful Truth"* by Zen Gardner "It's a volatile, challenging time to be alive, no doubt. The world is a landscape thoroughly scattered with catastrophic nightmares like flaming lava...
Military reneges on Wall Street mandates, gets second wave of protests aimed at them. by Tony Cartalucci November 21, 2011 - After playing a role Wall Street and London meddlers had hoped would translate ...
The devastating Texas wildfire season reaches the one-year mark on Tuesday, and there appears to be no end in sight as officials brace for large blazes that could ignite anywhere across the drought-stricke...
Thursday evening we looked at the Republicans' and their Blue Dog allies' decision to declare pizza a vegetable for school children. While Twittery wags are wondering when conservatives will also declare...
Congratulations to Mariano Rajoy, whose Partido Popular has won a thumping victory in Spain: nearly eleven million votes to the Socialists' seven million, 186 seats to their 110. It's not often that you ge...
The dangers in the aftermath of the earthquake may not be as bad as initially feared.
*The Dictator's Handbook* is written by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith. According to this book: There is no great difference between a 'democratic' leader like Obama and a 'dictator' like Hi...
A new report by Duke University researchers offers several health and environmental measures for North Carolina lawmakers to consider as they debate legalizing horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing ...
More than 7,000 workers went on strike at a southern Chinese factory making New Balance, Adidas and Nike shoes, clashing with police in a protest over layoffs and wage cuts, a rights group said. Dozens of...
Gunmen on Sunday torched three trucks carrying supplies for NATO troops in Afghanistan in the southwestern Pakistani province of Baluchistan, officials said. Gunmen on a motorbike fired at the vehicles an...
Is it real or is it Memorex? 'Al-Qaida Sympathizer' Accused of NYC Bomb Plots Or just more fear for the masses inspired by the CIA/MI6/Mossad tricksters? American Spies Outed, CIA Suffers in Lebanon I ador...
*Voting has consequences.* If you voted for a person that signed his “No New Taxes” Pledge – YOU are to blame for the stalemate in congress. Grover Norquist holds YOU responsible! His pledge is not respons...
Jim O'Neill, the head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, has predicted that China could overtake the United States as the world's largest economy by 2027 and urged a fundamental rethink of the operation of...
Johnny C. Parks died two days before his first birthday more than a century ago. His grave slipped from sight along with the rest of the tiny town of Bluffton when Lake Buchanan was filled 55 years later. ...
The 90037 ZIP Code in South Los Angeles has about 60,000 residents. And by some estimates, almost 12,000 feral cats. Colonies of the strays roam the alleys and backyards of these low-income neighborhoods....
On Monday, November 14, nearly two weeks before days Black Friday, Christine Orta and nine others from three different families pitched a tent and started “occupying” a Black Friday line at a St. Petersbur...
A long-term global recession is certain to happen and China must focus on domestic problems, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan has said. "The one thing that we can be certain of, among all the uncertainties...
How else can you explain the extraordinary efforts of the Harper regime and its US Congressional counterparts to suppress climate change information getting to the public. As chronicled in *The Guardian* ...
Sir Richard Branson is to warn George Osborne that he will create a "lost generation" of young people who will never know work unless he takes radical steps in next week's Autumn Statement to kick-start th...
The "time has come" to deal with Iran, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Sunday, refusing to rule out military action to curb the Islamic republic's nuclear ambitions. Barak, speaking on CNN's Fare...
Vandalism, violence, burning and shutting down the nation’s fifth busiest port weren’t enough for Occupy Oakland. On Friday, the General Assembly for the group voted unanimously for “a coordinated shutdown...
Lisa Gesik hesitates to log into her Facebook account nowadays because of unwanted "friend" requests, not from long-ago classmates but from the ex-husband now in prison for kidnapping her and her daughter....
The CIA's operations in Lebanon have been badly damaged after Hezbollah identified and captured a number of U.S. spies recently, current and former U.S. officials told The Associated Press. The intelligenc...
Even if the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, the worst accident in 25 years, leads to many people developing cancer, we may never find out. Looking back on those early days of radiation horror, that may s...
Japan's exports have fallen for the first time in three months, reinforcing worries that the strong yen and global debt crisis are affecting the economy. Shipments dropped 3.7% in October from a year earl...
Japan's exports have fallen for the first time in three months, reinforcing worries that the strong yen and global debt crisis are affecting the economy. Shipments dropped 3.7% in October from a year earl...
A four-fold increase in polio has been reported in Nigeria, with the disease spreading to other countries, a World Health Organisation official says. Forty-three cases were reported in Nigeria this year, ...
The Royal Canadian Navy, its mission in Libya completed, will continue to patrol the Mediterranean Sea for another year, increasing speculation that the situation in Syria could lead to NATO intervention. ...
A weekend of talks among members of the congressional committee charged with coming up with $1.2 trillion in budget cuts appeared to produce no last-minute compromise ahead of Monday's practical deadline...
Officials sparred Sunday over a proposed plan to send observers into Syria as the nation's president warned against military intervention. In an interview with the Sunday Times in the United Kingdom, Presi...
Fifteen Pakistani paramilitary troops were killed when militants ambushed their camp in southwestern Pakistan Monday, a military spokesman said. Attackers fired rockets at the camp and opened fire on a pat...
The AIDS epidemic is levelling off and the number of people newly infected with the virus that causes it has remained unchanged since 2007, the United Nations said in a report. Critics say that the body's...
A judge has ruled that Occupy Toronto protesters must end their five-week long encampment at a downtown park. Superior Court Justice David Brown’s ruling, issued just after 9 a.m. on Monday, upholds evict...
A couple take a six-month-long hike with their one-year-old baby in tow.
I love the look of the classic alphabet blocks. There is something so nostalgic about those brightly colored blocks. Did you know that you can easily turn them into picture holding magnets? All you ...
posted by leftdog at Buckdog - 13 hours ago *"A growing number of Conservative MPs are questioning their government's position on the export of asbestos, with a group of them independently summoning industry experts to a meeting on Parliament Hill...
*Dorli Rainey—who grew up in Nazi Germany—on getting pepper-sprayed in Seattle, and on how our corporate press reminds her of Herr Goebbels’* Go here for original. Related Posts: - TSA abu...
Form Innacuracies Found In City Water Tests ~WDSU Morganza study is on time for Dec. 2012 completion ~Nikki Buskey In your face: Joe Caldarera and conspirators try for another JPAS change order, this time...
The United States has been wrestling with racial segregation for decades and, while considerable progress has been made in some areas, plenty remains to be fixed. But a new form of segregation is on the ...
CT scans suggest the Iceman may have shattered his eye in a fall after he was wounded by an arrow.
*MINNESOTA* MN-02 John Kline (R) MN-03 Erik Paulsen (R) MN-06 Michele Bachmann (R) MN-08 Chip Cravaack (R) *MINNESOTA (as of 2010)* *12 Senators of 67* Dave Brown (S-16) Roger C. Chamberlain (S-53) Paul Gaz... Open Letter to Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi Posted on November 19, 2011 by crank 18 November 2011 Open Letter to Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi Linda P.B. Katehi, ...
posted by laura k at wmtc - 14 hours ago I meant to include this in my recent library-related post, but I misplaced the link. So now this lovely little library has a post of its own. Please go here to see a beautiful old UK "phone box" recycled i...
North Carolina When it comes to the North Carolina state Motto and ALEC member the following definitely is true. "The Numbers of the really virtuous are not so great, as they appear to be." Each person on...
by: Duane Craig University of California, Davis Campus Superfund Cleanup at UC DavisA Superfund site with shared responsibility between the U.S. Department of Energy and the University of California Davis ...
Last week Florida psychopath Cliff Stearns' off the rails National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011 (H.R. 822) passed the House 272-154. It's one of the most extreme gun bills ever passed by Congre...
Back to Syria I made the statement on Friday that this looks to be coming to a head. I stand by it. Let's take a look at what is being reported today. Of course, not all of it. There was news of Russian war...
posted by laura k at wmtc - 15 hours ago London, Ontario, that's who! Team president and general manager David Martin says the name "The London Rippers", this logo, and cute marketing phrases like "Lurking in Labatt Park..." have nothing to do ...
Thirty-five people have reportedly been killed in clashes between police and protesters in Egypt as calls intensify for military rulers to quickly transfer power to a civilian government. AP news agency ...
posted by laura k at wmtc - 15 hours ago This and many others courtesy of BoingBoing, via the OWS Library blog.
A 10 second tri-cat-thalon or playtime and a nap? Think your kitty could compete?
New technologies and maps of the Earth's crust are making geothermal a renewable energy competitor to fossil fuels.
The Treasury Department plans to designate Iran as an area of "primary money laundering concern" on Monday, a U.S. official said, a move allowing it to take steps to further isolate the Iranian financial s...
*An even more ambitious, more stringy type of supersymmetry could actually be more compatible with the LHC data* A year ago or so, we have entered the serious LHC era in which many eyes of high-energy p...
The U.S. baseball player Gregory Halman has been stabbed to death in Rotterdam. The Seattle Mariners outfield, 24, was killed today according to Dutch channel NOS-TV, which said the player's family had c...
Startling claims that the speed of light has been broken for a second time have been rejected by a group of scientists. Physicists from Cern, the Swiss home of the Large Hadron Collider, announced last we...
Britain's youth courts are just jailing one in four teenage muggers, it has emerged. It is a further embarrassment for the Government, which has been accused of employing a 'light touch' when it comes to ...
It's my birthday this coming week (and it's going to be on the day I was born), so this would be a terrific present. For both me and my country. If only. Stop the Austerity Train Wreck!Robert Reich Friday,...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck Western Honshu, Japan at a depth of 11.8 km (7.3 miles), the quake hit at 10:16:30 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 62 km ( 38 miles) NNE of Hiroshima,...
The number of people wounded in two days of clashes in Egypt has reached 1,700, a health ministry spokesman said Monday. In addition, 20 people have died, including 10 on Sunday in confrontations between...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 43.8 km (27.2 miles), the quake hit at 09:48:27 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 125 km ( 78 miles) E...
European stock indices fell for the sixth day in a row, as France's credit rating came under threat and political deadlock in the US weighed on markets. The credit ratings agency Moody's said continued e...
A magnitude 3.7 earthquake has struck Central California at a depth of 0.1 km (0 miles - Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 09:39:03 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 30 km ( 18.6 miles) ...
A magnitude 3.4 earthquake has struck Central California at a depth of 4.7 km (2.9 miles), the quake hit at 09:38:11 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 30 km ( 18.6 miles) Southeast of Marklee...
posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 19 hours ago It turns out that the Television Trust for the Environment - the BBC greenie programmes supplier whose problems I noted here - derives half its income, more than £500k, from the EU, and effectively gives i...
Black rain containing radioactive materials from the World War II atomic bombing of Nagasaki may have fallen not only in the city's Nishiyama district, but over a much wider area, documents obtained by the...
With Malaysia already bracing for what it expects will be its worst floods in decades, authorities have now put the country on "full alert" for landslides. With the Northeast Monsoon having already set in...
The Monticello nuclear power plant was automatically shut down over the weekend as a result of safety concerns, Xcel Energy officials said Sunday. The plant, owned and operated by Xcel, shut down at 11:12...
Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano has spewed a burst of ash 3 miles (5 kilometers) into the air after breaking through a dome of lava. Mexico’s National Disaster Prevention Center says Sunday’s explosion c...
At least 13 people at a transgender gathering in New Delhi were killed Sunday in a massive fire, officials said. The city's fire chief, A.K. Sharma, told CNN that more than 40 people were also injured as...
An oil refinery in Yemen has stopped operation due to lack of raw materials, according to officials at the refinery. Senior officials at the Aden Oil refinery in Aden told CNN on Sunday that the last day...
A magnitude 4.0 earthquake has struck Southern Xinjiang, China at a depth of just 1 km (0.62 miles - Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 06:56:25 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 18 km ( ...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck offshore Chiapas, Mexico at a depth of 65.2 km (40.5 miles), the quake hit at 05:32:18 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 82 km ( 50 miles) WSW of Tapach...
*Tunis, not Wall St.* OCCUPY! It did not start on Wall Street. Some months ago, the CIA organised the OCCUPATION of down town Tunis. Tunisia now has an Islamist government. Tunisia now has more poverty...
700 exoplanets have been confirmed, but we are only just glimpsing the tip of the proverbial exoplanetary iceberg.
Read this bill of economic rightsand weep. Then recall that Governmentfirst prints money in order to spend it. It then taxes us in order to recover that money in whole or in part. *It is never the ot...
* * * * *Self Help* * by Samuel Smiles* * Hypertext Meanings and Commentaries from the Encyclopediaof the Self* * by Mark Zimmerman* *Self Help; WithIllustrations of Conduct and Perseverance* *By Samuel S...
The breakthrough in theunderstanding of ALS is noted. This is agood list and plenty more is out there been all simultaneously advanced asquickly as possible. What is most noteworthy isunderlying all ...
I have already posted at lengthon the physical reality underlying the story of Noah which appears to be areport on the establishment of Bronze Age agriculture in the Middle East. I surmised a much e...
I think this device will be inthe market right quick. It is a fix for an unsatisfactory system that has beenburdensome for decades. Just cutting thewaste management problem justifies switching. The f...
Hours after Michelle Parker aired her violent, tumultuous relationship with her ex-fiance on a dramatic episode of 'The People's Court,' she captured national attention again. This time, it's because the 3...
Two campus police officers caught in shocking video footage using pepper spray on student protesters have been suspended, UC Davis announced today. In a statement, school Chancellor Linda Katehi announced...
NASA's launch of a new nuclear-powered car-sized Mars rover is being delayed one day to allow time for engineers to replace a suspect battery in the probe's Atlas 5 launch vehicle.
Pressure on the Syrian regime has increased after a 15-year-old schoolboy was murdered by government thugs. Mohammed Mulla Eissa's only crime was refusing to join a pro-regime march when ordered to do so ...
Violent clashes between protesters and Egypt’s military police flared again yesterday, leaving at least ten dead and hundreds injured. By last night thousands of demonstrators had returned to Tahrir Square...
Today's *NY Times* poses an obvious question by Euripidean scholar Daniel Mendelsohn: "What if it had been a 10-year-old girl in the Penn State locker room that Friday night in 2002?" Before reading it, k...
Hundreds of passengers had their journeys disrupted last night as fog grounded flights at London airports. At Heathrow, 132 flights, most of them short-haul, were cancelled and many others delayed. Offic...
A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck the New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 37.2 km (23.1 miles), the quake hit at 03:48:40 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 105 km ( 65 mil...
A magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck Myanmar at a depth of 121 km (75.2 miles), the quake hit at 03:15:43 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 130 km ( 80 miles) East of Imphal, Manipur, India ...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck Mindanao, Philippines at a depth of 204.8 km (127.3 miles), the quake hit at 02:46:58 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 51 km ( 31 miles) ESE of General...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck Eastern Iran at a depth of 28 km (17.4 miles), the quake hit at 01:56:46 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 96 km ( 59 miles) Southeast of Birjand, Iran N...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck South of the Fiji Islands at a depth of 404.8 km (251.5 miles), the quake hit at 01:39:06 UTC Monday 21st November 2011. The epicenter was 259 km ( 160 miles) South of...
We now have a live chat room that all of you can visit and discuss what you like in. But don't worry, you can still leave your posts on the same page if you'd like to leave a message for someone else who i...
A magnitude 4.3 earthquake has struck the Reykjanes Ridge at a depth of 60 km (37.2 miles), the quake hit at 22:04:30 UTC Sunday 20th November 2011. The epicenter was 703 km ( 435.8 miles) Southwest of Reyk...
Ask an elderly couple what the key to a happy marriage is, and they’ll probably tell you it’s down to mutual respect and not going to bed without resolving an argument. But, according to researchers, th...
Should cities carry a health warning? A growing body of research shows that babies born in cities, and children who grow up in them, face a battery of health problems that afflict both their physical an...
More than a third of bosses believe some of their female colleagues wear too much make-up to work, according to a poll. Having bright red lips, over made-up eyes and too much blusher were seen as the b...
There is growing disquiet in the medical community. The NHS breast-cancer screening programme, which invites all women to have three-yearly X-rays (mammograms) from the age of 50, has been said by some d...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Philippine Islands Region at a depth of 81.3 km (50.5 miles), the quake hit at 21:25:40 UTC Sunday 20th November 2011. The epicenter was 234 km ( 145 miles) ESE of...
Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia. Scientists hope the 'ice shield' will reduce demands on energy and regulate water during summer. Photo courtesy: Doug Kanter/Getty Images via Mongolia i...
Agricultural farmland in Ukraine being prepared for planting wheat. Photo courtesy: Vincent Mundy/Bloomberg /Getty Images via Billions more investment is needed in agriculture and food distr...
ALL photos courtesy: Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture Let's hope this active attempt to co-exist with nature spreads worldwide. As more people begin moving from rural areas and into swelling urban centers...
Time to revive a dormant feature. Here's the tough guy, pepper-spraying unarmed students. Can't help but notice the contrast: students sitting peacefully and silently get pepper-sprayed in the face. Stude...
Photo courtesy: josie lynn richards/CC BY 2.0 If you were one of the millions who chose leather because it was a natural material and free from chemical contamination, read on. The truth will probably hav...
posted by PC at Not PC - 1 day ago I have a few minor quibbles with some of his choices—and many of his choices will surely surprise you as much as they did me—but if you want to know who to vote for and who to ignore in your electorate t...
*Ah-choo. * "Pepper-spray use called ‘chilling’; College head says police action to be investigated" by Associated Press, November 20, 2011 SAN FRANCISCO - The chancellor of the University of California a...
The memo indicates that CLGC would research who has contributed financial backing to OWS, noting that, “Media reports have speculated about associations with George Soros and others.” "It will be vital,”...
A man has been arrested over a plot to detonate a bomb in New York City. The city's Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, said a 27-year-old man was facing three terror charges following his arrest. Mr Bloomberg said...
A man has been arrested over a plot to detonate a bomb in New York City. The city's Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, said a 27-year-old man was facing three terror charges following his arrest. Mr Bloomberg said...
*Rumor has it that one of these men is the solution to the problem of the dumbing down of the Republican Party. Can you guess which?* *"It takes courage to swim against the tide of know-nothingness that ha...
“How do stars form? A study of star forming region W5 by the sun-orbiting Spitzer Space Telescope provides clear clues by recording that massive stars near the center of empty cavities are older than stars...
“No one in the world was ever you before, with your particular gifts and abilities and possibilities. It’s a shame to waste those by doing what someone else has done.” - Joseph Campbell
The source of America's political, economic and foreign policy crises is its print and television media. This is not news to anyone, but it is a truth that needs to be repeated again and again. America h...
*“In Praise of Books”* by Chet Raymo “The greatest library of the ancient world was founded by the Ptolemaic dynasty at Alexandria in the 3rd century B.C.E. It is said that the library possessed hundreds...
*"Remember"* "Remember the sky that you were born under, know each of the star's stories. Remember the moon, know who she is. I met her in a bar once in Iowa City. Remember the sun's birth at dawn, that is...
posted by PC at Not PC - 1 day ago [image: Debate] As you’ve possibly already heard, if you’re planning on giving yourself nausea tonight by watching TweedleDum and TweedleDummer pretend to slug it tonight out over their minute differenc...
Chart from forgetful elephants...Playing the debt blame gameBy Ted McLaughlin / The Rag Blog / November 20, 2011The Treasury Department admitted this week that the national debt of this coun...
IISS: Syria's Opposition Is Armed Placard-Waving Protesters are actually Machine Gun-Wielding Terrorists. by Tony Cartalucci November 15, 2011 - The "Free Syria Army" is literally an army of militant e...
posted by PC at Not PC - 1 day ago I’m pinching this idea from Craig Ranapia, who pinched it from the “Shelf Life” feature from *The Spectator*’s Book Blog. *1) What are you reading at the moment?* Umberto Eco’s new one *The Prague Ceme...
As I pointed out in the comments yesterday, the BBC's Matt Danzico has been touting for book donations for a new Occupy Wall Street library organised by his sister Liz (aka "bobulate"): (Liz sounds like ...
Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
*"A Global Consciousness Project: * *The Machine That Could Tell The Future"* Posted by VioletPlanet "The past is but the past of a beginning." - H. G. Wells "Deep in the basement of a dusty university l...
"Cops Gone Wild" - POSTER#130 - Alex Noble (Based on a photo by Louise Macabitas) "University of California, Davis, student Mike Fetterman, receives a treatment for pepper spray by UC Davis firefighter ...
*"Oligarchy, American Style"* Paul Krugman “Inequality is back in the news, largely thanks to Occupy Wall Street, but with an assist from the Congressional Budget Office. And you know what that means: It’...
A large, wealthy, virulently anti-gay family, which owns a chain of health food stores north of L.A., Lassen's, recently bought out the lease of Nature Mart, in my neighborhood. Nature Mart had been part...
Earlier this month, Austrian physicist Anton Zeilinger who is arguably the world's most prominent experimenter working on the foundations of quantum mechanics (if I avoid the term "recreational quantum e...
The "Iraqization" of America's Iran Debate: Mohammad Javad Larijani and The Mainstream Media By Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett The Race For Iran November 20, 2011 Mohammad Javad Larijani’s vis...
posted by PC at Not PC - 1 day ago [image: _Quote]When I say cut income taxes I don't mean fiddle with the tax code, I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS and replace them with nothing. - Ron Paul Content is ...
It seems that the BBC will be ‘Starting the Week’ tomorrow morning with a particularly objectionable duo on the guest list. Not only Peter Kosminsky of ‘The Promise’ notoriety, but also a singer / songwrit...
*"When All You Have Is A Hammer (Oil - Again)"* by Karl Denninger "Here we go again... "The price of a barrel of oil this past week hit $100 for the first time since July. After steadily falling from its ...
To D-fox: if you're reading this, please contact us at It's important -- we believe.
Maps may not sound sexy. But Saab's real-time 3D maps will nonetheless make your eyes pop. Remember those magic maps from the Harry Potter books that tracked the location of every wizard at Hogwarts -- do...
Tough, strong and noble; these are the sorts of qualities one would expect from a national symbol. The fabled Karabakh horse is a rare and beautiful animal that is of great importance to Azerbaijanis. Bu...
Jack Blood, after a brief hiatus, is back with a new audio podcast found on along with US & global news and commentary. The first episode features Richard Gage, Founder of Architects and...
A group calling itself the National Socialist Underground appears to have committed a series of murders and racially-motivated attacks. DW's Editor-in-Chief Ute Schaeffer calls for broad public discourse o...
As the bets that European banks made on United States mortgage investments went bust a few years ago, bankers piled into what they saw as a safe refuge: bonds issued by countries in Europe’s seemingly iron...
WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy believes that Russia’s admission to the WTO will benefit the global economy, as well as the country itself. It will give Russia an impetus for modernization, make it at...
It seems bankers are taking over politics in Europe, financial analyst Max Keiser told RT, adding that this trend could lead to global banking domination. “We cannot get rid of these zombie bankers, we...
Ron Paul has distanced himself from the other GOP hopefuls on practically every platform. While it’s to be expected that each candidate campaigns with their own agendas, he's been the only to say something...
Libya has big plans for its post-war future, hoping to be reborn as the next Dubai and having all the necessary sun and beaches, with oil reserves aplenty. British companies are likely to come out on top...
None of the world's major economies will escape a slowdown, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said on Monday, highlighting increasing signs that growth momentum is dwindling across...
A massive $750m (£473m) Chinese-built oil rig, the Scarabeo 9, is due to arrive in Cuba before the end of the year, to begin drilling a series of exploratory wells. A whole range of international oil comp...
Until six months ago, Julie Hall loved her job. She had been with the firm for three years, got on with her colleagues and thrived on the challenges of working in a busy HR department. Then a new manager a...
The Euro crisis is not just a Greek crisis, or an Italian crisis, or now even a French crisis. It is an American crisis, too, a crisis that may thrust the U.S. economy back into recession in 2012. If the...
When Joel Mwale was hospitalized with dysentery, his doctors advised him to focus his energies on making a full recovery. The Kenyan student had caught the illness after consuming contaminated water distr...
With American and Iranian relations on the brink of war due to news or a nuclear program being developed out of Tehran, Obama administration insiders say the US is about to cut an arms deal with a powerful...
If you wondered how strict the Federal Trade Commission is with tackling corporations over assaults on customer privacy, you’ll be relieved to know that the FTC is ending its investigation with Facebook. ...
Though it has been decades since the Cold War came to a close, the United States government spends more money on nuclear warheads now than it did during its stand-off with the Soviet Union. As the US vows...
The sovereign debt crisis tightening its grip on Europe has claimed the scalps of two prime ministers – those of Greece and Italy. Looking at the men poised to replace them, one cannot but ask – is this an...
Last week, the International Atomic Energy Agency issued its most serious warning about Iran's nuclear program. It argued that Iran seems to have experimented with various technologies that suggest that ...
A new study shows that attending religious services regularly can mean a more optimistic, less depressed, and less cynical outlook on life. In a follow-up to its 2008 report that found that attending servi...
“My thoughts, they roam freely. Who can ever guess them?” So goes an old German folk song. But imagine living in a world where someone can guess your thoughts, or even know them for certain. A world where...
Despite the global financial crisis, China's rich are getting richer. "As of April this year, China has 960,000 millionaires with personal assets of 10 million yuan (US$1.5 million)," says Rupert Hoogewerf...
Are Native Hawaiians getting a fair shake in our legal system? New numbers show that 40% of all prisoners in Hawaii are Native Hawaiians, and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) says that's no coinciden...
While media sources warn that Israel’s attack on Iran’s nuclear sites is imminent, US officials says sanctions would be just as effective as bombs in stopping Iran from building nuclear arms. Other say s...
With the events of 2011 in mind, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko praises military-technical cooperation with Russia after reviewing the results of a joint military exercise held with Russian forc...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck near the North Coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 18:00:13 UTC Sunday 20th November 2011. The epicenter was 120 km...
*Image**:* A near-dead turtle washed up at Gladstone Harbour on Curtis Island. Pic: David Kapernick * The sickness plaguing a central Queensland fishery has spread to prawns and other species. * There i...
British broadcaster caught once again at the center of a global campaign of deception. by Tony Cartalucci November 20, 2011 - Having been a British colony for 124 years and the perpetual target of attemp...
When I volunteered to be a legal observer at the OccupyGreensboro march, I felt just as Robert Hass and his wife, poet Brenda Hillman, did. I wanted to be a part of those who contributed to the peacefulnes...
*Even in this brief clip, I think you can hear that a (the?) distinguishing quality of Anne-Marie McDemott's piano-playing is the bracing physicality.* *by Ken* Last week I laid the groundwork for some t...
Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Saturday said that 150 Parliamentarians have recently received anonymous threatening messages, asking them to resign from their seats, otherwise they would be killed. He...
*Saif 'girlfriend' Orly Weinerman* Saif al Islam Gaddafi has long had a relationship with MI6 and various odd people from Jorg Haider to Nat Rothschild. * Saif and his close pal Jorg Haider, the gay Au...
A Georgia factory worker claims in a federal lawsuit that he was fired after he refused to wear a 666 sticker he feared would doom him to eternal damnation. Billy E. Hyatt claims he was fired from Pliant ...
November 21, 2011 November 18, 2011 November 17, 2011 November 16, 2011 November 15, 2011 November 14, 2011 November 11, 2011 November 10, 2011 November 9, 2011 November 8, 2011