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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

23 November - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

"Renewable Energy Turbines Brochure"...Image by Nathan Wells via FlickrSTARNBERG, GERMANY - OCTOBER 15:  Workers inst...Image by Getty Images via @daylife"Renewable Energy Turbines Brochure"...Image by Nathan Wells via FlickrRenewable Energy For The Earth ?  Abstract ArtImage by bterrycompton via Flickr

To Do

Fox News
SAN FRANCISCO – Google has abandoned an ambitious project to make renewable energy cheaper than coal, the latest target of Chief Executive Larry Page's moves to focus the Internet giant on fewer efforts. Google said on Tuesday that it was pulling the ...
Economic Times
NEW DELHI: The renewable energy ministry has sought a 10-fold increase in fund outlay for the next five years. The ministry estimates requirement of Rs 40000 crore to ramp up its capacity to 30000 mw by 2017. An outlay of Rs 4000 crore was earmarked ...
San Francisco Chronicle
(11-23) 15:45 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- California's increasing use of renewable power will come at a price, pushing up electricity bills across the state. And while it's impossible to tell how big the cost to consumers will be, some experts fear the total ...
On Tuesday, Google axed its big green initiative called RE < C – renewable energy cheaper than coal – an ambitious effort to develop technologies that would make renewable energy competitive with coal-fired power plants. ...
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Human Habitat

23, 2011 -- /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Located in the south of Qinling, China's national central park, there is a place with beautiful scenery and perfect ecology, which is the place where Cailun, the inventor of modern paper, used to live and got buried ...
Ottawa Citizen (blog)
Environmental lobby group Ecology Ottawa has produced its periodic report card on Ottawa's city councillors, assessing how they voted on a number of issues Ecology Ottawa considers environmental touchstones. Overall, council doesn't come out too badly. ...
By ANDREW C. REVKIN Mike O'ConnellPaola Cassoni owns the 20000-acre Bimblebox Nature Refuge in the outback of Queensland, Australia, which is threatened by plans for a mine supplying coal to China. There are echoes of a conflict in Ecuador over a ...
Wall Street Journal
AP The project, which will cost nearly $10 million, is at Soundview Park. Fifteen acres of wetland and forest will be restored. US Army Corps of Engineers Colonel John R. Boule (boo-LAY') says it's part of restoration initiatives throughout the ...
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Water Power

By Jaikumar Vijayan Computerworld - The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today said there is nothing to suggest that a recent pump failure at a Springfield, Ill. water utility was caused by a cyberattack as previously reported by an industrial ...
By RAY HENRY AP ATLANTA -- The US Army Corps of Engineers said Wednesday it will conserve water during the ongoing drought by restricting the flow from a major reservoir that serves as the main water supply for Atlanta. Army officials plan to cut the ...
Ramona Sentinel
By Michael T. Hogan A recent opinion article (“A plan to get us out of this financial mess,” Oct. 27) raised the important issue of the region's water agencies working together to minimize impacts to ratepayers as much as possible. ...
San Jose Mercury News
By Sean Maher Bay Point residents will have a chance next week to speak out on the latestproposal to increase the rates they pay for water, which are already higher than most other areas of Contra Costa County. A meeting is planned Tuesday for the ...
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